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Эрэмбэ Гэр бүлийн хандлага Хүүхдийн зан байдал

Эцэг эхийнх нь хувьд энэхүү төрөль нь Олны анхааралд байх дуртай

гайхамшиг байх бөгөөд бараг 200% бөгөөд ямарваа нэг зүйлийг
хүүхдэдээ анхаарал хандуулна. Түүний бусадтай хуваалцахдаа бага зэргийн
зорилго, мөрөөдөл гэх мэт түүний бүх асуудалтай. Насанд хүрэгчдийн
зүйлсийг үргэлж онцолж анхаарна. үзэл бодлоор хандах сонирхолтой.

Dethroned by next child. Has to learn to May become authoritarian or strict.

УУГАН share. Parent expectations are usually very Feels power is his right. Can become
ХҮҮХЭД high. Often given resposnsibility and helpful if encouraged. May turn to
expected to set an example. father after birth of next child.

Is more competitive, wants to

ХОЁР overtake older child. May become a
He has a pacemaker. There is always
ДАХЬ rebel or try to outdo everyone.
someone ahead.
ХҮҮХЭД Competition can deteriorate into
May be even-tempered, "take it or
Is "sandwiched" in. May feel squeezed out leave it" attitude. May have trouble
of a position of privilege and significance. finding a place or become a fighter of
Wants to be bigger than the others.
АЙЛЫН Has many mothers and fathers. Older
May have huge plans that never work
БАГА children try to educate him. Never
out. Can stay the "baby." Frequently
ХҮҮХЭД dethroned.

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