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Background of the Study

Odonata are insects comprising of about 6000 species, 630 genera and 28

families (Sharma, G., Sundararaj, R., &Karibasvaraja, L. R. , 2007).It consists of two

suborders, the larger dragonflies belonging to the sub-order Anisoptera(2941

species and 12 families) (Kalkman, V. J., Clausnitzer, V., Dijkstra, K. D. B., Orr, A.

G., Paulson, D. R., & van Tol,J., 2010) and the more delicate ones, the damselflies,

belonging to suborder Zygoptera(2739 species and 19families) (Malawani, A. D.,

Ampang-Macabuat, N. M., Nuneza, O. M., & Villanueva, R. J. T.,2014). Dragonflies

and damselflies live and occur in all types of freshwater ecosystem from the largest

lakes and rivers to tiny wetlands (Nuñeza, K. J. M., Nuñeza, O. M., & Villanueva, R.

J. T., 2011). Adult Odonata are most often seen near bodies of water, however,

many species can thrive in distant habitat from water (Acquah-Lamptey, 2013.)

A dragonfly has two large compound eyes which take up most of its head and

have long, delicate, membranous wings which are transparent and some have light

yellow colouring near the tips and have a thicker one, sometimes with swollen

sections or spikes that characterize them into such groups as clubtails, or spiketails

in their abdomen (Johansson, 2003).On the other hand, damselflies have fore and

hind- wings that are fundamentally the same in size, shape, and venation that they

overlay them over their backs when not in flight and have a long, smooth and

sensitive looking stomach area (Dyer, 2003).


Odonate is a potential group of organisms that could indicate habitat

alterations in river ecosystem since they have aquatic and terrestrial life forms ( Silva,

D., De Marco, P., &Resende, D. C., 2009). In fact, they are recognized as a good

indicator of water quality because of their sensitivity to changes in water ecosystems

(Kutcher, T. E., &Bried, J. T. ,2014).Because of this, they are becoming useful tool

for monitoring and evaluating environmental changes both in long term

(biogeography and climatology) and in short term environmental conditions (biology

conservation, water pollution, structural alteration of running and standing waters)

(Kalkman, V. J., Clausnitzer, V., Dijkstra, K. D. B., Orr, A. G., Paulson, D. R., & van

Tol, J., 2010).

Odonates are important component in river ecosystem because they serve as

a good biological indicator to the changes of the environment which tells us

everything on what is happening in an ecosystem. Since, there is no research

conducted in the study area and the information of odonates in Sumlog river,

Barangay Corporacion, Lupon, Davao Oriental is lacking, this study can help

especially to the residents who live near the area to be more oriented about the

importance of odonates in the area. Thus, this study can help in giving information to

the local government, resource manager such as the Department of Environmental

and Natural Resources (DENR), policy makers and other researchers in creating

more effective conservation and protection management plans regarding odonates in

particular, and in the Sumlog River, in general.


Objectives of the Study

The study aims to determine the diversity of dragonflies and damselflies in

Sumlog river, BarangayCorporacion, Lupon, Davao Oriental. Specifically, this study

will seek to answer the following objectives:

1. To identify, classify, and describe the species of odonates thriving in the

study area.

2. To assess the abundance, species richness, and diversity of odonates.

3. To identify the microhabitat preferences of odonates.

Significance of the study

Since Odonata is a good indicator for water quality, this study will give

valuable and baseline information which then lead us to idea of how important

odonates are in the river of Sumlog , Barangay Corporacion, Lupon, Davao Oriental

and the role they play that can promote conservation and protection of this

freshwater ecosystem as well as the odonates in the study area. Dragonflies and

damselflies play key roles in both terrestrial and aquatic habitats. They are also an

indicators of different biotypes and habitats, and been used to assess the biological

health of aquatic habitats and to detect levels of heavy metal such as mercury. They

are also considered model organisms to assess the effects of global climate change.

This study has the significance of identifying the Sumlog River that is located at

Lupon, Davao Oriental, disturbed or not by which there is really a diversity of

odonates in the said river.


Scope and Limitation

This study will examine the diversity of odonates in Sumlog river, Barangay

Corporacion, Lupon, Davao Oriental. Three stations will be established in the

sampling site. The odonates will be captured using an opportunistic and sweep net

method. The field sampling will be conducted from the month of August during

Saturdays and Sundays for a period of thirty (4) days. The sampling activity will start

from 8 AM to 5 PM for a total of ten (10) hours per day with the help of 4-5 persons

every sampling. The field sampling will be done during daytime for easy counting,

identification, and collection of odonates.

Morover, the limitation of this study is only to acquire the diversity of

odonates in the said river as the main purpose of this paper. Odonates is a good

indicator for water quality so if there is really a diversity of odonates in the river then

we can conclude that it is a good source of water to nearby places that needs the

water system to supply for them. The limitation of this study also is to conclude

whether the said river is in low quality or not. This study will not include the factors if

ever the future result will be examined as disturb.


