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Delay-Energy Joint Optimization for Task

Offloading in Mobile Edge Computing

Zhuang Wang, Weifa Liang, Meitian Huang, and Yu Ma
Research School of Computer Science, The Australian National University, Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia

Abstract—Mobile-edge computing (MEC) has been envisioned A fundamental problem in MEC is the scheduling of
as a promising paradigm to meet ever-increasing resource de- offloading tasks, which poses great challenges. For example,
mands of mobile users, prolong battery lives of mobile devices, due to the limited battery capacity and computation resource,
and shorten request response delays experienced by users. An
MEC environment consists of many MEC servers and ubiquitous mobile users usually offload their computing-intensive tasks to
arXiv:1804.10416v1 [cs.NI] 27 Apr 2018

access points interconnected into an edge cloud network. Mobile MEC servers to prolong the battery life of their mobile devices.
users can offload their computing-intensive tasks to one or To meet stringent delay requirement of an offloaded task for
multiple MEC servers for execution to save their batteries. Due delay-sensitive applications such as interactive gaming and
to large numbers of MEC servers deployed in MEC, selecting augmented reality, each offloaded task needs to be partitioned
a subset of servers to serve user tasks while satisfying delay
requirements of their users is challenging. In this paper, we for- into multiple chunks and be offloaded to different servers
mulate a novel delay-energy joint optimization problem through for processing. It becomes critical to optimally allocate tasks
jointly considering the CPU-cycle frequency scheduling at mobile from mobile devices to MEC servers in order to minimize the
devices, server selection to serve user offloading tasks, and task energy consumption of mobile devices while meeting delay
allocations to the selected servers. To this end, we first formulate
requirements of mobile users. Furthermore, when a task is
the problem as a mixed-integer nonlinear programming, due to
the hardness to solve this nonlinear programming, we instead executed on a mobile device, the amount of energy consumed
then relax the problem into a nonlinear programming problem at the mobile device can be minimized by optimally scheduling
that can be solved in polynomial time. We also show how to derive the CPU-cycle frequency of the mobile device via Dynamic
a feasible solution to the original problem from the solution of Voltage and Frequency Scaling (DVFS) [18]. It is worth noting
this relaxed solution. We finally conduct experiments to evaluate that task allocation needs to be considered with the CPU-
the performance of the proposed algorithm. Experimental results
demonstrate that the proposed algorithm is promising. cycle frequency scheduling. When performing a task allocation,
which size of part of the task should be processed locally, i.e.,
I. I NTRODUCTION the number of chunks of the task to be executed on its local
With the ever-growing popularity of portable mobile devices, mobile device, needs to be determined too. In this paper we
including smartphones, tablets, and so on, more and more new will address the mentioned challenges.
mobile applications, such as face recognition and augmented The novelty of this paper lies in the formulation of a delay-
reality, are emerging and have attracted lots of attentions from energy joint optimization problem in MEC and a novel solution
not only cloud operators but also cellular carriers of the Telecom to the problem is provided through a series of reductions.
companies [3], [21]. These emerging applications typically The main contributions of this paper are summarized as
demand intensive computation and high energy consumption. follows.
However, mobile devices have limited computation resources
• We study task offloading from mobile devices to MEC.
and battery life, which become the bottleneck of meeting the
quality of experience (QoE) of mobile users. We formulate a novel delay – energy joint optimization
A traditional approach to overcome the limitation on com- problem for task offloading in MEC that jointly takes into
putation resource and battery life of mobile devices is to account both response delays and energy consumptions
leverage cloud computing [1], [9], where computation-intensive on mobile devices.
• We first formulate a mixed-integer nonlinear program for
tasks from mobile devices are offloaded to remote clouds
for processing. However, the long latency between mobile the problem, we then relax the problem into a nonlinear
devices and remote clouds sometimes is unacceptable for delay- program problem that can be solved in polynomial time.
sensitive real-time applications. Mobile-edge computing (MEC) We later show how to derive a feasible solution to the
has been introduced in recent years that provides abundant problem from the solution of the relaxed problem.
• We finally evaluate the performance of the proposed
computing resource to mobile users in their close proximity, and
mobile users can offload their tasks to one or multiple nearby algorithm for the joint optimization problem through ex-
MEC servers for processing. MEC thus has great potentials to perimental simulation. Experimental results demonstrated
reduce the overall processing delay of computation-intensive the proposed algorithm is very promising, and outperforms
tasks and to prolong the battery lifetime of mobile devices. It its analytical solution as the theoretical estimation is
has attracted lots of attentions from both industries [2], [9] and conservative.
academia [1], [6], [13]. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section II intro-
duces the network model and problem formulation. Section III task. Let zi be a binary variable, where zi = 1 if the task is
provides a solution to the relaxed version of the problem, and partially offloaded to server si and zi = 0 otherwise for all i
Section IV shows how to derive a feasible solution to the with 1 ≤ i ≤ N , and z0 = 1 if there is part of the task to be
original problem for the solution to the relaxed one. Section V processed at the mobile device. Denote by ηi the percentage
evaluates the performance of the proposed algorithm through of task A(L, τd ) offloaded to server si with 0 ≤ ηi ≤ 1. Then,
experimental simulations. Section VI surveys related works, we have
and Section VII concludes the paper. PN
i=0 zi ηi = 1, 0 ≤ i ≤ N . (1)
II. P RELIMINARIES A mobile device can execute its task locally. This incurs the
local execution delay and energy consumption at the mobile
In this section, we first introduce the network model. We then
device, while they are jointly determined by the number of
introduce the local computing model at each mobile device,
CPU cycles of the mobile device. Denote by γA the number of
including the local execution delay and the energy consumption.
CPU cycles required for processing one bit of task A(L, τd ),
We finally introduce the mobile-edge computing model that
which usually is given and can be obtained through off-line
includes the energy consumption of offloading tasks to MEC
measurements [17]. Hence, the number of CPU cycles needed
through wireless transmission and the processing delay of
for processing local chunk of task A(L, τd ) is W = γA z0 η0 L∗ .
offloaded tasks in MEC.
Since the CPU-cycle frequencies of the mobile device are
