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PART ONE Foundations

CHAPTERt Doing Social Research
CHAPTERz Theory and Social Research
CHAPTERs Ethics in Social Research
cHAPTER+ Reviewingthe Scholarly Literature and Planninga Study
CHAPTERS Qualitative and Quantitative Measurement
cHAPTERe Qualitative and Quantitative Sampling

PARTTwo ConductingQuantitativeResearch
CHAPTERZ Survey Research
CHAPTER8 ExperimentalResearch
CHAPTER9 Nonreactive Researchand Secondary Analysis
CHAPTER1 o Analysisof Quantitative Data

PART THREr Conductin g Qualita t iv e Re s e a rc h

1l Field Rese a rch
I2 Historical-Comparative
13 Analysisof QualitativeData

PAR T FO U R Writing a Rese a rchRe p o rt

14 Writing the ResearchReport

Preface xl Ethicsand the Scientific

Community 59
-- -'"-'- Ethicsand the Sponsorsof
;;-; ;-; Research 61
## Foundations Politicsof Research 63
Value-Freeand Objective
Research 64
Conclusion 6G
Doing SocialResearch l
Introduction 2
Alternativesto SocialResearch C H A P TE R 4
How ScienceWorks 7
Reviewingthe ScholarlyLiteratureand
Steps in the Researchprocess Planninga Study 68
Dimensionsof Research .l Introduction
O 69
Conc lus ion 21 Literature Review 69
Usingthe Internet for Social
Research 80
C HA P T E R 2
Qualitativeand euantitative Orientations
Theory and SocialResearch 23 toward Research g4
lntroduction 24 QualitativeDesignlssues gg
What ls Theory? 24 QuantitativeDesignlssues 9l
The Parts ofTheory 26 C oncl usi on 106
The AspectsofTheory Zg
The Three Major Approaches to Social
Science 41 C H A P TE R 5
The DynamicDuo 44 Qualitativeand Quantitative
Conc lus ion 45 Measurement 108
Introduction 'l
CHA P T E R 3 Why Measure? I 09
Ethicsin SocialResearch 47 Quanti tati veand eual i tati ve
Measurement II0
Introduction 48
Partsof the Measurement
Why Be Ethical? 48 Process 1 'l 't
Power Relations 49 R el i abi l i tyand V al i di ty IIs
A Guideto Quantitative
Participants S0 Measurement I 2l


lndex Construction 126 Resultsof ExperimentalResearch:Making

Sc a l e s 128 C ompari sons 219

Conclusion 138 A Word on Ethics 221

C oncl usi on 222

C H A PT E R 5
Qualitativeand Quantitative C H A P TE R 9
S amp lin g 140 NonreactiveResearchand Secondary
Analysis 224
fntroduction 141
N o n p ro b a b i l i tyS a m p l i ng 141 fntroduction 225

Pro b a b i l i tyS a m p l i n g 145 NonreactiveMeasurement 225

Conclusion 164 Content Analysis 227

SecondaryAnalysis 236

PA R T T W O lssuesof lnference and Theory

Testing 244
Conducting Quantitative
Conclusion 245

Analysisof Quantitative
SurveyResearch 155
Data 247
l n tro d u c ti o n 167
fntroduction 248
The Logicof SurveyResearch ' r5 8
Dealingwith Data 248
Constructingthe Questionnaire 169
R esul tsw i th One V ari abl e 251
Typesof Surveys:Advantagesand
Resultswith Two Variables 257
Disadvantages 1 86
More Than Two Variables 263
lnterviewing 190
lnferentialStatistics 268
The EthicalSurvey 196
C oncl usi on 272
Conclusion 197

C H A PT E R 8
ExperimentalResearch 200 ii? ConductingQualitative
Introduction 201
Random Assignment 2O2
ExperimentalDesignLogic 2O4 C H A P TE R I 1
fnternal and ExternalValidity 212 FieldResearch 275
PracticalConsiderations 219 fntroduction 27 5

The Logicof FieldResearch Z7g

C H A P TE R I 3
c hoos inga s i te a n d' Ga ining
Access 280 Analysisof eualitative Data 327
Relationsin the Field 2gS Introduction 329
Observingand CollectingData 287 ComparingMethods of Data
The Field ResearchInterview Analysis 328
Leavingthe Field Coding and Concept Formation 32g
FocusGroups AnalyticStrategiesfor Qualitative
Data 335
EthicalDilemmasof Field
Research 301 Other Techniques 339
Conclusion Softwarefor eualitative Data 34O
Conclusion 342

Research iti\ Writinga Research Report
fntroduction 3O4 C H A P TE R 1 4
The Logicof Historical-Comparative \{riting the Research Report 343
Research iO5
Introduction 344
steps in a Historical-comparativeResearch
Project 31 0 The ResearchReport 344
Data and Evidencein Historical Conclusion 359
Context 312
comparative Research Glossary 36'l
Equivalencein Historical-Comparative Bibliography 377
Research 322
Ethics Name Index 391
Conclusion 325 Subject Index 3g3


Alternatives to Social Research
C o m m o nSe n se
Me d i aMy th s
P e rs o n aEl x p eri ence
How ScienceWorks
Sc i e n c e
T h e S c i e n ti flCommuni
c ty
The Scientific
Methodand Attitude
JournalArticlesin Science
Steps in the ResearchProcess
Dimensionsof Research
Useof Research
Pu rp o s eo fa Study
T i m eD i me n s i on
i n R esearcn
D a taC o l l e c ti o n
Techni ques
PART ONE ,/ F OUND A TION S i askedstudentsin my classes

ufiat they think socialreseirrchentails,they gave
Socialresearchis all arounclus. Educators,go\,- the lbllolr,ir-rgans\\rers:
ernment officials, businessmanagers,hutntrrt
serviceproviders,and health care professionals r It is basedon firctsalone; there is no theory
regularlyuse socialresearchmethods anclfind- or prersonal juclgrlrent.
ings.Peopleusesocialresearchto raisechildren, r Onlr.expertsu,ith a Ph.D. degreeor college
reducecrime, irnprclvepublic health,sellprod- professorsread it or do it.
ucts,clrjust understandone'slil-e.Reportsof re- r It meansgoing to the library and finding a
searchappearon brclaclcast ne$,sprograms,it.t lot of magazinearticlesor bookson a topic.
popuiar magazines,in nen,spapers, and on the r It is r,r,hensomeonehangsaround a group
lnternet. and observes.
Researchfindings can aftbct people'sdaily r It means conducting ir controlled experi-
livesand public policies.For example,I recentll' nlent.
heard a debateregrrrclirrg a U.S.lederaigovern- r Socialresearchis clrawinga sampleof peo-
ment program to off-erteenagerssexualabsti- ple and givingthem questionnaires to corn-
n e n c e c o u n s e l i n g .A h i gh-l evel government plete.
official argued for sucl-rcounselingancl stror"rgl,v r It is looking up lots of statistical tables
opposed offering teensbirth control inforira- and intbrn-ratior-r from oftrcial government
ti o n . A n i n d e p e n c l e n th eal th admi ni strator reports.
noted that there is no scientiflcevidenceshou,- r To do it, onc r.r.rr-Lst
Llsecomputersto create
ing that abstinence-onlycounselingrvorks.Iie charts,and graphs.
stati sti cs,
saidthat 80 percentoftcens arc alreadysexually
activebythe ageof 18,thereforeit is essentialto The flrst t\\'o .urs\versare wrong, and the
provide birth control information. Hc prointed othe-r's clcscribe of what constitutesso-
to ma n y re s e a rc hs tu c l i esshorvi ngthi rt bi rth cia] r'escarch.It is r-rr.rlviseto confuseone part
control instruction for tecnslecluce's prcsnJncv rr ith the n.hole.
ratesand the spreadof scrr.rallrtr'.rr.rsnrittcti t1i:- P eopl e conduct soci al resear cht o lear n
e a s e sT. h e g o v e rn mc n ta Lrsti ncr.tccor.i l r'.rrl ro- sorr-rething nerv about the social world; or to
catereiied on rnoral persurrsionLrcc.rr.rsc hc ir.r11 carefullydocunrentguesses, hunches,or beliefs
no researcheviclencc.lcieoloqr,iirith, .urcipoli- about it; or to refinetheir understandingofhow
ti c s s h a p ema n \' g o v e rn n rentprogranrsrather the sociaiworld works. A researchercombines
than solid researchcvidcnce,br,rtgood socialrc- tl-reoriesor ideaslr,ith facts in a careful, system-
searchcan help all of us make inlbrnred deci- atic rvay and usescreativity. He or she learns to
sions. The evidence also expltrins wh,y m.ury orgirnizeand plan carefully and to selectthe ap-
programs fail to accornplishmr.rchor m;ry do propriatetechniqr-re to addressa specifickind of
more harm than gooc1. question.A rescarcher alsomust treatthe people
This book is about socialresearch.In simple in a studi,in ethicaland moral ways.In addition,
tenxs, researchis a way of going about finding a researchern-rustfirlly ilnd clearlycommunicate
answersto questions.Prof-essors, prof-essional the resultsofa study to others.
researchers, practitioners,and studentsin many Socialreseirrchis ir processin which people
fields cor-rdr.rct researchto scekansr\rersto ques- combine a set of principles,outlooks,and ideas
tions about the socialworld. You probably al- (i.c.,methodology)rvith a collectionof specific
ready have some notion clf whirt social reseal'ch practi ces,techni ques,and strateg ies( i. e. , a
entails.First,Iet me end sornepossiblemiscor.t- rnethoclof inquiry) to produceknorvledge.It is

an exciting processof discovery,but it requires position of authority saysit is true or bec.ri:.c..

persistence,personalintegrity, tolerancefor am- is in an authoritativepublication, )'ou are relvrn:-
biguity, interaction with others,and pride in do- on authority as a basisfor knowledge.Relr'inc
ing qualiry work. on the wisdom of authoritiesis a quick, sirtrl.]3.
Reading this book cannot transform you and cheapway to learn something.Authoi-itie.
into an expert researcher,but it can teachyou to often spend time and effort to learn son.rething.
be a better consumerof researchresults,help you and_you can benefit from their experienceand
to understandhow the researchenterpriseworks, worK.
and prepareyou to conduct small researchpro- There are also limitations to relying on all-
jects.After studying this book, you will be aware thority. First, it is easyto overestimatethe exper-
of what researchcan and cannot do, and why tise of other people.You may assumethat thev
properly conductedresearchis important. are right when they are not. History is full of past
expertswhom we now seeasbeing misinformed.
For example>some "experts" of the past n-rea-
AL T E RNA T I V E S T O S OC IA L sured intelligenceby counting bumps on the
skull; other "experts" usedbloodletting to try to
cure diseases.Their errors seem obvious norl,,
Unlessyou are unusual, most of r,vhatyou know but can you be certain that today's expertswill
about the socialworld is not basedon doins so- not becometomorrow's fools?Second,authorr-
cial research.You probably learnedmost of i,hat ties may not agree,and all authoritiesmay not be
you know using an alternativeto socialresearcl-r. equally dependable.Whom should we believeif
It is basedon what your parentsand other people authorities disagree?Third, authorities may
(e.g.,friends, teachers)have told you. You also speakon fields they know little about or be plaru
have knowledgebasedon your personalexperi- wrong. An expert who is very informed about
ences,the books and magazinesyou have read, one area may use his or her authority in an un-
and the movies and televisionyou havewatched. related area. Also, using the halo effect (dis-
You may also useplain old "common sense." cussedlater), expertisein one areamay spill over
More than a collection of technioues,social illegitimatelyto be authority in a totally different
researchis a processfor producing knowledge.It area.Have you everseentelevisioncommercials
is a more structured, organized,and systematic where a movie star useshis or her fame as au-
processthan the alternativesthat most of us use thority to convinceyou to buy a car?We r.reecl tcr
in daily life. Knowledge from the alternativesis ask:Who is or is not an authority?
often correct, but knowledge basedon research An additionalissueis the misuseof author-
is more likely to be true and have fewer errors. ity. Sometimes organizations or indii'iduals
Although researchdoesnot alwaysproduce per- give an appearanceof authority so thev ciut colt-
fect knowledge,compared to the alternativesit is vince others to agree to something that thel'
rnuch lesslikely to be flawed. Let us review the might not otherwiseagreeto. A relateclsituation
alternativesbefore examining socialresearch. occurswhen a personwith little trairringi.rndex-
pertiseis named as a "seniorfbllon"'or."adiunct
Authority scholar" in a private "think trrnk" r,ith .in inr-
pressivename, such as the Center tbr the Study
You have acquired knowledge from parents, of X or the Institute on Y Research. Somethink
teachers,and expertsaswell as from books, tele- tanks are Iegitimateresearchcenters,but rnany
vision, and other media. When you accept are mere fronts createdby,.rveirlthv special-inter-
something as being true becausesomeone in a estgroupsto engagein advocao.politics.Think
o a RT O\E \)rl o\5

t.r1rk:a,ii t.r.,ri .it]\r)uai.t"scholar"to facilitare C ommon S ense

ti rc :r...' . r' i r..l .,r.i a a c p ti n qthe pcrsonas al t au-
You knorv a lot about the socialworld from your
ti t!j t.i i ' .L rtt.:tt l :rL l c .l rt real i ty,the perS onmay
everydayreasoningor cornmon sense.You rely
ir(rtir.r,.I .rir, l...rl!'\pertise.lAlso, too much re-
on what everyoneknows and what "just makes
:r.r:ta !)i !' t ,tu th ()fl ti c sc a n b e dangeroustO a de-
sense."For example,it "just makessense"that
i ]]r,.i .rti c .o c re t)' .E x p e rtsmay promote i deas
murder rates are higher in nations that do not
il.l.rt:trr'nqthentheir own power and position.
have a death penalty, becausepeople are less
\\'ltcrt rrc'.lcCeptthe authority of experts,but do
likely to kill if they face execution for doing so.
rr)t kuo\\' l.rolvthey arrived at their knowledge,
This and other widely held commonsensebe-
rlc Ltrscthe ability to evaluatewhat the experts
liefs, such as that poor youth are more likely to
savancilosecontrol of our destiny.
commit deviantactsthan thosefrom the middle
classor that most Catholics do not use birth
T ra d i ti o n control,are false.
Comrnon senseis valuable in daily living,
Peoplesometimesrely on tradition fbr knowl-
but it irilolvslogicalfallaciesto slip into thinking.
edge.Tradition is a specialcaseof authority-
For example,the so-calledgambler'sfallacysays:
the authority of the past. Tradition means you
"If I hai'e a long string of lossesplaying a lottery,
acceptsomethingasbeing true because"it's the
the nert tine I play, my chancesof winning lvill
\\ray things have always been." For example,
be better."In terms of probabilityand the facts,
my father-in-law saysthat drinking a shot of
this is Ialse.Also, cclmmon sensecontainscor.r-
u'hiskeycures a cold. When I askedabout hrs
tradictory ideastl-ratoften go unnoticed because
statement,he said that he had learnedit from his
people use the ideas irt different times, such as
father when he was a child, and it had come
"opposites attract" and "birds of a feather flock
down from past generations.Tradition lvas the
together."Common sensecan originate in tradi-
basisof the knowledge for the cure. Here is an
tion. It is useful and sometimescorrect,but it
examplefrom the socialworld: Many peoplebe-
lieve that children who are raised at home by
tion, and prejudice.
their mothers grow up to be better adjustedand
have fewer personalproblems than those raised
in other settings.People "know" this, but how
Media Myths
did they learn it? Most acceptit becausethey be-
lieve (rightly or wrongly) that it rvastrue in the Television shows, movies, and newspaper and
past or is the way things have alwaysbeen done. magazinearticiesare important sourcesof in-
Sorne traditional social knowledge begins as formation. For example, most people have no
simple prejudice.You might rely on tradition contactwith criminalsbut leam about crime by
rvithor-rtbeing fully awareof it with a belief such watching televisionshows and movies and by
as "Peoprlefrom that side of the trackswill never reading newspapers.However, the television
arnoLlntto anvthing" or "You never can trust portrayalsof crime, and of many other things,
that tvpe oi person"or "That's the way men (or do not accuratelyreflect socialreality. The writ-
u,omen) are." El,enif traditional knowledgewas ers who create or "adapt" images from life for
oncetrue, it can becomedistortedas it is passed television sholvsand movie scripts distort real-
on, and soon it is no longer true. Peoplemay ity either out of ignorance or becausethey rely
cling to traditional knowledgewithout real un- on authority, tradition, and common sense.
derstanding;they assumethat becausesome- Their primary goal is to entertain,llot to repre-
thing may haveworked or been true in the past, sentreality accurately.Although many journal-
it rvill continueto be true. iststry to presenta realisticpicture of the world,

they m us t wr it e s to ri e si n s h o rt ti m e p e ri o d s
rvith limited information and within editorial
ls Road Rage a Media Myth?
Unfortunately, the media tend to perpetu-
ate the mlths of a culture. For example,the me- Americanshear a lot about road rage.Newsweekmag-
dia show that most people ivho receivewelfare azine,Timemagazine,and newspapersin most major
are Black (actually, most are White), that most c i t i e s h a v e c a r r i e d h e a d l i n e sa b o u t i t . L e a d i n gn a -
peoplewho are mentally ill are violent and dan- tional politicalofficialshave held public hearingson
gerous (only a small percentageactually are), it, and the federalgovernmentgives millionsof dot-
and that most peoplewho are elderlyare senile lars in grants to law enforcementand transportation
departmentsto reduceit. Today, even psychologists
and in nur s ing ho m e s (a ti n y rn i n o ri ty a re ).
specialize in thisdisorder.
AIso, massmedia "hype" can createa f-eelingthat
The term road rage first appearedin I 988, and
a major problem existswhen it may not (seeBox
by 1997, the print mediawere carryingover 4,000
Li). People are n-risledby i.isual imagesmore
articlesper year on it. Despitemediaattention about
easilythan other forms of "lying"; this means "aggressivedriving" and "anger behind the wheel,"
that storiesor stereotypesthat appear on film
there is no scientificevidencefor road rage.The term
and televisioncan havea porverful effecton peo- i s n o t p r e c i s e l yd e f i n e d a n d c a n r e f e r t o a n y t h i n g
ple. For example,television repeatecllvshorvs from gunshots from cars,use of hand gestures,run-
low-income,inner-city,AfrictrnAntericanr.outl-r ning bicyclistsoff the road,tailgating,and evenanger
using illegal drugs. Eventuallr.,nlost peol)lg o v e r a u t o r e p a i rb i l l s !A l l t h e d a t a o n c r a s h e sa n d a c -
"know" that urban Blacksuse illegalclrLres at a c i d e n t s s h o w d e c l i n e sd u r i n g t h e p e r i o d w h e n r o a d
higher rate than other groups in the Lrrritccl r a g e r e a c h e da n e p i d e m i c .
States,even though this notion is false. Perhapsmediareportsfueled perceptionsof road
Competing interestsuse the rnedia to rvin rage. After hearingor readingabout road rage and
public support.2Public relationscampaignstry havinga labelfor the behavior,people began to no-
to alter what the public thinks about scientific tice rude drivingbehaviorand engagedinselective ob-
findings, making it difficult for the public to servation. We will not know for sure until it is properry
judge researchfindings. For exarnple,a large s t u d i e d ,b u t t h e a m o u n to f s u c h b e h a v i o rm a y b e u n -
majority of scientific research supports the may turn out that the nationalepidemic
global rvnrrnir-rgthesis (i.e., pollutants from in- of road rage is a widely held myth stimulatedby re-
dustrialization and massivedeforestationare ports in the massmedia.(For more information,see
raising the earth's temperatureand lvill cause Michael Fumento, "Road Rage versus Reality,"
drarnaticclimate changeand bring about envi- AtlanticMonthly[August 1 998].)
ronmental disasters).l'he scientificevidenceis
growing and getsstrongereachyear.l'he media
give equal attention to a few dissenterswho
question global r,r,arming,creating the impres-
si o n in t he public n ti n c l th a t " n o o n e re a l l y vironrnentalregulations,not to advanceknowr-
knows" or that scientistsare undecidedabout edge.
the issueof global warming. The rnedia sources Newspapersoffer l.roroscopes, ar.rdtelevi-
fail to mention that the dissentersrepresentless sion programsor nroviesreport on supertratural
th an 2 per c ento1' a l ls c i c rrti s tso ,r th l t rn o s td i s - powers, E,SP(extrasensoryperception), LIFC)s
sentingstudiesare paid for by heavilypolluting (uni denti fi ed fl ,vi ng obj ects), ancl angel s or
industries.The industriesalsospendmillions of ghosts.Althor-rghr.roscientifice".icience existsfor
dol l ar st o public iz eth e fi n d i n g s b e c a u s eth e i r such,betrveen2-5and -50percer-rt of the
goalis to cleflectgrowing criticismand delayen- Iic acceptsthern astrue, anclthe percentage with
6 pA RToNE ,/ F o u N D A T to N s

such beliefshas beengrowing over time as the

tive to featuresthat confirm what we think, but
entertainment media give the phenomenon
ignorefeaturesthat contradictit. For example,I
more prominence.3
believetall peopleareexcellentsingers.This may
be becauseof stereotypes, what mi mother told
Personal Experience me, or whatever.I observetall peopleand,with_
out awareness, pay particular attention to their
If somethinghappensto you, if you personally
singing.I look at a chorusor top vocalistandno_
seeit or experienceit, you acceptit astrue. per_
ticethosewho aretall. Withoui realizingit, I no_
sonalexperience,or ..seeingis te[eving,,, hasa
tice and rememberpeople and situat[ns that
strong impact and is a powerful sJurce of
reinforcemy preconceivedideas.psychologists
found that peopletend to ..seekout" and dirtort you astray.Somethingsimilarto an op_ their memoriesto make them more consistent
tical illusion or miragecunoci.rr. What appears
with what they alreadythink.a !
true.may actuallybe due to a slight oi dir_ A third error is prematureclosure.It often
tortion in judgment. The powei of"r.o,immediacy operateswith and reinforcesthe first
and direct personalcontaciis very strong.Even two errors.
Premature closure occurs when you feel you
knowing that, people fall for illusions."Many
havethe answerand do not needio listen,seek
peoplebelievewhat they seeor personallyexpe_
information, or raisequestionsany longer.Un_
riencerather than what very carefullydesiened
fortunately,most of us arealittJelazvor"set a lit_
research hasdiscovered. tle sloppy.We take a few piecesof'evid"ence or
The four errorsofpersonalexperiencerein_
look at eventsfor a short while and then think
forceeachother and canoccurin other areas,
as we haveit figured oul We look for eyidenceto
well. They are a basis for misleading people
confirm or rejectan ideaand stop when a small
through propaganda, cons or fraudl magic,
amount of evidenceis present.In a word, we
stereotyping,and some advertising.The mtst jump to conclusions.For example,I
frequentproblemis overgeneratization;it want to
occurs learnwhetherpeoplein my town support
when someevidencesupportsyour belief, Mary
but Smith or |on Van Horn for mayor.t uit ZOp.o_
you falselyassumethat it appliesto many
other ple; t 6 saytheyfavor Mary,2 areundecided,and
situations,too. Limited generalization be only2 favorlon, soI stopthereandbelieveMary
appropriate;under certainconditions,-uv a small will win.
amount of evidencecan explain a larger situa_
Anothercommonerror is thehalo
tion. The problem is that many peoplJgeneral_ ffict; itis
yhen r1eovergeneralize from what we acceptas
ize far beyond limited evidence.For eiample,
being highly positive or prestigiousand let its
over the years,I haveknown five blind p"opl..
strong reputation or prestige..rub off' onto
All of them werevery friendly. Can t conclude
other areas.Thus,I pick up a report by a person
that all blind people are friendly? Do the five
from a prestigiousuniveisity,sayHan ard or
peoplewith whom I happenedtohave personal
CambridgeUniversity.I assumethat the author
experiencewith representall blind peopie?
is smartand talentedand that the report will be
The seconderror, selective obirvition, oc_ excellent.I do not makethis assumption
curswhenyou takespecialnoticeof somepeople abouta
reportby someonefrom UnknownUniversity.I
or eventsand tendto seekout eviderr.ethut con_
form an opinion and prejudgethe report #d
fir1s whal you alreadybelieveu"a ig"o." .orr_
may-notapproachit by consideringits own mer_
tradlctorFlnformation.peopleoften focuson
or rts alone.How the variousalternativesto social
observeparticularcasesor situations,especially
researchmight addressthe issueof laundry is
when they fit preconceivedideas.W. uri ,*i_
shownin Table1.1.

This suggeststhat we examinethe

TABL E I . 1 A lt er n a ti v e s to S o c i a l meaningof scienceand how its works.
The term science suggestsanimageof testtubes,
computers,rocketships,and peoplein white lab
coats.Theseoutwardtrappingsarea part ofsci-
ence,especiallynatural science(i.e.,astronomy,
Authority Expertssaythat as children,
biology, chemistry,geology,and physics,),that
femalesare taught to make,
dealswith the physicaland materialworld (e.g.,
plants, chemicals,rocks, stars,and electricity).
as part of a femalefocuson
physicalappearance andon
The socialsciences,such as anthropology,psy-
caringfor childrenor othersin a chology,politicalscience,and sociology,involve
family.Womendo the laundry the study of people-their beliefs,behavior,in-
basedon theirchildhood teraction,institutions,and so forth. Fewerpeo-
preparation. ple associatethesedisciplineswith the word
science. Scienceis a socialinstitution and a way
Tradition Womenhavedonethe laundrv
for centuries,so it is a
to produceknowledge.Not everyoneis well in-
continuation of whathas
formed about science.For example,a 2001sur-
happened for a longtime. vey found that about only one-third of U.S.
adults could correctly explain the basicsof
CommonSense Menjust arenot as concerned
aboutclothingas muchas
Scientistsgatherdatausingspecialized tech-
women,so it only makessense
niquesand usethe datato supportor rejectthe-
that womendo the laundrv
moreoften. ories. Data are the empirical evidence or
information that one gatherscarefullyaccord-
MediaMyth Televisioncommercials show
ing to rules or procedures.The data can be
womenoften doing laundryand
quantitative(i.e., expressedas numbers) or
enjoyingit, so they do laundry
qualitative(i.e., expressedas words, visual im-
becausethey think it's fun.
ages,sounds,or objects).Empiricaleyidence
Personal My motherand the mothersof refersto observationsthat peopleexperience
Experience all my friendsdid the laundry.
throughthe senses-touch,sight,hearing,smell,
My femalefriendsdid it for their
and taste.This confusespeople,becausere-
boyfriends,but neverthe other
searchers cannotusetheir senses to directly ob- just feelsnatural
servemany aspectsof the social world about
for the womanto do it.
which they seekanswers(e.g.,intelligence,atti-
tudes,opinions, feelings,emotions,power, au-
thority, etc.).Researchershavemanyspecialized
techniquesto observeand indirectly measure
suchaspectsof the socialworld.
Although it builds on someaspectsof the alter-
nativewaysof developingknowledge,scienceis
The Scientific Community
what separates socialresearch.Socialresearch
involvesthinking scientificallyabout questions Sciencecomesto life through the operation of
about the socialworld and following scientific the scientificcommunity,which sustainsthe as-

sumptions,attitudes,and techniouesof science. vate industry in organizationssuch as the Na-

Thescientificcommunityisa collectionof people tional Opinion ResearchCenter and the Rand
who practicescienceand a setof norms,6ehav- Corporation.Most, however,work at the ap-
iors,and attitudesthat bind them together.It is a proximately200 researchuniversitiesand insti-
professionalcommunity-a groupof interacting tuteslocatedin a dozenadvancedindustrialized
peoplewho shareethicalprinciples,beliefsand countries. Thus, the scientific community is
values,techniquesandtraining,and careerpaths. scatteredgeographically, but its memberstend
For the most part, the scientificcommunity in- to work togetherin smallclusters.
cludesboth thenaturalandsocialsciences.6 Howbigis the scientificcommunity?This is
Many people outside the core scientific not an easyquestionto answer.Usingthe broad-
community usescientificresearchtechniques.A estdefinition (including all scientistsand those
rangeof practitionersand techniciansapply re- in science-related professions,such as engi-
searchtechniquesthat scientistsdevelopedand neers),it includesabout 15percentof the labor'+,
refined.Many usethe researchtechniques(e.g., force in advancedindustrialized countries. A
a survey)without possessing a deepknowledge betterway to look at the scientificcommunity is
of scientificresearch.Yet, anyonewho usesthe to examinethe basicunit of the largercommu-
techniques or resultsofsciencecando sobetter nity: the discipline(e.g.,sociology,biology,psy-
if they also understand the principles and chology,etc.).Scientistsaremost familiar with a ."
processes of the scientificcommunity. particular disciplinebecauseknowledgeis spe-
Theboundariesof the scientificcommunity cialized.Compared to other fields with ad-
and its membershiparedefinedloosely.Thereis vancedtraining,the numbersarevery small.For
no membershipcard or masterroster.Many example,eachyear,about 500 peoplereceive
peopletreata Ph.D.degreein a scientificfield as Ph.D.sin sociology,16,000receivemedicalde-
an informal "entryticket" to membershipin the grees,and 38,000receivelaw degrees.
scientificcommunity. The ph.D., which stands A disciplinesuch as sociologymay have
for doctorate of philosophy, is an advanced about 8,000activeresearchers worldwide.Most
graduatedegreebeyond the master'sthat pre- researchers completeonly two or three studies
pares one to conduct independentresearch. in their careers,whereasa small number of
Someresearchers do not haveph.D.sand not all highly activeresearchers conductmany dozens
thosewho receivePh.D.senter occupationsin ofstudies.In a specialtyor topic area(e.g.,study
which they conduct research.They enter many of the death penalty, social movements,di-
occupationsand may haveother responsibilities vorce), only about 100 researchers are very ac-
(e.g.,teaching,administration,consulting,clin- tive and conduct most research studies.
ical practice,advising,etc.).In fact, about one- Aithough researchresultsrepresentwhat hu-
half of the peoplewho receivescientificph.D.s manity knows and it hasa major impact on the
do not follow careersasactiveresearchers. lives of many millions of people,only a small
At the coreof the scientificcommunity are number of peopleare actuallyproducing most
researchers who conduct studieson a firll-time new scientificknowledge.
or part-time basis,usuallywith the help of assis-
tants.Many researchassistants aregraduatestu-
dents,and someare undergraduates. The Scientific Method and Attitude
asa researchassistantis the waythat most scien- You have probably heard of the scientific
tistsgain a real graspon the detailsof doing re- method,and you may be wonderinghow it fits
search.Collegesand universitiesemploy most into all this. The scientificmethodis not one sin-
membersof the scientificcommunity's core. glething; it refersto the ideas,rules,techniques,
Somescientistswork for the governmentor pri- and approaches that the scientificcommunity

:' _- --:
C H A P T E R , / D O I N C S O C I A LR E S E A R C H

uses.The method arisesfrom a looseconsensus regularly reject half of the submissions.Thus,

within the community of scientists.It includesa severalexperiencedresearchers screena journal
way of looking at the world that placesa high articlebasedon its meritsalone,and publication
valueon professionalism, craftsmanship,ethical represents the study'stentativeacceptance by the
integrity,creativity,rigorousstandards,and dili- scientificcommunity as a valid contribution to
gence.It alsoincludesstrongprofessional norms knowledge.Unlike the authorsof articlesfor the
such as honestyand uprightnessin doing re- popular magazinesfound at newsstands, scien-
search,great candor and opennessabout how tistsarenot paid for publishingin scholarlyjour-
one conducteda study,and a focuson the mer- nals.In fact, they may haveto pay a small feeto
its ofthe research itselfandnot on any charac- help defraycostsjust to havetheir papersconsid-
teristicsof individualswho conductedthe study. ered. Researchers are huppy to make their re-
search available to their peers (i.e., other
scientistsand researchers)through scholarly
fournal Articles in Science
journals.The articlecommunicatesthe resultsof
. Considerwhat happensonce a researcherfin- a study that a researchermight have devoted
ishesa study.First,he or shewritesa detailedde- yearsof his or her life to, and it is the way re-
scription of the study and the results as a searchers gain respectand visibility amongtheir
researchreport or a paperusinga specialformat. professionalpeers.Likewise,the reviewersare
Often,he or shealsogivesan oralpresentationof not paid for reviewingpapers,but considerit an
the paper beforeother researchers at a confer- honor to be askedto conductthe reviewsand to
enceor a meetingof a professionalassociation carryrout one of the responsibilitiesof being in
and seekscommentsand suggestions. Next, the the scientificcommunity.Thescientificcommu-
researcher sendsseveralcopiesto the editor ofa nity imparts great respectto researcherswho
scholarlyjournal. Eacheditor, a respectedre- publish many articlesin the foremostscholarly
searcherchosenby otherscientiststo overseethe journals becausetheseresearchersare directly
journal, removesthe title page,which is the only advancingthe scientific community's primary
. place the author's name appears, and sends the goal-the accumulationof carefullydeveloped
articleto severalreviewers.The reviewersarere- knowledge. A researchergains prestige and
spectedscientistswho haveconductedstudiesin honor and a reputationas an accomplishedre-
the samespecialtyareaor topic. The reviewers searcherthrough suchpublications.
do not know who did the studn and the author You may neverpublishan articlein a schol-
of the paper doesnot know who the reviewers arly journal, but you will probably read many
' are. This reinforcesthe scientificprinciple of sucharticles.It is important to seehow they are
judging a study on its merits alone.Reviewers a vital componentin the systemof scientificre-
evaluatethe researchbasedon its clarity, origi- search.Researchers activelyreadwhat appearsin
nality, standardsof good researchmethods,and thejoumalsto learnaboutnewresearchfindings
advancingknowledge.Theyreturn their evalua- and the methodsusedto conducta study.Even-
tions to the editor,who decidesto rejectthe pa- tually, the new knowledgeis disseminatedin
per, askthe author to reviseand resubmitit, or textbooks,new reports,or public talks.
acceptit for publication.It is a very careful,cau-
tious methodto ensurequality control.
The scholarlyjournals that are highly re-
spectedandregularlyreadby mostresearchers STEPSIN THE RESEARCH
a field receivefar more papersthan they canpub- PROCESS
lish.Theyacceptonly 10to 15percentof submit- Socialresearch proceedsin a sequence ofsteps,
ted manuscripts.Even lower-ranked iournals althoughvariousapproaches to researchsuggest
10 P A RToNE ,/ F o u N D A T to N s

slightly different steps.Most studiesfollow the

sevenstepsdiscussed here.To beginthe process, FIcURE t . I Stepsin the Research
you selecta topic-a generalareaof study or is- Process
sue,suchas domesticabuse,homelessness, or
powerful corporateelites.A topic is too broad
for conductinga study.This makesthe next step
crucial.You must then narrow down the topic,
or focusthe topic into a specificresearchques-
tion for a study (e.g.,"Are peoplewho marry
youngermore likely to engagein physicalabuse
of a spouseunder conditionsof high stressthan
thosewho marry older?").As you learn about a
topic and narrow the focus,you should review
past research,or the literature,on a topic or
question.You alsowant to developa possible
answer,or hlpothesis,andtheorycanbe impor-
tant at this stage.
After specifringa researchquestion,you
have to developa highly detailedplan on how
you will carry out the study.This third stepre-
quiresthat you decideon the manypracticalde-
tails of doing the research(e.g.,whetherto usea ing an end.The sevenstepsarefor one research
surveyor qualitativeobservingin the field, how project;it is one cycleofgoing through the steps
many subjectsto use,etc.).It is only after com- in a singlestudyon a specifictopic.
pleting the design stagethat you are ready to Scienceis an ongoingenterprisethat builds
gatherthe data or evidence(e.g.,askpeoplethe on prior researchandbuildsa larger,collectively
questions,recordanswers,etc.).Onceyou have createdbody of knowledge.Any one study is a
very carefirllycollectedthe data,your next stepis smallpart of the much largerwholeof science.A
to manipulateor analyzethedata.This will help singleresearchermay be working on multiple
you seeany patternsin it and help you to give researchprojectsat once,or severalresearcher
meaningto or interprefthe data (e.g.,"People may collaborateon one project. Likewise,one
who marry young and grew up in families with projectmay resultin onescholarlyarticleor sev-
abusehave higher rates of physical domestic eral,and sometimesseveralsmallerprojectsare
abusethan those with different family histo- reportedin a singlearticle.
ries").Finally,you must inform othersbywriting
a report that describesthe study'sbackground,
how you conductedit, andwhatyou discovered.
The seven-step processshownin Figure1.1
is oversimplified. in practice, you will rarely Three yearsafter they graduatedfrom college.
completeone steptotally then leaveit behindto Tim and Sharon met for lunch. Tim asked
move to the next step.Rather,the processis in- Sharon,"So,how is your newjob asa researche
teractive in which the steps blend into each for SocialData, Inc.? What are you doing?"
other.What you do in a laterstepmay stimulate Sharonanswered,"Right now I'm working on
you to reconsiderand slightlyadjustyour think- an appliedresearchprojecton daycarequalityin
ing in a previousone.The processis not strictly which we'redoinga cross-sectional surveytoget
linearandmay flow backand forth beforereach- descriptivedatafor an evaluationstudy."sharon
touchedon four dimensionsof socialresearchas Bnsic Research. Basicsocialresearchadvances
shedescribedher researchon daycare. fundamentalknowledgeabout the socialworld.
Socialresearchcomesin severalshapesand Basicresearchers focuson refuting or support_
sizes.Beforeyou begina study,you will needto ing theoriesthat explain how the socialworld
makeseyeraldecisionsaboutthe specifictypeof operates,what makesthingshappen,why social
researchyou are going to conduct.Researihers relations are a certain way, and why society
need to understandthe advantagesand disad- changes. Basicresearchis the sourceofmost new
vantagesof each type, although most end up scientificideasand waysof thinking about the
specializingin doing one tFpe.We can think of world. Many nonscientists criticize basic re_
the typesasfitting into one of the categoriesin searchand ash "What good is it?" and consider
eachof four dimensionsof research. it to be a wasteof time and money.Althoughba_
The first dimensionis a distinction in how sicresearchoften lacksa practicalapplicationin
researchis used,or betweenappliedandbasicre- the short term, it provides a foundation for
search.Thenextis the purposeofdoing research, knowledge that advancesunderstanding in
or its goal,to explore,describe,or explain.The many policy areas,problems,or areasof study.
nexttwo dimensionsaremorespecifiqhow time Basicresearchis the sourceof most of the tools,
is incorporated into the study design,and the methods,theories,and ideasabout underlying
specificdatacollectiontechniqueused. clus-esof how peopleact or think usedby ap_
The dimensionsoverlap,in that certaindi- plied researchers. It providesthe major bieak_
mensionsareoften found together(e.g.,the goal throughsthat significantadvances in knowledge;
of a studyanda datacollectiontechnique).Once it is the painstakingstudy of broad questions
you learn the dimensions,you will beginto see that has the potential of shifting how we think
how the particularresearchquestionsyou might abouta wide rangeof issues.It mayhavean im-
want to investigatetend to be more compatible pact for the next 50 yearsor century.Often, tne
with certainwaysof designinga study and col- applicationsof basicresearchappearmanyyears
lectingdata.In addition, being awareof the di- or decadeslater. Practicalapplicationsmay be
mensions of researchwill make it easier to apparentonly aftermanyaccumulatedadvances
understandthe researchreportsby others. in basicknowledgebuild over a long time pe_
riod. For example,in 1984,Alec Jeffreys,a ge_
Use of Research neticist at the Universityof Leicesterin England,
wasengagedin basicresearchstudyingthe evo_
For over a century sciencehashad two wings. lution ofgenes.As an indirect
,rsom-e accidentialsideef-
researchers adopt a detached,purely sci- fect of a new technique he developed,he
entific, and academicorientation;others are discovereda wayto producewhat is now callhu-
more activist, pragmatic, and interventionist man DNA "fingerprints"or uniquemarkingsof
oriented. This is not a rigid separation.Re- the DNA of individuals.This wasnot his inient.
searchers in the two wingscooperateand main- He evensaidhe would haveneverthoughtof the
tain friendly relations.Someindividuals move teghlique if DNA fingerprintshadbeenhis goal.
from one wing to anotherat different stagesin Within 10 yearsapplied usesof the technique
their careers.In simpleterms,someresearchers weredeveloped.Today,DNA
analysisis a widiiv
concentrateon advancinggeneralknowledge usedtechniquein criminalinvestigations.
over the long term, whereasothers conduct
studiesto solvespecific,immediateproblems. Applieil Research, Applied
Thosewho concentrateon examiningthe fun- signedto addressa specificconcernor to ofi[er
damentalnature of socialreality are engagedin solutionsto a problem identified by an em-
basicresearch. ployer,club,agenry,socialmovement,or orga-
12 P A RToNE / F o u N D AT Io N s

nization.Applied socialresearchers are rarely wisely.Sometimesdespiteseriousproblemswith

concernedwith building, testing,or connecting a study'smethodologyand cautionsfrom the re-
to a largertheory, developinga long-term gen- searchers, politiciansuseresultsto justiSrcutting
eralunderstanding,or carryingout a large-scale programsthey dislike or to advanceprograms
investigationthat might spanyears.Instead,they they favor. Becauseapplied researchoften has
usuallyconduct a quick, small-scalestudy that immediateimplications or involyescontrover-
providespracticalresultsfor use in the short sial issues, it often generatesconflict. One
term (i.e.,next month or next year).For exam- famousresearcher,William Whyte (1984),en-
ple, the student government of University X counteredconflict over findings in his applied
wantsto know whetherthe number of Univer- researchon a factory in Oklahoma and on
sityX studentswho arearrestedfor drivingwhile restaurantsin Chicago.In the first case,the
intoxicatedor involvedin autoaccidentswill de- managementwasmore interestedin defeatinga
clineifit sponsorsalcohol-freepartiesnextyear. union than in learningabout employmentrela-
Applied researchwould be most applicablefor tions; in the other, restaurantowners really
this situation. soughtto makethe industry look good and did
Peopleemployedin businesses, government not want findingson the nitty-gritty of its oper-
offices,healthcarefacilities,socialserviceagen- ationsmadepublic.
cies,political organizations,and educationalin- Applied and basicresearchers adopt differ-
stitutionsoften conduct appliedresearchand ent orientationstoward researchmethodology
usethe resultsin decisionmaking.Applied re- (seeTable1.2).Basicresearchers emphasize high
searchaffectsdecisionssuch as the following: methodologicalstandardsand try to conduct
Shouldan agencystarta newprogramto reduce near-perfectresearch.Applied researchers must
the wait time before a client receivesbenefits? make more tradeoffs.They may compromise
Shoulda policeforce adopt a new tlpe of re- scientificrigor to get quick, usableresults,but
sponseto reducespousalabuse?Shoulda politi- compromiseis never an excusefor sloppy re-
cal candidateemphasizehis or her standon the search.Applied researchers try to squeezere-
environmentinsteadof the economy?Shoulda searchinto the constraintsofan appliedsetting
companymarket a skin careproduct to mature and balancerigor againstpracticalneeds.Such
adultsinsteadof teenagers? balancingrequiresan in-depth knowledgeof re-
The scientific community is the primary searchand an awareness ofthe consequences of
consumerof basicresearch.The consumersof compromisingstandards.
appliedresearchfindings are practitionerssuch
as teachers,counselors,and socialworkers, or Typesof Applied Research. There are many
decisionmakerssuch as managers,agencyad- specifictypesof appliedresearch.Here,you will
ministrators,and public officials.Often, some- learn about three major types:evaluation,ac-
one other than the researcher who conducted tion, and socialimpact assessment.
the studyusesthe results.
Applied researchresultsarelesslikely to en- EvaluationResearch Study. Evaluationresearc
ter the public domain in publicationsand may study is applied researchdesignedto find out
be availableonly to few decisionmakersor prac- whethera program, a new way of doing some-
titioners.This meansthat appliedresearchfind- thing, a marketing campaign,a policy, and so
ings often are not widely disseminatedand that forth, is effective-in other words, "Does it
well-qualifiedresearchers rarelygetto judgethe work?"The most widelyusedtlpe of appliedre-
quality of appliedstudies. searchis evaluationresearch.TThis type of re-
The decisionmakerswho usethe resultsof searchis widely used in large bureaucratic
an applied study may or may not use them organizations(e.9.,businesses,schools,hospi-

Basicand Applied SocialResearchCompared

l. Research
is intrinsically
satisfying .l
and . Researchis part of a job and isjudgedby
judgmentsare by other sociologists. sponsorswho areoutsidethe discipline of
2. Research problemsand subjectsare selected sociology.
with a great dealof freedom. 2. Research problemsare "narrowlyconstrained"
3. Research isjudgedby absolutenormsof to the demandsof employerc or.,ponro.r.
scientificrigor,and the higheststandardsof 3. The rigorand standards ofscholarshipdepend
scholarship are sought. can be ,,quick
on the usesof results.Research
4. The primaryconcernis with the internallogic and dirty" or may matchhighscientific
and rigor of researchdesign. standards.
5. The drivinggoal is to contributeto basic, 4. The primaryconcernis with the abilityto
theoreticalknowledge. generalize
findingsto areasof interestto
5. Success comeswhenresultsappearin a
scholarly journaland havean impacton others 5. The drivinggoal is to havepracticalpayoffsor
in the scientific
community. usesfor results.
5. Successcomeswhenresultsare usedbv
sponsorsin decisionmaking.

fromFreeman (1984:572-573\.

tals, government, large nonprofit agencies) to lcy or program may conduct evaluation research
demonstrate the effectivenessof what they are for their own information or at the recuest of
doing. An evaluation researcherdoes noi use outside decision makers. The decision Luk..,
techniques different from those of other social may place limits on the research by fixing
researchers.The difFerencelies in the fact that boundaries on what can be studied and by de-
decision makers, who may not be researchers termining the outcome of interest. This often
themselves,define the scope and purpose of the createsethical dilemmas for a researcher.
research.Also, their objective is to use results in Ethical and political conflicts often arise in
a practical situation.S evaluation researchbecausepeople can have op-
Evaluation research questions might in- posing interests in the findings. The findings of
clude: Does a Socratic teaching technique researchcan affect who getsor keepsa job, it can
improve learning over lecturing? Does a law-en- build political popularity, or it may help pro-
forcement program of mandatory arrest reduce mote an alternative program. people who are
spouseabuse?Does a flextime program increase personally displeasedwith the findings may at-
employee productivity? Evaluation researchers tack the researcheror his or her methods.
measure the effectivenessof a program, policy, Evaluation research has severallimitations:
or way of doing something and often use several The reports ofresearch rarely go through a peer
researchtechniques (e.g.,survey and field). Ifit review process,raw data are rarely publicly avail-
can be used, the experimental technique is usu- able, and the focus is narrowed to select inputs
ally preferred. Practitioners involved with a pol- and outputs more than the full processbvwhich
14 P A RToN E ,/ F o u N D A T to N s

a programaffectspeople'slives.In addition,de- mesticviolencethat will be discussedshortly as

cisionmakersmay selectivelyuseor ignoreeval- an explanatorystudy example(Cherlin et al.,
uation findings. 2004)testifiedin the United StatesSenate.The
studyfindingsand the testimonyhelpedto alter
Action ResearchStudy. Action researchis ap- marriagepromotion provisionsin a 2005wel-
plied researchthat treatsknowledgeasa form of farereform law.e
power and abolishesthe divisionbetweencreat-
ing knowledgeandusingknowledgeto engagein SocialImpactAssessment ResearchStudy. A re-
political action.Thereareseveraltypesofaction searcherwho conductssocialimpactassessme
research,but most sharefive characteristics: ( 1) (S1A) estimatesthe likely consequencesof a
the peoplebeing studiedactivelyparticipatein planned intervention or intentional changeto
the researchprocess;(2) the researchincorpo- occurin the future.It may be part of a largeren-
ratesordinaryor popularknowledge;(3) the re- vironmentalimpact statementrequiredby gov-I
searchfocuseson issuesof power; ( ) the ernment agenciesand usedfor planning and
researchseeksto raiseconsciousness or increase making choicesamong alternativepolicies.He
awareness ofissues;and (5) the researchis tied or sheforecastshow aspectsof the socialenvi-
directlyto a plan or programof political action. ronment may changeand suggests waysto miti-
Action researchtendsto be associated with a so- gatechangeslikely to be adversefrom the point
cial movement,political cause,or advocacyfor ofview of an affectedpopulation.Impactsarethe
an issue.It canbe conductedto advancea range differencebetweena forecastof the future with
of political positions.Someaction researchhas the project or policy and without the project or
an insurgentorientationwith goalsof empower- policy. For example,the SIA might estimatethe
ing the powerless, fighting oppressionandinjus- ability of a localhospitalto respondto an earth-
tice, and reducing inequality. Wealthy and quake,determinehow housing availabilityfor
powerfrrlgroups or organizationsalso sponsor the elderlywiil changeif a major new highwayis
and conductactionresearchto defendtheir sta- built, or assess the impact on collegeadmissions
tus,position,and privilegesin society. if students receive interest-freeloans. Re-
Most actionresearchers areexplicitlypoliti- searcherswho conduct SIAs often examine a
cal,not valueneutral.Becausethe primary goal rangeof socialoutcomesand work in an inter-
is to affectsociopoliticalconditions,publishing disciplinaryresearchteam to estimatethe social
resultsin formal reports,articles,or booksis sec- outcomes.The outcomesinclude measuring
ondary.Most actionresearchers alsobelievethat "quality oflife" issues,such as accessto health
knowledgedevelopsfrom directexperience, par- care,illegal drug and alcohol use,employment
ticularly the experienceof engagingin sociopo- opportunities,schoolingquality,teenpregnancy
litical action. rates,commuting time and traffic congestion,
For example,most feminist researchis ac- availability of parks and recreationfacilities,
tion research.It hasa dual mission:to createso- shoppingchoices,viablecultural institutions,
cialchangebytransforminggenderrelationsand crime rates,interracialtensions,or socialisola-
to contributeto the advancementofknowledge. tion. Thereis an internationalprofessionalasso-
A feministresearcher who studiessexualharass- ciation for SIA researchthat advancesSIA
ment might recommendpolicy changesto re- techniquesand promotesSIA by governments,
duceit aswell asto inform potentiaivictims so corporations,and other organizations.
they can protect themselveiand defendtheir Social impact assessments are rarely re-
rights. At times, researchers will explain study quired, but a few governmentsmandatethem.
resultsin a public hearingto try to modi$, new For example,in New South Wales,Australia,a
policiesor laws.The authorsof a study on do- registeredclub or hotel cannot increasethe
CHAPTER1 , / D o I N c s o c I A L R E S E A R c H I5

number of poker machinesunlessthe Liquor lence), economic (e.g., unemployment, banli-

AdministrationBoardin the DepartmentGam- ruptcy, tourism expansion), and cultural im-
ing and Racingapprovesan SIA for the club or pacts (e.g.,time awayfrom other leisure activin')
hotel. The SIA enablesthe board to assess the listed by their effect on all gamblers, problem
likely local community impact from increasing gamblers, the local community, and the
the number of poker machines.The format in- region.lo
cludesa matrix that allowsthe board to identify
the socialand economicimpacts,positive and
negative,financialor nonfinancial,quantifiedor Purpose ofa Study
qualitative. In New Zealand,the Gambling Act If you asksomeonewhy he or sheis conducting
of 2003requiresan SIA beforeexpandinggam- a study,you might geta rangeof responses:
bling. In one2004studyin New Zealandfor the bosstold me to"; "It wasa classassignment";"I
AucklandCity Council,it noted that 90 percent wascurious"; "My roommatethought it would
of New Zealand'sadultsgamble,10percentgam- be a good idea." Thereare almostasmany rea-
ble regularly(oncea week or more often), and sonsto do researchasthereareresearchers. Yet,
about 1 percentareproblemgamblers,although the purposesof socialresearchmaybe organize
this variesby age,income, and ethnicity. The into threegroupsbasedon whatthe researcher is
SIA recommendedlimiting the locationsof new trying to accomplish-explore a new topic, de-
gamblingvenues,monitoring their usage,and scribea socialphenomenon,or explain why
tracing the amount of gambling revenuesthat somethingoccurs.Studiesmay havemultiple
are returnedto the community in variousways purposes(e.g.,both to exploreandto describe
(e.g.,clubs,trusts,etc.).It containeda matrix but oneof threemajor purposesis usuallydom-
with social (e.g,arrests,divorce,domesticvio- inant (seeBox 1.2).

Exploratory Descriptive Explanatory

r Becomefamiliarwith the I Providea detailed,highly r Test a theory'spredictionsor
basicfacts,setting,and accuratepicture. principle.
concerns, r Locatenewdatathat r Elaborateand enricha
r Createa generalmental contradictpast data. theory'sexplanation.
pictureof conditions. r Createa set ofcategoriesor r Extenda theoryto newissues
r Formulateand focus classifytypes. or topics.
questionsfor futureresearch. r Clarifya sequenceof stepsor r Supportor refutean
t Ceneratenewideas, stages. explanationor prediction.
or hypotheses. I Documenta causalprocess r Linkissuesor tooicswitha
r Determinethe feasibilitvof or mechanism. generalprinciple.
conductingresearch. r Reporton the background
or I Determinewhichof several
r Developtechniquesfor contextofa situation. explanations
is best.
measuringand locatingfuture

Exploration. Perhapsyou haveexploreda new Description, Perhapsyou havea more highly

topic or issuein order to learnaboutit. If the is- developedideaabout a socialphenomenonand
hadwritten about want to describeit. Descriptiveresearch presents
suewasnew or no researchers
it, you beganat the beginning. In exploratoryre- a picture of the specificdetailsof a situation,so-
search.a researcher examines a new areato for- cial setting,or relationship;it focuseson "how?"
mulate precise questions that he or she can and "who?" questions:"How did it happen?"
addressin future research. Exploratory research "Who is involved?"A greatdeal of socialre-
maybe the first stagein a sequence of A
studies' searchis descriptive.Descriptiveresearchers use
researchermay need to conduct an exploratory most data-gatheringtechniques-surveys, field
studyin orderto know enoughto designand ex- research,content analysis,and historical-com-
ecutea second,more systematicand extensive parativeresearch.Only experimentalresearchis
study.It addresses the "what?"question:"What iess often used.Much of the social research
is this socialactivityreallyabout?" found in scholarlyjournals or usedfor makin$
Many higher-educationofficials are con- policy decisionsis descriPtive'
cerned about college students' low retention Descriptiveand exploratoryresearchoften
rates,especiallystudentsfrom minority-disad- blur togetherin practice'In descriptiveresearch,
vantagedsocialbackgrounds.For example,of a researcherbeginswith a well-definedsubject
Latinoswho enroll in college,80 percentleave and conductsa study to describeit accurately
without receivinga degree.Officialsseekwaysto andthe outcomeis a detailedpictureof the sub-
reducedropouts and increasethe chancesthat ject. The resultsmay indicatethe percentageof
studentswho begin collegewill stay until they peoplewho hold a particularview or engagein
earn a degree.Garzaand Landeck(2004)con- specificbehaviors-for example,that 8 percent
ductedan exploratorystudy of over 500 Latino of parentsphysicallyor sexuallyabusetheir chil-
studentsat a collegealong the Texas-Mexico dren. A descriptivestudy presentsa picture of
border who had dropped out. They wanted to typesofpeople or ofsocial activities.
learn the influencing factors and rationalesin Stack,Wasserman,and Kern (2004)con-
studentdecisionmaking.Theauthorsdiscovered ducteda descriptivestudy on pornographyuse
that the primary factorsand rationaleswereun- on the Internet by peoplein the United States.
relatedto teachingquallty or universityservices. They found that the greatestuserswere those
Instead,the studentswho droppedout hadbeen with weak socialbonds' More specifically,the
overwhelmedby personalproblemsor had seri- typesofpeoplewho wereadult usersofpornog-
ousdifficultieswith familyor job responsibilities. raphy tended to be maleswith unhappy mar-
Suchfactorswere a major reasongivenby over riages and weak ties to organizedreligion.
80 percentofthe studentswho droppedout. Pornographyuserswerealsomore likely to have
Exploratoryresearchers tend to usequalita- engagedin nonconventionalsexualbehavior
tive dataand not be weddedto a specifictheory (i.e.,had an extramaritalaffair or engagedin
or researchquestion.Exploratoryresearchrarely paid sex)but not other forms of deviance,such
yieldsdefinitive answers.If you conduct an ex- asillegaldrug use.
ploratory study, you may get frustrated and feel
it is rlifficult becausetherearefew guidelinesto Explanation When you encounter an issue
fdlow. Everything is potentially important, the that is well recognizedand havea descriptionof
step6are mt wdl defined, and the direction of it, you might beginto wonderwhy thingsarethe
irffi.h'.GF fteqrn$y. You needto be cre- way they are.Explanatoryresearch identifiesthe
on-;c -:&d, rd f-r'k; edoPt an in- sourcesof socialbehaviors,beliefs,conditions,
rcffrure"dqbcJ srra's of and events:it documentscauses'teststheories
drMm" and providesreasons.It builds on exploratory
CHAPTER1 , / D O I N G S O C I A L R E S E A R C H 17

and descriptiveresearch.For example,an ex- over severaltime points (longitudinal).euanti-

ploratory studydiscoversa new typeofabuseby tative studiesgenerallylook at many cases,peo-
parents;a descriptiveresearcher documentsthat ple, or units, and measurelimited featuresabout
10percentofparentsabusetheir childrenin this them in the form of numbers.By contrast,a
new way and describesthe kinds of parentsand qualitative study usually involves qualitative
conditionsfor which it is most frequent;the ex- data and examinesmany diversefeaturesof a
planatoryresearcher focuseson why certainpar- small number of casesacrosseither a short or
ents are abusingtheir children in this manner. long time period(seeFigure1.2).
Cherlin, Burton, Hurt, and Purvin (2004) ex-
plained instability in marriageor cohabitation Cross-SectionalResearch. Most social re-
using a woman'spast experiencewith sexualor searchstudiesarecross-sectional;theyexaminea
physicalabuse.They testedthe hypothesisthat singlepoint in time or takea one-timesnapshot
women with a history of abusewould be less approach.Cross-sectional researchis usuallythe
likely marry than thosewithout such histories. simplestand leastcostly alternative.Its disad-
The authors reasonedthat those who were vantageis that it cannotcapturesocialprocesses
abusedhavefewersocialsupportsand resources or change.Cross-sectional researchcan be ex-
to resistor avoid abusivepartners,and they are ploratory, descriptive,or explanatory but it is
more likely to harbor feelingsof self-blame, most consistentwith a descriptiveapproachto
guilt, and low self-esteem that inhibit the forma- research.The descriptive study by Stack,
tion of healthyromantic relationships.An abu- Wasserman,and Kern (2004) on pornography
sive experiencealso createsgreateremotional usewascross-sectional, basedon a nationalU.S.
distanceand a hesitancyto make long-term surveyconductedin 2000.
commitments.Using quantitativeand qualita-
tive datagatheredin low-incomeneighborhoods Longitudinal Reseqrch. Researchersusing
in threecities-Boston, Chicago,and SanAnto- longitudinalresearch examinefeaturesof people
nio-they found that adult womenwho had ex- or otherunits at morethan onetime. It is usually
periencedpast abusewere less likely to be more complexand costlythan cross-sectional
married,and thosewith multiple forms of abuse research,but it is alsomore powerful and infor-
weremost likely to remainsingle.It appearsthat mative.Descriptiveand explanatoryresearchers
women without a past history of abusewho uselongitudinalapproaches. Let us now look at
found themselvesin an abusiverelationshipas the three main types of longitudinal research:
,an adult were likely to withdraw from it, but time series,panel,and cohort.
'womenwho had beenabusedaschildren were
lesslikely to leaveand tendedto enterinto a se- Time-Series Study. A time-series studyislongi-
riesof unstable,transitoryrelations. tudinal researchin which a researchergathers
the sametypeof information acrosstwo or more
Time Dimensionin Research time periods.Researchers can observestability
or changein the featuresofthe units or cantrack
An awareness of how a study usesthe time di- conditions over time. The specificindividuals
mensionwill helpyou reador conductresearch. may changebut the overallpattern is clear.For
This is becausedifferentresearchquestionsor is- example,therehasbeena nationwidesuweyof a
suesincorporatetime difFerently.Somestudies large sampleof incoming freshmanstudents
givea snapshotof a single,fixed time point and since1966.Sinceit began,over 11 million stu-
allowyou to analyzeitin detail(cross-sectional). dentsat more than 1,800collegesparticipated.
Other studiesprovide a moving picturethat lets The fall 2003surveyof276,449 studentsfound
you follow events,people,or socialrelations manyfactsandtrends,suchasonly 34percentof

Flc U RE 1 .2 The Time Dimensionin SocialResearch

CROSS-SECTIONAL: Observea collectionof peopleat one time.

a l . R P - ^@
z. E@
F #
##=d eEE=
i P
7|FtrffiFR€ February 2007

TIME SERIES: Observedifferentpeopleat multipletimes'

*e%[w"MIMK 1950 1970

PANEL: Observe the exact same people at two or more times

1990 2010

1986 1996

COHORT: Observepeoplewho sharedan experienceat two or moretimes'


Married in 1967 1987

CASE STUDY: Observea small set intenselyacrosstime.

--* G. € -9. Q *\G

F+ F +# E
g #nE
G Hr
E EEFFtr - E 2005+2007

enteringfreshmenstudiedsix or more hoursper term panel studiescan clearlyshowthe impact

week.This was the lowestlevel sincethe ques- of a particularlife event.For example,Oesterle,
tion wasaskedin 1987(when itwas47 percint). fohnson,and Mortimer (2004)examinedpanel
Yet, alcohol consumptionwas down. In 2003, data from a longitudinal study that began in
44.8percentreporteddrinking beer,which rep_ 1988with 1,000ninth-gradestudentsenrolled
resenteda steadydecline from73.7 percentin in the St.Paul,Minnesota,public schooldistria
7982.In2003,freshmenweremore inierestedin and lookedat volunteeringactivitiesduring late
keepingup with politics. The 33.9percentwho adolescenceand young adulthood, covering
saidit wasvery important to staypolitically in_ nine yearsfrom age l}-t9 (1992)to age26_27
formed was up from a low of 2g.l percentin (2000).They found that volunteeringat an ear_
2O00,and 22.5 percentsaidthey discussed poli_ lier stagestrongly affectedwhether one volun_
tics regularl/, up from 19.4 percent in )OOZ teeredat a later stage.Also, peoplewho devoted
(whighhad beenthe highestsincea low point in full time to working or parenting at an earlier
1993).Thesefiguresare still far lower than the stage(18-19yearsold) werelesslikelv to volun_
60.3percentwho expressed an interestin politics teerat a later stage(26-27 yearsold) than those
in 1966,or the one-third who discussed politics whosemajor activitywasattendingschool.
regularlyin 1968.The importanceof familyhas
steadilyincreasedover the years,with 74.gper_ CohortStudy. A cohortstudy is similar to a
cent of studentscalling it essentialo, ,,"ry1-_ panelstudy,but ratherthan observingthe exact
portant.This is up from the low point oi SS.g samepeople,the study focuseson a categoryof
percentin 1977when the questionwas first peoplewho sharea similar life experieniein a
asked.However,religiousinvolvementdeclined. specifiedtime period. Researchers examinethe
The percentageof studentswho attendedreli_ categoryas a whole for important featuresand
giousserricesregularlywasat its lowestlevelin focuson the cohort,or categorynot on specific
35 years. In addition, the percent claiming individuals.Commonlyusedcohortsincludeall
"none" asa religiouspreferencereacheda record peopleborn in the sameyear (called birth co_
high of 17.6percent,comparedto a recordlow of horts),all peoplehired at the sametime, and all
6.6percentin 1966.Another trend overthe past people who graduatein a given year. Unlike
two decades hasbeena steadygrowthin opposi- panelstudies,researchers do not haveto find the
tion to the deathpenalty.Nearlyonein thiee in- exactsamepeoplefor cohort studies;rather,
coming students advocated ending capital theyneedonly to identifythosewho experienced
, punishment. This is the highestscoresincei9g0a commonlife event.In a studyof GenerationX
I (w!g" itwas 33.2percent),
althoughthe percent
in the United States,AndolinaandMayer e003)
withholding an opinion wasfar higherejrher in focusedon the cohort ofpeople born between
time; it exceeded 60 percentin the tgZO.ll 1967and 1974. They comparedt0 birth cohorts
at different time periods over severaldecades,
PanelStudy. Thepanelstudyis apowerfirltyp. tracing questionsacross24 years.The authors
of longitudinalresearchin which the researciier found that White Xers
are distinct in their
observesexactlythe samepeople,group, or or- support for school racial integration and for
ganization acrossmultiple time points. It is governmentactionto enforcesuchefforts,com_
more difficult to conductthan time-seriesre_ paredto other birth cohorts,
but not in their at_
search.Panelresearchis formidableto conduct titudes toward employment opportunities or
and very costly.Trackingpeopleovertime is of- affirmativeaction. Despitegreatergeneralsup_
ten difficult becausesomepeopledie or cannot port than other cohortsfor equalitythrough in_
be located.Nevertheless,the resultsof a well-de- tegration,it doesnot extendto issuesbeyondthe
signedpanelstudyareveryvaluable.Evenshort_ schoolyard.
20 P A Rr oNE ,/ F o U N D AT T o N S

CsseStudies. In cross-sectionaland longitudi- clude experiments, surveys, content analyses,

nal research. a researcher examines features on and existing statistics.
many people or units, either at one time period
or across time periods, and measures several Experiments. Experimental researchclosely fol-
common features on them, often using num- lows the logic and principles found in natural
bers. In case-studyresearch,a researcher exam- science research;researcherscreate situations
ines, in depth, many features of a few casesover and examine their efFectson participants. A re-
a duration of time with very detailed, varied, and searcherconducts experiments in laboratories or
extensive data, often in a qualitative form. The in real life with a relatively small number of peo-
researchercarefirlly selectsa few key casesto ii- ple and a well-focused researchquestion. Exper-
lustrate an issue and study it (or them) in detail iments are most effective for explanatory
and considers the specific context of each case. research. In the tlpical experiment, the re-
This contrasts with other longitudinal studies in searcher divides the people being studied intol
which the researchergathersdata on many units two or more groups. He or she then treats both
or cases,then looks for general patterns in the groups identicallS except that one group but not
massof numbers. the other is given a condition he or she is inter-
For example, Snow and Anderson (1992) ested in: the "treatment." The researcher mea-
conducted a case study on homeless people in sures the reactions ofboth groups precisely. By
Austin, Texas. It provided a wealth of details controlling the setting for both groups and giv-
about the lives and conditions of homeless peo- ing only one group the treatment, the researcher
ple, identified severaltypes of homeless people, can conclude that any differenees in the reac-
outlined the paths by which they became home- tions of the groups are due to the treatment
less, and discussedseveralprocessesthat kept alone.
them homeless.This casestudy used many Qpes
of detailed qualitative and quantitative data, Surveys. A survey researcherasks people ques-
with exploratory descriptive, and explanatory tions in a written questionnaire (mailed or
phasesto reveal a great amount of unexpected handed to people) or during an interview and
and new information.12 then records answers. The researcher maniprr-
lates no situation or condition; he or she simply
asksmanypeople numerous questions in a short
Data Collection Techniques
time period. Typically, he or she then summa-
Social researcherscollect data using one or more rizes answersto questions in percentages,tables,
specific techniques. This section givesyou a brief or graphs. Researchersuse survey techniques in
overview of the major techniques. In later chap- descriptive or explanatory research.Surveysgive
ters, you will read about these techniques in de- the researchera picture of what many people
tail and learn how to use them. Some techniques think or report doing. Survey researchersoften
are more effective when addressing specific use a sample or a smaller group of selectedpeo-
kinds of questions or topics. It takes skill, prac- ple (e.g., 150 students),but generalizeresultsto
tice, and creativity to match a researchquestion a larger group (e.g., 5,000 students) from which
to an appropriate data collection technique. The the smaller group was selected.Survey research
techniques fall into two categories based on is very widely used in many fields.
whether the data being gathered are quantitative
or qualitative. Content Analyses. A contenLtanalysis is a tech-
nique for examining information, or content, in
Quantitative Data Collection Techniques, written or symbolic material (e.g., pictures,
Techniques for quantitative data collection in- movies, song lyrics, etc.). In content analysis, a
c HAPTER 1 , / D O I N C S O C T A LR E S E A R C H 21

researcherfirst identifiesa body of material to in detail.The researcher getsto know personally

a-nalyze (e.g.,books,.t.*rpup"rr, films, etc.)and the_people being studied,may condlct open_
then createsa systemfor-reiording specificas_ ended and informal interviews,and takesde_
pectsof it. The systemmight include counting tailed notes on a daily basis.After leaving the
how often certain words or themesoccur. Fi_ field site, the researchercarefully rereadi the
nalln the researcherrecordswhat wasfound in notes and prepareswritten reports.Field re_
the material.He or sheoften measuresinforma_ searchis usedmost oftenfor expioratoryand de_
tion in the contentasnumbersandpresentsit as scriptivestudies;it is rarelyusedfor explanatory
tablesor graphs.This techniqueletsa researcher research.
discoverfeaturesin the contentoflargeamounts
of materialthat might otherwisego unnoticed. Historical-ComparativeResearch. Historical_
Researchers can use content analysisfor ex_ comparativeresearchers examjneaspectsof social
ploratoryand explanatoryresearch,tut primar_ life in a pasthistoricaletuo. u.ros differentcul_
ily it is usedfor descriptiveresearch. tures.Researchers who usethis techniquemay
focus on one historicalperiod o., .o-_
ExistingStatistics. In existingstatisticsresearch, pareone
or more cultures,or mix historicalpe_
a researcherlocatespreviouslycollectedinfor_ riods and cultures. Like field research.^
mation,often in the form of governmentreports researchercombines u
theory building/testing
or previouslyconductedsuryeys,then reorga_ with data collection
and beginswith a loose$
nizesor combinesthe information in new ways formulated question
that is iefined during the
to addressa researchquestion.Locatingsources researchprocess.
Researchers often gatlier a
canbe time consuming,so the researcher needs wide arrayof evidence,including existiig statis_
to considercarefullythe meaningof what he or tics and documents(e.g.,novels,officialieports.
she finds. Frequently,a rer"arih", does not books,newspapers,diaries,photographs,and
know whether the information of interest is maps)for study.In addition,theymav makedi_
availablewhen he or shebeginsa study.Some_ rect observations
and conduct interviews.His_
times,the existingquantitativeinformaiion con_ torical-comparative
researchcanbe exploratory
sists of stored surveys or other data that a descriptive,or explanatoryandcanblend types.
researcherreexaminesusing various statistical
procedures.Existingstatisticsresearchcan be
usedfor exploratory descriptive,or explanatory
purposes,but it is most frequentlyusedfor de_ C ON C L U S ION
scriptiveresearch. This chapter gave you an overview ofsocial re_
search.You saw how social researchdiffers from
Qualitative Data Collection Techniques. the ordinary ways of learning-knowing
Techniquesfor qualitativedata collectioi in_ about
the social world, how doing researchis basedon
clude fi eld researchand historical-comparative scienceand the
scientific community, and about
research. several tlpes of social research based on its di-
mensions (e.g.,its purpose, the technique used
FieldResearch.Most field researchers conduct to gather data, etc.).The dimensions of research
casestudieslooking at a small group of people loosely overlap
with each other. The dimensions
oyer a length of time (e.g.,weeki, mbnt^hs, of social research
are a kind of ..road map', to
years).Afield researcher beginswith a looseiy help you make your way through the
terrain of
formulatedidea or topic, selectsa socialgroup social research. In the next chapter, we turn to
or natural setting for study, gains accesiand social theory. You read about it a little in this
adoptsa socialrole in the setting,and observes chapter. In the
next chapter, you will learn how
22 P A RToNE / F o u N D A T ro N s

theoryand researchmethodswork togetherand social impact assessmentstudy

aboutseveraltypesof theory. social research
suwey research
time-series study
Key Terms
action research study E n dn o t e s
applied social research
basic social research 1. See Rampton and Stauber (200I:247-277 and
casestudy 30s-306).
2. SeeBest(2001:15) on advocatesandmedia.
cohort study
3. SeeNationalScience Board(2002:735-739).
cross-sectional research
4. Schacter(2001)providesa summaryof memoryl
data issues.
descriptive research 5. NationalScienceBoard(2002:739).
empirical evidence 6, Discussionsof the scientificcommunity can be
evaluation research study found in Coleand Gordon (1995),Crane(1972),
existing statistics research Hagstrom(1965),Merton(1973),Mulkay(1991),
experimental research andZiman(1999).
explanatory research 7. SeePatton(2001)and Weiss(1997)for a more
exploratory research detaileddiscussionof recentadvances in evalua-
field research tion research.
halo effect 8. Beck( 1995)providesa usefuloverview'
9. SeeHerringand Ebner(2005)on the useofdo-
historical comparative research
longitudinal research 10. SeeAdams Q004) for more information on the
overgeneralization Auckland City study.
panel study ll. Seethe websiteat
premature closure html.
qualitative data 12. AIsoseeSnowandAnderson(1991)for a discus-
quantitative data sion of the case-studymethod in their study of
scientific community . homelesspeople.Also seeGeorgeand Bennett
scientific method methodgenerally.
(2005)on the case-study
selective observation
Theory andSocialResearc

What ls Theory?
The Parts of Theory
The Aspects ofTheory
Directionof Theorizing
Levelsof Theory
Formsof Explanation
The Three Major Approaches to Social Science
The Dynamic Duo


in mind threethings about how socialscientific

theorieswork. First, socialtheoriesexplain re-
Supposeyou want to makesenseof the hostility curringpatterns,not uniqueor one-timeevents.
betweenpeopleof differentraces.Trying to un- For example,they are not good for explaining
derstandit, you aska teacher,who responds: why terrorists decided to attack New York's
World TradeCenteron September 11,2001,but
Most raciallyprejudicedpeoplelearnnega- they canexplainpatterns,suchasthe conditions
tive stereotlpesaboutanotherracialgroup that generallyleadto increasedlevelsoffear and
from their families,friends.andothersin feelingsof patriotism in a people.Second,social
their immediatesurroundings. If theylack theoriesareexplanationsfor aggregates, not par-
sufficientintimatesocialcontactwith mem- ticular individuals.Aggregatesare collectionsof
bersof the groupor intenseinformationthat many individuals,cases,or other units (e.g.,
contradictsthosestereotypes, theyremain businesses, schools,families,clubs,cities,na't
prejudiced. tions, etc.).A socialtheory rarely can explain
why fosephinedecidedto major in nursing
This makessenseto you becauseit is consis- rather than engineering,but it can explainwhy
tent with what you know about how the social femalesmore than malesin generalchoosenurs-
world works.This is an exampleof a small-scale ing over engineeringas a major. Third, social
socialtheory, a tpe that researchers usewhen theoriesstatea probabiliry chance,or tendency
conductinga study. for eventsto occur, rather than statethat one
What do you think of when you hear the eventmust absolutelyfollow another.For exam-
word theory?Theory is one of the leastwell un- ple, insteadof stating that when someoneis
derstoodterms for studentslearningsocialsci- abusedas a child, that personwill alwayslater
ence.My students'eyelidsdroop if I begina class abusehis or her own children, a theory might
by saying,"Today we are going to examinethe statethat whensomeoneexperiences abusedur-
theoryof . . ." The mentalpicturemanystudents ing his or her childhood,that personwill tendto
have of theory is something that floats high or is morelikely to becomean abusiveparent
amongthe clouds.My studentshavecalledit "a when an adult.Likewise,it might statethat peo-
tangled mazeof jargon" and "abstractionsthat ple who did not experiencechildhood abuse
areirrelevantto the realworld." might becomeabusiveparents,but they areless
Contrary to theseviews,theory has an im- likely to than someonewho has experience
portant role in researchand is an essentialally abuseasa child.
for the researcher. Researchers usetheorydiffer-
ently in varioustypesof research,but sometl?e
of theory is presentin most socialresearch.It is
lessevidentin appliedor descriptivethan in ba-
sic or explanatoryresearch.In simpleterms,re-
searchers interweavea storyaboutthe operation In Chapter L, socialtheorywasdefinedasa sys-
of the socialworld (the theory) with what they tem ofinterconnectedabstractionsor ideasthat
observewhen they examineit systematically(the condensesand organizesknowledgeabout the
data). socialworld. It is a compactway to think of the
Peoplewho seekabsolute,fixed answersfor socialworld. Peopleare constantlydeveloping
a specificindividual or a particular one-time newtheoriesabouthow the world works.
eventmay be frustratedwith scienceand social Somepeopleconfusethe history of socia
theories.To avoid frustration,it is wiseto keep thought, or what greatthinkerssaid,with social

theory. The classicalsocial theorists (e.g., Almost all researchinvolvessometheon',so

Durkheim, Weber,Marx, and Tonnies) played the questionislesswhetheryou shouldusethe-
an important role in generatinginnovativeideas. ory than how you should use it. Being explicit
They developedoriginal theoriesthat laid the aboutthe theorymakesit easierto readsomeone
foundationfor subsequentgenerationsof social else'sresearchor to conduct your own. An
thinkers.Peoplestudythe classicaltheoristsbe- awarenessof how theory fits into the research
causethey providedmany creativeand interre- processproducesbetter designed,easierto un-
lated ideasat once.They radicallychangedthe derstand,andbetterconductedstudies.Most re-
waypeopleunderstoodand sawthe socialworld. searchersdisparageatheoretical or "crude
We study them becausegeniuseswho generate empiricist"research.
many original, insightfirl ideasand fundamen-
tally shift how pdoplesaw the socialworld are
rare. BlameAnalysis
At timespeopleconfusetheorywith a hunch Blameanalysisis a type of counterfeitargument
or speculativeguessing.Theymay say,"It's only presentedasif it werea theoreticalexplanation.
a theory" or ask,"What'syour theoryabout it?" It substitutesattributing blame for a causalex-
This lax useof the term theorycauses confusion. planationthat is backedby supportingempirical
Suchguessingdifi[ersfrom a serioussocialthe- evidence.Blamebelongsto the realmof making
ory that has been carefullybuilt and debated moral, legal,or ideologicalclaims.It implies an
over many yearsby dozensof researchers who intention, negligence,or responsibilityfor an
found support for the theory'skey parts in re- eventor situation (usuallyan unfavorableone).
peatedempiricaltests.A relatedconfusionis It shifts the focus from Why did it occur?to
when what peopleconsiderto be a "fact" (i.e., Who is responsible? Blame analysisassumes
light a matchin a gasoline-filledroom and it will there is a party or source to which a fixed
explode)is what scientistscall a theory (i.e.,a amount of responsibilitycan be attached.The
theory of how combining certain quantitiesof goalof inquiry is to identifi a responsibleparty.
particular chemicalswith oxygenand a level of Often, somesourcesare exemptedor shielded.
heat is likely to producethe outcomeof explo- This may be the injured party, membersof a
siveforce). Peopleuse simple theorieswithout sympatheticaudience,or a sacredvalue or
making them explicit or labelingthem as such. principle.
For example,newspaperarticlesor televisionre- Blameanalysiscloudsdiscussionbecauseit
ports on socialissuesusuallyhaveunstatedso- confusesblame with cause;it givesan account
cial theoriesembeddedwithin them. A news (or story) insteadof a logical explanationwith
reporton the difficultyof implementinga school intervening causalmechanisms;and it fails to
desegregation plan will contain an implicit the- exploreempirical evidencefor and againstsev-
ory aboutracerelations.Likewise,politicallead- eral alternativecauses.Blameanalysisfirst pre-
ersfrequentlyexpresssocialtheorieswhen they sentsan unfavorableeventor situation.It could
discusspublic issues.Politicianswho claim that be a bank is robbed, a group is systematically
inadequateeducationcausespoverty or that a paid lessin the labor force,or traffic congestion
declinein traditional moral valuescauseshigher is terriblein an urban area.It next identifiesone
crime ratesare expressingtheories.Compared or more responsibleparties,then it providesse-
to the theoriesof socialscientists,such layper- lectiveevidencethat shieldscertainpartiesor
sons'theoriesare lesssystematic,lesswell for- sources (e.g., employrnent conditions, the
mulated, and harder to test with empirical choicesavailableto the underpaidgroup,trans-
evidence. portation poliry, and land cost).l

measureheightor compareit. A heightof zerois

THE PARTS OF THEORY possible,and height can increaseor decreas
overtime. As with manywords,we usethe word
in severalways.Height is usedin the expression
All theoriescontain concepts,and conceptsare the heightof the battle,the heightof thesummer
the building blocks of theory.2A conceptis an andtheheightoffashion.
ideaexpressed asa symbolor in words.Natural The word heightrefersto an abstractidea.
scienceconceptsareoften expressed in syrnbolic We associate its soundand its written form with
forms,suchasGreekletters(..g., 6) or formulas that idea. There is nothing inherent in the
(e.g.,s = d/t; s= speed,d = distance,f = time). soundsthat make up the word and the idea it
Most socialscienceconceptsare expressed as represents. The connectionis arbitrary' but it is
words. The exotic symbolsof natural science still useful.Peoplecan expressthe abstractidea
conceptsmakemany peoplenervous,asthe use to one anotherusingthe symbolalone.
of everydaywords in specializedsocialscience Conceptshavetwo parts:a symbol(word or
conceptscancreateconfusion. term) and a definition.We learn definitions in
I do not want to exaggerate the distinction manyways.I learnedthe word heightandits de-
betweenconceptsexpressed aswords and con- finition frqm myparents.I learnedit asI learned
ceptsexpressed assymbols.Words, after all, are to speakand was socializedto the culture. My
symbols,too; they are symbolswe learn with parentsnevergaveme a dictionarydefinition. I
language.Heightis a conceptwith which you are learnedit through a diffrrse,nonverbal,informal
alreadyfamiliar.For example,I cansaythe word process.Myparentsshowedme manyexamples
heightor write it down; the spokensoundsand I observedand listenedto othersusethe word; I
written words are part of the Englishlanguage. usedthe word incorrectlyand was corrected
The combinationof lettersin the soundsyrnbol- and I used it correctly and was understood
izes,or standsfor, the ideaof a height.Chineseor Eventually,I masteredthe concept.
Arabic characters, the Frenchwordhauteur, t]":'e This exampleshowshow peoplelearn con-
Germanword h1he,the Spanishword altura- ceptsin everydaylanguageand how we share
all symbolizethe sameidea. In a sense,a lan- concepts.Supposemy parentshad isolatedme
guageis merelyan agreementto representideas from televisionand other people,then taught
by sounds or written charactersthat people me that the word for the ideaheightwaszdged.I
learnedat somepoint in their lives.Learning would havehad difficulty communicatingwith
conceptsand theoryis like learninga language.3 others.Peoplemust sharethe termsfor concepts
Conceptsareeverywhere, andyou usethem and their definitionsif they areto be of value.
all the time. Height is a simple conceptfrom Everydaylife is filled with concepts,but
everydayexperience.What doesit mean?It is many havevagueand uncleardefinitions.Like-
easytousethe conceptofheight,but describing wise,the values,misconceptions,and experi-
the conceptitselfis difficult. It representsan ab- encesof peoplein a culture may limit evgryday
stractideaaboutphysicalrelations.How would concepts.Socialscientistsborrow conceptsfrom
you describeit to a very young child or a crea- everydayculture,but they refinetheseconcepts
ture from a distantplanetwho wastotally unfa- and add new ones. Many conceptssuch as
miliar with it? A new concept from a social sexism,life-style,peergroup, urban sprawl, and
theory may seemjust as alien when you en- socialclassbeganas precise,technicalconcepts
counterit for the first time. Height is a charac- in socialtheorybut havediffrrsedinto the larger
teristicofa physicalobject,the distancefrom top cu]tureand becomelessprecise.
to bottom. All people,buildings, trees,moun- We createconceptsfrom personalexperi-
tains,books,and so forth havea height.We can ence,creativethought,or observation.The clas-

sicaltheoristsoriginatedmany concepts.Exam_ conceptareamountof income,tunperatare,delr_

ple conceptsincludefamily system,genderrole, sity,ofpopulation,yearsof schoolinganddesrecof
socinlization, self-worth,frustration, aid.disptaced violence.Theseare calledvariablis, and,"r", *ilf
aggression. read about them in a later chapter.Other con_
Someconcepts,especiallysimple,concrete ceptsexpresstypesof nonvariablephenomena
conceptssuchas bookor height,can be defined (e.q.,
through a simplenonverbalprocess.Most social \lyeaucracy,family, rwolution, homeles,
andcold).Theoriesuseboth kinds ofconcepts.
scienceconceptsaremore complexand abstract.
They ared1fin9dby formal, diitionary_typede_ ClassificationConcepts. Someconceptsare
finitions that build on other .orr..pir.'ti may simple;they haveone dimensionandvary along
seemodd to useconceptsto define other con_ a singlecontinuum. Others are complex;the|
cepts,but we do this all the time. For example,I have multiple dimension, o,
definedheighfasa distancebetweentop u.rdbot_ You can break complex concepts -urryiubparts.
into a iet of
tom. Top,bottom,anddistanceare alfconcepts. simple,or single-dimension,.orr..ptr. For ex_
We often combine simple,concreteconceprs ample,Rueschemeyer and associatis(1992:43_
from ordinary experienceto createmore ab_ 44) statedthat democraryhasthreedimensions:
stractconcepts.Heightis more abstractthantop (1) regular,freeelectionswith universalsuftage;
or bottom.Abstractconceptsrefer to uspect,of (2) an electedlegislativebody that controls
the world we do not directly experience.They sov_
ernmenqand (3) freedomof expression*J ur_
orga.nize thinking and extendunderstandingof sociation.The authors recognizedthat each
reality. dimensionvariesby degree.Tiey combinedthe
Researchers definescientificconceptsmoredimensionsto createa set of typesof regimes.
preciselythan thosewe use in daily discourse. Regimesverylow on all threedimensionsir. to_
Socialtheory requires well-definedconcepts. talitarian,thosehigh on all three are democra_
Thedefinitionhelpsto link theorywith research. cies, and ones with other mixes are either
A valuablegoal ofexploratory research,and of authoritarianor liberaloligarchies.
most good research,is to clarify and refinecon_
Classificationrarepartwaybetweena single,
cepts.Weak,contradictory,oi uncleardefini_ simpleconceptand a theory.aTheyhelpto oriu_
tions of concepts restrict the advance of nizeabstract,complexconcepts.To createa n"ew
knowledge. classification, a researcherlogicallyspecifiesand
combinesthe characteristics of'simpler con_
ConceptClusters. Conceptsarc rarelyusedin cepts.You canbestgraspthis ideaby looking at
isolation. Rather, they form interconnected some
groups,ot conceptclusters.This is true for con_
The idealtypeis awelJ.-known classification.
ceptsin everydaylanguage aswell asfor thosein Idealtypesarepure, abstractmodelsthat define
socialtheory.Theoriescontaincollectionsof as_ the essence
of the phenomenonin question.
sociatedconceptsthat areconsistentand mutu_ They arementalpicturesthat definethe central
ally reinforcing. Together,they form a web of aspectsofa concept.Idealtypesarenot explana_
meaning.For example,if I want to discussa con_ tions
because they do not tell why or how^som._
ceptsuchasurbandecay,Iwillneeda setofas_ thing
occurs.Theyaresmallerthan theories,and
sociated concepts (e.g., urban expansion, researchers
usethem to build a theory.They are
economicgrowth, urbanization,suburbs,center broader,
more abstractconceptsthai brini to_
city, revitalization,masstransit, and,racial mi_ gether severalnarrower, more concretecon_
norities). cepts. Qualitative researchersoften use ideal
Someconceptstake on a rangeof values, typesto see
how well observablephenomena
quantities,or amounts.Examplesoithis kind of matchup to the idealmodel.For eximple, Max

Weber developedan ideal type of the concept used for a much broader range of specific time
bureaucracy. Many peopleuseWeber'sidealtype points and situations. More concrete concepts
(seeBox 2.I). lt distinguishesa bureaucracy are easy to recognize but apply to fewer situa-
from other organizationalforms (e.g.,social tions. The concepts skin pigmentation, casting a
movements,kingdoms,etc.).It alsoclarifiescrit- ballot in an election,and agebasedon the date on
icalfeaturesofa kind oforganizationthat people a birth certificateare lessabstract and more con-
once found nebulousand hard to think about. crete than the concepts racial group, democracy
No real-life organizationperfectlymatchesthe and maturity. Theories that use many abstract
ideal type, but the model helps us think about concepts can apply to a wider range of social
and studybureaucracy. phenomena than those with concrete concepts.
An example of a theoretical relationship is: In-
Scope. Conceptsvary by scope. Some are creasedsize createscentralization, which in turn
highly abstract,someareat a middle levelof ab- createsgreater formalization . Size,centralizatioi;
straction,and some areat a concretelevel (i.e., and formalization are very abstract concepts.
they are easyto directly experiencewith the They can refer to features of a group, organiza-
sensessuch as sight or touch). More abstract tion, or society. We can translate this to say that
conceptshavewider scope;that is, they can be as anorganization or group getsbigger, author-
ity and power relations within it become cen-
tralized and concentrated in a small elite. The
elite will tend to rely more on written policies,
rules, or laws to control and organize others in
the group or organization. When you think ex-
plicitly about the scope of concepts, you make a
theory stronger and will be able to communicate
r lt is a continuousorganization
governedby a sys- it more clearly to others.
tem of rules.
r Conductis governedby detached,impersonal Assumptions
r There is divisionof labor,in which differentof- Conceptscontain built-in assumptions,state-
fices are assigneddifferent spheresof compe- mentsaboutthe natureof thingsthat arenot ob-
tence. servable or testable. We accept them as a
necessary startingpoint. Conceptsand theories
Hierarchicalauthorityrelationsprevail;that is,
lowerofficesare undercontrolofhigherones. build on assumptionsabout the nature of hu-
man beings,socialreality, or a particular phe-
r Administrative actions,rules,and so on are in
nomenon.Assumptionsoften remainhiddenor
writingand maintainedin files.
unstated.Onewayfor a researcher to deepenhis
r Individuals do not own and cannotbuy or sell or her understanding of a concept is to identifr
their offices. which it is
the assumptionson based.
r Officialsreceivesalariesratherthan receivingdi- For example,the conceptbookassumesa
rect paymentfrom clientsin orderto ensureloy- systemof writing, peoplewho can read,and the
alty to the organization. existenceof paper.Without such assumptions
r Propertyof the organization
is separatefromper- the ideaof abook makeslittle sense.A socialsci-
sonalpropertyof officeholders. enceconcept,sueh as racialprejudice,restson
severalassumptions.Theseinclude peoplewho
(197872). make distinctionsamong individualsbasedon
their racialheritage,attachspecificmotivations
CHAPTER2 , / T H E O R YA N D S O C I A L R E S E A R C H 29

and characteristicsto membershipin a racial Direction of Theorizing

group,and makejudgmentsaboutthe goodness
of specificmotivationsand characteristics. Researchers approachthebuilding andtestingof
racebecameirrelevant,peoplewould ceaseto theoryfrom two directions.Somebeginwith ab-
distinguish among individuals on the basisof stractthinking. They logicallyconnectthe ideas
race,to attachspecificcharacteristics in theory to concreteevidence,then test the
to a racial
group,and to makejudgmentsaboutcharacter- ideas againstthe evidence.Others begin with
istics.Ifthat occurred,the conceptof racialprej- specificobservationsof empiricalevidence.On
udicewould ceaseto be usefulfor research.All the basisof the evidence,they generalizeand
conceptscontainassumptionsaboutsocialrela- build towardincreasinglyabstractideas.In prac-
tions or how peoplebehave. tice, most researchersare flexibleand useboth
approachesat various points in a study (see
Deductive. In a deductiveapproach,you begin
Theoriescontainconcepts,their definitions,and with an abstract,logical relationship among
assumptions. More significantly,theoriesspecify concepts,then movetoward concreteempirical
how conceptsrelateto one another.Theoriestell evidence.You may haveideasabout how tne
us whether conceptsare relatedor not. If they world operatesand want to test theseideas
are related,the theory stateshow they relateto against"hard data."
eachother.In addition,theoriesgivereasonsfor Weitzerand Tuch (2004,2005)useda de-
why the relationshipdoesor doesnot exist.It is ductiveapproachin a study ofperceptionsof
a relationship,suchastEconomicdistressamong police misconduct.They began with Group
theWhite populationcausedan increasein mob Position theory (a middle-rangetheory dis-
violenceagainstAfrican Americans.When a re- cussedlater) within the conflict theory frame-
searcherempiricallytestsor evaluatessuch a work (seeRangeof Theorylaterin this chapter).
relationship,it is calledahypothesis. After many Group position theorystatesthat dominant and
carefirltestsof a hypothesiswith data confirm subordinateracial-ethnicgroupsarein compe-
the hypothesis,it is treated as a proposition.A tition for resourcesand statusin a multiethnic
propositionis a relationshipin a theoryin which societythat hasa racialhierachy,and suchcom-
the scientificcommunity startsto gain greater petition af[ectsracialbeliefsand attitudes.Dom-
confidenceand feelsit is likely to be truthful. inant groups believe they are entitled to
privilegesand a position of superiority,and they
fear losing their privileges.Subordinategroups
THE ASPECTSOF THEORY believetheir position can be enhancedif they
challengethe existing order. The authors de-
Theory can be baffling becauseit comesin so duced that group competition extendsbeyond
many forms. To simplify, we can categorizea attitudesto perceptionsofsocialinstitutions,es-
theory by (1) the direction of its reasoning,(2) peciallyinstitutions of socialcontrol such as
the levelof socialrealitythat it explains,(3) the policing. They arguedthat subordinategroup
forms of explanationit employs,and (4) the members (i.e., Blacksand Latino/Hispanics)
overallframeworkof assumptionsand concepts would preceivepolicemisconduct(measuredas
in which it is embedded.Fortunately,all logi- unjustified stops of citizens,verbal abuseby
cally possiblecombinationsof direction, level, police,an excessive useofforce, and policecor-
explanation,and frameworkare not equallyvi- ruption) differentlythan membersof the domi-
able.Thereare only about half a dozenserious nant group (Whites).The authorsthought that
contenders. perceptionsoperatedvia three mechanisms:

FIG URE 2. I Deductiveand InductiveTheorizing

DeductiveApproach InductiveApProach

o fheoretical o iheoreticat

Middle-Range Middle-Range
Theory Theory

Hypothesis Hypothesis, Grounded ConceptFormation,

Testing EmpiricalGeneralization Theorizing EmpiricalGeneralization

EmpiricalSocial Reality EmpiricalSocial RealitY

personalencounterswith the police; reports of Duneier (1999)usedan inductiveapproach

police encountersby friends,family, or neigh- in his studyof life on the sidewalk.He notedthat
bors;and noticingand interpretingnewsreports in much of socialscience,both quantitativesec-
about police activity. In thesethree areas,they ondaryanalysisresearchand qualitativefield re-
predictedthat non-Whiteswould interpretneg- search, a researcher develops a theoretical
ativeeventsor reportsasstrongevidenceofseri- understandingonly after datahave been col-
ous and systematicpolice misconduct. By lected.He stated,"I beganto get ideasfrom the
constrast,Whites would tend to ignore or dis- thingsI wasseeingandhearingon the street"(p.
miss such eventsor reports or seethem as iso- 341).Many researchers who adopt an inductive
lated incidents.Data from a national surveyof approachusegroundedtheory.Groundedtheory
U.S. metropolitan areas(over 100,000popula- is part of an inductive approachin which a re-
tion) supportedpredictionsof the theory. searcherbuilds ideasand theoreticalgenetaliza
tions basedon closelyexaminingand creatively
Inductive. ifyou use an inductiveapproach, thinking about the data (seeBox 2'2). A te-
you begin with detailed observationsof the searchercreatesgrounded theory out of a
world and move toward more abstractgeneral- processof trying to explain,interpret, and ren-
izations and ideas.When you begin, you may der meaningfrom data.It arisesfrom trying to
haveonly a topic and a few vagueconcepts.As accountfor, understand,or "make senseof'the
you observe,you refine the concepts,develop evidence.Duneier(1999:342)hassuggested that
and identifr prelimi-
empirical generalizations, the processis similar to seeingmany symptoms
nary relationships.You build the theory from and later arriving at a diagnosis(i.e.,a storythat
the ground up. explainsthe sourceof the symptoms).

Croundedtheoryis a widelyusedapproachin qual- generalizations by makingcomparisons acrossso-

itativeresearch. lt is not the only approachand it is cialsituations.
not usedby all qualitativeresearchers. Crounded the- Qualitative researchersuse alternativesto
oryis"aqualitative research methodthat usesa sys- groundedtheory.Somequalitativeresearchers offer
tematicset of proceduresto developan inductively an in-depthdepictionthat is true to an informant's
derivedtheoryabouta phenomenon" (Strauss and worldview. They excavatea singlesocialsituationto
Corbin,1990:24\. The purposeof groundedthe- elucidatethe microprocesses that sustainstablesocial
ory is to build a theory that is faithful to the evi- interaction.Thegoalofother researchers isto provide is a methodfor discoveringnewtheory.In a veryexactingdepictionof eventsor a setting.They
it, the researcher compares unlikephenomena witha analyzespecificeventsor settingsin orderto gainin-
viewtowardlearningsimilarities. He or sheseesmi- sightinto the largerdynamicsof a society.Stillother
cro-leveleventsasthe foundationfor a moremacro- researchers applyanexistingtheoryto analyze specific
levelexplanation. Croundedtheory sharesseveral settingsthat they haveplacedin a macro-level histor-
goalswith more positivist-oriented theory. lt seeks ical context.They show connectionsamongmicro-
theorythat is comparable with the evidence that is leveleventsand betweenmicro-level situationsand
p r ec is eand r igoro u sc, a p a b l eo f re p l i c a ti o na, n d largersocialforcesfor the purposeof reconstructing
generalizable. A groundedtheoryapproachpursues the theoryandinformingsocialaction.

Range ofTheory easyto test or observe.It is calleda generaliza-

tion becausethe pattern operatesacrossmany
Social theories operate with varying ranges.One
time periodsand socialcontexts.The finding in
source of the confusion about theories involves
the study on Internet pornographydiscussedin
the range at which a theory operates.At one end
ChapterI that unhappilymarriedmen aremore
are highly specific theories with concrete con-
likely than happily married men to useInternet
cepts of limited scope.At the opposite end are
porn is an empiricalgeneralization.
whole systems with many theories that are ex-
tremely abstract. As part of the task of theory Midille-RangeTheory. Middle-rangetheories
building, veri$'ing, and testing, a researcher areslightlymore abstractthan empiricalgener-
connects theoretical statements of different alizationsor a specifichypothesis.A middle-
ranges together, like a seriesof different-sized rangetheory focuseson a specificsubstantive
boxes that fit into one another or a set ofRuss- topic area (e.g., domestic violence,military
ian dolls. coups,studentvolunteering),includesa multi-
ple empiricalgeneralization,and builds a theo-
Empirical Generalizqtion. An empirical gen- reticalexplanation(seeForms of Explanation
eralization is the least abstract theoretical state- later in this chapter).As Merton (1967:39)
ment and has a very narrow range. It is a simple stated,"Middle-rangetheoryis principallyused
statement about a pattern or generalization in sociologyto guideempiricalinquiry." A mid-
among two or more concrete concepts that are dle-rangetheory usedin a study discussedin
very close to empirical reality. For example, Chapter I saidthat girls who sufferphysicalor
"More men than women choose engineering as sexualabuseexperienceself-blameand guilt
a collegemajor." This summarizesa pattern be- feelingsthat inhibits them from developinga
tween gender and choice of college major. It is healthysocialnetworkor formingstableromantic
32 P A Rr oN E / F o U N D AT T o N S

relationships,andthat thesefactorsleadto them areusedin inductiveand deductiveapproaches

stayingsingleor experiencinggreatermarital in- to theorizing.Fewresearchers makeprecisedis-
stabilitywhen they becomeadults. tinctions amongthe rangesof theorizing.They
rarely use a theoretical framework directly in
TheoreticalFramewoflcs, A theoreticalframe- empirical research.A researchermay test parts
work (alsocalleda paradigmor theoreticalsys- of a theory on a topic and occasionallycontrast
tem) is more abstract than a middle-range partsof the theoriesfrom differentframeworks.
theory.Figure2.1showsthe levelsand how they Box2.3illustratesthe variousdegreesof abstrac-

Theoretical Framework lege,they haveopportunitiesto meetother unmar-

Kalmijn. Structuralfunctionalismholds that the ried people.ln modernsociety,educationhas be-
processes of industrialization
andurbanization change come a major socializationagent. lt affectsfuture
humansocietyfroma traditionalto a modernform.In earnings,moralbeliefsand values,and leisureinter-
this processof modemization, socialinstitutionsand ests.Thus,youngadultsselectmarriage partnersless
practices evolve.Thisevolutionincludes thosethat fill on the basisof sharedreligiousor localtiesand more
the socialsystem's basicneeds,socialize peopleto cul- on the basisof commoneducationallevels.
turalvalues,and regulatesocialbehavior.Institutions
WeiEerandTuch. Group-positiontheory usesgroup
that filledneedsandmaintained the socialsystemin a
competitionover materialrewards,power,and status
traditionalsociety(suchas religion)are superseded
to explainintergroupattitudesand behaviors.Each
by modernones(suchasformalschooling).
group perceivesand experiencesreal or imagined
Weitzerand Tuch. Conflicttheory holdsthat estab- threatsto its socialpositiondifferently.Membersof a
lishedsocial,political,and legalinstitutionsprotect dominantgrouptendto viewpoliceorgovemmentac-
the dominantor privilegedgroupsof a society.Ma- tions takento defendits interestsas beingfair or fa-
jor institutionsoperatein waysthat containor sup- vorable,whereasmembersof subodorinategroups
press the activitiesof nondominantgroups in tend to seethe sameactionsnegatively.
society,especiallyif they challengeor threatenthe
established social-economic Thus,conflict
hierarchy. EmpiricalGeneralization
betweenthe dominantandsubordinate socialgroups Kalmijn. Americans once marriedotherswith simi-
is reflectedin how majorinstitutionsoperate,espe- lar religiousbeliefsandaffiliation.Thispracticeis be-
ciallyinstitutionsthat are chargedwith maintaining ing replacedby marriageto otherswith similarlevels
order and engagedin formalsocialcontrol,suchas of education.
Weitzerand Tuch. Non-Whitesexperiencemore
Middle-RangeSubstantiveTheory negativeinterpersonalencounterswith police and
Kalmijn. A theory of intermarriage patternsnotes tend to interpret mediareports about police mis-
that youngadultsin modernsocietyspendlesstime conductasevidenceof seriousandsystematicprob-
in small,localsettings,wherefamily,religion,and lems with the police. By contrast,Whites have
communityall have a strong influence.Instead, differentpoliceencountersor interprettheir en-
youngadultsspendincreasing amountsof time in countersand mediareportsabout policeactions
schoolsettings.In these settings,especiallyin col- morefavorably.

tion with Kalmijn's study of changing marriage in sociologyand briefly describesthe key con-
partner selection(seealso page40). ceptsand assumptions of each.
Sociology and other social scienceshave sev-
eral major theoretical frameworks.s The frame-
works are orientations or sweeping ways of Levelsof Theory
looking at the social world. They provide collec- Socialtheoriescan be divided into three broad
tions of assumptions, concepts, and forms of ex- groupingsby the levelof socialrealitywith which
planation. Frameworks include theories for they deal.Most of us devotethe majority of our
many substantiveareas(e.g.,theories of crime, time to thinking aboutthe micro leveloireality,
theories of the family, etc.). Thus, there can be a the individualswe seeand interactwith on a day-
structural functional theory, an exchange the- by-daybasis.Micro-leveltheorydealswith small
ory and a conflict theory of the family. Theories slicesof time, space,or numbersof people.The
within the same framework share assumptions conceptsareusuallynot very abstract.
and major concepts. Some frameworks are ori- Braseand fuchmond(2004)useda micro-
ented more to the micro level; others focus more leveltheory about doctor-patientinteractions
on macro-level phenomena (seeLevelsof The- and perceptions.The theorystatedthat physican
orynext). Box2.4 shows four major frameworks attire affectsdoctor-patientinteractions.It sug-

Structural Functionalism Symboliclnteractionism
MajorConcepts. System,equilibrium,dysfunction, MajorConcepts. Sell reference
divisionof labor perception
KeyAssumptions. Societyis a systemof interde- KeyAssumptions.Peopletransmitand receivesvm-
pendentpartsthat is in equilibrium or balance. Over b o l i cc o mmuni cati on
w henthey soci al l yi nteract.
time,societyhasevolvedfrom a simpleto a complex Peoplecreateperceptions of eachotherand social
type,whichhashighlyspecialized parts.The partsof settings.Peoplelargelyact on their perceptions.
societyfulfilldifferentneedsor functionsof the social How peoplethink about themselves and othersis
system. A basicconsensus on valuesor a valuesvs- basedon theirinteractions.
tem holdssocietytogether.
Conflict Theory
ExchangeTheory (also RationalChoice)
Major Concepts. Power,exploitation,struggle,in-
MajorConcepts. Opportunities,rewards,approval, equality,alienation
KeyAssumptions.Societyis madeup of groupsthat
KeyAssumptions.Humaninteractionsaresimilarto haveopposinginterests.Coercionand attemptsto
economictransactions.Peoplegive and receivere- gainpowerareever-presentaspectsof humanrela-
sources(symbolic,socialapproval,or material)and tions.Thosein powerattemptto hold on to their
try to maximize
their rewardswhileavoidingpain,ex- powerby spreadingmythsor by usingviolenceif
pense,and embarrassment. Exchange relationstend necessary.
to be balanced.
lfthey areunbalanced, personswith
34 P A RToNE ,/ F o u N D A T to N s

gestedthat a patient makesjudgmentsabout a would producegainsbecauseotherworkersand

physican'sabilitiesbasedon attire and that a pa- governmentauthoritieswould supporttheir ac-
tient'strust-opennesstoward a physicanis alsoaf- tions.
fected. It said that perceptions of physican Macro-lweltheoryconcerns the operationof
authorityincreasedwith traditionalprofessional larger aggregates suchassocialinstitutions,en-
formal attire over informal attire, but that trust- tire cultural systems,and wholesocieties.It uses
opennesswasinfluencedin the oppositedirection more conceptsthat areabstract.
asauthority. Thirty-eight male and 40 femalere- Marx's study (1998)on racein the United
searchparticipants rated their perceptionsof States, SouthA.frica,andBraziluseda macro-leve
same- and opposite-gendermodels who were theory.He wantedto explainthe conditionsthat
identifiedasbeingmedicaldoctors,butwho were led Blackpeopleto engagein protestto gain firll
wearing different attire. Findings showedthat a citizenshiprightsandheexaminedpatterns of na-.
white coatandformal attire areclearlysuperiorto tional racialpoliticsin threecountiesacrosstwo
casualattire in establishingphysicanauthority, centuries.His theorysaidthat protestresultedin
but it did not reducetrust-openness asexpected. an interaction between(1) race-basedpolitical
Meso-lweltheorylinksmacroand micro lev- mobilizationand (2) nationalgovernmentpoli-
elsand operatesat an intermediatelevel.Theo- ciesof racialdomination(i.e.,apartheidin South
ries of organizations,socialmovements,and Africa, Jim Crow lawsin southernUnited States,
communitiesareoften at this level. and no legalized race-baseddomination in
Roscignoand Danaher(2001)usedmeso- Brazil).Policiesof racial domination developed
leveltheoryin a studyon the i930slabor move- from practicesof slavery exploitation,and dis-
ment among southern textile workers. The crimination that justified White superiority. The
researchers useda theory of movementsubcul- policiesreinforcedspecificracialideologiesthat
ture and political opportunity to explaingrow- shapednational developmentduring the twenti-
ing labor movement strength and increased eth century. A critical causalfactor was how
strikeactivityamongworkersin one industryin nationalpolitical elitesusedthe legalizeddomina-
a regionofthe United Statesacrossseveralyears. tion of Blacksto reducedivisionsamongWhites.
They expectedstrike activity to grow asthe result In nationsthat had largeregionalor classdivi-
of a strongmovementsubculturethat carrieda sions among Whites, national elites tried to
message of injusticeand a "political opportu- increaseWhite backingfor the nationalgovern-
nity" or the expectationamongpeoplethat col- ment by creatinglegalizedforms of racial domi-
lectiveactionat a particulartime would produce nation. Over time, such legalizeddomination
positiveresults.Their studyshowedthat a tech- froze racialdivisions,which promoted a senseof
nologicalinnovation (i.e.,the spreadof new ra- racialidentity and consciousness amongBlacks.
dio stations with songs and discussionsof The strongsenseof racialidentity becamea key
working conditionsand unfair treatment)con- resourcewhenBlacksmobilizedpoliticallyto de-
tributed to the growth of a subcultureof move- mand full citizenshiprights.Legalizedracialdom-
ment solidarity among the textile workers and ination also intensifiedthe Blacks'protest and
fosteredself-identityasa worker who had com- directedit againstthe national governmentasthe
mon interestswith the othertextileworkers.The societalinstitution that reinforcedtheir experi-
technologicalinnovationand eventsin thepolit- enceof racialinequality.
ical environment (i.e., union organizersand
speeches by the Presidentof the United States)
Forms of Explanation
alsocreateda politicalopportunity for thework-
ers.The workersbelievedthat collectionaction Prediction and Explanation. A theory's pri-
(i.e.,strike)wasnecessary to achievejusticeand mary purposeis to explain.Many peoplecon-

fusepredictionwith explanation.Therearetwo probablyacceptinvolvesa theory about the ro_

meaningsor usesof the term explanation.Re_ tation
of the earth and the position of the sun,
searchers focuson theoretical explanation,alog- the star of our solarsystem.lnthis explanation,
icalargumentthat tellswhysornethingoccurs.It the sun only appearsto rise. The sun doesnot
refersto a generalrule or principle. ih"r. u." u
move; its apparentmovement dependson the
researcher'stheoretical urgum.rrt or connec_
earth'srotation. We are on a planet that both
tionsamongconcepts.Thesecondtypeof expla_
spinson its axisand orbitsarounda starmillions
nation, ordina-ryexplanation,makessomething
of miles away in space.All three explanations
clearor describessomethingin a way that illusl
make the sameprediction: The sun'riseseach
tratesit and makesit intelligible.Forexample,a
morning.As you cansee,a weakexplanationcan
good teacher"explains,,in the ordinury *rrr". produce an accurateprediction.A good expla_
*r typesof explanationcanblendtogether. nation
Ilr: dependson a well_developeJtheory and
This occurswhen a researcherexplaini (i.e.,
is confirmed in researchby empirical observa_
intelligible)his or her explanation(ire.,a tions.
logicalargumentinvolving tr.ory).
Prediction is a statement that something
CausalExplanation. Causalexplanation,
will occur.It is easierto predict than to explain, the
most commontypeof explanation,is used
andan explanationhasmore logicalpowei than when
the relationshipis one o].u.rr" and effect.
predictionbecause good explariations We
alsopre_ useit all the time in everydaylanguage,
dlct. An explanationrarelypredictsmore than which
tendsto be sloppyand ambiguous."wf,ui
one outcome,but the sameoutcomemay do _.
be meanwhen we saycause? Foiexample,you may
predictedby opposingexplanations.Although
saythat povertycauses crimeor thailooseness
it-is lesspowerfirl than explanation,many peo_ in
moralscilusesan increasein divorce.This
ple areentrancedby the dramaticvisibility does
of a not tellhow or why the causalprocessworks.
Researchers try to be more preciseand exact
A gambling exampleillustratesthe differ_
when discussingcausalrelations.
encebetweenexplanationand prediction.
If I Philosophershavelong debatedthe idea
enter a casinoand consistentlyand accurately of
cause.Somepeoplearguethat causalityoccurs
predictthe next cardto appearor the next
num_ in theempirical world, but it cannotbe'proved.
ber on a roulettewheel,if mt U. ,.rrrutiorr"i.
t Causalityis "out there" in objective,.uliry
maywin a lot of money,at leastuntil the casino arrd
researchers can only try to find evidencefor it.
officials realizeI am alwayswinning urra."pel
Othersarguethat causalityis only an idea
me.Yet,my methodof makingthepiedictions that
is existsin the human mind, a mental construc_
mo-reinterestingthan the faci thaf I can do
so. tion, not something ..real,,in the world.
Tellingyou what I do to predict the next ihis
cardis secondposition holds that causalityis only
more_fascinating than beingableto predict. a
Hereis know that the _convenientway of thinking about ihe rvorta.
Without enteringinto the lengthyphilosophical
sun "rises" eachmorning. you can predict
that debate,manyresearchers pursuecausalrelation_
at some everymorning, wheiher or not
-time, ships.
cloudsobscureit, the sun will rise.But why
is You needthreethingsto establishcausality:
this so?One explanationis that the Great
irl f" temporalorder,association, and the eliminatiln
carriesthe sun acrossthe sky on its back.
an_ of plausible alternatiyes.An implicit
other explanationis that a god setshis fourth
arrow condition is an assumptionthat u .uur"t-..tu_
ablaze,.whichappearsto ui as the sun,
and tionship makes re.tseo, fits with U.ouj",
snootsrt across,!. rt y. Fewpeopletodaybelieve ur_
sumptions or a theoreticalframework.
theseancientexplanations.Theexplanaiion Let us
you examinethe threebasicconditions.
36 pA RToN E ,/ F o u N D AT to N s

The temporal order condition means that a the effect. Most studies examine unidirectional
cause must come before an effect. This com- relations. More complex theories speci$r recip-
monsense assumption establishesthe direction rocal-effect causal relations-that is, a mutual
of causality: from the cause toward the effect. causal relationship or simultaneous causality.
You may ask, How can the cause come after For example, studying a lot causesa student to
what it is to affect?It cannot, but temporal order get good grades, but getting good grades also
is only one of the conditions needed for causal- motivates the student to continue to study. The-
ity. Temporal order is necessarybut not suffi- ories often have reciprocal or feedback relation-
cient to infer causality. Sometimes people make ships, but these are difficult to test. Some
the mistake of talking about "cause" on the basis researcherscall unidirectional relations nonre-
of temporal order alone. For example, a profes- cursive and reciprocal-effect relations recursive.
sional baseballplayer pitches no-hit gameswhen A researcher also needs an association for
he kisseshis wife just before a game. The kissing causality. Two phenomena are associatedif thei.
occurred before the no-hit games. Does that occur together in a patterned way or appear to
mean the kissing is the causeof the pitching per- act together. People sometimes confuse correla-
formance? It is very unlikely. As another exam- tion with association. Correlation has a specific
ple, race riots occurred in four separatecities in technical meaning, whereasassociationis a more
1968, one day after an intense wave of sunspots. generalidea. A correlation coefficient is a statisti-
The temporal ordering does not establish a cal measure that indicates the amount of associ-
causal link between sunspots and race riots. Af- ation, but there are many ways to measure
ter all, all prior human history occurred before association. Figure 2.2 shows 38 people from a
some specific event. The temporal order condi- lower-income neighborhood and 35 people from
tion simply eliminates from consideration po- an upper-income neighborhood. Canyou seean
tential causesthat occurred later in time. associationbetween race and income level?
It is not always easy to establish temporal More people mistake associationfor causal-
order. With cross-sectionalresearch,temporal ity than confuse it with temporal order. For ex-
order is triclcF. For example, a researcher finds ample, when I was in college,I got high gradeson
that people who have a lot ofeducation are also the exams I took on Fridays but low grades on
less prejudiced than others. Does more educa- those I took on Mondays. There was an associa-
tion causea reduction in prejudice? Or do highly tion between the day of the week and the exam
prejudiced people avoid education or lack the grade, but it did not mean that the day of the
motivation, self-discipline, and intelligence week causedthe exam grade. Instead, the reason
needed to succeedin school?Here is another ex- was that I worked 20 hours each weekend and
ample. The students who get high grades in my was very tired on Mondays. As another example,
classsay I am an excellent teacher. Does getting the number of children born in India increased
high gradesmake them happy, so theyreturn the until the late 1960s,then slowed in the 1970s.The
favor by saylng that I am an excellent teacher number of U.S.-made cars driven in the United
(i.e., high gradescausea positive evaluation)? Or Statesincreaseduntil the late 1960s,then slowed
am I doing a great job, so students study hard in the 1970s.The number of Indian children
and learn a lot, which the grades reflect (i.e., born and the number of U.S. cars driven are as-
their learning causesthem to get high grades)?It sociated:They vary together or increaseand de-
is a chicken-or-egg problem. To resolve it, a re- crease at the same time. Yet there is no causal
searcher needs to bring in other information or connection. By coincidence, the Indian govern-
design researchto test for the temporal order. ment instituted a birth control program that
Simple causal relations are unidirectional. slowed the number of births at the same time
operating in a single direction from the causeto that Americans were buying more imported cars.

