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2. Attempt any Eight short questions.

i. Give drawbacks to use period of a pendulum as a time standard.
ii. Write the dimensions of (i) Pressure (ii) Density
iii. How many years in 1 second?
iv. What is principle of homogeneity of dimensions.
v. Define impulse
vi. Calculate work in lifting a mass of 10Kg
vii. How swing is produced in fast moving cricket ball.
viii. Differentiate between precision and accuracy.
ix. Define radian.
x. Two row boats moving parallel in same direction are pulled towards each other
3. Attempt any Eight short questions. 2x8=16
i. Explain the term viscosity.
ii. What is meant by projectile motion
iii. At what point does a projectile has maximum and minimum speed
iv. Why fog droplets appear to be suspended in air?
v. Explain working of a carburetor of a motorcar using Bernoulli’s equation.
vi. Differentiate between Laminar and turbulent flow.
vii. What is escape velocity.
viii. Define Torricelli’s Theorem.
ix. What is drag force?
x. Define terminal velocity.
4. Attempt any 6 short questions. 2x6=12
i. Can we realize an ideal simple pendulum?
ii. Define Bernoulli’s equation.
iii. What is venturimeter?
iv. Define work and conservative field.
v. What sort of energy is in Compressed spring and a moving car.
vi. A boy uses a catapult to throw a stone to smash a window.List the possible
energy changes
vii. An object has 1J of P.E. explain what does it means

Note: Attempt any Three questions. 3x8=24
5. a.Define scalar product with examples.Write down any three characteristics.
b. Show that E= m c is dimensionally correct. 3
6. a. prove that where is speed is high pressure will be low. 5
b. What gauge pressure is required in the city mains for a stream from a fire hose
connected to the mains to reach a vertical height of 5 m? 3
7 a.Define Terminal velocity,derive its formula. 5
b. Using dimensions check correctness of relation 3
8. a.Define vector product .Write any four of its characteristics 5
b.A force of 400N is required to overcome friction in propelling an automobile at
80km/h what power in KW must the engine develop. 3

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