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Site Visit Assignment Instructions

The academic study of religion involves the reading, analyzing, interpreting, and synthesizing of
information that comes largely from printed sources, both primary and secondary. We learn a lot
about the history, philosophy and belief systems of faith communities through this process.
However, there is an emotional side to religion that cannot be read about, that is best
understood by experiencing it. It is in the practice of religion that we see faith made visible in the
space, in the rituals, and in the lives of participants. It gives a face to the religion and allows for
a student to become empathetic toward, rather than fearful of, an idea that when read about
seems foreign and unrelatable. Moreover, although it is never possible as an observer to fully
understand a person’s culture or religion, it does allow you the privilege at looking more deeply
at your own and more completely understand what it is you believe about the world and your
place in it. To this end, students in this class will participate in the observance of faith
practices outside their own tradition.

Basic Requirements
Each student in the class will visit the worship space of two diverse religious groups, outside
their own tradition, during regular worship services to recognize, interpret and interact with the
space, ritual and emotional experiences of religion:
● Your first visit should be completed before midterm and should be a visit to an Eastern
tradition such as Hinduism or Buddhism.
● The second visit should be completed during the second half of the term and should be
a visit to a Western tradition either Judaism, Christianity or Islam.
● This may require preparatory work on your part. It will be your responsibility to locate an
appropriate place and time, determine appropriate etiquette and find transportation.
PLAN AHEAD. Do not wait until the last minute, i.e. the night before the church service,
to arrange your visit.
● After attending the service students will report their findings by completing the “Site visit
Worksheet” and will submit it through Canvas. The Eastern visit is due at midterm, the
Western visit is due at the end of the semester.

Further Details
In some places it may be difficult to find diverse places of worship. If this is the case please note
the following:
● In situations where there are no eastern religions represented within 45 minutes of your
home, you may substitute a western religious tradition. Please make these diverse… if
possible choose, for example, Judaism and Christianity, rather than two Christian
● In situations where only Christian religions are available, you may choose two different
denominations to attend.
● In situations where there is nothing available for you to visit or your current conditions do
not allow for travel (i.e. you are stationed out of the country, incarcerated etc.) there may
be some online services available for you to view. Contact your instructor for further
● If you live in the vicinity of Salt Lake Community College and would like to attend
scheduled field trips with the face-to-face classes, please contact your instructor.
● In all cases, respect the spaces, traditions and people of these faiths. They are
welcoming you into their houses of worship and regardless of whether you agree or not
with their beliefs and practices, respect them and be open minded. Consider this an
opportunity for personal growth.
● Always turn down or off cell phones, keep them in your pockets and pay attention to
what is going on around you.
● Please note, there is nothing you can do at these places of worship that might be
interpreted by members as a conversion. They will understand that you are there to
observe and learn, and not to convert.

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