FIG U R E 2 .2 Association of Income and Race

Lower Income UpperIncome

fifi ffAfi.H,
(-) \ I J
io o

l{lfifi nfi^q.B"qfr
Qr /l IV flqi

t? t
.l iii lt
Ifa researchercannot find an association, a
ognized cause is called a spurious relationship,
causal relationship is unlikely. This is why re- which is discussedin Chapter 4 (seeBox 2.5).
searchersattempt to find correlations and other Researcherscan observetemporal order and
measuresof association.Yet, a researchercan of- associations.They cannot observe the elimina-
ten find an associationwithout causality.The as- tion of alternatives. They can only demonstrate
sociation eliminates potential causesthat are not it indirectly. Eliminating alternatives is an ideal
associated, but it cannot definitely identify a because eliminating all possible alternatives is
cause.It is a necessarybut not a sufficient condi- impossible. A researchertries to eliminate major
tion. In other words, you need it for causality, alternative explanations in two ways: through
but it is not enough alone. built-in design controls and by measuring po-
An association does not have to be perfect tential hidden causes.Experimental researchers
(i.e., every time one variable is present, the other build controls into the study design itself to
also is) to show causality. In the example involv- eliminate alternative causes.They isolate an ex-
ing exam gradesand days of the week, there is an perimental situation from the influence of all
association if on 10 Fridays I got 7 As, 2 Bs, and variables except the main causalvariable.
1 C, whereas my exam grades on 10 Mondays Researchersalso tryto eliminate alternatives
were 6 Ds, 2 Cs, and 2 Bs. An association exists' by measuring possible alternative causes.This is
but the days ofthe week and the exam gradesare common in survey research and is called
not perfectly associated.The race and income- controlling for another variable. Researchersuse
level association shown in Figure 2.2 is also an statistical techniques to learn whether the causal
imperfect association. variable or something elseoperateson the effect
Eliminating alternatives means that a re- variable.
searcher interested in causality needs to show Causal explanations are usually in a linear
that the effect is due to the causal variable and form or state causeand effect in a straight line: A
not to something else. It is also called no spuri- causesB B causesC C causesD.
ousnessbecausean apparent causal relationship The study by Braseand Richmond (2004)
that is actually due to an alternative but unrec- on doctor-patient interactions discussedearlier

As I wasdrivinghomefrom the universityone day, I bi as:the educati onalexperi ence of students.l t

hearda radio newsreport about genderand racial turnsout that girlsand boystakedifferentnumbers
biasin standardized tests.A personwho claimedthat and types of mathematics coursesin high school
biaswasa majorproblemsaidthat the tests should Cirls tend to take fewer math courses.Amongthe
be changed.SinceI workin the fieldof educationand girlswho completethe samemathematics curricu
disdainracialor genderbias,the report caughtmy lum as boys,the genderdifferencedissolves.Like-
attention.Yet, as a socialscientist,I criticallyevalu- wise, a large percentageof African American
ated the newsstory.The evidencefor a biascharge attend raciallysegregated,poor-qualityschoolsin
wasthe consistentpatternofhigherscoresin math- i nner ci ti es or i n i mpoveri shed
rural areas.For
ematicsfor malehigh schoolseniorsversusfemale AfricanAmericans who attend high-qualitysubur-
high schoolseniors,and for European-background banschoolsand completethe samecourses,racia
studentsversusAfricanAmericanstudents.Wasthe differencesin test scoresdisappear.This evidence
causeof the pattern of differenttest scoresa bias suggeststhat inequalityin educationcausestest
built into the tests? score differences.Although the tests may have
When questionedby someonewho had de- problems,identifyingthe real causeimpliesthat
signedthe tests,the personchargingbias lackeda changing the testswithoutfirst improvingor equal-
crucialpieceof evidenceto supporta claimof test izingeducationcouldbe a mistake.

useda causalexplanation;it saidphysicanattire Xleadsto Y,Xproducesy, XinfluencesY,Xis

causescertaintypesofpatient perceptions. The relatedto Y, the greaterXthe higher Y.
studybyWeitzerand Tuch (2004,2005)on po- Here is a simplecausaltheory:A risein un-
lice misconduct cited earlier used a causalex- employmentcausesan increasein child abuse.
planation. The causewas a person's group The subjectto be explainedis an increasein the
position and competitivepressurewith other occurrenceof child abuse.What explainsit is a
groups.Theseare causallylinked to police en- rise in unemployment.We "explain" the in-
counters,eitherdirectlyor indirectly,and inter- creasein child abuseby identifring its cause.A
pretionsof newsreports,which differ by group completeexplanationalso requireselaborating
position.The policeencountersand the inter- the causalmechanism.My theorysaysthat when
pretationsofnews reports causevery different peoplelosetheir jobs, they feel a loss of self-
perceptionsof police misconduct.We can re- worth. Once they lose self-worth,they become
statethe logic in a deductivecausalform: If the easilyfrustrated, upset, and angry. Frustrated
proposition is true, then we observecertain peopleoften expresstheir angerby directingvi-
things in the empirical evidence.Good causal olencetoward thosewith whom they haveclose
explanationsidentift a causalrelationshipand personalcontact(e.g.,friends,spouse,children,
specifi'acausalmechanism.A simplecausalex- etc.).This is especially
true if they do not under-
planationis: X causesYor Yoccursbecauseof standthe sourceof the angeror cannotdirect it
X, whereX and Yare concepts(e.g.,earlymar- towardits true cause(e.g.,an employer,govern-
riage and divorce). Some researchersstate ment policy,or "economicforces").
causalityin a predictiveform: If X occurs,then The unemploymentand child abuseexam-
Yfollows.Causalitycanbe statedin manyways: ple illustratesa chain of causesand a causal

mechanism.Researchers can testdifferentparts immigrants from the Philippines,Korea, Tai-

of the chain. They might test whetherunem- wan, and China in Los Angelesand found that
ployment ratesand child abuseoccur together, socialnetworksmatchedand sortedimmigrants
or whetherfrustratedpeoplebecomeyiolent to- with jobs. New immigrants with limited lan-
ward the peoplecloseto them.A typicalresearch guageand job skills soughtemploymenteither
strategyis to dividea largertheoryinto partsand with a co-ethnicemployeror through informal
testvariousrelationshipsagainstthe data. social ties (i.e., they consulted experienced
Relationships betweenvariablescanbe pos- fiiends, relatives,and acquaintances and asked
itive or negative.Researchers imply a positivere- them to be intermediaries).Network usersex-
lationship if they say nothing. A positive pandedjob opportunitiesbeyondemployersin
relationshipmeansthat a higher value on the their own ethnic group. Thus, ethnic network
causalvariablegoeswith a higher value on the tieswere"bridgeties" (i.e.,they helpedimmi-
effectvariable.For example,the more education grantsgetjobs beyondtheir ethnic community
a personhas,the longerhis or her life expectancF by usingco-ethnicswho alreadymadethe tran-
is. A negativerelationshipmeansthat a higher sition to mainstreamemplo;rment).Over time,
value on the causalvariablegoeswith a lower as languageand job skills improved, theseim-
value on the effect variable. For example,the migrantsmoved on to mainstreamjobs. Immi-
more frequentlya couple attendsreligiousser- grantslackingsocialties,in limited networks,or
vices,the lower the chancesof their divorcing who worked for co-ethnicsfound it difficult to
eachother.In diagrams,a plus sign (+) signifies get a mainstreamjob. Thus, a person'snetwork
a positiverelationshipand a negativesign (-) location,accessto alarge and diversenetwork,
signifiesa negativerelationship. and use of network ties is what facilitatedob-
taining a mainstreamjob.
Structural Explanation. A structuralexplana- Structuralexplanationsare alsousedin se-
rlonis usedwith threetypesof theories:network, quence theory. The panel study on volun-
sequential,and functional theories.Unlike a teerismby Oesterle,|ohnson, and Mortimer
causaleffectchain,which is similar to a stringof (2004) discussedin Chapter 1 employs se-
ballslined up that hit one anothercausingeach quencetheory.The authorsuseda "life course"
to bouncein turn, it is more similar to a wheel perspectivein which the impact of an event
with spokesfrom a centralidea or a spiderweb happeningat one phaseof a person'slife differs
in which eachstrandforms part of the whole.A what it would havebeenif the samehappenedat
researcher making a structuralexplanationuses other phases,and early eventsgenerallyshape
a set of interconnectedassumptions,concepts, eventsin later phases.The authors noted that
and relationships.Insteadof causalstatements, the transition to adulthood is a critical stage
he or sheusesmetaphorsor analogiessothat re- when a personlearnsnew socialrolesand adult
lationships"make sense."The conceptsand re- expectations.They found that the amountsand
lations within a theory form a mutually typesofvolunteer activity in the last stagethey
reinforcingsystem.In structuralexplanations,a observed(age 26-27) was strongly influenced
researcher specifiesa sequenceofphasesor iden- by suchactivitiesat prior stagesofa person'slife
tifies essentialparts that form an interlocked (age18-19).Peoplewho volunteeredat an early
whole. stagetendedto volunteer at later stages.Those
Structuralexplanationsareusedin network who did not volunteerat an earlystageor who
theory. Sanders,Nee, and Sernau(2002) ex- devoted full time to working or parenting at
plainedAsian immigrant job seekingwith net- other prior stages(18-19 yearsold) were less
work theory. They used interview data on likely to volunteer at a later stage(26-27 years

old). Thus, later eventsflowed from an inter- In modern society,people spend time away
connectedprocessin which earlier stagesset a from small local settingsin school settings.In
course or direction that pointed to specific theseschoolsettings,especiallyin college,they
eventsin a later stage. meet other unmarried people.Educationis a
Additionally, structural explanationsare major socializationagentin modern society
usedin functionaltheory.6Functionaltheorists Increasingly,it affectsa person'sfuture earn-
explain an eventby locating it within a larger, ings, moral beliefs and values,and ways of
ongoing,balancedsocialsystem.They often use spendingleisuretime. This explainswhy there
biologicalmetaphors.Theseresearchers explain hasbeena trend in the United Statesfor people
somethingby identifying its function within a to marry lesswithin the samereligion and in-
larger systemor the need it firlfills for the sys- creasinglyto marry personswith a similar level
tem.Functionalexplanationsarein this form: "I of education.In traditional societies,the family
occursbecauseit servesneedsin the systemM." and religious organizationservedthe function
Theoristsassumethat a systemwill operateto of socializingpeopleto moral valuesand link-
stayin equilibrium and to continueovertime. A ing them to potential marriagepartnerswho
functionaltheoryof socialchangesaysthat, over held similar values.In modern society,educa-
time, a socialsystem,or society,movesthrough tional institutions largelyfulfill this function
developmentalstages,becoming increasingly for the socialsystem.
differentiatedand more complex. It evolvesa
specialized divisionoflabor anddevelopsgreater Interpretive Explanation The purposeof an
individualism. These developments create interpretiveexplanationis to fosterunderstand-
greaterefficiencyfor the systemasa whole.Spe- ing. The interpretive theorist attempts to dis-
cializationand individualism createtemporary coverthe meaningof an eventor practiceby
disruptions.Thetraditionalwaysof doingthings placingit within a specificsocialcontext.He or
weaken,but new social relations emerge.The shetries to comprehendor mentally graspthe
systemgenerates newwaysto fulfill functionsor operationof the socialworld, aswell asgeta feel
satisfyits needs. for somethingor to seethe world asanotherper-
Kalmijn (1991)useda functionalexplana- son does. Becauseeach person's subjective
tion to explain a shift in how people in the worldview shapeshow he or she acts,the re-
United Statesselectmarriagepartners.He relied searcherattemptsto discernothers' reasoning
on secularizationtheory, which holds that on- and view of things. The processis similar to
going historicalprocesses of industrialization decodinga text or work of literature.Meaning
and urbanizationshapethe developmentof so- comesfrom the context of a cultural symbol
ciety. During thesemodernizationprocesses, system.
peoplerely lesson traditional ways of doing Duneier's(1999)study of sidewalklife in
things. Religiousbeliefs and local community New York City discussedearlierin this chapter
ties weaken,as doesthe family's control over usedan interpretiveexplanation.An interpretive
young adults.Peopleno longer live their entire explanation is also illustrated by Edelman,
lives in small, homogeneouscommunities. Fuller, and Mara-Drita's(2001)study of how
Young adultsbecomemore independentfrom companiesadoptedpoliciesrelatedto diversity
their parentsand from the religious organiza- issuesin the early1990s-that is, affirmativeac-
tions that formerly playeda critical role in se- tion and equalopportunity. The authorsexam-
lectingmarriagepartners. inedwhat managerssaid,or their rhetoric,about
Societyhasa basicneedto organizethe way diversityconcerns.Rhetoricincludedvarious
peopleselectmarriagepartnersand find part- statementsaboutdiversitymadeby professiona
nerswith whom they sharefundamentalvalues. managers,businessschoolprofessors,and con-
CHAPTER2 , / T H E O R YA N D S O C I A L R E S E A R C H 4l

sultants in professional workshops, meetings,

specializedmagazines,and electronic forums. T HE TH R E E MA ' OR A P P R OA C H E S
Edelman and colleagues(2001) found that T O S OC IA L S C IE N C E
managerstook legal ideas,terms, and concepts We began this chapter by looking at small-scale
and converted them into ones that fit into their parts of a theory (i.e., ideas or concepts). We
or ganizational setting. Professional managers moved toward larger aspectsof social theory,
converted vague legal mandates and terms that and arrived at major theoretical frameworks in
were basedon ideasabout racial discrimination the last section. Now, we move to an even a
and ending injustice. They interjected their broader, more abstract level of the linkage be-
own views, values, training, and interests and tween theory and research-fundamental ap-
produced slightly different ideas and proce- proaches to social science. It involves issues
dures. Management rhetoric changed legal sometimes called m etq - m ethodological (i. e., be-
ideas from taking specific actions to end yond or supersizedmethodological concerns)
racial-ethnic or gender discrimination and and blurs into areasofphilosophy that studies
changed them into a "new idea" for effective what science means. We only brieflv touch on
corporate management. The "new idea" was the issueshere, but we cannot ignore them be-
that corporations benefit from a culturally di- causethey affect how people do social research
verse workforce. Simply put, diversity is good studies.
for company profits. They consolidated various About 45 years ago, a now famous philoso-
studiesand discussionson how to improve cor- pher of science,Thomas Kuhn, argued that the
porate operations around the new idea-a so- way science develops in a specific field across
cially heterogeneous workforce is more time is based on researcherssharing a general
creative, productive, and profitable. approach, or paradigm. A paradigm is an inte-
The authors created a theory of "manageri- grated set of assumptions, beliefs, models of do-
alization of law" from their data. This theory ing good research,and techniques for gathering
statesthat professional managers operate in a and analyzing data.It organizescore ideas,theo-
corporate environment. They will not simply retical frameworks, and researchmethods. Kuhn
take ideas and mandates created in a govern- observed that scientific fields tend to be held to-
ment-legal environment and impose them di- gether around a paradigm for a long period of
rectly onto a corporation's internal operations. time. Very few researchersquestion the para-
In fact, on the issue of affirmative action, many digm, and most focus on operating within its
corporate officials saw the legal ideas and re- general boundaries to accumulate new knowl-
qirirements as hostile or alien. So the managers edge. On rare occasions in history, intellectual
converted, or translated, the legal ideas into an difficulties increase,unexpected issuesgrow, and
acceptable fslm-6ns acceptable from a man- troubling concerns over proper methods multi-
agerial point of view. They used new forms to ply. Slowly, the members of a scientific field shift
move their corporations in a direction that in how they seethings and switch to a new para-
would comply with the legal requirements. This digm. Once the new paradigm becomesfirlly es-
is an interpretive explanation because the au- tablished and widely adopted, the process of
thors explained a social event (i.e., corporations accumulating knowledge begins anew.
embracing programs and rhetoric to favor Kuhn's explanation covered how most sci-
cultural diversity) by examining how the man- encesoperate most of the time, but some fields
agerssubjectively constructed new ways oflook- operate with multiple or competing paradigms.
ing at, thinking about, and talking about the This is the casein severalofthe social sciences.
diversity issue (i.e., they constructed a new This greatly bothers some social scientists, and
interpretation). they believe having multiple paradigms hinders
I'A I( I ()N L / IOUNDA II( ) N5

the growth ofknowledge.Theyseemultiple par- Positiyismseessocialscienceresearchasfunda-

adigmsasa signof the immaturity or underde- mentallythe sameasnatural scienceresearch;it
velopmentof the "science"in the socialsciences. assumesthat socialreality is madeup of objec-
Some believe all social scienceresearchers tive factsthat value-freeresearchers canprecisely
shouldembracea singleparadigmand stop us- measureand usestatisticsto testcausaltheories.
ing alternativesto it. Large-scale bureaucraticagencies, companies
Other socialscientistsacceptthe coexistence and many peoplein the generalpublic favor a
of multiple paradigms.They recognizethat this positivist approachbecauseit emphasizesget-
canbe confusingand often makescommunicat- ting objectivemeasuresof "hard facts" in the
ing difficult amongthosewho usea different ap- form of numbers.
proach.Despitethis, they arguethat eachsocial Positivistsput a greatvalueon the principle
scienceparadigmprovidesimportant kinds of of replication,evenif only a fewstudiesarerepli-
knowledgeand insights,so to drop one would cated.Replicqtionoccurswhen researchersor
limit what we can learn about the socialworld. othersrepeatthe basicsofa study and get iden-
Thesesocialscientistsnotethat no one definitely tical or very similar findings. Positivists em-
cansaywhichapproachis "best"or evenwhether phasizereplication and the ultimate test of
it is necessaryor highly desirableto haveonly one knowledge.This is becausetheybelievethat dif-
paradigm.Soinsteadof closingoff an approach ferentobservers looking at the samefactswill get
that offersinnovativewaysto study sociallife and the sameresults if they carefully speci!' their
gain insight into human behavior,they arguefor ideas,preciselymeasurethe facts,and follow the
keepinga diversityofapproaches. standardsof objectiveresearch.When many
In this section,we will look at three funda- studiesby independentresearchers yield similar
mental paradigmsor approachesusedin social findings, confidencegrows that we accurately
science. Eachapproachhasbeenaroundfor over capturedtheworkingsof socialrealityandthere-
150yearsand is usedby many highly respected fore scientificknowledgeincreases.
professionalresearchers. Theseapproachesare Ifa researcherrepeatsa studyand doesnot
unequal in terms of the number of followers, getsimilarfindings,oneor more of five possibil-
quantity ofnew studies,and typesofissuesacr- ities may be occurring:(1) the initial studywas
dressed.Often, peoplewho strongly adhereto an unusualfluke or basedon a misguidedun-
one approachdisagreewith researchers who use derstandingof the socialworld; (2) important
another,or seethe otherapproaches asbeingless conditionswerepresentin the initial study,but
valuableor less"scientific"than their approach. no one was awareof their significanceso they
Although adherentsto eachapproachmay use were not specified;(3) the initial study, or the
variousresearchtechniques,theories,and theo- repeatof it, wassloppy-it did not includevery
retical frameworks,researchers who adopt one precisemeasures;
carefi.rl, (4) the initial study,or
approachtend to favor certainresearchtech- the repeatof it, wasimproperlyconducted-re-
niques,theories,or theoreticalframeworksover searchersfailed to closely follow the highest
others.The threeapproachesarepositivism,in- standardsfor proceduresand techniques,or
terpretive,and critical; eachhas internal divi- failed to be completelyobjective;or (5) the re-
sions,offshoots,and extensions, but theseare peatedstudywasan unusualfluke.
the coreideasof the threemajor approaches. The positivist approachis nomothetic;it
meansexplanationsuselaw or law-like princi-
ples.Positivistsmay useinductiveand deductive
Positivist Approach
inquiry, but the ideal is to develop a general
Positivismis themostwidelypracticedsocialsci- causallaw or principle then uselogical deduc-
ence approach,especiallyin North America. tion to specifrhow it operatesin concretesitua-

tions. Next, the researcher empiricallytestsout- view of social reality. This view holds that hu-
comespredictedby the principlein concreteset- man social life is based less on objective, hard,
tings usingvery precisemeasures.In this way, a factual reality than on the ideas,beliefs, and per-
generallaw or principlecoversmanyspecificsit- ceptions that people hold about reality. In other
uations.For example,a generalprinciple says words, people socially interact and respond
that when two socialgroupsare unequaland basedas much, if not more, on what theybilieve
competefor scarceresources,in-group feelings to be real than what is objectively real. This
and hostility toward the other groupsintensify, means that social scientistswill be able to under-
and the competinggroupsarelikely to engagein stand social life only if they study how people go
conflict. The principle appliesto sportsteams, about constructing social reality. As people grow
countries,ethnicgroups,families,and other so- up, interact, and live their daily lives, they con-
cial groupings.A researchermight deducethat tinuously create ideas, relationships, symbols,
in citieswith high levelsof interracialinequality, and roles that they consider to be meaningful or
when jobs becomemore scarceand therebyin- important. Theseinclude things such as intimate
creaseeconomic competition, eachgroup will emotional attachments, religious or moral
expressgreaterhostility about the other racial ideals,beliefs in patriotic values,racial-ethnic or
groups, and intergroup conflict (e.g., riots, gender differences, and artistic expressions.
demonstrations,violent attacks)will increase. Rarely do people relate to the objective facts of
The vast majority of positivist studiesare reality directly; instead, they do so through the
quantitative,and positivistsgenerallyseethe ex- filter of these socially constructed beliefs and
periment as the idealway to do research.posi- perceptions. What positivists and many people
tivist researchers also use other quantitative view to be objective facts (e.g., a person's
researchtechniques,suchassurveysor existing height), interpretive researcherssay are only at
statistics,but tend to seethem as approxima- the trivial surface level of social iife. Or, the
tions of the experimentfor situationswherean "facts" are images/categoriesthat humans cre-
experimentis impossible.Positivistresearchers ated (i.e., I am two meters tall) and we "forget,'
advocatevalue-freescience,seekprecisequanti- that people originated the images/categoriesbut
tative measures,test causaltheorieswith statis- now treat them as being separate from people
tics,and believein the importanceof replicating and objectively real.
studies. Interpretive researchersare skeptical ofthe
positivist attempts to produce precise quantita-
Interpretive Approach tive measures of objective facts. This is because
they view social reality as very fluid. For most
The interpretiveapproachis alsoscientific,but humans, social reality is largely the shifting per-
its seesthe idea of "scientific" differently from ceptions that they are constantly constructing,
positivism.Unlike thepositivistapproach,inter- testing, reinforcing, or changing and that have
pretive researchers saythat human sociallife is become embedded in social traditions or institu-
qualitativelydifferentfrom other thingsstudied tions. For this reason, interpretive researchers
by science.This meansthat socialscientistscan- tend to trust and favor qualitative data. Theybe-
not just borrow the principlesof sciencefrom lieve that qualitative data can more accurately
the natural sciences. Instead,they believeit is capture the fluid processesof social reality. In
necessary to createa specialtype ofscience,one addition, they favor interpretive over causal
basedon the uniqueness of humansandonethat forms of theory (see discussion earlier in this
canreallycapturehuman sociallife. chapter).
Most researchers who use an interpretive Interpretive researchersare not likely to
approachadopt a versionofthe constructionist adopt a nomothetic approach,but insteadfavor
44 P A RToNE ,/ F o u N D A T ro N s

an idiographic form of explanation and use in- because it profoundly shapes much of human
ductive reasoning. Idiographic literally means action.
specific description and refers to explaining an The critical approach has an activist orien-
aspectof the social world by offering a highly de- tation and favors action research. Praxis is the
tailed picture or description of a specific social ultimate test of how good an explanation is in
setting, process, or t'?e of relationship. For ex- the critical approach. It is a blending of theory
ample, qualitative researchersdo not seereplica- and concrete action; theory informs one about
tion as the ultimate test of knowledge. Instead, the specific real-world actions one should take
they emphasize verstehenor empathetic under- to advancesocial change,and one usesthe expe-
standing. Verstehenis the desire of a researcher riencesofengaging in action for social changeto
to get inside the worldview of those he or she is reformulate the theory. All the approachesseea
studying and accurately represent how the peo- mutual relationship between abstract theory and
ple being studied seethe world, feel about it, and concrete empirical evidence, but the critical ap-
act. In other words, the best test of good social proach goesfurther and tries to dissolve the gap
knowledge is not replication but whether the re- between abstract theory and the empirical expe-
searcher can demonstrate that he or she really riences of using the theory to make changes in
captured the inner world and personal perspec- the world.
tive of the people studied.

Critical Approach THE DYNAMIC DUO

The critical approachsharesmany featureswith You haveseenthat theory and researchare in-
an interpretiveapproach,but it blendsan objec- terrelated.Only the naive,new researchermis-
tive/materialistwith a constructionistview of so- takenly believes that theory is irrelevant to
cial reality. The key feature of the critical researchor that a researcherjust collectsthe
approachis a desireto put knowledgeinto ac- data.Researchers who attemptto proceedwith-
tion and a beliefthat researchis not valuefree. out theory may wastetime collectinguseless
Research is the creationofknowledge,and peo- data.They easilyfall into the trap of hazy and
ple regularlyuseknowledgeto advancepolitical- vaguethinking, faulty logic, and imprecisecon-
moral ends.This givesdoing socialresearcha cepts.They find it difficult to convergeonto a
strongconnectionto political-moralissues.The crisp researchissueor to generatea lucid ac-
researchercan decideto ignore and help those count of their study'spurpose.They also find
with power and authority in society,or advance themselvesadrift as they attempt to designor
socialjusticeand empowerthe powerless. conductempiricalresearch.
Critical approachemphasizes the multilay- Thereasonis simple.Theoryframeshowwe
erednatureofsocialreality.On the surfacelevel, look at and think about a topic. It givesus con-
thereis oftenillusion,m1th,anddistortedthink- cepts,providesbasicassumptions,directsus to
ing. The critical approachnotesthat peopleare the important questions,and suggests waysfor
often misled, are subjectto manipulatedmes- us to make senseof data.Theory enablesus to
sages,or hold falseideas.Yet, beneaththe sur- connecta singlestudy to the immensebaseof
face level at a deeper,often hidden level lies knowledgeto which other researcherscon-
"real" objectivereality.Part ofthe taskofsocial tribute. To use an analogy,theory helps a re-
researchis to strip awaythe surfacelayerof illu- searcherseethe forestinsteadofjust a single
sion or falsehood.Although a researcherwants tree. Theory increasesa researcher's awareness
to seebeyondthis layer,he or shedoesnot en- of interconnectionsand of the broader signifi-
tirely ignoreit. Suchan outer layeris important canceofdata (seeTable2.1).

and central tenets are more difficult to test and

TABLE 2.'l MajorAspectsandTypes are refuted less often. In a slow process, re-
of SocialTheory searchersmay decide to abandon or change a
theory as the evidence against it mounts over
time and cannot be logically reconciled.
Direction Researchers adopting an inductive ap-
lnductiveor deductive
proach follow a slightly different process.Induc-
Level Micro,meso,or macro tive theorizing begins with a few assumptions
Explanation Causal,interpretive,or structural and broad orienting concepts. Theory develops
Abstraction Empiricalgeneralization,
middle from the ground up as the researchersgather
range,framework,or paradigm and analyze the data. Theory emerges slowly,
conceptby conceptand proposition by proposi-
tion in a specific area. The processis similar to a
long pregnancy. Over time, the concepts and
empirical generalizationsemerge and mature.
Theory hasa placein virtually all research, Soon, relationships become visible, and re-
but its prominencevaries.It is generallylesscen- searchersweavetogether knowledge from dif[er-
tral in applied-descriptiveresearchthan in ba- ent studies into more abstract theory.
sic-explanatoryresearch.Its role in appliedand
descriptiveresearchmay be indirect. The con-
ceptsareoften moreconcrete,andthe goalis not
to creategeneralknowledge.Nevertheless, CONCLUSION
searchersuse theory in descriptiveresearchto In this chapter,you learnedabout socialthe-
refine concepts,evaluateassumptionsof a the- ory-its parts, purposes,and t1pes.The di-
ory, and indirectlytesthypotheses. chotomy betweentheory and researchis an
Theorydoesnot remainfixedovertime; it is artificial one.The valueof theory andits neces-
provisionaland opento revision.Theoriesgrow sity for conductinggood researchshould be
into more accurateand comprehensive explana- clear.Researchers who proceedwithout theory
tions about the make-up and operation of the rarely conduct top-quality researchand fre-
socialworld in two ways.They advanceastheo- quentlyfind themselves in a quandary.Likewise,
rists toil to think clearlyand logically,bur this theoristswho proceedwithout linking theoryro
effort haslimits. The way a theorymakessignif- researchor anchoringit to empiricalreality are
icant progressis by interactingwith research in jeopardyof floatingoffinto incomprehensible
findings. speculationand conjecture.You arenow famil-
The scientificcommunity expandsand al- iar with the scientificcommunity,the dimen-
ters theoriesbasedon empirical results.Re- sionsof research, andsocialtheory.
searchers who adopta more deductiveapproach
usetheoryto guidethe designof a studyand the
interpretationof results.They refute,extend,or Key Terms
modify the theory on the basisof results.As
researchers continueto conductempiricalre- association
searchin testing a theory, they developconfi- assumption
dencethat somepartsof it aretrue. Researchers blame analysis
may modify somepropositionsof a theoryor re- causalexplanation
ject them ifseveralwell-conductedstudieshave classificationconcept
negativefindings.A theory's core propositions concept cluster

deductive approach E n dn o t e s
empirical generalization
functionaltheory 1. SeeFelson(1991),FelsonandFelson(1993)'and
grounded theory Logan(1991)for a discussionof blameanalysis.
2. For more detaileddiscussionsof concepts,see
ideal type
Chafetz(1978:45-61),Hage(1972:9-85)' Kaplan
idiographic (1964'34-80), Mullins (197l:7-18), Reynolds
inductive approach (I97I), and Stinchcombe(1968,1973)'
macro-level theory 3. Turner (1980)discussed how sociologicalexpla-
meso-leveltheory nation and theorizingcan be conceptualizedas
micro-level theory translation.
negative relationship 4. Classificationsare discussedin Chafetz(1978:
nomothetic 63-73) andHage(1972).
paradigm 5. Introductions to alternativetheoreticalframe- &
positive relationship works and socialtheoriesare providedin Craib
praxis (1984), Phillips (1985:44-59),and Skidmore
6. An introductionto functionalexplanationcanbe
found in Chafea (I97 8:22-25).

Ethicsin SocialResearch

Why Be Ethical?
Unethicalbut Legal
Power Relations
Ethical lssues Involving Research Participants
Originsof ResearchParticipantProtection
Abuse,and LegalJeopardy
Other Harmto Participants
and New Inequalities
Privacy,Anonymity,and Confidentiality
MandatedProtectionsof Research
Ethics and the Scientific Community
Ethics and the Sponsors of Research
Arrivingat Particular
the TrueSponsor
Politics of Research
Value-Free and Objective Research

nesswill help you better understandthe overall

INTRODUCTION research process.
Ethicsincludethe concerns,dilemmas'and con- Ethicsbeginand end with you, the individ-
flicts that ariseover the proper way to conduct ual socialresearcher.A strong personalmoral
research.Ethicshelp to definewhat is or is not codeby the researcher is the bestdefenseagainst
legitimateto do, or what "moral" researchpro- unethicalbehavior.Before,during, and after
cedureinvolves.This is not as simple asit may conductinga study,a researcher hasopportuni-
appear,becausethere are few ethical absolutes ties to, andshould,reflecton the ethicsof re-
and only agreed-uponbroad principles.These searchactionsand consulthis or her conscience
principlesrequirejudgment to apply and some Ultimately, ethicalresearchdependson the in-
may conflict with othersin practice.Many ethr- tegrity of an individual researcher.
calissuesaskyouto balancetwo values:the pur-
suit of knowledgeand the rights of research
participantsor of othersin society.Socialre- WHY BE ETHICAL?
searchers balancepotential benefits-such as
advancingthe understandingof sociallife, im- Given that most peoplewho conduct socialre-
proving decisionmaking, or helping research searchare genuinelyconcernedabout others,
participants-against potential 6s515-5u6}ra5 you might ask,Why would any researcherever
lossof dignity,self-esteem, privacy,or democra- act in an ethicallyirresponsiblemanner?Most
tic freedoms. unethicalbehavioris due to a lack of awarenes
Socialresearchers confront many ethical and pressureson researchers to take ethical
dilemmas and must decide how to act. They shortcuts.Researchers facepressuresto build a
havea moral and professionalobligationto be career,publish new findings, advanceknowl-
ethical,even ifresearch participantsareunaware edge,gain prestige,impressfamily and friends,
ofor unconcerned about ethics. hold on to a job, and so forth. Ethicalresearch
Many areasof professionalpracticehave will take longerto complete,costmore money'
ethicalstandards(e.g.,journalists,policedepart- be more complicated,and be lesslikely to pro-
ments,businesscorporations,etc.),but the eth- duceunambiguousresults.Plus,therearemany
ical standardsfor doing socialresearchareoften opportunitiesin researchto act unethically'the
stricter.To do professionalsocialresearch,you odds of gettingcaughtare small,and written
must both know the proper researchtechniques ethicalstandardsarein the form ofvague,loose
(e.g.,sampling)and be sensitiveto ethicalcon- principles.
cerns.This is not alwayseasy.For centuries, The ethicalresearchergetsfew rewardsand
moral, legal,and political philosophersdebated wins no praise.The unethical researcher'if
the issuesresearchers regularlyface. caught,facespublichumiliation, a ruinedcareer
It is difficult to appreciatefully the ethical and possiblelegalaction. The best preparation
dilemmasexperiencedby researchers until you for ethicalbehavioris to internalizea sensitivity
actuallybegin to do research,but waiting until to ethical concerns,to adopt a seriousprofes-
the middle of a studyis too late. You need to pre- sionalrole, and to interact regularlywith other
pareyourselfaheadof time and consider ethical researchers. Moreover,the scientificcommunity
concernsasyou designa study so that you can demandsethicalbehaviorwithout exceptions.
build sound ethicalpracticesinto a study'sde-
sign.In addition,by developingsensitivityto Scientific Misconduct
ethicalissues,you will be alertto potentialethi-
calconcernsthat canariseasyou makedecisions Theresearchcommunity and agenciesthat fund
rthile conducting a study.Also, an ethicalaware- researchopposea type of unethicalbehavio

calledscientificmisconduct;it includesresearch
fraud and plagiarism.Scientificmisconductoc_ r
FIcURE 3.1 TypoloryofLegaland
curs when a researcherfalsifiesor distorts the MoralActionsin Social
dataor the methodsof datacollection,or plagia_ Research
rizesthe work of others.It alsoincludessienifi_
cant, unjustified departuresfrom the genlraily ETHICAL
acceptedscientificpracticesfor doing and re_
porting on research. LEGAL Yes No
Research fraud occurswhen
a researcherfakesor inventsdatathat he or she Yes Moral and Legal Legalbut lmmoral
did not really collect, or fails to honestly and
No lllegal but Moral lmmoral and lllegal
firllyreport howhe or sheconducteda study.Al_
thoughrare,it is considereda veryseriousviola-
tion. The most famouscaseof researchfraud
was that of Sir Cyril Burt, the father of British clearly unethical according to standards ofpro_
educationalpsychology.Burt died in I97I asan fessional behavior.2 (SeeFigure 3.1 for relations
esteemedresearcherwho was famous for his between legal and moral actions.)
studieswith twins that showeda geneticbasisof
intelligence.In 1976,it was discoveredthat he
had falsifieddata and the namesof coauthors.
Unfortunately,the scientificcommunity had POWER RELATIONS
beenmisledfor nearly30years.More recently,a A professionalresearcherand the researchpar_
socialpsychologistwasdiscoveredto havefabri_ ticipantsor employee-assistants
cateddata for severalexperimentson sexbias are in a rela_
tionship of unequal power and trust. An
conductedat Harvard Universityin the tg9Os. experimenter,surveydirector,or researchinves_
Plagiarismoccurswhen, ..steals,' the tigator haspower over participantsand assis_
ideasor writings of anotheror usesthem with_ tants,and in turn, theytrust his or herjudgment
out citing the source.plagiarismalso includes and authority. The researcher,scredeitials,
stealingthe work of anotherresearcher, an assis_ training, professionalrole, and the placeofsci_
tant, or a student,and misrepresentingit as encein modernsocietylegitimatethepowerand
one'sown. Theseareseriousbreachesof ethical make it into a form of expert authoiity. Some
standards.l ethical issuesinvolve an abuseof power and
trust. A researcher's authority to conductsocial
Unethicalbut Legal researchand to earn the trust of othersis ac_
companiedalwaysby an unyielding ethical re_
Behaviormay be unethicalbut legal (i.e.,not sponsibilityto guide,protect,and overseethe
breakany law). A plagiarismcaseillustratesthe interestsof the peoplebeingstudied.
distinction betweenlegal and ethicalbehavior. When looking for ethical guidance,re_
The AmericanSociologicalAssociationdocu_ searchers arenot alone.Theycanturn to a num_
mentedthat a 1988book without any footnotes ber of resources: professionalcolleagues, ethical
by a deanfrom EasternNew Mexico University advisorycommittees,institutionalreviewboards
containedlarge sectionsof a 197gdissertation or human subjectscommitteesat a collegeor in_
that a sociologyprofessorat Tufts University stitution (discussedlater), codesof ethicsbv
y9t.. Copyingthe dissertarionwasnot illegal;it professionalassociations (discussed later in this
did not violatecopyrightlaw becausethe sJcio- chapter),and writings on ethicsin research.The
ogist'sdissertationdid not havea copyrightfiled largerresearchcommunity firmly supportsand
with the U.S. government.Neverthii.ri it *u, upholds ethicalbehavior,evenif an-individual

researcher is ultimatelyresponsibleto do what is others in Nazi Germany,and similar "medical

ethicalin specificsituations. experiments"to test biological weaponsby
|apanin the 1940s.In theseexperiments,terrible
tortures were committed. For example,people
wereplacedin freezingwaterto seehow long it
ETHICAL ISSUESINVOLVING took them to die,peoplewerepurposelystarved
RESEARCHPARTICIPANTS to death,peoplewereintentionallyinfectedwith
Have you everbeen a participant in a research horrible diseases, and limbs were severedfrom
study?If so,how wereyou treated?More atten- childrenand transplanted onto others.3
tion is focusedon the possiblenegativeefflects of Suchhuman rightsviolationsdid not occur
researchon thosebeing studiedthan any other only long ago.In a famouscaseof unethicalre-
ethical issue,beginningwith concernsabout search,the TuskegeeSlphilis Study,alsoknown
biomedicalresearch.Acting ethicallyrequires asBadBlood,thePresidentof the United States!
that a researcher balancethe valueofadvancing admitted wrongdoing and formally apologized
knowledgeagainstthe valueof noninterference in 1997to the participant-victims. Until the
in the lives of others. Either extreme causes 1970s,when a newspaper reportcauseda scan-
problems.Giving researchparticipantsabsolute dal to erupt, the U.S. Public Health Service
rights of noninterferencecould makeempirical sponsoreda study in which poor, uneducated
researchimpossible,but giving researchers ab- African Americanmen in Alabamasufferedand
solute rights of inquiry could nullifr Partici- died of untreatedsyphilis,while researcher
pants'basichuman rights. The moral question studiedthe severephysicaldisabilitiesthat ap-
becomes:When, if ever,areresearchers justified pear in advancedstagesofthe disease.The un-
in riskingphysicalharm or injury to thosebeing ethicalstudybeganin l929,beforepenicillinwas
studied, causing them great embarrassment or availableto treat the disease,but it continued
inconvenience,violating their privary, or fright- long aftertreatmentwasavailable.Despitetheir
eningthem? unethical treatment of the people, the re-
The law and codesof ethicsrecognizesome searchers wereableto publishtheir resultsfor 40
clear prohibitions: Never cause unnecessarF or years. The study ended in 1972,but a formal
irreversibleharm to subjects;secureprior vol- apologytook another25 Yeats."
untaryconsentwhenpossible;and neverunnec- Unfortunately,the BadBlood scandalis not
essarily humiliate, degrade, or release harmfirl unique. During the Cold War era,the
information about specificindividuals that was ernment periodicallycompromisedethicalre-
collected for research purposes. In other words, search principlesfor military and political goals.
you shouldalwaysshowrespectfor the research In 1995,reports revealedthat the goYernment
participant. Theseare minimal standardsand authorizedinjectingunknowingpeoplewith ra-
are subject to interpretation (e.g.,What does dioactivematerialin the late 1940s.In the 1950s'
unnecessary mean in a specificsituation?)' the governmentwarned EastmanKodak and
other film manufacturersabout nuclearfallout
from atomic teststo preventfoggedfilm, but it
Origins of ResearchPafticipant did not warn nearbycitizensof health hazards
Protection in the 1960s,the U.S. army gaveunsuspecting
Concernover the treatmentof research partici- soldiersLSD (a hallucinogenicdrug),causingse-
pants aroseafter the revelationof gross viola- rious trauma. Today,researchers widely recog-
tions of basic human rights in the name of nize these to be violations of two fundamental
science.The most notorious violations were ethical principles:Avoid physicalharm and ob-
"medical experiments"conductedon Iews and tain informed consent.s
CHAPTER3 , / E T H I C SI N S O C I A L R E S E A R C H 5l

Abuse, tential psychologicalharm that researchpartici-
and Legalfeopardy pants experienced.Others believethat the ex-
treme stressand the risk of permanentharm
Socialresearchcan harm a researchparticipant
weretoo great.Suchan experimentcould not be
in severalways:physical,psychological, andlegal
conductedtodaybecauseof heightenedsensitiv-
harm, aswell asharm to a person'scareer)repu-
ity to the ethicalissuesinvolved.
tation, or income. Different typesof harm are
Socialresearchers havecreatedhigh levelsof
morelikely in othertypesof research(e.g.,in ex-
perimentsversus field research).It is a re- anxietyor discomfort.They haveexposedpar-
ticipantsto gruesomephotos; fuk"ly told male
searcher'sresponsibilityto be awareof all types
studentsthat they havestrongfeminineperson-
ofpotential harm and to takespecificactionsto
ality traits; falselytold studentsthat they have
minimize the risk to participantsat all times.
failed; createda situation of high fear (e.g.,
PhysicalHarm. Physicalharm is rare.Evenin smokeenteringa room in which the door is
biomedicalresearch, wherethe interventioninto locked); asked participantsto harm others;
a person'slife is much greater,3 to 5 percentof placedpeoplein situationswheretheyfacesocial
studiesinvolved any person who sufferedany pressureto denytheir convictions;and had par-
harm.6A straightforwardethicalprincipleis that ticipantslie, cheat,or steal.TResearchers who
researchers should never causephysicalharm. study helpingbehavioroften placeparticipants
An ethicalresearcher anticipatesrisksbeforebe- in emergencysituationsto seewhetherthey will
ginning a study,including basicsafetyconcerns lend assistance. For example,Piliavin and asso-
(e.g.,safebuildings,furniture, and equipment). ciates(1969)studiedhelpingbehaviorin sub-
This meansthat he or shescreensout high-risk ways by faking someone'scollapseonto the
subjects(thosewith heart conditions,mental floor. In the field experiment,the riders in the
breakdown,seizures,etc.) if great stressis in- subwaycarwereunawareof the experimentand
volvedand anticipatespossiblesourcesofinjury did not volunteerto participatein it.
or physicalattackson researchparticipantsor The only researchers who might evencon-
assistants.The researcheracceptsmoral and le- siderconductinga studythat purposelyinduces
gal responsibilityfor injury due to participation great stressor anxiety in researchparticipants
in researchandterminatesa projectimmediately arevery experiencedand take all necessary pre-
if he or she can no longer fully guaranteethe cautionsbeforeinducing anxietyor discomfort.
physicalsafetyof the people involved (seethe The researchers shouldconsultwith otherswho
Zimbardostudyin Box 3.1). have conducted similar studies and mental
healthprofessionals astheyplan the studn They
PsychologicalAbuse, Stress,or Lossof Self- should screenout high-riskpopulations(e.g.,
Esteem, The risk of physicalharm is rare,but thosewith emotionalproblemsor weakhearts),
socialresearchers can place peoplein highly and arrangefor emergenryinterventions or ter-
stressful,embarrassing,anxiety-producing,or mination of the researchif dangeroussituations
unpleasantsituations.Researchers want to learn arise.Theymust alwaysobtainwritten informed
about people'sresponses in real-life,high-anxi- consent(to be discussed)beforethe research
ety-producing situations,so they might place and debrief the people immediatelyafterward
peoplein realisticsituationsof psychological dis- (i.e.,explainany deceptionand what actually
comfort or stress.Is it unethicalto causedis- happenedin the study). Researchers should
comfort? The ethics of the famous Milgram nevercreateunnecessary stress(i.e.,beyondthe
obedience studyarestill debated(seeBox 3.1). minimal amountneededto createthe desiredef-
Some say that the precautionstaken and the fect) or stressthat lacksa very clear,legitimate
knowledgegainedoutweighedthe stressandpo- researchpurpose. Knowing what "minimal

StanleyMilgram'sobedience study(Milgram,1963' later,in disguise,Humphreysuseda deceptivestory

1 965, 1 974) attemptedto discoverhow the hor- about a health surveyto interviewthe subjectsin
rorsof the Holocaustunderthe Naziscouldhaveoc- their homes.Humphreyswascarefulto keepnames
curredby examining the strengthof socialpressure in safetydepositboxes,and identifierswith subject
to obey authority.After signing"informedconsent nameswereburned.He significantly advancedknowl-
forms,"subjectswereassigned, in riggedrandomse- edgeof homosexuals who frequent"tearooms"and
lection,to be a "teacher" while a confederate wasthe overturnedpreviousfalsebeliefsabout them.There
"pupil."The teacherwasto test the pupil'smemory has beencontroversyover the study:The subjects
of word lists and increasethe electricshocklevelif neverconsented; deceptionwasused;andthe names
the pupilmademistakes. The pupilwaslocatedin a could havebeenusedto blackmailsubjects,to end
nearbyroom,so the teachercouldhearbut not see marriages, or to initiatecriminal prosecution.
the pupil.The shockapparatus wasclearlylabeled ln the Zimbardoprison experiment(Zimbardo'
with increasing voltage.As the pupil mademistakes 1972, 1973; Zimbardoet al.,1973, 1974), nale
andthe teacherturnedswitches, sheor he alsomade studentsweredividedinto two role-playing groups:
noisesasifin severe pain.The researcherwas present guardsand prisoners.Beforethe experiment, volun-
and madecommentssuchas "You must go on" to teer studentsweregivenpersonalitytests,and only
the teacher.Milgramreported,"subjectswere ob- thosein the "normal"rangewerechosen. Volunteers
servedto sweat,tremble,stutter, bite their lips, signedup for two weeks,andprisoners weretold that
groanand dig theirfingernails into their flesh'These they would be undersurveillance and would have
were characteristicrather than exceptionalre- some civil rights suspended, but that no physical
sponsesto the experiment" (Milgram , 1963:375). abusewasallowed. ln a simulatedprisonin the base-
The percentage of subjectswhowouldshockto dan- ment of a StanfordUniversitybuilding,prisoners
gerouslevelswasdramatically higherthan expected. weredeindividualized (dressed in standarduniforms
Ethicalconcerns arose over the useof deceptionand and calledonly by their numbers)and guardswere
the extreme emotional stress experiencedby militarized(with uniforms,nightsticks, and reflective
subjects. sunglasses). Guardsweretold to maintaina reason-
In LaudHumphreys's (Humphreys, 1975) tea' abledegreeof order and served8-hour shifts,while
roomtradestudy(a study of malehomosexualen- prisonerswere lockedup 24 hoursper day. Unex-
countersin publicrestrooms),about 100 menwere pectedly,the volunteersbecametoo caughtup in
observedengagingin sexualactsas Humphreyspre- their roles.Prisoners becamepassiveand disorga-
tended to be a "watchqueen"(a voyeur and look- nized,whileguardsbecameaggressive, arbitrary,and
out). Subjectswerefollowedto their cars,and their dehumanizing. By the sixthday,Zimbardocalledoff
licensenumbersweresecretlyrecorded.Namesand the experimentfor ethicalreasons.The risk of per-
addresses wereobtainedfrom policeregisterswhen manentpsychological harm,andevenphysical harm,
Humphreysposedas a marketresearcher. One year wastoo great.

amount" means comeswith experience.It is best sitive researchersreducesthe chancesof making

to begin with too little stress,risking a finding of an ethical misjudgment.
no effect, than to create too much. It is always Researchthat induces great stressand anx-
wise to work in collaboration with other re- iety in participants also carries the danger that
searcherswhen the risk to participants is high, experimenters will develop a callous or manip-
becausethe involvement of severalethically sen- ulative attitude toward others. Researchers

havereportedfeelingguilt and regretaftercon- undermining future social research.At the same

ducting experimentsthat causedpsychological time, a researcherwho fails to report illegalbehav-
harm to people.Experimentsthat placesub- ior is indirectly permitting criminal behavior. He
jectsin anxiety-producingsituationsmay pro- or shecouldbe chargedasan accessorytoa crime.
duce significantpersonaldiscomfort for the Cooperation with law-enforcement offi cialsraises
ethicalresearcher. the question, Is the researchera professionalsci-
entist who protects research participants in the
LegalHarm. A researcheris responsiblefor processof seekingknowledge, or a free-lanceun-
protectingresearchparticipantsfrom increased dercover informant who is really working for the
risk of arrest.If participationin researchin- police trying to "catch" criminals?
creasesthe risk of arrest,few individualswill
trust researchers or be willing to participatein Other Harm to Participants
future research.Potentiallegalharm is one crit-
icismof Humphreys's1975tearoomtradestudy Researchparticipants may face other types of
(seeBox3.1). harm. For example, a survey interview may cre-
A related ethical issueariseswhen a re- ate anxiety and discomfort if it askspeople to re-
searcherlearnsof illegalactivitywhen collecting call unpleasant or traumatic events. An ethical
data.A researcher researchermust be sensitiveto any harm to par-
must weighthe valueof pro-
tecting the researcher-subject ticipants, consider precautions, and weigh po-
the benefitsto future researchers tential harm against potential benefits.
tial seriousharm to innocent people.The re- Another type of harm is a negative impact
on the careers,reputations, or incomes of re-
searcherbearsthe cost of his or her judgment.
For example,in his field researchon police,Van search participants. For example, a researcher
Maanen(1982:114-115) conducts a survey of employees and concludes
beatpeopleand witnessingillegalactsand irreg- that the supervisor's performance is poor. As a
ular procedures,but said,"On and following consequence,the supervisorlosesher job. Or, a
thesetroublesomeincidentsI followedpolice researcherstudies homelesspeople living on the
custom:I kept my mouth shut." street. The findings show that many engage in
Field researchersin particular can face petty illegal acts to get food. As a consequence,a
difficult ethicaldecisions.For example,when city government "cracks down" on the petty ille-
gal acts and the homeless people can no longer
studyinga mentalinstitution,Taylor(19S7)dis-
coveredthe mistreatmentand abuseof inmates eat. What is the researcher'sresponsibility? The
by the staff.He had two choices:Abandon the ethical researcherconsidersthe consecuencesof
studyand callfor an immediateinvestigation,or research for those being studied. The general
keepquiet and continuewith the study for sev- goal is not to cause any harm simply because
eral months, publicizethe findings afterwards, someone was a researchparticipant. However,
and then becomean advocateto end the abuse. there is no set answer to such questions.A re-
After weighingthe situation,he followedthe lat- searchermust evaluateeachcase,iveighpoten-
ter courseand is now an activistfor the rightsof tial harm against potential benefits, and bear the
mentalinstitution inmates. responsibility for the decision.
In some studies,observing illegal behavior h-_^_r:^-
may be central to the researchproject. If a re-
searcher covertly observes and records illegal Has anyone ever told you a half-truth or lie to
behavior,thensuppliestheinformationtolaw-en- get you to do something? How did you feel
forcementauthorities,heorsheisviolatingethical about it? Social researchersfollow the ethical
standards regarding researchparticipants and is principle of wluntary consent:Never force any-
54 P A Rr oNE / F o u N D A T ro N s

one to participate in research,and do not lie to be best.When in doubt,it is bestto err in the di-
anyone unless it is necessaryand the only way to rectionof disclosingone'strue identity and pur-
accomplish a legitimate research purpose. The pose.Covertresearchremainscontroversial,and
people who participate in social researchshould many researchers feelthat all covertresearchis
explicitly agree to participate. A person's right unethical.Eventhosewho acceptcovertresearch
not to participate can be a critical issue when- asethicalin certainsituationssaythat it should
ever the researcherusesdeception, disguisesthe be usedonlywhen overt observationis impossi-
research.or usescovert researchmethods. ble. Wheneverpossible,the researchershould
Social researcherssometimes deceive or lie inform participantsof the observationimmedi-
to participants in field and experimental re- ately afterwardsand give them an opportunity
search. A researcher might misrepresent his or to expressconcerns.
her actions or true intentions for legitimate Deceptionand covertresearchmay increase
methodological reasons.For example, if partici- mistrustand qfnicismaswell asdiminish public
pants knewthe true purpose, theywould modifr respectfor socialresearch.Misrepresentationin
their behavior, making it impossible to learn of field researchis analogousto being an under-
their real behavior. Another situation occurs coveragentor governmentinformer in nonde-
when accessto a researchsite would be impossi- mocratic societies.The use of deceptionhas a
ble if the researchertold the truth. Deception is long-term negativeeffect.It increasesdistrust
never preferable if the researchercan accomplish among peoplewho are frequentlystudied and
the same thing without using deception. makesdoing socialresearchmore difficult in the
Experimental researchersoften deceivesub- long term.
jects to prevent them from learning the hypoth-
esisbeing tested and to reduce "reactive effects"
lnformed Consent
(seeChapter 8). Deception is acceptableonly if a
researcher can show that it has a clear, specific A fundamentalethicalprinciple of socialre-
methodological purpose, and even then, the re- searchis: Never coerceanyoneinto participat-
searcher should use it only to the minimal de- ing; participationmustbevoluntary at all times.
gree necessary.Researcherswho use deception Permissionaloneis not enough;peopleneedto
should always obtain informed consent, never know what they arebeingaskedto participatein
misrepresent risks, and always explain the actual sothat theycanmakean informeddecision.Par-
conditions to participants afterwards.You might ticipants can becomeawareof their rights and
ask, How can a researcherobtain prior informed what theyaregettinginvolvedin whenthey read
consent and still use deception? He or she can and sign a statementgiwng informedconsent-
describe the basic procedures involved and con- an agreementby participants stating they are
ceal only specific information about hlpotheses willing to be in a study and they know some-
being tested. thing aboutwhat the researchprocedurewill in-
Sometimes field researchersuse covert ob- volve.
servation to gain entry to field researchsettings. Governmentsvary in the requirement for
In studies of cults, small extremist political sects, informed consent.The U.S.federalgovernment
illegal or deviant behavior, or behavior in a large doesnot require informed consentin all re-
public area, it may be impossible to conduct re- searchinvolving human subjects.Nevertheless,
search if a researcher announces and discloses researchers shouldgetwritten informed consent
her or his true purpose. Ifa covert stance is not unlesstherearegoodreasonsfor not obtainingit
essential,a researchershould not use it. If he or (e.g.,covertfield research,
she does not know whether covert accessis nec- etc.) asjudgedby an institutional reviewboard
essary then a strategy of gradual disclosure may (IRB) (seethe laterdiscussion of IRBs).

Informed consent statements provide spe_ dition of continued employment. It is unethical

cific information (seeBox 3.2). A generalstaie_ even if someoneother than the researcher(e.g.,
ment about the kinds ofprocedures or questions an employer) coercespeople (e.g.,employees)to
involved and the uses of the data are sufficient participate in research.
for informed consent. Studies suggestthat par_
Full disclosurewith the researcher,sidentifi_
ticipants who receive a full informed conienr cation helps to protect research participants
statement do not respond differently from those againstfraudulent researchand to protectiegit_
who do not. If anlthing, people who refused to imate researchers.Informed consentlessensthe
sign such a statement were more likely to guess chance that a con artist in the guise of a re_
or answer"no response"to questions. searcherwill defraud or abusepeople. It also re_
It is unethical to coerce people to partici_ duces the chance that someone will use a boeus
pate,,including offering them special benefits
researcheridentity to market products or obtlin
that they cannot otherwise attain. For example, personal information on people for unethical
it is unethical for a commanding officer to orider purposes.
a soldier to participate in a stud|, for a professor
Legally, a signed informed consent state_
to require a student to be a research zubiect in ment is optional for most survey, field, and sec_
order to passa course, or for an employer to ex_ ondary data research,but it is often mandat<1ry
pect an employee to complete u ,urr.y'u, u .or_
for experimental research. Informed consent is
impossible to obtain in existing statistics and
documentary research.The general rule is: The
greater the risk of potential harm to research
participants, the greater the need to obtain a
written informed consent statement from them.
Informedconsentstatementscontainthe following: In sum, there are many sound reasonsto get in_
formed consent and few reasonsnot to gei it.
1. A brief descriptionof the purposeand proce_
dureofthe research,includingthe expecteddu_
rationofthe study Special Populations and New
2. A statementof any risksor discomfortassoci_ Inequalities
atedwith participation Somepopulationsor groupsof researchpartici_
3. A guaranteeof anonymityand the confidential_ pantsarenot capableof givingtrue voluniaryin_
ity of records formed ent. Specialp opulationsare peopie
4. The identificationof the researcherand of -cols
who lack the necessary cognitivecompet;ito
whereto receiveinformationabout subiects' givevalid informed consentor peoplein a weak
rightsor questions aboutthe study position who might castasidetheir freedomto
5. A statementthat participation refuseto participatein a study.Students,
is completelyvol_ prison
untaryandcanbe terminated at anvtimewith_ inmates, employees,military p..ron.r.i, th"
out penalty homeless, welfarerecipients,children,and the
6. A statementof alternativeproceduresthat mav developmentallydisablid may not be fully capa_
be used ble of makinga decision,or they ugr." ao
Z. A statementof any benefitsor compensation participate only because -uyparticipa_
providedto subjectsandthe numberofsubiects tion asa wayto obtaina desiredgood_suchas
involved highergrades,earlyparol., prorrroliorrs,or addi_
8. An offerto providea summaryof findings tionalservices.It is unethicalto involve,.incom_
pet:nt people(e.g.,children,mentallydisabled,
etc.)in researchunlessa researcher meetstwo

minimal conditions:(1) a legalguardiangrants long asit meetsthreeconditions:it is attachedto

written permissionand (2) the researcherfol- a cleareducationalobiective,the studentshavea
lows all standardethicalprinciplesto protect choiceof researchexperienceor an alternative
participantsfrom harm. For example,a re- activity, and all other ethical principles of re-
searcherwants to conduct a survey of high searcharefollowed.
schoolstudentsto learn about their sexualbe-
haviorand drug/alcoholuse.Ifthe surveyiscon- Avoid Creating New Inequalities. Another
ductedon schoolproperty,schoolofficialsmust typeof harm occurswhen onegroupof peopleis
giveofficialpermission.For anyresearchpartic- denieda serviceor benefitasa resultof partici-
ipant who is a legalminor (usuallyunder 18 pating in a researchproject. For example,a re-
years old), written parental permission is searchermight havea new treatmentfor people
needed.It is bestto askpermissionfrom each with a terribledisease, suchasacquiredimmune
student,aswell. deficiencysyndrome (AIDS). To determinethe
The useof coercionto participatecan be a effectsof the new treatment, half the group is
tricky issue,and it dependson the specificsof a randomlychosento receivethe treatment,while
situation. For example,a convictedcriminal othersreceivenothing. The designmay clearly
facesthe alternativeof imprisonmentor partici- showwhetherthe treatmentis effective,but par-
pation in an experimentalrehabilitationpro- ticipantsin the group who receiveno treatment
gram.The convictedcriminal may not believein may die. Of course,thosereceivingthe treat-
the benefitsof the program,but the researcher ment may also die, until more is known about
may believethat it will help the criminal. This is whetherit is effective.Is it ethicalto denypeople
a caseof coercion.A researchermust honestly who have been randomly assignedto a study
judgewhetherthebenefitsto the criminal andto group the potentially life-saving treatment?
societygreatlyoutweighthe ethicalprohibition What if a clear,definitivetestofwhether a treat-
on coercion.This is risky. History showsmany ment is effectiverequiresthat one study group
casesin which a researcherbelievedhe or she receiveno treatment?
wasdoing something"for the goodof' someone A researchercan reducecreatinga new in-
in a powerless position(e.g.,prisoners, students, equalityamong researchparticipantswhen the
homosexuals), but it turned out that the "good" outcomehasa major impact on their survivalor
actuallywasfor the researcher or a powerful or- qualityof life in threeways.First,the peoplewho
ganizationinsociety,and it did more harm than do not receivethe "new, improved" treatment
goodto the research participant. continue to receivethe best previouslyaccept-
You may havebeenin a socialscienceclass abletreatment.In other words,insteadof deny-
in which a teacherrequiredyou to participateas ing all assistance, they get the best treatment
a subjectin a researchproject.This is a special availableprior to the new one beingtested.This
caseofcoercion and is usuallyethical.Teachers ensuresthat peoplewill not suffer in absolute
havemadethreeargumentsin favor of requiring terms,evenif theytemporarilyfall behindin rel-
student participation: (1) it would be difficult ative terms. Second,researcherscan use a
and prohibitively expensiveto get participants crossover design,which is when a study group
otherwise,(2) the knowledgecreatedfrom re- that getsno treatmentin the first phaseof the
searchwith studentsserringassubjectsbenefits experimentbecomesthe group with the treat-
future studentsand society,and (3) studentswill ment in the secondphase,andviceversa.Finally,
learnmore aboutresearchby experiencingit di- the researchercontinuouslymonitors results.If
rectly in a realisticresearchsetting.Of the three it appearsearlyin the study that the new treat-
arguments,only the third justifieslimited coer- ment is highly effective,the researchershould
cion. This limited coercionis acceptableonly as offer it to those in the control group. Also, in

high-risk experimentswith medicaltreatments Anonymity, Researchersprotect privacy by

or possiblephysicalharm, researchersmay use not disclosinga participant'sidentity after in-
animalor other surrogatesfor humans. formation is gathered.This takestwo forms,
both ofwhich requireseparatingan individual,s
Privacy,Anonymity, and identity from his or her responses:anonymity
Confidentiality and confidentiality.Anonymity meansthatpeo-
How would you feelif privatedetailsaboutyour ple remain anonymousor nameless.For exam-
personallife weresharedwith the publicwithout ple, a field researcher providesa socialpicture of
your knowledge?Becausesocial researchers a particular individual, but givesa fictitious
sometimestransgressthe privacy of people in name and location, and alters somecharacteris-
order to study socialbehavior,they must take tics. The subject's identity is protected,and the
severalprecautionsto protect researchpartici- individual remains unknown or anon)rynous.
pants'privacy. Surveyand experimentalresearchers discardthe
namesor addresses of subjectsassoonaspossi-
Privacy. Surveyresearchers invadea person's ble and refer to participantsby a codenumber
privacy when they probe into beliefs, back- only to protect anonymity.If a researcherusesa
grounds,and behaviorsin a way that revealsin- mail surveyand includesa codeon the cues-
timate private details.Experimentalresearchers tionnaireto determinewhich respondentsfailed
sometimesusetwo-way mirrors or hidden mi- to respond,he or sheis not keepingrespondents
crophonesto "spy" on subjects.Evenifpeople anonymousduring that phaseof the study. In
know theyarebeingstudied,theyareunawareof panelstudies,researchers track the sameindi-
what the experimenteris looking for. Field re- vidualsovertime, sothey do not uphold partic-
searchers may observeprivateaspectsof behav- ipant anonymity within the study. Likewise,
ior or eavesdropon conversations. historicalresearchers usespecificnamesin his-
In field research,privacy may be violated torical or documentaryresearch.They may do
without advancewarning. When Humphreys so if the original information was from public
(1975)servedasa "watchqueen"in a public rest- sources;if the sourceswere not publicly avail-
room wherehomosexualcontactstookplace,he able,a researchermust obtain written permis-
observedvery privatebehaviorwithout inform- sion from the owner of the documentsto use
ing subjects.When Piliavin and colleagues specificnames.
\I?69) had peoplecollapseon subwaysto siudy It is difficult to protect researchparticipant
tfulping behavior,those in the subwaycar had anongnity. In one studyabouta fictitioustown,
the privacy of their ride violated. people have "Springdale," in Small Town in Mass Sociery
beenstudiedin public places(e.g.,in waiting (Vidich andBensman,1968),it waseasyto iden-
rooms, walking down the street,in classrooms, tifythe town and specificindividualsin it. Town
etc.),but some"public" placesaremore private residentsbecame upset about how the re-
than others (consider,for example,the use of searchersportrayed them and stageda parade
periscopesto observepeoplewho thought they mockingthe researchers. Peopleoften recognize
werealonein a public toilet stall). the townsstudiedin communityresearch. yet, if
Eavesdropping on conversationsand ob- a researcher protectsthe identitiesof individuals
servingpeoplein quasi-privateareasraisesethi- with fictitious information, the gap between
cal concerns.To be ethical,a researcherviolates what wasstudiedand what is reportedto others
privacy only to the minimum degreenecessary raisesquestionsaboutwhat wasfound and
and only for legitimateresearchpurposes.In ad- wasmadeup. A researcher maybreachapromise
dition, he or shetakesstepsto protectthe infor- of anonymity unknowingly in smallsamples.For
mation on participantsfrom public disclosure. example,let us sayyou conducta surveyof 100
collegestudentsand ask many questionson a obligated them to destroy the records rather
questlonnaire,including age'sex' religion, and than givethem to governmentofficials.
hometown.Thesamplecontainsone22-year-old Confidentiality can sometimesprotect re-
Jewishmaleborn in Stratford,Ontario.With this searchparticipantsfrom legalor physicalharm'
information,you could find out who the specific In a study of illegal drug usersin rural Ohio,
Drausand associates (2005)took greatcareto
individualis and how he answeredverypersonal
questions,eventhoughhis namewasnot directly protect the researchparticipants'They con-
recordedon thequestionnaire. ducted interviewsin large multiuse buildings'
avoided referencesto illegal drugs in written
Confiilentiality. Even if a researcher cannot documents,did not mention of namesof drug
protectanonyrnity,he or shealwaysshould pro- dealersand locations,and did not affiliatewith
tect participant confidentiality. Anonymity drug rehabilitation services,which had ties to
meansprotectingthe identityof specific individ- law enforcement.Theynoted,"We intentionally
uals from being known. Confidentiality can avoidedcontactwith local police, prosecutors,
include information with participant names at- or paroleofficers"and "surveillanceofthe pro-
tached.but the researcher holdsit in confidence leci by local law enforcementwas a source
or keepsit secretfrom public disclosure.The re- concern" (p. 169). In other situations,other
searcherreleases datain a waythat do€s not per- principlesmay take precedenceover protecting
mit linking specificindividuals to responses and research participant confidentiality.For exam-
presentsit publicly only in an aggregate form ple, when studyingpatientsin a mentalhospital,
(e.g.,aspercentages, statisticalmeans,etc.)' i researcher discoversthat a patientis preparing
A researchercan provide anonymity with- to kill an attendant. The researchermust weigh
they the benefit of confidentiality againstthe poten-
out confidentiality,or vice versa,although
usuallygo together.Anonymity without confi- tial harm to the attendant.
dentiality occursif all the detailsabout a specific Social researcherscan pay high personal
individual aremadepublic, but the individual's costs for being ethical.Although he was never
name is withheld. Confidentiality without accused or convictedofbreakinganylaw and he
anonymityoccursif detailedinformation is not closely followed the ethical principles of the
madepublic, but a researcher privatelylinks in- American Sociological Association,Professor
dividual namesto specificresponses. Rik Scarce spent 16 weeks in a Spokanejail for
to testify
Attempts to protect the identity of subjects contemptof court becausehe refused
before a grand jury and break the confidentiality
from public disclosurehasresultedin elaborate
procedures:eliciting anonyrnousresponses' us- ofsocialresearchdata.Scarcehadbeenstudying
ing a third-party custodianwho holdsthe key to radical animalliberationgroupsandhad akeady
codedlists,or usingthe random-response tech- published one book on the subject.He had in-
nique. Pastabusessuggestthat such measures terviewed a researchparticipant who was sus-
may be necessary. For example,Diener and pected of leading a group that broke into animal
Crandall (1978:70)reported that during the iacilities and caused $150,000damage.Two
1950s,the U.S.StateDepartmentandthe FBI re- judges refused to acknowledge the confidential-
questedresearchrecordson individualswho had ity ofsocial research data.E
6een involved in the famousKinsey sexstudy' A specialconcernwith anonymityand con-
The KinseySexInstitute refusedto complywith fidentiality arises when a researcherstudies
"captive" populations (e.g.,students,prisoners,
the government.The institutethreatenedto de-
stroyall recordsratherthan releaseany.Eventu- employees, patients, and soldiers).Gatekeepers
backeddown.The ot thote in positions of authority, may restrict
ally,the governmentagencies
access unless they receive information on sub-
moral duty and ethicalcode of the researchers

jects.9Forexample,a researcher studiesdrug use pact of researchprocedureson human partici_

and sexualactivityamonghigh schoolstudents. pantsand appliesethicalguidelinesbyrwiewing
Schoolauthoritiesagreeto cooperateunder two researchproceduresat a preliminarystagewhen
conditions:(1) studentsneedparentalpermis_ first proposed.Someforms of researchleduca_
sionto participateand (Z) schoolofiiciali getthe tional tests,normal educationalpractice,most
namesof all drug usersand sexuallyacti,iestu_ norrsensitivesurveys,most observationof public
dentsin order to assistthe studentswith coun_ behavior,and studiesof existingdata in which
selingand to inform the students'parents.An individuals cannot be identifiid are exemDr
ethicalresearcherwill refuseto contlinuerather from institutionalreviewboards.
than meet the secondcondition. Even though
the officialsclaim to havethe participants,best
interestsin mind, the privary ofparticipantswill
be violatedand they could be in legaliur- u, u ETHICS AND THE SCIENTIFIC
result ofdisclosure.Ifthe schoolofficialsreally COMMUNITY
want to assistthe studentsand not ,r" ,"_ Physicians,attorneys,family counselors,social
searchersas spies,they could developan out_ workers,and other professionalshavea codeof
reachprogramoftheir own. ethicsandpeerreviewboardsor licensingregu'_
lations. The codesformalizeprofessionj stan_
Mandated Protections of Research dards_and provide guidancJ when questions
Participants arisein practice.Socialresearchers do not pro_
vide a servicefor a fee,they receivetimited ettri_
Many governmentshaveregulationsandlawsto cal training, and rarely are they licensed.Thev
protectresearchparticipantsand their rights.In incorporate ethical concernsinto researchbe'_
the United States,legalrestraintis found i-nrules causeit is morally and sociallyresponsible,and
and regulationsissuedby the U.S.Department to protectsocialresearchfrom chargesofinsen_
of Health and Human ServicesOffice for the sitivity or abusingpeople.professionalsocialsci_
Protectionfrom Research Risks.Althoughthis is ence associationshave codes of ethics that
only one federal agency,most researchersand identif, proper and improper behavior. They
other governmentagencieslook to it for guid_ representa consensus ofprofessionalson ethics.
ance.The National ResearchAct (1974) eitab_ All researchers may not agreeon all ethical is_
lished the National Commission for the sues,and ethicalrulesare subjectto interpreta_
frotection of Human Subjectsin Biomedical tion, but researchers are expectedto uphotd
and BehavioralResearch, which significantlyex_ ethicalstandardsaspart of thiir members'hipin
pandedregulationsand requiredinformed ton_ a professionalcommunity.
sentin most socialresearch.The responsibility Codesofresearchethicscanbe tracedto the
for safegrrardingethicalstandardswasassigned Nuremberg code adopted during the Nurem_
to researchinstitutesand universities.The De_ bergMilitary Tribunal on Nazi wir crimesheld
partment of Health and Human Servicesissued by the Allied Powersimmediatelyafter World
regulationsin i981, which arestill in force.Fed_ War IL The code,developedasa responseto the
eral regulationsfollow a biomedicalmodel and crueltyof concentrationcampexperiments,out_
protectsubjectsfrom physicalharm. Other rules linesethicalprinciplesand rightsof human sub_
requireinstitutional reviewboards(IRBs)at all jects.Theseincludethe following:
researchinstitutes,colleges,and universitiesto
review all use of human subjects.An IRB is a r The principle of voluntaryconsent
committeeof researchers and communitymem_ r Avoidance of unnecessaryphysical and
bersthat oversees, monitors,and reviewrih. i-_ mentalsufFering

r Avoidanceof any experimentwhere death

or disablinginjury is likelY
r Termination of researchif its continuation
is likely to causeinjury, disability,or death
restswith the individualre-
r The principle that experimentsshould be
conductedby highly qualifiedpeopleusing
the highestlevelsof skill and care Do not exploitsubjectsor studentsfor personal
r The principle that the resultsshouldbe for gain.
the goodof societyand unattainableby any Someform of informedconsentis highlyrecom-
other method mendedor required.
Honor all guaranteesof privacy,confidentiality,
The principlesin the Nurembergcodedealt and anonymity. r
with thelreatment of human subjectsand fo-
I Do not coerceor humiliatesubjects.
cusedon medicalexperimentation,but theybe-
camethe basisfor the ethicalcodesin social I Usedeceptiononly if needed,andalwaysaccom-
research.Similarcodesof human rights,suchas panyit with debriefing.
the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human r Usethe researchmethodthat is appropriateto a
Rightsbythe United Nationsand the l964Dec- topic.
laration of Helsinki, alsohaveimplicationsfor r Detectand removeundesirable consequences to
socialresearchers. Box 3.3listssomeof the basic researchsubjects.
principlesof ethicalsocialresearch. or publi-
have of the research
r Anticipaterepercussions
Professional socialscienceassociations
and hear cationof results.
committeesthat reviewcodesof ethics
aboutpossibleviolations,but thereis no formal r ldentifythe sponsorwho fundedthe research'
policingof the codes.Thepenaltyfor a minor vi- r Cooperatewith host nationswhendoingcompar-
olation rarelygoesbeyonda letter of complaint' ativeresearch.
If lawshavenot beenviolated,the most extreme r Release the detailsof the study designwith the
penaltyis the negativepublicity surrounding a results.
well-documentedand seriousethicalviolation'
The publicity may resultin the lossof employ- r Make interpretationsof resultsconsistentwith
find- the data.
ment, a refusalto publish the researcher's
ingsin scholarlyjournals,and a prohibition from r standardsand strivefor
receivingfunding for research-in other words, accuracy.
banishmentfrom the communityof professional I Do not conductsecretresearch.
Codesof ethicsdo more than codify think-
ing and provide individual researcherswith
goidutt..; they also help universitiesand other
institutions defend ethical research'against
abuses.For example,after interviewing24 staff the universityand demandedto know who on
their staffhadtalkedto the researcher,with im-
membersand conductingobservations,a re-
searcherin 1994documentedthat the staffatthe plicationsthat theremight be reprisals.The uni-
Milwaukee Public DefendersOffice were seri- versity administration defendedthe researcher
ouslyoverworkedand could not effectivelypro- and refusedto releasethe information, citing
vide legaldefensefor poor people'Learningof widely acceptedcodesthat protecthuman re-
searchparticipants. IU
the findings,top officialsat the officecontacted
CHAPTER3 , / E T H I C SI N S O C I A L R E S E A R C H 61

ETHICS AND THE SPONSORS OF tions, lowered pay, an undesirable transfer,

RESEARCH abandonment by friends at work, or incurring
legal costs.There is no guarantee that doing the
Whistle-Blowing ethical-moral thing will stop the unethical be_
havior or protect the honest researcher from
You might find a job whereyou do researchfor retaliation.
a sponsor-an employer,a governmentagency, Applied social researchersin sponsoredre_
or a privatefirm that contractswith a researcher search settings need to think
seriously about
to conduct research.Specialethicalproblems their professionalroles.They may
want to main_
arisewhena sponsorpaysfor research, especially tain some independence from an employer and
applied research.Researchers may be uik.d to affirm their membership in a community of
compromiseethical or professionalresearch dedicated professionals. Many
find a defense
standardsasa condition for receivinga contract against sponsor pressures by participating in
or for continuedemplognent.Researchers need professional organizations (e.g., the Bvaluaiion
to setethicalboundariesbeyondwhich thevwill ResearchSociety), maintaining regular contacts
refusethe sponsor'sdemands.When confronted with researchersoutside the sponsoring
with an illegitimatedemandfrom a sponsor,a zation, and staying current with the best re_
researcher hasthreebasicchoices:loyaltvto an search practices. The researcherleast likely to
organizationor larger group, exiting from the uphold ethical standards in a sponsored setiing
situation,or voicingopposition.I 1Thesepresent is someone who is isolated and professionallv
themselves ascavingin to the sponsor,quitting, secure.Whatever the situation, unethical belav-
or becominga whistle-blower.The researcher ior is never justified by the argument ..If
that I
must choosehis or her own courseof action,but didn't do it, someone elsewould have.,'
it is bestto considerethicalissuesearlyin a rela-
tionshipwith a sponsorand to expressconcerns
up front. Wistle-blowinginvolvesthe researcher Arriving at Particular Findings
who seesan ethicalwrongdoing,and who can- What should you do if a sponsor tells you, di-
not stop it after informing superiorsand ex- rectly or indirectly, what results you should
hausting internal avenuesto resolvethe issue. come up with before you do a study? An ethical
He or shethen turns to outsidersandinforms an researcherwill refuse to participate if he or she is
external audience,agency,or the media. The told to arrive at specific results as a precondition
whistle-blowingresearchermust be convinced for doing research.Legitimate researchis con-
that the breachof ethicsis seriousand approved ducted without restrictions on the possible find-
of in the organization.It is risky. The outsiders ings that a study might yield.
may or may not be interestedin the problem or An example of pressure to arrive at particu_
ableto help.Outsidersoften havetheir own pri- lar findings is in the areaof educationaltesting.
orities(makingan organizationlook bad,sensa- Standardizedtests to measure achievementby
tionalizingtheproblem,etc.)that differ from the U.S. school children have come under criticism.
researcher's primary concern(endingthe uneth- For example, children in about 90 percent of
ical behavior).Supervisorsor managersmay try school districtsin the United Statesscore..above
to discreditor punishanyonewho exposes prob- average" on such tests. This was called the Lake
lemsand actsdisloyal.Under the bestof condi- Wobegonffict after the mythical town of Lake
tions, the issuemay take a long time to resolve Wobegon, where, according to radio show host
and creategreatemotionalstrain.By doingwhat Garrison Keillor, "all the children are above av-
is moral, a whistle-blowerneedsto be prepared erage."The main reason for this finding was that
to make sacrifices-lossof a iob or no promo- the researcherscompared scoresofcuirent stu-

dents with those of studentsmany yearsago. givesthe sponsorswhatevertheywant, evenif it

Many teachers,schoolprincipals,superinten- is ethicallywrong,or aprofessionalwhois oblig-
dents,and schoolboardspressuredfor a tFpeof atedto teach,guide,or evenopposesponsorsin
result that would allow them to report to par- the serviceof highermoral principles.
ents and voters that their school district was A researchershouldask Why would spon-
"aboveaverage."rz sorswant the socialresearchconductedif they
arenot interestedin usingthe findingsor in the
Limits on How to Conduct Studies. Is it ethi- truth? The answeris that somesponsorsarenot
callyacceptable for a sponsorto limit research by interestedin the truth and haveno respectfor
definingwhat a researcher canstudyor by limit- the scientificprocess.They seesocialresearch
ing the techniquesused?Sponsorscan legiti- only as"a cover"to legitimatea decisionor prac-
mately set some conditions on research tice that they plan to carry out, but useresearch
techniquesused(e.g.,surveyversusexperiment) to justifr their action or deflectcriticism. They
and limit costsfor research.However,the re- abusethe researcher's professionalstatusand
searchermustfollow generallyacceptedresearch undermineintegrity of scienceto advancetheir
methods.Researchers must give a realisticap- own narrow goals.They are being deceitfulby
praisalof what canbe accomplishedfor a given trying to "cashin" on socialresearch'sreputa-
levelof funding. The issueof limits is common tion for honesty.When sucha situationoccurs,
in contractresearch, whena firm or government an ethicalresearcherhas a moral responsibility
agencyasksfor work on a particular research to exposeand stopthe abuse.
project.Thereis often a tradeoffbetweenquality
and cost.Plus,oncethe researchbegins,a re- SuppressingFindings
searchermay needto redesignthe project,or
costsmay be higher. The contractprocedure What happensif you conduct a study and the
makesmidstreamchangesdifficult. A researcher findings make the sponsorlook bad, then the
may find that he or sheis forcedby the contract sponsordoesnot want to releasethe results?
to useresearchproceduresor methodsthat are This is a common situationfor manyappliedre-
lessthan ideal.The researcherthen confionts a searchers. For example,a sociologistconducted
dilemma:completethe contract and do low- a study for a stategovernmentlottery commis-
qualityresearch,or fail to firlfill the contractand sion on the effectsof stategovernment-spon-
losemoneyand future jobs. soredgambling.After shecompletedthe report,
A researchershould refuseto continue a but beforereleasingit to the public,the commis-
study if he or she cannot uphold generallyac- sion askedher to removesectionsthat outlined
ceptedstandardsof research.If a sponsorde- the manynegativesocialeffectsof gamblingand
mands a biased sample or leading survey to eliminateher recommendationsto createso-
questions,the ethicalresearcher shouldrefuseto cial servicesto help the anticipatedincreaseof
cooperate.If a legitimatestudy showsa spon- compulsivegamblers.The researcher found her-
sor's pet idea or project to be disaster,a re- selfin a difficult position and facedtwo conflict-
searchermay anticipatethe end of employrnent ing values:do what the sponsorrequestedand
or pressureto violateprofessionalresearchstan- paid for, or revealthe truth to the public but
dards. In the long run, the sponsor,the re- then sufferthe consequences?l3
searcher,the scientificcommunity, and society Governmentagenciesmay suppressscien-
in generalareharmedby the violation of sound tific information that contradictsofficial policy
researchpractice.The researcherhas to decide or embarrasses high officials.Retaliationagains
whetherhe or sheis a "hired hand" who always social researchersemployed by government

agencieswho makethe information public also sponsor'scriticism and hostility and releasethe
occurs.In 2004,leadingscientists,Nobel laure_ findings
over the sponsor,sobjections.Most re_
ates,leading medical experts,former federal
searchers preferthe first choice,sincethe second
agencydirectors,and universitychairsandpres_ one
identssigneda statementvoicing .orr..r.r'orr.,
Socialresearchers sometimesself_censor or
the misuseof sciencebythe GeorgeW. Bushad_ delay
the releaseof findings.Theydo this to pro_
ministration.Major accusationiincluded su_ tect
the identity of informants,to maintain ac_
pressingresearchfindingsand stackingscientific
cessto a researchsite,to hold on to their iobs.or
advisorycommitteeswith ideologicallicommit_
to protect the pe.rconalsafetyof themselvesor
ted adyocatesrather than impaitial scientists. family
members.15 This is a lessdisturbingtype
Other complaintsincluded limiting the public of censorshipbecauseit is not imposed"bvan
releasestudieson auto-safteydata,negativedata orrtsidepower. It is done by someonewho is
about pharmaceuticals, and studiesin pollu_ close to the researchand who is knowledgeable
tion. Theseinvolvedindustriesthat were^major about
possibleconsequences. Researchersjroul_
political campaignsupportersof the administra_
de-rthe ultimateresponsibilityfor their research.
tion. Additional criticismsappearedover re_ Often,
they can draw on many different re_
moving a goyernmentfact sheetciting studies sources
but they facemanycompetingpressures,
that showedno relationshipbetweenabortions as
and breastcancer,removingstudyresultsabout
positiveeffectsof condomusein pregnancypre_
vention, holding back information on poritirr. Concealing the True Sponsor
aspectsof stem cell research,and requiring re_ Is it ethicalto keepthe identity of a sponsorse_
searchersto revisetheir study findings on iurr_ cret?For example,an abortion clinic funds a
gersofarctic oil drilling and endangeiedspecies
study on membersof religiousgroupswho op_
so they would conform to the administraiion's pose
abortion, but it tells the researchernot to
political agenda.An independent2005surveyof revealto participantswfro is funding the study.
460 biologistswho worked for FisheriesSeryice The
researcher must balancethe ethilal rule that
found that about one-third said they were di_ it is usuallybestto reveala sponsor,sidentity to
rectedto suppressfindingsfor nonscientificrea_ participants
againstboth the sponsor,sdesirefor
sons or to inappropriately exclude or alter confidentialityand reducedcooperationby par_
technicalinformation from an official scientific ticipants
in the study.In generil, an ethiJ re_
document.In fune 2005,it wasdiscoveredthat a searcherwill t€ll subjectswho is sponsoringa
political appointeewithout scientific training
study unlessthere is a strong methodologilal
who hadpreviouslybeenan oil industrvlobbvist
for not doingso.When reportingor
waschargedwith editingofficialgovernmentre_ ,t.1r.o"lishing results,the ethicalmandateisvlrv de-,
ports to play down the researchfindings that
A researcher must alwaysrevealthe sponsorwho
documentedlinkagesbetweensuch emlssions provides
fundsfor a study.
In sponsoredresearch,a researchercan ne_
gotiateconditionsfor releasingfindingsprior to
beginningthe study and sign a contraitio that POLITIC S OF R E S E A R C H
effect.It may be unwise to conduct the study Ethics largely addressmoral concerns and stan_
without sucha guarantee,althoughcompeting dards
ofprofessional conduct in research that
researchers who havefewerethicalscruplesmay are under the researcher'scontrol. political con_
do so.Alternatively,a researchercan aicept the cerns also afi[ectsocial research, but many are be_
64 P A RToNE / F o u N D AT ro N s

yond the control of researchers. The politics of want to protect or advancetheir political-
researchusuallyinvolveactionsby organizedad- financialposition, and fear socialresearcher
vocacygroups,powerful interestsin society, might yield findings showingthat their actions
governments,or politicianstrying to restrictor are harmful to the public or some sectorsof
control the direction of socialresearch.Histori- society.And third, somepeoplein societydo not
cally,the political influenceover socialresearch respectthe idealsof scienceto pursue truth/
has included preventingresearchers from con- knowledgeand insteadview scientificresearch
ducting a study,cutting off or redirectingfunds only ascoverfor advancingprivateintereists(see
for research,harassingindividual researchers, Box3.4).
censoringthe releaseof researchfindings, and
using socialresearchas a cover or guisefor
For example,U.S. Congressmemberstargeted
and eliminatedfunding for researchprojects
that independentpanelsof scientistsrecom- You haveundoubtedlyheardabout"value-free"
mendedbecauseCongressdid not like the topics researchand the importanceof being "objec-
that would be studied,and politicallyappointed tive" in research.This is not assimpleat it might
officialsshiftedresearchfunds to suppoft more first appearfor severalreasons.First, there are
studieson topics consistentwith their political different meaningsof the terms valuefree and
viewswhile endingsupportfor studieson topics objective. Second,different approachesto social
that might contradicttheir views.A largecom- science(positivism,interpretative,critical) hold
panythreatenedan individual researcher with a different viewson the issue.And last. evenre-
lawsuitfor deliveringexperttestimonyin public searchers who agreethat socialresearchshould
aboutresearchfindingsthat revealedits pastbad be valuefreeand objectivedo not believethat it
conduct.Until about a decadeago,socialre- needsto be totally devoidof all values.
searchers who appearedto be independentwere Therearetwo basicwaysthe term valuefree
actuallyconductingcovertU.S.governmentin- is used:researchthat is free from any prior as-
telligenceactivities.l6 sumptions,theoreticalstand,or valueposition,
Most usesof political or financialinfluence and researchthat is conductedfree ofinfluence
to control socialresearchsharea desireto limit from an individual researcher's personalprejrr-
knowledgecreationor restrictthe autonomous dices/beliefs.Likewise,objectivecanmeanfocus-
scientific investigationof controversialtopics. ing only on what is externalor visible,or it can
Attempts at control seemmotivated by a fear mean following clearand publicly acceptedre-
that researchers might discoversomethingdam- searchproceduresand not haphazard,personal
aging if they have freedom of inquiry. This ones.
showsthat freescientificinquiry is connectedto The three approachesto socialsciencethat
fundamentalpolitical idealsof open public de- you readaboutin Chapter2 hold differentposi-
bate,democracy,and freedomof expression. tions on the importanceof value-free,objective
The attemptsto block and steersocialre- research.Positivismputs a high value on such
searchhavethreemain reasons.First,somepeo- research.An interpretiveapproachseriously
ple defendor advancepositionsand knowledge questionswhetherit is possible,sincehuman
that originatein deeplyheld ideological,politi- values/beliefs pervadeall aspectsof human ac-
cal, or religiousbeliefs,and fear that socialre- tivities,including research.Insteadof eliminat-
searchersmight produce knowledge that ing valuesand subjectivedimension,it suggests a
contradictsthem. Second,powerful interests relativiststance-no singlevaluepositionis bet-

Mi ch aelB ur awoy( 200 4 , 2 OO5 ) d i s ti n g u i s h e d clients.Both rely on professional socialsciencefor

amongfour idealtypesof socialresearch: polLy,pro_ theories,bodiesof knowledge, and techniques for
fessional,critical,and public.The aimof publicsoci- gatheringand analyzingdata.Criticalsocialscience,
ology (or socialscience,moregenerally)is to enrich as wasdiscussed in Chapter2, emphasizes demysti_
publicdebateovermoraland politicalissuesby in- fyingandraisingquestioning aboutbasiccondittns.
fusingsuchdebatewith socialtheory and r""r".r.n. The primaryaudiencefor professional andcriticar
Publicsociologyfrequentlyoverlapswith action-ori- socialscience aremembers of the scientific
entedresearch. Burawoyarguedthat the placeof so_ nity,whereas the mainaudience for publicandpolicy
cial researchin societycenterson how one answers research arenonexpertsand practitioners. Bothcrit_
two questions:Knowledge for whom?and Knowr_ icaland publicsocialscience seekto infusea morar,
edgefor what?The first questionfocuseson the valuedimension into socialresearch andthey trv to
sourcesof research questionsand how resultsare generatedebatesovermoral-political values.profes_
used.Thesecondquestionlooksat the sourceofre_ sionaland policysocialscienceare lessconcerneo
searchgoals.Are they handeddown by someexter_ about debatesover moralor valueissuesand may
nal sponsoror agencyor are they concernedwitn avoidthem.Instead, theirfocusis moreon beingef_
debatesover largersocietalpolitical-moral issues? fectivein providingadvances to basicknowled;eor
Publicsocialscience triesto generate a conversation specific solutionsto practicalproblems. Both public
or debatebetweenresearchers and public.By con- and policysocialscienceare appliedresearch ano
strast,policysocialscience focuseson findingsolu_ havea relevance beyondthe communitvof scientific
tionsto specificproblemsas definedby sponiorsor. researcners.

ter than any other. A critical approach also ques_ or her own value position explicit, reflect care_
tions value-free research,but seesit often as a fully on reasonsfor doing a study and the proce_
sham. dures used,and communicate in a candid, clear
Value free means free of everyone's values manner exactly how the study was conducted. In
except those of science,and objectivemeans fol- this way, other researchersseethe role of a re_
lowing establishedrules or procedures that some searcher's values and judge for themselves
people created, without considering who they whether the values unfairly influenced a studv's
represent and how they created the rules. In findings.
other words, a critical approach seesall research Even highly positivist researcherswho ad_
ascontaining somevalues,so thosewho claim to vocate value-free and objective studies admit a
be value free are just hiding theirs. Those who limited place for some personal, moral values.
follow an interpretive and critical approach and Many hold that a researcher'spersonal, moral
reject value-free researchdo not embrace sloppy position can enter when it comes to decidine
and haphazard research, research procedures what topic to study and how to disseminati
that follow a particular researcher's.hi-r, o, u findings. Being value free and obiectir.e oniv
study that has a foregone conclusion and auto- refers to actually conducting the studr.. This
matically supports a specific value position. means that you can study the issuesvou believe
They believe that a researcher should make his to be important and after completing a study

you can sharethe resultswith specificinterest E n dn o t e s

groupsin addition to making them availableto
the scientific community. 1. For a discussion of researchfraud, seeBroad and
Wade (1982), Diener and Crandall (1978), and
Weinstein (1979). Hearnshaw (1979) andWade
(1976) discuss the Cy'ril Burt case, and see
CONCLUSION Holden (2000) on the social psychologist case.
Kusserow (1989) discussesthe concept ofscien-
In Chapter 1, we discussedthe distinctivecon- tific misconduct.
tribution ofscienceto societyand how socialre- 2. SeeBlum ( 1989)and D'Antonio ( 1989) for details
searchis a sourceofknowledgeaboutthe social on this case.Also seeGoldner (1998) on legal ver-
world. The perspectives andtechniquesof social sus scientific views of misconduct. Gibelman
researchcan be powerfirl tools for understand- (2001) discussesseveral casesand the changinq
ing the world. Nevertheless, with that power to definition of misconduct
discovercomesresponsibility-a responsibility 3. See Lifton (1986) on Nazi experiments, and
to yourself,a responsibilityto your sponsors,a Williams andWallace (1989) discussfapaneseex-
periments. Harris (2002) arguesthat the |apanese
responsibilityto the community of scientificre-
experiments were more horrific, but the United
searchers, and a responsibilityto the largersoci-
Statesdid not prosecute the fapanesescientistsas
ety.Theseresponsibilitiescanconflict with each
the Germans were because the U.S. military
other.Ultimately,you personallymust decideto wanted the results to develop its own biological
conduct researchin an ethical manner, to up- warfare program.
hold and defendthe principlesof the socialsci- 4. Seelones (1981) and Mitchell (1997) on "Bad
enceapproachyou adopt,andto demandethical Blood."
conduct by others.The truthfulnessof knowl- 5. Diener and Crandall (1978:L28) discussexamples.
edgeproducedby socialresearchand its useor 6. A discussion ofphysical harm to researchpartici-
misusedependson individual researcherslike pants can be found in Kelman (1982), Reynolds
(1979,1982), and Warwick (1982).
you, reflectingon their actionsand on the seri-
7. For a discussion, see Diener and Crandall
ous role ofsocial researchin society.In the next
(1978:21-22) and Kidder and ludd (1986:481-
chapter,we examinebasicdesignapproaches
and issuesthat appearin both qualitative and
8. SeeMonaghan (1993a, 1993b, 1993c).
quantitativeresearch. 9. Broadhead and Rist (1976) discussgatekeepers.
10. See"UW Protects Dissertation Sources," Capital
Times (Madrson, Wisconsin), December 19, 1994,
Key Terms p.4.
I 1. SeeHirschman ( 1970) on loyalty, exit, or voice.
anonymity 12. See Edward Fiske, "The Misleading Concept of
confidentiality 'Average' on Reading Test Changes, More Stu-
crossoverdesign dents Fall Below It," New York Times (Iuly 12,
1989).Also seeKoretz (1988)andWeissand Gru-
informed consent
ber (1987).
institutional review board (IRB)
13. See"State Sought, Got Author's ChangesofLot-
tery Report," Capital Times (Madison, Wiscon-
principle of voluntary consent sin), fuly 28, 1989,p. 21.
public sociology 14. Andrew Revkin, "Bush Aide Edited Climate Re-
research fraud ports," New York Times (Iune 8, 2005). "White
scientific misconduct House Calls Editing Climate Files Part of Usual
specialpopulations Review," New YorkTimes (1we9,2005). Union of
whistle-blower Concerned Scientists,"Politics Trumps Scienceat
CHAPTER3 , / E T H I C SI N S O C I A L R E S E A R C H 67

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service" (February 9, ber 10, 2004).famesGlanz,"scientistsSayAd-

2005)."SpecificExamplesof theAbuseof Science ministration Distorts Facts,"New York Tima (February19,2004).DylanO. Krider,"Thepoliti-
m?pagelD=1398, downloadedAugust 3, 2005. cizationof Sciencein the BushAdministration.-
"Summaryof National Oceanic& Atmospheric SkepticYol.11,Number 2 (2004)at www. Skep-
Administration FisheriesServiceScientistSurvey" Orstein,"PoliticsTrumps Sciencein
by Union ofConcernedScientists(|une 2005).E. CondomFactSheet"NewYorkTimes(December
Shogren,"Researchers AccuseBushof Manipulat- 27, 2002). "ScientistSaysOfficialsIgnoredAdvice
ing Science,"
I osAngelesTimes(luIy 9, 2004).Ief- on Water Levels,"Washington Posf(October29,
frey McCracker,"GovernmentBansReleaseof 2002).
Auto-SafetyData,"DetroitFreePress (August19, 1 5 . SeeAdlerandAdler(1993).
2004).GarddinerHarris, "LawmakerSaysFDA t6. SeeNeuman(2003,Chapter16) for a discussion
Held BackDrug Data,"NewYorkTimes(Septem- ofpolitical issuesin socialresearch.
Reviewing the Scholarly
Literatureand Planning
a Study

Literature Review
Whereto FindResearchLiterature
How to Conduct a SystematicLiteratureReview
Writing the Review
What a Cood ReviewLooksLike
Using the Internet for Social Research
Qualitative and Quantitative Orientations toward Research
Linearand NonlinearPaths
Preplannedand EmergentResearchQuestions
Qualitative Design lssues
The LanguageofCasesand Contexts
The Context ls Critical
The Caseand Process
Quantitative Design lssues
The Language ofVariablesand Hypotheses
CausalTheoryand Hypotheses
Aspectsof Explanation
Fromthe ResearchQuestionto Hypotheses

A N D P L A N N I N GA S T U D Y 69

ffi." addressa topic and researchquestion.Three

thingscanhelp you learnwhat iithe most effec_
In the past three chapters,you have learned tive type of studyto pursuefor a question:
aboutthe main principlesand typesof socialre-
search,discoveredhow researchers usetheoryin 1. Readingstudiesthat othershaveconducted
a study,and examinedthe placeof ethicsin so_ on a topic
cial research.You are now readyto get into the 2. Graspingissuesthat operatein qualitative
pecifc-s of how to go about designinga study. and quantitativeapproaches to reiearch
Recallfrom Chapteri that a researchirusualiy 3. Understandinghow to usevariousresearch
beginswith a generaltopic, then narrows the techniquesas well as their strengthsand
topic down into a specificresearchquestion,and limitations
then makesdecisionsabout the specificsof de_
signinga study that will addressthe research This chapterintroducesyou to the first two
question. of the^se,
whereasmany of the remainingchap_
Wheredo topicsfor studycomefrom?They tersof the book discussthe third item in the liit.
comefrom many sources:previousstudies,tele_
vision or film, personalexperiences, discussions
with friendsand family, or somethingyou read LITERATUREREVIEW
about in a book, magazine,or newspaper.A Readingthe "literature," or the collectionof
topic often beginsas somethingthai, studiesalreadypublishedon a topic, servessev_
your curiosity,aboutwhich you hold deepcom_ eralvery important functions.First,it helpsyou
mitments or strongfeelings,or that you Leheve narrow down a broadtopic by showingyou how
is reallywrongand want to change.To applyso- others conductedtheir studies.The studiesby
cial research,a topic must be about soiial'pat_ others give you a model of how narrowly fo_
terns that operate in aggregatesand be cuseda researchquestionshouldbe,what kinds
empiricallymeasurable or observable. This rules ofstudy designsothershave used,and how to
out topicsabout oneunique situation(e.g.,why measurevariablesor analryze data.Second,it in_
your boy/girlfrienddumpedyou yesterdJy,why forms you about the "stateof knowledge,,on a
your friend's little sister hates her school topic. From the studiesby others,you cin learn
teacher),or one individual case(e.g.,your own the key ideas,terms,and issuesthat surround a
family), or somethingone can neverobserve, topic. You should considerreplicating,testing,
,even indirectly(e.g.,unicorns,ghostswith su_ or extendingwhat othersalreadyfound. Third.
etc.).Thismayruleout some the literatureoftenstimulatesyour creativitvanj
interestingtopics,but many tens of thousands curiosity.Last,evenifyou nevergetto co;duct
remainto be investigated. or publishyour own researchstudn a published
How you proceeddiffersslightlydepending studyoffersyou an exampleof what the final re_
on whetheryou adopt an inductiveo, u d"drr._ port on a study looks like, its major parts,its
tive approach. Compared to an inductive form, and its sryleof writing. Anotirerieasonis
researcher, thosewho choosea deductiveap_ morepractical.Justasattentivelyreadinga lot of
proachand gatherquantitativedatawill devote top-quality writing can help you improve your
much more time to specifyingtheresearchques_ own writing skills, reading many reports of
tion very preciselyand planningmany detailsof good-qualitysocialresearchenablesyou to grasp
a studyin advance.It will takeyou a while to de_ betterthe elementsthat go into conductinga re_
velopthejudgmentskillsfor decidinewhetherit searchstudy.
might be better to conduct a moreteductive- It is bestto be organizedand not haphazard
quantitativeor an inductive-qualitativestudyto asyou locateand readthe scholarlyor aiademic

Iiterature on a topic and associatedresearch

questions.Also, it is wise to plan to preparea
written literature review.There are many spe-
cialized types of reviews, but in general a
1. To demonstrate a faniliaity witha bodyof knowl-
literature reviewis a carefrrlly crafted sunmary
ofthe recentstudiesconductedon a topic that edgeand establishcredibility.A review tells a
readerthat the researcher knowsthe research in
includes key findings and methods researchers
an areaand knowsthe majorissues.A good re-
used while making sure to document the
view increases a reader'sconfidencein the re-
sources.For most pulposes,you must first lo- professional competence, ability,and
catethe relevantstudies;next, read thoroughly background.
to discoverthe major findings, central issues,
2. To showthe path of prior research and howa cur-
and methodsof the studies,and take conscien-
rentprojectis linkedto it. A reviewoutlinesthe di-
tious noteson what you read.While the reading
rectionof research on a questionand showsthe
is still freshin your mind and with the notesin
developmentof knowledge.A good review
front ofyou, you needto organizewhatyou have placesa researchproject in a context and
learnedand write clearlyabout the studiesin a demonstratesits relevanceby makingconnec-
way that builds a context around a specificre- tionsto a body of knowledge.
searchquestionthat is of interestto you.
3. To integrateand summarize what is knownin an
A literaturereviewis basedon the assump-
area.A reviewpulls together and synthesizes
tion that knowledgeaccumulatesand that peo-
differentresults.A good reviewpointsout areas
ple learn from and build on what othershave whereprior studiesagree,wherethey disagree,
done. Scientificresearchis a collectiveeffort of and wheremajor collects
many researchers who sharetheir resultswith whatis knownup to a point in timeandindicates
one another and who pursue knowledgeas a the directionfor futureresearch.
community.Although somestudiesmay be es-
4. To leamfrom othersandstimulatenewideas.A re-
pecially important and individual researchers viewtells what othershavefound so that a re-
may becomefamous,a specificresearchproject searchercan benefitfrom the effortsof others.
is just a tiny part of the overallprocessof creat- A good reviewidentifiesblind alleysand sug-
ing knowledge.Today'sstudiesbuild on thoseof gestshypotheses for divulgespro-
yesterday.Researchers readstudiesto compare, cedures,techniques, andresearch designsworth
replicate,or criticizethem for weaknesses. copyingso that a researcher can better focus
Reviewsvary in scopeand depth. Different hypothesesandgainnewinsights.
kinds of reviewsare strongerat f,rlfilling one or
anotherof four goals(seeBox 4.1).It may takea
researcherover a year to completean extensive
professionalsummaryreviewof all the literature
on a broad question.The sameresearcher might books,dissertations,governmentdocuments,or
completea highly focusedreviewin a veryspecial- policy reports.They alsopresentthem aspapers
izedareain a fewweeks.Whenbeginninga revieq at the meetingsof professionalsocieties,but for
a researcherdecideson a topic, how much depth the most part, you can find them only in a col-
to go into, and the kind of reviewto conduct. legeor universitylibrary.This sectionbriefly dis-
cusseseach type and givesyou a simple road
map on how to access them.
Where to Find ResearchLiterature
Researchers presentreports of their research Periodicals. You can find the resultsof social
projectsin severalwritten forms: periodicals, researchin newspapers, in popular magazines'
A N D P L A N N I N GA S T U D Y 7l

on televisionor radiobroadcasts, and in Internet It is harder to recognizeseriousopinion

newssummaries,but thesearenot the full, com_ magazines(e.g.,
plete reports of researchrequired to preparea tary, Dissent,andpublic Interesi).Largerbook_
literature review.They are silected,condiensed storesin
major citiessellthem. Leadingscholars
summariespreparedby journalistsfor a general often
write articlesfor opinion magaziiesabout
audience,and they lack many essential"details topics
onwhich theymay alsoconductempirical
neededfor a seriousevaluationof the studv. research(e.g.,
welfarereform,prison expansion,
Textbooksand enryclopediasalsopresentcon_ voter
turnout). Theydiffer in purpose,look, and
densedsummariesas introductions to readers scopefrom
scholarlyjournals of socialscience
who are new to a topic, but, again,thesearein_ researchfindings.The publicationsarean arena
adequatefor preparing a liteiature review be_ where intellectuals
debatecurrent issues,not
causemany essentialdetailsabout the studyare whereresearchers presentfindingsoftheir stud_
absent. iesto the broaderscientificcommunity.
It is easyfor someonepreparinga first liter_
ature review to be confused about the manv Scholarly lournals. Theprimary typeofperiod_
typesof periodicals.With skill, you will be able ical to usefor a literaturereviewis ihe scholarly
to distinguishamong (1) massmarket newspa_ journal filled
with peer-reviewedreports of re_
persald magazines written for the generalpub_ search(e.g.,AmericanSociological
lic, (2) popularizedsocialscience*igurirrer, Reilew,Social
1l; Problems, Ameican lournal if Sociology, Crimi_
opinion magazinesin which intellectualsdebate nology,and
SocialScience euarterly).5ne rarely
and expresstheir views,and ( ) scholarlyacade_ finds them
outsideof collegeand universityli_
mic journals in which researchers preient the braries.Recallfrom Chapter I that researchers
findings of studiesor provide other communi_ disseminate
findingsof new studiesin scholarly
cation to the scientificcommunity. peer_re_ journals.
viewedempirical researchfindings appearin a Somescholarlyjournalsare specialized.
c.ompl9t9form only in the last type of publica_ steadof reports In_
of researchstudies,they have
tion, articlesin the other tlpes occa_ onlybook reviewsthat provide
sionally commentaryand
talk aboutfindingspublishedeisewhere. evaluationson a book (e.g.,
Mass market publications (e.g.,McCleans, ology),or they
containonly literature..rri"* .r_
Time,Newsweek, Economist,TheNation,Ameri_ says(e.g.,Annual Review
of Sociology,
canSpectator,and.Atlantic Monthty) are sold at Reviewof Psychology, andAnnual Riiew of An_
newsstands and designedto provide the general thropologlt)in which researchers
public with news,opinion, and entertaiiment. givea ,.stateof
thefield" essayfor others.publicationsthat spe_
A researchermight occasionallyuse them as a cializein literature reviewscan be helpfrrl iian
sourceon current events,but they do not pro_ articlewasrecentlypublishedon a speiific topic
vide full reportsof researchstudiesin the iorm of interest.Many other scholarlyjournalshavea
neededto preparea literaturereview. mix of articlesthat areliteraturereviews,books
Popularizedsocialsciencemagazinesand reviews,reports on researchstudies,and theo_
professionalpublications (e.g., Society and retical
Psychology Today)aresometimespeerreyiewed. simple solution or ..sealof approval"
Their purposeis to provide the interested,edu_ distinguishes
scholarlyjournals,thekini ofp"U_
catedlay public a simplified versionof findings lications on which to build a seriousliterature
or a commentary,but not to be an outlet for reviewfrom other periodicals,or instantly dis_
original researchfindings.At best,popularized tinguishes
the report on a researchstudy from
social sciencemagazinescu., s.rpplement to other typesof articles.One needsto develoo
other sourcesin a literaturereview judgmentor askexperienced researcherc
o, pro'_
72 pA RToN E ,/ F o u N D AT to N s

fessionallibrarians.Nonetheless, distinguishing and only then if a library paysfor a specialon_

amongtypesof publicationsis essentialto builJ line subscriptionservice.
on a body of research.One of the bestwaysto Onceyou locatea scholarlyjournal that re_
learnto distinguishamongrypesof publicaiions ports on socialscienceresearchstudies,you need
is to readmany articlesin scholarlylournals. to makesurethat a particulararticlepresentsthe
The number ofjournals variesbyfield. psv_ resultsof a study, sincethe journal may have
chologyhas over 400 journals, wheieassociol_ other types of articles.It is easierto identifi.
ogy has about 250 scholarlyjournals, political quantitativestudiesbecausethey usuallyhavea
scienceand communicationhaveslightlyfewer methods or data sectionand charts,statistical
than sociology,anthropology-archaJology and formulas,and tablesof numbers.eualitative re_
socialwork haveabout 100,urban stud[s and searcharticlesaremore difficult to identifu and
women studieshave about 50, and there are manystudentsconfusethem with theoreticales_
about-adozenjournals in criminology.Each says,literature review articles,idea-discussionI
publishesfrom a few dozento over tOOarticlesa essays, policy recommendations,book reviews,
year. and legal caseanalyses.To distinguish among
M*y, but not all, scholarlyjournalsmay be theseepes requiresa good graspoithe varieties
viewedvia the Internet. Usually,this is limited to of researchaswell asexperienceinread.ingmany
selectedyearsand to librariesthat paid special articles.
subscriptionfees.A fewInternetservicesprovide Your collegelibrary hasa sectionfor schol-
full, exact copies of scholarly iournal articles arly journals and.magazines, or, in somecases,
overthe Internet.For example,iStOR provides theymay be mixedwith books.Look at a map of
exact copies,but only for a small number of library facilitiesor aska librarian to find this iec_
scholarlyjournalsand only for pastyears.Other tion. Themostrecentissues,which look like thin
Internet sewices,suchasEBSCbUbSt, offer a paperbacksor thick magazines, areoften physi_
frrll-text versionof recentarticlesfor a limited callyseparatein a "current periodicals"section.
numberof scholarlyjournals,but thevarenot in This is doneto storethem temporarilyand make
the sameformat asa print versionof an article. them availableuntil the libraryreceivesall the is_
This can make it impossibleto find a specific suesof a volume.Most oIten,librariesbind all is_
pagenumber or seean exactcopyof a chart.It is suesof a volume together as a book before
best.tovisit the library and seewhat a firll_print addingthem to their permanentcollections.
version of the scholarly article looks like-.An Scholarly journals from many different
addedbenefitis that it makesit easyfor vou to fields are placed togetherwith popular maga-
browsethe Tableof Contentsof the iournals. zines.All areperiodicals,or serialsin the jargon
canbe very usefulfor generatingnew of librarians.Thus,you will find popular ma=ga_
ideasfor researchtopics, seeingan establ"ished zines(e.g.,Time,RoadandTrack,Cosmopoliin,
topic in creativeways,or learninghow to expand andAtlantic Monthty) next to journals-foras-
an idea into new areas.Only alinv handful of tronomy, chemistry, mathematics,literature,
new Internet-only scholarlyjournals, callede_ and philosophyaswell associology,psychology,
j ournals,presentpeer-reviewed researchstudies socialwork, and education.Somefields have
(e.g.,Sociological ResearchOnline, Current Re, more scholarlyjournalsthan others.The ,,pure"
searchin SocialPsychology,andfournal of World academicfieldsusuallyhavemore than the ..ap_
Systems Research).Eventually,the Internet for_ plied" or practicalfieldssuchasmarketingor sL_
mat may replaceprint versions.But for now, 99 cialwork. Thejournalsarelistedby title in a card
percentof scholarlyjournals are availablein catalogor a computerizedcatalogsystem.Li-
print form and aboutone-third ofthesearealso brariescanprovideyou with a list of the period-
availablein a full-text versionover the Interner icalsto which they subscribe.
A N D P L A N N I N GA S T U D Y 73

Scholarlyjournalsarepublishedasrarelyas which librarieslend booksor materialsto other

oncea-yearor asfrequentlyasweekly.Most ap_ libraries.Fewlibrariesallowpeopleto checkout
pear four to six times a year. For exampL, recentissuesof scholarlyjournals. you should
Quarterlyappearsfour times uyiur. plan to use thesein the library. Some,not all,
To assistin locating articles,librarians and scholarlyjournalsareavailablevia the Internet.
scholarshave developeda systemfor tracking Onceyou find the periodicalssection,wan_
scholarlyjournalsand the articlesin them. Each der down the aislesand skim what is on the
issueis assigneda date,volume number,and is- shelves.You will seevolumescontainingmany
suenumber.This information makesit easierto researchreports.Eachtitle ofa scholarlyiournal
locatean article.Suchinformation-along with has a call number like that of a regular'library
detailssuchasauthor,title, and pug.,rurrrter- book. Libraries often arrangethem alphabeti_
is calledan article'scitationand is usedin bibli- cally by title. Becausejournals changetitles, it
ographies.When a journal is first published,it may createconfusionif the journal is shelved
beginswith volume l, number l, and continues underits originaltitle.
increasingthe numbers thereafter.Although
most journals follow a similar system,thereare Citation Formats. An article,scitation is the
enoughexceptionsthat you haveto paycloseat- key to locatingit. Supposeyou want to readthe
tention to citation information. For most iour_ study by Weitzer and Tuch (2005) on percep_
nals,eachvolumeis oneyear.If you seeajournal tions of policemisconductdiscussed in Chapter
issuewith volume 52, for example,it probably 2. Its citationis asfollows:
meansthat the journal hasbeenin existencefor
52 years.Most, but not all, journals begintheir Weitzer,Ronald,and StevenTuch. 2005.
publishingcyclein lanuary. "RaciallyBiasedPolicing:Determinantsof
Most journalsnumberpagesby volume,not CitizenPerceptions.
" SocialForces
by issue.The first issueof a volume usuallybe- 83:1009-1030.
ginswith page1,andpagenumberingcontinues
throughoutthe entirevolume.For example,tne This tellsyou that you canfind the articlein
first pageofvolume 52,issue4, maybepige 547. an issueof SocialForcespublishedin 2005.The
Most journals have an index for eachvolume citationdoesnot providethe issueor month, but
anda tableof contentsfor eachissuethat liststhe it givesthe volume number, g3, and the page
title, the author'sor authors'names,and the numbers,1009to 1030.
pageon which the articlebegins.Issuescontain There are many waysto cite the literature.
asfew as I or 2 articlesor asmany as 50. Most Formats for citing literature in the text itself
have8 to 18articles,which may be 5 to 50 pages vary with the internal citation format of using
long. The articles often have abstracts,ihort an author'slastnameand dateof publicationin
summarieson the first pageof the article or parentheses beingverypopular.Thefrrll citarion
groupedtogetherat the beginningof the issue. appearsin a separatebibliographyor reference
Many librariesdo not retainphysical,paper section.Therearemanystylesfor frrll citationsof
copiesofolderjournals.To savespaceandcosts, journal articles,with books and other types of
they retain only microfilm versions.Thereare works eachhlving a separatestyle.When citing
hundredsof scholarlyjournalsin most academic articles,it is best to checkwith an instructor,
fields,with eachcosting$50 to $2,500per year. journal, or other outlet for the desiredformat.
Only the largeresearchlibrariessubscribeto all Almost all include the namesof authors,article
of them. You may haveto borrow a iournal or iitle, journal name,and volume and pagenum-
photocopy of an article from a distant library bers.Beyondthesebasicelements,thire is sreat
through an inteilibraryloan seryice,a systemby variety.Someinclude the authors' first ,ruL.r,

othersuseinitialsonly. Someincludeall authors, scriptionsand complex theoreticalor philo-

othersgive only the first one. Someinclude in- sophicaldiscussions usuallyappearasbooks.Fi-
formation on the issueor month of publication, nally, an author who wantsto communicateto
othersdo not (seeFigure4.1). scholarlypeersand to the educatedpublic may
Citation formatscangetcomplex.Two ma- write a book that bridgesthe scholarly,academic
jor referencetools on the topic in socialscience styleand a popularnonfiction style.
areChicagoManual of Style,which hasnearly80 Locatingoriginal researcharticlesin books
pageson bibliographiesand referenceformats, canbe difficult becausethereis no singlesource
andAmericanPsychological AssociationPublica- listing them. Threetypesof books contain col-
tion Manual, which devotesabout 60 pages to lectionsofarticlesor researchreports.Thefirst is
the topic. In sociology,theAmericanSociobgical designedfor teachingpurposes.Such books,
Reviewstyle,with 2pagesof sryleinstructions,is calTedreaders,may includeoriginal researchre-
widely followed. ports.Usually,articleson a topic from scholarly
journalsaregatheredand editedto be easierfor
Books. Bookscommunicatemanytypesof in- nonspecialists to readand understand.
formation, provoke thought, and entertain. The secondtypeof collectionis designedfor
There are many t)?es of book: picture books, scholarsand may gatherjournal articlesor may
textbooks,shortstorybooks,novels,popularfic- containoriginalresearchor theoreticalessays on
tion or nonfiction, religious books, children's a specifictopic. Somecollectionscontainarticles
books. and others.Our concernhere is with from journals that are difficult to locate.They
thosebooks containing reports of original re- may includeoriginal researchreports organized
searchor collectionsof researcharticles.Li- arounda specialized topic. The tableofcontents
braries shelve these books and assign call liststhe titles and authors.Librariesshelvethese
numbersto them, asthey do with other typesof collectionswith other books,and somelibrary
books.You can find citation information on catalogsystemsincludethem.
them (e.g.,title, author, publisher)in the li- Citationsor references to booksareshorter
brary'scatalogsystem. than articlecitations.They includethe author's
It is not easyto distinguisha book that re- name,book title, year and placeof publication,
ports on researchfrom other books.You are and publisher'sname.
more likely to find such books in a collegeor
universitylibrary.Somepublishers,suchasuni- Dissertations, All graduatestudentswho re-
versitypresses,specializein publishingthem. ceivethe Ph.D. degreearerequiredto complete
Nevertheless, thereis no guaranteedmethodfor a work of original research,which they write up
identifuingonewithout readingit. asa dissertationthesis.The dissertationis bound
Sometypesof socialresearcharemorelikely and shelvedin the library of the universitythat
to appearin book form than others.For exam- grantedthe Ph.D.About half of all dissertations
ple,studiesby anthropologists andhistoriansare areeventuallypublished asbooksor articles.Be-
more likely to appearin book-lengthreports causedissertationsreport on original research,
than are those of economistsor psychologists. they can be valuable sourcesof information.
Yet,someanthropologicaland historicalstudies Somestudentswho receivethe master'sdegree
arearticles,and someeconomicand psycholog- conduct original researchand write a master's
ical studiesappearasbooks.In education,social thesis,but fewermaster'sthesesinvolve serious
work, sociology,andpolitical science,the results research,and theyaremuch more difficult to lo-
of long, complexstudiesmay appearboth in two catethan unpublisheddissertations.
or three articlesand in book form. Studiesthat Specializedindexeslist dissertationscom-
involve detailedclinical or ethnographicde- pletedby studentsat accrediteduniversities.For

F lc U R E 4. I Different Reference Citations for a fournal Article

The oldestjournalof sociologyin the UnitedStates, American lournalof Sociolog,reportson a study of vir-
ginity pledgesby PeterBearmanand HannahBUckner. lt appearedon pages859 to 913 of theJanuary
l tw asi nvol umel 05,orthe
2 00 1 issue(n um ber 4) of t he j o u rn a l ,w h i c h b e g i n s c o u n ti ngi ssuesi nMarch.
journal's1 O6th year.Hereare waysto cite the article.Two very popular stylesare thoseof AmericanSocio-
logicalReview(ASR)and AmericanPsychological Association (APA).

ASR Style
Peterand HannahBiickner.
Bearman, the Future:VirginityPledges
200.| . "Promising and FirstIntercourse."
American of
Journal 1
Sociologlr05:859-91 2.

APA Style
P.,and Biickner,
Bearman, the future:Virginitypledgesandfirst intercourse.
H. (2001). Promising Ameican
105, 859-912.
Joumalof Sociolog;r

Other Styles
Bearman, "Promising
P.,and H. Bi.ickner. the Future:VirginityPledgesand FirstIntercourse,"
1 06 (2001 ), 859-912.
of Sociologlr
Bearman,Peterand HannahBilckner, 200.l .
"Promisingthe future:Virginitypledgesandfirst Intercourse."Am.J. of Sociol.
106:859- 912.
Bearman,P.and Bijckner, H. (2001). "Promisingthe Future:VirginityPledges and FirstIntercourse."Anreri-
canJournalof Sociolog1 06 (January): 859-91 2.
Bearman,Peterand Hannah 200,|.
"Promisingthe future:Virginity pledgesand first Intercourse."AmericanJournalof Sociology106
$ ):8 59-9 12.
Bearman, P.and H. Bijckner.(2001 ). "Promisingthe future:Virginitypledgesandfirstintercourse."
Journalof Sociolog1 06, 859 -91 2.
PeterBearmanand HannahBtickner,"Promising the Future:VirginityPledgesand FirstIntercourse,"
'l 06, no. 4 (2001): 859-912.
Journalof Sociolog

example, Dissertation AbstractsInternationallists search.Many collegeand universitylibraries

dissertations with their authors, titles, and uni- havethesedocumentsin their holdings,usually
versities. This index is organized by topic and in a special"governmentdocuments"section.
contains an abstract of each dissertation. You Thesereportsarerarelyfound in the catalogsys-
can borrow most dissertations via interlibrary tem. You must use specializedlists of publica-
loan from the degree-granting university if the tions and indexes,usuallywith the help of a
university permits this. librarian, to locate thesereports. Most college
and universitylibrarieshold only the most fre-
Government Documents. The federal goyern- quentlyrequesteddocumentsand reports.
ment of the United States,the governments of
other nations, state- or provincial-level govern- Policy Reports and PresentedPapers. A re-
ments, the United Nations, and other interna- searcherconductinga thoroughreviewofthe lit-
tional agencies such as the World Bank, all eraturewill examinethesetwo sources,which
sponsor studies and publish reports of the re- are difficult for all but the trained specialistto

obtain. Researchinstitutesand policy centers Designa Search. After choosinga focusedre-

(e.g.,BrookingsInstitute,Institute for Research searchquestionfor the review,the next stepis to
on Poverty,RandCorporation,etc.)publishpa- plan a searchstrategy.The reviewerneedsto de-
persand reports.Somemajor researchlibraries cideon the type of review,its extensiveness, and
purchasetheseand shelvethem with books.The the tlpes of materialsto include.The keyis to be
only wayto be sureof what hasbeenpublishedis careful,systematic,and organized.Setparame-
to write directlyto the instituteor centerand re- terson your search:how much time you will de-
questa list of reports. voteto it, how far backin time you will look, the
Eachyear, the professionalassociationsin minimum number of researchreportsyou will
academicfields(e.g.,sociology,politicalscience, examine,how many librariesyou will visit, and
psychology)hold annual meetings.Thousands so forth.
of researchers assemble to give,listento, or dis- Also,decidehow to recordthebibliographic
cussoral reports of recentresearch.Most of citation for eachreferenceyou find and how to ?
theseoral reportsareavailableaswritten papers takenotes(e.g.,in a notebook,on 3 X 5 cards,in
to thoseattendingthe meeting.Peoplewho do a computerfile). Developa schedule,becbuse
not attendthe meetingsbut who aremembersof severalvisits are usuallynecessary. You should
the association receivea programof the meeting, begina file folder or computerfile in which you
listing eachpaperto be presentedwith its title, can placepossiblesourcesand ideasfor new
author,and author'splaceof employment.They sources.As the reviewproceeds,it shouldbe-
can write directly to the author and requesta comemore focused.
copy of the paper.Many, but not all, of the pa-
pers are later publishedas articles.The papers Locate ResearchReports. Locating research
may be listed in indexesor abstractservices(to reportsdependson the type ofreport or "outlet"
be discussed). ofresearchbeingsearched. As a generalrule,use
multiple searchstrategiesin order to counteract
How to Conduct a Systematic the limitations of a singlesearchmethod.
Literature Review
Articlesin Scholarlylournals. As discussed ear-
Define and Refinea Topic. Justasa researcher lier, most socialresearchis publishedin schol-
must plan and clearlydefinea topic and research arlyjournals.Therearedozensofjournals,many
questionwhenbeginninga researchproject,you goingbackdecades, eachcontainingmany arti
needto begin a literature reviewwith a clearly cles.The taskofsearchingfor articlescanbe for-
defined,well-focusedresearchquestion and a midable.Luckily, specialized publicationsmake
plan. A good reviewtopic shouldbe asfocused the taskeasier.
as a researchquestion.For example,"divorce" You may have used an index for general
or "crime" is much too broad. A more appro- publications, stch asReader's Guideto Periodical
priate review topic might be "the stability of Literature. Many academic fields have "ab-
familieswith stepchildren"or "economicin- stracts"or "indexes"for the scholarlyliterature
equalityand crime ratesacrossnations."If you (e.g.,Psychological Abstracts,SocialSciences In-
conducta contextreyiewfor a researchproject, dex, Sociological Abstracts,and Gerontological
it shouldbe slightlybroaderthan the specificre- Abstracts).For education-related topics,the Ed-
searchquestionbeingtested.Often,a researcher ucationalResources Information Center(ERIC)
will not finalizea specificresearchquestionfor a systemis especiallyvaluable. Thereareover 100
studyuntil he or shehasreviewedthe literature. suchpublications.You canusuallyfind them in
The reviewhelpsbring greaterfocus to the re- the referencesectionof a library. Many ab-
searchquestion. stractsor indexservices aswell asERICareavail-
A N D P L A N N I N CA S T U D Y 77

able via computer access,which speedsthe most computer-based searchesand consider

searchprocess. several synonyms. The computer's searching
Abstractsor indexesarepublishedon a reg- method can vary and most only look for a key-
ular basis(monthly, six times ayear, etc.) and word in a title or abstract. If you choosetoo few
allowa readerto look up articlesby authorname words or very narrow terms, you will miss a lot
or subject.The journalscoveredby the abstract of relevant articles. If you choose too many
or index arelistedin it, often in the front. An in- words or very broad terms, you will get a huge
dex, such as the SocialSciences Index, lists only number of irrelevant articles. The best way to
the citation, whereas an abstract, such as learn the appropriate breadth and number of
Sociological Abstracts,lists the citation and hasa keyr,vordsis by trial and error.
copy of the article'sabstract.Abstractsdo not In a study I conducted on how college stu-
giveyou all the findingsand detailsofa research dents definesexualharassmen f (Neuman,1992),
project.Researchers useabstractsto screenarti- I used the following keywords: sexual harass-
clesfor relevance,then locatethe more relevant ment, sexual assault, harassment,gender equity,
articles.Abstractsmay alsoinclude paperspre- genderfaimess, and sexdiscrimination.I later dis-
sentedat professionalmeetings. covered a few important studies that lacked any
It may sound asif all you haveto do is to go of these keywords in their titles. I also tried the
find the index in the referencesectionof the ii- keywords collegestudent and rape, but got huge
braryor on the Internetandlook up a topic.Un- numbers of unrelated articles that I could not
fortunately,things are more complicatedthan even skim.
that. In order to coverthe studiesacrossmany There are numerous computer-assisted
years,you mayhaveto lookthrough manyissues search databasesor systems.A person with a
ofthe abstractsor indexes.AIso,the subjectsor computer and an Internet hook-up can search
topicslistedarebroad.Thespecificresearch ques- some article index collections, the catalogsof li-
tion that interestsyou may fit into severalsubject braries, and other information sources around
areas.You shouldcheckeachone.For example, the globe if they are available on the Internet.
for the topic of illegal drugs in high schools,you All computerized searchingmethods share a
might look up thesesubjects:drug addiction, similar logic, but eachhas its own method of op-
drug abuse,substanceabuse,drug laws,illegal eration to learn. In my study, I looked for
drugs,highschools,andsecondary schools.Many sourcesin the previous sevenyears and used five
of the articlesunder a subjectareawill not be rel- computerized databasesof scholarly literature:
evantfor your literaturereyiew.Also, thereis a 3- Social ScienceIndex, CARL (Colorado Area Re-
to l2-month time lagbetweenthe publicationof searchLibrary), Sociofile,Social ScienceCitation
an article and its appearancein the abstractsor Index, andPsychlit.
indexes.Unlessyou are at a major researchli- Often, the same articles will appear in mul-
brary the most usefrrlarticlemay not be available tiple scholarly literature databases,but each
in your library. You canobtain it only by usingan database may identifi' a few new articles not
interlibrary loan service,or it may be in a foreign found in the others. For example, I discovered
languagethat you do not read. seyeralexcellent sources not listed in any ofthe
The computerizedliterature searchworks computerized databasesthat had been published
on the sameprinciple asan abstractor an index. in earlier years by studying the bibliographies of
Researchers organizecomputerizedsearchesin the relevant articles.
severalways-by author,by articletitle, by sub- The process in my study was fairly typical.
ject, or by keyword.A keywordis an important Basedon mykeyword search,I quickly skimmed
term for a topic that is likely to be found in a ti- or scanned the titles or abstracts of over 200
tle. You will want to usesix to eightkeywordsin sources.From these, I selectedabout 80 articles,

reports,and booksto read.I found about 49 of though you may not use someand later erase
the 80 sourcesvaluable,and they appearin the them. Do not forgetanythingin a completebib-
bibliographyof the publishedarticle. liographiccitation,suchasa pagenumber or the
name of the secondauthor; you will regret it
ScholarlyBooks. Finding scholarlybooks on a later.It is far easierto erasea sourceyou do not
subjectcanbe difficult. The subjecttopicsof li- usethan to try to locatebibliographicinforma-
brary catalogsystemsareusuallyincompleteand tion laterfor a sourceyou discoverthat you need
too broad to be usefirl.Moreover,they list only or from which you forgot one detail.
booksthat arein a particularlibrary system,al- I recommendcreatingtwo kinds of Source
thoughyou maybe ableto searchother libraries Files,or dividea masterfile into two parts:Hatte
for interlibrary loan books. Libraries organize File and Potential File. The Have File is for
booksby call numbersbasedon subjectmatter. sourcesthat you havefound and for which you
Again,the subjectmatterclassifications may not havealreadytakencontentnotes.The Potentiaf
reflectthe subjectsof interestto you or all the File is for leadsand possiblenew sourcesthat
subjectsdiscussed in a book. Once you learnthe you haveyet to track down or read.You canadd
systemfor your library, you will find that most to the PotentialFile anytimeyou comeacrossa
bookson a topic will sharethe main partsof the new sourceor in the bibliographyof something
callnumber.In addition,librarianscanhelpyou you read.Towardthe end ofwriting a report,the
locatebooksfrom other libraries.For example, PotentialFile will disappearwhile the HaveFile
the Library of Congress National Union Catalog will becomeyour bibliography.
listsall booksin the U.S.Libraryof Congress. Li- Your note cardsor computerdocumentsgo
brarianshaveaccess to sourcesthat list booksat into the ContentFile.This file containssubstan-
other libraries,or you can use the Internet. tive information of interestfrom a source'usu-
There is no sure-fire way to locate relevant ally its major findings, detailsof methodology,
books.Usemultiple searchmethods,includinga definitionsofconcepts,or interestingquotes.If
look at journalsthat havebook reviewsand the you directlyquotefrom a sourceor want to take
bibliographiesof articles. some specificinformation from a source'you
needto record the specificpagenumber(s) on
which the quote appears.Link the files by
Taking Notes putting key sourceinformation, suchasauthor
As you gatherthe relevantresearchliterature, it is and date,on eachcontentfile.
easyto feel overwhelmedby the quantity of in-
formation,soyou needa systemfor takingnotes. What to Record. You will find it much easier
The old-fashionedapproachis to write notes to takeall noteson the sametlpe and sizeof pa-
onto indexcards.You thenshift andsortthenote per or card, rather than having somenoteson
cards,placethem in piles, and so forth as you sheetsofpapers,otherson cards,and so on. Re-
look for connectionsamongthem or developan searchers haveto decidewhat to recordaboutan
outline for a report or paper.This method still article,book, or othersource.It is betterto err in
works. Today,however,most peopleuseword- the directionof recordingtoo much ratherthan
processingsoftwareand gatherphotocopiesor too little. In general,record the hlpotheses
printed versionsof manyarticles. tested,how major conceptsweremeasured,the
As you discoversources,it is a good ideato main findings,the basicdesignof the research
createtvvokinds of files for your note cardsor the group or sampleused,and ideasfor future
computer documents: a Source File and a study(seeBox4.2).It is wiseto examinethe re-
ContentFile.Recordall the bibliographicinfor- port's bibliography and note sourcesthat you
mation for eachsourcein the SourceFile, even canadd to your search.
A N D P L A N N I N CA S T U D Y 79

takegood notes,you may haveto rereadthe en_

tire articlelater.
OrganizeNotes. After gatheringa largenum_
1. Readwith a clearpurposeor goal in mind.Are ber ofreferencesand notes,you need in o.gu_
you readingfor basicknowledge or to applyit to nizing scheme. One approach is to group
a specificquestion? studiesor specificfindings by skimming-notes
2. Skimthe articlebeforereadingit all.What can and creatinga mental map of how they"fit to_
you learnfrom the title, abstract,summarvand gether.Try severalorganizingschemesbefore
conclusions, and headings? What arethe lopic, settlingon a final one. Organiiing is a skill that
majorfindings,method,and mainconclusion? improves with practice. For example,place
3. Consideryour own orientation.What is your notesinto piles representingcommon themes,
biastowardthe topic,the method,the publica_ or draw charts comparingwhat different re_
tion source,and so on, that may color your ports state about the same question,noting
reading? agreements and disagreements.
4. Marshalexternalknowledge.What do you al_ In the processof organizingnotes,you will
ready know about the topic and the methods find that somereferencesand notes do not fit
used?Howcredibleis the publicationsource? and shouldbe discardedasirrelevant.Also,you
5. Evaluate asyou readthe article.Whaterrorsare may discovergapsor areasand topics that are
present?Do findingsfollowthe data?ls the ar_ relevantbut that you did not examine.This ne_
ticle consistentwith assumptions of the ap_
cessitatesreturn visitsto the library.
proachit takes? There are many organizingschemes.The
best one dependson the p.rrpor. of the review.
6. Summarize informationas an abstractwith the
topic, the methodsused,and the findings.As_ Usually,it is best to organizereports around a
sessthe factualaccuracyof findingsand cite specificresearchquestionor around core com_
questionsabout the article. mon findingsof a field and the main hlpotheses
fromKatzer, (l 99-|:
199-207\. Writing the Review
A literaturereviewrequiresplanning and good,
clearwriting, which requiresa lot o?rewrlting.
This stepis often mergedwith organizingnotes.
Photocopyingall relevantarticlesor reports All the rules of good writing (e.g.,clearirgani_
will saveyou time recordingnotesand will en_ zationalstructure,an introduction and coiclu_
sure that you will have an entire report. Also, sion,transitionsbetweensections,etc.)applyto
you canmakenoteson the photocopy.Thereare writing a literaturereview.Keepyour p.r.por",
severalwarningsabout this practici. First, pho_ in mind when you write, and communlicate
tocoppng canbe expensivefor a largeliterature clearlyand effectively.
search.Second,be awareofand obeycopyright To preparea good review,readarticlesand
l^aws.U.S. copyrightlaws permit photocobt'ng other literaturecritically.Recallthat skepticism
for personalresearchuse.Third, rememberto is a norm of science.It meansthat you should
r.1o1d pfotocopy the entirearricle,including not acceptwhat is written simply on the basisof
all citation information. Fourth, organizingen_ the authorityof its havingbeenpublished.
tire articlescanbe cumbersome, eues_
especially iisev_ tion what you read, and evaluateit. The first
eral-differentparts of a singlearticle are being hurdle to overcomeis thinking somethingmust
used.Finally, unlessyou highlight carefullyor beperfectjust becauseit hasbeenpublish"ed.

