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Warren Sports Supply

To: Steve Ludwig

From: Abbey Reynolds

Date: 3/6/2020

Re: Quickbooks

Warren’s Sports supply would benefit by switching from manual to quickbooks in many

ways. Quickbooks does a lot of the work for you and walks you through the process making it

less time consuming, therefore, getting more done. It updates journals and financial statements

for you instead of having to manually enter everything in each relating journal and ledger. This

makes entering the transactions easy and convenient. This process also makes it easier to

make and receive payments, pay employees, and record the information related. Quickbooks is

a perfect way to keep all information and financial statements consistent and in order.

Another way Quickbooks makes the accounting process easier is that it catches errors

and lets you know what mistake was made. This is nice because you can easily fix the mistake

when it happens so you don’t have to find out later and not know where things went wrong.

Quickbooks is easy and convenient. It is a great way to store information about

customer, vendors, and employees. QuickBooks makes accounting as easy as possible while

making minimal mistakes on entries and statements.

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