Rajarshi Rananjay Sinh Institute of Management and Technology

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Time: 03 Hours Total Marks: 100
Section – A

1. Attempt all question parts: (10x2=20)

a. Explain the surging phenomenon in centrifugal compressor.

b. What is refrigeration? Define one ton of refrigeration.
c. State the function of absorber and rectifier in vapour absorption system.
d. What is the difference between Refrigeration & Air Conditioning?
e. What are the advantages of multistage compressor?
f. Explain the Refrigerating effect and Wet bulb temperature
g. Classify refrigerants.
h. What are the advantages and limitations of steam refrigeration system?
i. Classify the compressor?
j. What is effect of sub cooling of liquid?

Section – B

2. Attempt any three question: (3 x 10=30)

1. Explain the physical significance of room sensible heat factor? An air conditioned room is
maintaining at 27 °C DBT and 60% RH. The ambient condition is 40 °C DBT and 30 °C WBT.
The total sensible load is 100,000 kJ/h and the total latent heat load is 40,000kJ/h. 60% of
the return air is re-circulated and mixed with 40% of the makeup air after the cooling coil.
The condition of air leaving the coil is °C. Determine,

i. Room sensible heat factor ii. The condition of air entering the room

iii. The amount of makeup air iv. Apparatus dew point

v. By pass factor of cooling coil with the help of psychometric chart.

2. A cold storage plant is required to store 18 tonnes of fish. The fish is supplied at a
temperature of 30 °C. the specific heat of fish above freezing point is 2.93 kj/kg-k and that
of below freezing point is 1.26kj/kg-k. the fish is stored in cold storage which is maintained
at -8°C. the freezing point of fish is -4°C. the latent heat of fish is 23kj/kg. if the plant
requires 80kW to drive it, calculate
i. The capacity of the plant
ii. Time taken to achieve cooling. Assume actual cop of the plant as 0.3 of the Carnot COP.

3. Explain The Bell-Coleman cycle for gas refrigeration with the help of schematic, T-s and P.v
4. Define relative humidity and degree of saturation and derive a relation between them,
derive an expression for by- pass factor.
5. A refrigeration system working on reversed Brayton cycle operates between 1 bar and 5
bar. The temperature at the inlet to the compressor and expander are 30 °C and 40°C,
respectively. Isentropic efficiency for the compression is 0.8 and the same for the expansion
is 0.9. if the capacity of the system is 5 tons of refrigeration, determine
i. Mass flow rate of refrigerant
ii. Power input to the compressor , take γ= 1.4, and Cp = 1.004 kJ/kg k

Section – C

3. Attempt any two parts. (2x10=20)

1. Explain the desirable properties of an Ideal Refrigerant.

2. Show that W =0.622 , where W= humidity ratio, p v partial pressure of water
P b−P v
vapour, Pa partial pressure of dry air Pb= Pa+Pv also explain the total enthalpy of moist air.
3. In a 6 kW cooling capacity refrigeration system operation on a simple compression cycle,
refrigerant inters the evaporator with an enthalpy of 75kJ/kg and leaves with an enthalpy of
183kJ/kg. the enthalpy of refrigerant after compression is 210kJ/kg. show the cycle on T-S
and P- h diagrams. Calculate:

i. COP ii. Power input to the compressor iii. Rate of heat transfer at the condenser

4. Attempt any one part: (1x10=10)

1. The following data refer to a single stage vapour compression system refrigerant used R-
134a: condensing temperature 350°C, evaporator temperature -100°C, compressor RPM
2800 clearance volume/ swept volume 0.03, swept volume 269.4x10 -6 m3 expansion index
1.12, compression efficiency is 0.8.condensate sub-cooling at 50°C find, capacity of the
system in TR, power required, COP, heat rejection to condenser, refrigeration efficiency.
The properties of R-134a given as below,

Sat. Pressure Specific in Specific enthalpy Specific entropy

temp in bar volume of kJ/kg kJ/kgK
°C vapour Liqui vapour Liquid vapour
m3/kg d
-10 2.014 0.0994 186.7 392.4 0.951 1.733
35 8.870 0.0231 249.1 417.6 1.168 1.715
Assume that isentropic compression and suction as dry saturated. The specific heat of
vapour refrigerant may be taken as 1.1kJ/kg k and for liquid refrigerant as 1.458 kJ/kg K.

2. A ammonia refrigeration system rejects 100kW of heat to condenser while operating

between -10 °C and 40°C temperature limit. The compression efficiency is 0.8 and Vc/V s=
0.04 and n=128 determine: refrigerant flow rate, compressor power, COP, tonnage, swept
volume of N =10 rps.
5. Attempt any two. (2x10=20)

1. The following data refer to a LiBr + H2O absorption system: Generator temperature =80 °C,
Condenser temperature: Absorber temperature =-30°C, Evaporator temperature =10°C,
Condensate temperature: 25 °C. Steam enters the generator heating coil at 120°C (dry-
saturated state steam) and Leaves it at 100 °C as condensate. The concentration of liquid
leaving the absorber is 0.51 and its enthalpy is -170 kJ/kg. The enthalpy of vapour leaving
the generator is 2620 kJ/kg. The flow rate through the evaporator is 0.4 kg/s find,
i. Pressure in generator, Condenser, evaporator and absorber in mm of Mercury head
ii. Tonnage
iii. Heat rejection to condenser and absorber
iv. COP and Relative COP
2. What are the main characteristic of an vapour compression refrigeration system and what
are its advantage over air refrigeration system?
3. In an ammonia vapour compression system the pressure in the evaporator is 2 bar.
Ammonia at evaporator exit is 0.85 dry and at entry its dryness fraction is 0.19. during
compression the work done per kg of ammonia is 150kJ. Calculate the COP and volume of
vapour entering the compressor per min if the rate of ammonia circulation is 4.5kg/min. the
latent heat and specific volume of ammonia at 2 bar are 1325kJ/kg and 0.85m 3/kg

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