A. Network model adjustable through DVFS techniques to reduce the energy
consumption, denote by fw the CPU frequency of the mobile
We consider a mobile-edge computing network (MEC) that
device at the wth CPU cycle with w = 1, · · · , W , which is
consists of numbers of Access Points (AP) and servers. Denote
constrained by fmax as follows.
by S = {s1 , s2 , · · · , sN } the set of the servers in the network
and N is the number of servers in the MEC, as shown in Fig. 1. 0 ≤ fw ≤ fmax . (2)
For the sake convenience, we here consider a single mobile As a result, the local execution delay Dl of A(L, τd ) is defined
device (MD) who accesses a nearby AP to offload his tasks as
for processing, and we further assume that there is neither PW
Dl = w=1 (fw )−1 , (3)
wireless channel interferences at the AP nor overloading issues
on the servers. We adopt the similar assumptions imposed on and the energy consumption El of the local execution of
each offloading task [14], that is, each task can be arbitrarily A(L, τd ) is
divided into different-sized chunks and processed at different El = κ w=1 fw 2 , (4)
servers and/or local mobile devices. We assume that the global where the constant κ is the effective switched capacitance that
information of servers in MEC is given at the AP. depends on the chip architecture [14].
C. Server computing in MEC
The mobile device offloads its tasks to MEC via the AP. Such
task offloading involves two important metrics: the end-to-end
delay between the time point that a mobile device offloads its
task to the MEC and the time point that the execution result of
the offloaded task received by the the mobile device; and the
energy consumption of the mobile device on its transmission of
the task chunks from the mobile device to the AP. Specifically,
the end-to-end delay consists of the transmission delay from the
mobile device to the AP, the transmission delay of task chunks
of A(L, τd ) from the AP to the servers, and the processing
Fig. 1: An illustrative example of a MEC network with one
delay of task chunks in servers. In the following we give the
task offloading from a mobile user.
detailed definition of these two metrics.
For a given task, whether it is offloaded to MEC entirely Let rh,p denote the maximum achievable uplink transmission
or how much proportion of the task will be processed by its rate between the mobile device and the AP which is given in
mobile device locally, it will determined by a central system advance. Then, the transmission delay Dlp of task chunks of
scheduler through the AP, which is responsible for the decision A(L, τd ) from the mobile device to the AP is
and distribution of task chunks to different servers in MEC. (1 − z0 η0 )L
Dlp = , (5)
B. Local computing at the mobile device rh,p
where z0 η0 is the percentage of A(L, τd ) processed locally.
Let A(L, τd ) denote a task, where L (in bits) is the input
The task chunks then are distributed to different servers in
size of the task and τd is the execution deadline, i.e., if the
MEC once the mobile device finishes its task transmission. We
task is to be executed, it should be finished within τd time
units. For convenience, denote by s0 the mobile device of the ∗W is truncated to a nearest integer dW e if it is not an integer.
assume that the number of servers in MEC to which a task can i=1 zi ≤ m, (11)
be offloaded is limited by a given integer m (m ≤ N ), i.e., max{Dl , Rmax } ≤ τd , (12)
the number of servers in MEC to serve a task cannot exceed
where α is a coefficient that strives for the tradeoff between
m, because it is inefficient and impractical to offload a task to
the total energy consumption and the overall delay incurred by
all servers in a large-scale MEC. Since there is no contention
the task execution [11], [13], [16], zi , ηi and fw are variables
for the computational capacity of the servers, the execution of
appeared in Eq. (1) – Eq. (9), El + Elp is the total amount
the subtasks can start once the subtasks are offloaded to the
of energy consumed by the mobile device for task A(L, τd ),
and max{Dl , Rmax } is the overall delay of the task execution
Let ri denote the transmission rate between the AP and
which is the maximum of the local execution time at the mobile
server si which is given as well. Then, the transmission delay
i device and the end-to-end delay in MEC.
Dps of the corresponding subtask from the AP to server si is
Constraint (10) indicates that the task can be divided
zi η i L
= . (6) into multiple subtasks and offloaded to different servers.
ri Constraint (11) requires that the number of selected servers is
Let ci be the computational capability of server si ∈ S no greater than a given value m, while Constraint (12) is the
(i.e., CPU cycles per second). The processing delay Dsc for deadline requirement of task A(L, τd ).
executing the subtask on server si is
where γA is the number of CUP cycles required for one- In this section we deal with a relaxation of the problem P0
bit data processing. An offloaded task is finished when all of by providing an optimal solution to the relaxed one as follows.
its subtasks are finished. The end-to-end delay Rmax of the A. Overview of the proposed algorithm
offloaded task thus is defined as the maximum end-to-end delay
P0 is a mixed integer nonlinear program problem due to the
among all subtasks processed in servers, while the end-to-end
binary variable zi ∈ {0, 1} with 0 ≤ i ≤ N in Constraints (1)
delay of a subtask in server si is defined as the sum of the
and (11) and nonlinear constraints (3) and (4).
transmission delays from the mobile device to the AP and from
We eliminate zi by assuming that the subset of servers Ss
the AP to each chosen server si and the task processing delay
for task execution while meeting its over delay requirement is
in si . Then, Rmax is defined as
i i
given. Then, problem P0 is relaxed to a nonlinear program P1
Rmax = max {Dlp + Dps + Dsc }. (8) (Section III.B).
Notice that Rmax does not consider the downlink trans- Notice that the optimal solution to P1 later will be used
mission delay, since the downlink data size of A(L, τd ) to find an optimal subset of servers for the execution of task
is negligible compared with L [5]. However, the analysis A(L, τd ) (Section IV.A), and an algorithm is then devised for
techniques and the proposed algorithms in this paper are problem P0 in Section IV.B.
still applicable if the downlink transmission delay must be B. Problem relaxation
considered. P0 includes integer variables zi and real number variables
Denote by Ptx the transmission power of the mobile device. η and f † . We substitute z η with x to eliminate integer
i w i i i
We then define the amount of energy consumed Elp by variables and drop the tail energy E in P .
t 0
transmitting the task chunks of A(L, τd ) from the mobile device Denote by Ss = {sj1 , · · · , sjn } ⊂ S the set of n selected
to the AP as follows. servers for task A(L, τd ) while the execution of the offloaded
Ptx (1 − z0 η0 )L
Elp = + 1{z0 η0 6= 1}Et , (9) subtasks in MEC meets the overall delay of the task, where
rh,p 0 < n ≤ m, zji = 1, and i = 1, · · · , n. Hence, Having
where 1{x} is an indicator function with 1{x} if x is true determined the chosen servers to allocate the subtasks of Task
and 1{x} = 0 otherwise. Et is the tail energy due to that the A(L, τd ), problem P0 now can be relaxed into a nonlinear
mobile device will continue to hold the channel for a while program P1 as follows.
even after the data transmission [8]. B
X 0 x0

