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1st Grade At Home Supplemental Learning Please use this packet as supplemental learning. Everything contained in this packet is aligned to Louisiana State Standards that have already been taught. We are not sending work for not yet taught standards. Students may also log into their CLEVER accounts. An easy way to access clever is by going to bellaire,bossierschools,org From there select Our School and then Computer Lab from the drop down menu. Clever is #1 on the list of websites we use at school, Once you select clever it will take you to a screen and you will choose log in with google. This is where you will input the below information. For students to login at home they will use their school email address and password. Username/email -- first 4 letters of FIRST NAME, first 4 letters of LAST NAME, date of birth (2digit day not the month or year), Password -- first 2 letters of FIRST NAME UPPERCASE, first 2 letters of LAST NAME UPPERCASE, student ID Number {this usually begins with 10), please contact your child's teacher if your child does not remember their ID number Below is the state education website with tons of information and resources. httos://www, out Each week complete ARC word fluency, ARC spelling, math fluency review, writing, and Studies Weekly, Dally read and complete the reading log ‘ARC word fluency and spelling - write the words 2 times each, write them in rainbow Colors, use them in sentences; additional ideas - write them in the dirt outside, make them with play-doh, say or spell the words while doing jump n jacks, squats, etc. Math - Each week will have 3 math fluency sheets. Complete 1 a day. Time your child {for 1 minute. Circle where they stopped when the minute is up. Then have them complete the sheet untimed. The next day time them on a new sheet, Encourage them to beat the score from the previous day. Don't forget if you have access go to Zearn. We have moved everyone back to Mission 1. Your challenge is to see how far you get before we return to school. Writing - Write one story a week. Topic ideas: family stories real or make-believe, write about something you have done with your family, animal stories. Just let them be creative and write. Encourage them to have capital letters, punctuation, and good, descriptive words, Reading Log - The goal is to read at least 30 minutes each day if not more. Log a step ‘on the reading log for each 15 minutes read. Challenge them to try and complete one log each week. If you have access to a computer, they may also use the newly available ‘ARC bookshet located on clever o read some digital books on their IRLA color level Studies Weekly - Read and complete one Studies Weekly each week. If they read the studies weekiy aloud to you, it can count as an additional step on their reading log, Science - Study shadows On a sunny day go outside and do a walk to look for shadows. Then draw a picture of shadows found and the source of the shadow. Stand in the same spot outside 3 times in the same day (morning, noon, evening) to observe where your shadow is all three times. Have a discussion on why the shadow is in a diferent location each time and how it looks, Help us stay connected by taking pictures of some of their work and posting to their portfolio on Class Dojo, Date: Name: ARC fluency Week 25 VOCABULARY ‘SPLLINSCirVCOM Page 1 of 1 Name: Date ARC Spelling Week 25 (ee) VOCABULARY Page 1 of 1 SPELUNGCin¥.CO¥ ZEARN FLUENCY 6s Lesson 3 Core Fluency Practice Set A Name ate My Addition Practice Today, | finished problems. @ Isolved____problems correcty. cms Lesson 3 Core Fluency Practice Set A Name Date My Addition Practice Today, I finished problems, e I solved ___problems correty EARN FLUENCY sims Lesson 3 Core Fluency Practice Set A Name ate My Addition Practice Today, I finished problems. I solved problems correctly, Axspoig Aueyset ‘S102 rea = sou. sUON|OS sSjuenq UIDW sW8|qOld 4Old :Buyes uoW sS18}2D1DYD WOW Pew sign nly you eeshor stv the wdet eng, Reading Logsheet Tits mfg Name: — — Reading Log Grade: Room: Tach eprops Eesti TET RE COREE Fi