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Partnership, Trusts and Agency Pursuant to the above offer, which plaintiff evidently accepted, the parties executed a

partnership agreement establishing the "Yang & Company, Limited," which was to
exist from July 1, 1945 to December 31, 1947. It states that it will conduct and carry
1st set of Cases – Meeting No. 1 – 08/16/18 on the business of operating a theatre for the exhibition of motion and talking pictures.
The capital is fixed at P100,000, P80,000 of which is to be furnished by Yang Chiao
Seng and P20,000, by Mrs. Yulo. All gains and profits are to be distributed among the
partners in the same proportion as their capital contribution and the liability of Mrs.
Yulo, in case of loss, shall be limited to her capital contribution (Exh. "B").
Republic of the Philippines
Manila In June , 1946, they executed a supplementary agreement, extending the partnership
for a period of three years beginning January 1, 1948 to December 31, 1950. The
benefits are to be divided between them at the rate of 50-50 and after December 31,
1950, the showhouse building shall belong exclusively to the second party, Mrs. Yulo.

G.R. No. L-12541             August 28, 1959

The land on which the theatre was constructed was leased by plaintiff Mrs. Yulo from
Emilia Carrion Santa Marina and Maria Carrion Santa Marina. In the contract of lease
ROSARIO U. YULO, assisted by her husband JOSE C. YULO, plaintiffs- it was stipulated that the lease shall continue for an indefinite period of time, but that
appellants,  after one year the lease may be cancelled by either party by written notice to the
vs. other party at least 90 days before the date of cancellation. The last contract was
YANG CHIAO SENG, defendant-appellee. executed between the owners and Mrs. Yulo on April 5, 1948. But on April 12, 1949,
the attorney for the owners notified Mrs. Yulo of the owner's desire to cancel the
Punzalan, Yabut, Eusebio & Tiburcio for appellants. contract of lease on July 31, 1949. In view of the above notice, Mrs. Yulo and her
Augusto Francisco and Julian T. Ocampo for appellee. husband brought a civil action to the Court of First Instance of Manila on July 3, 1949
to declare the lease of the premises. On February 9, 1950, the Municipal Court of
Manila rendered judgment ordering the ejectment of Mrs. Yulo and Mr. Yang. The
judgment was appealed. In the Court of First Instance, the two cases were afterwards
heard jointly, and judgment was rendered dismissing the complaint of Mrs. Yulo and
Appeal from the judgment of the Court of First Instance of Manila, Hon. Bienvenido A. her husband, and declaring the contract of lease of the premises terminated as of
Tan, presiding, dismissing plaintiff's complaint as well as defendant's counterclaim. July 31, 1949, and fixing the reasonable monthly rentals of said premises at P100.
The appeal is prosecuted by plaintiff. Both parties appealed from said decision and the Court of Appeals, on April 30, 1955,
affirmed the judgment.
The record discloses that on June 17, 1945, defendant Yang Chiao Seng wrote a
letter to the palintiff Mrs. Rosario U. Yulo, proposing the formation of a partnership On October 27, 1950, Mrs. Yulo demanded from Yang Chiao Seng her share in the
between them to run and operate a theatre on the premises occupied by former Cine profits of the business. Yang answered the letter saying that upon the advice of his
Oro at Plaza Sta. Cruz, Manila. The principal conditions of the offer are (1) that Yang counsel he had to suspend the payment (of the rentals) because of the pendency of
Chiao Seng guarantees Mrs. Yulo a monthly participation of P3,000 payable quarterly the ejectment suit by the owners of the land against Mrs. Yulo. In this letter Yang
in advance within the first 15 days of each quarter, (2) that the partnership shall be for alleges that inasmuch as he is a sublessee and inasmuch as Mrs. Yulo has not paid
a period of two years and six months, starting from July 1, 1945 to December 31, to the lessors the rentals from August, 1949, he was retaining the rentals to make
1947, with the condition that if the land is expropriated or rendered impracticable for good to the landowners the rentals due from Mrs. Yulo in arrears (Exh. "E").
the business, or if the owner constructs a permanent building thereon, or Mrs. Yulo's
right of lease is terminated by the owner, then the partnership shall be terminated
In view of the refusal of Yang to pay her the amount agreed upon, Mrs. Yulo instituted
even if the period for which the partnership was agreed to be established has not yet
this action on May 26, 1954, alleging the existence of a partnership between them
expired; (3) that Mrs. Yulo is authorized personally to conduct such business in the
and that the defendant Yang Chiao Seng has refused to pay her share from
lobby of the building as is ordinarily carried on in lobbies of theatres in operation,
December, 1949 to December, 1950; that after December 31, 1950 the partnership
provided the said business may not obstruct the free ingress and agrees of patrons of
between Mrs. Yulo and Yang terminated, as a result of which, plaintiff became the
the theatre; (4) that after December 31, 1947, all improvements placed by the
absolute owner of the building occupied by the Cine Astor; that the reasonable rental
partnership shall belong to Mrs. Yulo, but if the partnership agreement is terminated
that the defendant should pay therefor from January, 1951 is P5,000; that the
before the lapse of one and a half years period under any of the causes mentioned in
defendant has acted maliciously and refuses to pay the participation of the plaintiff in
paragraph (2), then Yang Chiao Seng shall have the right to remove and take away
the profits of the business amounting to P35,000 from November, 1949 to October,
all improvements that the partnership may place in the premises.
1950, and that as a result of such bad faith and malice on the part of the defendant,
Mrs. Yulo has suffered damages in the amount of P160,000 and exemplary damages that parties agreed to postpone the trial because of a probable amicable settlement,
to the extent of P5,000. The prayer includes a demand for the payment of the above the plaintiff could not take advantage of defendant's absence at the time fixed for the
sums plus the sum of P10,000 for the attorney's fees. hearing. The lower court, therefore, did not err in setting aside its former judgment.
The final result of the hearing shown by the decision indicates that the setting aside of
In answer to the complaint, defendant alleges that the real agreement between the the previous decision was in the interest of justice.
plaintiff and the defendant was one of lease and not of partnership; that the
partnership was adopted as a subterfuge to get around the prohibition contained in In the second assignment of error plaintiff-appellant claims that the lower court erred
the contract of lease between the owners and the plaintiff against the sublease of the in not striking out the evidence offered by the defendant-appellee to prove that the
said property. As to the other claims, he denies the same and alleges that the fair relation between him and the plaintiff is one of the sublease and not of partnership.
rental value of the land is only P1,100. By way of counterclaim he alleges that by The action of the lower court in admitting evidence is justified by the express
reason of an attachment issued against the properties of the defendant the latter has allegation in the defendant's answer that the agreement set forth in the complaint was
suffered damages amounting to P100,000. one of lease and not of partnership, and that the partnership formed was adopted in
view of a prohibition contained in plaintiff's lease against a sublease of the property.
The first hearing was had on April 19, 1955, at which time only the plaintiff appeared.
The court heard evidence of the plaintiff in the absence of the defendant and The most important issue raised in the appeal is that contained in the fourth
thereafter rendered judgment ordering the defendant to pay to the plaintiff P41,000 for assignment of error, to the effect that the lower court erred in holding that the written
her participation in the business up to December, 1950; P5,000 as monthly rental for contracts, Exhs. "A", "B", and "C, between plaintiff and defendant, are one of lease
the use and occupation of the building from January 1, 1951 until defendant vacates and not of partnership. We have gone over the evidence and we fully agree with the
the same, and P3,000 for the use and occupation of the lobby from July 1, 1945 until conclusion of the trial court that the agreement was a sublease, not a partnership.
defendant vacates the property. This decision, however, was set aside on a motion The following are the requisites of partnership: (1) two or more persons who bind
for reconsideration. In said motion it is claimed that defendant failed to appear at the themselves to contribute money, property, or industry to a common fund; (2) intention
hearing because of his honest belief that a joint petition for postponement filed by on the part of the partners to divide the profits among themselves. (Art. 1767, Civil
both parties, in view of a possible amicable settlement, would be granted; that in view Code.).
of the decision of the Court of Appeals in two previous cases between the owners of
the land and the plaintiff Rosario Yulo, the plaintiff has no right to claim the alleged In the first place, plaintiff did not furnish the supposed P20,000 capital. In the second
participation in the profit of the business, etc. The court, finding the above motion, place, she did not furnish any help or intervention in the management of the theatre.
well-founded, set aside its decision and a new trial was held. After trial the court In the third place, it does not appear that she has ever demanded from defendant any
rendered the decision making the following findings: that it is not true that a accounting of the expenses and earnings of the business. Were she really a partner,
partnership was created between the plaintiff and the defendant because defendant her first concern should have been to find out how the business was progressing,
has not actually contributed the sum mentioned in the Articles of Partnership, or any whether the expenses were legitimate, whether the earnings were correct, etc. She
other amount; that the real agreement between the plaintiff and the defendant is not was absolutely silent with respect to any of the acts that a partner should have done;
of the partnership but one of the lease for the reason that under the agreement the all that she did was to receive her share of P3,000 a month, which can not be
plaintiff did not share either in the profits or in the losses of the business as required interpreted in any manner than a payment for the use of the premises which she had
by Article 1769 of the Civil Code; and that the fact that plaintiff was granted a leased from the owners. Clearly, plaintiff had always acted in accordance with the
"guaranteed participation" in the profits also belies the supposed existence of a original letter of defendant of June 17, 1945 (Exh. "A"), which shows that both parties
partnership between them. It. therefore, denied plaintiff's claim for damages or considered this offer as the real contract between them.
supposed participation in the profits.
Plaintiff claims the sum of P41,000 as representing her share or participation in the
As to her claim for damages for the refusal of the defendant to allow the use of the business from December, 1949. But the original letter of the defendant, Exh. "A",
supposed lobby of the theatre, the court after ocular inspection found that the said expressly states that the agreement between the plaintiff and the defendant was to
lobby was very narrow space leading to the balcony of the theatre which could not be end upon the termination of the right of the plaintiff to the lease. Plaintiff's right having
used for business purposes under existing ordinances of the City of Manila because it terminated in July, 1949 as found by the Court of Appeals, the partnership agreement
would constitute a hazard and danger to the patrons of the theatre. The court, or the agreement for her to receive a participation of P3,000 automatically ceased as
therefore, dismissed the complaint; so did it dismiss the defendant's counterclaim, on of said date.
the ground that the defendant failed to present sufficient evidence to sustain the
same. It is against this decision that the appeal has been prosecuted by plaintiff to
this Court. We find no error in the judgment of the court below and we affirm it in toto, with costs
against plaintiff-appellant.
The first assignment of error imputed to the trial court is its order setting aside its
former decision and allowing a new trial. This assignment of error is without merit. As Paras C.J., Padilla, Bautista Angelo, Endencia, and Barrera, JJ., concur.
shall be borne by the representative office and funded by Pacfor/ATM, since Pacfor
Phils. is equally owned on a 50-50 equity by ATM and Pacfor-usa.

