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Adhering to traditional family values was a rare

virtue in a decade when going public was the
principal focus of so many entrepreneurs. For
exclusive fashion label Zegna, however, long-
term succession planning within the family has TO L I F E TH A N
proved a winning pattern. Today Zegna is the
global market leader in exclusive men’s fashion
with a market share of around 30 percent. The
fashion collection was added to the firm’s prin-
cipal business – the production of top quality
fabrics – in the 1960s, when Angelo and Aldo
Zegna, the sons of founder Ermenegildo, took
the helm. Since the late 1980s, Angelo’s son
Gildo and Aldo’s son Paolo have been the new Angelo and Gildo Zegna

family team at the head of the company. Asked

the secret of their success, the leaders of this
fashion dynasty with its austere Catholic values
name three virtues: discipline, determination
and diligence.

EGON ZEHNDER INTERNATIONAL : How did What kind of changes did you introduce when you
Ermenegildo Zegna prepare his two sons for their took the helm?
future roles in corporate management? A. ZEGNA : The changes actually started earlier.
ANGELO ZEGNA: I imagine it was much the same During my time abroad in the late 1940s, I took an
as in many other Italian family firms. The impor- active interest in the new management techniques
tant matters were discussed within the family. From emerging from the USA. When my brother and I
a relatively early age my father would often talk to began to introduce these methods in Italy in 1950,
my brother Aldo and me about the business. From they were revolutionary. On account of our father’s
the age of 12, we would regularly work in the com- illness, there were many decisions we helped to
pany during the summer months. Our father was make and implement well before his death in 1966.
also keen that we should start learning languages.
Apart from the skills of your trade, what else did
So your traditional family ties never stood in the you learn from your father?
way of a cosmopolitan outlook? A. ZEGNA : Above all that children should be
A. ZEGNA : My father always managed to combine given the opportunity to become acquainted with
the two: He was strict but open, very tough but foreign languages and cultures at an early age.
friendly. He practiced a lifestyle marked by austere That’s why my three daughters began their studies
Catholicism. Doing one’s duty and living up to in Lausanne and Geneva, while my son went to
one’s responsibilities were his foremost maxims; England to take his A-levels.
maxims he applied first to himself and then to us. It
seemed an entirely natural course of events that And with your A-levels in your pocket you fol-
one day we would take over from him. lowed the family tradition of preparing for your
GILDO ZEGNA: That was simply the way things future responsibilities in the firm?
happened in family firms in that part of Italy. The G. ZEGNA : My father had very concrete ideas
same spirit still survives today. about where and how I should acquire the neces-

