A Utilitarian Approach To Fusarium Identification

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Brett A.

Royal Botanic Gardens – Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Baharuddin Salleh
School of Biological Sciences, Science University of Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia

John F. Leslie
Throckmorton Plant Sciences Center, Kansas State University, Manhattan

A Utilitarian Approach
to Fusarium Identification

Most plant pathologists, at some time in be biologically meaningful. In many cases, the isolation and recovery process are in-
their career, must identify a culture of a formal descriptions of such species have cluded. As this review is targeted to plant
Fusarium species. The complexity of the been made (11,18,26) or old names have pathologists, it focuses on problems associ-
problem varies, depending on the host been resurrected and associated with ated with the diagnosis and identification
from which the culture originated and the groups of strains now split from previous of plant diseases caused by Fusarium, and
degree of resolution required in the identi- species (43). the examples used relate to plant pathol-
fication. Fusarium species cause a huge If these previously cryptic species were ogy. However, the principles outlined can
range of diseases on an extraordinary range rare or of limited economic importance, be used when identifying Fusarium cul-
of host plants. The fungus can be soil- then much of this activity could be viewed tures that originate from other sources, and
borne, airborne, or carried in plant residue, as a “tempest in a teapot” from a practical may find applications in studies of other
and can be recovered from any part of a point of view. Unfortunately, these species fungi or plant pathogens as well.
plant from the deepest root to the highest can be quite important, e.g., F. andiyazi
flower. In addition, Fusarium taxonomy and F. thapsinum are major pathogens of Species Concepts in Fusarium
has been plagued by changing species con- sorghum that differ both from one another The species concept being used in the
cepts, with as few as nine or well over and from other strains in Fusarium section species definition essentially defines the
1,000 species being recognized by various Liseola, with which they had previously criteria through which species can be rec-
taxonomists during the past 100 years, been grouped as “F. moniliforme” (23,26). ognized and the basis upon which they can
depending on the species concept em- As these different species are recognized be differentiated from one another. In Fu-
ployed. The literature stabilized signifi- and strains assigned to them, often on the sarium, there currently are three different
cantly in the early 1980s with the publica- basis of sexual cross-fertility or similarities basic species concepts being employed—
tions of Gerlach and Nirenberg (12) and of DNA sequences, distinguishing morpho- morphological, biological, and phyloge-
Nelson et al. (31), who defined morpho- logical features often can be discerned. netic (see Leslie et al. [24] for a more de-
logical species concepts that were widely These morphological features serve as the tailed discussion of these species concepts
accepted and successfully used by numer- basis for formal descriptions of these taxa and their application to Fusarium). In gen-
ous practitioners. These publications are that meet the rules of the International eral, morphological species concepts are
best thought of as definitive signposts Code for Botanical Nomenclature, but are based on the similarity of observable mor-
rather than as the end of the journey. Since not necessarily easily applied in a diagnos- phological characters, e.g., spore size and
that time, the application of biological (23) tic setting. shape. Biological species concepts require
and phylogenetic (33) species concepts to Our objective in this review is to outline that members of the same species are sexu-
new and existing strain collections has a practical approach to identifying species ally cross-fertile and that the progeny of
indicated that many of the previously de- of Fusarium, especially in relation to those the crosses are both viable and fertile.
scribed species were in need of further that affect plants (and indirectly plant pa- (Horses and donkeys are in separate spe-
splitting if the species designations are to thologists!). This approach will allow suf- cies because the mules that result from a
ficient identification of most cultures for cross between the two are not fertile.) Fi-
routine work in a diagnostic laboratory, nally, DNA sequences have been used to
Corresponding author: Brett A. Summerell, Royal and indicate when assistance from other generate characters that usually are treated
Botanic Gardens – Sydney, Mrs. Macquaries
Road, Sydney, New South Wales 2000, Australia; scientists with more specialized equipment cladistically to form phylogenies, and
E-mail: Brett.Summerell@rbgsyd.nsw.gov.au or skills should be sought. When identify- those that are part of the same mono-
ing strains of Fusarium, spore type and phyletic group, i.e., that have a common
Contribution no. 03-118-J from the Kansas Agri- morphology are commonly viewed as the genetic origin, at a defined level are said to
cultural Experiment Station, Manhattan. most important pieces of data, but the diag- be in the same species. Although any group
nostic process can be simplified if addi- of sufficiently numerous characters can
Publication no. D-2002-1206-01F tional information such as host plant, dis- form the basis of a phylogenetic lineage, in
© 2003 The American Phytopathological Society ease symptoms, and observations made in practice DNA sequences of one to several

Plant Disease / February 2003 117

“appropriately conserved” genes are used fujikuroi and Nectria haematococca spe- have not been identified. With phyloge-
for this purpose. All of these species con- cies complexes, and in many cases, de- netic species, the most common error is
cepts are subject to errors that can result fined, publicly available tester strains can resolving isolates into more groups than
from the “Iceberg effect” (50), wherein a be used to make the crosses required for are biologically meaningful, or “splitting.”
relatively small number of cultures are identification. For still other Fusarium Many plant pathologists think that such
analyzed (i.e., the tips of the iceberg) and species, DNA sequence information is concepts and approaches are somewhat
differences/similarities discernable only available to support phylogenetic species pedantic and best left to mycologists to sort
when large numbers of strains are analyzed concepts, e.g., Nirenberg and O’Donnell out. Yet, for a number of taxa within Fusa-
are discounted or ignored. Thus, a species (33). There are relatively few instances in rium, the approach taken can result in dif-
description based on a relatively large set which all three types of information exist, ferent outcomes with important practical
of strains collected at multiple times or and in such cases these data have been consequences. The best example of this
locations usually is more reliable than one used to develop a “polyphasic” species dilemma is the widely known and reported
that is based on a relatively small collec- description, e.g., Gibberella circinata maize pathogen, F. moniliforme. For dec-
tion (>20 to 30) from a single field sample (Fusarium circinatum) (5,33) and Gibber- ades, this fungus was associated with cob
or from culture collections. Although sam- ella konza (Fusarium konzum) (52). In and stalk rot in maize and stalk rot and
ple size is not a crucial variable in making these cases, however, the species defini- grain mold in sorghum, as well as with the
diagnostic strain identifications, the sound- tions are extremely robust. The most com- production of mycotoxins such as fumonis-
ness of the species description can be af- mon error resulting from a morphological ins and moniliformin, compounds whose
fected by this variable. species description is the grouping of common names are derived from the spe-
For many species of Fusarium, morpho- isolates that should be separated into a cies name. Depending upon the species
logical characters are the only ones that are common species, or “lumping.” With bio- concept employed, different numbers of
well described and widely available. For a logical species, the most common error is species of Fusarium are associated with
limited number of Fusarium species, we no diagnosis because the appropriate tester these problems. If a morphological species
have biological species information, e.g., strains may not be available or because concept is used, then a single morphologi-
the mating populations in the Gibberella suitable laboratory crossing conditions cal entity, F. moniliforme sensu lato, is