On July 14, 1995, the SEC granted the application of private respondent Pacfor for a
license to transact business in the Philippines under the name of Pacfor or Pacfor
Phils.7 In its application, private respondent Pacfor proposed to establish its
representative office in the Philippines with the purpose of monitoring and
coordinating the market activities for paper products. It also designated petitioner as
its resident agent in the Philippines, authorized to accept summons and processes in
all legal proceedings, and all notices affecting the corporation.8

In March 1997, the Side Agreement was amended through a "Revised Operating and
SECOND DIVISION Profit Sharing Agreement for the Representative Office Known as Pacific Forest
Resources (Philippines),"9 where the salary of petitioner was increased to $78,000
per annum. Both agreements show that the operational expenses will be borne by the
G.R. No. 159333             July 31, 2006
representative office and funded by all parties "as equal partners," while the profits
and commissions will be shared among them.
ARSENIO T. MENDIOLA, petitioner, 
In July 2000, petitioner wrote Kevin Daley, Vice President for Asia of Pacfor, seeking
confirmation of his 50% equity of Pacfor Phils.10 Private respondent Pacfor, through
William Gleason, its President, replied that petitioner is not a part-owner of Pacfor
Phils. because the latter is merely Pacfor-USA's representative office and not an
DECISION entity separate and distinct from Pacfor-USA. "It's simply a 'theoretical company' with
the purpose of dividing the income 50-50."11 Petitioner presumably knew of this
PUNO, J.: arrangement from the start, having been the one to propose to private respondent
Pacfor the setting up of a representative office, and "not a branch office" in the
Philippines to save on taxes.12
On appeal are the Decision1 and Resolution2 of the Court of Appeals, dated January
30, 2003 and July 30, 2003, respectively, in CA-G.R. SP No. 71028, affirming the
ruling3 of the National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC), which in turn set aside Petitioner claimed that he was all along made to believe that he was in a joint venture
the July 30, 2001 Decision4 of the labor arbiter. The labor arbiter declared illegal the with them. He alleged he would have been better off remaining as an independent
dismissal of petitioner from employment and awarded separation pay, moral and agent or representative of Pacfor-USA as ATM Marketing Corp.13 Had he known that
exemplary damages, and attorney's fees. no joint venture existed, he would not have allowed Pacfor to take the profitable
business of his own company, ATM Marketing Corp.14 Petitioner raised other issues,
such as the rentals of office furniture, salary of the employees, company car, as well
The facts are as follows:
as commissions allegedly due him. The issues were not resolved, hence, in October
2000, petitioner wrote Pacfor-USA demanding payment of unpaid commissions and
Private respondent Pacific Forest Resources, Phils., Inc. (Pacfor) is a corporation office furniture and equipment rentals, amounting to more than one million dollars.15
organized and existing under the laws of California, USA. It is a subsidiary of
Cellulose Marketing International, a corporation duly organized under the laws of
On November 27, 2000, private respondent Pacfor, through counsel, ordered
Sweden, with principal office in Gothenburg, Sweden.
petitioner to turn over to it all papers, documents, files, records, and other materials in
his or ATM Marketing Corporation's possession that belong to Pacfor or Pacfor
Private respondent Pacfor entered into a "Side Agreement on Representative Office Phils.16 On December 18, 2000, private respondent Pacfor also required petitioner to
known as Pacific Forest Resources (Phils.), Inc."5 with petitioner Arsenio T. Mendiola remit more than three hundred thousand-peso Christmas giveaway fund for clients of
(ATM), effective May 1, 1995, "assuming that Pacfor-Phils. is already approved by the Pacfor Phils.17 Lastly, private respondent Pacfor withdrew all its offers of settlement
Securities and Exchange Commission [SEC] on the said date."6 The Side Agreement and ordered petitioner to transfer title and turn over to it possession of the service
outlines the business relationship of the parties with regard to the Philippine car.18
operations of Pacfor. Private respondent will establish a Pacfor representative office
in the Philippines, to be known as Pacfor Phils, and petitioner ATM will be its
Private respondent Pacfor likewise sent letters to its clients in the Philippines,
President. Petitioner's base salary and the overhead expenditures of the company
advising them not to deal with Pacfor Phils. In its letter to Intercontinental Paper
Industries, Inc., dated November 21, 2000, private respondent Pacfor stated:
Until further notice, please course all inquiries and communications for respondent for HEPI's principal, International Forest Products, a competitor of private
Pacific Forest Resources (Philippines) to: respondent.25

Pacific Forest Resources Petitioner denied the charges. He reiterated that he considered the import of Pacfor
200 Tamal Plaza, Suite 200 President William Gleason's letters as a "cessation of his position and of the
Corte Madera, CA, USA 94925 existence of Pacfor Phils." He likewise informed private respondent Pacfor that ATM
(415) 927 1700 phone Marketing Corp. now occupies Pacfor Phils.' office premises,26 and demanded
(415) 381 4358 fax payment of his separation pay.27 On February 15, 2001, petitioner filed his complaint
for illegal dismissal, recovery of separation pay, and payment of attorney's fees with
Please do not send any communication to Mr. Arsenio "Boy" T. Mendiola or the NLRC.28
to the offices of ATM Marketing Corporation at Room 504, Concorde
Building, Legaspi Village, Makati City, Philippines.19 In the meantime, private respondent Pacfor lodged fresh charges against petitioner.
In a memorandum dated March 5, 2001, private respondent directed petitioner to
In another letter addressed to Davao Corrugated Carton Corp. (DAVCOR), dated explain why he should not be disciplined for serious misconduct and conflict of
December 2000, private respondent directed said client "to please communicate interest. Private respondent charged petitioner anew with serious misconduct for the
directly with us on any further questions associated with these payments or any future latter's alleged act of fraud and misrepresentation in authorizing the release of an
business. Do not communicate with [Pacfor] and/or [ATM]."20 additional peso salary for himself, besides the dollar salary agreed upon by the
parties. Private respondent also accused petitioner of disloyalty and representation of
conflicting interests for having continued using the Pacfor Phils.' office for operations
Petitioner construed these directives as a severance of the "unregistered partnership" of HEPI. In addition, petitioner allegedly solicited business for HEPI from a competitor
between him and Pacfor, and the termination of his employment as resident manager company of private respondent Pacfor.29
of Pacfor Phils.21 In a memorandum to the employees of Pacfor Phils., dated January
29, 2001, he stated:
Labor Arbiter Felipe Pati ruled in favor of petitioner, finding there was constructive
dismissal. By directing petitioner to turn over all office records and materials,
I received a letter from Pacific Forest Resources, Inc. demanding the regardless of whether he may have retained copies, private respondent Pacfor
turnover of all records to them effective December 19, 2000. The company virtually deprived petitioner of his job by the gradual diminution of his authority as
records were turned over only on January 26, 2001. This means our jobs resident manager. Petitioner's position as resident manager whose duty, among
with Pacific Forest were terminated effective December 19, 2000. I am others, was to maintain the security of its business transactions and communications
concerned about your welfare. I would like to help you by offering you to was rendered meaningless. The dispositive portion of the decision of the Labor
work with ATM Marketing Corporation. Arbiter reads:

Please let me know if you are interested.22 WHEREFORE, premises considered, judgment is hereby rendered ordering
herein respondents Cellmark AB and Pacific Forest Resources, Inc., jointly
On the basis of the "Side Agreement," petitioner insisted that he and Pacfor equally and severally to compensate complainant Arsenio T. Mendiola separation
own Pacfor Phils. Thus, it follows that he and Pacfor likewise own, on a 50/50 basis, pay equivalent to at least one month for every year of service, whichever is
Pacfor Phils.' office furniture and equipment and the service car. He also reiterated higher (sic), as reinstatement is no longer feasible by reason of the strained
his demand for unpaid commissions, and proposed to offset these with the remaining relations of the parties equivalent to five (5) months in the amount of
Christmas giveaway fund in his possession.23 Furthermore, he did not renew the $32,000.00 plus the sum of P250,000.00; pay complainant the sum
lease contract with Pulp and Paper, Inc., the lessor of the office premises of Pacfor of P500,000.00 as moral and exemplary damages and ten percent (10%) of
Phils., wherein he was the signatory to the lease agreement.24 the amounts awarded as and for attorney's fees.