D. Problem formulation P 1 : min κ fw 2 − φx0 + α max{Dl , Rmax }

We define a delay-energy joint optimization problem P0 for s.t. (2), (3), (5) − (8),
a task offloading of A(L, τd ) in MEC with the optimization Pn
objective to minimize the weighted sum of the energy con- i=0 xi = 1, (13)
sumption at the mobile device and the overall delay of the task xi ≥ 0, ∀i = 0, 1, · · · , n, (14)
execution. Rmax = max {Ri } (15)
P0 : minimize El + Elp + α max{Dl , Rmax }
† The CPU-cycle frequencies are integers. While f is a very large integer,
s.t. (1) − (9), w
often near to 109 . Hence, we can truncate the real number value of fw to an
0 ≤ ηi ≤ 1, ∀i = 0, 1, · · · , N, (10) integer, which hardly impacts the analysis.
2 1
Ri = qi xi + q0 (1 − x0 ), ∀i = 1, · · · , n, (16) κB(α/2κ) 3 + αB(α/2κ)− 3 . Otherwise, we have ∂F
∂fw < 0,
φ = Ptx L/rh,p , (17) and F (f1 , · · · , fB ) reaches the minimum value of κBfmax 3 +
q0 = L/rh,p , (18) αBfmax − 3 when fw = fmax for all w with 1 ≤ w ≤ B.
qi = L/rji + γA L/cji , ∀i = 1, · · · , n, (19) In summary, to achieve the minimum value of
F (f1 , · · · , fB ), each fw with 1 ≤ w ≤ B must be set
x0 = z0 η0 , (20)
as follows.
xi = zji ηji , ∀i = 1, · · · , n (21)
α 13 α 13
¯ ( 2κ ) , if ( 2κ ) ≤ fmax
B0 = γA L, (22) fw = f = (27)
fmax , otherwise.
where xi and fw are variables. Constraints (13) and (14) in
Having the solution to F (f1 , · · · , fB ), we now solve
P1 are equivalent to Constraints (1), (10) and (11) in P0 . The
problem P2 whose objective is the sum of term −φx0 and
difference between the objectives of P0 and P1 is φ + Et .
F (f1 , · · · , fB ). Notice that (i) F (f1 , · · · , fB ) is a function
Recall that zji , cji , γA , and rh,p are constants.
PB0 x0 2 of variables x0 and fw , while item −φx0 is the function of
We assume κ w=1 fw > Ptx x0 L/rh,p in this paper, i.e., variable x only. Thus, the objective function of P is the sum
0 2
the amount of energy consumed for executing a task with size of functions F (f , · · · , f ) and −φx . Before we solve P ,
1 B 0 2
x0 L at the mobile device is greater than that for transmitting we present the following lemma.
the task chunks from the mobile device to the AP without
considering the tail energy. Hence, the value of Problem P1 is Lemma 1. Given three functions g1 (x, y), g2 (x) and
greater than 0. g3 (x, y) = g1 (x, y) + g2 (x), where x and y are both sets,
then we have that
C. Solution to the relaxed problem P1
min g3 (x, y) = min{min g1 (x, y) + g2 (x)}.
To solve problem P1 , we distinguish it into two cases: Case x,y x y
1. Dl ≥ Rmax ; and Case 2. Dl ≤ Rmax . We adopt a strategy Proof. The proof can be obtained by contradiction. Let
of solving P1 through the transformation of problem P1 into {x∗ , y ∗ } be the optimal solution for min g (x, y). Assume
another nonlinear program without the variable fw , i.e., the that y ∗ is not the optimal solution for min g (x∗ , y). Then
y 1
CPU-cycle frequency. We then solve the nonlinear program as there must exist a y 0 satisfying
follows. 0 0

Case 1. The local execution delay Dl is no less than the g3 (x∗ , y ∗ ) − g3 (x∗ , y ) = g1 (x∗ , y ∗ ) − g1 (x∗ , y ) > 0,
end-to-end delay Rmax , and thus determines the overall delay. which contradicts that g3 (x∗ , y ∗ ) is the minimum. Therefore,
Problem P1 then can be rewritten as the following problem the assumption is not true and y ∗ is the optimal solution
P2 . for miny g1 (x∗ , y), i.e., the optimal solution for min g3 (x, y)
BX x
0 0 B
X x
0 0 should be in
P2 : min κ fw 2 − φx0 + α (fw )−1 {(x, y ∗ ) | y ∗ = arg min g (x, y)}. 1
w=1 w=1 y
s.t. (2), (5) − (8), (13) and (14) Lemma 1 then follows. 
B0 x0
fw −1 ≥ Rmax , (23) Following Lemma 1, we rewrite
PB the optimization
PB objective of
w=1 P2 by replacing its terms κ w=1 fw 2 + α w=1 (fw )−1 with
Rmax = max {Ri }. (24) 2 1
B(κ(f¯) 3 + α(f¯)− 3 ). We term this transformed optimization
In the following we solve problem P2 by first solving its problem as problem P3 , which is defined as follows.
simplified version that focuses on CPU frequencies, and then P3 : min (κB0 f¯2 + αB0 /f¯ − φ)x0
extending this simplified solution to solve P2 . s.t. (5) − (8), (13), (14), (18), and(19, )
Let B = B0 x0 , and let F (f1 , · · · , fB ) be the sum of the
B0 = γA L
first and third terms in the optimization objective of P2 that
includes CPU-frequency variable fw only, i.e., q0 (1 − x0 ) + qi xi ≤ ¯ x0 , (28)
It can be seen that P3 is a linear program, which can be
F (f1 , · · · , fB ) = κ fw 2 + α (fw )−1 . (25)
w=1 w=1 solved in polynomial time.
The partial derivative of F (f1 , · · · , fB ) with respect to fw Case 2. If the local executing delay Dl is no greater than
is the end-to-end delay Rmax , problem P1 can be rewritten as
∂F problem P4 as follows.
= 2κfw − α(fw )−2 , (26) B 0 x0
∂fw X
where w = 1, · · · , B. P4 : min κ fw 2 − φx0 + αRmax
If (α/2κ)1/3 ≤ fmax , the only stationary point of w=1