Critically readingresearchreports requires sources.The Internet continuesto expandand

skillsthat taketime and practiceto develop.De- changeat an explosiverate.
spitea peer-reviewprocedureand high rejection The Internet hasbeena mixed blessingfor
rates,errorsand sloppylogic slip in. Readcare- socialresearch,but it has not proved to be the
fi.rIlyto seewhetherthe introduction andtitle re- panaceathatsomepeoplefirst thought it might
ally fit with the rest of the article. Sometimes, be. It providesnew and important waysto find
titles,abstracts,or the introduction aremislead- information,but it remainsonetool amongoth-
ing. Theymaynot fully explainthe researchpro- ers.It can quickly make somespecificpiecesof
ject's method and results.An article shouldbe information accessible. For example,from my
logically tight, and all the parts should fit to- homecomputer,I wasableto go to the U.S.Fed-
gether.Stronglogicallinks shouldexistbetween eral Bureauof Prisonsand in lessthan three
partsof the argument.Weakarticlesmakeleaps minuteslocatea tableshowingme that in 1980,
in logic or omit transitionalsteps.Likewise,arti- 139peopleper 100,000 wereincarcerated in the'
cles do not alwaysmake their theory or ap- United States,whereas1n2004(the most recent
proachto researchexplicit.Be preparedto read data available),it was 486 per 100,000.The In-
the article more than once. (SeeFigure 4.2 on ternet is bestthought of asa supplementrather
taking noteson an article.) than asa replacementfor traditional library re-
search,Thereare "up" and "down" sidesto us-
ing the Internet for socialresearch:
What a Good Review Looks Like
An author should communicatea revier,r/spur- TheUp Siile
poseto the readerby its organization.Thewrong
1. The Internet is easy,fast,and cheap.It is
way to write a reviewis to list a seriesof research
widelyaccessible and canbe usedfrom manylo-
reportswith a summaryof the findingsof each.
cations.This near-freeresourceallowspeopleto
This failsto communicatea senseof purpose.It
find sourcematerialfrom almostanywhere-lo-
readsas a set of notesstrungtogether.Perhaps
cal public libraries,homes,labs or classrooms
the reviewergot sloppyand skippedoverthe im-
or anlwherea computeris connectedto the In-
portant organizingstep in writing the review.
ternet system.Also, the Internet doesnot close;
The right way to write a review is to organize
it operates24 hours a day, sevendaysa week.
commonfindingsor argumentstogether.Awell-
With minimal training,most peoplecanquickly
acceptedapproachis to addressthe mostimpor-
perform searchesand get information on their
tant ideasfirst, to logically link statementsor
computer screensthat would have required
findings,andto notediscrepancies or weaknesses
them to take a major trip to large researchli-
in the research(seeBox 4.3for an example).
brariesa fewyearsago.Searchinga vastquantity
of information electronicallyhas alwaysbeen
easierand fasterthan a manual search,and the
USING THE INTERNET FOR Internetgreatlyexpandsthe amount andvariety
SOCIAL RESEARCH of sourcematerial.More and more information
(e.g.,StatisticalAbstractof the United Sitates) is
The Internet (seeBox 4.4) has revolutionized
availableon the Internet. In addition, oncethe
how socialresearchers work. A meredecadeago,
information is located,a researcher can often
it wasrarelyused;today,most socialresearchers
storeit electronicallyor print it at a local site.
usethe Internet regularlyto help them review
the literature, to communicatewith other re- 2. The Internethas"links" that providead-
searchers,and to searchfor other information ditional waysto find and connectto many other

FI G URE 4.2 Exampleof Notes on an Article


Bearman,Peter,and HannahBiickner.2001. "Promising the Future: VirginityPledges

and Firstlntercourse."
n Journalof SociologSr
10 5 :8 5 9 - 9 12. (January, issue


and Biickner200.1 Topics: Teenpregnancy& sexuality,
virginity,first sexual
S. Baptists,identitymovement

SinceI 993, the SouthernBaptistChurchsponsoreda movementamongteens

wherebythe teensmakea publicpledgeto remainvirginsuntilmarriage. Over2.5
millionteenshavemadethe pledge.Thisstudyexamines whetherthe pledgeaf-
fectedthe timingof sexualintercourseand whetherpledgingteensdifferfrom
nonpledging teens.Criticsof the movementare uncomfortable with it because
pledgesupportersoften rejectsexeducation,hold an overlyromanticizedviewof
marriage,and adhereto traditionalgenderroles.

Adolescents will engagein behaviorthat adultsenjoy but that is forbiddento
thembasedon the amountof socialcontrolsthat constrainopportunities to en-
gagein forbiddenbehavior. Teensin nontraditionalfamilies
and lesssupervision aremorelikelyto engagein forbiddenbehavior(sex).Teens
in traditionalfamiliesand who are closerto their parentswilldelaysexualactiv-
ity. Teenscloselytied to "identitymovements" outsidethe familywillmodifybe-
haviorbasedon normsthe movements teach.

Dataarefroma nationalhealthsurveyof U.S.teensin grades7-12 whowerein
pu bl i cor pr iv at es c hoolsin 1 9 9 4 -1 9 9 5 . A to ta l o f 9 0 ,0 00 studentsi n ' l 4l
schoolscompletedquestionnaires. A secondquestionnaire was completedby
20,000 of the 90,000 students.The questionnaire askedabout a pledge,im-
portanceof religion,and sexualactivity.

The study found a substantialdelay in the timing of first intercourseamont
pledgers.Yet, the effectof pledgingvariesby the age of the teen.In addition,
pledgingonlyworksin somesocialcontexts(i.e.,whereit is at leastpartiallya so-
cialnorm).Pledgers tend to be morereligious,lessdevelopedphysically,

Exampleof Bad Review undergraduates at a medium-sized universityin

Sexualharassment hasmanyconsequences. Adams, groupsof I 5 to 25. They foun{ disagreementand
Kottke,and Padgitt(1 983) foundthat somewomen confusionamongstudents.
studentssaidthey avoidedtakinga classor working
with certainprofessorsbecauseofthe riskof harass- Exampleof Better Review
ment.Theyalsofoundthat menandwomenstudents The victimsof sexualharassment suffera rangeof
reacteddifferently.Their researchwas a surveyof consequences, from loweredself-esteem and lossof
I ,000 menandwomengraduateand undergraduate self-confidence
to withdrawal fromsocialinteraction
students.Bensonand Thomson'sstudy in Social changedcareergoals,and depression(Adams,Kot-,
Problems (1 982) lists many problemscreatedby tke, and P adgi tt,1983; B ensonand Thomson
sexualharassment. In their excellentbook,TheLech- 1982; Dziechand Weiner,1990). For example
erousProfessor, Dziechand Weiner ('l 990) give a Adams,Kottke,and Padgitt(1 983) noted that I 3
long list of difficultiesthat victimshavesuffered. percentofwomenstudentssaidthey avoidedtaking
Researchers study the topic in different ways. a classor workingwith certainprofessorsbecauseof
Hunterand McClelland (1 991) conducteda study the riskof harassment.
of undergraduates at a smallliberalartscollege.They Researchinto campussexualharassmenthas
had a sampleof 300 studentsand studentswere taken severalapproaches. In additionto surveyre:
givenmultiplevignettesthat variedby the reactionof search,many haveexperimentedwith vignettesor
the victim and the situation.Jaschikand Fretz presentedhypotheticalscenarios(Hunterand Mc-
(l 991 ) showed90 womenstudentsat a mideastern Clelland,1991 ;Jaschik andFretz,1 991 ; Popovich et
universitya videotapewith a classicexampleof sex- al., 1987; Reilley,Carpenter,Dull, and Barlett,
'l 982; Rossiand
ualharassment by a teachingassistant.Beforeit was Anderson,1982; Valentine-Fren
labeledas sexualharassment, few women called it andRadtke,I 989;Weber-Burdin andRossi,1 982).
that. Whenaskedwhetherit wassexualharassment, Victimverbalresponsesand situationalfactors.ap-
98 percentagreed.Weber-Burdin and Rossi(1 982) pearto affectwhetherobserverslabela behavioras
replicateda previousstudy on sexualharassment, harassment. Thereis confusionoverthe application
only they usedstudentsat the Universityof Massa- ofa sexualharassment labelfor inappropriatebehav-
chusetts.They had 59 studentsrate 40 hypotheti- ior.Forexample,Jaschikand Fretz(1 99.1) foundthat
cal situations.Reilley,Carpenter,Dull,and Bartlett only 3 percentof the womenstudentsshown,a
(1 982) conducteda studyof250 femaleand 1 50 videotapewith a classicexampleof sexualharass-
maleundergraduates at the Universityof California ment by a teachingassistantinitiallylabeledit as
at SantaBarbara. Theyalsohad a sampleof 52 fac- sexualharassmer,rt.Instead,they called it "sexist,"
ulty. Both samplescompleteda questionnaire in "rude," "unprofessional," or "demeaning."When
whichrespondents werepresentedvignettesofsex- askedwhetherit wassexualharassment, 98 percent
ual-harassing situationsthat they were to rate. agreed.Roscoeand colleagues(1 987) reported
Popovichand Colleagues (1 985) createda nine- similarlabeling
item scaleof sexualharassment. Thev studied209

sources of information. Many websites, home link indicator (usuallya button or a highlighted
pages, and other Internet resource pages have word or phrase).This connectspeopleto more
"hot links" that can call up information from re- information and provides"instant" accessto
lated sites or sources simply by clicking on the cross-referenced material. Links make embed-
A N D P L A N N I N CA S T U D Y 83

ficulty publishingor disseminatingtheir materi-

alscannow do sowith ease.
4. The Internet is the provider of a very
The Internetis not a singlethingin one place.Rather, wide rangeof information sources,somein for-
the Internetis a systemor interconnectedweb of mats that are more dynamic and interesting.It
computersaroundthe world. lt is changingvery can send and be a resourcefor more than
rapidly.I cannotdescribeeverythingon the Internet; straight black and white text, as in traditional
manylargebooksattemptto do that. Plus,evenif I academicjournals and sources.It transmitsin-
tried,it wouldbe out of date in sixmonths.The In- formation in the form of bright colors,graphics,
ternetis changing, in a powerfulway,how manypeo- "action" images,audio (e.g., music, voices,
plecommunicate andshareinformation. sounds),photos,and video clips.Authors and
The Internet provideslow-cost (often free), other creatorsof information canbe creativein
worldwide, fast communication amongpeoplewith their presentations.
computersor betweenpeoplewith computersand
informationin the computersof organizations (e.g.,
universities,governmentagencies,businesses). TheDownSide
Thereare specialhardwareand softwarerequire- 1. Thereis no qualitycontrol overwhat gets
ments,but the Internetpotentiallycantransmitelec- on the Internet.Unlike standardacademicpub-
tronicversionsof text material,up to entirebooks,as lications,thereis no peer-reviewprocessor any
wellas photos,music,video,andotherinformation.
review.Anyone can put almost ani,thing on a
To get onto the Internet,a personneedsan ac-
website.It maybe poor quality,undocumented,
countin a computerthat is connected to the Inter-
highly biased,totally madeup, or plain fraudu-
net. Most college mainframecomputers are
lent. Thereis a lot of real"trash" out there!Once
connected,manybusiness or government computers
a personfinds material,the real work is to dis-
areconnected, andindividuals withmodems canpur-
chasea connectionfrom an Internetserviceorovider tinguish the "trash" from valid information.
that providesaccessover telephonelines,special Oneneedsto treat a webpagewith the samecau-
DSLlines,or cabletelevision lines.Inadditionto a mi- tion that one appliesto a paper flyer someone
crocomputer,the personneedsonly a little knowl- handsout on the street;it could containthe dri-
edgeaboutusingcomputers. vel of a "nut" or be reallyvaluableinformation.
A lessseriousproblemis that the "glitz" ofbright
colors,music, or moving imagesfound in sites
can distract unsophisticatedusers.The " glitz"
ding one source within a network of related may attract them more than seriouscontent,
sourceseasy. and they may confuseglitz for high-caliberin-
3. The Internet speedsthe flow of informa-
formation. The Internet is better designedfor a
quick look and short attentionspansratherthan
tion around the globe and has a "democratizing"
effect. It provides rapid transmission of infor-
the slow,deliberative,carefulreadingand stuoy
mation (e.g.,text, news, data, and photos) across
long distances and international borders. In- 2. Many excellentsourcesand someof the
stead of waiting a week for a report or having to most important resourcematerials(research
send offfor a foreign publication and wait for a studiesand data) for social researchare not
month, the information is often availablein sec- availableon the Internet (e.g.,Sociofile,GSS
onds at no cost. There are virtually no restric- datafiles,and recentjournal articles).Much in-
tions on who can put material on the Internet or formation is availableonly through specialsub-
what appearson it, so many people who had dif- scription services that can be expensive.

Contrary to popular belief, the Internet has not inal materials and read them for ideasor to build
made all information free and accessible to on them. Also, it is easyto copy, modifr, or dis-
everyone. Often, what is free is limited, and tort, then reproduce copies ofa source. For ex-
firller information is available only to those who ample, a person could alter a text passageor a
pay. In fact, because some libraries redirected photo image then create a new webpage to dis-
funds to buy computers for the Internet and cut seminate the falseinformation. This raisesissues
the purchasesfor books and paper copies ofdoc- about coplright protection and the authenticity
uments, the Internet's overall impact may have of source material.
actually reduced what is availablefor some users. There are few rules for locating the best sites
on the Internet-ones that have useful and
3. Finding sources on the Internet can be
truthful information. Sources that originate at
very difficult and time consuming. It is not easy
universities, research institutes, or government
to locate specific source materials. Also, different
agencies usually are more trustworthy for re-
"search engines" can produce very different re-
search purposes than ones that are individual
sults. It is wise to use multiple search engines
home pagesof unspecified origin or location, or
(e.g., Yahoo, Excite, and Google), since they
that a commercialorganization or a politicaliso-
work differently. Most search engines simply
cial issue advocacy group sponsors. In addition
look for specific words in a short description of
to moving or disappearing, many webpages or
the webpage.This description maynot revealthe
sourcesfail to provide complete information to
fiJl content of the source, just as a title does not
make citation easy.Better sourcesprovide fuller
frrlly tell what a book or article is about. In addi-
or more complete information about the author,
tion, search engines often come up with tens of
date, location, and so on.
thousands of sources,far too many for anyone to
As you prepare a review of the scholarly lit-
examine. The ones at the "top" may be there be-
erature and more narrowly focus a topic, you
causethey were recently added to the Internet or
should be thinking about how to design a study.
becausetheir short description had severalver-
The specifics of design can vary somewhat de-
sions of the searchword. The "best" or most rel-
pending on whether your study will primarily
evant source might be buried as the 150th item
employ a quantitative-deductive-positivist ap-
found in a search. Also, one must often wade
proach or a qualitative-inductive-interpretive/
through a lot of commercials and advertise-
critical approach. The two approacheshave a
ments to locate "real" information.
great deal in common and mutually comple-
4. Internet sources can be "unstable" and ment one another, but there severalplaceswhere
difficult to document. After one conducts a "branches in the path" of designing a study di-
searchon the Internet and locateswebpageswith verge depending on the approach you adopt.
information, it is important to note the specific
"address" (usually it starts http:i/) where it re-
sides.This addressrefers to an electronic file sit-
ting in a computer somewhere. If the computer
file is moved, it may not be at the same address
two months later. Unlike a journal article that
will be stored on a shelf or on microfiche in hun- Qualitative and quantitative researchdiffer in
dreds of libraries for many decadesto come and manyways,but they complementeachother,as
available for anyone to read, webpages can well. All socialresearcherssystematically collect
quickly vanish. This means it may not be possi- and anallze empirical data and carefirlly exam-
ble to check someone's web referenceseasily, ine the patternsin them to understandand ex-
verifr a quote in a document, or go back to orig- plain sociallife. One of the differencesbefiveen

the two stylescomes from the nature of the data. other researchershave trod. Alternatively, it may
Soft data, in the form of impressions,words, sen- be a new path into unknown territory where few
tences, photos, symbols, and so forth, dictate others have gone, and without signsmarking the
different research strategies and data collection direction forward.
techniques thanhard data, inthe form of num- In general, quantitative researchersfollow a
bers. Another difference is that qualitative and more linear path than do qualitative researchers.
quantitative researchersoften hold different as- Alinear researchpath follows a fixed sequenceof
sumptions about social life and have different steps;it is like a staircaseleading in one clear di-
objectives. These differences can make tools rection. It is a way of thinking and a way of look-
used by the other sryle inappropriate or irrele- ing at issues-the direct, narrow, straight path
vant. People who judge qualitative research by that is most common in western European and
standards ofquantitative researchare often dis- North American culture.
appointed, and vice versa.It is best to appreciate Qualitative research is more nonlinear and
the strengths each style offers. cyclical. Rather than moving in a straight line, a
To appreciatethe strengths ofeach style, it is nonlineqr researchpath makes successivepasses
important to understand the distinct orienta- through steps,sometimes movingbackward and
tions of researchers.Qualitative researchersof- sidewaysbefore moving on. It is more of a spiral,
ten rely on interpretive or critical social science, moving slowly upward but not directly. With
follow a nonlinear researchpath, and speak a eachcycle or repetition, a researchercollectsnew
language of "casesand contexts." They empha- data and gains new insights.
size conducting detailed examinations of cases People who are used to the direct, linear ap-
that arise in the natural flow of social life. They proach maybe impatient with a lessdirect cycli-
usually try to present authentic interpretations cal path. From a strict linear perspective, a
that are sensitive to specific social-historical cyclical path looks inefficient and sloppy. But the
contexts. diffuse cyclical approach is not merely disorga-
Almost all quantitative researchersrely on a nized, undefined chaos.It can be highly effective
positivist approach to social science.They follow for creating a feeling for the whole, for grasping
a linear researchpath, speaka language of"vari- subtle shades of meaning, for pulling together
ables and hypotheses," and emphasize precisely divergent information, and for switching per-
measuring variables and testing hypothesesthat spectives.It is not an excuse for doing poor-
are linked to general causalexplanations. quality research,and it has its own discipline and
Researcherswho use one style alone do not rigor. It borrows devicesfrom the humanities
always communicate well with those using the (e.g., metaphor, analogy, theme, motif, and
other, but the languagesand orientations ofthe irony) and is oriented toward constructing
styles are mutually intelligible. It takes time and meaning. A cyclical path is suited for tasks such
effort to understand both srylesand to seehow astranslating languages,where delicate shadesof
they can be complementary. meaning, subtle connotations, or contextual dis-
tinctions can be important.
Linear and Nonlinear Paths
Preplanned and Emergent Research
Researchersfollow a path when conducting re-
search.The path is a metaphor for the sequence
of things to do: what is finished first or where a Your first stepwhen beginninga researchproj-
researcherhas been, and what comes next or ect is to selecta topic. There is no formula for
where he or she is going. The path may be well this task.Whetheryou are an experienced re-
worn and marked with signposts where many searcheror just beginning,the bestguideis to

conductresearchon somethingthat interests Typical researchquestionsfor qualitative

you. researchers include:How did a certaincondition
All researchbeginswith a topic but a topic is or social situation originate?How is the condi-
only a startingpoint that researchers must nar- tion/situation maintained over time?What are
row into a focusedresearchquestion.Qualita- the processes by which a condition/situation
tive and quantitativeresearchers tend to adopt changes, develops, or operates? A difFerenttype
to turn a topic to a focused ofquestion triesto confirm existingbeliefsor as-
sumptions. A last type of question tries to dis-
researchquestionfor a specificstudy. Qualita-
tive researchers often begin with vagueor un- cover new ideas.
clear researchquestions.The topic emerges Researchprojectsare designedaround re-
slowly during the study. The researchers often searchproblemsor questions.Beforedesigninga
combinefocusingon a specificquestionwith the project,quantitativeresearchers focuson a spe-
processof decidingthe detailsof study design cific research problem within a broad topic. For
example, your personal experience might sug-
that occurs while they are gathering data. By
contrast,quantitativeresearchers narrow a topic gestlabor unions asa topic. "Labor unions" is a
into a focusedquestion as a discreteplanning topic, not a researchquestionor a problem. In
stepbeforeth ey finalizestudydesign.Theyuseit any large library, you will find hundreds of
asa stepin the processof developinga testable booksand thousandsof articleswritten by soci-
hypothesis(to be discussedlater) and to guide ologists,historians,economists,management
the studydesignbeforethey collectany data' officials, political scientists, and others on
The qualitative researchstyle is flexible and unions.Thebooksand articlesfocuson different
encourages slowlyfocusingthe topic throughout aspectsof the topic and adoptmanyperspectives
a study.In contrastto quantitativeresearch,only o.r it. B.fot" proceedingto designa research
a smallamount of topic narrowingoccursin an project, you must narrow and focus the topic.
early researchplanning stage,and most of the An exampleresearchquestion is, "How much
narrowingoccursaftera researcher hasbegunto did U.S.labor unions contributeto racial in-
collectdata. equalityby creatingbarriers to skilled jobs for
The qualitativeresearcher beginsdatagath- African Americansin the post-World War II
ering with a generaltopic and notions of what period?"
will be relevant.Focusingand refining contin- When startingresearchon a topic, askyour-
uesafterhe or shehasgatheredsomeof the data self:What is it aboutthe topic that is of greatest
and startedpreliminaryanalysis.Qualitativere- interest?For a topic aboutwhich you know little,
searchers useearlydatacollectionto guidehow first get background knowledge by reading
theyadjustand sharpenthe researchquestion(s) about it. Researchquestionsrefer to the rela-
becausethey rarelyknow the most important is- tionships among a small number of variables.
suesor questionsuntil after they becomefully Identify a limited number of variablesand spec-
immersedin the data.Developinga focusedre- ifi' the relationshipsamongthem'
searchquestionis a part of the data collection A researchquestionhasoneor a smallnum-
process,during which the researcher activelyre- ber of causalrelationships.Box 4.5 lists some
flects on and developspreliminary interpreta- waysto focus a topic into a researchquestion.
tions. The qualitative researcheris open to For example'the question,"What causesdi-
unanticipateddata and constantlyreevaluates vorce?"is not a goodresearchquestion.A better
the focusearlyin a study.He or sheis prepared researchquestionis, "Is ageat marriageassoci-
to changethe direction of researchand follow ated with divorce?"The secondquestion sug-
newlinesof evidence. geststwo variables:ageof marriageand divorce.
A N D P L A N N I N CA S T U D Y 87

Another technique for focusing a research

question is to specify the uniyerseto which the
answer to the question can be generalized.All re_
search questions, hypotheses,and studies apply
1. Examine the literature.publishedarticlesare an
to some group or category of people, orgunbu_
excellentsourceof ideasfor research questions. tions,
or other units. The universeis the set of alt
areusuallyat an appropriateleveiof speci_
]hey units that the researchcovers, or to which it can
ficity and suggestresearchquestionsthat focus
on the following: be generalized.For example,your researchques_
tion is about the ef[ectsof a new attendance ool_
a. Replicate a previousresearchprojectexactly
icy on learning by high school students.The
or with slightvariations.
universe, in this case,is all high school students.
b. Exploreunexpectedfindingsdiscoveredin
\Mhen refining a topic into a researchques_
tion-and designing a research project, yor-ralso
c. Followsuggestions an authorgivesfor future need to consider practical limitations. Designing
researchat the end of an article. a perfect researchproject is an interestingicad_
d. Extendan existingexplanation or theoryto a emic€xercise, but if you expect to carry out a re_
newtopic or setting. searchproject, practical limitations wijl have an
e. Challenge findingsor attemptto refutea re_ impact on its design.
lationship. Major limitations include time, costs,access
f. Specifythe intervening processandconsider to resources, approval by authorities, ethical
linkingrelations. concerns, and expertise. Ifyou have 10 hours a
2. Talkoverideaswithothers. week for five weeks to conduct a research Droi_
ect, but the answer to a research question will
a. Ask peoplewho are knowledgeable about take five years,reformulate the researchquestion
the topic for questionsabout it that thev
havethought of. more narrowly. Estimating the amount of time
required to answer a research question is difE_
b. Seekout thosewho hold opinionsthat differ
cult.'The research question spicified, the re_
fromyourson the topic anddiscusspossible
search technique used, and the type of data
researchquestionswith them.
collected all play significant roles. ixperienced
3. Applyto a specificcontext.
researchersare the best source ofgood estimates.
a. Focusthe topic onto a specifichistoricalpe_ Cost is another limitation. As with time,
riod or time period. there are inventive ways to answer a question
b. Narrowthe topic to a specificsocietyor ge_ within limitations, but it may be impoisible to
ographicunit. answ€r some questions because of the expense
c. Considerwhichsubgroupsor categoriesof involved. For example, a research question
people,/units areinvolvedandwhetherthere about the attitudesof all sports fans toward their
are differences amongthem. team mascot can be answered only with a great
4. Definetheaimor desiredoutcomeof thestudy. investment of time and money. Narrowin! the
a. Will the researchquestionbe for an ex_ researchquestion to how students at two dfuer_
ploratory,explanatory,or descriptivestudy? ent collegesfeel about their mascotsmight make
it more manageable.
b. Will the study involveappliedor basicre_
search? Accessto resourcesis a common limitation.
Resources can include the expertise of others,
specialequipment, or information. For example,
a research question about burglary rates and
family income in many different nations is al- 4.1).In addition,researcherstend to adopta dif-
most impossibleto answerbecauseinformation ferent languageand approachto study design,
on burglaryandincomeis not collectedor avail- which we will considernext.
ablefor most countries.Somequestionsrequire
the approvalof authorities(e.g.,to seemedical
records)or involveviolatingbasicethicalprinci- QUALITATIVE DESIGN ISSUES
ples(e.g.,causingseriousphysicalharm to a per-
son to seethe person'sreaction).The expertise The Languageof Casesand Contexts
or backgroundof the researcher is alsoa limita- Qualitativeresearchers use a languageof cases
tion. Answeringsome researchquestionsin- and contexts,examinesocialprocesses and cases
volvesthe use of data collectiontechniques, in their socialcontext, and look at interpreta-
statisticalmethods,knowledgeof a foreignlan- tions or the creationof meaningin specificset-
guage,or skillsthat the researcher
may not have. tings. They try look at sociallife from multiple
Unlessthe researchercan acquirethe necessary points ofview and explainhow peopleconstruct
training or canpayfor anotherperson'sservices, identities.Only rarely do they usevariablesor
the researchquestionmay not be practical. testhypotheses, or try to convertsociallife into
In summary stylesof qualitativeand quan- numbers.
titative researchers
havemuch in common, but Qualitativeresearchers seemost areasand
the researchers often differ on designissues, activitiesof sociallife asbeingintrinsicallyqual-
suchastakinga linearor nonlinearresearch path itative.To them, qualitativedataarenot impre-
and developinga researchquestion (seeTable cise or deficient; they are highly meaningful.

TA B T E 4. ' I QuantitativeReasearch

Test hypothesisthat the researcher

beginswith. Captureand discovermeaningoncethe researcher
becomesimmersedin the data.
Conceptsare in the form of distinctvariables. Conceptsare in the form of themes,motifs,
and taxonomies.
Measuresare systematically
createdbeforedata Measures arecreatedin an ad hoc mannerand are
collectionandarestandardized. often specificto the individualsettingor
Dataare in the form of numbersfrom precise Dataare in the form of wordsand imagesfrom
measuremenL documents,observations, and transcripts.
Theoryis largelycausaland is deductive. Theorycan be causalor noncausaland is often
are standard,and replicationis Research proceduresare particular,and replication
assumeo. is very rare.
Analysisproceedsby usingstatistics,tables,or Analysisproceedsby extractingthemesor
chartsand discussing
how what they showrelates generalizations
from evidenceand organizingdata
to hypotheses. to presenta coherent,consistentpicture.
A N D P L A N N I N CA S T U D Y 89

Insteadof trying to convertsociallife into vari- car's license number before proceeding?After
ablesor numbers,qualitativeresearchers borrow radioing the car's location, does the officer ask
ideasfrom the peoplethey studyand placethem the motorist to get out of the car sometimes, but
within the contextof a natural setting.They ex- in others casually walk up to the car and talk to
aminemotifs,themes,distinctions,and ideasin- the seateddriver? When data collection and the_
steadofvariables,and they adopt the inductive orizing are interspersed, theoretical questions
approachof groundedtheory. arise that suggestfuture observations, so new
Somepeoplebelievethat qualitativedataare data are tailored to answer theoretical questions
"soft," intangible,and immaterial.Suchdataare that came from thinking about previorri dutu.
so fuzzy and elusivethat researchers cannot re-
ally capturethem. This is not necessarily the
case.Qualitativedata are empirical.They in- The Context ls Critical
volve documentingreal events,recordingwhat Qualitativeresearchers
the social
peoplesay(with words,gestures, and tone),ob- contextfor understandingthe socialworld. They
servingspecificbehaviors,studyingwritten doc_ hold that the meaningof a socialactionor state_
uments,or examiningvisual images.Theseare ment depends,in an important way,on the con-
all concreteaspectsof the world. For example, text in which it appears.When a researcher
some qualitativeresearchers take and cloiely removesan event,socialaction, answerto a
scrutinizephotosor videotapes ofpeopleor so- question,or conversationfrom the socialcon_
cial events.This evidenceis just as "hird,, and text in which it appears,or ignoresthe context,
physicalasthat usedby quaniitativeresearchers socialmeaningand significancearedistorted.
to measureattitudes,social pressure,intelli_ Attention to socialcontext meansthat a
gence,and the like. qualitativeresearcher noteswhat camebeforeor
what surroundsthe focus of study. It also im_
Grounded Theory pliesthat the sameeventsor behaviorscanhave
different meaningsin different culturesor his_
A qualitativeresearcherdevelopstheory during torical eras.For example,insteadof ignoringthe
the datacollectionprocess.This more inductive context and counting votesacrosstime or cul_
method meansthat theory is built from dataor tures)a qualitativeresearcherasks:What does
groundedin the data.Moreover,conceptualiza- voting meanin the context?He
or shemay treat
tion and operationalizationoccur simultane- the samebehavior(e.g.,voting for presidential
ouslywith datacollectionand preliminarv dara candidate)differently depending
on the social
analysis.It makesqualitative iesearchflexible context in which it occurs. eualitative re-
and letsdataand theoryinteract.eualitative re- searchersplaceparts of sociallife into a larger
searchers remain open to the unexpected,are whole. Otherwise,the meaningof the part niay
willing to changethe direction or focusof a re- be lost. For example,it is hard to understand
searchproject, and may abandontheir original what a baseballgloveis without knowins some-
researchquestionin the middle of a project. thing about the gameof baseball.the r.,iholeof
A qualitativeresearcherbuilds theory by the game-innings, bats,curveballs,hits-gives
making comparisons.For example,when a re- meaningto eachpart, and eachpart without the
searcherobservesan event(e.g.,a police officer wholehaslittle meaninc.
confrontinga speeding motorist),he or sheim-
mediatelypondersquestionsand looks for sim-
ilaritiesand differences.
When watchinga police The Case and Process
officer stop a speeder,a qualitative researcher In quantitativeresearch,casesare usually
asksjDoesthe police officer alwaysradio in the sameasa unit of analysis,or the unit on which
variablesaremeasured(discussed tative researchergivesmeaningby rearranging,
later). Quan-
titativeresearchers typically measure examining,and discussingtextualor visualdata
their hypotheses across many cases. in a way that conveysan authenticvoice,or that
For exam-
ple,ifa researcher conducts a survey of450remainstrue to the original understandingsof
viduals. each individual is a case or the peopleand situationsthat he or shestudied.
unit on
which he or she measures variables. QualitativeInsteadof relying on charts,statistics,and
researchers tend to use a "case-orientedap- displaysof numbers,qualitativeresearchers put
proach [that] placescases,not variables,center a greater emphasison interpreting the data.
stage"(Ragin,1992:5).They examinea wide va- Their data are often "richer" or more complex
riety ofaspectsofone or a fewcases. and full of meaning.The qualitativeresearcher
Their analy-
sesemphasize contingencies in "messy'' interpretsto "translate"or make the originally
settings (i.e.,the co-occurrence of many gathereddata understandableto other people.
factorsand eventsin oneplaceandtime). Expla- th" of qualitativeinterpretationmoves '
nationsor interpretationsarecomplexand may through threestagesor levels.
be in the form of an unfoldingplot or a narrative A researcherbeginswith the point of view
story about particularpeopleor specificevents. of the peoplehe or sheis studying,and the re-
Rich detail and astuteinsight into the casesre- searcherwants to graspfully how they seethe
placethe sophisticatedstatisticalanalysisofpre- world, how they define situations,or what
cisemeasuresacrossa huge number of units or thingsmeanto them.Aflrst-orderinterpretation
casesfound in quantitativeresearch. containsthe inner motives,personalreasons
The passage and point of view of the peoplewho are being
of time is integralto qualitative
research.Qualitativeresearchers studiedin the originalcontext.As the researcher
look at the se-
quenceofeventsand pay attention discoversand documentsthis first-order inter-
to what hap-
pens first, second,third, and so pretation, he or sheremainsone stepremoved
on. Because
qualitative researchersexamine samecaseor
the from it. The researcher offersasecond-order in-
set of casesover time, they can seean issue terpretation,which is an acknowledgmentthat
evolve,a conflict emerge,or a socialrelationshiphowevermuch a researchertries to get very
develop.The researchercan detectprocessand closeand "under the skin" of thosehe or sheis
causalrelations. studying,a researcheris still "on the outside
In historicalresearch,the passage lookingin." In the second-order
of time interpretation
may involveyearsor decades. In field the researchertries to elicit an underlying co-
the passageof time is shorter.Nevertheless, herenceor senseof overallmeaningin the data.
both, a researcher noteswhat is occurring To reach an understandingof what he or she
at dif-
ferent points in time and recognizesthat when seesor hears,a researcheroften placesthe data
somethingoccursis often important. into a context of the larger flow of eventsand
behaviors.A qualitativeresearcherwill often
moveto the third stepand link the understand-
Interpretation ing that he or sheachievedto larger concepts
Interpretationmeansto assignsignificance or a generalizations, or theories.The researchercan
coherentmeaning to something.Quantitative share this broader interpretationwith other
and qualitativeresearchers both interpret data, people who are unfamiliar with the original
but they do so in differentways.A quantitative data, the people and events studied,or the social
researchergivesmeaningby rearranging, exam- situations observed by the researcher.This level
ining, and discussingthe numbers by using of meaning translates the researcher's o$ryIun-
chartsand statisticsto explainhow patterns in derstanding in a way that communica-
the datarelateto the researchquestion.A quali- tion with peoplewho aremore distantfrom the
^ E V IEWII\., A S TU D Y 9l

original source, and it represents a third_order

able. It describesthe intensity or strength ofat_
tachment to attitudes, beliefs, and beha=viorsas_
sociated with the concept of masculinewithin a
culture. "Married" is not a variablq it is an at_
tribute of the variable .,marital status.,' Related
QUANTITATIVE DESIGN ISSUES ideas such as "number of years married" or
The Languageof Variables and "depth of commitment to a marriage,' are
Hypotheses ables. Likewise, "robbery', is not a vlariable;it is
an attribute of the variable ..type of crime.,,
Variation and Variables. The variable is a "Number of robberies,,' ,,-^bbaay rate,,,
centralideain quantitativeresearch.Simplyde_ "amount taken during a robbery', .,type
fined,a variableis a conceptthat varies.Cj"anti_ anj of
robbery" are all variables because thev varv or
tative researchusesa languageofvariablesand take on a range ofvalues.
Quantitative researchersredefine concepts
In Chapter2,you learnedabouttwo types of interest into the language of variables. As the
of concepts:thosethat refer to a fixed phenlm_ examples of variables and attributes illustrate,
enon (e.g.,the idealtype ofbureaucracy)and slight changesin definition changea nonvariable
thosethat vary in quantity,intensity,or amount into a variable concept. As you siw in Chapter 2,
(e.g.,amountof education).Thesecondtl,peof
concepts are the building blocks of theory; thev
conceptand measuresof the conceptsare vari_ organize thinking about the social world. Cleai
ables.Variablestake on two o, values. concepts with careful definitions are essentialin
Once you begin to look for them,-or" you will see theory.
variableseverywhere.For example,genderis a
variable;it can take on two values:male or fe_ Types of Variables. Researcherswho focus on
male.Marital statusis a variable;it can take on causalrelations usuallybegin with an efi[ect,then
the valuesof nevermarried single,married,di_ searchfor its causes.Variables are classifiedinto
vorced,or widowed.Typeof crimecommittedis three basic types, depending on their location in
a variable;it cantakeon valuesofrobbery, bur_ a causal relationship. The causevariable, or the
glary theft,murder,and soforth. Familyincome one that identifies forces or conditions that act
is a variable;it can take on valuesfrom zero to on something else, is the independent variable.
billions of dollars.A person'sattitude toward The variable that is the effect or is the result or
abortion is a variable;it canrangefrom strongly outcome of another variable is the de\endenr
favoling legalabortion to stronglybelieving"in variable. The independent variable is ..indepen_
antiabortion. dent of'prior causesthat act on it, whereasthe
Thevaluesor the categories ofa variableare dependent variable "depends on,, the cause.
its attributes.It is easyto confusevariableswith It is not always easyto determine whether a
attributes.Variablesand attributesare related, variable is independent or dependent. Two
but they havedistinct purposes.The confusion questions help you identifr the independent
arisesbecausethe attribute of one variablecan variable. First, does it come before otlier vari_
itself becomea separatevariablewith a slight ables in time? Independent variables come be_
changein definition. The distinction is betwJen fore any other tipe. Second, if the variables
conceptsthemselves that vary and conditions occur at the same time, does the author suggest
within conceptsthat vary. For example,..male,' that one variablehas an impact on unoth.rilr,_
is not a variable;it describes a categoryofgender able?Independent variablesaffect or have an im_
and is an attribute of the variable;,gendei,'yet, pact on other variables.Researchtopics are often
a relatedidea,"degreeof masculiniw,"is a vari_ phrased in terms of the dependent variables be_

causedependent variables are the phenomenon punishmentfor criminal acts.A multicauseex-

to be explained. For example, suppose a re- planationusuallyspecifiesthe independentvari-
searcherexamines the reasonsfor an increasein ablethat hasthe greatestcausaleffect.
the crime rate in Dallas, Texas; the dependent A complextheoreticalexplanationcontains
variable is the crime rate. a string of multiple interveningvariablesthat are
A basic causal relationship requires only an linked together.For example'family disruption
independent and a dependent variable. A third causes lower self-esteem amongchildren,which
tlpe of variable, the intervening variabla appears causesdepression,which causespoor gradesin
in more complex causal relations. It comes be- school,which causesreducedprospectsfor a
tween the independent and dependent variables good job, which causesa lower adult income.
and shows the link or mechanism between them. The chain of variablesis: family disruption (in-
Advancesin knowledge depend not only on doc- dependent),childhood self-esteem(interven-
umenting cause-and-effect relationships but ing), depression(intervening),gradesin school
also on specifring the mechanisms that account (intervening),job prospects(intervening)'adult
for the causalrelation. In a sense,the intervening income(dependent).
variable acts asa dependent variable with respect Two theorieson the sametopic may have
to the independent variable and acts as an inde- differentindependentvariablesor predictdiffer-
pendent variable toward the dependent variable. ent independentvariablesto be important. In
For example, French sociologist Emile addition,theoriesmay agreeaboutthe indepen-
Durkheim developed a theory of suicide that dent and dependentvariablesbut differ on the
specified a causal relationship between marital interveningvariableor causalmechanism.For
status and suicide rates. Durkheim found evi- example,two theoriessaythat family disruption
dence that married people are lesslikely to com- causes lower adult income,but for differentrea-
mit suicide than single people. He believed that sons. One theory holds that disruption encour-
married people have greater social integration ages children to join deviantpeergroupsthat are
(i.e., feelings of belonging to a group or family). not socialized to norms of work and thrift.
He thought that a major causeof one type of sui- Another emphasizes the impact of the disrup-
cide was that people lacked a senseof belonging tion on childhood depression and poor acade-
to a group. Thus, his theory can be restated as a mic performance, which directly affect job
three-variable relationship: marital status (inde- performance.
pendent variable) causesthe degree of social in- A singleresearchprojectusuallytestsonly a
tegration (intervening variable), which affects small part of a causalchain.For example,a re-
suicide (dependent variable). Specifying the searchproject examiningsix variablesmay take
chain of causality makes the linkages in a theory the six from a large,complex theory with two
clearer and helps a researcher test complex ex- dozenvariables.Explicit links to a largertheory
planations.l strengthenand clarifr a researchproject. This
Simple theories have one dependent and appliesespecia\ for explanatory,basicresearch
one independent variable, whereascomplex the- which is the model for most quantitative re-
ories can contain dozens ofvariables with multi- search.
ple independent, intervening, and dependent
variables. For example, a theory of criminal be- CausalTheory and HYPotheses
havior (dependent variable) identifies four inde-
TheHypothesisanil Causality. A h'ltpothesis is
pendent variables: an individual's economic
hardship, opportunities to commit crime easily, a proposition to be testedor a tentative state-
membership in a deviant subgroup of society ment of a relationshipbetweentwo variables
that does not disapprove of crime, and lack of Hypothesesare guessesabout how the social
A N D P L A N N I N CA S T U D Y 93

picture of the researchprocessby focusingon a

singleresearchprojectthat testsonehpothesis.
Knowledgedevelopsover time as researchers
throughout the scientificcommunity test many
I . lt hasat leasttwo variables. hlpotheses.It growsfrom shiftingand winnow-
2. lt expresses a causalorcause-effect relationship ing through many hypotheses. Eachhlpothesis
betweenthe variables. representsan explanationof a dependentvari-
3. lt can be expressedas a predictionor an ex- able.If the evidencefails to support somehy-
pectedfutureoutcome. potheses,they are gradually eliminated from
4. lt is logicallylinkedto a research questionanda consideration.Thosethat receivesupport re-
theory. main in contention. Theoristsand researchers
5. lt is falsifiable;that is, it is capableof being constantlycreatenew hypothesesto challenge
testedagainstempiricalevidenceand shownto thosethat havereceivedsupport.Figure4.3 rep-
be true or false. resentsan exampleof the processof shifting
through hypotheses overtime.
Scientistsarea skepticalgroup. Supportfor
a hypothesisin one researchprojectis not suffi-
cientfor them to acceptit. Theprincipleof repli-
world works; they are statedin a value-neutral cation saysthat a hypothesisneedsseveraltests
form. with consistentand repeatedsupport to gain
A causalhypothesishas five characteristics broad acceptance. Another way to strengthen
(seeBox 4.6).Thefirst two characteristics define confidencein a hlpothesis is to test related
the minimum elementsof a hypothesis.The causal linkages in the theory from which it
third restatesthe hypothesis.Foi example,the comes.
hlpothesis that attendingreligiousservicesre-
ducesthe probability ofdivorce can be restated Typesof Hypotheses. Hlpothesesarelinks in a
as a prediction:Coupleswho attendreligious theoretical causalchain and can take several
servicesfrequently haye a lower divorce rate forms.Researchers usethem to testthe direction
than do coupleswho rarelyattendreligiousser- and strengthof a relationshipbetweenvariables.
vices.The prediction can be testedagainstem- \tVhena hypothesisdefeatsits competitors,or of-
pirical evidence.The fourth characteristicstates fersalternativeexplanationsfor a causalrelation,
that the hlpothesisshould be logicallytied to a it indirectlylendssupportto the researcher's ex-
researchquestionand to a theory. Researchers planation.A curiousaspectof hypothesistesting
test hypothesesto answerthe researchquestion is that researchers treat evidencethat supportsa
or to find empirical support for a theory. The hypothesisdifferently from evidencethat op-
last characteristicrequiresthat a researcheruse posesit. They give negativeevidencemore im-
empiricaldatato testthe hypothesis.Statements portance.The idea that negativeevidenceis
that are necessarilytrue as a result of logic, or critical when evaluating a hypothesis comes
questionsthat areimpossibleto answerthrough from the logicof disconfirmingh1,potheses.2 It is
empirical obseniation(e.g.,What is the "good associated with Karl Popper'sideaof falsification
life"? Is there a God?)cannot be scientifichy- and with the useof null hypotheses(seelater in
potheses. this section).
A hypothesisis neverproved,but it can be
Testingand Refining Hypothesis. Knowledge disproved.A researcherwith supportingevi-
rarelyadvanceson the basisofone testofa sin- dencecansayonly that the hypothesisremainsa
glehypothesis.In fact,it is easyto geta distorted possibilityor that it is still in the running. Nega-

Ftc u RE 4.3 How the Processof HypothesesTestingoperates over Time

trtrtrtrtr 1966
Thereare tive possiblehypotheses.

@ under
Remain Twoof the originalfive hypotheses
are rejected.
/ \Consideration

KE trtrtrI* A newone is develoPed.

,@ under
Remain Twohypothesesare rejected.
Twonew onesare developed.
/ \Consideration

ME tr nt { 1996
*";"., ,@ under
Remain Threehypothesesare reiected.
A new one is developed.
/ \Consideration

mmK 2006
,";"., @ under
Remain One hypothesisis rejected.
/ \Consideration Twonew onesare develoPed.

K trt1ei
In 2006,3 hypothesesare in contention,but from 1966 to 2006, 1t hypotheseswere considered,and ovel
time,8 of themwere reiectedin one or moretests.

tive evidenceis more significantbecausethe hy- For example,a man standson a streetcor-
pothesisbecomes"tarnished"or "soiled" if the ner with an umbrella and claims that his um-
evidencefailsto supportit. This is becausea hy- brella protectshim from falling elephants.His
pothesismakespredictions.Negativeand dis- hypothesisthat the umbrella provides protec-
confirming evidenceshowsthat the predictions tion hassupportingevidence.He hasnot had a
arewrong.Positiveor confirming evidencefor a singleelephantfall on him in all the time he has
hypothesisis lesscriticalbecausealternativehy- had his umbrellaopen.Yet, suchsupportiveev-
pothesesmay make the sameprediction' A re- idenceis weak;it alsois consistentwith an alter-
searcherwho finds confirming evidencefor a native hypothesis-that elephantsdo not fall
predictionmay not elevateoneexplanationover from the sky.Both predict that the man will be
its alternatives. safefrom falling elephants.Negativeevidence
A N D P L A N N I N CA S T U D Y 95

for the hypothesis-the one elephantthat falls Many people find the null hypothesis to be
on him andhis umbrella,crushingboth-would confusing. Another way to think of it is that the
destroythe hypothesisfor good. scientific community is extremely cautious. It
Researcherstest hypothesesin two ways:a prefers to consider a causal relationship to be
straightforwardway and a null hypothesisway. false until mountains of evidence show it to be
Many quantitativeresearchers, especiallyexper- true. This is similar to the Anglo-American legal
imenters,framehlpothesesin termsof a null hy- idea of innocent until proved guilty. A re-
pothesisbasedon the logic of the disconfirming searcherassumes,or acts as if, the null hlpothe-
hypotheses. Theytesthypotheses by looking for sis is correct until reasonable doubt suggests
evidencethat will allow them to acceptor reiect otherwise. Researcherswho use null hlpotheses
the null hypothesis.Most peopletalk ibout a hy- generally use it with specific statistical tests (e.g.,
pothesisas a way to predict a relationship.The t-test or F-test). Thus, a researchermay saythere
null hypothesisdoesthe opposite.It predictsno is reasonabledoubt in a null hypotheiis ii a sta-
relationship.For example,Sarahbelievesthat tistical test suggeststhat the odds ofit being false
studentswho live on campusin dormitoriesget are 99 in 100. This is what a researcher means
highergradesthan studentswho live offcampus when he or she says that statistical tests allow
and commuteto college.Her null hlpothesisis him or her to "reject the null hypothesis at the
that there is no relationshipbetweenresidence .01 level of significance."
and grades.Researchers usethe null hypothesis
with a correspondingalternativehypothesisor
experimental hypothesis.The alternative hy- Aspects of Explanation
pothesissaysthat a relationshipexists.Sarah's Clarity ahout Units and Levels of Analysis. It
alternativehypothesisis that students'on-cam- is easy to become confused at first about the
pus residencehasa positiveeffecton grades. ideas of units and levels of analysis. Neverthe-
For most people,the null hypothesisap- less, they are important for clearly thinking
proachis a backwardway of hlpothesistesting. through and planning a research project. All
Null hypothesisthinking restson the assump- studies have both units and levels of analysis,but
tion that researchers try to discovera relation- few researchersexplicitly identiSr them as such.
ship,sohlpothesistestingshouldbe designedto The levels and units of analysis are restricted by
makefinding a relationshipmore demanding.A the topic and the researchquestion.
researcherwho usesthe null hypothesisap- A levelof analysisis the level of social reality
proachonly directlyteststhe null hlpothesis.If to which theoretical explanations refer. The level
evidencesupportsor leadsthe researcherto ac- of social realityvaries on a continuum from mi-
ceptthe null hypothesis,he or sheconcludesthat cro level (e.g., small groups or individual
the testedrelationshipdoesnot exist.This im- processes)to macro level (e.g., civilizations or
plies that the alternativehlpothesisis false.On structural aspectsofsociety). The level includes a
the other hand, if the researchercan find evi- mix of the number of people, the amount of
denceto rejectthe null hypothesis,then the al- space,the scope of the activity, and the lengh of
ternativehlpothesesremain a possibility. The time. For example, an extreme micro-level
researchercannotprove the alternative;rather, analysiscan involve a few secondsofinteraction
by testingthe null hypotheses,he or shekeeps between two people in the same small room. An
the alternativehypothesesin contention.When extreme macro-level analysiscan involve billions
null hypothesistesting is addedto confirming ofpeople on severalcontinents acrosscenturies.
evidence,the argumentfor an alterativehypoth- Most social researchusesa level of analysis that
esiscangrowstrongerovertime. lies between these extremes.
The level of analysisdelimits the kinds of hand,a studythat comparesthe amountsdiffer-
assumptions, concepts,and theoriesthat a re- ent collegesspendon their football programs
searcheruses.For example,I want to study the would usethe organization(the college)asthe
topic of datingamongcollegestudents.I usea unit of analysisbecausethe spendingby colleges
micro-levelanalysisand developan explana- is beingcomparedand eachcollege'sspendingis
tion that usesconceptssuch as interpersonal recorded.
contact,mutual friendships,and common in- Researchers useunits of analysisother than
terests.I think that studentsare likely to date individuals, groups,or ganizations,social cate-
someonewith whom they havehad personal gories,institutions,and societies.For example,a
contact in a class,sharefriends in common, researcherwants to determine whether the
and sharecommoninterests.The topic and fo- speeches oftwo candidates for presidentofthe
cus fit with a micro-level explanationbecause United Statescontain specificthemes.The re-
they aretargetedat the levelofface-to-facein- searcherusescontentanalysisand measuresthe
teraction amongindividuals.Another example themesin eachspeechof the candidates.Here,
topic is how inequalityaffectsthe forms of vio- the speechis the unit of analysis.Geographic
Ientbehaviorin a society.Here,I havechosena units of analysisare alsoused.A researcherin-
more macro-levelexplanationbecauseof the terestedin determiningwhethercitiesthat have
topic and the level of socialreality at which it a high number of teenagers alsohavea high rate
operates.I am interestedin the degreeof in- of vandalismwould use the city as the unit of
equality(e.g.,the distributionof wealth,prop- analysis.This is becausethe researcher measures
erty,income,and other resources) throughout the percentageofteenagersin eachcity and the
a societyand in patternsof societalviolence amount of vandalismfor eachcity.
(e.g.,aggression againstother societies,sexual The units of analysisdeterminehow a re-
assault,feudsbetweenfamilies).The topic and searchermeasures variablesor themes.Theyalso
research questionsuggest macro-levelconcepts correspondlooselyto the levelof analysisin an
and theories. explanation.Thus,social-psychological or micro
The unit of analysisrefersto the type of unit levelsof analysisfitwith the individual asa unit of
a researcheruseswhen measuring.Common analysis,whereasmacro levelsof analysisfit with
units in sociologyare the individual, the group the socialcategoryor institution asa unit. Theo-
(e.g.,family,friendshipgroup),the organization ries and explanationsat the micro level generally
(e.g.,corporation,university),the socialcate- refer to featuresof individuais or interactions
gory (e.8.,socialclass,gender,race),the social amongindividuals.Thoseat the macrolevelrefer
institution (e.g.,religion,education,the family), to socialforcesoperatingacrossa societyor rela-
and the society(e.g.,a nation,a tribe). Although tionsamongmajor partsof a societyasa whole.
the individual is the most commonly usedunit Researchers uselevelsand units of analysis
of analysis,it is by no meansthe only one.Dif- to designresearchprojects,and being awareof
ferenttheoriesemphasizeoneor anotherunit of them helpsresearchers avoid logicalerrors.For
analysis,and different researchtechniquesare example,a studythat examineswhethercolleges
associated with specificunits of analysis.For ex- in the North spendmore on their football pro-
ample,the individualis usuallytheunit of analy- gramsthan do collegesin the Southirnpliesthat
sisin surveyand experimentalresearch. a researcher gathersinformation on spendingby
As an example,the individual is the unit of collegeand the locationof eachcollege.The unit
analysisin a surveyin which 150 studentsare of analysis-the organizationor, specifically, the
askedto rate their favorite football player.The college-flows from the researchproblem and
individual is the unit becauseeach individual tells the researcherto collectdata from each
student'sresponseis recorded.On the other college.
Researchers chooseamong different units to the unit on which you collect data (see
or levelsof analysisforuimila, tlpics orl"r.ur.f, A A\
questions.For example,u ,.r."rih., could
drrcta pioject on thJ topic of patriarcty
ana ,ri_ Eymple. Tomsville and foansvilleeach
olencewith societyasthe unit of arralysis have
fo. the about,45,000 peopleliving in tn.-. io_*itf.
researchquestion, ..Are patriarchai societies
u percentage of upper_income people.
more violent?"He or shewould collect lur 1tql
d.ataon Over half of the householdsin tn" to*"-i'uu.
societiesand classi$'eachsocietyby its degree
of family incomesof over $200,000.ffr" to*,
patriarchyand its levelof violence.On Jro
the"other mgtgr-ry. clelregisteredin it than any
hand,if the researchquestionwas,.Isthe 3: ::_.:
degree other town of its size.The town ofJoansville
of patriarchywithin u fu-ity urro.iutJ*iin has
rri_ many poor people.Half its households
ol.::: againsta spouse?,' ihe unit of anatysis live be_
couldbe the group or the family,u"a u rno..
cro level of analysiswould be appropriate.
researcher could collectdataon Amiliesbymea_
suring the degreeof patriarchywithin diif"r.rrt
families and the level of violence
spousesin thesefamilies.The sametopic Researchers havecriticizedthe famous studvSuicide
canbe ([1.897] I 95 t) by EmileDurkheimfor the
addressedwith different levels urrd .rrrit, eco'togi_
because patriarchycanbe a variablethat :allal|1c{?ftr:ating groupdataasthoughthey were
descrlbesan entiresociety,or it can describe individual-leveldata.In the study,Ouitt"i#-r_
so_ paredthe suicideratesof protestant
cial relationswithin one family. f*ewis., and Catiolic
,rio_ districtsin nineteenth_century
lencecanbe definedasgeneralbehavior westernfu.op" ana
acrossa explainedobserveddifferences
society,or as the interpersonalactions as due to differences
of one betweenpeople'sbeliefsandpracticesin
spousetoward the other. th"i*o r"_
ligions.He saidthat protestantshada
rate than Catholicsbecausethey were
Failo:y, The ecological rniru iiJiuia_
lcological fallacy arises ualisticand had lower socialiniegration.Durkheim
trom a mismatchof units of analysis.It refers andearlyresearchers
to only hadartl OyairtriJ iin.u
a poor fit between the units for which peopletendedto residewith others
a re_ of th" ,rru ."_
has empirical evidenceand the units ligion,Durkheimusederoup_levelart,
:.ut.Jr:r- fi."., ,"gL.)
tor whlch he or shewantsto makestatements. for individuals
is due to imprecisereasoningurrag.rr"rJiri.rg Laterresearchers (van poppel and Day,1996)
beyondwhat the evidencewarrants.Ecological reexamined nineteenth_century suicideratesonly
fallacyoccurswhen a researchergathers with individual-level data thatihey air.ou"r"Jfo,
i^io u,
a higher or an aggregatedunit o? urrulvri, someareas.They comparedthe death
but recordsand
wants to make a statementabout a I'ower tookedat the officialreasonof death
or and religion,
disaggregated unit. It is a fallacybe.arrr" ,hat but their resultsdifferedfrom,uirt.
happensin one unit of analysisioes ently,localofficialsat that time recorded
hold for a differentunit of analysis.Th;r,
"oi ferently.for people of different ,"ligi;;;.
ii;;. i;y
searchergathersdata for large aggregates r"-.or+d "unspecified"as a reasonfor ae-atfr
(eg., far more
organizations,entire countries, often for Catholicsbecauseof a strongrnorriproii_
il." bition againstsuicideamongCatholil.
drawsconclusionsabout the behavior "i..iu"a Ou.kheim,s
oi i"ii_ largertheory may be correct,yet the
viduals from those data, he or she i, .o--it_ evidencehe
ting the can avoid hadto test it wasweakbecausehe used
this dataaesre_
error by ensuringthat the unit of analySis gated at the group levelwhiletrying to
vou actionsof individuals. "*pt"iilti"
usein an explanationis the sameu, or rr.*.i*.
98 P A Rr oNE / F o u N D A rl o N S

low the poverty line. It also has fewer motorcy- the ecological fallacy or reductionism. :Ihey
cles registered in it than any other town its size. makea mistakeaboutthe dataappropriatefor a
But it is a fallacy to say,on the basis of this infor- researchquestion,or they may seriouslyover-
mation alone, that rich people are more likely to generalize from the data.
own motorcycles or that the evidence shows a You can make assumptionsabout units of
relationship between family income and motor- analysisother than the onesyou study empiri-
cycle ownership. The reason is that we do not cally.Thus, researchon individualsrestson as-
know which families in Tomsville or Joansville sumptions that individuals act within a set of
own motorcycles. We only know about the two socialinstitutions.Researchon socialinstitu-
variables-average incorne and number of mo- tions is basedon assumptionsabout individual
torcycles-for the towns as a whole. The unit of behavior.We know that many micro-levelunits
analysis for observing variables is the town as a form macro-levelunits. The dangeris that it is
whole. Perhaps all of the low- and middle-in- easyto slideinto usingthe causesor behaviorof
come families in Tomsville belong to a motorcy- micro units, such as individuals,to explainthe
cle club, and not a single upper-income family actions of macro units, such as social institu-
belongs. Or perhaps one rich family and five tions. What happensamong units at one level
poor ones in Joansville each own motorcycles. doesnot necessarilyhold for different units of
In order to make a statement about the relation- analysis.Sociologyis a disciplinethat restson
ship between famrly ownership of motorcycles the fundamentalbeliefthat a distinctlevelof so-
and family income, we have to collect informa- cial reality existsbeyond the individual. Expla-
tion on families, not on towns as a whole- nationsofthis levelrequiredataand theorythat
go beyond the individual alone. The causes
Reductionism. Another problem involving forces,structures,or processes that existamong
mismatched units of analysisand imprecise rea- macro units cannot be reduced to individual
soning about evidence is reductionism, also behavior.
calledthefallacy of nonequivalence(seeBox 4.8)'
This error occurs when a researcher explains Example. Why did World War I occur?You
macro-level events but has evidence only about may have heard that it was becausea Serbian
specific individuals. It occurs when a researcher shot an archdukein the AustroHungarianEm-
observesalower or disaggregatedunit of analysis pire in 1914.This is reductionism.Yes,the as-
but makes statements about the operations of sassination wasa factor,but the macro-political
higher or aggregatedanits.It is a mirror image of event between nations-w41-snnn6f be re-
the mismatch error in the ecological fallary. A duced to a specificact of one individual. If it
researcherwho has data on how individuals be- could, we could also saythat the war occurred
have but makes statements about the dynamics becausethe assassin's alarm clock worked and
of macro-level units is committing the error of wokehim up that morning. If it had not worked,
there would have been no assassination, so the
reductionism. It occurs becauseit is often easier
alarm clock caused the war! The event, World
to get data on concrete individuals. Also, the op-
erition of macro-level units is more abstract and War I, wasmuch more complexand wasdue to
nebulous. As with the ecological fallacy, you can many social,political, and economicforcesthat
avoid this error by ensuring that the unit of cametogetherat a point in history' The actions
analysis in your explanation is very close to the of specificindividualshad a role' but only a mi-
one for which you have evidence. nor one comparedto thesemacro forces'Indi-
Researchers who fail to think precisely viduals affect events, which eventually, in
about the units of analysisand those who do not combinationwith larger-scalesocialforcesand
couple data with the theory are likely to commit organizations,affectothers and move nations,

Supposeyou pickup a book and readthe

following: The movement's ideology,popularmobilization, pol_
itics,organization, and strategyare absent.Reiated
American racerelationschanged dramatically duingthe macro-levelhistoricaleventsand trends
Civil RightsEraof the 19 G7s.Attitudesarirg that may
themo_ have influencedthe movement(e.g.,
jority, whitepopulationshiftedto greater VietnamWar
toliranceas protest, mood shift with the kiliing
lawsand courtrulingschangedaiss the nation. of John F.
Op_ Kennedy,AfricanAmericanseparatistpoliti.r,
portunitiesthat hadbeenlegallyandofficially lf.i..n
closedto Americanmigrationto urbanNorth) aie also
all.butthe whitepopulation_intheorro, of houring, ignored.
Thiserroris not uniqueto histoiical
jobs, schooling,votingrights,andso .,
on_were opened Manypeoplethinkonly in termsof individual ""plrn"rtionr.
to peopleof all races.FromtheBrownvs.Board actions
of Ed_ and have an individualistbias,sometimes
ucationdecisionin 1955, to the Civit Rights called
Actof methodological individualism.This is especiallytrue in
1954, to theWaron poverty
from I 965 lo I 96g, a the extremelyindividualistic U.S.culture.fhe erro. is
new,dramaticoutlooksweptthe country.Thiswas
the that it disregardsunitsof analysisor forces
resultofthe vision,dedication,and actionsof b"vona
Ameica,s the individual.The errorof redictionismshifts
foremostcivilrightsleader,Dr. MartinLuthir KngJr. e'"pla_
nationto a muchlowerunit of analysis.
One could
continueto reducefrom an individual,s behaviorto
says:dependentvariable: major changein
. ^This biologicalprocesses in a person,to micro_level
U.S. race relationsover a I O_to 1 3'_yearp"iioa; neu_
rochemical activities,to the subatomiclevel.
independent.variable = King,svisionand actions.
Most peoplelivein ,,social worlds"focusedon lo_
lf you know muchabout the civil rightsera,you
cal,immediatesettingsand their interactions
seea problem.The entirecivilrightsmivement"and with a
smallset ofothers,so theireverydaysense
its successes areattributedto a singleindividual.yes, of rerlitv
encourages seeingsocialtrendsor eventsas individ_
one individualdoesmakea differenieandhelps
build psychotogicat processes.
and guidea movement,but the movementis :i!fi"1r:."1 Often,they
missing. become blind to more abstract,macro_level
The idea of a social-political movementas a causal enti_
ties-socia I forces,processes, organizations,
torceis reducedto its majorleader.The distinct institu_
so_ tions, movements,or structures.The idea
cialphenomenon-a movement_isobscured. that all
Losr socialactionscannotbe reducedto individuals
are the actionsof hundredsof thousands alone
of people of sociotogy.In his ctassic*orf. SuiJa",
(marches,court cases,speeches,prayer meetings, ! 11"^-1".
Emile.Durkheim foughtmethodological individualism
sit-ins,rioting,petitions,beatings,eti.) involved
in and demonstratedthat larger,unrecognized
advancinga sharedgoal and the responses social
to them. forcesexplainevenhighlyindividual, prluater.iionr.

but individual actionsalone are not the cause.

and amore complexrelation exists.Any associ_
Thus, it is likely that a war would havebroken
ation betweentwo yariablesmight be spurious,
out at about that time evenif the assassination
so researchersare cautiouswhen they iiscover
had not occurred.
that two variablesare associated;upor, fu.ih.,
investigation,it may not be the basisfor a
Spuriousness. To call a relationshipbetween real
causalrelationship.It may be an illusion,
uariablesspuriousmeansthat it is false,a mirage. iusr
like themiragethat resembies a pool of*ut"i o.,
Researcfuersget excitedif they think they hie a road during a hot day.
found a spuriousrelationshipbecausetfr.y.u"
Spuiousness occurswhen two variablesap_
show that what appearcon ih" surfaceis false
pearto be associated but arenot causallyrelatid
rA K t u Nc / r ( JUt\tr AttL/t\)

you tell whether a relationshipis spurious,and

how do you find out what the mysteriousthird
factor is?You will need to use statisticaltech-
niques (discussedlater in this book) to test
Formanyyears,researchers observeda strongpost- whetheran association is spurious.To usethem,
tive association betweenthe useof a night-lightand you needa theoryor at leasta guessaboutpossi-
childrenwho were nearsighted. Many thought that ble third factors.Actually,spuriousness is based
the night-lightwassomehowcausingthe childrento on commonsense logic that you alreadyuse.For
developvisionproblems(illustratedas a below). example,you alreadyknow that thereis an asso-
Other researchers could think of no reasonfor a ciation betweenthe useof air conditionersand
causallink betweennight-lightuse and developing ice cream cone consurnption.If you measured
nearsightedness. A 1 999 studyprovidedthe answer.
the number of air conditionersin use and the
It found that nearsightedparentsare more likelyto
numberofice creamconessoldfor eachday,you
usenight-lights; they alsogeneticallypasson theirvi-
would find a strongcorrelation,with more cones
siondeficiencyto their children.The studyfound no
sold on the dayswhen more air conditionersare
link betweennight-lightuse and nearsightedness
once parentalvisionwas addedto the explanation
in use.But you know that eatingicecreamcones
(seeb below).Thusthe initialcausallinkwas mis- does not causepeopleto turn on air condition-
leadingor spurious(from NewYo* Times,May 22, ers. Instead,both variablesarecausedby a third
2 001) . factor: hot days.You couldverify the samething
throughstatisticsby measuringthe dailytemper-
a. Initialrelationship ature aswell as ice creamconsumptionand air
conditioneruse.In socialresearch, opposingthe-
orieshelp peoplefigure out which third factors
POS|TTVE ASSOCTATTON are relevantfor many topics (e.g.,the causesof
crimeor the reasonsfor war or child abuse).
b. Additionof the missingtrue causalfactor
Example1. Somepeoplesaythat taking illegal
drugscausessuicide,schooldropouts,and vio-
lent acts.Advocatesof "drugs are the problem"
position point to the positivecorrelationsbe-
tweentaking drugsand beingsuicidal,dropping
out ofschool,and engagingin violence.Theyar-
guethat endingdrug usewill greatlyreducesui-
cide,dropouts,and violence.Othersarguethat
manypeopleturn to drugsbecause of their emo-
tional problemsor high levelsof disorderof their
becausean unseen third factor is the real cause communities(e.g.,high unemployrnent,unsta-
(seeBox 4.9). The unseen third or other variable ble families,high crime,fewcommunityservices
is the causeof both the independent and the de- lackof cifity). Thepeoplewith emotionalprob-
pendent variable in the apparent but illusionary lemsor who live in disorderedcommunitiesare
relationship and accounts for the observed asso- alsomorelikelyto commit suicide,drop out, and
ciation. In terms of conditions for causaliry the engagein violence.This meansthat reducing
unseen factor is a more powerful alternative emotional problems and community disorder
explanation. will causeillegaldrug use,droppingout, suicide
You now understand that you should be andviolenceall to declinegreatly.Reducingdrug
wary ofcorrelations or associations,but how can taking alonewill have only a limited effectbe-

causeit ignores the root causes.The "drugs are treated differently because of it, such as having
the problem" argument is spurious becausethe different job opportunities and housing choices.
initial relationship between taking illegal drugs Discriminated-against people who are in some
and the problems is misleading. The emotional racial categories find limits in their housing
problems and community disorder are the true choices. This means they get separated or
and often unseen causalvariables. grouped together in undesirable areas. Poor
housing gets combined with unequal schooling,
Example 2. In the United States and Canada, such that the lowest-quality schools are located
we observe an empirical association between in areas with the least desirable housing. Since
students classifiedasbeing in a non-White racial the relationship between school quality and test
category and scoring lower academic tests scoresis very strong, students from families liv-
(compared to students classifedas in a White ing in lessdesirablehousing areaswith low-qual-
categor/). The relationship between racial classi- ity schools get lower test scores.
fication and test scores is illusionary, becausea We can now turn from the errors in causal
powerful and little-recognized variable is the explanation to avoid and more to other issues
true cause of both the racial classification and involving hlpotheses. Table 4.2 provides a re-
the test scores(seeFigure 4.4).In this case,the view of the major errors.
true causeoperates directly on the independent
variable (racial classification) but indirectly
From the Research Question to
through an intervening process on the depen-
dent variable (test scores).A beliefsystem that is
basedon classifyingpeople asbelonging to racial It is difficult to move from a broad topic to hy-
groups and assigninggreat significanceto super- potheses,but the leap from a well-formulated
ficial physical appearance,such as skin color, is researchquestionto hypothesesis a short one.
the basis of what people call "race." Such a belief Hints about hlpothesesare embeddedwithin a
system also is the basis for prejudice and dis- goodresearchquestion.In addition,hlpotheses
criminatorybehavior. In such a situation, people are tentativeanswersto researchquestions(see
are seen as belonging to different races and Box4.10).

F I G UR E 4 .4 Exampleof a SpuriousRelationshipbetweenBelongingto a Non-

White "Race" and Getting LowAcademicTest Scores

Studentstreatedas belongingto SpuriousAssociation

a racialsocialcaiegory("White"
or "Non-White")basedon
non-Whitesin jobs
and housing

Real I
Cause Y
Societywideracist beliefs and Real
treatment of social categories Cause I Real
as if they had an

Summaryof Errorsin Exptanation

EcologicalFallacy The empiricalobservations are at too NewYork hasa highcrimerate.Joan

higha levelfor the causalrelationship livesin NewYork.Therefore,she -
that is stated. probablystole my watch.
Reductionism The empiricalobservationsareat too Because Stevenlost hisjob and did not
low a levelfor the causalrelationship buy a newcar,the countryentereda
that is stated. long economicrecession.
Spuriousness An unseenthird variableis the actual Hair lengthis associatedwith TV
causeofboth the independent and programs.Peoplewith short hair prefer
dependentvariable. watchingfootball;peoplewith long hair
preferromancestories.(lJnseen: Cender)

Bad ResearchQuestions
Good ResearchQuestions
Not Enpirically Testable,N onscientifi ExploratoryQuestions
c euestions
r Shouldabortionbe legal? I Hasthe actualincidence of childabusechangedin
Wisconsin in the past l0 years?
r ls it rightto havecapitalpunishment?
Desciptive Questions
GeneralTopics,Not Research
euestions r ls childabuse,violentor sexual,morecommonin
I Treatmentof alcoholand drugabuse
familiesthat haveexperienced a divorcethan in
r Sexualityand aging intact,never-divorcedfamilies?
Setof Variables,Not euestions I Are the childrenraisedin poverty households
r Capitalpunishmentand racialdiscrimination more likelyto havemedical,learning,and social_
r Urbandecayandgangs emotionaladjustmentdifficulties
Too Vague,Ambiguous
r Do policeaffectdelinquency? ExplanatoryQuestions
l Doesthe emotionalinstabilitycreatedby experi_
r What canbe doneto preventchildabuse?
encinga divorceincreasethe chancesthat di_
Needto Be StillMoreSpecific vorced parents will physically abuse their
r Hasthe incidence of childabuserisen? children?
r How does poverty affect children? r ls a lackof sufficentfunds for preventivetreat_
r What problemsdo childrenwho grow up in menta majorcauseof moreseriousmedicalprob_
poveftyexperience lemsamongchildrenraisedin familiesin poverty?
that othersdo not?

Consideran exampleresearchquestion:,.Is the chancesthat the marriage will end in divorce,

ageat marriage associatedwith divorce?',The unless it is a marriage between members of
questioncontainstwo variables:..ageat mar- a
tight-knit traditional religious communitv in
riage"and "divorce."To developa hfrothesis, a which early marriage is the norm.', '
researcher asks,"Which is the independentvari_ Formulating a research question and, ahy_
able?"The independentvariableis-..aqeat mar_ -
pothesis do not have to proceed in fixed stases.A
riage" becausemarriagemust logicaliyprecede researcher can formulate a tentative reslarch
divorce.The researcheralsoasks]..WLai is the question, then develop possible hypotheses;
direction of the relationship?',The hypothesis the
hypothesesthen help the researchei state the
couldbe:"The lower the ageat time of marriage, re_
search question more precisely. The process
the greaterthe chancesthat the marriase will is
interactive and involves creativitv.
end in divorce."This hypothesisanswe.sihe ,._ You may be wondering, does theory
searchquestionand makesa prediction.Notice ^
fit into the process of moving from a topic to
that the researchquestion.un b. reformulated a
hypothesis I can test?Recall from Chapter Z
and better focusednow: ..Are coupleswho ft1oy takes many forms. Researcheri use gen_
marry youngermore likely to divorce?" eral theoretical issuesas a source oftopics. ihe_
Severalhypotheses canbe developedfor one ories provide concepts that researchers*turninto
researchquestion.Another hypothesisfrom the variables as well as the reasoning or mechanism
sameresearchquestionis: ..Thesmallerthe dif_ that helps researchersconnect variables into
ferencebetweenthe agesof the marriagepart_ a
researchquestion. A hypothesis can both answer
ners at the time of mairiage,the lessfif.".fftfr* a researchquestion and be an untested proposi_
the marriagewill end in divorce.,'In this case, tion from a theory. Researchers.urr.*pr.r, u hlr_
the variable "age at marriage" is specified pothesis at an abstract, conceptuai level
differently. o.
restateit in a more concrete,meaiurable form.
, , can specifythat a relationship Examples of specfic studies mayhelp to il_
holdsunder someconditionsbut not others.For lustrate the parts ofthe researchprocess.For."_
a hlpothesisstates:"The lower the age amples of three quantitative st;dies, see Table
of the at time of marriage,the greater 4.3; for two qualitative studies, seeTable 4.4.

Examplesof QuantitativeStudies

Study Citation (using Coar,CarlaandJane Musick,Mark,John Lauzen, MarthaM. and

ASA format style) Sell.2005. "UsingTask Wilson,andWilliam D avi dM. D ozi er.20O5.
Definitionto Modify B y n u m.2000." R ace "Maintaining the Double
RacialInequality Within and Formal Standard:Portrayalsof
TaskCroups" Volunteering: The Age and Genderin
Sociologica I Quarterly DifferentialEffectsof PopularFilms."SexRo/es
46: 5 2 5 -5 4 3 . Classand Religion" 52:437-446.
1 5 3 9 -7 0 .
Methodological Experiment Survey ContentAnalysis

TABTE 4.3 (Continued)

Topic Mixedracegroup Ratesof volunteeringby Age and Gender

workingon a task.A Whiteand Blackadults Stereotypesin U.S.
test of "expectation MassMedia

ResearchQuestion lf a group is presented Do differentkindsof Do contemporaryfilms

with a task that is resourcesavailableto showa doublestandard,
complexand requires Blacksand Whites in whichmalesacquire
manydiverseskills,does explainwhy Blacksare greaterstatusand
this resultin greater lesslikelyto volunteer? leadershipas they age,
equalityin padicipation whilefemalesare not
acrossracialgroups permitttedto gain
becausepeoplebelieve statusand leadership
differentracialgroups with increasedage?

Main Hypothesis Croupsexposedto ForWhitesand Blacks, As with pastpopular

Tested instructionsthat socialclassand religion U.S.filmsand in other
suggestcomplexand affectwhethera person popularmassmedia,a
diverseskillsare volunteersin different doublestandardstill
requiredto completea wavs. exists.
taskwill showlessracial
inequalityin their
operationsto complete
a taskthan groups

Main Independent Whethergroupswere Socialclass,religious The ageand genderof

Variable(s) told they wereto a attendance,race. majorfilm characters.
completea complex
taskthat requires
diverseskillsor not.

Main Dependent The amountof Whethera personsaid Whethera characterhas

Variable(s) time/involvement by he or shevolunteered role,high
a leadership
peopleof different for any of five occupationalstatus,and
racesto resolvea group organizations (religious, goals.
task. education,politicalor

Unit of Analysis Mixedracetaskgroup adult

Individual The movie
A N D P L A N N I N CA S T U D Y I05

SpecificUnits in the 90 undergraduate Randomsampleof 100 top-grossing

Study femalesin 5-oerson 2 ,8 6 7 U.S adul. ts domestic
groupscomprisedof interviewedtwice 2002.
one Blackandtwo (p a n e l i)n 1 985 and
Whitestudents. 19 8 9 .
Universe All taskgroupsthat All adultWhitesand Allfilms.
havea diverseset of Blacksin the United
members. States.

Study Citation (usingASA Lu,ShunandCaryFine.1 995. Molotch,Harvey,William

format style) "ThePresentation of Ethnic Freudenburg, and Kristapaulsen.
Authenticity: ChineseFoodas a 2000. "HistoryRepeatsltself,
SocialAccomplishment" but How?City Character,Urban
Sociological Quarterly Tradition,andthe
3 6 :5 3 5 -5 3 . Accomplishment of place."
MethodologicalTechnique FieldResearch Historical-Comparative
Topic Thewaysethnicculturesare The wayscitiesdevelopa distinct
displayed withinthe boundaries urban"character."
of beingacceptable in the United
Statesand how they deploy
ResearchQuestion Howdo Chineserestaurants Why did the California
presentfood to balance,givinga SantaBarbaraandVentura,
feelingof culturalauthenticity whichappearverysimilaron the
andyet satisfying non-Chinese surface,developvery different
U.S.customers? characters?


TAB LE 4. 4 ( Co n ti n u e d )

Grounded Theory EthnicrestaurantsAmericanize The authorsusedtwo

their food to fit localtastesbut concepts-"lash up" (interaction
alsoconstructan imPression of of manyfactors)and structure is a negotiated (pasteventscreateconstraints
processof meetingthe on subsequent ones)-to
customer'sexpectations,/taste elaborateon characterand
conventionsand the desirefor an tradition.Economic,political,
exoticand authenticeating cultural,and socialfactors
experience. combineto createdistinct
cultural-economic places.Similar
forcescan haveoppositeresults
dependingon context.

SocialProcess Restaurants makemodifications Conditionsin the two cities

to fit availableingredients, contributedto two different
market niche,and the cultural economicdevelopment
and food tastesof local responsesto the oil industryand
customers. highwaydevelopment. The city
of Venturaformedan industrial-
employmentbasearoundthe oil
industryand encouragednew
highways.The city of Santa
Barbaralimitedboth the oil
insteadfocusedon creatinga

SocialContext or Field Site Chineserestaurants,esPeciallY The middlepart of California's

four in Athens,Georgia. Pacificcoastoverthe past 00

focus the research.The srylethat a researcher

ffi, useswill dependon the topic he or sheselects,
In this chapter,you encounteredthe ground- the researcher's purposeand intendeduse of
work to begina study.You sawhow differences study results,the orientation toward socialsci-
in the qualitative and quantitative stylesor ap- encethat he or sheadopts,and the individual re-
proachesto socialresearchdirect a researcher to searcher's own assumptionsand beliefs.
prepare for a study differently. All social re- Quantitativeresearchers take a linear path
searchersnarrowtheir topic into a more specific, and emphasizeobjectivity.They tend to useex-
focusedresearchquestion.The srylesof research plicit, standardizedprocedures and a causalex-
suggesta different form and sequenceof deci- planation. Their language of variables and
sions,and differentanswersto when and how to hypothesesis found acrossmany other areasof
A N D P L A N N I N GA S T U D Y 107

science.The processis often deductive with a se- strengths and limitations of each. The ultimate
quence ofdiscrete stepsthat precede data collec- goal is to develop a better understanding and ex-
tion: Narrow the topic to a more focused planation of events in the social world. This
question, transform nebulous theoretical con- comes from an appreciation of the value that
cepts into more exact variables, and develop one each style has to offer.
or more hlpotheses to test. In actual practice, re-
searchersmove back and forth, but the general
processflows in a single, linear direction. In ad-
dition, quantitative researcherstake specialcare Key Terms
to avoid logicalerrorsin hypothesisdevelop-
ment and causalexplanation. abstract
Qualitative researchers follow a nonlinear alternative hypothesis
path and emphasizebecoming intimate with the attributes
details of a natural setting or a particular cul- citation
tural-historical context. They use fewer stan- dependentvariable
dardized procedures or explicit steps,and often ecologicalfallacy
devise on-the-spot techniques for one situation first-order interpretation
or study. Their language of casesand contexts hypothesis
directs them to conduct detailed investigations independentvariable
ofparticular casesor processesin their searchfor interveningvariable
authenticity. They rarely separateplanning and level of analysis
design decisions into a distinct pre-data collec- linear researchpath
tion stage,but continue to develop the studyde- literature review
sign throughout early data collection. The nonlinearresearchpath
inductive qualitative sryle encourages a slow, null hypothesis
flexible evolution toward a specific focus based reductionism
on a researcher's ongoing learning from the second-orderinterpretation
data. Grounded theory emerges from the re- spuriousness
searcher'scontinuous reflections on the data. third-order interpretation
Too often, the qualitative and quantitative unitof analysis
distinction is overdrawn and presented as a rigid universe
dichotomy. Adherents of one style of social re- variable
searchfrequently judge the other style on the ba-
sis of the assumptions and standards of their
own style.The quantitative researcherdemands Endnotes
to know the variables used and the hlpothesis
tested. The qualitative researcherbalks at turn- 1. For a discussionof the "logic of the disconfirm-
ing humanity into cold numbers. The challenge itg hypothesis,"see Singleton and associates
for the well-versed,prudent social researcheris (1988:456-460).
to understand and appreciate each sryle or ap- 2. SeeBailey(1987:43)for a discussion.
proach on its own terms, and to recognize the

' lr


Why Measure?
Quantitative and Qualitative Measurement
Parts of the Measurement Process
and Operationalization
and Operationalization
Reliability and Validity
and Validityin QuantitativeResearch
and Validityin QualitativeResearch
RelationshipbetweenReliability and Validity
Other Usesof the TermsReliableand Valid
A Guide to Quantitative Measurement
Levelsof Measurement
Scalesand Indexes
lndex Construction
The Puroose
Ratesand Standardization
The Purpose
Logicof Scaling

I NT R ODUCT I O N creative intelligence. Others suggestmore types,

such as social-interpersonal,emotional, body-
You may have heard of the Stanford Binet IQ test kinesthetic, musical, or spatial. Ifthere are many
to measureintelligence,the Index of Dissimilarity forms of intelligence but people narrowly limit
to measure racial segregation, the Poverty Line to measurement to one type, it seriously restricts
measurewhether one is poor, or Uniform Crime how schools identift and nurture learning; how
Reports to measure the amount of crime. When larger society evaluates,promotes, and recog-
social researcherstest a hypothesis, evaluate an nizesthe contributions of people;and how a so-
explanation, provide empirical support for a the- ciety values diverse human abilities.
ory or systematically study an applied issue or Likewise, different policymakers and re-
some area of the social world, they measurecon- searchersconceptualZe and operationalize poverty
cepts and variables.How social researchersmea- differently. How people measure poverty will
sure the nlunerous aspectsof the social world- determine whether people get assistancefrom
such as intelligence, segregation,poverty, crime, numerous social programs (e.g., subsidized
self-esteem,political power, alienation, or racial housing, food aid, health care, child care, etc.).
prejudice-is the focus of this chapter. For example, some say that people are poor oniy
Quantitative researchers are far more con- if they cannot afford the food required to pre-
cerned about measurement issuesthan are qual- vent malnutrition. Others say that people are
itative researchers.They treat measurement as a poor if they have an annual income that is less
distinct step in the research process that occurs than one-half of the ayerage (median) income.
prior to data collection, and have developed spe- Still others say that people are poor ifthey earn
cial terminology and techniques for it. Using a below a "living wage" based on a judgment
deductive approach, they begin with a concept about the income needed to meet minimal com-
then create empirical measures that precisely munity standards of health, safery and decency
and accurately capture it in a form that can be in hygiene, housing, clothing, diet, transporta-
expressedin numbers. tion, and so forth. Decisions about how to con-
Qualitative researchersapproach measure- ceptualize and measure a variable-poverty-
ment very differently. They develop ways to cap- can greatly influence the daily living conditions
ture and express variable and nonvariable of millions of people.
concepts using various alternatives to numbers.
They often take an inductive approach, so they
measurefeatures of social life aspart of a process
W H Y M EA S U R E ?
that integrates creating new concepts or theories
with measurement. We use manymeasures in our dailylives. For ex-
How people conceptualize and operational- ample, this morning I woke up and hopped onto
ize variables can significantly affect social issues a bathroom scale to see how well my diet is
beyond concernsofresearch methodology. For working. I glanced at a thermometer to find out
example, psychologists debate the meaning and whether to wear a coat. Next, I got into my car
measurement of intelligence. Most intelligence and checked the gas gauge to be sure I could
tests that people use in schools, on job applica- make it to campus. As I drove, I watched the
tions, and in making statements about racial or speedometer so I would not get a speeding
other inherited superiority measure only ana- ticket. By 8:00e.u., I had measuredweight, tem-
lytic reasoning (i.e., one's capacity to think ab- perature, gasoline volume, and speed-all mea-
stractly and to infer logically). Yet, many argue sures about the physical world. Such precise,
that there are other types of intelligence in addi- well-developed measures,which we use in daily
tion to analytic. Some say there is practical and life, are fundamental in the natural sciences.
1 l0 P A Rr oNE / F o U N D AT T o N S

We alsomeasurethe nonphysicalworld in observed(e.g.,attitudes,ideology,divorcerates,

everydaylife, but usually in less exact terms. deviance,sexroles,etc.).Like the natural scien-
We are measuringwhen we saythat a restau- tist who inventsindirect measuresof the "invis-
rant is excellent,that Pablois really smart,that ible" objectsand forcesof the physicalworld,the
Karen has a negativeattitude toward life, that socialresearcherdevisesmeasuresfor difficult-
]ohnson is really prejudiced,or that the movie to-observeaspectsof the socialworld.
last night had a lot of violencein it. However,
such everydayjudgments as "really preju-
diced" or "a lot of violence" are imprecise,
Measurementalso extendsour senses. The
astronomeror biologistusesthe telescopeor the Both qualitativeand quantitativeresearchers use
microscopeto extendnaturalvision.In contrast carefrrl,systematicmethodsto gatherhigh-qual-
to our senses, scientificmeasurementis more ity data.Yet, differencesin the srylesof research
sensitive,varieslesswith the specificobserver, and the types of data mean they approachthe
and yieldsmore exactinformation. You recog- measurementprocessdifferently. The two ap-
nizethat a thermometergivesmore specific,pre- proachesto measurement havethreedistinctions
ciseinformation about temperaturethan touch One differencebetweenthe two
can.Likewise,a good bathroom scalegivesyou volves timing. Quantitative researchersthink
morespecific,constant,and preciseinformation about variablesand convert them into specific
aboutthe weightofa 5-year-oldgirl thanyou get actionsduring a planning stagethat occursbe-
by lifting her and callingher "heavy"or "light." fore and separatefrom gatheringor analyzing
Socialmeasuresprovide preciseinformation data. Measurementfor qualitative researcher
aboutsocialreality. occursduring the datacollectionprocess.
In addition, measurementhelpsus observe A seconddifferenceinvolvesthe data itself.
what is otherwiseinvisible.Measurementex- Quantitativeresearchers developtechniquesthat
tendshuman senses. It letsus observethingsthat can produce quantitativedata (i.e., data in the
were once unseenand unknown but were pre- form of numbers).Thus, the researchermoves
dictedbytheory. from abstractideasto specificdata collection
Beforeyou can measure,you need a clear techniquesto precisenumerical information
ideaaboutwhatyou areinterestedin. For exam- producedby the techniques.The numericalin-
ple,you cannotseeor feelmagnetismwith your formation is an empiricalrepresentationof the
natural senses. Magnetismcomesfrom a theory abstractideas.Data for qualitativeresearcher
aboutthe physicalworld. You observeits effects sometimesis in the form of numbers;more of-
indirectly;for instance,metalflecksmoveneara ten, it includeswritten or spokenwords,actions
magnet.Themagnetallowsyou to "see"or mea- sounds,symbols,physicalobjects,or visualim-
surethe magneticfields.Natural scientistshave ages(e.g.,maps,photographs, videos'etc.).The
invented thousandsof measuresto "see" very qualitativeresearcher doesnot convertall obser-
tiny things (moleculesor insectorgans)or very vation into a singlemedium such as numbers.
large things (huge geologicalland massesor Instead,he or shedevelopsmanyflexible'ongo-
planets)that are not observablethrough ordi- ing processes to measurethat leavesthe datain
nary senses. In addition, researchers are con- variousshapes,sizes,and forms.
stantlycreatingnew measures. All researchers combine ideasand data to
Someof the things a socialresearcheris in- analyzethe socialworld. In both researchstyles
terestedin measuringare easyto see(e.g.,age, data are empirical representationsof concepts
sex,skin color,etc.),but most cannotbe directly and measurement links datato concepts.A third

difference is how the two styles make such link- definition.Aconceptualdefinitionis a definition
ages.Quantitative researcherscontemplate and in abstract,theoreticalterms. It refersto other
reflect on concepts before they gather any data. ideasor constructs.Thereis no magicalway to
They construct measurement techniques that turn a constructinto a preciseconceptualdefin-
bridge concepts and data. ition. It involvesthinking carefully,observing
Qualitative researchersalso reflect on ideas directly, consulting with others, reading what
before data collection, but they develop many, if othershavesaid,and trying possibledefinitions.
not most, of their concepts during data collec- How might I developa conceptualdefini-
tion. The qualitative researcherreexamines and tion of the constructprejudice?Whenbeginning
evaluatesthe data and concepts simultaneously to developa conceptualdefinition, researchers
and interactively. Researchers start gathering oftenrely on multiple sources-personalexperi-
data and creating ways to measure based what enceand deepthinking, discussionswith other
they encounter. As they gather data, they reflect people, and the existing scholarlyliterature. I
on the processand develop new ideas. might reflect on what I know about prejudice,
askotherswhat theythink aboutit, andgo theli-
brary and look up its many definitions.As I
P ARTS OF T HE M E A S U R E M EN T gather definitions, the core idea should eet
PR OC ESS clearer,but I havemany definitionsand need"to
sort them out. Most definitionsstatethat preju-
When a researcher measures,he or she links dice is an attitude about anothergroup and in-
a concept, idea, or constructl to a measure (i.e., volvesa prejudgment,or judgingprior to getting
a technique, a process, a procedure, etc.) by specificinformation.
which he or she can observethe idea empiricahy. As I think aboutthe construct,I noticethat
Quantitative researchersprimarily follow a de- all the definitions refer to prejudiceas an atti-
ductive route. They begin with the abstract idea, tude, and usually it is an attitude about the
follow with a measurement procedure, and end membersof another group. There are many
with empirical data that represent the ideas. forms of prejudice,but most arenegativeviews
Qualitative researchersprimarily follow an in- aboutpersonsofa differentracial-ethnicgroup.
ductive route. They begin with empirical data, Prejudicecould be about other kinds ofgroups
follow with abstract ideas, relate ideas and data, (e.g.,peopleof a religion,of a physicalstature,or
and end with a mixture of ideas and data. Actu- from a certainregion), but it is alwaysabout a
ally, the processis more interactive in both styles collectivityto which one doesnot belong.Many
of research. As a quantitative researcher devel- constructshavemultiple dimensionsor types,so
ops measures,the constructs become refined I shouldconsiderwhethertherecanbe different
and clearer, and as the researcher applies the typesof prejudice-racial prejudice,religious
measuresto gather data, he or she often adjusts prejudice,ageprejudice,genderprejudice,na-
the measurement technique. As a qualitative re- tion prejudice,and so forth.
searchergathersdata, he or she usessome preex- I alsoneedto considerthe units of analysis
isting ideas to assist in data collection, and will that bestfit my definition of the construct.piej-
then mix old with new ideas that are developed udiceis an attitude.Individualsholdandexpress
from the data. attitudes,but so might groups (e.g.,farnilies,
Both qualitative and quantitative researchers clubs,churches,companies,media outlets).I
use two processes:conceptualization and opera- needto decide,Do I want my definition of prej-
tionalization in measurement. Conceptualizati- udiceto includeonly the attitudesof individuals
on is the process of taking a construct and or shouldit includeattitudesheldby groups,or-
refining it by giving it a conceptual or theoretical ganizations,and institutions aswell?Can I say,
112 P A RTo N E ,/ F o u N D A T Io N s

The schoolor newspaperwasprejudiced?I also

must distinguishmy constructfrom closelyre-
latedones.For example,I must ask,How is prej-
udice similar to or different from ideassuchas
discrimination,stereotype,or racism? 1. Rememberthe conceptual definition.
The underly-
Conceptualization is the processof carefully ing principlefor any measureis to matchit to
thinking through the meaningof a construct.At the specificconceptualdefinitionof the con-
this stage,I believethat prejudicemeansan in- structthat will be usedin the study.
flexiblenegativeattitude that an individual holds 2. Keepan openmind.Do not get lockedinto a sin-
and is directedtoward a raceor ethnic group gle measure or type of measure. Becreativeand
that is an out-group.It can,but doesnot always, constantlylookfor better measures.
lead to behavior,such as treatingpeopleun- 3. Borrowfrom others.Do not be afraid to borrow
equally(i.e.,discrimination),and it generallyre- fromotherresearchers, as longascreditisgiven.
lies on a person'sstereotypesof out-group Cood ideasfor measures can be found in other
members.Thus,my initial thought,"Prejudiceis studiesor modifiedfrom other measures.
a negativefeeling,"has becomea preciselyde- 4. Anticipatedifficulties.Logicaland practicalprob-
fined construct.Evenwith all my conceptualiza- lemsoften arisewhen trying to measurevari-
tion, I need to be even more specific.For ablesof interest.Sometimesa problemcaRbe
example,if prejudiceis a negativeattitudeabout anticipatedand avoided with careful fore-
a raceor an ethnic group of which one is not a thoughtandplanning.
member,I needto considerthe meaningof race 5. Do notforgetyour unitsof analysis.Your measure
or ethnicgroup.I should not assumeeveryone shouldfit with the unitsof analysisof the study
seesracial-ethniccategoriesthe same.Likewise, and permityou to generalize to the universeof
it is possibleto havea positiveprejudgment,and interest.
if so is that a kind of prejudice?The main point
is that conceptualization requiresthat I become
very clearand statewhat I meanvery explicitly
for othersto see. etc.),andto the researchtechniquesyou know or
Operationalization links a conceptualdefin- canlearn.You can developa new measurefrom
ition to a specificsetof measurementtechniques scratch,or it canbe a measurethat is alreadybe-
or procedures,the construct'soperationaldefin- ing usedby otherresearchers (seeBox5.1).
ition (i.e.,a definition in termsof the specificop- Operationalizationlinks the languageof
erationsofactions a researchercarriesout). An theorywith the languageof empiricalmeasures.
operationaldefinition could be a surveyques- Theoryis full of abstractconcepts,assumptions,
tionnaire,a methodof observingeventsin a field relationships,definitions,and causality.Empiri-
setting,a way to measuresymbolic content in cal measuresdescribehow peopleconcreteiy
the massmedia, or any processcarried out by measurespecificvariables.They referto specific
the researcher that reflects,documents,or repre- operationsor things peopleuseto indicatethe
sentsthe abstractconstructasit is expressed in presenceofa constructthat existsin observable
the conceptualdefinition. reality.
Thereareusuallymultiplewaysto measurea
construct.Somearebetteror worseand more or
lesspracticalthan others.The key is to fit your Quantitative Conceptualization and
measureto your specificconceptualdefinition,to Operationalization
the practicalconstraintswithin which you must The measurementprocessfor quantitative re-
operate(e.g.,time, money, availablesubjects, searchflows in a straightforwardsequence:

conceptualization, followed by operational- The measurementprocesslinks together

ization, followed by applying the operational the three levels,moving deductivelyfrom the
definition or measuringto collect the data. abstractto the concrete.A researcherfirst con-
Quantitativeresearchers developedseveralways ceptualizesa variable,giving it a clear concep-
to rigorouslylink abstractideasto measurement tual definition.Next,he or sheoperationalizes it
proceduresthat will produce precisequantita- by developingan operationaldefinition or set
tive information about empiricalreality. of indicators for it. Last, he or she appliesthe
Figure 5.1 illustrates the measurement indicators in the empirical world. The links
processfor two variablesthat arelinked together from abstractconstructsto empiricalreality al-
in a theoryand a hypothesis.Therearethreelev- low the researcherto test empiricalhypotheses.
elsto consider:conceptual,operational,and em- Thosetestsare logically linked back to a con-
pirical.At the most abstractlevel,the researcher ceptual hlpothesis and causalrelations in the
is interestedin the causalrelationshipbetween world of theory.
two constructs,or a concEtualhypothesis. Atthe A hypothesishasat leasttwo variables,and
levelofoperationaldefinitions,the researcher is the processes of conceptualization and opera-
interestedin testing an empiricalhypothesis to tionalization are necessary for eachvariable.ln
determinethe degreeof associationbetweenin- the preceding example, prejudice is not a
dicators.This is the level at which correlations. hypothesis.It is one variable.It could be a de-
statistics,questionnaires,and the like are used. pendentvariablecausedby somethingelse,or it
Thethird levelis the concreteempiricalworld. If could be an independent variable causing
the operationalindicators of variables(e.g., somethingelse.It dependson my theoretical
questionnaires)are logically linked to a con- explanation.
struct (e.g.,racialdiscrimination),theywill cap- We can return to the quantitative study by
ture what happensin the empiricalsocialworld Weitzerand Tuch on perceptionsof policebias
and relateit to the conceptuallevel. and misconductdiscussedin Chapter2 for an


Abstract Construct to Goncrete Measure

IndependentVariable DependentVariable

Conceptualization Conceptualization Level of


Operationalization Operationalization Level

Hypothesis l Empirical
1.1 4 PART oN E , / FoUNDATI O NS

example of how researchersconceptualize and sense"or organizethe data and one'sprelimi-

operationalize variables. It is an explanatory nary ideas.
study with two main variables in a causal hy- As the researcher gathersand analyzesqual-
pothesis. The researchers began with the itative data, he or she developsnew concepts,
conceptualhypothesis:Members of a nondomi- formulates definitions for the concepts' and
nant racial group are more likely than a domi- considersrelationshipsamong the concepts.
nant racial group to believe that policing is Eventually,he or shelinks conceptsto one an-
racially biased, and their experience with polic- otherto createtheoreticalrelationshipsthat may
ing and exposure to media reports on police or may not be causal.Qualitative researchers
racial bias increasethe perception ofracial bias. form the conceptsasthey examinetheir qualita-
They conceptualizedthe independent variable, tive data (i.e.,field notes,photosand maps,his-
dominant racial group, as White and the non- torical documents,etc.). Often, this involvesa
dominant group as non-White subdivided into researcher askingtheoreticalquestionsaboutthe
Black and Hispanic. The researchercconcEtual- data (e.g.,Is this a caseof classconflict?What is
izedthe dependent variable, racially biasedpolic- the sequenceofeventsand could it be different?
ing, as unequal treatment by the police of Whites Why did this happenhere and not somewhere
and non-Whites and racial prejudice by police else?).
officers. The researchersoperationalized the in' A qualitative researcherconceptualizesby
dependent variable by self-identification to a developingclear,explicit definitions of con-
survey question about race.They operationalized structs.The definitions are somewhatabstract
the dependent variable by using four setsof sur- and linked to other ideas,but usuallythey are
vey questions: (1) questions about whether po- alsocloselytied to specificdata'They canbe ex-
lice treat Blacks better, the same, or worse than pressedin the wordsand concreteactionsof the
Whites, and the same question with Hispanics people being studied. In qualitative rgsearch,
substituted for Blacks; (2) questions about conceptualizationis largely determinbdby the
whether police treat Black neighbhorhoods bet- data.
ter, the same,or worsethan Whites ones,with
the samequestionaskedfor Hispanicneighbor- a(Operationalization. The operationalization
hoods; (3) a questionabout whetherthere is 'process for qualitative researchsignificantly
racial-ethnicprejudiceamongpolice ofEcersin differs from that in quantitative researchand
the city; and (+) a questionaboutwhetherpolice often precedesconceptualization.Aresearcher
aremorelikelyto siop somedriversbecause they forms conceptualdefinitions out of rudimen-
are Black or liispani". tary "working ideas"that he or sheusedwhile
making observationsor gatheringdata.Instead

Quatitative and
conceptualization :1Hil::,:'Il1*".?'.",:l*5TJ:"?,::,'#:J
Operationalization searcheroperationaiizesby describing how
4 Conceptualization. The conceptualization specific observationsand thoughts about the
pro..ri in qualitativeresearchalsodiffers from data contributed to working ideasthat are the
ihat ln quantitativeresearch.Insteadof refining basisof conceptualdefinitions and theoretical
abstractideasinto theoreticaldefinitionsearlyin concepts.
the researchprocess,qualitativeresearchers re- Operationalizationinqualitativeresearchis
fine rudimentaty "*otking ideas" during the anafter-the-factdescriptionmorethanabefore-
datacollectionand analysisprocess.Conceptu- the-factpreplannedtechnique.Almost in a re-
alizationis a processof iorming coherenttheo- verseof the quantitativeprocess'datagathering
retical definiiions as one strugglesto "make occurswith or prior to full operationalization.

|ust asquantitativeoperationalizationdevi- sistanceto reformulation to acceptance,and

atesfrom a rigid deductiveprocess,the process with acceptance camenew corporatepolicy.The
followedby qualitativeresearchers is oneof mu- researchersalso drew on past studiesto argue
tual interaction.The researcherdrawson ideas that the "managerializationof law"
from beyondthe data of a specificresearchset- onerole of top corporatemanagers-theyinno-
ting. Qualitativeoperationalizationdescribes vate and alter internal operationsby
how the researchercollectsdata,but it includes new terms, justifications, and maneuvers
the researcher's use of preexistingtechniques help firms adjustto potential "disruptions"and
and conceptsthat wereblendedwith thosethat requirementsoriginatingin the corporation,s
emergedduring the data collectionprocess.In externalpolitical-legalenvironment.
qualitativeresearch,ideasand eyidencearemu-
tually interdependent.
We canseean exampleof qualitativeopera-
tionalizationin the study on managerialization RELIABITITYAND VALIDITY
of law by Edelmanand associates (2001)dis- Reliability and validity are central issuesin all
cussedin Chapter2. It is a descriptivestudythat measurement. Both concernhow concretemea_
developedone main construct.The researchers suresare connectedto constructs.
beganwith an interestin how major U.S.corpo- and validity aresalientbecauseconstructsin sol
rationscameto acceptlegalmandatesfrom the cial theory are often ambiguous,diffuse,and
late,,l97Os to early 1990s.The mandatesstated not directly observable.perfect reliability and
thdt firms must institutepoliciesto equalizeand validity are virtually impossibleto achieve.
improve the hiring and promotion of racialrni- Rather,they are idealsfor which researchers
norities and women, somethingthe firms ini- strive.
tially opposed.The researcher'sempiricaldata All socialresearchers want their measures to
consistedof articlesin magazines written for and be reliableandvalid.Both ideasareimportant in
by corporatemanagers, or "managerialrhetoric', establishingthe truthfulness,credibility, or be-
(i.e:,debatesand discussionwithin the commu- lievabilityof findings.Both termsalsohavemul-
nity of leadingprofessionalmanagerson impor- tiple meanings. Here, they refer to related,
tant issues).After gatheringnumerousarticles, desirableaspectsof measurement.
the researchers operationalizedthe databy devel- Reliability meansdependabilityor consis-
oping working ideasand conceptsfrom an in- tency.It suggests that the samething is repeated
ductiveexaminationofthe data.Theresearchers or recursunderthe identicalor verysimilar
discoveredthat as managersdiscussedand de- ditions. The oppositeof reliabilityis a measure-
liberated,they had createda setofnew nonlegal ment that yieldserratic,unstable,or inconsistent
terms,ideas,andjustifications.Theoperational- results.
ization moved inductivelyfrom looking at arti- Validity suggests truthfulnessand refersto
cles to creating working ideasbasedon what the match betweena construct,or the way a re-
researchers found in the rhetoric.Theresearchers searcherconceptualizes the ideain a conceptual
conceptuakzed their working ideasinto the ab- definition, and a measure.It refersto howwell
stractconstruct"managerializationoflaw." The an idea about reality "fits" with actual reality.
researchers sawthat that corporatemanagers Theabsence of validityoccursif thereis poor fit
had alteredand reformulatedthe original legal betweenthe constructsa researcher
usesto de-
termsand mandates,and creatednew onesthat scribe,theorize,or analyzethe socialworld and
weremore consistentwith the valuesand views what actuallyoccursin the socialworld. In
of major corporations.The researchers docu- ple terms,validity addresses the questionof how
menteda historicalprocessthat movedfrom re- well the socialreality being measuredthrough

researchmatcheswith the constructs researchers Otherwise,it is impossibleto determinewhich

use to understand it. conceptis being "indicated." For example,the
Qualitative and quantitative researchers indicator of a pure chemicalcompoundis more
want reliable and valid measurement, but be- reliablethan one in which the chemicalis mixed
yond an agreement on the basic ideas at a gen- with other materialor dirt. In the latter case,it is
eral level, each style sees the specifics of the "noise"of othermaterial
difficult to separate
reliability and validity in the research process from the pure chemical.
Increasethe Levelof Measurement. Levelsof
measurementare discussedlater. Indicators at
Reliability and Validity in
higher or more preciselevelsof measurement
Quantitative Research are more likely to be reliable than lessprecise
Reliability. As just stated,reliabilitymeansde- measures becausethe latter pick up lessdetailed
pendability.It meansthat the numericalresults information. If more specificinformation is
producedby an indicatordo not vary becauseof measured,then it is less likely that anything
characteristics of the measurementprocessor other than the constructwill be captured.The
measurementinstrument itself. For example,I generalprinciple is: Try to measureat the most
geton mybathroom scaleand readmyweight. I preciselevelpossible.However,it is more diffi-
get offand get on againand again.I havea reli- cult to measureat higherlevelsof measurement
able scaleif it givesme the sameweight each For example,if I have a choiceof measuring
time-assuming, of course,that I am not eating, prejudiceas eitherhigh or low, or in 10 cate-
drinking, changingclothing, and so forth. An goriesfrom extremelylow to extremelyhigh, it
unreliable scalewill registerdifferent weights would be better to measureit in 10 refined
eachtime, eventhough my "true" weight does categories.
not change. Another example is my car
speedometer. If I am driving at a constantslow IJseMultiple Indicatorsof a Variable. A third
speedon a level surface,but the speedometer wayto increasereliabilityis to usemultiple indi-
needlejumps from one end to the other, my cators,becausetwo (or more) indicatorsof the
speedometeris not a reliableindicator of how sameconstructarebetterthan one.Figure5.2il-
fastI am traveling. lustratesthe use of multiple indicators in hy-
pothesistesting.Three indicatorsof the one
How to Improve Reliability. It is rare to have independentvariableconstructare combined
perfect reliability. There are four ways to in- into an overallmeasure,A, and two indicatorsof
creasethe reliabilityof measures:(1) clearlycon- a dependentvariablearecombinedinto a single
ceptrtalizeconstructs,(2) use a preciselevel of measure,B.
measurement,(3) use multiple indicators,and For example,I createthreeindicatorsof the
(4) usepilot-tests. variable,racial-ethnicprejudice.My first indica-
tor is an attitude questionon a survey.I askre-
ClearlyConceptualizeAll Constructs. Reliability searchparticipantstheir beliefs and feelings
increaseswhen a singleconstructor subdimen- about many different racial and ethnic goups.
sion of a constructis measured.This means For a secondindicator, I observeresearchpar-
developingunambiguous,cleartheoreticaldefi- ticipants from variousracesand ethnic groups
nitions.Constructsshouldbe specifiedto elim. interactingtogetherover the courseof three
nate "noise" (i.e., distracting or interfering days.I look for thosewho regularly either (1)
information) from other constructs.Eachmea- avoideyecontact,appearto be tense,and sound
sureshouldindicateone and only one concept. cooland distant;or (2) makeeyecontact,appear


Independent Dependent
_ _E1plrrgq!
VariableMeasure Association? VariableMeasure

Specific Indicators SpecificIndicators

relaxed,an{ sound warm and friendly asthev in- a hlpothesis-testingsituation. This takesmore
teract with people of their same or with people time and effort.
of a difFerent racial-ethnic group. Last, I creite The principle of usingpilot-testsextendsto
an experiment. I ask research participants to replicatingthe measuresother researchers have
read the grade transcripts, resumes, and inter- used.For example,I searchtheliteratureandfind
view reports on 30 applicants for five jobs- measuresof prejudicefrom pastresearch.I may
youth volunteer coordinator, office manager, want to build on and usea previousmeasureif it
janitor, clothing store clerk, and advertising ac- is a good one,citing the source,ofcourse.In ad_
count executive.The applicants have many qual- dition, I may want to add new indicators and
ifications, but I secretly manipulate their racial comparethemto thepreviousmeasure.
or ethnic group to seewhether a researchpartic-
ipant decides on the best applicant for the jobs Validity. Validity is an overusedterm. Some_
basedon an applicant'srace and ethnicity. times, it is usedto mean "true" or "correct.',
Multiple indicators let a researcher take Thereareseveralgeneraltypesofvalidity. Here,
measurementsfrom a wider range ofthe content we are concernedwith measurementvaliditv.
of a conceptual definition. Didrent aspectsof Therearealsoseveraltypesof measurement va-
the construct can be measured, each with its lidiry Nonmearot"merritypesof validityaredis-
own indicator. Also, one indicator (e.g., one cussed later.
question on a questionnaire) may be imperfect, When a researchersaysthat an indicator is
but several measures are less likely to have the valid, it is valid for a particularpurposeand def-
same (systematic) error. Multiple indiiator inition. The sameindicator canbe valid for one
measurestend to be more stable than measures purpose(i.e., a researchquestionwith units of
with one item. analysisand universe)but lessvalid or invalid
for others.For example,the measureof preju-
Use Pretests, Pilot Studies, and Replication. dicediscussed heremight bevalid for measuring
Reliability can be improved by using a pretest or prejudiceamong teachersbut invalid for mea-
pilot version of a measure first. Develop one or suringthe prejudiceofpolice officers.
more draft or preliminaryversions of a measure At its core, measurementvalidity refersto
and try them before applying the final version in how wellthe conceptual and operationaldefini-

1 18 P A RToN E / F o u N D A T l o N s

tions meshwith eachother. The better the fit, ContentVatidity. Contentvalidity is a special
type offacevalidity' It addresses the question,Is
the greaterthe measurementvalidity.Validity is in a
** ntU content of a definition represented
moie difficult to achievethan reliabilrty'We ideas;it
measure? A conceptual definition holds
cannothaveabsoluteconfidenceaboutvalidity' Mea-
is a "space" containing ideas and concepts'
but somemeasuresaremorevalid than others'
The reasonwe canneverachieveabsolutevalid- ,or", ,horrld representall ideasor areasin the
ity is that constructsare abstractideas,whereas conceptual space. Content validity involves
indicatorsrefer to concreteobservation'This is threesteps.First, specifffi'rllythe entire content
the gapbefiveenour mental picturesabout the in a consiruct'sdefinition.Next, samplefrom all
world and the specificthingswe do at particular areasof the definition. Finally,developan indi-
times and places.Validity is part of a dynamic catorthat tapsall of the partsof the definition'
processthat growsby accumulatingevidence An exampleof contentvalidity is my defin-
overtime. Without it, all measurement becomes ition of feminismasa person'scommitmentto a
meaningless. setof beliefscreatingfull equalitybetweenmen
and women in areasof the arts,intellectualpur-
Three Types of M easurement Vali ility suits,family, work, politics, and authority rela-
tions. I createa measureof feminismin which I
FaceValidity. The easiestto achieveand the
asktwo surveyquestions:(1) Should men and
most basickind of validity is facet'alidity' lt is a
women get equil pay for equal work a1d !z)
judgment by the scientificcommunity that the uttd*omen sharehouseholdtasks?
indlcator really measuresthe construct.It ad- -..t the
My measure low contentvaliditybecause
dresses the question,On the faceof it, do people questions ask only about pay and household
believethat the definition and method of mea-
tasks.They ignore the other areas(intellectual
surementfit? It is a consensusmethod' For ex- pursuits,politics,authority relations,and other
ample, few peoplewould accepta measureof
aspectsof work and family). For a content-valid
collige studentmath ability using a question *iatut., I must either expandthe m.easureor
that askedstudents:2 + 2 = ?This is not a valid
narrow the definition.
measureof college-level math ability on the face
of it. Recallthat in the scientificcommunity,as- CriterionValidity' Criterionvalidityusessome
pectsof researchare scrutinizedby others' See standardor criterion to indicatea constructac-
table 5.1 for a summaryof typesof measure- curately.The validity of an indicator is verified
ment validity. by comparingit with anothermeasureof the
sameconstructthat is widelyaccepted'Thereare
two subtypesof this kind ofvalidity.
ConcurrentValidity. To haveconcurrentvalid-
TA B LE 5. I Summaryof Measurement with a preex-
ity, anindicatormustbe associated
Validity Types isting indicator that is judged to be valid (i'e', it
hasfacevalidity). For example, you create a new
testto measure intelligence'For it to be concur-
rently valid, it shouldbe highly associated with
Face-in the judgmentof others
existingIQ tests (assuming the same definition
Content-captures the entiremeaning of inteiligenceis used).This meansthat most
Criterion-agrees with an externalsource people who score high on the old measure
r Concurrent-agreeswith a preexistingmeasure tnoUa alsoscorehigh on the new one,and vice
. Predictive-agreeswith future behavior
versa.The two measuresmay not be perfectly
associated,but if they measurethe sameor a

similar construct,it is logical for them to yield qualitativeresearchers

apply the principlesdif-
similar results. ferentlyin practice.

PredictiveValidity. Criterion validitywhereby Reliability. Reliabilitymeansdependabilityor

an indicator predictsfuture eventsthat arelog- consistency. Qualitativeresearchers usea variety
ically relatedto a construct is calledpredictive of techniques(e.g.,interviews,participation,
validity.It cannotbe usedfor all measures. The photographs,documentstudies,etc.) to record
measureand the actionpredictedmust be dis- their observationsconsistently.Qualitativere-
tinct from but indicatethe sameconstruct.Pre- searcherswant to be consistent(i.e.,not vacillat-
dictive measurementvalidity should npt be ing and erratic) in how, over time, they make
confusedwith prediction in hypothesistesting, observations, similar to the ideaof stabilityreli-
whereone variablepredictsa different variable ability. One difficulty is that they often study
in the future. For example,the ScholasticAs- processesthat are not stableover time. More-
sessmentTest (SAT) that many U.S. high over,they emphasizelheyalueof a changingor
school studentstake measuresscholasticapti- developinginteraction betweenthe researcher
tude-the.ability of a studentto perform in col- and what he or shestudies.
lege.If the SAT has high predictivevalidity, Qualitativeresearchers believethat the sub-
then studentswho gethigh SATscoreswill sub- ject matter and a researcher's relationshipto it
sequentlydo well in college.If studentswith should be a growing, evolving process.The
high scoresperform the sameas studentswith metaphor for the relationshipbetweena re-
averageot low scores,then the SAT has low searcherand the datais one ofan evolvingrela-
predictivevalidity. tionship or living organism (e.g.,a plant) that
Another way to testpredictivevalidity is to naturally matures.Most qualitativeresearchers
selecta group ofpeople who havespecificchar- resist the quantitative approach to reliability,
acteristicsand predict how they will score(very which they seeas a cold, fixed mechanicalin-
high or verylow) vis-d-visthe construct.For ex- strumentthat one repeatedlyinjectsinto or ap-
ample, I have a measureof political conser- pliesto somestatic,lifelessmaterial.
vatism. I predict that membersof conservative Qualitativeresearchers considera rangeof
groups (e.9.,John Birch Society,Conservative datasourcesand employmultiplemeasurement
Caucus,Daughtersof the AmericanRevolution, methods.They acceptthat differentresearchers
Moral Majority) will scorehigh on it, whereas or that researchersusing alternativemeasures
membersof liberalgroups(e.g.,DemocraticSo- will getdistinctiveresults.This is becausequali-
cialists,Peoplefor the American Way, Ameri- tativeresearchers seedatacollectionasan inter-
cansfor DemocraticAction) will scorelow. I activeprocessin which particularresearchers
"validate"the measurewith the groups-that is, operatein an evolvingsettingand the setting's
I pilot-test it by using it on membersof the contextdictatesusinga uniquemix of measures
groups.It can then be usedasa measureof po- that cannot be repeated.The diversemeasures
litical ponservatism for the generalpublic. and interactionswith diflerent researchers are
beneficialbecausethey can illuminate different
Reliability and Validity in Qualitative facetsor dimensionsof a subjectmatter. Many
qualitativeresearchers questionthe quantitative
researcher's questfor standard,fixed measures.
Most qualitativeresearchers acceptthe princi- Theyfearthat suchmeasures ignorethe benefits
plesof reliability and validiry but usethe terms of havinga varietyof researchers with many ap-
infrequently becauseof their closeassociation proachesand may neglectkey aspectsof diver-
with quantitativemeasurement.In addition. sity that existin the socialworld.

