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3, MAY/JUNE 2013 1221

Wound Rotor to Induction Motor and VFD

Conversion Case Study
Mike Kozlowski, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—This paper will present a method, which has been

used to retrofit vintage wound rotor motors in various appli-
cations in the forest products industry. This calculation method
was developed due to the end user’s need to retrofit an existing
application and the lack of detailed motor data. Specifically, the
author will present a case study from an actual project, which
was commissioned two years ago. The author will present general
background of the application, obstacles to overcome in the retrofit
process, calculations, motor application recommendations, and
postretrofit site data.
Index Terms—Induction motor, retrofit, variable-frequency
drive (VFD), wound-rotor (WR) motor.


T HE CONCEPT for this paper originated from the need

to develop and document a methodology for retrofitting
smaller (< 500 hp) vintage wound-rotor (WR) motors with
modern low-voltage induction motor and variable-frequency Fig. 1. WR motor stator becoming delaminated due to burnouts during
drive (VFD) functional equivalent. Smaller WR motors were numerous rewinds.
selected for this analysis due to the number of opportunities
mentation. The documentation will consist of a set of general
and the age of the installed base. Smaller WR motor applica-
arrangement drawings, speed–torque curves, and nameplate
tions utilize either a resistor/contactor or an inductor/resistor/
data consisting of horsepower rating, revolution per minute,
contactor-based torque control system, called a “stepless” con-
service factor, primary and secondary voltage, and current.
trol system. Drivers for the modernization of these systems
is primarily their age, number of rewinds, condition of a WR
motor (stator delamination shown in Fig. 1), and maintenance II. BACKGROUND
of the contactors in the resistance control system.
The main issue to overcome in applying a new solution WR (also called slip ring) motors have been the staple of high
to a vintage WR motor application is that motor application overload torque applications since the 1930s. This technology,
engineers are supplied with little or no site data from which to based on inserting external resistances into the induction motor
select a solution. Due to the age of many of these applications, rotor circuit for induction motor torque control, has been suc-
typically, an original set of speed torque curves or a general cessfully applied for many years. Prior to the advent of VFDs,
arrangement drawing of the motor(s) is not available for anal- there was no other way for an induction motor to develop high
ysis. More often than not, all that is available is horsepower, overload torques (200%–280%) over a wide speed range as
revolution per minute, and an indication that the motor is a required for many industrial applications such as crane hoists,
WR motor type. pulpers, or trolley drives.
Conversely, due to the investment required for large While the WR motor technology is still present in many
(1000–9000 hp) WR motor applications (and associated control large motor applications, there are still quite a number of
equipment), a mill will usually have a complete set of docu- WR applications in the 20- to 500-hp range that can be good
candidates for retrofit to a VFD.

Manuscript received March 30, 2011; accepted December 31, 2011. Date of
publication March 6, 2013; date of current version May 15, 2013. Paper 2011- III. W HAT I S A WR M OTOR ?
PPIC-100, presented at the 2011 IEEE Pulp and Paper Industry Conference,
Nashville, TN, USA, June 19–23, and approved for publication in the IEEE The WR motor is an induction motor where the rotor circuit
try Committee of the IEEE Industry Applications Society. is terminated in slip rings to which external impedances can be
The author is with ABB Process Automation Pulp and Paper, Greenville, SC connected (see Fig. 2). The stator is essentially the same as is
29680 USA (e-mail: used in any standard squirrel cage motor. By changing the exter-
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at nal impedance connected in the rotor circuit, the speed/current
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIA.2013.2251594 and speed/torque curves of the induction motor can be altered.

0093-9994/$31.00 © 2013 IEEE


Fig. 2. Typical WR motor for use in the trolley motion of a woodyard portal

Fig. 4. General representation of torque production in a WR motor [2].

