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Lupon National Comprehensive High School

First Summative Test in Organization and Management

2nd Semester 2019-2020

Name:_____________________________ Score:_______________

Section:____________________________ Date:_______________

Test I. Multiple Choice: Write only the letter of the correct answer.

____1. It is a process of planning, organizing, leading and controlling activities in an organization.

a. Staffing b. leading c. management d. none of the above

____2. It means mobilizing the material and human resources of the organization to put plans into

a. Organizing b. staffing c. controlling d. none of the above

____3. Refers to the recruitment, placement, and training of qualified personnel to do the organization’s
work. a. Organizing b. staffing c. controlling d. none of the above

____4. These are responsible for using materials and talents in the most economical and productive
manner. a. Efficient b. effective c. immediate d. none of the above

____5. Are those who direct the activities of other managers and sometimes also those of operating
employees. a. organizing b. leading c. controlling d. none of the above

____6. These are managers in charge of units that provide support to the line units.

a. Top managers b. staff managers c. Manager d. none of the above

____7. Refers to the ability of the manager to see the organization as a whole and to solve problems to
benefit the total system.

a. Organizing b. leading c. decision making d. none of the above

____8. Are roles played by the manager when he interacts with others.

a. Informational role b. decisional role c. interpersonal role d. none of the above

____9. It is a collection of people working together to achieve a common purpose.

a. Organization b. Management c. division of labor d. none of the above

____10. Means breaking a job into specialized tasks to increase productivity.

a. Organization b. Management c. division of labor d. none of the above

Test II. Match Column A with Column B. Write only the letter of the correct answer.

Column A Column B

____1. Frederick W. Taylor a. maybe viewed as consisting of 4 basic elements (inputs, outputs,
transformation process, feedback).

____2. The Gibreths b. developed theory of authority structures and relations, theory of

____3. Henry K. Gantt c. Models such as theory X and theory Y are also called paradigms.

____4. Henri Fayol d. Father of Scientific Management

____5. Max Weber e. Father of Modern Management – 14 Principles of management

____6. Chester Barnard f. The view that time and human relationship are forming
management to rethink tradition approach in the face of constant rapid change.

____7. Douglas McGregor’s g. To them, the ultimate arm of scientific management was to help
workers reach their full potential as human being.

____8. System Approach h. New Idea- Classical Organization

____9. Contingency Approach i. Zone of Indifference theory (area of acceptance) Individual and
organizational purpose kept in balance if manager understood an employee’s zone of indifference.

____10. Dynamic engagement Approach j. Are also called Situational Approach , the view that the
management technique that best contributes to the attainment of organizational goals might vary in
different types of situations or circumstances.

Good Luck and God Bless!

Ma’am Flor/ 2019

First Summative Test in Organization and Management

2nd Semester- 2019-2020

Answer Key

Test I. Multiple Choice

1. C (management)
2. A (organizing)
3. B (staffing)
4. A (efficient)
5. B (leading)
6. B (staff managers)
7. C (decision making)
8. C (interpersonal role)
9. A (organization)
10. C (division of labor)

Test II. Match Column A to column B

1. D (Frederick W. Taylor)
2. G (The Gilbreths )
3. H (Henry L. Gantt)
4. E (Henri Fayol)
5. B (Max Weber)
6. I (Chester Barnard)
7. C (Douglas Mcgregor)
8. A (System Approach)
9. J (Contingency Approach)
10. F (Dynamic Engagement Approach)
Lupon National Comprehensive High School
First Summative Test in Organization and Management
2nd Semester 2019-2020


Topic Knowledge Understanding Process

Nature of I – 1, 9
Organization and

Roles and Functions I- 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,

of Management 10

Evolution of II – 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
Management 8, 9, 10

Total: 20 10 10

Prepared By:

Florentina M. Visto
Senior High -Teacher 1


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