Fig. 1. Typical disease symptoms caused by various species of Fusarium. A, Fusarium wilt of banana caused by F. oxysporum f. sp.
cubense. B, Fusarium wilt of tomato caused by F. oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici. C, Stem rot of vanilla caused by F. oxysporum. D,
Mango malformation caused by F. manginifera. E, Fusarium wilt of Canary Island date palm caused by F. oxysporum f. sp.
canariensis. F, Bakanae disease of rice caused by Fusarium fujikuroi. G, Stalk rot of sorghum caused by F. thapsinum. H, Root rot
of Aglaonema commutatum caused by Fusarium solani. I, Cob rot of maize caused by F. verticillioides. All photos by authors
except D, by Randy Ploetz, E, by Suzanne Bullock, and G, by Larry Claflin.

118 Plant Disease / Vol. 87 No. 2

associated with all of these problems. If the eases that are well known to most patholo- Isolation Procedures
biological species concept is used, then gists (30,48), but lesser known diseases Isolation protocols have a significant im-
two species, F. verticillioides and F. thaps- such as malformation disease in mango pact on the recovery of Fusarium species
inum (17), along with a significant number (38) and bakane disease in rice can have from diseased plants. It is common to re-
of sterile strains that belong to neither spe- important local economic impact. The cover more than one species of Fusarium
cies can be identified. The recent accep- nature of the disease provides important from individual pieces of diseased plant
tance of the change of name F. moniliforme clues as to the species that will be recov- material. The isolation technique selected
to F. verticillioides to conform to nomen- ered, and often limits the range of species should maximize recovery of the “true”
clatural rules allows these two entities to that need to be distinguished (Table 1). pathogen while restricting the recovery of
be clearly distinguished. Recently, molecu- Thus, the possible outcomes for most rou- “weed” fungi, especially secondary patho-
lar analysis, which follows a phylogenetic tine diagnoses can be identified quickly, as gens and saprophytes such as those found
species concept, has allowed the recogni- the number of species associated with par- in intensively cultivated soil (25). As a
tion of an additional species, F. andiyazi ticular hosts or disease symptoms often is number of Fusarium species are commonly
(26), from the sterile strains identified in relatively limited. However, if symptoms recovered as weeds (Table 2), from both
the biological species approach, but the are novel or unusual for the diseased host, plant parts and soil, the identification of
sexual stage associated with F. andiyazi the information provided by this approach the causal agent always requires care.
has not yet been formed under laboratory may not be particularly valuable. Where possible, Koch’s postulates should
conditions. Cursory microscopic examina- Fusarium species recovered from both be repeated with such questionable strains
tion of cultures of any of these three spe- natural and agricultural ecosystems have before they are reported as pathogens.
cies would be insufficient to differentiate distinct climatic preferences (1,2,6). The cli- Such tests, however, are usually far beyond
them even though there are important bio- mate, and even local variations in weather, the scope of routine, utilitarian laboratory
logical differences. F. verticillioides causes can limit the range of species observed, diagnoses.
cob and stalk rots on maize and produces even if several are present, and influence Working from fresh and freshly diseased
large amounts of fumonisin, while F. their relative frequency. In broad terms, plant material usually reduces the number
thapsinum is associated with sorghum stalk there are species that prefer tropical of secondary pathogens and saprophytes
rot diseases and produces very little fu- climates, hot arid climates, or temperate present in a sample. The longer the plant
monisin but high levels of moniliformin, climates, and a fourth group that has a has been diseased, and the longer the sam-
and F. andiyazi causes significant disease cosmopolitan range. A concern with many ple has been awaiting analysis, the more
in sorghum seedlings but produces little if of the species in the fourth group is that likely it is that fungal species other than
any fumonisin or moniliformin and is not they may be sets of sibling species, which the pathogen, including other Fusarium
acutely toxic to ducklings (J. F. Leslie, K. are morphologically indistinguishable but species, will have invaded the diseased
A. Zeller, S. C. Lamprecht, J. P. Rheeder, genetically distinct, that have yet to be area. This problem is particularly acute for
and W. F. O. Marasas, unpublished). adequately resolved. For example, maize soilborne diseases, such as wilt diseases
stalk rot from plants in relatively warm, and root rots, and these diseased samples
Overall Identification Strategy dry areas such as Kansas is most likely should be expected to yield a range of
The critical question for all who identify caused by F. verticillioides, while the same fungi other than the original causal organ-
Fusarium cultures is, “How much informa- disease in cooler moister areas such as ism. Among Fusarium species, F. equiseti
tion is needed?” Part of the problem in Minnesota or the highlands of Mexico is and F. semitectum are noted saprophytic
identifying Fusarium is that the answer to more likely to be caused by F. subgluti- colonizers that can be regularly recovered
this question changes depending on the nans. In wheat, F. culmorum can cause as secondary invaders of diseased tissue. In
species being identified and the use to crown disease in cooler temperate areas, many cases, these fungi are reported as
which the answer will be put. Often the while F. pseudograminearum is more com- pathogens or causal agents of diseases
most difficult part of the diagnostic identi- mon in warmer subtropical and arid re- based on the recovery of these species
fication of a Fusarium culture is to clearly gions (1). from diseased material, but Koch’s postu-
define the question being asked, to deter-
mine the amount of information needed to
answer that question, and to know if the Table 1. Fusarium species commonly recovered as causes of diseases from economically
information obtained suffices to answer the important host plants
question. Plant species Fusarium species
The first step in the identification proc-
ess is to clearly describe the plant disease Banana F. oxysporum f. sp. cubense
and the symptoms observed on the dis- Cotton F. oxysporum f. sp. vasinfectum
Legumes F. avenaceum and formae speciales of F. oxysporum and F. solani
eased plant, and to note the weather condi- Maize F. graminearum, F. proliferatum, F. subglutinans, F. verticillioides
tions under which the disease occurred. Rice F. fujikuroi
Next, isolation and recovery protocols are Sorghum F. andiyazi, F. proliferatum, and F. thapsinum
evaluated to determine the spectrum of Vegetables Formae speciales of F. oxysporum and F. solani
species likely to be recovered. Finally, the Wheat/barley/oats F. culmorum, F. graminearum, and F. pseudograminearum
strains of interest are purified and then
evaluated by using morphological, molecu-
lar, and cross-fertility criteria. These steps
are evaluated in more detail in the text that
follows. Table 2. Species of Fusarium regularly recovered from various parts of diseased plants as
The Diseased Plant, Disease Plant part Fusarium species
Symptoms, and Distribution
Roots and stem bases F. acuminatum, F. avenaceum, F. compactum, F. equiseti,
Strains of Fusarium species can cause F. proliferatum, F. oxysporum, F. solani
an extraordinarily broad range of plant Leaves and aerial parts F. proliferatum, F. semitectum
diseases (Fig. 1). The most important are Flowers F. semitectum
the crown and root rots, stalk rots, head Seed and grain F. chlamydosporum, F. equiseti, F. poae, F. semitectum
and grain blights, and vascular wilt dis-

