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CCNA 1 Chapter 6 v5.

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CCNA 1 Chapter 6 v5.0 answers Routing and SWitching Introduction to Networking, CISCO CCNA

1.During the process of f orwarding traf f ic, what will the router do immediately af ter matching the
destination IP address to a network on a directly connected routing table entry?switch the
packet to the directly connected interface
look up the next-hop address f or the packet
discard the traf f ic af ter consulting the route table
analyze the destination IP address

2.How do hosts ensure that their packets are directed to the correct network destination?T hey
have to keep their own local routing table that contains a route to the loopback
interface, a local network route, and a remote default route.
T hey always direct their packets to the def ault gateway, which will be responsible f or the packet
T hey send a query packet to the def ault gateway asking f or the best route.
T hey search in their own local routing table f or a route to the network destination address and
pass this inf ormation to the def ault gateway.

3.When would the Cisco IOS image held in ROM be used to boot the router?when the full IOS
cannot be found
when the running conf iguration directs the router to do this
during a normal boot process
during a f ile transf er operation


A packet leaving PC-1 has to traverse three hops to reach PC-4.


Does the router have enough RAM and f lash memory to support the new IOS?T he router has
enough RAM and flash memory for the IOS upgrade
T he router needs more RAM and more f lash memory f or the IOS upgrade.
T he router has enough RAM, but needs more f lash memory f or the IOS upgrade.
T he router has enough f lash memory, but needs more RAM f or the IOS upgrade.

6.A technician is conf iguring a router that is actively running on the network. Suddenly, power to
the router is lost. If the technician has not saved the conf iguration, which two types of
inf ormation will be lost? (Choose two.)ARP cache & routing table
Cisco IOS image f ile
startup conf iguration
bootstrap f ile

7.Which three commands are used to set up a password f or a person who attaches a cable to a
new router so that an initial conf iguration can be perf ormed? (Choose three.)password cisco
line console 0

8.Why is NAT not needed in IPv6?Any host or user can get a public IPv6 network address
because the number of available IPv6 addresses is extremely large.
line vty 0 4
interf ace f astethernet 0/0
enable secret cisco

9.Af ter troubleshooting a router, the network administrator wants to save the router
conf iguration so that it will be used automatically the next time that the router reboots. What
command should be issued?copy running-config startup-config
copy startup-conf ig f lash
copy running-conf ig f lash
copy startup-conf ig running-conf ig

10.What is a service provided by the Flow Label f ield of the IPv6 header?It informs network
devices to maintain the same path for real-time application packets
It identif ies the total length of the IPv6 packet.
It limits the lif etime of a packet.
It classif ies packets f or traf f ic congestion control.

11.When connectionless protocols are implemented at the lower layers of the OSI model, what
are usually used to acknowledge the data receipt and request the retransmission of missing
data?upper-layer connection-oriented protocolsTransport layer UDP protocols
connectionless acknowledgements
Network layer IP protocols

12.Fill in the blank. In a router,_____is the nonvolatile memory where the diagnostic sof tware, the
bootup instructions, and a limited IOS are stored.ROM

13.Which two commands can be used on a Windows host to display the routing table? (Choose
two.)route print, netstat -r
show ip route
netstat -s

14.A technician is manually conf iguring a computer with the necessary IP parameters to
communicate over the corporate network. T he computer already has an IP address, a subnet
mask, and a DNS server. What else has to be conf igured f or Internet access?the default
gateway address
the MAC address
the domain name of the organization
the WINS server address

15.Which command displays a summary chart of all router interf aces, their IP addresses, and their
current operational status?show ip interface brief
show interf aces
show version
show ip route

16.Which two f iles, if f ound, are copied into RAM as a router with the def ault conf iguration
register setting boots up? (Choose two.)IOS image file
startup configuration
POST diagnostics
running conf iguration

17.Which two interf aces will allow access via the VT Y lines to conf igure the router? (Choose
two.)LAN and WAN interfaces
console interf aces
USB interf aces
aux interf aces

18.Which IPv4 header f ield is responsible f or def ining the priority of the packet?differentiated
traf f ic class
f low label
f lags

19.A computer has to send a packet to a destination host in the same LAN. How will the packet be
sent?T he packet will be sent directly to the destination host.
T he packet will be sent only to the def ault gateway.
T he packet will be sent to the def ault gateway f irst, and then, depending on the response f rom
the gateway, it may be sent to the destination host.
T he packet will f irst be sent to the def ault gateway, and then f rom the def ault gateway it will be
sent directly to the destination host.

20.Match the conf iguration mode with the command that is available in that mode

21.Which statement about router interf aces is true?A configured and activated router
interface must be connected to another device in order to operate.
22.Match f ield names to the header where they would be f ound


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