Vatiitity. Validity meanstruthful. It refersto Relationship between Reliability

the bridge betweena constructand the data' and Validity
Qualitative researchers are more interested in
for validity andis easierto
authenticity than validity ' Authenticity means Reliabilityis necessary
achievethan validity. Although reliabilityis nec-
giving a fair, honest,and balancedaccountof
essaryin order to have a valid measure of a con-
iociaillfe from the viewpoint of someonewho
cept,it doesnot guarantee that a measure willbe
lives it everyday.Qualitative researchersare
,.Jia. tt is not a suffcient condition for validity'
less concernedwith trying to match an ab-
stract concept to empirical data and more A measurecanproducethe sameresultoverand
concernedwith giving a candid portrayal of over (i.e.,it hasreliability),but what it measures
social life that is true to the experiencesof may not match the definition of the construct
people being studied.Most qualitativere- (i.e.,validity).
searchersconcentrateon waysto capturean A measurecan be reliablebut invalid. For
insideview and provide a detailedaccountof example,I get on a scaleand get weighed'The
how thosebeingstudiedfeelaboutand under- weight regiiteredby the scaleis the sameeach
standevents. timi I ger on and off. But then I go to another
Qualitativeresearchers havedevelopedsev- scale-an "official" one that measurestrue
eral methods that serveas substitutesfor the weight-and it saysthat my weight is
quantitativeapproachto validity.Theseempha- great.The first scaleyieldedreliable(i.e', de-
slzeconveyingthe insider'sview to others.His- pendableand consistent)results,but it did not
torical researchers use internal and external givea valid measureof mYweight.
criticisms to determine whether the evidence A diagrammight help you seethe relation-
theyhaveis realor theybelieveit to be. Qualita- ship berweenreliability and validiry'Figure 5'3
tive researchers adhereto the core principle of illuitratesthe relationshipbetweenthe concepts
validity, to be truthful (i.e.' avoid falseor dis- by using the analogyof a target.The bull's-eye
torted accounts).They try to createa tight fit ,"pr"r.ttt, a fit betweena measureand the defi-
betweentheir understanding,ideas'and state- nition of the construct.
mentsabout the socialworld and what is actu- Validity and reliability are usuallycomple-
ally occurringin it' mentary concepts,but in somesituationsthey

FI c u RE 5 . 3 lllustration of RelationshipbetweenReliabilityand validity

A Bull's-Eye= A PerfectMeasure

Low Reliability High ReliabilitY High ReliabilitY

and LowValiditY but Low ValiditY and High ValiditY

Adaptedfrom Babbie(2004:1a5)'

conflict with eachother. Sometimes,asvalidity External Validity. ExternalvalidlrTis usedpri-

increases, reliabfity is more difficult to attain,and marily in experimentalresearch.It is the ability
viceversa.This occurswhen the constructhasa to generalize findingsfrom a specificsettingand
highly abstractand not easilyobservabledefini- smallgroupto a broadrangeof settingsandpeo-
tion. Reliability is easiestto achievewhen the ple. It addressesthe question,If somethinghap-
measureis preciseandobservable. Thus,thereis a pensin a laboratoryor amonga particulargroup
strain betweenthe true essenceof the highly ab- of subjects(e.g.,collegestudents),can the find-
stractconstructand measuringit in a concrete ingsbe generalized to the "real" (nonlaboratory)
manner.For example,"alienation"is a very ab- world or to the generalpublic (nonstudents)?
stract,highly subjectiveconstruct, often defined High externalvalidity meansthat the resultscan
as a deepinner senseof lossof one'shumanity be generalizedto many situationsand many
that diffirsesacrossmanyaspects of one'slife (e.g., groups of people.Low externalvalidity means
socialrelations,senseofseli orientationtoward that the resultsapplyonly to averyspecificsetting.
nature).Highly precisequestionsin a question-
naire givereliablemeasures)but thereis a danger Statistical Valiility. Statisticalvalidity means
of losingthesubjectiveessence of the concept. that the correct statisticalprocedureis chosen
and its assumptionsarefully met. Difflerentsta-
Other Usesof the Terms Reliable tistical testsor proceduresare appropriatefor
and Valid differentconditions,which arediscussed in text-
booksthat describethe statisticalprocedures.
Many words havemultiple definitions,includ-
All statisticsarebasedon assumptions about
ing reliabilityandvalidity.This createsconfusion
the mathematicalpropertiesof the numbersbe-
unlesswe distinguishamongalternativeusesof
ing used.A statisticwill be invalid and its results
the sameword.
nonsenseif the major assumptionsareviolated.
Reliability, We usereliabilityin everydaylan- For example,to computean average(actuallythe
guage.A reliablepersonis one who is depend- mean,which is discussed in a later chapter),one
able, stable,and responsible;a reliablecar is cannot useinformation at the nominal level of
dependableand trustworthy. This meansthe measurement(to be discussed). For example,
personrespondsin similar, predictablewaysin supposeI measurethe raceof a classof students.
differenttimes and conditions;the samecanbe I give eachrace a number: White = 1, African
saidfor the car.In addition to measurementre- American= 2, Asian= 3, others= 4. It makesno
Jiabiliry researcherssometimessaya studyor its senseto saythat the "mean" raceof aclassof stu-
resultsare reliable.By this, they mean that the dentsis 1.9(almostAfricanAmerican?). This is a
method of conductinga study or the results misuseof the statisticalprocedure,and the re-
from it canbe reproducedor replicatedby other sultsare invalid evenif the computationis cor-
researchers. rect.The degreeto which statisticalassumptions
can be violated or bent (the technical term is
Internal Validity, Internal validity means robustness) is a topic in which professionalstatis-
there are no errorsinternal to the designofthe ticianstakegreatinterest.
researchproject. It is usedprimarily in experi-
mental researchto talk about possibleerrorsor
alternativeexplanationsofresults that arisede-
spiteattemptsto institute controls.High inter-
nal validity meanstherearefewsucherrors.Low
internal validity means that such errors are Thus far, you havelearnedabout the principles
likelv. of measurement, includingthe principlesof reli-

abiiity andvalidity. Quantitativeresearchers have Four Levelsof Measurement

developedideasandspecialized measures help
to Precisionand Levels. The ideaof levelsof mea-
them in the processofcreatingoperationaldefi- surementexpandson the differencebetween
nitions that will be reliableand valid measures continuousand discretevariablesand organizes
and yield numericaldatafor their variablecon- typesofvariablesfor their usein statistics'The
structs.This sectionof the chapteris abrief guide iiur levelsof measurementcategotizethe degree
to theseideasand a few of the measures. of precisionof measurement.
Deciding on the appropriatelevel of mea-
surementfor a construct often createsconfu-
Levelsof Measurement sion.The appropriatelevelof measurement for a
variabledependson tlvo things: (1) how
Levelsof measurement is an abstractbut impor- lcol-
idea. Basically,it saysthat structis conceptualized and (2) the type of indi-
tant and widely used
catoror measurementthat a researcher uses'
somewaysa researcher measures a constructare
The way a researcher conceptualizes a
at a higher or more refined level,and othersare
-or constructcanlimit how precisely it canbe mea-
crude less precisely specified. The level of
measurementdepends on the way in which a sured.For example)someof the variableslisted
assump- earlierascontinuouscanbe ri:conceptualized as
construct is conceptualized-that is,
discrete.Temperature can be a continuous vari-
tions aboutwhether it has particular characteris-
able(e.g.,degrees, fractionsofdegrees)or it can
tics. The levelof measurementaffectsthe kinds
of indicatorschosenand is tied to basicassump- be crudely measuredwith discretecategories
tions in a construct's definition. The way in (e.g.,hot or cold). Likewise,agecanbe continu-
which a researcher conceptualizes avariablelim- oni (ho* old a personis in years,months,days,
its the levelsof measurement he or shecan
that hours,and minutes) or treatedasdiscretecate-
gories(infancy,childhood, adolescence, young
useand hasimplicationsfor how measurement dis-
id,rlthood, middle age, old age). Yet, most
and statisticalanalysiscanproceed. con-
cretevariablescannot be conceptualized as
Continuous and Discrete Variables. Vari- tinuousvariables.For example,sex,religion,and
ablescan be thought of asbeing either contin- marital statuscannotbe conceptualizedascon-
uous or discrete.Continuousvariableshavean tinuous;however,relatedconstructscanbe con-
infinite number of valuesor attributesthat flow ceptualizedas continuous (e.g., femininity,
degreeof religiousness, commitmentto a mari-
along a continuum. The valuescan be divided
into many smallerincrements;in mathematical tal relationship,etc.).
theory, there is an infinite number of incre- Thelevelof measurementlimits the statisti-
ments.Examplesof continuousvariablesin- cal measuresthat can be used.A wide rangeof
cludetemperature,age,income,crime rate,and powerful statisticalproceduresare availablefor
amount of schooling. Discretevariableshave a ihe higherlevelsof measurement,but the types
relativelyfixed setof separatevaluesor variable of statisticsthat canbe usedwith the lowestlev-
attributes.Insteadof a smooth continuum of elsarevery limited.
values,discretevariablescontain distinct cate- Thereis a practicalreasonto conceptualize
gories.Examplesof discretevariablesinclude and measurevariablesat higher levelsof mea-
gender(male or female),religion (Protestant' surement.You cancollapsehigherlevelsof mea-
batholic, Iew, Muslim, atheist),and marital surementto lower levels,but the reverseis not
status (never married single, married, di- true. In other words, it is possibleto measurea
vorced or separated,widowed)' Whether a constructvery precisely,$athervery specificin-
variable is continuous or discreteaffectsits formation, and then ignore someof the preci-
levelof measurement. sion.But it is not possibleto measurea construct

with lessprecisionor with lessspecificinforma- numbersdouble,becausezerodegreesis not the

tion and then makeit more preciselater. absenceofall heat.
Discretevariablesarenominal and ordinal.
DistinguishingamongtheFourLwels. The four whereascontinuousvariablescan be measured
levelsfrom lowestto greatestor highestpreci- at the interval or ratio level.A ratio-levelmea-
sion are nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio. sure can be turned into an interval,ordinal, or
Eachlevel givesa different type of information nominal level.The interval level can alwaysbe
(seeTable5.2).Nominalmeasures indicateonly turned into an ordinal or nominal level,but the
that thereis a differenceamongcategories(e.g., processdoesnot work in the oppositeway!
religion: Protestant,Catholic, Iew, Muslim; In general,useat leastfive ordinal categories
racial heritage:African, Asian, Caucasian,His- and obtain many observations.This is because
panic, other). Ordinal measuresindicate a dif- the distortion createdby collapsinga continu-
ference,plus the categoriescan be ordered or ous constructinto a smallernumber of ordered
ranked(e.g.,letter grades:A, B, C, D, F; opinion categoriesis minimized asthe number of cate-
measures:Strongly Agree, Agree, Disagree, goriesand the number of observations
StronglyDisagree). Interval measureseverything The ratio level of measurementis rarely
the first two do,plus itcan speci$'the amountof usedin the socialsciences. For most purposes,it
distancebetweencategories(e.g.,Fahrenheitor is indistinguishablefrom intervalmeasurement.
Celsiustemperature:5o,45o,90';Ie scores:95, The only differenceis that ratio measurement
110,125).Arbitrary zeroesmay be usedin inter- hasa "true zero."This canbe confusingbecause
val measures;they are just there to help keep somemeasures, like temperature,havezeroes
score.Ratiomeasures do everythingall the other that arenot true zeroes.The temperaturecanbe
levelsdo,plusthereis a true zero,which makesit zero) or below zero, but zero is an arbitrary
possibleto staterelationsin termsof proportion numberwhen it is assignedto temperature.This
or ratios(e.g.,moneyincome:$10,$100,$500; can be illustrated by comparing zero degrees
yearsof formal schooling:I year, 10 years,13 Celsiuswith zero degreesFahrenheit-they are
years); different temperatures.In addition, doubling
In most practicalsituations,the distinction the degreesin one systemdoesnot double the
betweenintervaland ratio levelsmakeslittle dif- degreesin the other. Likewise,it doesnot make
ference.The arbitrary zeroesof some interval senseto saythat it is "twice aswarm," asis pos-
measurescan be confusing.For example,a rise siblewith ratio measurement, ifthe temperalure
in temperaturefrom 30 to 60 degreesis not re- risesfrom 2to 4degrees,from 15to 30 degrees,
ally a doubling of the temperature,althoughthe or from 40 to 80 degrees. Another common ex-

T ABT E Characteristicsof the Four Levelsof Measurement

Nominal Yes
Ordinal Yes Yes
Interval Yes Yes Yes
Ratio Yes Yes Yes Yes
124 P A Rr oN E ,/ F o u N D A T Io N s

ample of arbitrary-not true-zeroes occurs Keep two things in mind. First, virtually
when measuring attitudes where numbers are every social phenomenoncan be measured.
assignedto statements (e.g., - 1 = disagree,0 = Someconstructscan be measureddirectly and
no opinion, +1 = agree).True zeroesexist for produceprecisenumericalvalues(e.g.,family
variables such as income, age,or years of educa- income).Other constructsrequire the use of
tion. Examples of the four levelsof measurement surrogatesor proxiesthat indirectly measurea
are shown in Table 5.3. variableand may not be asprecise(e.g.,predis-
position to commit a crime). Second,a lot can
be learnedfrom measuresused by other re-
Specialized Measures: Scales You arefortunateto havethe work of
and Indexes thousandsofresearchers to draw on. It is not al-
Researchershave created thousands of different waysnecessaryto startfrom scratch.You canuse
scalesand indexes to measure social variables. a past scaleor index, or you can modif it for
For example, scalesand indexes have been de- your own purposes.
veloped to measure the degree of formalization
in bureaucratic organizations, the prestige ofoc- Indexesand Scales. You might find the terms
cupations, the adjustment of people to a mar- index andscaleconfusingbecausethey are often
riage, the intensity ofgroup interaction, the level usedinterchangeably.One researcher's scaleis
of social activity in a community, the degree to another'sindex.Both produceordinal- or inter-
which a state'ssexualassaultlaws reflect feminist val-levelmeasuresof a variable.To add to the
values, and the level of socioeconomic develop- confusion,scaleand index techniquescan be
ment of a nation. I cannot discussthe thousands combined in one measure.Scalesand indexes
of scalesand indexes. Instead, I will focus on give a researchermore information about vari-'
principles of scale and index construction and the qualityof
ablesand makeit possibleto assess
explore some major types. measurement.Scalesand indexesincreaserelia-

TA B LE 5.3 Exampleof Levelsof Measurement

Religion(nominal) Differentreligious denominations Baptist)arenot

ranked, as closerto heaven).
just different(unlessone beliefis conceptualized
Attendance(ordinal) "How often do you attend religiousservices?(0) Never,(.1) lessthan oncea
year,(3) severaltimesa year,(4) about once a month,(5) two or three times
a week,or (8) severaltimesa week?"This might havebeenmeasuredat a ratio
levelifthe exactnumberoftimesa Personattendedwasaskedinstead.
lQ Score(interval) Most intelligencetests areorganizedwith 1 00 as average,middle,or normal.
Scoreshigheror lowerindicatedistancefrom the average.Someonewith a
scoreof I I 5 hassomewhataboveaveragemeasuredintelligence for people
the test, while90 is slightlybelow.Scoresof below65 or aboveI 40
Age (ratio) Age is measuredby yearsof age.Thereis a true zero (birth)' Note that a 40-
year-oldhaslivedtwiceas longasa 2O-year-old.

the Jewish category.Likewise, a variable measur-

ing type of ciry with the attributes river port city,
state capital, and interstate highway exit, lacks
mutually exclusive attributes. One city could be
Formost purposes, you cantreat scalesand indexes all three (a river port state capital with an inter-
as interchangeable. Socialresearchers do not usea state exit), any one of the three, or none of the
consistentnomenclatureto distinguishbetween three.
them. Exhaustiveattributes means that all casesfit
Ascaleisa measure in whicha researcher captures into one of the attributes of a variable. When
the intensity,direction,level,or potencyof a variable measuring religion, a measure with the attrib- arrangesresponses or observations on
utes Catholic, Protestant, and Jewish is not ex-
a continuum. A scalecan use a singleindicatoror
clusive. The individual who is a Buddhist, a
multipleindicators.Most are at the ordinallevelof
Moslem, or an agnostic does not fit anl.where.
The attributes should be developed so that every
Anindexis a measurein whicha researcher adds
possible situation is covered. For example,
or combinesseveraldistinctindicatorsof a construct
Catholic, Protestant, Iewish, or other is an ex-
into a singlescore.This compositescoreis often a
simplesum of the is usedfor clusive and mutually exclusive set of attributes.
content and convergentvalidity.Indexesare often
measuredat the intervalor ratio level. Unidimensionality. In addition to being mu-
Researchers sometimescombinethe featuresof tually exclusive and exhaustive, scales and in-
scalesand indexesin a singlemeasure. This is com- dexes should also be unidimensional. or one
mon when a researcherhas severalindicatorsthat dimensional. Unidimensionality means that all
are scales(i.e.,that measureintensityor direction). the items in a scaleor index fit together, or mea-
He or she then adds these indicatorstogether to sure a single construct. Unidimensionality was
yielda singlescore,therebycreatingan index. suggestedin discussionsofcontent and concur-
rent validity. Unidimensionality says: If you
combine several specific pieces of information
into a single score or measure,have all the pieces
bility and validity, and they aid in data reduc- work together and measure the same thing. Re-
tion; that is, they condenseand simplify the in- searchersuse a statistical measure called Cron-
formationthat is collected(seeBox 5.2). bach's alpha to assessunidimenionality. Alpha
ranges from a maximum of 1.0 for a perfect
Mutually Exclush,eand ExhaustiveAttributes. scoreto zero. To be considereda good measure,
Beforediscussingscalesand indexes,it is impor- the alpha should be .70 or higher.
tant to review featuresof good measurement. There is an apparent contradiction between
The attributesof all measures,including nomi- using a scale or index to combine parts or sub-
nal-levelmeasures, shouldbe mutuallyexclusive parts of a construct into one measure and the
and exhaustive. criteria of unidimensionality. It is only an appar-
Mutually exclusive attributesmeansthat an ent contradiction, however, becauseconstructs
individual or casefits into one and only one at- are theoretically defined at different levels ofab-
tribute of a variable. For example,a variable straction. General, higher-level or more abstract
measuringtype of religion-with the attributes constructs can be defined as containing several
Christian,non-Christian,and Jewish-is not subparts. Each subdimension is a part of the
mutually exclusive.Judaismis both a non- construct's overall content.
Christianreligionand a |ewishreligion,soa Iew- For example, I define the construct "femi-
ish personfits into both the non-Christianand nist ideology" as a general ideology about gen-
'| .26 P A Rr oN E / F o u N D A rl o N S

der. Feminist ideologyis a highly abstractand inflation,is createdbytotalingthe costof buying

generalconstruct.It includesspecificbeliefs-and a list of goodsand services(e'g.,food, rent, and
attitudestowardsocial,economic,political,fam- utilities) and comparingthe total to the cost of
ilv, and sexualrelations'The ideology'sfive be- buyrng the samelist in the previousyear' The
lief areasarepartsof the singlegeneralconstruct' consumerprice index hasbeenusedby the U'S'
The parts aremutually reinforcingand together Bureauof Labor Statisticssince1919;wagein-
form a system of beliefs about the dignity' creases, union contracts,and socialsecuritypay-
strength,and powerof women. mentsarebasedon it. Anindexisa combination
If feministideologyis unidimensional,then of items into a singlenumericalscore.Various
there is a unified belief systemthat varies from componentsor subpartsof a constructate each
very antifeministto very profeminist.We cantest measured,then combinedinto onemeasure'
thevalidity of the measurethat includesmultiple Therearemanyt)?es of indexes.For exam-
indicators that tap the construct'ssubparts'If ple, if you take an examwith 25 questions'the
one belief area(e.g.,sexualrelations)is consis- iotal number of questionscorrectis a kind of in-
tently distinct from the other areasin empirical dex. It is a compositemeasurein which each
tests,thenwe questionits unidimensionality. questionmeasuresa small pieceof knowledge,
It is easyto becomeconfused:A specific and all the questionsscoredcorrector incorrect
measurecanbe an indicatorof a unidimensional aretotaledto producea singlemeasure.
constructin one situationand indicatea part of Indexesmeasurethe most desirableplaceto
a differentconstructin anothersituation.This is live (basedon unemployment,commutingtime,
possiblebecauseconstructscan be usedat dif- crime rate, recreationopportunities,weather,
ferentlevelsof abstraction. and so on), the degreeof crime(basedon com-
For example,a person'sattitude toward bining the occurrenceof different specific
genderequalitywith regardto pay is more spe- crimes),the mentalhealthof a person(basedon
iific andlessabstractthan feministideology(i.e', the person'sadiustmentin variousareasof life),
beliefsabout genderrelationsthroughout soci- and the like.
ety).An attitudetoward equalpay canbe both a One way to demonstratethat indexesare
not verycomplicated isto useone.Answeryesor
unidimensionalconstructin its own right and a
subpartof the more generaland abstractunidi- no to the sevenquestionsthat follow on the
mensional construct, ideologytoward gendet characteristicsof an occupation.Baseyour an-
relations. swerson your thoughtsregardingthe following
four occupations:long-distancetruck driver,
Scoreeachanswer1 foryes and 0 for no'
1. Doesitpay agoodsalary?
The Purpose 2. Is the job securefrom layoffsor unemploy-
You hearaboutindexesall the time. For example' ment?
U.S.newspapers reportthe FederalBureauof In- 3. is the work interestingand challenging?
vestigation(FBI) crime index and the consumer 4. Are its working conditions (e.g.,hours'
price index (CPI). The FBI index is the sum of safety,time on the road) good?
police reports on sevenso-calledindex crimes 5. Are thereopportunitiesfor careeradvance-
icriminaf homicide,aggravatedassault,forcible ment and Promotion?
rape,robbery,burglary larcenyof $50 or more' 6. Is it prestigiousor lookedup to by others?
andautotheft).It beganwith the Uniform Crime 7. Doei it permit self-directionand the free-
Reportin 1930.The CPI, which is a measureof dom to makedecisions?
Q U A N T I T A T I V EM E A S U R E M E N T 127

Total the sevenanswersfor eachof the f<lur

arethreatenedwheneyerdatafor some
occuparions.Which had the highestand casesare
which missing.There are four waysto attempt
had the lowest score?The ,",o""r,qu.sti,orr, to re_
solvethe problem,but none fullv solve
my operationaldefinition of the construct "r. it.
sood Fo-rexample,I constructan index of the
occupation. Eachquestionrepresents a sub"part de_
ot my theoreticaldefinition.A differenttheoret_ 50 na_
uons. lhe lndex contains four items:
ical definition would result in aiff.r.rrt life
qu.s_ expectancy, percentageof homeswith indoor
tions,perhapsmore than seven.
plumbmg,percentage ofpopulation that is liter_
Creatingindexesis so easythat it is impor_
ate,and numberof telephones per 100p.opL. t
tant to be carefi.rlthat everyitem in the index
has locatea sourceof united Natilns sta*;i;-for
facevalidity. Itemswithout facevalidity,fr""fa
myinformation. Thevaluesfor Belgium
be excluded.Eachpart of the constru.i ar.6g _
,f,o"fa 87 +97 +28;for Turkey,thescore"s
be measuredwith at least one indicator. areSS+-le
Of + 49 + 3; for Finland, however,I discover
course,it is betterto measurethe partsof that
a con_ literacy data are unavailable.t check-othe.
structwith multiple indicators.
sourcesof information, but none has the
becausetheywerenot collected
An important issuein index construction Rates and Standardization
whetherto weight items' unless it is otherwise
You haveheard.ofcrime rates,ratesof popula-
stated'assumethat an indexis unweighted-Like-
ti"; gr;;;;l.ra ,rr. unemploymentrate.some
wise' unlessyou havea good theorJtical,.*on
indeies ani single-indicatormeasures
for assigning differeni weights, use are ex-
. equal pr"rr.J;;;; Ratesinvolveriu"au.iiri"g rir"
weights' An unweightedindei give, ea.h ilm valueof an item to makecomparisonspossible.
equal weight' It involvesidding up the
items Theitemsin an indexfrequentlyneedto
without modification:f ti.r. be stan-
dardizedu"ro." be combined.
by 1 (or - 1 for itemsthat]1...h -uttifii"a
arenegative). stundardizationinvolves selectinga
In a weightedindex, a reseaichervalues.or base
and dividing a raw measureby the base.
weightssomeitems more than others'The For ex-
size ampl_e, aq.i rr"a l0 murdersand city B had 30
of weightscan come from theoreticalassump-
in the sameyear.In order to compare
tions' the theoreticaldefinition, or u r,uiirii.ul -.rid"r, ir tt two cities,
murde^ the raw number
technique such as factor analysis.weighting " tobe
of murdersneeds standardized,bythecity
definitionor trrt .orr- popuration.
;Xili"r If thecities .rry,
weighting canproduce
index ;[i';x;]:'i:::iHrt:irtffH::ftl,ril
scores'but in most cases,weighted and un- peopleurrl city u has600,000,then the
weighted indexes vield simila-rresults. murder
Re- rateper 100,000 is 10for cityA and5 for cityB.
searchersut" to"tt"t.d with ttr" t.tuilorrrt
ip stu.rau.Ji-tion makesit possibleto com-
between variables, and weight.a u"J
pare different units on a common
weightedindexesusuallygivesi'milar,.rJt, ".r- base.The
fo. processof standardizutiorr, ui- lJt. i)r*irg,
the relationshipsbetweenvariables'
removesthe effectof relevantbut different
acteristicsin orderto makethe important
Missing Data encesvisible.For example,thereur" t
o classes
when :ff#t"t:::flT",n:1X11:iTH:tr1Xil
constructing an index' validitland reliability
compare the rate or incidence of smokers
128 P A RTo N E / F o u N D Aro N s

standardizingthe number of smokersby the size When combiningseveralitemsinto an index,it

ofthe classes. The art classhas 32 studentsand is best to standardizeitems on a common base
the biology classhas 143students.One method (seeBox5.3).
of standardizationthat you alreadyknow is the
useof percentages, wherebymeasuresare stan-
dardizedto a common baseof 100.In terms of S CA L E S
percentages, it is easyto seethat the art classhas
more than twice the rate of smokers(37.5per- The Purpose
cent)than thebiologyclass(15.4percent). Scaling,like index construction,createsan ordi-
A critical questionin standardizationis de- nal, interval, or ratio measureof a variableex-
ciding what baseto use.In the examplesgiven, pressedasa numericalscore.Scales arecommon
how did I know to usecity sizeor classsizeasthe in situationswhere a researcherwants to mea-.
base?The choice is not alwaysobvious; it de- sure how an individual feels or thinks abouti
pendson thetheoreticaldefinitionof a construct. something.Somecall this the hardnessor po-
Different basescan producedifferentrates. tenry of feelings.
For example,the unemploymentratecanbe de- Scalesare usedfor two relatedpurposes
fined asthe number of peoplein the work force First, scaleshelp in the conceptualizationand
who areout ofwork. Theoverallunemployment operationalizationprocesses. Scalesshowthe fit
rateis: betweena set of indicatorsand a singlecon-
struct. For example,a researcherbelievesthat
Number of
there is a singleideologicaldimension'thatunr
Unemploymentrate = derliespeople'sjudgmentsabout specificpoli-
Total number of cies (e.g.,housing,education,foreign affairs,
peopleworking etc.).Scalingcanhelp determinewhethera sin-
gle construct- for instance,"conservative/lib-
We candividethe total populationinto sub- eral ideology"-underlies the positions people
groupsto getratesfor subgroupsin the popula- takeon specificpolicies.
tion such as White males,African American Second,scalingproducesquantitativemea-
females.African American malesbetweenthe suresand canbe usedwith othervariablesto test
agesof 18and 28,or peoplewith collegedegrees. hypotheses. This secondpurposeof scalingis
Ratesfor thesesubgroupsmay be more relevant our primary focusbecauseit involvesscalesasa
to the theoreticaldefinitionor researchproblem. techniquefor measuringa variable.
For example,a researcherbelievesthat unem-
ployment is an experiencethat affectsan entire
Logic of Scaling
householdor family and that the baseshouldbe
households,not individuals.The rate will look As statedbefore,scalingis basedon the idea of
like this: measuringthe intensity,hardness,or potencyof
a variable.Graphicrating scalesare an elemen-
Number of households tary form of scaling.Peopleindicatea rating by
with at leastone checkinga point on a line that runs from oneex-
New unemployedperson treme to another. This type of scaleis easyto
Unemployment =
rate Total number constructand use.It conveysthe idea ofa con-
ofhouseholds tinuum, and assigningnumbershelpspeople
think aboutquantities.A built-in assumptionof
Different conceptualizations
suggestdiffer- scalesis that people with the samesubjective
ent basesand different ways to standardize. feelingmark the graphicscaleat the sameplace.

Sportsfansin the UnitedStateswerejubilantabout ulationsand wealth.The resultsshowthat the Ba-

"winning" at the 2000 Olympicsby carryingoff the hamas, withlessthan3 00,000 citizens (smaller than
most gold medals.However,becausethey failedto a medium-sized, proportionatelywon the
standardize,the "win" is an illusion.Of course,the mostgold.Adjustedfor its populationsizeor wealth,
world'srichestnationwith the third largestpopula- the UnitedStatesis not evennearthe top; it appears
tion doeswellin one-on-one competitionamongall to be the leaderonly becauseof its great sizeand
nations.To seewhatreallyhappened, one muststan- wealth.Sportsfansin the UnitedStatescanperpet-
dardizeon a baseof the population or wealth.Stan- uatethe illusionof beingat the top only if they ig-
dardizationyields a more accuratepicture by nore the comparativeadvantageof the United
adjustingthe resultsasifthe nationshadequalpop- States.


I USA 39 Bahamas I s3.3 20.0

2 .r0.0
Russia 32 Slovenia z 10
3 China 28 Cuba tt 9.9 50.0
4 Australia 16 Norway 4 9.1 2.6
5 Germany 1+ Australia 16 8.6 4.1
6 France 13 Hungry 8 7.9 16.7
7 Italy 13 Netherlands 12 7.6 3.0
8 Netherlands 12 Estonia I 7.1 20.0
9 Cuba 11 Bulgaria 5 6.0 41.7
10 Britain t'l L i th u a n i a 2 5.4 18.2
EUls- . 80 EU l 5 80 2.1 0.9
USA 39 1.4 0.4
Note:'Populationis gold medalsper 10 millionpeopleandCDPis gold medalsper $.10 billion;
'"EU15 is the 'l 5 nationsof the European
Uniontreatedasa singleunit.
Source:AdaptedfromTheEconomist, October7,2OOO,p. 52.

Figure5.4 is an exampleof a "feelingther- measureattitudes toward candidates,social

mometer"scalethat is usedto find out how peo- groups,and issues.
ple feelaboutvariousgroupsin society(e.g.,the
National Organizationof Women, the Ku Klux
Commonly Used Scales
Klan, labor unions, physicians,etc.). This tJpe
of measurehasbeenusedby political scientists Likert Scale. You have probably usedLikert
in the National ElectionStudy since 1964to scales;
theyarewidelyusedand very common in

forth. Keep the number of choicesto eight or

FI G URE 5. 4 " F e e l i n g T h e rmo me te r" nine at most. More distinctions than that are
Graphic Rating Scale probably not meaningful,and peoplewill be-
come confused.The choicesshouldbe evenly
1 00 VeryWarm balanced(e.g.,"strongly agree,""agree"with
Researchers havedebatedaboutwhetherto
80 offer a neutralcategory(e.g.,"don't know," "ul')-
decided,""no opinion") in addition to the di-
A neutral categoryimplies an odd number of
NeitherWarmnor Cold categories.
A researchercan combine severalLikert I
scalequestionsinto a compositeindex if they all
measurea singleconstruct.Considerthe Social
DominanceIndex that van Laar and colleagues
(2005)usedin their study of racial-ethnicatti-
tudesamong collegeroommates(seeBox 5.5),
As part of a largersurvey,they askedfour ques-
VeryCold tions aboutgroupinequalrty.Theanswerto eacA
question was a seven-point Likert scalewittr,
choices from Strongly Disagree to Strongly
Agree.They createdthe indexby addingthe an-
swers for each student to create scoresthat
rangedfrom 4 to 28. Notice that they worded
survey research.They were developedin the question numberfour in a reversedirectionfrom
1930sby RensisLikertto providean ordinal-level the other questions.The reasonfor switchingdi.
measureof a person'sattitude.Likert scalesusu- rections in this wayis to avoidthe problemof the
ally askpeopleto indicatewhetherthey agreeor response set. Theresponseset,alsocalledresponse
disagreewith a statement.Other modifications style and response,is the tendencyof some
arepossible;peoplemight be askedwhetherthey people to answer alarge number of items in the
approveor disapprove,or whetherthey believe same way (usually agreeing) out of lazinessor a
somethingis "almost alwaystrue." Box 5.4 pte- psychological predisposition. For example,if
sentsseveralexamplesof Likert scales. items are worded so that saytng "stronglyagred'
Likert scalesneeda minimum of two cate- always indicates self-esteem, we would not know
gories,such as "agree"and "disagree."Using whether a person who always strongly agreed had
only two choicescreatesa crude measureand high self-esteem or simply had a tendency to
forcesdistinctionsinto only two categories. It is agree with questions. The person might be an-
usuallybetter to usefour to eight categories. A swering"strongly agree"out of habit or a ten-
researcher cancombineor collapsecategories af- dencyto.agree.Researchers word statementsin
ter the dataarecollected,but datacollectedwith alternative directions' so that anyonewho agrees
crude categoriescannot be made more precise all the time appears to answer inconsistentlyor to
later. havea contradictory oPinion.
You can increasethe number of categories Researchers often combine many Likert-
at the end of a scaleby adding"strongly agtee," scaled attitude indicators into an index. The
"somewhatagtee,""very stronglyagree,"and so scaleand indexes have properties that areassoci-

The RosenbergSelf-EsteemScale
All in all,I am inclinedto feelthat I ama failure:
1. Almostalwaystrue
2. Often true
3. Sometimes true
4. Seldomtrue
5. Nevertrue

A Student Evaluationof Instruction Scale

Overall,I ratethe qualityof instructionin this courseas:
Excellent Cood Average Fair poor

A Market ResearchMouthwashRating Scale

Dislike Dislike Dislike Like Like Like
Brand Completely Somewhat a Little a Little Somewhat Completely

Work Group SupervisorScale

My supervisor:

Letsmembersknowwhat is expectedofthem I z 3 4 5
ls friendlyand approachable I 2 3 4 5
Treatsall unit members
as equals 1 2 3 4 5

ated with improving reliability and validiry. An Instead of scoring Likert items, as in the pre-
index uses multiple indicators, which improves vious example,the scores-2, -1,+t, +2 could
reliability. The use of multiple indicatois that be used. This scoring has an advantagein that a
measure several aspectsof a construct or opin- zeto implies neutrality or complete ambiguity,
lon rmproves content validity. Finally, the index whereas a high negative number means an atti-
scoresgive a more precise quantitative measure tude that opposes the opinion represented by a
of a person's opinion. For example, each per- high positive number.
son's opinion can be measured with a number The numbers assignedto the responsecate_
from l0 to 40, instead of in four categories: gories are arbitrary. Remember that the use of a
"strongly agree," "agree," "disagree,'; and zero does not give the scaleor index a ratio level
"strongly disagree." of measurement. Likert scalemeasuresare at the

ExampleI that hadyes or no answersto createtwo composite

In a study of collegeroommatesand racial-ethnic indexes.The indexfor vicariousexperiences
groups,van Laarand colleagues(2005) measured sumof items2, 4, and5, with "yes"scoredas I and
SocialDominance(i.e.,a feelingthat groupsarefun- "no" scoredaszero.An indexofpersonalexperience
damentallyunequal)with the followingfour-itemin- wasthe sumof answers to items1,3,5, and 7, with
dex that used a Likert scale,from I (Strongly "yes"scoredas I and "no" scoredaszero.
Disagree)to 7 (StronglyAgree).
l. Haveyou everbeen stoppedby policeon the
.l streetwithouta good reason?
. lt is probablya good thing that certaingroups
are at the top and other groupsareat the bot- 2. Has anyone else in your householdbeen
tom. stoppedby policeon the streetwithouta good
2. lnferiorgroupsshouldstay in their place. reason?

3. We shoulddo allwe canto equalize 3. Havethe policeeverusedinsultinglanguage

the condi-
tions of differentgroups. wardyou?
4. We shouldincreasesocialequality.- 4. Havethe policeeverusedinsultinglanguage
wardanyoneelsein your household?
.NOTE: 5. Have the police ever used excessiveforce
Thescoresfor the Likertresponses (1 to 7) for items 5. Have the police ever used excessiveforce
I to 4 wereaddedto yieldan indexthat rangedfrom againstanyoneelsein your household?
4 to 28 for eachrespondent.They report a Cron- 7. Haveyou ever seena policeofficerengagein
bach'salphafor this indexas .74. any corrupt activities(suchas takingbribesor
involvement in drugtrade)?
In a study of perceptionsof police misconduct, Weitzerand Tuch (2004) report a Cronbach's
Weitzerand Tuch (2004) measured a respondent's alphafor the personalexperiencesindexas .78 and
experienceswith police by askingsevenquestions for vicariousexperience
indexas .86.

ordinal level of measurement becauseresponses cator measurement is possible.The scalehas two

indicate a ranking only. Instead of 1 to 4 or -2 limitations: Different combinations of several
to +2, the numbers 100, 70, 50, and 5 would scaleitems can result in the sameoverall score or
have worked. Also, do not be fooled into think- result, and the responseset is a potential danger.
ing that the distancesbetween the ordinal cate-
gories are intervals just because numbers are Bogardus Social Distance Scale. The Bogardus
assigned.Although the number system has nice social distancescalemeasuresthe social distance
mathematical properties, the numbers are used separating ethnic or other groups from each
for convenience only. The fundamental mea- other. It is used with one group to determine
surement is only ordinal. how much distance it feels toward a target or
The simplicity and easeof use of the Likert "out-group."
scaleis its real strength. When severalitems are The scalehas a simple logic. People respond
combined, more comprehensive multiple indi- to a series of ordered statements: those that are

most threatening or most socially distant are at cially distant items will refuse the socially closer
one end, and those that might be least threaten- items (seeBox 5.6).
ing or socially intimate are at the other end. The Researchersusethe scalein severalways. For
logic of the scale assumesthat a person who re- example, people are given a seriesof statements:
firses contact or is uncomfortable with the so- People from Group X are entering your country,

ln1993, KlegandYamamoto (1998) replicated the gories,but they werewordedslightlydifferently(see

original1925 study by EmoryBogardusthat first below).Third, both studieshad sevencategories
usedthe socialdistance scale. Theoriginalstudyhad (calledanchorpoints)printedleft to rightat the top.
1 10 subjectsfrom the PacificCoast.Particioants in- In the Bogardus originalit said:"Accordingto myfirst
cludedI OZ White Americans of non-Jewish Euro- feelingreactionsI wouldwillinglyadmit membersof
peanancestry,1 JewishWhite, 1 Chinese,and l eachrace(asa class,and not the best I haveknown,
Japanese (about Z0 percentwerefemale).In their nor the worst members)to one or moreof the clas-
1 993 replication,KlegandYamamoto selected1 3 5 sifications underwhichI haveplaceda cross(x)."In
middleschoolteachersfrom an affluentschooldis- the 1 993 replication it said:"socialdistancemeans
trict in a Coloradometropolitanarea.Therewere the degreethat individualsdesireto associatewitn
1 9 non-Jewish Whites,7 JewishWhites,6 African others.This scalerelatesto a specialform of social
Americans, AmericanIndian,1 Asian,and I un- distanceknownaspersonto are
known(65 percentwerefemale).Therewerethree givena list of groups.Acrossfrom eachgroup there
minor deviationsfrom the 925 study. First,the areboxesidentifiedby the labelsat the top. Placean
originalBogardusrespondentsweregiven a list of "x" in the boxesthat indicatethe degreeofassocia-
39 groups.Thosein the replication hada list of 35 tion you woulddesireto havewith eachgroup.Cive
groups.The two listsshared24 groupsin common. your first reaction."The mainfindingwasthat al-
Three target groups were renamed:Negroesin thoughthe averagesocialdistancedeclineda great
I 925 versus AfricanAmericans in 1 993; Syriansver- deal over over 68 years,the rankingof the 25
susArabs;and Cerman-Jews and Russian-Jews vs. groupschangedvery little (seebelow).
Jews.Second,both studiescontainedsevencate-


t. To closekinshipby marriage To marryinto group

2. To my clubas personal
chums To haveas bestfriend
3. To my street as neighbors To haveas next-doorneighbors
4. To employment in my occupationin my country To work in the sameoffice
5. To citizenshipin my country To haveas speaking acquaintances
6. As visitorsonlyto my country To haveas visitorsto my country
7. Wouldexcludefrom my country To keepout of my country

MeanScore &o**
English 1.27 1.17 2
Scottish 1.69 2 1.22 6
lrish 1.93 3 1.14 I
French 2.04 4 1.20 4
Dutch 2.12 5 1.25 9
Swedish 2.44 6 1.21 5
Danis h 2.48 7 1.23 7
Norwegian 2.67 8 1.25 8
Cerman 2.89 9 1.27 10
Spanish 3.28 10 1.29 t.l
Italian 3.98 't1 1..19 3
Hi n du 4.35 12 1.95 23
Polish 4.57 13 1.30 12
Russian 4.57 14 1.33 13
NativeAmerican 4.65 1.44 16
Jewish 4.83. 16 1.42 15
Creek 4.89 17 r.38 14
5.00. 2.21 24
Mexican 5.O2 19 1.56 'r8
BlackAmerican 5.10' 20 1.55 17
Chinese 5.28 21 1.68 20
japanese 5.30 22 1.62 19
Korean 5.55 23 1.72 21
Turk 5.80 24 1.77 22
CrandMean 3.82 1.43
'Slightchangein nameof group.

are in your town, work at your place of employ- feel uncomfortable with the relationship. People
ment, live in your neighborhood, become your may be asked to respond to all statements, or
personal friends, and marry your brother or sis- they may keep reading statements until they are
ter. People are askedwhether they feel comfort- not comfortable with a relationship. There is no
able with the statement or if the contact is set number of statements required; the number
acceptable.It is also possible to ask whether they usually rangesfrom five to nine. The measure of

social distance can be used as either an indepen- to determine how a client perceives himself or
dent or a dependent variable. herself (seeBox 5.7).
A researcher can use the Bogardus scale to To use the Semantic Differential, a re_
seehow distant people feel from one out-group searcherpresents subjectswith a list ofpaired
versus another. In addition to studying racial_ opposite adjectiveswith a continuum of 7 to I I
ethnic groups, it has been used to examine doc- points between them. The subjects mark the
tor-patient distance. For example, Gordon and spot on the continuum between the adiectives
associates(2004) found that college students re_ that expressestheir feelings. The adjectives can
ported different social distance toward people be very diverse and should be well mixed (e.g.,
with different disabilities. Over 95 pircent positive items should not be located mostly on
would be willing to be a friend with someone either the right or the left side). Studies of a wide
with arthritis, cancer, diabetes,or a heart condi- variety of adjectives in English found that they
tion. Fewer than 70 percent would ever consider fall into three major classesof meaning: evalua-
being a friend to someone with mental retarda- tion (good-b ad), potency (strong-weak), and ac_
tion. The social distance scale is a convenient tivity (active-passive). Of the three classes of
way to determine how close a respondent feels meaning, evaluation is usually the most signifi_
toward a social group. It has two potential limi- cant. The analysisof results is difficult, anda re_
tations. First, a researcherneedsto tailor the cat- searcherneeds to use statistical procedures to
egoriesto a specific out-group and social setting. analryzea subject's feelings toward the concept.
Second,it is not easyfor a researcherto compare Results from a Semantic Differential tell a
how a respondent feels toward several diffeient researcher how one person perceives different
.groups unless the respondent completes a simi- concepts or how different people view the same
lar social distance scalefor all out-groups at the concept. For example, political analysts might
. same time. Of course, how a respondent com- discover that young voters perceive their candi-
: pletes the scale
and the responde^nt'sactual be- date as traditional, weak, and slow, and as
havior in specific social situations may differ. halfiray between good and bad. Elderly voters
perceive the candidate as leaning to*u.d strong,
Semantic Differential. Semantic Differential fast, and good, and as halfi,,rraybetween tradi-
provides an indirect measure of how-a person tional and modern.
feels about a concept, object, or other person.
The technique measures subjective feelings to- Guttman Scaling. Guttman scaling, or cumu-
l,ward something by using adjectives.This is be- lative scaling, differs from the previous scalesor
causepeople communicate evaluations through indexes in that researchersuse it to evaluatedata
adjectives in spoken and written language. Be- after they are collected. This means that re-
causemost adjectiveshave polar opposites (e.g., searchersmust design a study with the Guttman
hght/darlt hard/soft, slow/fast), it usespolar op- scaling technique in mind.
posite adjectives to create a rating measure or Guttman scaling begins with measuring a
scale. The Semantic Differential captures the set of indicators or items. These can be ques-
connotations associatedwith whatever is being tionnaire items, votes, or observed characteris-
evaluated and provides an indirect measure of it. tics. Guttman scaling measures many different
The Semantic Differential has been used for phenomena (e.g.,patterns of crime or drug use,
many purposes. In marketing research, it tells characteristicsof societiesor organizations, vot-
how consumers feel about a product; political ing or political participation, psychological dis_
advisers use it to discover what voters think orders). The indicators are usuallymeasured in a
about a candidate or issue; and therapists use it simple yes/no or present/absentfashion. From 3
to 20 indicators can be used. The researcherse-

As part of her undergraduate thesis,DainaHawkes restaurant, clothing store, or grocery store;

studiedattitudestowardwomenwith tattoos using boyfriendor not; averagegrades'orfailinggrades.
the semanticdifferential(Hawkes, Senn,and Thorn, They useda semanticdifferentialwith 22 adjective
2OO4).The researchers had 258 studentsat a pairs.They also had participantscompletetwo
medium-sized Canadianuniversitycompletea se- scales:Feministand Women'sMovementscaleand
manticdifferentialform in responseto severalsce- Neosexismscale.The semanticdifferentialterms
nariosabout a 22-year-oldwomancollegestudent were selectedto indicatethree factors:evaluative,
with a tattoo. They had five scenariosin whichthey activity,and potency(strong/weak).Basedon sta-
variedthe sizeofthe tattoo (smallversuslarge)and tisticalanalysisthree adjectivesweredropped.The
'l 9 itemsusedare listed below.Amongother find-
whetheror not it wasvisible,and one with no details
aboutthe tattoo. The authorsalsovariedfeaturesof ings,the authorsfound that there weremore neta-
the senario:weightproblemor not; part-timejob at tive feelingstowarda womanwith a visibletattoo.

Good Bad'

Beautiful uglv
Clean Dirty
Kind Cruel'
Rich Poor'
Honest Dishonest.
Pleasant Unpleasant.
Successful Unsuccessful
Reputable Disreputable
Safe Dangerous
Gentle Violent'
Feminine Masculine
Weak Powerful.
Passive Active-

Cautious Rash-
Soft Har.d
Weak Strong
M ild lntense
Delicate Ruggedi

itemswerepresentedin reverseorder.

lectsitemson the beliefthat thereis a logicalre- Once a set of items is measured,the re-
lationship among them. He or shethen places searcherconsidersall possiblecombinationsof
the resultsinto a Guttman scaleand determines responses for the items.For example,threeitems
whetherthe items form a pattern that corre- are measured:whether a child knows her age,
spondsto the relationship.(SeeBox 5.8 for an her telephonenumber,and threelocal elected
exampleof a studyusingGuttman scaling.) political officials.The little girl may know her

Crozat(1 998) examined publicresponses to various strations),but not all who acceptedmodestforms
formsof politicalprotest.He lookedat surveydata acceptedthe more intenseforms.In additionto
on the public'sacceptance of formsof protest in showingthe usefulness of the Cuttmanscale,Crozat
Creat Britain,Cermany,ltaly, Netherlands, and the also found that people in differentnationssaw
UnitedStatesin 1 97 4 and 1 9 9 0. Hefoundthat the protestsimilarilyand the degreeof Cuttmanscala-
patternof the public'sacceptance formeda Cuttman bility increasedover time. Thus,the pattern of ac-
scale.Thosewho acceptedmore intenseformsof ceptanceof protestactivitieswasCuttman"scalable"
protest (e.g.,strikesand sit-ins)almostalwaysac- in both time periods,but it morecloselyfollowedthe
ceptedmoremodestforms(e.g.,petitionsor demon- Cuttmanpatternin I 990 than1974.





138 pAR To N E ,/ F o u N D AT to N s

agebut no other answer,or all three,or only her tern. Alternative statistics to measure scalability
age and telephonenumber. In fact, for three have also been suggested.
items there are eight possiblecombinationsof
answersor patterns of responses,from not
knowinganythroughknowingall three.Thereis
a mathematicalway to computethe number of CONCLUSION
combinations(e.g.,23),but you canwrite down in this chapter,you learnedaboutthe principles
all the combinationsof yesor no for threeques- and processesof measurementin quantitative
tions and seethe eightpossibilities. and qualitativeresearch. All researchersconcep-
The logical relationship among items in tualize-or refine and clarify their ideas into
Guttman scalingis hierarchical.Most peopleor conceptualdefinitions.All researchers opera-
caseshaveor agreeto lower-orderitems.The tionalize-or developa set of techniquesor
smallernumberof casesthat havethe higher-or- processes that will link their conceptualdefini- ',
der itemsalsohavethe lower-orderones,but not tions to empiricalreality.Qualitativeand quan-
vice versa.In other words, the higher-order titative researchers differ in how they approach
itemsbuiid on the lower ones.The lower-order theseprocesses, however.The quantitativere-
items are necessary for the appearance of the searchertakesa more deductivepath, whereas
higher-orderitems. the qualitativeresearcher takesa more inductive
An applicationof Guttman scaling,known path.The goalremainsthe same:to establishun-
as scalogramanalysis,lets a researchertest ambiguouslinks betweena reseacher's abstract
whethera hierarchicalrelationshipexistsamong ideasand empiricaldata.
the items.For example,it is easierfor a child to You akolearnedabout the principlesof re-
know her agethan her telephonenumber,andto liability and validity. Reliabilityrefersto the de-
know her telephonenumber than the namesof pendabilityor consistenryof a measure;validity
politicalleaders.The itemsare caTled scalnble,
or refersto its truthfulness,or howwell a construct
capableof forming a Guttman scale,if a hierar- and data for it fit together. Quantitative and
chicalpatternexists. qualitativesrylesof researchsignificantly diverge
The patternsof responses can be divided in how they understandtheseprinciples.None-
into two groups:scaledand errors (or nonscal- theless,both quantitative and qualitative re-
able).The scaledpatternsfor the child'sknowl- searchers try to measurein a consistentway,and
edgeexamplewould be asfollows:not knowing both seeka tight fit betweenthe abstractideas
any item, knowing only age,knowing only age they use to understandsocialworld and what
plus phone number, knowing all three. Other occursin the actual,empirical socialworld. In
combinationsof answers(e.g.,knowing the po- addition, you sawhow quantitativeresearchers
litical leadersbut not her age)are possiblebut applythe principlesof measurementwhen they
arenonscalable. Ifa hierarchicalrelationshipex- createindexesand scales,and you read about
istsamongthe items,then most answersfit into somemajor scalesthey use.
the scalablepatterns. Beyondthe core ideasof reliability and va-
The strengthor degreeto which items can lidity, good measurementrequiresthat you cre-
be scaledis measuredwith statisticsthat mea- ate clear definitions for concepts,use multipie
sure whether the responsescan be reproduced indicators,and, asappropriate,weighand stan-
basedon a hierarchicalpattern.Most rangefrom dardizethe data.Theseprincipleshold acrossall
zero to 100percent.A scoreof zeroindicatesa fields of study (e.g.,family, criminology,in-
random pattern,or no hierarchicalpattern.A equality, race relations,etc.) and acrossthe
scoreof 100percentindicatesthat all responses many researchtechniques(e.g.,experiments,
to the answerfit the hierarchicalor scaledpat- surveys, etc.).

As you are probablybeginning to realize,re- multiple indicators

searchinvolves doing a good job in eachphaseof mutually exclusive attributes
a study. Serious mistakes or sloppiness in any nominal-level measurement
one phase can do irreparable damage to the re- operational definition
sults, even if the other phasesof the research operationalization
project were conducted in a flawlessmanner. ordinalJevel measurement
predictive validity
Ke y T e rms reliability
BogardusSocialDistance Scale Semantic Differential
conceptual definition standardization
conceptualhlpothesis unidimensionality
conceptualization validity
concurrent validity
content validity
continuous variables E ndno t e
criterion validity
discrete variables 1. The terms concept, construct, and idea are used
empirical hlpothesis more or lessinterchangeably,but there are differ-
exhaustive attributes ences in meaning between them. An idea is any
external validity mental image, belief plan, or impression. It refers
to any vague impression, opinion, or thought. A
conceptis a thought, a general notion, or a gener-
Guttman scaling
alized idea about a classof objects.A constructis a
thought that is systematicallyput together, an or-
internal validity derly arrangement of ideas, facts, and impres-
interval-level measurement sions. The term constructis used here becauseits
levels of measurement emphasisis on taking vague conceptsand turning
Likert scale them into systematicallyorganized ideas.

Nonprobability Sampling
Haphazard, or Convenience
Accidental, Sampling
Quota Sampling
or Judgmental
Probability Sampling
and SamplingFrames
Why Random?
Typesof ProbabilitySamples
How LargeShoulda SampleBe?

r4 0
EA M p L t N G l4l


Qualitative and quantitative researchersap- Qualitativeresearchersrarelydrawa representa-
proachsamplingdifferently.Most discussions tive samplefrom a hugenumber of casesto in-
of sampling come from researchers who use tenselystudy the sampledcases-the goal in
the quantitative style.Their primary goal is to quantitativeresearch.Instead,they use non-
get a representativesample,or a small collec- probability or nonrandomsamples.This means
tion of units or casesfrom a much largercol- theyrarelydeterminethe sampiesizein advance
lectionor population,suchthat the resia.cher and have limited knowledgeabout the larger
canstudythe smallergroup andproduceaccu- group or population from which the sampleis
rate generalizationsabout the larger group. taken. Unlike the quantitative researcherwho
Theytend to usesamplingbasedon theoriesof usesa preplannedapproachbasedon mathe-
probability from mathematics(calledproba- maticaltheory,the qualitativeresearcherselects
bility sampling). casesgradually,with the specificcontent of a
Researchers havetwo motivationsfor using casedeterminingwhetherit is chosen.Table6.1
probabilityor random sampling.The first moti-
vation is savingtime and cost.If properly con-
ducted,resultsfrom a samplemay yield results
at 1/1,000the cost and time. For example,in-
steadof gatheringdatafrom 20 million people, Samples
a researchermay draw a sampleof 2,000;the
data from those2,000are equal for most pur-
posesto the data from all 20 million. The sec-
Haphazard Cet any casesin any manner
ond purpose of probability sampling is
that is convenient.
accuracy.The resultsof a well-designed,care-
fully executedprobability samplewill produce Quota Cet a presetnumberofcasesin
resultsthat areequallyif not more accuratethan eachof severalpredetermined
trying to reacheverysinglepersonin the whole categoriesthat will reflectthe
population. A censusis usually an attempt to diversityof the population,
count everyone.In 2000,the U.S. CensusBu- usinghaphazard methods.
reautried to count eyeryonein the nation,but it Purposive Get all possiblecasesthat fit
would havebeen more accurateif it usedvery particularcriteria,usingvarious
specializedstatisticalsampling. methods.
Qualitativeresearchers focuslesson a sarn- Snowball Cet casesusingreferralsfrom
ple'srepresentativeness or on detailedtechniques oneor a fewcases,andthen
for drawing a probability sample.Instead,they referralsfrom thosecases,and
focuson how the sampleor small collectionof so forth.
cases,units, or activitiesilluminateskey features DeviantCase 6et casesthat substantiallv
of sociallife.Thepurposeof samplingis to collect differfromthe dominant
cases,events,or actionsthat clarify and deepen pattern (a specialtype of
understanding.Qualitativeresearchers' concern purposive sample).
is to find casesthat will enhancewhat the re-
Sequential Cet casesuntil there is no
searchers learn about the processes ofsocial life additionalinformation or new
in a specificcontext.For this reason,qualitative
(often usedwith
researchers tend to collecta secondtypeof sam- othersampling methods).
pling: nonprobabilitysampling.

shows a variety of nonprobability sampling in eachcategory.Thus,the number of peoplein

techniques. variouscategoriesof the sampleis fixed.For ex-
ample,a researcher decidesto select5 malesand
5 femalesunder age30, 10malesand 10females
Haphazard, Accidental, or
aged30to 60,and 5 malesand 5 femalesoverage
ConvenienceSampling 60 for a 40-personsample.It is difficult to repre-
Haphazardsamplingcan produce ineffective, sentall populationcharacteristics accurately(see
highly unrepresentative samplesand is not rec- Figure6.1).
ommended.When a researcher haphazardlyse- Quotasamplingis an improvementbecause
lectscasesthat are convenient,he or she can the researchercan ensurethat somedifferences
easilyget a samplethat seriouslymisrepresents are in the sample.In haphazardsampling, all
the population. Such samplesare cheapand thoseinterviewedmight be of the stuneage,sex,
quick; however,the systematicerrorsthat easily or race.But oncethe quotasamplerfixesthe cat-
occur make them worse than no sampleat all. egoriesand number of casesin eachcategoryhe
The person-on-the-streetinterview conducted or she useshaphazardsampling.For example,
by televisionprogramsis an exampleof a hap- the researcher interviewsthe first five malesun-
hazardsample.Televisioninterviewersgo out on der age30 he or sheencounters,evenifall five
the streetwith cameraandmicrophoneto talk to just walkedout of the campaignheadquarters of
a few peoplewho are convenientto interview. a political candidate.Not only is misrepresenta-
The peoplewalking past a televisionstudio in tion possiblebecausehaphazardsampling is
the middle of the day do not representeveryone usedwithin the categories, but nothing prevents
(e.g.,homemakers, peoplein rural areas,etc.). the researcherfrom selectingpeoplewho "act
Likewise, television interviewers often select friendly" or who want to be interviewed.
peoplewho look "normal" to them and avoid A casefrom the history of sampling illus-
peoplewho are unattractive,poor) very old, or tratesthe limitations of quota sampling.George
inarticulate. Gallup'sAmericanInstitute of Public Opinion,
Another exampleof ahaphazardsampleis usingquotasampling,successfi,rlly predictedthe
that of a newspaperthat asksreadersto clip a outcomesof the 1936,1940,and 1944U.S.pres-
questionnairefrom the paperand mail it in. Not identialelections.But in 1948,Galluppredicted
everyonereadsthe newspaper,hasan interestin the wrong candidate.The incorrect prediction
the topic, or will take the time to cut out the had severalcauses(e.g.,manyvoterswereunde-
questionnaireand mail it. Somepeoplewill, and cided,interviewingstoppedearly),but a major
the number who do so may seemlarge (e.g., reasonwasthat the quota categoriesdid not ac-
5,000),but the samplecannotbe usedto gener- curatelyrepresentall geographicalareasand all
alizeaccuratelyto the population.Suchhaphaz- peoplewho actuallycasta vote.
ard samplesmay haveentertainmentvalue,but
theycangivea distortedview and seriouslymis- Purposiveor rudgmental Sampling
representthe population.
Purposive samplfugis usedin situationsin which
an expertusesjudgmentin selectingcaseswith a
Quota Sampling specificpurposein mind. It is inappropriateif it
Quota sampling is an improvement over haphaz- is usedto pick the "averagehousewife"or the
ard sampling.In quota sampling,a researcher "typical school."With purposivesampling,the
first identifiesrelevantcategoriesof people(e.g., researcherneverknows whetherthe casesse-
maleand female;or under age30,ages30 to 60, lectedrepresentthe population.It is often used
over age60, etc.),then decideshow many to get in exploratoryresearchor in field research.

F lG UR E 6 .1

& n # ffi.#fi_f
n @0

$?9 UN


ii sWffi#
UN @
v tEE
Of 32 adultsand childrenin the streetscene,select1Ofor the sample:

0@o & o o o @
BWiffi hrhr?ffi
4 AdultMales 4 AdultFemales

U ! |, /
1 MateChitd 1 FemaleChild

Purposivesamplingis appropriatein three etc.) to identify a "sample" of prostitutes for in-

situations.First, a researcherusesit to select clusion in the research project. The researcher
uniquecasesthat areespeciallyinformative.For uses many different methods to identi$, the
example,a researcher wantsto usecontentanaly- cases,becausehis or her goal is to locate asmany
sisto studymagazines to find culturalth.-.r. H. casesaspossible.
or sheselectsa specificpopular women'smaga- Another situation for purposive sampling
zineto studybecause it is trend setting. occurs when a researcherwants to identifu par-
Second,a researchermay use purposive ticular types of casesfor in-depth investigation.
samplingto selectmembersof a difficult-to- The purpose is lessto generalizeto a larger pop-
reach,specialized population(seeHidden popu- ulation than it is to gain a deeper understanding
lations later in this chapter).For example,the of types.For example,Gamson (1992) usedpur-
researcherwants to study prostitutes.It is im- posive sampling in a focus group study of what
possibleto list all prostitutesand sampleran- working-class people think about politics.
domly from the list. Instead,he or she uses (Chapter 11 discussesfocus groups.) Gamson
subjectiveinformation (e.g.,locationswhere wanted a total of 188 working-class people to
prostitutessolicit, social groups with whom participate in one of 37 focus groups. He sought
prostitutesassociate, etc.)and experts(e.g.,po- respondents who had not completed collegebut
Iice who work on vice units, other prostitutes, who were diverse in terms of age,ethnicity, reli-

gion,interestin politics,and typeof occupation. case,and the linesrepresentfriendshipor other

He recruitedpeoplefrom 35 neighborhoodsin linkages(seeFigure6.2).
the Boston areaby going to festivals,picnics, Researchers also use snowballsamplingin
fairs,and flea marketsand postingnoticeson combinationwith purposivesamplingasin the
many public bulletin boards.In addition to ex- caseof Kissane(2003)in a descriptivefield re-
plainingthe study,he paid the respondentswell searchstudyof low-incomewomen in Philadel-
so asto attractpeoplewho would not tradition- phia.The U.S.policy to provideaid and services
ally participatein a study. to low-incomepeoplechangedin 1996to in-
creaseassistance (e.g.,food pantries,domestic
violenceshelters,drug rehabilitationservices,
SnowballSampling clothing distribution centers)deliveredby non-
Snowballsampling(alsocallednetwork,chainre- public as opposedto governmentipublicagen-
ferral, or rePutationalsampling)is a method for cies.As frequentlyoccurs,the policy changewas
identifring and sampling(or selecting)the cases made without a study of its consequences in
in a network.It is basedon an analogyto a snow- advance.No oneknewwhetherthe af[ectedlow-
ball, which beginssmallbut becomeslargerasit income peoplewould use the assistance pro-
is rolled on wet snow and picks up additional vided by nonpublic agenciesas much as that
snow. Snowballsamplingis a multistagetech- providedby public agencies. One yearafter the
nique.It beginswith oneor a fewpeopleor cases new policy, Kissanestudiedwhether low-in-
and spreadsout on the basisof links to the initial comewomenwereequallylikely to usenonpub-
cases. lic aid. Shefocusedon the Kensingtonareaof
Oneuseof snowballsamplingis to samplea Philadelphia.It had a high (over 30 percent)
network. Socialresearchers are often interested
in an interconnectednetworkofpeopleor orga-
nizations. The network could be scientists
around the world investigatingthe sameprob-
lem, the elitesof a medium-sizedcity, the mem- FIGU R E 6.2 Sociogramof Friendship
bersof an organizedcrime family, personswho Relations
sit on the boardsof directorsof major banla and
corporations,or peopleon a collegecampus
who havehad sexualrelationswith eachother.
The crucialfeatureis that eachpersonor unit is
connectedwith anotherthrough a director indi-
rect linkage. This does not mean that each
persondirectlyknows,interactswith, or is influ-
encedby everyother personin the network.
Rather, it meansthat, taken as a whole, with
direct and indirect links, they are within an in-
terconnectedweb of linkages.
Researchers representsuch a network by
drawinga sociogram-a diagramof circlescon-
nectedwith lines.For example,Sallyand Tim do
not know each other directly, but eachhas a
goodfriend,Susan,sotheyhavean indirectcon-
nection.AIl threearepart of the samefriendship
network. The circlesrepresenteachperson or

povertyrateand wasa predominatelyWhite (85 previous researchsuggestedthat a majority of

percent)sectionofthe city. First, sheidentified dropoutscome from familiesthat havelow in-
nonpublic serviceprovidersby usingtelephone come, are singleparent or unstable,havebeen
books,the Internet,referralliterature,andwalk- geographically mobile,and areracialminorities.
ing down errerystreetof the areauntil sheiden- The family environmentis one in which parents
tified 50 nonpublic socialserviceproviders.She andlor siblingshavelow educationor arethem-
observedthat a previousstudy found low-in- selvesdropouts.In addition, dropoutsareoften
come women in the areadistrustedoutsiders engagedin illegalbehaviorand havea criminal
and intellectuals.Her snowball samplebegan recordprior to droppingout. A researcher
askingseryiceprovidersfor the namesof a few deviant casesampling would seekmajority-
low-incomewomen in the area.Shethen asked groupdropoutswho haveno recordofillegaTac-
thosewomen to refer her to othersin a similar tivities and who are from stable two-parent,
situation,and askedthoserespondentsto refer upper-middle-incomefamilieswho are geo-
her to still others.Sheidentified20low-income graphicallystableand well educated.
women aged2l to 50, most who had received
public assistance.She conducted in-depth,
open-endedinterviewsabout their awareness
and experiencewith nonpublic agencies.She Sequential samplingissimilar to purposivesam-
learnedthat the women were lesslikely to get pling with one difference.In purposivesam-
nonpublic than public assistance. Comparedto pling, the researchertries to find as many
public agencies,the women were lessawareof relevantcasesas possible,until time, financial
nonpublic agencies. Nonpublic agencies created resources, or his or her energyis exhausted. The
more socialstigma,generatedgreateradminis- goal is to get everypossiblecase.In sequential
trative hassles,were in worselocations,and in- sampling,a researcher continuesto gathercases
volved more schedulingdifficulties becauseof until the amount of new information or diver-
limited hours. sity of casesis filled. In economicterms, infor-
mation is gathereduntil the marginalutiliry or
incrementalbenefit for additional cases,levels
Deviant Case Sampling
off or drops significantly.It requiresthat a re-
A researchertlsesdeyiant casesampling (also searchercontinuouslyevaluateall the collected
calledextremecasesampling) when he or she cases.For example,a researcherlocatesand
seekscases that differ from the dominantpattem plans in-depth interviewswith 60 widows over
or that differ from the predominantcharacteris- 70 yearcold who have been living without a
ticsof othercases. Similarto purposivesampling, spousefor 10 or more years.Dependingon the
a researcher usesa varietyoftechniquesto locate researcher's purposes,getting an additional 20
caseswith specificcharacteristics. Deyiant case widows whose life experiences,social back-
samplingdiffersfrom purposivesamplingin that grounds,and worldviews differ little from the
the goal is to locatea collectionof unusual,dif- first 60 maybe unnecessary.
ferent,or peculi4rcasesthat arenot representa-
tive of the whole.The deviantcasesare selected
because theyareunusual,and a researcher hopes
to learnmore aboutthe sociallife by considering
casesthat fall outsidethe generalpattern or in- A specialized vocabularyor jargon has devel-
cludingwhat is beyondthe main flow of events. oped around terms used in probability sam-
For example,a researcheris interestedin pling. Beforeexaminingprobabilitysampling,it
studyinghigh schooldropouts. Let us saythat is important to reviewits language.
14 6 PART oNE , / FoUNDATI oNS

Populations,Elements,and commercials,etc.) and geographical and time

SamplingFrames boundaries.
A researcher beginswith an ideaof the pop-
A researcherdrawsa samplefrom a largerpool ulation (e.g.,all peoplein a city) but definesit
of cases,or elements. A samplingelementis the moreprecisely.The term targetpopulationrefers
unit of analysisor casein a population.It canbe to the specificpool of casesthat he or shewants
a person,a group, an organization,a written to study.The ratio of the sizeof the sampleto the
documentor symbolicmessage, or evena social sizeof the targetpopulationisthesamplingratio.
action (e.g.,an arrest,a divorce,or a kiss) that For example,the populationhas50,000people,
is being measured.The large pool is the and a researcherdrawsa sampleof 150from it.
population,which hasan important role in sam- Thus,the samplingratio is 150/50'000 = 0.003,
pling. Sometimes,the term universeis usedin- or 0.3percent.If the populationis 500and the
terchangeably with population.To define the researcher samples100,then the samplingratio
population,a researcher specifiesthe unit being is 100/500= 0.20,or 20 percent.
sampled,the geographical location,andthetem- A population is an abstractconcept' How
poral boundariesof populations.Considerthe can population be an abstractconcept'when
examplesof populationsin Box 6.1' All the there are a givennumber of peopleat a certain
examplesincludethe elementsto be sampled time?Exceptfor specificsmallpopulations,one
(e.g.,people,businesses, hospital admissions, cannevertruly freezea populationto measureit.
For example,in a city at any given moment,
somepeopleare dying, someare boardingor
getting off airplanes,and someare in carsdri-
ving acrosscityboundaries.Theresearcher must
decideexactlywho to count. Shouldhe or she
count a city residentwho happensto be on vaca-
tion when the time is fixed? What about the
1. All personsaged1 5 orolderlivingin Singapore
tourist staying at a hotel in the city when the
on December2, 1 999 , who werenot incarcer-
time is fixed?Shouldheor shecount adults,chil-
atedin prison,asylums, andsimilarinstitutions
dren,peoplein jails,thosein hospitals?A popu-
2. All businessestablishments employingmore
lation, eventhe populationof all peopleoverthe
than 1 00 personsin OntarioProvince, Canada,
ageof 18 in the city limits of Milwaukee,Wis-
that operatedin the monthof July2005
consin,at l2:01A.M.on March 1,2006,is an ab-
3. All admissions to publicor privatehospitalsin stract concept.It exists in the mind but is
the state of New JerseybetweenAugust 1, impossibleto pinpoint concretely'
1 988, andJ u l y3 1 ,1 9 9 3 Because a populationis an abstractconcept'
4. All televisioncommercials aired between7:00 exceptfor smallspecialized populations(e.g.,all
e.v. and I l:00 p.rr,r.
Eastern StandardTime on the studentsin a classroom),a researcherneeds
threemajorU.S.networksbetweenNovember.l to estimatethe population.As an abstractcon-
andNov emb e r2 5 ,2 0 0 6 cept,the populationneedsan operationaldefin-
5. All currentlypracticingphysicians in Australia ition. This processis similar to developing
who receivedmedical degrees between January operationaldefinitions for constructsthat are
'l 1 950, and the present
, measured.
6. All AfricanAmericanmaleheroinaddictsin the A researcher operationalizes a population
Vancouver, BritishColumbia,or Seattle,Wash- by developinga specificlist that closelyapproxi-
ington,metropolitanareasduring2003 matesall the elementsin the population'This list
is a samplingframe.He or shecan choosefrom

manyt)?esof samplingframes:telephonedirec- framecanincludesomeof thoseoutsidethe tar-

tories,tax records,driver's licenserecords,and get population (e.g.,a telephonedirectory that
so on. Listing the elementsin a population lists people who have moved away) or might
soundssimple.It is often difficult becausethere omit someof thoseinsideit (e.g.,thosewithout
may be no goodlist of elementsin a population. telephones).
A good samplingframe is crucial to good Any characteristicof a population (e.g.,the
sampling. A mismatch betweenthe sampling percentageof city residentswho smokeciga-
frame and the conceptuallydefinedpopulation rettes,the averageheight of all women over the
can be a major sourceof error. Justas a mis- ageof 21, the percentof peoplewho believein
match betweenthe theoreticaland operational UFOs) is a populationparameter.It is the true
definitionsof a variablecreatesinvalid measure- characteristicof the population.Parametersare
ment, so a mismatch betweenthe sampling determinedwhen all elementsin a population
frame and the population causesinvalid sam- are measured.The parameteris never known
pling. Researchers try to minimize mismatches. with absolute accuracyfor large populations
For example,you would like to sampleall people (e.g.,an entirenation), so researchers must esti-
in a regionof the United States,soyou decideto mate it on the basisof samples.They useinfor-
get a list of everyonewith a driver'slicense.But mation from the sample,called a statistic,to
somepeopledo not havedriver's licenses,and estimatepopulationparameters(seeFigure6.3).
the lists of thosewith licenses,evenif updated A famouscasein the history of samplingil-
regularly, quickly go out of date. Next, you try lustratesthe limitations of the technique.The
incometax records.But not everyonepaystaxes; Literary Digest, a major U.S. magazine,sent
somepeoplecheatand do not pay, othershave postcardsto peoplebeforethe I 920, 1924,1928,
no income and do not haveto file, somehave and1932U.S.presidentialelections.The maga-
died or have not begun to pay taxes,and still zine took the namesfor the samplefrom auto-
othershaveenteredor left the areasincethe last mobileregistrationsandtelephonedirectories-
time taxesweredue.You try telephonedirecto- the samplingframe. Peoplereturned the post-
ries,but they arenot much better;somepeople cardsindicatingwhom theywould vote for. The
arenot listedin a telephonedirectory somepeo- magazinecorrectly predicted all four election
ple haveunlistednumbers,and othershavere- outcomes.The magazine'ssuccess with predic-
centlymoved.With a few exceptions(e.g.,a list tions waswell known, and in 1936,it increased
of all studentsenrolledat a university),sampling the sampleto 10 million. The magazinepre-
framesarealmostalwaysinaccurate.A sampling dicted a huge victory for Alf Landon over

FI G URE 5 . 3 A Modelof the Logicof Sampling

WhatYou Population
Observein the Data
148 P A R r o N E ,/ F o u N D Arro N S

Franklin D. Roosevelt. But the Literary Digest sample.For example,if conductinga telephone
was wrong; Franklin D. Roosevelt won by a survey,the researcherneedsto try to reachthe
Iandslide. specificsampledperson,by callingbackfour or
The prediction was wrong for several rea- five times,to getan accuraterandom sample.
sons, but the most important were mistakes in Random samplesare most likely to yield a
sampling. Although the magazine sampled a samplethat truly representsthe population. In
large number of people, its sampling frame did addition,random samplingletsa researcher sta-
not accurately represent the target population tistically calculatethe relationshipbetweenthe
(i.e., all voters). It excluded people without tele- sampleand the population-that is, the sizeof
phones or automobiles, a sizable percentage of the samplingerror. Anonstatisticaldefinition of
the population in 1936, during the worst of the the samplingerror is the deviationbetweensam-
Great Depression of the 1930s.The frame ex- ple resultsand a population parameterdue to
cluded as much as 65 percent of the population randomprocesses. i
and a segment of the voting population (lower Randomsamplingis basedon a greatdealof
income) that tended to favor Roosevelt. The sophisticated mathematics.This chapterfocuses
magazine had been accurate in earlier elections on the fundamentalsof how samplingw.orks,the
becausepeople with higher and lower incomes differencebetweengood and bad samples,how
did not differ in how they voted. Also, during to draw a sample,and basicprinciplesof sam-
earlier elections, before the Depression, more pling in socialresearch.This do.t ttot meanthat
lower-income people could afford to have tele- random samplingis unimportant. It is essenti4l
phones and automobiles. to first masterthe fundamentals.If you plan to
You can learn two important lessons from pursuea careerusing quantitativeresearch,you
the Literary Digest mistake. First, the sampling should get more statistical background than
frame is crucial. Second, the size of a sample is spacepermitshere.
lessimportant than whether or not it accurately
representsthe population. A representativesam-
Types of Probability Samples
ple of 2,500 can give more accurate predications
about the U.S. population than a nonrepresenta- SimpleRanilom. The simplerandomsampleis
tive sample of i million or 10 million. both the easiestrandom sampleto understand
and the one on which other typesare modeled.
In simplerandom sampling,a researcherdevel-
Why Random?
opsan accuratesamplingframe,selectselements
The area of applied mathematics called proba- from the samplingframe accordingto a mathe-
bility theory relies on random processes.The matically random procedure,then locatesthe
word random has a special meaning in mathe- exactelementthat wasselectedfor inclusion in
matics. It refers to a process that generatesa thesample.
mathematically random result; that is, the selec- After numberingall elementsin a sampling
tion process operatesin a truly random method frame.a researcherusesa list of random num-
(i.e., no pattern), and a researchercan calculate bers to decidewhich elementsto select.He or
the probability of outcomes. In a true random sheneedsasmanyrandom numbersasthereare
process, each element has an equal probability elementsto be sampled;for example,for a sam-
ofbeing selected. ple of 100, 100random numbersare needed.
Probability samples that rely on random The researchercangetrandom numbersfrom a
processesrequire more work than nonrandom random-number table,a tableof numberschosen
ones. A researchermust identifr specific sam- in a mathematically random way. Random-
pling elements (e.g., person) to include in the numbertablesareavailablein most statisticsand
EA M p L t N C 149

researchmethodsbooks.The numbersaregen- 130 different samples reveal a clear pattern. The

eratedby a pure random processso that any most common mix of red and white marbles is
numberhasan equalprobabilityof appearingin 50/50. Samples that are close to that split are
anyposition.Computerprogramscanalsopro- more frequent than those with more uneyen
ducelistsof random numbers. splits. The population parameter appears to be
You may ask,OnceI selectan elementfrom 50 percent white and 50 percent red marbles.
the sampling frame, do I then return it to the Mathematical proofs and empirical tests
samplingframe or do I keep it separate? The demonstrate that the pattern found in Box 6.2
common answeris that it is not returned.Unre- always appears. The set of many random sam-
strictedrandom samplingis random sampling ples is my samplingdistibution.It is a distribu-
with replacement-that is, replacingan element tion of different samples that shows the
after samplingit so it can be selectedagain.In frequency of different sample outcomes from
simple random samplingwithout replacement, many separaterandom samples.The pattern will
the researcherignoreselementsalreadyselected appear if the sample size is 1,000 instead of 100;
into the sample. if there are l0 colors of marbles instead of 2; if
Thelogicof simplerandomsamplingcanbe the population has 100 marbles or 10 million
illustratedwith an elementaryexample-sam- marbles instead of 5,000;and if the population is
pling marblesfrom a jar.Ihave a largejar full of people, automobiles, or collegesinstead of mar_
5,000marbles,somered and somewhite. The bles. In fact, the pattern will become clearer as
5,000marblesaremy population,and the para- more and more independent random samples
meterI want to estimateis the percentageof red are drawn from the population.
marblesin it. I randomly select100marbles(I The pattern in the sampling distribution
closemy eyes,shakethe jar, pick one marble, suggeststhat over many separate samples, the
and repeatthe procedure99 times).I now have true population parameter (i.e., the 50/50 split in
a random sampleof marbles.I count the num- the preceding example) is more common than
ber of red marblesin my sampleto estimatethe any other result. Some samplesdeviate from tne
percentageof red versuswhite marblesin the population parameter, but they are less com-
population.This is a lot easierthan countingall mon. When manydifferent random samplesare
5,000marbles.My samplehas 52 white and 4g plotted as in the graph in Box6.2,then the sam-
red marbles. pling distribution looks like a normal or bell-
Doesthis meanthat the populationpara- shaped curve. Such a curve is theoretically
meteris 48 percentred marbles?Muybenot. Be- important and is used throughout statistics.
causeof random chance,my specificsample The central limit theoremfrom mathematics
might be off I cancheckmy resultsby dumping tells us that as the number of difflerent random
the 100marblesbackin thejar, mixing the mar- samples in a sampling distribution increasesto-
bles,and drawing a secondrandom sampleof ward infinity, the pattern of samples and the
100marbles.On the secondtry my samplehas population parameter become more predictable.
49 white marblesand 5l red ones.Now I havea With a huge number of random samples,the
problem.Which is correct?How good is this sampling distribution forms a normal curve, and
random samplingbusinessif different samples the midpoint of the curve approachesthe popu-
from the samepopulationcanyield differentre- lation parameter as the number of samples
sults?I repeatthe procedureoverand over until increases.
I havedrawn 130different samplesof 100mar- Perhaps you want only one sample because
bleseach(seeBox 6.2 for results).Most people you do not have the time or energy to draw
might empty the jar and count all 5,000,but I many different samples. You are not alone. A
want to seewhat is going on. The resultsof my researcherrarely draws many samples.He or she

Number of Samples

42 58 1
43 57 1
45 55 2
46 54 4
47 53 8
48 52 12 Number of red and white marblesthat were
49 5l 21 randomlydrawn from a jar of 5,000 marbles
50 50 31 with 1 00 drawn eachtime, repeated 1 30
51 49 20 times for'l 30 independentrandom samples.
52 48 IJ

53 47 9
54 46 5
55 45 2
57 43
Total 'I 30

Numberof Samples

'I 5


42 43 44 4s 46 47 48 49 50 5.1 52 s3 54 5s 56 57
Numberof RedMarblesin a SamPle

usuallydrawsonly one random sample,but the SystematicSampling. Systematicsamplingis

centrallimit theoremletshim or her generaltze simple random samplingwith a shortcut for
from onesampleto thepopulation.Thetheorem randomselection.Again,the first stepis to num-
is about many samples,but lets the researcher ber eachelementin the samplingframe.Instead
calculatethe probability of a particular sample of usinga list of random numbers,a researcher
beingofffrom the populationparameter. calculatesa samplinginteryal,and the interval
Random samplingdoesnot guaranteethat becomeshis or her quasi-randomselection
every random sampleperfectly representsthe method. The sampling interval (i.e., 1 in k,
population.Instead,it meansthat most random where k is somenumber) tells the researcher
sampleswill be closeto the population most of how to selectelementsfrom a samplingframe
the time, and that one can calculatethe proba- by skippingelementsin the framebeforeselect-
bility of a particularsamplebeinginaccurate.A ing one for the sample.
researcher estimatesthe chancethat a particular For instance,I want to sample300 names
sampleis offor unrepresentative (i.e.,ihe sizeof from 900.After a random startingpoint, I select
the samplingerror) by using information from everythirdnameofthe 900to geta sampleof 300.
the sampleto estimatethe samplingdistribu- My samplinginterval is 3. Samplingintervalsare
tion. He or shecombinesthis information with easyto compute.I needthe samplesizeand the
knowledgeof the centrallimit theoremto con- populationsize(or samplingframesizeasa best
struct confidence interyals. estimate).You canthink of the samplinginterval
The confidenceintervalis a relativelysimple asthe inverseof the samplingratio. The sampling
but powerfrrlidea.When televisionor newspa- ratio for 300niunesout of 900is 300/900= .333=
per polls are reported,you may hear about 33.3percent.Thesamplingintervalis 9001300 = 3.
' somethingcalledthe margin of error beingplus In most cases,a simplerandom sampleand
or minus 2 percentage points.This is a versionof a systematicsampleyieldvirtually equivalentre-
eonfidenceintervals.A confidenceinterval is a sults.One important situationin which system-
rangearognd a specificpoint usedto estimatea atic samplingcannot be substitutedfor simple
population parameter.A rangeis usedbecause randomsamplingoccurswhenthe elementsin a
the statisticsofrandom processes do not let a re- sampleare organizedin somekind of cycleor
searcherpredict an exactpoint, but they let the pattern.For example,a researcher's sampling
researchersaywith a high level of confidence frame is organizedby married coupleswith the
(e.g.,95 percent)that the true populationpara- malefirst and the femalesecond(seeTable6.2).
1 meter lieswithin a certainrange. Sucha pattern givesthe researcheran unrepre-
The calculationsfor samplingerrorsor con- sentativesampleif systematicsamplingis used.
fidenceintervalsarebeyondthe levelof this dis- His or her systematicsamplecan be nonrepre-
cussion,but they are basedon the idea of the sentativeand includeonly wivesbecauseof how
samplingdistribution that lets a researchercal- the casesareorganized.When his or her sample
culatethe samplingerror and confidenceinter- frame is organizedas couples,even-numbered
val. For example, I cannot say, "There are samplingintervalsresultin sampleswith all hus-
precisely2,500red marblesin the jar basedon a bandsor all wives.
random sample."However,I can say,"I am 95 Table 6.3 illustratessimple random sam-
percent certain that the population parameter pling and systematicsampling.Notice that dif-
lies between2,450 and 2,550."I can combine ferent nameswere drawn in eachsample.For
characteristics of the sample(e.g.,its size,the example,H. Adamsappearsin both samples, but
variationin it) with the centrallimit theoremto C. Droullard is only in the simplerandom sam-
predict specificrangesaround the parameter ple.This is becauseit is rarefor anytwo random
with a greatdealof confidence. samplesto be identical.

The samplingframe contains20 malesand

TA BLE 5.2 Problemswith Systematic 20 females(genderis in parenthesisafter each
Samplingof CyclicalData name). The simple random sampleyielded 3
malesand 7 females,and the systematicsample
yielded5 malesand 5 females.Doesthis mean
.l that systematicsamplingis more accurate?No.
Husband To checkthis, drawa newsampleusingdifferent
2a Wife random numbers;try taking the first two digits
? Husband and beginningat the end (e.g.,11 from lL92I,
4 Wife then 43 from 43232).Also draw a new system-
5 Husband atic samplewith a different random start. The
6a Wife
lasttime the random startwas18.Try a random
start of 11.What did you find? How many of !
7 Hus ban d
6 Wife
9 Husband Stratifieil Sampling. In straffied sampling,a
l0a Wife researcher first dividesthe population into sub-
1t Husband populations(strata)on the basisof supplemen-
12 Wife tary information. After dividing the population
into strata,the researcherdrawsa random sam-
Randomstart = 2; Sampling
interval= 4. ple from eachsubpopulation.He or she can
into samole. samplerandomlywithin stratausingsimpleran-

TA B T E 6. 3 How to Draw SimpleRandomand SystematicSamples

t. Numbereachcasein the sampling

framein the example),ignorethe secondoccurrence.
sequence.The list of 40 namesis in Continueuntilthe numberofcasesin the
order,numberedfrom 1 to 40.
alphabetical is reached.
sample(.10 in our example)
Decideon a samplesize.We willdrawtwo 25 4. Fora systematic sample,beginwith a random
percent(10-name)samples. start.The easiestway to do this is to point
blindlyat the randomnumbertable,thentake
3. Fora simplerandomsample,locatea random-
the closestnumberthat appearson the
numbertable (seeexcerpt).Beforeusing
sampling frame.In the example, I 8 waschosen.
random-number table,countthe largest
Start with the randomnumber,then count the
numberof digits neededfor the sample(e.g.,
sampling interval,or 4 in our example,to come
with 40 names, two digitsareneeded;for 100
to the first number.Markit, and then count the
to 999, threedigits;for 1 ,000 to 9,999,four
sampling intervalfor the nextnumber.Continue
digits).Beginanywhereon the randomnumber
to the end ofthe list.Continuecountingthe
table (wewill beginin the upperleft) and take a
sampling intervalas if the beginningof the list
set of digits (wewill takethe lasttwo). Markthe
wasattachedto the end ofthe list (likea
numberon the sampling framethat corresponds
circle).Keepcountinguntilendingcloseto the
to the chosenrandomnumberto indicatethat
start,or on the start if the samplinginterval
the caseis in the sample.lf the numberis too
dividesevenlyinto the total of the sampling
large(over40), ignoreit. lf the numberappears
morethanonce(1 0 and 2l occurredtwicein

01 A br am s , J( M
. ) 21 Hjelmhaug, N. (M) Yes
02 Adams,H. (F) Yes(6) 22 H uang,J. (F) Yes Yes(1)
03 Anderson, H. (M) 23 lvono,V. (F)
04 Arminond,L. (M) 24 Jaquees, J. (M)
05 Boorstein, A. (M) 25 Johnson, A. (F)
05 B r eit s pr ec he r,P.(M)
Yes Yes(Z) 26 Kennedy, M. (F) Yes(2)
07 Brown,D. (F) 27 Koschoreck, L. (F)
08 Cattelino, J.(F) 28 Koykkar, J.(M)
09 Cidoni,S. (M) 29 Kozlowski, C. (F) Yes
10 Davis,L. (F) Yes Yes(8) 30 Laurent, J.(M) Yes(3)
I1 Droullard, C. (M) Yes 31 Lee,R.(F)
12 Durette,R.(F) s2 Lins,C. (M)
13 E ls nau,K .( F ) Yes 33 McKinnon, K. (F)
14 F alc oner T,. ( M ) Yes(9) 34 Mi n,H . (F) Yes Yes (4)
5 Fuerstenberg, J. (M) 35 Moi ni A, . (F)
15 Fulton,P.(F) 36 Navarre, H. (M)
17 Cnewuc h, S .( F ) 37 O' S ul l i van,C . (M)
18 G r een,C. ( M ) 5TART, 38 oh,J. (M) Yes(5)
Yes(10) 39 Ol son,J.(M)
19 Coodwanda, T. (F) Yes 40 Ortizy Carcia,L. (F)
20 Harris,B. (M)

Excerptfrom a Random-NumberTable (for Simple RandomSample)

150lo 18590 00102 4227A 94174 22099

90122 3822I 21 529 00Ott 04734 60457
672s6 13882 94119 11077 01051 27779
13761 23390 12947 21280 44506 36457
81994 66611 16597 44457 0762a 51949
79180 25992 46178 23992 62r 08 43232
07984 47169 88094 82752 153r8 11921
'Num ber s t h a t a p p e a r e d
t w ice in r a n d o m n u m b e r sse le cte c.

dom or systematic sampling. In stratified sam- supplemental information about strata is not a,-
pling, the researchercontrols the relative size of ways available.
each stratum, rather than letting random In general, stratified sampling produces
processescontrol it. This guaranteesrepresenta- samplesthat are more representativeof the pop-
tiveness or fixes the proportion of different ulation than simple random sampling if the stra-
strata within a sample. Of course, the necessary tum information is accurate. A simple example
154 P A RToNE / F o u N D Arl o N S

illustrateswhy this is so. Imaginea population later chapter)oversampledAfrican Americans.

that is 51 percentfemale and 49 percentmale; A randomsampleof the U.S.populationyielded
the population parameteris a sexratio of 51 to 191Blacks.Davisand Smith conducteda sepa-
49.With stratifiedsampling,a researcherdraws ratesampleof African Americansto increasethe
random samplesamong femalesand among total number of Blacksto 544'The 191Blackre-
malessothat the samplecontainsa 51to 49 per- spondentsare about 13 percentofthe random
cent sexratio. If the researcher had usedsimple sample,roughly equal to the percentageof
randomsampling,it would be possiblefor a ran- Blacksin the U.S.population.The 544Blacksare
dom sampleto be offfrom the true sex ratio in 30 percentof the disproportionatesample.The
the population.Thus,he or shemakes fewer er- researcherwho wants to use the entire sample
rors representingthe population and has a must adjustit to reducethe number of sampled
smallersamplingerror with stratified sampling. African Americansbefore generalizingto the
Researchers usestratifiedsamplingwhen a U.S. population. Disproportionatesampling
stratum of interestis a small percentageof a helpsthe researcherwho wants to focus on is-
population and random processes could miss suesmost relevantto a subpopulation.In this
the stratumby chance.For example,a researcher case,he or shecanmore accuratelygenetalizeto
drawsa sampleof 200 fiom 20,000collegestu- African Americansusing the 544 respondents
dents.He or shegetsinformation from the col- than usinga sampleof only 191.Thelargersam-
legeregistrarindicatingthat 2 percentof the ple is more likely to reflectthe full diversityof
20,000students,or 400, are divorcedwomen the African Americansubpopulation.
with children under the ageof 5. This group is
important to includein the sample.Therewould ClusterSampling, Clustersamplingaddresses
be 4 suchstudents(2 percentof200) in a repre- two problems:Researchers lacka goodsampling
sentativesample,but the researchercould miss framefor a dispersedpopulationand the costto
them by chancein one simplerandom sample. reacha sampledelementis very high. For exam-
With stratifiedsampling,he or sheobtainsa list ple, there is no singlelist of all automobileme-
of the 400 suchstudentsfrom the registrarand chanicsin North America.Evenif a researcher
randomly selects4 from it. This guarantees that got an accuratesamplingframe, it would cost
the samplerepresentsthe population with re- too much to reachthe sampledmechanicswho
gardto the importantstrata(seeBox6.3). aregeographically spreadout. Insteadofusing a
In specialsituations,a researchermay want singlesamplingframe,researchers usea sdm.
the proportion of a stratumin a sampleto differ pling designthat involves multiple stagesand
from its true proportion in the population.For clusters.
example,the population contains0.5 percent A clusteris a unit that containsfinal sam-
Aleuts, but the researcherwants to examine pling elementsbut canbe treatedtemporarilyas
Aleuts in particular. He or she oversamplesso a samplingelementitself.A researcher first sam-
that Aleuts make up 10 percentof the sample. ples clusters,eachof which containselements,
With this type of disproportionatestratified then draws a secondsamplefrom within the
sample,the researcher cannotgeneralize directly clustersselectedin the first stageof sampling'In
from the sampleto the populationwithout spe- other words, the researcherrandomly samples
cial adjustments. clusters,then randomly sampleselementsfrom
In somesituations,a researcherwants the within the selectedclusters.This hasa big prac-
proportion of a stratum or subgroupto differ tical advantage. He or shecancreatea goodsam-
from its true proportion in the population.For pling frameof clusters,evenif it is impossibleto
example,Davisand Smith (1992)reportedthat createone for samplingelements.Once the re-
the 1987GeneralSocialSurvey(explainedin a searchergets a sampleof clusters,creatinga


Administrators t5 2.88 I 3 -2
Staffphysicians 25 4.81 2 5 -3
Internphysicians 25 4.81 6 5 +l
Registerednurses 19.23 22 19 +3
Nurseassistants 'r00 19.23 21 19 +2
Medicaltechnicians 75 14.42 9 14 +5
Orderlies 50 9.62 8 l0 -2
Clerks 75 14.42 5 14 +l
staff 30 s.77 3 6 -3
Cleaningstaff 25 4.81 3 5 -2
Total 520 100.00 100 100

Randomly select3 of 5 administrators,
5 of 25 staffphysicians,
andso on.
Note:Traditionally,N symbolizes
the numberin the populationandn represents the numberin the sample.
Thesimplerandomsampleoverrepresents nurses,nursingassistants,andmedicaltechnicians,but underrepresents
maintenancestaff,andcleaningstaff.Thestratifiedsamplegivesan accuraterepresentation
of eachtype of position.

sampling frame for elements within each cluster individuals from Mapleville. First, he or she ran-
becomesmore manageable.A second advantage domly samples city blocks, then households
for geographically dispersed populations is that within blocks, then individuals within house-
elementswithin eachcluster are physically closer holds (seeBox 6.4). Although there is no accurate
to one another. This may produce a savings in list of all residentsofMapleville, there is an accu-
locating or reaching each element. rate list of blocks in the city. After selectinga ran-
A researcherdraws severalsamplesin stages dom sample of blocks, the researchercounts all
in cluster sampling. In a three-stagesample,stage households on the selectedblocks to create a
1 is random sampling of big clusters; stage 2 is sample frame for eachblock. He or she then uses
random sampling of small clusters within each the list of households to draw a random sample
selectedbig cluster; and the last stageis sampling at the stageof sampling households. Finally, the
of elements from within the sampled small clus- researcher chooses a specific individual within
ters. For example, a researcherwants a sample of each sampled household.

Coal: Drawa random sample of 24Opeoplein Mapleville.

Step1: Maplevillehas55 districts.
Randomly select6 districts.
1 23. 4 5 67 89 10 1'l 1213 14 15' 16 17 18 19 2021 2223 242526
27. 28 29 30 31. 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40.41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 l
49 50 5.f 52 53 54.55
Step2: Dividethe selecteddistrictsinto blocks.Eachdistrictcontains20 blocks.Randomlyselect4 blocks
from the district.
Example of Distict3 (selectedin step 1):
1 23 4. 5 67 8 9 ' 1 0 . 1 1 1 2 1 3 . 1 4 1 5 1 6 17. 18 1920
- = Randomlyselected.
Step3: Divideblocksinto households. Randomlyselecthouseholds.
Exampleof Block4 of District3 (selectedin step 2):
Block4 containsa mixof single-family homes,duplexes,and is bounded-by
OakStreet,RiverRoad,SouthAvenue,and Greenview Drive.Thereare45 householdson the block.Rartdom\
from the 45.
selectI 0 households

1 #.1 Oak Street 16 31.

2 #3 Oak Street 17. # 1 5 4 R i verR oad 32.
'l8 # 1 5 6 R i verR oad 33
J #5 Oak Street
4 19- #1 58 RiverRoad 34 Drive
#156 Creenview
5 20. " 35.
6 21 #l 3 SouthAvenue 36
7 #7 Oak Street 22"37"
8 23 #.1 1 SouthAvenue 38
9' #l 50 RiverRoad 24 #9 SouthAvenue 39 #]58 Creenview
10' 25 #7 SouthAvenue 40
't1 26 #5 SouthAvenue 41
12 27 #3 SouthAvenue 42
13 #l 52 RiverRoad 28 #1 SouthAvenue 43 #1 60 CreenviewDrive
14 2 9 ." 4 4 "
15 30 #1 52 CreenviewDrive 45

" = Randomly

Step4: Selecta respondentwithineachhousehold.

Summaryof clustersampling
1 personrandomlyselectedper household
10 households randomlyselectedper block
4 blocksrandomlyselectedper district
6 districtsrandomlyselectedin the city
I X 10 x 4 6= 2 4 0 p e o p l e i n s a mp l e

, Cluster sampling is usually lessexpensive $250,000,Ricardo'sis $750,and Barbara,sis

than simple random sampling,but it is lessac- $75,000.Alan's sampleis highly accurate,but
curate.Eachstagein clustersamplingintroduces Barbara'sis only slightly lessaccuratefor one_
samplingerrors.This meansa multistagecluster third the cost.Ricardo'ssampleis the cheapest,
samplehas more samplingerrorsthan a one- but it is not representative
at all.
stagerandom sample.
A researcherwho usescluster sampling ProbabilityProportionateto Size(ppS). There
must decidethe number of clustersand the are two methods of cluster sampling. The
number of elementswithin eachcluster.For ex- method just describedis proportionatet, o.r_
aTplg, in a two-stageclustersampleof 240peo- weightedclustersampling.It is proportionate
ple from Mapleville, the researcher could becausethe sizeof eachcluster (br number of
randomly select120 clustersand select2 ele- elementsat eachstage)is the same.The more
ments from each,or randomly select2 clusters common situation is for the cluster groups to
and select120elementsin each.Which is best? be of different sizes.When this is the case-.
The generalansweris that a designwith more researchermust adjust the probability or sam_
clustersis better.This is becauseelementswithin pling ratio at various stagesin sampling(see
clusters(e.g.,peopleliving on the sameblock) Box6.5).
tend to be similar to eachother (e.g.,peopleon Th-" foregoing cluster sampling example
the sameblock tend to be more alikethan those with- Alan, Barbara,
and Ricardoillustratesihe
on different blocks).If few clustersare chosen. problemwith unweightedclustersampling.Bar_
many similar elementscould be selected,which bara drew a simple random sampleJf :Oo cot_
would be lessrepresentative of the total popula- legesfrom a list of all 3,000colleges,but she
tion. For example,the researchercould select made a mistake-unless every collegehas an
two blocks with relativelywealthy people and identicalnumber of students.Her method gave
drirw 120peoplefrom each.This would be less eachcollegean equalchanceofbeing selected_
representative than a samplewith i20 difFerent a 300/3,000or 10 percentchance.But colleges
cityblocks and 2 individualschosenfrom each. havedifferentnumbersof students,so eachsiu_
When a researcher samplesfrom a largege- dent doesnot havean equalchanceto end up in
ographicalareaand must travelto eachelement, her sample.
cluster sampling significantly reduces travel Barbaralisted everycollegeand sampled
costs.As usual,thereis a tradeoffbetweenaccu- from the list. A largeuniversitywith 40,000stu_
racyand cost. dentsand a small collegewirh 400 studentshad
For example,Alan, Ricardo, and Barbara an equal chanceof being selected.But if she
each plan to visit and personally interview a chosethe largeuniversity,the chanceofa given
sampleof 1,500studentswho representthepop- student at that collegebeing selectedwal 5 in
ulation of all collegestudentsin North Ameiica. 40,000(5i40,000= 0.0125percent),whereasa
Alan obtainsan accuratesamplingframe of all studentat the smallcollegehad a 5 in 400 (5/400
studentsand usessimplerandom sampling.He = 1.25percent)chanceof being selected.The
travelsto 1,000different locationsto interview small-collegestudentwas 100timesmore likely
one or two studentsat each.Ricardo draws a to be in her sample.The total probability of be_
random sampleof threecollegesfrom a list of all ing selectedfor a studentfrom the largeuniver-
3,000colleges,then visits the three and selects sitywas0.125percenr(10 X 0.0125),while it
500 studentsfrom each.Barbaradraws a ran- was 12.5percent(10 X 1.25)for the smali_
dom sampleof 300 colleges.Shevisits the 300 collegestudent.Barbaraviolateda principle of
and selects5 studentsat each.Iftravel costsav- random sampling-that each element his an
erage$250 per location, Alan's travel bill is equalchanceto be selectedinto the sample.
Samplinghas manytermsfor the differentparts of county or SMSA.This gavethem a sampleof 84
samples or typesof samples. A complexsampleillus- countiesor SMSAs.
usethem.Lookat the 1 980 For the secondstage,the researchers identified
trateshow researchers
city blocks, census tracts,or the rural equivalent in
samplefor the best-knownnationalU.S.surveyin so-
ciology,the CeneralSocialSurvey' each county or SMSA.Eachsamplingelement(e.g',
The populationis definedas all residentadults city block)hada minimum of 50 housingunits.In or-
(1 8 yearsor older) in the U'S.for the universe of all der to get an accuratecount of the numberof hous-
Americans. The target population consists of all Eng- ing units for some counties,a researchercounted
adults who livein households, excluding addresses in the field.The researchers selected6 or
moreblockswithineach county or SMSA usingPPS
those livingin institutionalsettingssuchas college
dormitories,nursinghomes,or militaryquarters.The to yield552 blocks.
estimatedthat 97.3 percentof all resi- In the third stage,the researchers used the
dent adultslivedin households andthat 9 Z percent householdas a sampling element. They randomlyse-
lectedhouseholdsfrom the addresses in the block.
of the householdpopulationspokesufficientEnglish
After selectingan address,an interviewer contacted
to be interviewed.
The researchers useda complexmultistageprob- the householdandchosean eligiblerespondentfrom
ability sample that is both a clustersampleand a it. The interviewer lookedat a selectiontablefor pos-
stratified sample. First, they created a national siblerespondents and interviewed a type of respon-
all U.S.counties,independent cities' dent (e.g.,second oldest) based on the table. In
samplingframeof 'l
andStandardMetropolitanStatistical Areas(SMSfu)' total, ,934 people were contacted for interviews
a CensusBureaudesignation for largercitiesandsur- and7 5.9 percentof interviews werecompleted.This
roundingareas.Eachsamplingelementat this first gavea finalsamplesizeof 1,458. We cancalculate
levelhad about 4,000 households' They divided ihe somptingratio by dividing 1,468 by the total
The stratawerethe four numberof adultslivingin households, whichwas
theseelementsinto strata.
regions as defined by the Census about 150 million,whichis 0.01 percent. To check
the representativeness of their sample, the re-
Bureau,dividedinto metropolitanand nonmetropol-
searchers also compared characteristics of the sam-
itanareas.Theythen sampledfromeachstratausing
probabilityproportionateto size(PPS)randomselec- ple to censusresults(see Davisand Smith,1 992:
tion, basedon the numberof housingunitsin each 31 -44).

If Barbarausesprobabilityproportionateto with 40,000studentswill be 100 times more

size(PPS)and samplescorrectly,then eachfinal likely to be selectedthan one with 400 students.
samplingelementor studentwill havean equal (SeeBox 6.6 for anotherexamPle.)
probability of being selected.Shedoesthis by
adjustingthe chancesof selectinga collegein the Ranilom-Digit Dialing, Random-digitdialing
first stageof sampling.Shemust givelargecol- (RDD) is a specialsamplingtechniqueusedin
legeswith more studentsa greaterchanceof be- researchprojectsin which the generalpublic is
ing selectedand smallcollegesa smallerchance. interviewedbytelephone'It differsfrom the tra-
Sheadjuststhe probability of selectinga college ditional method of samplingfor telephonein-
on the basisof the proportion of all studentsin terviewsbecause a publishedtelephonedirectory
the population who attend it. Thus, a college is not the samplingframe.

high as 50 percent.In addition, peoplechange

their residences, sodirectoriesthat arepublished
annuallyor lessoften havenumbersfor people
who haveleft and do not list thosewho havere_
Vaqueraand Kao (2005) studieddisplaysof affec-
centlymoved into an, directoriesdo
tion amongadolescentcouplesin whichthe couple
not list cell phone numbers.A researcherusing
wereeitherfrom the sameor differentracialgroups.
RDD randomly selectstelephonenumbers,
Theirdatawerefroma nationallongitudinalstudyof
adolescenthealthgiven to studentsin grades7
thereby avoidingthe problemsof telephonedi_
through 12 in 80 randomlyselectedU.S. tigfl rectories. Thepopulationis telephonenumbers,
schools.Therewereover 90,000 studentsin these not people with telephones.Random-digitdial_
schools.After the'schoolsweresampled,approxi- ing is not difficult, but it takestime and canfrus_
mately200 studentsweresampledfor interviews trate the person doing the calling.
fromwithinthoseschools.Thus,the first clusterwas Here is how RDD works in the United
the school,and studentsweresampledfrom within States.Telephonenumbershavethree parts: a
the school.Because the schoolswerenot ofthe same three-digit area code, a three-digit exihange
size,rangingfrom 1 O0 to 3,000 students,the au- number or centralofEcecode,and a four-digit
thors adjustedusingprobabilitiesproportionateto number. For example,the areacodefor Uadi_
size(PPS).They found that 53 percentof respon_ son, Wisconsin,is 608,and there are many ex_
dentshad a relationship with someoneof the oppo- changes within theareacode(e.g.,221,9g3:767,
site sex in the previousI 8 months.Whitesand 455); but not all of the 999 possiblethree_digit
Blackswere more likelyto havesame-race relation- exchanges (from 001to 999)areactive.Likewise,
ships(90 percent)comparedto Asiansand Hispan- not all of the 9,999possiblefour-digit
ics (70 percent).The authorsfoundthat same-and in an exchange(from 0000 to 9999) are being
mixed-race couplesdifferedlittle in showingintimate used.Somenumbersarereservedfor future ex-
affection,but the interracialcoupleswerelesslikely pansion,are disconnected, or are temporarily
to do so in publicthan the same-race couples. withdrawn aftersomeonemoves.Thus,a possi_
ble U.S.telephonenumber consistsof an active
areacode,an activeexchangenumber, and a
four-digit number in an exchange.
Threekinds.of peopleare missedwhen the In RDD, a researcheridentifiesactivearea
samplingframe is a telephonedirectory people codesand exchanges, then randomly selects
without telephones,peoplewho have recently four-digit numbers.A problem
is thai rhe re-
moved, and people with unlisted numbers. searchercan selectany number
in an exchange.
Thosewithout phones(e.g.,the poor, the uned- This meansthat someselectednumbersu." o.rt
ucated,and transients)are missedin any tele- of service,disconnected,pay phones,or num-
phoneinterviewstudy,but theproportion of the bersfor businesses; only somenumbersarewhat
generalpublic with a telephoneis nearly95 per- the researcher wants-working residential
cent in advancedindustrializednations.As the phone numbers.Until the researchercalls,it is
percentageof the public with telephoneshasin- not possibleto know whether the number is a
creased,the percentagewith unlisted numbers working residentialnumber.This
hasalsogrown.Severalkinds ofpeoplehaveun- ing a lot of time getting numbersthat are dis_
listed numbers:peoplewho want to avoid co,- connected,for businesses, and so forth.
lectionagencies; theverywealthy;andthosewho Rememberthat the samplingelementin
want privacy and want to avoid obscenecalls. RDD is the phonenumber,not theperson
or the
salespeople, and prank calls.In someurban ar- household.Severalfamilies or individuals can
eas,the percentageof unlistednumbersis as sharethe samephonenumber,and in other sit-

uationseachpersonmay havea separatephone governmentserviceagenciesidentified as vic-

number or more than one phonenumber.This tims. Law-enforcement estimatesdependon the
meansthat after a working residentialphone is specificlevelof enforcementeffortsand aremost
reached,a secondstageof samplingis necessary likely to identifr a smallpercentof the most vis-
within householdsampling,to selectthe person ible and seriouscases.Similar difficulties exist
to be interviewed. with nongovernmentserviceagenciesthat pro-
Box 6.5 presentsan exampleof how the vide aid to victims. Thus, during the first 10
many samplingterms and ideascanbe usedto- months of 2004,Norwegianpolice detected42
getherin a specificreal-lifesituation. sextraffickingvictims.This is subsetof all possi-
ble trafficking victims. For this population
Tyldum and Brunovskissuggested using a cap-
Hidden Populations
ture-recapturemethodborrowedfrom biology.
In contrastto samplingthe generalpopulation In capture-recapture, a percentageof the same
orvisible and accessible people,sampling hidden cases will reappear across multiple attemptsto
populations (i.e., people who engage in con- "capture" cases (with a release after past cap-
cealedactivities)is a recurrent issue in the ture). This percentage recaptured allows re-
studiesof deviantor stigmatizedbehavior. It iI- searchers to estimate the size of the total
lustratesthe creativeapplication of sampling population. A third population is that of mi-
principles,mixing qualitativeand quantitative grants who have returned to their countiypf ori-
srylesof researchand oftenusingnonprobability gin. By surveying returnees and estimating the
techniques.Examplesof hiddenpopulations in- iroportion oi th.m who are former traffickin!'
cludeillegaldrug users,prostitutes,homosexu- victims,researchers haveanotherway to esti-
als,peoplewith HIV/AIDS, homeless people, mate the size of the hidden population.
and others. Draus and associates (2005) describedtheir
Tyldum and Brunovskis (2005) described sampling a hidden population in a field research
ways to measurethe hidden population of study of illicit drug users in four rural Ohio
womenand childrenvictimsof sextrafficking in counties. They used respondent-driven sam-
Norway. They suggestedusing multiple sam- pling (RDS), which is a version of snowball sam-
pling approachesand thinking of in terms of pling and appropriate when members of a
severaloverlappingpopulations in which vic- hidden population are likely to maintain contact
tims area subset.One populationis all working with one another.This tlpe of samplingbegins
prostitutes.By telephoningall identifiableescort by identifying an eligiblecaseor participant.
and massage services,then calculatingresponse This person,calleda "seed,"is given referral
ratesand the number of women per phone,the couponsto distributeamongother eligiblepeo-
authorsestimatedthat 600 female prostitutes ple who engagein the sameactivity. For each
worked in the Oslo metro areain October2003. successfulreferral, the "seed" receivessome
Basedon number of months mostwomenwork money. This processis repeatedwith several
in prostitution andtheir turnoverrateeach year, waves of new recuitsuntil the a point of satura-
theyestimatedthat 1,100differentwomenwork tion (see SequentialSamplingearlier in this
asprostitutesin Oslo in a year.Of these,about chapter). In the study by Draus and associates,
80 percentof them are of non-Norwegianori- each interviewed drug-usingparticipant was
gin.Victims of sextraffickingarea subsetamong paid $50 for an initial two-hour interview and
the roughly 800 non-Norwegianswho work as $35 for an hour-long follow-up interview.The
prostituteswho are being exploitedby others participants received three referral couponsat
and working involuntary.A secondpopulation the end of the initial interview and got $10 for
is the women law-enforcementofficialsor non- each eligible participant they referred who com-

pleted an initial interview. No participant re-

ceivedmore than threereferralcoupons.Some-
times this yielded no new participants,but at Samples
other times more than the threepeoplewith re-
ferral couponswere recruited.In one case,a
youngman heardaboutthe studyat a localtatoo
parlor and calledthe study office in luly 2003. SimpleRandom Createa samplingframefor all
He (participant157)had beena powdercocaine cases,thenselectcasesusing
user and in his interview said he knew many a purelyrandomprocess(e.g.,
other drug users.He referredtwo new partici- random-number tableor
pants (participants161 and 146)who camein computerprogram).
about one month later. participant 161did not Stratified Createa samplingframefor
refer anyonene% but participant 146 referred eachofseveralcategoriesof
four new people,and two of the four (154 and cases,drawa randomsample
148) referredstill others.participant 154re- from eachcategory,then
ferredfour newpeopleand 146referredonenew combinethe severalsamples.
person,and that one person,(participant 15g) Systematic Createa samplingframe,
referredfour others.This samplingprocessthat calculatethe samplinginterval
took placein differentgeographiclocationspro- l,/k, choosea randomstarting
duced249 usersof cocaineor methanmpheta- place,then take everyl,/k
mine between|une 2002andFebruary2004. case.
You are now familiar with severalmajor Cluster Createa samplingframefor
typesof probability samples(seeTable6.4) and. largerclusterunits,drawa
supplementarytechniques usedwith them (e.g., randomsampleof the cluster
PPS,within-household,RDD, and RDS) that units,createa samplingframe
may be.appropriate.In addition, you haveseen for caseswithineachselected
how,resehrchers combinenonprobabilityand clusterunit,thendrawa
probability samplingfor specialsituations,such randomsampleofcases,and
as hidden populations.Next, we turn to deter- so forth.
mining a samplesizefor probabilitysamples.

How Large Should a Sample Be?

The question of samplesize can be ad_
Studentsand new researchers often ask. ,.How dressedin two ways.One is to make assump-
largedoesmy sarnplehaveto be?"The bestan- tions about the population and use statisticil
sweris, "It depends."It dependson the kind of equationsabout random samplingprocesses.
dataanalysisthe researcher plans,on how accu- Thecalculationof samplesizeby this methodre_
rate the samplehas to be for the researcher's quiresa statisticaldiscussionthat is beyondthe
pu{poses,and on population characteristics. As level of this text. The researchermust make as-
you haveseen,a lbrgesamplesizealonedoesnot sumptions about the degreeof confidence(or
guaranteea representative sample.A largesam_ number of errors)that is acceptable and the de_
ple without random samplingor with a poor greeofvariation in the population.
sampling frame is less representativethan a A secondand more frequentlyusedmethod
smallerone with random samplingand an ex- is a rule of thumb-a conventionalor com-
cellentsamplingframe.Goodsamplesfor quali- monly acceptedamount. Researchers useit be-
tativepurposescanbe very small. causethey rarelyhavethe information required
162 PARr o NE / FoUNDATI oNS

by the statisticalmethod and becauseit gives equal,largersamplesare neededif one wants

samplesizescloseto those of the statistical high accuracy,ifthe populationhasa greatdeal
method. Rulesof thumb are not arbitrary but or if onewantsto
of variabilityor heterogeneity,
are basedon past experiencewith samplesthat examinemany variablesin the data analysissl-
have met the requirements of the statistical multaneously. Smaller samplesare sufficient
method. when lessacc:uracy when the pop-
is acceptable,
One principle of samplesizesis, the smaller ulation is homogeneous,or when only a few
thepopulation,thebiggerthe samplingratio has variablesareexaminedat a time.
to be for an accuratesample(i.e.,onewith a high The analysisof data on subgroupsalso af-
probabilityofyieldingthe sameresultsasthe en- fectsa researcher's decisionaboutsamplesize.If
tire population). Larger populations permit the researcher wantsto analyzesubgroupsin the
smallersamplingratios for equallygood sam- population,he or sheneedsa largersample.For
ples. This is becauseas the population size example,I want to analyzefour variablesfor
grows,the returns in accuracyfor samplesize malesbetweenthe agesof 30 and 40 yearsold. If
shrink. this sampleis of the generalpublic, then only a
For smallpopulations(under 1,000),a re- small proportion (e.g.,10 percent)of sample
searcherneedsa largesamplingratio (about 30 caseswill be malesin that agegrouP.A rule of
percent).For example,a samplesizeof about thumb is to have about 50 casesfor eachsub-
300is requiredfor a high degreeofaccuracy.For group to be analyzed.Thus, if I want to.artalyze
moderatelylargepopulations( 10,000),a smaller a group that is only 10 percentof the popula---
samplingratio (about 10 percent)is neededto tion. then I shouldhave10 X 50 or 500casestin
be equallyaccurate,or a samplesizeof around the sampleto be sureI get enoughfor the sub-
1,000.For largepopulations(over 150,000), group analysis.
smallersamplingratios (1 percent)arepossible,
andsamplesofabout 1,500canbevery accvtate. Drawing Inferences
To samplefrom very largepopulations(over 10
million), one can achieveaccuracyusing tiny A researchersamplesso he or shecan draw in-
samplingratios (0.025percent)or samplesof ferencesfrom the sampleto the population. ln
about2,500.Thesizeofthe populationceases to fact, a subfield of statisticaldata analysisthat
be relevantoncethe samplingratio is very small, concernsdrawing accurateinferencesis called
and samplesof about2,500are as accuratefor inferentialstatistics.The researcherdirectly ob-
populationsof 200 million as for 10 million. servesvariablesusing units in the sample.The
Theseareapproximatesizes,and practicallimi- samplestandsfor or representsthe population.
tations (e.g., cost) also play a role in a re- Researchers are not interestedin samplesin
searcher's decision. themselves; theywant to infer to the population.
A relatedprincipleis that for smallsamples, Thus, a gap existsbetweenwhat the researcher
smallincreases in samplesizeproducebig gains concretelyhas(a sample)and what is of realin-
in accurary.Equalincreasesin samplesizepro- terest(a population)(seeFigure6.4).
duce more of an increasein accuraryfor small In the lastchapter,you sawhow the logic of
than for largesamples. measurementcould be statedin terms of a gap
A researcher's decisionabout the bestsam- betweenabstractconstructsandconcreteindica-
ple sizedependson threethings:(1) the degree tors. Measuresof concrete,observabledataarc
of accuracyrequired,(2) the degreeof variability approximationsfor abstractconstructs.Re-
or diversityin the population,and (3) the num- searchers use the approximationsto estimate
ber of different variablesexaminedsimultane- what is of realinterest(i.e.,constructsand causal
ously in data analysis.Everything else being laws).Conceptualization and operationalization

F I G U RE 6 .4 Model of the Logic of Sampling and of Measurement

A Modelof the Logic of SamPling
WhatYou Population
WouldLiketo WhatYouActually
TalkAbout Observein the Data

A Modelof the Logic of Measurement

and CausalLaws
to TalkAbout


Observein the Data
and EmpiricalRelationshiPs

A Model CombiningLogics of Samplingand Measurement

WhatYou Sample


Observein the Data
164 P A RTo N E / F o u N D A T ro N s

bridgethe gapin measurementjust asthe useof erageannualfamily income.He or shehastwo

samplingframes,the samplingprocess,and in- samples.Sample1 givesa confidenceintervalof
ferencebridgethe gapin sampling. $30,000to $36,000aroundthe estimatedpopu-
Researchers put the logic of samplingand lation parameterof $33,000for an 80 percent
the logic of measurementtogetherby directly levelofconfidence.For a 95 percentlevelofcon-
obserr.ingmeasuresof constructsand empirical fidence,the rangeis $23,000to $43,000.A sam-
relationshipsin samples(seeFigure 6.4). They ple with a smallersamplingerror (becauseit is
infer or generalizefrom what they can observe largeror is more homogeneous)might give a
empiricallyin samplesto the abstractcausallaws $30,000to $36,000rangefor a 95 percentconfi-
and constructsin the population. dencelevel.
Validity and samplingerror have similar
functions, as can be illustrated by the analogy
betweenthe logic of samplingand the logic of
measurement-that is, betweenwhat is ob-
servedandwhat is discussed. In measurement, a In this chapter,you learnedabout sampling.
researcher wantsvalid indicatorsof constructs- Samplingis widely usedin socialresearch.You
that is, concreteindicatorsthat accuratelyrepre- learned about types of sampling that are not
sentabstractconstructs.In sampling,he or she basedon random processes. Only some are ac-
wantssamplesthat havelittle samplingerror- ceptable,and their use dependson specialcir-
concretecollectionsof casesthat accuratelyrep- cumstances. In general,probability samplin! is
resentunseenand abstractpopulations.A valid preferredby quantitativeresearchers becattseit
measuredeviateslittle from the constructit rep- producesa samplethat representsthe popula-
resents.A samplewith little samplingerror per- tion and enablesthe researcherto usepowerful
mits estimates that deviatelittle from population statisticaltechniques.In addition to simpleran-
parameters. dom sampling,you learnedabout systematic,
Researchers try to reducesamplingerrors. stratified, and cluster sampling.Although this
The calculationof the samplingerror is not pre- book doesnot coverthe statisticaltheoryusedin
sentedhere,but it is basedon tlvo factors:the random sampling,from the discussionof sam-
samplesizeand the amount of diversityin the pling error, the centrallimit theorem,and sam-
sample.Everythingelsebeing equal,the larger ple size,it shouldbe clearthat random sampling
the samplesize,the smallerthe samplingerror. producesmore accurateand precisesampling.
Likewise,the greaterthe homogeneity(or the Before moving on to the next chapter, it
lessthe diversity)in a sample,the smallerits maybe usefulto restatea fundamentalprinciple
samplingerror. of socialresearch:Do not compartmentalizethe
Samplingerror is alsorelatedto confidence stepsofthe researchprocess;rather,learnto see
intervals.If two samplesareidenticalexceptthat the interconnectionsbetweenthe steps.Re-
oneis larger,the onewith more caseswill havea searchdesign,measurement, sampling,and spe-
smallersamplingerror and narrowerconfidence cific researchtechniquesare interdependent.
intervals.Likewise,if two samplesare identical Unfortunately,the constraintsof presentingin-
exceptthat the casesin one aremore similar to formation in a textbook necessitate presenting
eachother, the one with greaterhomogeneity the partsseparately, in sequence. In practice,re-
will havea smallersamplingerror and narrower searchers think about datacollectionwhen they
confidenceintervals.A narrow confidenceinter- designresearchand developmeasuresfor vari-
val meansmore preciseestimatesof the popula- ables.Likewise,samplingissuesinfluencere-
tion parameterfor a given level of confidence. searchdesign,measurementof variables,and
For example,a researcher wantsto estimateav- data collectionstrategies. As you will seein fu-

ture chapters,good socialresearchdependson probability proportionate to size (PPS)

simultaneouslycontrollingqualityat severaldif- purposive sampling
ferent steps-researchdesign,conceptualiza- quota sampling
tion, measurement, sampling, and data random-digit dialing (RDD)
collectionand handling.The researcherwho random-number table
makesmajor errorsat anyone stagemay make random sample
an entireresearchprojectworthless. sample
sampling distribution
sampling element
Key T e rm s sampling error
central limit theorem sampling interval
cluster sampling sampling ratio
confidenceintervals sequential sampling
deviant casesampling simple random sampling
haphazard sampling snowball sampling
hidden populations sociogram
inferential statistics statistic
nonrandom sample stratified sampling
parameter systematic sampling
population target population

ResearchQuestionsAppropriatefor a Survey
The Logic of Survey Research
What ls a SurveY?
Stepsin Conductinga SurveY
Constructing the Questionnaire
of Good QuestionWriting
AidingRespondent Recall
Typesof Questionsand Response
Open versusClosedQuestions
Types of Surveys: Advantages and Disadvantages
Mail and Self-Administered
Web Surveys
The Roleof the Interviewer
Stagesof an Interview
Computer-Assisted TelephoneInterviewing
The EthicalSurvey

CHAPT E R7 , / S U R V E YR E S E A R C H 16i

l. Behavior.How frequently do you brush

ffi.* your teeth?Did you vote in the lastcity elec-
Someonehandsyou a sheetof paperfi.rllof ques- tion?When did you lastvisit a closerelative?
tions. The first reads:"I would like to learnyour 2. Attitudes/beliefs/opinions. What kind of job
opinion of the Neuman researchmethodstext- do you think the mayor is doing?Do you
book.Would you sayit is (a) well organized,(b) think other people say many negativethings
adequatelyorganized,or (c) poorly organized?" about you when you are not there?What is
You probablywould not be shockedby this. It is the biggest problem facing the nation these
a kind of survey,and most of us areaccustomed days?
to surveysby the time we reachadulthood. 3. Characterisflcs. Are you married,nevermar-
The survey is the most widely used data- ried, single, divorced, separated,or wid-
gatheringtechniquein sociology,and it is used owed? Do you belong to a union?What is
in many other fields,aswell. In fact,surveysare your age?
almosttoo popular.Peoplesometimessay,"Do 4. Expectations. Do you plan to buy a new car
a survey" to get information about the social in the next 12 months?How much school-
world, when they shouldbe asking,"What is the ing do you think your child will get?Do you
most appropriateresearchdesign?"Despitethe think the population in this town will grow,
popularity of surveys,it is easyto conducta sur- shrink, or stay the same?
vey that yields misleadingor worthlessresults. 5. Self-classification. Do you consideryourself
Good surveysrequirethought and effort. to be liberal, moderate, or conservative?
All surveysarebasedon the professionalso- Into which socialclass would you put your
cial researchsurvey.In this chapter' you will family? Would you say you are highly reli-
learn the main ingredientsof good surveyre- giousor not religious?
search,as well as the limitations of the survey 6. Knowlcdge.Who was electedmayor in the
method. last election?About what percentageof the
peoplein this city are non-White?Is it legal
to own a personal copy of Karl Marx's
CommunistManrfestoin this country?
ResearchQuestions Appropriate
for a Survey Researchers warn againstusing surveysto
Surveyresearchdevelopedwithin the positivist ask "why?" questions (e.g.,Why do you think
approachto socialscience.The surveyasksmany crime occurs?). 'Why?" questionsareappropri-
people (called respondents) about their beliefs, ate,however, if a researcher wantsto discovera
opinions, characteristics, and past or present respondent's subjective understanding or infor-
behavior. mal theory (i.e., the respondent's own view of
Surveysare appropriatefor researchques- "why'' he or she acts a certainway). Because few
tions about self-reportedbeliefs or behaviors. respondents are fully aware of the causalfactors
Theyarestrongestwhenthe answerspeoplegive that shapetheir beliefsor behavior,such ques-
to questionsmeasurevariables.Researchers usu- tions are not a substitutefor the researcherde-
ally ask about many things at one time in sur- velopinga consistentcausaltheory of his or her
veys, measure many variables (often with own that builds on the existingscientificlitera-
multiple indicators),and testseveralhypotheses ture.
in a singlesurvey. An important limitation of surveyresearch
Although the categoriesoverlap,the follow- is that it providesdataonly of what a personor
ing canbe askedin a survey: organizationsays,and this may differ from what
168 pA R Trw o / c o N D U c rN c e u A NTtrA TtvER E S E A R C H

he or she actuallydoes.This is illustratedby Surveyresearchis often calledcorrelational.

Pagerand Quillian (2005),who comparedtele- Surveyresearchers usequestionsascontrol vari-
phone surveyresponsesfrom Milwaukee-area ablesto approximatethe rigoroustestfor causal-
employersabout their willingnessto hire ex-of- ity that experimenters achieve with their
fendersof differentraceswith an "audit." In the physicalcontrol over temporalorder and alter-
audit,a trainedpair of youngmaleswith specific nativeexplanations.
characteristicsapplied for 350 job openingsin
December2001.Employersagreedto hire 34
Steps in Conducting a Survey
percentof White and 14percentof Blackappli-
cants.The applicantshad identicaljob experi- The surveyresearcherfollows a deductiveap-
enceand credentialsand no criminal records. proach.He or shebeginswith a theoreticalor
The sameemployersagreedto hire 17percentof appliedresearchproblem and endswith empir-
Whitesand 5 percentof Blackswith identicaljob ical measurementand data analysis.Once a
experienceand credentialsbut alsowith a crim- researcherdecidesthat the surveyis an appro-
inal record for illegal drug use.The employers priate method,basicstepsin a researchproject
were telephoneda few months later. Pagerand can be divided into the substepsoutlined in
Quillian found in the telephone survey far more Figure7.1.
employersexpresseda willingnessto hire an In the first phase,the researcher developsan
ex-offender(67 percent)and therewereno dif- instrument-a survey questionnaireor inter-
ferencesin the offender'srace.Also, certainem- view schedule-that he or sheusesto measure
ployerssaid they were more willing to hire an variables.Respondents readthe questionsthem-
ex-offender,but in the audit all employersacted selvesand mark answerson a questionnaire. An
the same.The authors said, "Surveyresponses interyiewscheduleisasetofquestionsreadto the
havevery little connectionto the actualbehav- respondentby an interviewer,who alsorecords
iors exhibitedby theseemployers"(2005:367). responses. To simplify the discussion,I will use
only the term questionnaires.
A surveyresearcher conceptualizes and op-
THE LOGIC OF SURVEY erationalizes variablesas questions.He or she
RESEARCH writes and rewrites questionsfor clarity and
completeness, and organizesquestionson the
What ls a Survey?
questionnairebasedon the researchquestion,
Surveyresearchers samplemany respondents the respondents,and the type of survey.(The
who answerthe samequestions.They measure typesof surveysarediscussed later.)
manyvariables, testmultiple hypotheses, and in- When preparinga questionnaire,the re-
fer temporalorder from questionsabout past searcherthinks aheadto how he or she will
behavior,experiences, For
or characteristics. ex- record and organizedatafor analysis.He or she
ample,yearsof schoolingor a respondent'srace pilot-teststhe questionnairewith a small set of
are prior to current attitudes.An association respondentssimilar to thosein the final survey.
among variablesis measuredwith statistical If interviewersare used,the researchertrains
techniques.Surveyresearchers think of alterna- them with the questionnaire.He or sheasksre-
tive explanations when planning a survey, spondentsin thepilot-testwhetherthe questions
measurevariablesthat representalternativeex- were clearand explorestheir interpretationsto
planations(i.e.,control variables),then statisti- seeif his or her intendedmeaningwasclear.The
callyexaminetheir effectsto rule out alternative researcher also drawsthe sampleduring this
explanations. phase.
cHAprERz / suRVEy

After the planning phase,the researcheris

F IGURE 7. 1 Stepsin the Processof readyto collectdata.Thisphaseis usuallyshorter
SurveyResearch than the planningphase.He or shelocatessam-
pled respondentsin person,by telephone,or by
Step 1: mail. Respondents aregiveninformationand in-
. Develophypotheses. structionson completing the questionnaireor
. Decideon type of survey interview.The questionsfollow, and there is a
telephone). simple stimulus/responseor question/answer
. Writesurveyquestions. pattern. The researcheraccuratelyrecordsan-
. Decideon responsecategories.
swersor responsesimmediately after they are
. Designlayout.
given.After all respondentscompletethe ques-
tionnaire and are thanked,he or sheorganizes
the dataand preparesthem for statisticalanalysis.
Step 2: Surveyresearch canbe complexand expen-
. Planhowto recorddata. siveand it can involve coordinatingmany peo-
. Pilottestsurveyinstrument. ple and steps.The administrationof survey
researchrequires organizationand accurate
record keeping.The researcherkeepstrack of
each respondent,questionnaire,and inter-
Step 3: viewer.For example,he or shegiveseachsam-
. Decideon targetpopulation. pled respondent an identification number,
. Get samplingframe.
which alsoappearson the questionnaire.He or
. Decideon samplesize.
. Selectsample.
she then checks completed questionnaires
againsta list of sampledrespondents.Next, the
researcher reviewsresponses on individualques-
tionnaires, storesoriginal questionnaires,and
Step 4: transfersinformation from questionnairesto a
. Locaterespondents. format for statisticalanalysis.Meticulousbook-
. Conductinterviews. keeping and labeling are essential.Otherwise,
. Carefullyrecorddata. the researchermay find that valuabledata and
effort arelost through sloppiness.


