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Creative Writing
Student Name:

Batch: Batch No.05

Exercise: Exercise No.03

Problem Statement
Compose a Letter to the Editor communicating your concerns over any ONE of the prevalent issues
mentioned below:
Letter to the Editor Regarding: Frequent Load Shedding of Electricity / Gas.
Letter to the Editor Regarding: Poor Supply of Water.
Letter to the Editor Regarding: Highlighting condition of the road in your locality.
Letter to the Editor Regarding: Deforestation – Major Environmental Problem.
Choose ONE issue that you think is most important and you also have some background knowledge of
the cause(s) and the impact of the chosen issue.
Compose a formal letter of 250 words.

Solution is give as under:

Letter to the Editor Regarding: Frequent Load Shedding of Electricity

Asghar Ali
Dated: 27.01.2020
The Editor,
Express News,

It has been respectfully stated that electricity load shedding has become an
everyday affair in our area. The State Electricity Board seemed to be extremely careless about
the difficulties faced by the people of the area.
So, it is humbly requested that the evil of extra load shedding should be ventilated
through your newspaper, so that the relevant authority come to its senses and takes immediate
steps to remove this unbearable hazardous problem.
The curse of load-shedding has become a chronic disease that disturb the routine
of life so badly that everybody got so tiered of this evil. Yes, it happens occasionally, no one
would have any objection about it. But now it has become a regular occurrence, which is
definitely prof of negligence and inefficiency of the relevant departments.
At night students have to suffer so much tension to continue their study programs.
We are aware of energy crises in our country but higher authorities should keep in mind this vital
need of each citizen and they should find some alternative to fulfil the electricity needs of
citizens of our country. It would be great favor, if you highlight this issue with your valuable
suggestion or criticism through your popular newspaper media.
An early and favorable action will be highly appreciated. Thanks.

Your truly,
Asghar Ali
A citizen of Sheikhupura.

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