Definition of Terms

Abundance- refers to the number of odonates that thrive in the

study area express in density and relative abundance.

Classsify- to arrange the odonates into a particular groups where they belong.

Damselfy- is a group of insects that has fore and hind- wings that are fundamentally

the same in size that they overlay them over their backs when not in flight and have

a have a long, smooth and sensitive looking stomach area.

Describe- to mark out every individuals of odonates found in the study area.

Diversity- refers to the variety of odonates species in the study area measured

through Shannon-Wiener Diversity Index.

Dragonfly- a group of insects that has two large compound eyes and have long,

delicate, membranous wings which are transparent.

Identify- refers to the naming of odonates found in the study area base on their

morphological structures.

Environmental Parameter- refers to the elevation, microhabitat and temperature

that may affect the species in the study area.

Microhabitat- the type of place wherein odonates naturally ornormally lay eggs; a

very small, specialized habitat having conditions that sustain a limited range of


Odonata- A group of predacious insects comprising the dragonflies and damselflies.




Morphology of Odonates

Dragonflies and Damselflies are identified through the difference of their

morphological features which is the abdomen. Damselflies have a long, sleek,

delicate looking abdomen, while dragonflies have a thicker one, sometimes with

swollen segments or spikes that classify them into such groups as Clubtails, or

Spiketails (Johansson, 2003).

On the other hand, they also differ to their physical appearance. Dragonflies

have round heads with 2 compound eyes that touch in the middle of their face,

above the mouth. While, Damselflies have fore and hind-wings that are very similar

in size, shape, and venation that they fold them over their backs when not in flight

(Maddison & Maddison, 2001). These flying insects can fly backward, move vertically

like a helicopter or stop in turn in the mist of the most rapid progression as if they

have been remained into (Kalita et al., 2014).

Taxonomy and Classification

Odonata is one type of insect with 6000 species and subspecies, 630 genera

and 28 families (Sharma et al., 2007). It consists of two suborders, the larger

dragonflies belonging to the sub-order Anisoptera (2941 species and 12 families) as


well as about 1000 to 1500 undescribed species (Van Tol, 2005) and the more

delicate ones, the damselflies, belonging to suborder Zygoptera (2739 species and

19 families) (Malawani et al., 2014).

Additional families for Amphipterygidae and Megapodagrionidae have been

discovered like in the study of Bechlyet. al, (2013), where they argue for conserving

the family-group names of Chlorocyphidae, Euphaeidae and Dicteriadidae, as well

as retaining Epiophlebiidae in the suborder Anisozygoptera. Pseudostigmatidae and

New World Protoneuridae are sunk in Coenagrionidae and Old World Protoneuridae

in Platycnemididae. The families Amphipterygidae and Megapodagrionidae as

traditionally recognized are not monophyletic, as may be the superfamily

Calopterygoidea. The proposal separate Chlorogomphidae, Cordulegastridae and

Neopetaliidae from Libelluloidea in their own superfamily Cordulegastroidea is

adopted. Macromiidae, Libellulidae and Synthemistidae and a restricted Corduliidae

are accepted as families, but many genera of Libelluloidea are retained as

incertaesedis at present.

The numerous island in the Philippines have assisted speciation which results

to a high number of endemic species in genera such as Drepanosticta,

amphecnimes, teinobasis, Risiocnemis and Oligaoeschna( Hamalainen & Muller

1997). Presently, Philippine species under the genus Amphicnemis are transferred to

the newly erected genera, Luzonobasis Villanueva, 2012, Pandanobasis Villanueva,

2012, and Sangabasis Villanueva, 2012, or move to the genus Pericnemis

(Villanueva 2012). The Philippine archipelago has numerous aquatic ecosystems.

Most of this ecosystem are poorly explored including many islands in Mindanao like

marshes located in Agusan Liguasan, and the lakes in Lanao and Mainit several

Odonata can also be documented. Villanueva(2011) discovered Hydrobasileus


vittatus in Davao Oriental. There were also two first records of Tetracanthagyna

brunnea and Aethriamanta gracilis from Mindanao Island. Significant endemic

species od damselflies(94%) and endemic of Dragonflies(33.3%) were recorded in

Mt. Hamiguitan Wildlife Sanctuary in Davao Oriental (Villanueva & Mohagan 2010).

Despite the many surveys on Odonata in the Philippines there is no

Odonatological record in San Agustin and Lanusa , Surigao del Sur. This study

assessed the species richness and endemism of adult Odonata in the Municipalities

of San Agustin and Lanusa, Surigao del Sur. (Quisil, S. J. C., Arreza, J. D. E.,

Nuñeza, O. M., & Villanueva, R. J. T. 2013).

