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Tabulation of respondents
Courses Life Science Physical Accountancy
Male Femal Male Femal Male Femal
e e e
5 5 5 5 5 5
Total 10 10 10
Grand Total 30

Percentages of Male and Female Students Having

Clique in KMPk

Pie Charts on the Percentages of Students Having Clique

in KMPk

The pie chart and the table show the number of

respondents having clique in Kolej Matrikulasi Perak
(KMPk). Based on the graph, 86.7% of male students
having clique in KMPk while remaining of 13.3% do not
have clique. In contrast, the number of female students
having clique is 93.3%, while the other 6.7% do not have
clique. These show that the clique most popular among
female students because there are clear difference of
6.6% between female and male students in KMPk that
have clique.

Activities in Clique

Bar Graph on Activities within Clique

Based on the bar graph, the most popular activity with

clique among male students is studying which is 41.2%.
However, among the female students, they prefer
gossiping and studying. Both of these activities having
the same percentage which is 42.9%. The less preferable
activities among the male students are gossiping and
flirting. However, among male students, 17.6% of them
are smokers. In contrast, none of female students smoke.
This observation shows that students in KMPk, either
male or female are using their time wisely by having
study group with clique's members.

Time and Location

Pie Chart on Time and Location of Clique Gathering

Based on the pie charts, students usually meet during

their leisure time which the percentage is 47.5%.
Furthermore, students most likely to meet at hostel with
48.6%. The charts also shown that lunch time is not the
best time for them to meet up. This is proven because
only 2.5% of students met during that hour. Same goes to
the preferable location among the students. Only 10.8%
of the students choose to meet up at the library and
mosque. This is because library is the place to study and
mosque is the place to perform prayer. So, it is not the
proper places to do clique activity. That is why most of
them prefer to meet at hostel where they spent most of
their time.
Preference of Having Member of Opposite Sex
Pie Chart on Preference of Having Member of Opposite
Based on the chart, 40% of the students agree having
member of opposite sex while other 60% disagree on the
topic. Most of them agree because of three reasons; to
improve social skill with opposite sex's members, to wider
their knowledge, to add more friend of opposite gender.
Each reason has the same percentage which is 33.3%. In
contrast, they students who disagree because of the main
reason 'they awkward to share something personal' are
Advantages of Having Clique
Bar Graph on the Percentage of Advantages Having

Based on the chart, most of students with 56.1% believe

that by having clique they can increase their confidents
level. The second highest is 12.2% which is to attract
people. The least respondents agree that having the
clique just to follow the trend and look presentable.

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