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Because of Saul's disobedience, God rejected him as king over Israel. God selected someone new to be
king, a man after His own heart, but the transfer of the crown would not be immediate. In fact, this
young man named David would serve King Saul for some time before finally becoming the king himself.

Read 1 Samuel 16:1-13 (Samuel Anoints David)

Discussion Questions:

1. Would it have been dangerous if Saul found out about Samuel's mission? (Yes, both Samuel's and
David's lives were at risk.)

2. Who was obedient to God's call? (Both Samuel and David were obedient to God's call. Samuel went to
anoint David and David accepted the call to be king.)

3. What is meant by "God looks at the heart?" (God looks at our inner being, our soul, and sees not only
how we act in public, but our inner thoughts and private actions as well.)



God helped David many times throughout his life. David was the youngest son of Jesse. As a young man,
David watched over his father's sheep, which could be a very dangerous job. When David heard Goliath
defy the armies of the living God, he knew that God would help him defeat the giant, just as God had
helped him protect the sheep. The battle was on, David relied on God's power, not his own weapons to
defeat the giant Philistine.

Read 1 Samuel 17:1-50 from your Bible

Discussion Questions:
1. What was David's main task as a young man? (Watch over his father's sheep.)

2. Was protecting the sheep a dangerous job? Why? (Lions and bears would attack the sheep.)

3. Who gave David the courage to protect the sheep? (God.)

4. Why did David want to kill Goliath? (He defied God and God's army.)



While serving King Saul, David became close friends with the king's son, Jonathan. Over time, David and
Jonathan became as close as brothers. However, as David gained popularity with the people, King Saul's
jealousy grew into hatred and he began to plot to kill David. Jonathan was caught in the middle of this
terrible conflict.

Read 1 Samuel 18:1-11

Discussion Questions:

1. What gifts did Jonathan give David? (Jonathan gave David his tunic, sword, bow, and belt.)

2. How did Jonathan first help David? (Jonathan warned David that his father was looking for an
opportunity to kill him.)

3. How did King Saul try to persuade Jonathan that it would be to his benefit to kill David? (Saul told his
son that as long as David was alive, Jonathan's kingdom could not be established.)



Our story today is about David, before he became king of Israel. Saul, the king at that time, had been
chasing David for a long time. If he ever caught David, he would surely have killed him. One day, David
caught his enemy off guard. He was no doubt tempted to kill Saul before Saul killed him. Let's read what

Read the following passage as the kids follow along in their Bibles.

1 Samuel 24:1-22 (David spares Saul)

Discussion Questions:
1. Where were David and his men when Saul went into the cave? (They were also hiding in the cave)

2. What did David do without Saul knowing? (Cut off a corner of his robe)

3. Who did David say would deliver him from the hand of Saul? (The LORD)



Soon after David became King, he decided to capture a precious treasure and bring it back to the City of
David, known also as Jerusalem. It was the Ark of God, also known as the Ark of the Covenant, and it was
covered in gold. Inside were some treasures, such as the stones containing the Ten Commandments and
some of the manna God's people ate while wandering in the desert. Bringing the ark of God back to the
City of David made King David very happy. Let's read about what happened as David entered the city
with the ark of God.

(Before reading the story, let the children know that an ephod is a sleeveless, pullover garment made of
fine linen cloth. It was a common garment worn by priests while worshipping the Lord (See 1 Samuel
2:12, 27-28). You may also want to refer to the coloring page used earlier as an example.)

Read 2 Samuel 6:12-23 (David Dances Before the Lord)

Discussion Questions:

1. What did King David do after the people carried the Ark of God six steps? (He sacrificed a bull and a
fattened calf.)

2. What did King David do with all his might as the Ark of God approached Jerusalem? (He danced before
the Lord.)

3. How would you describe how David felt as he brought back the ark of God? (Full of joy and

4. What was King David wearing? (An ephod.)

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