On February 2, 2001, private respondent Pacfor placed petitioner on preventive All other claims are dismissed for lack of basis.
suspension and ordered him to show cause why no disciplinary action should be
taken against him. Private respondent Pacfor charged petitioner with willful SO ORDERED.30
disobedience and serious misconduct for his refusal to turn over the service car and
the Christmas giveaway fund which he applied to his alleged unpaid commissions.
Private respondent also alleged loss of confidence and gross neglect of duty on the Private respondent Pacfor appealed to the NLRC which ruled in its favor. On
part of petitioner for allegedly allowing another corporation owned by petitioner's December 20, 2001, the NLRC set aside the July 30, 2001 decision of the labor
relatives, High End Products, Inc. (HEPI), to use the same telephone and facsimile arbiter, for lack of jurisdiction and lack of merit.31 It held there was no employer-
numbers of Pacfor, to possibly steal and divert the sales and business of private employee relationship between the parties. Based on the two agreements between
the parties, it concluded that petitioner is not an employee of private respondent relations between petitioner and private respondent Pacfor. Petitioner is not a part-
Pacfor, but a full co-owner (50/50 equity). owner of Pacfor Phils. William Gleason, private respondent Pacfor's President
established this fact when he said that Pacfor Phils. is simply a "theoretical company"
The NLRC denied petitioner's Motion for Reconsideration.32 for the purpose of dividing the income 50-50. He stressed that petitioner knew of this
arrangement from the very start, having been the one to propose to private
respondent Pacfor the setting up of a representative office, and "not a branch office"
Petitioner was not successful on his appeal to the Court of Appeals. The appellate in the Philippines to save on taxes. Thus, the parties in this case, merely shared
court upheld the ruling of the NLRC. profits. This alone does not make a partnership.40

Petitioner's Motion for Reconsideration33 of the decision of the Court of Appeals was Besides, a corporation cannot become a member of a partnership in the absence of
denied. express authorization by statute or charter.41 This doctrine is based on the following
considerations: (1) that the mutual agency between the partners, whereby the
Hence, this appeal.34 corporation would be bound by the acts of persons who are not its duly appointed and
authorized agents and officers, would be inconsistent with the policy of the law that
Petitioner assigns the following errors: the corporation shall manage its own affairs separately and exclusively; and, (2) that
such an arrangement would improperly allow corporate property to become subject to
risks not contemplated by the stockholders when they originally invested in the
A. The Respondent Court of Appeals committed reversible error and abused corporation.42No such authorization has been proved in the case at bar.
its discretion in rendering judgment against petitioner since jurisdiction has
been acquired over the subject matter of the case as there exists employer-
employee relationship between the parties. Be that as it may, we hold that on the basis of the evidence, an employer-employee
relationship is present in the case at bar. The elements to determine the existence of
an employment relationship are: (a) the selection and engagement of the employee;
B. The Respondent Court of Appeals committed reversible error and abused (b) the payment of wages; (c) the power of dismissal; and (d) the employer's power to
its discretion in ruling that jurisdiction over the subject matter cannot be control the employee's conduct. The most important element is the employer's control
waived and may be alleged even for the first time on appeal or considered of the employee's conduct, not only as to the result of the work to be done, but also
by the court motu prop[r]io.35 as to the means and methods to accomplish it.43

The first issue is whether an employer-employee relationship exists between In the instant case, all the foregoing elements are present. First, it was private
petitioner and private respondent Pacfor. respondent Pacfor which selected and engaged the services of petitioner as its
resident agent in the Philippines. Second, as stipulated in their Side Agreement,
Petitioner argues that he is an industrial partner of the partnership he formed with private respondent Pacfor pays petitioner his salary amounting to $65,000 per annum
private respondent Pacfor, and also an employee of the partnership. Petitioner insists which was later increased to $78,000. Third, private respondent Pacfor holds the
that an industrial partner may at the same time be an employee of the partnership, power of dismissal, as may be gleaned through the various memoranda it issued
provided there is such an agreement, which, in this case, is the "Side Agreement" and against petitioner, placing the latter on preventive suspension while charging him with
the "Revised Operating and Profit Sharing Agreement." The Court of Appeals denied various offenses, including willful disobedience, serious misconduct, and gross
the appeal of petitioner, holding that "the legal basis of the complaint is not neglect of duty, and ordering him to show cause why no disciplinary action should be
employment but perhaps partnership, co-ownership, or independent contractorship." taken against him.
Hence, the Labor Code cannot apply.
Lastly and most important, private respondent Pacfor has the power of control over
We hold that petitioner is an employee of private respondent Pacfor and that no the means and method of petitioner in accomplishing his work.
partnership or co-ownership exists between the parties.
The power of control refers merely to the existence of the power, and not to the actual
In a partnership, the members become co-owners of what is contributed to the firm exercise thereof. The principal consideration is whether the employer has the right to
capital and of all property that may be acquired thereby and through the efforts of the control the manner of doing the work, and it is not the actual exercise of the right by
members.36 The property or stock of the partnership forms a community of goods, a interfering with the work, but the right to control, which constitutes the test of the
common fund, in which each party has a proprietary interest.37 In fact, the New Civil existence of an employer-employee relationship.44 In the case at bar, private
Code regards a partner as a co-owner of specific partnership property.38 Each partner respondent Pacfor, as employer, clearly possesses such right of control. Petitioner,
possesses a joint interest in the whole of partnership property. If the relation does not as private respondent Pacfor's resident agent in the Philippines, is, exactly so, only
have this feature, it is not one of partnership.39 This essential element, the community an agent of the corporation, a representative of Pacfor, who transacts business, and
of interest, or co-ownership of, or joint interest in partnership property is absent in the accepts service on its behalf.
This right of control was exercised by private respondent Pacfor during the period of IN VIEW WHEREOF, the petition is GRANTED. The Court of Appeals' January 30,
November to December 2000, when it directed petitioner to turn over to it all records 2003 Decision in CA-G.R. SP No. 71028 and July 30, 2003 Resolution, affirming the
of Pacfor Phils.; when it ordered petitioner to remit the Christmas giveaway fund December 20, 2001 Decision of the National Labor Relations Commission,
intended for clients of Pacfor Phils.; and, when it withdrew all its offers of settlement are ANNULED and SET ASIDE. The July 30, 2001 Decision of the Labor Arbiter
and ordered petitioner to transfer title and turn over to it the possession of the service is REINSTATED with the MODIFICATION that the amount of P250,000.00
car. It was also during this period when private respondent Pacfor sent letters to its representing an alleged increase in petitioner's salary shall be deducted from the
clients in the Philippines, particularly Intercontinental Paper Industries, Inc. and grant of separation pay for lack of evidence.
DAVCOR, advising them not to deal with petitioner and/or Pacfor Phils. In its letter to
DAVCOR, private respondent Pacfor replied to the client's request for an invoice SO ORDERED.
payment extension, and formulated a revised payment program for DAVCOR. This is
one unmistakable proof that private respondent Pacfor exercises control over the
petitioner. Sandoval-Gutierrez, Corona, Azcuna, Garcia, J.J., concur.

Next, we shall determine if petitioner was constructively dismissed from employment.

The evidence shows that when petitioner insisted on his 50% equity in Pacfor Phils.,
and would not quit however, private respondent Pacfor began to systematically
deprive petitioner of his duties and benefits to make him feel that his presence in the
company was no longer wanted. First, private respondent Pacfor directed petitioner to
turn over to it all records of Pacfor Phils. This would certainly make the work of
petitioner very difficult, if not impossible. Second, private respondent Pacfor ordered
petitioner to remit the Christmas giveaway fund intended for clients of Pacfor Phils.
Then it ordered petitioner to transfer title and turn over to it the possession of the
service car. It also advised its clients in the Philippines, particularly Intercontinental
Paper Industries, Inc. and DAVCOR, not to deal with petitioner and/or Pacfor Phils.
Lastly, private respondent Pacfor appointed a new resident agent for Pacfor Phils.45

Although there is no reduction of the salary of petitioner, constructive dismissal is still

present because continued employment of petitioner is rendered, at the very least,
unreasonable.46 There is an act of clear discrimination, insensibility or disdain by the
employer that continued employment may become so unbearable on the part of the
employee so as to foreclose any choice on his part except to resign from such

The harassing acts of the private respondent are unjustified. They were undertaken
when petitioner sought clarification from the private respondent about his supposed
50% equity on Pacfor Phils. Private respondent Pacfor invokes its rights as an owner.
Allegedly, its issuance of the foregoing directives against petitioner was a valid
exercise of management prerogative. We remind private respondent Pacfor that the
exercise of management prerogative is not absolute. "By its very nature,
encompassing as it could be, management prerogative must be exercised in good
faith and with due regard to the rights of labor – verily, with the principles of fair play
at heart and justice in mind." The exercise of management prerogative cannot be
utilized as an implement to circumvent our laws and oppress employees.48

As resident agent of private respondent corporation, petitioner occupied a position

involving trust and confidence. In the light of the strained relations between the
parties, the full restoration of an employment relationship based on trust and
confidence is no longer possible. He should be awarded separation pay, in lieu of
THIRD DIVISION a. P532,045.00 representing [the] unpaid purchase price of the fishing nets covered
by the Agreement plus P68,000.00 representing the unpaid price of the floats not
covered by said Agreement;