F (f1 , · · · , fB ) is fw = (α/2κ)1/3 for all w with 1 ≤ s.t. (2), (5) − (8), (13), (14) and (24),
PB0 x0 −1
w ≤ B, and the minimum value of F (f1 , · · · , fB ) is w=1 fw ≤ Rmax . (29)
We adopt the similar strategy for solving P4 as we did for Suppose the claim (34) does not hold, and we assume that
P2 . It can be seen the objective function of P2 consists of min f (x, y) < min min f (x, y).
0 x0 x∈X,y∈Y x∈X y∈Y
two functions: function κ fw 2 has variables fw and x0 ;
By Ineq. (36), we have
and function −φx0 + αRmax has variables xi as Rmax is a f (x∗ , y ∗ ) < min f (x∗ , y).
function of xi with 0 ≤ i ≤ n. y∈Y

By Lemma 1, we first determine the value of each fw to However, by Eq. (35), we have
0 x0
minimize the value of function κ fw 2 as follows. f (x∗ , y ∗ ) ≥ min f (x∗ , y).
By Inequalities (2) and (29), we have This leads to a contradiction. The lemma thus follows. 
B It can be seen that the objective function of P5 contains
B X 1
≤ ≤ Rmax . (30) variables x0 and Rmax . Denote by H(x0 , Rmax ) the objective
fmax f
w=1 w function of P5 which is defined as follows.
By Inequality (30), we have Kx3
B/Rmax ≤ fmax . (31) H(x0 , Rmax ) = 2 0 − φx0 + αRmax . (36)
Denote by R0 =
(1/fw ). To minimize H(x0 , Rmax ), we first determine the range of
w=1 Rmax with respect to x0 in order to meet Eq. (24). We then
Then, R0 ≤ Rmax by Inequality (29). transform problem P5 into a problem with respect to x0 only,
By Jensen’s inequality (see the appendix), we then have by adopting Lemma 3. The range of Rmax is determined by
B3 B3 the following lemma.
fw 2 ≥ 0 2 ≥ 2 . (32)
R Rmax Lemma 4. The range of Rmax with respect to x0 is
PB 2 3 2 (1 − x0 )Q̄ ≤ Rmax ≤ (1 − x0 )Qu (37)
Hence, w=1 fw reaches the minimum B /Rmax when
fw = Rmax for all w with 1 ≤ w ≤ B. Then, Dl = Rmax = where
PB 1 n
w=1 ( fw ).
Q= 1/qi (38)
PProblem P5 is then derived as follows, by replacing i=1
B 2
w=1 fw in P4 with B 3 /Rmax
. Q̄ = q0 + 1/Q, (39)
Kx30 Qu = q0 + max {qi }. (40)
P5 : min 2
− φx0 + αRmax 1≤i≤n
s.t. (5) − (8), (13), (14), (22) and (24), Rmax reaches the minimum Q̄(1 − x0 ) when
K= κB03 . (33) 1 − x0
xi = for all i with 1 ≤ i ≤ n. (41)
Q · qi
Lemma 2. P1 is equivalent to P5 .
Proof. Recall that Rmax = max1≤i≤n {Ri } by Eq. (24). Deter-
Proof. It can be seen that problem P3 is a special case of mining the range of Rmax is equivalent to determining the upper
problem P5 when Rmax = (B0 x0 )/fm . Under Case 1, P1 is and lower bounds of max1≤i≤n Pn {Ri } (= max1≤i≤n {qi xi +
equivalent to P3 ; while under Case 2, P1 is equivalent to P5 . q0 (1 − x 0 )}), subject to that i=1 xi = 1 − x0 with xi ≥ 0.
Hence, P1 is equivalent to P5 .  We first derive the upper bound of Rmax . As xi ≤ 1 −
x0 and qi ≤ max1≤i≤n {qi }, we have max1≤i≤n {qi xi } ≤
max1≤i≤n {qi }(1 − x0 ). Hence, Rmax ≤ (1 − x0 )Qu holds.
The rest is to solve the nonlinear program problem – P5 . We then derive the lower bound of Rmax , i.e.,
Before we proceed, we have the following lemma. min max1≤i≤n {qi xi + q0 (1 − x0 )}. As term q0 (1 − x0 ) is
Lemma 3. If f (·) is a real-valued function of two variables independent of Rmax , we will focus on term qi xi . In the
of x and y, which is defined whenever x ∈ X and y ∈ Y and following we show that min max1−x 1≤i≤n {qi xi } reaches the

X and Y are two domains. Then minimum (1 − x 0 )/Q when x i = Q·qi by contradiction.