. Enterdataintocomputers.
. Recheckall data.
. Pedormstatisticalanalvsison data. Principlesof Good QuestionWriting
A good questionnaire,forms an integrated
whole.Theresearcher weavesquestionstogether
Step 6: sothey flow smoothly.He or sheincludesintro-
. Describemethodsand findings ductory remarksand instructionsfor clarifica-
in researchreport. tion and measureseach variable with one or
. Presentfindingsto othersfor more suryeyquestions.
critiqueand evaluation. Three principles for effectivesurveyques-
tions are:Keepit clear,keepit simple,and keep
' , 70 pA Rr rw o ,/ c o N D U c l N c e u AN TtrA TtvER E S E A R cH

the respondent'sperspective in mind. Goodsur- For the generalpublic, this is the languageused
vey questionsgivethe researcher valid and reli- on televisionor in the newspaper(about an
able measures.They alsohelp respondentsfeel eighth-gradereading vocabulary). Survey re-
that theyunderstandthe questionand that their searchershave learnedthat somerespondents
answersare meaningful.Questionsthat do not may not understandbasicterminology.
meshwith a respondent'sviewpoint or that re-
spondentsfind confusingare not good mea- 2. Avoid ambiguity,confusion,and vagueness.
sures.A surveyresearchermust exerciseextra Ambiguity and vagueness plaguemost question
care if the respondentsare heterogeneous or writers. A researchermight make implicit as-
come from different life situationsthan his or sumptionswithout thinking of the respondents.
her own. For example,the question, "What is your in-
Researchers facea dilemma.Theywanteach come?"could meanweekly,monthly, or annual;
respondentto hear exactlythe samequestions, family or personal;beforetaxesor aftertaxes;for
but will the questionsbe equallyclear,relevant, this year or last year; from salaryor from all
and meaningful to all respondents?If respon- sources.The confusioncausesinconsistencies in
dentshave diversebackgroundsand framesof how different respondentsassignmeaningto
reference,the exactsamewording may not have and answerthe question.The researcherwho
the samemeaning.Yet,tailoring questionword- wantsbefore-taxannual family income for last
ing to eachrespondentmakescomparisonsal- yearmustexplicitlyaskfor it.]
most impossible.A researcher would not know Anothersourceof ambiguityisthe useof in-
whetherthe wording of the questionor the dif- definitewordsor responsecategories. For exam-
ferencesin respondentsaccountedfor different ple, an answerto the question,"Do you jog
answers. regularly?Yes- No ,,," hingeson the
Question writing is more of an art than a meaningof the word regulaily.Somerespon-
science.It takesskill,practice,patience,and cre- dentsmay defrneregulailyaseveryday,othersas
ativity. The principlesof questionwriting areil- once a week.To reducerespondentconfusion
lustrated in the following t2 things to avoid and get more information, be specific-ask
whenwriting surveyquestions.The list doesnot whethera personjogs"about oncea day,""a few
include everypossibleerror, only the more fre- times a week," "once a week," and so on. (See
quentproblems. Box 7.1on improving questions.)
3. Avoid emotionallanguage.Words haveim-
l. Avoid jargon, slang and abbreviations.Jar- plicit connotativeaswell as explicit denotative
gon and technicalterms come in many forms.
meanings.Wordswith strongemotionalconno-
Plumberstalk aboutsnakes,lawyers abouta con- tationscan color how respondentshearand an-
tract of uberrimafides, psychologists
about the swersurveyquestions.
Oedipuscompler.Slangis a kind ofjargon within
Use neutral language.Avoid words with
a subculture-for example,the homelesstalk
abouta snowbirdandskiersabouta hotdog.Nso
reactto the emotionallyladenwordsratherthan
avoid abbreviations. NATO usually means
to the issue.For example,the question,"What
North Atlantic TreatyOrganization,but for a re-
do you think about a policy to pay murderous
spondent,it might mean somethingelse(Na-
terroristswho threatento stealthe freedomsof
tional Auto Tourist Organization, Native
peace-lovingpeople?"is frrll of emotionalwords
AlaskanTradeOrbit, or North African TeaOf- (murderous, freedoms,steal,andpeace).
fice).Avoid slangandjargonunlessa specialized
population is beingsurveyed.Targetthe vocab- 4. Avoidprestigebias.Titles or positionsin so-
ulary and grammarto the respondentssampled. ciety (e.g.,president,expert,etc.) carry prestige
CHAP T E R7 , / S U R V E YR E S E A R C H 17I

Here are three surveyquestionswritten by experi- inadequateanswers(e.g.,don't know).As you can

encedprofessional researchers. They revisedthe see,questionwordingisan art that mayimprovewith
originalwordingafter a pilot test revealedthat 1 5 practice,patience,and pilot testing.
percentof respondents askedfor clarification
or gave
Original Question Problem RevisedQuestion

Do you exerciseor play What countsas exercise? Do you do any sportsor hobbies,
sportsregularly? _. physicalactivities,or exercise,
includingwalking,on a regularbasis?
What is the averagenumberof Doesmargarinecount The nextquestionisjust about
dayseachweekyouhavebutter? as butter? butter-not includingmargarine.
How manydaysa weekdo you have
[Followingquestionon eggs] How manyeggsis a serving? On dayswhenyou eat eggs,how
Whatis the numberof servings What is a typicalday? manyeggsdo you usuallyhave?
in a typicalday?

Responsesto PercentageAsking
Question for Clarification

Original Original Revision

question(% saying"yes")
Exercise 48% 60% s% o%
Butterquestion(% saying"none") s3 % 557" 18% 1s%
Eggquestion(% saying"one") 80% 33% 33% o%

Adaptedfrom Fowler(1992).

or status.Issueslinked to peoplewith high social Likewise,a questionsuch as, "Do you support
statuscan color how respondentshear and an- thepresident'spolicy regardingKosovo?"will be
swersurveyquestions.Avoid associating a state- answeredby respondentswho haveneverheard
ment with a prestigious person or group. of Kosovo on the basis of their view of the
Respondentsmay answeron the basisof their president.
feelingstoward the personor group ratherthan
addressingthe issue.For example,saying,"Most 5. Avoid double-barreled
questions.Make each
doctorssaythat cigarettesmokecauses lung dis- question about one and only one topic. A
easefor thoseneara smoker.Do you agree?"af- questionconsistsof two or more
fects people who want to agreewith doctors. questionsjoined together.It makesa respon-
172 pA RTT w o ,/ c o N D U c rrN c QU AN TtTA TIvE
R E S E A R cH

dent's answer ambiguous. For example, if asked, "should the mayor spendevenmore tax money
"Does this company have pension and health in- trying to keepthe streetsin top shape?"leadsre-
surance benefits?" a respondent at a company spondentsto disagree,whereas"Should the
with health insurance benefits only might an- mayor fix the pot-holed and dangerousstreets
swer either yes or no. The response has an am- in our city?"is loadedfor agreement.
biguous meaning, and the researchercannot be that are beyondre'
8. Avoid askingquestions
certain of the respondent's intention. A re-
spondents'capabilities.Asking somethingthat
searcherwho wants to ask about the joint occur-
few respondentsknow frustratesrespondents
rence of two things-for example, a company
and producespoor-quality responses. Respon-
with both health insurance and pension bene-
dentscannot alwaysrecallpast detailsand may
fits-should ask two separatequestions.
not know specificfactual information. For ex-
6. Do not confuse beliefs with reality. Do not ample,askingan adult,"How didyou feelabout
confuse what a respondent believes with what your brother when you were 6 years old?" is
you, the researcher, measures. A respondent probablyworthless.Askingrespondents to make
may think that a relationship existsbetween two a choice about somethingthey know nothing
variables but this is not an empirical measure- about (e.g.,a technicalissuein foreignaffairsor
ment of variables in a relationship. For example, an internalpolicy of an or ganization)may result
a researcher wants to find out if students rate in an answer,but one that is unreliable and
teachershigher who tell many jokes in class.The meaningless. When many respondentsare un-
two variablesare "teacher tells jokes" and "rating likely to know about an issue,use a firll-filter
the teacher." The wrongway to approach the is- questionform (to be discussed).
sue is to ask students, "Do you rate a teacher Phrasequestionsin the terms in which re-
higher if the teachertells many jokes?" This mea- spondentsthink. For example,few respondents
sures whether or not students believethat they will be able to answer,"Ho1v many gallonsof
rate teachers based on joke telling; it does not gasolinedid you buy lastyearfor your car?"Yet,
measure the empirical relationship. The correct respondentsmay be able to answera question
way is to ask two separate empirically based about gasolinepurchasesfor a typical week,
questions: "How do you rate this teacher?" and which the researchercan multiply by 52 to esti-
"How many jokes does the teacher tell in class?" mateannualpurchases.2
Then the researchercan examine answersto the
9. Avoid fake premises.Do not begin a ques-
two questions to determine if there is an associ- may
tion with a premisewith which respondents
ation between them. People's beliefs about a re- regardingit.
not agree,then ask about choices
lationship among variables are distinct from an with the premisewill
Respondents who disagree
actual empirical relationship.
be frustratedand not know how to answer.For
7. Avoid leading questions.Make respondents example,the question,"The.postoffice is open
feel that all responsesare legitimate. Do not let too many hours. Do you want it to open four
them become aware of an answer that the re- hourslater or closefour hours earliereachday?"
searcherwants. Aleading (or loaded) question rs leavesthosewho either opposethe premiseor
one that leads the respondent to choose one re- opposeboth alternativeswithout a meaningful
sponse over another by its wording. There are choice.
many kinds of leading questions. For example, A betterquestionexplicitlyasksthe respon-
the question, "You don't smoke, do you?" leads dent to assumea premiseis true, then asksfor a
respondents to state that they do not smoke. preference. For example,"Assumingthe postof-
Loaded questions can be stated to get either fice has to cut back its operatinghours, which
positive or negative answers. For example, would you find more convenient,openingfour
CHA P T E R7 , / s U R V E YR E S E A R C H ''7 3

hours later or closingfour hours earliereach place to go. For example, asking respondents,
day?"Answersto a hypotheticalsituationarenot "Are you working or unemployed?" leaves out
very reliable,but beingexplicitwill reducefrus- respondents who are not working but do not
tration. consider themselvesunemployed (e.g.,full-time
homemakers, people on vacation, students, peo-
10. Avoid askingqbout intentionsin the distant
ple with disabilities, retired people, etc.). A re-
future. Avoid asking people about what they searcherfirst thinks about what he or she wants
might do under hypotheticalcircumstances far to measure and then considers the circum-
in the future. Responsesare poor predictorsof
stancesof respondents. For example, when ask-
behaviorremovedfar from their current situa-
ing about a respondent's employrnent, does the
tion or far in the future. Questionssuch as,
researcherwant information on the primary job
"Suppitsea new grocerystoreopeneddown the
or on all jobs? On full-time work only or both
road in threeyears.Would you shop at it?" are
full- and part-time work? On jobs forpay only
usuallya wasteof time. It is better to askabout
or on unpaid or volunteer jobs as well?
current or recentattitudesand behavior.In gen-
Keep responsecategoriesbalanced.A caseof
eral,respondents answerspecific,concreteques-
unbalanced choices is the question, "What kind
tions that relate to their experiencesmore
ofjob is the mayor doing: outstanding, excellent,
reliably than they do those about abstractions
very good, or satisfactory?"Another type of un-
that arebeyondtheil immediateexperiences.
balanced question omits information-for ex-
II. Avoid doublenegatives.
Double negativesin ample, "Which of the five candidates running
ordinary languageare grammaticallyincorrect for mayor do you favor: Eugene Oswego or one
and confusing.For example,"I ain't got no job" of the others?" Researcherscan balance re-
logicallymeansthat the respondentdoeshavea sponsesby ofFering bipolar opposites. It is easy
job, but the secondnegativeis usedin this way to seethat the terms honesty and dishonestyhave
for emphasis.Suchblatant errors are rare, but different meanings and connotations. Asking re-
more subtle forms of the double negativeare spondents to rate whether a mayor is highly,
alsoconfusing.Theyarisewhenrespondentsare somewhat, or not very honestis not the siune as
askedto agreeor disagreewith a statement.For asking them to rate the mayor's level of
example, respondentswho disagreewith the dishonesty.Unless there is a specific purpose for
statement,"Studentsshould not be requiredto doing otherwise, it is better to offer respondents
takea comprehensive examto graduate"arelog- equal^polar opposites at each end of a contin-
ically stating a double negativebecausethey uum.r For example, "Do you think the mayor is:
disagreewith not doing something. very honest, somewhat honest, neither honest
nor dishonest, somewhat dishonest, or very dis-
12. Avoid oveilappingor unbalancedresponse honest?"(seeTable 7.1).
Make responsecategoriesor choices
mutually exclusive,exhaustive,and balanced.
Mutually exclusivemeans that responsecate- Aiding Respondent Recall
gories do not overlap. Overlappingcategories Recalling events accurately takes more time and
that are numerical ranges(e.g.,5-10, 10-20, effort than the five seconds that respondents
2O-30)canbe easilycorrected(e.g.,5-9, 10-19, have to answer survey questions. Also, one's
20-29).The ambiguousverbalchoiceis another ability to recall accurately declines over time.
type of overlappingresponsecategory-for ex- Studies in hospitalization and crime victimiza-
ample, "Ale you satisfiedwith your job or are tion show that although most respondents can
therethingsyou don't like about it?"Exhaustive recall significant events that occurred in the past
meansthat every respondenthas a choice-a severalweek, half are inaccurate a year later.

TABLE 7.1 Writing Pitfalls


1 . Jargon,slang,abbreviations Did you drown in brew until You were Lastnight,about how muchbeer did
totally blastedlast night? you drink?

2. Vagueness Do you eat out often? In a typical week,about how many

mealsdo you eat awayfrom home,at a
restaurant,cafeteria,or other eating

3. Emotionallanguage "The respectedGraceCommission doc- How important is it to you that Con-

umentsthat a staggering$350 BILLION gressadopt measuresto reducegov-
4. Prestigebias
of our tax dollarsare beingcompletely ernment waste?
wastedthroughpoor procurementprac- Very lmportant
tices,bad management, sloPPYbook- SomewhatlmDortant
keeping,'defective' contract
Neither lmportant or UnimPortant
management, personnelabusesand
Somewhat Unimportant
other cuttingpork
barrelspendingand eliminatinggovern- Not lmoortant At All
mentwastea top priorityfor you?"-
5. Double-barreledquestions Do you support or oPposeraisingso- Do you supportor oPposeraisingso-
cial securitybenefitsand increased cial securitybenefits?
spendingfor the militarY? Do you support or oPPoseincreasing
spendingon the military?

6. Beliefsas real Do you think more educatedPeoPle What is your educationlevel?Do You
smokeless? smokecigarettes?

7. Leadingquestions Did you do your patriotic dutY and Did you vote in last month'smayoral
vote in the last electionfor maYor? election?

8. lssuesbeyond respondent Two yearsago, how manYhoursdid In the past two weeks,about how manY
capabilities you watch TV everymonth? hoursdo you think you watchedTV on
a typical day?
9. Falsepremises When did you stoP beatingYour Haveyou ever slapped,punched,or hit
girl/boyfriend? your girllboyfriend?
1 0. Distantfuture intentions After you graduatefrom college,get a Do you havedefiniteplansto put some
job, and are settled,will you investa moneyinto the stock marketwithin the
lot of moneyin the stock market? comingtwo months?
I 1. Doublenegatives Do you disagreewith those who do not There is a proposalto build a new city
wantto builda newcity swimming swimmingpool. Do you agreeor dis-
pool? agreewith the proposal?
1 2. Unbalanced Did you find the serviceat our hotel to Pleaserate the serviceat our hotel:
be, Outstanding,Excellent,Superior,or Outstanding,Very Good,Adequate,or
Good? Poor.

'l Congres-
-Actualquestiontakenfrom a mailquestionnairethat wassentto me in May 998 by the NationalRepublican
question. is alsoa double-barreled
C H A P T E R7 , / S U R V E YR T S E A R C H 175

Surveyresearchers recognizethat memory

is lesstrustworthy than wasonceassumed'It is T ABLE 7 .2 Threatening Questions and
affectedby many factors-the topic, eventsoc- Sensitive lssues
curring simultaneouslyand subsequently, the
significanceofan eventfor a person,situational PqIGGdagE
conditions (questionwording and interview
style),and the respondent'sneedto haveinter- 56
nal consistency. 42
The complexityof respondentrecalldoes or hashish 42
Useof marijuana
not mean that surveyresearchers cannot ask anddepressants 31
Useof stimulants
aboutpastevents;rather,theyneedto customize Cettingdrunk 29
questionsand interpret resultscautiously.Re- Pettingand kissing 20
searchers shouldprovide respondentswith spe- l ncome 12
cial instructionsand extra thinking time. They Camblingwith friends 10
shouldalsoprovide aidsto respondentrecall, Drinkingbeer,wine,or liquor t0
suchasa fixedtime frameor locationreferences. Happiness andwell-being 4
Ratherthan ask,"How often did you attend a Education 3
sporting eventlast winter?" they should say,"I Occupation 3
want to know how many sportingeventsyou at- Socialactivities 2
tendedlast winter. Let's go month by month. Ceneralleisure 2
Think back to December.Did you attendany Sportsactivity I
sportingeventsfor which you paid admissionin
S ource;Adapted from B radburnand Sudman(l 980:68).
December? Now,thinkbackto ]anuary.Didyou
attendany sportingeventsin January?"

other people. They may underreport or self-cen-

Types of Questions and Response
sor reports of behavior or attitudes they wish to
Categories hide or believe to be in violation of social norms.
Threatening Questions. Survey researchers Alternatively, they may overreport positive be-
sometimesaskabout sensitiveissuesor issues haviors or generally accepted beliefs (social de-
that respondentsmaybelievethreatentheir pre- sirability bias is discussedlater).
sentationofself, suchasquestionsabout sexual People are likely to underreport having an
behavior,drug or alcohol use,mental health illness or disability (e.g., cancer, mental illness,
problems,or deviant behavior.Respondents venereal disease),engaging in illegal or deviant
may be reluctantto answerthe questionsor to behavior (e.g., evading taxes,taking drugs, con-
answer completely and truthfully. Survey re- suming alcohol, engaging in uncommon sexual
searchers who wish to asksuchquestionsmust practices), or revealing their financial status
do sowith greatcareand must be extracautious (e.g.,income, savings,debts) (seeTable 7.3).
aboutthe results4 (seeTable7.2). Survey researchers have created several
Threateningquestionsarepart ofa largeris- techniques to increase truthful answers to
sueofself-presentation and egoprotection'Re- threatening questions. Some techniques involve
spondentsoften try to presenta positiveimage the context and wording of the question itself.
of themselvesto others.They may be ashamed, Researchersshould ask threatening questions
embarrassed, or afraid to givetruthful answers' only after a warm-up, when an interviewer has
or find it emotionallypainful to confront their developed rapport and trust with the respon-
own actionshonestly,let alone admit them to dents, and they should tell respondents that they

T A BLE 7 . 3 Over- and UnderreportingBehavioron Surveys

+15 +17 +12
to vote
+39 +31 +36
Voted in primary
+19 +21 +.18
Haveown librarYcard

-32 -29 -32
-47 -46 -54

Adaptedfrom Bradburnand Sudman(1 980:8)'


want honestanswers.They canphrasethe ques- moneyto charity,having a good marriage,lov-

tion in an "enhancedway" to provide a context ing their children, and so forth. For example,
that makesit easierfor respondentsto givehon- one study found that one-third of peoplewho
est answers.For example, the following en- reportedin a surveythat they gavemoney to a
local charityreallydid not. Because a norm says
hanced question was asked of heterosexual
males:"In past surveys'many men have re- that one should vote in elections,many report
portedthat at somepoint in their livestheyhave voting when they did not. In the United States'
had sometlpe of sexualexperience with another thoseunder the greatestpressureto vote (r'e''
male.This could havehappenedbeforeadoles- highly educated,politicallypartisan,highly reli-
cence,during adolescence' or asan adult. Have giouspeoplewho had beencontactedby an or-
vote) are the
you everhad sexwith a male at somepoint in lanization that urged them to
your life?" In contrast,a standardform of-the peoplemostlikelyto overreportvoting'
questionwould haveasked,"Haveyou everhad Questionnairewriters try to reducesocial
sexwith anothermale?" desirabilitybias by phrasingquestionsin ways
Also,by embeddinga threateningresponse that makenorm violation appearlessobjection-
within more seriousactivities,it maybe madeto ableand that presentsa wider rangeofbehavior
seemlessdeviant.For example,respondents as acceptable.They can also offer multiple re-
might hesitateto admit shopliftingif it is asked sponsecategoriesthat give respondents"face-
first, but afterbeingaskedaboutarmedrobbery saving"alternatives.
or burglary,they may admit to shoplifting be-
causeit appears lessserious. Knowleilge Questions. Studiessuggestthat a
largemajority of the public cannotcorrectlyan-
SociallyDesirable Questions, Socialdesirabil- swir elementarygeographyquestionsor identifr
itybias occurswhenrespondents distort answers important political documents(e.g.,the Decla-
ration of Independence)'Researchers some-
to maketheir reportsconform to socialnorms'
Peopletend to overreportbeing cultured(i'e', times want to find out whether respondents
reading,attendinghigh-culture events),giving know about an issueor topics,but knowledge
questionscan be threateningbecauserespon- The following example is a contingency
dentsdo not want to appearignorant. Surveys question,adaptedfrom deVaus(1956:79).
may measureopinions better if they first ask
aboutfactualinformation,becausemanypeople 1. Wereyou born in Australia?
haveinaccuratefactualknowledge. [ ] Yes(co To QUESTION2)
Somesimpleknowledgequestions,such as [] N o
the number of peopleliving in a household,are (a) What countrywereyou born
not alwaysansweredaccuratelyin surveys.In in?-
some households,a marginal person-the (b) How manyyearshaveyou lived
boyfriend who left for a week,the adult daughter in Australia?
who left afteran argumentabouther pre#fficy, (c) Are you an Australian citizen?
or the unclewho walkedout aftera disputeover []Yes []No
money-may be reported as not living in a NOW GO TO QUESTTON
household,but he or shemay not haveanother
permanentresidenceand considerhimself or
Open YersusClosed Questions
herselfto live there.s
Others have found that many Americans Therehaslong beena debateaboutopenversus
opposeforeign aid spending.Their opposition closedquestionsin survey research.An open-
is basedon extremelyhigh overestimates of the ailed (unstructured,freeresponse)questionasks
cost of the programs.When askedwhat they a question(e.g.,"What is your favoritetelevision
would preferto spendon foreign aid, most give program?'l)to which respondentscan give any
an amount much higherthan what now is being answer.A closed-ended (structured, fixed re-
spent. sponse)questionboth asksa questionand gives
A researcherpilot-testsquestionsso that the respondentfixed responsesfrom which to
questionsareat an appropriatelevelof difficulty. choose(e.g.,"Is the presidentdoing a very good,
Little is gainedif99 percentofrespondentscan- good,fair, or poor job, in your opinion?").
not answerthe question.Knowledgequestions Each form has advantagesand disadvan-
canbe wordedsothat respondentsfeelcomfort- tages(seeBoxT.2).Thecrucialissueis not which
able sayingthey do not know the answer-for form is best.Rather,it is under what conditions
example, "How much, if anything, have you a form is mostappropriate.A researcher's choice
heardabout...." to usean open- or closed-ended questionde-
c pendson the purposeand the practicd,limita-
Skip or ContingencyQuestions. Researchers tions of a researchproject. The demandsof
avoid askingquestionsthat are irrelevantfor a using open-endedquestions,with interviewers
respondent.Yet, somequestionsapply only to writing verbatimanswersfollowedby time-con-
specificrespondents. A contingency questionis a sumingcoding,may makethem impracticalfor
two- (or more) part question.The answerto the a specificproject.
first part of the question determineswhich of Large-scalesurveyshaveclosed-ended ques-
two different questionsa respondentnext re- tions becausethey are quicker and easierfor
ceives.Contingencyquestionsselectrespon- both respondentsand researchers. Yet some-
dents for whom a secondquestionis relevant. thing important may be lost when an individ-
Sometimesthey are calledscreenor skip ques- ual's beliefs and feelingsare forced into a few
tions.Onthebasisof the answerto the first ques- fixed categoriesthat a researchercreated.To
tion, the respondent or an interviewer is learnhow a respondentthinks, to discoverwhat
instructedto go to anotheror to skip certain is reallyimportant to him or her, or to getan an-
questions. swerto a questionwith many possibleanswers

Advantagesof Closed Disadvantagesof Closed

to answer.
r lt is easierandquickerfor respondents r They can suggestideasthat the responden
r The answersof differentrespondentsare easier wouldnot otherwisehave.
to compare. r Respondents with no opinionor no knowledg
r Answersare easierto code and statisticallyana- canansweranyway.
tyze. r Respondents canbe frustratedbecausetheir de-
r The responsechoicescan clarifyquestionmean- siredanswer not a choice.
ing for respondents. r lt is confusingif many(e.9.,20) responsechoices
r Respondents aremorelikelyto answeraboutsen- are offered.
sitivetopics. r Misinterpretation of a questioncango unnoticed
r Therearefewerirrelevantor confusedanswers to r Distinctionsbetweenrespondentanswersmaybe
questions. blurred.
I arenot
Lessarticulateor lessliteraterespondents r Clericalmistakesor markingthe wrongresponse
at a disadvantage. is possible.
r is easier.
Replication r They force respondentsto give simplisticre-
sponsesto complexissues.
r They force peopleto makechoicesthey would
not makein the realworld.

AdvantagesofOpen Disadvantagesof Open

r Theypermitan unlimitednumberof possiblean- r Differentrespondentsgive differentdegreesof
swers. detailin answers.
r Respondents cananswerin detailand canquali! r Responses may be irrelevantor buriedin useles
and clarifyresponses. detail.
r Unanticipated findingscan be discovered. r Comparisons andstatisticalanalysisbecomevery
r Theypermitadequateanswers to complexissues. difficult.
and rich- r Codingresponses is difficult.
r They permitcreativity,self-expression,
nessof detail. r Articulateandhighlyliteraterespondents havean
r They reveal a respondent'slogic, thinking advantage.
process,andframeofreference. r Questionsmay be too generalfor respondent
who losedirection:
r ResDonses are writtenverbatim,whichis difficult
for interviewers.
I A greateramountof respondenttime, thought,
and effort is necessary.
r Respondents can be intimidatedby questions.
r Answerstake up a lot of spacein the question
CH A P T E R7 , / S U R V E YR E S E A R C H 179

(e.9.,age),openquestionsmaybe best.In addi- question responsesfrom the answersgiven to

tion, sensitivetopics (e.g., sexual behavior, the openquestions.
liquor consumption)may be more accurately Researchers writing closedquestionshaveto
measuredwith closedquestions. make many decisions.How many response
The disadvantages ofa questionform canbe choicesshould be given?Should they offer a
reducedby mixing open-endedandclosed-ended middle or neutral choice?What should be the
questionsin a questionnaire.Mixing them also order of responses? What types of response
offersa changeof paceandhelpsinterviewerses- choices? How will the directionof a responsebe
tablishrapport. Periodicprobes(i.e.,follow-up measured?
questionsby interviewers)with closed-ended Answersto thesequestionsarenot easy.For
questions.can reveala respondent'sreasoning. example,two responsechoicesare too few, but
Havinginterviewersperiodicallyuseprobes more than five responsechoicesarerarelyeffec-
to askabout a respondent'sthinking is a way to tive. Researchers want to measuremeaningful
checkwhether respondentsare understanding distinctionsand not collapsethem. More spe-
the questionsasthe researcherintended.How- cific responses yield more information, but too
ever,_probes arenot substitutesfor writing clear many specificscreateconfusion.For example,
questionsor creatinga frameworkof under- rephrasingthe question,"Are you satisfiedwith
standingfor the respondent.Unlesscarefully your dentist?" (which has a yes/no answer)to
stated,probesmight shapethe respondent'san- "How satisfiedare you with your dentist very
swersor force answerswhen a respondentdoes satisfied,somewhatsatisfied,somewhatdissatis-
not havean opinion or information.Yet,flexible fied, or not satisfiedat all?" givesthe researcher
or conversationalinterviewing in which inter- more information and a respondentmore
viewersusemany probescan improve accuracy choices.
on questionsaboutcomplexissueson which re-
spondentsdo not clearlyunderstandbasicterms Nonattitudes anil the Miilille positions.
or about which they have difiiculty expressing Surveyresearchersdebatewhether to include
their thoughts.For example,to the question, choicesfor neutral, middle, and nonattitudes
"Did you do any work for moneylast week?"a (e.g.,'not surer" "don't knowr" or "no opin-
respondentmight hesitatethen replR "yes." Arr ion").0 Two typesof errorscanbe made:accept-
interviewerprobes,"Could you tell me exactly ing a middle choice or "no attitude" response
whatwork you did?"The respondentmay reply, whenrespondents hold a nonneutralopinion, or
"On Tuesdayand Wednesday,I spenta couple forcing respondentsto choosea position on an
hourshelpingmybuddyJohnmoveinto his new issuewhen they haveno opinion aboutit.
apartment.For that he gaveme $40,but I didn't Many fear that respondentswill choose
haveanyotherjob or getpaid for doinganything nonattitude choicesto eyademaking a choice.
else."If the researcher's
intention wasonlyto get Yet, it is usually best to offer a nonattitude
reportsof regularemployment,the probe re- choice,becausepeoplewill expressopinions on
vealeda misunderstanding. Researchers alsouse fictitiousissues,objects,and events.By offeringa
partially openqutstions(i.e.,a setof fixedchoices nonattitude (middle or no opinion) choice,re-
with a final open choiceof "other"), which al- searchers identify thoseholding middle posi-
lows respondentsto offer an answerthat the re- tions or thosewithout opinions.
searcherdid not include. Theissueofnonattitudescanbe approached
Open-endedquestionsare especiallyvalu- by distinguishingamongthreekinds of attitude
able in early or exploratorystagesof research. questions:standard-format, quasi-filter,andfi.rll-
For large-scalesurveys,researchers use open filter questions(seeBox 7.3). The standard-for-
questionsin pilot-tests,then developclosed- mat questiondoes not offer a "don't know"

Standard Format
Hereis a questionabout an other country.Do you agreeor disagreewith this state-
ment?"The Russian leadersare basicallytrying to get alongwith America."

Hereis a statementabout an other country:"The Russianleadersare basicallytrying
to get alongwith America."Do you agree,disagree,
or haveno opinionon that?

Full Filter
Hereisa statementaboutanothercountry.Not everyonehasan opinionon this.lf you
do not haveanopinion,just "TheRussian
sayso.Here'sthe statement: leadersareba-
sicallytryingto get alongwithAmerica."
Do you havean opinionon that?lf yes,.doyou
agreeor disagree?

Exampleof Resultsfrom Different Question Forms

StandardForm(7") Quasi-Filter(7") FullFilter(7")

Agree 48.2 27.7 22.9

Disagree 38.2 29.5 20.9
No opinion 13.6. 42.8 56.3

Source: AdaptedfromSchuman (1 981 :l 1 6-125\. Standardformatis fromFall
978; quasi-andfull-filterarefromFebruarv1977.

choice;a respondentmust volunteerit, A quasi- quasi-filter or fuIl-filter questions. Filtered ques-

filter questionoffersrespondentsa "don't know" tions do not eliminate all answersto nonexistent
alternative.A full-filter questionis a specialtype of issues,but they reduce the problem.
contingencyquestion.It first asksifrespondents
have an opinion, then asksfor the opinion of AgreelDisagree, Rankings or Ratings? Survey
thosewho statethat theydo havean opinion. researcherswho measure values and attitudes
Many respondentswill answera questionif have debated two issuesabout the responsesof-
a "no opinion" choiceis missing,but they will fered.TShould questionnaire items make a state-
choose"don't know" when it is offered,or say ment and ask respondents whether they agreeor
that they do not havean opinion if asked.Such disagree with it, or should it offer respondents
respondentsare called floaters becausethey specific alternatives? Should the questionnaire
"float" from giving a responseto not knowing. include a set of items and ask respondents to rate
Their responsesare affectedby minor wording them (e.g., approve, disapprove), or should it
changes,so researchers screenthem out usinq give them a list of items and force them to rank-
CHAPT E R7 , / S U R V E YR E S E A R C H 181

order items (e.g., from most favored to least ning to learn of them. For example,Smith
favored)? (1987) found large differences(e.9.,twice as
It is best to offer respondents explicit alter- much support) in U.S. surveyresponsesde-
natives. For example, instead of asking, "Do you pending on whether a question askedabout
agree or disagree with the statement, 'Men are spending"to help the poor" or "for welfare."
better suited to. . . .' " instead ask, "Do you think He suggestedthat the word welfarehas such
men are better suited, women are better suited, strong negativeconnotationsfor Americans
or both 4re equally suited?" Lesswell educated (lazypeople,wastefuland expensiveprograms)
respondents are more likely to agreewith a state- etc.)that it is bestto avoidit.
ment. whereas forced-choice alternatives en- Many respondents areconfusedbywords or
courage thought and avoid the response set their connotations.For example,respondents
bias-a tendency of some respondents to agree wereaskedwhethertheythoughttelevisionnews
and not really decide. was impartial. Researchers later learnedthat
Researcherscreate bias if question wording large numbersof respondentshad ignored the
gives respondents a reason for choosing one al- word impartial-a term the middle-class,edu-
ternative. For example, respondents were asked cated researchersassumedeveryonewould
whether they supported or opposed a law on en- know. Lessthan half the respondentshad inter-
ergy conservation. The results changedwhen re- preted the word as intendedwith its proper
spondents heard, "Do you support the law or do meaning.Over one-fourth ignoredit or had no
you oppose it becausethe law would be difficult idea of its meaning. Others gave it unusual
to enforce?" instead of simply, "Do you support meanings,and one-tenththought it wasdirectly
or oppose the law?" oppositeto its true meaning.Researchers need
It is better to ask respondents to choose to be cautious,becausesomewording effects
among alternatives by ranking instead of rating (e.g.,the differencebetweenforbid and not al-
items along an imaginary continuum. Respon- /orry)remain the samefor decades,while other
dents can rate several items equally high, but will effectsmay appear.g
place them in a hierarchy if askedto rank them.8

Questionnaire Design lssues

Wording lssues
Lngth of Surveyor Questionnaire. Howlong
Surveyresearchers facetwo wording issues.The should a questionnairebe or an interview last?
first, discussedearlier,is to usesimplevocabt'- Researchers preferlong questionnaires or inter-
lary and grammarto minimize confusion.The viewsbecausethey are more cost efFective. The
secondissueinvolveseffectsof specificwordsor costfor extraquestions-once a respondent has
phrases.This is trickier becauseit is not possible been sampled, hasbeencontacted, and has com-
to know in advancewhether a word or phrase pletedother questions-is small.Thereis no ab-
affectsresponses. soluteproper length.The lengthdependson the
The well-documenteddifferencebetween surveyformat (to be discussed)and on the re-
forbid and not qllow illastratesthe problem of spondent'scharacteristics. A 5-minute tele-
wording differences.Both terms havethe same phoneinterviewis rarelya problem and may be
meaning,but many more peopleare willing to extended to 20 minutes. A few researchers
"not allow" somethingthan to "forbid" it. In stretchedthis to beyond30 minutes.Mail ques-
general,lesswell educatedrespondentsaremost tionnairesare more variable.A short (3- or 4-
influencedby minor wording differences. page) questionnaireis appropriate for the
Certain words seemto trigger an emo- generalpopulation. Someresearchers havehad
tional reaction,and researchers arejust begin- success with questionnairesas long as 10 pages
182 pA R TT w o ,/ c o N D U c rrN c e u A N TrrA TrvER E sE A R cH

(about 100items) with the generalpublic, but not when the questionis by itself or beforea
responses drop significantlyfor longerquestion- questionabout fetus defects.A classicexample
naires.For highly educatedrespondentsand a of order effectsis presentedin Box 7.4.
salienttopic, using questionnaires of 15 pages Respondents may not perceiveeachissueof
may be possible.Face-to-face interviewslasting a surveyasisolatedand separate.They respond
an hour are not uncommon.In specialsitua- to surveyquestionsbasedon the setofissuesand
tions, face-to-faceinterviewsaslong asthreeto their order of presentationin a questionnaire
five hourshavebeenconducted. Previousquestionscan influence later onesin
two ways:through their content (i.e.,the issue)
Question Order or Sequence. A survey re- and through the respondent'sresponse.For ex-
searcherfacesthree questionsequenceissues: ample,a studentrespondentis asked,"Do you
organizationof the overallquestionnaire,ques- supportor favoran educationalcontribution for
tion order efiflects,
and contexteffects. students?"Answersvary dependingon the topib
of the precedingquestion.If it comes after,
Organizationof Questionnaire. In general,you "How much tuition doesthe averageU.S. stu-
shouldsequencequestionsto minimize the dis- dentpay?"respondentsinterpret"contribution"
comfort and confusionof respondents. A ques- to meansupportfor what studentswill pay.If it
tionnaire has opening, middle, and ending comesafter "How much doesthe Swedishgov-
questions.After an introduction explainingthe ernmentpayto students?"respondents interpret
survey, it is best to make opening questions it to mean a contribution that the government
pleasant,interesting,and easyto answerto help will pay. Responses can be also influencedby
a respondentfeel comfortableabout the ques- previousanswers,becausea respondenthaving
tionnaire. Avoid asking many boring back- akeadyansweredone part will assumeno over-
ground questionsor threateningquestionsfirst. lap. For example,a respondentis asked,"Howis
Organizequestionsinto common topics.Mix- your wife?"The next questionis, "How is your
ing questionson different topics causesconfu- family?"Most respondentswill assumethat the
sion. Orient respondentsby placing questions secondquestionmeansfamily membersother
on the sametopic together and introduce the than the wife becausethey alreadygavean an-
sectionwith a shortintroductorystatement(e.g., sweraboutthe wife.Il
"Now I would like to askyou questionsabout
housing").Make questiontopicsflow smoothly ContextEffecE. Researchers found powerful
and logically,and organizethem to assistre- contexteffectsin surveys.As a practicalmatter,
spondents'memory or comfort levels.Do not two thingscanbe doneregardingcontexteffects
end with highly threateningquestions,and al- Usea funnel sequence of questions-that is, ask
waysend with a "thank you." more generalquestionsbeforespecificones(e.g.,
askabout healthin generalbeforeaskingabout
Order Effects. Researchers are concernedthat specificdiseases). Or, divide the number of re-
the order in which they presentquestionsmay spondentsin half and give half of the questions
influencerespondentanswers.Such "order ef- in one order and the other half in the alternative
fects"appearto be strongestfor peoplewho lack order. then examinethe resultsto seewhether
strongviews,for lesseducatedrespondents, and questionorder mattered.If question order ef-
for older respondentsor thosewith memory fectsare found, which order tells you what the
loss.loFor example,support for an unmarried respondentsreallythink?The answeris that you
woman havingan abortion risesif the question cannotknow for sure.
is precededby a questionabout abortion being For example,a few yearsago,a classof my
acceptablewhen a fetushasseriousdefects,but studentsconducteda telephonesurveyon two
CHA P T E R7 , / S U R V E YR E S E A R C H It3

Question I
"Do you think that the United states shouldlet
portersfrom other countriescomein hereand sendbackto their papersthe
newsasthey seeit?"

Question 2
"Do you thinka CommunistcountrylikeRussiashourdlet American
reporterscomein and sendbackto Americathe newsasthev seeit?"

PercentageSaying Yes
Yesto #1 Yesto #2
Heard First (CommunistReporter) (AmericanReporter)
#1 54% 7s%
#2 64% 82%

The contextcreatedby answering

the first questionaffectsthe answerto the

Adapted andpresser
fromSchuman (19gl:29).

topics:concernabout crime and attitudesto- lessimportant issue.By contrast, after they were
ward a new anti-drunk-driving law. A random asked about drunk driving and thought about
half of the respondentsheard questionsabout drunk driving as a crime, they may have ex_
the drunk-driving law first; the other half heard pressedlessconcern about crime in general.
about crime first. I examinedthe resultsto see Respondents answer all questions based on
whether there was any contextffict-a differ- a context ofpreceding questions and the inter_
enceby topic order. I found that respondents view setting. A researcher needs to remember
who were askedabout the drunk-driving law that the more ambiguous a question'smeaning,
first expressedlessfear about crime than did the stronger the context effects, because re-
those who were askedabout crime first. Like- spondents will draw on the context to interpret
wise,they were more supportiveof the drunk- and understand the question. previous ques_
driving law than were those who first heard tions on the same topic and heard just before a
about crime. The first topic createda context question can have a large context effect. For ex_
within which respondentsansweredquestions ample, Sudman and associates(1996:90_91)
on the secondtopic.After theywereaskedabout contrasted three ways of asking how much a re_
crime in general and thought about violent spondent followed politics. When they asked
crime,drunk driving may haveappearedto be a the questionalone,about 2l percentof iespon-
| 84 pA R TT w o / c o N D U c rtN c e u A N TtrA TtvER E sE A R cH

dents said they followed politics "now and a differentstylefrom the questions(e.g.,in a dif-
then" or "hardly at all." When they askedthe ferent color or font or in all capitals)to distin-
question after asking what the respondent's guishthem. This is so an interviewercan easily
electedrepresentative recentlydid, the percent-distinguishbetweenquestionsfor respondents
agewho said they did not follow nearly dou- and instructions intended for the interviewer
bled, going to 39 percent. The knowledge alone.
question about the representativemade many Layoutis crucialfor mail questionnaires be-
respondentsfeel that they did not really know causethereis no friendly interviewerto interact
much. When a questionabout the amount of with the respondent.Instead,the question-
"public relationswork" the electedrepresenta- naire'sappearance persuades the respondent.ln
tive provided to the areacamebetweenthe two mail surveys,includea polite,professionalcover
questions,29 percentofrespondentssaidthey letteron letterheadstationeryidentifyingthe re-
did not follow politics. This question gavere- searcherand offering a telephonenumber for
spondentsan excusefor not knowing the first questions.Detailsmatter. Respondentswill be
question-they could blame their representa- turned off if they receivea bulky brown enve-
tive for their ignorance.The contextofa ques- lope with bulk postageaddressedto Occupant
tion canmakea differenceand researchers needor if the questionnairedoesnot fit into the re-
to be awareof it at all times. turn envelope.Alwaysend with "Thank you for
your participation."Interviewersand question-
Format and Layout. Thereare two format or nairesshould leaverespondentswith a positive
layout issues:the overall physicallayout ofthe feelingabout the surveyand a sensethat their
questionnaireand the format of questionsand participationis appreciated.
responses. Questiondesignmatters.One study of col-
legestudentsaskedhow many hours they stud-
QuestionnaireLayout. Layout is important, ied per day. Some students saw five answer
whethera questionnaireis for an intervieweror choicesrangingfrom 0.5 hour to more than 2.5
for the respondent.Questionnairesshould be hours; others saw five answerchoicesranging
clear,neat,and easyto follow. Give eachques- from lessthan2.5hoursto morethan4.5hours.
tion a number and put identifying information Of studentswho sawthe first set,77 percentsaid
(e.g.,name of organization)on questionnaires. they studiedunder 2.5 hours versus31 percent
Nevercrampquestionstogetheror createa con- of thosereceivingthe secondset.When the mail
fusingappearance. A few centssavedin postage questionnaire and telephone interview were
or printing will ultimatelycostmore in termsof compared,58 percentof studentshearingthe
lower validity due to a lower responserateor of first set said under 2.5 hours, but there wasno
confusion of interviewersand respondents. changeamong those hearingthe secondset.
Make a coversheetor facesheetfor eachinter- More than differencesin responsecategories
view, for administrativeuse.Put the time and were involved, becausewhen students were
date of interview, the interviewer,the respon- askedabouthoursoftelevisionwatchingper day
dent identification number, and the inter- with similar responsecategories and then the a-
viewer'scommentsand observationson it. A ternativeresponsecategoriesmade no differ-
professional appearancewith high-quality ence.What canwe learnfrom this?Respondents
graphics,spacebetweenquestions,and goodlay- without clearanswerstend to rely on question-
out improves accuracyand completenessand naireresponsecategories for guidanceand more
helpsthe questionnaireflow. anonymous answeringformats tend to yield
Give interviewersor respondentsinstruc- morehonestresponses (seeDillman 2000:32-39
tions on the questionnaire.Print instructionsin for more details).
CHA P T E R7 , / S U R V E YR E S E A R C H I85

QuestionFormat. Surveyresearchers decideon usuallyclearest.Also, listing responsesdown a

a format for questionsand responses.
Shouldre_ pageratherthan acrossmakesthem easierto see
spondentscircle responses,checkboxes,fill in (seeBox 7.5).As mentionedbefore,usearrows
dots,or put an X in a blank?The principle is to and instructionsfor contingencyquestions.Vi_
makeresponses unambiguous.Boxesoi brack_ sualaidsarealsohelpful.For example,hand out
etsto be checkedand numbersto be circledare thermometer-like drawings to iespondents

Exampleof Horizontal versusVertical ResponseChoices

Do you think it is too easyor too difficultto get a divorce,or is it about
! Too Easy tr Too Difficult I About Right
Do you think it is too easyor too difficultto get a divorce,or is it
about right?
n Too Easy
n Too Difficult
n About Right

Exampleof a Matrix Question Format

Strongly Strongly Don't
Agree Agree Disagree Disagree Know
The teachertalkstoo fast. tr tr tr n n
lle arn edal o tint his c las s . ' tr tr ! tr
The tests arevery easy. n ! -
n ! n
The teachertells manyjokes. ! tr tr n tr
Theteacherisorganized. tr rt r.l
- -
Examplesof Some ResponseCategory Choices
Cood, Fair,Poor
Too Much,Too Little,About Right
Better,Worse,About the Same
Always,Most of Time,Someof Time,Rarely,Never
More Likely,LessLikely,No Difference
VeryInterested,Interested,Not lnterested
186 pA R TT w o / c o N D U c rN c e u A NTrrA TrvER E sE A R cH

when askingabout how warm or cool they feel and statements(i.e., making eye contact,ex-
toward someone.A matrix question(or grid pressingsincerity,explainingthe samplingor
question)is a compactway to presenta seriesof survey,emphasizingimportance of the inter-
questionsusingthe sameresponsecategories. It view,clarifring promisesof confidentiality,etc.).
savesspaceand makesit easierfor the respon- Surveyresearcherscan also use alternativein-
dent or interviewerto note answersfor the same terviewers(i.e., different demographiccharac-
responsecategories. teristics,age,race,gender,or ethnicity), use
alternativeinterview methods(i.e., phone ver-
Nonresponse.Thefailureto getavalid response susface to face),or acceptalternativerespon-
from everysampledrespondentweakensa sur- dentsin a household.
vey. Have you everrefusedto answera survey? A critical areaof nonresponseor refusalto
In additionto researchsurveys,peopleareasked participateoccurswith the initial contactbe-
to respondto many requestsfrom charities, tweenan interviewerand a respondent.A face-
marketingfirms, candidatepolls, and so forth. to-face or telephoneinterview must overcome
Charitiesand marketingfirms getlow response resistanceand reassurerespondents.
rates, whereasgovernment organizationsget Research on the useof incentivesfound that
much higher cooperationrates.Nonresponse prepaidincentivesappearto increaserespon-
canbe a major problem for surveyresearchbe- dent cooperationin all typesofsurveys.Theydo
causeif a high proportion of the sampledre- not app€arto have negativeeffectson survey
spondentsdo not respond,researchers may not compositionor future participation.
be able to generalizeresults,especiallyif those There is a huge literature on ways to in-
who do not responddiffer from thosewho re- creaseresponseratesfor mail questionnaires
spond. (seeBox 7.6).13Heberleinand Baumgartner
Public cooperationin surveyresearchhas (1978,1981)reported71 factorsaffectingmail
declinedoverthepast20to 30yearsacrossmany questionnaireresponserates.
countries,with the Netherlandshavingthe high-
estrefusalrate,and with refusalratesashryh
30percentin the United States.l2 Thereis both^a TYPES OF SURVEYS:ADVANTAGES
growing group of "hard core" refusingpeople AND DISADVANTAGES
and a generaldeclinein participation because
Mail and Self-Administered
many people feel there are too many surveys.
Other reasonsfor refusalincludea fearof crime Questionnaires
and strangers,a more hecticlife-style,a lossof Advantages. Researchers can give question-
privacy,and a risingdistrustof authorityor gov- nairesdirectly to respondentsor mail them to
ernment.The misuseof the surveyto sellprod- respondentswho read instructionsand ques-
ucts or persuade people, poorly designed tions, then record their answers.This $pe of
questionnaires, and inadequateexplanationsof surveyis by far the cheapest,and it can be con-
surveysto respondentsalsoincreaserefusalsfor ductedby a singleresearcher. A researchercan
legitimatesurveys. sendquestionnaires to a wide geographicalarea.
Surveyresearcherscan improve eligibility The respondentcancompletethe questionnaire
ratesby careful respondentscreening,better when it is convenientand can checkpersonal
sample-framedefinition,andmultilingualinter- recordsif necessary.Mail questionnairesoffer
viewers.They can decreaserefusalsby sending anonl.rnityand avoidinterviewerbias.They can
letters in advanceof an interview, offering to be effective,and responseratesmay be high for
rescheduleinterviews, using small incentives an educatedtargetpopulation that hasa strong
(i.e.,smallgifts),adjustinginterviewerbehavior interestin the topic or the surveyorganization.

A researchercannot control the conditions

under which a mail questionnaireis completed.
A questionnairecompletedduring a drinking
party by a dozenlaughing people may be re-
'l . Address
the questionnaireto specificperson, turned along with one filled out by an earnest
not "Occupant,"and sendit first class. respondent.Also, no one is presentto clarifr
2. Includea carefullywritten,datedcoverletteron questions or to probe for more information
letterheadstationery.In it, requestrespondent when respondentsgive incomplete answers.
cooperation,guaranteeconfidentiality,explain Someoneother than the sampledrespondent
the purposeof the survey,and give the re- (e.g.,spouse,new resident,etc.)may open the
nameandphonenumber. mail and completethe questionnairewithout
3. Alwaysincludea postage-paid, addressedreturn the researcher's knowledge.Different respon-
envelope. dents can completethe questionnaireweeks
4. The questionniireshouldhavea neat,attractive apart or answerquestionsin a different order
layoutand reasonablepagelength. than that intendedby researchers. Incomplete
5. The questionnaireshould be professionally questionnaires canalsobe a seriousproblem.
printedandeasyto read,with clearinstructions. Researchers cannotvisuallyobservethe re-
5. Sendtwo follow-upreminderletters to those spondent'sreactionsto questions,physicalchar-
not responding.The first shouldarriveabout acteristics,or the setting. For example,an
one weekafter sendingthe questionnaire, the impoverished70-year-oldWhite woman living
seconda weeklater.Centlyaskfor cooperation aloneon a farm could falselystatethat sheis a
againand offerto sendanotherquestionnaire. prosperous4O-year-old Asianmaledoctorliving
7. Do not sendquestionnaires duringmajorholi- in a town with threechildren.Suchextremelies
day periods. arerare,but seriouserrorscango undetected.
8. Do.not put questionson the backpage.Instead,
The mail questionnaireformat limits the
leavea blankspaceand askthe r:espondent kinds of questionsthat a researchercan use.
generalcomments. Questionsrequiringvisualaids(e.g.,look at this
picture and tell me what you see),open-ended
9. Sponsorsthat are localand are seenas legiti-
questions,many contingencyquestions,and
mate (e.9.,governmentagencies,universities,
largefirms,etc.)get a better response.
complexquestionsdo poorly in mail question-
naires. Likewise,mail questionnairesare ill
lO. ln c l udea s m allm onet ar yin d u c e me n($
t l) if
suitedfor the illiterateor near-illiteratein Eng-
lish. Questionnairesmailed to illiterate respon-
dents are not likely to be returned; if they are
completedand returned,the questionswere
probably misunderstood,so the answersare
meaningless (seeTable7.4).
Disadvantages. Since people do not always
completeand return questionnaires, the biggest
Web Surveys
problem with mail questionnairesis a low re-
sponserate. Most questionnairesare returned Accessto the Internet and e-mail hasbecome
within two weeks,but otherstrickle in up to two widespreadsincethe late-1990sacrossmost ad-
months later. Researchers can raiseresponse vancednations. For example,3 percentof the
ratesby sendingnonrespondentsreminder let- U.S. population had e-mail in 1994;only 10
ters,but this addsto the time and cost of data yearslater about 75 percentofhouseholdshad
collection. Internetconnections.

TABLE 7.4 Typesof SurveysandTheir Features


Cheapest Moderate Expensive

Cost Cheap
Fastest Fast Slowto
Speed Slowest

Moderate Short Longest

Length(numberof questions) Moderate
Moderate Moderate Highest
Response Lowest


No Yes Yes
Probespossible No
No Yes Yes
SpecificresPondent No
Yes Yes Yes
Questionsequence No
No Yes Yes
Onlyone resPondent No
No No Yes
Visualobservation No

with DifferentQuestions

Yes None Yes

V is ualaids Limited
Limited Limited Yes
Open-ended Limited
Yes Yes Yes
ContingencY Limited
Yes Limited Yes
Complexquestions Limited
Yes Limited Limited
Sensitive Some

Sourcesof Bias

Some Some Most

SocialdesirabilitY Some
None Some Most
lnterviewerbias None
Yes No No
Respondent's Yes
cH A prE Rz ,/ suR V E yR E S E A R C H 189

Advantages. Web-based surveys over the In- still learning what is most effective for web sur-
ternet or by e-mail are very fast and inexpensive. veys. It is best to provide screen-by-screenques-
They allow flexible design and can use visual im- tions and make an entire question visible on the
ages,or even audio or video in some Internet screen at one time in a consistent format tr-ith
versions. Despite great flexibility, the basic prin- drop-down boxes for answer choices.It is best to
ciples for question writing and for paper ques- include a progress indicator (as motivation),
tionnaire design generally apply. such as a clock or waving hand. Visual appear-
ance ofa screen,such as the range ofcolors and
Disadvantages. Web surveys have three areas fonts, should be kept simple for easyreadability
of concern: coverage, privacy and verification, and consistency.Be sure to provide very clear in-
and design issues.The first concern involves structions for all computer actions (e.g., use of
sampling and unequal Internet accessor use. drop-down screens)where they are needed and
Despite high coveragerates,older, less-educated, include "click here" instructions. Also, make it
lower-income, and more rural people are less easy for respondents to move back and forth
likely to have good Internet access.In addition, acrossquestions.Researchersusing web surverys
many people have multiple e-mail addresses, need to avoid technical glitches at the imple-
which limits using them for sampling purposes. mentation stageby repeatedpretesting, having a
Self-selection is a potential problem with web dedicated server,and obtaining sufficient broad-
surveys. For example, a marketing department band to handle high demand.
could get very distorted results ofthe population
of new car buyers. Perhaps half of the new car
Telephone Interviews
buyers for a model are over age 55, but 75 per-
cent of respondents to a web survey are under Advantages. The telephone interview is a pop-
age 32 and only 8 percent are over age 55. Not ular survey method becauseabout 95 percent of
only would the results be distorted by age but the population can be reached by telephone. An
the relatively small percentage of over-55 re- interviewer calls a respondent (usuallyat home),
spondents may not be representative of all over- asksquestions, and records answers.Researchers
55 potential new car buyers (e.g., they may be sample respondents from lists, telephone direc-
higher income or more educated). tories, or random digit dialing, and can quickly
A second concern is protecting respondent reach many people acrosslong distances.A staff
privacy and confidentiality. Researchersshould of interviewers can interview 1,500 respondents
encrl?t collected data, only use secure websites acrossa nation within a few days and, with sev-
and erasenonessentialrespondent identification eral callbacks, response rates can reach 90 per-
or linking information on a daily or weeklybasis. cent. Although this method is more expensive
They should develop a system of respondent than a mail questionnaire, the telephone inter-
verification to ensure that only the sampled re- view is a flexible method with most of the
spondent participates and does so only once. strengths of face-to-faceinterviews but for about
This may involve a system such as giving each halfthe cost. Interviewerscontrol the sequence
respondent a unique PIN number to accessthe of questionsand can usesome probes.A specific
questionnaire. respondent is chosen and is likely to answer all
A third concern involves the complexity of the questions alone. The researcherknows when
questionnaire design. Researchersneed to check the questions were answered and can use con-
and veriS' the compatibility of various web soft- tingency questions effectively, especiallywith
ware and hardware combinations for respon- computer-assistedtelephoneinterviewing (CATI)
dents using different computers. Researchersare (to be discussed).
190 pA R TT w o / c o N D U c l N G QU AN TtTA TIvE
R E S E A R cH

Disailvantages. Higher costand limited inter- roles,norms, and expectations. The interviewis
viewlengthareamongthe disadvantages of tele- a short-term,secondarysocialinteractionbe-
phone interviews.In addition, respondents tweentwo strangerswith the explicitpurposeof
without telephonesareimpossibleto reach,and one person'sobtaining specificinformation
the call may comeat an inconvenienttime. The from the other. The socialrolesarethoseof the
useof an interviewerreducesanonymityand in- interviewerand the intervieweeor respondent.
troducespotentialinterviewerbias.Open-ended Information is obtainedin a structuredconver-
questionsare difficult to use,and questionsre- sationin which the interviewerasksprearranged
quiring visual aids are impossible.Interviewers questionsand recordsanswers,and the respon-
can only note seriousdisruptions(e.g.,back- dent answers.It differsin severalwaysfrom or-
ground noise) and respondenttone of voice dinary conversation(seeTable7.5).
(e.g.,angeror flippancy)or hesitanry. An important problem for interviewersis
that many respondentsare unfamilar with the
surveyrespondents'role.As a result,they substi-
tute anotherrole that may affecttheir responses.
Ailvantages. Face-to-faceinterviewshavethe Somebelievethe interview is an intimate con-
highestresponseratesand permit the longest versationor thearpysession,someseeit asa bu-
questionnaires.Interviewersalsocanobservethe reaucraticexercisein completing forms, some
surroundingsand canusenonverbalcommuni- viewit asa citizenreferendumon policy choices,
cationandvisualaids.Well-trainedinterviewers someview it as a testingsituation,and some
can askall typesof questions,can askcomplex considerit as a form of deceitin which inter-
questions,and canuseextensiveprobes. yiewersaretrying to trick or entraprespondents.
Evenin a well-designed, professionalsurvey,foi-
Disadvantages. High costis the biggestdisad- low-up researchfound that only about half the
vantageof face-to-faceinterviews.The training, respondentsunderstandquestionsexactlyasin-
travel, supervision,and personnelcostsfor in- tended by researchers.Respondentsreinter-
terviews can be high. Interviewer bias is also preted questionsto make them applicableto
$eatest in face-to-faceinterviews.The appear- their ideosynactic,personalsituationsor to
ance,tone of voice, question wording, and so makethem easyto answer.l6
forth of the interviewermay affectthe respon- The role ofinterviewersis difiicult. Theyob-
dent. In addition,interviewersupervisionis less tain cooperationand build rapport, yet remain
than for telephoneinterviews,which supervisors neutral and objective.They encroachon the re-
monitor bylisteningin ra spondents'time and privacy for information
that may not directly benefit the respondents.
They try to reduce embarrassment,fear, and
suspicionso that respondentsfeel comfortable
INTERVIEWING revealinginformation.Theymay explainthe na-
ture ofsurveyresearchor givehints aboutsocial
The Role of the Interviewer
rolesin an interview.Good interviewersmoni-
Interviewsto gatherinformation occur in many tor the paceand direction ofthe socialinterac-
settings.Surveyresearch interviewingis a speciar- tion as well as the content of answersand the
ized kind of interviewing.As with most inter- behaviorof respondents.
viewing,its goalis to obtain accurateinformation Surveyinterviewersarenonjudgmentaland
from do not revealtheir opinions,verballyor nonver-
The surveyinterviewis a socialrelationship. bally (e.g.,
by a look of shock).If a respondent
Like other socialrelationships,it involvessocial asksfor an interviewer'sopinion, he or shepo-
CHAP T E R7 , / S U R V E YR E S E A R C H 79I

TA Bt E 7.5 DifferencesbetweenOrdinary Conversationand a

Structured SurveyInterview

. Questionsand answersfrom eachparticipant I . Interviewerasksand respondentanswersmost
equallybalanced. of the time.
2. Thereis an openexchange
offeelingsand 2. Only the respondentrevealsfeelingsand
opinions. opinions.
3. Judgmentsarestatedandattemptsmadeto 3. lntervieweris nonjudgmental
and doesnot try
persuadethe other of a particularpointsof to changerespondent'sopinionsor beliefs.
4. Interviewertries to obtain directanswersto
4. A personcan revealdeep innerfeelingsto gain specificquestions.
sympathyor as a therapeuticrelease.
5. lntervieweravoidsmakingritualresponses
arecommon(e.g.,"Uh huh,"
5. Ritualresponses influence
a respondent andalsoseeksgenuine
shakinghead,"Howareyou?""Fine"). answers,not ritualresponses.
6. The participantsexchangeinformationand 6. Respondentprovidesalmostall information.
correctthe factualerrorsthat thev are aware lnterviewerdoes not correcta respondent's
of. factual errors,
7. Topicsriseand fall and eitherpersoncan 7. Interviewercontrolsthe topic, direction,and
introducenewtopics.The focuscan shift pace.He or she keepsthe respondent"on task,"
directionsor digressto lessrelevantissues. and irrelevantdiversionsare contained.
8. The emotionaltone can shift from humor,to 8. Interviewerattemptsto maintaina consistently
joy, to affection,to sadness,
to anger,and so warmbut seriousand objectivetone
on. throughout.
9. Peoplecanevadeor ignorequestionsandgive 9. Respondent shouldnot evadequestions and
, flippantor noncommittal
answers. shouldgivetruthful,thoughtfulanswers.

AdaptedfromGorden(1 980:19-25) andSudman
(1983:5-l 0).

litely redirectsthe respondentand indicatesthat the answerin a matter-of-factmanner.He or she

suchquestionsare inappropriate.For example, helps respondentsfeel that they can give any
if a respondentasks,"What do you think?" the truthfirl answer.
interviewer may answer,"Here, we are inter- You might ask, "If the surveyinterviewer
estedin what you think; what I think doesn't must be neutraland objective,why not usea ro-
matter." Likewise,if the respondentgives a bot or machine?"Machineinterviewinghasnot
shockinganswer (e.g.,"I was arrestedthree been successfulbecauseit lacks the human
timesfor beatingmy infant daughterand burn- warmth, senseof trust, and rapport that an in-
ing her with cigarettes"),the interviewer does terviewercreates.An interviewer helps define
not show shock,surprise,or disdainbut treats the situationand ensuresthat respondentshave
192 R E S E A R cH
P A R TT w o / c o N D U c rl N c QU AN TITA TIvE

the information sought,understandwhat is ex- she'lldo whenshegetsolder.Heartsurgeryis too

pected,give relevantanswers'are motivatedto rislcyfor her and it costsso much. She'llhaveto
cooperate,and giveseriousanswers. learn to live with it." If the interviewerwrites,
Interviewersdo more than interview re- "concernedabout daughter'shealth,"much is
spondents.Face-to-face interviewersspendonly lost.
about 35 percent of their time interviewing. The interviewer knows how and when to
About 40 percentis spentin locatingthe correct useprobes.Aprobeisa neutralrequestto clatify
respondent,15percentin traveling,and i0 per- an ambiguousanswer,to completean incom-
cetrt in studying survey materialsand dealing plete answer,or to obtain a relevantresponse.
with administrativeand recordingdetails.I/ interviewersrecognizean irrelevantor inaccu-
rate answerand useprobesas needed.l8There
aremanytFpesof probes.A three-to five-second
Stagesofan Interview pauseis often effective.Nonverbalcommunica-
The interview proceedsthrough stages,begin- tion (e.g.,tilt of head,raisedeyebrows'or eye
ning with an introduction and entry.The inter- contact)alsoworkswell.The interviewercanre-
viewer getsin the door, showsauthotization, peat the questionor repeatthe reply and then
and reassures and securescooperationfrom the pause.Sheor he canaska neutralquestion,such
is, "Any other reasons?" "Can you tell me more
respondent.He or sheis preparedfor reactions
ro.h ut, "How did you pick me?" "What good about that?" "How do you mean?""Could you
will this do?""I don't know aboutthis," "What's explainmorefor me?"(seeBox7.7).
this about, anyway?"The interviewer can ex- The last stageis the exit, when the i'nter-
plain why the specificrespondentis interviewed viewerthanksthe respondentand leaves.He or
and not a substitute. shethen goesto a quiet,privateplaceto edit the
The main part of the interview consistsof questionnaireand record other detailssuch as
askingquestionsand recordinganswers.The in- the date, time, and place of the interview; a
terviewerusesthe exactwording on the ques- thumbnail sketchof the respondentand inter-
tionnaire-no addedor omitted words and no view situation;the respondent'sattitude (e.9.,
rephrasing.He or she asksall applicableques- serious, angry,or laughing); and any unusual
tions in order,without returning to or skipping circumstances (e.g.,"Telephonerangat question
questionsunlessthe directionsspecifr this. He 27 and respondent talked for four minutesbe-
or she goesat a comfortablepace and gives fore the interview startedagain"). He or she
nondirectivefeedbackto maintain interest. notesanythingdisruptivethat happenedduring
In addition to askingquestions'the inter- the interview (e.g.,"Teenageson enteredroom,
viewer accuratelyrecordsanswers.This is easy satat oppositeend,turned on televisionwiththe
for closed-endedquestions,where interviewers volumeloud, andwatcheda musicvideo")' The
just mark the correctbox. For open-endedques- intervieweralsorecordspersonalfeelingsand
tions, the interviewer'sjob is more difficult. He anythingthat was suspected(e.g.,"Respondent
or shelistenscarefully,musthavelegiblewriting' becamenervousand fidgetedwhen-questioned
and must recordwhat is saidverbatimwithout abouthis marriage")'
correctinggrammar or slang'More important'
the interviewer never summarizes or pata- Training Interviewers
phrases.This causes a lossof information or dis-
torts answers.For example,the respondentsays, A large-scalesurveyrequireshiring multiple in-
"I'm reallyconcernedaboutmy daughter'sheart terviewers. Few peopleappreciatethe difficulty
problem.She'sonly 10yearsold and alreadyshe of the interviewer'sjob' A professional-quality
hastrouble climbing stairs.I don't know what interview requiresthe carefirlselectionof inter-
CHA P T E R7 , / S U R V E YR E S E A R C H r93

Question: What is your occupation?
RespondentAnswerI workat GeneralMotors.
Probe:Whatis yourjob at GeneralMotors?What type of workdo you do there?

Question: How long haveyou beenunemployed?
Answer. A long time.
Probe:Couldyoutell me morespecifically
whenyour currentperiodof unemployment

Question: Considering the countryasa whole,do you thinkwewillhavegood
timesduringthe nextyear,or bad times,or what?

ReipondentAnswenMaybegood,maybebad,it depends,who knows?

Probe:Whatdo you expectto happen?

Record Responseto a Closed Question

Question: on a scaleof 1 to z, howdo you feelabout capitalpunishmentor
the deathpenalty,where1 is stronglyin favorof the deathpenalty,and z is stronglyop-
posedto it?
( Favor)1_ 2_ 3_ 4_ 5_ 6_ 7_ (Op p ose)
RespondentAnswer. About a 4. I think that all murderers,rapists,and violentcriminals
shouldget death,but I don't favorit for minorcrimeslikestealinga car.

viewersand extensivetraining.As with any em- guages spoken, and even the sound of their
ployment situation, adequatepay and good voice.
supervisionare important for consistenthigh- Professional interviewers will receive a two-
quality performance. Unfortunately, profes- week training course. It includes lectures and
sionalinterviewinghasnot alwayspaid well or reading, observation of expert interviewers,
providedregularemployment.In the past,inter- mock interviews in the office and in the field that
viewerswerelargelydrawn from a pool of mid- are recorded and critiqued, many practice inter-
dle-aged women willing to accept irregular views, and role-playing. The interviewers learn
part-time work. about survey research and the role ofthe inter-
Good interviewersarepleasant,honest,ac- viewer. They become familiar with the question-
curate,mature, responsible,moderatelyintelli- naire and the purpose ofquestions, although not
gent, stable, and motivated. They have a with the answersexpected.
nonthreateningappearance,have experience The importance of carefully selecting and
with many differenttypesof people,and possess training interviewers was evident during the
poiseand tact. Researchersmay considerinter- 2004 U.S. presidential election. Exit polls are
viewers'physicalappearance, age,race,sex,lan- quick, very short surveys conducted outside a
' l94 P A Rr rw o R E S E A R cH
,/ c o N D U c rl N c QU AN TITA TIvE

polling placefor peopleimmediatelyafter they not vary from what they would be if askedby
voted. On Election Day of 2004 exit polls any other interviewer.
showedcandidate|ohn Kerry well ahead,but Surveyresearchersknow that interviewer
after final voteswere countedhe lost to his op- expectations can createsignificantbias' Inter-
ponent, GeorgeW. Bush' A major causeof the viewers who expect difficult interviews have
mistakewasthat the researchorganization,paid them, and thosewho expectcertainanswersare
$10 million by six major newsorganizationsto more likely to getthem (seeBox 7.8).Properin-
conductthe exitpolls,hadhired manyyoungin- terviewerbehavior and exactquestionreading
experiencedinterviewersand gavethem only maybe difficult, but the issueis larger.
minimal training.Youngervoterstendedto sup- The socialsettingin which the interviewoc-
port iohn Kerry whereasolder voterstendedto curs can afflectanswers,including the presence
iupport GeorgeBush.Theyoung inexperienced of other people'For example,studentsanswer
interviewerswere lesssuccessfulin gaining co- differentlydependingon whetherthey areasked
operationfrom older votersand felt more com- questionsat home or at school.In general,sur-
fortablehandingthe questionnaireto someone iey researchers do not want otherspresentbe-
of a similar age.As a result,exit poll participants causethey may affectrespondentanswers'It
did not reflectthe compositionof all votersand may not alwaysmakea difference,however,es-
poll resultsshowedgreatersupport for Kerry p..lutty if the othersaresmallchildren.2O
- in-
ihan actuallyexistedamongall voters.le An interviewer'svisible characteristics,
cluding raceand gender,often affectinterviews
Although interviewerslargelywork alone,
andrespondentanswers,especially for questions
researchers use an interviewersupervisorin
aboutissuesrelatedto raceor gender. For exam-
large-scale surveyswith severalinterviewers.Su-
p.*itott are familiar with the area'assistwith ple, African American and Hispanic American
problems,overseethe interviewers,and ensure iespondentsexpressdifferent policy positions
ihat work is completedon time. For telephone otr t"..- or ethnic-relatedissuesdependingon
interviewing, this includes helping with calls, the apparentraceor ethnicityof the interviewer'
checkingwhin interviewersarrive and leave,and This occurs even with telephone interviews
monitoring interviewcalls.In face-to-face inter- when a respondenthas cluesabout the inter-
views,supervisorscheckto find out whether the viewer'sraceor ethnicity.In generafinterview-
interviewactuallytook place. This means calling ers of the sameethnic-racialgroup get more
back or sendinga confirmationpostcardto a accurateanswers.2lGenderalso affectsinter-
sampleof respondents. They can alsocheckthe viewsboth in terms of obvious issues,such as
responserate and incompletequestionnairesto sexualbehavior,aswell as support for gender-
seewhetherinterviewersareobtainingcoopera- related collective action or gender eqaality'z2
Surveyresearchers need to note the raceand
tion, and they may reinterviewa smallsubsam-
ple,analyzeanswers,or observeinterviewsto see genderof both interviewersand respondents'
tions and recordinganswers. Computer-Assisted TelePhone
lnterviewer Bias Advancesin computer technologyand lower
Surveyresearchers proscribeinterviewerbehav- computerpriceshaveenabledprofessionalsur-
ior to reducebias. This goesbeyond reading vey researchorganizationsto install computer-
interviewing(CATD systems'23
eachquestionexactlyasworded.Ideally,the ac-
tions of a particular interviewerwill not affect With CATI, the interviewer sits in front of a
how a respondentanswers'and responseswill computer and makescalls' Wearing a headset
C H A P T E R7 , / S U R V E YR E 5 E A R C H r 95

Exampleof Interviewer Expectation Effects

Askedby FemalelntewiewerWhoseOwn HusbandBuysMostFurniture

Husbandbuysmostfurniture 89%
Husbanddoesnot buy mostfurniture 15%

Exampleof Raceor Ethnic Appearance Effects

"Doyou thinkthere "Doyou thinkthat
are too manyJewsin Jewshavetoo
lnterviewer governmentjobs?" muchpower?"

name 11.7 5.8
LookedJewishonly 15.4 'r5.6
appearance 21.2 24.3
name 19.5 21.4

Note:Racialstereotypesheld by respondentscanaffecthowthey respondin interviews.

Adaptedfrom Hyman(1975:1I 5, 163).

and microphone, the interyiewer readsthe ques- for a specific respondent; interviewers do not
tions from a computer screenfor the specific re- have to turn pageslooking for the next question.
spondent who is called, then enters the answer In addition, the computer can check an answer
via the keyboard. Once he or she enters an an- immediately after the interviewer enters it. For
swer, the computer shows the next question on example, if an interviewer enters an answer that
the screen. is impossible or clearly an error (e.g., an H
Computer-assisted telephone interviewing instead of an M for "Male"), the computer will
speedsinterviewing and reduces interviewer er- request another answer. Innovations with com-
rors. It also eliminates the separatestep of enter- puters and web surveys also help to gather data
ing information into a computer and speeds on sensitiveissue(seeBox 7.9).
data processing.Of course, CATI requires an in- Severalcompanies have developed software
vestment in computer equipment and some programs for personal computers that help re-
knowledge of computers. The CATI system is searchers develop questionnaires and analyze
valuable for contingency questions becausethe survey data. They provide guides for writing
computer can show the questions appropriate questions, recording responses,analyzing data,

issuein surveyresearchis the invasion of pri-

vacv.Surveyresearchers can intrude into a re-
snondent's'privacyby askingabout intimate
actionsand personalbeliefs'Peoplehavea right
Thequestioningformatinfluences how respondents to privacy. Respondentsdecide when and to
answerquestionsabout sensitivetopics' Formats whlm to revealpersonal
information' They are
that permitthe greaterrespondentanonymity,such likely to provide such information when it is
as a ielf-administered questionnaire or the web sur- askedforln a comfortablecontextwith mutual
vey, are more likelyto elicit honestresponses than trust, when they believe serious answersare
one that requiresinteractionwith another person' neededfor legitimateresearchpurposes)and
suchas in a face-to-faceinterview or telephone in- whentheybelieveanswerswill remainconfiden-
terview One of a series of computer-based techno- tial. Researchers should treat all respondents
logical innovations is called computer-assisted with dignity and reduceanxietyor discomfort'
to rm-
self-administered intewiews (CASA|. lt appears
Theyarealsoresponsiblefor protectingthe con-
prove respondent comfort and honesty in answertng
fidentialityof data'
questionson sensitive topics.In CASAI'respondents A secondissueinvolvesvoluntaryparticipa-
with questionsthat are askedon a
are"interviewed" tion by respondents'Respondentsagreeto an-
computerscreenor heardover earphones'The re- swer ctuestionsand can refuseto participateat
spondentsanswerby movinga computermo.use or
any time. They give"informed consent"to par-
enteringinformationusinga computerkeyboard' qn
is presentin the sameroom'
ticipate in research.Researchers.depend
Evenwhena researcher so. re-
from humancon- respondents'voluntary cooperatron'
the respondentis semi-insulated
answering ques- seaichersneedto askwell-developedquestions
tact andappearsto feelcomfortable
in a sensitiveway' treat respondentswith re-
tions about sensitiveissues.
spect,and be very sensitiveto confidentiality'
A third ethical issueis the exploitation of
surveysand pseudosurveys. Because ofits.pop-
and producing reports. The programs may ularity, some people use surveys misleadto
rp."d th. more mechanicalaspectsof surveyre- otheri. A pseuiosirteT is when someonewho
or no real interest in learning infor-
search-such astyping questionnaires'organiz- has little
ing layout, and recordingresponses-bYl they mation from a respondentusesthe surveytor-
cainot substitutefor a good understandingof mat to try to Persuade someone to do
the surveymethodor an appreciationof its lim- something.Charlatansuse the guiseof con-
itations. The researchermust still clearly con- ducting a surveyto invade privacy, gain entry
ceptualize variables, prepare well-worded into hJmes, or "suggle" (sell in the guiseof a
survey). I personallyexperienced- a type.of
questions,designthe sequenceand forms of
questionsand responses, and pilot-test ques- pr"rrdort*ayknown asa
electioncampaign'In this situa-
tionnaires. Communicating unambiguously ih" tsS+U.S.
with respondentsand eliciting credible re- tion, an unknown survey organizationtele-
sponsesremainthe most important partsoI sur- phonedpotential voters and askedwhetherthe
veyresearch. lrot.t tnppotted a given candidate'If the voter
supportedthe candidate'the interviewer next
urk.d *h.ther the respondentwould still sup-
port the candidateif he or she knew that the
T HE E T HI C AL S U R VE Y iandidate had an unfavorablecharacteristic
sur- (e.g.,hadbeenarrestedfor drunk driving,used
Like all social research,people can conduct
veys in ethical or unethical ways. A major ethical i]lJgd drugs, raised the wagesof convicted
c H A PTE Rz ,/ suR V E yR E S E A R C H 197

criminalsin prison,etc.).The goalof the inter-

view was not to measurecandidatesupport;
rather, it wasto identify a candidate'ssupport-
ers then attempt to suppressvoting. Although
they are illegal,no one hasbeenprosecutedfor 1. The samplingframeused(e.g.,telephonedirec-
using this campaigntactic. tories)
Another ethicalissueis whenpeoplemisuse 2. The dateson whichthe surveywasconducted
surveyresultsor usepoorly designedor pur- 3. The populationthat the samplerepresents
poselyriggedsurveys.Why doesthis occur?Peo- U.S.adults,Australiancollegestudents,house-
ple may demand answersfrom surveysthat wivesin Singapore)
surveyscannot provide and not understanda 4. The sizeof the samplefor whichinformationwas
survey'slimitations.Thosewho designand pre- collected
paresurveysmay lack sufficienttraining to con-
5. The samplingmethod(e.g.,random)
duct a legitimatesurvey.Unfortunately,policy
6. The exactwordingofthe questionsasked
decisionsaresometimesmadebasedon careless
or poorly designedsurveys.They often resultin 7. The method of the survey(e.g.,face to face,
wasteor human hardship.This is whylegitimate telephone)
researchers conductingmethodologicallyrigor- 8. The organizations that sponsoredthe survey
oussurveyresearch areimportant. (paidfor it and conductedit)
The media report more surveysthan other 9. The responserate or percentageof thosecon-
typesof socialresearch,yet sloppyreporting of tacted who actuallycompletedthe question-
survey,results permitsabuse.2a Fewpeopleread- naire
ing survey results may appreciateit, but re- 10. Any missinginformationor "don't know" re-
searchers shouldincludedetailsaboutthe survey sponseswhenresultson specificquestionsare
(seeBox 7.10)to reducethe misuseof surveyre- reported
searchand increasequestionsaboutsurveysthat
lack such information. Surveyresearchers urge
the mediato includesuchinformation, but it is
rarely included.Over 88 percentof reports on
surveysin the massmedia fail to revealthe re-
searcherwho conductedthe survey,and only 18 C ON C L U S ION
percentprovide detailson how the surveywas In this chapter, you learned about survey re-
conducted.2s Currently,there are no quality- search.You also leamed some principles ofwrit-
control standardsto regulatethe opinion polis ing good survey questions. There are many
or surveysreported in the U.S. media. Re- things to avoid and to include when writing
searchers havemadeunsuccessful attemptssince questions.You learned about the advantagesand
World War II to require adequatesamples,in- disadvantagesof three types of survey research:
terviewertraining and supervision,satisfactory mail, telephone interviews, and face-to-face in-
questionnairedesign,public availability of re- terviews. You saw that interviewing, especially
sults,and controlson the integrity ofsurvey or- face-to-faceinterviewing, can be difficult.
ganizations.26 As a result,the massmediareport Although this chapter focused on survey re-
both biasedand misleadingsurveyresultsand search,researchersuse questionnairesto measure
rigorous, professionalsurvey resultswithout variables in other types of quantitative research
making any distinction.It is not surprisingthat (e.g., experiments). The survey, often called the
public confusion and a distrust of all surveys sample survey becauserandom sampling is usu-
occur. ally used with it, is a distinct technique. It is a
198 R E S E A R cH
pA RTT w o ,/ c o N D U c rl N C QU AN TITA TIvE

processof askingmany peoplethe sameques- Respondentswho are highly loyal to one brand of
tionsand examiningtheir answers. traditional carbonated sodascan answerthe ques-
try to minimize errors, tion easily.Other respondentsmust implicitly ad-
dress the following questions to answer the
but surveydata often contain them. Errors in
question as it was asked: (a) What time period is
surveyscancompoundeachother.For example, involved-the past month, the past year, the last
errorscanarisein samplingframes,from nonre- 10 years?(b) What conditions count-at home,
sponse,from questionwording or order, and at restaurants, at sporting events?(c) Buying for
from interviewerbias.Do not let the existenceof oneself alone or for other family members? (d)
errors discourageyou from using the survey, What is a "soft drink"? Do lemonade, iced tea'
however.Instead'learn to be very carefulwhen mineral water, or fruit juices count? (e) Does
designingsurveyresearchand cautious about "usually" mean a brand purchased as 51 percent
generalizingfrom the resultsof surveys. or more of all soft drink purchases,or the brand
purchased more frequently than any other? Re-
spondents rarely stop and ask for clarification;
they make assumptions about what the researcher
Ke y T e r m s means.
z. See Dykema and Schaeffer (2000) and Sudman
closed-endedquestion and colleagues(1996:197--226).
computer-assisted telephone interviewing SeeOstrom and Gannon (1996).
See Bradburn (1983), Bradburn and Sudman
context effect (1980), and Sudman and Bradburn (1983) on
contingency question threatening or sensitivequestions.Backstrom and
cover sheet Hursh-Cesar (1981:219) and Warwick and
Lininger ( 1975:150-151) provide useful sugges-
double-barreled question
tions as well.
5. On how "Who knows who lives here?" can be
frrll-filter question
complicated, seeMartin (1999) and Tourangeau
funnel sequence etal. (1997).
interview schedule 6. For a discussion of the "don't know," "nq opin-
matrix question ion," and middle positions in responsecategories,
open-endedquestion seeBackstrom and Hursh-Cesar ( I 98I : 148-149)'
order effects Bishop (1987), Bradburn and Sudman (1988:
partially open question 154), Brody (1986)' Converse and Presser
prestigebias (1956:35-37), Duncan and Stenbeck (1988)' and
probe Sudman and Bradburn ( 1983:140-14 1).
7. The disagree/agleeversusspecific alternativesde-
quasi-filter question
bate can be found in Bradburn and Sudman
responseset ( 1988:149-15 1), Converseand Presser( 1986:38-
social desirability bias
39), and Schuman and Pressertl98l:179-223)'
standard-format question 8. The ranking versusratings issueis discussedin Al-
threatening questions win and Krosnick ( 1985) and Krosnick and Alwin
wording effects (1988). Also see Backstrom and Hursh-Cesar
(1981:132-134) and Sudman and Bradburn
(1983:156-165)for formats of asking rating and
Endnotes ranking questions.
9. SeeFoddy ( I 993) and Presser( 1990).
1. Sudmanand Bradburn(1983:39)suggested that 10. Studies by Krosnick (1992) and Narayan and
evensimplequestions(e.g.,"What brand of soft Krosnick (1996) show that education reduces re-
drink do you usuallybuy?")cancauseproblems. sponse-order (primacy or recency) effects, but
CHAP T E R7 , / S U R V E YR E S E A R C H 199

Kniiuper(1999)found that ageis stronglyassoci- 17. From Moserand Kalton (1972:273).

atedwith response-order effects. 18. The useofprobes is discussed in Backstromand
11. This examplecomesfrom Strack(1992). Hursh-Cesar(1981:266-27 3), Gorden(1980:36&-
12. For a discussion, seeCouper,Singeret al. (1998), 390),and Hyman (1975:236-24t).
de Heer (1999),Keeteret al. (2000),Sudmanand 19. Reportby Jacques Steinberg(2005)."StudyCites
Bradburn( 1983:1 I ), and"SurveysProliferate,but Human Failingsin Election Day Poll System,"
AnswersDwindle," New York Times,October 5, N ew YorkTimes(l antary 20, 2005).
1990,p. 1.Smith(1995)andSudman(1976:114- 20. SeeBradburnand Sudman(1980),Pollnerand
116)alsodiscussrefusalrates. Adams(L997),andZaneandMatsoukas( 1979).
13. Bailey(1987:153-168), Church(1993),Dillman 21. The raceor ethnicityofinterviewersis discussed
(1978,1983),Fox and colleagues (1988),Goyder in Andersonand colleagues (1988),Bradburn
(1982),HeberleinandBaumgartner (1978,1981), (1983), Cotter and colleagues(1982), Davis
Hubbard and Little (1988),Jones(1979),and (1997),Finkel and colleagues (1991),Gorden
Willimack and colleagues (1995)discussincreas- (1980:168-172), Reeseand colleagues (1986),
ing return ratesin surveys Schaffer(1980),Schumanand Converse(l97l),
14. For a comparisonamong types of surveys,see andWeeksandMoore(1981).
BackstromandHursh-Cesar( 1981:16-23),Brad- 22. SeeCataniaand associates (1996)and Kaneand
burn andSudman(1988:9,1-l l0), Dillman(1978: MacAulay(1993).
39-78),Fowler(1984:61-73), and Frey(1983:27- 23. CATI is discussedin Bailey(1987:201-202),Brad-
)) ,, burn and Sudman(1988:100-101), Frey(1983:
15. For more on surveyresearchinterviewing,see 24-25,143-149),Grovesand Kahn (1979:226),
Brennerandcolleagues (1985),CannellandKahn Grovesand Mathiowetz(1984),and Karweitand
(1968),Converseand Schuman(1974),Dijkstra Meyers(1983).
and van der Zouwen(1982),Foddy(1993),Gor- 24. On reporting survey results in the media, see
den (1980), Hyman (1975), and Moser and Channels (1993)andMacKeun(1984).
Kalton (1972:27V302). 25. SeeSinger (1988).
16. SeeTurner andMartin (1984:262-269,282). 26. From Turner and Martin 0984:62\.

QuestionsAppropriatefor an Experiment
Random Assignment
Why RandomlYAssign?
How to RandomlYAssign
Matching Random
versus Assignment

Experimental Design Logic

The Languageof ExPeriments
Typesof Design
lnternal and External ValiditY
The Logicof InternalValiditY
Threatsto lnternalValiditY
ExternalValidityand FieldExperiments
Practical Considerations
g P i l ot-Tests
P l a n n i nand
to Subjects
PostexPeriment lnterview
Results of Experimental Research: Making Comparisons
A Word on Ethics


ResearchQuestions Appropriate for

an Experiment
Experimentalresearchbuilds on the principles
of a positivist approachmore directly than do The Issueof an Appropriate Technique. Some
the otherresearchtechniques.Researchers researchquestionsare better addressedusing
in the
naturalsciences (e.g.,chemistryandphysics),re- certain techniques.New researchers often ask,
lated applied fields (e.g.,agriculture,engineer- Which technique(e.g.,experimentsand sur-
ing, and medicine), and the social sciences veys)bestfits which researchquestion?Thereis
conduct experiments.The logic that guidesan no easyanswer,because the matchbetweena re-
experimenton plant growthin biologyor testing searchquestionand techniqueis not fixed but
a metalin engineeringis appliedin experiments dependson informed judgment.You can de-
on human socialbehavior.Although it is most velop judgment from readingresearchreports,
widely used in psychology,the experimentis understandingthe strengthsand weaknesses of
found in education,criminaljustice,journalism, differenttechniques,assistingmore experienced
marketing, nursing, political science,social researchers with their research,and gaining
work, and sociology.This chapterfocusesfirst practicalexperience.
on the experimentconductedin a laboratory
under controlled conditions.then looks at ex- Research Questionsfor Experimental Research.
perimentsconductedin the field. The experimentallows a researcherto focus
The experiment'sbasiclogic extendscom- sharplyon causalrelations,and it haspractical
monsensethinking. Commonsense experiments advantages overothertechniques,but it alsohas
are lesscarefulor systematicthan scientifically limitations.The researchquestionsmost appro-
basedexperiments.In commonsenselanguage, priatefor an experimentfit its strengthsandlim-
an experimenfis when you modify somethingin itations.
a situation,then comparean outcometo what The questionsappropriatefor using an ex-
existedwithout the modification.For example,I perimentallogic confront ethical and practical
try to start my car.To my surprise,it doesnot limitations of interveningin human affairsfor
start.I "experiment"by cleaningoff the battery researchpurposes.It is immoral and impossible
connections,then tryto startit again.I modified to manipulatemany areasof human life for re-
something(cleanedthe connections)and com- searchpurposes.The pure logic of an experi-
paredthe outcome(whetherthe car started)to ment hasan experimenterinterveneor inducea
Ithe previoussituation (it did not start). I began changein somefocusedpart of sociallife, then
with an implicit "hypothesis"-a buildup of examinethe consequences that result from the
crud on the connectionsis the reasonthe car is changeor intervention.This usuallymeansthat
not starting,and oncethe crud is cleanedoff, the the experimentis limited to researchquestions
car will start. This illustrates three things re- in which a researcher is ableto manipulatecon-
searchers do in experiments:(1) beginwith a hy- ditions. Experimentalresearchcannot answer
pothesis,(2) modify somethingin a situation, questionssuchas,Do peoplewho completea
and (3) compareoutcomeswith andwithout the collegeeducationincreasetheir annualincome
modification. more than peoplewho do not? Do children
Comparedto the other socialresearchtech- raisedwith youngersiblingsdevelopbetterlead-
niques,experimentalresearchis the strongestfor ershipskillsthan childrenwithout siblings?Do
testingcausalrelationshipsbecausethe three peoplewho belongto more organizationsvote
conditionsfor causality(temporalorder,associ- more often in elections?This is becausean ex-
ation, and no alternativeexplanations)arebest perimenteroften cannotmanipulateconditions
met in experimental designs. or intervene.He or shecannotrandomly assign
2 O2 pA RTT wo ,/ c o N D U c l N G e u A N T trA TrvER E S E A R C H

thousandsto attendcollegeand preventothers mental method. For example,a researchermay

from attendingtodiscoverwholater earnsmore wish to study attitudestoward peoplein wheei-
income.He or she cannot induce couplesto chairs.An experimentermight askpeopleto re-
haveeithermany childrenor a singlechild sohe spond (e.g.,Would you hire this person?How
or shecanexaminehow leadershipskillsdevelop comfortablewould you be if this personasked
in children.He or shecannotcompelpeopleto you for a date?)to photos of somepeoplein
join or quit organizationsthen seewhetherthey wheelchairs andsomepeoplenot in wheelchairs.
vote.Experimentersarehighly creativein simu- A surveyresearcher might askpeopletheir opin-
lating suchinterventionsor conditions,but they ions about peoplein wheelchairs.The field re-
cannotmanipulatemany of the variablesof in- searchermight observepeople'sreactionsto
terestto fit the pure experimentallogic. someonein a wheelchair,or the researcher him-
The experimentis usuallybest for issues selfor herselfmight be in wheelchairand care-
that havea narrow scopeor scale.This strength fully note the reactionsof others.
allows experimentersto assembleand "run"
many experimentswith limited resourcesin a
short period. Somecarefullydesignedexperi-
ments require assemblingonly 50 or 60 volun-
teers and can be completedin one or two Socialresearchers frequentlywant to compare.
months. In general,the experimentis better For example,a researcherhastwo groupsof 15
suitedfor micro-level(e.g.,individual or small- studentsand wants to comparethe groups on
group phenomena)than for macro-levelcon- the basisof a key differencebetweenthem (e.g.,
cerns or questions.Experiments can rarely a coursethat one group completed).Or a re-
addressquestionsthat requirelooking at condi- searcherhasfive groupsof customersand wants
tions acrossan entire societyor acrossdecades. to comparethe groupson the basisof one char-
The experimentalsolimits one'sability to gen- acteristic(e.g.,geographiclocation).The clich6,
eralizeto larger settings(seeExternalValidity "Compareapplesto apples,don't compareap-
and FieldExperimentslater in this chapter). ples to oranges,"is not about fruit; it is about
Experimentsencourageresearchers to iso- comparisons.It meansthat a valid comparison
lateandtargetthe impactthat arisesfrom oneor dependson comparing things that are funda-
a few causalvariables.This strengthin demon- mentally alike. Random assignmentfacilitates
stratingcausaleffectsis a limitation in situations comparisonin experimentsby creatingsimilar
where a researchertries to examinenumerous groups.
variables simultaneously.The experiment is When making comparisons,researchers
rarely appropriatefor researchquestionsor is- wantto comparecasesthat do not differ with re-
suesthat requirea researcher to examinethe im- gard to variablesthat offer alternativeexplana-
pact of dozensof diversevariablesall together. tions. For example,a researchercomparestwo
Although the accumulated knowledge from groupsof studentsto determinethe impact of
many individual experiments,eachfocusedon completinga course.In order to be compared,
one or two variables,advancesunderstanding, the two groupsmust be similar in most respects
the approachof expermimentalresearchdiffers exceptfor taking the course.If the group that
from doing researchon a highly complexsitua- completedthe courseis also older than the
tion in which oneexamineshow dozensof vari- group that did not, for example,the researcher
ablesoperatesimultaneously. cannot determine whether completing the
Often,researchers studycloselyrelatedtop- courseor being older accountsfor differences
icsusingeitheran experimentalor a nonexperi- betweenthe groups.

Why Randomly Assign? groupsusinga randomprocess.In randomsam-

pling, he or sheselectsa smallersubsetof cases
Random assignmentis a method for assigning from a largerpool ofcases(seeFigure8.1).Ide-
cases(e.g., individuals, organizations, etc.) to will both randomlysampleand
ally,a researcher
groups for the purpose of making comparisons. randomiy assign.He or shecan first sampleto
It is a way to divide or sort a collection of cases obtain a smallersetof cases(e.g.,150peopleout
into two or more groups in order to increase of 20,000)and then userandom assignmentto
one's confidence that the groups do not differ in divide the sampleinto groups (e.g.,divide the
a systematicway. It is a mechanical method; the 150peopleinto threegroupsof 50). Unfortu-
assignment is automatic, and the researchercan- nateln few socialscienceexperimenters useran-
not make assignments on the basis of personal dom samples.Most begin with a convenience
preference or the features ofspecific cases. samplethenrandomlyassign.
Random assignment is random in a statisti-
cal or mathematical sense, not in an everyday
How to Randomly Assign
sense.In everyday speech,random means un-
planned, haphazard, or accidental, but it has a Randomassignmentis verysimplein practice.A
specialized meaning in mathematics. In proba- researcherbeginswith a collectionof cases(in-
bility theory, random describes a process in dividuals,organizations,or whateverthe unit of
which each case has a known chance of being analysisis), then divides it into two or more
selected.Random selection lets a researcherca'- groupsby a randomprocess,suchasaskingpeo-
culate the odds that a specific casewill be sorted ple to count off, tossinga coin, or throwing dice.
into one group over another. Random means a For example,a researcherwants to divide 32
casehas an exactly equal chance ofending up in peopleinto two groupsof 16.A randommethod
one or the other group. The great thing about a is writing eachperson'snameon a slip of paper,
random process is that over many separateran- putting the slipsin a hat, mixing the slipswith
dom occurrences, predictable things happen. eyesclosed,then drawingthe first 16 namesfor
Although the process itself is entirely due to group 1 and the second16 for group2.
chance and does not allow predicting a specific
outcome at one specific time, it obeys mathe-
Matching versus Random Assignment
matical laws that makes very accurate predic-
tions possible when conducted over a large You might ask,If the purposeof random assign-
number of situations. ment is to gettwo (or more) equivalentgroups,
Random assignment or randomization is would it not be simplerto match the character-
unbiased becausea researcher'sdesire to con- isticsof casesin eachgroup?Someresearchers
firm a hypothesis or a researchsubject'spersonal matchcasesin groupson certaincharacteristics,
interests do not enter into the selection process. suchasageand sex.Matchingis an alternativeto
IJnbiaseddoes not mean that groups with iden- random assignment,but it is an infrequently
tical characteristics are selectedin each specific usedone.
situation of random assignment. Instead, it says Matchingpresentsa problem:What arethe
that the probability of selecting a case can be to matchon, and canone
mathematically determined, and, in the long locateexactmatches?Individual casesdif[er in
run, the groups will be identical. thousandsof ways,and the researchercannot
Sampling and random assignment are know which might be relevant.For example,a
processesof selecting casesfor inclusion in a researcher comparestwo groupsof 15students.
study. When a researcher randomly assigns,he There are 8 malesin one group, which means
or she sorts a collection of casesinto two or more thereshouldbe 8 malesin the other group.Two

malesin the first group areonly children;one ls EXPERIMENTALDESIGN LOGIC

from a divorcedfamrly,one from an intact fam-
ilv. Orr" is tall, slender,and Jewish;the other
is The Languageof ExPeriments
In order to match or
,ilort, h"a,ry,and Methodist' Experimentalresearchhas its own language
sroups, doesthe researcherhave to find a tall ,et of ter*s and concepts'You already encoun-
i"*tft male only child from a divorced i.r.a tn. basic ideas:iandom assignmentand
child from an
and a short Methodist male only independentand dependentvariables'In exper-
male only re-
intact home?The tall, slender,Jewish imental research,the casesor peopleusedin
child is 22yearsoldand is studyingto becomea search projects and on whom variables are
physician.the short,heavyMethodistmaleis 20 measuredarecalledthesubjects'
yearsold and wantsto be an accountant'Does
ih. t.s"arch.r alsoneedto matchthe ageand ca- ex-
reeraspirationsof the two males?True matching Parts of theExperiment' We candivide the
periment into sevenparts' Not all experiments
soonbecomesan imPossibletask'

FIcURE 8.1 and RandomSampling

Population Sample



Step 1: Beginwith a collectionof subiects'

Step 2: Devisea methodto randomize that is purelymechanical(e'g'' tlip a coin)'

group and 'Tails"to the othergroup
Step 3: Assignsublectswith"Heads"to one

+ ^dr| a

Control GrouP
c H Ap rE RI / E X pE R TME N TA
R ELS E A R cH zOs

have all theseparts, and some have all seven cial behaviors, attitudes, feelings, or beliefs of
partsplus others.The following seven,to be dis- subjects that change in responseto a treatment.
cussedhere,makeup a true experiment: Dependent variables can be measured by paper-
and-pencil indicators, observation, interviews,
1. Treatmentor independentvariable or physiological responses (e.g., heartbeat or
2. Dependentvariable sweating palms).
3. Pretest Frequently, a researcher measures the de-
4. Posttest pendent variable more than once during an ex-
5. Experimentalgroup periment. The pretest is the measurement of the
6. Controlgroup dependent variable prior to introduction of the
7. Randomassignment treatment. The posttest is the measurement of
the dependent variable after the treatment has
In most experiments,a researchercreatesa been introduced into the experimental situation.
situation or entersinto an ongoingsituation, Experimental researchersoften divide sub-
then modifiesit. The treatment(or the stimulus jects into two or more groups for purposes of
or manipulation) is what the researchermodi- comparison. A simple experiment has two
fies.The term comesfrom medicine,in which a groups, only one of which receivesthe treat-
physician administersa treatment to patients; ment. The experimental group is the group that
the physicianintervenesin a physicalor psycho- receivesthe treatment or in which the treatment
logicalcondition to changeit. It is the indepen- is present. The group that does not receive the
dent variableor a combinationof independent treatment is called the control group. When the
variables.In earlierexamplesof measurement, a independent variable takes on many different
researcherdevelopeda measurementinstru- values, more than one experimental group is
inent or indicator (e.g.,a surveyquestion),then used.
appliedit to a personor case.In experiments,re- We can review the variables in the three ex-
searchers"measure"independentvariablesby periments used as examples in previous chap-
creatinga condition or situation.For example, ters. In Chapter 2 you read about an experiment
the independentvariableis "degreeof fear or by Brase and Richmond (200a) about doctor-
anxiety";the levelsarehigh fearandlow fear.In- patient interactions and perceptions. After ran-
steadof askingsubjectswhetherthey arefearful, dom assignment, subjects saw same- and oppo-
experimentersput subjectsinto either a high- site-gender models identified as being medical
fearo.-ra low-fearsituation.Theymeasurethe in- doctors but who wore either informal or for-
dependentvariableby manipulatingconditions mal/traditional attire (independent variable).
sothat somesubjectsfeela lot of fearand others The experimenters then measured the subjects'
feellittle. judgments about trust in the physican and the
Researchersgo to great lengths to create physician's abilities (dependent variable). In
treatments.Someareasminor asgivingdifFerent Goar and Sell's (2005) experiment about mixed
groupsof subjectsdifferentinstructions.Others race task groups described in Chapter 4, ran-
canbe ascomplexasputting subjectsinto situa- domly assigned three-person groups were told
tions with elaborateequipment,stagedphysical they were either to a complete complex task re-
settings,or contrivedsocialsituationsto manip- quiring diverse skills or not (independent vari-
ulate what the subjectsseeor feel. Researchers able). The experimenters measured the time it
want the treatmentto havean impact and pro- took the group to complete a task and involve-
ducespecificreactions,feelings,or behaviors. ment by group members of different races (de-
Dependentvariablesor outcomesin experi- pendent variable). In the study on college
mental researcharethe physicalconditions,so- women with tattoos discussed in Chapter 5 by
206 R E S E A R cH
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Hawkes,Senn,and Thorn (2004),randomlyas-

signedsubjectswere askedto read one of five
scenariosabout a 22-yeat-oldcollegestudent
woman who had a tattoo (independentvari-
1. Beginwith a straightforward hypothesisappro-
able). The experimentersthen measuredthe research.
priateto the experimental
subjects'feelingsabout the woman and tattoo
2. Decideon an experimental designthat will test
using a semanticdifferential, a Feminist scale,
the hypothesis within practicallimitations.
and a Women's Movement and Neosexisms
scale(dependentvariables). 3. Decidehow to introducethe treatmentor cre-
ate a situationthat inducesthe independent
Stepsin Conilucting an Experiment. Fol- variable.
lowingthebasicstepsof the researchprocess,ex- 4. Developa validand reliablemeasureof the de-
perimentersdecideon a topic, narrow it into a' pendentvariable. I
testableresearchproblem or question,then de- 5. Setup an experimental andconducta pi-
velop a hypothesiswith variables.Once a re- lot test of the treatmentand dependentvari-
r.urih"t has the hlpothesis' the steps of ablemeasures
experimentalresearchareclear. 6. Locateappropriatesubjectsor cases.
A crucial early stepis to plan a specificex- Z. Randomlyassignsubjectsto groups(if random
perimentaldesign (to be discussed).The re- assignmentis usedin the chosenresearchde-
searcherdecidesthe number of groupsto use, sign)andgivecarefulinstructions'
how and when to createtreatmentconditions, 8. Catherdatafor the pretestmeasureofthe de-
the number of times to measurethe dependent pendentvariablefor all groups (if a pretest is
variable,andwhat the groupsof subjectswill ex- usedin the chosendesign).
periencefrom beginningto end. He or shealso
9. Introducethe treatmentto the experimenta
developsmeasuresof the dependentvariable group only (or to relevantgroups if there are
andpilot-teststhe experiment(seeBox 8.1). multipleexperimentalgroups)and monitor all
The experiment itself begins after a re- groups.
searcherlocatessubjectsand randomly assigns of the depen-
I 0. Gatherdatafor posttestmeasur€
them to groups.Subjectsare givenprecise,pre-
dent variable.
plannedinstructions.Next, the researcher mea-
in a pretestbefore 11. Debriefthe subjectsby informingthem of the
iures the dependentvariable
true purposeand reasonsfor the experiment
the treatment.One group is then exposedto the
Ask subjectswhat they thought wasoccurring'
treatment.Finally, the researchermeasuresthe
Debriefingis crucialwhen subjectshavebeen
dependentvariablein a posttest.He or shealso
deceivedabout someaspectofthe experiment
interviewssubjectsaboutthe experimentbefore
1 2. Examine data collectedand makecomparison
they leave.The researcherrecordsmeasuresof
the dependentvariableand examinesthe results
usestatisticsand graphsto determinewhether
for eachgroup to seewhetherthe hypothesisre-
or not the hypothesisis supported'

Control in Experimmts. Control is crucial in

experimentalresearch.A researcherwants to
control all aspectsof the experimentalsituation the researcher are alternatives to the treatment
to isolatethe effectsof the treatmentand elimi- for changein the dependent variable and under-
nate alternativeexplanations.Aspectsof an ex- mine his or her attempt to establishcausality de-
perirnentalsituation that are not controlledby finitively.

Experimentalresearchers use deceptionto for experimentsyou conductor createyour own

control the experimentalsetting.Deceptionoc- variations.
g,urswhen the researcherintentionallymisleads The designsare illustrated with a simple ex-
subjectsthrough written or verbalinstructions, ample.A researcher wantsto learnwhetherwait
the actionsof others,or aspectsof the setting.It staff(waitersandwaitresses) receivemore in tips
may involvethe useof confederates or stooges- if they first introduce themselvesby first name
people who pretend to be other subjectsor and return to ask "Is everythingfine?" 8 to l0
bystandersbut who actually work for the re- minutesafterdeliveringthe food.Thedependent
searcherand deliberatelymislead subjects. variableis the sizeof the tip received.The study
Through deception,the researcher tries to con- occursin two identicalrestaurantson different
trol what the subjectsseeandhearandwhatthey sidesof a town that havehad the sametypesof
believeis occurring.For example,a researcher's customersand averagethe sameamountin tips.
instructionsfalselylead subjectsto believethat
they areparticipatingin a studyaboutgroup co- ClassicalExperimental Design. All designsare
operation. In fact, the experiment is about variationsof the classicalexperimentaldesign,the
male/femaleverbal interaction, and what sub- type of designdiscussedso far, which has ran-
jectssayis being secretlytaperecorded.Decep- dom assignment,a pretestand a posttest,an ex-
perimentalgroup,and a control group.
tion lets the researchercontrol the subjects'
definitionof the situation.It preventsthem from Example. The experimenter gives 40 newly
alteringtheir cross-sexverbalbehaviorbecause hired wait staff an identical two-hour training
they are unawareof the true researchtopic. By sessionand instructsthem to follow a script in
focusingtheir attentionon a falsetopic, the re- which they are not to introduce themselvesby
searcherinduces the unaware subjectsto act first nameand not to return during the mealto
"naturally." For realisticdeception,researchers checkon the customers.Theyarenext randomly
may invent falsetreatmentsand dependentvari- dividedinto two equalgroupsof 20 andsentto
able measuresto keep subjectsunawareof the the two restaurantsto begin employrnent.The
true ones.The useof deceptionin experiments experimenterrecordsthe amount in tips for
raisesethicalissues(to be discussed). all subjectsfor one month (pretestscore).Next,
the experimenter"retrains" the 20 subjectsat
Types of Design restaurantI (experimentalgroup). The experi-
menter instructsthem henceforthto introduce
Researchers combine parts of an experiment themselvesto customersby first name and to
(e.g.,pretests,control groups)etc.)togetherinto checkon the customers,asking,"Is everything
an experimentaldesign.For example,somede- fine?" 8 to 10 minutes after deliveringthe food
signslack pretests,somedo not havecontrol (treatment).The group at restaurant2 (control
groups, and others have many experimental group) is "retained"to continuewithout an in-
groups. Certain widely used standard designs troduction or checkingduring the meal. Over
havenames. the secondmonth, the amount of tips for both
You should learn the standarddesignsfor groupsis recorded(posttestscore).
two reasons.First, in researchreports, re-
searchers givethe nameof a standarddesignin- PreexperimentalDesigns. Somedesignslack
steadof describingit. When readingreports,you random assignmentand are compromisesor
will be ableto understandthe designof the ex- shortcuts.Thesepreexperimental designs ateused
perimentif you know the standarddesigns.Sec- in situationswhereit is difficult to usethe classi-
ond, the standard designsillustrate common cal design.They haveweaknesses that makein-
waysto combinedesignparts.You canusethem ferring a causalrelationshipmore difficult.
2o8 R E S E A R cH
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One-ShotCaseStudyDesign. Also calledthe Static Group Comparison. Also called the

one-groupposttest-onlydesign,the one-shot posttest-onlynonequivalentgroup design,static
casestudy designhas only one group' a treat' groupcomparlsorhastwo groups'a posttest,and
ment, and a posttest.Becausethere is only one treatment. It lacks random assignmentand a
group,thereis no random assignment' pretest.A weakness is that anyposttestoutcome
diff"re.tcebetween the groups,could be due to
Example. Theexperimentertakesa groupof 40 group differences prior to the experiment in-
newly hired wait staff and givesall a two-hour steadof to the treatment.
training sessionin which they are instructedto
introducethemselves to customersby first name Example. The experimentergives40 newly
andto checkon the customers,asking,"Is every- hired wait staff an identical two-hour training
thing fine?"8 to 10 minutesafter deliveringthe sessionand instructsthem to follow a script in
food (treatment).All subjectsbegin employ- which they are not to introduce themselvesby *
ment,and the experimenterrecordsthe amount first nameand not to return during the mealto
in tips for all subjectsfor one month (posttest checkon the customers.They canchooseone of
score). the two restaurantsto work at, so long as each
restaurantendsup with 20 people"rAll beginem-
One-GroupPretest-P osttestD esign' This design ployment. After one month, the experimenter
nretrains"the 20 subjectsat restaurantI (exper-
has one group, a pretest,a treatment,and a
posttest.It lacksa control group and randomas- imental group). The experimenterinstructs
them henceforthto introducethemselves to cus-
tomersby first name and to check on the cus-
tomers, asking, "Is everlthing fine?" 8 to 10
Example. The experimentertakesa groupof 40
minutes after delivering the food (treatment).
newly hired wait staff and givesall a two-hour
training session.They areinstructedto follow a The group at restaurant2 (control group) is "re-
script in which they arenot to introducethem- tained" to continuewithout an introduction or
selvesby first nameand not to return during the checking during the meal. Over the second
meal to checkon the customers.All begin em- month, the amount of tips for both groups is
ployment, and the experimenterrecordsthe recorded(posttestscore).
amount in tips for all subjectsfor one month
(pretest score).Next, the experimenter"re- Quasi-Experimental anil Special Designs,
tiains" all40 subjects(experimentalgroup).The Thesedesigns,like the classicaldesign,make
experimenterinstructs the subjectshenceforth identifying a causalrelationship more certain
to introducethemselvesto customersby first than do preexperimentaldesigns.Quasi-erperi-
nameand to checkon the customers,asking,"Is mentaldesigns help researchers testfor causalre-
lationshipsin a variety of situations where the
everythingfine?"8 to 10minutesafterdelivering
designis difficult
classical or inappropriate. They
the food (treatment).Over the secondmonth'
arecalledquaslbecause they are variations of the
the amountof tips is recorded(posttestscore).
This is an improvementover the one-shot classicalexperimental design. Some have ran-
casestudy becausethe researchermeasuresthe domization but lack a pretest,someuse more
dependentvariable both before and after the thantwo groups,and otherssubstitutemanyob-
treatment.But it lacksa control group. The re- servationsof one group over time for a control
searchercannotknow whethersomethingother group.In general,the researcher haslesscontrol
than the treatmentoccurredbetweenthe pretest overthe independent variable than in the classi-
and the posttestto causethe outcome. caldesign (seeTable8.1)'

T A Bt E 8 . 1 A Comparisonof the ClassicalExperimentalDesignwith Other Major Designs

Classical Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

One-ShotCaseStudy No No Yes No Yes
One-GroupPretestPostest No Yes Yes No Yes
StaticGroupComparison No No Yes Yes Yes
Two-GroupPosttestOnly Yes No Yes Yes Yes
TimeSeriesDesigns No Yes Yes No Yes

Two-GroupPosttest-Only Design. This is iden- to actthe sametoward all customers.The results

tical to the static group comparison,with one showedthat higher tips camefrom customers
exception:The groupsarerandomlyassigned. It who receivedthe messageabout upcoming
has all the parts ofthe classicaldesignexcepta specials.
pretest.The random assignmentreducesthe
chancethat the groupsdifferedbeforethe treat- InterruptedTime Series. In an interruptedtime
ment,but without a pretest,a researcher cannot seriesdesign,a researcherusesone group and
be ascertainthat the groupsbeganthe sameon makesmultiple pretestmeasuresbeforeand af-
the dependentvariable. ter the treatment.For example,after remaining
In a study using a two-group posttest-only level for many years,in 1995,cigarettetaxes
design with random assignment, Rind and jumped 35 percent. Taxesremainedrelatively
Strohmetz(1999)examinedmessages about a constantfor the next 10years.The hypothesisis
upcoming speqialwritten on the back of cus- that increasesin taxeslower cigaretteconsump-
tomers'checls.The subjectswere8l dining par- tion. A researcherplots the rateofcigarettecon-
tieseatingat an upscalerestaurantin New |ersey. sumptionfor 1985through2005.Theresearcher
The treatment was whether a female server notesthat cigaretteconsumptionwasleveldur-
wrote a message about an upcomingrestaurant ing the 10 yearsprior to the new taxes,then
specialon thebackofa checkandthe dependent droppedin 1995and stayedabout the samefor
variablewasthe sizeof tips. The serverwith two the next 10years.
years'experience wasgivena randomlyshuffled
stackof cards,half of which said No Message EquivalentTime Series. An equivalenttime se-
and half of which saidMessage.|ust beforeshe riesis anotherone-groupdesignthat extends
gayea customerhis or her check,sherandomly over a time period. Insteadof one treatment,it
pulled a cardfrom her pocket.If it saidMessage, hasa pretest,then a treatmentand posttest,then
she wrote about an upcoming specialon the treatment and posttest,then treatment and
backof the customer'scheck.If it saidNo Mes- posttest,and so on. For example,peoplewho
sage,she wrote nothing. The experimenters drivemotorcycleswerenot requiredto wearhel-
recordedthe amount of the tip and the number metsbefore1985,when a law waspassedrequir-
of peopleat the table.Theyinstructedthe server ing helmets.In 1991, the law was repealed
P A RTrw o R E S E A R cH
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becauseof pressurefrom motorcycleclubs'The four groups. For example,a.mental health

helmet la* was reinstatedin 2003' The re- .orkei wuntsto determinewhethera newtrain-
seatcher'shypothesisis that wearingprotective ing method improvesclients'coping skills'The
helmetsloweisthe numberof headinjury deaths wJrker measurescopingskillswith a 20-minute
in motorcycle accidents'The researcherplots test of reactionsto stressfulevents'Becausethe
clientsmight learn copingskillsfrom taking the
headinjury deathratesin motorcycleaccidents -a
over time. The ratewasvery high prior to 1985' testitself, Solomonfour-group designis used'
droppedsharplybetween1985and 1991'then The mental health worker randomly divides
returnedto pie-1985levelsbetween1991and clientsinto four goups. Two groupsreceivethe
2003, then dropped again from 2003 to the pretest; one of them gets the
present. method and the other getsthe old method' An-
othertwo groupsreceiveno pretes! oneofthem
Latin SquareDesigns. Researchers interestedin gets the new method and the other the old
how severaltreatments given in different se- irethod. All four groups are given the samer
quencesor time orders affecta dependentvari- posttestand the posttestresultsarecompared'If
ubl..utt nt. aLatin squaredesignFor example,a ih. t*o treatment (new method) groups have
junior high school geographyinstructor has similar results, and the two control (old
ihree units to teachstudents:map reading,using method) grouPshave similar results,then the
freimr worker knows'pretestlearningis
a compass,and the longitude/latitude(LL) sys- mental
tem. The units can be taught in any order' but not a problem. If the two groupswith a pretest
(onetreatment,onecontrol) differ from the two
the teacherwants to know which order most
helpsstudentslearn. In one class,studentsfirst groupswithout a pretest,then the worker con-
the pretestitself may have an effect
learn to readmaps,then how to usea compass' it ra.t that
then the LL system.In another class,using a on the dePendentvariable.
compasscomesfirst, then map reading, then the
LL system.In a third class,the instructor first FactorialDesigns' Sometimes,a researchques-
tion suggests iooking at the simultaneouseffects
teachesthe LL system,then compassusage,and
than one independent variatrle' A
endswith map reading.The teachergivestests of moii
design lsestwo or more independent
aftereachunit, and studentstakea comprehen- factorial
in combination.Everycombinationof
siveexam at the end of the term. The students
were randomly assignedto classes, so the in- the categoriesin variables (sometimescalled
structorcanseewhetherpresentingunits in one factors)ii examined.When each
categories,the number of combina-
sequenceor another resulted in improved iains several treatment or
tions grows very quickly. The
learning. variable
manipirlationis not each independent
SolomonFour-GroupDesign A researcher may rathei, it is eachcombinationof the categories'
believethat the pretestmeasurehasan influence The treatmentsin a factorial designca-nhave
on the treatment or dependent variable' A two kinds of effectson the dependentvariable
pretestcan sometimessensitizesubjectsto the main effectsand interactioneffects'OnLymain
or single-treat
ireatmentor improve their performanceon the fficts arepresentin one-factor
posttest(seethe discussionof testing effectto ment designs.In a factorialdesign'specificcom-
binationsof independentvariablecategories can
iome). Richard L. Solomon developedthe
issueof alsohavean effect.Theyarecalledinteraaionef-
Solomon four-groupdesignto addressthe categoriesin a combination in-
pretesteifects.It iombines the classicalexperi- fectsbecaasethe
producean effectbeyondthat of each
mentaldesignwith the two-groupposttest-only ieract to
designand iandomly assignssubjectsto one of variablealone.

FlG U RE 8 .2 and Schema:InteractionEffect

E 3.00
E 215

$ 2.zs
E 2.00
p r.zs
s 1.5 0
1.2 s
1.0 0
Fights Submits
victim Tries to Fight ofi the Rapist (Resistance)
* Sexschema
...1}.. Powerschema

Interaction ef[ectsare illustratedin Figure ing of the crime of rape (i.e.,the rape schema
8,2, which usesdata from a study by Ong and heldby eachsubject).Theresearchers found that
Ward (1999).As part of a study of 128female two rape schemascausedsubjectsto interpret
undergraduatesat the National University of yictim resistancein oppositewaysfor the pur-
Singapore,Ong and Ward measuredwhich of poseof assigningresponsibilityfor the crime.
two major wayssubjectsunderstoodthe crime Researchers discussfactorial designin a
of rape. Someof the women primarily under- shorthandway.A "two by threefactorialdesign"
stoodit assexand dueto the malesexdrive (sex is written 2 x 3.It meansthat there are two
schema);others understoodit as primarily an treatments,with two categories in one and three
act of male power and domination of a woman categoriesin the other. A 2 X 3 X 3 design
(powerschema).The researchers askedthe sub- meansthat there are three independentvari-
jectsto reada realisticscenarioaboutthe rapeof ables,one with two categoriesand two with
a collegestudent at their university. One ran- threecategorieseach.
domly selectedgroup ofsubjectsreada scenario The previouslydiscussedexperimentby
in which the victim tried to fight offthe rapist.In Hawkes,Seen,and Thorn (2004) on tattoos
the other set, shepassivelysubmitted.The re- amongcollegewomenuseda 3 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2
searchers next askedthe subjectsto evaluatethe factorialdesign.The firll study consideredfour
degreeto which the rapevictim wasat blameor independentvariables,onewith threecategories'
responsiblefor the rape. the rest havingtwo categories,and it had three
Resultsshowedthat the women who held measuresof the dependentvariable.The depen-
the sexschema(andwho alsotendedto embrace dent variable measuresincluded a Semantic
traditionalistgenderrole beliefs)more strongly Differentialmeasure(which containedthreedi-
blamedthe victim when sheresisted.Blamede- mensions). In addition, experimentershad
creasedif shesubmitted.Thewomenwho held a subjectscompletea Neosexismmeasure(an 1l-
power schema(and who alsotendedto be non- item, 5-point Likert Scalestatementssummed
traditionalists)werelesslikely to blamethe vic- into an index) and a measureof Feminismand
tim if shefought. They blamedher more if she Women's Movement Support (a l0-item, 5-
passivelysubmitted. Thus, the subjects' re- point Likert Scalesummedinto an index). The
sponsesto the victim's act of resistingthe attack experimentersmanipulated two independent
variedby, or interactedwith, their understand- variablesin the descriptionsofthe tattoo readby
2 12 P A RTT w o / c o N D U c rl N c QU AN rlrA Tl vER E S E A R cH

subjects: (i) whether the woman had no tattoo' ment,independentvariable;R = randomassign-

a tattoo smaller than a Canadian $1 coin' or ment. The Os are numberedwith subscripts
larger than a $1 coin; and (2) the tattoo's visib- from left to right basedon time order. Pretests
lity as always hidden versus always hidden. Two are 01, posttests02' When the independent
independent variableswere not manipulated but variable has more than two levels,the Xs are
were preexisting characteristics of researcher numberedwith subscriptsto distinguishamong
subjects,(3) whether the subject him/herself had them. Symbolsare in time order from left to
a tattoo or not, and ( ) the subject's gender' The right. The R is first, followedby the pretest,the
study included263 subjects, I22 males and 146 triatment, and then the posttest.Syrnbolsare
females,of them 43 (or 16 percent) had a tattoo' arrangedin rows,with eachrow representinga
The study results showed that subjects group of subjects.For example,an experiment
viewed college women without a tattoo more
groupshas an R (if random assign-
positivity and female subjects were more posi-
ment is ,tt.d;, foilo*"d by threerows of Os and 1
Xs. The rows are on top of eachother because
tive toward a college woman having a tattoo
the pretests, treatment, and posttestoccur in
than male subiects. There was also a significant
effect forvisibility, with more favorable attitudes gtonp at about the sametime. Table 8'2
givesthe notation for many standard experi-
for a nonvisible tattoo' Generally' subjects who
had tattoos themselveswere more favorable to- mentaldesigns.
ward the woman having a tattoo. Size of tattoo
had little effect. Men and women with a tattoo
were more favorable, regardless of tattoo size'
while those without a tattoo were negative' In
addition, gender made no difference toward size
of tattoo. The experiment had many specific The Logic of Internal ValiditY
findings for each combination of the five inde-
pendent variables. One specific finding was that Internal validifTmeansthe ability to eliminate al-
iemale subjects who had a tattoo themselves ternativeexplanationsof the dependentvariable'
were least likely to react negatively to alatget ta|- Variables,other than the treatment' that affect
too. Results from the attitude measures suggest the dependentvariablearethreatsto internalva-
lidity. Theythreatenthe researcher's ability to say
that "the tattooed woman may be seenby some
that the treatment was the true causal factorpro-
as flaunting her freedom from gender norms or
ducing change in the dependent variable' Thus,
asthreateningwomen's traditional place in soci-
the logic of internal validity is to rule out vari-
ety'' (Hawkes, Seen,and Thorn 2004:603).
ablesother than the treatment by controlling ex-
perimental conditions and through experimental
Design Notation designs. Next,we examinemajorthreatsto inter-
Experimentscan be designedin many ways' nal validity.
Designnotationis a shorthandsystemfor sym-
bolizing the parts of experimentaldesign'Once Threats to Internal ValiditY
you learn designnotation,you will find it easier
to think about and comparedesigns.For exam- Thefollowingarenine commonthreatsto inter-
ple, designnotation expresses a comple5 p^ara- nalvalidity.l
graph-long description of the parts of, an
ixperiment in five or six symbolsarrangedin SelectionBias. Selectionbiasis the threat that
twb Hnes.It usesthe following symbols:O = researchparticipantswill not form equivalent
observationof dependentvariable;X = treat- groups.It is a problem in designswithout ran-
E N T A LR E S E A R C H 213

TABLE'8.2 SummaryofExperimental

* r3
I Designs
One-shotcasestudy o
One-grouppretest-posttest o o
Staticgroup comparison o
R -x o
Interruptedtime series oo o o x ooo
time series OX O X OXOXC
ox bo

\:\3 I:f
Latinsquaredesigns X"o
ox ao X"o
ox bo x-o
ox c o Xuo
ox c o X"o
ox ao Xoo
Solomonfour-groupdesign X o
X o
.qi; /Xt z1

dom assignment.It occurswhen subjectsin one to dodgeheavytraffic. All subjectsassignedto

experimentalgroup havea characteristicthat af- one group come from rural areas,and all sub-
fectsthe dependentvariable.For example,in an jectsin the other grewup in largecities.An ex-
experimenton physicalaggressiveness,the treat- aminationof pretestscoreshelpsa researcher
ment group unintentionally contains subjects detectthis threat,becauseno group differences
who are football, rugby, and hockey players, areexpected.
whereasthe control group is madeup of musi-
cians,chessplayers,and painters.Another ex- History. This is the threat that an eventunre-
ampleis an experimenton the ability of people latedto the treatmentwill occur during the ex-

effectsoccur' a researchercannot saythat the

Derimentand influencethe dependentvariable'
treatment alone has affected the dependent
Hktory ,ltcttare more likelyin experimentsthat
continueover a long time period' For example'
halfi,vaythrough a two-weekexperimentto "".u1-
Instrumentation. This threatis relatedto reli-
uate subjects'attitudes toward spacetrav.el'a
ability. It occurswhen the instrumentor depen-
,pu.".ruh explodeson the launch pad, killing
dent variable measure changes during the
the astronauts.The history effectcan occur ln
(see experiment.For example,in a weight-Iossex-
the cigarettetax examplediscussedearlier
periment,the springson the scaleweakenduring
the discussionof interrupted time-seriesde-
the e"p.ri-"ttt, gil ittg lower readingsin the
sign). If a public antismokingcampaignor^re-
p""t.t,. Anotherixample might haveoccurred
diced cigaietteadvertisingalsobeganin 1989'it (1987)
in un e"p.rimentby BondandAnderson
would b"ehard to saythat higher taxescaused bad news' The ex- n
on the reluctanceto transmit
lesssmoking. tell another per-
'son resultsof an intelligencetest and varied
Maturation. This is the threat that somebio-
the test resultsto be eitherwell aboveor well be-
logical, psychological,or emotional process
low average.The dependentvariable was the
*iitrin the subjectsand separatefrom the treat-
lengthof time it took to tell the testtakerthe re-
ment will changeovertime. Maturahon$ more were told that the session
commonin e>rferiments overlong time periods' ,olir. So-. subjects
was being videotaped.During the experiment'
For example,during an experimenton reason-
tne viaeJequipmentfailedto work for one sub-
ing ability, subjectsbecomebored and sleepy
lower.Another exampleis iect. If it had iailed to work for more than one
*"d, u, a result,'score
.subiector had worked for only part of the ses-
an experimenton the stylesof children'splaybe-
sion, the experiment would have had instru-
tweengrades1 and 6. Playstylesare affectedby
pioblems.(By the way,subjectstook
physicil, emotional' and maturation changes
',hu,o..o, asthe childrengrow older,insteadof iong.. to deliverbad newsonly if they thought
the| were doing so publicly-that is' being
or in addition to the effectsof a treatment'De-
signswith a pretestand control group help re-
,elarchersdelermine whether maturation or
Mortatity. Mortality, or attritiort, ariseswhen
history effectsarepresent,becauseboth experi- the
,o-. ,rr61..tsdo not continue throughout
mental and control grouPswill show similar means
experiment.Althoughthe wotd mortality
changesovertime' meanthat subjects
death,it doesnot necessarily
itself havedied. Ifa subsetofsubjectsleavespartway
Testing. Sometimes,the pretestme-asure
through an experiment, a researchercannot
affectsin experiment. This testingeffectthteat-
morethan the treat- k ro*"*hether ihe resultswould havebeendif-
ferenthad the subjectsstayed'For example'a re-
ment aloneaffectsthe dependentvariable'The
searcherbeginsa weight-lossprogram with 50
Solomon four-group designhelps a researcher
subjects.Atlhe end of the program' 30 remain'
detecttestingeffects.For example,a researcher
eacirof whom lost 5 poundswith no sideeffects
eivesstudentsan examinationon the first dayof
The 20 who left could havedifferedfrom the 30
Ilass.The courseis the treatment'He or shetests
who stayed,changingthe results'-Maybethe
learningby givingthe sameexamon the lastday and
oronru- was effeclivefor those who left'
of class.If subjectsrememberthe pretestques- p"t-
in"f *itnat"w after losing 25 pounds' 9:
tions andthis affectswhat theylearned(i'e'' paid
hapsthe programmadesubjectssickand forced
attentionto) or how theyansweredquestionson shouldnotice and re-
them to [uit' Researchers
the posttest,a testingeffectis present'Iftesting
c HApr ER 8 , / E X p E R T M E N T ARLE S E A R c H Zls

port the number of subjects in each group dur- treatment. Researchers avoid it by isolating
ing pretests and posttests to detect this threat to groupsor havingsubjectspromisenot to reveal
internal validity. anythingto otherswho will becomesubjects.
For example,subjectsparticipatein a day-long
Statistical Regression, Statistical regressionis experimenton a new way to memorizewords.
not easy to grasp intuitively. It is a problem of During a break,treatment-groupsubjectstell
extreme values or a tendency for random errors thosein the control group aboutthe newwayto
to move group results toward the average.It can memorize,which control-groupsubjectsthen
occur in two ways. use.A researcherneedsoutsideinformation,
One situation arises when subjects are un- suchaspostexperimentinterviews,with subiects
usual with regard to the dependent variable. Be- to detectthis threat.
causethey begin as unusual or extreme, subjects
are unlikely to respond further in the same di- ExperimenterExpectancy. Although it is not
rection. For example, a researcherwants to see alwaysconsidereda traditional internal validity
whether violent films make people act violently. problem, the experimenter'sbehavior,too, can
He or she chooses a group of violent criminals threatencausallogic.3A researcher maythreaten
from a high-securityprison, givesthem a pretest, internal validiry not by purposefullyunethical
shows violent films, then administers a posttest. behavior but by indirectly communicating
To the researcher's shock, the prisoners are experimenter expectancy to subjects.Researchers
slightlyless violent after the film, whereasa con- may be highly committedto the hypothesisand
trol group of prisoners who did not seethe film indirectly communicatedesiredfindings to the
are slightly more violent than before. Because subjects.For example,a researcherstudiesthe
the violent criminals began at an extreme, it is effectsof memorizationtraining on student
unlikely that a treatment could make them more learningability, and also seesthe gradetran-
violent; by random chance alone, they appear scriptsof subjects.The researcherbelievesthat
lessextreme when measured a second timi.2 studentswith highergradestend to do better at
. A second situation involves a problem with the training and will learn more. Through eye
the measurement instrument. If many research contact,tone ofvoice,pauses,and othernonver_
participants score very high (at the ceiling) or bal communication, the researcheruncon-
very low (at the floor) on a variable, random sciouslytrains the studentswith higher grades
chance alone will produce a changebetween the more intensely;the researcher'snonverbalbe_
pretest and the posttest. For example, a re- havior is the oppositefor studentswith lower
searchergives 80 subjects a test, and 75 getper- grades.
fect scores.He or she then gives a treatmenl to Here is a way to detectexperimenterex_
raise scores. Becauseso many subjects already pectancy.A researcherhires assistantsand
had perfect scores,random errors will reduce the teachesthem experimentaltechniques.The as_
group averagebecausethose who got perfect sistantstrain subjectsandtesttheir learningabil-
scores can randomly move in only one direc- ity. The researchergives the assistantsfake
tion-to get some answerswrong. An examina- transcriptsand recordsshowingthat subjectsin
tion of scores on pretests will help researchers onegroup arehonor studentsand the othersare
detect this threat to internal validity. failing,althoughin factthe subjectsareidentical.
Experimenterexpectancyis presentif the fake
Diffusion of Treatment or Contamination. honor students,asa group,do much betterthan
Dffision of treatment is the threat that research the fakefailing students.
participants in different groups will communi- The double-blindexperimenris designedto
cate with each other and learn about the other's control researcher expectancy.In it, peoplewho
2 16 R E S E A R cH
P A RTT w o / c o N D U c rl N c QU A N TITA TIvE

havedirect contactwith subjectsdo not know contains the new drug. Only another person
the detailsof the hypothesisor the treatment.It who doesnot dealwith subjectsdirectly knows
is doubleblind becauseboth the subjectsand which coloredpill containsthe drug and it is he
thosein contactwith them areblind to detailsof or shewho examinesthe results.
the experiment(seeFigure8.3). For example,a
researcher wantsto seeif a new drug is effective. External Validity and Field
Using pills of three colors-green, yellow, and Experiments
pink-the researcherputs the new drug in the
yellowpill, puts an old &ug in the pink one,and Evenif an experimentereliminatesall concerns
makesthe greenpill aplacebo-afalsetreatment about internal validity, externalvalidity remains
that appearsto be real (e.g.,a sugarpill without a potentialproblem.Externalvalidityis the abil-
anyphysicaleffects).Assistants who givethe pills ity to generalizeexperimentalfindingsto eYents
and recordthe effectsdo not know which color and settingsoutsidethe experimentitself. If a *

Flc U RE 8. 3 Double-BlindExperiments: or Ordinary,.

