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Lecturer: asif sadiq


Analyses of marketing mix for mega store of Lahore?
The Marketing mix
Marketing mix is simply a set of tool which the business and marketers use for the marketing of
their product or brand which they are offering. Now a day business uses 7 ps. for the marketing
mix (product, place, promotion, price, peoples, process, physical, evidence)

For the better explanation of the marketing mix let take the example of


Hyper Star the only mega superstore in Lahore with wonderful shopping characteristics running
throughout the year for consumer and given lasting experience while we observed on hyper star
some of the interesting things were known to us and we constructed them as our variable too.
Promotion. Staffing of serviced department, Adertised special promotion, Efficant antaccurate
operations, Easy access to car park, convenient loctons.These type of stores play a very
important role in society.

Every mega store has branded thing.Therefor hyper star Lahore is very famous for his
goods and serve. Hyper star every time take such type of thing which his consumer
wants. Every time these type of stores take view of his consumer what its consumer
want.Hyper star offer product which satisfied its customer.
Place play a very important role for marketing. Therefore hyper star chose fortress
stadium Lahore. This place is very famous in Lahore because many visitors come there
for visiting fortress stadium. Hyper star give his services to these visitors and satisfied
with his product.
The price of the product according to the marketing mix should represent a good value
for the money which is paid for the product. But it not mean the product is available at
cheapest rate. according to the marketing mix prices should be as the customer is happly
pay for it as the hyper star set his price according the product their product are so good
that customer are happily pay little more comparatively to current market

Hyper star is situated on very famous place. Therefore hyper star do promotion of his
products through media and other sources which is used for promotion. They organize
many events for the promotion of their product. They give weekly and monthly sale
discount to attract their customers time to time.

All the companies depends on the people who are running their people which is very
important if the company having trained and professional people in the staff they can
make their company progressive and successful. It is very important that all the staff from
the sales time to the managing directors should be right people on the right place hyper
star staff are much trained and professional their customer service is so good and
attractive that customer love to visit again and hyper star store they prefer to shop on
hyper star.


According to the marketing mix process is that how you delivered your services to your
customers it is the part of the for what the customer is paying. As hyper star process of
delivering there product to the customer is very good. Hyper star is giving online service
to buy product to his customer.

Physical evidence
Almost all services include some physical elements even if the bulk of what the consumer
is paying for is intangible. For example a hair salon would provide their client with a
completed hairdo and an insurance company would give there. As hyper star giving
service to their customer they feel good when they visit the hyper star. Hyper star store
are clean and decorated customer feel good when they visit hyper star they have always a
have good opinion about the product of the hyper star.


Consumer Value

Hyper star address the needs and wants of his customers/consumer and minimize the cost
of their solution.Hyperstar unify his goals of generating income or making money from
his business, and delivering high value to his customers/consumers. Hyper star is giving
good quantity/quality of product/service to his customer. Hyper star give product to his
customer in suitable price.

Cost is a major factor that determines whether customers or consumers will buy or avail
the products or services. There is no standard formula for costing, but it depends largely
on customers/consumers. Cost means you need to consider how much your
customers/consumers are willing to pay for the value of your offer (product or service). It
also depends on the type of market you are targeting to capture. Hyper star set their
products cost according to his customers because hyper star is a brand and customer
happily pay for their products. Normally hyper star running his store in the elite class
areas of the city they normally establish their points in big cities


Convenience plays a vital role in marketing mix. These days, people decide in favor of
buying based on convenience. Such as hyper star Lahore is giving good convenience to
his customer. Hyper star have a large parking area for his customer. Hyper star have a
beautiful building which convince the customer and hyper star have a neat and clean
environment. Hyper star is giving online buying product facility to his customer.


Communication is the most important part of any business. If you are unable to
communicate your message properly than it will create problem for you and for your
company or business it is very important that your communication should be very clear
so that your customer can understand that what you are offering if you fail to convey the
message in could be lose for your business. Hyper star communicate their product very
clear and according to their target market. Employee of hyper star is much trained they
communicate with the customer in way that can better understand. Hyper star make his
communication more personal. Hyper star deliver his personalized communication
through your customers’ preferred media or channel.

At the end of we reach on this point that hyper star and other mega store play a very
important role in society. Due to these types of stores shopping has become very easy
because we can buy everything which we want. We can save much of our time because
every type of product is present on this type of mega store. According to the marketing
mix hyper star is marketing his customer and giving good services and product to his
customer. They offer to his customer what the market


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