Without loss of generality, we suppose that the opti-

min f (x, y) = min min f (x, y). (34) mal solution of min max
x∈X,y∈Y x∈X y∈Y 1≤i≤n {qi xi } satisfies that q1 x1 ≤
q2 x2 ≤ · · · ≤ qn xn . Then, qn xn − q1 x1 =  ≥ 0.
Proof. We show the claim by contradiction. It can be seen that
We now show that qn xn − q1 x1 = 0 by contradiction.
min f (x, y) ≤ min min f (x, y). Assume that qn xn − q1 x1 =  > 0, we then can
x∈X,y∈Y x∈X y∈Y
have another feasible solution for min max1≤i≤n {qi xi }
Assuming that {x∗ , y ∗ } is the optimal solution of X 0 = {x0 , x0 , · · · , x0 , x0 }, where
1 2 n−1 n
minx∈X,y∈Y f (x, y). That is, 0 
x1 = x1 + ,
x1 + xn
f (x∗ , y ∗ ) = min min f (x, y). (35) 0
xi = xi , 2 ≤ i ≤ n − 1,
x∈X y∈Y
xn = xn − . where x∗0 satisfies
x1 + xn
Since qn xn < qn xn , the value of min max1≤i≤n {qi xi } under y∗ = , (50)
0 0 0 1 − x∗0
X is min{qn−1 xn−1 , qn xn } < qn xn . X is better than X .
(φ + αQ̄)Q̄2
This leads to a contradiction that X is the optimal solution to 2y ∗ 3 + 3y ∗ 2 = . (51)
the problem. Therefore, K
Proof. Since function h3 (x) > 0 defined in Eq. (45), we have
q1 x1 = q2 x2 = · · · = qn xn .
that RK∗ 2 + αR∗ > φ. Hence, min h3 (x) = h3 ( R∗Q̄+Q̄ ).
That is, min max1≤i≤n {qi xi } reaches the minimum (1 − We now find the minimum value of h1 (x). The derivative
x0 )/Q when Eq. (41) holds. We thus have Rmax ≥ (1 − of h (x) is
x0 )/Q + q0 (1 − x0 ) = (1 − x0 )Q̄, thereby (1 − x0 )Q̄ ≤ Rmax .
∂h1 (x) K
Inequalities 37 thus hold.  = 2 (2y 3 + 3y 2 ) − (φ + αQ̄),
∂x Q̄
where y = x/(1 − x).
Since Rmax is a function of x0 , minRmax H(x0 , Rmax ) is
We define h4 (y) as follows.
also a function of x0 too.
(φ + αQ̄)Q̄2 Q̄
h4 (y) = 2y 3 + 3y 2 − ,0 ≤ y ≤ ∗.
Lemma 5. minRmax H(x0 , Rmax ) is equivalent to function K R
h(x), where h(x) is defined as follows. As h4 (y) is a strictly monotonically increasing function with
 Q̄ respect to y, we have min{h4 (y)} = h4 (0) < 0. The rest is
h1 (x), x ∈ [0, R∗ +Q̄ ]
to show that max{h4 (y)} = h4 ( RQ̄∗ ) > 0.

h(x) = h2 (x), x ∈ [ R∗ +Qu , 1] (42)
Q̄ Q̄ Q̄ (φ + αQ̄)Q̄2
h3 (x), x ∈ [ R∗Q̄+Q̄ , R∗Q+Q

] h4 ( ∗ ) = 2( ∗ )3 + 3( ∗ )2 −

where Q̄ Q̄ (K/R ∗2
+ αR ∗
+ αQ̄)Q̄2
K x3 > 2( ∗ )3 + 3( ∗ )2 −
h1 (x) = − φx + α(1 − x)Q̄, (43) R R K
Q̄2 (1 − x)2 = 0.
K x3 ∗
h2 (x) = − φx + α(1 − x)Qu , (44) Therefore, h4 (y) = 0 has the only solution y satisfying
Q2u (1 − x)2 Eq. (51). Since y is a monotonically increasing function
K ∗ with respect to x, ∂h∂x 1 (x)
= 0 also has the only solution
h3 (x) = ( ∗ 2 − φ + αR )x, (45)
R x0 . Therefore, h1 (x) reaches its minimum h1 (x∗0 ) when

2K 1
R∗ = ( )3 . (46) Eq. (50) and Eq. (51) hold. Similarly, h2 (x) is a monotonically
α increasing function of x too, and reaches its minimum when
Proof. The partial derivative of H(x0 , Rmax ) with respect to x = R∗ +Q u
∂H(x0 ,Rmax ) x0 ∂H(x0 ,Rmax )
Rmax is = −2K R3 + α. Let = 0,
∂Rmax max ∂Rmax Theorem 1. The optimal solution to problem P1 is OP T (P1Ss )
∗ ∗ Qu
its solution is R x0 . If R x0 ≥ (1 − x0 )Qu , i.e., R∗ +Qu ≤ when
x0 ≤ 1, H(x0 , Rmax ) is a monotonically decreasing function. Ss y∗ 2
Hence, we have minRmax H(x0 , Rmax ) = H(x0 , (1 − x0 )Qu ), OP T (P 1 ) = 3K − φ, (52)
which can be rewritten as h2 (x). Similarly, we can obtain the where
results for R∗ x0 ≤ (1 − x0 )Q̄ and (1 − x0 )Q̄ ≤ R∗ x0 ≤
(1 − x0 )Qu .  x0 = x∗0 , (53)
1 − x∗0
xi = , (54)
Problem P5 can be solved by finding the minimum value of Q · qi
h(x), while the minimum value of h(x) is the minimum one and the CPU-cycle frequency scheduling at the mobile device
among h1 (x), h2 (x) and h3 (x) that are defined as follows. For is
B0 x∗0
convenience, denote min hi (x) with 1 ≤ i ≤ 3 the minimum fw = ∗ )Q̄
, for all w with 1 ≤ w ≤ B0 x∗0 . (55)
value of hi (x) in its domain. (1 − x 0
and the corresponding overall delay is (1 − x∗0 )Q̄.
Lemma 6. The minimum values of h1 (x), h2 (x) and h3 (x)
respectively are Proof. According to Lemmas 5 and 6, we have
min {h1 (x)} = h1 (x∗ ), (47) min H(x0 , Rmax ) = min{h1 (x), h2 (x), h3 (x)}.
0 x0 ,Rmax
x∈[0, R∗Q̄+Q̄ ]

R∗ Qu Since x∗0 ∈ [0, R∗Q̄+Q̄ ], we have min h1 (x) = h1 (x∗0 ) ≤

min {h2 (x)} = h2 ( ), (48) ∗
h1 ( RR∗ +Q̄Q̄ ). As h3 (x) is a monotonically increasing function,
x∈[ R∗Q+Q
u ,1] R∗ + Qu
u ∗

R∗ Q̄ we have min h3 (x) = h3 ( RR∗ +Q̄Q̄ ).