Plant Disease / February 2003 119

lates either cannot be or were not com- perithecia, on the outside of the stem. We needed for some bioclimatic modeling
pleted with the recovered strains. The fre- also often cut stems and examine cross studies, for example, can be undertaken (1).
quent reporting of species such as F. sections or cuts through the lumen of the
equiseti and F. semitectum as pathogens of stem to determine if vascular browning has Recovering a Fusarium Species
a broad range of plant species supports this occurred or if hyphae are present in the The successful culturing of a Fusarium
conclusion, and also means that reports of lumen. Such symptoms can be diagnostic species leads to further decisions that can
the pathogenicity of these species should for vascular wilts of a range of species significantly influence the final result. The
be viewed with caution unless supported caused by F. oxysporum, or for crown and first decision is whether the Fusarium
with data that go beyond the recovery of stem rots of wheat and barley caused by F. isolate cultured is of importance and its
these species from diseased plant material. pseudograminearum or F. culmorum. analysis worthy of additional time and
The type of disease often dictates the In some situations, the pathogen is well material resources, e.g., is the strain a
isolation procedure used. The most obvious defined, and the question being asked is pathogen? The quality and quantity of the
part of the plant from which to recover the one of quantity, i.e., how frequently is the plant samples available usually guide this
fungus is the part being affected by the pathogen recovered, rather than quality, decision. If the diseased material is of a
disease. However, this task must be ap- i.e., to which species do the pathogenic high quality, i.e., it is representative and
proached with an open mind, as some isolates belong. In such cases, there may be has not degraded significantly, and if there
symptoms can be a response to infection at isolation techniques that can be used to are sufficient samples to ensure consis-
another point. As a general rule, if there is recover a pathogen from numerous sam- tency in the recovery of the pathogen, then
a lesion or disease focus, attempt to isolate ples while still providing enough informa- this decision should be easy. Unfortunately
the fungus from the leading edge of this tion to the identity of the pathogen to allow not all samples are of this type, and it is
region, as this is the point at which the the collection of meaningful data. For ex- not uncommon for a client to expect the
fungus is most likely to be actively grow- ample, with the wheat crown rot pathogen, plant diagnostician to perform a miracle by
ing and easily recovered. Also, in general F. pseudograminearum, there is a selective recovering only the causal agent and pro-
and to the extent feasible, more samples medium (7) on which many fungi and bac- ducing an unquestionable diagnosis on the
are better than fewer, since if the “real” teria cannot grow, but the pathogen can be basis of a limited sample of very suspect
pathogen is lost in a larger group of secon- tentatively identified by colony morphol- material. In these instances, experience
dary invaders, the more samples taken, the ogy. These identification schemes always plays an important role in the diagnostic
more likely the correct causal agent is to be must be validated through a more detailed decision, and the formal tasks of exhaus-
identified from the crowd. Careful exami- examination of a randomly selected subset tive isolation, strain recovery, and subcul-
nation of the diseased plant also can pro- of isolates, and usually are developed in turing often are replaced by a more prag-
vide hints for the best isolation procedure response to a need to be able to quickly matic decision-making process grounded in
to use. We usually examine plant material identify and quantify the amount of a par- the familiarity of the diagnostician with
both before and after washing it, as a thor- ticular species or set of species. However, it hosts, diseases, and the frequency with
ough wash can dislodge diagnostic charac- is only through such identification processes which proven pathogenic organisms have
ters, e.g., the presence of sporodochia or that the relatively large-scale experiments been recovered from similar samples.

Fig. 2. Colony morphology of Fusarium species on potato dextrose agar. The top plate in each pair is the upper surface and the
lower plate is the under surface. A, F. poae. B, F. oxysporum. C, F. acuminatum. D, F. nelsonii. E, F. subglutinans. F, F. nygamai. G,
F. pseudonygamai. H, F. lateritium. I, F. thapsinum. J, F. decemcellulare. K, F. verticillioides. L, F. culmorum.

120 Plant Disease / Vol. 87 No. 2

Fig. 3. Flow chart of identification protocol used for identifying Fusarium species.

