Identification and Bioactivities of Two Endophytic Fungi Fusarium

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Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering


Identification and Bioactivities of Two Endophytic Fungi Fusarium

fujikuroi and Aspergillus tubingensis from Foliar Parts of Debregeasia
Sobia Nisa1   · Nimra Khan1 · Waqas Shah2 · Maimoona Sabir1 · Wajiha Khan2 · Yamin Bibi3 · Muhammad Jahangir4 ·
Irshad Ul Haq1 · Sadia Alam1 · Abdul Qayyum5

Received: 20 November 2019 / Accepted: 28 February 2020

© King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals 2020

Endophytic fungi isolated from medicinal plants are important for production of antibiotics. They can produce secondary
metabolites with diverse structures and activities. Debregeasia salicifolia is a plant of medicinal importance, and no report
exists regarding isolation of endophytic fungi from it. This study was focused to isolate and identify culturable endophytic
fungi from foliar parts of D. salicifolia and to determine their bioactivities. Molecular analysis resulted in identification of
Fusarium fujikuroi, Aspergillus tubingensis and Rhizopus oryzae based on specific internal transcribed spacer primer (ITS1/
ITS4). Our analysis revealed that all fungal endophytes possess antibacterial activity against Gram-negative and Gram-
positive bacteria. Remarkably, Rhizopus oryzae at a concentration of 5 mg/mL efficiently restricted the growth of ATCC
strain of E. coli in comparison with positive control ciprofloxacin. Rhizopus oryzae and F. fujikuroi at a concentration of
1000 µg/ml exhibited maximum antioxidant activity of 45% and 44%, respectively. They also showed antifungal activity
ranging from 60 to 75% against Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus niger. Our analysis of the fungal extracts through GC–MS
indicated the presence of 21 compounds of diverse nature and structure. In conclusion, our study highlighted the potential
of D. salicifolia to host a plethora of fungal endophytes that secrete potentially therapeutic bioactive metabolites

Keywords  Debregeasia salicifolia · Endophytic fungi · ITS region · Bioactivities · GC–MS

1 Introduction poor hygienic conditions, increased number of immuno-

compromised patients, and late diagnosis of infections [3].
Development of resistance to available antibiotics by patho- So, the need to search new and more effective agents for
genic bacteria and fungi is one of most important problem of treating human diseases has been increased [4]. A number of
global concern [1, 2]. Many factors are responsible for anti- compounds have been isolated from medicinally important
biotic resistance including inappropriate use of antibiotics, plants and used for the treatment of human ailments [5].
Natural compounds are preferably used as pharmaceutical
agents due to their biological friendly nature [6]. Natural
* Sobia Nisa compounds derived from plants, bacteria, and fungi have
been recently used to treat multidrug-resistant infectious
Department of Microbiology, The University of Haripur, agents alone or in combination with antibiotics. The use
Haripur, KPK, Pakistan of antimicrobial agents of natural origin is advantageous
Department of Biotechnology, COMSATS University as they interact by making protein–protein interactions and
Islamabad, Abbotabad Campus, Abbottabad, Pakistan hence microbes rarely develop resistance against them.
Department of Botany, PMAS Arid Agriculture University, Endophytes like bacteria and fungi colonize higher plant
Rawalpindi, Pakistan tissues without damaging. They are considered as natural
Department of Food Science and Technology, The University reservoirs of diverse bioactive products [7, 8]. Bioactive
of Haripur, Haripur, KPK, Pakistan secondary metabolites like alkaloids, terpenoids, isocou-
Department of Agronomy, The University of Haripur, marins, steroids, quinones, lignans, phenols, and lactones
Haripur, KPK, Pakistan have been isolated from endophytic bacteria and fungi [9,

Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering

10]. Endophytic fungi from medicinal plants have been The Petri plates were sealed with parafilm and incubated for
reported for antibacterial and antifungal activities [11–14]. 5–7 days at ­28◦C for initiation of fungal growth.
Plants also serve as a reservoir of secondary metabolites.
Endophytic fungi could also produce metabolites similar to 2.2 Development of Pure Culture
or with more pronounced activity than that of their respec-
tive hosts [15]. After 5–7  days of incubation, mycelial growth started
Endophytic fungi are thought to have mutualistic asso- emerging from the explants, and they were subcultured to
ciations with plants. In this symbiotic relationship, plants get pure culture. Pure colonies were transferred on potato
provide shelter and nutrients to the endophytes [16, 17] dextrose agar slants and preserved at 4–5 °C for future use.
while the host plants are protected against pathogens and The preserved fungi were subcultured from time to time.
herbivores [18–20]. Moreover, endophytes are also reported
to support plant growth by producing phytohormones [21] 2.3 Morphological Identification of Endophytic
and increase their resistance to multiple abiotic stresses like Fungi
salinity and heavy metal toxicity [22, 23]. Studies on iso-
lation of bioactive metabolites from endophytic fungi can The fungi were identified on morphological basis as previ-
help in identification of some novel compounds and that ously described [28, 29]. Identification was performed by
can further be developed as antimicrobial agents to cope noticing morphological parameters like colony diameter,
antibiotic resistance. texture, front and reverse color of colony and microscopic
Debregeasia salicifolia is an important plant with ethno- appearance of hyphae and reproductive structures.
botanical importance and is widespread in different parts of
West Asia and Western Himalayan. Its bark paste is useful 2.4 Molecular Identification of Endophytic Fungi
externally on forehead to relieve pain [24]. Traditionally, it
is used to treat several diseases like urinary tract infections, DNA extraction was performed using phenol chloroform
bone fractures, boils, bloody diarrhea, carbuncles, pimples, method with little modification. For PCR amplification, 1
dermatitis, skin rash, eczema, and tumors [25]. Our group μL of diluted genomic DNA, primers (ITS-1 and ITS-4) and
reported the antibacterial and anticancer activity of D. sali- Ampliqon (Taq polymerase) (Thermo Fisher Scientific) were
cifolia previously [26, 27]. This plant has not been evaluated used to make the final reaction mixture. Preliminary denatur-
for isolation of culturable endophytic fungi and their activi- ation was done at 95 °C for 7 min followed by 35 cycles of
ties. In the present investigation, we evaluated the diversity amplification, denaturation (95 °C, 30 s), annealing (58 °C,
and bioactive potential of endophytic fungi colonizing D. 45 s), and elongation (72 °C, 60 s) and the final elongation
salicifolia. was performed at 72 °C for 6 min. After the reaction, PCR
products purification and sequencing were performed com-
mercially through alpha genomics.

2 Materials and methods 2.5 Phylogenetic Analysis of Isolated Fungal

2.1 Collection and Surface Sterilization of Plant
Samples For phylogeny of the isolated fungal endophytes, we
retrieved sequences of the close hits from NCBI and per-
Healthy leaves and stems of D. salicifolia were collected formed multiple sequence alignment using Clustal W. The
from Abbotabad, Pakistan, and identification of the plant aligned files were then exported in mega format. Neigh-
material was done by using standard criteria. Samples were bor-joining tree was constructed in MEGAX using default
washed under running tap water prior to surface sterilization. parameters and bootstrap values of 1000.
Surface sterilization was done using 0.1% ­HgCl2 solution for
1–3 min, 70% (v/v) ethanol for 1 min, followed by 1% (v/v) 2.6 Production of Secondary Metabolites
sodium hypochlorite for 5 min and immersion in 70% (v/v)
for 30 s. The sterilized segments were washed thrice with For the production of secondary metabolites, 150 mL of
autoclaved distilled water and dried on blotting paper. Stem potato dextrose broth was prepared in 250-mL flasks and
and leaf segments were cut using sterilized surgical blades autoclaved. Medium was inoculated with fungal culture and
and shifted to potato dextrose agar (Oxoid) supplemented incubated at 28 ± 1 °C in shaking incubator at 170 rpm for
with 100 mg/mL tetracycline to stop growth of bacteria. 4 weeks. Secondary metabolites were excreted by myce-
Aliquots from final washed water were also plated on the lium in their surrounding media. Mycelium was separated
PDA plates to check the effectiveness of surface sterilization. from the culture media using muslin cloth. The crude

Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering

culture broth was filtered through Whatman filter paper and solidification in slanting position. Each tube was inocu-
extracted with ethyl acetate using separating funnel. The lated with seven-day-old fungal strains. After inoculation,
ethyl acetate extract was dried by using rotary evaporator. these tubes were incubated for seven days at 27 °C. The
The extract was then stored at 4–5◦C for further use. inhibition of fungal growth was determined by using the
following formula:
2.7 Antibacterial Activity
Inhibition of fungal growth = (lg c − lg t)∕ lg c × 100
Crude fungal extracts were dissolved in dimethyl sulfox- where
ide (DMSO) (5  mg/mL), and antibacterial activity was lg t = linear growth of test sample
determined against seven American Type Culture Collec- lg c = linear growth of control sample.
tion (ATCC) bacterial strains, i.e., Staphylococcus aureus
(292013), Bacillus spizizenii (66330), Listeria monocy-
togenes (35152), Escherichia coli (25922), Klebsiella 2.9 Antioxidant Activity by Using Free Radical
pneumoniae (13883), Salmonella typhimrium (14028) and Scavenging Assay
Acinetobacter baumannii (19606) using agar well-diffusion
method. Bacterial strains were cultured overnight in nutri- 2,2-Diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl hydrate (DPPH) free radi-
ent broth to get fresh culture for antibacterial activity. Wells cal scavenging assay was used to determine the antioxidant
were aseptically made in the seeded media with sterile borer. activity of fungal extracts. In antioxidant assay different
Ciprofloxacin solution was prepared by dissolving it in concentrations (1000, 500, 250, 125, 62.5 µg/mL) of each
DMSO to get 1 mg/mL concentration and used as a positive sample were mixed with 2.85 mL of DPPH reagent (1 mg
control. Pure DMSO was used as a negative control. Fifty of DPPH reagent/25 mL of dimethyl sulfoxide) in 15-mL
microliters of the crude extract was poured in the wells and falcon tube. The reaction mixture was incubated in dark
incubated at 37 °C for 24 h. Finally, plates were observed for half an hour, and then absorbance was recorded at
for zones of inhibition and their respective diameters were 517 nm by using spectrophotometer. Different concentra-
measured. tions (1000, 500, 250, 125, 62.5 µg/mL) of ascorbic acid
For the determination of minimum inhibition concentra- were used as a positive control, and dimethyl sulfoxide was
tion (MIC), bacterial strains were inoculated and incubated used as a negative control [31].
overnight in nutrient broth. Then, the cultures were diluted The following formula was used to determine the DPPH
in physiological saline by ratio of 1:100 and the concentra- free radical scavenging assay.
tion of inoculum was finally adjusted as 1 × 106cells cfu/
ml. Two folds of CAMHB (cation-adjusted Mueller–Hinton (DPPH radical-scavenging activity(%) inhibition
broth) medium was poured in each well of 96-well micro-
= (control OD − sample OD)∕control OD)] × 100
titer plate followed by the addition of adjusted inoculum.
Microtiter plate was incubated for 24 h at 37 °C. Triplicates where
of each extract were carried out to measure the effective control OD = absorbance without samples
concentration. After incubation, the optical density was sample OD = absorbance in the presence of samples.
measured using microtiter plate reader at the wavelength of
600 nm. Minimum concentration which inhibits growth of
pathogenic bacteria was taken as the MIC. 2.10 Gas Chromatography–Mass Spectrometry
Analysis of Fungal Extracts
2.8 Antifungal Activity
The crude extracts of samples were used to evaluate their
Two pathogenic fungal strains Aspergillus niger and chemical composition using GC–MS. A 20-min run was
Aspergillus flavus were used to screen antifungal poten- conducted from the initial temperature of 40 °C to the final
tial of the endophytic fungal extracts using agar tube dilu- temperature of 250 °C. The spectrum was noted in the
tion method [30]. Briefly, 5 mL of Sabouraud dextrose range of 40–600 m/z. Peaks of various compounds eluted
agar media was poured in test tubes that were labeled and from the column of GC were recorded along with their
autoclaved at 121 °C. Fungal extracts 200 µL (400 µg/ retention time. Data were correlated with mass spectra of
mL) were added to autoclaved media before solidifica- the compounds, and database was searched for the similar
tion. Sodium benzoate (2.4 µg/mL) was used as a positive compounds with same retention time and molecular mass.
control, whereas pure DMSO was used as a negative con- Bioactivities of already reported natural compounds were
trol. Medium was mixed by shaking carefully and allowed also studied, and a comparison was made to correlate the
activities of fungal extracts with their constituents.

Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering

2.11 Statistical Analysis

Data were obtained as mean of four replicates and analyzed

by two-factor factorial in completely randomized design
(CRD). Mean comparison (p < 0.05) was carried out using
Duncan multiple-range (DMR) test by M-Stat-C Statistical
software [32].

3 Results

3.1 Isolation and Identification of Fungal

Endophytes from D. Salicifolia

Five strains of endophytic fungi were isolated and identified

on the basis of colony morphology and microscopic exami-
nation (Table 1, Figs. 1, 2). Identification of three strains
(DS 1, DL2H, and DL3.2) was confirmed by molecular Fig. 1  Initiation of growth of fungal endophyte from leaf segment of
Debregeasia salicifolia 
analysis. These fungi were identified as Rhizopus oryzae
(DL2H), F. fujikuroi (DL3.2), and Aspergillus tubingensis
(DS 1). The results of DNA sequencing were submitted to 24 and 23 mm, respectively. All the strains exhibited best
GenBank with the accession number of MN947248 for Rhiz- activity against E. coli and S. aureus, while least activity
opus oryzae (DL2H), MN947247 for F. fujikuroi (DL3.2), was observed against A. baumanii. Minimum inhibitory
and MN990210 for A. tubingensis (DS 1) (Table 2, Fig. 3). concentration of DS1 against B. subtilis, S. aureus and
E. coli was 0.312, 1.25 and 0.625 mg/mL, respectively.
3.2 Antibacterial Activity of Fungal Extracts Ethyl acetate extract of endophytic fungal isolate DL3.2
exhibited MIC values of 1.25, 2.5 and 5 mg/mL against B.
Extracts of isolated endophytic fungal species were sub- subtilis, E. coli and S. aureus, respectively.
jected to antibacterial activity against clinical isolates of
both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. Extracts
exhibited activity against both Gram-negative and Gram- 3.3 Antioxidant Activity of Fungal Extracts
positive bacterial species with few exceptions. Extracts
of all fungal strains were active against tested bacteria. DL2H (Rhizopus oryzae) exhibited the highest radical
Best activity was exhibited by DL2H (Rhizopus oryzae) scavenging activity but still much lower than ascorbic
against E. coli with a zone of inhibition having a diameter acid. Similarly, F. fujikuroi and A. tubingensis also exhib-
of 28.33 mm, followed by S. aureus and B. subtilis (25 and ited moderate antioxidant activity (Table 3). At 1000 µg/
23 mm), respectively (Fig. 4). DL3.2 (F. fujikuroi) inhib- ml the best antioxidant activity was observed by DL2H
ited the growth of Listeria monocytogenes ATCC (35152), that is 45.17% as compared to 87% as exhibited by ascor-
Staphylococcus aureus ATCC (292013), Salmonella typh- bic acid. Similarly, 43 and 41% free radical scavenging
imurium ATCC (14028) and Bacillus spizizenii ATCC activity was shown by fungal extract of F. fujikuroi.
(6633) with a zone of inhibition having diameter of 25, 24,

