Tracy Anderson's Slim-Down Plan For Every Body

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Tracy Anderson’s Slim-Down Plan for

Every Body
Celebrity fitness trainer Tracy Anderson has reshaped the bodies of some of
Hollywood’s biggest stars. Get the body you want with her simple customized
tips for every body type. Try some of Tracy’s recipes here, or get
moving with her exclusive 8-minute workout.

While most workouts are one-size-fits-all, Hollywood weight-loss expert Tracy

Anderson’s method uses strategic muscle targeting to work the muscles that
other plans neglect. Rather than focusing on the larger muscle groups, her
workouts focus on smaller “accessory” muscles that lie beneath your major
muscles. Working these muscles help to tone your body rather than bulking you

Here are Tracy’s recommendations for your body type:

Body Type: Abcentric

According to Tracy, if you have an abcentric body, you carry extra weight in
your stomach and have thicker arms. Your legs are the slimmest part of your
body – and you have a big appetite.

What to Eat: Fruit With the Skin On

Abcentric body types can have a hard time kicking their sugar habits, so
snacking on sweet fruits can help curb your sugar cravings. Try 4 dates or 1 kiwi
with the skin on a day. (It sounds gross, but you can rub the fuzz off before
eating the kiwi.)

How to Move: 10 Minutes of Standing Ab Exercises

If you feel sluggish, try a quick core workout first thing in the morning before
your day makes you tired. To try Tracy's standing abs exercise, stand with your
feet shoulder-width apart and hold your arms in front of you, bent at the elbow,
like you're shielding your body. Gently move your ribs from side to side, using
only your upper body.
Body Type: Hipcentric
If you have a hipcentric body, you are tiny from the waist up and have poor
muscle tone in your upper body. Your body blossoms out at the hips and thighs,
giving you thick knees, ankles and wrists.

What to Eat: Foods High in Lycopene

Lycopene-rich foods are linked to improving circulation. Try foods packed with
this antioxidant, such as watermelon, tomatoes, grapefruit and asparagus.

How to Move: 10 Minutes of Dancing

Opt for a workout that connects all of your muscles at once, like swimming. If
you can’t get in or to a pool, commit to just 10 minutes of dancing a day, to
three of your favorite songs straight.

Body Type: Glutecentric

If you have a glutecentric body, your butt sags and runs into your thighs, so you
have no defined panty line. You may also have back fat.

What to Eat: Anti-Inflammatory Spices

Add 1 teaspoon of spices to your meals that reduce inflammation, regulate
blood sugar and aid in vitality, such as turmeric and cinnamon.
How to Move: Standing Leg-Lifts
Do exercises that lift the glute instead of building it. Try 30 leg lifts with 1.5- to
2-pound ankle weights at the same time each day. That way your body learns to
count on your workout.

Body Type: Omnicentric
If you have an omnicentric body, you gain weight evenly, so you’re heavy in
your arms, stomach, thighs and butt.

What to Eat: Tyrosine-Rich Protein

Tyrosine is a building block for adrenaline and dopamine, your brain’s feel-good
chemical. It also enhances your body’s fat-burning properties. Try turkey, eggs
or even seaweed.
How to Move: Since your body is less likely to handle a longer workout, try
smaller workouts. It’s the best way to build up strength and endurance. Change
up your workout often, like doing a 5-minute arms workout every morning and a
5-minute standing abs workout before bed. You should also perform moves that
don’t isolate muscles but work everything together, such as swimming.
Eating Schedule
It’s not just about what you eat, it’s also about when you eat. For faster weight
loss – and to put a stop to yo-yo dieting – Tracy recommends eating all fresh,
real foods in two alternating phases: Nutrient Boost Week and Body Reset Week.
This plan is designed so you lose 3 pounds during Nutrient Boost Week and
maintain your weight on Body Reset Week.

Nutrient Boost Week

You’ll eat six small nutrient-dense meals that are easily digestible, like
smoothies, soups, purées and ground meats. These meals are intended to flood
your body with nutrients to clean your system and take off weight fast.

You can choose soft foods you already have in your house. Just make sure you
are using whole fruits and vegetables and making them into soups and purées
so they are easy to digest. But don’t focus on your calorie intake: Just worry
about eating foods with a high dose of nutrients that clean your system and
you’ll melt fat fast.

Get Tracy Anderson’s Nutrient Boost Week’s recipes here!

Body Reset Week
You’ll eat three big protein-packed meals each day during this week. Alternating
these weeks ensures your body never gets used to anything and helps maintain
the weight loss from Nutrient Boost Week. For Body Reset Week, some sample
meals include:

1. Turkey Bacon With an Omelet, Green Apple and Blueberries

2. Grilled Shrimp With Broccoli, a Sweet Potato and Salad
3. Grilled Chicken With a Steamed Artichoke, Ezekiel Bread and Avocado
Tracy also recommends giving yourself a day off every week. In fact, it’s
mandatory! Eat whatever you’ve been craving during the week so you don’t
give up eating healthy most of the time.

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