which is a representation of the speed–torque characteristics of

a WR motor (see Fig. 4). The saw-tooth-like waveform is the
Fig. 3. Typical WR motor control system schematic diagram. torque profile produced by the shorting of resistor banks by
the controller as the load is accelerated from zero speed (on
The WR motor is primarily used to start a high inertia load the far right of the curve) to the leftmost portion, which is the
or a load that requires a very high starting torque across the slip speed of the motor. By setting upper and lower limits when
motor’s full speed range. By applying resistors to the motor’s the resistor banks are shorted out, a rough “constant” torque
slip rings, the motor is able to produce very high torque profile can be produced. For many years, this was one method
(200%–280%) at a relatively low current (175%) from zero to that allowed an induction motor to produce the overload torque
full speed. Relatively low locked rotor amperes are why these from zero to slip speed.
motors are sometimes employed in applications on weak power
In order to control torque production in the WR motor, IV. M ETHODOLOGY E XAMPLE TO S IZE AN I NDUCTION
resistor banks are switched in and out by means of high- M OTOR TO R EPLACE THE E XISTING WR M OTOR
current electrical contactors (see Fig. 3). These resistors are
In order to size an induction motor for an application, we first
called “secondary resistors” and are sized on secondary (rotor)
need to determine the capability of the existing WR motor by
amperes and the application’s torque requirements. In general,
using the following equation:
if the application operates below 50% speed for a high per-
centage of its operational cycle, it may be a good candidate for (HP )
modernizing to a VFD as a way to save energy. If the motor is Tq(ft·lbs) = × 5252 (1)
(N )
operated at reduced speeds for most of its duty cycle, relatively
more energy is being absorbed in the resistor banks for torque where
production. Depending on the application’s horsepower and HP WR motor’s nameplate horsepower;
duty cycle, the energy savings can be in the hundreds of N nameplate revolutions per minute as listed on the WR
kilowatthours. motor;
While the resistor banks are typically not prone to failure, the Tq rated (100%) torque of the WR motor in foot pounds.
contactors, which switch resistor banks in and out of service From (1), we can determine the (100%) full load torque
for speed control of the WR motor, are typically replaced or of the existing WR motor. For example, for a typical 100-hp
serviced on a yearly basis (or more frequently), depending on 1800-r/min WR motor, i.e.,
Generally speaking, what is to be accomplished by the sec- (100 hp)
291ft·lbs = × 5252. (2)
ondary resistor controller is shown in the aforementioned chart, (1800 r/min)

Fig. 6. Crane hoist duty WR motor speed–torque curves [3].

Fig. 5. NEMA MG1 table indicating WR motor breakdown torques of various
horsepowers and revolutions per minute [1]. HPnew raw horsepower required to produce the same
amount of torque as the existing WR motor;
We use (2) above to calculate the motor’s 100% torque. The
N nameplate base revolutions per minute of the new
next question to address is what breakdown torque do we use to
VFD motor; it is the same as the WR motor;
size the overload torque of the new motor?
Tq previously calculated (100%) torque of the WR
One source is the National Electric Manufacturing Asso-
motor in foot pounds.
ciation (NEMA) standards for WR motors, which indicate
that the minimum breakdown torque produced be 225% for a The new calculated motor horsepower is 279 hp. This may
100-hp 1800-r/min machine (see Fig. 5). These are considered seem to present a problem because the new motor is 280%
minimum breakdown torque values and can be adjusted up on larger than the original application. Most likely, the new induc-
a case-by-case basis to suit application requirements. tion motor will be smaller than the existing WR motor and can
Some vintage WR motor crane applications have been de- fit into the existing motor’s centerline shaft height.
signed to produce the 250%–300% breakdown torque. The In this example, we are intending to replace the WR motor
curves below are from a 1930’s produced motor. and resistor bank with a new motor and VFD, we can size
Referring to Fig. 6, the dotted horizontal line on top of the the motor and drive to accommodate a 200% overload for
crests of the speed torque curve(s) indicates motor maximum 60 s in order to accelerate its load. The new nameplate(s) of
peaks at 280% breakdown torque. Since the minimum as listed the ac system will have to indicate it is sized for 200% overload
by NEMA is 225% breakdown torque and the crane application for 60 s. The VFD is also required to be sized for the 200%
requires 280%, the quandary is what overload should we use for overload.
the application, i.e., 225% or 280%? As previously indicated, The next step is dividing the new calculated motor horse-
it is important to size the new motor’s overload requirements power by the overload rating (which is 200% or 2 per unit)
while keeping the original application in mind. In this case, for HPnew
a crane application, a maximum of 280% overload is selected. HPfinal = (4)
Other applications such as pulpers or refiners may require less.
Since the WR motor is estimated to supply a maximum of where
280% per unit breakdown torque, the motor can then produce HPnew raw horsepower calculated to produce the same
2.80 ∗ 291 = 815 ft · lbs of torque to accelerate its load. Thus, amount of torque as the existing WR motor;
the ac VFD equivalent must be able to supply the same or more HPfinal 200% overload rating of the new motor in horse-
torque over the same speed range. power;
Next, the new ac VFD horsepower is to be calculated from OL overload rating in per unit, which is 2.
the required (overload) torque. Note that, since this is a retrofit The new horsepower is calculated as 280/2 = 140 hp.
situation and other connected equipment (gearboxes) may be Rounding up to the next standard horsepower and selecting a
utilized, a motor with the same revolution per minute should be 150-hp motor, the nameplate revolutions per minute will remain
selected, i.e., the same.
(2.8 × Tq ) × (N ) The end result is an application that will be 150 hp at 200%
HPnew = (3)
5252 overload. Comparing system torques, the WR motor system is