min {h3 (x)} = h3 ( ∗ ), (49) Notice that h1 (x) and h3 (x) represent the same point when
x∈[ R∗Q̄+Q̄ , R∗Q+Q
u ] R + Q̄ ∗ ∗ ∗
u x = RR∗ +Q̄Q̄ , thus we have h1 ( RR∗ +Q̄Q̄ ) = h3 ( RR∗ +Q̄Q̄ ). There-
fore, min h1 (x) ≤ min h3 (x) holds. Similarly, min h3 (x) ≤ Let OP Tlocal be the minimum value of the overall cost
min h2 (x). Therefore, we have min h1 (x) ≤ min h3 (x) ≤ if task A(L, τd ) is entirely executed at the mobile device.
min h2 (x) and Then, OP T (P0 ) is the minimum between OP Tlocal and
min H(x0 , Rmax ) = h1 (x∗0 ). OP T (P1 s0 ) + φ + Et , which is the minimum overall cost
x0 ,Rmax if the task is offloaded to MEC. The rest of this section thus
Thus, the optimal solution to problem P5 is h1 (x∗0 ), which is focus on identifying the server set s0 .
also the optimal solution to P1 as P1 to P5 is equivalent by
Lemma 2. By Lemma 4, Rmax = (1 − x∗0 )Q̄ when xi satisfies A. Server selection
Eq. (54). Meanwhile, Rmax = Ri with 1 ≤ i ≤ n. By the
We first derive the relationships between OP T (P1Ss ) and
analysis of Case 2. in Section III.C, Rmax = Dl and fw =
Q̄ defined in (39) and between Rmax and Q̄. We then find
B0 x∗0 /Rmax . The overall delay max{Dl , Rmax } = (1 − x∗0 )Q̄.
the server subset s0 in the MEC to serve task A(L, τd ) based
We now rewrite OP T (P1Ss ) as a function of Q̄. Eq. (50) on these relationships.
can be rewritten as
y∗ Lemma 7. OP T (P1Ss ) is a monotonically increasing function
x∗0 = . (56)
1 + y∗ with respect to Q̄.
Hence, OP T (P1Ss ) can be simplified as Proof. Denote by ξ = y ∗ /Q̄ a function of Q̄, clearly ξ > 0.
K x∗0 3 OP T (P1Ss ) in Eq. (52) then can be rewritten as OP T (P1Ss ) =
OP T (P1Ss ) = − φx ∗
0 + α Q̄(1 − x ∗
0 ) 3Kξ 2 − φ > 0, and Eq. (51) can be similarly rewritten as
Q̄2 (1 − x∗0 )2 ∗3 ∗2

K y∗ 3 φy ∗ αQ̄ 2K yQ̄3 + 3K yQ̄3 = Q̄ φ

+ α, which can be further simplified as
= 2 ∗
− ∗
+ ∗ 2K Q̄ξ 3
+ 3Kξ 2
= φ + αQ̄. Hence, Q̄ can be expressed as
Q̄ 1 + y 1+y 1+y
Ky ∗ 3 − φQ̄2 y ∗ + αQ̄3 3Kξ 2 − φ
= (57) Q̄ = . (59)
Q̄2 (1 + y ∗ ) α − 2Kξ 3
Since 3Kξ 2 − φ > 0, α − 2Kξ 3 > 0. Thus, Q̄ is a strictly
Ky ∗ 3 − φQ̄2 y ∗ + (2Ky ∗ 3 + 3Ky ∗ 2 − φQ̄2 )
= monotonically increasing function of ξ. With the property of the
Q̄2 (1 + y ∗ ) inverse function, ξ is also a strictly monotonically increasing
3Ky ∗ 2 (1 + y ∗ ) − φQ̄2 (1 + y ∗ ) function of Q̄. Since ξ > 0, OP T (P1Ss ) is a monotonically
= 2
Q̄ (1 + yn ) increasing function of ξ. Hence, OP T (P1Ss ) is a monotonically
y∗ 2 increasing function of Q̄. 
= 3K 2 − φ.

We now show that decreasing the value of Q̄ reduces the
where term αQ̄ in Eq. (57) is replaced by 2Ky ∗ 3 + 3Ky ∗ 2 − overall delay of the execution of task A(L, τd ) by the following

φQ̄2 , following Eq. (51).  lemma.

Lemma 8. The overall delay of task A(L, τd ) is a monotoni-

IV. A LGORITHM FOR THE DELAY- ENERGY JOINT cally increasing function with respect to Q̄.
Proof. By replacing x0 in Eq. (56) with x0 = 1 − Rmax /Q̄
In this section we solve the original problem P0 , by making by Theorem 1, y ∗ can be expressed as follows.
use of the result of problem P1 . The relationship between P0 Q̄
and P1 is given as follows. Let OP T (P0 ) and OP T (P1Ss ) be y∗ = − 1. (60)
the optimal solutions of P0 and P1 with the given server set Q̄
Eq. (51) can be rewritten by replacing y ∗ with Rmax − 1 as
Ss , respectively. Notice that the set of servers Ss allocated
to for the subtask executions of task A(L, τd ) in problem P1 φ α
is given, under which an optimal solution for problem P1 is 2Q̄3 − 3Q̄2 Rmax + Rmax3
= ( Q̄2 + Q̄3 )Rmax 3
. (61)
achieved. In other words, given a different server set Ss0 for
S0 The differentiation of Eq. (61) with respect to Q̄ then is
P1 , there is a different optimal solution OP T (P1 s ) for it. ∂Rmax
The general strategy for problem P0 is to reduce it to P1 by K1 = K2 , (62)
∂ Q̄
fixing the server set for each offloading task A(L, τd ). Since
there are multiple subsets of servers satisfying the overall φ α
delay τd of task A(L, τd ), the rest of this section will focus on K1 = ( Q̄2 + Q̄3 − 1)3Rmax 2
+ 3Q̄2 , (63)
identifying such a subset of servers that the optimal solution φ α
of P1 is the minimum one, which corresponds an optimal K2 = 6Q̄2 − 6Q̄Rmax − 2 Q̄Rmax 3
− 3 Q̄2 Rmax 3
solution to problem P0 . Denote by OP T (P1 s0 ) the minimum The rest is to show that both K1 > 0 and K2 > 0. As
one among OP T (P1 ) for all Ss , i.e., Rmax = (1 − x∗ )Q̄, Q̄ ≥ Rmax > 0. By Eq. (63), we have
OP T (P1 ) = min{OP T (P1Ss )|Ss ⊆ S , |Ss | ≤ m} (58) 2
K1 > −3Rmax + 3Q̄2 ≥ 0.
Meanwhile, by Eq. (61), we have 1 ≤ t ≤ N − 1. Denote by Q(n) for any n with 1 ≤ n ≤ m ≤
R 3
φ α N , which is defined as follows.
2Q̄2 − 3Q̄Rmax + max = ( Q̄ + Q̄2 )Rmax 3
. (65) n
Q̄ K K X 1 −1
Q(n) = q0 + ( ) . (69)
Following Eq. (64) and Eq. (65), the following inequality holds. q
i=1 ji
φ α A(L, τd )
K2 > 6Q̄2 − 6Q̄Rmax − 3( Q̄Rmax 3
+ Q̄2 Rmax 3
) Recall that the number of servers selectedPto serve taskP
K K cannot exceed m, i.e., n ≤ m. Since
n 1

