CR Exercise 2 Asghar Ali

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Creative Writing
Student Name:

Batch: Batch No.05

Exercise: Exercise No.02

Problem Statement
Proofread the provided text and identify the errors if any.
Read the following paragraph carefully. Read the paragraph more than once.
Identify errors in spelling, punctuation and verb forms.
Note down errors in the table provided below. Some sample errors have been given below for

your reference.
An avalanche ocurrs when a layer of snow becomes unstable, collapses and slides downhill. Avalanchs
can cause extensive damage to things in it’s path. There is several things that can cause a avalanche; a
steep slope, a week layer in the snow cover, or a trigger such as an earthquake or animal movment.
Did you know that avalanches can reach speeds of 250 miles per hour. Just seconds after an avalanche, the
snow quickly turn into ice and freezes hard as concrete.
The united states ranks fifth in the world when it comes to avalanche danger. One of the deadliest
avalanches in american history took place in Washington’s Cascade Mountains. In march, 1910, an
avalanche sweeped away trains and killed 96 people.

Solution is give as under:

Sr. Errors found: Corrected Words
1. ocurrs occurs
2. Avalanchs Avalanches
3. a an
4. it’s its
5. is are
6. layer later
7. movment. movement.
8. hour. hour?
9. united United
10. states States
11. ranks rank
12. american American
13. march March
14. sweeped swept
15. , or or
16. speeds speed

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