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Advertisement Strategies,
and Propaganda
The Art of Advertisement
Advertisement is the techniques used by a country, party, company, or other organization
with the intent of influencing people to engage with their message, idea, or product.
Advertisement (Ads) have the expressed purpose of drawing attention to itself through
various strategies. Advertisement consciously and subconsciously influences our emotions
and decision-making abilities. Advertisers influence our emotions with techniques that
include stereotyping and targeting specific audiences and individuals. Emotions are
influenced by our occupation, beliefs, personality, self-esteem, lifestyle, relationships,
friends, and families. Whether it be commercial, political, nationalistic, or otherwise, each
utilizes a blend of advertisement strategies in order to encourage people to engage with
that point of view.
General Advertisement
Advertisers make it seem that everyone is buying this product, so
you feel you should buy it too. For example, the Consumeropoly
game states: “The best, most exciting board game is sweeping the
nation. All your friends and neighbors are playing.” This statement
is intended to make you feel left out if you are not playing.
This technique is the opposite of Bandwagon.
Advertisers make it seem that the product is so new
that you will be the first to have it. The idea is that
you are ahead of the bandwagon curve. These
advertisements typically come across as strange and
Ordinary People Endorsement
People are more inclined to believe an individual or group they can
relate or identify with or who appears to represent them physically,
culturally, or ideologically.

Ordinary People Example: No CMP Corridor Ad.

Celebrity Testimonials
Running opposite of the Ordinary Person is the Testimonial
strategy. Advertisers use celebrities to endorse products
because they are recognizable. For example, a famous actor
urges consumers to buy a product. Pay close attention:
sometimes the celebrity does not actually say that he or she
uses the product.
Facts and Figures
Statistics, percentages, and numbers are used to convince
you that this product is better or more effective than another
product. However, be aware of what the numbers are actually
saying. What does “30 percent more effective than the
leading brand” really mean? Facts and figures appeal to our
sense of logic.
Emotional Response
The emotional response follows a similar path to the Facts and
Figures strategy. This response appeals to your ethics and emotions,
while facts and figures appeal to your logic. When people feel
strongly about a topic, they are more inclined to act upon it.

Example: Christmas Ad
If you repeat information or present information in repeating
patterns, people will remember it, associate it, and believe it
themselves. I view it as the single most annoying advertisement
strategy, but it is effective.

Example Link: Chapter 11

Example Link: The Furniture Superstore

Political Campaigning Strategies
Political campaigning utilizes general advertisement strategies with the express
intent of convincing people to support a political candidate or party. Political
campaigning can include specific colors, symbols, and logos in order to associate
the ad with a particular party or individual.
Republican Democrat
Propaganda and the
Various Strategies
Nationalist Propaganda
Propaganda is a powerful weapon in war; it is used to dehumanize and create hatred
toward a supposed enemy, either internal or external, by creating a false image in the
mind of soldiers and citizens, or justify their caused as righteous.

In NATO doctrine, propaganda is defined as "Any information, ideas, doctrines, or

special appeals disseminated to influence the opinion, emotions, attitudes, or
behaviour of any specified group in order to benefit the sponsor either directly or

Nationalist Propaganda takes the previously discussed strategies and incorporates

elements of national pride to convince the audience to fear a perceived enemy or
support their nation.
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