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Name: _____________________________ Score: _______________

Direction: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the letter before each number.
_________1. More than half of total blood volume is the
A. red and blood cells B. plasma C. platelets D.all of
_________2. Platelets help in blood
A. producing B. rejuvenating C. clotting D. purifying
_________3. Ventricles are chambers of heart which are
A. upper B. lower C. middle D. valves
_________4. De-oxygenated blood from parts of body is received by
A. right side B. left side C. atrium D. ventricle
_________5. Process by which glucose reacts with oxygen in cells in order to release energy
gradually is called
A. cellular respiration B. aerobic respiration C. anaerobic respiration
D. breathing
_________6. A sheet of muscles which contracts or flatten when we breath is called
A. diaphragm B. ribs C. lungs D.
_________7. Animal which is being hunt down is called
A. predator B. prey C. scavenger D.
wild animal
_________8. A ph scale ranges from zero to
A. 10 B. 6 C11 D. 14
_________9. Sleep like state which an animal adopt to lower metabolic rates is called
A. transpiration B. shedding of leaves C. hibernating D.
_________10. A medicine which is used to treat or cure bacterial diseases by killing or stopping
their growth of bacteria is called:
A. antibody B. antigen C. antibiotics D.
_________11. Bacteria are
A. non-living B. unicellular organisms C. multicellular organisms D.
complex organisms
_________12. Diseases which are caused by micro-organisms are called
A. contagious B. venereal C. infectious D. incurable
_________13. A medicine which contain dead or weakened germs is used to prevent infectious
disease is called a
A. antiseptic B. antibodies C. antibiotics D. vaccine
_________14. Use of organisms specially micro-organisms in manufacture or industrial
processes is called
A. biotechnology B. bioengineering C. chemical process D. genetic
_________15. Complex carbohydrates which make up cell wall in plants are called
A.lactose B. maltose C. cellulose D. sucrose

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