Saytyonteaor shes obey = se ee [ 5 ; i 4 alt Sept dno=___.Tharaiteranieayy4=__Toaiom a Reweg i Pleaso inate wich Steps the reader read at home with an asteriak (inthe “ome” column. Literature Genre Lab 9 American citizens have the right Americans have the right to own to vote for our country's leaders. things lke land, houses and cars. Voting is a responsiblity, too. We have the responsibility to. Itls Important to vote, so that take care of our things. We have everyone has asay inthe way __the responsibility not to hurt or “out country works. take away things that belong to other people, Eee The president is the leader of our country. 3eing the president is a big responsibility. Many people help me PCH ta NTT ieo Re atc teM NC Ae Ua MN ie __Who is our president? te ‘Tht sana eres of commen sya se Ss at nats awe tm» gn teri wih or sts Sanda we abresed Yuasa crlsion your sol aes sun Wh hs pbk st sare Shien nd 9 eg des Seagal anna teat Aer ct rage 2 Divcctesesise non ic First Grade Studies Weekly UTM MAM Lo Hirodl lA Tol ie] NAR eR Oe E CLI) protects the rights of all Americans. The U.S. Constitution says one of the president's jobs fs to | make sure people obey Serine ce eee iet3 i the laws of our country. fees arian ts a e The constitution of your iequenenonenya r i state says that one of ‘ the governor's jobs Is to make sure people obey the laws of the state. or~ Word Search HVROIXASARKR RESPECTXUDBI NFKEIMUVXHDG es Swegmerse VOTEGC1TY PDH Oe ee aee ves * leader EWLPEZLTGQSP * state QAWRALPWCCTE *tespect QHEADDAHOMAW f ae ZYXYEICxXKBVT x NABER!BOSXEX Circle yes if the sentence Is correct. Circle no if the sentence Is not correct, 1. The governor Is the leader of astate. ‘Mr. Randall wants to vote. Can you help him find the way? yes no 2. Memorial Day Is the first ‘Monday in May. yes no 3. Americans have the right to be treated equally. yes no Page Name: Date: ARC Word Fluency Week 27 VOCABULARY Page 1 of SphuNoCin. OH Name: Date: ARC Spelling Week 26 ay VOCABULARY Page 1 of 1 SPEuINGCir¥. COM ZEARN FLUENCY ems Core Fluency Practice Set B @ same Dae My Missing Addend Practice Today, | firished problems. I solved, problems correctly. LZEARN FLUENCY ems Core Fluency Practice Set B @ name ote My Missing Addend Practice Today, | finished problems, solved problems correctly. ZEARN FLUENCY ‘sims Core Fluency Practice Set B @ same pate My Missing Addend Practice Today, | finished problems. I solved problems correctly. eae - a owe Ayspoug Auris ‘S102 suoun|os ssjuaaq UIDW ‘walqoud Old sBuyyes ujpw sslapoIDYD UIDW [ATTENTION HoME COACHES ae sp only bet or save sdet eaing, Reading Logsheet pis rg Name: —____ Reading Log sae toon Each Sep reproconteas minutes of reading, ‘ATTENTION HOME COACHES: Pease Cony if you heard or aw the student reading. ape Tie ate | ages [level] Cane Signature [Fame 0:8 Amie Reng Cog “Total #of Sips to dat “This ruber avded by Total Hours of Reading Please indicate which Stops te reader read at home with an asterisk (inthe “Home! column. Literature Genre Lab 9 Mt te Cr S J Se lteptias , Mire ss iY 6 ee Soret WR Sica ee Se ceed Some homes have fans or an air conditioner for hot Insome communities, _ In other communities, itis usually hot. People It is usually cold. : ho is e {@ few different kinds of food’ ie Die a lon wate ral ene ec way he aca ese dr, Page 2 increu comm tas? depo cen no Soman Maekereee ree = People who live In Florida often wear shorts ‘and sandals. Farmers in Flotida can grow lots of fruits and vegetables. Oranges, tomatoes, strawberries and com grow in ven vuraentC Deceit) tii Rey actxse) isan) Cer hsanc EMR Ces) ita Perea aah People who live in Alaska offen wear Erle Raat Icelo} heavy coats and snow boots. People who do. live in Alaska get most of their fruits and ‘vegetables from other places. Can you find the United States on this map? Use your favorite color fo fill in the United States. Circle alike about something that is like your sentence tells about something that is different from your community. 