Importance of Oodonates

Odonates have increasingly acquired a high conservation status. Analysis of

dragonflies and damselflies diversity is one of the important factors in supporting

species conservation. The adult odonates are generally predacious insects and

acting as an important bio-control agent of many harmful insects and playing a

crucial role in controlling pest populations of agro as well as in the forest ecosystems

(Muthukumaravel, K., Raja, R. B., Amsath, A., Prabakaran, S., &Chezhian, Y.


Throughout their lives and valuable in destroying mosquitoes, gnats and other

insects though they can become pests near beehives and may take other beneficial

insects like butterflies. Odonates are usually the most conspicuous insect group

near any body of water, although migrating or non-breeding adults often travel great

distances from water. They are found near ponds, lakes, rivers, streams, bogs,

swamps and marshes. Most species are dependent on permanent freshwater for

their development although some fast developing species can use temporary or

seasonal pools and some species have been found in brackish conditions (Paulson,


Habitat Preference

Dragonflies and damselflies require aquatic habitat for reproduction, and they

occupy both lentic and lotic habitats in California (Ball-Damerow et al., 2014). Adult

dragonflies are prey generalists, consuming a variety of insects and aquatic

invertebrates (Manolis, 2003).

Nymphs and larvae are also prey generalists (Manolis, 2003). They use a

wide range of flowing and stagnant water bodies. Even though most species of

odonates are highly specific to a habitat, some have adapted to urban areas and

make use of man-made water bodies (Subramanian, 2005).

River is currently the fastest dwindling resource for humans as a

consequence of domestic, agricultural and industrial consumption, and lack of

maintenance leading to its depletion and contamination. Additionally, river represents

less than 1% of the global surface water and is thus an important resource of limited

availability (Merem et al., 2007).

A river demand steady preservation activities because of a few issues (e.g.

riparian vegetation cut-off, construction of dams, acidification, sewage and pesticide

spills) that degrade the aquatic systems worldwide and affect its physicochemical

parameters and habitat characteristics.

Odonata is a potential group of organisms that could indicate these habitat

alterations once they have aquatic and terrestrial life forms (Silva et. al, 2013).

Aquatic insects are usually used as bio indicators, especially under an ecological

integrity framework (Silva et. al, 2013).


Some of these aquatic groups are also present in the terrestrial areas near

the streams, usually as adults. For instance, once adult odonates defend mating

territories near water, they are strongly selected to choose habitats where its larvae

may have higher survival and, thus, this group may be an excellent indicator for

modifications occurring both in the aquatic and the terrestrial environment (Silva et

al., 2010).

Adult females visit water bodies to copulate and to oviposit selecting sites

based on the resources quality that warrantee a higher larvae survival. This mating

system based on territorial defense and disputes for females, generates

thermoregulatory restrictions to these organisms in a way that physical

characteristics of the water bodies (i.e. presence of riparian vegetation, quantity of

light and stream or river width) could affect their species composition (Resende,


Diversity of Odonates in the Philippines

Odonata can be found in all the continents with the exception of Antarctica. In

tropical countries like the Philippines, diversity of Odonata is highly dependent on the

types of aquatic habitats in different forests (Villanueva et al., 2014). The Philippines

is recognized for its high number of endemic odonates. More than 60% of the named

species are endemic. It also shares elements from both the Oriental and the

Autralasian region. However, many species belong to the red list due to habitat

fragmentation (Ampang et al., 2014).

Presently, the Philippines is known to have 280 species of Odonata and 40

new species await further description (Hämäläinen, 2012).Mindanao is the second

largest island in the Philippine archipelago and ithas extensive lists of interesting

flora and fauna, some of which areendemic to the island or in a particular region of

the island and has over a hundred species of Odonata (Villanueva &Mohagan,

2010). Several surveys were done in poorly explored areas in Mindanao but still

newspecies and new island records are still regularly found. Villanueva (2012, 2013)

reported new island records and some are potentially new to science in their recent

surveys in some parts of Mindanao including Tawi-Tawi, Sanga-Sanga and Jolo

islands and in Talaingod, Davao del Norte. Quisil et al. (2013) found two species

which are new Mindanao record during their surveys in Lanuza and San Agustin,

Surigao Del Sur.

Recent surveys in the Philippines contributed further to the odonatological

data. Thirty-six species were recorded in Zamboanga Del Sur, 49 species in Surigao

Del Sur including two new species which are new Mindanao record, and 22 species

in Misamis Occidental (Malawani et al., 2014).

Few studies of odonates like the study of Charjan et al. (2015) in the

Philippines specifically in Garden City of Samal, revealed that 31 species belonging

to seven families and twenty 22 genera were documented. Twelve or 39% are

zygopterans and 19 or 61% are anisopterans which showed the higher species

abundance compared to the study of Dijkstra et al. (2013) which revealed the total

number of odonates under subspecies. Twenty-one species of odonates belonging

to six families with a total of 218 individuals were recorded of which 11 species were

under sub-order Anisoptera (Dragonfly) and 10 species were under sub-order

Zygoptera (Damselfly) which showed the low total number of odonates.

