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B: Hi Andre, you arrive on time, are you ready?

A: Hi Bryand, I think so.

B: We have to convince Julio to come with us to Australia, this could be the best opportunity of
our lives.

A: Ok, I'll do my best

J: Hi Bryand, Andre, sorry for the delay.

B: Don’t worry man.

J: Thanks, what do you want to talk about?

A: Well, we want to talk to you about a study trip to Australia

B: We found an advert of a company that takes students to Australia, to practice, study and
improve their English while they are working part time.

A: Yes, and we found an offer for three students, which is cheaper than the normal cost

J: Great, Australia sounds good, but I don't know anything about their culture and way of life

B: That is not a problem, the company provided us with information from Australia and we
were also investigating on our own

A: Exactly, so what do you want to know about Australia?

J: First of all, could you tell me about the food?

B: Australian cuisine is made up of exotic and striking foods. for example: peculiar meats, such
as kangaroo or crocodile.

J: Crocodile meat? That doesn’t sound good.

B: Yes, but it also has dishes similar to British and Irish cuisine, which were the first colonizers,
and obviously normal food.

A: The name of some of their main dishes are: Pastel de carne, Pavlova.

J: What´s pavlova?

A: A dessert of meringue covered with fruits and cream that will tempt you.

B: Ok, now let's talk about clothes

J: I don't think it's like their food, exotic and peculiar. Right?

A: In Australia there is no national typical costume as such. However, we can find different
clothing styles conditioned by the weather, the way of life.

B: For example, the rural style or bush wear, on the coasts the surfer style, the modern style in
the cities, and the dress of the natives, who used paintings throughout their body

A: Then we have sports

J: There the Australian Grand Prix is celebrated, that's one of the Formula 1 races.
B: Internationally, Australia stands out in cricket, hockey, netball and rugby, as well as in water
sports such as swimming or surfing.

A: Other popular sports include Australian football and soccer, basketball, horse racing,
baseball, and motor racing. (futbol australiano

J: What about their culture?

A: They are a somewhat complex combination between the indigenous culture of the
aborigines and the European tradition of the settlers of Great Britain.

B: Music is part of their culture and the best known instrument of the Australian tribes is the
didgeridoo or yidaki.

J: what is that?

B: It is a wooden tube that sounds when your lips vibrate inside. It is used to accompany the

J: That sounds interesting. What about their traditions?

A: They also have two important celebrations during the year.

J: What are these celebrations?

A: "Australia Day" commemorating a new anniversary of Australia's declaration as an English


B: And Anzac Day, a tribute to all those killed in wars that includes the singing of the National
Anthem, a prayer, recitation and moments of silence.

J: They have a great cultural diversity. I´m convinced that traveling to Australia is a great
development opportunity for us.

B: I also think the same.

A: So, we go to the agency to start the paperwork.

J: Ok, let´s go.




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