Fig. 8. Woodyard portal crane, which was modernized with new VFD duty

Fig. 7. Specification for new variable-speed motor.

estimated to produce a maximum of 815 ft · lbs; the new system

can produce a maximum of 875 ft · lbs.
A typical specification for the new motor is shown in Fig. 7.
Retrofitting WR motor-based control systems to a VFD-
based system can provide precise speed and torque control and
can also eliminate a list of potential issues: Fig. 9. WR motor data provided by the paper mill for new motor selection.
• susceptibility of slip ring brushes to contamination; grapple (shown in Fig. 8) from the transport truck and lowers
• slip ring brush maintenance; them in a temporary storage area or directly into a debarking
• slip ring brush rigging burning and melting; drum. The trolley is an in-the-air platform that provides lateral
• resistor contactor bank pitting and maintenance; positioning of the grapple and traverses on crane superstructure
• energy losses in the resistor bank during low-speed mounted rails. The trolley motion uses two motors. The hoist
operation. drum, hoist motor, operator’s cabin, and trolley motors are
In addition, newer active front-end VFD systems can regulate all located on the trolley (see Fig. 9). The gantry motion is
power factor close to unity, and regenerated energy can be used comprised of four motors and moves the complete crane on
by other drives connected to the common power distribution ground mounted rails.
network, thus providing energy savings, power factor improve- The methodology for calculating the new motor horsepower
ment, and better speed control. previously outlined was utilized for the analysis. During the
analysis process, questions were asked of the paper company’s
engineer about the performance of the existing WR motor-
based system. The mill engineer indicated the existing perfor-
A North American-based paper company was investigating mance of all motions was good, and the crane still operated
replacing seven WR motors on a 1977 vintage woodyard portal to existing specification parameters. This is a crucial aspect to
crane. Fig. 9 contains the motor list that was provided to analyze review because there are variations in the weight of the wood
and provide new induction motor recommendations. As with being lifted in the hoist motion; sometimes heavier lifts with
most WR motor applications, no speed torque curves existed higher quantities of smaller diameter logs could occur or the
for the motors. wood could be heavier due to ice cover or higher moisture
For this analysis, an overload torque capability of 275% was content. In addition, were there modifications performed to
selected for the determination of motor horsepower recommen- the grapple that increased its weight? The other motions are
dations for the hoist, trolley, and gantry motions of the crane. important as well; how have they performed with typical wind
The hoist motion of the crane lifts the logs by the use of a loading?

Fig. 10. Comparison of pre- and postmotor horsepower.

Fig. 12. Hoist WR motor being removed during the modernization outage.

Fig. 11. Comparison of pre- and postmotor weights and shaft heights.

During the proposal stage, the mill engineer provided general

arrangement drawings of the existing WR motors; thus, a cen-
terline shaft height and weight comparison could be performed
to compare the incumbent and proposed solutions (see Fig. 10).
In all cases, the proposed induction machines weighed less
(less stress on the crane frame), and the centerline shaft height
was less or equal to the existing WR motor, thus simplifying the
installation since no extensive base modifications were required
to fit the new motors into place (see Fig. 11).
The hoist motion was calculated to be a 263-hp motor at
200% overload, but due to project budget restraints, the mill
project engineer decided to round down to 250 hp instead of
rounding up to a higher horsepower motor for the application.
Fig. 13. Drive system one-line diagram.

VI. S ITE DATA A. Drive System Configuration

The mill performed the conversion from WR motor control to The drive system consisted of a dedicated regenerative drive
a regenerative VFD-based control system with an active front- for each motion, as each motion can be potentially in use at
end common bus unit during the third quarter of calendar year the same time, either consuming or regenerating energy. The
2009 (see Fig. 12). trolley and gantry drives powered multiple motors; thus, these
The new variable frequency duty motors were quoted to a respective VFDs output current is the sum of individual motor
drive system vendor as part of the portal crane drive system currents (see Fig. 13).
modernization project. The hoist and gantry motors were se-
lected by the mill to be of totally enclosed fan-cooled (TEFC)
B. Performance Measurement
cast iron construction with IEEE 841 [4] features. The trolley
motion motors were selected to be TEFC-laminated frame con- After the project was complete, the mill’s woodyard manager
struction in order to keep the trolley weight down as much as permitted the author access to the drive system site engineer,
possible, since the trolley motion has to start and stop with more who provided the portal crane’s “postmodernization” VFD
rapidity than either hoist or gantry motions. Laminated frame current feedback parameters. The engineer provided individual
motors can be 15%–20% lighter than comparable cast iron drive current feedback samples taken at 10-ms intervals, which
construction motors and can also radiate heat more efficiently he felt would provide a good resolution for observation of
since the motor frame is active material. the performance of the drives during complete crane motion

Fig. 17. Plot of total trolley drive current feedback relative to the sum of the
motor’s nameplate (continuous) ampere rating.
Fig. 14. Plot of hoist drive current feedback relative to the motor’s nameplate
(continuous) ampere rating.