The study of Baquido (2018 unpublished thesis) was conducted in Kawa-

kawa, Mt. Hamiguitan wherein a total of 13 species of odonates were observed;

V.melania, R. colorata, R. turconii, L. lineata, A.moesta, E. amphicyana, E.


refulgens, P. integra, R. adobeni, D. flavomaculata, O. pruinusum, N. fulvia,

Vestalissp. Site 1, has the highest species richness followed by S3 (0.52). Both S1

and S2 have moderate species diversity of 1.87 and 1.59, respectively. S2 has low

species richness while S3 has low diversity. Vestalissp. was the most abundant

species with a total of 290 individuals.

Environmental Parameters


Odonates require high elevation taxa with some cool upland slopes since they

are warm-adapted taxa that expand their ranges to higher latitudes. They are also

categorized as specialists because they require specific habitat type which is

elevation in order to complete their life cycle (Samways, 1992; Stevens &Bailowitz,



Most dragonflies and damselflies have a distinct preference for a particular

degree of sunshine or shade. While this varies according to cloudiness and

temperature of the insect's body, species can nevertheless be generally considered

as preferring sun, dappled sunshine, or the shade of the tree canopy. Some are

crepuscular, flying in the early evening and or on overcast, sultry days. Although the

habitat is the overall biological and physical surroundings where a species occurs, it

is usually active in only a part of that habitat. This is closely tied in with size of the

insect. With some species, the female's microhabitat for most of the time may be

different from that of the male. Yet the female, unless mating or ovipositing, is rarely

seen in the same microhabitat (Samways, 2008).



Temperature is known to affect odonates physiology including life-history

traits such as developmental rate, phenology and seasonal regulation as well as

immune function and the production of pigment for thermoregulation. A range of

behaviors are likely to be affected which will, in turn, influence other parts of the

aquatic ecosystem (primarily through trophic interactions). Temperature may

influence changes in geographical distributions, through a shifting of species

fundamental niches, changes in the distribution of suitable habitat and variation in

the dispersal ability of species. Finally, such a rapid change in the environment

results in a strong selective pressure towards adaptation to cope and the inevitable

loss of some populations (and, potentially,species). Climate change brings with it

unprecedented rates of increase in environmental temperature, which will have

major consequences for the earth’s flora and fauna. The Odonata represent a taxon

that has many strong links to this abiotic factor due to its tropical evolutionary history

and adaptations to temperate climates (Hasall et. al, 2008).




Study Area

This study will be conducted in Sumlog river, which are connected to the

three barangay namely, Barangay Corporacion, Barangay Tagugpo and Barangay

Cocornon, Lupon, Davao Oriental. Sumlog river is located at Southeastern part of

Mindanao. Odonates observation and collection will be onfined at three designated

sites in the study area. The area is under the protection by the Local Government

Unit of the Province of Lupon, and has a total land area of 49,100 hectares with two

(2) general land classification as Timber land with an area of 38,859 hectares and

Alienable and Disposable land with an area of 10, 241 hectares.


Figure 1. Map of the study site


Site Description

The site will be described as to its water depth, water current, substrate, water

width, riparian characteristics and microhabitat.

Water depth (m)

The water depth in the study area is measured. A meter stick will be laid

vertically in the water column. The results will be reported in meters (m). in cases

where the meter stick is not enough in measuring the water depth, an improvised

meter stick will be used..

Water Current

The rate of the flow of the water in which it moves or travels in the water body

will be measured manually by releasing a slipper on the water. The total distance

travelled by the slipper in 1 minute (meter/second) will be recorded as water current.

Three replicate readings will be done during the data gathering.


The substrates will be described and examined through ocular inspection.

Water width

The water width of the study area will be measured through tape measure.

Microhabitat of odonates

Microhabitat of odonates will be classified into arboreal, riparian or ground

(Koparde et al., 2015). Arboreal odonates are those that are found in elevated areas

from the ground which includes branches, stems of plants, leaves, leaf axis and

rocks. Riparian odonates are those that are found at the aquatic areas including

streams. Lastly, the ground dwelling odonates are those that are found along the leaf

litters and logs. Taking of pictures and videos will be done for habitat description.

Protocol Entry

Communication will be sent to the Department of Environment and Natural

Resources (DENR) and to Barangay Captain in Brgy. Corporacion, Lupon, Davao

Oriental to request permission to conduct the study and for assistance.

Sampling Duration

Sampling duration will be from August for a period of thirty (30)days and

within 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. The field sampling will be done during daytime for easy

counting, identification, and collection of odonates.