An lllustrationof Single-Blind,
and Double-BlindExPeriments

o0 o
fr fr
SubiectsWho Are Blindto TrueHypothesis
o o o o
P q

.o o e o o
qfrq fififififrflfrfrm
q Bq fr
SubjectsWho Are Blindto TrueHypothesis
c H Ap rE R8 ,/ E X pE R TME N TA
R ELS E A R cH 217

study lacks externalvalidity, its findings hold person encounters people who contradict the
true only in experiments,making them useless stereotype,especiallyifthe others are respected.
to both basicand appliedscience. They used both a laboratory experiment (with a
two-group, posttest-only design) and a field ex-
Reactivity. Researchparticipantsmight react periment. Past studies focused on out-group
differentlyin an experimentthan they would in stereot)?es, but the authors wanted to examine
real life becausethey know they are in a study; the hypothesis for an in-group, women. In the
this is calledreactivity.The Hawthorneffict is a laboratory experiment, experimenters randomly
specifickind of reactivity.4The name comes assignedfemale subjects to view either (1) a set
from a seriesof experimentsby Elton Mayo at photographs and biographies of 16 famous
the Hawthorne,Illinois, plant of Westinghouse women leadersor (2) photos and descriptions of
Electricduring the 1920sand 1930s.Researchers 16 flowers. The experimenters used deception
modified many aspectsof working conditions and told subjects the study was about testing
(e.g.,lighting, time for breaks,etc.) and mea- memory. The dependent variable was attitudes
sured productivity. They discoveredthat pro- and beliefs about women and was measured
ductivity roseaftereachmodification,no matter with a implicit Association Test (IAT). The re-
what it was.This curiousresultoccurredbecause sults showed that subjects associatedgendered
the workersdid not respondto the treatment first names (e.g.,|ohn vs. Emily) with leadership
but to the additional attention they received or follower traits (e.g., assertive and sympa-
from beingpart of the experimentand knowing thetic). A high IAT score indicated that a sub-
that they were being watched.Later research ject viewed women more than men as having
questionedwhetherthis occurred,but the name leadership more than supportive traits. The re-
is used for an effect from the attention of re- searchers also used a scale on beliefs about
searchers. A relatedeffectis the effectof some- women. They found support for the hypothesis
thing new,which maywearoffover time. that exposure to famous women in leadership
positions increased IAT scores,compared to ex-
Fielil Experiments. Sofar, this chapterhasfo- posure to neutral information about flowers.
cusedon experimentsconductedunderthe con- The field experiment had a pretest and a posttest
trolled conditionsof a laboratory.Experiments but no random assignment. Subjectswere fe-
are'alsoconductedin real-life or field settings males who attended two colleges in the same
wherea researcherhaslesscontrol over the ex- town. One was a coeducational college and the
perimental conditions.The amount of control other had all female students. Subjects were re-
varieson a continuum.At one end is the highly cruited from first-year classesat the beginning
controlled laboratory experiment,which takes of the academic year and completed the IAT
placein a specialized settingor laboratory at the measure, the beliefs about women scale, and a
oppositeendis thefield experimenr, which takes general campus questionnaire. The experi-
placein the'field'-in naturalsettingssuchasa menters documented that the all-female college
subwaycar, a liquor store,or a public sidewalk. had more females in administrative and faculty
Subjectsin field experimentsare usuallyun- leadership positions. Pretest IAT scores were
awarethat they are involved in an experiment very similar, with subjects from coeducational
and react in a natural way. For example,re- college having slightly lower scores.This helped
searchers havehad a confederatefakea heartat- the experimenters to check for possible selection
tack on a subwaycar to seehow the bystanders bias. Subjectswere contacted one year later and
react.5 asked to complete the same measuresas pre-
Dasguptaand Asgari (2004)testedthe hy- sented in the posttest. Experimenters watched
pothesisthat stereotypical beliefsweakenwhen a very carefully for experimental mortality since
2 18 pA RTT w o ,/ c o N D U c rtN c QU A N Tl rA rl vER E S E A R cH

somestudentsstoppedattendingcollegeor did imental mortality, sincesomestudentsstopped

not completelater surveys.The IAT scoresfor attendingcollege,leftcollegedormitories,or did
subjectsat the coeducationalcollegedeclined not completethe later surveys.They testedthe
(i.e.,theywerelesslikely to seefemalesashaving hlpothesesthat studentswho wererandomlyas-
leadershiptraits), whereasthe IAT scoresfor signedto live with an out-group member (the
subjectsat the all-female college greatly in- independentvariable)developedlessprejudicial
creased.In addition, the experimentersfound attitudestoward membersof that out-group.
that the more femaleteachersa studenthad at They found that comparedto pretestrneasures'
eithercollege,the higherthe posttestIAT scores, prejudicialattitudesdeclinedaspredictedby the
andthis wasespecially the casefor math and sci- contacthypothesiswith one exception.Appar-
encescourses.Thus,exposureto womenin lead- ently having an Asian American roommate
ership positions caused the IAT scores to worked in the opposite way and actually in-
increase,whereasthe absenceofsuch exposure' creasedprejudice,especiallyamong the White
if anlthing, loweredthe scores. students.
Von Larr and colleagues (2005)useda field Experimentercontrol relatesto internaland
experimentto test the well-knov,n contacthy- externalvalidity. Laboratoryexper'imentstend
pothesisthat saysintergroup contact reduces to havegr eaterinternalvalidity but lower exter-
racial-ethnic prejudice as people replacetheir nal validity; that is, they arelogicallytighter and
stereotl?eswith personalexperience,although bettercontrolled,but lessgeneralizable. Fieldex-
this happenssolong asthe contactinvolvespeo- perimentstend to havegreaterexternalvalidity
ple of equalstatuspursuingcommon goalsin a but lower internalvalidity;that is, they aremore
cooperativesettingand is approvedby authori- generalizable but lesscontrolled.Quasi-experi-
ties.In addition,informal contactin which peo- mental designsare common in field experi-
ple get to know about out-group membersas ments.Table8.3 summarizesthreatsto internal
acquaintances alsoreducesout-groupprejudice. andexternalvalidity.
The experimenttook placeat UCLA, wherethe
studentbody is very racially and ethnicallydi-
verse.Unlesstheypreselecta roommate,incom-
ing studentsarerandomlyassignedroommates.
TABTE 8.3 Maiorlnternaland External
About 20 percentof studentschoosea room-
Validity Concerns
mate and the rest are randomly assigned.The
authorsmeasuredstudentbackgroundand atti-
tudesamong nearly 3,800new incoming stu-
dents using a panel design acrossfive time
periods-before collegeentry (summer 1996) Selection bias Hawthorneeffect
and during the spring of eachof the next four History effect
years(1997-2000)with surveys(20-minutetele-
phone interviews).The dependentvariablewas
the students' racial-ethnic attitudes and in-
cluded questions about roommates, other Instrumentation
friends, interracial dating, multiculturalism, mortality
sgnbolic racism, and feelingsabout various Statisticalregression
racial-ethnic groups. Thesewere the experi- Diffusionof treatment
ment's pretestand multiple posttestmeasures. Experimenter expectancy
Experimenterswatchedvery carefullyfor exper-

of the situation affectedtheir behavior.Finalln
he or shecan explainthe importanceof not re-
Every research technique has informal tricks of vealing the true nature of the experiment to
the trade. These are pragmatic, commonsense other potentialparticipants.
ideasthat account for the difference between the
successfulresearchprojects of an experienced
researcher and the difficulties a novice re-
searcherfaces.Three are discussedhere.
Planning and Pilot-Tests
Comparisonis the key to all research.By care-
AII social research requires planning, and most fully examiningthe resultsof experimentalre-
quantitative researchersuse pilot-tests. During search,a researcher canlearn a greatdealabout
the planning phase of experimental research, a threats to internal validity, and whether the
researcherthinks of alternative explanations or treatmenthasan impact on the dependentvari-
threats to internal validity and how to avoid able. For example,in the Bond and Anderson
them. The researcher also develops a neat and (1987)experimenton deliveringbad news,dis-
well-organized system for recording data. In ad- cussedearlier,it took an averageof 89.6and73.I
dition, he or she devotes serious effort to pilot-secondsto deliverfavorableversus72.5or 747.2
testing any apparatus (e.g., computers, video secondsto deliverunfavorabletestscoresin pri-
cameras,tape recorders, etc.) that will be used invateor public settings,respectively.A compari-
the treatment situation, and he or she must train son showsthat deliveringbad newsin public
and pilot-test confederates.After the pilot-tests,takesthe longest,whereasgood newstakesa bit
the researchershould interview the pilot subjects longerin private.
to uncoyer aspectsof the experiment that need A more complexillustration of such com-
refinement. parisonsis shownin Figure8.4on the resultsof
t' a seriesof fiveweight-lossexperimentsusingthe
Instructions to Subjects classicalexperimentaldesign.In the example,
the 30 researchparticipantsin the experimental
Most experimentsinvolvegivinginstructionsto group at Enrique'sSlim Clinic lost an averageof
subjectsto set the stage.A researchershould 50 pounds,whereasthe 30 in the control group
word instructions carefully and follow a pre- did not losea singlepound. Only one person
pared script so that all subjectshear the same dropped out during the experiment.Susan's
thing. This ensuresreliability. The instructions ScientificDiet Planhad equallydramaticresults,
are also important in creatinga realisticcover but 11peoplein her experimentalgroupdropped
storywhendeceptionis used. out. This suggests a problem with experimental
mortality. Peoplein the experimentalgroup at
Postexperiment Interview Carl's Calorie Counterslost 8 pounds, com-
paredto 2 poundsfor the control group,but the
At the end of an experiment,the researcher control group and the experimentalgroup be-
should interview subjects,for three reasons. gan with an averageof 31 pounds differencein
First,ifdeceptionwasused,the researcher needs weight. This suggestsa problem with selection
to debrieftheresearchparticipants,tellingthem bias.Natalie'sNutrition Centerhad no experi-
the true purposeof the experimentand answer- mentalmortality or selectionbiasproblems,but
ing questions.Second,he or shecan learnwhat those in the experimentalgroup lost no more
the subjectsthought and how their definitions weight than those in the control group. It ap-

FI c u RE 8 .4 comparisonsof Results,classicalExperimentalDesign,

N atal i e' s
N utri ti on C enter
Pretest Posttest
Pretest Posttest
Experimental 1e0(30) 188(2e)
Experimental 1e0(30) 14o(2e)
ControlgrouP 1e2(2e) 190(28)
ControlgrouP lse (30) 18e(30)
Diet Plan
Pretest Posttest
Pretest Posttest
Experimental leo (30) 1s8(30)
Experimental 1e0(30) 141(1e)
18e(28) ControlgrouP 1e1(2e) lse (28)
Controlgroup 1se(30)

Pretest Posttest
Experimental 150(30) 1s2(2e)
ControlgrouP 1el (2e) 18e(2e)

pears that the treatment was not effective' the maturation, history, or diffirsion of treat-
Fauhne'sPoundsOffalso avoidedselectionbias ment effectsmay haveoccurred.Thus,the treat-
and experimentalmortality problems.Peoplein ment at Enrique'sSlim Ctinic appearsto be the
her experimentalgroup lost 32 pounds,but-so mosteflectiveone.SeeBox 8.2for a practicalap-
did thosein the control group'This suggests plicationof comparingexperimentalresults'

Occasionally, a "natural"experimentis possibledue in the New Orleansarea. When public officials

plannedto shiftenforcementpriorities,Scribne.r and
to public policy changesor a governmentinterven-
tion, and researchers are able to measure,partlcl- tohen (200.1) examinedits impact'They had sev-
pate,andlearnfromit andconducta fieldexperiment eral peoplewho clearlylookedunder 1 8 yearsold
attempt to purchasealcoholicbeverages illegally
with high extemalvatidity.This occurredin New Or- years of age)at
(the law requiredbeingat least2l
leans,Llousiana. Untilthe mid-1990s, lawson selling
i 43 randomlyselected liquor outlets between No-
liquorto underagecustomerswerebarelyenforced 0)' The per-
vember1 995 andJanuary 1 996 (Time
in New Orleans.lf caught,the offendingliquor re-
tailer met privatelywith the liquor commissionand centagewho couldbuy liquorillegallywasthefretest
,rorin. After assessing the rate of illegalsales,the
paida smallfine.Enforcingliquorlawswaslow prior-
so only threeen- dependent the policeissuedcitationsto 5'l
ity for stateand localgovernment,
forcementofficersmonitored5,000 alcoholoutlets ofthe salesoutlets,the primaryindependentvaiab

or treatment.Aboutthe sametime,governmentoffi- Marchto April1 996 (Time1) andagainin Novem-

cialsinitiateda mediacampaignurgingbetter law ber 1996 to January1997 (Tine 2), duringwhich
firstin the experimenters
checkedthe 143 outlets.


t&,1li a:,,n,::

(citation) 6.7% 5 1% 29% 45
Control (no citation) 13j% 3s % 17% 98
Total 11.1% 40% 21% 143

The resultsallow us to comparerates of illegal the citationcampaign, but were unableto do so.
sellingactivitybeforeand after citationsplusmedia Sinceoutletsthat did not receivethe treatment(i.e.,
campaign(ltretestand posttestmeasures)and to a citationfor lawviolation)probablylearnedaboutit
compareoutletsthat receivedcitations(experimental from othersin the samebusiness, a formof diffusion
group)with thosethat did not receivecitationsand of the treatmertcould be operating.Third, the re-
only hadmediaexposure(control group).We seethat searchers report that they beganwith I 55 outlets,
the citationsand campaigndid not stop the illegal but studiedonly 143 becauseI 2 outletswent out
activity, but it had some effect. The impact was of business duringthe study.Theauthorsnotedthat
greateron outlets that experienceddirect punish- none of the outlets that stoppedsellingalcohol
ment.In addition,by addinga laterfollow-up(Time closeddueto newlawenforcement, but ifthose out-
2), we see how the law-enforcement impactslowly lets that receivedcitationshad more problemsand
decayedover time.As frequentlyhappensin a nat- were more likelyto go out of business,it suggests
uralexperiment, internalvalidityis threatened:First, experimental mortality.The experimentersdid not
the pretest measureshowsa differencein the two mentionany externaleventsin New Orleansthat
setsof outlets,with outletsthat receivedthe treat- happenedduringthe time of the study (e.g.,a publi-
mentshowinghigherratesof illegalbehavior;this is cizedeventsuchasunderagedrinkerdyingof alcohol
potentialselection bias.Second,the mediacampaign poisoningfrom overdrinking).Researchers needto
occurredfor alloutlets,so the treatmentis reallya cr- be awareof potentialexternaleventswhena study
tation plusthe mediacampaign. The authorsnoted continuesfor a long time and considerpossible
that they hadintendedto comparethe NewOrleans historyfficts.
areawith anotherareawith neitherthe medianor

A WO R D ON E T HI CS may involve placingpeoplein contrived social

settings and manipulating their feelings or
Ethical considerations are a significant issue in behaviors.Dependentvariablesmay be what
experimental researchbecauseexperimental re- subjectssayor do. The amount and type of in-
searchis intrusive (i.e., it interferes). Treatments trusion is limited by ethical standards.Re-

searchersmust be very carefrrlif they placere- dencefor causality.In general,experimentstend

searchparticipantsin physicaldangeror in em- to be easierto replicate,lessexpensive,and less
barrassingor anxiety-inducingsituations'They time consumingthan the other techniques.Ex-
must painstakinglymonitor eventsand control perimental researchalso has limitations. First,
what occurs. somequestionscannot be addressedusing ex-
Deception is common in social experi- perimentalmethodsbecausecontrol and exper-
ments, but it involves misleading or lying to imental manipulation are impossible.Another
subjects.Suchdishonestyis not condonedun- limitation is that experimentsusuallytestoneor
conditionally and is acceptableonly as the a few hypothesesat a time. This fragments
meansto achievea goalthat cannotbe achieved knowledgeand makesit necessary to qrnthesize
otherwise.Evenfor a worthy goal,deceptioncan resultsacrossmany research reports. External
be usedonly with restrictions.The amount and validity is another potential problem because
qpe of deceptionshouldnot go beyondwhat is many experimentsrely on- small nonrandom
minimally necessaryand researchparticipants samplesof collegestudents.b
shouldbe debriefed. You learnedhow a carefulexaminationand
comparisonof resultscan alertyou to potential
problemsin researchdesign.Finally'you saw
somepracticaland ethicalconsiderationsin ex-
CONCLUSION periments.
In this chapter,you learnedabout random as- In the next chapters,you will examineother
signmentand the methodsof experimentalre- researchtechniques.The logic ofthe nonexperi-
search.Randomassignmentis an effectiveway mentalmethodsdiffersfrom that of,the experi-
to createtwo (or more) groups that can be ment. Experimentersfocus narrowly on a few
treated as equivalentand hencecompared.In hypotheses. They usuallyhaveone or twoinde-
general,experimentalresearchprovidesprecise pendentvariables,a singledependentvariable,a
and relatively unambiguous evidence for a few small groups of subjects'and an indepen-
causalrelationship.It follows the positivistap- dent variable that the researcherinduces. By
proach,producesquantitativeresultsthat canbe contrast, other social researcherstest many
analyzedwithstatistics,and is often usedin eval- hypothesesat once. For example' survey re-
uationresearch (seeBox 8.2). searchersmeasurealarge number of indepen-
This chapter alsoexaminedthe parts of an dent and dependentvariablesand use a larger
experiment and how they can be combinedto numberof randomlysampledsubjects.Their in-
producedifferentexperimentaldesigns.In addi- dependentvariablesareusuallypreexistingcon-
tion to the classicalexperimentaldesign' you ditions in researchparticipants.
learnedaboutpreexperimental and quasi-exper-
imentaldesigns. You also learned how to express
them using design notation. Key Ter m s
You learnedthat internal validity-the in-
ternal logical rigor of an experiment-is a key classical experimental design
ideain experimentalresearch.Threatsto inter- control group
nal validity arepossiblealternativeexplanations debrief
to the treatment.You alsolearnedabout exter- deception
nal validity and how field experimentsmaximize demand characteristics
externalvalidity. design notation
The realstrengthof experimentalresearchis diffrrsion of treatment
its control and logical rigor in establishingevi- double-blind experiment
8 ,/ E X P E R IME N TA
R ELS E A R C H 223

equivalent time series static group comparison

experimental design treatment
experimental group
factorial design
field e4periment Endnotes
Hawthorne effect
historyeffects l. For additionaldiscussionsofthreats to internal
interaction effect validiry seeCook and Campbell(1979:51*68),
interrupted time series Kercher(1992),Smith and Glass(1987),Spector
laboratory e4periment (1981:24-27),and SulsandRosnow(19S8).
Latin square design 2. Thisexampleis borrowedfrom Mitchelland lol_
maturation ley(1988:97).
mortality 3. Experimenterexpectancy is discussed in Aronson
one-shot casestudy and Carlsmith(1968:66_7 0), Dooley( I 984:I 5l_
4. The Hawthorneeffectis describedin Roethlis_
bergerand Dickenson(1939),Frankeand Kaul
preexperimental designs (1978),and Lang(1992).Alsoseethe discussion
pretest in Cook and Campbell(1979:123_125) andDoo_
quasi-experimentaldesigns ley (1984:155-156). Gillespie(1988,l99t) dis_
random assignment cussedthe politicalcontextof the experiments.
reactivity 5. SeePiliavinandassociates ( I 969).
selection bias 6. SeeGraham( 1992)andSears ( 19g6).
Solomon four-group design

Nonreactive Measurement
The Logicof NonreactiveResearch
or Unobtrusive
Varietiesof Nonreactive
and Documentation
Content AnalYsis
What ls ContentAnalYsis?
TopicsAppropriatefor ContentAnalysis
Measurement and Coding
Coding,ValiditY,and ReliabilitY
Howto ConductContentAnalysisResearch
Existing Statistics/Documents and Secondary Analysis
lssuesof Inference and Theory Testing
lnferencesfrom NonreactiveData


INT RO DUCT I ON during both daytime and nighttime. Obsen.ers

noted whether the driver was male or femalel
Experiments and survey research are both whether the driver was alone or with passengers;
reactiye;that is, the people being studied are whether other trafific was present; and whether
aware of that fact. The techniques in this chapter the car came to a complete stop, a slow stop, or
addressa limitation of reactive measures.You no stop. Later, we will contrast this type of ob-
will learn about four researchtechnicues that are servation to a slightly different type used in field
nonreactite;that is, the people being studied are researcn.
not aware that they are part ofa researchproject.
Nonreactive techniques are largelybased on pos-
itivist principles but are also used by interpretive Varieties of Nonreactive or
and critical researchers. Unobtrusive Observation
The first technique we will consider is lessa Nonreactive measures are varied, and re-
distinct technique than a loose collection of in- searchershave been creative in inventing indi-
ventive nonreactive measures.It is followed by rect ways to measure social behavior (see Box
content analysis,which builds on the fundamen- 9.1). Becausethe measureshave little in com-
tals of quantitative researchdesign and is a well- mon except being nonreactive, they are best
developed researchtechnique. Existing statistics learned through examples. Some are erosion
and secondary analysis,the last two techniques, measuregwhere selectivewear is used as a mea-
refer to the collection of already existing infor- sure, and some are accretionmeasuregwhere the
mation from government documents or previ- measuresare depositsof somethingleft behind.I
ous surveys. Researchersexamine the existing Researchershave examined family oortraits
data in new ways to addressnew questions. A1- in different historical erasto seehow sender re-
though the data may have been reactive when lations within the family are reflected in seating
first collected, a researcher can address new patterns. Urban anthropologists have examined
questions without reactive effects. the contents of garbagedumps to learn about
life-styles from what is thrown away (e.g.,liquor
bottles indicate level of alcohol consumpti;n).
Based on garbage, people underreport their

The Logic of Nonreactive Research

Nonreactive measurement begins when a re-

searchernotices something that indicates a vari-
able of interest. The critical thing about
nonreactive or unobtrusiyemeasures(i.e., mea- Fosterand colleagues (l 99S) examined the tomb_
sures that are not obtrusive or intrusive) is that stonesin I 0 cemeteries in an areaof lllinoisfor the
the people being studied are not aware of it but periodfrom 'l 830 to 'l 989. Thevretrieved dataon
leave evidence oftheir social behavior or actions birthand deathdatesandgenderfrom over2,000
"naturally." The observant researcher infers of the 2,028 burials.The researchers learnedthe
from the evidenceto behavior or attitudes with- areadifferedfrom somenationaltrends.Thevfound
out disrupting the people being studied. Unno- that conceptions hadtwo peaks(springandwinter),
ticed observation is also a type of nonreactive femalesaged'l 0 to 64 hada higherdeathratethan
measure. For example, McKelvie and Schamer males,andyoungerpeopledied in latesummerbut
(1988) unobtrusively observedwhether drivers olderpeoplein latewinter.
stopped at stop signs. They made observations

Iiquor consumptionby 40 to 60 percent(Rathje thosewho had psychologicalproblemsin latter

andMurphy, 1992:7l). Researchers havestudied Iife versusthosJwho did not. (AlsoseeBox 9'2')
the listenlnghabitsof driversby checkingwhat Recording and Documentation
stationstheir radiosare tuned to when carsare
repaired.They havemeasuredinterestin differ- Creatingnonreactivemeasuresfollowsthe logic
ent exhibitsby noting worn tiles on the floor in of quaniitativemeasurement.A researcherfirst
differentparts of a museum.They havestudied conceptualizes a construct,then links the con-
differencesin graffiti in maleversusfemalehigh structlo nonreactiveempiricalevidence,which
schoolrestroomsto show genderdifferencesin is its measure.The operationaldefinition of the
themes.Somehaveexaminedhigh schoolyear- variableincludeshow the researchersystemati-
books to comparethe high schoolactivitiesof callynotesand recordsobservations'

Example: A researcher findsthe numberof reamsof

PhysicalTraces .l
paperpurchased by a collegedean'sofficefor 0 years
Erosion: Wear suggestsgreateruse. whenstudentenrollmentwasstable'A sizableincrease
Example: A researcherexamines toys at a
children's suggeststhat bureaucratic paperworkhasincreased'
day care that were purchasedat the sametime'
Worn-outtoys suggestgreaterinterestby the chil- Observation
ExtemalAppearance: How peopleapPearmayindi-
of physicalevidencesug-
Accretion; Accumulation cate socialfactors.
gestsbehavior. Example: A researcherwatchesstudents to see
E arptet A researcher the brandsof alu- whetherthey are more likelyto weartheir school's
minumbeveragecans in trash or recyclingbins in colorsandsymbolsafterthe schoolteamwonor lost'
male and femaledormitories.This indicatesthe
CountBehaviors: Countinghow many peopledo
brandsand typesofbeveragesfavoredby eachsex'
somethingcanbe informative.
Example: A researcher countsthe numberof men
and womenwho come a full stop and those who
Running Records: Regularly produced public cometo a rollingstop at a stop sign'This suggests
recordsmayrevealmuch. genderdifferencein drivingbehavior'
Example: A researcher examinesmarriagerecords
TimeDuration: How long peopletake to do things
for the brideand groom'sages.Regionaldifferences
mayindicatetheir attention.
suggest that the preferencefor males marrying measures how longmenand
Exinple: A researcher
y*g", femalesis greater in certainareasof the the painting of a nudeman
womenpausein front of
country. paintingof a nudewoman' TimemaY
andin front of a
or interestin same or cross-
OtherRecords: lrregularor privaterecordscan re- indicateembarrassment
veala lot. sexnudity bY each sex.
A N D S E C O N D A R YA N A L Y S I S 227

Becausenonreactivemeasuresindicate a thor of this book, wrote words and drew dia_

constructindirectly,the researcher needsto rule gramsto communicateresearchmethodscon_
out reasonsfor the observationother than the tent to you, the student.The way the book was
constructof interest.For example,a researcher written and the way you readit arewithout any
wantsto measurecustomerwalking traffic in a knowledgeor intention of its everbeingcontent
store.The researcher's measureis dirt and wear analyzed.
on floor tiles. He or shefirst clarifieswhat the Contentanalysisletsa researcher revealthe
customertraffic means(e.g.,Is the floor a path content (i.e., messages, meanings,etc.) in a
to anotherdepartment?Doesit indicatea good sourceof communication (i.e., a book, article,
locationfor a visualdisplay?)Next,he or shJsys- movie, etc.). It lets him or her probe into and
tematicallymeasuresdirt or wear on the tiles. discoyercontentin a differentway from the or_
comparesit to that in other locations,and dinaryway of readinga book or watchinga tele_
recordsresultson a regularbasis(e.g.,every vrsronprogram.
month). Finally,the researcherrules out other With content analysis,a researchercan
reasonsfor the observations(e.g.,the floor tile is comparecontentacrossmany textsand analyze
of lower quality and wearsfaster,or the location it with quantitativetechniques(e.g.,chartsand
is nearan outsideentrance). tables).In addition, he or shecanievealaspects
of the text's contentthat aredifficult to see.l.or
example,you might watch televisioncommer_
cialsand feel that non-Whites rurely appearin
CONTENT ANATYSIS commercialsfor expensiv. .orrsrrm", goods
What ls Content Analysis? (e.g.,luxury cars,furs, jewelry perfumefetc.).
Content analysiscan document-in obiective.
Content analysisis a techniquefor gatheringand quantitativeterms-whether your vaguefeel_
analyzingthecontentof text. The contentlefers ings basedon unsystematicobservaiionare
to words, meanings,pictures,symbols,ideas, true. It yields repeatable,preciseresultsabout
themes,or any message that can be communi_ the text.
cated. The text is anything written, visual, or Content analysis involves random sam_
spokenthat servesasa medium for communica_ pling,precisemeasurement, andoperational
-Coding de_
tion. It includesbooks,newspaperandmagazine finitions for abstractconstructs. turns
articles;advertisements, speeches, official docu- aspectsof content that representvariablis into
ments,films andvideotapes, musicallyrics,pho_ numbers. After a content analysisresearcher
tographs,articlesof clothing,and works of art. gathersthe data,he or sheanalyzesthem with
The content analysisresearcherusesobjec- statisticsin the sameway that an experimenter
tive and systematiccountingand recordingpro- or surveyresearcher would.
ceduresto producea quantitativedescriptionof
the symboliccontent in a text.2There are also
qualitative or interpretive versionsof content Topics Appropriate for
analysis,but in this chapterthe emphasisis on Content Analysis
quantitativedataabouta text'scontent. Researchershaveusedcontentanalysisfor many
Contentanalysisis nonreactivebecausethe purposes:to studythemesin popular songsand
processof placingwords, messages, or syrnbols religioussymbolsin hgnns, trendsin theiopics
in a text to communicateto a readeror receiver that newspaperscoverand the ideologicaltone
occurswithout influencefrom the researcher of newspapereditorials,sex-rolestereltypesin
who anallzesits content.For example,I, asau- textbooksor featurefilms, how often peopleof
2 28 pA RTT wo / c o N D u c rl N c QU A N T l rArl vER E S E A R cH

differentracesappearin televisioncommercials systemis a setof instructionsor ruleson how to

and programs,answersto open-endedsurvey systematically observeand recordcontentfrom
questions,enemypropagandaduring wartime, text.A researcher tailorsit to the specifictype of
the coversof popular magazines,personality text or communicationmedium being studied
characteristics from suicidenotes,themesin ad- (e.g.,televisiondrama,novels,photosin maga-
vertisingmessages, genderdifferencesin conver- zine advertisements, etc.). The coding system
sations,and so on. alsodependson the researcher's unit of analysis.
Generalizations that researchers make on For example,in the studyby Lauzenand Dozier
the basisof content analysisare limited to the (2005)on genderstereotFpes in the most poprr-
cultural communicationitself.Content analysis lar U.S.films in 2002 (discussedin Chapter4),
cannot determinethe truthfulnessof an asser- the authorsdevelopeda codingsystembasedon
tion or evaluatethe aestheticqualitiesof litera- prior studiesof prime-timetelevisionshowsand
ture. It revealsthe content in text but cannot film.
interpretthe content'ssignificance.Researchers
shouldexaminethe text directly. Units. The unit of analysiscanvarya greatdeal
Content analysisis usefulfor threetypesof in contentanalysis.It canbe a word, a phrase,a
researchproblems.First, it is helpfirl for prob- theme,a plot, a newspaperarticle, a character,
lems involving a large volume of text. A re- and so forth. In additionto units of analysis,re-
searchercanmeasurelargeamountsof text (e.g., searchers useotherunits in contentanalysisthat
yearsof newspaperarticles)with samplingand may or may not be the sameasunits of analysis:
multiple coders.Second,it is helpful when a recordingunits, contextunits, and enumeration
topic must be studied"at a distance."For exam- units.Therearefewdifferences amongthem,and
ple,contentanalysiscanbe usedto studyhistor- they are easilyconfused,but eachhaga distinct
ical documents,the writings of someonewho role.In simpleprojects,all threearethe same.
hasdied,or broadcasts in a hostileforeigncoun-
try. Finally,contentanalysiscanrevealmessages What Is Measured? Measurementin content
in a text that are difficult to seewith casualob- analysisusesstructuredobservation: systematic,
servation.The creatorof the text or thosewho carefirlobservationbasedon written rules.The
readit may not be awareof all its themes,biases, rules explain how to categoize and classifyob-
or characteristics.For example,authors of servations.As with other measurement,cate-
preschoolpicture books may not consciously gories should be mutually exclusive and
intend to portray childrenin traditional stereo- exhaustive.Written rulesmakereplicationpos-
typed sexroles,but a high degreeofsex stereo- sible and improve reliability. Although re-
typing has been revealed through content searchersbegin with preliminary coding rules,
analysis.3 they often conducta pilot studyand refinecod-
ing on the basisof it.
Codingsystemsidentifr four characteristics
Measurement and Coding of text content: frequency,direction; intensity,
General Issues. Carefirl measurementis cru- and space.A researcher measuresfrom oneto all
cial in content analysisbecausea researcher four characteristicsin a contentanalysisresearch
convertsdiffrrseand murky symboliccommuni- project.
cation into precise,objective,quantitativedata.
He or shecarefullydesignsand documentspro- Frequency. Frequencysimply meanscounting
ceduresfor codingto makereplicationpossible. whether or not somethingoccursand, if it oc-
The researcheroperationalizesconstructsin curs,how often.For example,how many elderly
content analysiswith a coding system.A coding peopleappearon a televisionprogramwithin a
A N D S E C O N D A R YA N A L Y S I S 229

given week? What percentage of all characters words or phrases, and puts the text into a form
are they, or in what percentage of programs do that computers can read.4
they appear? Manifest coding is highly reliable because
the phrase or word either is or is not present.
Direction. Direction is noting the direction of Unfortunately, manifest coding does not take
messagesin the content along some continuum the connotations of words or phrases into ac-
(e.g., positive or negative, supporting or op- count. The same word can take on different
posed). For example, a researcherdevisesa list of meanings depending on the context. The possi-
ways an elderly television character can act. bilitythat there are multiple meanings of aword
Some are positive (e.g., friendly, wise, consider- limits the measurement validity of manifest
ate) and some are negative (e.g., nasty, dull, coding.
selfish). For example, I read a book with a red cover
that is a real red herring. Unfortunately, its pub-
Intensity. Intensity is the strength or power of a lisher drowned in red ink because the editor
messagein a direction. For example, the charac- could not deal with the redtapethatoccurs when
teristic of forgetfulness can be minor (e.g., not a book is redhot. The book has a story about a
remembering to take your keys when leaving red fire truckthat stops at redlights only after the
home, taking time to recall the name of someone leavesturn red.Thereis also a group of Redswho
you have not seen in years) or major (e.g., not carry red flags to the little red schoolhouse. They
remembering your name, not recognizing your are opposed by red-blooded redneckswho eatred
children). meat and honor the red, white, and blue. The
main character is a red-nosed matador who fights
Space. A researchercan record the sizeof a text redfoxes,not bulls, with his redcape. Red-lipped
messageor the amount of spaceor volume allo- little Red Riding Hood is also in the book. She
cated to it. Spacein written text is measured by develops red eyesand becomes red-faced. after
counting words, sentences,paragraphs, or space eating a lot of redpeppets in the redhghtdistrict.
on a page (e.g.,squareinches).For video or au- She is given a redbackside by her angry mother,
dio text, space can be measured by the amount aredhead.
of time allocated. For example, a TV character In the study of gender stereot)?es in films in
may be present for a few secondsor continu- 2002, Lauzen and Dozier (2005) largely used
ously in every sceneof a two-hour program. manifest coding. Coders coded eachcharacter in
a film as male or female, the estimated age of
each character in one of7 categories,the occu-
Coding, Validity, and Reliability
pation ofeach character, and whether a charac-
Manifest Coiling. Coding the visible, surface ter was formally appointed to provide guidance
content in a text is calTedmanifestcoding. For ex- or direction in a group or informally emgered in
ample, a researchercounts the number of times su-cha function.
a phrase or word (e.g., red) appears in written
text, or whether,a specific action (e.g.,a kiss) ap- Latent Coiling. A researcher asing latent cod-
pears in a photograph or yideo scene.The coa- ing (also called semantic analysis) looks for the
ing system lists terms or actions that are then underlying, implicit meaning in the content of a
located in text. A researchercan use a computer text. For example, a researcher reads an entire
program to search for words or phrases in text paragraph and decideswhether it contains erotic
and have a computer do the counting work. To themes or a romantic mood. The researcher's
do this, he or shelearns about the computer pro- coding system has general rules to guide his or
gram, develops a comprehensive list of relevant her interpretation of the text and for determin-
2 3O pA RTT wo / c o N D U c rtN G e u A N T trA TtvER E S E A R cH

ing whether particular themesor moods are cent of.80 or better is generallyrequired,al-
present. though.70maybe acceptable for exploratoryre-
Latent codingtendsto be lessreliablethan search.When the codingprocessstretchesovera
manifestcoding.It dependson a coder'sknowl- considerabletime period (e.g.,more than three
edgeof languageand socialmeaning.sTraining, months),the researcher alsochecksreliabilityby
practice,and written rules improve reliabiliry having eachcoderindependentlycodesamples
but still it is difficult to consistentlyidentify of text that were previouslycoded.He or she
themes,moods,and the like. Yet, the validity of then checksto seelghetherthe codingis stableor
latentcodingcanexceedthat of manifestcoding changing.For example,six hours of television
becausepeoplecommunicatemeaningin many episodesare codedin April and codedagainin
implicit waysthat dependon context,not just in )uly without the coderslooking at their original
specificwords. codingdecisions.Largedeviationsin codingne-
A researchercan useboth manifestand Ia- cessitate retrainingand codingthe text a second
tent coding.Ifthe two approachesagree,the fi- time.
nal result is strengthened;if they disagree,the In the studyof the 100most popularU.S.
researchermay want to reexaminethe opera- films of 2002byLauzenandDozier(2005),three
tional and theoreticaldefinitions. graduatestudentsworked ascoders.During an
initial training period they studied the coding
IntercoderReliability. Content analysisoften systemandvariabledefinitions.Next,the coders
involvescoding information from a very large practicedby codingindependentof.oneanother
number of units. A researchproject might in- severalfilms that were not in the study then
volveobservingthe contentin dozensof books, comparingand discussingresults.For codingof
hundredsof hours of televisionprogramming, study films, 10 percentof all films were double
or thousandsof newspaperarticles.In addition codedto calculateintercoderreliability mea-
to coding the information personally,a re- sures.Intercorderreliability measureswere cal-
searchermayhire assistants to helpwith the cod- culatedfor eachvariable.For the genderof the
ing. He or sheteachescodersthe codingsystem major characterin the film it was.99,for occu-
and trains them to fill out a recordingsheet. pation of the chactersit was.91,and for the age
Codersshouldunderstandthe variables,follow of charactersit was.88.
the codingsystem,and askabout ambiguities.A
researcher recordsall decisionshe or shemakes ContentAnnlysiswithVisual Material. Using
about how to treat a new specificcoding situa- content analysisto study visual "text," such as
tion after codingbeginsso that he or shecanbe photographs, paintings, statues, buildings,
consistent. clothing,andvideosand film, is difficult. It com-
A researcherwho usesseveralcodersmust municatesmessages or emotionalcontent indi-
alwayscheckfor consistencyacrosscoders.He rectlythrough images,qrnbols, and metaphors
or she doesthis by askingcodersto codethe Moreover,visual imagesoften contain mixed
sametext independentlyand then checkingfor messages at multiple levelsof meaning.
consistenryacrosscoders.The researchermea- To conductcontent analysison visualtext,
suresintercoderreliabilitywith a statisticalcoef- the researchermust "read" the meaning(s
ficientthat tellsthe degreeof consistencyamong within visualtext. He or shemust interpretsigns
coders.The coefficientis alwaysreportedwith and discoverthe meaningsattachedto syrnbolic
the resultsofcontent analysisresearch. Thereare images.Such"reading" is not mechanical(i.e.,
severalintercoderreliabilitymeasures that range imageX alwaysmeansG); it dependsheavilyon
from 0 to 1, with 1.0 signifying perfect agree- the cultural contextbecausethe meaningof an
ment among coders.An interreliability coeffi- imageis culturebound. For example,a red light

does not inevitablymean "stop"; it means "stop" and dress) in the photographs and the recurrent
onlyln cultures where people have given it that use of major syrnbols, such as the Statute of Lib-
meaning. People construct cultural meanings efty or the U.S. flag, communicated messages.
that they attach to syrnbolic images, and the Chavez argued that magazine covers are a
meanings can changeover time. Some meanings site, or location, where cultural meaning is cre-
are clearer and more firmly attached to s).rnbols ated. Visual images on magazine covers have
and imagesthan others. multiple levels of meaning, and viewers con-
Most people share a common meaning for struct specific meanings as they read the image
key symbols of the dominant culture, but some and use their cultural knowledge. Collectively,
people mayread a qnnbol differently. For exam- the covers convey a worldview and expressmes-
ple, one group of people may "read" a national sagesabout a nation and its people. For example,
flag to mean patriotism, duty to nation, and a magazine cover that displayed the icon of the
honor of tradition. For others, the same flag Statute of Liberty as strong and full of compas-
evokes fear, and they read it to indicate govern- sion (message:welcome immigrants) was altered
ment oppression, abuse of power, and military to have strong Asian facial features (message:
aggressio4.A researcherpursuing the content Asian immigrants distorted the national culture
analysisof imagesneedsto be aware of divergent and altered the nation's racial make-up), or
readings of symbols for people in different holding a large stop sign (message:go away im-
situations or who may have diverse beliefs and migrants). Chavez (2001: a$ observedthat "im-
experiences. ages on magazines both refer to, and in the
Sociopolitical groups may invent or con- process,help to structure and construct contem-
struct new symbols with attached meanings porary'American' identity." (SeeBox 9.3 for an-
(e.g., a pink triangle came to mean gay pride). other content analysisexample.)
They may wrestle for control of the meaning of
major existing symbols. For example, some peo-
How to Conduct Content Analysis
ple want to assigna Christian religious meaning
to the Christmas tree; others want it to represent
a celebration of tradition and familyvalues with- QuestionFormulntion As in most research,
out specific religious conten| others seeits ori- content analysisresearchers begin with a re-
gins as an anti-Christian pagan symbol; and still searchquestion.When the questioninvolves
others want it to mean a festive holiday season variablesthat are messages or syrnbols,content
for commercial reasons. Becauseimages have analysismay be appropriate.For example,I
symbolic content with complex, multilayer want to study how newspapers covera political
meaning, researchersoften combine qualitative campaign.My construct"coverage"includesthe
judgments about the images with quantitative amountof coverage, the prominenceof the cov-
data in content analysis. erage,and whetherthe coveragefavorsone can-
For example, Chavez (2001) conducted a didateoveranother.I could surveypeopleabout
content analysisof the coversof major U.S. mag- what theythink of the newspapercoverage, but a
azines that dealt with the issue of immigration better strategyis to examinethe newspapers di-
into the United States.Looking at the covers of rectlyusingcontentanalysis.
10 magazinesfrom the mid-1970s to the mid-
1990s,he classified the covers as having one of Units of Analysis. A researcher decideson the
three major messages:affirmative, alarmist, or units of analysis(i.e.,the amount of text that is
neutral or balanced. Beyond his classification assigneda code).For example,for a political
and identifring trends in messages,he noted campaign,eachissue(or day) of a newspaperis
how the mix of people (i.e., race, gender, age, the unit of analysis.

Two studiesthat examinedrace-ethnicityand ad- In anotherstudy,Mastroand Atkin (2002) ex-

vertisingin the UnitedStatesillustratehow content aminedwhetheralcohol advertisingto promote
analysisis conducted.Mastro and Stern (2003) brandsand makedrinkingappearglamorousinflu-
wantedto seewhethertelevisionadvertisingrepre- encedhigh schoolstudentswho are too young to
sents major racial-ethnicgroups proportionateto drink legally.They lookedat alcoholsignsand bill-
their presencein U.S.society.Theyexamined a one- boardsin a Mexican-American Chicagoneighbor
week randomsampleof prime-timetelevisionpro- hood.Theyfirst photographed alloutdoorbillboard
grammingfor sixU.S.televisionnetworks(ABC,CBs, and signsconcerning alcoholin the neighborhoo
NBC,Fox,UPN,and WB) drawnfrom a three-week overa two-dayperiodin March'l 999. After a period
periodin February2001. Primetime was Monday ofcodertraining,two femalegraduatestudentscon-
throughSaturday8:00 1:00 p.v.ESTand tent-analyzed the photographs, codingthe following
Sunday7:OO-11:00 e.r'a. Fourundergraduate stu- variables:product type, product name,numberof
dentsweretrainedascoders.Theyusedtwo unitsof humanmodels,and the race,age,genderof each
analysis:a commercial (excluding localcommercials, model.More subjective-latent aspectsof models
politicaladvertisements, and trailersfor upcoming codedincludedattractiveness, sexiness,stylishnes
programs)and the first three speakingcharactersin friendliness,andactivitylevel.In addition,placemen
a commercial. Variables includedproducttype based of productsand colorsin the billboardwerecoded.
on a 3O-productcodingscheme,setting(e.g.,work, Codersalso classifiedan overalltheme of the bill-
outdoors),relationto product (e.g.,endorse,use, board as romance,individuality,relaxation,sports,
neitheror both), job authority,familystatus,social adventure, or tradition.Next,a questionnaire wasde-
authority,sexualgazing,andaffectivestate(e.g.,cry, velopedfor studentsat a high schoolin the neigh-
showanger,laugh).Other variables includedrespect borhoodwhere89 percentof the studentswere
shownfor a character,character's age,and affability MexicanAmerican.Studentsin grades1 0, 1 1, and
(friendlyor hostile).The study coded 2,880 com- 2 wereaskedto volunteerto completethe survey
mercialswith 2,3 1 5 speakingcharacters, among acrossa three-dayperiod and 23 completedit.
whom2,290 had a race-ethnicityidentified.Data Questionnaireitems askedabout attention, expo-
analysisfoundthat AfricanAmericancharacters were sure,recall,and brandexposureto the outdoorsigns
most often shownadvertisingfinancialservices(1 9 andbillboards aswellasdrinkingintention,approva
percent)or food (.17 percent),Asianswereassoci- of underagedrinking,and pro-drinkingbeliefs.Re-
ated with technologyproducts (30 percent),and sultsshowedthat a student'srecallof billboardim-
Latinoswere shownsellingsoap (40 percent).In agesdid not affect his or her drinkingattitudes
general,Whiteswereslightlyoverrepresented, Blacks However,brandexposureand acceptingthe themes
equallyrepresented, but Asians,Latinos,and Native in the billboardswere associatedwith greaterap-
Americans underrepresented. For example, Latinos provalof underagedrinking.The generalimpacton
are l2 percentof the populationbut had percent the studentswas presentbut not strong.The arr-
of speakingparts, and were usuallyscantlyclad thors suggestedthat the weakimpactwas because
young peoplewith noticeableaccents.The authors there werefew MexicanAmericanmodelsand the
saidthat AfricanAmericans appearin commercials in modelswere older.Also,surveymeasuresof family
a way that approximates their proportionin the beliefssuggestedthat the influenceofthe student's
UnitedStates,but other racialminoritiesare under- familyandculturemayhaveweakened the billboard's
represented or limitedto specificproducts. impacton pro-drinkingattitudes.

Sampling. Researchers oftenuserandomsam- keep track of my sampling procedure. SeeTable

pling in content analysis.First, they define the 9.1 for a sampling frame worksheet in which
population and the samplingelement.For ex- 1,398sample articles are randomlyselected from
ample,the population might be all words, all 140,40I articles.
sentences, all paragraphs, or all articlesin certain
typesof documentsovera specifiedtime period. Variables and Constructing Coding Categories. could includeeachconversation,sit- In my example, I am interested in the construct
uation,scene,or episodeofcertaintypesoftele- of an African American or Hispanic American
vision programsover a specifiedtime period. woman portrayed in a significant leadership
For example,I want to know how women and role. I must define "significant leadership role"
minorities are portrayed in U.S. weekly news- in operational terms and express it as written
magazines. My unit of analysisis the article.My rules for classifring people named in an article.
population includesall articlespublishedin For example, if an article discussesthe achieve-
Time, Newsweek,and U.S.Newsand World Re- ments of someone who is now dead, does the
portbetween1985and 2005.I firstverifrthat the dead person have a significant role? What is a
three magazineswere publishedin thoseyears significant role-a local Girl Scout leader or a
and definepreciselywhat is meantby an "arti- corporate president?
cle." For instance,do film reviewscount asarti- I must also determine the race and sex of
cles?Is therea minimum size(two sentences) for people named in the articles. What if the race
an article? a Is multipart article counted as one and sex are not evident in the text or accompa-
or two articles? nyingphotographs? Howdo I decide on the per-
Second,I examinethe threemagazinesand son's raceand sex?
find that the averageissueof eachcontains45 BecauseI am interested in positive leader-
articlesand that the magazinesarepublished52 ship roles, my measure indicates whether the
weeksper year.With a 2}-yeartime frame,my role was positive or negative. I can do this with
population containsover 140,000articles(3 X either latent or manifest coding. With manifest
45 x 52 X 20 = 140,400). My samplingframeis coding, I create a list ofadjectives and phrases.If
a list of all the articles. I decideon the sam- someone in a sampled article is referred to with
ple sizeand design.After looking at my budget one of the adjectives, then the direction is de-
and time, I decideto limit the sample sizeto cided. For example, the terms brilliant and top
1,400articles.Thus,the sampling ratio is 1 per- performer arepositive, whereas drugkingpin and
cent.I alsochoosea sampling design. I avoid sys- uninspired are negative. For latent coding, I cre-
tematic samplingbecause rnagazrne issues are ate rules to guide judgments. For example, I clas-
published cyclicallyaccording to the calendar sify stories about a diplomat resolving a difRcult
(e.g.,an intervalofevery52ndissueresultsin the world crisis, abusiness executiveunable to make
sameweekeachyear).Because issuesfrom each a firm profitable, or a lawyer winning a caseinto
magazineare important, I use stratified sam- positive or negative terms. (Relevant questions
pling. I stratif'by magazine, sampling I,40013= for coding each article are in Box 9.4.)
467 articlesfrom each.I want to ensure that ar- In addition to written rules for coding deci-
ticlesrepresenteachof the 20 years, so I also sions, a content analysis researcher creates a
stratifyby year.This results in about 23 articles recordingsheef(also called a codingform or tally
per magazineper year. sheet)on which to record information (seeBox
Finally, I draw the random sampleusing a 9.5). Each unit should have a separaterecording
random-numbertableto select23 numbersfor sheet.The sheetsdo not have to be piecesofpa-
the 23 samplearticlesfor eachmagazineforeach per; they can be 3" x 5'' or 4'' X 6" file cards,
year.I developa samplingframe worksheetto or lines in a computer record or file. When a lot

TABLE 9.1 ExcerptfromSamplingFrameWorksheet

Time 1-7,1985
January pP.2-3 000001 No
Time p. 4, bottom 000002 No
Time p. 4, top 000003 Yes- 1 0001

Time March'f
-7,zOOs p p .2-5 002101 Y es-l 0 0454
Time p. 5, right 002102 No
c o l u mn
Time p . 6 ,l eft 002103 No
Tine p .7 002't04 No

Time De c e mb e2r4 -3 1 , 2 0 0 5 pp.4-5 002201 Yes-22 0467

Time p.5,bottom oo2202 No
Time p. 5, top oo2203 Y es-23 0468
Newsweek 1 -7 ,1 9 8 5
J a n u a ry pP.1-2 0 10 0 3 0 No
Newsweek p.3 0 10 0 3 r Yes- l 0469

U.5. News De c e mb e2r5 -3 1 , 2 0 0 5 p .6 2 1 40401 Y es-23 1389

meansthe numberwaschosenfrom a randomnumbertable.The numberafterthe dashis a countofthe numberof
articlesselectedfor a year.


Characteristicsof the article.What is the maga- roles.For each significantpersonin

3. Leadership
zine?What is the date of the article?How large the article,whichoneshaveleadership roles?
is the article?What was its topic area?Where What is the field of leadershipor professionof
did it appearin the issue?Were photographs the person?
used? 4. Positiveor negativeroles.For each leadershipor
2. Peoplein thearticle.How manypeopleare named professional role, rate how positivelyor nega-
in the article?Of these,howmanyaresignificant tivelylt is shown.Forexample,5 : highlyposi-
in the article?What is the raceand sexof each tive,4 = positive,3 : neutral,2 : negative,1 =
personnamed? highlynegative,0 = ambiguous.
A N D S E C O N D A R YA N A L Y S I S 235

Blank Example
Minority/MajorityCroup Representation project
in Newsmagazines
Totalnumberof peoplenamed_ Numberof Photos
No. peoplewith significant
roles:_ ArticleTopic:
Person_: Race:_ Cender:_ Leader?:_ Field?_ Rating:_
Person_: Race:_ Gender:_ Leader?:_ Field?_ Rating:_
Person_: Race:_ Cender:_ Leader?:_ Field?_ Rating:_
Person_: Race:_ Cender:_ Leader?:_ Field?_ Rating:_
Pe r s on' : Rac e :_ C e n d e r:_ Leader?:_ Field?_ Rating:_
Person_: Race:_ Cender:_ Leader?: Field?_ Rating:_
Person_: Race:_ Gender:_ Leader?:_ Field?_ Rating:_
Person_: Race:_ Cender:_ Leader?:_ Field?_ Rating:_

Exampleof Completed RecordingSheetfor One Article

Minority/Majoritycroup Representation project
in Newsmagazines
# 0454 MA C A Z IN ET:i me D A TEMarch
: 1-2,2005 S IZE 14
: col .i n.
Totalnumberofpeoplenamed5 Numberof Photos0
No. peoplewith significantroles:4 ArticleTopic:ForeignAffairs
Person | : Race:White Cender: M Leader?: y Field?Banking Rating: 5
Person 2 : Race:White Cender: M Leader?: N Field?Government Rating:NA
Person 3 : Race:Black Cender: F Leader?:y Field?CivilRiehts Rating: 2
Person 4 : Race:White Cender: F Leader?:y Field?1Qgygryngql Rating: 0
Person_: Race:
_ Cender:_ Leader?: Field?_
_ Rating:
Person_: Race:
_ Cender: Leader?: Field?_
_ _ Rating:
Person_: Race:_ Cender:_ Leader?: Field?
_ Rating:_
Person_: Race:_ Cender: Leader?: Field? Rating:

of information is recorded for each recording utesto read and codean article.This doesnot
unit, more than one sheetof paper can be used. include samplingor locating magazinearticles.
When planning a project, researcherscalculate With approximately1,400articles,that is 350
the work required. For example, during my pi- hours of coding,not countingtime to verifi. the
lot-test, I find that it takes an averageof tS min_ accnracyof coding.Because350 hours is atout
236 P A Rr r wo R E S E A R cH
/ c o N D U c rl N c QU A N T ITA TIvE

nineweeksof nonstopwork at 40 hours a week, searchquestionand variablesin mind,.andthen

I shouldconsiderhiring assistantsascoders. reassemble the information in new waysto ad-
Eachrecordingsheethas a placeto record dressthe research question.
the identificationnumber of the unit and spaces It is difficult to specifrtopicsthat areappro-
for information about eachvariable.I alsoput priatefor existingstatisticsresearch because they
identi$ringinformation aboutthe researchpro- are so varied.Any topic on which information
ject on the sheetin caseI misplaceit or it looks hasbeen collectedand is publicly availablecan
similar to other sheetsI have.Finally, if I use be studied.In fact, existingstatisticsprojects
multiple coders,the sheetremindsthe coderto may not fit neatlyinto a deductivemodel of re-
check intercoder reliability and, if necessary, searchdesign.Rather,researchers creativelyr9-
makesit possibleto recodeinformation for in- organize the existing information into the
accuratecoders.After completingall recording louiiubl"rfor a researchquestionafter first find-
sheetsand checkingfor accuracy,I can begin ing what dataareavailable. i
dataanalysis. E*p.ri-ents arebestfor topicswherethe re-
searchercontrolsa situationand manipulatesan
independentvariable.Surveyresearchis bestfor
lnferences topics where the researcherask questionsand
The inferencesa researchercan or cannotmake learnsaboutreportedattitudesorbehavior.Con-
on the basisofresultsis criticalin contentanaly- tent analysisis best for topics that involve the
sis.Contentanalysisdescribes what is in the text. contentof messages in culturalcommunication.
It cannot reveal the intentions of thosewho cre- Existingstatisticsresearchis bestfor topics
atedthe text or the effectsthat messages in the that involve information routinely collectedby
text have on those who receive them. For exam- largebureaucraticorganizations. Public or pri-
ple,contentanalysisshowsthat children'sbooks vate organizationssystematicallygather many
containsexstereotFpes. That doesnot necessar- typesof information. Suchinformation is gath-
ily mean that children's beliefsor behaviorsare eredfor policy decisionsor asa public service.It
influenced by the stereotypes; suchan inference is rarelycollectedfor purposesdirectlyrelatedto
requires a separate research projecton how chil- a specificresearchquestion.Thus, existingsta-
dren's perceptions develop. tisticsresearchis appropriatewhen a researcher
wantsto test hypothesesinvolving variablesthat
are also in official reports of social,economic,
and political conditions.Theseinclude descrip-
EXISTING STATISTICS/ tions of organizationsor the peoplein them. Of-
DOCUMENTS AND SECONDARY ten, suchinformation is collectedoverlong time
ANALYSIS periods.For example,existingstatisticscan be
usedby a researcherwho wantsto seewhether
Appropriate Topics unemploymentand crimeratesareassociated in
Many tlpes of information about the social 150citiesacrossa 2}-yeatperiod'
world havebeen collectedand are availableto Downey (2005)conductedan existingsta-
the researcher. Someinformation is in the form tistics study on racial inequality (BlackAVhite)
of statistical (books,reports,etc') and living near a toxic pollution sitein Detroit.
that contain numerical information' Other in- He usedcensusdataon the population/housing
formation is in the form of publishedcompila- and manufacturingdirectoriesof manufactur-
tions available in a library or on computerized ing facilities.He alsoidentifiedhighly polluting
records.In eithercase,the researcher cansearch industriesand usedthe EnvironmentalProtec-
through collections of information with a re- tion Agency'sinventory of toxic chemicals.His
A N D S E C O N D A R YA N A L Y S I S 237

unit of analysiswas the censustract. Downey health and nutrition, public safety,education
testedcompetingmodels of environmentalin- and training, worh income,cultureand leisure,
equalitp (1) racistsiting poliry: toxic siteswere socialmobilig, and public parricipation.
placedin Black residentialareas,(2) economic A more specificexampleof a socialindica_
inequality:low-incomepeoplewho are dispro- tor is the FBI'suniform crime index.It indicates
portionatelyBlackmove into areasnear toxic the amount of crime in U.S.society.Socialindi-
sitesbecausethey find low-cost housingthere, catorscanmeasurenegativeaspectsof sociallife,
and (3) residentialsegregation: Whites move suchasthe infant mortality rate (the deathrate
into specificareasand keepout non-Whites.He of infants during the first year of life) or alco-
found greatestsupport for the residentialsegre- holism, or they can indicatepositive aspects,
gation model. Paradoxically,it meant that such as job satisfactionor the percentae of
Blackswerelesslikely thanWhitesto live closeto housingunits with indoor plumbing. Socialin_
a toxic pollution site. This was becauseWhites dicatorsoften inyolve implicit valuejudgments
had obtainedhousing near the factorieswhere (e.g.,which crimes are seriousor what consti-
they worked and kept Blacksfrom moving in tutesa good quality of life).
but those factorieswere the maior sourcei of
toxic pqllution.
Locating Data

Social Indicators LocatingExistingstatistics. The main sources

of existingstatisticsare goyernmentor interna_
During the 1960s,somesocialscientists,dissatis- tional agenciesand private sources.An enor-
fied with the information availableto decision mous volume and varietyof information
makers,spawnedthe "social indicators,move- If you plan to conduct existingstatisticsre-
rment"to developindicatorsof socialwell-being. search,it is
wiseto discussyour interestswith an
Many hopedthat information aboutsocialweli- information professional-in this case,a refer_
beingcould be combinedwith widelyusedindi- encelibrarian, who can point you in the direc_
cators of economicperformancei..g., gross tion of possiblesources.
nationalproduct) to better inform government Many existingdocument5nrs ..frss,'_1fin1
and other policymaking officials. Thus, re- is, publicly availableat libraries-but the time
searchers wantedto measurethe qualityof social and effort it takesto searchfor specificinforma_
life so that such information could influence tion can be substantial.Researchers who con-
public poliry.6 duct existing statisticsresearchspend many
Today,there are many books,articles,and hours in libraries or on the Internet. After the
reportson socialindicators,and evena scholarly information is located,it is recorded
on cards,
journal, SocialIndicatorsResearch, devotedto graphs,or recordingsheetsfor lateranalysis.Of-
the creationand evaluationofsocial indicators. ten, it is alreadyavailablein a format
for com-
The U.S. CensusBureau produced a report, putersto read.For example,insteadof recording
SocialIndicators, and the United Nations has voting datafrom books,a researcher could usea
many measuresof socialwell-beingin different socialsciencedata archiveat the UniversiWof
nations. Michigan(to be discussed).
A socialindicator is any measureof social Thereareso many sourcesthat only a small
well-beingusedin poliry. Thereare many spe- sampleofwhat is availableis discussed here.The
cific indicators that are operationalizationJof single-mostvaluablesourceof statisticalinfor-
well-being.For example,socialindicatorshave mation about the United Statesis
the Statistical
beend€velopedfor the following areas:popula- Abstractof the United States,which has been
tion, family,housing,socialsecurityandwelfare, publishedannually(with a few exceptions)
238 R E S E A R cH
P A RTT wo / c o N D U c rl N c QU AN T IT ATIvE

1878.The StatisticalAbstractis availablein all UNESCOStatisticalYearbook,and United Na-

public librariesand on the Internet and can be tionsStatisticalYearbook.
purchasedfrom the U.S. Superintendentof In addition to governmentstatisticaldocu-
bocuments. It is a selectedcompilation of the ments,there are dozensof other publications'
many official reports and statisticaltablespro- Many are producedfor businesspurposesand
ducedby U.S.governmentagencies. It contains can be obtainedonly for a high cost.They in-
statistical information from hundreds of more clude information on consumerspending,the
detailed government reports' You may want to location of high-incomeneighborhoods,trends
examine more specific government documents. in the economy,andthe like.e
(The detail of what is availablein government Over a dozenpublicationslist characteris-
documentsis mind boggling.For example,you tics ofbusinessesor their executives.Theseare
canlearn that thereweretvvoAfrican American found in largerlibraries.Threesuchpublications
femalesover the ageof 75 in Tucumcari City, are asfollows:
NewMexico,in 1980.)
The Statistical Abstract has over 1,400 Dun qndBradstreet PrincipalIndustrialBusi-
charts,tables,and statisticallists from over 200 nesses is a guide to approximately51'000
governmentand private agencies.It is hard to businesses in 135 countrieswith informa-
graspall that it containsuntil you skim through tion on sales,numberof employees, officers,
ih" tabl.r. A two-volumesetsummarizessimilar andproducts.
information across many years; it is called WhoOwnsWhomcomesinvolumesfor na-
HistoricalStatistics of the U.S.:ColonialTimesto tions or regions(e.g.,North America,the
1970. United Kingdom,Ireland,andAustra'lia).It
Most governmentspublish similar statisti- listsparentcompanies,subsidiaries, and as-
cal yearbooks.Australia's Bureau of Statistics sociatedcomPanies.
producesYearbook Australia,StatisticsCanada of Corporations,
producesCanadaYearbook, New Zealand'sDe-
Directorsand Executives about 37,000
partmentof StatisticspublishesNew ZealandOf-
the U.S.and Canadiancompanies.It hasinfor-
ficialYearbook, andin the United Kingdom,
Ab- mation on corporations,products,officers,
Central Statistics Office publishes Annual
industries,and salesfigures.
stractof Statistics.T Many nationspublish books
with historical statistics,aswell.
Locating government statisticaldocuments Many biographicalsourceslist famouspeo-
is an art in itself.Some publications existsolelyto ple and provide background information on
the American them. Theseareusefulwhen a researcher wants
assistthe researcher. For example,
Guide and to learn about the socialbackground, career,or
StatisticsIndex: A Comprehensive
of the U.S. other characteristics of famous individuals. The
Index to the Statistical Publications
Governmentand StatisticsSources:A Subject publicationsare compiledby companiesthat
Guideto Data on Industrial,Business, SocialEdu- sendout questionnairesto peopleidentified as
cation,Financial and Other Topics the U.S'and "important" by some criteria. They are public
Internationqlly are two helpful guides for the ,o,rt."t of information' but they dependon the
United States.s The United Nations and interna- cooperationand accuraryof indMdualswho are
tional agencies suchastheWorld Bankhavetheir selected.
Politicshasits own specialized publications.
own publicationswith statisticalinformation for
Therearetwo basic types. One has biographical
information on contemporary politicians.The
of the labor force working in agriculture,birth
Yearbook, other type has information on voting, laws en-
rates)-for example,theDemographic

acted,and the like. Here are three examplesof Large-scaledata collection is expensive and
politicalinformationpublicationsfor the United difficult. The cost and time required for a major
States: national surveythat usesrigorous techniques are
prohibitive for most researchers. Fortunately,
Almanacof AmericanPoliticsis a biannual the organization, preservation, and dissemina-
publicationthat includesphotographsanda tion of major survey data sets have improved.
short biographyof U.S. governmentoffi- Today, there are archives ofpast surveysthat are
cials. Committee appointments, voting open to researchers.
records,and similar information are pro- The Inter-University Consortium for Polit-
vided for membersof Congressand leaders ical and Social Research(ICPSR) at the Univer-
in the executivebranch. sity of Michigan is the world's major archive of
America Votes:A Handbookof Contempo- social sciencedata. Over 17,000 survey research
and related sets of information are stored and
raryAmericanElectionStatisticscontainsde- information by county for made available to researchers at modest costs.
most statewideand national offices. Pri- Other centers hold survey data in the United
mary electionresultsare includeddown to Statesand other nations.lo
A widely used source of survey data for the
the countylevel.
United Statesis the GeneralSocialSurvey (GSS),
Vital StatisticsonAmericanPoliticsprovides which has been conducted annually in most
dozensof tableson political behavior,such years by the National Opinion ResearchCenter
as the campaignspendingof everycandi- at the University of Chicago. In recent years, it
date for Congress,their primary and final has covered other nations as well. The data are
votes,ideologicalratingsby variouspolitical made publicly availablefor secondaryanalysisat
': organizations,and a summary of voter reg-
a low cost (seeBox 9.6).
istrationregulationsby state.

Another sourceof public information con- Limitations

sistsof listsof organizations(e.g.,business,edu- Despitethe growth and popularity of secondary
cational,etc.)producedfor generalinformation data ana\sis and existing statistics research,
purposes.A researchercan sometimesobtain therearelimitationsin their use.The useof such
membershiplists of organizations.There are techniquesis not troublefreejust becausea gov-
alsopublicationsof public speeches givenby fa-
ernment agenq/or researchorganizationgath-
mouspeople. ered the data. One danger is that a researcher
may usesecondarydataor existingstatisticsthat
Second.ary SurveyData. Secondaryanalysisis are inappropriatefor his or her researchques-
a specialcaseof existing statistics;it is the re- tion. Beforeproceeding,a researcher needsto
analysisof previouslycollectedsurveyor other considerunits in the data (e.g.,qpes of people,
datathat were originally gatheredby others.As organizations),the time and placeof data col-
opposedto primary research(e.g.,experiments, lection,the samplingmethodsused,andthe spe-
surveys,and content analysis),the focus is on cific issuesor topicscoveredin the data(seeBox
analryzingratherthan collecting data. Secondary 9.7).For example,a researcher wantingto ex-
analysisis increasinglyusedby researchers. It is amine racial-ethnic tensionsbetweenLatinos
relatively inexpensive;it permits comparisons and Anglosin the United Statesusessecondary
acrossgroups,nations, or time; it facilitates data that includes only the Pacific Northwest
replication; and it permits askingabout issues and New Englandstatesshould reconsiderthe
not thought ofby the original researchers. questionor the useofdata.

The GeneralSocialSurvey(GSS)is the best-known and in 2000, it wasintergrouprelationsand multi-

setof surveydatausedby socialresearchers for sec- culturalism.
ondaryanalysis. The mission of the GSS is "to make Interviewers collectthe data through face-to-
timely, highquality,scientifically
relevantdata avair- faceinterviews.The NORCstaffcarefullyselectsin-
able to the socialscienceresearchcommunity" terviewersand trains them in social science
(Davisand Smith,1 992:1).lt is available in many methodologyand surveyinterviewing. About 1 20
computer-readable formatsand is widelyaccessible to 1 40 interviewers work on the GSS eachyear.
for a low cost. Neitherdatasetsnor codebooksare About 90 percentarewomen, and most aremiddle
copyrighted.Usersmay copy or disseminate them aged.The NORCrecruitsbilingualand minorityin-
withoutobtainingpermission. You can find results terviewers.Interviewerswith respondentsare'race-
usingthe CSSin over 2,000 research articlesand matchedwith respondents.Interviewsare typically
books. 90 minuteslong and containapproximately 500
The NationalOpinionResearch Center(NORC) questions.The responserate has been 71 to 79
has conductedthe CSS almostevery year since percent.The majorreasonfor nonresponse is a re-
1972. A typicalyear'ssurveycontainsa random fusalto participate.
.l The InternationalSocialSurveyProgramconducts
sampleof about ,500 adultU.S.residents. A team
of researchers selectssomequestionsfor inclusion, similarsurveysin other nations.Beginningwith the
andindividual researchers canrecommend questions. CermanALLBUSand BritishSocialAttitudesSurvey,
They repeatsome questions and topics each year, participationhasgrownto include33 nations.The
includesome on a four- to six-yearcycle, and add goal is to conducton a regularbasislarge-scale na-
other topicsin specificyears.Forexample, in 998, tionalgeneralsurveysin whichsomecommonques-
the specialtopic wasjob experiences and religion, tions areaskedacrosscooperatingnations.

A seconddangeris that the researcherdoes sion by quoting statisticsin greaterdetail than

not understandthe substantivetopic. Because warrantedand "overloading"the details.For ex-
the data are easilyaccessible, researcherswho ample,existingstatisticsreport that the popula-
know very little about a topic could makeerro- tion of Australiais 19,169,083, but it is betterto
neousassumptions or falseinterpretationsabout saythat it is a little over 19 million. One might
results.Beforeusinganydata,a researcher needs calculatethe percentage of divorced peopleas
to be well informed about the topic. For exam- L5.65495 in a secondary data analysis of the 2000
ple,ifa researcherusesdataon high schoolgrad- GeneralSocialSurvey,but it is better to report
people aredivorced'r I
uation ratesin Germanywithoutunderstanding thatabout15.7percentof
the Germanysecondaryeducationsystemwith
its distinct academicandvocationaltracks,he or Units of Analysisand VariableAttributes, A
she may make seriouserrors in interpreting commonproblemin existingstatisticsis finding
results. the appropriateunits of analysis.Many statistics
A third danger is that a researchermay arepublishedfor aggregates, not the individual.
quotestatisticsin greatdetailto givean impres- For example,a tablein a governmentdocument
sion of scientificrigor. This can lead to the has information (e.g., unemployment rate,
fallacy of misplacedconcreteness, which occurs crimerate,etc.)for a state,but the unit of analy-
when someonegivesa falseimpressionof preci- sis for the researchquestion is the individual

obtain raw information on each respondent

from archives.
A relatedprobleminvolvesthe categories of
variableattributesusedin existingdocumentsor
Almosteverycountryconductsa census,or a regu- surveyquestions.This is not a problemif the ini-
larcountof its population.Forexample, Australiahas tial data were gatheredin many highly refined
d o neso si nce'l 88. |, Canadas i n c eI8 7 .| , a n dth e categories.Theproblemariseswhenthe original
UnitedStatessinceI 790. Most nationsconducta datawere collectedin broad categoriesor ones
censusevery5 or I 0 years.ln additionto the num- that do not matchthe needsof a researcher. For
ber of people,censusofficialscollectinformationon
example,a researcheris interestedin peopleof
topicssuchas housingconditions,ethnicity,religious
Asian heritage.If the racial and ethnic heritage so forth.
categoriesin a documentare "White," "Black,"
The censusis a majorsourceof high-qualityex-
and "Other," the researcher hasa problem.The
istingstatisticaldata,but it can be controversial. In
"Other" categoryincludespeopleof Asian and
Canada,an attempt to count the numberof same-
sex coupleslivingtogetherevokedpublicdebate
aboutwhetherthe governmentshoulddocumentthe lectedin refinedcategories but is publishedonly
changesin society.In Creat Britain,the Muslimmi- in broad categories.It takesspecialefFortto dis-
nority welcomedquestionsabout religionin the coverwhethermore refined information was
200,| censusbecausethey felt that they had been collectedor is publicly available.
officiallyignored.In the UnitedStates,the measure-
ment of raceand ethnicitywashotly debated,so in Valiility. Validity problems occur when the
the 2000 census,peoplecould placethemselves in researcher'stheoretical definition does not
multipleracial,/ethnic categories. matchthat of the governmentagencyor organi-
The U.S.2000 censusalsogenerateda serious zation that collectedthe information. Official
publiccontroversybecauseit missedthousandsof policiesand proceduresspeci$'definitions for
people,mostfrom low-incomeareaswith concentra- official statistics.For example,a researcherde-
tions of recent immigrantsand racialminorities. fines a work injury as including minor cuts,
Somedoublecountingalsooccurredof peoplein bruises,and sprainsthat occur on the job, but
highincomeareaswheremanyownedsecondhomes. the official definition in governmentreports
A contentiousdebatearoseamongpoliticians to end only includesinjuries that require a visit to a
miscountsby usingscientificsamplingand adjusting physicianor hospital.Many work injuries,asde-
the census.The politiciansprovedto be lesscon- fined by the researcher, would not be in official
cernedaboutimprovingthe scientifica-curacyofthe statistics.Another exampleoccurswhen a re-
censusthan retainingtraditionalcensusmethods
searcherdefinespeople as unemployedif they
that wouldbenefittheirown politicalfortunesor help
would work if a goodjob wereavailable,if they
their constituencies, becausethe governmentuses
haveto work part time when theywant full-time
censusdata to draw voting districtsand allocate
publicfundsto areas.
work, and if they have given up looking for
work. The official definition, however,includes
only thosewho are now activelyseekingwork
(full or part time) as unemployed.The official
statisticsexcludethosewho stoppedlooking,
(e.g.,"Are unemployedpeoplemore likely to who work part time out of necessity, or who do
commit property crimes?").The potentialfor not look becausethey believeno work is avail-
committing the ecologicalfullu.y is very real in able.In both cases,the researcher's definition
this situation.It is lessof a problem for sec- differsfrom that in official statistics(seeBox
ondary surveyanalysisbecauseresearchers can 9.8).

In most countries,the official unemploymentrate An economicpolicyor labor marketperspective

measures only the unemployed(seebelow)asa per- saysthe rate shouldmeasurethose readyto enter
cent of all would be 50 percent the labormarketimmediately. lt definesnonworking
higherif two othei categoriesof nonemployedpeo- peopleas a supplyof high-qualitylabor,an inputfor
ple were added:involuntarypart-timeworkersand usein the economyavailable to employers.By con-
discouraged workers(seebelow).In somecountries trast, a socialpolicy or human resourceperspective
(e.g.,Swedenand UnitedStates),it wouldbe nearly saysthe rate shouldmeasure thosewho are not cur-
aorUt" if it includedthesepeople.Thisdoesnot con- rently workingto their fullest potential.The rate
siderother nonworkingpeople,transitionalself-em- shouldrepresentpeoplewho are not or cannotfully
ployed,or the underemployed (seebelow).What a utilizetheir talents,skills,or time to the de-
countrymeasures is a theoreticaiandconceptualde- finesnonworkingpeopleas a socialproblemofindi-
finitionissue:What constructshouldan unemploy- viduals unable to realizetheir capacity to be
mentrate measureandwhy measureit? productive,contributingmembersof society.

Categoriesof Nonemployed/FullyUtilized
Unemployedpeople Peoplewho meetthreeconditions:lacka payingjob outsidethe home,are
to find work,can beginwork immediately
takingactivemeasures if it is of-
Involuntarypart-timeworkers Peoplewith a job, but workirregularlyor fewerhoursthanthey areableand
Discouraged Peopleableto workandwho activelysoughtit for sometime,but beingun-
ableto find it, havegivenup looking.
Other nonworking Thosenot workingbecausethey are retired,on vacation,temporarilylaid
off,semidisabled, homemakers, full-timestudents,or in the processof mov-
Transitionalself-employed Self-employed who are not workingfull time becausethey arejust starting
a businessor are goingthroughbankruptcy.
Underemployed Persons with a temporaryfull-timejob for whichthey areseriouslyoverqual-
ified.Theyseeka permanent job in whichthey canfullyapplytheirskillsand

July22, 199 5, p.7 4.


Another validity problem ariseswhen offi- bery arrestsas a proxy. But the measureis not
cial statisticsarea surrogateor proxy for a con- entirelyvalid becausemanyrobberiesarenot re-
struct in which a researcheris really interested' ported to the police,and reportedrobberiesdo
This is necessary becausethe researchercannot not alwaysresultin an arrest.
collectoriginaldata.For example,the researcher A third validity problem arisesbecausethe
wants to know how many people have been researcher lackscontrol overhow information is
robbed,sohe or sheusespolicestatisticson rob- collected.All information, eventhat in official
A N D S E C O N D A R YA N A L Y S I S 243

governmentreports,is originally gatheredby Reliabilitycanbe a seriousproblem in offi-

peoplein bureaucracies aspart oftheir jobs.A cial governmentstatistics.This goesbeyondrec-
researcherdependson them for collecting,or- ognizedproblems,such as the police stopping
ganizing,reporting, and publishing data accu- poorly dressedpeoplemore than well-dressed
rately.Systematicerrors in collectingthe initial people, hence poorly dressed,lower-income
information (e.g.,censuspeoplewho avoidpoor peopleappearmore often in arreststatistics.For
neighborhoodsand make up information, or example,the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
peoplewho put a falseageon a driver'slicense); found a 0.6 percentincreasein the femaleun-
errorsin organizingand reporting information employmentrate after it usedgender-neutral
(e.g.,a police departmentthat is sloppy about measurementprocedures.Until the mid-1990s,
filing crime reportsand losessome);and errors interviewersaskedwomen only whether they
in publishinginformation (e.g.,a gpographical had been "keepinghouseor somethingelse?"
error in a table)all reducemeasurement validity. The women who answered"keeping house"
This kind of problem happenedin U.S.sta- werecategorizedashousewives, and not unem-
tisticson the numberof peoplepermanentlylaid ployed.Because the womenwerenot asked,this
off from their jobs.A universityresearcher reex- occurredevenif the women had been seeking
aminedthe methodsusedto gatherdataby the work. Oncewomen were askedthe sameques-
U.S.Bureauof Labor Statisticsand found an er- tion as men, "Were you working or something
ror. Dataon permanentjob lossescomefrom a else?"more women saidthey werenot working
surveyof 50,000people,but the government but doing "somethingelse"suchaslooking for
agencyfailedto adjustfor a much highersurvey work. This showsthe importanceof method-
nonresponserate.The correctedfiguresshowed ologicaldetailsin how governmentstatisticsget
that insteadof a 7 percentdeclinein the number created.
of peoplelaid offbetween1993andl996,ashad Researchers often use official statisticsfor
beenfirst reported,therewasno change.l2 internationalcomparisonsbut nationalgovern-
mentscollectdatadifferentlyand the quality of
Rekability. Problemswith reliability canplague datacollectionvaries.For example,in 1994,the
existingstatisticsresearch.Reliabilityproblems official unemployment rate reported for the
developwhen official definitionsor the method United Stateswas7 percentlapan'swas2.9 per-
of collectinginformation changesovertime. Of- cent,and France'swas 12percent.If the nations
ficial definitions of work injury disability,un- definedand gathereddatathe sameway,includ-
employment,and the like changeperiodically. ing discouragedworkersand involuntary part-
Evenifa researcher learnsofsuch changes,con- time workersrates,the rateswould havebeen9.3
sistentmeasurementover time is impossible. percentfor the United States,9.6 percentfor
For example,during the early1980s,the method |apan,and I3.7 percentfor France.To evaluate
for calculating the U.S. unemployment rate the quality of official governmentstatistics,The
changed.Previously,the unemployment rate Economistmagazineaskeda team of 20 leading
was calculatedas the number of unemployed statisticiansto evaluatethe statisticsof 13 na-
personsdivided by the number in the civilian tions basedon freedomfrom political interfer-
work force.The new method divided the num- ence, reliability, statistical methodology, and
ber of unemployedby the civilian work force coverageoftopics. The top five nationsin order
plus the number of peoplein the military. Like- were Canada,Australia, Holland, France,and
wise, when police departmentscomputerize Sweden.The United Stateswas tied for sixth
their records,there is an apparentincreasein with Britain and Germany.The United States
crimesreported,not because crimeincreases but spentmore per persongatheringits statistics
due to improvedrecordkeeping. than all nationsexceptAustraliaand it released
2 44 P A RTT w o / c o N D U c rl N G QU A N Tl rA rl vER E S E A R cH

datathe fastest.The quality of U.S.statisticssuf- valuable. Missing information is especiallya

fered from being highly decentralized,having problemwhen researchers coverlong time peri-
fewer statisticiansemployedthan any nation, ods.For instance,a researcherinterestedin the
and politically motivatedcutbackson the range number of work stoppagesand strikes in the
of datacollected.l3 United Statescanobtain datafrom the 1890sto
the present,exceptfor a five-yearperiod after
MissingData. One problem that plaguesre- 1911when the federalgovernmentdid not col-
searcherswho use existingstatisticsand docu- lect the data.(SeeBox 9.9 for an existingstatis-
ments is that of missing data. Sometimes,the tics example.)
datawerecollectedbut havebeenlost.More fre-
quently,the datawerenevercollected.The deci-
sion to collect official information is made
within governmentagencies. The decisionto ask ISSUESOF INFERENCEAND I
questionson a survey whose data arelater made THEORY TESTING
publicly available is made by a group of re-
lnferencesfrom Nonreactive Data
searchers. In both cases, those who decidewhat
to collect may not collect what another re- A researcher's ability to infer causalityor t€st a
searcherneeds order to address a research theory on the basisof nonreactivedata is lim-
question.Governmentagencies startor stopcol- ited.It is difficult to useunobtrusivemeasures to
lecting information for political, budgetary or establishtemporal order and eliminatealterna-
other reasons.For example, during the early tive explanations.In content analysis,a re-
1980s,cost-cuttingmeasures by the U.S. federal searchercannot generalize from the content to
governmentstoppedthe collection of much in- its effectson thosewho read the text' but can
formation that social researchers had found only usethe correlationlogic ofsurvey research

An androgynous first nameis one that canbe for ei- rare (about 3 percent)and that there has been a
ther a girl or boy without clearlymarkingthe child's very slight historicaltrend toward androgyny,but
gender.Somearguethat the feministmovementde- onlyin veryrecentyears.ln addition,parentsgivean-
creasedgendermarkingin a child'snameas part of drogynousnamesto girls more than to boys' and
its broadersocietalinfluenceto reducegenderdis- gendersegregation in namingis unstable(i.e.,a name
tinctionsandinequality.Othersobservethat gender tends to lose its androgynousmeaningover time).
remains the single-most predominant featureof nam- The authorsnoted that the way parentsnam€chil-
ing in most societies. Evenwhen racial groupsor so- drenmimicsa patternof collectivebehaviorfoundto
cial classesinventdistinctivenew first names,the operatein anotherresearcharea:theracialsegrega
genderdistinctionsare retained. tion of neighborhoods. Changein residenceis un-
Lieberson and colleagues (2000) examined ex- equal among races with less movementby the
isting statisticaldata in the form of computerized dominantgroup;the lesspowerfulgroup movesto
recordsfromthe birth certificates of 1 1 millionbirths occupyareasthat the dominantgroup has aban
of Whitechildrenin the stateof lllinoisfrom 1 91 5 to doned;and integrationis unstable,with new segre
1 989. Theyfoundthat androgynous first namesare gationreappearing aftersometime.
A N D S E C O N D A R YA N A L Y S I S 245

to show an association among variables. Unlike bureaucraticor administrative planning pur-

the easeofsurvey research,a researcherdoes not poses.They may not conform to a researcher's
ask respondents direct questions to measure purposesor the purposesof peopleopposedto
variables,but relies on the information available bureaucraticdecisionmakers.For example,a
in the text. government agencymeasuresthe number of
tons of steelproduced,miles of highwaypaved,
EthicalConcerns and averagenumber of peoplein a household.
Information on other conditionssuchasdrink-
arenot attheforefrontof most ing-waterqualiry time neededto commute to
nonreactiveresearchbecausethe peoplebeing work, stressrelatedto a job, or number of chil-
studied are not directly involved. The primary dren needingchild caremaynot be collectedbe-
ethicalconcernis the privacyand confidentiality causeofficials say it is unimportant. In many
of usinginformation gatheredby someoneelse. countries,the grossnational product (GNp) is
Another ethicalissueis that official statisticsare treatedasa critical measureofsocietalprogress.
social and political products. Implicit theories But GNP ignoresnoneconomicaspectsof social
andvalueassumptionsguidewhich information life (e.g.,time spentplayingwith one'schildren)
is collectedandthe categories usedwhengather- and qpes of work (e.g.,housework)that arenot
ing it. Measuresor statisticsthat are definedas paid. The information availablereflectsthe out-
official and collectedon a regularbasisare ob- come of political debateand the valuesof offi-
jectsof political conflict and guidethe direction cialswho decidewhich statisticsto
of policy. By defining one measureas official,
public policy is shapedtoward outcomesthat
would be difFerentif an alternative,but equally
valid, measurehad beenused.For example,the c oN c t u s t o N
collectionof information on many socialcondi- In this chapter, you have learned about several
tions (e.g.,the number of patientswho died types of nonreactive research techniques. They
while in public mentalhospitals)wasstimulated are ways to measure or observe aspectsof social
by political activityduring the GreatDepression life without affecting those who are being stud-
of the 1930s.Previously,the conditionswerenot ied. Theyresult in objective, numerical informa-
defined as sufficiently important to warrant tion that can be analyzed to address research
public attention. Likewise,information on the questions. The techniques can be used in con-
percentageof non-White studentsenrolled in junction with other tlpes of quantitative or
U.S. schools at various agesis availableonly qualitative social research to address a large
since 1953,and for specificnon-White races number of questions.
only sincethe 1970s.Earlier,such information As with any form of quantitative data, re-
wasnot salientfor public policy. searchersneed to be concerned with measure-
Thecollectionof officialstatisticsstimulates ment issues. It is easy to take available
new attentionto a problem,and public concern information from a past survey or government
abouta problemstimulatesthe collectionof new document, but what it measuresmay not be the
officialstatistics.For example,drunk driving be- construct of interest to the researcher.
camea biggerissueoncestatisticswerecollected You should be aware of two potential prob-
on the number of automobileaccidentsand on Iems in nonreactive research.First, the availabil-
whetheralcoholwasa factor in an accident. ity of existing information restricts the questions
Political and socialvaluesinfluencedeci- that a researchercan address. Second, the non-
sions about which existing statisticsto collect. reactive variables often have weaker validity be-
Most officialstatisticsaredesignedfor top-down cause they do not measure the construct of
246 P A RTT wo / c o N D U c rl N G QU AN T l rA rl vE

sec- 4' StoneandWeber (L992)andWeber
interest. Although existing statisticsand r"*-uti""a computerizedcontentanalysis
are low-cost research tecn-
ondarydataanalysis niques.
;i.que;, the researcherlacks control over' 5' S". end."n (1981:58-66)for a discussion
substantialknowledge oi, int a"o collection in content analysis
uUifiy. Coai"g categorization
Drocess. This introducesa potentialsourceot er- is discussed in Holsti (1969:94-126)'
'rors about which researchers need to be espe- in
6. A of socialindicatorscanbe found
(1966)' Duncan
ciallyvigilant and cautious' Carley(1981).Also seeBauer
i" ire next chapter,we move from design- 098i:233-235),Justerand Land
Gilmartin (1980)'
ing researchprojectsand collectingdata-toana- itssz),and Rossiand
yearbook are alsoproduced;
liins. datu.The'analysis techniquesapply to the 7' iufu"y
aboutin the previ- fo, .lu*pt", itatistiches Iahrbuchfor the Federal
Jrru"iituti". data you learned de la
have seenhow to move n prrUti.'of Cermany'AnnuaireStatistique
o.r, .haptets.So far, you Year Book Australia for Aus-,
measures' Francefor France,
from a iopic, to a research design-and Denmark's Statiskisk Ti Arsoversrgt'
how to tralia, and
to collectingdata. Next, you will le-arn of its yearbook
you about iupunp.oa"..s an Englishversion
look at dataand see what they can tell .uU.a tn. Statistical of
Handbook lapan'
question' gov-
a hypothesisor research 8. Guidesexistfor the publicationsofvarious
example' the Guide to British
Ciuun*r"t publications, Australian OfficialPub-
Ke y T e r m s irotlonr, atd lrish Official Publications'Similar
publications existfor mostnations'
accretion measures 9. 3eeChurchilt(1983:140-167) andStewart(1984)
coding for listsof businessinformationsources'
coding system 10. dift* *q"t u.S. archivesof surveydata
ttr. Natio"a Opinion Research Center' University
content analYsis
erosion measures of Chi.ugo, the SurveyResearchCenter'
of C"alifornia-Berkeley; the Behavioral. Sci-
fallacy of misplacedconcreteness sity
of Cincinnati; Data
General SocialSurveY(GSS) Wis--
*d Ptogr"- tiLrary Service,University of
latent coding the Roper Center' University of
manifest coding Connecticut-Storrs; and the Institute for Re-
nonreactive searchin SocialScience, Universityof North Car-
recording sheet olina-ChapelHill. Also seeKiecolt and
StatisticalAbstract of the United States ( 1985)andPar cel (1992)'
structured observation l l . fo. a dlrcr'rsrion oftheseissues,seeDaleand col-
text i.*".. (1988:27-3t), Maier(1991)'and Parcel
0;g2). Horn (1993:138) givesa good-discussion
unobtrusive measures
*ltt ."u-pt.s of the fallacy of misplacedcon-
Endnotes 12. SeeStevenson (1996).
;;. ;;; TheEconomisr, "The Good statisticsGuide"
1. SeeWebbandcolleagues (1981:7-11)' (September lI, lg93), "The OverlookedHouse-
i. po, a.n"itions of content analysis'seeHolsti t..p*" (February 5,1994), and "FewerDamned
(isas,sgz),Krippendorff (r980t2r-24)' Lies?"(March30' I996)'
-Yi:\"tr (1984)'
and associates (1974:5-6),Stone and Weber 14. SeeBlock and Burns (1986)'Carr'Hill
(1992),andWeber (1983,1984,1985:81' 1l' (1g73),Horn (1993)' Maier (1991)'and
"9tt Hindess
e. W.iz-att and (1972)is a classicin this
colleagues Van denBergandVanderVeer(1985)'
Analysisof Quantitative

Dealing with Data
Resultswith One Variable
of CentralTendency
of Variation
Results with Two Variables
A BivariateRelationship
Seeingthe Relationship:
The Scattergram
of Association
More Than Two Variables
Modelof Percentaged
The Elaboration Tables
lnferential Statistics
The Purposeof InferentialStatistics
Levelsof Significance
Type I and Type ll Errors

recordingsheets.However,it getscomplexwhen
ilffi--* the dataarenot well organizedor not originally in
the form of numbers' Researchers developrules
Ifyou reada researchreport or articlebasedon
to assign certain numbers to variable attributes'
quantitative data,you will probably find charts'
For example, a researcher codes males as 1 and fe-
graphs,andtablesfirll ofnumbers.Do notbe in-
malesas 2.Eachcategory of a variableand miss-
ii-idut.d by them. A researcherprovides the
needs a code. A codebook is a
charts,graphs,andtablesto giveyou, the reader' ing information
do=cument (i.e.,one or more pages) describing the
a condensedpicture ofthe data.The chartsand
procedure and the location of data for
tablesallow you to seethe evidencecollected' coding
in a format that computers can use'
When you collect your own quantitativedata, variables
yoo *ill want to usesimilar techniquesto help When you code data, it is essentialto cre-
you seewhat is insidethe data'You will needto ate a well-organized,detailedcodebookand
organizeand manipulatethe datasothey can re- make multiple copiesof it. If you do not write
veal things of interest.In this chapter,you will down the detailsof the coding procedure,or if
learn the fundamentalsof organizingand ana- you misplacethe codebook,you havelostthe
llzingqaantitative data. The analysisof quanti- key to thi dataand may haveto recodethe data
tativedatais a complexfield of knowledge.This again.
chaptercoversonly the basicstatisticalconcepts Researchers begin to think about a coding
to un- procedure and codebook before they collect
and data-handlingtechniquesnecessary
iutu. Fot example, a survey researcher precodes
a questionnaire before collecting data.Precoding
Data collectedusing the techniquesin the
past chaptersare in the form of numbers.The ttt."trr placingthe codecategories(e.g.,1 for
numberi representvalues of variables'which male,2 for female)on the questionnaire.'Some-'
measurecharacteristics of subjects,respondents, times, to reducedependenceon a codebook,
or other cases.The numbersare in a raw form, surveyresearchers alsoplacethe location in the
on questionnaires, note pads,recordingsheets' computerformat the questionnaire'-
or paper.Researchers reorganizethem into a ifa researcher doesnot precode,thefirst step
form suitablefor computers,presentchartsor after collecting data is to createa codebook.He
graphsto summarizetheir features,and inter- or shealso gives each casean identification num-
pret or givetheoreticalmeaningto the results. ber to keeptrack ofthe cases.Next, the researcher
transfersthe information from eachquestion-
naireinto a format that computers canread'
Coding Data Entering Data

Beforea researcherexaminesquantitativedata Most computer programsdesignedfor statistical

to test hlpotheses,he or sheneedsto otganlze analysisneedthe datain a grid format. In the grid'
them in a different form' You encounteredthe each row representsa respondent,subject,or
case.A columnor a setof columnsrepresents spe-
ideaof codingdatain the lastchapter'Here,data
cific variables. is possible to go from a column
numericaldatainto a format that is easyto ana- and row location(e.g.,row 7' column 5) backto
lyze using computers.Researchers createand the original sourceof dutu (e.g.,a questionnaire
consistently apply rules for transferring infor- item on maritalstatusfor respondent8).
from one form to another. For example,a researcher codessurveydata
for threerespondents in a format for computers
Codingcanbea simpleclericaltaskwhenthe
like that presented in Figure 10.1.Peoplecannot
dataarereiorded asnumberson well-organized
CHAPT E R1 O , / A N A L Y S I SO F Q U A N T I T A T I V ED A T A 24]9

F I G URE Coded Data for Three Casesand Codebook

Exerpt from SurveyQuestionnaire

Respondent lD Interviewer
Notethe Respondent's Sex: _ Male _ Female
' The first questionis aboutthe presidentof the UnitedStates.Do you StronglyAgree,Agree,Disagree,
StronglyDisagree, or HaveNo Opinionaboutthe followingstatement:
The President of the UnitedStatesis doinga greatjob.
- strongAgree Agree - Disagree strong Disagree _
- - No opinion
2. Howold areyou?

Excerpt ofCoded Data

etc. (tens)
ry I I 6!!' glr34s6?8' 0113
01 212736302 18273827410239 18.8239+7+61 ... etc.
02 2133348211249881542124218.213984123... etc.
03 42012398211372726312345 17.361487645...etc.
Rawdatafor first threecases,columns1 through42.

Excerpt from Codebook

Column VariableName Description
1-2 ID Respondent
4 Interviewer Interviewer who collectedthe data:
I = Susan
2= X i a
3 : Juan
4 : Sophia
5 : Clarence
Sex Interviewer reportof respondent'ssex
' l = Mal e,2= Femal e
PresJob The presidentof the UnitedStatesis
doinga greatjob.
1 StronglyAgree
2 : Agree
3 : No Opinion
4 = Disagree
5 = StronglyDisagree
Blank= missinginformation

easilyread it, and without the codebook,it ts then usea bar-codereaderto transferthe in-
worthless.It condensesanswersto 50 survey formation into a comPuter.
questionsfor three respondentsinto threelines
or rows.The raw datafor manyresearchprojects Cleaning Data
look like this, except that there may be over
1,000rows, and the lines may be over 100 Accuracyis extremelyimportant when coding
columns long. For example,a l5-minute tele- data.Errorsmadewhen codingor enteringdata
phonesurveyof250 studentsproducesa grid of into a computerthreatenthevalidityof measures
datathat is 250rowsby 240columns. and causemisleadingresults.A researcherwho
The codebookin Figure 10.1saysthat the has a perfectsample,perfectmeasures'and no
first two numbers are identification numbers. errorsin gatheringdata,butwho makeserrorsin
Thus,the exampledataarefor the first (01)' sec- the coding processor in entering datainto a
ond (02), and third (03) respondents. Notice computer,canruin a wholeresearchproject.
that researchers usezeroesasplaceholdersto re- After verycarefulcoding,the researcher ver-
duceconfusionbetweenI and 01.The ls areaI- ifiesthe acctracy of coding,or "cleans" the data.
waysin column 2; the 10sarein column 1. The He or shemay codea 10 to 15 percentrandom
codebooksaysthat column 5 containsthe vari- sampleof the data a secondtime. If no coding
able"sex":Cases1 and2 aremaleand Case3 is errors appear,the researcherproceeds;ifhe or
female.Column 4 tells us that Carlos inter- she finds errors' the researchbrrechecksall
viewedCases1 and 2, and SophiaCase3. coding.
There are four waysto get raw quantitative When the data are in the computer' re-
datainto a computer: searchers verify codingin two ways.Possible code
cleaning(orwild code involves
checkireg) checking
l. Codesheet.Gatherthe information, then the categoriesof all variables for impossible
transferit from the original sourceonto a codes.For example,respondentsexis coded1 =
grid format (codesheet).Next, type what is Male, 2 = Female.Finding a 4 for a casein the
on the codesheetinto a computer,line by field for the sexvariableindicatesa coding error.
line. A second method, contingencycleaning(ot
2. Direct-entrymethod,includingCATL As in- consistency checking),involvescross-classifying
formation is being collected,sit at a com- two variablesand looking for logicallyimpossible
puter keyboardwhile listeningto/observing combinations.For example,educationis cross-
the information and enterthe information, classifiedby occupation. If a respondent is
or have a respondent/subject enter the in- recordedasneverhavingpassedthe eighthgrade
formation himselfor herself.The computer andalsois recordedasbeinga legitimatemedical
must be preprogrammedto accept the doctor,the researcher checksfor a codingerror.
information. A researchercan modifr dataafterthey are
3. Opticalscan.Gatherthe information, then in the computer.He or shemay not usemore re-
enter it onto optical scansheets(or havea fined categoriesthan wereused when cotlecting
respondent/subject enter the information) the original data,but may combine or group in-
by filling in the correct"dots." Next, usean formation. For example, the researcher may
optical scanneror readerto transferthe in- group ratio-levelincome data into five ordinal
formation into a comPuter. categories. Also,he or shecancombineinforma-
4. Bar code.Gathetthe information and con- tion from severalindicators to create.a new
vert it into different widths of bars that are variable or add the responsesto severalques-
associatedwith specificnumerical values, tionnaireitemsinto an index score.
DATA 251

R ESU tTSWITH ONE V A RIA B IE Measuresof Central Tendency

FrequencyDistributions Researchers often want to summarizethe infor_

mation aboutonevariableinto a singlenumber.
The word statistics can mean a set of collected They usethreemeasuresof centraltlndencv, or
(e.g.,numberstelling how many peo_ measures of the centerofthe frequencydistribu_
ple live in a city) aswell as a 6ranch of apiUea tion: mean,median,and mode,which are often
mathematicsusedto manipulate and summa_ calTed.averages (a lesspreciseand lessclearway
rize the featuresof numbers.Socialresearchers of sayingthe same
thing). Eachmeasureof cen_
useboth typesof statistics.Here,we focuson the tral.tendencygoeswith data having a specific
secondt'?e-ways to manipulateand summa_ levelof measurement (seeTable10.i.
rizenumbersthat representdatafrom a research The modeis the easiestto useand can be
project. used with nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio
Descriptivestatisticsdescnbenumerical data. data. It is simply the most common or fre_
They can be categonzedby the number of vari_ quently occurring number. For example,the
ablesinvolved: univariate,bivariate,or multi_ mode of the followinglist is 5: 6 5 7 t0 9-53 5. A
variate (for one, two, and three or more distribution canhavemore than one mode.For
variables).[Jnivariatestatisticsdescnbeone vari_ example,the modeof this list is b oth5 and,7:56
able (uni- refersto one;-variaterefersto vari_ I 2 5 7 4 7.If the list getslong, it is easyto spot
able).The easiestway to describethe numerical the mode in a frequericy
distributionij"" frof.
dataof one variableis with a
frequencydistribu_ for the most frequentscore.Therewill alwaysbe
tion. It canbe usedwith nominJ-, ordinal_,in_ at leastone casewith a scorethat is equalto the
terval-,or ratio-leveldataand takesmanyforms. mode.
For example,I havedatafor 400 respondents.I The medianis the middle point. It is alsothe
can summarizethe information on the gender 50th percentile,
or the point at which half the
of respondentsat a glancewith a raw co.rirto. u casesareaboveit andhalfbelowit. It canbe used
frequencydistribution (seeFigure with ordinal-, interyal-, or ratio_leveldata (but
10.2).I can presentthe sameinformatioi in not nominal level).you can..eyeball',
graphic form. Somecommon typesof graphic but computing the mode,
a median requiresa little more
representations arethe histogram,bar chart, and. work. The easiestway is firit
to organizethe
pie chart.Bar chartsor gtaphsare usedfor dis_ scoresfrom highest
to lowest,then co-untto tire
cretevariables.They canhavea verticalor hori_ middle. If thereis an odd number of scores,it is
zontal orientation with a small spacebetween simple.Sevenpeople
arewaiting for a bus;their
the bars.The terminologyis not elact, but his_ agesare:121720 27 30 55 g0.Themedianageis
togramsareusuallyupright bar graphsfor inter_ 27.Note that the mediandoesnot changeeaiily.
val or ratio data. Ifthe 55-year-oldand the g0-year-old6oth got
For interval-or ratio-leveldata,a researcher on one bus, and the
remaining people wlre
often grqups the information into categories. joined bytwo 31-year-olds,
the rneaianremains
The.groupedcategoriesshould be mutujly ex_ unchanged.Ifthere
is an evennumber of scores,
clusive.Interval- or ratio-level data are often thingsarea bit more complicated.For example,
plotted tn afrequencypolygon.In it the number ut a bus stop hive the following aies:
of casesor frequencyis along the vertical axis, :T^p^.9!t
1720 26 30 50 70.The medianis somewhe-re"be_
and the valuesofthe variableor scoresarealong tween 26 and 30. Compute the median by
the horizontalaxis.A polryon appearswhen the adding the two middle scorestogetherand di_
dotsareconnected. viding by 2, or 26 + 30 = 5612=26.The median

FIcURE 1 0.2 of UnivariateStatistics


RawCount FrequencyDistribution PercentageFrequencyDistribution

Gender FrequencY Gender Percentage

Ma le 100 Male 2s%

Female 300 Female 7s%
Total 400 Total 100%

Bar Chart of SameInformation



Exampleof Grouped Data FrequencyDistribution

FirstJob Annual lncome N

Under$5, 000 25
$5, 000t o $9, 999 50
$ 10, 000t o $. 15, 99 9 100
$ 15, 000t o $19, 99 9 150
$20,000to $29,999 50
$30.000 andover 25
Total 400

Exampleof FrequencyPolygon


18 20 22 24 26 28 etc
10 12 14 16

IndividualIncome(in Thousandsof Dollars)

CHAP T E R1 O , / A N A L Y S I SO F Q U A N T I T A T I V ED A T A 253

mode the lowest. If most caseshave higher

TABTE 1 0.1 MeasuresofCentral scoreswith a few extremelow scores,the mean
Tendencyand Levelsof will be thelowest,the medianin the middle,and
Measurement the mode the highest.In general,the median is
bestfor skeweddistributions,althoughthe mean
is usedin mostotherstatistics(seeFigure10.3).

Nominal Yes Measuresof Variation

Ordinal Yes Yes Measuresof centraltendenryarea one-number
Interval Yes Yes Yes summary of a distribution; however,they give
only its center.Anothercharacteristicof a distri-
Ratio Yes Yes Yes bution is its spread,dispersion,or variability
around the center.Two distributionscan have
identicalmeasuresof centraltendencybutdif[er
in their spreadabout the center.For example,
sevenpeopleare at a bus stop in front ofa bar.
ageis 28,eventhough no personis 28 yearsold. Theiragesare25 2627 3033 3435.Boththeme-
Note that thereis no mode in the list of six ages dian and the meanare30.At a bus
stop in front
becauseeachpersonhasa differentage. of an ice cream store,sevenpeoplehave the
The mean,also calledthe arithmetic aver- identicalmedianand mean,but their agesare 5
age,is the most widely usedmeasureof central 1020 30 40 50 55.Theagesofthe groupin front
tendency.It can be ttsedonly with interval- or of the ice creamstorearespreadmore from the
ratiolevel data.2Computethe meanby adding center,or the distribution hasmore variability.
up all scores,then divide by the number of Variability has important socialimplica-
scores.For example,the mean agein the previ- tions. For example,in city X, the median and
ous exampleis 17 + 20 + 26 + 30 + 50 + 70 = meanfamily income is $35,600per year,and it
213;21316 = 35.5.No onein thelist is 35.5years has zero variation.
Zero yariatiorzmeansthat
old, and the meandoesnot equalthe median. everyfamily has an income of exactly$35,600.
The meanis stronglyaffectedby changesin CityYhasthesamemedianandmeanfamilyin-
*:, extremevalues(verylargeor very small).For ex- come, but 95 percentof its familieshave in-
ample,the 50- and 7}-year-oldleft and werere- comesof $12,000per yearand 5 percenthave
placedwith two 31-year-olds.The distribution incomesof $300,000per year.CityX hasperfect
now lookslike this: 1720 26 30 3t 31.The me- incomeequality,whereasthereis greatiniqual-
dian is unchanged:28.The meanis IT + 20 + 26 ity in city Y. Aresearcherwho doesnot know the
+ 30 + 3l + 3I = 155;15516= 25.8.Thus,the variabilityof incomein thetwo citiesmissesvery
meandroppeda greatdealwhen a few extreme important information.
valueswereremoved. Researchers measurevariation in three
If the frequenrydistribution forms a "nor- ways:range,percentile,and standarddeviation.
mal" or bell-shapedcurve,the threemeasuresof Rangeis the simplest.It consistsof the largest
centraltendencyequaleachother.Ifthe distrib- and smallestscores.For example,the rangefor
ution is a skeweddistribution(i.e.,more casesare the bus stop in front of the bar is from 25 to 35.
in the upper or lower scores),then the threewill or 35 - 25 = I0 years.If the 35-year-oldgot
not be equal.If most caseshavelower scores onto a bus and was replacedby a 60-year-old,
with a few extremehigh scores,the meanwill be the rangewould changeto 60 - 25 = 45 years.
the highest,the median in the middle, and the Rangehaslimitations.For example,herearetwo

FIcURE 1 0.3 Measures

Normal Distribution

Lowest Valuesof Variables Highest

ModeMedianMean MeanMedianMode

groupsof sixwith a rangeof 35years:303030 30 It is based on the mean and gives an "average
3065 and20 4546 48 50 55. distance" between all scoresand the mean. Peo-
Percentiles tell the scoreat a specificplace ple rarely compute the standard deviation by
within the distribution. One percentileyou ar- hand for more than a handful of casesbecause
readylearnedis the median,the 50thpercentile. computers and calculators can do it in seconds.
Sometimes the 25th and 75thpercentiles or the Look at the calculation ofthe standard devi-
10th and 90th percentilesareusedto describea ation in Figure 10.4.If you add up the absolute
distribution.For example,the 25th percentileis difference between eachscore and the mean (i.e.,
the scoreat which 25 percentof the distribution subtract each score from the mean), you get
haveeitherthat scoreor a lower one.The com- zero. This is becausethe mean is equally distant
putation of a percentilefollowsthe samelogic as from all scores.Also notice that the scores that
the median.If I have100peopleandwantto find differ the most from the mean have the largest
the 25th percentile.I rank the scoresand count effect on the sum ofsquares and on the standard
up from the bottom until I reachnumber 25. If deviation.
the total is not 100,I simply adjustthe distribu- The standard deviation is used for compar-
tion to a percentage basis. ison purposes. For example, the standard devia-
Standarddeviationis the most difficult to tion for the schooling of parents of children in
computemeasureof dispersion;it is also the classA is 3.317years;for classB, it is 0.812;and
mostcomprehensive andwidelyused.The range for class C, it is 6.239. The standard deviation
and percentilearefor ordinal-, interval-,and ra- tells a researcherthat the parents ofchildren in
tio-level data, but the standarddeviationre- classB are very similar, whereasthose for classC
quiresan intervalor ratio levelof measurement. are very different. In fact, in classB, the schoo'-
CHAPT E R1 O , / A N A L Y S I SO F Q U A N T I T A T I V ED A T A 255

FIGUREI 0.4 TheStandardDeviation

Stepsin Computing the StandardDeviation

1. Computethe mean.
2. Subtractthe meanfrom eachscore.
3. Squarethe resultingdifferencefor eachscore.
4. Totalup the squareddifferences to get the sumofsquares.
5. Dividethe sumof squaresby the numberof casesto get the variance.
5. Takethe squareroot ofthe variance, whichis the standarddeviation.

Exampleof Computing the StandardDeviation

variable= yearsof schooling]
[8 respondents,
Score Score - Mean Squared (Score - Mean)

15 15-12.5= 2.5 6.25

12 12-12.5=-0.5 .25
12 12-12.5:-0.5 .25
10-'12.5:-2.5 6.25
16 16-12.5: 3.5 12.25
18 5.5 30.2s
8 8-12.5= 4.5 20.25
9 9-12.5=-3.5 12.25
Mea n='1 5+ 12 + 12+ l0+ 16+ 18+ 8+ 9 = 100,1OO / 8: 1 2 . 5
Sumof squares: 6.25 + .25 + .25 + 6.25 + 12.25+ 30.25 + 20.25 + 12.25= 88
: Sumof squares/Number .11
Variance of cases= 88/8 =
Standarddeviation Squareroot ofvariance= 11= 3.317years.
Hereis the standarddeviationin the form of a formulawith svmbols.

X = SCOREof case I = Sigma(Greekletter)for sum,add together
X = VEltt N= Numberofcases
Standard = ttfx -xf
deviation -

aThereis a slightdifference
in the formuladependingon whetherone is usingdatafor the popula-
tion or a sampleto estimatethe populationparameter

ing of an "average" parent is less than a year The standard deviation and the mean are
above or below than the mean for all parents, so used to create z-scores.Z-scoreslet a researcher
the parents are very homogeneous. In class C, compare two or more distributions or groups.
however, the "average" parent is more than six The z-score, also called a standardizedscore,ex-
years above or below the mean, so the parents pressespoints or scoreson a frequency distribu-
are very heterogeneous. tion in terms of a number of standard deviations
25 6 pART Two , / c oNDUc r lNc Q UANTIT A T I v E R E S E A K L H

from the mean.Scoresarein termsof their rela- Kings Collegeand QueensCollege.Shelearns

tive position within a distribution, not as ab- that the collegesare similar and that both grade
solutevalues. on a 4.0scale.Yet,the meangrade-pointaverage
For example,Katy, a salesmanagerin firm at KingsCollegeis 2.62with a standarddeviation
A, earns$50,000per year,whereas Mike in firm of .50,whereasthe meangrade-pointaverageat
B earns$38,000per year. Despitethe absolute QueensCollegeis 3.24with a standarddeviation
incomedifferencesbetvveen them,the managers of .40. The employersuspectsthat gradesat
are paid equally relativeto others in the same QueensCollegeareinflated.Suzettefrom Kings
firm. Katy is paid more than two-thirds of other Collegehas a grade-pointaverageof 3'62, and
employeesin her firm, and Mike is also paid ]orgefrom QueensCollegehasa grade-pointav-
more than two-thirds of the employeesin his erageof 3.64. Both studentstook the same
firm. courses.The employerwantsto adjustthe grades
Z-scores areeasyto calculatefrom the mean for the gradingpracticesof the two colleges(i.e.,
and standarddeviation(seeBox 10.1).For ex- createstandardizedscores).She calculatesz-
ample, an employer interviews studentsfrom scoresby subtractingeachstudent'sscorefrom

I do not like the formulafor z-scores,

Personally, lllllll
whichis: -3 -2 -.1 0 +1 +2 +3

Z-score= (Score- Mean)/Standard

Deviation, Now, I labelthe valuesof the meanand add or
subtractstandarddeviationsfrom it. One standard
or in symbols:
deviationabovethe mean(+1) whenthe meanis 7

x-x and standarddeviationis 2 yearsis just 7 -l 2, or 9
years.Fora -2 z-score, I put 3 years.Thisis because
it is 2 standarddeviations,of 2 years each (or 4
where:X= score,X= mean,E = standarddeviation years),lowerthan the Meanof 7. My diagramnow
I usuallyrelyon a simpleconceptualdiagramthat lookslikethis:
does the samething and that showswhat z-scores
reallydo. Considerdata on the agesof schoolchild- 1 357 9 11 13 agei nY ears
renwith a meanof Z yearsand a standarddeviation rl l l l l l
of 2 years.Howdo I computethe z-scoreof 5-year- -3 -2 -1 0 + 1 + 2 + 3
old Miguel,or whatif I knowthat Yashohda's z-score
is a *2 and I needto know her age in years?First,I It is easyto seethat Miguel,who is 5 yearsold,
draw a little chart from -3 to *3 with zero in the hasa z-scoreof - 1 , whereasYashohda's z-scoreof
'l read from z-
middle.I will put the meanvalueat zero,becausea z- *2 correspondsto 1 yearsold. I can
scoreof zerois the meanand z-scoresmeasuredis- scoreto age,or ageto z-score. For fractions, suchqs
tanceaboveor belowit. I stop at 3 becausevirtually a z-scoreof 1 - .5, I just apply the same
allcasesfallwithin3 standarddeviationsof the mean age to get 4 years.Likewise, an age of 1 2 is a z-score
in mostsituations. The chartlookslikethis: of *2.5.
CHAPTE R1 O , / A N A L Y S I SO F Q U A N T I T A T I V ED A T A 257

the mean,then dividing by the standarddevia- other variable. For example, Rita wants to knorv
tion. For example,Suzette'sz-scoreis 3.62 - whether number of siblings is related to life ex-
2.62 = 1.00/.50= 2, whereas|orge'sz-scoreis pectancy. If the variables are independent, then
3.64 - 3.24.= .401.40 = 1. Thus,the employer people with many brothers and sistershave the
learnsthat Suzetteis two standarddeviations same life expectancy as those who are only chil-
abovethe mean in her college,whereasforge rs dren. In other words, knowing how many broth-
only one standarddeviationabovethe meanfor ers or sisters someone has tells Rita nothine
his college.Although Suzette'sabsolutegrade- about the person's life expectancy.
point averageis lowerthan forge's,relativeto the Most researchersstate hypotheses in terms
studentsin eachoftheir collegesSuzette's grades ofa causal relationship or expected covariation;
aremuch higherthan forge's. if they use the null hlpothesis, the hypothesis is
that there is independence. It is used in formal
hlpothesis testing and is frequently found in in-
ferential statistics (to be discussed).
WITH TWO V A RIA B TE S Three techniques help researchersdecide
A BivariateRelationship whether a relationship exists between two vari-
ables:(1) a scattergram, or a graph or plot of the
Univariate statistics describe a single variable in relationship; (2) cross-tabulation,or a percent-
isolation. Bivariate statistics are much more aged table; and (3) measuresof associition, or
valuable. Theylet a researcherconsider two vari- statistical measures that expressthe amount of
ables together and describe the relationship be- covariation by a single number (e.g.,correlation
tween variables.Even simple hypothesesrequire coefficient).
two variables. Bivariate statistical analysisshows
a relationship between variables-that is, things
Seeing the Relationship:
that appear together.
The Scattergram
Statistical relationships are based on two
ideas: covariation and independence.Covaria- What Is a Scattergram (or Scatterplot)? A
tion means that things go together or are associ- scattergram is a graph on which a researcher
ated. To covary means to vary together; cases plots each caseor observation, where each axis
with certain values on one variable are likely to representsthe value ofone variable. It is used for
have certain values on the other one. For exam- variables measured at the interval or ratio level,
ple, people with higher values on the income rarely for ordinal variables, and never if either
variable are likely to have higher values on the variable is nominal. There is no fixed rule frrr
life expectancy variable. Likewise, those with which variable (independent or dependent) to
lower incomes have lower life expectanry. This is place on the horizontal or vertical axis, but usu-
usually stated in a shorthand way by saying that ally the independent variable (syrnbolized by the
income and life expectancy are related to each letter X) goes on the horizontal axis and the de-
other, or covary. We could also saythat knowing pendent variable (syrnbol ized by I on the verti-
one's income tells us one's probable life ex- cal axis. The lowest value for each should be the
pectancy, or that life expectancy depends on in- lower left corner and the highest value should be
come. at the top or to the right.
Independenceis the opposite of covariation.
It means there is no association or no relation- How to Construct a Scattergram. Begin with
ship between variables. If two variables are inde- the range of the two variables. Draw an axis with
pendent, cases with certain values on one the values of each variable marked and write
variable do not have any particular value on the numbers on each axis (graph paper is helpful).
258 pA RTT wo ,/ c o N D U c rN c e u A N rtrA Tl vE R E S E A R cH

Next, labeleachaxiswith the variablenameand Form. Relationshipscan take three forms: in-
put a title at the top. dependence,linear, and curvilinear. Inde-
You are now ready for the data. For each pendence or no relationshipis the easiestto see.
case,find the valueof eachvariableand mark the It lookslike a randomscatterwith no pattern,or
graphat aplacecorrespondingto the two values. a straightline that is exactlyparallelto tlie hori-
For example,a researchermakesa scattergram zontal or vertical axis. A linear "relationship
of yearsof schoolingby number of children.He meansthat a straightline canbe visualizedin the
or she looks at the first caseto seeyears of middle of a mazeof casesrunning from one cor-
schooling(e.g.,12) and at the number of chil- ner to another.A curvilinearrelationshlpmeans
dren (e.g.,3). Thenhe or shegoesto the placeon that the centerof a mazeof cases would form a U
the graphwhere 12 for the "schooling"variable curve, right side up or upside down, or an S
and 3 for the "number of children" variablein- curye.
tersectand puts a dot for the case.
The scattergramin Figure 10.5is a plot of Direction. Linearrelationshipscanhavea pos-
datafor 33 women.It showsa negativerelqtion- itive or negativedirection.The plot of a positive
shipbetweenthe yearsof educationthe woman relationshiplooks like a diagonalline from the
completedand the number of childrenshegave lower left to the upper right. Higher valueson X
birth to. tend to go with higher values on Y, and vice
versa.The income and life expectancF example
Whnt Can You Learn from the Scattergram? describeda positivelinear relationship. .
A researchercan seethree aspectsof a bivariate Anegativerelationship lookslike aline from
relationshipin a scattergram:form, direction, the upper left to the lower right. It meansthat
and precision. highervalueson onevariablego with lowerval-

FIcURE 1 0.5 Exampleof a Scattergram: Yearsof Educationby Number

of Natural Children Jor 33 Women

= \ I
E 4.00
5 \
t5 3.00
o \
lt 2.OO
z \
1 . 00 I-

8.00 1 2 .0 0 1 4 .0 0 1 6 .0 0 18.00 22.0O
Years of Formal Education

ueson the other.For example,peoplewith more Figure 10.6 is a raw count or frequency
educationarelesslikely to havebeenarrested.If table.Its cellscontain a count of the cases.It is
we look at a scattergramofdata on a group of easyto make,but interpretinga raw count table
maleswhereyearsof schooling(X axis)areplot- is difficult becausethe rows or columnscanhave
ted by number of arrests(Y axis)'we seethat differenttotals.and what is of realinterestis the
most cases(or men) with manyarrestsarein the relativesizeof cellscomparedto others.
lower right, becausemost of them completed Researchers convert raw count tablesinto
few yearsof school.Most caseswith few arrests percentaged tablesto seebivariaterelationships.
arein the upperleft becausemosthavehad more There are three waysto percentagea table: by
schooling.The imaginaryline for the relation- row, by column, and for the total. The first two
ship can havea shallowor a steepslope.More areoften usedand showrelationships.
advancedstatisticsprovide precisenumerical Is it best to percentageby row or column?
measuresof the line's slope. Eithercanbe appropriate.Let us first reviewthe
mechanicsof percentaginga table.When calcu-
Precision. Bivariaterelationshipsdiffer in their lating column percentages, computethe per-
degreeof precision.Precisionis the amount of centageeach cell is of the column total. This
spreadin the pointson the graph.A high levelof includesthe total column or marginal for the
precision occurswhen the points hug the line column variable.For example,the first column
that summarizesthe relationship.Alowlevel oc- total is 26 (there are26 peopleunder age30),
curs when the points are widely spreadaround and the first cell of that column is 20 (thereare
the line. Researchers can "eyeball"a highly pre- 20 peopleunder age30 who agree).The per-
cise relationship. They can also use advanced centageis20126=0.769or76.9percent.Or, for
statisticsto measurethe precisionof a relation- thefirst numberin themarginal,37ll0l = 0.366
ship in a way that is analogousto the standard = 36.6 percent (seeTable 10.2). Except for
deviationfor univariatestatistics. rounding,the total shouldequal100percent.
Computing row percentagesis similar.
Compute the percentageof eachcell as a per-
Bivariate Tables centageof the row total. For example,usingthe
What Is a Bivariate Table? Thebivariatecon- samecell with 20 in it, we now want to know
tingency table is widely used. It presentsthe what percentageit is of the row total of 37, or
sameinformation as a scattergramin a more 20137= 0.541= 54.1percent.Percentaging by
condensedform. The data can be measuredat row or column givesdifferentpercentages for a
anylwel of measurement, althoughintervaland cellunlessthe marginalsarethe same.
ratio datamust be groupedif therearemanydif- The row and column percentages let a re-
ferentvalues.The tableis basedon cross-tabula- searcheraddressdifferent questions.The row
tion; that is, the casesare organizedin the table percentagetable answersthe question.Among
on the basisof two variablesat the sametime. those who hold an attitude, what percentage
A contingency tableis formedby cross-tabu- come from eachagegroup?It saysof respon-
lating two or more variables.It is contingentbe- dentswho agree,54.Ipercentare in the under-
causethe casesin eachcategoryofa variableget 30 age group. The column percentagetable
distributed into each categoryof a second(or addresses the question:Among thosein eachage
additional)variable.The table distributescases group,what percentage hold differentattitudes?
into the categoriesof multiple variablesat the It saysthat amongthosewho areunder 30,76.9
sametime and showshow the cases, by category percentagree.From the row percentages, a re-
ofone variable,are"contingentupon" the cate- searcherlearnsthat a little overhalf ofthosewho
goriesof other variables. agreeareunder 30 yearsold, whereasfrom col-

FlG U RE I 0.6 Age Group by Attitude about Changingthe Drinking

Age, RawCount Table

RawCount Table (a) Age Group (b)

61 and
Attitude (b) Under 30 30-45 46-60 Older Total(c)

Agree 20 10 4 3 37
No opinion 3 (d) 10 10 2 25
Disagree 3 _l 2L 10 3g
Total (c) 26 2sfrt 15 101
Missingcases(f ) = 8. (")

The Parts of a Table

(a) Civeeachtablea fifle whichnamesvariables and providesbackground information'
(b) Labelthe rowandcolumnvariableandgivea nameto eachof the variablecategories.
(c) Includethe totalsof the columnsand rows.Thesearecalledthe marginab.rhey
equalthe univariate frequencydistributionfor the variable.
(d) Eachnumberor placethat corresponds to the intersectionofa categoryfor each
variableis a cell of a table.
(e) The numberswith the labeledvariablecategoriesand the totalsarecalledthe
body of a table.
(f ) lf there is missinginformation(casesin whicha respondentrefusedto answer,
endedinterview, said"don't know,"etc.),report the numberof missingcasesnear
the tableto accountfor all originalcases.

umn percentages, the researcherlearns that Unfortunately, there "industry stan-
amongthe under-30people,overthree-quarters dard" for putting independentand dependent
agree.One way of percentagingtells about peo- variablesin a percentagetableasrow or column,
ple who have specificattitudes;the other telis or for percentage by row and column.A major-
aboutpeoplein specificagegroups. ity ofresearchersplacethe independentvariable
A researcher's may imply look- asthe column and percentage by column,but a
ing at row percentages or the column percent- large minority put the independentvariableas
ages.When beginning,calculatepercentages the row and percentage bYrow.
eachway and practiceinterpreting,or figuring
out, what eachsays.For example,myhypothesis Reailing a PercentagedTable. Once you uh-
is that ageaffectsattitude, so column percent- derstandhow a tableis made,readingit and fig-
agesare most helpful. However,if my interest uring out what it saysaremuch easier.To reada
wasin describingthe agemake-upof groupsof table, first look at the title, the variablelabels,
peoplewith different attitudes,then row per- and anybackgroundinformation. Next, look at
centages areappropriate. the direction in which percentageshave been
CHAPTER1 O , / A N A L Y S I SO F Q U A N T I T A T I V ED A T A 261

computed-in rows or columns. Notice that the centagesare computed. A rule of thumb is to
percentaged tables in Table 10.2 have the same compare across rows if the table is percentaged
title. This is becausethe same variables are used. down (i.e., by column) and to compare up and
It would have helped to note how the data were down in columns if the table is percentaged
percentaged in the title, but this is rarely done. across(i.e.,by row).
Sometimes, researcherspresent abbreviated ta- For example, in row-percentaged Table
bles and omit the 100 percent total or the mar- 10.2,compare columns or age groups. Most of
ginals, which adds to the confusion. It is best to those who agreeare in the youngest group, with
include all the parts of a table and clear labels. the proportion declining as age increases.Most
Researchers read percentaged tables to no-opinion people are in the middle-age groups,
make comparisons. Comparisons are made in whereasthose who disagreeare older, especiJly
the opposite direction from that in which per- in the 46-to-60 group. When reading column-

TA BLE 1 0.2 Age Groupby Attitude about Changingthe DrinkingAge,


.,. ',
3'Ar:45 45-60
Agree 76.9% 407" 11.4% 20% 36.6%
No opinion I 1.5 40 28.6 13.3 24.8
Disagr:ee I 1.5 20 60 66.7 3 8.6
Total .100
99.9 100 r0 0 100
(N) (26). (2 s)- ( 3s) - (t s )- (10r)*
Missingcases= 8

Agree 54.1% 27% 10.8% 8.1% 100% (37).
No opinion 12 40 40 8 100 ( 2s) .
Disagree 7.7 12.8 53.8 2s.6 99.9 (39)-
Total 25.7 2 4 .8 34.7 14.9 ' r0 0 . r (1 0 1 )-
Missingcases= 8
*Forpercentaged tables,providethe numberof casesor N on whichpercentages arecomputedin paren-
thesesnearthe total of I 00%. Thismakesit possibleto go backandforth from a percentaged
tableto a
2 62 pA RTT wo / c o N D U c l N c e u AN T trATtvER E S E A R C H

percentagedTable 10.2, compare across rows.