Plant Disease / February 2003 121

The combination of host plant, the part In some cases, conidia from colonies on CLA is a natural substrate medium made
of the plant from which the strain was PPA can be used for starting single-spore by floating g-irradiated sterilized carnation
recovered, climatic region, local weather cultures from which identifications can be leaf-pieces on a water agar base (10).
data, and isolation protocol often greatly made. However, some species yield only Many species of Fusarium readily form
reduce the number of Fusarium species abnormal cultures if started from single sporodochia of robust, uniform macroco-
expected to be recovered. In at least some spores from PPA-grown colonies. Unless nidia on the carnation leaf-pieces that are
cases, a tentative diagnosis can be made on there is previous reason to expect colony particularly useful for identification pur-
this information alone, with examination of stability, colonies should be transferred poses (or for use in making single-spore
cultural morphology serving to confirm the from the isolation medium to a nutrition- subcultures). PDA cultures are used pri-
inferred result, rather than being the pri- ally weak medium, e.g., water agar with a marily to assess pigmentation and gross
mary means of identification. bit of sterilized plant tissue, and spores colony morphology (Fig. 2). Cultures
from the resulting colonies used for the growing on PDA should generally be re-
Subculturing, Purification, single-spore subculturing process. Macro- garded as “dead ends” and should not be
and Growing Conditions conidia, the large banana-shaped spores subcultured further. If further subcultures
If a culture of Fusarium has been found most researchers associate with Fusarium, are necessary, then single spores or mass
that warrants further work, then it must be microconidia, and ascospores all can be transfers from CLA plates should be used
subcultured and purified before the identi- used to initiate these subcultures. Microco- instead. We usually use cultures growing in
fication process proceeds further. These nidia are the most common spore type 6-cm-diameter plastic petri dishes on CLA
steps may appear both mundane and self- produced by some species, but macroco- and PDA to make initial evaluations, and
evident, but many diagnosticians make nidia usually are preferred because their then make decisions as to whether the fun-
critical mistakes because they have not larger size makes them easier to handle. gus should be grown on Spezieller Nähr-
been taken. A common mistake is to try to Single spores are separated either by dilu- stoffarmer Agar (SNA) (32) or a defined
identify the culture directly from the isola- tion plating or by micromanipulation on liquid medium. Cultures grown on SNA
tion medium. The most common medium water agar and incubated overnight. Germ- are usually evaluated for microconidia,
for recovering Fusarium species is PPA, a lings are subcultured from the water agar which may be more abundant and diverse
peptone-PCNB medium (29) that is semi- to a medium for growth, identification, on this medium, and for chlamydospores,
selective for Fusarium. Colonies growing and/or preservation. In some instances, it which often are more common and are
on this medium for more than 2 to 3 weeks may be necessary to purify cultures by produced more rapidly on this medium.
usually die due to the accumulation of isolating a hyphal tip instead of a single Cultures grown in liquid medium are usu-
toxic metabolites that are byproducts of the spore, as some species, e.g., F. graminea- ally used as a source of DNA for DNA se-
fungal growth on this medium. Similarly, rum, occasionally produce sparse macroco- quencing or for studies of molecular ge-
cultures on many rich media, e.g., potato nidia and others, e.g., F. longipes, mutate netic diversity.
dextrose agar (PDA), do not produce the readily when subcultured as single spores. Incubation conditions for Fusarium vary
uniform macroconidia that are necessary We cannot overemphasize the importance depending on the laboratory and the facili-
for an accurate identification. In such of attempting to identify only purified cul- ties available. Critical parameters are tem-
cases, spores characteristic of many differ- tures; we have both witnessed and received peratures of 20 to 25°C and the presence of
ent species can appear to be recovered cultures from researchers who were having light, particularly some exposure to UV
from a single culture. Finally, cultures that great difficulty identifying a Fusarium (black) light. A diurnal (day/night) cycle
have not been purified often are mixed, and culture because they were working with a often is used and probably is beneficial,
the resulting irregular mixture of morpho- mixed culture(s). although some species, e.g., some mem-
logical characters leads, at best, to inaccu- Accurate identification of a culture re- bers of the Gibberella fujikuroi clade (33),
rate diagnoses and, at worst, to both non- quires growing it on at least two media— are reported to form critical diagnostic
sense and frustration. carnation leaf-piece agar (CLA) and PDA. characters only in total darkness or under

Fig. 4. Formation and types of microconidia produced by Fusarium species. A, Microconidia produced in short chains
(F. brevicatenulatum). B, Microconidia produced in long chains (F. decemcellulare). C, Microconidia produced in false heads
(F. circinatum). D, Napiform microconidia in false heads (F. konzum). E, Oval microconidia (F. babinda). F, Pyriform microconidia
(F. anthophilum). G, Clavate microconidia (F. anthophilum). H, Fusiform microconidia (F. semitectum). I, Napiform microconidia
(F. poae). J, Globose microconidia (F. anthophilum).