Sample Collection

The collection of odonates will be done by four to five persons employing a

minimum of 100 man-hours (Yapac et. al, 2016). The odonates will be collected

along the transect line using a sweep net. This sweep net is made up of silky linen

with a diameter of 25cm, diameter at mouth and a handle with a length of 4-

5m.Documentation will be done through digital camera for further identification.

Preservation Method

Captured samples wIll be put into a jar and then soaked in acetone for 12

hours and dried completely (Mapi-ot et al., 2013), after which the samples are stored

in triangular paper envelopes measuring 30 x 20 cm with wings folded into position

along the upper body (Quisil et al., 2013).Naphthalene balls will be added to the jar

in order to prevent entry of other insects that may damage the preserved samples

(Cayasan et al., 2013).

In collecting odonates the researchers follow Rob Canning Method and Sid Dunkle’s

Method for killing the specimen.

Collecting Method:

Use a long-handled aerial net at least 18" diameter. Dark net may be preferable to a

light one. Watch awhile before swinging at a patrolling dragonfly. This will allow you

to position yourself most advantageously. Choose a concealed location if possible.

Move deliberately, keeping the net as inconspicuous as possible until the moment of

truth. Swing at fast-flying, agile species from behind as they fly by; many will easily

dodge a net swung head-on.

Killing Method:

Dropping the dragonfly in a wide-mouthed bottle filled with acetone works in a few

seconds. Freezing also works, but blue and green colors will darken, and the

specimen will decompose rapidly when thawed. In a pinch (e.g. when acetone isn't

available), dragonflies may be killed on the hot dashboard of a car, quickly dried in

porous paper, labeled, and protected from insects and breakage. After killing,

arrange each specimen with wings above the back and abdomen straight in paper

triangle or envelope. Write collection data on the envelope in pencil (if you are killing

them in the field and haven't done this already, as in step 1), then place the entire

envelope in a jar of acetone. Beware of acetone's flammability. Don't breathe the

fumes! Soak for 24 hours. Discard the acetone when it becomes yellow like weak

urine due to dissolved fats.


Remove the specimens, still in their envelopes, from the acetone and dry them in the

air for about a day. It is better to place the specimens in a bag or box with a hair

dryer blowing on them for an hour or two. The hair dryer should be set on no heat or

the lowest heat and placed about 2 feet from the specimens. Placing the specimens

in the breeze from an air conditioner also works well. The specimens are dry when

the abdomen and legs do not move with gentle finger pressure, i.e. they have

become brittle. Hot air from a furnace or oven melts the fat in the specimens. This is

not desirable. Some fading of colors will occur, and eye color will not be preserved,

so make notes on coloration before preserving. [Smithe, 1975 is useful for

standardizing color descriptions.] Store specimens in paper or glassine envelopes or,

better, in transparent cellophane envelopes containing a 3"x5" data card. Store

envelopes on edge like cards in a cardfile in tightly closing plastic containers, with a

few naphthalene moth balls (paradichlorobenzene dissolves some kinds of plastic)

for pest control. Do not pin dragonflies because the head and abdomen are prone to

breakage if not supported. Place the specimens in their envelopes in a small box

with padding to prevent them from sliding against each other. Nest this box in a large

box with padding, and label the outer box "Fragile" and "Contents: Dead Insects, No

Commercial Value."

Identification of Samples

The samples will be identified and counted by numbers of individuals. The

identification process will be carried out by external morphological characteristics

which are the body shape, position of the wings, and body color and were verified by

an expert. The books of Charles Heckman (2006) entitled “Encyclopedia of South

American Aquatic Insects: Odonata- Anisoptera” and published journals and articles

of Villanueva et al.(2011) entitled “Odonata Fauna of Catanduanes Island,


Philippines” and the study of Kumar et. al,(2015) entitled “Diversity, distribution and

abundance of damselfly (Zygoptera) of KaplaBeel, Wetland of Barpeta District;

Assam, India” and the “Dragonflies and damselflies of Peninsular India-A field guide”

by Subramanian,(2005) were used as references for identification.


Data Analysis

Species Composition

The species of odonates that will be collected in the study area will be

identified, classified and described through there morphological characteristics.

Recorded information such common name, scientific name and the description are

presented in tabular form.

Diversity nl ̰ ni
H =−∑ ¿
In determining the diversity of dragonflies and damselflies, Shannon-Wiener

Diversity Index will be used. It has the following formula:



Shannon-Wiener Diversity Index


H '= Shannon-Wiener Diversity Index

S = number of species encountered

∑ = sum of all species

Ni = total number of individuals of a particular specie.

𝑁 = total number of individuals of all species



Odonates collected by the sweep net will be counted, recorded and analyzed

for their abundance. Abundance calculation will be done using the standard formula

of relative abundance.


Relative Abundance= number

of individual per speciesx 100%
species found



Species Composition

A total of 7 species that belong to two sub-orders of odonates were observed

in the study area. These sub-orders were Anisoptera and Zygoptera. Anisoptera has

one family (Libellulidae) while Zygoptera has one family (Protoneuridae)

(Table 1).

