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Shelby Bray

Professor Kimberly Lark

History 134.112382

8 April 2020

A Day in the Life of an Etruscan Soothsayer

A Soothsayer is someone who has felicitously adapted the ability to be able to tell the

future, whether good or bad. My name is Caia Minatia and I’m thirty four years old, blessed and

cursed with this provocative power. I am born and working bred in the Etruscan society where I

work as a Soothsayer for the reputable and wealthy Phauxania family in the Farui Temple at

Veii. I was born of a metalworker and a merchant in the lower working class society of Etruscan

society. My father worked long, hard hours to create plates and other luxurious eating/dinner

tools. He would also help an associate of his when extra work was available, not because we

needed the fortune but instead it kept my father busy (he preferred it that way). My mother

worked primarily on raising myself and my younger Brother, Cneve, who now works in the

metalworking class as well.

When we were younger, I would always aspire to paint like so many before me. I found

myself sketching whenever I would wake up or I would find myself astral projecting myself into

another realm. It wasn’t long before I realized the paintings I would do up, poorly I may recall,

weren’t so much of nothing but instead allowing me to introduce what was soon to happen. It

was a gift and not long after word got around whilst partying once of age, I was very quickly

summoned by the Phauxanias in the Temple as their advisor, if you will. They rely on me

heavily for ensuring their banquets go smoothly and according to plan as well as look over their

warfare plans. I wake up every morning and I’m met by one of the servants and they allow me to
bathe and get dressed for the day. I don’t usually have the honor of eating meals with the

Phauxanias but I am honored enough to join them after my second meal of the day to look over

whatever plans they have going on. Whenever any important information is shared daily,

whether relating to personal or private matters, I am present. The mornings I spend alone reciting

my daily divinations and painting if anything has come to me. After being well-fed and meeting

with the Phauxanias, I resort to my quarters on their property (just a small well architectured hut

outside of the temple), but I must admit I am quite lonely and have often found myself

befriending the servants and slaves. I will also suggest that unless my father has been invited

here for a party, I don’t see my family often and I do miss them. Luckily enough when my father

is invited over with his working company, I do get to see my mother and brother as well as his


Whereas I always envisioned becoming an artist of sorts, I was never cut out for that kind

of job and I actually kind of like what I do now. I get to wear the robes and dine with the

wealthier families, I do imagine that when I pass away, my tomb will be beautifully architected

and they will cover my walls with art. At least this is what I tell myself to credit the wonderful

life and importance the Phauxanias have made me feel. With the ongoing controversy with the

Romans that always seems to be in place, I’m not sure what the plans are as far as protecting

their reign. I am scared that the Romans are intending to take over and though I feel they should

have just as much say in what happens, I fear the way they intend to get that point across is going

to be dangerous. As I have shared with them at yesterday's meeting, I have lately sensed

something strong is coming about and though my paintings are having a hard time depicting

what is to come… It feels an awful lot like a conquering and I don’t believe we are in favor…
DISCLAIMER: This story is completely fictitious, names and temples, etc.

Inspired by -- Citations

Cartwright, Mark. “Etruscan Society.” Ancient History Encyclopedia, Ancient History

Encyclopedia, 7 Apr. 2020,

Cartwright, Mark. “Etruscan Civilization.” Ancient History Encyclopedia, Ancient History

Encyclopedia, 7 Apr. 2020,

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