122 Plant Disease / Vol. 87 No. 2

continuous UV or white light. For PDA common types—monophialides and surface or within the carnation leaf-
cultures, light usually is not essential but polyphialides (Fig. 5). Monophialides pieces. Pseudochlamydospores have
does increase the total amount of pigment have a single opening in the conidioge- been described, so far, for only a single
and the speed with which the pigments are nous cell, while polyphialides have two species, F. andiyazi (26), and their value
produced. Light is more important for CLA or more. It is often difficult to make this as a diagnostic character has not yet
cultures, as it increases sporodochial pro- determination at this stage, and this fea- been widely evaluated. Pseudochlamy-
duction. ture may need to be re-evaluated follow- dospores are thin and smooth walled and
ing observations of a microscope slide are found either singly or as short chains
The Essence preparation. in the hyphae. Swollen cells are found in
of Morphological Identifications œ Chlamydospores usually can be ob- a number of species, especially in sec-
After a purified colony is subcultured to served in the hyphae, on the surface of tion Liseola. By definition, they are
CLA and PDA, it usually is incubated for 7 the agar, or embedded in the agar. They found in the hyphae and usually are less
to 10 days, depending on its rate of growth, are more common in older cultures than round in shape than are either pseudo-
before any attempts are made to identify it. in younger ones, and often occur more chlamydospores or chlamydospores.
Macroconidia, microconidia, and chlamy- abundantly on media such as mud agar 3. Make microscope slide preparations for
dospores can all be of importance in spe- (19) or SNA than on CLA. Chlamy- detailed examinations of macroconidia,
cies identification, and a pictorial guide of dospores normally form in older cultures microconidia (if present), and the co-
the different spore types (7,12,31) should and may be in hyphae or conidiospores, nidiogenous cells producing the micro-
be procured before attempting an extensive and it may be necessary to re-examine conidia (if present). Mounts should be
or significant set of identifications. We cultures for up to a month to determine made of scrapes of sporodochial macro-
provide the identification protocol that we definitively if chlamydospores are pre- conidia, and also of scrapes of the agar
follow (Fig. 3), but other protocols can be sent. Cultures retained for such lengthy surface away from the sporodochia (usu-
used as well. Consistency and complete- periods of time are susceptible to con- ally for observation of chlamydospores,
ness, i.e., being sure to collect all of the tamination with culture mites and should microconidia, and microconidiophores).
data needed, are the critical characteristics be incubated in an area separate from In some cases, a mount from aerial my-
of this process. that used for the initial recovery of celia also is needed. We normally use
1. Record gross colony morphology fea- strains from infected plant material (of- plain water mounts, but some research-
tures. ten the source of the mites) and from ers use stain to highlight the features. If
œ What is the color of the PDA culture? where fresh cultures for identification, water mount preparations are used, then
œ What pigments are produced in the which also can be easily contaminated, the microscope must be adjusted so that
agar? are kept. all of the features of the hyaline struc-
œ Are sporodochia obvious in the center œ True chlamydospores, pseudochlamy- tures can be clearly observed. The use of
of the PDA plate or on the carnation dospores, and swollen cells appear simi- differential interference microscopy
leaf-pieces? If so, what color are they? lar and can be easily confused. True (Nomarski) can be useful in discerning
œ How thick and high is the hyphal chlamydospores have a thick wall, a the hyaline features of these structures.
growth? warty appearance (verrucose), and light Similarly, photographs obtained with a
2. Examine the CLA plate in situ under the coloration, usually yellow-brown. True digital camera often are easier to com-
10× objective (×100 total magnification) chlamydospores are an important sur- pare than are comparative slides from
of a compound microscope. If such ex- vival structure for many species, espe- the same or different cultures.
aminations are made on a routine basis, cially those that are soilborne. Chlamy- œ Macroconidia. These should be the
we recommend purchasing a metallurgi- dospores can be formed in chains, first structure examined. Preferably, they
cal objective (20× objective; ×200 total clumps, or singly and can be found in should be from sporodochia on the CLA
magnification), which has a longer the hyphae above, on, or below the agar plate, as these spores will be the most
working distance and a greater depth of
field than does a comparable lens that is
commonly used for making biological
œ Place the plate containing the CLA
culture on the stage of the microscope
and examine the features of the fungus
directly. Increasing magnification from
×100 to ×200 (by switching from the
10× to the 20× objective) may be neces-
sary in some cases for a detailed exami-
nation. Determine if microconidia are
present, and if so note their shape, size,
and the manner in which they are
formed (Fig. 4; This figure is not ex-
haustive and others types of micro-
conidia also may be observed). The
terminology used to describe these mi-
croconidia can be confusing, and refer-
ence to a good mycological dictionary,
e.g., Kirk et al. (15), may be necessary
to reduce confusion and to ensure preci-
sion in these descriptions.
œ If microconidia are present, determine
the nature of the conidiogenous cells, Fig. 5. Conidiogenous cells of Fusarium species. A, Microconidia borne on
i.e., the cells in the hyphae on which the monophialides (F. oxysporum). B, Microconidia borne on polyphialides (F.
microconidia are borne. There are two chlamydosporum). C, Monophialide of F. solani. D, Polyphialide of F. denticulatum.

Plant Disease / February 2003 123

consistent in terms of shape and size. data set is essential. Other useful secon- experience. The species that can be iden-
Key macroconidial characters are the dary characters can be physiological tified at this stage are a mixture of well-
shape of the spore, its size, the number data on toxins and other metabolites defined species with strong morphologi-
of septa, and the shape of the apical and produced (49), but such data are not cal characters that we think will with-
basal cells. Take away an overall im- commonly available for routine diag- stand further scrutiny, e.g., F. poae and
pression and do not focus on rare, un- noses. F. chlamydosporum, as well as species
usual shapes or sizes or small nuances in 5. Organizing the data. The data collected that are relatively poorly defined and
size or shape. First impressions are very on an isolate at this stage often are quali- likely to be polyphyletic, e.g., F. com-
important, often are correct, and gener- tatively diverse and quantitatively large. pactum and F. lateritium, but have not
ally increase in importance with experi- We usually use data recording sheets, yet warranted intensive research. Studies
ence. The shape of the macroconidia such as those found in Burgess et al. (7), of species in the latter group that are
ranges from short and squat to highly which have separate fields for each of based on molecular data could alter the
curved and elongate with needle-like the important characters, to organize re- placement of such species on this list.
spores (Fig. 6). Size differences are im- sults in a consistent manner and to pro- The utility of species identifications
portant, but only in a gross sense, i.e., vide a place for making systematic notes based solely on morphological criteria will
not differences of a few microns. The of both routine and unusual properties of depend on the question the identification
apical cell of the macroconidium may be a culture. results are needed to help answer. Return-
rounded, needle-like, or whip-like. The 6. Making an identification. At this stage, ing to the earlier example with F. verticil-
basal cell, or foot cell, can be barely there is enough information to identify lioides, F. thapsinum, and F. andiyazi,
notched or resemble an upside-down some species accurately but not others. based on morphological criteria alone,
foot. The combined characters of the The three most commonly used manu- most diagnosticians would find it difficult
macroconidia often are sufficient to als, Gerlach and Nirenberg (12), Nelson to distinguish these strains, and the best
identify the species to which the isolate et al. (31), and Burgess et al. (7), are all name to be applied would be Fusarium
belongs. based solely on morphology, are some- moniliforme sensu lato, i.e., F. moniliforme
œ Microconidia. Variations in microco- what dated in their content, and lack in- in the broad sense. For a basic diagnosis,
nidial spore morphology often are easier formation on many of the more recently this result might suffice and would be more
to see in a microscope water mount (Fig. described species. All of these manuals meaningful and useful than “Fusarium
4) than in the in situ observations of the outline a process for making an identifi- sp.,” which is the most likely alternative,
producing culture. Results from the in cation that is based on a series of keys or but in other cases, e.g., analysis of my-
situ observations should be confirmed at tabular groupings. Traditionally, the ge- cotoxin production, quarantine, or many
this time. nus Fusarium has been separated into journal publications, such a limited diagno-
œ Conidiogenous cells. As with the mi- sections, with the species within a sec- sis would be inadequate, if not confusing.
croconidia, the difference between mo- tion sharing important morphological Separating species clusters such as these
nophialides and polyphialides often is characters. Although the sections are not requires either sexual cross-fertility, which
clearer in a microscope water mount monophyletic on the basis of DNA se- could be used to positively identify F.
(Fig. 5) than in the in situ observation of quence characters, they are a useful verticillioides or F. thapsinum, or analysis
the producing culture. Again, results means for sorting cultures from morpho- of molecular markers, which could be used
from in situ observations should be con- logical identification characters, e.g., to identify F. andiyazi (Table 3). Until
firmed at this time. presence/absence of chlamydospores, enough cultures of these species have been
4. Secondary characters. The most com- microconidia, or various types of co- examined for easily recognized morpho-
monly used secondary characters are nidiogenous cells. A further guide to the logical characters to be discerned, data
odor and growth rate. Usually these are morphological identification of cultures other than traditional morphology will be
used to confirm a diagnosis based on is beyond the scope of this presentation, needed to make some species-specific di-
other characters rather than to make an and the previously identified manuals agnoses both accurately and with confi-
initial identification. Growth rates may should be relied upon for guidance until dence.
be based on linear growth in a race tube an updated manual becomes available.
(41) or on radial growth in a petri dish With the data collected thus far, at least Beyond Morphology
(7), usually at 25 or 30°C. The two rates 21 species can be identified (Table 3, Although morphological observations
are not directly comparable, and if column 1) regularly and reliably, but dif- may not suffice for a complete identifica-
growth rate is used as a character, then a ferentiating many of the remaining spe- tion, a great deal of information usually
comparison with the correct reference cies requires additional information or has been obtained on a culture by this stage

