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Fundación Taular

Instituto Tecnológico Taular

English Grammar || P ______

Student's: Alex Adonay López Pérez #4. E ______

Teacher :Mr. Sergio Maradiaga. L ______

Grade: Undécimo. O ______

Job Interview

1. What does Mary give to Susan? 2. What job is Mary applying for?

She shakes her hand. She is applying for chicken jobs.

She gives Susan her resume. She is applying for a ticket job.

She says her name and the job she is applying She is applying for a kitchen job.


3. Does Mary have any experience in the kitchen?.

No, but she cooks a lot at home.

Yes, she does. She cooks at another job.

A little bit. She hardly works.

4. How does Mary describe herself? 5. What is Mary doing to improve her writing skills?

She is ambitious, but disorganized. She was on time for a year.

She is a trainer and won a certificate. She is taking an English class.

She likes to learn. She is organized and She is doing an online correspondence.

followsdirections well.

6. Why did Mary leave her last job? 7. When can Mary work?

She worked at night and she needs to work She can work from 8 to 5.

days. She can work Monday to Friday.

It was a full time job and she needs to work. She can work the graveyard shift.

part time.

She didn't like her last job.

8. Will Mary need a lot of training?

A lot. Nothing can be learned in just a day.

Not much, but some people need more than a


Not a lot. Most people learn in just a day.

9. Does Mary get the job?

Yes, she does. Susan really likes her.

No, she doesn't. There are many people applying.

Susan doesn't say, but she will call tomorrow if

she does get the job.

What is the Coronavirus?

1. What is the coronavirus?

a.) A new bacteria from China that no one had ever heard about before.

b.) An outbreak of disease that started in China that is caused by a new type of coronavirus.

2. What are the symptoms?

a.) Common flu symptoms like coughing, runny nose, and fever which can develop into pneumonia.

b.) A rash on your face, fever and trouble breathing.

3. Where have cases been confirmed so far?

a.) In animals and humans.

b.) The outbreak first started in Wuhan, China, but cases have been identified in a growing number of
other international locations.

4. Should I be panicking about this outbreak?

a.) It's a serious public-health threat, like the flu, and we should be cautious, but not alarmed.

b.) The virus affects people of all ages equally. There is no cure and it is very difficult to fight off the

5. How is this virus transmitted?

a.) It's transmitted from animals to people. The virus is spreading across China from animals to people.

b.) It's transmitted from person to person. An infected person can spread the virus to other people.

6. What treatment is available?

a.) Currently, there isn't any treatment.

b.) Antibiotics
7. How serious is this outbreak compared to others in the past?

a.) Compared to other outbreaks, not as serious.

b.) It's just as serious as outbreaks of Ebola and SARS.

Complete the sentences using the words below.

Available / confirmed / transmitted / affecting / source / global /

underlying / obviously / couple / context

1. We only know about the more severe cases, which is where people have gone on

to develop viral pneumonia and those people _obviously_ end up in hospital and

all the deaths have been amongst those people.

2. Where have cases been __confirmed_so far?

3. This brand new coronavirus came from animals and it's believed that the

_source_was actually a seafood market in Wuhan, which also sells wild animals.

4. In China, where the most cases are, it's older people who are ending up in hospital with this.
They're usually over 40 and the very youngest person diagnosed is about 13 or 14 years old. So, it
doesn't appear to be _couple small children.

5. We've only just discovered that the new coronavirus is actually _affecting_ from one person to

6. What treatment is __Available ?

7. They only work against bacteria, not viruses. So really you want an antiviral treatment, but none of
the flu drugs that we've got -- and we have got a _context of those -- will work on this. Coronavirus is
different from a flu virus, so there actually isn't any treatment at the moment at all.

8. SARS, which was a novel coronavirus just like this one back in 2002, did end up causing a__global
panic and that was largely because nobody had ever seen it before, but also the death rate was at
around 10%.

9. Well, here, so far, we're talking about a death rate of 2% which is a lot less and it
does look as if many of those people actually have had _transmitted_ health

problems which would make it more likely that they would die.

10. They could equally have died of flu. So you have to put it into that __underlying _

I think.

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