Fig. 15. Histogram of the drive ampere feedback at 20-A intervals relative to Fig. 18. Histogram of the drive ampere feedback at 15-A intervals relative to
the motor’s continuous rating. the motor’s continuous rating.

Fig. 19. One of the two-trolley motion motors’ postmodernization.

Fig. 16. Hoist motion motor postmodernization.

(hoisting, gantry, and trolley) cycles and provide manageable

data files from which to analyze the results.
The current feedback for each motion was provided in the
comma-separated variable format. The extent of MS Excel
analysis amounted to 65 500 rows of time-stamped data, which
equate to approximately 11 min of operation. A histogram was
produced for all 65 500 samples, but the MS Excel plot utility
is limited to 32 000 samples or a little over 5 min.
1) Hoist Motion: (See Figs. 14–16.)
2) Trolley Motion: (See Figs. 17–19.) Fig. 20. Plot of the total gantry-drive current feedback relative to the sum of
3) Gantry Motion: (See Figs. 20–22.) the motor’s nameplate (continuous) ampere rating.

In its entirety, this retrofit was a resounding success. The

modernization has provided the following benefits by eliminat-
ing the following maintenance items.
• Brush maintenance: Changing out slip ring brushes on all
motors used to take a minimum of 6 h to perform. This
maintenance was performed every 2 months.
• Slip ring cleaning: The gantry WR motor slip rings needed
to be cleaned and polished every 2 months.
• Carbon buildup: Since the original motor’s slip ring as-
semblies were enclosed, carbon dust used to accumulate
inside the slip ring enclosures. Maintenance used to check
these monthly and blow out carbon dust buildup with high-
pressure air.
Fig. 21. Histogram of the drive current feedback at 50-A intervals relative to
the motor’s continuous rating. • Contactor maintenance: The hoist resistor bank contactors
required maintenance on a monthly basis due to a recur-
ring pitting of electrical contact surfaces.
• Brake maintenance: All crane motions utilize holding
brakes. These brakes are used to ensure each motion is se-
curely stopped when it is required to be stopped. With the
old control system, the brakes were engaged when the mo-
tion was not completely stopped, thus causing premature
brake wear. With the new control system, each motion can
be brought to a complete stop by its regenerative drive, and
the holding brake can be activated when the motion is at
zero speed, thus eliminating premature holding brake wear.

The author would like to thank the assistance of the pa-
per mill’s woodyard production team leader, crew, and elec-
trical engineer for their permission to acquire site data and
B. Tremblay, the Senior Field Support Engineer of Rockwell
Automation, for supplying drive feedback parameters for anal-
ysis and modernization pictures used in this paper.
Fig. 22. One of the four gantry motion motors postretrofit.
[1] NEMA Standards Publication, Motors and Generators, MG1-1993 Rev 3,
VII. C ONCLUSION 1993, Part 12, p. 14.
[2] Crane Drives Manual—AC Cranes, General Electric, Fairfield, CT, USA,
From the data analyzed, the method used to size variable Nov. 23, 1959, Section 2A, p. 5.
frequency induction motors from existing WR motors with [3] A-70312 Torque Speed Curves for a GE 30 HP Crane Duty Motor
HR-444-B, 04-20-1933, General Electric, Fairfield, CT, USA.
limited data has merit. The histograms and charts indicate the [4] IEEE Standard for Petroleum and Chemical Industry-Premium-Efficiency,
ampere draw for the hoist, trolley, and gantry motors was less Severe-Duty, Totally Enclosed Fan-Cooled (TEFC) Squirrel Cage Induc-
than the motor continuous rating. There are large variances in tion Motors-Up to and Including 370 kW (500 hp), IEEE Std. 841-2009,
2009, p. 5, Section 4.5.
the loads that are hoisted and wind gusts that affect loading
of the trolley and gantry motions. The data collected may not
be indicative of all operating conditions during other environ-
mental conditions, and these are applicable only to this site Mike Kozlowski (SM’05) received B.S. degrees in mining and electrical
engineering from West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV, USA.
location. Other applications would have to be analyzed on a He is a Drive System Consulting Engineer with ABB Process Automation
case-by-case basis. Pulp and Paper, Greenville, SC, USA.

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