Table 1  Colony morphology and microscopic presentation of isolated endophytic fungi

Endophytic fungi Media Colony presentation Background of colony Microscopic presentation

DS1 PDA Blackish in color with wrinkled mar- Blackish brown reverse Aseptate, branched, sporangium and
gins, raised smooth velvety surface spore forming
DS2 PDA Velvety green wrinkled convex Yellowish back with brownish Septate, branched conidiophores and
surface margins spore forming
DL2H PDA Fluffy, flat, smooth in texture with Orange back with yellowish margins. Aseptate, branched and conidiophores
white color with conidia
DL3.2 PDA Raised colony, smooth velvety wrin- Dark brownish back with blackish Aseptate, branched with dispersed
kled hard dark brown color margins conidia

Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering

Fig. 2  Fungal endophytes
isolated from Debregeasia sali-
cifolia, where A; DS1, B; DS2,
C; DL3.2, D; DL2H

Table 2  Identification of S. no. Source Isolates 18S r RNA ampli- % similarity NCBI Accession no.
endophytic fungi on the base of fied region length
sequencing results
1 Leaf DL2H 600 bp 84% with Rhizopus oryzae MN947248
2 Leaf DL3.2 528 bp 99% with Fusarium fujikuroi MN947247
3 Stem DS 1 568 bp 95% with Aspergillus tubingensis MN990210

3.4 Antifungal Activity of Fungal Extracts references are provided in Tables 5, 6, 7 and 8 describing
where compounds observed in this study were previously
Ethyl acetate extract of endophytic fungi was tested for anti- identified. The compounds showed resemblance with the
fungal activity by using tube dilution method. Overall, the natural products of plant and fungal origin. The analysis of
fungal extract from DL2H (Rhizopus oryzae) was highly GC–MS data revealed that most of them were derivatives
active against Aspergillus flavus followed by Aspergillus of volatile compounds like esters, ethers, alkaloids and phe-
niger with 73.3% and 62.5% of activity. DL3.2 (F. fujikuroi) nolic compounds.
also exhibited significant activity against Aspergillus flavus
with 60% of inhibition (Table 4).
4 Discussion
3.5 GC–MS Analysis of Fungal Extracts
Medicinal plants are known to harbor fungal endophytes
GC–MS analysis of ethyl acetate extract of endophytic of great medicinal potential that include, Torreya mairei,
fungi revealed the presence of bioactive compounds. The Fusarium sp., Pestalotiopsis jesteri, Chloridium sp. and
presence of several compounds with known bioactivity was Penicillium microspora [7]. In order to explore the poten-
found in the extracts of each of the 4 fungi analyzed, and tial of D. salicifolia as a host of important endophytic

Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering

Fig. 3  A neighbor-joining tree: depicting the phylogenetic relationship of DS 1, 2 H and 3.2. The tree has been constructed using (ITS region)
MEGA X. Bootstrap values are shown at respective node

Fig. 4  Antibacterial activity of 35 DS1

endophytic fungi against ATCC
bacterial strains. Vertical bars 30 DS2
Zones of Inhibion (mm)

indicate mean (n = 4) ± standard

deviation (SD) 25


Bacterial s

fungi, we carried out an exploratory study to identify any fujikuroi and A. tubingensis) endophytic fungal strains in
endophytic fungi with potential to synthesize medici- D. salicifolia.
nally important natural products. Remarkably, our results The isolated fungi belonged to the phylum Ascomycota
revealed the presence of three (Rhizopus oryzae, F. and Zygomycota. Elsewhere, Ascomycetes, Deuteromycetes,

Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering

Table 3  Antioxidant activity Fungal extract Concentrations

of endophytic fungi extracts at
different concentrations 1000 µg/ml 500 µg/ml 250 µg/ml 125 µg/ml 62.5 µg/ml

