2020-03-16 Covid-19 Kaci Facility Hygiene Protocols

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KACI COVID-19 Communication: March 16, 2020

COVID-19 Hygiene Protocols

Attn All KACI Associates,

COVID-19 Hygiene protocols while in the facility:

(1) Improve Workplace Habits

▪ Wash hands with soap or sanitizer when entering and exiting any area/room within the facility.
▪ When coughing and sneezing, cover mouth and nose with flexed elbow or tissue. Dispose of tissue in designated
trash receptacles.
▪ Step away from your fellow associate when you feel a sneeze or cough about to occur.
▪ Avoid handshakes and physical touching when greeting as well as touching of your face. Respiratory viruses can
be transferred by shaking hands and touching your eyes, nose and mouth.
▪ Wear PPE always when interacting with parts.
▪ No spitting of bodily fluids from the mouth into trash receptacles. It is not only unhealthy but unprofessional.

(2) New protocols

▪ Associates will receive formal plant communications in small group settings. SHOP TALK will no longer occur in
the cafeteria in large group settings until further notice.
▪ If you are 60+ and/or have an underlying condition such as cardiovascular disease, existing respiratory condition
or diabetes you are to avoid crowds of 10 or more.
▪ Although we work in a plant, the formatting of our work cells and associate proximity to one another during a
work shift are deemed appropriate for interaction as defined by social distancing recommendations.
▪ Associates may eat lunch in their vehicles but are required to pay attention to lunch start and stop times. As long
as associates do NOT leave the premises, they do not have to interact with the PAYCOM time clocks.
▪ Non-essential, unscheduled visits will not be allowed during the COVID-19 crisis.
▪ Inside plant access is restricted to KACI personnel and designated vendors who must have access.

(3) Communication formats

▪ Bulletin Boards
▪ KACI Hotline number: 502-844-2404
▪ Small group communication from Management
▪ Communication blasts via PAYCOM app.

(4) National Websites

▪ KACI adheres to the information shared via the WHO and CDC websites;
▪ https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/advice-for-public
▪ https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/about/prevention-treatment.html

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