Fig. 6. Macroconidia of Fusarium species. A to D, Variation in macroconidial shape and length. A, F. decemcellulare. B, F. longipes.
C, F. culmorum. D, F. chlamydosporum. E to H, Variation in basal cells of macroconidia. E, F. culmorum. F, F. crookwellense. G, F.
avenaceum. H, F. longipes. I to L, Variation in apical cells of macroconidia. I, F. culmorum. J, F. decemcellulare. K, F. verticillioides.
L, F. longipes.

124 Plant Disease / Vol. 87 No. 2

of the process, and the possible species studies of sexual cross-fertility. spore suspension of the male parent into
identities usually are relatively few. For Sexual cross-fertility. The ability to the mycelium of the female parent with a
species that cannot be reliably identified cross and to produce the teleomorph (sex- glass rod. Plates are incubated for 4 to 6
solely on the basis of morphology, the ual or perfect state, e.g., Fig. 7) with stan- weeks after fertilization in a lighted (at
relative cost of the additional work must be dard testers of defined species groups is the least some UV light required) incubator.
weighed against the need for the additional ultimate assurance of a correct species During the incubation, it is important to
information. In some laboratories, the addi- identification. Most analyses of cross-fer- keep temperatures below 25°C and to pre-
tional work is not possible, and these re- tility for species identification presently vent the sealing of the plates, either delib-
searchers, who often are from less-devel- are done with strains that are members of erately (using plastic film) or accidentally
oped countries, must find appropriate the Gibberella fujikuroi species complex (with condensation and water films). In
colleagues with whom they can collaborate (21,22) and are made by crossing an un- some cases, such as G. circinata, tempera-
to answer their questions. known strain as the male parent with a ture control must be even tighter, and tem-
There are two general techniques that standard tester strain of a known species peratures outside of a rather narrow range
can be used to extend the range of ques- and mating type, which serves as the fe- may not be conducive to sexual reproduc-
tions being asked. One is studies of sexual male parent. Tester strains for the known tion. The number of crosses to be made
cross-fertility, and the second is the analy- mating populations in the G. fujikuroi spe- with each unknown culture can be reduced
sis of DNA sequences. Cross-fertility stud- cies complex are available from the Fungal by half if existing molecular protocols
ies are relatively inexpensive in terms of Genetics Stock Center (University of Kan- (14,47) are used to determine whether the
reagents and technical sophistication, but sas Medical Center, Kansas City). strain in question carries the MAT-1 or the
relatively expensive in terms of the waiting Crosses usually follow the general pro- MAT-2 allele at the mating type locus.
time required for an answer and the need tocol described by Klittich and Leslie (16), Positive crosses are definitive, but negative
for adequate incubator space. DNA studies in which the female strain is inoculated on crosses (which must have proper controls
are more demanding of equipment, re- carrot agar and allowed to colonize the to be reliably interpreted!), while indicat-
agents, and technical expertise, but an- plate for a week before being spermatized ing that a strain is not a particular species,
swers can be obtained more rapidly and for with a spore suspension of the male parent. are not necessarily informative beyond this
more species than can be obtained with The spermatization occurs by working the result.
Bands, bands, and more bands. Many
techniques ranging from restriction enzyme
digests of genomic DNA to the sequencing
Table 3. Fusarium speciesz that can be identified based on different types of data collected as
part of the evaluation process outlined in Figure 3 of appropriate genes can be used to iden-
tify and distinguish cultures that are mor-
Morphology alone + Sexual cross-fertility + DNA-based data phologically inseparable. The best choice
(species list A) (species list B) (species list C) usually is based on the equipment available
F. acuminatum, F. avenaceum, F. circinatum, Remainder of and whether there is a database to which
F. chlamydosporum, F. compactum, F. fujikuroi, Gibberella fujikuroi the information obtained can be compared.
F. crookwellense, F. culmorum, F. proliferatum, species complex For many researchers, direct sequencing
F. decemcellulare, F. dimerum, F. sacchari, Many formae speciales of one or more genes can be used to make
F. equiseti, F. graminearum, F. sambucinum, of F. oxysporum and
species assignments. In this process, one or
F. longipes, F. merismoides, F. subglutinans, F. solani
F. oxysporum, F. poae, F. thapsinum, more genes is amplified and sequenced.
F. pseudograminearum, F. scirpi, F. verticillioides Some of the more commonly sequenced
F. semitectum, F. solani, genes for Fusarium include b-tubulin,
F. sporotrichioides, F. torulosum, histone, and elongation factor-1a (34–
F. tricinctum 37,46). The resulting sequence is then
z Only commonly recovered species are listed, for brevity. compared with similar sequences from
strains in related species. The limitations to

Fig. 7. Perithecia and ascospores of teleomorphs of Fusarium. A, Perithecia of Gibberella zeae. B, Perithecia of Gibberella
moniliformis. C, Perithecia of Haemanectria haematococca. D, Ascospores of Gibberella zeae. E, Ascospores of Gibberella
moniliformis. F, Ascospores of Haemanectria haematococca.