[G.R. No. 136448. November 3, 1999] b. 12% interest per annum counted from date of plaintiffs invoices and computed on
their respective amounts as follows:

i. Accrued interest of P73,221.00 on Invoice No. 14407 for P385,377.80 dated

INC., respondent.
ii. Accrued interest of P27,904.02 on Invoice No. 14413 for P146,868.00 dated
DECISION February 13, 1990;

PANGANIBAN, J.: iii. Accrued interest of P12,920.00 on Invoice No. 14426 for P68,000.00 dated

February 19, 1990;
A partnership may be deemed to exist among parties who agree to borrow
money to pursue a business and to divide the profits or losses that may arise c. P50,000.00 as and for attorneys fees, plus P8,500.00 representing P500.00 per
therefrom, even if it is shown that they have not contributed any capital of their own to appearance in court;
a "common fund." Their contribution may be in the form of credit or industry, not
necessarily cash or fixed assets. Being partners, they are all liable for debts incurred
by or on behalf of the partnership. The liability for a contract entered into on behalf of d. P65,000.00 representing P5,000.00 monthly rental for storage charges on the nets
an unincorporated association or ostensible corporation may lie in a person who may counted from September 20, 1990 (date of attachment) to September 12, 1991 (date
not have directly transacted on its behalf, but reaped benefits from that contract. of auction sale);

e. Cost of suit.
The Case
With respect to the joint liability of defendants for the principal obligation or for the
unpaid price of nets and floats in the amount of P532,045.00 and P68,000.00,
respectively, or for the total amount of P600,045.00, this Court noted that these items
In the Petition for Review on Certiorari before us, Lim Tong Lim assails the November
were attached to guarantee any judgment that may be rendered in favor of the
26, 1998 Decision of the Court of Appeals in CA-GR CV 41477, [1] which disposed as
plaintiff but, upon agreement of the parties, and, to avoid further deterioration of the
nets during the pendency of this case, it was ordered sold at public auction for not
less than P900,000.00 for which the plaintiff was the sole and winning bidder. The
WHEREFORE, [there being] no reversible error in the appealed decision, the same is proceeds of the sale paid for by plaintiff was deposited in court. In effect, the amount
hereby affirmed.[2] of P900,000.00 replaced the attached property as a guaranty for any judgment that
plaintiff may be able to secure in this case with the ownership and possession of the
The decretal portion of the Quezon City Regional Trial Court (RTC) ruling, which nets and floats awarded and delivered by the sheriff to plaintiff as the highest bidder
was affirmed by the CA, reads as follows: in the public auction sale. It has also been noted that ownership of the nets [was]
retained by the plaintiff until full payment [was] made as stipulated in the invoices;
hence, in effect, the plaintiff attached its own properties. It [was] for this reason also
WHEREFORE, the Court rules:
that this Court earlier ordered the attachment bond filed by plaintiff to guaranty
damages to defendants to be cancelled and for the P900,000.00 cash bidded and
1. That plaintiff is entitled to the writ of preliminary attachment issued by this Court on paid for by plaintiff to serve as its bond in favor of defendants.
September 20, 1990;
From the foregoing, it would appear therefore that whatever judgment the plaintiff
2. That defendants are jointly liable to plaintiff for the following amounts, subject to the may be entitled to in this case will have to be satisfied from the amount
modifications as hereinafter made by reason of the special and unique facts and of P900,000.00 as this amount replaced the attached nets and floats. Considering,
circumstances and the proceedings that transpired during the trial of this case; however, that the total judgment obligation as computed above would amount to
only P840,216.92, it would be inequitable, unfair and unjust to award the excess to
the defendants who are not entitled to damages and who did not put up a single
centavo to raise the amount of P900,000.00 aside from the fact that they are not the a) That the parties plaintiffs & Lim Tong Lim agree to have the four (4) vessels sold in
owners of the nets and floats. For this reason, the defendants are hereby relieved the amount of P5,750,000.00 including the fishing net. This P5,750,000.00 shall be
from any and all liabilities arising from the monetary judgment obligation enumerated applied as full payment for P3,250,000.00 in favor of JL Holdings Corporation and/or
above and for plaintiff to retain possession and ownership of the nets and floats and Lim Tong Lim;
for the reimbursement of the P900,000.00 deposited by it with the Clerk of Court.
b) If the four (4) vessel[s] and the fishing net will be sold at a higher price
SO ORDERED. [3] than P5,750,000.00 whatever will be the excess will be divided into 3: 1/3 Lim Tong
Lim; 1/3 Antonio Chua; 1/3 Peter Yao;

The Facts c) If the proceeds of the sale the vessels will be less than P5,750,000.00 whatever
the deficiency shall be shouldered and paid to JL Holding Corporation by 1/3 Lim
Tong Lim; 1/3 Antonio Chua; 1/3 Peter Yao.[11]
On behalf of "Ocean Quest Fishing Corporation," Antonio Chua and Peter Yao
entered into a Contract dated February 7, 1990, for the purchase of fishing nets of The trial court noted that the Compromise Agreement was silent as to the nature
various sizes from the Philippine Fishing Gear Industries, Inc. (herein of their obligations, but that joint liability could be presumed from the equal distribution
respondent). They claimed that they were engaged in a business venture with of the profit and loss.[12]
Petitioner Lim Tong Lim, who however was not a signatory to the agreement. The
Lim appealed to the Court of Appeals (CA) which, as already stated, affirmed
total price of the nets amounted to P532,045. Four hundred pieces of floats
the RTC.
worth P68,000 were also sold to the Corporation.[4]
Ruling of the Court of Appeals
The buyers, however, failed to pay for the fishing nets and the floats; hence,
private respondent filed a collection suit against Chua, Yao and Petitioner Lim Tong In affirming the trial court, the CA held that petitioner was a partner of Chua and
Lim with a prayer for a writ of preliminary attachment. The suit was brought against Yao in a fishing business and may thus be held liable as a such for the fishing nets
the three in their capacities as general partners, on the allegation that Ocean Quest and floats purchased by and for the use of the partnership. The appellate court ruled:
Fishing Corporation was a nonexistent corporation as shown by a Certification from
the Securities and Exchange Commission.[5] On September 20, 1990, the lower court
issued a Writ of Preliminary Attachment, which the sheriff enforced by attaching the The evidence establishes that all the defendants including herein appellant Lim Tong
fishing nets on board F/B Lourdes which was then docked at the Fisheries Port, Lim undertook a partnership for a specific undertaking, that is for commercial fishing x
Navotas, Metro Manila. x x. Obviously, the ultimate undertaking of the defendants was to divide the profits
among themselves which is what a partnership essentially is x x x. By a contract of
Instead of answering the Complaint, Chua filed a Manifestation admitting his partnership, two or more persons bind themselves to contribute money, property or
liability and requesting a reasonable time within which to pay. He also turned over to industry to a common fund with the intention of dividing the profits among themselves
respondent some of the nets which were in his possession. Peter Yao filed an (Article 1767, New Civil Code).[13]
Answer, after which he was deemed to have waived his right to cross-examine
witnesses and to present evidence on his behalf, because of his failure to appear in Hence, petitioner brought this recourse before this Court.[14]
subsequent hearings. Lim Tong Lim, on the other hand, filed an Answer with
Counterclaim and Crossclaim and moved for the lifting of the Writ of Attachment.
 The trial court maintained the Writ, and upon motion of private respondent, ordered
the sale of the fishing nets at a public auction. Philippine Fishing Gear Industries won The Issues

the bidding and deposited with the said court the sales proceeds of P900,000.[7]
On November 18, 1992, the trial court rendered its Decision, ruling that In his Petition and Memorandum, Lim asks this Court to reverse the assailed
Philippine Fishing Gear Industries was entitled to the Writ of Attachment and that Decision on the following grounds:
Chua, Yao and Lim, as general partners, were jointly liable to pay respondent.[8]
The trial court ruled that a partnership among Lim, Chua and Yao existed based I THE COURT OF APPEALS ERRED IN HOLDING, BASED ON A COMPROMISE
(1) on the testimonies of the witnesses presented and (2) on a Compromise AGREEMENT THAT CHUA, YAO AND PETITIONER LIM ENTERED INTO IN A
Agreement executed by the three[9] in Civil Case No. 1492-MN which Chua and Yao SEPARATE CASE, THAT A PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT EXISTED AMONG
had brought against Lim in the RTC of Malabon, Branch 72, for (a) a declaration of THEM.
nullity of commercial documents; (b) a reformation of contracts; (c) a declaration of
ownership of fishing boats; (d) an injunction and (e) damages.[10] The Compromise
Agreement provided:
II SINCE IT WAS ONLY CHUA WHO REPRESENTED THAT HE WAS ACTING FOR (2) That after convening for a few times, Lim Chua, and Yao verbally agreed to
OCEAN QUEST FISHING CORPORATION WHEN HE BOUGHT THE NETS FROM acquire two fishing boats, the FB Lourdes and the FB Nelson  for the sum of P3.35
(3) That they borrowed P3.25 million from Jesus Lim, brother of Petitioner Lim Tong
(4) That they bought the boats from CMF Fishing Corporation, which executed a
In determining whether petitioner may be held liable for the fishing nets and Deed of Sale over these two (2) boats in favor of Petitioner Lim Tong Lim only to
floats purchased from respondent, the Court must resolve this key issue: whether by serve as security for the loan extended by Jesus Lim;
their acts, Lim, Chua and Yao could be deemed to have entered into a partnership.
(5) That Lim, Chua and Yao agreed that the refurbishing , re-equipping, repairing, dry
docking and other expenses for the boats would be shouldered by Chua and Yao;
This Courts Ruling

(6) That because of the unavailability of funds, Jesus Lim again extended a loan to
the partnership in the amount of P1 million secured by a check, because of which,
The Petition is devoid of merit. Yao and Chua entrusted the ownership papers of two other boats, Chuas FB Lady
Anne Mel and Yaos FB Tracy to Lim Tong Lim.