m 1
3 i=1 qji i=1 qji ,
Rmax we have
= 3Q̄Rmax − 3

Q(m) ≤ Q(n), 1 ≤ n ≤ m. (70)
Q̄2 − Rmax 2
= 3Rmax ≥0 Function Q(n) in Inequality (70) reaches the minimum when

n = m. Therefore, the number of servers selected to serve task
Having both K1 > 0 and K2 > 0, by Eq (62), we have
A(L, τd ) should be m to achieve the minimum overall cost
> 0. OP T (P1 ) of its execution by Lemma 7. Therefore, we have
∂ Q̄ the following lemma.
By Theorem 1, the overall delay of the execution of task
A(L, τd ) is equal to Rmax , the overall delay thus is a Lemma 9. Let s0 = {sj1 , · · · , sjm } be the set of servers
monotonically increasing function of Q̄.  allocated to task A(L, τd ) in problem P1 to achieve the
minimum cost OP T (P1 s0 ). If Q(m) ≤ min{Q̄∗ , Qmax }, then
Lemma 7 and Lemma 8 indicate that a smaller Q̄ will
result in a less overall delay and cost on the execution of task S (y ∗ )2
OP T (P1 s0 ) = 3K m 2 − φ, (71)
A(L, τd ). In the following we aim to determine the range of Q(m)