Plant Disease / February 2003 125

this analysis have been cost, which is de- ing questions related to the genetic and/or tive diagnostic technique. In such cases,
creasing rapidly, and the availability of evolutionary distance between different the tester strains needed are usually easy to
sequence data for the necessary compari- species, as the amount of intraspecific obtain. However, if there are a large num-
sons in an accessible data bank (and the variation usually buries the interspecific ber of VCGs, or if the form species of
number of sequences available is increas- signals. AFLPs and direct sequencing are interest has not already been evaluated for
ing relatively rapidly). In most cases, DNA by no means the only molecular techniques the VCG diversity that it contains, then
for such analyses is amplified from a ge- that can be used for these purposes, how- VCG analyses are more suitable as a re-
nomic DNA mini-preparation, which can ever, and other techniques can be (and have search tool than as a diagnostic protocol.
be recovered by using a commercially been) used by other researchers to make Species- and form species-specific PCR-
available kit. The PCR-amplified DNA is such identifications. primer pairs for making identifications of
then submitted to a sequencing lab, and the For diagnostic purposes, specific PCR- strains of F. oxysporum are of commercial
sequence returned as a computer file that based amplifications will probably be the and regulatory importance. Again, research
can be manipulated and compared with wave of the future. Such simplified PCR into the identification of such primers is
other sequences from standard databases reactions when combined with a very sim- well underway, but the reliability and vali-
such as GenBank. The diagnostic value of ple DNA extraction process, such as that of dation of these PCR primers in large-scale
a single sequence often is inadequate, but DuTeau and Leslie (8), are likely to be- tests remains unproven and a subject for
once several genes have been sequenced, come as common for identifying fungal future research. We expect significant de-
their diagnostic value can be very high. pathogens as ELISAs have become for velopments in this field during the next
Direct sequencing also is useful for deter- identifying viruses. Unfortunately, such few years.
mining the genetic and/or evolutionary diagnostics are not yet well developed for
distances and relationships between a set most Fusarium species, and those that have Differences in Identification of
of species. In many cases, only one, or at been described, e.g., Möller et al. (27), Temperate and Tropical Species
most a handful, of strains has been se- usually have not been broadly validated on The tropics are those areas situated be-
quenced for any single species, so the pos- a large number of isolates of the target tween the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic
sibility of variation within a species usu- species or tested against representative of Capricorn and generally are associated
ally has not been addressed. Similarly, the strains of a large number of species other with higher precipitation and temperature
number of differences required for two than the target. Further research in this area (hence higher humidity), and 12-h
strains to be considered different species should lead to the development and de- day/night. The economies of countries in
requires calibration and validation with ployment of molecular diagnostics for at these regions often are heavily dependent
data independent from the sequences them- least some Fusarium species in the not too on natural resources and agriculture.
selves to have biological meaning. For distant future. As with their counterparts in temperate
example, the phylogenetic lineages in G. regions, Fusarium species in the tropics are
zeae described by O’Donnell et al. (36) The Special Case quite diverse in terms of numbers of spe-
could be considered separate species, based of F. oxysporum cies, distribution, host range, and virulence
on DNA sequence data, if they had not F. oxysporum is responsible for an enor- (13). However, there are some notable
previously been shown to be cross-fertile mous range of plant diseases, usually in- distinctions between species found in tropi-
by Bowden and Leslie (4). Thus, exact volving a vascular wilt syndrome. The cal and temperate regions. Plant diseases
matches in sequence analysis, especially if majority of the isolates causing vascular caused by Fusarium spp. in the tropics are
several genes are used, generally are de- wilts are specific strains that infect only a becoming more significant with the intro-
finitive for species identification, but if small number of host plants and have been duction of intensive and high-yielding
there are mismatches, then the significance differentiated from each other using the production systems and genetically uni-
of the mismatches must be determined subspecific term formae speciales (f. sp.). form cultivars (42,51). F. oxysporum and F.
before a diagnosis is made. For example, the strains commonly attack- solani are the most common plant patho-
We also have used amplified fragment ing banana are F. oxysporum f. sp. cubense; gens in this region. They also are widely
length polymorphisms (AFLPs) as the first cotton, F. oxysporum f. sp. vasinfectum; dispersed soil inhabitants throughout the
step in this second sorting process. AFLPs and tomato, F. oxysporum f. sp. lycoper- tropics, and the vascular wilts they cause
sample the genome broadly, in terms of sici. Morphologically these strains are are the most economically important dis-
sequences analyzed, usually resulting in a identical, and they also cannot be differen- eases caused by Fusarium in the region.
large number of polymorphic markers that tiated from nonpathogenic or saprophytic Members of the G. fujikuroi clade are fre-
can be analyzed. AFLPs can be used to strains, of which there is a huge diversity, quently associated with agricultural pro-
group like strains together as well as to especially in soil. From a diagnostic point duce or plants, particularly those in the
group strains with reference strains of indi- of view, the separation of this species into family Poaceae and with newly introduced
vidual species. Based on our experience, formae speciales has important diagnostic crops from outside the tropical region, such
strains that share >70% of the bands in an and quarantine implications. Identification as asparagus.
AFLP profile are in the same species, those of these strains has traditionally involved Due to deficiencies in resources, plant
that share <40% of the bands are in differ- pathogenicity testing with sets of host dif- pathologists in the tropics have encoun-
ent species, and those that share between ferentials appropriate for the formae spe- tered problems in identifying morphologi-
40 and 70% of the bands in the profile ciales in question. However, these tests are cally similar Fusarium species. In the past,
often represent taxa in which speciation is time-consuming to set up and can require there was a tendency to name pathogenic
in progress. Thus, by running an unknown long periods of time, e.g., 4 to 6 months Fusarium species on the basis of their host
isolate alongside a set of reference strains, for F. oxysporum f. sp. canariensis (39), (e.g., F. batatas, F. coffeanum, F. cubense,
it often is relatively easy to identify a strain before they can be scored definitively. F. javanicum, and F. sacchari), which has
to species with a high degree of certainty. The vegetative compatibility group added significantly to the problems associ-
AFLPs have the advantage that access to a (VCG) technique (20,40) works well for ated with identification (42). The name,
DNA sequencing facility is not required, some formae speciales, such as F. oxy- per Snyder and Hansen, F. roseum was
and also that they simultaneously provide sporum f. sp. cubense (28), but not for widely used to identify many tropical Fu-
data on variation within a population that is others, such as F. oxysporum f. sp. aspar- sarium isolates that produced bright red
usually difficult, if not impossible, to ob- agi (9). When the number of VCGs in the pigments in the culture media (3,44,45).
tain from direct sequencing. However, formae special of interest is known to be Consequently, much of the recorded infor-
AFLPs generally are not useful for answer- relatively small, the VCGs can be an effec- mation on plant diseases caused by Fusa-

