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Coffey County Health Department

Coffey County
COVID- 19 Update
As of Apr il 24, 2020 Age Dist r ibu t ion of Cases
0-10 0
Case In f or m at ion
11-20 2
Total Positives 48
21-30 1
Deaths 7

Recoveries 30 31-40 3

41-50 1
Dem ogr aph ics
51-60 5
Male 12

Female 36 61-70 10

71-80 9
Sou r ce of In f ect ion
81-90 17
Connected Cases 47

Travel Related 1 91-100 0

Community-acquired 0 100+ 0

CCHD will continue to identify close contacts of the individuals of each positive case. Close contact is
defined as being within 6 feet for a prolonged period (10 minutes or longer) or having direct contact with
infectious secretions. CCHD will actively monitor the close contacts for 14 days for symptoms. The public
can help prevent the spread of COVID-19 by practicing social distancing and infection control.

Social Dist an cin g In f ect ion Con t r ol

- Maintain at least a six-foot social distance - Wash hands with soap and water for at least
from other individuals twenty seconds as frequently as possible OR
- Cancel mass gatherings where individuals use a 60% alcohol-based hand sanitizer
that will be in close contact with each other - Cover coughs/sneezes with inner elbow
- Regularly clean high-touch surfaces
- Avoid shaking hands

Cof f ey Cou n t y r esiden t s can st ay in f or m ed by visit in g:

Cof f ey Cou n t y Healt h Depar t m en t : Facebook page or
Cof f ey Healt h Syst em : Facebook page or
Kan sas Depar t m en t of Healt h an d En vir on m en t : or 1-888-534-3463
Cen t er s f or Disease Con t r ol an d Pr even t ion :

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