Q̄. where ym is the value of variable ym in the following equation.
We first determine an upper bound on Q̄ to meet the overall 3 2 (φ + αQ(m))Q(m)2
delay requirement of task A(L, τd ). We have (2 − K τd )Q̄ − α 3 3 2y m + 3y m = . (72)
φ 3 2 3
(3τd + K τd )Q̄ + τd = 0 by replacing Rmax in Eq. (61) with Proof. The subset of servers {sj , · · · , sj } can be identified
1 m
τd , and let Q̄∗ be the value of Q̄ to ensure the equality holds. by Ineq. (70). By Theorem 1, Lemma 9 then follows. 
By Lemma 8 and the property of the inverse function, Q̄ is a
monotonically increasing function of Rmax . Since Rmax ≤ τd , B. Algorithm
we have Q̄ ≤ Q̄∗ . Following the discussion in the very beginning in this section,
We then determine another upper bound on Q̄ to meet the the optimal solution OP T (P ) to problem P is the minimum
0 0
CPU-cycle frequency constraint. By Theorem 1, we have S
∗ one between OP Tlocal and OP T (P1 s0 ) + Et + φ, while
B0 x0
fw = ≤ fmax . (66) OP Tlocal can be expressed as
Q̄(1 − x∗0 ) PB0 PB0
∗ OP Tlocal = min{κ w=1 (fw )2 + α w=1 (fw )−1 }. (73)
By Eq. (50) and ξ = y /Q̄ in Lemma 7, Inequality (66) can
be rewritten as B0 ξ ≤ fmax . Thus, ξ ≤ fB max
. By Eq. (25) and Eq. (27),
Eq. (59) can be rewritten by replacing ξ with fmax /B0 as OP Tlocal = B0 (κf¯2 + αf¯−1 ). (74)
follows. Therefore, we have
3Kfmax B0 − φB03 ∗ 2
Q̄ = . (67) 3Kym
αB03 − 2Kfmax 3 OP T (P0 ) = min{ + Et , B0 (κf¯2 + αf¯−1 )}. (75)
Since Q̄ is a monotonically increasing function of ξ by The detailed algorithm for problem P0 thus is given in
3Kf 2 B0 −φB03
Lemma 7, Q̄ should be no greater than αBmax 3 −2Kf 3 . Algorithm 1.
0 max
3Kf 2 B0 −φB03
Let Q̄max = αBmax 3 −2Kf 3 . Therefore, the range of Q̄ is Theorem 2. Algorithm 1 for the delay-energy joint opti-
0 max
Q̄ ≤ min{Q̄∗ , Q̄max }. mization problem in an MEC delivers an optimal solution
Following its definition, the derivative of Q̄ with respect to if Q(m) ≤ min{Q̄∗ , Qmax }, and its time complexity is
qi , where 1 ≤ i ≤ n, is O(N log N ), where N is the number of servers in the MEC.
∂ Q̄ 1 X 1 −1
= ( 2 )( ) > 0. (68) Proof. By Theorem 1 and Lemma 9, Algorithm 1 can find an
∂qi qi i=1 qi optimal solution to the delay-energy joint optimization problem
Eq. (68) shows that Q̄ is an increasing function of qi , which if Q(m) ≤ min{Q̄∗ , Qmax }. Its time complexity analysis is
implies that a smaller qi will correspond a smaller Q̄ for each quite obvious, which is O(N log N ) due to sorting. 
i with 1 ≤ i ≤ n. Thus, to minimize Q̄, we should choose
the first smallest n servers from the N servers in terms of the
value of their qi . In this section, we evaluate the performance of the proposed
Let j1 , j2 , · · · , jN be the index sequence of servers by algorithm for the delay-energy joint optimization problem
sorting their q)i in increasing order, i.e., qjt ≤ qjt+1 with through simulations. We also investigate the impacts on
Algorithm 1 Task Offloading Scheduling (TOS) the overall cost by algorithm TOS is around 80% of those by
Input: N , m and qi with 1 ≤ i ≤ N . algorithms MEC_Execution and Mixed_Execution, and
Output: xi and fw . 34% of that by algorithm Local_Execution when α = 20.
1: xi ← 0, where i = 0, 1, · · · , N ;
2: A sequence of servers j1 , j2 , · · · , jN is obtained by sorting their qi in In Fig. 2 (b), m = 5. Similarly, we can see from Fig. 2 (b)
increasing order; that algorithm TOS outperforms the other algorithms.
3: Calculate Q(m) and ym ∗ by Eq. (69) and (72), respectively;
4: Calculate OP T (P1 0 ) by Eq. (71); C. Impact of different parameters
5: Calculate OP Tlocal by Eq. (74);
6: Calculate OP T (P0 ) by Eq. (75); We then study the impacts of important parameters: m and
7: if OP T (P0 ) = OP Tlocal then α on the overall delay and energy consumption of the proposed
8: return x0 ← 1 and fw ← f¯, EXIT. algorithm TOS.
9: else
∗ We investigate the impact of the number of chosen servers m
10: P x0 by Eq. (56);
11: Q← m i=1 1/qji ; on the performance of algorithms TOS, Local_Execution,
12: Calculate xjk for all k with 1 ≤ k ≤ m by Eq. (54); MEC_Execution, and Mixed_Execution in terms of the
13: Calculate fw by Eq. (55);
14: return xjk for all k with 1 ≤ k ≤ m, and fw . overall delay and the energy consumption on the mobile device.
15: end if We vary m from 1 to 200 while fixing α at 20. It can be seen
from Fig. 3 (a) that algorithm TOS has the minimum overall
important parameters on the performance of the proposed
delay because of its optimal task allocation among the mobile
device and the selected servers. Particularly, when m ≤ 8, it
A. Experimental settings greatly impacts the overall delay by the mentioned algorithms;
otherwise, its impact is negligible.
We set the number of servers in an MEC at N = 100,
Fig. 3 (b) shows that algorithm TOS is not energy-efficient as
the data transmission rate between the AP and a server ri is
it requires local processing at the mobile device to minimize the
uniformly distributed between 100 M bps and 1 Gbps. The
overall delay when m ≤ 8; otherwise, its energy consumption
computing capacity of a server ci is uniformly distributed
impact is negligible.
between 1 GHz and 4 GHz. The transmission rate between the
We also evaluate the impact of parameter α on the perfor-
mobile device and the AP is set at rh,p = 2.5 Mbps and the
mance of the mentioned algorithms in terms of the overall
transmission power of the mobile device Ptx = 0.5 W. Besides,
delay and energy consumption. It can be seen from Fig. 4 (a)
Et = 0.15 J, κ = 10−26 , fmax = 2 GHz, and the size of task
that the increase on the value of α will shorten the overall
A(L, τd ) is L = 50 KB [15]. Assume that the computation
delay of the task execution when α ≤ 70; otherwise, its impact
intensity of the task is 700 cycles per bit [17]. Under these
on overall delay is negligible. However, as shown in Fig. 4 (b),
experimental settings, Q(m) ≤ min{Q̄∗ , Qmax } holds.
algorithms TOS and Local_Execution will incur more
To evaluate the proposed algorithm, Algorithm 1, three
energy consumption at the mobile device.
benchmark algorithms are introduced as follows.
• Local Execution: The entire task is executed at the VI. R ELATED W ORK
mobile device and the CPU-cycle frequencies at the mobile MEC has attracted lots of attention from both industries and
device are scheduled to minimize the overall cost. The academia, see [14] for a comprehensive survey.
optimal value of this policy is OP Tlocal . Many previous studies on MEC focused on designing a
• MEC Execution: The entire task is offloaded to MEC. system to support task offloading and allocation [7], [10], [12],
Then the subset of servers to serve the task and the task [15], [19], [20], [22], [23]. Several offloading frameworks
allocation among the selected servers are both optimal. including MAUI [7] and ThinkAir [10], were proposed to
The difference between MEC Execution and TOS is that prolong the battery lifetime of mobile devices and reduce
x0 = 0 in MEC Execution policy. processing delays of computation tasks. Particularly, Liu et
• Mixed Execution: The task is executed in both the al. [12] introduced a delay-optimal task scheduling policy with
mobile device and MEC. The difference between algo- random task arrivals for a single-user MEC system. For multi-
rithms Mixed_Execution and TOS is in the setting of user MEC systems, Chen et al. [5] proposed a distributed
x0 = 1/(1 + m) in algorithm Mixed_Execution. offloading algorithm which can achieve the Nash equilibrium
to reduce wireless interferences. You et al. [22] designed a
B. Performance evaluation centralized task offloading system for MEC based on time-
We first evaluate the performance of algorithm TOS division multiple access and orthogonal frequency-division
against benchmark algorithms Local_Execution, multiple access. All of these mentioned work assumed non-
MEC_Execution, and Mixed_Execution, by varying adjustable processing capabilities of CPUs at mobile devices.
both numbers of servers m and α. The overall costs delivered However, it is energy inefficient as the energy consumption of a
by different algorithms are normalized based on the overall CPU increases super-linearly with its CPU-cycle frequency [4].
cost delivered by TOS. Several recent research has applied the dynamic voltage and
Fig. 2 shows the overall costs of task execution delivered frequency scaling (DVFS) technique into task offloading in an
by the mentioned algorithms. We can see from Fig. 2 (a) that MEC environment. For example, Zhang et al. [23] proposed an
3 4

The normalized overall cost

The normalized overall cost TOS 3.5 TOS
2.5 Local_Execution Local_Execution
MEC_Execution 3 MEC_Execution
Mixed_Execution Mixed_Execution
2 2.5
0.5 0.5
20 40 60 80 100 50 100 150 200
The limited number of selected servers m The weight of the overall delay
(a) The overall cost on different m (b) The overall cost on different weight α
Fig. 2: The performance of algorithms TOS, Local _Execution, MEC _Execution and Mixed _Execution.

The energy consumption, (J)

The overall delay, (seconds)

0.25 TOS TOS
Local_Execution Local_Execution
MEC_Execution 2 MEC_Execution
0.2 Mixed_Execution Mixed_Execution

0.15 1

0.1 0
20 40 60 80 100 20 40 60 80 100
The limited number of selected servers m The limited number of selected servers m
(a) Impact of m on the overall delay (b) Impact of m on the energy consumption
Fig. 3: The impact of m with α = 20 on the overall delay and energy consumption.

0.8 15
The energy consumption, (J)
The overall delay, (seconds)

Local_Execution Local_Execution
0.6 MEC_Execution MEC_Execution
Mixed_Execution 10 Mixed_Execution



0 0
50 100 150 200 50 100 150 200
The weight of the overall delay The weight of the overall delay
(a) Impact of weight α on the overall delay (b) Impact of weight α on the energy consumption
Fig. 4: The impact of weight α with m = 5 on the overall delay and energy consumption.

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