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Erin Martin

Professor Meyer

ED 412

27 March 2020

Notes about the “Early Childhood Special Education

Coordinator’s Conference” Slideshow

One main idea I learned about early childhood is parents’ role in their children’s lives is

important as they help their children throughout their educational journey. Parents help develop

their children’s IEPs, love for reading, skills used in school, and knowledge.  Because they

support their children, as the PowerPoint highlights, it is also important to collaborate with

parents and update them on their children’s lives.

Another main idea I learned is the importance of read-alouds. The PowerPoint mentions

how reading aloud to children helps them develop the skills for success. It is interesting to think

how important it was for my previous educators and parents to read aloud to me. Without those

read-alouds, I wonder how different my life may be today, especially since I have a love for


A final main idea included in the PowerPoint is the information provided about students

who may have reading difficulties. I believe it is important to know how to detect if children

have significant reading challenges as I may have a student who has difficulty when attempting

to read. The slideshow provides a variety of ways in how to detect if a child may have difficulty

in reading, such as when a child is struggling with handwriting or verbal expression. Without

reading this slide, I would not have thought children who have reading difficulties struggle with

handwriting or verbal expression. I further think it is important to know how to detect reading
difficulties and what may have caused them to know how to best help students improve their

reading skills. The slideshow also offers various ways to increase reading achievement to help all

students grow in their reading skills. Two ways the PowerPoint provides of how to improve the

reading achievement of children include reading aloud and reading often, which helps increase

reading achievement. These are two activities I truly enjoy doing.

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