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Evidence: Daily routines / Evidencia: Rutinas diarias

Good morning, my name is Leidy Sorany. I am a food quality supervisor, slaughter

plant, I have a very busy schedule. At 5:30 in the morning, I get up and prepare a

chocolate, at 6:15 in the morning I take a shower and organize myself, I transport

myself on a motorcycle at 7:00 in the morning, I get to work, I start to make the

report on Monday and Tuesday to present it to my boss, on Wednesdays and

Thursdays I organize the work for the operators starting at 12:30 pm at 1:30 p.m.

Lunch with my coworkers in the company cafeteria, on Fridays and Saturdays I

receive animals, sacrifices are scheduled, at 5:00 pm, I arrive at my house

between 6:40 pm, I prepare food for my son and my family, I help my son to do his

homework, then I read a book and drink coffee before going to sleep, and domigos

is my day off to share with the family, this is my routine from Monday to Sunday

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