Table 1.List of odonates species documented in three sampling sites.

Sub-order Family Scientific Name Common Name

 Anisoptera Libellulidae Neurothemisfulvia Folvous forest


Trithemisfestiva Treknature

OrthetrumSabina Slender skimmer

Orthetrumpruinosumclelia Crimson Tailed

marsh hawk

Pantalaflavescens Wandering glider

Orthetrumalbistylumspeciosum Slaty skimmer


 Protoneuridae Prodasineuraintegra Threatails/


Family Libellulidae

Six species were discovered under the family Libellulidae. These species

were Neurothemisfulvia, Trithemisfestiva

Orthetrumsabina,Orthetrumpruinosumclelia, Pantalaflavescens ,and

Orthetrumalbistylumspeciosum,. According to Munroe (2012), this family has

medium to small size, usually brightly-colored body and often has wing patches.

They frequently return to and defend the same sunny perch along a pond or marsh

edge. This flight is often more fluttery and bouncy than other dragonflies, with

frequent stops and turns.These species were described below:

Neurothemisfulvia.It has 37-41mm wing length, 0.6mm thorax length,

31.5mm abdomen length and 0.4mm eye diameter. According to Mitra (2010) it is a

medium-sized rusty dragonfly with transparent wing tips. Male has a reddish-brown

face and eyes are dark reddish, golden brown below. Thorax, abdomen and legs are

reddish brown. Wings are dark reddish brown with an irregular triangular transparent

area at the tip of the wing. The wing spots are dark reddish brown. Wings are clear

amber yellow with a dark ray extending to the tip of the fore wing. Many of them have

an irregular triangular transparent area at the tip of the wing(Plate 1).

Observed Specimen Reference (Drury,1773)

Orthetrumsabina.It has 34mm wing length, 0.5mm thorax length, 32mm

abdomen length and 0.21mm eye diameter. According to Mitra(2013), it is a

medium-sized dragonfly. Adults are grayish to greenish yellow with black and pale

markings and with green eyes. Its abdomen is greenish-yellow, marked with black.

Females are similar to males in shape, color and size; differing only in sexual

characteristics.This dragonfly perches motionless on shrubs and dry twigs for long

periods. It voraciously preys on smaller butterflies and dragonflies(Plate 3).

Observed Specimen Reference (Selys, 1882)

Odonate observed Reference (Selys, 1882)

Plate 3.Orthetrumsabina

Trithemisfestiva. It has 31mm wing length, 0.4mm thorax length, 29mm

abdomen length and 0.21mm eye diameter. According to Subramanian (2005), the

male has dark brown frons in front and iridescent violet. The eyes are dark brown

above with a purple tinge. It is has bluish grey laterally color. The thorax is black,

covered with purple pruinescence. This gives then a deep blue appearance.

The legs are black, wings are transparent, with a dark opaque brown mark at the

base of hind wing.  Wing spot is black and abdomen is black covered0 with fine blue

pruinescence. The female of this species has dirty face. The eyes are dark brown

above and grey below. In addition to this, on the sides inverted ‘Y’ shaped stripes are

present. The legs are black and the anterior femora are yellow on the inner

side. Wings are transparent. The wing spot is black(Plate 2).

Odonate observed Reference (Rambur, 1842)

Plate 2.Trithemisfestiva

Orthetrumpruinusomclelia.It has 31-35mm wing length, 0.7mm thorax

length, 28-30mm abdomen length and 0.4mm eye diameter. According to Sharma

(2010), it is a widespread species occurring from west India to Japan and south

to Java and the Sunda Islands.A molecular phylogenetics study

of Orthetrumdragonflies revealed that Orthetrumpruinosum is a cryptic species. It is

a medium-sized dragonfly with dark thorax with slight purple pruinescence and

purple colored abdomen.).

Pantalaflavescens. It has 35mm wing length, 0.5mm thorax length, 28mm

abdomen length and 0.22mm eye diameter. According to Paulson (2016),it is a wide-

ranging dragonfly of the family Libellulidae. This species are the "spot-winged

glider". It is considered to be the most widespread dragonfly on the planet with good

population on every continent except Antarctica and rare in Europe.(Plate 6).

Observed Specimen Reference (Selys 1878

Odonate observed Reference (Selys 1878)

Plate 6.Pantalaflavescens

Orthetrumalbistylumspeciosum.It has 33mm wing length, 0.5mm thorax

length, 28mm abdomen length and 0.22mm eye diameter. According to


Dow(2010),this species occurs from central and south Europe to China and Japan.

Its distribution is often patchy. The species has recently spread its range northwards

to the Baltic Sea coast in Poland. The common name for this species is blue

skimmer. Threats that can affect water pollution associated with crop production

areone of the threats for the species (Plate 7).

