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Intermediate English Skills

All about the working world

Daniela Reyes


Ruben Agudelo Arango

ECCI University

Modern Languages



You will evaluate the professional profiles of Modern Languages program, so you can identify
which activity (administration/management/commercial) is the most interesting / suitable for
you, giving reasons and establishing associations with your professional aspirations.

The Modern Languages program offers a lot of opportunities not only allowing to learn

three foreign languages in order to develop knowledge and gain a broader perspective at a global

level but also to have an administrative and commercial development, which are interesting

approaches for me.

In the administrative area at an international level, someone's mother language is not enough,

knowing that the lack of communicative skills in different languages has a very high cost in a

global scenario, it is not enough to be able to offer a quality product or service, it is necessary to

have the tools to make it understand the potential client, therefore, other languages are needed to

establish valuable contacts, research, interpret and correctly compare data and market

information in an organization.

I would like to facilitate communication in a social or cultural environment when it is required

for the purpose of multilingual communication within organizations, as well as having the

correct communication and linguistics skills within organizations to interact in any field that the

organization requires and optimize the exchange of information

The administrative area is interesting for me because it allows an overview for international

approach offering new possibilities to achieve various contacts with other countries through the

need of sharing innovative ideas and expressing them in different contexts with the world,

having the communicative potential in foreign languages,

Since every organization that wants global interaction need the knowledge of different languages

when it comes to interacting at an international level, they should be aware of the importance of

having multilingual assistance staff, which in my case will allow me to have more influence,

more social opportunities and while loving what I do getting alliances with people who have

other customs and other culture, and having the complete ability to do it.

Also, during this program, through different subjects such as the different language skills, oral

language practices and translation subjects, allow a wide knowledge of diversity, the setting of

goals and my own potential exploration that is within my reach, allowing the accessibility of an

external world, and expression of what I like in different ways without difficulty of expression in

other languages.

Working in these areas I will get the opportunity of achieving my professional aspirations,

improving my skills and learning from different cultures, also having the chance of working for

companies interested in hiring people capable of mastering different languages while being able

to interpreter and share a company’s ideas.

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