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Week of: April 6-10

Here are some activities for students to work on during our closure to
further improve their academic skills:
Day Activities
Monday Reading: Read a story or have someone read to you. Find the front
cover, back cover, and title page.
Writing: Practice writing your first and last name.
Math: Find 10 shapes around your house and name the shape (ex.
clock-circle, box-cube, picture-rectangle, orange-sphere)
Tuesday Reading: Practice your sight word flashcards using a “monster” voice!
Writing: Draw a picture of what you like to play outside and write a
sentence about your picture. Be sure to include a capital at the
beginning, finger spaces, ending punctuation, and inventive spelling
(write all the sounds you hear in each word).
Math: Write your numbers 1-20.
Wednesda Reading: Read a story or have someone read to you. Count how many
y sight words you find in your story.
Writing: Draw a picture of your favorite animal and write a sentence
about your picture.
Math: Read all the numbers you find in your house (look on clocks,
calendar, thermometer, etc.)
Thursday Reading: Read a story or have someone read to you. Who are the
characters? Which character is your favorite? Why are they your
Writing: Write a sentence about your favorite character from the
story your read.
Math: Use 5 pieces of cereal/crackers and practice adding. You can
say or write your addition sentences (two and three make five, five is
the same as one and four, 2+3=5, 5=1+4).
Friday Reading: Read a book, have someone read to you or practice your sight
words while sitting under a table!
Writing: Write two sentences using the words “the” and “your”.
Math: Count the socks in your drawer.
These websites are great resources to practice kindergarten skills: (email if you need your student’s username/password) (username-Learning20 password-Clifford) 20 days of
free learning (class code plj5093) hundreds of books (username: nte2019 password: ebooks) educational games educational games (school code: SCHOOL7983) great for movement!

Feel free to email us the shapes you found around your house,
a picture of your sentences, or where you found numbers around your house.
We would love to hear from you!

Mrs. Grewell and Mrs. Sanders


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