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Lupon National Comprehensive High School

2nd Summative Test in Organization and Management

2nd Semester 2019-2020

Test I. Identify the following word that falls on:

A. 1-5 If it is Internal Factors or External Factors; Write the correct answer on the space provided.

1. Plans and Policies -_____________________________________

2. Relationship with Employees -_____________________________________
3. Human and Financial Resources -_____________________________________
4. Peso Devaluation -_____________________________________
5. Government Regulations -_____________________________________

B. 6-10 If it is Political/ Economic/ Social/ Technological Factors

6. Government Decision -_____________________________________
7. Unemployment Rate -_____________________________________
8. Illiteracy Rate -_____________________________________
9. Easier Access to Internet -_____________________________________
10. Lower Energy Cost -_____________________________________

Test II. Multiple Choice. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. The ability to favorably received and adjust to an unfamiliar way of doing things
a. Cultural intelligence b. monochronic cultures c. polychronic cultures d. none of

2. Refer to cultures where in people tend to do one thing at a time.

a. Cultural intelligence b. monochronic cultures c. polychronic cultures d. none of

3. Are more flexible as regards time; accomplishing many different things at once is common for
these cultures. a. power distance b. polychronic cultures c. monochronic cultures

4. Degree to which society accepts or rejects the unequal distribution of power among people in
organizations and institutions of society.
a. Monochronic cultures b. polychronic cultures c. power distance d. none of the above

5. Degree to which a society emphasizes individual accomplishments versus collective

a. Individualism-collectivism b. power distance c. masculinity-femininity
6. A theory about economic growth which depends in the rate of population of a certain area.
a. Malthusian b. Government-Led c. A LA KUZNETS d. none of the above

7. Support the function of partnership between local and national institutions towards strategic
implementation. A. Malthusian b. Government-led c. A LA KUZNETS d. none of the above

8. The existence of a pattern or behavior between economic growth and environmental

degradation. A, Malthusian b> Government-Led c. A LA KUZNETS d. none of the above

9. Is a measure of economic value of an employee’s skill set.

a. Government-led b. A LA KUZNETS c. Human Capital Based d. none of the above

10. Is the transition from high birth and death rate to lower birth and death rate as the country
develops from pre-industrial to an industrialized economic system.
a. A LA KUZNETS b. Human Capital Based c. Post Demographic Transition

Good Luck and God Bless!

Ma’am Flor/2020
2nd Summative Test in Organization and Management

2nd Semester 2019-2020

Answer Key:

Test I. Identify the following word that falls on:

A. Internal and External Factors

1. Plans and Policies - Internal Factors
2. Relationship with employees - Internal Factors
3. Human and Financial Resources – Internal Factors
4. Peso Devaluation - External factors
5. Government Regulations -External factors

B. PEST Analyses (Political, Economic, Social, Technological Factors)

6. Government Decision - Political Factors
7. Unemployment rate -Economic factors
8. Illiteracy rate -Social Factors
9. Easier access to internet -Technological factors
10. Lower Energy cost -Technological Factors

Test II. Multiple Choice:

1. A. - cultural intelligence
2. B - monochronic cultures
3. B - polychronic cultures
4. C - Power distance
5. A- Individualism-Collectivism
6. A - Malthusian
7. B - Government Led
9. C - Human Capital Based
10. C - Post-Demographic Transition

/ma’am flor

Lupon National Comprehensive High School

2nd Summative Organization and Management

2nd Semester 2019-2020

T a b l e of S p e c I f I c a t I o n

Topic Total Knowledge Understanding Process

The I- 1,2,3,
Firm and Its 4, 5
Forces and
PEST Analyses I- 6, 7,
and SWOT 8, 9,
Analyses 10
The Local and II- 1,2,3,4,5
Business of a
5 Phases of III- 6,7,8,9,10
Total 20 10 10

Prepared By:

Florentina M. Visto

Senior High Teacher 1


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