sary experience. As soon as I graduated in econom- How did you assess their business skills? with support, not diluting his influence, but he was
ics from University College London, I set off for A. ZEGNA : From results alone. When he was in absolutely against it and he prevailed.
Lyon where I joined the staff at a tailor’s. Then I the USA, Gildo triggered the immense progress G. ZEGNA : For me it was a fundamental issue. It
spent time in Miami before moving to Berlin to sell we have since achieved over there. Then came his would have changed the organization dramatically.
suits. After that I was with Boss for a month or so, successful showing in Spain. I realized from these A. ZEGNA : That is your personal view.
then with Bloomingdale’s as an assistant buyer. results that he was ready for greater things.
A. ZEGNA : After six months at Bloomingdale’s What makes a good entrepreneur?
they asked him to stay and offered him promotion. Did you ever need to temper his enthusiasm? A. ZEGNA : Number one is discipline and a deep-
A. ZEGNA : No, I’ve never had to hold him back. rooted belief in what you are doing. You need to be
But instead of heading up the career ladder at But I’ve often warned him about taking on too persistent and highly focused.
Bloomingdale’s you chose to return home. much responsibility. My father always used to say:
Angelo Zegna was born in 1924. After studying G. ZEGNA : Not home to Italy, but back to the “When you load, you have to carry” – when you Many firms in Italy are still in family hands. What
economics he joined the family firm which he family firm. I spent a couple of months doing take on a job within the firm you have to perform are the perspectives for this patriarchal economic
later managed in harness with his brother Aldo. market research in Spain. Next stop was business and cannot let people down. order as markets become more global?
The cosmopolitan nature of the family, an aspect school at Harvard. From there, in 1982, I went to A. ZEGNA : Italy’s economic culture is founded on
prized by his father Ermenegildo, found expres- New York, where I was head of Zegna United But such commitment is surely also a sign of some- medium-sized towns with powerful local industries,
sion in Angelo’s interest in US management States for four years before returning to Spain. one out to make his mark as an entrepreneur, not and each company stems from a small family cell.
methods. Together, the brothers experimented A. ZEGNA : The underlying strategy was to expose content to be the son of an entrepreneur. G. ZEGNA : The culture and the climate have to
with new corporate structures even before taking him to different cultures and increasing degrees of A. ZEGNA : Very much so. Duty is one of the match. The resultant blend can give rise to the
control of the firm in 1966. management responsibility, always in jobs related fundamental family values – duty not least to the credibility of a brand or a product.
to our own core business. family itself. There is more to life than self-fulfill-
ment and personal ambition.
Why did you opt to return to the family firm? G. ZEGNA : There lies the key distinction between
Gildo Zegna, the son of Angelo, was born in 1955. G. ZEGNA : I felt there was an opportunity to grow a purely capitalist approach and the fundamental
In the 1980s, together with his cousin Paolo Zegna, our business in the United States faster than many Catholic values we apply.
he became responsible for executive management others. That was what made up my mind.
of the Zegna Group. Before joining the family A. ZEGNA : It was virtually his own company. What advice would you give other family firms on
firm Gildo had benefited from an international G. ZEGNA : From then on I knew where my con- how to plan and organize succession?
education. He also worked for Bloomingdale’s in tribution to the family firm would lie. My experi- A. ZEGNA : You can only mold children for their
New York and held several positions in the Zegna ence was anchored in marketing, an aspect that I task if they demonstrate the right skills and inter-
Group in the USA and Spain. believe has traditionally been weaker at Zegna. We ests. The basic values are always the same: hard The interview with Angelo und Gildo Zegna was conducted
like to say that each generation adds a new floor to work, discipline, persistence, the achievement of by Horst F. Bröcker, Giuseppe Crisci, and Ulrike Mertens
the building. But without the strict discipline that I goals and respect for the family. This duty to the of Egon Zehnder International in Milan in 2002.
learned at school and university, we could never family and its values is more important than ever in
have succeeded – because when you apply disci- times when family relations are commonly regarded A. ZEGNA : Consider how the Italian lifestyle has
pline to marketing you have a much more powerful as less important than in the past. conquered the world. We may be short on technical
tool at your disposal. innovation but we are strong on practicalities: pro-
Can you recall there ever being serious conflict cessing raw materials to make superior products.
When did you realize that your son Gildo and between fathers and sons?
nephew Paolo were the ideal successors? G. ZEGNA : On several occasions, actually. Prob- Given the current wave of mergers and acquisi-
Photos: Erika Koch

A. ZEGNA : It was a gradual process. When Gildo ably the most severe conflict came up when my tions, can you imagine Italy’s top brands being
came back from Spain after his marketing experi- father and his brother wanted to appoint a manag- swallowed up by luxury goods conglomerates?
ence there and his taste of general management, ing director for our retail division against my will. A. ZEGNA : Some of the leading fashion brands
I knew he could drive his side of the business. They felt that I was overloaded. will doubtless be taken over, but in our branch we
And Paolo had acquired almost the same degree A. ZEGNA : From our point of view it was only a won’t be witnessing the same level of mergers and
of international training as Gildo. logical step. We were talking about providing Gildo acquisitions as in the automotive industry. !


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