First and Second Issues: Existence of a Partnership and Petitioner's Liability

(7) That in pursuance of the business agreement, Peter Yao and Antonio Chua
bought nets from Respondent Philippine Fishing Gear, in behalf of "Ocean Quest
Fishing Corporation," their purported business name.
In arguing that he should not be held liable for the equipment purchased from
respondent, petitioner controverts the CA finding that a partnership existed between (8) That subsequently, Civil Case No. 1492-MN was filed in the Malabon RTC,
him, Peter Yao and Antonio Chua. He asserts that the CA based its finding on the Branch 72 by Antonio Chua and Peter Yao against Lim Tong Lim for (a) declaration of
Compromise Agreement alone. Furthermore, he disclaims any direct participation in nullity of commercial documents; (b) reformation of contracts; (c) declaration of
the purchase of the nets, alleging that the negotiations were conducted by Chua and ownership of fishing boats; (4) injunction; and (e) damages.
Yao only, and that he has not even met the representatives of the respondent
company. Petitioner further argues that he was a lessor, not a partner, of Chua and (9) That the case was amicably settled through a Compromise Agreement executed
Yao, for the "Contract of Lease" dated February 1, 1990, showed that he had merely between the parties-litigants the terms of which are already enumerated above.
leased to the two the main asset of the purported partnership -- the fishing boat F/B
Lourdes. The lease was for six months, with a monthly rental of P37,500 plus 25 From the factual findings of both lower courts, it is clear that Chua, Yao and Lim
percent of the gross catch of the boat. had decided to engage in a fishing business, which they started by buying boats
We are not persuaded by the arguments of petitioner. The facts as found by the worth P3.35 million, financed by a loan secured from Jesus Lim who was petitioners
two lower courts clearly showed that there existed a partnership among Chua, Yao brother. In their Compromise Agreement, they subsequently revealed their intention
and him, pursuant to Article 1767 of the Civil Code which provides: to pay the loan with the proceeds of the sale of the boats, and to divide equally
among them the excess or loss. These boats, the purchase and the repair of which
were financed with borrowed money, fell under the term common fund under Article
Article 1767 - By the contract of partnership, two or more persons bind themselves to 1767.The contribution to such fund need not be cash or fixed assets; it could be an
contribute money, property, or industry to a common fund, with the intention of intangible like credit or industry. That the parties agreed that any loss or profit from
dividing the profits among themselves. the sale and operation of the boats would be divided equally among them also shows
that they had indeed formed a partnership.
Specifically, both lower courts ruled that a partnership among the three existed
based on the following factual findings:[15] Moreover, it is clear that the partnership extended not only to the purchase of
the boat, but also to that of the nets and the floats. The fishing nets and the floats,
both essential to fishing, were obviously acquired in furtherance of their business. It
(1) That Petitioner Lim Tong Lim requested Peter Yao who was engaged in would have been inconceivable for Lim to involve himself so much in buying the boat
commercial fishing to join him, while Antonio Chua was already Yaos partner; but not in the acquisition of the aforesaid equipment, without which the business
could not have proceeded.
Given the preceding facts, it is clear that there was, among petitioner, Chua and balance remaining after the payment of their loans, proves beyond cavil that F/B
Yao, a partnership engaged in the fishing business. They purchased the boats, which Lourdes, though registered in his name, was not his own property but an asset of the
constituted the main assets of the partnership, and they agreed that the proceeds partnership. It is not uncommon to register the properties acquired from a loan in the
from the sales and operations thereof would be divided among them. name of the person the lender trusts, who in this case is the petitioner himself. After
all, he is the brother of the creditor, Jesus Lim.
We stress that under Rule 45, a petition for review like the present case should
involve only questions of law. Thus, the foregoing factual findings of the RTC and the We stress that it is unreasonable indeed, it is absurd -- for petitioner to sell his
CA are binding on this Court, absent any cogent proof that the present action is property to pay a debt he did not incur, if the relationship among the three of them
embraced by one of the exceptions to the rule.[16] In assailing the factual findings of was merely that of lessor-lessee, instead of partners.
the two lower courts, petitioner effectively goes beyond the bounds of a petition for
review under Rule 45.
Corporation by Estoppel

Compromise Agreement Not the Sole Basis of Partnership

Petitioner argues that under the doctrine of corporation by estoppel, liability can
be imputed only to Chua and Yao, and not to him. Again, we disagree.
Petitioner argues that the appellate courts sole basis for assuming the existence
of a partnership was the Compromise Agreement. He also claims that the settlement Section 21 of the Corporation Code of the Philippines provides:
was entered into only to end the dispute among them, but not to adjudicate their
preexisting rights and obligations. His arguments are baseless. The Agreement was Sec. 21. Corporation by estoppel. - All persons who assume to act as a corporation
but an embodiment of the relationship extant among the parties prior to its execution. knowing it to be without authority to do so shall be liable as general partners for all
debts, liabilities and damages incurred or arising as a result thereof: Provided
A proper adjudication of claimants rights mandates that courts must review and however, That when any such ostensible corporation is sued on any transaction
thoroughly appraise all relevant facts. Both lower courts have done so and have entered by it as a corporation or on any tort committed by it as such, it shall not be
found, correctly, a preexisting partnership among the parties. In implying that the allowed to use as a defense its lack of corporate personality.
lower courts have decided on the basis of one piece of document alone, petitioner
fails to appreciate that the CA and the RTC delved into the history of the document
and explored all the possible consequential combinations in harmony with law, logic One who assumes an obligation to an ostensible corporation as such, cannot resist
and fairness. Verily, the two lower courts factual findings mentioned above nullified performance thereof on the ground that there was in fact no corporation.
petitioners argument that the existence of a partnership was based only on the
Compromise Agreement. Thus, even if the ostensible corporate entity is proven to be legally nonexistent,
a party may be estopped from denying its corporate existence. The reason behind
this doctrine is obvious - an unincorporated association has no personality and would
Petitioner Was a Partner, Not a Lessor
be incompetent to act and appropriate for itself the power and attributes of a
corporation as provided by law; it cannot create agents or confer authority on another
to act in its behalf; thus, those who act or purport to act as its representatives or
agents do so without authority and at their own risk. And as it is an elementary
We are not convinced by petitioners argument that he was merely the lessor of principle of law that a person who acts as an agent without authority or without a
the boats to Chua and Yao, not a partner in the fishing venture. His argument principal is himself regarded as the principal, possessed of all the right and subject to
allegedly finds support in the Contract of Lease and the registration papers showing all the liabilities of a principal, a person acting or purporting to act on behalf of a
that he was the owner of the boats, including F/B Lourdes where the nets were found. corporation which has no valid existence assumes such privileges and obligations
and becomes personally liable for contracts entered into or for other acts performed
His allegation defies logic. In effect, he would like this Court to believe that he
as such agent.[17]
consented to the sale of his own boats to pay a debt of Chua and Yao, with the
excess of the proceeds to be divided among the three of them. No lessor would do The doctrine of corporation by estoppel may apply to the alleged corporation
what petitioner did. Indeed, his consent to the sale proved that there was a and to a third party. In the first instance, an unincorporated association, which
preexisting partnership among all three. represented itself to be a corporation, will be estopped from denying its corporate
capacity in a suit against it by a third person who relied in good faith on such
Verily, as found by the lower courts, petitioner entered into a business
representation. It cannot allege lack of personality to be sued to evade its
agreement with Chua and Yao, in which debts were undertaken in order to finance
responsibility for a contract it entered into and by virtue of which it received
the acquisition and the upgrading of the vessels which would be used in their fishing
advantages and benefits.
business. The sale of the boats, as well as the division among the three of the
On the other hand, a third party who, knowing an association to be made according to their own design, and were bought and used in the fishing venture
unincorporated, nonetheless treated it as a corporation and received benefits from it, they agreed upon. Hence, the issuance of the Writ to assure the payment of the price
may be barred from denying its corporate existence in a suit brought against the stipulated in the invoices is proper. Besides, by specific agreement, ownership of the
alleged corporation. In such case, all those who benefited from the transaction made nets remained with Respondent Philippine Fishing Gear, until full payment thereof.
by the ostensible corporation, despite knowledge of its legal defects, may be held
liable for contracts they impliedly assented to or took advantage of. WHEREFORE, the Petition is DENIED  and the assailed
Decision AFFIRMED. Costs against petitioner.
There is no dispute that the respondent, Philippine Fishing Gear Industries, is
entitled to be paid for the nets it sold. The only question here is whether petitioner SO ORDERED.
should be held jointly[18] liable with Chua and Yao. Petitioner contests such liability, Melo, (Chairman), Purisima, and Gonzaga-Reyes, JJ., concur.
insisting that only those who dealt in the name of the ostensible corporation should be Vitug, J.,  Pls. see concurring opinion.
held liable. Since his name does not appear on any of the contracts and since he
never directly transacted with the respondent corporation, ergo, he cannot be held
Unquestionably, petitioner benefited from the use of the nets found inside F/B
Lourdes, the boat which has earlier been proven to be an asset of the partnership. He
in fact questions the attachment of the nets, because the Writ has effectively stopped
his use of the fishing vessel.
It is difficult to disagree with the RTC and the CA that Lim, Chua and Yao
decided to form a corporation. Although it was never legally formed for unknown
reasons, this fact alone does not preclude the liabilities of the three as contracting
parties in representation of it. Clearly, under the law on estoppel, those acting on
behalf of a corporation and those benefited by it, knowing it to be without valid
existence, are held liable as general partners.
Technically, it is true that petitioner did not directly act on behalf of the
corporation. However, having reaped the benefits of the contract entered into by
persons with whom he previously had an existing relationship, he is deemed to be
part of said association and is covered by the scope of the doctrine of corporation by
estoppel. We reiterate the ruling of the Court in Alonso v. Villamor:[19]