Observed Specimen Reference (Uhler, 1858)

Family Protoneuridae

It has one species recognized Prodasineuraintegra. According to Paulson

(2009),most species are commonly known as threadtails, while others are commonly

known as bambootails. They are usually small-sized damselflies and their wings are

narrow and mostly transparent, with simple venation. The males tend to be colourful

and many have a red, orange, yellow or blue thorax and a black abdomen. They

have black thorax and brightly coloured abdomen and others are entirely dark. Their

usual habitats are the verges of rivers and streams and the margins of large lakes.

Prodasineuraintegra. It has 31mm wing length, 0.3mm thorax length, 36-

38mm abdomen length and 0.2mm eye diameter. According to Mitra (2018), they are

small and slender damselflies with a small head.They are found at still waters

including swamps. P.integra is widely distributed in the tropics from Africa, Indonesia

to Australia. They are commonly known as Slims (Plate 11).

Observed Specimen Reference (Selys 1889


Relative Abundance

he relative abundance of odonates species in the study area is presented in

Table 2.

The most abundant species in the sampling sites was T.festiva with 207 individuals

(43.04%). According to Balzan (2012), T. festiva prefer those areas that have many

rocks which provide them a perch and also confer warmth and protection. And also

the area was near the river where odonates lay their eggs.

The least abundant species captured were P.flavescens,

O.albistylumspeciosum and Orthetrumpruinusomclelia having one individual (0.2%).

This low abundance could be due to their sensitivity in any disturbances in the area,

however, they also depend on the right conditions for any one particular species, and

independent of which other species are dominant, and this observation conform the

statement of Ampang (2014) .

Odonates are important component in river ecosystem because they serve as

a good biological indicator to the changes of the environment which tells us

everything on what is happening in an ecosystem. Odonates are also a potential

group of organisms that could indicate habitat alterations in river ecosystem since

they have aquatic and terrestrial life forms (Silva et al, 2009). In fact, they are

recognized as a good indicator of water quality because of its sensitivity to changes

in water ecosystems (Kutcher et al., 2014).


Table 2.The relative abundance of odonates in three sampling sites.

Species Number of individuals Total

Station 1 Station 2 Station 3
Neurothemisfulvia 20 7 3 30
Trithemisfestiva 107 36 64 207
OrthetrumSabina 15 3 18 36
Orthetrumpruinosumclelia 20 13 19 52
10 9 6 25
Pantalaflavescens 0 1 0 1
Orthetrumalbistylumspeciosu 1 0 0 1

Prodasineuraintegra 19 8 12 34

Total 192 77 122 386

Species Diversity

The diversity of odonates in three sampling sites is shown in Table 3. Site 1

has slightly higher index of (H’=2.21) than the rest of the study sites and the low

diversity was observed in site 3 with (H’=1.79). Moreover, as shown in the derived

Shannon-Wiener Diversity Index values ranges which from 1.79- 2.21, it can be said

that the diversity of odonates in the selected sites was low. According to MacArthur

& Wilson, 1967 and Rosenzweig (1995), as cited by Olavideset. al, (2010),the higher

the value of Shannon-Wiener diversity index (H’), the higher is the diversity of an

area. H’ increases dramatically as the number of species increases.

Based on the ranges of Shannon Diversity, above 3 is equivalent to highly

diverse, below 3 to 0 is poor or low and below 0 is said to be very poor. Therefore

based on the result, the diversity in all study sites was poor or low which could be

attributed to have poor water quality (Domsic, 2008). Dolny et al.(2011) and

Malawani et al. (2013) reported that odonate species are very sensitive to the

change of environmental conditions and the types of habitat are a major factor and if

there is a dominant species living in a specific area this can be influenced also by the

competition of species for food and territory within an area that results to have low

species diversity.

Table 3. Shannon -Wienner Diversity Index of odonates in three sampling sites.

Site 1 Site 2 Site 3 Total or Average

Number of 192 77 122 391


Shannon- 2.21 1.97 1.79 1.99



Diversity Index

Microhabitat Classification

In this study, the microhabitats of the species encountered in the sites are

shown in Table 4.

Three species of odonates were observed in arboreal microhabitat. These

species were Neurothemisfulvia, Orthetrumpruinosumclelia, and

Prodasineuraintegra. This kind of habitat is likely far to any human disturbances that

some of odonates prefer to spend their entire development time in arboreal

microhabitats (Corbet, 1999). Since odonate has a sensitivity to environmental

conditions that makes them excellent biological indicators of environmental

conditions this kind of habitat is one of their preferences (Samways et al., 2010).

Four species of odonates were observed in the ground microhabitat. These

species were Trithemisfestiva, Orthetrum Sabina, , Pantalaflavescens,

Orthetrumalbistylumspeciosum They are ground microhabitat because they are

preferred in resting above the rocks which is highly present in the ground.