DS1 21.10% 19.93% 15.58% 13.89% 11.98%

DL2H 45.17% 34.99% 34.25% 23.54% 22.79%
DS2 44.74% 41.19% 39.77% 38.06% 1.42%
DL3.2 43.75% 41.47% 41.33% 39.77% 26.13%
Ascorbic acid control 87% 87% 85% 83% 51%

Table 4  Antifungal activity of endophytic fungi isolated from Debre- phytotoxic secondary metabolites with herbicidal activity
geasia salicifolia  [5]. Similarly, Fusarium proliferatum (MTCC 9690) and A.
Fungal extracts Antifungal activity of fungal extracts in  % tubingensis (strain AN103) have been isolated from the bark
(4 mg/ml) of Dysoxylum binectariferum and branches of apple plant
Aspergillus niger Aspergillus flavus
(Malus domestica), respectively [54, 55]. The occurrence
DS1 42.5% 6.6% of endophytic Rhizoctonia like fungi has also been reported
DS2 41.25% 43.3% that is primarily considered as plant pathogenic fungi [56].
DL2H 62.5% 73.3% Fungal endophytes are reported to harbor genes encoding
DL3.2 60% 26.6% antibacterial compounds and involved in antioxidant activi-
ties. Consistent with other reports, our data revealed that F.
proliferatum isolated from Dysoxylum binectariferum and
and Basidiomycetes have been shown to reside inside plants’ Syzygium cordatum possess cytotoxic, antibacterial and anti-
tissues and endophytes [52, 53]. The occurrence of fungi oxidant activities [54, 57]. Moreover, Fusarium sp. has been
inside plants is widespread, a trait that is present in many reported as one of the most dominant fungal genera isolated
fungal species. For instance, F. fujikuroi has been isolated from Dracaena cambodiana and Aquilaria sinensis, with
from the Brazilian Pampa biome that is able to produce significant antimicrobial activity. This genus is comprised

Table 5  Major constituents of fungal extract DS1, as indicated by GC–MS analysis

S. no. Retention time Compound name Mol. weight Formula Biological activity

1 4.87 3,7-Diacetamido-7H-S-triazolo[5,1-C]-S- 223 C7H9O2N7 Antibacterial and antifungal activity is

triazole reported [33, 34]
2 5.30 1,6-D deoxy-L-mannitol 150 C6H14O4 Antibacterial and antipyretic activities of its
derivative are reported [35]
3 6.02 2-methyl-9-beta-D-ribofuranosyl hypoxan- 282 C11H14O5N4 Antifungal and antibacterial activity is
thine reported [36]
4 29.66 CIS-9,10-epoxyoctadecan-1-ol 284 C18H36O2 Antioxidant and antibacterial activity is
reported [37]

Table 6  Major constituents of fungal extract DS2, as indicated by GC–MS analysis

S. no. Retention time Compound name Mol. weight Formula Biological activity

1 3.66 Propanoic acid, 2-hydroxy-, pentyl ester 160 C8H16O3 Cytotoxic activity of its derivative is reported
2 4.49 2-Methyl-9-beta-D-ribofuranosyl hypox- 282 C11H14O5N4 Antibacterial and antifungal activity is
anthine reported [39]
3 5.24 2-vinyl-9-[beta-D-ribofuranosyl] hypoxan- 294 C12H14O5N4 Antibacterial and antifungal activity is
thine reported [40]
4 6.8 Silane, trichlorodocosyl 442 C22H45CI3Si Antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antitu-
mor activity is reported [41]
5 6.8 2-Tridecanol 200 C13H28O Antibacterial activity of its derivative is
reported [42].
6 8.89 Methoxy acetic acid, 2-pentadecyl ester 300 C18H36O3 Antimicrobial activity is reported [41]

Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering

Table 7  Major constituents of fungal extract DL2H, as indicated by GC–MS analysis

