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CCNA 1 Chapter 7 v5.

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CCNA 1 Chapter 7 v5.0 answers Routing and SWitching Introduction to Networking, CISCO CCNA

1.What is the complete range of T CP and UDP well-known ports?0 to 1023

0 to 255
256 – 1023
1024 – 49151

2.A host device sends a data packet to a web server via the HT T P protocol. What is used by the
transport layer to pass the data stream to the proper application on the server?destination port
source port number
sequence number

3.Fill in the blank using a number. A total of ____ messages are exchanged during the T CP session
termination process between the client and the server.four

4.Which scenario describes a f unction provided by the transport layer?A student has two web
browser windows open in order to access two web sites. T he transport layer ensures the
correct web page is delivered to the correct browser window
A student is using a classroom VoIP phone to call home. T he unique identif ier burned into the
phone is a transport layer address used to contact another network device on the same network.
A corporate worker is accessing a web server located on a corporate network. T he transport
layer f ormats the screen so the web page appears properly no matter what device is being used
to view the web site.
A student is playing a short web-based movie with sound. T he movie and sound are encoded
within the transport layer header.

5.Which f actor determines T CP window size?the amount of data the destination can process
at one time
the number of services included in the T CP segment
the amount of data the source is capable of sending at one time
the amount of data to be transmitted

6.What happens if the f irst packet of a T FT P transf er is lost?T he T FT P application will retry
the request if a reply is not received.
T he next-hop router or the def ault gateway will provide a reply with an error code.
T he client will wait indef initely f or the reply.
T he transport layer will retry the query if a reply is not received.

7.What is a benef icial f eature of the UDP transport protocol?fewer delays in transmission
the ability to retransmit lost data
acknowledgment of received data
tracking of data segments using sequence numbers

8.Compared to UDP, what f actor causes additional network overhead f or T CP

communication?network traffic that is caused by retransmissions
the identif ication of applications based on destination port numbers
the checksum error detection
the encapsulation into IP packets

9.What is a socket?the combination of a source IP address and port number or a

destination IP address and port number
the combination of the source and destination sequence numbers and port numbers
the combination of the source and destination sequence and acknowledgment numbers
the combination of the source and destination IP address and source and destination Ethernet

10.Which two T CP header f ields are used to conf irm receipt of data?Sequence number
Acknowledgement number
FIN f lag
SYN f lag

11.During a T CP session, a destination device sends an acknowledgment number to the source

device. What does the acknowledgment number represent?the next byte that the destination
expects to receive
the last sequence number that was sent by the source
one number more than the sequence number
the total number of bytes that have been received

12.During a T CP session, the SYN f ield is used by the client to request communication with the

13.A host device needs to send a large video f ile across the network while providing data
communication to other users. Which f eature will allow dif f erent communication streams to occur
at the same time, without having a single data stream using all available bandwidth?multiplexing
window size
port numbers

14.A PC is downloading a large f ile f rom a server. T he T CP window is 1000 bytes. T he server is
sending the f ile using 100-byte segments. How many segments will the server send bef ore it
requires an acknowledgment f rom the PC?10 segments
100 segments
1000 segments
1 segment

15.A technician wishes to use T FT P to transf er a large f ile f rom a f ile server to a remote router.
Which statement is correct about this scenario?T he file is segmented and then reassembled
in the correct order at the destination, if necessary, by the upper-layer protocol..
T he f ile is segmented and then reassembled in the correct order by T CP.
T he f ile is not segmented, because UDP is the transport layer protocol that is used by T FT P.
Large f iles must be sent by FT P not T FT P.

16.What does a client do when it has UDP datagrams to send?It just sends the datagrams
It queries the server to see if it is ready to receive data.
It sends a simplif ied three-way handshake to the server.
It sends to the server a segment with the SYN f lag set to synchronize the conversation.

17.Which two f lags in the T CP header are used in a T CP three-way handshake to establish
connectivity between two network devices? (Choose two.)SYN

18.What does a client application select f or a T CP or UDP source port number?a random value
in the range of the registered ports
a predef ined value in the dynamic port range
a predef ined value in the range of the registered ports
a predef ined value in the well-known port range
a random value in the dynamic port range
a random value in the well-known port range

19.Which transport layer f eature is used to guarantee session establishment?T CP 3-way

UDP sequence number
T CP port number
UDP ACK f lag

21.Match each application to its connectionless or connection-oriented protocol

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