For example, a majority of the youngest group TA B TE 10.3a
agree,and they are the only group in which most
people agree.Only 11.5 percent disagree,com-
pared to a majority in the two oldest groups.
It takes practice to see a relationship in a
percentagedtable. Ifthere is no relationship in a Under30 s% 25 30 40 100
. r5
table, the cell percentages look approximately 30-45 25 40 20 100
equal acrossrows or columns. A linear relation- 46-60 35 45 12 8 100
ship looks like larger percentagesin the diagonal .t5
61 + 45 35 5 100
cells. If there is a curvilinear relationship, the
largest percentages form a pattern across cells.
For example, the largest cells might be the upper
right, the bottom middle, and the upper left. It is TA B LE 1 O.3b A gebyS chool i ng
easiestto seea relationship in a moderate-sized
table (9 to t6 cells) where most cells have some
cases(at least five casesare recommended) and
the relationship is strong and precise. .t5
61 + 45% 35 ( 100
Principles ofreading a scattergram can help
you see a relationship in a percentaged table. 46-60 35 45 12 8 100
Imagine a scattergramthat has been divided into
30-45 15 25 40 20 100
12 equal-sizedsections.The casesin each section
correspondto the number of casesin the cellsof Under30 5 25 30 40 100
a table that is superimposed onto the scatter-
gram. The table is a condensed form of the scat-
tergram. The bivariate relationship line in a
scattergram corresponds to the diagonal cells in positive and negativerelationships. A positive re-
a percentagedtable. Thus, a simple way to see lationship means that as one variable increases,
strong relationships is to circle the largest per- so does the other. A negative relationship means
centage in each row (for row-percentaged that asone variable increases,the other decreases.
tables) or column (for column-percentagedta-
bles) and seeifa line appears. Bivariate Tables without Percentages. Re-
The circle-the-largest-cell rule works-with searcherscondenseinformation in another kind
one important caveat.The categoriesin the per- of bivariate table with a measure of central ten-
centagestable mustbe ordinal or interval and in dency (usually the mean) instead of percentages.
the same order as in a scattergram. In scatter- It is used when one variable is nominal or ordi-
grams the lowest variable categoriesbegin at the nal and another is measured at the interval or ra-
bottom left. If the categories in a table are not tio level.The mean (or a similar measure)of the
ordered the same way, the rule does not work. interval or ratio variable is presented for each
For example, Table 10.3a looks like a posi- categoryof the nominal or ordinal variable. All
tive relationship and Table 10.3b like a negative casesare divided into the ordinal or nominal
relationship. Both usethe same data and are per- variable categories;then the mean is calculated
centagedby row. The actual relationship is nega- for the casesin each variable category from the
tive. Look closely-Table 10.3b has age raw data.
categoriesordered as in a scattergram. When in Table 10.4showsthe mean ageof people in
doubt. return to the basic difference between each ofthe attitude categories.The results sug-
c H A p rE R | 0 ,/ A N A LystsoF euA N TtrA TtvED A TA 263

dicating a negative relationship and positive

TABLE 1 0.4 AttitudeaboutChanging numbers a positive relationship. A measure of
the DrinkingAge by Mean 1.0 means a 100 percent reduction in errors, or
Age of Respondent perfect prediction.

Agree 26.2 (s7)
No opinion 44.5 (2s)
Showing an association or relationship between
Disagree 61.9 (se) two variables is not sufficient to say that an in-
Missingcases= 8 dependent variable causesa dependent variabie.
In addition to temporal order and association, a
researcher must eliminate alternative explana-
tions-explanations that can make the hypothe-
gestthat the mean ageof thosewho disagreeis sized relationship spurious. Experimental
much higher than for thosewho agreeor have researchersdo this by choosing a researchdesign
no opinion. that physically controls potential alternative ex-
planations for results (i.e., that threaten internal
Measuresof Association
In nonexperimental research, a researcher
A measureof association is a singlenumber that controls for alternative explanations with statis-
expresses the strength,and often the direction, tics. He or she measurespossible alternative ex-
of a relationship. It condensesinformation planations vmth control variables,then examines
about a bivariate relationship into a single the control variableswith multivariate tablesand
number. statistics that help him or her decide whether a
There are many measuresof association. bivariate relationship is spurious. They also
The correct one dependson the level of mea- show the relative size of the effect of multiple in-
surement.Many measures arecalledby lettersof dependent variables on a dependent variable.
the Greek alphabet.Lambda,gamma,tau, chi A researcher controls for alternative expla-
(squared),and rho are commonly usedmea- nations in multivariate (more than two vari-
sures.The emphasishere is on interpretingthe ables) analysis by introducing a third (or
measures,not on their calculation.In order to sometimes a fourth or fifth) variable. For exam-
understandeachmeasure,you will needto com- ple, a bivariate table shows that taller teenagers
pletea beginningstatisticscourse. like sports more than shorter ones do. But-the
If there is a strong associationor relation- bivariate relationship between height and atti-
ship,then few errorsaremadepredictinga sec- tude toward sports may be spurious because
ond variableon the basisof knowledgeof the teenagemales are taller than females, and males
first, or the proportion oferrors reducedis large. tend to like sports more than females. To test
A largenumber ofcorrect guesses suggeststhat whether the relationship is actually due to sex, a
the measureof associationis a nonzeronumber researcher must control for gen'der; in other
if an associationexistsbetweenthe variables. words, effects of sex are statistically remoyed.
Table10.5describesfive commonlyusedbivari- Once this is done, a researchercan seewhether
ate measuresof association. Notice that most the bivariate relationship between height and al-
rangefrom - 1to +1, with negativenumbersin- titude toward sports remains.

TABLE I 0.5 FiveMeasuresofAssociation

Lambda is usedfor nominal-level is based be usedonly for data measuredat the intervalor
on a reductionin errorsbasedon the modeand ratio level.Rhois usedfor the meanand standard
rangesbetween0 (independence) and 1.0 deviationof the variables andtellshowfar cases
(perfectpredictionor the strongestpossible arefrom a relationship(or regression)linein a
relationship). scatterplot.Rhorangesfrom - 1.0 to *1 .0, with 0
meaningno association. lf the valueof rho is
6ammais usedfor ordinal-level is basedon
pairsof variablecategories squared, sometimes calledR-squared, it hasa
comparing andseeing
whethera casehasthe samerankon each.Camma uniqueproportionreductionin errormeaning. R-
rangesfrom - I .0 to *1 .0, with O meaningno squaredtellshowthe percentage in onevariable
association. (e.g.,the dependent)is accountedfor, or
explained by,the othervariable(e.g.,the
Tauis alsousedfor ordinal-level is based independent). Rhomeasures linearrelationships
on a differentapproachthan gammaand takes only. lt cannotmeasure nonlinear or curvilnear
careof a few problemsthat canoccurwith gamma. relationships.Forexample, a rho of zerocan
Actually,there are severalstatisticsnamedtau (it indicateeitherno relationship or a curvilinear
is a popularCreekletter),andthe one hereis relationship.
Kendall's tau rangesfrom - I .0 to
tau. Kendall's
*1 .0, with 0 meaningno association. Chi-squared hastwo can be used
as a measureof associationin descriptivestatistics
Rhois alsocalledPearson's productmoment likethe otherslistedhere,or in inferential
correlationcoefficient(namedafterthe famous statistics.Inferentialstatisticsare brieflydescribed
statisticianKarlPearsonand basedon a oroduct next.As a measure of association, chi-squaredcan
momentstatistical procedure). lt is the most be usedfor hasan
commonlyusedmeasure of correlation, the upperlimitof infinityanda lowerlimitof zero,
correlationstatisticpeoplemeanif they usethe meaning no association.
termcorrelation without identifyingit can

Summaryof Measuresof Association

, .' ''
l::|i::* ,::;:',::
Lambda t. Nominal .0 0
Camma I Ordinal + 1 . 0 , -1 . 0 0
Tau (Kendall's) t Ordinal +t .0,-.1.0 0
Rho p Interval,ratio + 1 . 0-r.
, 0 0
Chi-square x2 Nominal,ordinal Infinity 0

A researchercontrolsfor a third variableby persists.This meansthat tall malesand tall fe-

seeingwhetherthebivariaterelationshippersists malesboth like sportsmore than short males
within categories
of the control variable.For ex- and short femalesdo. In other words, the con-
ample,a researcher controlsfor sex,and the re- trol variablehasno effect.When this is so,thebi-
lationshipbetweenheight and sportsattitude variaterelationshipis not spurious.
DATA 265

If the bivariaterelationshipweakensor dis_ in thepartial.Thus,it is possibleto breakapart

appearsafter the control variableis considered, a
bivariatetable to form partials,or combinethe
it meansthat tall malesareno more likelv than partialsto restorethe initial bivariatetable.
shortmalesto like sports,and tall femalesur. rro
Trivariate tables have three limitations.
more likely to like sportsthan short females.It First, they are difficult to interpret if a control
indicatesthat the initial bivariaterelationshipis variablehasmore than four catigories.Second,
spuriousand suggests that thethird control variablescanbe at any levelof measure_
and not height,is the truecauseof differences in ment, but interval or ratio control variables
attitudestoward sports. must be grouped (i.e., convertedto an ordinal
Statisticalcontrol is a key ideain advanced level),and how casesare groupedcan affectthe
statisticaltechniques. A meaiureof association interpretationof effects.Finaliy,the total num_
like the correlationcoefficientonlysuggests a re_ ber of casesis a limiting factor tecausethe cases
lationship.Until a researcherconsiderscontrol aredividedamongcellsin partials.The number
variables,the bivariate relationship could be of cellsin the partialsequalithe number of cells
spurious.Researchers are cautiousin interpret_ in the bivariate relationshipmultiplied by the
I ing bivariaterelationshipsuntil they havecon_ numberof categories in the control variable.For
sideredcontrolvariables. example,a control variablehasthreecategories,
and a bivariatetablehas 12 cells,so the p"artials
The Elaboration Model of have3 X 12 = 36 cells.An averageoffive cases
PercentagedTables per cell is recommended,so the iesearcherwill
need5 X 36 = lg0 cases at minimum.
Constructing Triyariate Tables. In order to For threevariables,threebivariatetablesare
meetall the conditionsneededfor causality,re_ logicallypossible.In the example,the combina_
searcherswant to "control for" or seewhether tio3s (l)gender
ge byattitudi e) agegroup by
aRaltemativeexplanationexplainsawayacausal attitude,and (3) gender
by iur_
relationship. If an alternativeexplanationex- tialsaresetup on the basisofihe initiul birruriat"
plainsa relationship,then the bivariaterelation- relationship.The independentvariablein each
ship is spurious. Alternative explanationsare is "agegroup" andthe dependentvariableis ..at_
operationalizedas third variables,which are titude." "Gender" is the control variable.Thus,
caTledcontrolyariablesbecausethey control for the trivariatetable consistsofa pair ofpartials,
alternativeexplanation. eachshowingthe agelattitudereiationshipfor a
One way to take such third variablesinto givengender.
considerationandseewhethertheyinfluencethe A researcher's theory suggests the hypothe_
bivariaterelationshipis to statisticallyintroduce sisin the initial bivariaterelationship;it alio tells
control variablesusing trivariate or three-vari- him or her which
variablesprovide alternative
abletables.Trivariatetablesdiffer slightly from explanations(i.e.,the control variables).Thus.
bivariatetables;theyconsistof multiple bivariate the choiceof the
control variableis based.on
tables. theory.
A trivariatetablehasa bivariatetableof the
independentand dependentvariable for each reading _Theelaborationparadigm is a systemfor
percentagedtrivariate tables.3It de_
categoryofthe control variable.Thesenew ta- scribesthe pattern that emergeswhen a control
bles are calledpartials.The number of partials variableis introduced.
Five terms describehow
dependson the numberof categories in the con- the partial tablescompareto the initial bivariate
trol variable.Partialtableslook like bivariateta- table,or how the original bivariaterelationship
bles,but theyusea subsetof the cases. Onlycases changesafter the control variableis considered.
with a specificvalueon the control variableare The examplesof patternspresentedhere show
266 pA RTTw o ,/ c o N D U c l N G e u AN TtrA Tl vER E S E A R cH

strong cases.More advanced statistics are impact on abortion attitude. The control vari-
neededwhen the differencesarenot asobvious. ableis an interveningvariable,which helpsyou
The replicationpattern is the easiestto un- interpretthe meaningof the completerelation-
derstand.It is when the partialsreplicateor re- ship.
producethe samerelationshipthat existedin the Theexplanationpatternlooks the sameasin-
bivariatetable beforeconsideringthe control terpretation.Thedifferenceis the temporalorder
variable.It meansthat the control variablehas ofthe control variable.In this pattern,a control
no effect. variablecomesbeforethe independentvariable
The specification pattern is the next easiest in the initial bivariaterelationship.For example,
pattern.It occurswhen onepartial replicatesthe the originalrelationshipis betweenreligiousup-
initial bivariaterelationshipbut otherpartialsdo bringing and abortion attitude,but now gender
not. For example,you find a strong (negative) is the controlvariable.Gendercomesbeforerelt-
bivariaterelationshipbetweenautomobileacci- gious upbringing becauseone's sex is fixed at
dentsand collegegrades.You control for gender birth. The explanationpatternchangeshow a re-
and discoverthat the relationshipholdsonly for searcherexplainsthe results.It implies that the
males(i.e.,the strongnegativerelationshipwas initial bivariaterelationshipis spurious.
in the partial for males,but not for females). The suppressor variablepattern occurswhen
This is specificationbecausea researchercan the bivariatetablessuggestindependencebut a
specifr the categoryof the control variable in relationshipappearsin one or both of the par-
which the initial relationshippersists. tials. For example,religious upbringing ,and
The control variablehas a large impact in abortion attitude areindependentin a bivariate
both the interpretation and explanation pat- table. Once the control variable"region of the
terns.In both, the bivariatetable showsa rela' country'' is introduced,religiousupbringing is
tionship that disappearsin the partials.In other associated with abortion attitude in the partial
words, the relationshipappearsto be indepen- tables.The control variableis a suppressorvari-
dencein the partials.Thetwo patternscannotbe ablebecauseit suppressed the true relationship.
distinguishedby looking at the tablesalone.The The true relationshipappearsin the partials.
differencebetweenthem dependson the loca- (SeeTable 10.6for a summary of the elabora-
tion ofthe control variablein the causalorder of tion paradigm.)
variables.Theoretically,a controlvariablecanbe
in one of two places,eitherbetweenthe original
Multiple RegressionAnalysis
independentand dependentvariables(i.e., the
control variableis intervening),or beforethe Multiple regressionis a statistical technique
original independentvariable. whose calculation is beyond the level in this
The interpretation patterndescribes the situ- book. Although it is quickly computedby the
ation in which the control variable intervenes appropriatestatisticssoftware,a backgroundin
betweenthe original independentand depen- statisticsis neededto preventmaking errors in
dentvariables.For example,you examinea rela- its calculationand interpretation.It requiresin-
tionship between religious upbringing and terval-or ratio-leveldata.It is discussedherefor
abortion attitude.Politicalideologyis a control two reasons.First, it controlsfor many alterna-
variable.You reasonthat religious upbringing tive explanationsand variablessimultaneously
affectscurrent political ideologyand abortion (it is rarelypossibleto usemorethan onecontrol
attitude.You theorizethat political ideologyis variableat a time usingpercentaged tables).Sec-
logicallyprior to an attitude about a specificis- ond, it is widely usedin sociology,and you are
sue,like abortion.Thus, religiousupbringing likely to encounterit when readingresearchre-
causespolitical ideology,which in turn has an ports or articles.

Summaryof the Elaborationparadigm

Replication Samerelationship in both partialsas in bivariatetable.

Specification Bivariaterelationship is only seenin one of the partialtables.
Interpretation Bivariaterelationshipweakensgreatryor disappearsin the partiar
variableis intervening).
Explanation Bivariaterelationshipweakensgreallyor disappearsin the partial
variableis beforeindependent variable).
variable No bivariaterelationship; relationshipappearsin partialtablesonly.


Control= Low Control= High
Low High Low High Low High
Low 85% 15% Low 84% 15% 86% 14%
High 15% 85% High 167 84% 14% 86%
Interpretation or Explanation

Control= Low Control= High

High Low Hish Low High
Low 85% 15% Low 4s% 55% s5% 45%
High 1s% 85% High ss% 45% 4s% s5%
Control= Low Control= High
Low High Low High Low High
Low 85% 85% 957"
Low s% so% s0%
15% 15% High s% 95% 50% so%

Control= Low Control= High

Low Hish Low High Low High
Low 54% 46% Low 84% 16% 14% 86%
High 46% s4% High 16% 84% 86% 14%
268 pA RTTw o / c o N D U c l N c e u A N TtrA TtvER E S E A R C H

Multiple regressionresults tell the reader

two things. First, the results have a measure TABTE 10.7 ExampleofMultiple
calledR-squared(R2),which tellshow well a set RegressionResults
of variables explains a dependent variable.
Explain meansreducederrors when predicting DependentVariablels PoliticalldeoloryIndex
the dependentvariablescoreson the basisofin- (HighScoreMeansVeryLiberal)
formation about the independentvariables.A
good model with severalindependentvariables
might accountfor, or explain,a largepercentage
of variation in a dependentvariable.For exam-
ple, an R2 of .50 meansthat knowing the inde- Region: South -.19
pendent and control variablesimproves the Ate .0.1
accuraryofpredictingthe dependentvariableby
lncome -.44
50 percent,or half as many errors are made as
would be made without knowing about the Yearsof education .23
variables. Religiousattendance -.39
Second,the regressionresultsmeasurethe
R 2= .39
direction and sizeof the effectof eachvariable
on a dependentvariable.The effectis measured
preciselyandgivena numericalvalue.For exam-
ple,a researcher canseehow five independentor
scoreon a political ideologyindex.The mdltiple
control variablessimultaneouslyaffecta depen-
regressionresults show that income and reli-
dent variable,with all variablescontrolling for
gious attendancehave large effects,education
the effectsof oneanother.This is especiallyvalu-
and region minor efFects, and ageno effect.All
ablefor testingtheoriesthat statethat multiple
the independentvariablestogether have a 38
independentvariablescauseone dependent
percentacc'lracyin predictinga person'spoliti-
cal ideology(seeTable 10.7).The examplesug-
The effecton the dependentvariableis mea-
gests that high income, frequent religious
suredby a standardizedregressioncoefficientor
attendance,and a southernresidenceare posi-
the Greekletter beta (B). It is similar to a corre-
tively associatedwith conservativeopinions,
lation coefticient.In fact,the betacoefficientfor
whereashaving more education is associated
two variablesequalsthe r correlationcoefficient.
with liberal opinions. The impact of income is
Researchers use the beta regressioncoeffi- more than twice the sizeof the impact of living
cient to determine whether control variables
in a southernregion.We havebeen examining
havean effect.For example,the bivariatecorre-
descriptivestatistics(seeTable 10.8);next, we
lation betweenX and Y is .75. Next, the re-
look at a different,gpe:inferentialstatics.
searcherstatisticallyconsidersfour control
variables.If the betaremainsat .75,thenthe four
control variableshaveno effect.However,if the
betaforX and Ygetssmaller(e.g.,dropsto .20), I NFERENTIALSTATISTICS
it indicatesthat the control variableshave an
The Purpose of Inferential Statistics
Consideran exampleof regressionanalysis Researchers often want to do more than de-
with age,income,education,and regionasinde- scribe; they want to test hlpotheses, know
pendentvariables.The dependentvariableis a whether sampleresultshold true in a popula-
C H A P T E R'I O , / A N A L Y S I SO F Q U A N T I T A T I V ED A T A 269

? Summaryof Major Typesof DescriptiveStatistics

Univariate Frequency distribution,
measure Describe
one variable.
of centraltendency,standard
Bivariate Correlation,percentagetable, Describe
a relationship
or the
chi-square association
betweentwo variables.
Multivariate Elaborationparadigm,
multiple Describerelationships
regression variables,
or seehow several
independentvariableshavean effect
on a dependentvariable.

tion, and decide whether differences in results Statistical Signifi cance

(e.g., between the mean scoresof two groups)
are big enough to indicate that a relationship re- Statistical significancemeans that results are not
ally exists. Inferential statistics use probability likely to be due to chance factors. It indicates the
hiple theory to test hypothesesformally, permit infer- probability of finding a relationship in the sam-
reli- encesfrom a sample to a population, and test ple when there is none in the population. Be-
ttion whether descriptive results are likely to be due cause probability samples involve a random
to random factors or to a real relationship. process, it is always possible that sample results
r All
a38 This section explains the basic ideas of in- will differ from a population parameter. A re-
ferential statisticsbut does not deal with inferen- searcherwants to estimate the odds that sample
tial statistics in any detail. This area is more results are due to a true population parameter
complex than descriptive statisticsand requires a or to chance factors of random sampling. Statis-
background in statistics. tical significance uses probability theory and
ions, Inferential statistics rely on principles specific statistical tests to tell a researcher
ated from probability sampling, where a researcher whether the results(e.g.,an association,a differ-
neis usesa random process(e.g.,a random number ence between two means, a regression coeffi-
ving table) to select casesfrom the entire popula- cient) are produced by random error in random
ning tion. Inferential statistics are a precise way to sampling.
talk about how confident a researchercan be Statistical significance only tells what rs
when inferring from the results in a sample to likely. It cannot prove anlthing with absolute
the population. certainty. It states that particular outcomes are
You have already encountered inferential more or less probable. Statistical significance is
statistics ifyou have read or heard about "statis- notthe same aspractical, substantive,or theoret-
tical significance" or results "significant at the ical significance. Results can be statistically sig-
.05 level." Researchersuse them to conduct var- nificant but theoretically meaningless or trivial.
ious statisticaltests (e.g., a t-test or an F-test). For example,two variablescan have a statistica\
de- Statistical significance is also used in formal hy- significant association due to coincidence, with
DOW pothesis testing, which is a preciseway to decide no logical connection between them (e.g.,length
ula- whether to accept or to reject a null hlpothesis.a of fingernails and ability to speakFrench).
27O pA RTTw o / c o N D U c rtN c QU AN TITA TIvE
R E S E A R cH

Levelsof Significance and women differ in how many hours they

study. Is the result due to an unusual sample'
Researchers usually expressstatisticalsignifi- and there is really no difference in the popula-
cancein termsof levels(e.g.,a testis statistically tion, or does it reflect a true difference between
significantat a specificlevel) rather than giving the sexesin the population?
the specificprobability.Thelevelof statisticalsig-
nificance (usually.05,.01,or .001)is a way of
talking about the likelihood that resultsare due Type land Typell Errors
to chancefactors-that is,that a relationshipap- is basedon
Thelogicof statisticalsignificance
pearsin the samplewhen there is none in the
statingwhether chancefactorsproduceresults.
population. If a researchersaysthat resultsare You may ask,Why usethe .05level?It meansa 5
significant at the .05 level, this means the percentchancethat randomnesscould causethe
following: results.Why not usea more certainstandard-
for example,a I in 1,000probabilityof random
r Resultslike theseare due to chancefactors chance?This givesa smallerchancethat ran-
only 5 in 100times. domnessversusa true relationshipcausedthe
r Thereis a 95 percentchancethat the sample results.
resultsare not due to chancefactorsalone, Therearetwo answers.The simpleansweris
but reflectthe populationaccurately. that the scientific community has informally
r The odds of suchresultsbasedon chance agreedto use .05 as a rule of thumb for most
aloneare.05,or 5 percent. purposes.Being95percentconfidentofresultsis
r One canbe 95 percentconfidentthat the re- the acceptedstandardfor explainingthe social
sults are due to a real relationshipin the world.
population,not chancefactors. A secondanswerinvolvesa tradeoff be-
tweenmakingtwo typesof logicalerrots.ATTpe
Theseall say the same thing in different I error occurswhen the researcher saysthat a re-
ways.This may soundlike the discussionof sam- lationship existswhen in fact none exists.It
pling distributionsandthe centrallimit theorem meansfalselyrejectinga null hypothesis'AType
in the chapteron sarnpling.It is not an accident. II error occurswhen a researcher saysthat a rela-
Both arebasedon probability theory which re- tionship doesnot exist,but in reality it does'it
searchersuse to link sampledata to a popula- meansfalselyacceptinga null hypothesis(see
tion. Probability theory lets us predict what Table10.9).Of course,researchers wantto avoid
happensin the long run overmany eventswhen both kinds of errors.Theywant to saythat there
a random processis used.In other words, it al- is a relationshipin the dataonlywhen it doesex-
lows preciseprediction over many situationsin ist and that there is no relationshiponly when
the long run, but not for a specificsituation. therereallyis none,but they facea dilemma:As
Sincewe haveone sampleand we want to infer the oddsof makingonetypeof error decline,the
to the population,probabilitytheoryhelpsus es- oddsof makingthe oppositeerror increase'
timate the odds that our particularsamplerep- The idea of Tlpe I and TlPe II errors
resentsthe population.We cannot know for may seemdifficult at first, but the samelogical
certainunlesswe havethewholepopulation,but dilemmaappearsin manyother settings.For ex-
probabilitytheoryletsus stateour confidence- ample,a judge can err by decidingthat an ac-
how likely it is that the sampleshowsone thing cusedpersonis guilty when in fact he or sheis
while somethingelseis true in the population. innocent.Or thejudgecanerr by decidingthat a
For example,a sampleshowsthat collegemen person is innocent when in fact he or she is

Type I and Type ll Errors

No relationship No error Type ll error

Causalrelationship Type I error No error

guilty. The judge doesnot want to make either suchas.10.His or herresultsindicatea relation_
error.A judge doesnot want to jail the innocent ship would occurby chanceI in 10times.He or
or to free the guilty. The judge must render a sheis likely to err by sayrngthat a causalrela_
judgmentbasedon limited information andbal- tionship exists,when in fact random factors
ancethe two tFpesof errors.Likewise,a physi- (e.9.,random samplingerror) actuallycausethe
cian has to decidewhether to prescribei ,rerv results.The researcheris likely to faiselyreject
medicationfor a patient.The physiciancan err the null hypothesis(Type I error). In sum, the
by thinking that the medicationwill be effective .05 levelis a compromisebetweenType I and
and hasno sideefFects when, in fact,it hasa se- TypeII errors.
rious side effect,such as causingblindness.Or The statisticaltechniquesof inferentialsta_
the physiciancan err by holding back an effec- tisticsarepreciseandrely on the relationshipbe_
tive medicationbecause of fearof serioussideef- tween samplingerror, samplesize,and central
fectswhen in fact there are none.The physican limit theorem.Thepowerof inferentialstatistics
doesnot want to makeeither error. By making i: ability to let a researcherstate,with spe_
the first error, the physicancausesgreatharm to F.y
cific degreesof certainty,that specificsampleie_
the patientand may evenfacea lawsuit.By max- sults are likely to be true in J population. por
ing the seconderror, the physicandoesnot help example,a researcherconductssiatisticaltests
the patient get better.Again, a judgment must and finds that a relationshipis statisticallysig_
be made that balancestwo types of possible nificant at the .05level.He or shecan statethat
errors. tbe sample results are probably not due to
We can put the ideasof statisticalsignifi- chancefactors.Indeed,there is a 95 percent
canceand the two types of error together.An chancethat a true relationshipexistsin the social
overlycautiousresearcher setsa high levelofsig- world.
nificance.For example,the researcher might uie Testsfor inferentialstatisticsare limited.
the .0001level.He or sheattributesthe resultsto Thedatamust comefrom a randomsample,and
chanceunlessthey are so rare that they would testsonly take into accountsamplingerrors.
occurby chanceonly I in 10,000times.Sucha Nonsampling errors (e.g., a poor sampling
high standardmeansthat the researcher is most frame or a poorly designedmeasure)are not
likely to err by sayingresultsare due to chance considered.Do not be fooled into thinking that
when in fact they arenot. He or shemay falsely suchtestsoffer easy,final answers.Many-com_
acceptthe null hypothesiswhen thereis a causal puter programsquickly do the calculationfor
relationship(a TypeII error). Bycontrast,a risk- inferential and descriptivestatistics(seeBox
takingresearchersetsa low levelofsignificance, 10.2).

Almosteverysocialresearcher who needsto calcu- The mostwidelyusedprogramfor statisticsin the

late manystatisticsdoesso with a computerpro- socialsciences in SPSS. lts advantages arethat social
gram, often using a basicspreadsheetprogram, researchersused it extensivelyfor over three
spreadsheets arede- decades, it includesmanywaysto manipulate quan-
suchas Excel.Unfortunately,
signedfor accountingand bookkeeping functions. titativedata,and it contains most statisticalmea-
They includestatistics,but are clumsyand limited sures.A disadvantage is that it cantake a long time
for that purpose.Thereare manycomputerpro- to learn because of its many options and complex
gramsdesignedfor calculatinggeneralstatistics. statistics.Also,it is expensive to purchaseunlessthe
The marketplace can be confusingto a beginner, usergets an inexpensive, "strippeddown"student
for productsevolverapidlywith changing computer versionincludedwith a textbookor workbook.
technology. As computertechnologymakesusinga statistics
In recentyears,the softwarehasbecomelessde- programeasier, the dangerincreases that somepeo-
mandingfor a user.The most popularprogramsin plewillusethe programs, but not understand statis-
the socialsciences areMinitab,Microcase,andSPSS tics or whatthe programs are doing.They can easily
(Statistical Others
for the SocialSciences). violate basic assumptions required by a statistical
includeSAS(Statistical AnalysisSystem),STATIS- procedure,usethe statisticsimproperly,and pro-
TICAby StratSoft,andStrata.Manybeganassimple, duce resultsthat are pure nonsensebut that look
low-costprogramsfor researchpurposes. verytechnicallysophisticated.

can find that a hypothesis is wrong, and poor-

CONCLUS I O N quality researchcan suppoft a hlpothesis. Good
You have learned about organizing quantitative researchdepends on high-quality methodology,
data to prepare them for analysis and about an- not on supporting a specific hlpothesis.
alyzingthem (organizing data into charts or ta- Good researchmeansguarding againstpos-
bles, or summarizing them with statistical sible errors or obstaclesto true inferences from
measures).Researchersuse statistical analysisto data to the social world' Errors can enter into the
test hypotheses and answer research questions' research process and affect results at many
The chapter explained how data must first be places: research design, measurement, data col-
coded and then analyzed using univariate or bi- lection, coding, calculating statistics and con-
variate statistics.Bivariate relationships might be structing tables, or interpreting results. Even if a
spurious, so control variables and multivariate researchercan design, measure' collect, code,
analysis are often necessary.You also learned and calculate without error, another step in the
some basicsabout inferential statistics. researchprocessremains. It is to interpret the ta-
Beginning researcherssometimes feel their bles, charts, and statistics, and to answer the
results should support a hlpothesis. There is question: What doesit all mean?The only way to
nothing wrong with rejecting a hypothesis. The assign meaning to facts, charts, tables, or statis-
goal of scientific research is to produce knowl- tics is to use theory.
edge that truly reflects the social world, not to Data, tables,or computer output cannot an-
defend pet ideas or hlpotheses. Hlpotheses are swer research questions. The facts do not speak
theoretical guessesbased on limited knowledge; for themselves.As a researcher,you must return
they need to be tested.Excellent-quality research to your theory (i.e., concepts, relationships

amongconcepts,assumptions, theoreticaldefin- contingency table

itions) andgivethe resultsmeaning.Do not lock control variable
yourself into the ideaswith which you began. covariation
Thereis room for creativity,and new ideasare cross-tabulation
generatedby trying to figureout what resultsre- curvilinear relationship
ally say.It is important to be carefulin designing descriptive statistics
and conductingresearchsothat you canlook at direct entrymethod
the resultsasa reflectionof somethingin the so- elaboration paradigm
cialworld and not worry aboutwhetherthevare explanation pattern
due to an error or an artifact of the research frequency distribution
processitself. frequencypolygon
Beforewe leavequantitativeresearch,there independence
is onelastissue.lournalists,politicians,and oth- interpretation pattern
ers increasinglyusestatisticalresultsto make a level of statistical significance
point or bolsteran argument.This hasnot pro- linear relationship
duced greater acarracy and information in marginals
public debate.More often,it hasincreasedcon- mean
fusion and made it more important to know median
what statisticscanand cannotdo. Theclich6that mode
you can prove anything with statisticsis false; normal distribution
however,people can and do misusestatistics. partials
Through ignoranceor consciousdeceit,some percentile
peopleuse statisticsto manipulateothers.The pie chart
wayto protectyourselffrom beingmisledbysta- possiblecode cleaning
tistics is not to ignore them or hide from the range
numbers.Rather,it is to understandthe research replication pattern
processand statistics,think about what you scattergram
hear,and askquestions. skewed distribution
We turn next to qualitative research.The specification pattern
logic and purposeof qualitativeresearchdiffer standard deviation
from those of the quantitative, positi\rist ap- statistical sigrificance
proach ofthe past chapters.It is lessconcerned suppressor variable pattern
with numbers, hypotheses,and causalityand Tlpe I error
more concernedwith words,norms and values. Tlpe II error
and meaning. univariate statistics

Key Terms

bar chart Endnotes

bivariate statistics
l. Note that coding sexas I = Male, 2 = Female,or as
body ofa table
0 = Male, I = Female, or reversing the sex for
cell ofa table
numbers is arbitrary. The only reason numbers
code sheets
are used instead of letters {e.g. M and F) is be_
codebook cause many computer programs work best with
contingenry cleaning all numbers. Sometimes coding data as azero can

createconfusion, so the number 1 is usually the 4. In formal hypotlresistesting, researcherstest the

lowestvalue. Theyusuallywant to rejectthe null
2. Thereareother statisticsto measurea specialkind becauserejectionofthe null indirectly suPports
of meanfor ordinal dataand for other specialsit- the alternativehypothesisto the null, the one they
uations,which arebeyondthe level of discussion deducedfrom theory asa tentativeexplanation'
in this book.
For a discussionofthe elaborationparadigmand
its history,seeBabbie( 1998:393-401)and Rosen-

Research QuestionsAppropriatefor FieldResearch
The Logic of Field Research
What ls FieldResearch?
Stepsin a FieldResearch
Choosing a Site and Gaining Access
Selectinga Siteand Entering
Strategyfor Entering
the Ropes
Relationsin the Field
Rolesin the Field
Observing and Collecting Data
Watchingand Listening
and Sampling
The Field Research lnterview
The FieldInterview
Typesof Questionsin FieldInterviews
Leaving the Field
Focus Groups
Ethical Dilemmas of Field Research
with Deviants

in a relativelyfixed setting(e.g.,a streetcorner,

church,bar, beautysalon,baseballfield, etc.).
This chapterand the two that follow shift from In order to useconsistentterminology,we
the quantitativesryleof the pastseveralchapters cancallthe peoplewho arestudiedin a field set-
to the qualitative researchsryle.The qualitative tingmembers.They areinsidersor nativesin the
and the quantitative stylescandiffer a greatdeal. field andbelongto a group,subculture,or social
This chapterdescribesfield research,alsocalled settingthat the "outsider"field researcher wants
ethnographyor participant-observation research. to penetrateand learn about.
It is a qualitativestylein which a researcherdi- Fieldresearchers haveexploreda wide vari-
rectlyobserves andparticipatesin small-scale
so- ety of socialsettings,subcultures,and aspectsof
cial settings in the present time and in the sociallifel (seeFigure11.1).Placesmy students
researcher's home culture, have conductedsuccessful short-term,small-
Many studentsare excitedby field research scalefield researchstudiesinclude a beautysa-
becauseit involveshanging out with someex- lon, day-carecenter, bakery, bingo parlor,
otic group of people.Thereare no cold mathe- bowling alley,church,coffeeshop,laundromat,
maticsor complicatedstatistics,and no abstract policedispatchoffice,nursinghome,tattoo par-
deductivehypotheses.Instead,there is direct, lor, andweightroom.
face-to-facesocialinteractionwith "real people"
in a naturalsetting. Ethnography and Ethnomethodologt. Two
In field research,the individual researcher modern extensionsof field research,ethnogra-
directlytalkswith and observes the peoplebeing phy and ethnomethodology,build on the social
studied. Through interaction over months or constructionistperspective.Eachis redefining
years,the researcher learnsaboutthem,their life how field researchis conducted.Theyarenot yet
histories,their hobbiesand interests,and their the core offield research,so they are discussed
habits,hopes,fears,and dreams.Meeting new only briefly here.
people,developingfriendships,and discovering Ethnographycomesfrom cultural anthro-
new socialworlds canbe fun. It is alsotime con- pology.zEthnomeanspeopleor folk, andgraphy
suming, emotionally draining, and sometimes refersto describingsomething.Thas ethnograplry
physicallydangerous. meansdescribinga culture and understanding
anotherwayof life from the nativepoint ofview.
Ethnographyassumesthat peoplemake infer-
ResearchQuestions Appropriate for
ences-that is, go beyond what is explicitly seen
Field Research
or saidto what is meantor implied. Peopledis-
Field researchis appropriatewhen the research playtheir culture(whatpeoplethink, ponder,or
questioninvolveslearning about, understand- believe)through behavior(e.g.,speechand ac-
ing, or describinga group of interactingpeople. tions) in specificsocialcontexts.Displaysof be-
It is usuallybestwhen the questionis: How do havior do not give meaning;rather,meaningis
peopledo Y in the socialworld? or What is the inferred,or someonefiguresout meaning.Mov-
socialworld of X like?It canbe usedwhen other ing from what is heardor observedto what is ac-
methods (e.g., survey,experiments)are not tually meantis at the centerof ethnography.For
practical,asin studyingstreetgangs. example,when a studentis invitedto a "kegger,"
Field researchersstudy peoplein a location the studentinfersthat it is an informalpartywith
or setting.It hasbeenusedto studyentirecom- other student-aged peopleat which beerwill be
munities. Beginning field researchersshould served,basedon his or her cultural knowledge.
startwith a relativelysmall group (30 or fewer) Cultural knowledgeincludessymbols,songs'say-
who interactwith eachother on a regularbasis ings, facts,waysof behaving,and objects(e.g.,
CHAPTERll / F I E L DR E S E A R C H 277

FIG URE 1 I . 1 Examplesof FieldResearchSites/Topics

Small-ScaleSettings Door-to-doorsalespersons
Passengers in an airplane Factoryworkers
Barsor taverns Gamblers
Batteredwomenl shelters Medicalstudents
Cameraclubs Femalestrippers
Laundromats Policeofficers
' Socialmovementorganizations Restaurant chefs
Socialwelfareoffices Socialworkers
stations Taxidrivers
Devianceand Criminal Activity
Community Settings
Body/genitalpiercingand bnnding
Drugdealersand addicts
Nude beaches
Children'sActivities Occultgroups
Youthin schools
Medical Settings and Medical Events
Airlineattendants Emergencyrooms
Artists Intensivecareunits
Cocktailwaitresses Pregnancy and abortion
Dog catchers Supportgroupsfor Alzheimerlcaregivers

telephones,newspapers, etc.).We learn the cul- norm. They feeluneaseor discomfortwhen the
ture by watchingtelevision,listeningto parents, norm is violated,but it is difficult to pinpoint
observingothers,and the like. the source of discomfort. Ethnographeri de-
Cultural knowledgeincludesboth explicit scribethe explicit and tacit cultural knowledge
knowledge,what we know and talk about, and that membersuse. Their detaileddescriptions
tacit knowledge,what we rarely acknowledge. and carefirlanalysistakewhat is describedapart
For example,explicitknowledgerncladesthe so- and put it backtogether.
cialevent(e.g.,a "kegger").Most peoplecaneas- Ethnomethodology is adistinctapproachde-
ily describe what happens at one. Tacit velopedin the 1960s,with its own uniquetermi-
knowledge includesthe unspokencultural norm nology. It combinestheory, philosophy,and
for the proper distanceto stand from others. method. Some do not considerit a part of
Peopleare generallyunawarethat they usethis sociology.
278 pA RTr HR E E / c o N D U c rl N c QU AL ITA TIvE
R E S E A R cH

A simple definition of ethnomethodology is towardresearchthan a fixed setoftechniquesto

the study of commonsenseknowledge.Eth- apply.3A field researcherusesvariousmethods
nomethodologistsstudy common senseby ob- to obtain information. A field researcher is a re-
servingits creationand use in ongoingsocial sourcefirl,talentedindividualwho hasingenuity
interactionin natural settings.Ethnomethodol- and an ability to think on her or his feet while in
ogyis a radicalor extremeform of field research, the field.
basedon phenomenologicalphilosophy and a Field researchis basedon naturalism,which
socialconstructionistapproach.It involvesthe is also used to study other phenomena(e.g.'
specialized, highlydetailedanalysisof micro-sit- oceans,animals,plants, etc.).Naturalisn involves
uations (e.g.,transcriptsof short conversations observingordinary eventsin natural settings,not
or videotapesof socialinteractions).Compared in contrived,invented,or researcher-created set-
to other field research,it is more concerned tings. Researchoccursin the field and outside
aboutmethod and arguesthat researchfindings the safesettingsof an of,fice,laboratory,or class-
result as much from the method usedas from room.
the sociallife studied. A field researcher'sgoalis toexaminesocial
Ethnomethodologyassumesthat social meaningsand grasp multiple perspectivesin
meaningis fragileand fluid, not fixed, stable,or naturalsocialsettings.He or shewantsto getin-
solid. Meaning is constantlybeing createdand sidethe meaningsystemof membersand then
re-createdin an ongoing process.For this rea- return to an outsideor researchviewpoint. To
son,ethnomethodologists analyzelanguage,in- do this, the researcher switchesperspectives and
cluding pausesand the contextof speech.They looks at the settingfrom multiple points of view
assumethat people"accomplish"commonsense simultaneously.
understanding by using tacit social-cultural Fieldresearchis usuallyconductedby a sin-
rules,and socialinteractionis a processofreality gle individual, although small teamshave been
construction.Peopleinterpret everydayevents effective(seeBox 11.1).The researcheris di-
by using cultural knowledgeand cluesfrom the rectly involved in and part of the socialworld
social context. Ethnomethodologistsexamine studied,sohis or her personalcharacteristics are
how ordinary people in everydaysettingsapply relevantin research.The researcher's direct in-
tacit rules to make senseof sociallife (e.g.,to volvementin the field often has an emotional
know whetheror not someoneis joking). impact. Field researchcan be fun and exciting,
Ethnomethodologists examineordinary so- but it canalsodisrupt one'spersonallife, physi-
cial interactionin greatdetail to identi$'the cal security, or mental well-being. More than
rulesfor constructingsocialrealityand common other typesofsocial research,it reshapes friend-
sense,how theserulesareapplied,and how new ships, family life, self-identiry and personal
rules are created.For example,they arguethat values.
standardizedtestsor surveyinterviewsmeasure
a person'sability to pick up implicit cluesand Steps in a Field ResearchProject
apply common sensemore than measuringob-
jectivefacts. Naturalism and direct involvement mean that
field researchis lessstructured than quantita-
tive research.This makesit essentialfor' a re-
TH E LOG ICOF FIE LDRE S E A RCH searcherto be well organizedand preparedfor
the field. It alsomeansthat the stepsof a pro-
What Is FieldResearch? ject arenot entirelypredeterminedbut serveas
It is difficultto pin downa specificdefinitionof an approximateguide or road map (seeBox
fieldresearchbecause it ismoreof anorientation TI.2\.
CHAPTERll / F I E L DR E S E A R C H 279

A field researcher
doesthe following: 1. Prepare oneself, read the literature, and
.l defocus.
. Observesordinaryeventsand everydayactivi- 2. Selecta field siteand gainaccessto it.
ties as they happenin naturalsettings,in addi-
3. Enterthefieldandestablishsocialrelationswith
tion to any unusualoccurrences
2. Becomes directlyinvolvedwiththe peoplebeing
4. Adopt a socialrole, learnthe ropes,and get
studiedand personallyexperiences the process
alongwith members.
of dailysociallifein the fieldsetting
5. Watch,listen,and collectqualitydata.
3. Acquiresan insider'spoint of viewwhilemain-
tainingthe analyticperspective or distanceof an 6. Beginto analyzedataandto generateand eval-
outsider uateworkinghypotheses.
4. Usesa varietyof techniquesand socialskillsin a 7. Focuson specificaspectsofthe settingand use
flexiblemanneras the situationdemands theoreticalsampling.
5. Producesdata in the form of extensivewritten 8. Conduct field interviewswith memberinfor-
notes,as wellas diagrams,maps,or picturesto mants.
provideverydetaileddescriptions 9. Disengageand physicallyleavethe setting.
6. Seeseventsholistically (e.g.,asa wholeunit,not 1 0. Completethe analysesand write the research
in pieces)and individually in their socialcontext repon.
Z. Understandsand developsempathyfor mem-
bersin a field setting,and does not just record Note:Thereis nofixedpercentage of timeneeded for each
"cold"objectivefacts step.Fora roughapproximation,Junker (l 960:12)
suggested that,onceinthefield,theresearcher should
8. Notices both explicit (recognized,conscious, expectto spendapproximately one-sixth of hisor hertime
spoken)and tacit (lessrecognized, implicit,un- observing,
one-thirdrecordingdata,one-third ofthetime
spoken)aspectsof culture anallzing
data,andone-sixth reporting results.Alsosee
9. Obseirves ongoingsocialprocesses without up- Denzin(l989:176)foreightstepsof fieldresearch.
settin&disrupting,or imposingan outsidepoint
of view
10. Copeswith highlevelsof personalstress,uncer-
basisof their valuefor providinginformation.In
and ambiguity
the beginning,the researcherexpectslittle con-
trol over dataand little focus.Oncesocializedt<.r
the setting,however,he or she focusesthe in-
quiry and assertscontrol overthe data.
Flexihility. Field researchersrarely follow
fixed steps.In fact, flexibility is a key advantage Getting Organized in the Beginning. Human
offield research,which letsa researcher shift di- and personalfactorscan play a role in any re-
rection and follow leads.Good field researchers searchproject, but they are crucial in field re-
recognizeand seizeopportunities,"play it by search.Field projects often begin with chance
ear,"and rapidly adjustto fluid socialsituations. occurrencesor a personalinterest.Field re-
A field researcher doesnot beginwith a set searchers canbeginwith their own experiences,
of methodsto apply or explicit hlpothesesto suchasworking at a job, havinga hobby,or be-
test.Rather,he or shechoosestechniqueson the ing a patientor an activist.
280 pA Rr rH R EE / c o N D U c rrN c e u A L trA TtvER E S E A R cH

Field researchersuse the skills of careful may be personallytransformedby the field ex-
looking and listening,short-termmemory and perience.Someadoptnew values,interests,and
regularwriting. Beforeenteringthe field, a new moral commitments,or changetheir religion or
researcherpracticesobservingthe ordinary de- politicalideology.s
tails of situationsand writing them down. At-
tention to detailsand short-term memory can
improvewith practice.Likewise,keepinga daily
diary or personaljournal is good practicefor
writing field notes.
As with all social research,reading the Although a field researchproject doesnot pro-
scholarlyliteraturehelps the researcherlearn ceedby fixed steps,some common concerns
concepts,potentialpitfalls,datacollectionmeth- Theseincludeselectinga
arisein the earlystages.
ods, and techniquesfor resolvingconflicts. In site and gaining accessto the site, enteringthe
addition, a field researcherfinds diaries,novels, field,learningthe ropes,and developingrapport
journalisticaccounts,and autobiographiesuse- with membersin the field.
ful for gaining familiarity and preparingemo-
tionally for the field.
Selecting a Site and Entering
Field researchbeginswith a generaltopic,
not specifichypotheses.A researcherdoesnot Whereto Observe. Fieldresearchers talk about
getlockedinto anyinitial misconceptions. He or doing researchon a setting,or field site,but this
sheneedsto be well informed but open to dis- term is misleading.A siteis the contextin which
coveringnew ideas.Finding the right questions eventsor activitiesoccur,a sociallydefinedterri-
to askaboutthe field takestime. tory with shifting boundaries.A social group
A researcher first emptieshis or her mind of may interactacrossseveralphysicalsites.For ex-
preconceptions.The researchershould move ample,a collegefootball team may interact on
outsidehis or her comfortablesocialnicheto ex- the playingfield,in the lockerroom, in a dormi-
perienceasmuch aspossiblein the field without tory, at a training camp, or at a local hangout.
betrayinga primary commitmentto being a re- The team'sfield siteincludesall five locations.
searcher. The field site and researchquestion are
Another preparationfor field researchis bound together,but choosinga site is not the
self-knowledge. A field researcherneedsto know sameasfocusingon a casefor study.A caseis a
himselfor herselfand reflecton personalexperi- socialrelationshipor activity;it can extendbe-
ences.He or shecan expectanxiety,self-doubt, yond the boundariesof the siteandhavelinks to
frustration, and uncertaintyin the field. Espe- other socialsettings.A researcherselectsa site,
cially in the beginning,the researchermay feel then identifiescasesto examinewithin it-for
that he or sheis collectingthe wrong data and example,how football team membersrelateto
may suffer emotional turmoil, isolation, and authority figures.
confusion.He or she often feelsdoubly mar- Selectinga field site is an important deci-
ginal an outsiderin the field settingand alsodis- sion,and researchers takenoteson the siteselec-
tant from friends,family,andotherresearchers.4 tion processes. Three factorsare relevantwhen
The relevanceof a researcher's emotionalmake- choosinga field researchsite: richnessof data,
up, personal biography,and culturalexperiences unfamiliarity, and suitability.6 Some sites are
makesit important to be awareof his or her per- more likely than others to provide rich data.
sonalcommitmentsand inner conflicts(seeBox Sitesthat presenta web of socialrelations,a va-
11.3).Fieldworkcan havea strongimpact on a riety of activities,and diverseeventsover time
researcher'sidentity and outlook. Researchers providericher,more interestingdata.Beginning
CHAPTERll / F I E L DR E S E A R C H 281

Eliasoph(l 998) conductedfieldresearch on several shirtsand jeans, womenin curly permsand tiered
groupsin a Californiacommunityto understandhow
flouncesof laceor denimskirts,or jeans,and beltswith
Americans avoidpoliticalexpression. One wasa so_ their namesembroideredin glitter on the back.
cialclub.Eliasophdescribesherselfas an ,,urban,bi_ (1998:92)
coastal,bespectacled, Jewish,ph.D.candidatefroma
longlineof communists, atheists,liberals,
book-read_ Eliasophintroducedherselfas a student.During
ers, ideologues,and arguers',(p.270). The social .
her two yearsofresearch,sheenduredsmoke_filled
club'sworldwasveryforeignto her.The socialclub, roomsas well as expensivebeer and bottled_water
the Buffalos,centeredon countryandwesternmusic prices;attendeda weddingand manydancelessons;
at a bar,the SilveradoClub.Shedescribesit: and participatedin countlessconversations and
heardmanyabusivesexisVracist jokes.Shelistened,
TheSilveradohuddledon a vast,ruttedparkinglot on askedquestions,observed,and took notes in the
whatwas oncewetlands
andnowwasa truckstoi,a mile bathroom.When she returnedhome after hours
anda halffromAmargo's [townname]nuclearbattle_ with club members,it wasto a universitycrowdwho
shipstation.Occasional gulleysof saltwatercattaits had little understanding
of the world shewasstudv_
pokedthroughthewideflat nilesof pavedmallsand gas ing. For them,witty conversation wascentraland
stations.Ciantfour-wheeled-drive vehiclesfitted the being bored wasto be avoided.The club members
pa*ing lot, makingmyminiatureHondalooklikea tov. used more nonverbalthan verbalcommunication
. . . lnsidethewindowless
initiatblindingdai- and beingbored,or sitting and doing nothing,was
gavewayto a hugeConfederate pinnedup be_ just fine.The researchforcedEliasopi'to
less flag r.e"*Irnine
hindthebandstand, thestandardcollectionof nmnbeer her own viewsand tastes,whichsfrehad taken for
signsand beermirrors,menin cowboyshats,cowboys granted.

field researchersshould choosean unfamiliar and regulationsin institutions (e.g., public

setting.It is easierto seecultural eventsand so_ schools,hospitals,prisons,etc.) restrlct u...rr.
cial relationsin a new site.When .,casing,' possi_ In addition, institutional review boards may
ble field sites,one must considersuch limit field researchon ethicalgrounds.
issuesasthe researcher's time and skills,serious
conflicts among people in the site, the re_ Level of Involvemenf. Field roles can be
searcher'spersonalcharacteristics and feelings, arcangedon a continuum by the degreeof de_
and access to partsofa site. tachmentor involvementa researcherhaswith
A researcher's ascriptivecharacteristics(e.g., members.At oneextremeis a detachedoutsider;
age,gender,race) can limit access. physicalac_ at the other extremeis an intimately involved
cessto a sitecan be an issue.Sitesare on a con_ insider.
tinuum, with openand public areas(e.g.,public The field researcher's
level of involvement
restaurants,airport waiting areas,etc.) at one depends on negotiations with members,
end and closedand privatesettings(e.g.,private specificsof the field setting,the researcher,s
firms, clubs,activitiesin a person'ihorie, etc.)at personal comfort, and the particular role
the other.A researcher miy find that he or sheis adoptedin the field. Many move from outsider
not welcomeor not allowedon the site,or there to insider levelswith more time in the field.
are legal and political barriers to access.Laws Eachlevelhasits advantages and disadvantages.
282 pA RTT HRE E,/ c o N D U c l N c e u A L trAT tvER E S E A R cH

Different field researchers advocatedifferent findingsmight provideevidencefor someoneto

levelsof involvement. criticizethem.
Rolesat the outsiderend of the continuum Dealingwith gatekeepers is a recurrentissue
reducethe time neededfor acceptance, make asa researcherentersnew levelsor areas.In ad-
overrapportlessan issue,and can sometimes dition, a gatekeepercan shapethe direction of
help membersopen up. They facilitatedetach- research.In somesites,gatekeeper approvalcre-
ment andprotectthe researcher's self-identity.A atesa stigma that inhibits the cooperation of
researcherfeelsmarginal.Although there is less members.For example,prisonersmay not be
risk of "going native,"he or sheis alsolesslikely cooperativeif they know that the prison warden
to know an insider's experienceand misinter- gaveapprovalto the researcher.
pretationis morelikely.To reallyunderstandso-
cial meaningfor thosebeing studied,the field
Stratery for Entering
researcher must participatein the setting,asoth-
ersdo. Entering a field site requireshaving a flexible
By contrast,roles at the insider end of the strategyor plan ofaction, negotiatingaccessand
continuum facilitateempathyand sharingof a relations with members,and deciding how
member'sexperience.The goal of fi.rllyexperi- much to discloseabout the researchto field
encingthe intimate socialworld of a memberis membersor gatekeepers.
achieved.Nevertheless, a lack of distancefrom,
too much sympathy for, or overinvolvement Planning. Entering and gaining accessto a
with membersis likely. A researcher'sreports field siteis a processthat dependson common-
may be questioned,data gatheringis difficult, sensejudgmentand socialskills.Field sitesusu-
there can be a dramatic impact on the re- ally havedififerentlevelsor areas,and entry is an
searcher'sself, and the distanceneededfor issuefor each.Entry is more analogousto peel-
analysismay be hard to attain. ing the layers of an onion than to opening a
door. Moreover,bargainsand promisesof entry
Gatekeepers. A gatekeeper is someonewith the may not remain stableover time. A researcher
formal or informal authorityto control access to needsfallbackplansor may haveto return later
a site.7It can be the thug on the corner,an ad- for renegotiation.Becausethe specificfocus of
ministrator of a hospital,or the ownerof a busi- researchmay not emergeuntil later in the re-
ness.Informal public areas (e.g., sidewalks, searchprocessor may change,it is bestto avoid
public waitingrooms,etc.)rarelyhavegatekeep- beinglockedinto specificsby gatekeepers.
ers;formal organizationshaveauthoritiesfrom
whom permissionmust be obtained. Negotiation Socialrelationsare negotiated
Field researchersexpectto negotiatewith and formed throughout the processof field-
gatekeepers and bargainfor access. The gate- work.8Negotiationoccurswith eachnew mem-
keepersmaynot appreciatethe needfor concep- ber until a stablerelationshipdevelopsto gain
tual distanceor ethicalbalance.The researcher access,developtrust, obtain information, and
must setnonnegotiablelimits to protectresearch reducehostilereactions.The researcherexpects
integrity.If therearemanyrestrictionsinitially, a to negotiateand explainwhat he or sheis doing
researchercan often reopen negotiationslater, over and over in the field (seeNormalizing So-
and gatekeepers may forgettheir initial demands cial Research later in the chapter).
astrust develops.It is ethicallyandpoliticallyas- Deviantgroupsand elitesoften requirespe-
tute to call on gatekeepers. Researchers do not cial negotiationsfor gainingaccess. To gain ac-
expectthem to listen to researchconcernsor cessto deviantsubcultures, field researchers
careabout the findings, exceptinsofar asthese usedcontactsfrom the researcher's private life,
CHAPTERll / F I E L DR E S E A R C H 2t3

goneto socialwelfareor law-enforcementagen- who we are-the type of personwe areor would

cieswherethe deviantsareprocessed, advertised like to be-through our physical appearance,
for volunteers,offlereda service(e.g.,counseling) what we say,and how we act. The presentation
in exchangefor access,or gone to a location of selfsendsa symbolicmessage. It maybe, ..I'm
wheredeviantshangout andjoined a group. a serious,hard-workingstudent,""I'm a warm
and caringperson,""I'm a cool iock," or ..I,ma
Disclosure. A researchermust decide how rebel and party animal." Many ielvesarepossi-
much to revealabout himselfor herselfand the ble, and presentationsof selvescan diffir de-
researchproject. Disclosingone'spersonallife, pendingon the occasion.
hobbies,interests,and backgroundcan build A field researcher is consciousofthe presen-
trust and closerelationships,but the researcher tation of self in the field. For exampG,how
will alsoloseprivacy,and he or sheneedsto en- should he or she dressin the field?The b"st
surethat the focusremainson eyentsin the field. guideis to respectboth oneselfand thosebeing
A researcheralsodecideshow much to dis- studied.Do not overdressso as to offend or
close about the researchproject. Disclosure standout, but copyingthe dressofthose being
rangeson a continuum from fully covert re- studiedis not alwaysnecessary. A professorwho
search,in which no one in the field is awarethat studiesstreetpeopledoesnot haveto dressor
researchis taking place,to the oppositeend, act^likeone; dressingand acting informally is
where everyoneknows the specificsof the re- sufficient.Likewise,more formal dressand pro-
searchproject.The degreeand timing of disclo- fessionaldemeanorarerequiredwhen studying
sure dependson a researcher's judgment and corporateexecutivesor top officials.
particularsin the setting.Disclosuremay unfold A researcher mustbe awarethat self-presen-
overtime asthe researcher feelsmore secure. tation will influencefield relationsto sornede-
Researchers disclosethe projectto gatekeep- gree.It is difficult to presenta highly deceptive
ersand othersunlessthere is a good reasonfor front or to presentoneselfin a way that deviates
not doing so,suchasthe presenceofgatekeepers sharplyfrom the persononeis ordinarily.
who would seriouslylimitor inhibit researchfor
illegitimatereasons(e.g.,to hide graftor corrup- Researcheras Instrument. The researcheris
tion). Evenin thesecases,a researcher may dis- the instrumentfor measuringfield data.Thishas
closehis or her identity asa researcher, bui may two implications.First, it puts pressureon the
poseas one who seemssubmissive,harmless, researcher to be alert and sensitiyeto what hap-
and interestedin nonthreateningissues. pens in the field and to be disciplinedabout
recordingdata.Second,it haspersonalconse-
Learningthe Ropes quences.Fieldworkinvolvessocialrelationships
and personalfeelings.Fieldresearchers areflex-
After a field siteis selectedand accessobtained. ible about what to include as data and admit
researchers must learn the ropes,developrap- their,own subjectiveinsightsand feelings.per-
port with members,adopt a role in the setting, sonal,subjectiveexperiences are part 6f field
and maintain social relations. Before cor_r- data.They are valuableboth in themselves
fronting such issues,the researchershould ask: for interpretingeventsin the field.Insteadoftry-
How will I presentmyselftWhat doesit mean ing to be objectiveand eliminatepersonalreac-
for me to be a "measurementinstrument"?How tions,field researchers treattheir feelingstoward
canI assumean "attitude of strangeness"? field eventsasdata.
Field researchcan heightena researcher's
Presentationof Self, Peopleexplicitlyand im- awarenessof personalfeelings.For example,a
plicitly presentthemselves to others.We display researchermay not be fully awareof personal
284 PART THREE / c oNDUc r lNc Q UALI TAT I v ER E S E A R c H

Strangeness alsoencourages to
a researcher
feelingsaboutnudity until he or sheis in a nud-
until he reconsiderhis or her own world.
social Immer-
ist colony,or aboutpersonalpossessions
or she is in a setting where others "borrow" sion in a different setting breaksold habits of
many items.The researcher's own surprise,in- thought and action. He or shefinds reflection
dignation, or questioning then may becomean and introspectioneasierand more intensewhen
opportunity for reflectionand insight. encounteringthe unfamiliar,whetherit is a dif-
ferentcultureor a familiar culture seenthrough
An Attituile of Strangeness. It is hard to recog- a stranger'seYes.
nize what we are very closeto' The everyday
world we inhabit is filled with thousandsof de- Building Rapport
tails. If we paid attention to everythingall the
time, we would suffer from severeinformation A field researcherbuildsrapportby gettingalong
overload.We manageby ignoringmuch of what with membersin the field. He or she forgesa
is around us and by engagingin habitualthink- friendly relationship,sharesthe samelanguage,
ing. Unfortunately,we fail to seethe familiar as and laughs and cries with members.This is a
distinctive,and assumethat others experience step toward obtaining an understandingof
realityjust aswe do. We tend to treat our own membersand movingbeyondunderstandingto
way of living asnatural or normal. empathy-that is, seeingand feelingeventsfrom
Field researchin familiar surroundingsis another'spersPective.
difficult becauseof a tendencyto be blinded by It is not alwayseasyto build rapport. The
the familiar. By studying other cultures, re- socialworld is not all in harmony,with warm,
searchersencounterdramaticallydifferent as- friendly people.A settingmay containfear,ten-
sumptions about what is important and how sion,and conflict.Membersmaybe unpleasant,
things are done.This confrontationof cultures, untrustworthy, or untruthful; they may do
or culture shock,has two benefits:It makesit things that disturb or disgusta researcher.An
easierto seecultural elementsand it facilitates expeiiencedresearcher is preparedfor a rangeof
self-discovery. Researchers adoptthe attitudeof evints and relationships.He or she may find'
strangeness to gain these benefits. The attitude however,that it is impossibleto penetratea set-
of strangenes.s means questioning and noticing ting or get really close to members. Settings
ordinary details or looking at the ordinary wherecooperation,sympathy,and collaboration
throughthe eyesofa stranger.Strangeness helps areimpossiblerequiredifferenttechniques.v
a researcherovercome the boredom of observ-
Chqrm nnd Trust, A field researcher needsso-
ing ordinary details.It helpshim or her seethe
cial skills and personalcharm to build rapport.
ordinary in a newway, one that revealsaspectsof
Trust, friendly feelings,and being well liked fa-
the setting of which membersare not con-
cilitate communicationand help him or her to
sciouslyaware.A field researcheradoptsboth a
understandthe inner feelingsof others. There is
stranger'sand an insider'spoint ofview
no magicalway to do this. Showing a genuine
Peoplerarely recognizecustomsthey take
for granted.For example,when someonegives concernfor and interestin others,beinghonest,
and sharingfeelingsaregoodstrategies, but theJ
us a gift, we saythank you and praisethe gift. By
arenot foolproof. It dependson the specific set-
contrast,gift-giving customsin many cultures
include complainingthat the gift is inadequate' ting and members.
The attitude of strangeness helpsmakethe tacit Many factorsaffecttrust and rapport-how
culture visible-for example, that gift giversex- a researcher presentshimselfor herself;the role
pectto hear "Thankyou" and "The gift is nice," he or she choosesfor the field; and the events
andbecomeupset otherwise. that encourage,limit, or make it impossibleto
2 86 pA RTT HRE E,/ c o N D U c l N c e u AL trA T r vER E S E A R cH

peratures,filthy and dilapidatedliving condi- Members who are cool at first may warm up
tions, dysentery and mosquitoes.Shefelt iso- later.Or theymayput on a front of initial friend-
lated,shecried a lot, and shegained30 pounds liness,andtheir fearsand suspicionssurfaceonly
from compulsiveeating.After months in the later.A researcher is in a delicateposition.Early
field, shethought shewasa total failure;shewas in a project,when not yet firlly awareof every-
distrustedby membersand got into fights with thing about a field site,the researcherdoesnot
the campadministration. form closerelationshipsbecausecircumstances
Maintaininga "marginal" statusis stressful;may change.Yet, if he or shedoesdevelopclose
it is difiicult to be an outsiderwho is not firlly in-
friends,they can becomeallieswho will defend
volved,especiallywhen studyingsettingsfull of the researcher's presenceand help him or her
intensefeelings(e.g.,political campaigns,reli- gain access.
giousconversions,etc.).The lonelinessand iso- A field researchermonitors how his or her
lation of fieldwork may combinewith the desire actionsor appearance affectsmembers.For ex-
to developrapport and empathyto causeover- ample,a physicallyattractiveresearcher who in-
involvement.A researcher may "go native" and
teractswith membersof the oppositesexmay
drop the professionalresearcher's encountercrushes,flirting, and jealousy.He or
role to be-
comea firll memberof the group beingstudied. shedevelopsan awareness of thesefield relations
Or the researchermay feel guilt about learning and learnsto managethem.
intimate detailsas membersdrop their guard, In addition to developingsocialrelation-
and may cometo overidenti$'with members. ships,a field researcher must be ableto breakor
withdraw from relationshipsas well. Ties with
Normalizing Social Research. A field re- one membermay haveto be broken in order to
searchernot only observesand investigates forgetieswith othersor to exploreother aspects
membersin the field but is observedand inves- of the setting.As with the end of any friendly re-
tigated by members as well. In overt field lationship,the emotionalpain of socialwith-
research,members are usually initially un- drawal can affect both the researcherand the
comfortablewith the presenceof a researcher. member. The researchermust balancesocial
Most are unfamiliar with field researchand fail sensitivityand the researchgoals.
to distinguishbetweensociologists, psycholo-
gists,counselors,and socialworkers.They may Small Favors. Fscchange relationshipsdevelop
seethe researcherasan outsidecritic or spy,or in the field, in which smalltokensor favors,in-
asa savioror all-knowingexpert. cluding deferenceand respect,areexchanged. A
An overt field researchermust normalizeso- researchermay gain acceptance by helping out
cial research-that is, help membersredefineso- in small ways.Exchangehelps when accessto
cial researchfrom something unknown and sensitiveissuesis limited. A researcher may offer
threateningto somethingnormal andpredictable. smallfavorsbut not burden membersby asking
He or shecanhelp membersmanageresearchby for return favors.As the researcherand mem-
presentinghis or her own biography,explaining bersshareexperiences and seeeachother again,
field researcha little at a time, appearingnon- membersrecallthe favorsand reciprocateby al-
threatening,or acceptingminor deviancein the lowing access. For example,Duneier(1999)used
setting(e.9.,minor violationsof officialrules). the small favor of watchingthe tablesof street
vendorswhenthey had to leavefor a short time,
suchasto usethe bathroom.
SocinlRelations, With time, a field researcher Conflictsin theFielil. Fights,conflict,and dis-
develops and modifies social relationships. agreements canerupt in the field, or a researcher

may study groupswith opposingpositions.In senses,noticing what is seen,heard, smelled,

suchsituations,the researcher will feelpressure tasted,or touched.Theresearcherbecomesan in-
to takesidesand will be testedto seeif he or she strumentthat absorbsall sourcesof information
can be trusted.In such occasions,a researcher A field researchercarefully scrutinizesthe
usuallystayson the neutralsidelinesandwalksa physicalsettingto captureits atmosphere.He or
tightropebetweenopposingsides.This is be- she asks:What is the color of the floor, walls,
causeoncehe or shebecomesalignedwith one ceiling?How large is the room? Where are the
side, the researcherwill cut off accessto the windows and doors? How is the furniture
other side.In addition,he or shewill seethe sit- arranged,and what is its condition (e.g.,new or
uation from onlyone point of view. old and worn, dirty or clean)?What type of
lighting is there? Are there signs, painiings,
AppearingInterested. Fieldresearchers main- plants?What arethe soundsor smels?
tain an appearance of interestinthe field. An ex- Why bother with such details?you may
periencedresearcherappearsto be interestedin have noticed that storesand restaurantsoften
and involved with field eventsby statementsand plan lighting, colors,and piped-in musicto cre-
behaviors(e.g.,facialexpression,going for cof- atea certainatmosphere.Muyb. you know that
fee,organizingaparty, etc.) evenif he or sheis used-carsalespeoplespraya new-carscentinto
not truly interested.This is becausefield rela- carsor that shopsin shoppingmalls intention-
tions may be disruptedif the researcher appears ally sendout the odor of freshlymadecookies.
to be boredor distracted.Putting up sucha tem- Thesesubtle,unconscioussignalsinfluencehu-
pora'ryfront of involvementis a common small man behavior.
deceptionin dailylife and is part of beingpolite. Observingin field researchis often detailed,
Of course,selectiveinattention (i.e., not tediouswork. Insteadof the quick flash,motiva-
staringor appearingnot to notice)is alsopart of tion arisesout ofa deepcuriosityabout the de-
actingpolite. If a personmakesa socialmistake tails.Good field researchers areintrigued about
(e.g.,accidentallyusesan incorrectword, passes details that reveal "what's going
on here"
gas,etc.),the polite thing to do is to ignoreit. Se- throughcarefrrllisteningandwatching.Field
lectiveinattentionis usedin fieldwork,aswell. It searchersbelievethat the core of soiial life i,
givesan alertresearcher an opportunity to learn communicated through the mundane, trival,
by casuallyeavesdroppingon conversationsor everydayminutia. This is what people often
obsen'ingeventsnot meantto be public. overlook,but field researchers needto learnhow
to notice.
In additionto physicalsurroundings,a field
OBSERVINGAND COLLECTING researcher observespeopleandtheir actions,not-
DATA ing eachperson's observable physicalcharacter-
istics:age,sex,race,and stature.peoplesociahy
This sectionlooksat how to getgoodqualitative interact differently dependingon whether
field data.Fielddataarewhat the researcher ex- otherpersonis 18,40,or 70yearsold; maleor fe-
periences and remembers, and what are male;White or non-White;shortandfrail or tall.
recordedin field notesand becomeavailablefor heavyset, andmuscular.When noting suchchar-
systematicanalysis. acteristics,the researcher is included.For exam-
ple, an attitude of strangenessheightens
Watching and Listening sensitivityto a group'sracialcomposition.A re-
searcherwho ignoresthe racialcompositionof a
Observing. In the field, researcherspay atten- group of Whites in a multiracialsocietybecause
tion, watch, and listen carefully.They useall the he or shetoo is White isbeingraciallyinsensitive.
28 8 PART TH REE / c oNDUc r lNc Q UALI T A T I v ER E S E A R c H

The researcherrecordssuchdetailsbecause relevanceof what he or she is observinguntil

somethingof significancemightberevealed.It is later. This hastwo implications.First is the im-
betterto err by including everythingthan to ig- portanceofkeenobservationandexcellentnotes
nore potentiallysignificantdetails.For example, at all times, evenwhen "nothing seemsto be
"The tall, White muscular l9-year-old male happening."Secondis the importanceof look-
sprintedinto the brightly lit room just as the ing back over time and learning to appreciate
short, overweight Black woman in her sixties wait time. Most field researchers saythat they
easedinto a batteredchair" saysmuch more spenda lot of time "waiting." Novice field re-
than "One personentered,anothersatdown." searchers get frustrated with the amount of time
A fietd researchernotesaspectsofphysical they seem to "waste," either waiting for other
appearance suchasneatness, dress'and hairstyle peopleor waiting for events to occur.
becausetheyexpressmessages that canaffectso- A field researcher needsmust be attunedto
cial interactions.Peoplespenda greatdeal of the rhythms of the setting, operateon otherpeo-
time and money selectingclothes,styling and ple's schedules, and observe how eventsoccur
combinghair, groomingwith make-up,shaving, within their own flow of time. Wait time is not
ironing clothes,and using deodorantor per- alwayswasted time. Wait time is time for reflec-
fumes.Theseare part of their presentationof tion, for observing details, for developing social
self.Evenpeoplewho do not groom, shave,or relations,for building rapport, and for becom-
wear deodorantpresentthemselvesand senda ing a familiar sightto peoplein the field setting.
symbolicmessage by their appearance. No one Wait time alsodisplaysthat a researcher is com-
dresses or looks"normal." Sucha statementsug- mitted and serious; perseverance is a significant
geststhat a researcher is not seeingthe social trait field researchers needto cultivate.The re-
world through the eyesof a strangeror is insen- searchermay be impatient to get in, get the re-
sitiveto socialsignals. searchover,and get on with his or her "real life"
Behavior is also significant. A field re- but for the people in the field site,this is reallife.
searchernoticeswhere peoplesit or stand,the The researchershould subordinate his or her
pace at which they walk, and their nonverbal personalwants to the demands of the field site.
tion, feelings,and attitudesthrough nonverbal Listming. A field researcherlistenscarefiilly to
communication, including gestures,facial ex- phrases,accents,and incorrectgrammar,listen-
pressions,and how one standsor sits (standing ing both to what issaidand howit is saidorwhat
stiffly,sittingin a slouchedposition,etc.).People was implied. For example,people often use
express relationshipsby how theypositionthem- phrasessuchas"you know" or "ofcourse" or "et
selvesin a group and through eyecontact.A re- cetera."A field researcherknows the meaning
searchermay readthe socialcommunicationof behind suchphrases.He or shecan try to hear
peopleby noting that they arestandingcloseto- everything,but listeningis difficult when many
gether,looking relaxed,and makingeyecontact. conversations occurat onceor when eavesdrop-
A field researcher alsonoticesthe contextin ping.Luckily,significanteventsandthemesusu-
which eventsoccur:Who waspresent?Who just ally recur.
arrivedor left the scene? Was the room hot and
stuffy?Suchdetailsmay help the researcheras- Taking Notes
sign meaningand understandwhy an eventoc-
curred. If they are not noticed, the details are Most field researchdataarc in the form of field
lost, asis a full understandingof the event. notes.Full field notescan contain maps,dia-
Serendipityis important in field research. grams,photographs,interviews,taperecordings,
Many times,a field researcher doesnot know the videotapes, memoq artifactsor objectsfrom the
CHAPTER 1 / F I E L DR E S E A R C H 289

field, notesjotted in the field, and detailednotes in a public setting looks strangewhen furiously
written awayfromthefield.A field researcher ex- writing. More important, when looking down
pectsto fill manynotebooks,or the equivalentin and writing, the researchercannotseeand hear
computermemory.He or shemay spendmore what is happening.The attentiongivento note
time writing notesthan beingin the field. Some writing is taken from field observationwhere it
researchers produce40 single-spaced pagesof belongs.Thespecificsettingdetermineswhether
notesfor threehours of observation.With prac- any notes in the field can be taken. The re-
tice,evena newfield researcher canproducesev- searchermaybeableto write, andmembersmay
eralpagesofnotes for eachhour in the field. expectit, or he or shemay haveto be secretive
Writing notesis often boring, tediouswork (e.g.,go to the restroom).
that requiresself-discipline.The notescontain Jottednotesarewritten in the field.They are
extensivedescriptivedetail drawn from mem- short, temporary memory triggers such as
ory. A researchermakesit a daily habit or com- words, phrases,or drawingstaken inconspicu-
pulsion to write notesimmediatelyafterleaving ously, often scribbledon any convenientitem
the field. The notesmust be neatand organized (e.g.,napkin, matchbook).They are incorpo-
becausethe researcherwill return to them over ratedinto directobservationnotesbut arenever
arld over again.Oncewritten, the notesarepri- substitutedfor them.
vateand valuable.A researcher treatsthem with
care and protectsconfidentiality.Field notes Direct ObservationNotes. The basicsourceof
may be of interestto hostileparties,blackmail- field dataare notesa researcher writes immedi-
ers,or legalofficials,so someresearchers write ately after leaving the field, which he or shecan
field notesin code. add to later. The notes should be ordered
A researcher's stateof mind, levelof atten- chronologicallywith the date,time, andplaceon
tion, and conditionsin the field affectnote tak- eachentry. They serveas a detaileddescription
ing. He or shewill usuallybegin with relatively ofwhat the researcher heard and sawin con-
short one- to three-hourperiodsin the field be- crete,specificterms.To the extentpossible,they
fore writing notes. are an exactrecordingofthe particular words,
phrases,or actions.
Typesof Field Notes. Field researcherstake A researcher's memoryimproveswith prac-
notesin many ways.l0The recommendations tice.A new researcher cansoonrememberexact
here (alsoseeBox 11.4)are suggestions. Full phrasesfrom the field. Verbatim statements
field noteshaveseveraltlpes or levels.Fivelevels should be written with double quote marks to
will be described.It is usuallybestto keepall the distinguishthem from paraphrases. Dialogue
notesfor an observationperiod togetherand to accessories (nonverbalcommunication,props,
distinguishtypes of notes by separatepages. tone, speed, yolume, gestures) should be
Someresearchers includeinferenceswith direct recordedaswell. A researcher recordswhat was
observationsif they aresetoffby a visibledevice actuallysaidand doesnot cleanit up; notesin-
suchasbracketsor coloredink. The quantity of clude ungrammaticalspeech,slang,and mis-
notesvariesacrosstypes.For example,six hours statements(e.g.,write, "IJh, I'm goin' home,
in the field might resultin 1 pageofjoued notes, Sal,"not "I am goinghome,Sally'').
40 pagesof direct observation,5 pagesof re- A researcherputs concretedetailsin notes,
searcherinference,and2pagestotal for method- not summaries.For example,insteadof, "We
ological,theoretical,and personalnotes. talkedaboutsports,"he or shewrites,"Anthony
arguedwith Sam and |ason.He said that the
lotted Notes. It is nearly impossible to take Cubswould win next weekbecausethey traded
good notesin the field. Evena known observer for a new shortstop,Chiappetta.He alsosaid

Recordnotesassoonas possibleaftereachpe- 1 0. "Let your feelingsflow" and write quicklywith-

riodin the field,anddo not talkwithothersun- out worryingaboutspellingor "wildideas."As-
til observationsare recorded. sumethat no oneelsewillseethe notes.but use
2. Beginthe recordof eachfield visit with a new pseudonyms.
page,with the date andtime noted. I 'l . Neversubstitutetaperecordings completelyfor
3. Usejotted notesonly as a temporarymemory field notes.
aid,with keywordsor terms,or the first and last I 2. Includediagramsor mapsof the setting,and
thingssaid. outlineyour own movements andthoseofoth-
4. Use wide marginsto makeit easyto add to ersduringthe periodof observation.
notesat anytime.Co backandaddto the notes 1 3. Includethe researcher's own wordsand behav-
if you remembersomethinglater. ior in the notes.Also recordemotionalfeelings
5. Planto type notesand keepeachlevelof notes and privatethoughtsin a separatesection.
separateso it will be easyto go backto them 14. Avoidevaluative summarizing words.Insteadof
later. "Thesinklookeddisgusting," say,"Thesinkwas
6. Recordeventsin the order in whichthey oc- rust-stained and lookedas if it had not been
curred,and note how longthey last (e.g.,a 1 5- cleanedin a longtime.Piecesof food and dirty
minutewait,a one-hourride). disheslookedas if they had beenpiledin it for
7. Makenotesasconcrete,complete,andcompre- severaldays."
as oossible. I 5. Rereadnotesperiodicallyand recordideasgen-
eratedby the rereading.
8. Usefrequentparagraphs
and quotationmarks.
Exactrecallof phrasesis best, with double I 6. Alwaysmakeone or more backupcopies,keep
quotes;usesinglequotesfor paraphrasing. them in a lockedlocation,and storethe copies
in differentplacesin caseof fire.
9. Recordsmalltalkor routinesthat do not appear
to be significantat the time;they may become

that the team was better than the Mets, who he ResearcherInference Notes. A field researcher
thought had inferior infielders. He cited last listens to members in order to "climb into their
week's game where the Cubs won againstBoston skin" or "walk in their shoes." This involves a
by 8 to 3." A researchernotes who was present) three-step process. The researcher listens with-
what happened, where it occurred, when, and out applying analytical categories; he or she
under what circumstances.New researchersmay compares what is heard to what was heard at
not take notesbecause"nothing important hap- other times and to what others say; then the re-
pened." An experiencedresearcherknows that searcherapplies his or her own interpretation to
events when "nothing happened" can reveal a infer or figure out what it means. In ordinary in-
lot. For example, members may expressfeelings teraction, we do all three steps simultaneously
and organize experience into folk categories and jump quickly to our own inferences.A field
evenin trivial conversations. researcherlearns to look and listen without in-
C H A P T E R1 . I / F I E L DR E S E A R C H 291

ferringor imposingan interpretation.His or her having an affair with eachother, or a brother

observationswithout inferencesgo into direct and sisterwhosefatherjust died?
observation notes.
A researcher
recordsinferencesin a separate Analytic Notes. Researchers make many deci-
sectionthat is keyedto directobservations. Peo- sions about how to proceedwhile in the field.
ple never seesocialrelationships,emotions,or Someactsareplanned(e.g.,to conductan inter-
meaning.They seespecificphysicalactionsand view, to observea particular activity, etc.) and
hear words, then use background cultural othersseemto occuralmostout ofthin air. Field
knowledge,cluesfrom the context,and what is researchers keep methodologicalideasin ana-
doneor saidto assignsocialmeaning.For exam- lytic notesto record their plans,tactics,ethical
ple, one doesnot seeloveor anger;one seesand and proceduraldecisions,and self-critiquesof
hearsspecificactions(red face,loud voice,wild tactics.
gestures,obscenities)and draw inferencesfrom Theory emergesin field researchduring
them (the personis angry). datacollectionand is clarifiedwhen a researcher
Peopleconstantlyinfer socialmeaningon reviewsfield notes.Analytic noteshave a run-
the basisof what they seeand hear,but not al- ning accountof a researcher's attemptsto give
wayscorrectly.For example,my niecevisitedme meaning to field events.He or she thinks out
andaccompanied me to a storeto buy a kite. The loud in the notes by suggestinglinks between
clerk at the cashregistersmiled and askedher ideas,creatinghypotheses, proposingconjec-
whether she and her "Daddy'' (looking at me) tures,and developingnew concepts.
weregoingto fly the kite that day.The clerk ob- Analytic memosare part of the theoretical
served our interaction, then inferred a notes.They are systematicdigressionsinto the-
father/daughter,not an uncle/niecerelationship. ory, where a researcherelaborateson ideasin
She saw and heard a male adult and a female depth, expandson ideaswhile still in the field,
child, but she inferred the social meaning and modifiesor developsmore complextheory
incorrectly. by rereadingand thinking aboutthe memos.
A researcherkeepsinferred meaningsepa-
rate from direct observationbecausethe mean- PersonalNotes. As discussedearlier,personal
ing of actions is not always self-evident. feelingsand emotionalreactionsbecomepart of
Sometimes,peopletry to deceiveothers.For ex- the data and color what a researcherseesor
ample,an unrelatedcoupleregisterat a motel as hearsin the field.A researcherkeepsa sectionof
Mr. and Mrs. Smith.More frequently,socialbe- notes that is like a personal diary. He or she
havior is ambiguousor multiple meaningsare records personallife eventsand feelingsin it
possible.For example,I seea White maleand fe- ("I'm tensetoday.I wonder if it's becauseof the
male,both in their late twenties,getout of a car fight I had yesterdaywith Chris," "I've got a
and enter a restauranttogether.They sit at a headacheon this gloomy,overcastday'').
table,order a meal,and talkwith seriousexpres- Personalnotes servethree functions:They
sions in hushedtones,sometimesleaning for- provide an outlet for a researcherand a way to
ward to heareachother.As they getup to leave, copewith stress;they area sourceof dataabout
the woman,who hasa sadfacialexpressionand personalreactions;and they give him or her a
appearsready to cry, is briefly huggedby the way to evaluatedirect observationor inference
male.They then leavetogether.Did I witnessa noteswhenthe notesarelaterreread.For exam-
couplebreakingup, two friends discussinga ple, if the researcher
wasin a goodmood during
third, two peopletrying to decidewhat to do be- observations,it might color what he or sheob-
causetheyhavediscoveredthat their spouses are served(seeFigure11.2).

FIcURE 1 1.2 TYPesofFieldNotes

lnference Analytic PersonalJournal
Kay seems Womenare It is raining.
Sunday,October4. KaY's
friendlytoday, afraidof men I am feeling
humming. She who comein comfortable
Whitemalein mid-4Os,
becomessolemn alonesincethe with Kay but
overweight, enters.He
and watchful.I robbery. am boredtoday.
He is alone;sitsat booth thinksheputson
#2.KaycomesbY,asks, the radiowhen
"What'llit be?"Man nervous.
now."She leavesand he
lightscigaretteand reads
turnson radio.

Maps and Diagrams. Field researchers the field. They cannot be introduced into all field
makemapsand draw diagrams or picturesof sites,and can be used only aftet a researcherde-
featuresof a field site.This servestlvo velops rapport. Recordersand videotapesprovide
It helpsa researcherotganizeeventsin the fielda close approximation to what occurred and a
p.r-un.rrt record that others can review' They
and it helpsconveya field siteto others.For ex-
ample, a researcherobservinga bar with. 15 ,a-a ut "jotted notes" to help a researcherrecall
stoolsmay draw and number 15 circlesto sim- events and observe what is easy to miss' Never-
pliS' recording(e.8.'"Yosukecamein and saton theless,these items can create disruption and an
itool 12;Phoebewasalreadyon stool10").Field increased awarenessof surveillance' Researchers
researchers find threetypesof mapshelpful:spa-who rely on them must addressassociatedprob-
tial, social,and temporal.The first helpsorientlems (e.g.,ensurethat batteriesare fresh and there
the data;the latter two arepreliminaryforms ofare enough blank tapes). Also' relistening to or
data analysis.A spatial map locatespeople, viewing tapes can be time consuming' For exam-
ple, it may take over 100 hours to listen to 50
equipment,andthe like in termsof geographical
physical spaceto show where activities occur iro,rr, ,".orded in the field. Transcriptions of tape
are expensive and not always accurate; they do
inig"t. 11.3A).Asocialmapshowsthe number
or variety of people and the arrangements not always convey subtle contextual meanings or
amongthem of power,influence,friendship,di- mumbled words. Duneier (1999) had a tape
vision of labor, and so on (Figure11'3B)'A recorder on all the time in his study of New York
temporalmap showstheebband flow of people, City streetvendors. He made others aware of the
goodr,services,and communications,or sched- machine and took reponsibility for what behav-
ules(Figure11.3C). iors he focusedon, and he left the machine visible'
The taping mayhave createdsome distortion but
Machine Recordingsto SupplementMeffiory' it also provided a record of everydayroutines' He
Tape recordersand videotapescan be hetpful also had a collaborator who took a large collection
supplements Theyneversubsti- of photographs of his field site and informants'
in field research.
notesor a researcher's
t"ta fot field which heiped him to seethings differently'
F I G URE 11. 3 Typesof MapsUsedin FieldResearch
A SpatialMap

lwong 6 EmPtY
\-/ \_/ Chair


De Onis Harris


B Social Map


FriendshipPatternof 'l 1 People

O t","" @Mr"r"t"" ApartmentB

C Temporal Map
Day of Week, Buzz's Bar



InterviewNotes, Ifa researcher conductsfield saylngthat to pleaseme?Is there anythingthat

interviews(to be discussed),
he or shekeepsthe might limit his spontaneity?
interviewnotesseparate. Field researchers take subjectivityand con-
text into account they evaluatecredibility'
Theyknow that a person'sstatementsor actions
Data Quality are affectedby subjectiveperceptions.State-
Reliability in FieldResearch. The reliabilityof mentsaremadefrom a particularpoint of view
field dataaddresses the question:Are researcher and coloredby an individual's experiences. In-
observationsabout a memberor field eventin- steadof evaluating each statement to see if it is
ternally and externallyconsistent? Internal con- true. a field researcher finds statements useful in
sistencyrefersto whetherthe data are plausible themselves. Eveninaccuratestatementsand ac-
givenall that is known about a personor event, tions can be revealingfrom a researcher's
eliminatingcommon forms of human decep- perspective.
tion. In other words, do the piecesfit together As mentionedbefore, actions and state-
into a coherentpicture?For example,are a ments are shapedby the context in which they
member'sactionsconsistentover time and in appear.What is saidin one settingmay differ in
different socialcontexts?Externalconsistency is other contexts.For example,when asked"Do
achievedby verifyingor cross-checking observa- you dance?"a membermay sayno in a public
tions with other, divergentsourcesof data. In setting full of excellentdancers,but yes in a
other words, doesit all fit into the overallcon- semiprivatesettingwith few good dancersand
text?For example,can othersverifr what a re- differentmusic.It is not that the memberis lying
searcherobservedabout a person?Does other but that the answeris shapedby the context.
evidenceconfirm the researcher's observations? Duneier (1999)haswarnedus to avoid the
Reliability in field researchalso includes ethnographic fallacy.It occurswhen a field re-
what is not said or done,but is expected.Such searchertakeswhat he or she obervesat face
omissionscan be significantbut are difficult to value,doesnot questionwhat peoplein a field
detect.For example,when observinga cashier site say, and focusessolely on the immediate
end her shift, a researchernotices that the concretedetailsof a field settingwhile ignoring
moneyin the cashdraweris not counted.He or largersocialforces.Duneiernoted that he tried
she may notice the omission only if other to avoid the fallacyby being awareof largerso-
cashiersalwayscount the money at the end of cial contextand forces.Thus,he studiedpeople
the shift. who took responsibilty for their own failures
Reliabilityin field researchdependson a re- (such as dropping out of schoolin the ninth
searcher'sinsight, awareness, suspicions,and grade) and blamed themselves.Duneier was
questions.He or she looks at membersand firlly awarefiom many other studiesof the larger
eventsfrom different angles(legal,economic, forces (e.g., family situation, violence,poor
political,personal)and mentallyasksquestions: quality school,racialprejudice,joblessness) that
Where doesthe money come from for that? oftencontributedto their experience offailure'l1
What do thosepeopledo alt day?
Field researchers dependon what members Valiility in Field Research. Validityin field re-
tell them.This makesthe credibilityof members searchis the confidenceplacedin a researcher's
and their statementspart of reliability.To check analysisand dataas accuratelyrepresentingthe
membercredibility,a researcherasks:Doesthe socialworld in the field.Replicabilityis not a cri-
personhavea reasonto lie?Is shein a positionto terion because field researchis virtually impossi-
know that?What are the person'svaluesand ble to replicate.Essentialaspectsof the field
how might that shapewhat shesays?Is he just change:The socialeventsand context change,
C H AP TE R l l / FIELD R E S E A R C H 295

the members are different, the individual re-

searcherdiffers,and so on. Therearefour kinds
of validity or testsof researchaccutaclr:
calvalidity, natural history, member validation,
and competentinsiderperformance. tI
t Ecologicalvalidity' Validity is achievedby I
All Details
describingthe studied social world in a in the
mannerthat matcheswhat itwouldbe with- Field
out a researchpresence.Ecologicalvalidity I
i suggests that eventsand interactionswould
occur the samewithout a researcherthere
-+Amount of Timein the FieldSite+
T and without beingpart of a researchstudy'
t Natural history.Validity is achievedby of-
fering a highly detaileddescriptionof how ops hlpothesesonly afterbeing in the field and
the risearchwasconducted.Natural history experiencingit firsthand. At first, everything
offers readers a close-up view of a re- seemsrelevant;later, however,selectiveatten-
searcher's actions,assumptions,and proce- tion focuseson specificquestionsand themes.
duresfor evaluation.
t Membervalidation.Validity is achievedby Sampling. Field researchersoften use non-
askingmembersof a field siteto reviewand probabilitysamples,suchassnowballsampling.
verifr the accuraryof the descriptionof Manytimes the field researchis samplingdiffer-
their intimate socialworld. Possiblelimita- ent tfpes of units. A field researchermay takea
tions of member validation are that dif- smaller. selectiveset of observationsfrom all
ferent members may have conflicting possibleobservations, or sampletimes, situa-
perspectives, membersmay objectto 11un- tions, typesofevents,locations,typesofpeople,
lavoiable portrayal their social world, or or contextsof interest.For example,a researcher
membersmay not recognizeparts of a de- samplestime by observinga settingat different
scription that go beyondtheir own narrow times.He or sheobservesat all times of the day,
on everydayof theweek,and in all seasons to get
a full senseof how the field sitestaysthe same or
t Competentinsiderperformance.Validity is
changes.It is often best to overlap when sam-
achievedby a researcherinteractingidenti-
cally to or "passing" as an insider or mem- pling (e.g.,to havesamplingtimesfrom 7:00e.u.
ber of the field site.This form of validity is from 8:00, to 10:00e'vt.,from
reachedwhen a researchertruly under- to I l:00n.tvn.,
9:00n.rvr. etc.).
standsinsider assumptions, knows and acts A researcher often sampleslocationsbe-
basedon tacit local socialrules or knowl- causeonelocationmay givedepth'but a narrow
edge,and cantell and getinsiderjokes' perspective. Sittingor standingin differentloca-
iioni h"lps the researcherget a senseof the
wholesite.For example,the peer-to-peerbehav-
ior ofschool teachersusuallyoccursin a faculty
Focusingand SamPling lounge,but it also occursat a local bar when
Focusing. The field researcherfirst getsa gen- teachersgatheror in a classroomtemporarily
eralpicture,then focuseson a few specificprob- used for a teachermeeting.In addition, re-
lemsor issues(seeFigure11.4).A researcher searchers tracethe pathsof membersto various
decideson specificresearchquestionsanddevel- field locations.

Fieldresearchers samplepeopleby focusing ended,informal, and long. Generally,they in-

their attentionon differentkinds of people(olo- volveoneor morepeoplebeingpresent,occurin
timers and newcomers,old and young, males the field,and areinformal andnondirective(i.e.,
and females,leadersand followers).As a re- the respondentmaytakethe interviewin various
searcheridentifiestypesof people,or people directions).
with opposingoutlooks,he or shetriesto inter- A field interview involves a rnutual sharing
act with and learn about all types.A field re- of experiences. A researchermight sharehis or
searcheralso samplesvarious kinds of events, her backgroundto build trust and encouragethe
suchasroutine,special,andunanticipated.Rou- informant to open up, but doesnot force an-
tine events(e.g.,openingup a storefor business) swersor useleadingquestions.Sheor he en-
happeneveryday and shouldnot be considered couragesand guides a process of mutual
unimportant simply becausethey are routine. discovery.
Specialevents(e.g.,annualoffice parry) zre an- In field interviews,membersexpressthem-
nouncedand plannedin advance.They focus selvesin the forms in which they normally speak,
member attention and revealaspectsof social think, and organizereality.A researcherretains
life not otherwisevisible.Unanticipatedevents members'jokes and narrativestoriesin their
are thosethat just happento occur while a re- natural form and doesnot repackagethem into
searcheris present(e.g.,unsupervisedworkers a standardizedformat.Thefocusis on the mem-
when the managergetssick and cannotoversee bers'perspectives and experiences. In order to
workersat a storefor a day).In this case,the re-stay close to a member's experience,the re-
searcherseessomethingunusual,unplanned,or searcherasksquestionsin termsof concreteex-
rareby chance. amplesor situations-for example,"Could you
tell me things that led up to your quitting in
fune?"insteadof "Why did you quit your job?"
Field interviewscan occur in a seriesover
time. A researcherbeginsby building rapport
So far, you havelearnedhow field researchers and steeringconversationawayfrom evaluative
observeand take notes. They also interview or highlysensitivetopics.He or sheavoidsprob-
members,but field interviewsdiffer from survey ing inner feelingsuntil intimary is established,
researchinterviews.This sectionintroducesthe and eventhen,the researcher expectsapprehen-
field interview. sion. After severalmeetings,he or shemay be
ableto probe more deeplyinto sensitiveissues
and seekclarificationof lesssensitiveissues.In
The Field Interview
later interviews,he or shemay return to topics
Fieldresearchers useunstructured,nondirective, and checkpast answersby restatingthem in a
in-depth interviews,which differ from formal nonjudgmental tone and asking for verifica-
survey researchinterviews in many ways (see tion-for example,"The lasttime we talked,you
Table 11.1).The field interviewinvolvesasking saidthat you startedtakingthingsfrom the store
questions,listening, expressinginterest,and afterthey reducedyour pay.Is that right?"
recordingwhat wassaid.It is a joint production The field interview is closer to a friendly
of a researcherand a member.Membersareac- conversationthan the stimulus/response model
tive participantswhoseinsights,feelings,and co- found in a surveyresearchinterview.You arefa-
operation are essentialparts of a discussion miliar with a friendlyconversation. It hasits own
processthat revealssubjectivemeanings. informal rulesand the following elements:(1) a
Field research interviews go by many greeting("Hi, it's good to seeyou again");(2)
names:unstructured,depth,ethnographic,open the absenceof an explicit goal or purpose (we
CHAPTERll / F I E L DR E S E A R C H 297

don't say,"Let's now discusswhat we did last motive race"); (9) a pauseor brief silencewhen
weekend"); (3) avoidanceof repetition (we neitherpersontalksis acceptable; (10) a closing
don't say, "Could you clarifr what you said (we don't say,"Let's end this conversation";in-
about"); (4) questionasking("Did you seethe stead,we givea verbalindicator beforephysically
race yesterday?");(5) expressionsof interest leaving:"I've got to get backto work now-see
("Really?I wish I could havebeenthere!"); (6) ya tomorrow").
expressions ofignorance("No, I missedit. What The field interview differs from a friendlv
happened?");(7) turn taking,sothe encounteris conversation.It has an explicit purpose-to
balanced(one persondoesnot alwaysaskques- learn about the informant and setting.A re-
tions and the other only answer);(8) abbrevia- searcherincludesexplanationsor requeststhat
tions ("I missedthe Derby,but I'm goingto the divergefrom friendly conversations. For exam-
Indy," not "I missedthe KentuckyDerby horse ple,he or shemay say,"I'dlike to askyou about
racebut I will go to the Indianapolis500 auto- . . ." or "Could you look at this and seeif I've

SurveyInterviewsversusField ResearchInterviews

l . It hasa clearbeginning
andend. 1. The beginning andend arenot clear.The
interviewcan be pickedup later.
2. The samestandardquestionsareaskedofall 2. The questionsand the order in whichthev
respondentsin the samesequence. are askedare tailoredto specificpeopleand
3. The interviewerappearsneutralat all times. 3. The interviewershowsinterestin responses,
encourages elaboration.
4. The interviewerasksquestions,and the 4. It is likea friendlyconversational
respondentanswers. but with more interviewerquestions.
It is almostalwayswith one respondentalone. 5. lt canoccurin group settingor with othersin
area,but varies.
6. It hasa professional
tone and businesslike
focus; 5. lt is interspersed
with jokes,asides,stories,
diversionsare ignored. diversions, and anecdotes,whichare recorded.
7. Closed-ended
questionsare common,with rare 7. Open-ended questionsarecommon,and
probes. probesare frequent.
8 . The intervieweralonecontrolsthe paceand 8. The interviewerand memberjointly control
directionof interview. the paceand directionof the interview.
9. The socialcontextin whichthe interviewoccurs 9. The socialcontextof the interviewis noted
is ignoredand assumedto makelittle difference. and seenas importantfor interpretingthe
meaningof responses.
10. The interviewerattemptsto moldthe framework 1 0. The intervieweradjuststo the member's
communication pattern into a standard. normsand languageusage.

fromBriggs(l 986), Denzin(1 989), Douglas
(l 985), Misher(1 9g6), spradley(1979a).

written it down right?"The field interviewis less adds structural questionsuntil, in the middle
balanced.A higher proportion of questions stageafter analysishas begun,they make up a
comefrom the researcher, who expresses more majority of the questions.Contrast questions
ignoranceand interest.Also, it includes repeti beginto appearin the middle of a field research
tion. and a researcherasksthe memberto elabo- study and increaseuntil, by the end, they are
rateon unclearabbreviations. askedmore than any other type.l3
Kissane(2003)useddepthinterviewsin her A descriptitequestionis usedto explorethe
field study of low-income women in Philadel- setting and learn about members.Descriptive
phia (discussed in Chapter6). Interviewslasted questionscanbe abouttime and space-for ex-
from 30 minutesto three hours. Kissanenoted ample,"Where is the bathroom?""When does
that she askedthe women what servicesthey the delivery truck arrive?" "What happened
used,and then namedspecificagencies. Often a Monday night?" They can alsobe about people
woman would then say she was aware of the and activities:"\,Vhois sitting by the window?"
namedagency.Sheaskedthe women to describe "What is your unclelike?""What happensdur-
their experienceswith various agencies,when ing the initiation ceremony?"They canbe about
they had usedthem or if theywould useservices objects:"When do you usea sabersaw?""Which
of various agencies,and what other socialser- tools do you carry with you on an emergency
vicesthey used.Open-endedinterviewingal- water leakjob?" Questionsaskingfor examples
lowed her to seethe women'sdecision-making aredescriptive:.questions-for example,"Could
process. you giveme an exampleof a greatdate?""What
were your experiences as a postalclerk?"De-
scriptivequestionsmay ask about hypothetical
Types of Questions in Field Interviews
situations:"If a studentopenedher book during
Many field researchers askthree tlpes of ques- the exam,how would you deal with it?" They
tions in a field interview:descriptive,structural, alsoaskmembersabout the argotof the setting:
and contrastquestions.All are askedconcur- "What do you call a deputy sherif,R"(The an-
rently,but eachtypeis more frequentat a differ- sweris a "county Mountie.")
ent stagein the researchprocess(seeFigure A researcher introducesa structuralquestion
11.5).During the earlystage,a researcher pri- after spendingtime in the field and starting to
marily asksdescriptive questions,then gradually analyzedata. It begins after a researcherorga-
nizesspecificfield events,situations,and con-
versations into conceptual categories.For
example,a researcher's observationsof a high-
FIcURE 1 1.5 TypesofQuestionsin way truck-stoprestaurantrevealedthat the em-
FieldResearchlnterviews ployees informally classify customers who
patronizethe truck stop.In a preliminary analy-
sis, he or she createsa conceptualcategoryof
kinds of customersand hasmembersveriff the
categories with structuralquestions.A common
way to posea structural questionis to ask the
Numberof memberswhethera categoryincludeselements
Questions in addition to those aheadyidentified-for ex-
ample,"Are there any typesof customersother
than regulars,greasers,pit stoppers,and long
haulers?"In addition, a researcher asksfor con-
Time in the Field firmation: "Is a greasera type of customerthat
C H A P T E RI 1 , / F I E L DR E S E A R C H 299

you serve?""Would a pit stopper ever eat a setting, using categoriesfrom the media or
three-coursedinner?" education.
The contrastquestionbuilds on the analysis
alreadyverifiedby structuralquestions.Contrast A field researchermay interview several
questionsfocuson similaritiesor differencesbe- typesof informants.Contrastingtypesof infor-
tween elementsin categoriesor betweencate- mants who provide usefulperspectives include
gories.The researcherasksmembersto verifii rookiesand old-timers,peoplein the centerof
the similarities and differences:"You seemto eyentsand thoseon the fringesof activiry peo-
hayea number of different kinds of customers ple who recentlychangedstatus(e.g.,through
come in here. I've heard you call some cus- promotion) and thosewho are static,frustrated
tomers'regulars'and others'pit stoppers.'How or needypeopleand happyor securepeople,the
are a regularand a pit stopperalike?"or "Is the leaderin chargeand the subordinatewho fol-
differencebetweena long hauler and a greaser lows.A field researcherexpectsmixed messages
that the greaserdoesn'ttip?" or "Two typesof whenhe or sheinterviewsa rangeof informants.
Customers iust stopto usethe restroom-entire
families and a lone male. Do you call both pit
stoppers?" lnterview Context
Field researchersrecognizethat a conversation
Informants in a private office may not occur in a crowded
lunchroom. Often, interviewstake placein the
An informant or key actor in field researchis a member'shomeenvironmentsothat he or sheis
memberwith whom a field researcherdevelopsa comfortable.This is not alwaysbest.If a member
relationshipand who tellsabout,or informs on, is preoccupied or there is no privacy, a re-
the Who makesa good informant?The searcherwill move to another setting (e.g.,
idealinformant hasfour characteristics: restaurantor universityoffice).
The interview's meaning is shapedby its
1. The informant is totally familiar with the Gestaltor whole interactionof a researcher and
culture and is in position to witnesssignifi- a memberin a specificcontext.For example,a
canteyents.He or shelivesandbreathesthe researchernotesnonverbalforms of communi-
culture and engagesin routines in the set- cationthat add meaning,suchasa shrug,a ges-
ting without thinking aboutthem. ture, and so on.
2. The individual is currently involvedin the
field. Ex-memberswho have reflectedon
the field mayprovideusefulinsights,but the
longerthey havebeenawayfrom direct in- LEAVING THE FIELD
volvement, the more likely it is that they Work in the field can last for a few weeksto a
havereconstructedtheir recollections. dozenyears.In either case,at somepoint work
3. The person can spend time with the re- in the field ends.Someresearchers (e.g.,Schatz-
searcher. Interviewing may take many man and Strauss,1973)suggestthat the end
hours, and somemembersare simply not comesnaturallywhen theorybuilding ceases or
availablefor extensiveinterviewing. reachesa closure; others feel that fieldwork
4. Nonana\tic individualsmakebetter infor- could go on without end and that a firm decision
mants.A nonanalyticinformant is familiar to cut offrelationsis needed.
with and usesnative folk theory or prag- Experiencedfield researchersanticipate a
matic common sense.This is in contrastto processof disengaging and exitingthe field. De-
the analyticmember,who preanalyzesthe pendingon the intensityof involyementand the
300 pA RTT HREE,/ c o N D U c rrN c e u A L trAT tvER E S E A R cH

lengthof time in the field,the processcanbe dis- ished until the processof disengagementand ex-
ruptive or emotionallypainful for both the re- iting is complete.
searcherand the members.A researchermay
experiencethe emotionalpain of breakinginti-
mate friendshipswhen leavingthe field. He or
shemay feel guilty and depressedimmediately
beforeand after leaving.He or shemay find it Thefocusgroup is a specialqualitativeresearch
difficult to let go becauseof personaland emo- techniquein which peopleareinformally "inter-
tional entanglements. If the involvementin the viewed"in a group-discussion setting.lsFocus
field wasintenseand long, and the field sitedif- group researchhasgrown overthe past20years.
fered from his or her native culture. the re- The procedureis that a researchergathersto-
searchermay needmonthsof adjustmentbefore gether6 to 12peoplein a room with a modera-
feelingat home with his or her original cultural tor to discussa fewissues.Most focusgroupslast
surroundings. about 90 minutes.The moderatoris trained to
Once a researcherdecidesto leave-be- be nondirectiveand to facilitatefree,open dis-
causethe projectreachesa natural end and little cussionby all group members(i.e.,not let one
new is beinglearned,or becauseexternalfactors persondominatethe discussion).Group mem-
forceit to end (e.g.,endofajob, gatekeepers or- bers shouldbe homogenous,but not include
der the researcher out, etc.)-he or shechooses closefriendsor relatives.In a tlpical study,a re-
a methodof exiting.The researchercanleaveby searcherusesfour to six separategroups.Focus
a quick exit (simply not return one day) or grouptopicsmight includepublic attitudes(e.g.,
slowly withdraw, reducing his or her involve- racerelations,workplaceequalrty),personalbe-
ment overweeks.He or shealsoneedsto decide haviors(e.g.,dealingwith AIDS), a new product
how to tell membersand how much advance (e.g.,breakfastcereal),a political candidate,or a
warning to give. number of other topics.Researchers often com-
The exit processdependson the specific bine focus groups with quantitative research,
field settingand the relationshipsdeveloped.In and the procedurehasits own specificstrengths
general,a researcher letsmembersknow a short andweaknesses (seeBox 11.5).
period aheadof time. He or shefulfills any bar- Severalyearsago, I conductedan applied
gains or commitments that were made and study on why parentsand studentschoseto at-
leaveswith a cleanslate.Sometimes,a ritual or tend a private high school.In addition to col-
ceremony,suchasagoing-awayparryorshaking lecting quantitative survey data, I formed six
handswith everyone,helpssignalthe break for focus groups,eachwith 8 to 10 studentsfrom
members.Maintaining friendshipswith mem- the high school.A trainedcollege-student mod-
bersis alsopossibleand is preferredby feminist eratoraskedquestions,elicitedcommentsfrom
researchers. groupmembers,andpreventedonepersonfrom
A field researcheris awarethat leavingaf- dominatingdiscussions. The six groupswereco-
fectsmembers.Somemembersmay feelhurt or ed and containedmembersof either one grade
rejectedbecausea closesocialrelationshipis levelor two adjacentgrades(e.g.,freshmenand
ending. They may reactby trying to pull a re- sophomores).Studentsdiscussedtheir reasons
searcherbackinto the field and makehim or her for attendingthe high schooland whetherspe-
more of a member,or they may becomeangry cific factorswereimportant. I tape-recordedthe
and resentful.They may grow cool and distant discussions, which lastedabout45 minutes,then
becauseofan awareness that the researcher
is re- analyzedthe tapesto understandwhat the stu-
ally an outsider.In anycase,fieldworkis not fin- dentssawasimportant to their decisions.In ad-

many ethical dilemmas. The dilemmas arise

when a researcheris alone in the field and has lit_
tle time to make a moral decision. Althoueh he
or she may be aware of general ethical issuJsbe_
fore entering the field, they arise unexpectedly in
r The naturalsettingallowspeopleto expressopin- the course of observing and interacting in the
ions/ideasfreely. field. We will look at four ethical issueJin field
r Openexpression amongmembersof marginalized research: deception, confidentiality, involve_
socialgroupsis encouraged. ment with deviants,and publishing reports.r6
r Peopletend to feelempowered, especiallyin ac_
r Surveyresearchers are provideda windowinto Deception
how peopletalk about surveytopics.
Deception arisesin several waysin fieldresearch:
r The interpretation of quantitative
surveyresultsis The researchmay be coveru it may assumea
facilitated. falserole, name, or identity; or it may mislead
r Participants
may query one anotherand explain membersin someway. The most hotly debated
their answersto eachother. of the ethicalissuesarisingfrom deceptionis
that ofcovert versusovert field r.r"ur.i. So-.
Limitations support it and seeit as necessaryfor entering
r A "polarizationeffect" exists(attitudesbecome into and gaininga full knowledgeof many areas
moreextremeaftergroupdiscussion). of sociallife. Othersopposeit ind arguethat it
r Only one or a fewtopicscanbe discussed in a fo- underminesa trust betweenresearcheis and so_
cusgroupsession. ciety.Although its moral statusis questionable,
r A moderatormayunknowingly limitopen,freeex_ there are somefield sitesor activiiiesthat can
pressionof group members. onlybe studiedcovertly.Covertresearchis never
I Focusgroup participantsproducefewer ideas preferableand never easierthan overt research
than in individualinterviews. becauseof the difficultiesof maintaininga front
I Focusgroupstudiesrarelyreportallthe detailsof and the constantfearofgetting caught.
study design,/procedure.
: Researchers cannotreconcilethe differences that Confidentiality
arisebetweenindividual-onlyand focus group_
contextresponses. A researcherlearnsintimate knowledgethat is
given in confidence.He or she hasl moral
obligationto uphold the confidentialiwof data.
This includeskeepinginformation confidential
dition, the data helped when interpreting the from othersin the field and disguisingmem_
surveydata. bers'namesin field notes.Sometimes a"fieldre_
searchercannot directly quote a person.One
strategyis insteadofreporting the sourceasan
ETHICAL DITEMMAS OF FIELD informant, the researcher canfind documentary
RESEARCH evidencethat saysthe samething and use the
document (e.g.,an old memo, u ,ra*rpup",
The direct personalinvolvement of a field re- article, etc.) as if it were the source of ifr.
searcherin the sociallivesof other peopleraises information.
3O2 pA RTT H R EE,/ c o N D U c l N c e u A L rr A TrvER E S E A R cH

Involvement with Deviants You can now appreciateimplications of say-

ing that in field research,the researcheris di-
Researcherswho conduct field research on de-
rectly involved with those being studied and is
viants who engagein illegal behavior face addi-
immersed in a natural setting. Doing field re-
tional dilemmas. They know of and may
search usually has a greater impact on the re-
sometimes be involved in illegal activity. This
searcher's emotions, personal life, and senseof
guilty knowledgeis of interest not only to law-
selfthan doing other types ofresearch. Field re-
enforcement officials but also to other de-
search is difficult to conduct, but it is a way to
viants.lT The researcher faces a dilemma of
study parts of the social world that otherwise
building trust and rapport with the deviants, yet
could not be studied.
not becoming so involved asto violate his or her
Good field researchrequires a combination
basic personal moral standards. Usually, the re-
of skills. In addition to a strong senseof self, the
searcher makes an explicit arrangement with
best field researcherspossessan incredible ability
the deviant members.
to listen and absorb details, tremendous pa-
tience, sensitivity and empathy for others, su-
Publishing FieldReports perb social skills, a talent to think very quickly
"on one's feet," the ability see subtle intercon-
The intimate knowledgethat a researcherob-
nections among people and/or events,and a su-
tainsand reportscreatesa dilemmabetweenthe
perior ability to expressoneself in writing.
right of privacy and the right to know. A re-
Field researchis strongestwhen a researcher
searcherdoesnot publicizemembersecrets, vio-
studies a small group of people interacting in the
Iate privacy, or harm reputations.Yet, if he or
present. It is valuable for micro-level or small-
she cannotpublish anything that might offend
group face-to-face interaction. It is lesseffective
or harm someone,part of what the researcher
when the concern is macro-level processesand
learnedwill remain hidden,and it may be diffi-
social structures. It is nearly uselessfor events
cult for others to believethe report if a re-
that occurred in the distant past or processes
searcheromits critical details.Someresearchers
that stretch acrossdecades.Historical-compara-
askmembersto look at a report to verifr its ac-
tive research, discussed in the next ch4pter, is
curaryandto approveoftheir portrayalin print.
better suited to investigating these types of
For marginalgroups(e.g.,addicts,prostitutes,
crackusers),this may not be possible,but re-
searchers must respectmemberprivacy.On the
otherhand,censorshipor self-censorship canbe
K e y T e rms
a danger.A compromiseposition is for a re-
searcherto publishtruthful but unflatteringma-
analytic memos
terialafterconsiderationand only ifit is essential
to the researcher's
attitude of strangeness
contrast question
descriptive question
direct observation notes
In this chapter,you learnedaboutfield research ecologicalvalidity
and the field researchprocess(choosinga site ethnography
and gainingaccess, relationsin the field, observ- ethnographic fallary
ing and collectingdata,and the field interview). ethnomethodology
Field researchers begin data analysisand theo- external consistenry
rizing during the datacollectionphase. field site

focus group 7. For more on gatekeepers and access,see Beck

go native (1970:1119), Bogdan and Taylor (1975:30_32),
guiltyknowledge and Wax (t97t:367).
internal consistency 8. Negotiation in the field is discussed in Gans
jotted notes ( I 982), Johnson (1975:58_59,76_7T
),and Schaz_
member validation man and Strauss(1973:22-23).
naturalism 9. See Douglas (1976), Emerson (1981:367_36g),
normalize social research and fohnson (1975:124_129)on the question of
whether the researchershould alwayste patient,
structural question
polite, and considerate.
10. For more on ways to record and organize field
data, seeBogdan and Taylor (1975:AO_23),Ham_
E ndnotes mersley and Atkinson (1983144_173), and Kirk
and Miller (1986: 49-59).
l. For studies of these sites or topics, see Neuman 11. SeeDuneier (1999:342_343)for detailed discus_
(2000, 2003). On studies of chidren or schools, sion.
seeCorsaro (1994), Corsaro and Molinari (2000). 12. Fo_r-moreon validity in field research,seeBriggs
Eder (1995), Eder and Kinney (1995), Kelle (.1986:24),Bogdan and Taylor (1975), Oouglas
(2000),and Merten (1999).On studiesof home_ (1976), Emerson (1981:361-363), and
lesspeople, seeLankenau (1999), and on studies (1eeo).
of female strippers, seeWood (2000). I 3. Thetypesof questionsareadaptedfrom Spradley
2. Ethnography is described in Agar ( I 9g6), Franke (r979a,r979b).
(1983), Hammersley and Atkinson (19S3), San_ 14. Field researchinformantsare discussedin Dean
day ( 1983), and Spradley (1979a:3-12, 1979b:3_ and associates(1969),Kemp and Ellen (1984),
l6 ). Schatzman and Strauss (1973), Spradley
3. For a general discussionoffield researchand nat_ (1979a:46-54),
andWhyte ( 1982).
uralism, seeAdler and Adler (1994), Georgesand 15. For a discussionoffocus groups,seeBischoping
lones (1980), Holy (1984), and pearsall (Ig7U. and Dykema(1999),Churchill (1983:179_i84),
For discussions of contrasting tFpes of field re_ Krueger(1988),Labaw(1980:54_58), and Mor_
search,seeClammer (1994), Gonor (1977), Hol_ gan(1996).
stein and Gubrium (1994), Morse (1994), 16. See Lofland and Lofland (1995:26, 63, 75,
Schwandt (1994), and Straussand Corbin (l9g 4). 168-177),Miles and Huberman(1994:2g8197),
4. SeeLofland (1976:13-23) and Shaffir and col- andPunch(1986).
leagues( 1980:18-20) on feeling marginal. 17. Fetterman(1989) discusses the idea of guilty
5. SeeAdler and Adler (1987:67_78). knowledge.
6. SeeHammersley and Atkinson (19g3:42*45) and
Lofland and Lofland (1995:16-30).