126 Plant Disease / Vol. 87 No. 2

rium in the tropics lacks modern specific- shops or research meetings that focus on 12. Gerlach, W., and Nirenberg, H. I. 1982. The
ity, and many records and disease lists Fusarium diseases, and to deposit cultures genus Fusarium – a pictorial atlas. Mitt. Biol.
Bundes. Land- Forst. (Berlin - Dahlem)
should be viewed with skepticism. In addi- in recognized culture collections and dis- 209:1-406.
tion, there are many instances in which a ease herbaria. By so doing, you will help 13. Gordon, W. L. 1960. The taxonomy and habi-
tropical strain is identified to a temperate increase the collective knowledge of this tats of Fusarium species from tropical and
species for which it is the “best fit” or complex fungal genus, which will help temperate regions. Can. J. Bot. 38:643-658.
“most like,” but which on further study achieve control of the many plant diseases 14. Kerényi, Z., Zeller, K. A., Hornok, L., and
Leslie, J. F. 1999. Standardization of mating-
turns out to represent a new species. This caused by the fungus. type terminology in the Gibberella fujikuroi
problem points to the need to retain cul- species complex. Appl. Environ. Microbiol.
tures, or to deposit them in an appropriate Acknowledgments 65:4071-4076.
collection, so that such unusual cultures We thank Suzanne Bullock (Royal Botanic Gar- 15. Kirk, P. M., Cannon, P. F., David, J. C., and
can be re-examined with more sophisti- dens-Sydney) for microscopy and the preparation Stalpers, J. A., eds. 2001. Dictionary of the
of the plates for this manuscript, Matt Whittington Fungi, 9th ed. CAB International, Walling-
cated techniques or in the light of refined ford, UK.
species concepts. Certainly a great deal of (Royal Botanic Gardens-Sydney) for the prepara-
tion of the flow chart in Figure 3, and Larry 16. Klittich, C. J. R., and Leslie, J. F. 1988. Ni-
additional research on tropical Fusarium Claflin (Kansas State University), Randy Ploetz trate reduction mutants of Fusarium monili-
diseases, and the identity of the species (University of Florida), and Suzanne Bullock for forme (Gibberella fujikuroi). Genetics
that cause them, is still needed. the use of photographs in Figure 1. Work in JFL’s 118:417-423.
laboratory was supported in part by the Kansas 17. Klittich, C. J. R., and Leslie, J. F. 1992. Iden-
There also are difficulties associated tification of a second mating population
with recovering Fusarium species in the Agricultural Experiment Station and by the Sor-
ghum and Millet Collaborative Research Support within the Fusarium moniliforme anamorph
tropics. Usually these relate to the ability Program (INTSORMIL) AID/DAN-1254-G-00- of Gibberella fujikuroi. Mycologia 84:541-
to recover clean isolates from diseased 0021-00 from the U.S. Agency for International 547.
material. Temperature and humidity condi- Development. JFL thanks the Australian-American 18. Klittich, C. J. R., Leslie, J. F., Nelson, P. E.,
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tions in the tropics often lead to more rapid inum (Gibberella thapsina): A new species in
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Plant Disease / February 2003 127

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Brett A. Summerell Baharuddin Salleh John F. Leslie

Dr. Summerell is a senior research Dr. Salleh is a professor of plant pathology Dr. Leslie is a professor in the plant
scientist at the Royal Botanic Gardens, at the Science University of Malaysia in pathology department at Kansas State
Sydney, Australia. He received his B.Sc. Penang. He received B.Sc. and M.Sc. University. He received a B.A. in biology
Agr. (1985) and Ph.D. (1988) degrees degrees in plant pathology from Gadjah from the University of Dallas in 1971 and
from the University of Sydney. He was Mada University in Indonesia, and a Ph.D. a Ph.D. in genetics from the University of
appointed to the Royal Botanic Gardens, in plant pathology from Reading University Wisconsin–Madison in 1979. He spent 2
Sydney, in 1989 and currently has in the United Kingdom in 1981. His aca- years as a postdoctoral researcher
responsibility for managing their conser- demic career has been split among working with Neurospora at Stanford
vation and horticultural research programs. research, teaching, and university admin- University, and was first introduced to
His main research interests are focused istration. He has been the head of the plant Fusarium in his subsequent position as a
on the biology, ecology, and taxonomy of pathology department, and deputy dean research scientist with the International
Fusarium, and on studies of fungi that and dean of the School of Biological Minerals and Chemicals Corporation in
cause diseases of Australian plants. He Sciences. In 1997, he was the founding Terre Haute, IN, from 1981 to 1984. In
also is involved in capacity-building pro- director of the National Research Institute 1984, he moved to Kansas State Uni-
jects in plant pathology in Southeast for Higher Education. He recently finished versity, where his research focused on
Asia. He currently serves as a vice- a 3-year term as the deputy vice chancellor the genetics and population biology of
president of the International Mycological (academics) of his university. His research Fusarium. Dr. Leslie also has been in-
Association, and he served as chair of on various aspects of plant pathology, volved in extensive international agri-
the International Society of Plant Pathol- particularly those related to taxonomy, cultural research on sorghum through the
ogy Committee on Fusarium from 1993 to pathogenicity, and toxigenicity of Fusarium INTSORMIL Collaborative Research Sup-
1998. species in Southeast Asia, has continued port Program. He recently completed a
throughout his career. Currently, he sabbatical in Australia as a Senior
maintains the largest collection of live Fulbright Scholar with joint tenure at the
Fusarium strains collected from diseased Royal Botanic Gardens in Sydney and at
plants in Southeast Asia. the Faculty of Agriculture of the Uni-
versity of Sydney.

128 Plant Disease / Vol. 87 No. 2

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