A litigation is not a game of technicalities in which one, more deeply schooled and
skilled in the subtle art of movement and position , entraps and destroys the other. It
is, rather, a contest in which each contending party fully and fairly lays before the
court the facts in issue and then, brushing aside as wholly trivial and indecisive all
imperfections of form and technicalities of procedure, asks that justice be done upon
the merits. Lawsuits, unlike duels, are not to be won by a rapiers thrust. Technicality,
when it deserts its proper office as an aid to justice and becomes its great hindrance
and chief enemy, deserves scant consideration from courts. There should be no
vested rights in technicalities.

Third Issue: Validity of Attachment

Finally, petitioner claims that the Writ of Attachment was improperly issued
against the nets. We agree with the Court of Appeals that this issue is now moot and
academic. As previously discussed, F/B Lourdes  was an asset of the partnership and
that it was placed in the name of petitioner, only to assure payment of the debt he and
his partners owed. The nets and the floats were specifically manufactured and tailor-
For sometime, the petitioner submitted financial statements regarding the operation of
the business to private respondents, but therafter petitioner failed to render
Republic of the Philippines subsequent accounting. Hence through Atty. Angeles, a demand was made on
SUPREME COURT petitioner to render an accounting of the profits.
The financial report of December 31, 1968 shows that the business was able to make
FIRST DIVISION a profit of P 87,293.79 and that by the year ending 1969, a profit of P 150,000.00 was
realized. 3
G.R. No. L-49982 April 27, 1988
Thus, on August 25, 1970 private respondents filed a complaint in the Court of First
Instance of Rizal against petitioner praying among others that the latter be ordered:
ELIGIO ESTANISLAO, JR., petitioner, 
THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS, REMEDIOS ESTANISLAO, EMILIO and 1. to execute a public document embodying all the provisions of the
LEOCADIO SANTIAGO, respondents. partnership agreement entered into between plaintiffs and
defendant as provided in Article 1771 of the New Civil Code;
Agustin O. Benitez for petitioner.
2. to render a formal accounting of the business operation covering
the period from May 6, 1966 up to December 21, 1968 and from
Benjamin C. Yatco for private respondents. January 1, 1969 up to the time the order is issued and that the
same be subject to proper audit;

3. to pay the plaintiffs their lawful shares and participation in the net
GANCAYCO, J.: profits of the business in an amount of no less than P l50,000.00
with interest at the rate of 1% per month from date of demand until
By this petition for certiorari the Court is asked to determine if a partnership exists full payment thereof for the entire duration of the business; and
between members of the same family arising from their joint ownership of certain
properties. 4. to pay the plaintiffs the amount of P 10,000.00 as attorney's fees
and costs of the suit (pp. 13-14 Record on Appeal.)
Petitioner and private respondents are brothers and sisters who are co-owners of
certain lots at the corner of Annapolis and Aurora Blvd., QuezonCity which were then After trial on the merits, on October 15, 1975, Hon. Lino Anover who was then the
being leased to the Shell Company of the Philippines Limited (SHELL). They agreed temporary presiding judge of Branch IV of the trial court, rendered judgment
to open and operate a gas station thereat to be known as Estanislao Shell Service dismissing the complaint and counterclaim and ordering private respondents to pay
Station with an initial investment of P 15,000.00 to be taken from the advance rentals petitioner P 3,000.00 attorney's fee and costs. Private respondent filed a motion for
due to them from SHELL for the occupancy of the said lots owned in common by reconsideration of the decision. On December 10, 1975, Hon. Ricardo Tensuan who
them. A joint affidavit was executed by them on April 11, 1966 which was prepared was the newly appointed presiding judge of the same branch, set aside the aforesaid
byAtty. Democrito Angeles 1 They agreed to help their brother, petitioner herein, by derision and rendered another decision in favor of said respondents.
allowing him to operate and manage the gasoline service station of the family. They
negotiated with SHELL. For practical purposes and in order not to run counter to the The dispositive part thereof reads as follows:
company's policy of appointing only one dealer, it was agreed that petitioner would
apply for the dealership. Respondent Remedios helped in managing the bussiness
with petitioner from May 3, 1966 up to February 16, 1967. WHEREFORE, the Decision of this Court dated October 14, 1975
is hereby reconsidered and a new judgment is hereby rendered in
favor of the plaintiffs and as against the defendant:
On May 26, 1966, the parties herein entered into an Additional Cash Pledge
Agreement with SHELL wherein it was reiterated that the P 15,000.00 advance rental
shall be deposited with SHELL to cover advances of fuel to petitioner as dealer with a (1) Ordering the defendant to execute a public instrument
proviso that said agreement "cancels and supersedes the Joint Affidavit dated 11 embodying all the provisions of the partnership agreement entered
April 1966 executed by the co-owners." 2 into between plaintiffs and defendant as provided for in Article
1771, Civil Code of the Philippines;
(2) Ordering the defendant to render a formal accounting of the the said company on our two lots aforesaid by virtue of an
business operation from April 1969 up to the time this order is outstanding Lease Agreement we have entered into with the said
issued, the same to be subject to examination and audit by the company;
(3) Ordering the defendant to pay plaintiffs their lawful shares and out of its benevolence and desire to help us in aumenting our
participation in the net profits of the business in the amount of P capital investment in the operation of the said gasoline station, has
150,000.00, with interest thereon at the rate of One (1%) Per Cent agreed to give us the said amount of P 15,000.00, which amount
per month from date of demand until full payment thereof; will partake the nature of ADVANCED RENTALS;

(4) Ordering the defendant to pay the plaintiffs the sum of P (4) That we have freely and voluntarily agreed that upon receipt of
5,000.00 by way of attorney's fees of plaintiffs' counsel; as well as the said amount of FIFTEEN THOUSAND PESOS (P l6,000.00)
the costs of suit. (pp. 161-162. Record on Appeal). from he SHELL COMPANY OF THE PHILIPPINES LIMITED, the
said sum as ADVANCED RENTALS to us be applied as monthly
Petitioner then interposed an appeal to the Court of Appeals enumerating seven (7) rentals for the sai two lots under our Lease Agreement starting on
errors allegedly committed by the trial court. In due course, a decision was rendered the 25th of May, 1966 until such time that the said of P 15,000.00
by the Court of Appeals on November 28,1978 affirming in toto the decision of the be applicable, which time to our estimate and one-half months from
lower court with costs against petitioner. * May 25, 1966 or until the 10th of October, 1966 more or less;

A motion for reconsideration of said decision filed by petitioner was denied on (5) That we have likewise agreed among ourselves that the SHELL
January 30, 1979. Not satisfied therewith, the petitioner now comes to this court by COMPANY OF THE PHILIPPINES LIMITED execute an instrument
way of this petition for certiorari alleging that the respondent court erred: for us to sign embodying our conformity that the said amount that it
will generously grant us as requested be applied as ADVANCED
1. In interpreting the legal import of the Joint Affidavit (Exh. 'A') vis-
a-vis the Additional Cash Pledge Agreement (Exhs. "B-2","6", and

