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1. pressure == stress
2. stay up == remain above
3. move == travel
4. push == force
5. smooth == somewhat
6. shape == figure
7. allow == let
8. easily == effortlessly
9. reduce == decrease
10. rapidly == swiftly
11. thrust == shove
12. stream == flow
13. fail == be unsuccessful
14. descend == go down
15. slightly == fat

1. What are they talking about? They talking about the weather in Indonesia lately
2. When does the dry season last? The dry season last ini April until September.
3. Why do they talk about moving to a four-season country? They talk about moving to a
four-season country because they want to fell the snow and four different season.
4. Mention the reason why Laras wants to stay in Canada? Laras has family in Canada so
when she move there, she will has no problem to live.
5. What can we infer from the text about the weather in their own country? We can infer that
our country weather is hot lately because of the increase of volcanis activity.

Dilogue :
Laras : Hi Intan, do you feel that the weather is so hot lately that we feel uncomfortable?
Intan : I think so. Last night I was so sweaty that I could not sleep well. Consequently, I
had to turn on the AC all night.
Laras : Actually, what’s going on with the weather?
Intan : I do not know, probably because of the increase of volcanic activity or the global
warming is getting worse.
Laras : I agree with the first opinion where the volcanic activity in Indonesia continues
to increase so that we feel an overly hot every day.
Intan : If the cause is indeed a volcano, we can only wait until the Indonesian climate
return to normal.
Laras : It is on May, hopefully on September we already feel the rainy season so the
weather in Indonesia will not be so hot.
Intan : I hope so.
Laras : Intan, have you ever thought of moving out of this country so that you can feel
the snow and four different seasons?
Intan : Yes, I have ever thought so.
Laras : If you get a chance to go, where will you go?
Intan : wish to go to Spain. I heard that Spain does not have a very cold weather. On the
contrary, I do not want to visit England, because the weather is really cold and I think it is
so difficult to adapt.
Laras : That is a good idea.
Intan : What about you?
Laras : I want to move to Canada.
Intan : Why do you choose a really far country? If you want to experience four distinct
seasons, you can move to Japan or Italy.
Laras : I have some family in Canada so when I move there, I will have no problem to
Intan : Hmmmm, it is not funny Laras!

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