Reative Esearch Roject: Due by 11:59pm On April 11, 2020 Worth 20% of Total Class Grade Approx. 750 Words

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HALBERT EN 102-011 SPRING 2020


Due by 11:59pm on April 11, 2020
Worth 20% of total class grade
Approx. 750 words

Multimodal compositions are just as valid and valuable as written ones and can provide
different affordances than alphabetic texts. For this reason, you may produce a creative
project in lieu of writing a research essay if you’d like.

In the previous unit, you compiled, summarized, evaluated, and synthesized sources in an
annotated bibliography that helped you explore a focused research question. You will now
use your annotated bibliography to help you produce a creative project that comments on
your research in some way. The project can take many forms, but no matter what, it should
enter into the complex conversation surrounding your topic. Just as those writing the
research essay, you will be synthesizing ideas from your sources with your own original ideas.
Depending on what you discovered in the previous unit, you may need to do additional
research to help you answer your research question and fulfill your goals for this essay. If you
do additional research, make sure that your new sources are reliable and relevant.

If you choose this option, you are responsible for producing the following:
• A proposal
o In approximately 250 words, tell me what kind of project you plan to produce,
how it will be in conversation with your research, and how you think it will help
you communicate your message to readers.
• A production plan
o Use the attached production plan worksheet to outline how you will complete
your project.
• A creative research project
• A rationale
o In approximately 500 words, explain how your creative project enters into the
conversation surrounding your research. Discuss the rhetorical choices you
made and how they helped you convey your message to the audience.
HALBERT EN 102-011 SPRING 2020


• Movie trailer • TV pilot script

• Short film • Song or rap
• Commercial • Curated Instagram account
• Music video • Curated Twitter account
• Instructional video • Curated Pinterest board
• Video game • StoryMap (knightlab)
• Chatbot • Interactive Timeline (knightlab)
• Short comic book • Scrapbook or photo album
• Podcast episode • Cross-stitch, crochet, or knit project
• TEDtalk • Design of a museum exhibit
• Series of poems • “Choose your Own Adventure”
• Short story story

Please feel free to come up with something that’s not on this list!


This project’s main audience will be you, me, and your classmates. When you publish the
project to your ePortfolio, it will be a resource for other people who are potentially interested
in your topic. If you end up using your website as a professional or student portfolio, this
project becomes a chance to show off your research, critical thinking, and creative
production skills.

The format for your creative project will be entirely dependent upon what you decide to
produce. Written portions should remain in MLA format.
HALBERT EN 102-011 SPRING 2020

Below, I’ve listed some dates for you to be aware of as you begin planning your project.

Component Date Time

Project Proposal Wednesday, 03/11 Beginning of class
Production Plan Friday, 03/13 Beginning of class
Creative Research Project* Sunday, 04/12 11:59pm
Rationale Sunday, 04/12 11:59pm

*Please note, if your creative project cannot be turned in digitally, it will be due
on Monday, 04/13, at the beginning of class.

Now that you know when the main components of the project will be due, use the space below to create a bulleted list of the
tasks you will need to complete in order to produce your creative project. Some projects will require more tasks than others, but
try to keep your list to three to five main tasks. You can break them down further in the calendar in the next step.
HALBERT EN 102-011 SPRING 2020

In the calendar below, break your main tasks down by noting what you will complete each day. You MUST write something down
for every Monday/Wednesday/Friday slot, because that is what you will be working on in my class on those days. You DO NOT
have to write anything down for the weekends if you want that time to rest, but I know that’s when some students are the most
productive, so I wanted to make the option available.

Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Weekend




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