2. In declaring that a partnership was established by and among (b) The Additional Cash Pledge Agreement of May 20,1966, Exhibit 6, is as follows:
the petitioner and the private respondents as regards the ownership
and or operation of the gasoline service station business. WHEREAS, under the lease Agreement dated 13th November,
1963 (identified as doc. Nos. 491 & 1407, Page Nos. 99 & 66, Book
Petitioner relies heavily on the provisions of the Joint Affidavit of April 11, 1966 Nos. V & III, Series of 1963 in the Notarial Registers of Notaries
(Exhibit A) and the Additional Cash Pledge Agreement of May 20, 1966 (Exhibit 6) Public Rosauro Marquez, and R.D. Liwanag, respectively) executed
which are herein reproduced- in favour of SHELL by the herein CO-OWNERS and another Lease
Agreement dated 19th March 1964 . . . also executed in favour of
(a) The joint Affidavit of April 11, 1966, Exhibit A reads: the lease of adjoining portions of two parcels of land at Aurora
Blvd./ Annapolis, Quezon City, the CO OWNERS RECEIVE a total
(1) That we are the Lessors of two parcels of land fully describe in monthly rental of PESOS THREE THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED
Transfer Certificates of Title Nos. 45071 and 71244 of the Register EIGHTY TWO AND 29/100 (P 3,382.29), Philippine Currency;
of Deeds of Quezon City, in favor of the LESSEE - SHELL
COMPANY OF THE PHILIPPINES LIMITED a corporation duly WHEREAS, CO-OWNER Eligio Estanislao Jr. is the Dealer of the
licensed to do business in the Philippines; Shell Station constructed on the leased land, and as Dealer under
the Cash Pledge Agreement dated llth May 1966, he deposited to
(2) That we have requested the said SHELL COMPANY OF THE SHELL in cash the amount of PESOS TEN THOUSAND (P
PHILIPPINE LIMITED advanced rentals in the total amount of 10,000), Philippine Currency, to secure his purchase on credit of
FIFTEEN THOUSAND PESOS (P l5,000.00) Philippine Currency, Shell petroleum products; . . .
so that we can use the said amount to augment our capital
investment in the operation of that gasoline station constructed ,by
WHEREAS, said DEALER, in his desire, to be granted an the monthly rentals accumulated equal P 15,000.00 which private respondents agree
increased the limit up to P 25,000, has secured the conformity of to be a cash deposit of petitioner in favor of SHELL to increase his credit limit as
his CO-OWNERS to waive and assign to SHELL the total monthly dealer. As above-stated it provided therein that "This agreement, therefore, cancels
rentals due to all of them to accumulate the equivalent amount of P and supersedes the Joint Affidavit dated 11 April 1966 executed by the CO-
15,000, commencing 24th May 1966, this P 15,000 shall be treated OWNERS."
as additional cash deposit to SHELL under the same terms and
conditions of the aforementioned Cash Pledge Agreement dated Petitioner contends that because of the said stipulation cancelling and superseding
llth May 1966. that previous Joint Affidavit, whatever partnership agreement there was in said
previous agreement had thereby been abrogated. We find no merit in this argument.
NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the foregoing Said cancelling provision was necessary for the Joint Affidavit speaks of P 15,000.00
premises,and the mutual covenants among the CO-OWNERS advance rentals starting May 25, 1966 while the latter agreement also refers to
herein and SHELL, said parties have agreed and hereby agree as advance rentals of the same amount starting May 24, 1966. There is, therefore, a
follows: duplication of reference to the P 15,000.00 hence the need to provide in the
subsequent document that it "cancels and supersedes" the previous one. True it is
l. The CO-OWNERS dohere by waive in favor of DEALER the that in the latter document, it is silent as to the statement in the Joint Affidavit that the
monthly rentals due to all CO-OWNERS, collectively, under the P 15,000.00 represents the "capital investment" of the parties in the gasoline station
above describe two Lease Agreements, one dated 13th November business and it speaks of petitioner as the sole dealer, but this is as it should be for in
1963 and the other dated 19th March 1964 to enable DEALER to the latter document SHELL was a signatory and it would be against its policy if in the
increase his existing cash deposit to SHELL, from P 10,000 to P agreement it should be stated that the business is a partnership with private
25,000, for such purpose, the SHELL CO-OWNERS and DEALER respondents and not a sole proprietorship of petitioner.
hereby irrevocably assign to SHELL the monthly rental of P
3,382.29 payable to them respectively as they fall due, monthly, Moreover other evidence in the record shows that there was in fact such partnership
commencing 24th May 1966, until such time that the monthly agreement between the parties. This is attested by the testimonies of private
rentals accumulated, shall be equal to P l5,000. respondent Remedies Estanislao and Atty. Angeles. Petitioner submitted to private
respondents periodic accounting of the business. 4 Petitioner gave a written authority
2. The above stated monthly rentals accumulated shall be treated to private respondent Remedies Estanislao, his sister, to examine and audit the
as additional cash deposit by DEALER to SHELL, thereby in books of their "common business' aming negosyo). 5 Respondent Remedios assisted
increasing his credit limit from P 10,000 to P 25,000. This in the running of the business. There is no doubt that the parties hereto formed a
agreement, therefore, cancels and supersedes the Joint affidavit partnership when they bound themselves to contribute money to a common fund with
dated 11 April 1966 executed by the CO-OWNERS. the intention of dividing the profits among themselves.6 The sole dealership by the
petitioner and the issuance of all government permits and licenses in the name of
petitioner was in compliance with the afore-stated policy of SHELL and the
3. Effective upon the signing of this agreement, SHELL agrees to understanding of the parties of having only one dealer of the SHELL products.
allow DEALER to purchase from SHELL petroleum products, on
credit, up to the amount of P 25,000.
Further, the findings of facts of the respondent court are conclusive in this
proceeding, and its conclusion based on the said facts are in accordancewith the
4. This increase in the credit shall also be subject to the same applicable law.
terms and conditions of the above-mentioned Cash Pledge
Agreement dated llth May 1966. (Exhs. "B-2," "L," and "6";
emphasis supplied) WHEREFORE, the judgment appealed from is AFFIRMED in toto with costs against
petitioner. This decision is immediately executory and no motion for extension of time
to file a motion for reconsideration shag beentertained.
In the aforesaid Joint Affidavit of April 11, 1966 (Exhibit A), it is clearly stipulated by
the parties that the P 15,000.00 advance rental due to them from SHELL shall
augment their "capital investment" in the operation of the gasoline station, which SO ORDERED.
advance rentals shall be credited as rentals from May 25, 1966 up to four and one-
half months or until 10 October 1966, more or less covering said P 15,000.00. Narvasa, Cruz and Griño-Aquino, JJ., concur.

In the subsequent document entitled "Additional Cash Pledge Agreement" above SECOND DIVISION
reproduced (Exhibit 6), the private respondents and petitioners assigned to SHELL
the monthly rentals due them commencing the 24th of May 1966 until such time that
[G.R. No. 127347. November 25, 1999] (6) All expenses for documentation and other incidental expenses shall be for the
account of the FIRST PARTY;