S. no. Retention time Compound name Mol. weight Formula Biological activity

1 3.5 4-Octadecene-1,3-diol, 2-amino 299 C18H37O2N Antibacterial activity of its derivative is

reported [43]
2 3.5 Benserazide 257 C10H15O5N3 Antibacterial and antifungal activity of its
derivative is reported [44]
3 3.68 Tetra acetyl-D-xylonic nitrile 343 C14H17O9N Antibacterial and antifungal activity is
reported [33, 34]
4 3.68 2-Methyl-9-beta-D-ribofuranosyl hypoxan- 282 C11H14O5N4 Antibacterial and antifungal activity is
thine reported [40]
5 3.68 3,7-Diacetamido-7H-S-triazolo[5,1-C]-S- 223 C7H9O2N7 Antibacterial and antifungal activity is
triazole reported [45]

Table 8  Major constituents of fungal extract DL3.2, as indicated by GC–MS analysis

S. no. Retention time Compound name Mol. weight Formula Biological activity

1 8.69 Methoxy acetic acid, pentadecyl ester 300 C18H36O3 Antimicrobial activity is reported [46]
2 10.28 12-Methyl-E,E-2, 13-octadecadien-1-OL 280 C19H36O Antimicrobial activity is reported [47]
3 11.57 Phytol, acetate 338 C22H42O2 Antimicrobial and antioxidant activities is
reported [48]
4 12.19 2-Dodecen-1-YL(-) succinic anhydride 266 C16H26O3 Antioxidant and antimicrobial activity was
reported [49]
5 12.90 Octadecanal 268 C18H36O Anti-inflammatory activity of its derivatives is
reported [50]
6 13.89 1-Hexyl-2-nitrocyclohexane 213 C12H23O2N Antioxidant, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory
activity is reported [51]

of more than 70 endophytic species capable of producing a plant pathogenic bacteria and fungi [63]. Very interest-
wide array of active metabolites [58]. Similarly, extract of ingly, 2-vinyl-9-[beta-D-ribofuranosyl] hypoxanthine was
Rhizopus oryzae isolated from Crocus sativus L. (Saffron) detected in ethyl acetate extract of Rhizopus oryzae. It
inhibited all bacteria tested. However, contrary to our find- has previously been reported from the methanolic fruit
ings different levels of antibacterial activity were recorded extract of Citrus aurantifolia [39]. Production of bioactive
with maximum activity against Luteibacter sp. followed by compounds in endophytic organisms can be linked with
Stenotrophomonas sp., Pantoea sp., Pseudomonas putida, the medicinal properties of plants, and plants may have
E. coli and Bacillus sp. [59]. a role in initiating production of these metabolites due
Extracts isolated from fungal endophytes are reported to specific environment offered to fungal strains [64, 65].
to possess antioxidant activity [60]. Our results supported Our results are in accordance with the previous findings
that concept as the extracts we obtained from four fungal that endophytic fungi can produce volatile organic com-
endophytes showed antioxidant activity to a variable extent. pounds extractable with ethyl acetate and can be analyzed
Our findings are consistent with previously published data by GC–MS [66]. Findings of study are also in agreement
regarding fungal endophyte P. citrium that exhibited signifi- with previous reports that majority of volatile organic
cant antioxidant potential [61]. compounds produced by the endophytic fungi comprises
In an effort to identify and characterize the bioactive a mixture of volatile components that generally has a syn-
compounds of fungal extracts, we took advantage of ergistic or an additive effect thus enhances their bioac-
GC–MS analysis, which indicated the presence of esters, tivity against pathogenic microbes [67]. The antifungal
alcohols, alkanes, amines and their derivatives in the fun- activity exhibited by endophytic fungi can be linked to the
gal extracts. These findings are in accordance with the presence of extracellularly secreted antifungal compounds
previous reports where extra-cellular production of vola- that may contribute to the protection systems of the plant
tile hydrocarbons by F. solani isolated from Taxus baccata against pathogens as organic compounds from fungal
has been detected [62]. Similarly, volatile hydrocarbons endophytes are being used as biological control agents for
metabolites have also been reported in some endophytic preventing deterioration of crops, fruits and vegetables. In
fungi with antimicrobial activity against human and future, there is scope to use these organic compounds in

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