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Shri Vaishnav sm Institute of Management Indore

Internal Examination –Principles and Practices of Management

Q1.The management function which involves influencing motivating and directing human resource towards the
achievement of organizational goals is known as

a) Leading

b) Controlling

c) Planning

d) Staffing

Q2..………………managers deal with the actual operation of an organization’s units.

a) First –Level

b) Top- Level

c) Middle – Level

d) Link Level

Q3.Which theory states that there is no best way to manage all situations are :

a) Contingency Theory

b) Administrative Theory

c) System Theory

d) Bureaucratic Theory

Q4.Specialization of labor, well defined hierarchy , formal rules and procedures and merit –based career
advancement are the characteristics of ……………………

a) Scientific Management

b) Administrative Management

c) Bureaucratic Management

d) System Management

Q5.Which theory has been criticized for overemphasis on the mathematical tools
a) Management Science Theory

b) Management Information System

c) Operation Management

d) Scientific Management

Q6.Who was the most prominent among the general administrative theorists

a) Henry Fayol

b) Henri Fayol

c) Fredereick Taylor

d) Frank Gilberth

Q7.Decreasing the load of subordinates in decision making is known as

a) Decentralization

b) Stabilization

c) Centralization

d) Organization

Q8.Unlike Classical Theorists who viewed organizations from a production point of view , behavior theorists
viewed it from the ………….point of view

a) Human

b) Technical

c) Administrative

d) Scientific

Q9.Which of the following determine the persons ethical or unethical behavior

a) Values

b) Procedures

c) Rules

d) Policies
Q10.Which level of managers are involved in the development of plans

a) Top –Level

b) Middle –Level

c) First Level

d) All the Above

Q11.Planning encourages ………………….thinking among managers .

a) Conservative

b) Innovative

c) Conventional

d) Stereotype

Q12.Which type of plan is used when unique situations of non recurring nature occurs

a) Primary Plans

b) Secondary Plans

c) Single –Use Plans

d) Standing Plans

Q13.Which one of the following is not a type of single – use Plan

a) Programs

b) Budget

c) Policies

d) Projects

Q14.If goals are the desired ends , which of the following are the means for achieving those ends

a) Commitments

b) Strategies

c) Plans
d) Programs

Q15.Which of the following are developed by the lower – level managers

a) Operational

b) Tactical

c) Strategies

d) Standing

Q16.Which of the following is the first step in the process of planning process

a) Establishing Objectives

b) Determining Planning Objectives

c) Identifying Alternatives

d) Analyzing opportunities

Q17.Most of the important decisions that managers make are ……………………………

a) Functional

b) Programmed

c) Non- Programmed

d) Tactical

Q18.………………………………is the key concept of the satisficing model of decision making which suggests
that the ability of managers to be completely rational when making decision is limited by certain factors

a) Rationality

b) Irrationality

c) Bounded rationality

d) Bonded Rationality

Q19.…………………….describes the process by which a course of action is selected to deal with a specific

a) Decision Making
b) Strategic Planning

c) Goal Setting

d) Organizational Planning

Q20……………..refers to the grouping of activities and resources in a logical fashion

a) Organizing

b) Planning

c) Staffing

d) Controlling

Q21.Which of the following Fayol’s Principles of management aims at avoiding the possibility of conflictimg order?

a) Well Defined hierarchy of authority

b) Unity of Command

c) Authority on par with responsibility

d) Downwards delegation of authority not responsibility

Fill in the blanks

1. …………… action oriented and provide an energizing thrust towards the achievement of goals.

2. Teamwork is fundamentally important to an organization. Work teams and extensive face-to-face verbal
communication encourages teamwork is the principle of ………………………………

3. External Information is more useful for ………..level Managers

4. The interests of one employee or group of employees are subordinate to the interests and goals of the
organization known as ……………………….

5. ……………………….is a system that is not influenced by and does not interact with its environment

6. …………………… the concept of executive functions that embodies the skill of anticipating influences
and controlling the nature of directions of change

7. The open system approach to planning is effective as it leads to ………….in planning.

8. ……………… a must for proper control mechanism

9. …………………places the right person at the right place, at right time.

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