This kind of habitat is considered disturbed area, but there are also odonates

that eventually occurred even if the area is disturbed. Since the ground microhabitat

is directly exposed to the sun, all odonates are visual predators, a sun-loving lifestyle

that would facilitate social signaling, prey capture and optimal flight performance

(Henry et al., 2017).


On the other hand, two species of odonates were observed in the riparian

microhabitat. These species were Orthetrum Sabina, Orthetrumpruinosumclelia.

These observations conform to Schindler et. al,(2003) statement that this specific

species are a riparian microhabitat because they are slightly sensitive to any human

disturbances and riparian plays an important role throughout the lifecycle of

odonates that provides them resources and conditions necessary for the

persistence of the adult stages.


Table 4.Microhabitat ofodonates in the study area.

Species name Type I Type II


(Arboreal) (Ground)
Neurothemisfulvia  X
Trithemisfestiva X 
OrthetrumSabina X 
Orthetrumpruinosumclelia  X
Pantalaflavescens X

X 


Prodasineuraintegra  X
Total 3 4
 - Present X - Absent

Site Description

The site were described as to its water depth, water current, substrate,water

width and microhabitat was measured and gathered for site description only.

Water Depth (m)

The water depth was also recorded during the sampling. The water depth

varies from 12- 50 cm in three study stations. The deepest water level was observed

in site 1 obtaining 50 cm and the lowest reading was observed in site 3 having 12 cm


Water Current

The rate of the flow of the water in which it moves or travels in the water body

was measured manually by releasing a slipper on the water. The total distance

travelled by the slipper in 1 minute (meter/second) was recorded as water current.

Three replicate readings were done during the data gathering. The results showed

the higher water current was 3m/ sec. and the lowest was 1m/ sec.


The substrates were described and examined through ocular inspection

where the odonates lay their eggs. The substrates present in the study area were

rocky and sandy.

Figure 3. The substrates that were present in the study area (A.) Rocky, (B.) Sandy.

Figure 2. Rocky Figure 3. Sandy

Water width

The water width of the study area was measured through tape measure. The

water width was cm.


The riparian habitat/ ecosystem were assessed through ocular inspection that

was done in the sampling area and the data were recorded in a slate table. Plants in

the riparian were identified and were photo- documented using a digital camera. The

plants present were bamboo tree, leaf litters, hagonoy plants, bagon, coconut tree

and santol tree


gure A. Figure B.

Figure C Figure D

Figure E Figure F

Figure 4. Plants that were present in the study area (A.) Bamboo tree, (B.) Leaf

litters, (C.) Hagonoy plants, (D.) Bagon plants, (E.) Coconut tree, (F.) Santol tree




This study was conducted to determine the diversity of odonates in Sumlog

River, Barangay Corporacion, Lupon, Davao Oriental. The species composition,

abundance and microhabitat were examined. Site descriptions such as humidity,

water depth, river bed, water current and water width were noted. Opportunistic

methods and sweep net methods were used as techniques in sampling.


Captured odonates were identified through its morphological characteristics

(such as wings, abdomen, thorax and eye size). Three stations were established as

study sites. The sampling activity started from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM for a total of 100

hours with the help of 4-5 persons every sampling.

There were 7 species of odonates found in Sumlog river. The species were

N.fulvia, T. festiva, O. Sabina, O.pruinosumclelia, P. flavescens, O.

albistylumspeciosum, , and P.integra.

Trithemisfestiva has the highest abundance among all odonates species

having a relative abundance of 43.04%. The least abundant species were P.

flavescens,and O.albistylumspeciosum of 0.2%.

The diversity indices computed from the three stations showed that site 1 has

slightly higher index (H’= 2.21) than the rest of the sites and the low diversity was

observed in site 3 with (H’= 1.79). The diversity in all study sites was within the

range/ category of poor or low.

Majority of the species preferred in the ground microhabitat in which it has

many rocks that provide them a perch and confer warmth and protection, and also

this microhabitat is very near to the river where odonates lay their eggs.


The diversity of odonate was poor or low and this is largely attributed to a

dominating species which is Trithemisfestiva and the preferred microhabitat of this

species was under threat due to the poor of the varieties of odonates in Sumlog

River,Local Government Unit (LGU) should pay close attention in order to implement

some management plans to sustain the population of this odonate species.


Regardless on the achievement of the study to comply the desired objectives,there

are some aspects that are needed to be investigated. Thus, the study would like to

recommend the following:

1. Similar study should be conducted in other areas of Bitanaganriver that are

not covered in this research.

2. Sampling of study in the same study sites must be conducted but in other

months to compare the diversity and abundance of odonate species.

3. Another study should be conducted after a year in the same study sites to

compare the status and trend of odonates.

4. Similar study should be conducted but to expand the time to get more

odonate species and to see the variation in terms of its abundance and


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