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Breakfast Dates 

Dates at any time of the day are good. They are exciting, (if with the right human). There
is, however, a certain pressure that is added. When going on a date you usually shower, put on
deodorant, fix your hair, ect. Except when it is a breakfast date. 
Breakfast dates are different. You will smile bigger and laugh harder, regardless of how
much sleep you got the night before. There is something about waking up, throwing on your
comfiest pair of sweats, and tying your hair in the messiest bun. Whether you eat in or take out it
all gives you the same warm feeling inside. It is a fact that if you go to breakfast with someone
that you already love you are guaranteed to love them at least a little more after a hot cup of
coffee. And if you are not already in love then you will be now. Plus, once you see each other at
breakfast you will learn so much about the other person. Like, how they like their eggs, do they
like cream or sugar, and what kind of toast they prefer. Want to know what they did the night
before? Just invite them to breakfast. You will be able to tell. You will either see day old
makeup, or they will look well rested. 
Maybe you two woke up together. Maybe you had the most wonderful night. Your dinner
date turned into a movie marathon, then into a breakfast date. If you wake up together than I
guarantee you had no time to brush your teeth and yes, they can smell the night sweats too. I am
sure they do not care though. All they are thinking about is how amazing it is to wake up next to
someone that beautiful. It made their day. And now all that is left to do is top it off with a
pancake drowned in syrup. 
Breakfast food is another major factor of what makes breakfast dates so great. All
breakfast food is always warm and made with love. Sharing it with the right human makes it just
that much more special. And the smell gives breakfast a type of energy you cannot beat. There is
a sense of calmness. 
Why stay up late when you can start the day off right? Staying out late and sleeping in
wastes the day away. Going out for a breakfast date allows you to be up and in the sunshine. You
can’t beat that. 
So, go ahead. Call your mom, your best friend, your brother, your lover. Invite them to a
breakfast date. You will not regret it. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Make the
most of it.

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