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MEJO 332
April 24, 2020

Reflection Essay

I learned a great deal of organization, technical writing, professional communication
practices and teamwork in working with my APPLES Client, Chatham Habitat for Humanity and
thoroughly prepared me for future endeavors in public relations. Creating a portfolio is
especially helpful for me as I begin to look for jobs in the next year, as I will have real client
experience to point to in interviews and I’ll have a website to display the work on for future
potential employers.

My team was extremely communicative with each other throughout the project, which
not only enhanced our organization when completing projects, but I also learned how
teamwork can dramatically enhance efficiency and speed when dividing tasks in a collaborative

I had never written a news release or communication audit before MEJO 332, but being
able to learn these technical formats in class and then applying my knowledge to a real client
helped me cement techniques and improve my writing skill. It was also nice to work and
develop a professional relationship with my supervisor, Rachel Horowitz, and to receive advice
from her on how to network and find a job in the nonprofit arena after graduation.

Continuing the PR efforts for Chatham Habitat for Humanity was certainly a challenge
after a stay-at-home order was announced. The events that Chatham Habitat for Humanity had
planned in the spring, such as their Collegiate Challenge and Women’s Build event, were events
that we were planning to do the bulk of our PR work around. Something we identified in our
communication audit was taking higher-quality photos at these events for posting on social
media. However, the events were cancelled and we weren’t able to achieve certain PR goals,
but we did not give up on the client just because the work became more difficult. I’m proud we
persisted and it was a valuable learning experience about how to handle external crises
impeding planned PR work with clients.

Chatham Habitat for Humanity is a fantastic client to work with in the APPLES program
and the Carolina Center for Public Service should continue to work with them down the road.
Rachel is a very communicative supervisor, and I learned a great deal working with her and my
peers on this project.

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