(7) Should the FIRST PARTY fail to deliver peaceful possession of the property to the
ALFREDO N. AGUILA, JR, petitioner, vs. HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS SECOND PARTY after the expiration of the 15-day grace period given in paragraph 3
and FELICIDAD S. VDA. DE ABROGAR, respondents. above, the FIRST PARTY shall pay an amount equivalent to Five Percent of the
principal amount of TWO HUNDRED PESOS (P200.00) or P10,000.00 per month of
delay as and for rentals and liquidated damages;
MENDOZA, J.: (8) Should the FIRST PARTY fail to exercise her option to repurchase the property
within ninety (90) days period above-mentioned, this memorandum of agreement
This is a petition for review on certiorari of the decision[1] of the Court of Appeals, shall be deemed cancelled and the Deed of Absolute Sale, executed by the parties
dated November 29, 1990, which reversed the decision of the Regional Trial Court, shall be the final contract considered as entered between the parties and the
Branch 273, Marikina, Metro Manila, dated April 11, 1995. The trial court dismissed SECOND PARTY shall proceed to transfer ownership of the property above
the petition for declaration of nullity of a deed of sale filed by private respondent described to its name free from lines and encumbrances.[2]
Felicidad S. Vda. de Abrogar against petitioner Alfredo N. Aguila, Jr.
On the same day, April 18, 1991, the parties likewise executed a deed of
The facts are as follows: absolute sale,[3] dated June 11, 1991, wherein private respondent, with the consent of
Petitioner is the manager of A.C. Aguila & Sons, Co., a partnership engaged in her late husband, sold the subject property to A.C. Aguila & Sons, Co., represented
lending activities. Private respondent and her late husband, Ruben M. Abrogar, were by petitioner, for P200,000.00. In a special power of attorney dated the same day,
the registered owners of a house and lot, covered by Transfer Certificate of Title No. April 18, 1991, private respondent authorized petitioner to cause the cancellation of
195101, in Marikina, Metro Manila. On April 18, 1991, private respondent, with the TCT No. 195101 and the issuance of a new certificate of title in the name of A.C.
consent of her late husband, and A.C. Aguila & Sons, Co., represented by petitioner, Aguila and Sons, Co., in the event she failed to redeem the subject property as
entered into a Memorandum of Agreement, which provided: provided in the Memorandum of Agreement.[4]
Private respondent failed to redeem the property within the 90-day period as
(1) That the SECOND PARTY [A.C. Aguila & Sons, Co.] shall buy the above- provided in the Memorandum of Agreement. Hence, pursuant to the special power of
described property from the FIRST PARTY [Felicidad S. Vda. de Abrogar], and attorney mentioned above, petitioner caused the cancellation of TCT No. 195101 and
pursuant to this agreement, a Deed of Absolute Sale shall be executed by the FIRST the issuance of a new certificate of title in the name of A.C. Aguila and Sons, Co.[5]
PARTY conveying the property to the SECOND PARTY for and in consideration of
the sum of Two Hundred Thousand Pesos (P200,000.00), Philippine Currency; Private respondent then received a letter dated August 10, 1991 from Atty.
Lamberto C. Nanquil, counsel for A.C. Aguila & Sons, Co., demanding that she
vacate the premises within 15 days after receipt of the letter and surrender its
(2) The FIRST PARTY is hereby given by the SECOND PARTY the option to possession peacefully to A.C. Aguila & Sons, Co.Otherwise, the latter would bring the
repurchase the said property within a period of ninety (90) days from the execution of appropriate action in court.[6]
this memorandum of agreement effective April 18, 1991, for the amount of TWO
HUNDRED THIRTY THOUSAND PESOS (P230,000.00); Upon the refusal of private respondent to vacate the subject premises, A.C.
Aguila & Sons, Co. filed an ejectment case against her in the Metropolitan Trial Court,
(3) In the event that the FIRST PARTY fail to exercise her option to repurchase the Branch 76, Marikina, Metro Manila. In a decision, dated April 3, 1992, the
said property within a period of ninety (90) days, the FIRST PARTY is obliged to Metropolitan Trial Court ruled in favor of A.C. Aguila & Sons, Co. on the ground that
deliver peacefully the possession of the property to the SECOND PARTY within private respondent did not redeem the subject property before the expiration of the
fifteen (15) days after the expiration of the said 90 day grace period; 90-day period provided in the Memorandum of Agreement. Private respondent
appealed first to the Regional Trial Court, Branch 163, Pasig, Metro Manila, then to
the Court of Appeals, and later to this Court, but she lost in all the cases.
(4) During the said grace period, the FIRST PARTY obliges herself not to file any lis
pendens or whatever claims on the property nor shall be cause the annotation of say Private respondent then filed a petition for declaration of nullity of a deed of sale
claim at the back of the title to the said property; with the Regional Trial Court, Branch 273, Marikina, Metro Manila on December 4,
1993. She alleged that the signature of her husband on the deed of sale was a
(5) With the execution of the deed of absolute sale, the FIRST PARTY warrants her forgery because he was already dead when the deed was supposed to have been
ownership of the property and shall defend the rights of the SECOND PARTY against executed on June 11, 1991.
any party whom may have any interests over the property;
It appears, however, that private respondent had filed a criminal complaint for day grace period. Otherwise stated, plaintiff-appellant is to retain physical possession
falsification against petitioner with the Office of the Prosecutor of Quezon City which of the thing allegedly sold.
was dismissed in a resolution, dated February 14, 1994.
On April 11, 1995, Branch 273 of RTC-Marikina rendered its decision: In fact, plaintiff-appellant retained possession of the property sold as if they were still
the absolute owners. There was no provision for maintenance or expenses, much
less for payment of rent.
Plaintiffs claim therefore that the Deed of Absolute Sale is a forgery because they
could not personally appear before Notary Public Lamberto C. Nanquil on June 11,
1991 because her husband, Ruben Abrogar, died on May 8, 1991 or one month and Third: The apparent vendor, plaintiff-appellant herein, continued to pay taxes on the
2 days before the execution of the Deed of Absolute Sale, while the plaintiff was still property sold. It is well-known that payment of taxes accompanied by actual
in the Quezon City Medical Center recuperating from wounds which she suffered at possession of the land covered by the tax declaration, constitute evidence of great
the same vehicular accident on May 8, 1991, cannot be sustained. The Court is weight that a person under whose name the real taxes were declared has a claim of
convinced that the three required documents, to wit: the Memorandum of Agreement, right over the land.
the Special Power of Attorney, and the Deed of Absolute Sale were all signed by the
parties on the same date on April 18, 1991. It is a common and accepted business It is well-settled that the presence of even one of the circumstances in Article 1602 of
practice of those engaged in money lending to prepare an undated absolute deed of the New Civil Code is sufficient to declare a contract of sale with right to repurchase
sale in loans of money secured by real estate for various reasons, foremost of which an equitable mortgage.
is the evasion of taxes and surcharges. The plaintiff never questioned receiving the
sum of P200,000.00 representing her loan from the defendant. Common sense Considering that plaintiff-appellant, as vendor, was paid a price which is unusually
dictates that an established lending and realty firm like the Aguila & Sons, Co. would inadequate, has retained possession of the subject property and has continued
not part with P200,000.00 to the Abrogar spouses, who are virtual strangers to it, paying the realty taxes over the subject property, (circumstances mentioned in par.
without the simultaneous accomplishment and signing of all the required documents, (1) (2) and (5) of Article 1602 of the New Civil Code), it must be conclusively
more particularly the Deed of Absolute Sale, to protect its interest. presumed that the transaction the parties actually entered into is an equitable
mortgage, not a sale with right to repurchase. The factors cited are in support to the
.... finding that the Deed of Sale/Memorandum of Agreement with right to repurchase is
in actuality an equitable mortgage.
WHEREFORE, foregoing premises considered, the case in caption is hereby
ORDERED DISMISSED, with costs against the plaintiff. Moreover, it is undisputed that the deed of sale with right of repurchase was executed
by reason of the loan extended by defendant-appellee to plaintiff-appellant. The
On appeal, the Court of Appeals reversed. It held: amount of loan being the same with the amount of the purchase price.

The facts and evidence show that the transaction between plaintiff-appellant and ....
defendant-appellee is indubitably an equitable mortgage. Article 1602 of the New Civil
Code finds strong application in the case at bar in the light of the following Since the real intention of the party is to secure the payment of debt, now deemed to
circumstances. be repurchase price: the transaction shall then be considered to be an equitable
First: The purchase price for the alleged sale with right to repurchase is unusually
inadequate. The property is a two hundred forty (240) sq. m. lot. On said lot, the Being a mortgage, the transaction entered into by the parties is in the nature of a
residential house of plaintiff-appellant stands. The property is inside a pactum commissorium which is clearly prohibited by Article 2088 of the New Civil
subdivision/village. The property is situated in Marikina which is already part of Metro Code. Article 2088 of the New Civil Code reads:
Manila. The alleged sale took place in 1991 when the value of the land had
considerably increased. ART. 2088. The creditor cannot appropriate the things given by way of pledge or
mortgage, or dispose of them. Any stipulation to the contrary is null and void.
For this property, defendant-appellee pays only a measly P200,000.00 or P833.33
per square meter for both the land and for the house. The aforequoted provision furnishes the two elements for pactum commissorium to
exist: (1) that there should be a pledge or mortgage wherein a property is pledged or
Second: The disputed Memorandum of Agreement specifically provides that plaintiff- mortgaged by way of security for the payment of principal obligation; and (2) that
appellant is obliged to deliver peacefully the possession of the property to the there should be a stipulation for an automatic appropriation by the creditor of the thing
SECOND PARTY within fifteen (15) days after the expiration of the said ninety (90)
pledged and mortgaged in the event of non-payment of the principal obligation within  In this case, private respondent has not shown that A.C. Aguila & Sons, Co., as a
the stipulated period. separate juridical entity, is being used for fraudulent, unfair, or illegal
purposes. Moreover, the title to the subject property is in the name of A.C. Aguila &
In this case, defendant-appellee in reality extended a P200,000.00 loan to plaintiff- Sons, Co. and the Memorandum of Agreement was executed between private
appellant secured by a mortgage on the property of plaintiff-appellant. The loan was respondent, with the consent of her late husband, and A. C. Aguila & Sons, Co.,
payable within ninety (90) days, the period within which plaintiff-appellant can represented by petitioner. Hence, it is the partnership, not its officers or agents, which
repurchase the property. Plaintiff-appellant will pay P230,000.00 and not should be impleaded in any litigation involving property registered in its name. A
P200,000.00, the P30,000.00 excess is the interest for the loan extended. Failure of violation of this rule will result in the dismissal of the complaint. [11] We cannot
plaintiff-appellee to pay the P230,000,00 within the ninety (90) days period, the understand why both the Regional Trial Court and the Court of Appeals sidestepped
property shall automatically belong to defendant-appellee by virtue of the deed of sale this issue when it was squarely raised before them by petitioner.
executed. Our conclusion that petitioner is not the real party in interest against whom this
action should be prosecuted makes it unnecessary to discuss the other issues raised
Clearly, the agreement entered into by the parties is in the nature of pactum by him in this appeal.
commissorium. Therefore, the deed of sale should be declared void as we hereby so
declare to be invalid, for being violative of law. WHEREFORE, the decision of the Court of Appeals is hereby REVERSED and
the complaint against petitioner is DISMISSED.
Bellosillo, (Chairman), Quisumbing, Buena, and De Leon, Jr., JJ., concur.
WHEREFORE, foregoing considered, the appealed decision is hereby REVERSED
and SET ASIDE. The questioned Deed of Sale and the cancellation of the TCT No.
195101 issued in favor of plaintiff-appellant and the issuance of TCT No. 267073
issued in favor of defendant-appellee pursuant to the questioned Deed of Sale is
hereby declared VOID and is hereby ANNULLED. Transfer Certificate of Title No.
195101 of the Registry of Marikina is hereby ordered REINSTATED. The loan in the
amount of P230,000.00 shall be paid within ninety (90) days from the finality of this
decision. In case of failure to pay the amount of P230,000.00 from the period therein
stated, the property shall be sold at public auction to satisfy the mortgage debt and
costs and if there is an excess, the same is to be given to the owner.

Petitioner now contends that: (1) he is not the real party in interest but A.C.
Aguila & Co., against which this case should have been brought; (2) the judgment in
the ejectment case is a bar to the filing of the complaint for declaration of nullity of a
deed of sale in this case; and (3) the contract between A.C. Aguila & Sons, Co. and
private respondent is a pacto de retro sale and not an equitable mortgage as held by
the appellate court.
The petition is meritorious.
Rule 3, 2 of the Rules of Court of 1964, under which the complaint in this case
was filed, provided that every action must be prosecuted and defended in the name of
the real party in interest. A real party in interest is one who would be benefited or
injured by the judgment, or who is entitled to the avails of the suit. [7] This ruling is now
embodied in Rule 3, 2 of the 1997 Revised Rules of Civil Procedure. Any decision
rendered against a person who is not a real party in interest in the case cannot be
executed.[8] Hence, a complaint filed against such a person should be dismissed for
failure to state a cause of action.[9]
Under Art. 1768 of the Civil Code, a partnership has a juridical personality
separate and distinct from that of each of the partners. The partners cannot be held
liable for the obligations of the partnership unless it is shown that the legal fiction of a
different juridical personality is being used for fraudulent, unfair, or illegal purposes.

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