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Name Animal Adaptations Test 3-22 Explain how physical and behavioral adaptations allow organisms to survive (including hibernation, defense, locomotion, movement, {food obtainment, and camouflage for animals and scod dispersal, clr, and respons to ight fr pants) 4. Opossums and coral snakes both live in South Carolina. When an opossum is threatened. it plays dead. A coral snake curs its tail into a tight spiral and holds it up when an enemy is near. This attracts the enemy to its tail and protects its head. Although these animals are very different, what is one way in which they are similar? A. They spend a lot of time in water. B, They have ways to protect themselves. C. They use their bodies to attack predators. D. They both have fur. 2. When cold air comes in the fal, birds such as robin F. store food G. build nests H. migrate |. hibernate 3. Which of the following beaks allows birds to drink nectar from deep within flowers such as this one? 4. An arctic fox's coat changes color to blend into its surroundings. This is an example of F. hibemation G. camouflage H, locomotion |. mimicry 5. Which best describes how a porcupine defends itself from predators? A. Itchanges color. B. thas sharp quills. C Itmoves very quickly D. It makes a very loud noise 6. When an animal sleeps during the winter months, this is called F. hibemation G. camouflage H. locomotion | mimicry 7. Why would an arctic fox or polar bear have sharp claws? A to clean theirteeth B. towalk over ice and snow —C. to migrate D. to hibemate Name 8. Why do animals like monkeys have long arms and tals? help them hug each other better . to wrap around their bodies to keep warm H. to swing quickly from one branch of a tree to another |. to high five one another from far away 9. This praying mantis looks very much lke a blade of grass. Whats it called when animals look lke other animals or plants? A. camouflage B. defense C. locomotion D. mimicry 410. Ducks have webbed feet to help them swim. This is an example of F. camouflage G. tropism H. adaptation |. hibernation 11. Animals sometimes have to leave an area for a while due to lack of food or climate change. What adaptation is this an exemple of? A. locomotion B.detense C. camoufage D. movement 12. Which of the following would best help a panda bear get bamboo to eat? F. eyes G.fur C.feet D. sharp claws Name _ Animal Adaptation Test Open Ended Questions 13, Why do some animals play dead or mimic themselves to look like something else? 14, Animals such as elephants and walruses have tusks. How does this physical adaptation help them survive? 15. How does an animal prepare for hibernation? Animal Adaptation Test Name Open Ended Questions 13. Why do some animals play dead or mimic themselves to look like something else? 14, Animals such as elephants and walruses have tusks. How does this physical adaptation help them survive? 15. How does an animal prepare for hibernation?

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