1. People in need heavy coats and snow boots. alike: 2. Homes in have firep alke Page 4 crn oom: if the sentence tells community. Circle different if the wear fo stay warm. some communities different : some communities laces or furnaces. different Ma pain ny ot nn anon cre nas Pha USA © De il rate repa age SD "What do you think it would be like: | fo be In Alaska during the winter? | Draw a picture of what you would Name: Date: ARC Word Fluency Week 26 VOCABULARY Page 1 of 1 SPLUNGCnYCOM Name; Date: ARC Spelling Week 27 ow words VOCABULARY Pope of 4 sok COM ZEARN FLUENCY IMs Core Flwency Practice Set C @ sare bate My Related Addition and Subtraction Practice Today, | finished problems, I solved problems correctly ‘EARN FLUENCY aims Core Fluency Practice Set C @ sare Date My Related Addition and Subtraction Practice Today, | finished. problems. solved problems correctly. EARN FLUENCY aims Core Fluency Practice Set C @ ve te My Related Addition and Subtraction Practice Today, | finished. problems. Isolved problems correctly Main Characters: Main Setting: Plot: Problem: ‘Main Events: Solution: ‘©2015, Tiffany Brodsky Name: Date: Peeps ont found or Reading Logsheet Name; — Reading Log. ead at hore with an asterisk) nthe "Home cour, Literature Genre Lab 9 ©2018 Ani Reng Conpny Total of Sops to dat Please indcate which Stops th MTree Neeley people began to change things. Ayu an cee inti Pleimecnipre accel Rereenaceks) and build villages. Overtime, the number of people —_The first roads were just dirt paths on Earth kept getting larger. made by people and animals They needed more food, so they —_walking from place to place. more land forfarms. They _ Later, people built better roads Jo get from one place to another. After cars were invented, people jed more and more roads, : sate Berio hou) cnet iis Niet -Sheetsiets ‘ests repctate ofcenmon it rat sel sce crm str Pe en 8 ude eine if you sat’ nb eatee ou my ws etal oro yr stress sont wis pein saceneth, + Dor boast wate, a pal entnmet at wy emp no tie ep Page 2. pepe lnenaw cy, ‘yOu clei mat ies ae of ee eee See eR iG Til Nae lof someday Ute Nita ATA CEC emizell Satelite Ca Ciena aes ditty. How can we help keep the Earth clean and safe? First Grade Studies Weekly Natural resources are things found In nature, such as ait and water. People need clean air and clean water every day. There are many things we an do to protect our natural fesources. sete PST ee Ne: eve Ses Pines 2 oe 1. Before ___tived on Earth, there were only plants and animals. ! 4 Ismaking the alrand | ‘waiter in many places very diy. 6. there are Jams on many { roads. own | i 5.____ resources are things: Circle yes if the sentence is correct. Circle no if the sentence Is not correct. 1. The changes people make in thelr communities have consequences. yes no 2. People need clean air and clean water every day. yes no 3. The first roads were made of concrete, yes no. rage 4 Word Bank people + extinct rock jump home plan eee ee traffic + roads fromm one place to another. Natural Pollution Circle the word that rhymes with the first word in each box. road round toad jam clam may house sound mouse| can camp candle uo S}1O7— yyoo” dr sIQYOO” a useyim— ef 910M U998 UO UCDIBID [o2!4) S19|{SO7— ae o,o7— i) Buy Li jl, ROA Glau 0. semDId ey! @sN :suOHDeNG :2}00 :2WDN ‘ee ido ~~ of oy] jOB of Oy1) | 48$09 ~~ Aw oxi | I8{OO~~ Aw Oy!) | a ‘SIOMO ~~ ow! | F “O{D ~~ Of OHI] J “OWOY AD ~~ oO} ax | ‘Bul~~ Of ayy] 2 dee ~~ of ay] § WI ~ Of OXI] | zz “OWOS Sut [OU sip oM “SUI~~ SID OM SUIM] _ SF Jap {ul se|qqi ~~~ Si} J Yo}0 ~ sod 1A doy of seunjoid eu) esp :suoHseNa :WDN ILI 1,N0A s,9ys 4,USOM 4,uD> }.Up|NOM 3o4,Aauy Stl 4,ualD 31,9M you SOM aup Asus St 4! you 31D IMT you up> 31D aM IM NoA JOU pjNOM sl] ays 4YBUs BY} UO UOHODYUCS eU4 Of }J9] B4J UO esOIYC OY} YO}OW :suoHDeNIq :ajoa :@WION wre usog aspajd| | {4 dbayp| pico 20} 30f WiIDO} [p06 3005] {DOD 100i] ‘26eq aopoerg uapMs SPE SSL EEN ICy Welton iret be eesti P| Sees msievonepunogpiepunsens ese) ucwn> CLA svat "(6ug "yanus %420}) sp1om a14eNAS-2U0 paqjeds IDjoL uns s}yous| sylys Heg OWS uind ‘WWIO}s| puluy youd dupys Ing oo pulg JEAO} sods ands 40} dryo) >a] sous ra @10yd| ULI ula} yod ~nd 40! 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