Unidad 4

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Ingles II

Título del trabajo

Past simple worksheet


Camila Saldarriaga Vásquez ID: 471768

Valentina Ocampo Correa ID: 495822


Diana Alejandra Martínez Viveros

Colombia, Guadalajara de Buga Abril, 02 De 2018

1. Sandra is a Spanish teenager = True

2. Sandra lives on her own = False

she lived with her parents and her brother.

3. last summer she lived in London for a month = False

she lived in oxford

4. Sandra had her own room in Oxford = False

she shared a room with an Italian girl.

5. Sandra and her roommate didn´t get on very well with each other = False

they both become very good friends and go everywhere together

6. Sandra didn´t have classes in the afternoon =True

7. Sandra went to London once = False

she went twice

8. Sandra only bought presents for her family = False

She bought thing for her friends

9. Sandra enjoyed her summer in Oxford = True

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