QuestionsAppropriatefor Historical-Comparative
The Logic of Historical-Comparative Research
The Logicof Historical-Comparative
and Quantitative
The Logicof Historical-Comparative
and Interpretive
A DistinctHistorical-Comparative
Steps in a Historical-Comparative Research Project
Conceptualizing the Objectof Inquiry
Qualityof Evidence
Writing a Report
Data and Evidence in Historical Context
Typesof HistoricalEvidence
Researchwith SecondarySources
Researchwith PrimarySources
Comparative Research
Types of ComparativeResearch
The UnitsBeingCompared
Datain Cross-Cultural
Equivalence in Historical-Comparative Research
The lmportanceof Equivalence
Types of Equivalence

CHAPTER1 2 , / H I S T O R I C A L - C O M P A R A T I VREE S E A R C H 305

INTRODUCTION Why did current social arrangements take a cer-

tain form in some societies but not in others?
Somestudentsfind historical-comparativere- For example, historical-comparative researchers
searchdifficult and uninterestingbecausethey have addressedthe questions ofwhat causedso-
do not know much about various countriesor cietal revolutions in China, France, and Russia
history which is often necessaryto appreciate (Skocpol, 1979); how major social institutions,
this typeofresearchand studiesthat useit. They such as medicine, have developed and changed
may feelthat historical-comparative studiesare over two centuries (Starr, 1982);how basic social
beyond their immediate daily experiencesand relationships, such as feelings about the value of
not relevant.Yet, explainingand understanding children, change (Zelizer, 1985); how recent
major eventsin the world around them-an at- changesin major cities, such as Newyork, Lon-
tack by terrorists,a nation going to war, the don, and Tokyo, reveal the rise ofa new global
sourceof racism,large-scaleimmigration, vio- urban system (Sassen,2001), and, as the study
lencebasedon religioushatred,urban decay- discussedin Chapter 2 by Marx (1998) asked,
dependon historical-comparative research. why Brazi, South Africa, and the United States
The classicsocialthinkersin the nineteenth developed different racial relations. I
century such as Emile Durkheim, Karl Marx, Historical-comparative research is suited
and Max Weber,who founded the socialsci- for examining the combinations of social factors
ences, used a historical and comparative that produce a specific outcome (e.g., civil war).
method.This methodis usedextensively in a few It is also appropriate for comparing entire social
areasof sociology(e.g.,socialchange,political systems to seewhat is common across societies
sociology,socialmovements,and socialstratifi- and what is unique. An H-C researchermay ap-
cation) and hasbeenappliedin many others,as ply a theory to specific casesto illustrate its'use-
well (e.g.,religion, criminology, sexroles,race fulness. He or she brings out or reveals the
relations,and family). Although much socialre- connections between divergent social factors or
searchfocuseson currentsociallife in onecoun- groups. And, he or she compares the same social
try, historical and/or comparativestudieshave processesand concepts in different cultural or
becomemore common in recentyears. historical contexts. For example, Switzerland
Historical-comparativesocialresearchis a and United Stateshave been compared in terms
collectionof techniquesand approaches.Some of the use of direct democracy and women's
blend into traditional history, others extend right to vote. Similar forms of lcoal government
quantitativesocialresearch.The focus of this allowed direct democracy to spread in parts of
chapteris on the distinct type ofsocial research both countries (Kriesi and Wisler, 1999). Al-
that puts historical time and/or cross-cultural though some U.S. statesgranted women to right
variation at the centerof research-that is, the to vote in the 1800s,the Swisswomen did not eet
tlpe of researchthat treatswhat is studiedaspart the right to vote until 1990 because,unlike ihe
of the flow of history and situatedin a cultural U.S. movement, the Swiss suffrage movement
context. believed in consensuspolitics and local auton-
omy and relied on government parties for direc-
tion (Banaszak,1996).
ResearchQuestions Appropriate for
Researchersalso use the H-C method to
H istorical-Com parative Research
reinterpret data or challenge old explanations.
Historical-comparative researchis a powerful By asking different questions, finding new evi-
method for addressingbig questions:How did dence,or assemblingevidencein a different way,
major societalchangetake place?What funda- the H-C researcherraisesquestions about oid
mental featuresare common to most societies? explanations and finds support for new ones by

interpreting the data in its cultural-historical there a distinct historical-comparativemethod

context. and logic?
Historical-comparativeresearchcan stren-
gthenconceptualization and theorybuilding. By The Logic of Historical-Comparative
looking at historical eventsor diversecultural
Researchand Quantitative Research
contexts,a researcher cangeneratenew concepts
and broadenhis or her perspectives. Concepts Quantitativ e versusHistorical-Comp arative
arelesslikely to be restrictedto a singlehistorical Research. One sourceof the confusionis that
time or to a singleculture;they canbe grounded both positivist quantitativelyoriented and in-
in the experiences of peopleliving in specificcul- terpretive(or critical) qualitativelyorientedre-
tural and historicalcontexts.2 searchers studyhistoricalor comparativeissues.
A difficulty in readingH-C studiesis that Positivistresearchers rejectthe ideathat thereis
one needsa knowledgeof the pastor other cul- a distinct H-C method.Theymeasurevariables,
turesto firlly understandthem. Readerswho are test hypotheses,analyzequantitativedata, and
familiarwith onlytheir own culturesor contem- replicateresearchto discovergeneralizable laws
porarytimes may find it difficult to understand that hold across time and societies. They see
the H-C studiesor classicaltheorists.For exam- no fundamental difference between quantita-
ple, it is difficult to understandKarl Marx's The tive socialresearchand historical-comparative
CommunistManifestowithout a knowledgeof research.
the conditionsof feudalEuropeandthe world in Most socialresearchexaminessociallife in
which Marx waswriting. In that time and place, the present in a singlenation-that of the re-
serfslived under severeoppression.Feudalsoci- searcher. Historical-comparative researchcanbe
etyincludedcaste-based dresscodesin citiesand organizedalong three dimensions: Is the focus
a systemof peonagethat forced serfsto give a on what occurs in one nation, a small setof na-
largepercentoftheir product to landlords.The tions, or many nations? Is the focus on a sin$e
one and only Church had extensivelandhold- time period in the past, across many years, or a
ings, and tight familial ties existedamong the recenttime period? Is the analysis based primar-
aristocracy,landlords, and Church. Modern ily on quantitative or qualitative data?
readersmight ask,Why did the serfsnot flee if
conditionsweresobad?The answerrequiresan The Logic of Historical-Comparative
understandingof the conditionsat the time. The
Researchand Interpretive Research
serfshad little chanceto survive in European
forestsliving on roots, berries,and hunting. A distinct, qualitative historical-comparative
Also,no one would aid a fleeingserfrefugeebe- type of socialresearchdiffersfrom the positivist
causethe traditional societiesdid not embrace approachand from an extremeinterpretiveap-
strangers,but fearedthem. proach.Historical-comparative researchers
usecasestudiesand qualitative datamay depart
from positivist principles.Their researchis an
intensiveexamination of a liriiited number of
casesin which socialmeaningand context are
critical.Casestudies,evenon one nation,canbe
very important. Casestudiescan elaboratehis-
The termsusedfor H-C researchcanbe confus- torical processesand specifyconcretehistorical
ing. Researchersmay mean different things details(seeBox 12.1).
when they say historical, comparative, and Scholarswho adoptthe positivistapproach
The key questionis: Is
historical-comparative. to socialsciencecriticizethe historical-compar-

ln Womenof the Klan,KathleenBlee(1 99't) noted To locatesuryivors50 yearsafter the Klanwas

that, prior to her research,no one had studiedthe active,Bleehad to be persistentand ingenious. She
estimated500,000 womenin the largestracist, maileda noticeabout her researchto everylocal
right-wingmovementin the UnitedStates.Shesug- newspaper, churchbulletin,advertisingsupplement,
gestedthat this mayhavebeendueto an assumption historicalsociety,and publiclibraryin Indiana. She
that womenwereapoliticaland passive. Hersixyears obtained3 written recollections, i unrecordedin-
of researchinto the unknownmembersof a secret terviews,and I 5 recordedinterviews. Most of herin-
society over 60 years ago showsthe ingenuity formantswereoverage80. Theyrecalledthe Klanas
neededin historical-sociological research. an importantpart of their lives.Bleeverifiedpartsof
Bleefocusedon the state of Indiana,whereas theirmemories throughnewspaper andotherdocu-
manyas 32 percentof White Protestantwomen mentaryevidence.
weremembersof the Ku KluxKlanat its oeakin the Membership in the Klanremains controversial.
1 920s. In additionto reviewing publishedstudieson the interviews, Bleedid not revealheropinionsabout
the Klan,her documentaryinvestigation included the Klan.Althoughshe wastested,Bleeremained
newspapers, pamphlets,and unpublished reports. neutraland did not denounce the Klan.Shestated,
Sheconductedlibraryresearchon primaryand sec- "My own backgroundin Indiana(whereI livedfrom
ondary materialsat over half a dozencollege,gov- primaryschoolthroughcollege)and white skin led
ernment,and historicallibraries.The historical informantsto assume-lackingspokenevidenceto
photographs,sketches,and mapsin the book give the contrary-that I sharedtheir worldview"(p. S).
readersa feelfor the tooic. She did not find Klanwomenbrutal,ignorant,and
Findinginformation wasdifficult.Bleedid not have full of hatred.Bleegot an unexpectedresponseto a
accessto membershiplists. She identifiedKlan questionon why the womenhad joined the Klan.
womenby piecingtogethera few survivingrosters, Most were puzzledby the question.To them it
locatingnewspaper obituariesthat identifiedwomen neededno explanation-it wasjust "a way of grow-
as Klanmembers, scrutinizing
publicnoticesor anti- ing up" and "to get togetherand enjoy."
Klandocuments for the namesof Klanwomen,and
interviewing survivingwomenof the Klan.

ative approachfor using a small number of approachand rejectscausalstatements,system-

cases.They believethat historical-comparative atic concepts,or abstracttheoreticalmodels.In
researchis inadequatebecauseit rarelyproduces the extremistinterpretiveapproach,eachsocial
probabilisticcausalgeneralizations that they settingis unique and comparisonsare impossi-
take as indicating a "true" (i.e., positivist) ble.
Like interpretivefield researchers,H-C re- A Distinct Historical-
searchers focuson culture,try to seethroughthe
Comparative Approach
eyesofthose beingstudied,reconstructthe lives
of the peoplestudied,and examineparticularin- The distinct historical-comparativeresearch
dividuals or groups.An extremistinterpretive method avoidsthe excesses of the positivistand
positionsaysthat an empathicunderstandingof extremeinterpretiveapproaches. It combinesa
the peoplebeingstudiedis the solegoalof social sensitivityto specifichistoricalor cultural con-
research.It takesa strict,idiographic,descriptive texts with theoreticalgeneralization.The logic
308 pA RTT HR EE,/ c o N D U C T tN c
e u A L trATtvER E sE A R cH

and goalsof H-C researcharecloserto thoseof research.Both involveinterpretation,which in-

field researchthan to positivistapproaches.
The troducesthe interpreter'slocationin time, place,
following discussiondescribessimilaritiesbe- andworldview.Historical-comparative research
tweenH-C researchand field research,and six doesnot try to producea single,unequivocalset
more unique featuresof historical-comparative ofobjectivefacts.Rather,it is a confrontationof
research (seeTable12.1). old with new or of differentworldviews.It rec-
ognizesthat a researcher's readingof historical
Similoritiesto Field Research. First,both H-C or comparative evidenceis influenced by an
researchand field researchrecognizethat the re- awarenessof the past and by living in the
searcher'spoint ofview is an unavoidablepart of present.

summaryof a comparison of Approachesto Research:The euaritative


Researcher's Includeas an intergralpart ofthe Removefrom researchprocess

perspective researchprocess
Approachto data lmmersedin manydetailsto acquire Preciselyoperationalize
Theoryand data Groundedtheory,dialoguebetween Deductivetheory comparedwith
data and concepts empirical
Presentfindings Translatea meaningsystem Test hypotheses
Action,/structure Peopleconstructmeaningbut within Socialforcesshapebehavior
on Discoveruniversal,

Featuresof Distinct H-C ResearchApproach

Evidence Reconstructs
from fragmentsand incompleteevidence
Distortion cuards againstusingown awareness
of factorsoutsidethe socialor historical
Humanrole Includesthe consciousness
of peoplein a contextand usestheirmotivesas causal
Causes Seescauseas contingenton conditions,
beneaththe surface,
and dueto a
of elements
Micro./macro Compareswholecasesand linksthe microto macrolevelsor layersof socialreality
Cross-contexts Movesbetweenconcretespecificsin a contextand acrosscontextsfor more
E SEE A R C H 309

Second, both field and H-C researchexam- searcherhas a unique perspective and assembles
ine a great diversity of data. In both, the re- a unique body ofevidence. Instead, researchers
searcher becomes immersed in data to gain an offer plausible accounts and limited generaliza-
empathic understanding of events and people. tions.
Both capture subjective feelings and note how
everyday, ordinary activities signif important Unique Features of Historical-Comparative
social meaning. Research. Despite its many similarities to field
The researcherinquires, selects,and focuses research,some important differencesdistinguish
on specific aspectsof social life from the vast ar- H-C research. Researchon the past and on an
ray of events, actions, symbols, and words. An alien culture share much in common, and what
H-C researcher organizes data and focuses at- they share distinguishes them from other
tention on the basis of evolving concepts. He or approaches.
she examines rituals and s).rnbolsthat dramatize First, H-C researchusually relies on limited
culture (e.g.,parades,clothing, placement of ob- and indirect evidence. Direct observation or in-
jects, etc.) and investigatesthe motives, reasons, volvement by a researcher is often impossible.
and justifications for behaviors. An H-C researcher reconstructs what occurred
Third, both field and H-C researchersuse from the evidence, but cannot have absolute
grounded theory. Theory usually emergesduring confidence in the reconstruction. Historical evi-
the processofdata collection. dence depends on the survival of data from the
Next, in both field and H-C researchthe re- past, usually in the form of documents (e.g.,let-
searcher's meaning system frequently differs ters and newspapers). The researcheris limited
from that ofthe people he or she studies, but he to what has not been destroyed and what leaves
or she tries to penetrate and understand their a trace, record, or other evidencebehind.
point of view. Once the life, language, and per- Historical-comparative researchers must
spective of the people being studied have been also interpret the evidence. Different people
mastered,the researcher"translates" it for others looking at the same evidence often ascribe dif-
who read his or her report. ferent meanings to it, so a researcher must re-
Fifth, both field and H-C researchersfocus flect on evidence. An understanding of it based
on processand sequence.Theyseethe passageof on a first glance is rarely possible. To do this, a
time and processas essentialto how people con- researcherbecomes immersed in and absorbs
struct social reality. This is related to how both details about a context. For example, a re-
are sensitive to an ever-present tension between searcher examining the family in the past or a
agency-the active moving fluid side of people distant country needs to be aware of the full so-
changing social reality-and r1t.161u1s-fhs cial context (e.g., the nature of work, forms of
fixed regularities and patterns that shape social communication, transportation technology,
life. For both qpes of research social reality si- etc.). He or she looks at maps and gets a feel for
multaneously is what people create and some- the laws in effect, the condition of medical care,
thing that imposes restrictions on human and common social practices. For example, the
choice.3 meaning of "a visit by a family member,, is af-
Sixth, generalization and theory are limited fected by conditions such as roads of dirt and
in field and H-C research.Historical and cross- mud, the inability to call ahead of time, and the
cultural knowledge is incomplete and provi- lives of people who work on a farm with animals
sional, based on selective facts and limited that need constant watching.
questions. Neither deducespropositions or tests A reconstruction ofthe past or another cul-
hypothesesin order to uncover fixed laws. Like- ture is easily distorted. Compared to the people
wise, replication is unrealistic because each re- being studied, a researcheris usuallymo.. ur"ur.

of eventsoccurringprior to the time studied, tion, proletarianization, tightened labor mar-

eventsoccurring in placesother than the loca- kets, and the like.
tion studied,and eventsthat occurredafter the Historical-comparative researchersshift be-
period studied.This awarenessgivesthe re- tween details of specific context and making a
searchera greatersenseof coherencethan was general comparison. A researcherexamines spe-
experiencedby thoseliving in the pastor in an cific contexts, notes similarities and differences,
isolated social setting that he or she guards then generalizes.Comparative researcherscom-
againstin a reconstruction. pare acrosscultural-geographic units (e.9., ur-
Historical-comparativeresearchersrecog- Lun ur.ur, nations, societies,etc.).4 Historical
nize the capacityof peopleto learn,make deci- researchersinvestigate past contexts, usually in
sions,and act on what they learn to modiff the one culture (e.g., periods, epochs, ages' eras'
courseofevents.For example,ifa group ofpeo- etc.), for sequenceand comparison. Of course' a
ple are awareof or gain consciousness of their researchercan combine both to investigate mul-
own pasthistory and avoid the mistakesof the tiple cultural contexts in one or more historical
past,theymay actconsciouslyto alterthe course contexts. Yet, each period or society has its
of events.Of course,peoplewill not necessarily unique causal processes,meaning systems,and
learn or act on what they havelearned,and if social relations, which may lack equivalent ele-
they do act they will not necessarilybe suc- ments acrossthe units. This produces a creative
cessfirl.Nevertheless, people'scapacityto learn tension between the concrete specifics in a con-
introduces indeterminacy into historical- text and the abstract ideas a researcher uses to
comparativeexplanations. make links acrosscontexts'
An H-C researcherwants to find out The use of transcultural concepts in com-
whetherpeopleviewedvariouscoursesof action parative analysisis analogous to the use of tran-
asplausible.Thus,the worldviewandknowledge shistorical ones in historical research.) In
ofthe peopleunder studyshapedwhat they saw comparative research,a researchertranslatesthe
aspossibleor impossiblewaysto achievegoals. specificsof a context into a common, theoretical
The researcheraskswhether peoplewere con- language.In historical research,theoretical con-
sciousof certainthings.For example,if an army ceptsare applied acrosstime.
knew an enemyattackwas coming and so de-
cidedto crossa river in the middle of the night,
the action"crossingthe river" would havea dif- STEPSIN A HISTORICAL-
ferent meaningthan in the situationwhere the COMPARATIVERESEARCH
army did not know the enemywasapproaching. PROfECT
A historical-comparative researcherinte-
gratesthe micro (small-scale, face-to-faceinter- In this section,we turn to the processof doing
action)and macro (large-scale socialstructures) H-C research.Conductinghistorical-compara-
levels.The H-C researcherdescribesboth levels tive researchdoesnot involvea rigid setofsteps
or layersofreality and links them to eachother. and,with only a few exceptions,it doesnot use
For example,an H-C researcherexaminesthe complexor specialized techniques.
detailsof individual biographiesby readingdi-
ariesor lettersto get a feel for the individuals: Conceptualizing the Object of Inquiry
the food they ate, their recreationalpursuits,
their clothing, their sicknesses, their relations An H-C researcher beginsby becomingfamiliar
with friends, and so on. He or she links this with the settingand conceptualizingwhatis be-
micro-levelview to macro-levelprocesses: in- ing studied.He or shemay start with a loose
creasedimmigration, mechanization of produc- modelor a setof preliminaryconceptsand apply
CHAPTER1 2 , / H I S T O R I C A L . C O M P A R A T I V E R E S E A R C H 3 1 I

them to a specificsetting.The provisionalcon- A researcheradjusts initial concepts, questions,

ceptscontain implicit assumptionsor organiz- or focus on the basis of what he or she discovers
ing categoriesto "package"observationsand in the evidenceand considers a range ofresearch
guidea searchthrough evidence. reports at different levelsofanalysis (e.g.,general
If a researcheris not alreadyfamiliar with context and detailed narratives on specific
the historicalera or comparativesettings,he or topics).
she conductsan orientationreading(reading
severalgeneralworks). This will help the re-
searchergraspthe specificsetting,assembleor- Evaluating Quality of Evidence
ganizingconcepts,subdividethe main issue,and The H-C researcher gathers evidence with two
developlists of questionsto ask.It is impossible questions in mind: How relevant is the evidence
to begin seriousresearchwithout a framework to emerging research questions and evolving
of assumptions,concepts,and theory.Concepts concepts? How accurate and strong is the
and evidenceinteractto stimulateresearch.For evidence?
example,Skocpol(1979)beganher studyofrev- As the focus of researchshifts, evidencethat
olution with puzzlesin macro-sociological the- was not relevant can become relevant. Likewise,
ory and the historiesof specificrevolutions.The some evidencemaystimulate newavenues ofin-
lack of fit betweenhistoriesof revolutionsand quiryand a searchfor additional confirming ev-
existingtheoriesstimulatedher research. idence. An H-C researcherreads evidenci for
three things: the implicit conceptual frame-
Locating Evidence works, particular details, and empirical general-
izations. He or she evaluates alternative
Next, a researcherlocatesand gathersevidence interpretations of evidence and looks for ,.si-
through extensivebibliographic work. A re- lences," or caseswhere the evidence fails to ad-
searcherusesmany indexes,catalogs,and refer- dress an event, topic, or issue. For example,
enceworks that list what librariescontain. For when examining a group of leading male mer-
comparativeresearch,this meansfocusing on chants in the 1890s, a researcher finds that tne
specificnationsor units and on particularkinds evidence and documents about them ignore
of evidencewithin each.The researcherfre- their wives and many servants.
quently spends many weeks searching for
sourcesin libraries,travelsto severaldifferent
specializedresearchlibraries,and readsdozens Organizing Evidence
(if not hundreds) of books and articles.Com- As a researchergathersevidenceand locatesnew
parativeresearchoften involveslearningone or sources, he or she begins to organize the data.
more foreignlanguages. Obviously, it is unwise to take notes madly and
As the researcher
mastersthe literatureand let them pile up haphazardly. A researcher be-
takesnumerousdetailednotes,he or shecom- gins a preliminary analysis by noting low-level
pletesmany specifictasks:creatinga bibliogra- generalizationsor themes. Next, a researcheror-
phy list (on cardsor computer) with complete ganizes evidence, using theoretical insights to
citations, taking notes that are neither too stimulate newways to organize data and for new
skimpy nor too extensive(i.e., more than one questions to ask ofevidence.
sentencebut less than dozens of pages of The interaction of data and theory means
quotes), leaving margins on note cards for that a researchergoesbeyond a surfaceexamina-
adding themeslater on, taking all notes in the tion ofthe evidence to develop new concepts by
sameformat (e.g.,on cards,paper,etc.),andde- critically evaluating the evidence based on the-
velopinga file on themesor workinghypotheses. ory. For example, a researcher reads a mass of
3' 12 pA R TT H R EE/ c o N D U c l N c e u A LtrA TtvER E sE A R cH

evidence about a protest movement. The pre- mountains of evidence into exposition and pre-
liminary analysis organizes the evidence into a pares extensive footnotes. She or he must also
theme: People who are active in protest interact weave together the evidence and arguments to
with each other and develop shared cultural communicate a coherent, convincing picture or
meanings. He or she examines theories of cul- "tell a story''to readers.
ture and movements, then formulates a new
concept: "oppositional movement subculture. "
The researcherthen usesthis concept to reexun-
ine the evidence. DATA AND EVIDENCEIN
Synthesizing Types of Historical Evidence
Thenextstepis is to synthesize
Once First, some terms need clarification.History
most of the evidenceis in, the researcherrefines meansthe eventsof the past(e.g.,it is historythat
concepts,createsnew ones,and movestoward a the Frenchwithdrew troops from Vietnam), a
generalexplanatorymodel. Concreteeventsin record of the past (e.g.,a historyof Frenchin-
the evidencegivemeaningto new concepts.The volyement in Vietnam), and a discipline that
researcherlooks for patterns acrosstime or studiesthe past (e.g.,a departmentof history).
units, and drawsout similaritiesand differences Historiographyis the method of doing historical
with analogies.He or she organizesdivergent researchor of gathering and analyzinghistorical
eventsinto sequences and groupsthem together evidence.Historicalsociologyis a part of histor-
to createa largerpicture.Plausibleexplanations ical-comparativeresearch.
arethen developedthat subsumeboth concepts Researchers draw on four typesofhistori-
and evidenceinto a coherentwhole. The re- calevidenceor data:primary sources,secondary
searcherthen readsand rereadsnotesand sorts sources,running records,and recollections.6
and resortsthem into pilesor fileson the basisof Traditional historians rely heavily on primary
organizingschemes. He or shelooks for links or sources.H-C researchersoften use second-
connectionswhile looking at the evidencein dif- ary sources or the different data types in
ferentways. combination.
Synthesislinks specificevidencewith an ab-
stract model of underlying relations or causal Primary Sources. The letters,diaries,newspa-
mechanisms. Researchers may usemetaphors. pers, movies,novels,articlesof clothing, pho-
For example,massfrustrationleadingto a revo- tographs,and so forth of thosewho lived in the
lution is "like an emotionalroller coasterdrop" past and have survived to the present are
in which things seemto be getting better, and primary sources.They are found in archives(a
then thereis a suddenletdownafterexpectations placewhere documentsare stored), in private
haverisen very fast.The modelsare sensitizing collections,in family closets,and in museums
devices. (seeBox 12.2).Today'sdocumentsand objects
(our letters,televisionprograms,commercials,
Writing a Report clothing, automobiles)will be primary sources
for future historians.An exampleof a classicpri-
Assemblingevidence,arguments,and conclu- mary sourceis a bundle of yellowedletterswrit-
sionsinto a report is alwaysa crucial step,but ten by a husband awayat war to his wife and
more than in quantitativeapproaches, the care- found in an attic by a researcher.
ful crafting of evidenceand explanationmakes Publishedand unpublishedwritten docu-
or breaksH-C research.A researcherdistills ments are the most important type of primary

The archiveis the mainsourcefor primaryhistorical

Technolory and Control
materials. Archivesareaccumulations oidocumen_ Archivalmaterialsmay be in their originalform,
tary materials(papers,photos,letters,etc.) in pri_ on
v at e c ollec t ion s m mrcrotorms, or, morerarely,in an electronicform.Re_
, u s e u msl,i b ra ri e s ,o r' fo rmal
archives. searchersmay be allowedonly to take notes,
makecopies,or they maybe aliowedonly to see
Locationand Access lect parts of the wholecollection.Reselrchers
Findingwhethera collectionexistson a topic, orga_ comefrustratedwiththe limitationsof havingto
nization, dusty papersin one specificroomand being"allowed
or individualcanbe a long,frustratingtisk
only to.take notesby pencilfor the few ho-urs
of manyletters,phonecalls,and referrals.lf thi ma_ a oay
the archiveis opento the public.
terialon a personor topic doesexist,it mavbe scat_
tered in multiplelocations.Caining..1"r, ,uy Tracking and Tracing
dependon an appealto a family,"r-b"r', kindness
for privatecollectionsor travelingto distantlibraries One of the mostdifiiculttasksin archivalresearchis
tracingcommoneventsor personsthroughthe
andverifyingone'sreasonfor examining manydusty ma_
boxesof old letters.Also,the ,"r"..J", mav dis_ terials.Evenif all materialis in one location,the same
coverlimitedhours(e.g.,an archiveis openonly four eventor relationship mayappearin several placesin
manytorms.Researchers sort throughmoundsofpa_
days a week from I 0 n.v. to 5 e.v.,but the re_
per to find bits of evidencehereanJ there.
searcherneeds to inspect the material for 40
hours). Drudgery, Luck,and Serendipity

Sorting and Organization Archivalresearchis often painstaking slow.Spending

Archivematerialmay be unsortedor organizedin a
can be very tedious.Also,researchers will often dis_
varietyof ways.The organization mayreflectcriteria coverholesin collections,gapsin a seriesof papers,
that are unrelatedto the researcherls or
interests.For destroyeddocuments.yet, carefulreadingand
exa.mple,lettersand papersmay be in chronological spection in_
of previouslyuntouchedmaterial-can yield
order,but the researcher is interestedonly in let--ters startlingnewconnections
to four professional or ideas.The researcher"may
colleagues over three decades, discoverunexpected evidence that opensnewlinesof
not dailybills,familycorrespondence, and so on. inquiry(seeElderet al.,1 993, and Hill,1 9g3\.

source.Researchers find them in their original ple,it wasillegalfor slavesin the United Statesto
form or preservedin microficheor on film. ihey read or write, and thus written sourceson the
areoften the only survivingrecordof the words, experienceof slaveryhavebeenindirect or diffi_
and feelings of people in the past. cult to find.
Written documentsarehelpful for studyingso_ The written word on paper was the main
cietiesand historical periods with writing and medium of communicationprior to the wide_
Iiteratepeople.A frequent criticism ofliitten spreaduseof telecommunications,computers,
sourcesis that they werelargelywritten by elites and video technologyto record evenis and
or thosein official organizations;thus,the views ideas.In fact,the spreadof forms of communi_
of the illiterate,thepoor, or thoseoutsideofficial cation that do not leavea permanentphysical
socialinstitutionsmaybeoverlooked.For exam_ record(e.g.,telephoneconversations, co-mputer
3' 14 PART THRE E , / c oNDUc r lNc Q UALI TATI v ER E S E A R c H

records,andtelevisionor radio broadcasts)'and Limitationsof secondaryhistoricalevidence

which have largely replaced letters, written include problems of inaccuratehistorical ac-
ledgers,and newipapers,may makethe work of countsand a lack ofstudies in areasofinterest'
future historiansmore difficult. Suchsourcescannotbe usedto testhypotheses'
Post facto (after-the-fact)explanationscannot
SecondarySources. Primary sourceshave re- meet positivist criteria of falsifiability,because
alism and authenticity, but the practical limita- few statisticalcontrolscanbe usedand replica-
tion of time can restrict researchon many tion is impossible'Yet' historical researchby
primary sourcesto a narrow time frameor loca- others plays an important role in developing
iion. To get a broaderpicture,many H-C re- eeneralixplanations'amongits other uses'For
!"u-pl., iuch researchsubstantiates the emer-
searchersuse secondary sources'the writings of
specialist who havespentyearsstudy- genceand evolutionof tendenciesovertime'
ing primary sources.
Potential Problems. The many volumes of
Running Recorils. Running recordsconsistof secondarysourcespresentamau,eof detailsand
interpretationsfor an H-C researcher' He or she
filesor eixistingstatisticaldocumentsmaintained studies
musi transform the mass of descriptive
by organizations'An example of a running with
into an intelligible picture that is consistent
,"cotd is a file in a country churchthat contains must bridge
the richness of the evidence. It also
a recordof everymarriageand everydeathfrom
1910to the Present. the manyspecifictime periodsor locales'There-
searcherfacespotential problems with sec-
Recollections.The words or writings of indi- ondarysources.
viduals about their past lives or experiences One problem is that historiansrarely pre-
basedon memory arc recollections' Thesecanbe senttheory-free,objective"facts'" They implic-
or in- itly frameraw data, categorize information,.and
in the form of memoirs, autobiographies,
recollec- shape evidence using concepts' The historian's
terviews. Because memory is imperfect,
concepts are a mixture drawn from journalism'
tions are often distorted in waysthat primary
sourcesarenot. For example,Blee(1991)inter- the languageofhistorical actors,ideologies,phi-
vieweda woman in her late eightiesaboutbeing losoph!, eierydaylanguagein the-present'and
in theKu Klux Klan (seeBox 12'l). socialscience.Most arevague,appliedinconsis-
In gatheringoral history,a type of recollec- tently, and not mutually exclusivenor exhaus-
tion, a iesearcherconductsunstructuredinter- tive. For example,a historian describesa group
viewswith peopleabout their livesor eventsin of peoplein a nineteenth-centurytownasupper
the past.This approachis especially valuablefor .luir, brrt n"rr"r definesthe term and failsto link
The oral history it to any theory of socialclasses' The historian's
ttottilit. groups or the illiterate.
implicii theories constrain the evidence and the
technique began in the 1930s and now hasa pro-
soc^ial researcher may be looking for evidence for
fessional association and scholarlyjournal de-
explanations that are contrary to ones implicitly
votedto it.
beingusedby historiansin secondarysources'
ilistorians also select some information
Researchwith Secondary Sources from all possibleevidence.Yet, the H-C re-
lJsesand.Limitations, Socialresearchers often searcherdoes not know how this was done'
use secondary sources) the books and articles Without knowingthe selectionprocess,a histor-
written by historians,asevidenceof pastcondi- ical-comparativeresearchermust rely on the
tions.TSecondarysourceshavelimitations and historian's judgments, which can contain bi-
needto be usedwith caution. ases.8For example,a historian reads 10'000
CHAPTER1 2 , / H I S T O R I C A L - C O M P A R A T I V E R E S E A R C H 3 1 5

pages of newspapers, letters, and diaries, then Also, narratives rarely explicitly indicate
boils down this information into summaries and how combinationor interactionefiecisoperate,
selectedquotes in a 100-pagebook. An H-C re- or the relativesizeof differentfactors.Foi am-
searcher does not know whether information ple, the historian discusses three conditions as
that the historian left out is relevant for his or causingan event.Yet, rarely do readersknow
her purposes. which is most important or whether all three
The typical historian's researchpractice also conditions must operatetogether to have a
introduces an individualist bias.A heary reliance causalimpact, but no two conditionsalone.or
on primary sourcesand surviving artifacts com- no single condition alone, createsthe same
bines with an atheoretical orientation to pro-
duce a narrow focus on the actions of snecific The narrativeorganizationcreatesdifficul-
people. This particularistic, micro-level view di- ties for the researcherusing secondarysources
rects attention away from integrating themes or and createsconflictingfindings.The H-C re-
patterns. This emphasis on the documented ac- searchermust read though weak concepts,un-
tivities of specific individuals is a tlpe of theoret- known selectioncriteria, and uncleai casual
ical orientation.e ' logic. Theory may residebeneaththe narrative
Another problem is in the organization of but it remainimplicit and hidden.
the evidence. Tradional historians organize evi- Two last problemsare that a historian is
dence as a narrative history. This compounds influencedby when he or she is writing and
problems of undefined concepts and the selec- historiographicschools.Various schoolsof frir_
tion of evidence. In the historiial narrative. ma- toriography (e.g., diplomatic, demographic,
terial is chronologically organized around a ecological,psychological,Marxist, intelleitual,
single coherent "story." Each part of the story is etc.) havetheir own rules for seekingevidence
connected to each other part by its place in the and askingquestions,and they give priority to
time order of events.Together, all the parts form certaintypesof explanatoryfactors.Likewise,a
a unity or whole. Conjuncture and contingency historian writing today will examineprimary
are key elements of the narrative form-that is. materialsdifferentlyfrom how thosewriting in
if X (or X plus Z) occurred, then ywould occur, thepast,suchas 1920s, did.
and if X (or X plus Z) had not occurred, some-
thing elsewould have followed. The contingency
creates a logical interdependenry between ear- Researchwith Primary Sources
lier and later events. The historianis the major issuewhen usingsec-
A difficulty of the narrative is that the pri- ondary sources.When using primary ro.r...r,
mary organizing tool-time order or position in the biggestconcernis that only a fraction of
a sequenceof events-does not denote theoreti- everythingwritten or usedin the past has sur-
cal or historical causality. In other words, the vivedinto the present.Moreover,what survived
narrative meets only one of the three criteria for is a nonrandomsampleof what onceexisted.
establishing causality-that of temporal order. Historical-comparative researchers attempt
Moreover, narrative writing frequently obscures to readprimary sourceswith the eyesand as-
causalprocesses.This occurs when a historian in- sumptionsof a contemporarywho lived in the
cludes eventsin the narrative to enrich the back- past.This means"bracketing,"or holding back
ground or context, to add color, but that have no knowledgeof subsequenteventsand modern
causal significance. Likewise, he or she presents v-alues. For example,whenreadinga sourcepro-
events with a delayed causal impact, or events ducedby a slaveholder,moralizingagainstslav-
that are temporarily "on hold" with a causalim- ery or faultingthe author for not seeingits evil is
pact occuring at some unspecified later time. not worthwhile.The H-C researcher holdsback
3' 16 PART THREE / c oNDUc r lNc Q UALI TATI vER E S E A R c H

moral judgmentsandbecomesa moral relativist events,sources,or peoplementionedin the doc-

while readingprimary sources' ument and askswhetherthey canbeverified'He
Another problem is that locating primary or sheexaminesimplicit assumptionsor value
documentsis a time-consumingtask. A re- positions, and the relevant conditions under
searchermust searchthrough specializedin- * the document was produced is noted
dexes and travel to archives or specialized (e.g.,during wartime or under a totalitarian
libraries.Primary sourcesare often locatedin a reglme).The researcheralsoconsiderslanguage
dusty,out-of-the*wayroom fulI of stackedcard- usageat the time and the contextof statements
board boxescontainingmassesof fading docu- within the documentto distill a meaning'
ments.Thesemay be incomplete,unorganized, In an H-C study of Chinesemigrant net-
and in variousstagesof decay.Oncethe docu- works in Peru,Chicago,and Hawaii earlyin the
mentsor other primary sourcesarelocated,the twentieth century,McKeown (2001)usedboth
researcher evaluates them by subjectingthem to primary and secondaryhistoricalsourcesand
externaland internal criticism(seeFigure12'1)' running records.He consideredeventsover
External criticism meansevaluatingthe au- nearlya centuryof history and in threenations,
thenticity of a document itselfto be certainthat and everythingfrom major internationalevents
it is not a fake or a fotgery- Criticism involves and national laws to individual family biogra-
asking:Was the document created when it is phies.He reliedon secondarysources.formajor
claimedto have been, in the place where it was national or international events'Although his
supposedto be, and by the person who claims to studywasprimarily historicaland qualitative,he
be iis author? Why was the document produced also examinedquantitativedata from running
to begin with, and how did it survive? recordsand provided graphs,charts,and tables
Oncethe documentpasses asbeingauthen- of statistics.His evidencealso included geo-
tic, a researcher uses internal criticism,an exam- graphic maps and photogra-phs,quotes from
ination of the document's contents to establish 1gg-ysar-oldtelegrams'official government
credibility.A researcher evaluates whether what documents,original newspaperreports'and se-
is recordedwas based on what the author di- lectionsfrom personallettersin threelanguages'
rectly witnessed or is secondhand information' By comparingChinesemigrantsovera-long his-
This requiresexaminingboth the literal mean- torical period and in divergent social-cultural
ing of what is recordedand the subtleconnota- settings, he could tracethe formation and oper-
tions or intentions.The researchernotesother ation transnationalcommunitiesand social

FIcURE 1 2.1 InternalandExternalCriticism

ExternalCriticism lnternalCriticism

o SecondhandAccount?
It Written?
Why Did lt Meaning?

in Context
WhoWasthe RealAuthor?
E SEE A R C H 3' 17

identities. He learned that networks with links across several social units or settings are less
backto villagesin China and crossing severalna- likely to apply only to a specific culture or set-
tional borders helped to sustain a vibrant, inter- ting. It is difficult for a researcherto detect hid_
acting community. The network was held den biases,assumptions, and values until he or
together by social relations from the village of she applies a concept in different cultures or ser_
origin, clan, family, business transactions, and tings. Different social settings provide a wider
shared language and customs. One of McKe- range ofevents or behavior, and the range in one
own's major arguments is that a perspective culture is usually narrower than for huinan be-
based solely on nations can limit a researcher,s havior in general. Thus, researchin a single cul_
ability to seea social communitythat is transna- ture or setting focuses on a restricted range of
tional and the hybrid of multiple cultures. Many possible social activity. For example, twi re-
aspectsof the transnational community devel- searchers,Hsi-Ping and Abdul, examine the re-
oped in reaction to specific interactions that oc- lationship between the age at which a child is
curred locally. weaned and the onset of emotional problems.
Hsi-Ping looks only at U.S. data, which show a
range from 5 to 15 months at weaning, and indi_
catethat emotional problems increasesteadily as
C O M P A RA T I V E R ES EA R C H ageofweaning increases.Sheconcludesthat iate
Types of Comparative Research weaning causes emotional problems. Abdul
looks at data from 10 cultures and discovers a
A Comparative Method. Comparative re- range from 5 to 36 months at weaning. He finds
search is more of a perspective or orientation that the rate of emotional problems rises with
than a separate research technique. In this sec- age-of weaning until 18 months; it then peaks
tion, we consider its strengths. and falls to a lower level. Abdul arrives at more
Problems in other tlpes of research are accurate conclusions: Emotional problems are
magnified in a comparative Holt and likely for weaning between the agei of 6 and,24
Turner (1970:6) said, "In principle, there is no months, but weaning either earlier or later re-
difference between comparative cross-cultural duces the chances of emotional problems. Hsi-
researchand researchconducted in a single soci- Ping reached false conclusions about tne
ety. The differences lie, rather, in the masnitude relationship because of the narrow range of
of certain tlpes of problems." A comparative weaning age in the United States.
perspective exposesweaknessesin research de- The way comparative research raises new
sign and helps a researcherimprove the quality questions and stimulates theory building is a
of research.The focus of comparative researchis major strength. For example, Lamont (ZOOO)
on similarities and differences between units. compared samples of blue-collar and lower_
Comparative research helps a researcher white-collar workers in France and the United
identift aspectsof social life that are general Statesfortheir justifications and forms of argu_
acrossunits (e.g.,cultures), as opposedto being ment used to explain racial differences.Shedrew
limited to one unit alone. AII researcherswant to random samples from telephone directories of
generalizeto some degree.Positivist researchers Whites and Blacks in the suburbs of paris and
are interested in discovering general laws or pat- NewYork City and interviewed respondents for
terns ofsocial behavior that hold acrosssocieties. two hours. Lamont found that the arguments of
But most positivist researchis not comparative. racists and antiracists alike differed widely be-
The comparative orientation i^mproves tween France and the United States.people use
measurement and conceptualization. Concepts arguments and rationales closely tied to the
developed by researcherswho conduct research dominant cultural themes of their society. For
318 PART THRE E / c oNDUc r lNc Q UALI TAT I v ER E S E A R c H

example,in the United States,thereis a long his- H-C research,rigoroustheorytestingor exp€ri-

tory of using biological inferiority to explain mentalresearchis rarelypossible'For example'a
racialdifferences. This declinedgreatlybutit still researcherinterestedin the effectsof economic
recessionscannot causeone group ofcountries
exists,yet sucha rationaleis absentin France'In
the United States,the market has near-sacred to havea recessionwhile othersdo not' Instead'
the researcherwaitsuntil a recessionoccursand
statusand both racistand antiracistsfrequently ofthe country
usedthe marketand personaleconomicsuccess then looksat other characteristics
in their arguments,but the market factor was or unit.
absentin Fiancebecauseit is not viewedasa fair
and efficient mechanism for allocating re- The Units Being ComPared
sources.The French use cultural arguments' com-
egalitarianism,and the universality of-all hu- CultureversusNation. For convenience'
parativeresearchers oftenusethe nation-state as
rians much more than Americans.In fact, the is the ma-
ideaof a fundamentalequality amongall human iheir unit of analysis.The nation-state
beingswas nearly absentamong the justifica- ior unit usedin ittittkittg about the divisionsof
tions givenin the United States.Sucha discrep- peopleacrossthe globetoday. Although-it is a
ancysiimulatesresearchers to seekexplanations dominant unit in current times,it is neither an
for ihe relationshipandto developnew research inevitablenor a permanentone; in fact' it has
questions. beenaroundfor only about 300years'
Comparativeresearchalsohas limitations' The nation-stateis a sociallyand politically
It is more difficult, more costly,and more time defined unit. In it, oni: governmenthas sover-
consumingthan researchthat is not compara- eignty(i.e',military control andpoliticalauthor-
tive. The typesofdata that canbe collectedand itil *t populatedterritory.Economicrelations
problemswith equivalence(to be discussed)are (e.g., currency, ttade, etc'), transportation
alsofrequentProblems. routes, and communication systemsare lnte-
Another limitation is the number of cases' sratedwithin territorial boundaries'The people
Comparativeresearchers canrarelyuserandom 6f tn" territory usually share a common lan-
,u*piittg. Sufficientinformation is not available guageand customs,and there is usuallya com-
iroi system,legalsystem,and setof
for att oi the approximately150 nations in the "ducutional
world. It is unavailablefor a nonrandomsubset political symbols (e.g.,flag' national anthem'
(poor countries,nondemocraticcountries,etc')' it..). fn. governmentclaimsto representthe in-
in addition, can a researcher treat all nationsas terestsof all people in the territory under its
eaualunits when somehaveover a billion peo- control.
ple and othersonly 100,000? The smallnumber The nation-state is not the only unit for
of""tat createsa tendenryfor researchers to par- comparativeresearch'It is frequentlyasulrogate
ticularizeand seeeachcaseas unique, limiting for ci.rlture,which is more difficult to define asa
generalization.For example,a researcher exam- concrete,observableunit. Culture refers to a
inesfirrecases(e.g.,countries),but the units dif- common identity among people based on
fer from eachother in 20 ways.It is difficult to sharedsocialrelations,beliefs,and technology'
test theory or determine relationships when Cultural differencesin language,customs,tradi-
there are more different characteristicsthan tions, and norms often follow nationallines' In
units. fact,sharinga common cultureis a major factor
A third limitation is that comparativere- causingthe formation of distinct nation-states'
The boundariesof a nation-statemay not
searcherscan apply, not test, theory' and can
make only limited generalizations.Despite the match thoseof a culture. In somesituations'a
abilitv to use and considercasesas wholesin singleculture is divided into severalnations;in
I 2 / HlsroRrcAL-coMpARATtvE

other cases,a nation-state contains more than Canada,France,and the United States;a re-
one culture. Over the past centuries, boundaries searcherdiscoversa strongassociationbetween
between cultures and distinct vibrant cultures speakingEnglishand having the dollar as cur-
have been destroyed, rearranged, or diffr-rsedas renry, or speakingFrenchand usingthe franc as
territory around the world was carved into currency.Obviously,the associationexistsbe-
colonies or nation-states by wars and conquest. cause the units of analysis (i.e., states or
For instance, European empires imposed arbi- provinces)are subpartsof larger units (i.e.,na-
trary boundaries over severalcultural groups in tions). The featuresof the units aredue to their
nations that were once colonies. Likewise, new being parts oflarger units and not to any rela-
immigrants or ethnic minorities are not always tionship amongthe features.Socialgeographers
assimilated into the dominant culture in a na- alsoencounterthis because manysocialand cul-
tion. For example, one region of a nation may tural featuresdiffuseacrossgeographicspace.
have people with a distinct ethnic backgrounds, Galton'sproblemis an important issuein
languages,customs, religions, social institutions, comparativeresearchbecauseculturesrarelyhave
and identities (e.g., the province of Quebec in clear,fixedboundaries.It is hardto saywhereone
Canada). Such intranational cultures can create culture ends and another begins,whether one
regional conflict, since ethnic and cultural iden- culture is distinct from another,or whetherthe
tities are the basis for nationalism. featuresof one culture have diffirsed to another
The nation-state is not always the best unit overtime. Galton'sproblemoccurswhenthe re-
for comparative research. A researcher should lationship betweentwo variablesin two different
ask What is the relevant comparative unit for my unitsis actuallydueto a commonorigin,andthey
research question-the nation, the culture, a arenot truly distinctunits (seeFigare12.2).
small region, or a subculture? For example, a re- Galton'sproblem originatedwith regardto
searchquestion is: Are income level and divorce comparisonsacrosscultures,but it appliesto
related (i.e., are higher-income people lesslikely historicalcomparisonsalso.It ariseswhen a re-
to divorce?)?A group of people with a distinct searcherasls whetherunits are really the same
culture, language,and religion live in one region or different in different historical periods.For
of a nation. Among them, income and divorce example,is the Cuba of 1875the samecountry
are not related; elsewherein the nation, however, asthe Cubaof 2005?Do 130yearssincethe end
where a different culture prevails,income and di- of Spanishcolonialism,the riseof U.S.influence,
vorce are related. Ifa researcherusesthe nation- independence,dictatorship,and a communist
state as his or her unit, the findings could be revolution fundamentallychangethe unit?
ambiguous and the explanation weak. Instead of
assuming that each nation-state has a common
Data in Cross-Cultural Research
culture, a researchermay find that a unit smaller
than the nation-state is more appropriate. ComparativeField Research. Comparativere-
searchers usefield researchand participantob-
Galton's Problem. The issue of the units of servationin cultures other than their own.
comparison is related to a problem named after Anthropologistsare speciallytrained and pre-
Sir Francis Galton (1822-l9Il). When re- paredfor this type ofresearch.The exchangeof
searcherscompare units or their characteristics, methodsbetweenanthropologicaland field re-
they want the units to be distinct and separate searchsuggeststhat there are small differences
from each other. If the units are not different but betweenfield researchin one'sown societyand
are actually the subparts ofa larger unit, then re- in anotherculture. Field researchin a different
searcherswill find spurious relationships. For cultureis usuallymore difficult and placesmore
example, the units are the statesand provinces in requirementson the researcher.

them havebeenstudiedby socialresearchers. A

valuablesourceof ethnographicdataon differ-
Galton'sproblemoccurswhena researcher ent culturesis the Human RelationsArea Files
observesthe samesocialrelationship(represented (HRAF) and the relatedEthnographic
by X) in differentsettingsor societies The HRAF is a collectionof field research re-
(represented as A, B, andC) andfalselyconcludes ports that bring together information from
that the socialrelationship aroseindependently in ethnographicstudieson variouscultures,most
thesedifferentplaces.The researcher may believe of which areprimitive or smalltribal groupings.
he or shehasdiscovereda relationshipin three Extensiveinformation on nearly 300 cultures
separatecases.But the actualreasonfor the has been organizedby socialcharacteristicsor
occurrenceofthe socialrelationmay be a shared practices(e.g.,infant feeding,suicide,childbirth,
or commonoriginthat hasdiffusedfrom one etc.).A study on a particular culture is divided
settingto others.This is a problembecausethe up, and its information on a characteristicis
researcher who findsa relationship (e.g.,a marriage grouped with that from other studies.This
pattern)in distinctsettingsor unitsof analysis makesit easyto comparemany cultureson the
(e.g.,societies)maybelieveit aroseindependently
samecharacteristic. For example,a researcher
in differentunits.This beliefsuggeststhat the
interestedin inheritancecan learn that of 159
relationship is a humanuniversal.The researcher
different culturesin which it hasbeen studied,
may be unawarethat in fact it existsbecause
peoplehavesharedthe relationship
119havea patrilinealform (fatherto son), 27
matrilineal(mother to daughter),and 13mixed
Researchers canusethe HRAFto studyrela-
tionshipsamongseveralcharacteristics of differ-
ent cultures.For example,to find out whether
sexualassaultagainstwomen,or rape,is associ-
atedwith patriarchy(i.e.,the holding of power
and authorityby males),a researcher canexam-
ine the presenceof sexual assaultand the
strengthof patriarchyin many cultures.
Using the HRAF does have limitations,
however.First, the quality of the original re-
searchreportsdependson the initial researcher's
length of time in the field, familiarity with the
language,and prior experience, aswell ason the
explicitnessof the researchreport. Also, the
Existing Sources of Qualitative Datq. Com- range of behaviorobservedby the initial re-
parative researcherscan use secondary sources. searcherand the depth of inquiry can vary. In
For example, a researcherwho conducts a com- addition,the categorizationof characteristics in
parative study of the Brazilian, Canadian, and the HRAF can be crude.Another limitation in-
fapaneseeducational systemscan read studiesby volvesthe culturesthat havebeenstudied.West-
researchers from many countries, including ern researchers have made contact with and
Brazil, Canada, and |apan, which describe the conducted field research on a limited number of
education systemsin the three nations. cultures prior to thesecultures'contactwith the
There may have been 5,000 different cui- outsideworld. The culturesstudiedare not a
tures throughout human historyi about 1,000 of representative sampleof all the human cultures
CHAPTER1 2 / H I S T O R I C A L . C O M P A R A T I VREE S E A R C H 321

that existed.In addition,Galton'sproblem (dis- of refusal.Researchers must tailor the sampling

cussedearlier)canbe an issue. unit to the cultureand considerhowbasicunits,
such as the family, are defined in that culture.
Cross-NationalSurveyResearch. Surveyre- Specialsamplesor methodsfor locatingpeople
searchwasdiscussed in a previouschapter.This for a samplemaybe required.
sectionexaminesissuesthat arisewhen a re- Questionnairewriting problemsin the re-
searcherusesthe surveytechniquein other cul- searcher'sown culture are greatlymagnified
tures.The limitations of a cross-culturalsurvey when studyinga different culture.A researche
arenot differentin principlefrom thoseof a sur- needsto be especially sensitiveto questionword-
vey within one culture. Nevertheless,they are ing, questionnairelength, introductions,and
usuallymuch greaterin magnitudeand severity. topicsincluded.He or shemustbe awareof local
Surveyresearchin a different culture re- norms and of the topicsthat can and cannotbe
quiresthat the researcher possess an in-depth addressed by surveyresearch. For example,open
knowledgeof its norms,practices, customs.
and questionsaboutpoliticalissues,alcoholuse,reli-
Without suchan in-depth knowledge,it is easy gion, or sexualitymay be taboo. In addition to
to make seriouserrors in procedureand inter- thesecultural issues,translation and language
pretation. Knowing another languageis not equivalencyoften poseseriousproblems(see
enough.A researcherneedsto be multicultural Equivalencein Historical-ComparativeRe-
and thoroughlyknow the culturein addition to search).Techniquessuchasbacktranslation(to
beingfamiliar with the surveymethod.Substan- be discussed)and the useof bilingualpeopleare
tial advanceknowledgeabout the other culture helpfi:I,but often it is impossibleto askthe exac
is neededprior to enteringit or planning the samequestionin a differentlanguage.
survey.Closecooperationwith the nativepeople Interviewing requires specialattention in
ofthe other cultureis alsoessential. cross-culturalsituations.Selectionand training
A researcher's choiceof the culturesor na- of interviewersdepends on the education
tions to includein a cross-culturalsurveyshould norns, and etiquetteof the other culture. The
be made on both substantive(e.g.,theoretical' interviewsituationraisesissuessuchasnorms of
researchquestion)and practicalgrounds.Each privacy,waysto gain trust, beliefsabout confi-
stepofsurvey research(questionwording, data dentiality,and differencesin dialect.For exam
collection,sampling,interviewing,etc.)must be ple,in somecultures,an interviewermust spend
tailored to the culture in which it is conducted. a dayin informal discussionbeforeachievingthe
One critical issueis how the people from the rapport neededfor a short formal interview.
othercultureexperience the survey.In somecul-
tures,the surveyand interviewingitselfmaybe a ExistingSourcesof QuantitativeData. Quan-
strange,frightening experience,analogousto a titative datafor many variablesare availablefor
policeinterrogation. different nations.In addition, large collection
Samplingfor a surveyis alsoaffectedby the of quantitativedatahavebeenassembled. They
cultural context. Comparative survey re- gather information on many variables from
searchers must considerwhetheraccuratesam- other sources(e.g.,newspaperarticles,officia
pling framesareavailable,the quality of mail or governmentstatistics,United Nationsreports).
telephoneservice,and transportationto remote Therearesignificantlimitations on existing
rural areas.Theyneedto be awareof suchfactors cross-nationaldata, many of which are share
ashow oftenpeoplemove,the tipes of dwellings byother existingstatistics.The theoreticaldefin-
in which peoplelive, the number of peoplein a ition of variablesand the reliability of data col-
dwelling,the telephonecoverage, or typicalrates lection can vary dramaticallyacrossnations
322 PART THREE / c oNDUc r lNc Q UALI TATIv ER E S E A R c H

Missinginformation is a frequentlimitation. In- corporation owners' both unemployment and

tentional misinformation in the official data imprisonment rates rise comparedto times
from somegovernmentscanbe a problem.An- when low-income people and workers have
other limitation involvesthe nations on which greaterpolitical power and influence'
dataarecollected. For example,during a 35-year
period, new nations come into existenceand
otherschangetheir namesor changetheir bor-
The existingdataareavailablein major na- COMPARATIVE RESEARCH
tional data archivesin a form that computers The lmportance of Equivalence
canread,andresearchers canconductsecondary
analysison internationalexistingstatisticsdata. Equivalenceis a critical issuein all research.It is
For example,Sutton(2004)conducteda quanti- the issueof making comparisonsacrossdiver-
gent contexts,or whethera researcher, living in
tative, statisticalstudy on 15 nations between
1960and 1990.Researchers havelong observed i specific time period and culture, correctly
that imprisonment ratesdo not closelyfollow reads,understands, or conceptualizes dataabout
changesin crime rates.Suttontestedthe Rusche peoplefrom a differenthistoricaleraor culture.
and Kirchheimerthesis.It saysthat unemploy- Without equivalence, a researchercannotuse
ment ratescausea risein imprisonmentratesbe- the sameconceptsor measuresin different cul-
causeimprisonmentis a governmentattemptto turesor historicalperiods,and this makescom-
control a surplusof unemployedworking-class parisondifficult, if not impossible.It is similarto
the problemsthat arisewith measurement valid-
malesin the populationwho could becomeun-
ruly and dangerousto the socialorder.Basically, ity in quantitativeresearch.
it predictsthat prisonswill be filled when many
workers are out of work and will empty out Types of Equivalence
when the economyis booming.Suttongathered
data from governmentstatisticalyearbooksof The equivalenceissuehasimplicationsfor H-C
the 15 countries,from publicationsby interna- research.A researchermight misunderstandor
tional organizationssuch as the World Health misinterpreteventsin a differenteraor culture.
Organizationand the InternationalLaborOrga- Assumingthat the interpretationis correct,a re-
nization, and from prior socialsciencestudies searchermay find it difficult to conceptualize
that identifiedfeaturesofseveralnations,suchas and organizethe eventsto make comparisons
their unionizationpattern,political party struc- acrosstimes or places.If he or shefrrlly $asps
ture, and so forth. Sutton found only limited anotherculture,a researcher may still find it dif-
support for the original thesis,but he docu- ficult to communicatewith othersfrom his or
her own time and culture'The equivalence issue
mented a strong effectfrom severalother fac-
tors.He arguedthat the effectof unemployment canbe dividedinto four subtypes:lexiconequiv-
on imprisonmentwas probablyspurious(see alence, contextual equivalence, conceptual
the discussionof a spurious relationshipin equivalence, and measurementequivalence.
Chapters 2,4,and 10ofthisbook).Suttonfound
that specificfeaturesof the nation'spolitical or- Lexicon Equivalence. Lexicon equivalenceis
ganizationandlabor marketstructureappeared the correcttranslationofwords and phrases, or
to causeboth specificunemployrnentpatterns finding a word that meansthe samething asan-
and different imprisonment policies.In short, other word. This is clearestbetweentwo lan-
when low-incomepeopleand workerswerepo- guages.For example,in many languagesand
litically weak comparedto wealthypeopleand iultures therearedifferentforms of addressand

pronounsfor intimates(e.g.,closefriendsand Lexicon equivalence can be significant in

family members) and subordinates (e.g., historical researchbecausethe meaning ofwords
youngerpersonsand lower-statuspeople)from changes over time, even in the same language.
thoseusedin unknown or public settingsor for The greater the distance in time, the greater the
personsofhigher socialstatus.Thereare no di- chance that an expression will have a different
rectlyequallinguisticformsof speechin English, meaning or connotation. For example, todaythe
althoughthe ideaofclosepersonalversuspublic wordweed refers to unwanted plants or to mar-
relationsexistsin English-speaking cultures.In ijuana, but in Shakespeare'sera, the word meant
suchlanguages,switchingpronouns when say- clothing (seeBox 12.3).
ing, "How are you today?"might indicate a
changein statusor in the socialrelationship. Contextual Equivalence. Contextual equiva-
One would haveto indicate it in another,per- lenceis the correct application of terms or con-
haps nonverbal,way if speakingin English.In cepts in different social or historical contexts. It
cultureswhere ageis an important status(e.9., is an attempt to achieveequivalencewithin spe-
|apan), many status-based words exist that are cific contexts. For example, in cultures with dif-
absentin English.One cannotsay,for example, ferent dominant religions, a religious leader
"my brother" without indicatingwhetherone is (e.g., priest, minister, or rabbi) can have differ-
speakingof an older or youngerbrother, and ent roles, training, and authority. In some con-
separatewords are used for "my younger texts, priests are full-time male professionals
brother" or "my older brother." who are wealthy, highly esteemed,well-educated
Comparativeresearchers often use a tech- community leaders and also wield political
nique calledbacktranslationto achievelexicon power. In other contexts, a priest is anyone who
equivalence.In back translation,a phraseor risesabove others in a congregation on a tempo-
questionis translatedfrom one languageto an- rary basis but is without power or standing in
other and then back again. For example,a
phrasein Englishis translatedinto Koreanand
then independentlytranslatedfrom Korean
back into English.A researcherthen compares
the first and secondEnglishversions.For exam-
ple, in a study to compareknowledgeof inter-
national issuesby U.S. and |apanesecollege
students,the researchers developeda question- The meaningof a statementor answerto a questio
nairein English.Theynext had a teamof |apan- oftendependson the customsof a culture,the socia
esecollegefaculty translatethe questionnaire andthe mannerin whichthe answerisspo
into Japanese. Somechangeswere madein the ken.The mannerofansweringcan reversethe differ
questionnaire.When they usedback transla- ent meaningsof the sameanswerbasedon the
tion, they discovered"30 translatingerrors,in- mannerin whichthe answerwasspoken.
cludingsomemajor ones"(Coganet al., 1988:
Backtranslationdoesnot help when words
for a conceptdo not existin a differentlanguage
(e.g.,there is no word for trust in Hindi, for Polite No
loyaltyin Turkish, for privacyin Chinese,or for Emphatic Yes
goodquarrelin Thai). Thus,translationmay re-
quire complexexplanations,or a researcher may Adaptedfrom Hymes(1970:329).
not be ableto usecertainconcepts.

the community.Priestsin sucha contextmaybe tions ofbeing in a particularclass,and classcat-

lesswell educated,have low incomes,and be egoriesor boundariesdiffer acrosssocieties,
viewed as foolish but harmlesspeople.A re- making the study of socialclassacrosssocieties
searcherwhoasksabout"priests"without notic- difficult.
ing the context could make seriouserrors in At times,the sameor a very similar concept
interpretations. existsacrossculturesbut in different forms or
Context also appliesacrosshistorical eras. degreesof strength.For example,in manyAsian
For example,attendingcollegehas a different societies,there is a marked differencebetween
meaning today than in a historical context in the outward,public presentationand definition
which only the richest 1 percentof the popula- ofselfand theprivate,personalpresentationand
tion attendedcollege,most collegeshad fewer the definition of self. What one revealsand
than 500students,all wereprivateall-maleinsti- shows externally is often culturally detached
tutions that did not require a high school from true, internal feelings.Some languages
diplomafor entry anda collegecurriculumcon- mark this linguistically,aswell.The ideaof a dis-
sistedof classicallanguagesand moral training. tinct self for public, nonfamily, or nonprivate
Attending college100 yearsago was not the situationsexistsin Westerncultures,aswell,but
sameasit is today;the historicalcontexthasal- it is much weakerand lesssociallysignificant.In
teredthe meaningof attendingcollege. addition, many Western cultures assumethat
the inner selfis"real" and shouldbe revealed,an
ConceptualEquivalence. Theability to usethe assumption that is not always shared cross-
sameconceptacrossdivergentculturesor his- culturally.
torical erasis conceptual equivalence.Researchers At other times, there is no direct cultural
live within specificculturesand historical eras. equivalent.For example,thereis no directWest-
Their conceptsare basedon their experiences ern conceptualequivalentfor the lapaneseie. It
and knowledgefiom their own culture and era. is translatedasfamily system,but this ideawas
Researchers may try to stretchtheir conceptsby createdby outsidersto explainlapanesebehav-
learning about other culturesor eras,but their ior. The le includesa continuingline of familial
views of other cultures or erasare colored by descentgoing back generationsand continuing
their currentlife situations.This createsa persis- into the future. Its meaningis closerto a Euro-
tent tension and raisesthe question:Can a re- peanlineage"house"amongthe feudalnobility
searchercreateconceptsthat aresimultaneously than the modernhouseholdor evenan extended
true reflectionsof life experiencesin different family. It includesancestors,going back many
culturesor erasand that alsomakesenseto him generations,and future descendants,with
or her? branches createdby noninheriting male off-
The issueofa researcher's conceptis a spe- spring (or adoptedsons).It can also include a
cial caseof a larger issue,becauseconceptscan religiousidentity and property-holdingdimen-
be incompatibleacrossdifferenttime periodsor sions(asland or a businesspasseddown for gen-
cultures.Is it possibleto createconceptsthat are erations).It canincludefeelingsofobligation to
true, accurate,and valid representationsof so- one'sancestorsand feelingsto uphold anycom-
cial life in two or more cultural or historicalset- mitments they may have made. The ie is also
tings that arevery different?For example,the embeddedin a web of hierarchicalrelationships
word classexistsin many societies,but the sys- with other le and suggests socialposition or sta-
tem of classes(i.e., the role of income,wealth, tus in a community.
job, education,status,relationto meansof pro- Conceptualequivalencealso appliesto the
duction), the number of classes, the connota- study of different historical eras.For example,

measuringincomeis verydifferentin a historica] offensive within a culture. Sensitivity mean

erawith a largelynoncashsocietyin which most showingrespectfor the traditions,customs,and
people grow their own food, make their own meaningof privary in a host country. For exam
furniture and clothing,or barter goods.Where ple,it maybetaboofor a man to interviewa mar-
moneyis rarelyused,it makesno senseto mea- ried womanwithout her husbandpresent.
sure income by number of dollars earned. In general,a researcherwho visits anothe
Countinghogs,acresofland, pairsofshoes,ser- culturewantsto establishgoodrelationswith the
vants,horsecarriages,and the like may be more host country's government.He or shewill not
appropriate. take data out of the country without giving
something(e.g.,results)in return. The military
MeasurementEquivalence. Measurement equiv- or politicalinterestsof the researcher's
alencemeansmeasuringthe sameconceptin dif- tion or the researcher's personalvaluesmay con-
ferentsettings.Ifa researcher
developsa concept flict with official policy in the host nation. A
appropriateto dif[erent contexts,the question researchermay be suspectedof being a spy or
remains:Are differentmeasures necessary in dif- may be under pressurefrom his or her home
ferentcontextsfor the sameconcept?The mea- country to gathercovertinformation.
surementequivalence issuesuggests
that an H-C Sometimes,the researcher's presenceor
researcher must examinemanysourcesof partial findings may causediplomaticproblems.For
evidencein order to measureor identifr a theo- example,a researcher who examineshealthcare
retical construct.When evidenceexistsin frag- practicesin a country then declaresthat officia
mentary forms, he or she must examine governmentpoliry is to ignoretreatinga seriou
extensivequantitiesof indirect evidencein or- illnesscan expectseriouscontroversy.Likewise
der to identifirconstructs. a researcherwho is si.mpatheticto the causeof
groups who opposethe governmentmay be
threatenedwith imprisonmentor askedto leave
the country.Socialresearchers who conductre-
searchin anycountryshouldbe awareof suchis-
Historical-comparative researchsharesthe ethi- suesand the potential consequences of their
calconcernsfound in othernonreactiveresearch actions.
techniques.The use of primary historical
First,it is difficult to replicateresearchbasedon
primary material.The researcher's selectioncri-
c o Nc L u s lo N
teria for use of evidenceand externalcriticism In this chapter, you have learned methodologi-
of documentsplacesa burdenon the integrityof cal principles for an inquiry into historical and
the individual researcher. comparative materials. The H-C approach is ap-
Second,the right to protect one's privacy propriate when asking big questions about
may interferewith the right to gatherevidence.A macro-level change, or for understanding social
person'sdescendants maywantto destroyor hide processesthat operate acrosstime or are univer-
privatepapersor eyidenceof scandalous behav- sal across several societies.Historical-comDara-
ior. Evenmajor politicalfigures(e.g.,presidents) tive research can be carried out in severalways,
want to hide embarrassingofficial documents. but a distinct qualitative H-C approach is similar
Comparativeresearchers mustbesensitiveto cul- to that of field researchin important respects.
tural andpoliticalissuesofcross-culturalinterac- Historical-comparative research involves a
tion. They need to learn what is considered different orientation toward researchmore than
326 pART TH REE / c oNDUc r t Nc Q UALI T A T I v ER E S E A R c H

it meansapplylngspecializedtechniques.Some Endnotes
specializedtechniquesare used,suchasthe ex-
ternal criticism of primary documents,but the 1. SeeMahoney (1999) for major works of histori-
mostvital featureis how a researcher
approaches cal-comparative research.
2. See Calhoun (1996), McDaniel (1978), Prze'
a question,probes data, and moves toward
worski and Teune (1970), and Stinchcombe
explanations. (1978) for additional discussion.
Historical-comparativeresearchis more 3. For additional discussion,seeSewell( 1987)'
difficult to conductthan researchthat is neither 4. SeeNaroll (1968) for a discussion of difficulties in
historical nor comparative,but the difficulties creating distinctions. Also seeWhiting (1968).
arepresentto a lesserdegreein othertypesofso- 5. Transhistorical concepts are discussedby others,
cial research.For example,issuesof equivalence such as Bendix (1963)' Przeworski and Teune
existto somedegreein all socialresearch. In H-C ( 1970),and Smelser(1976).
research,however,the problems cannot be 6. SeeLowenthal (1985:187).
treatedas secondaryconcerns.They are at the 7. Bendix (1978:16) distinguished between the
judgments of historians and the selectionsof soci
forefront ofhow researchis conductedand de-
terminewhethera researchquestioncanbe an-
8. Bonnell (1980:161), Finley (L977:132), and
Goldthorpe (1977:189-l9O) discussedhow histo-
rians use concepts.Selectionin this context is dis-
cussed by Abrams (1982:194) and Ben-Yehuda
Key T e r m s ( 1983).
9. For introductions to how historians see their
back translation method, see Barzun and Graff (1970), Braudel
conceptual equivalence (1980), Cantor and Schneider (1967), Novick
contextual equivalence (1988),or Shafer(1980).
external criticism 10. The narrative is discussedin Abbott ( 1992)' Gallie
(1963), Gotham and Staples (1996), Griffin
Galton's problem
(1993), Mclennan (198I:76-87), Runciman
Human RelationsArea Files (HRAF)
(1980),and Stone(1987:74-96).
internal criticism
I 1. For more on the strengthsand limitations of com-
lexicon equivalence
parative research,seeAnderson (1973), Holt and
measurement equivalence Turner (1970), Kohn (1987), Ragin (1987)'
oralhistory Smelser(1976), Vallier (1971a, 1971b),Walton
primary sources (1973), and Whiting ( 1968).
recollections 12. For more on the Human RelationsArea File and
running records the EthnographicAtlas,see Murdock (I9 67, 197l)
secondarysources andWhiting (i968).
Analysisof QualitativeData

Comparing Methods of Data Analysis
and QualitativeData
Coding and Concept Formation
Analytic Strategies for Qualitative Data
The Narrative
The lllustrative
Other Techniques
Flowchartand TimeSequence
M ultipleSortingProcedure
Software for Qualitative Data

Qualitative as well as quantitative analysis

INTRODUCT I O N involves a public method or process.Researchers
Qualitative data come in the form of photos, systematically record or gather data and in so
written words, phrases,or qrnbols describing or doing make accessibleto others what they did-
representing people, actions, and events in so- Both types of researcherscollect large amounts
cial life. Qualitative researchersrarely use statis- of data, describe the data, and document how
tical analysis.This doesnot mean that qualitative they collected and examined it. The degree to
data analysisis based on vague impressions.It which the method is standardized and visible
can be systematic and logically rigorous, al- may vary>but all researchersreveal their study
though in a different way from quantitative or designin some way.
statistical analysis. Over time qualitative data All data analysis is based on comparison'
analysis has become more explicit, although no Social researcherscompare features of the evi-
single qualitative data analysis approach is dence they have gathered internally or with re-
widely accepted. lated evidence. Researchersidentifr multiple
This chapter is divided into four parts. First, processes,causes,properties, or mechanisms
the similarities and differences between qualita- within the evidence. They then look for pat-
tive and quantitative data analysisare discussed' terns-similarities and differences, aspectsthat
Next is a look at how researchersuse coding and are alike and unlike. Both qualitative and quan-
concept/theory building in the process of ana- titative researchers strive to avoid errors, false
lyzing qualitative data. Third is a review of some conclusions, and misleading inferences. Re-
of the major analltic strategies researchersde- searchersare also alert for possible fallaciesor il-
ploy and ways they think about linking qualita- lusions. They sort through various explanations,
tive data with theory. Last is a brief review of discussions,and descriptions, and evaluatemer-
other techniques researchersuse to manage and its of rivals, seeking the more authentic, valid'
examine patterns in the qualitative data they true, or worthy among them.
have collected.

Qualitative data analysis differs from quantita-

COMPA RI NG M E T H OD S OF D AT A tive analysis in four ways. First, quantitative
AN AL Y S I S researcherschoosefrom a specialized,standard-
ized set of data analysis techniques. Hypothesis
Similarities testing and statistical methods vary little across
Both stylesofresearch involve researchersinfer- different social research projects' Quantitative
ring from the empirical details of social life. To analysis is highly developed and builds on ap-
infer meansto passa judgment, to use reasoning, plied mathematics. By contrast, qualitative data
and to reach a conclusionbasedon evidence'In analysisis less standardized. The wide variety in
both forms of data analysis,the researchet care- qualitative researchis matched by the many ap-
fully examines empirical information to reach a proaches to data analysis.
conclusion. The conclusion is reached by rea- A second difference is that quantitative re-
soning, simpli$'ing the complexity in the data, searchersdo not begin data analysis until they
and abstracting from the data, but this varies by have collected all of the data and condensed
the style of research.Both forms of data analysis them into numbers. They then manipulate the
anchor statements about the social world and numbers in order to see patterns or relation-
are faithful to the data. ships. Qualitative researcherscan look for pat-
CHAPT E R1 3 , / A N A L Y S I SO F Q U A L I T A T I V ED A T A 329

terns or relationships,but they begin analysis build new theory to createa realisticpicture of
earlyin a researchproject,whiletheyarestill col- sociallife and stimulateunderstandingmore
lecting data. The results of early data analysis than to test a causalhypothesis.Explanations
guidesubsequentdatacollection.Thus,analysis tendto be rich in detail,sensitiveto context,and
is lessa distinct final stageofresearchthan a di- capableof showingthe complexprocesses or se-
mension of researchthat stretchesacrossall quencesof sociallife. The explanationsmay be
stages. causal,but this is not alwaysthe case.The re-
Another differenceis the relationship be- searcher's goalis to organizespecificdetailsinto
tween data and socialtheory. Quantitative re- a coherentpicture, model, or setof interlocked
searchersmanipulatenumbersthat represent concepts.
empiricalfactsto testtheoreticalhypotheses. By A qualitative researcherdivides explana-
contrast, qualitativeresearchers createnew con- tions into two categories:highly unlikely and
ceptsand theoryby blendingtogetherempirical plausible.The researcher is satisfiedby building
evidenceand abstractconcepts.Insteadoftest- a caseor supplyingsupportiveevidence.He or
ing a hypothesis,a qualitativeanalystmay illus- shemay eliminatesometheoreticalexplanations
trate or color in evidenceshowingthat a theory, from considerationwhile increasingthe plausi-
generalization, or interpretationis plausible. bility of othersbecauseonly a few explanations
The fourth differenceis the degreeof ab- will be consistentwith a pattern in the data.
straction or distancefrom the detailsof social Qualitative analysiscan eliminate an explana-
life. In all data analysis,a researcherplacesraw tion by showingthat a wide arrayof evidence
data into categoriesthat he or shemanipulates contradictsit. The data might support more
in order to identifi patterns. Quantitative than one explanation,b:ut all explanationswill
researchers assumethat sociallife can be repre- not be consistentwith it. In addition to elimi-
sentedby using numbers.When they manipu- nating lessplausible explanations,qualitative
late the numbers according to the laws of dataanalysishelpsto verif' a sequenceofevents
statistics,the numbers revealfeaturesof social or the stepsof a process.This temporalordering
life. Qualitative analysisdoes not draw on a is the basisof finding associations amongvari-
large,well-established body of formal knowledge ables,and it is useful in supporting causal
from mathematicsand statistics.The dataarein arguments.
the form of words, which are relativelyimpre-
cise,diffuse, and context-based,and can have
more than one meaning. CODING AND CONCEPT
Explanationsand Qualitative Data
Qualitativeresearchersoften use generalideas,
Qualitativeexplanationstakemanyforms.A qual- themes,or conceptsasanalytictools for making
doesnot haveto choosebetween
itativeresearcher generalizations.Qualitativeanalysisoften uses
a rigid idiographic/nomotheticdichotomy- nonvariableconceptsor simple nominal-level
that is, betweendescribingspecificsand veriff- variables.
ing universallaws.Instead,a researcherdevelops
explanationsor generalizationsthat are close
to concretedata and contexts but are more
than simpledescriptions.He or sheusuallyuses Quantitativeresearchers conceptualizeand re-
a lower-level, less abstract theory, which is fine variablesin a processthat comesbeforedata
groundedin concretedetails.He or she may collectionor analysis.By contrast,qualitativere-
330 pART THRE E / c oNDUc r lNG Q UALI TATIv ER E S E A R c H

searchers form new conceptsor refine concepts suresofvariables,which arein the form of num-
that are groundedin the data.Conceptforma- bers,into a machine-readable form for statistical
tion is integralto dataanalysisandbeginsduring analysis.
datacollection.Conceptualization is how a qual- Coding data has a different meaning in
itative researcher organizes and makes senseof qualitativeresearch. A researcher codesby orga-
the data. nizing the raw data into conceptualcategories
A qualitativeresearcherorganizesdatainto and createsthemesor concepts.Insteadof a sim-
categorieson the basisof themes,concepts,or ple clericaltask,codingis an integralpart ofdata
similar features.He or she developsnew con- analysisguidedby the researchquestion.Coding
cepts,formulatesconceptualdefinitions,and ex- encourages higherJevelthinking aboutthe data
amines the relationships among concepts. and movesa researcher toward theoricalgener-
Eventually, he or she links conceptsto each alizations.
otherin termsof a sequence, asoppositionalsets Coding is two simultaneousactivities:me-
(X is the oppositeof I) or assetsof similar cate- chanicaldata reduction and analyticdatac4te-
goriesthat he or sheinterweaves into theoretical gorization.Coding data is the hard work of
statements.Qualitative researchers conceptual- reducingmountains of raw data into manage-
ize or form concepts as they read through and ablepiles.In addition to making a largemassof
askcritical questions of data (e.g., field notes, datamanageable, it is how a researcher imposes
historical documents,secondarysources,etc.)' order on the data. Coding also allows a re-
The questionscan come from the abstractvo- searcherto quickly retrieverelevantpartsofthe
cabularyof a disciplinesuch as sociology-for data.Betweenthe momentsof thrill andinspira-
example:Is this a caseof classconflict?Wasrole tion, codingqualitativedata,or filework,canbe
conflict presentin that situation?Is this a social wearisomeand tedious.
movement?Questionscan alsobe logical-for
example:Whatwasthe sequence of events? How Open Coiling, Opencodingis performeddur-.
doesthe way it happened here compare to over ing a first passthrough recentlycollecteddata.
there?Are thesethe same or different, general or The researcher locatesthemesand assignsinitial
specificcases? Researchers often conceptualize as codesor labelsin a first attemptto condensethe
they codequalitativedata. massof data into categories.He or she slowly
In qualitativedata analysis,ideasand evi- readsfield notes,historical sources,or other
dencearemutually interdependent. This applies data, looking for critical terms, key events,or
particularlyto casestudy analysis. Cases arenot themes,which are then noted. Next, he or she
givenpreestablished empirical units or theoreti- writesa preliminaryconceptor labelat the edge
calcategories apartfrom data;theyaredefinedby of a notecardor computerrecordandhighlights
data and theory. By analyzingasituation, the re- it with brightly colored ink or in somesimilar
searcherorganizesdataand appliesideassimul- way. The researcheris open to creating new
taneouslyto createor specifra case.Making or themesand to changingtheseinitial codesin
creatinga case,calledcasingbringsthe dataand subsequentanalysis.A theoretical framework
theory together.Determiningwhat to treat as a helpsif it is usedin a flexiblemanner.
caseresolves a tensionor strainbetweenwhatthe Open coding brings themesto the surface
researcher observes and his or her ideasaboutit. from deepinsidethe data.The themesareat a
low level of abstractionand comefrom the re-
searcher'sinitial researchquestion,conceptsin
Coding Qualitative Data the literature,termsusedby membersin the so-
codesafterall the data
A quantitativeresearcher cial setting,or new thoughtsstimulatedby im-
havebeen collected.He or shearrangesmea- mersionin the data.
c H A p rER1i ,/ A N A LystsoF euA Ll rA TtvED A TA 331

An example of this is found in LeMasters's the Knights movement. Temperance is a new

(1975) field research study of a working-class and unexpected category. The researchercodes
tayern when he found that marriage came up in the notes with the label "temperance" and in-
many conversations. If he open coded field cludes it as a possible theme.
notes, he might have coded a block of field notes Qualitative researchersvaryin the units they
with the theme marriage. Following is an exam- code. Some code every line or every few words;
ple ofhypothetical field notes that can be open others code paragraphs and argue that much of
coded with the theme marriage: the data are not coded and are dross or left over.
The degree of detail in coding depends on the
I wore a tie to the bar on ThursdaybecauseI researchquestion, the "richness" ofthe data, and
had been at a late meeting. Samnoticed it the researcher'spurposes.
immediately and said. "Damn it, Doc. I wore Open-ended coding extends to analytic
one of them things once-when I got mar- notes or memos that a researcherwrites to him-
ried-and lookwhat happenedto me! By self or herself while collecting data. Researchers
God, the undertakerwill haveto put the next should write memos on their codes (seethe later
one on." I ordered a beer,then askedhim, discussion in Analytic Memo Writing).
"Why did you get married?" He replied,
"What the hell you goin' to do?You just can't Axial Coiling. This is a "second pass" through
go on shackingup with girls all your life-I the data. During open coding, a researcher fo-
did plenty of that when I was single" with a cuseson the actual data and assignscode labels
smile and wink. He pausedto order another for themes. There is no concern about making
beer and light a cigarette,then continued, "A connections among themes or elaborating the
man, sooner or later, likes to have a home of concepts that the themes represent. By contrast,
his own, and somekids, and to havethat, you in axial coding the researcherbegins with an or-
haveto get married. There's no way out of ganized set of initial codes or preliminary con-
it-they got you hooked." I said, "Helen [his cepts. In this second pass, he or she focuses on
wife] seemslike a nice person." He returned, the initial coded themes more than on the data.
"Oh, hell, she'snot a bad kid, but she'sa god- Additional codes or new ideas may emerge dur-
damn woman and they get under my skin. ing this pass,and the researchernotes them; but
They piss me off. If you go to a parfy, just his or her primarytask is to review and examine
when you start having fun, the wife says'let's initial codes.He or she moves toward organizing
go home.' " (Adapted from LeMasters, ideas or themes and identifies the axis of key
1975:36-37) concepts in analysis.
During axial coding, a researcherasksabout
Historical-comparative researchersalso use causesand consequences,conditions and inter-
open coding. For example, a researcherstudying actions, strategies and processes,and looks for
the Knights of Labor, an American nineteenth- categoriesor concepts that cluster together. He
century movement for economic and political or she asksquestions such as: Can I divide exist-
reform, reads a secondary source about the ac- ing concepts into subdimensions or subcate-
tivities of a local branch of the movement in a gories? Can I combine several closely related
specific town. When reading and taking notes, concepts into one more general one?Can I orga-
the researchernotices that the Prohibition party nize categoriesinto a sequence(i.e., A, then B,
was important in local elections and that tem- then C), or by their physical location (i.e., where
perance was debated by members of the local they occur), or their relationship to a major
branch. The researcher's primary interest is in topic of interest? For example, a field researcher
the internal structure, ideology, and growth of studyingworking-class life divides the general is-

sueof marriageinto subparts(e.g.,engagement, coregeneralizations or ideas.For example'a re-

weddings).He or shemarks all notesinvolving searcherstudyingworking-classlife in a tavern
parts of marriageand then relatesmarriageto decidesto makegenderrelationsa major theme.
themesof sexuality,division of labor in house- In selectivecoding,the researchergoesthrough
hold tasks,viewson children,and so on. When his or her field notes,looking for differencesin
the theme reappearsin different places,the re- how men andwomentalk aboutdattng,engage-
searchermakescomparisonssohe or shecansee ments,weddings,divorce, extramaritalaffairs,
new themes(e.g.,men and women havediffer- or husband/wiferelations.He or shethen com-
ent attitudestoward marriage). paresmale and femaleattitudeson eachpart of
In the exampleof historicalresearchon the the themeof marriage.
Knightsof Labor,a researcherlooks for themes Likewise, the researcher studying the
relatedto temperance.He or shelooks for dis- Knights of Labor decidesto make the move-
cussionsof saloons,drinking or drunkenness, ment'sfailureto form allianceswith other polit-
and relationsbetweenthe movementand polit- ical groupsa major theme.The researchergoes
ical partiesthat support or opposetemperance. through his or her notes looking for compro-
Themesthat cluster around temperancecould miseandconflictbetweenthe Knightsand other
also include drinking as a form of recreation, political parties,including temperancegroups
drinking as part of ethnic culture, and differ- and the Prohibitionparty.The arrayof concepts
ences between men and women regarding and themesthat arerelatedto temperancein ax-
drinking. ial coding helps him or her discoverhow the
Axial coding not only stimulatesthinking temperanceissue facilitated or inhibited al-
about linkagesbetweenconceptsor themesbut liances.
it alsoraisesnew questions.It cansuggestdrop- During selectivecoding, major themesor
ping somethemesor examiningothersin more concepts ultimately guide the researcher's. addition, it reinforcesthe connections search.He or she reorganizesspecificthemes
betweenevidenceand concepts.As a researcher identified in earliercodingand elaboratesmore
consolidatescodesand locatesevidences, he or than one major theme. For example, in the
she finds evidence in many places for core working-classtavernstudy,the researcherexam-
themesand builds a denseweb of supportin the ines opinions on marriageto understandboth
qualitativedata for them. This is analogousto the theme of genderrelations and the theme of
the ideaof multiple indicatorsdescribedwithre- different stagesof the life cycle.He or she does
gard to reliability and measuringvariables.The this becausemarriage can be looked at both
connection between a theme and data is ways.Likewise,in the Knights of Labor study,
strengthenedby multiple instancesof empirical the researchercan use temperanceto under-
evidence. stand the major theme of failed alliancesand
alsoto understandanothertheme,sourcesof di-
SelectiveCoiling, By the time a researcheris vision within the movementthat werebasedon
readyfor this last passthrough the data, he or ethnic or religiousdifferencesamongmembers
she has identified the major themesof the re- (seeFigure13.1).
searchproject.Selective coding involvesscanning
dataand previouscodes.Researchers look selec-
Analytic Memo Writing
tively for casesthat illustratethemesand make
comparisonsand contrastsaftermost or all data arecompulsivenote-tak-
collectionis complete.They begin after they ers.Their dataare recordedin notes,they write
havewell-developedconceptsand havestarted commentson their researchstrategyin notes,
to organizetheir overall analysisaround several and so on. They keep their notesorganizedin
CHAPTE R 3 / A N A L Y S I SO F Q U A L I T A T I V ED A T A 333

FlcuRE 1 3.1 The coding processforeuaritative DataAnarysis


t---.=.-.-.-.-. 7
- -

Step 1: Open Coding

Carefully read and review all data notes, then create a cooe
that capturesthe idea,process,or theme in the data.

Organization of Codes

Step 2: Axial Coding

organize all the codes createdduringopen codinginto a structureby separating
them into majoror minor reversand showingrerationsamongthe codes.

Step 3: Selective Coding

Take the organizedcodes from the axial coding process and reviewthe codes
in the original
data notes to select the best illustrationsfor entering them into a final repon.
3 34 pA RTT HR EE,/ c o N D U c rtN c e u AL trA TtvER E sE A R cH

files, and often have many files with different good-qualityanalyticmemos can becomesec-
kinds of notes:a file on methodologicalissues tions of the final report.
(e.g.,locationsofsourcesor ethicalissues), a file The technologyinvolvedin writing analytic
of maps or diagrams,a file on possibleoverall memosis simple:pen and paper,a few note-
outlinesofa final report or chapter,a file on spe- books,computerfiles,and photocopiesof notes.
cific peopleor events,and so on. There are many ways to write analytic memos;
The analyticmemois a specialtype of note. eachresearcherdevelopshis or her own styleor
It is a memo or discussionof thoughtsand ideas method.Someresearchers makemultiple copies
aboutthe codingprocessthat a researcher writes ofnotes,then cut them and placeselectionsinto
to himselfor herself.Eachcodedthemeor con- an analyticmemo file. This workswell if the data
ceptforms the basisof a separatememo,and the files are large and the analyticmemosare kept
memo containsa discussionof the conceptor distinctwithin the file (e.g.,on different-colored
theme.The rough theoreticalnotesform the be- paper or placedat the beginning).Other re-
ginning of analyticmemos. searchers link the analyticmemo file locationsto
The analytic memo forgesa link between the datanoteswherea themeappears.Then it is
the concretedataor raw eyidenceand more ab- easyto movebetweenthe analyticmemo and the
stract,theoreticalthinking (seeFigure13.2).It data.Because datanotescontainlinks or marked
containsa researcher's reflectionson and think- themes,it is easytolocatespecificsectionsin the
ing about the data and coding. The researcher data.An intermediatestrategyis to keepa run-
addsto the memo and usesit ashe or shepasses ning list of locationswhere a major theme ap-
through the datawith eachtype of coding.The pearsin the raw data.
memosform the basisfor analyzingdatain the As a researcherreviewsand modifies aner-
researchreport. In fact,rewritten sectionsfrom lytic memos,he or shediscusses ideaswith col-

FIcURE 1 3.2 AnalyticMemosand



Notes i i-
Files i-
Filed by Concept
orTheme Filed by Purpose
Organized by Date
or DataSource

Report r
CHAPTE R1 3 , / A N A L Y S I SO F Q U A L I T A T I V ED A T A 335

and returnsto the literaturewith a focus Some argue that the narrative approach is a
on newissues.Analyticmemosmayhelpto gen- presentation of data without analysis.There can
eratepotential hypotheses, which can be added be analysis in a narrative, but it is ..light,' and
and dropped as needed,and to developnew subtle. In the narrative method, a reseaicher ur_
themesor codingsystems. semblesthe data into a descriptive picture or ac_
count ofwhat occurred, but he or she larselv
leavesthe data to "speak for themselves." H! oi
ANA LY T I C S T R AT E GIES F OR she interjects little in the form of new systematic
Q UA LI T A T I V E D AT A concepts, external theories, or abstraci models.
The explanation residesnot in abstract concepts
Techniques of coding and memo writing are ap- and theories, but in a combination of specific,
proachesto the analysisof qualitative data. Most concrete details. The researcher presents or re_
qualitative researchers use these techniques to veals the social reality as members in a field set_
some degree, often combined with a more spe- ting experience it, or the worldview of specific
cific strategy for the analysis ofqualitative dita. historical actors at a particular point in time. By
In this section you will learn about four strate- using little commentary a researcher tries to
gies researchersuse to analyzequalitative data: convey an authentic feel for life's complexity as
the narrative, ideal types, successiveapproxima- experienced by particular people in specific cir-
tion, and the illustrative method. cumstances,and does not derive abstract princi_
Compared to the analysis of quantitative ples or identifr generalizableanalytic patterns.
data, strategiesfor qualitative data are more di- In the narrative, data are"analyzed,, or..ex_
verse, less standardized, and less explicitly out- plained" in the terminology and concepts of the
lined by researchers.Only in the past decade people being studied. The analysis appears in
have researchersstarted to explain and outline how a researcherorganizes the data f- p..r..r_
exactly how they analyze qualitative data. tation and tells the story. It appears in a greater
In general, data analysismeans a search for attention to particular people, events, oi fuctr,
patterns in data-recurrent behaviors, objects, and it relies on literary devices-the creative se-
or a body of knowledge. Once a pattern is iden- lection of particular words to tell a story. de_
tified, it is interpreted in terms of a social theory scribe a setting, show character development,
or the setting in which it occurred. The qualita- and present dramatic emphasis, intrigue, or
tive researchermoves from the description of a suspense.
historical event or social setting to a more gen- Researchersdebate the usefulness of the
eral interpretation of its meaning. narrative strategy. On the one hand, it provides
rich concrete detail and clearly demonstiates the
The Narrative temporal ordering of processes or specific
events. It captures a high degree of complexity
You encountered the narrative in the last chap- and.conveysa nuanced understanding ofho*
ter on historical-comparative research. In field particular events or factors mutually affect each
research, it is also called a natural history or other. The narrative allows the researcherto as-
realist tale approach. The narrative is a laigely semble very specific concrete details (i.e., the
atheoretical description. The researcher-author names, actions, andwords of specific people and
"disappears" from the analysis and presents the the detailed descriptions of particulai evints at
concrete details in chronological order as ifthey specific times) that may be idiosyncratic but that
were the product of a unique and "naturally un- contribute to a complete explanation. On the
folding" sequenceof events.He or she simply other hand, manyresearchers criticize the narra-
"tells a story" of what occurred. tive approach for being too complex, particular,
336 pA RTT HR E E/ c o N D U c l N G e u A L trATtvER E S E A R cH

and idiosyncratic.It doesnot provide general- or "reality" can be compared.An idealtype is a

izations.The narrativemay presentan over- deviceusedfor comparison,becauseno reality
whelming array of particular details,but not everfits an idealtype.For example,a researcher
provide a generalexplanationthat researchers developsa mentalmodel of the idealdemocracy
canapplyto otherpeople,situations,or time pe- or an idealcollegebeerparty.Theseabstractions,
riods(seeBox 13.1). with lists of characteristics,
do not describeany
specificdemocracyor beer parry; nevertheless,
ldealTypes they are usefi,rlwhen applied to many specific
casesto seehow well eachcasemeasuresup to
Max Weber'sidealtypeis usedby many qualita- the ideal.This stagecan be usedwith the illus-
tive researchers.
Idealtlpes aremodelsor men- trative methoddescribedearlier.
tal abstractionsof socialrelationsor processes. Weber'smethod of idealtypesalsocomple-
They arepure standardsagainstwhich the data ments|ohn StuartMill's method of agreement.

Many qualitativeresearchers, especiallyfeministre- The narrativeis found in literature,artistic ex-

searchers, usethe narrativebecausethey believeit pressions, types of therapy,judicialinquiries,social
best enablesthem to retaina richnessand authen- or politicalhistories,biographyand autobiography,
ticity from their originaldata sources(i.e.,individual medicalcasehistories,andjournalisticaccounts. As a
personalstoriesor eventsin ethnographies, or spe- wayto organize, analyze, and presentqualitativeso-
cifichistoricalevents).In simpleterms,the narrative cialsciencedata,the narrativesharesmanyfeatures
is story telling.In it, an authorpresentstwo or more with other academicand culturalcommunication
eventsin temporaland causalsequences. Somenar- forms,but it differsfrom the positivistmodelfor or-
rativesarecomplex,with elementssuchas (1 a sum- ganizingand reportingon data.The positivistmodel
mary statement of the entire story; (2) an emphasizes usingimpersonal, abstract,"neutral"lan-
orientationthat identifiesspecifictimes,places,per- guageand a standardized analyticapproach.
sons,and situations;(3) complicatingactionsor Many qualitativeresearchersargue that re-
twistsin the plot of "whathappened";(4) an evalua- searchers who adopt the positivistmodelare sim-
tion or emotionalassessment of the narrative's ply usingan alternative form of narrative,
one with
meaningor signifigance; (5) a resolutionor whatoc- specializedconventions.These conventionsen-
curedaftera dramatichighpoint that resolvesa sus- courageformalanalyticmodelsand abstracttheo-
pensefulclimaticevent;and (6) a codaor signalthat ries,but suchmodelsor theoriesare not necessarily
the narrativeis ending. superiorto a story-tellingnarrative. Positivist
Peoplefrequentlytell one anotherstoriesin daily analysis and reportingconventions havetwo nega-
life.They usuallystructureor organizetheir narra- tive effects.First,they makeit easierforresearchers
tives into one of"severalrecognizedpatterns,often to losesightofthe concreteactualeventsand per-
recountingit with visualclues,gestures,or voicein- sonalexperiences that comprisesocialsciencedata.
tonationsfor dramaticemphasis. The structuremay Second,they makeit moredifficultfor researchers
includeplot lines,coremetaphors, and rhetoricalde- to expressideasand buildsocialtheoriesin a for-
vicesthat drawon familiarculturalandpersonalmod- mat that most peoplefind to be familiarand com-
elsto effectivelycommunicate meanings to others. fortable.
CHAPTE R1 3 / A N A L Y S I SO F Q U A L I T A T I V ED A T A 337

With the methodof agreement, a researcher's

at- about patterns in data by referring to something
tention is focusedon what is common across that is already known or an experience familiar
and he or shelooksfor commoncausesin to the reader. They can describe relationships
caseswith a common outcome.By itself, the buried deep within many details and are a short-
method of agreementimplies a comparison hand method for seeingpatterns in a maze of
againstactualcases.This comparisonof cases specific events.They also make it easierto com-
could alsobe madeagainstan idealizedmodel.A pare social processesacrossdiflerent casesor set-
researcher could developan idealtypeofa social tings. For example, a researchersaysthat a room
processor relationship,then comparespecific went silent after person X spoke: "A chill like a
casesto it. cold gust of air" spread through the room. This
haveusedidealtypes does not mean that the room temperature
in two ways:to contrastthe impact of cotrie"ts dropped or that a breeze was felt, but it suc-
and asanalogy. cinctly expressesa rapid change in emotional
tone. Likewise, a researcherreports that gender
Contrast Contexts. Researchers who adopt a relations in society Y were such that women
strongly interpretive approach may use ideal were "viewed like property and treated like
t)?esto interpretdatain a waythat is sensitiveto slaves."This does not mean that the legal and so-
rI the contextand cultural meaningsof members. cial relations between genders were identical to
They do not testhypothesesor createa general- those of slaveowner and slave.It implies that an
izabletheory,but usethe idealtFpeto bring out ideal type of a slave-and-master relationship
the specificsof eachcaseand to emphasizethe would show major similarities to the evidence
impact of the unique context. on relations between men and women if applied
Researchers makingcontrastsbetweencon- to society Y.
textsoften choosecaseswith dramaticcontrasts The use of analogies to analyze qualitative
or distinctivefeatures.For example,inWork and data servesas a heuristic device (i.e., a devicethat
Authority in Industry,ReinhardBendix (1956) helps one learn or see).It can representsome-
comparedmanagementrelationsin very difier- thing that is unknown and is especiallyvaluable
ent contexts:CzaristRussiaand industrializins. when researchersattempt to make sense of or
England. explain data by referring to a deep structure or
When comparing contexts,researchers do an underlying mechanism. Ideal types do not
not usethe idealtFpeto illustratea theoryin dif- provide a definitive test of an explanation.
ferent casesor to discoverregularities.Instead, Rather, they guide the conceptual reconstruc-
they accentuatethe specificand the unique. tion of the mass of details into a systematic
Other methodsof analysisfocuson the general format.
and ignore peculiarities.By contrast, a re-
searcherwho usesideal types can show how
unique featuresshapethe operationof general Successive
processes. Successiveapproximation involves repeated it-
erations or cycling through steps, moving to-
Analogies. Idealtypesare usedasanalogiesto ward a final analysis.Over time, or after several
organizequalitativedata.An analogtis a state- iterations, a researchermoves from vague ideas
ment that two objects,processes,
or eventsare and concrete details in the data toward a com-
similar to eachother. Researchers
useanalogies prehensive analysiswith generalizations. This is
to communicateideasand to facilitate logical similar to the three kinds of codins discussed
comparisons.Analogiestransmit information earlier.
338 pA RTT HRE E,/ c o N D U C T tN ce u A L trAT tvER E S E A R C H

A researcherbegins with researchquestions The lllustrative Method

and a framework of assumptions and concepts.
Another method of analysisusesempirical evi-
He or shethen probes into the data, asking ques-
dence to illustrate or anchor a theory. With the
tions of the evidenceto seehow well the con-
illustrative method, a researcherapplies theory to
cepts fit the evidence and reveal features ofthe
a concrete historical situation or social setting,
data. He or she also createsnew conceptsby ab-
or organizesdata on the basis of prior theory.
stracting from the evidenceand adjusts concepts
Preexisting theory provide s the empty boxes.The
to fit the evidencebetter. The researcherthen
researcherseeswhether evidence can be gath-
collects additional evidence to address unre-
ered to fill them. The evidence in the boxes con-
solvedissuesthat appearedin the first stage,and
firms or rejectsthe theory, which he or shetreats
repeatsthe process.At each stage,the evidence
as a useful device for interpreting the social
and the theory shape each other. This is called
world. The theory can be in the form of a general
successiveapproximatior because the modified
model, an analogy,or a sequenceof steps.
concepts and the model approximate the full ev-
There are two variations of the illustrative
idence and are modified over and over to be-
method. One is to show that the theoretical
come successively more accurate.
model illuminates or clarifies a specific case or
Each pass through the evidence is provi-
single situation. A second is the parallel demon-
sional or incomplete. The concepts are abstract,
stration of a model in which a researcherjuxta-
but they are rooted in the concrete evidence and
posesmultiple cases(i.e.,units or time periods)
reflect the context. As the analysismoves toward
to show that the theory can be applied in multi-
generalizations that are subject to conditions
ple cases.In other cases,the researcherillustrates
and contingencies,the researcherrefines gener-
theory with specific material from multiple
alizations and linkages to reflect the evidence
cases.An example of parallel demonstration is
better. For example, a historical-comparative re-
found in Paige's(1975) study ofrural classcon-
searcher believes that historical reality is not
flict. Paigefirst developed an elaborate model of
even or linear; rather, it has discontinuous stages
conditions that cause class conflict, and then
or steps.He or she may divide 100 years of his-
provided evidenceto illustrate it from Peru, An-
tory into periods by breaking continuous time
gola, and Vietnam. This demonstrated the ap-
into discreteunits or periods and define the pe-
plicability of the model in severalcases.(SeeBox
riods theoretically. Theory helps the researcher
13.2for a summary of qpes.)
identifrwhat is significant and what is common
within periods or between different periods.
The researchercannot determine the num-
ber and size ofperiods and the breaks between
them until after the evidencehas been examined.
He or she may begin with a generalidea of how Tell a detailedstory about a par-
1. Thenarrative.
many periods to create and what distinguishes ticularsliceof sociallife.
them but will adjust the number and size of the
2. ldealtypes.Comparequalitativedatawith a pure
periods and the location of the breaks after re-
modelof sociallife.
viewing the evidence.The researcherthen reex-
3. Successive Repeatedly moveback
amines the evidence with added data, readjusts
and forth betweendata and theory,until the
the periodization, and so forth. After severalcy-
gap betweenthemshrinksor disappears.
cles,he or she approximatesa set of periods in
100 yearson the basisofsuccessivelytheorizing method.Fillthe "emptyboxes"of
4. Theillustrative
and looking at evidence. theorywith qualitativedata.
CHAPTE R1 3 , / A N A L Y S I SO F Q U A L I T A T I V ED A T A 339

oTHER TECHNTQUE S and spendstwo hours at the event.The collective

allocationof two hours during a busyweekfor
Qualitativeresearchers usemany analvsistech- the celebrationsignalsits latent or implicit im-
niques.Hereis a brieflook at othertechniquesto portancein the cultureof the corporation.
illustratethe variety.

Flowchart and Time Sequence

Network Analysis
In addition to the amount of time devotedto
The idea of socialnetworkswas discussedwith various activities, researchersanalyzethe order
network theory and with snowball sampling. of eventsor decisions.Historici researchers
Qualitativeresearchersoften "map" the connec- havetraditionally focusedon documentingthe
tions among a set of people, organizations, sequence of events,but comparativeand field re_
events,or places.Using sociogramsand similar searchers alsolook at flow or sequence.In addi_
mappingtechniques,they candiscover,analyze, tion to when eventsoccur, researchers use the
and displaysetsof relations.For example,in a ideaof a decisiontreeor flowchartto outline the
company,Harry givesSueorders,Sueand Sam order ofdecisions,to understandhow oneevent
consultand help one another.Samgetsmateri- or decisionis relatedto others.For example,an
als from Sandra.Sandrasocializeswith Mary. activity as simple asmaking a cakecan bi out_
Researchers find that networks help them see lined (seeFigure13.3).Theideaof mappingout
and understandthe structureof complexsocial steps,decisions,or eventsand looking at their
relations. interrelationship has been applied to many
Time Allocation Analysis
Time is an important resource.Researchers Multiple Sorting Procedure
aminethe waypeopleor organizationsspendor Multiple sorting is a technique similar to do-
investtime to revealimplicit rulesof conductor main analysisthat a researchercan use in field
priorities. Researchers document the duration researchor oral history. Its purpose is to dis-
or amount of time devotedto variousactivities. coverhow peoplecategorize their experiences or
Qualitativeresearchers examinethe duration or classifiitemsinto systemsof "similai', and ..dif-
amountof time deyotedto activities.An analysis ferent."Themultiple sortingprocedurehasbeen
ofhow people,groups,or organizationsallocate alopted by cognitiveanthropologistsand psy-
the valuable resourcesthey control (such as chologists.It canbe usedto collect,verift, oian-
time, space,money, prestige) can reveal a lot alyzedata.Here is how it works.The reiearcher
abouttheir real,ascontrastedwith officiallypro- givesthosebeingstudieda list of terms,photos,
fessed,priorities. Often, peopleare unawareof places,namesof people,and so on, and asks
or do not explicitlyacknowledge the importance them to organizethe listsinto categories or piles.
of an activity on which they spenttime. For ex- The subjectsor membersusecategoriesof their
ample,a researchernoticesthat certain people own devising.Once sorted,the researcherasks
are required to wait before seeinga person, about the criteria used.The subjectsare then
whereasothersdo not wait. The researcher may giventhe items againand askedto sort them in
analyzethe amount of time, who waits, what other ways.There is a similarity to Thurstone
they do while waiting, and whether they feel scalingin that peoplesort itemi, but here,the
waitingisjust. Or the researcher documentsthat number of piles and type of items differ. More
peoplesaythat a certaincelebrationin a corpo- significantly,the purposeof the sortingis not to
ration is not important. Yet, everyoneattends createa uniform scalebut to discoverthe variety

FIGURE 13. 3 Partial Flowchartof Cake Making

CheckTemp.of Oven

LowerTemp. Put Cake Raise/Set

in Oven

of ways people understand the world. For exam- of qualitative analysis. In addition to tax-
ple (Canter et al., 1985:90),a gambler sorts a list onomies,maps,and lists,they suggested the use
of eight gambling establishments five times. of flowcharts,organizationalcharts,causaldia-
Each sort has three to four categories.One of the grams,and various lists and grids to illustrate
sorts organized them based on "class ofcasino" analysis(seeFigure13.4).
(high to low). Other sortswere basedon "frills,"
"size of stake," "make me money," and "per-
sonal preference." By examining the sorts, the
researcherseeshow others organize their worlds.

Diagrams Quantitative researchershave used computers

for nearly40 yearsto generatetables,graphs, and
Qualitative researchershave moved toward pre- charts to analyzeand present numerical data. By
senting their data analysis in the form of dia- contrast, qualitative researchersmoved to com-
grams and charts. Diagrams and charts help puters and diagrams only in the past decade.A
them organize ideas and systematically investi- researcherwho enters notes in a word-process-
gate relations in the data, as well as communi- ing program may quickly search for words and
cate results to readers.Researchersuse spatial or phrases that can be adapted to coding data and
temporal maps, typologies, or sociograms. linking codesto analytic memos. Word process-
Quantitative researchershave developed ing can also help a researcher revise and move
many graphs,tables,charts, and pictorial devices codesand parts offield notes.
to present information. Miles and Huberman New computer programs are continuously
(1994) argued that data display is a critical part being developed or modified, and most come

FIG URE 1 3. 4 Examplesof the Useof Diagramsin QualitativeAnalysis



John Yes Yes N/A No

Mary Yes DK No Yes
Martin No Yes N/A Yes
Yoshi Yes No Yes Yes
DK d o n ' t k n o w , N /A = n o t a p p lica b le

with highly detailed and program-specific user rowboat, schooner, vessel,yacht, steamer, ocean
manuals. The reviewhere does not go into detail liner, tug, canoe, skffi cutter, aircraft carrier,
about specific software. It covers only the major dinghy, scow, galley, ark, cruiser, destroyer, flag-
approachesto qualitative data analysis at this ship, and submarine. In addition, some pro-
time. grams permit the combination of words or
Some programs perform searchesof text phasesusing logical terms (and, or, not) in rvhat
documents. What they do is similar to the are called Boolean searches.For example, a re-
searching function available in most word-pro- searchermay searchlong documents for rvhen
cessingsoftware. The specializedtext retrieval the keywords collegestudent and drinking and
programs are faster and have the capability of smokingoccur within four sentencesof one an-
finding close matches, slight misspellings, simi- other, but only when the word fraterniq' is not
lar-sounding words, and synonyrns. For exam- presentin the block oftext. This Boolean search
ple, when a researcherlooks for the keyword uses and to seek the intersection of collegestu-
boat, the program might also tell whether any of dent with either of two behaviors that are con-
the following appeared: ship, battleship,frigate, nected by the logical terr.rror, n'hereasthe logical
3 42 pA RTT HR E E,/ c o N D U c l N C e u AL l rATtvER E sE A R cH

searchword rof excludessituations in which the branches, and twigs) among the codes, and
term fr aternity appears. among the data to which the codes refer. The
Most programs show the keyword or phrase qualitative data are rearranged in the program
and the surrounding text. The programs may basedon the researcher'scodesand the relations
also permit a researcherto write separatememos among codesthat a researcherspecifies.
or add short notes to the text. Some programs
count the keywords found and give their loca-
tion. Most programs create a very specific index
for the text, based only on the terms of interest
c o Nc t u s t o N
to the researcher. In this chapter, you have learned how re-
Textbase managers are similar to text re- searchers analyze qualitative data. In many re-
trieval programs. The key difference is their abil- spects,qualitative data aremore difficult to deal
ity to organize or sort information about search with than data in the form of numbers. Num-
results. They allow researchersto sort notes by a bers have mathematical properties that let a re-
key idea or to add factual information. For ex- searcheruse statistical procedures. Qualitative
ample, when the data are detailed notes on inter- analysisrequires more effort by an individual re-
views, a researcher can add information about searcherto read and reread data notes, reflect on
the date and length ofthe interview, gender of in- what is read, and make comparisons based on
terviewee, location of interview, and so on. The logic and judgment.
researchercan then sort and organizeeach inter- Most forms of qualitative data analysis in-
view or part of the interview notes using a com- volve coding and writing analltic memos. Both
bination of keywords and added information. are labor-intensive efforts by the researcher to
In addition, some programs have Hpertext read over data carefully and think about them
capability. Hypertext is a way of linking terms to seriously. In addition, you learned about meth-
other information. It works such that clicking ods that researchershave used for the analysisof
the mouse on one term causesa new screen(one qualitative data. They are a sample of the many
that has related information) to appear.The re- methods of qualitative data analysis.You also
searchercan identifykeywords or topics and link learned about the importance of thinking about
them together in the text. For example, a field negative evidenceand events that are not pre-
researcherwants to examine the person Susan sent in the data.
and the topic of hair (including haircuts, hair- This chapterendsthe sectionofthe book on
styles,hair coloring, and hats or hair covering). researchdesign, data collection, and dataanaly-
The researchercan use Hypertext to connect all sis. Social researchalso involves preparing re-
places Susan'sname appears to discussionsof ports on a researchproject, which is addressedin
hair. By the mouse clicking on Susan'sname, the next chapter.
one block of text quickly jumps to another in the
notes to seeall placeswhere Susan and the hair
topic appeartogether. Key Ter m s
Code-and-retrieve programs allow a re-
searcherto attach codesto lines, sentences,para- axial coding
graphs, or blocks of text. The programs may emptyboxes
permit multiple codes for the same data. In ad- illustrative method
dition to attaching codes,most programs also al- narrative history
low the researcherto organize the codes. For open coding
example, a program can help a researchermake selectivecoding
outlines or "trees" of connections (e.g.,trunks, successiveapproximation
Writing the Research

The Research Report
Why Write a Report?
The Writing Process
Stepsin Writing
The QuantitativeResearchReport
The QualitativeResearchReport
The Researchproposal


togetherthe scientific community' Other rea-

INTRODUCTION sois fo, writing a rePort are to fulfill a classor
job assignment,to meetan obligationto an or-
Thepreviouschaptershavelookedat how to de- to persuade
sign studies,gatherdata, and analyzethe data' eanirat[n that paid for the research,
i professionalgroup about specific aspects of a
Y!t, a researchproject is not completeuntil the about find-
researchersharesthe resultswith others'Com- p-Ut.-, or to iell the generalpublic
municating results and how a study was con- ings.Communicatingwith the generalpublic is
ducted wiih others is a critical last step in the raiely the primary method for communication
researchprocess.It is usually in the form of a of scientificresults;it is usuallya secondstageof
written report. Chapter1 discussed how the sci- dissemination.
entific community emphasizes that researchers
makepublic how they conductedtheir research The Writing Process
and their findings'In this chapter,you will learn
aboutwriting a report on one'sresearch' Your Audience, Professionalwriters say:AI-
waysknow for whom you arewriting' This-isbe-
.uor. .o*rrrunication is more effectivewhen it
is tailored to a specificaudience'You should
THE RESEARCHREPORT write a researchreport differentlydependingon
whetherthe primary audienceis an instructor'
Why Write a RePolt? students,professionalsocialscientists,practi-
After a researchercompletesa project or a sig- tioners, oi the generalpublic' It goeswithout
nificant phaseof alatge project, it is time-to sayingthat the writing shouldbe clear,accurate'
commun-icatethe findings to othersthrough a and organized.
Initructors assigna report for differentrea-
researchreport. You canlearn a lot aboutwrit-
ing a researchreport by readingmany reports sonsand may placerequirementson how rt rs
In geniral,instructorswant to seewrit-
t"kittg a coursein scientific and technical written.
writing. ing and an6tganizationthat reflectclear'logical
A.-researchreportis a written document(or thinking. Studentreportsshoulddemonstratea
oral presentationbasedon a written document) solid gr"aspof substantiveand methodological
thatiommunicatesthe methodsand findingsof .orr..!tr. A goodwayto do this is to usetechni-
a researchproject to others.It is more than a cal terms Jxpficitty when appropriate;.they
shouldnot be usedexcessively or incorrectly'
summaryof fittdittgt; it is a record of the re- it is bestto de-
When writing for students, A researchercannot wait until
the researchis doneto think aboutthe report;he fine technicaltermsandlabeleachpart of the re-
The discussionshouldproceedin a logical'
or shemust think aheadto the report and keep port.
carefi.rlrecordswhile conductingresearch'In ad- step-by-stepmannerwith many specificexam-
dition to findings, the report includesthe rea- pl.t. Ut" siraight-forwardlanguageto explain
sonsfor initiating the project, a descriptionof irow andwhy you conductedthevariousstepsof
the project'ssteps,a presentationof data,and a the researchproject. One strategyis to begin
the reseaichquestion,then structurethe re-
disclssionofhow the datarelateto the research with
questionor toPic. port asan answer.
The report tells otherswhat you, the re- Scholarsdo not needdefinitionsoftechnical
terms or explanationsof why standard-ploce-
searcher,did, and what you discovered'In other
dures iandom sampling)were used'They
words, the researchreport is a way of dissemi-
areintere-stedin how the researchis linkedto ab-
nating knowledge.As you sawin Chapter.l,-the
..r.ui.h ,.port playsa significantrole in binding stracttheory or previousfindings in the litera-
C H A P T E R1 4 , / WR I T I N C T H E R E S E A R C HR E P O R T 345

I rea- ture. They want a condensed,detaileddescrip- A researchreport shouldbe objective,accu-

ES Or tion ofresearchdesign.Theypaycloseattention rate, and clear.Checkand recheckdetails(e.g.,
n or- to how variablesaremeasuredand the methods pagereferencesin citations) and fully disclose
pade of data collection. Scholarslike a compact, howyou conductedthe researchproject.If read-
lofa tightly written, but extensivesection on data ersdetectcarelessness in writing, theymay ques-
fnd- analysis,with a meticulousdiscussionof results. tion the researchitself.The detailsofa research
flic is Practitionersprefera shortsummaryof how project can be complex,and such complexity
rtion the studywasconductedandresultspresentedin means that confusion is always a danger. It
ge of a few simplechartsand graphs.They like to see makesclearwriting essential.Clearwriting can
an outline of alternativepathsof action implied be achievedby thinking and rethinking the re-
by resultswith the practicaloutcomesof pursu- searchproblem and design,explicitly defining
ing eachpath. Practitionersmust be cautioned terms,writing with short declarativesentences,
not to overgeneralize from the resultsof one andlimiting conclusionsto what is supportedby
c Al- study. It is best to placethe detailsof research the evidence.
b be- designand resultsin an appendix.
rn it When writing for the generalpublic, use Organizing Thoughts. Writing doesnot hap-
nuld simple language,provide concreteexamples, pen magicallyor simply flow out of a person
tg on and focuson the practicalimplicationsof find- when he or sheputs pen to paper (or fingersto
EtOr, ings for socialproblems.Do not include details keyboard)althoughmany peoplehavesuch an
acti- of researchdesignor of results,and be carefirl illusion. Rather,it is hard work, involving a se-
houl not to make unsupportedclaimswhen writing quenceofstepsand separateactivitiesthat result
trate, for the public.Informing the public is an impor- in a final product. Writing a researchreport is
tant service,which canhelpnonspecialists make not radicallydifferentfrom other typesof writ-
ttea- betterjudgmentsaboutpublic issues. ing. Although somestepsdiffer and the levelof
'it is complexitymay be greater,most of what a good
writ- Style and Tone. Researchreports are written writer doeswhenwriting a long letter,a poem,a
Fical in a narrow rangeof stylesand have a distinct set of instructions,or a short story appliesto
ate a tone. Their purposeis to communicateclearly writing a researchreport.
gical the researchmethod and findings. First,a writer needssomethingaboutwhich
Sni- Stylerefersto the typesofwords chosenby to write. The "something"in the researchreport
th.y the writer and the length and form of sentences includesthe topic, researchquestion,designand
F. or paragraphsused.Toneis the writer's attitude measures,data collectiontechniques,results,
r de- or relationtowardthe subjectmatter.For exam- and implications.With so many parts to write
E re- ple,an informal,conversational sryle(e.g.,collo- about,organizationis essential.The most basic
i,,l, quial words, idioms, clich6s,and incomplete tool for organizingwriting is the outline. Out-
lam- sentences) with a personaltone (e.g.,theseare lines help a writer ensurethat all ideasare in-
Fl"it my feelings)is appropriatefor writing a letter to cludedandthat the relationshipbetweenthem is
p6of a closefriend, but not for researchreports.Re- clear.Outlinesare madeup of topics (wordsor
rgin searchreportshavea formal and succinct(say- phrases)or sentences. Most of us are familiar
Ere- ing a lot in few words) style.The tone expresses with the basicform of an outline (seeFigure
distancefrom the subjectmatter; it is profes- r4.l).
nical sionaland serious.Fieid researchers sonietimes Outlines can help the writer, but they can
IrcE- use an informal style and a personaltone, but alsobecomea barrier if they are usedimprop-
lh.y this is the exception.Avoid moralizingandflow- erly.An outline is simplya tool to help thewriter
r ab- ery language.The goalis to inform, not to advo- organizeideas.It helps (1) put ideasin a se-
lera- catea position or to entertain. quence(e.g.,what will be saidfirst, second,and

FIcU RE I 4. 1 F or m o fOu tl i n e
l. Firstmaiortopic One of the mostimPortant
A. Subtopicof topic I Secondlevelof imPortance
1 . Subtopicof A Thirdlevelof importance
a. SubtoPic of 1 Fourthlevelof imPortance
b. SubtoPicof
(1) SubtoPic of b Fifthlevelof importance
(2) SubtoPic of b
(a) SubtoPicof (2) Sixthlevelof imPortance
(b) SubtoPicof (2)
i. Subtopicof (b) Seventhlevelof imPortance
ii. Subtopicof (b)
2. Subtopicof A Third levelof imPortance
B. Subtopicof toPicI Secondlevelof imPortance
ll. SecondmaiortoPic One of the mostimPortant

third); (2) group relatedideastogether(e.g., Back to the Library. Few
their literature review before completing a re-
theseare similar to eachother but they differ
researcher shouldbe familiar
from those);and (3) separatethe more general' searchproject.The
beginning a project,
or higher-level,ideasfrom more specificideas, with the literature before
but will need to return to the literature after
and the specificideasfrom very specificdetails.
completingdatacollection and analysis, for sev-
Somestudentsfeel that they need a com-
eral reasons.First, time has passed between the
plete outline before writing, and that once an
beginningand the end ofa research project, and
outline is prepared,deviationsfrom it are im-
possible.Few writers begin with a complete out- nei studiesmay havebeenpublished'Second,
iine. The initial outline is sketchybecauseuntil after completinga researchproject,a researche
you write everythingdown, it is impossibleto will know better what is or is not centralto the
put all ideasin a sequence' group them together, study and may have new questions in mind
or separatethe generalfrom the specific.For when rereadingstudiesin the literature.Finally,
may find
most writers, new ideas develop or become when writing the report' researchers
that notesarenot complete enough or a detailis
clearerin the processof writing itself.
missingin the citation of a reference source (see
A beginningoutline may differ from the fi-
library after data col-
nal outline by more than degreeof complete- Box t+.t). The visit to the
more selective or fo-
ness.The processof writing may not only reveal lectionis lessextensiveand
cusedthan that conducted at the beginning of
or clarifr ideasfor thewriter but it will alsostim-
ulatenew ideas,new connectionsbetweenideas, research.
a different sequence,or new relationsbetween When writing a researchreport, researcher
the generaland the specific.In addition, the frequentlydiscardsomeof the notesand sources
processof writing may stimulatereanalysisor a thai were gatheredprior to completingthe re-
ieexaminationof the literatureor findings.This searchproject.This doesnot meanthat the ini-
review were a
doesnot meanbeginningall over again.Rather, tial library work and literature
it meanskeepingan open mind to new insights wasteof time and effort.Researchers
someof the notes(e.g.,25 percent) taken before
and beingcandidaboutthe researchproject.
CHAPT E R1 4 , / WR I T I N G T H E R E S E A R C HR E P O R T

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On-LineJournalArticle NewTransnationalActivismby Sidney Tarrow'
CanadianJournalof SociologltOnline.Retrieved
Sosteric,Mike,Mike Cismondiand Gina Ratkovic'
and Mar- January 12, 2006. http://www.cjsonline'ca,/
1 998. "The University, Accountability,
ket Disciplinein the Late1 990s"' Electronic
Jour- reviews/transnatl.html'

completingthe projectwill becomeirrelevantas paraphrased.It meansmore than replacingan-

the project gainsfocus' They do not include othei's words with q'nonyms; paraphrasingis
notesor references in a report that areno longer borrowingan idea,boiling it down to its essence,
relevant,for they distractfrom the flow of ideas and givingcredit to the source.
and reduceclarity.
Returning to the library to verifr and ex- Steps in Writing
pandreferences focusesideas.It alsohelpsavoid
plagiarism.Plagiarismis a seriousform of cheat- Writing is a process.The way to learn to write
ing, and manyuniversitiesexpelstudentscaught is by writing. It takestime and effort, and it
engagingin it. Ifa professionaleverplagiarizes in improveswith practice.Thereis no singlecor-
a scholarlyjournal, it is treatedasa very serious rectwayto write, but somemethodsare asso-
offense.Takecarefulnotesand identifrthe exact ciated with good writing. The processhas
sourceofphrasesor ideasto avoidunintentional threestePs:
plagiarism.Cite the sourcesof both directly
quotedwords and paraphrased ideas.For direct !. Prewriting.Prepareto write by arranging
quotes,include the location of the quote with noteson the literature,makinglistsof ideas'
pagenumbersin the citation. outlining, completingbibliographiccita-
Usinganother'swritten wordsandfailingto tions, and organizingcommentson data
give credit is wrong, but paraphrasingis less analysis.
clear.Paraphrasingisnot using another'sexact 2. Composing. Get your ideasonto paper asa
words;it is restatinganother'sideasin your own first draft by freewriting' drawing up the
words,condensingat the sametime. Researchers bibliographyand footnotes,preparingdata
regularlyparaphrase, and goodparaphrasingre- for presentation'and forming an introduc-
quiresa solid understandingof what is being tion and conclusion.
CHAPT E R1 4 , / WR I T I N G T H E R E S E A R C HR E P O R T

3. Rewriting.Evaluateandpolishthe report by clarity.For the restof us mortals,writing mean

improving coherence,proofreadingfor me- that rewriting-and rewriting again_ii neces
chanicalerrors,checkingcitations,and re- sary. For example,Ernest Hemingwayis re_
viewingvoiceand usage. ported to haverewritten the end ol paieweltto
Arms 39 times.It is not unusualfor a profes
Manypeoplefind that gettingsrartedis dif- sional researcherto rewrite a report i d.or"n
ficult. Beginningwriters often jump to the sec- times.Do not becomediscouragej.If anything
ond step and end there, whicli results in rewriting reducesthe pressure;it meansyou can
poor-quality writing. prewriting meansthat a startwriting soonand getout a rough diaft that
writer beginswith a file folder full of notes,out_ you can polish later. plan to rewrite a draft at
lines,andlists.You must think aboutthe form of leastthreeor four times.A draft is a completere_
the report and audience.Thinking time is im- port, from beginning to end, not a few rough
portant.It often occursin spurtsovera periodof notesor an outline.
time beforethe bulk of composingbegins. Rewritinghelpsa writer expresshimself or
.- Somepeoplebecomeafflictedwith a strange h.erself with a greaterclarity,smlothness,preci_
ailment calledwriter'sblockwhenthey sit down sion, and economyof words. When rewriting,
to composewriting. It is a temporaryinability to the focus is on clear communication, not
write when the mind goesblank, the fingers pompous or complicatedlanguage.Rewriting
fr-eeze, andpanic setsin. Writers from beginiers meansslowlyreadingwhat you havewritten and,
through expertsoccasionallyexperienceit. If if necessaryreadingout loud to seeif it sounds
you experienceit, calmdown andwork on over- right. It is a goodideato shareyour writing with
comingit. others. Professionalwriters often have Jth.r,
Numerous writers begin to composeby readand criticizetheir writing. Newwriterssoon
freewriting-that is, they sit down and write learn.that_friendly, constructivecriticismis very
down everythingthey can asquickly asit enters valuable.Sharingyour writing with othersmay
the mind. Freewritingestablishes a link between be difficult at first becauseii meansexposing
a rapid flow of ideasin the mind and writing. y_our written thoughtsandencouraging criiicism.
When you freewrite,you do not stop to reread Yet,thepurposeof the criticismis to clarifrwrit_
what you wrote, you do not ponder the best ing,andthecriricis doingyou a favor.
word, you do notworryabout correctgrammar, Rewriting involvestwo processes: revising
spelling,or just put ideason and. - editing.
Revisingis inserting new ideas,
paperasquickly aspossibleto get and keepthe supportingevidence,deletingor chang_
creativejuices or ideasflowing. you can later SddtT
ing ideas,moving sentencesu.o.rrrd to clari!,
cleanup what you wrote. meaning,or strengtheningtransitionsand links
Writing and thinking are so intertwined betweenideas.Editing meanscleaningup and
that it is impossibleto knowwhereoneendsand tighteningthe more mechanicalaspectiof writ_
the other begins.This meansthat if you plan to ing, suchasspelling,grammar,usage,verbtense,
sit and stareat the wall, the computer output, sentencelength, and paragraphorganization.
the slqy,or whateveruntil all thoughtsbecome Whenyou rewrite,go over a draft and reviseit
totally clearbeforebeginning,you may not get brutallyto improveit. This is easierif sometime
allthing written. Writing itself can ignite the passesbetweena draft and rewriting. phrases
thinking process. that seemedsatisfactoryin a draft "mavlook
fuzzy or poorly connectedafter a weekor two
Rnwiting. Perhapsone in a million writers is a (seeBox 14.2).
creativegeniuswho canproducea first draft that if you havenot acquiredtyping skills,
communicateswith astounding accuracyand it is a goodideato typeandprint out it le-ast one

ls there a transitionbetweenparagraphs within

1. Mechanics. Checkgrammar,spelling,punctua-
tion,verbagreement, verbtense,andverb,/sub- the report?
ject separationwith eachrewrite'Remember 5. Repetition. Removerepeatedideas,wordiness,
that eachtime newtext is added,newerrorscan and unnecessary phrases.ldeasare best stated
creepin. Mistakesare not only distractingbut once,forcefully,insteadof repeatedlyin an un-
they alsoweakenthe confidencereadersplace clearway.When revising,eliminatedeadwood
in the ideasyou exPress. (wordsthat add nothing) and circumlocution
terms,especiallykey terms' (th" ,t" of several wordswhenone moreprecise
2. lJsage.Reexamine
word willdo). Directness is preferableto wordi-
whenrewritingto seewhetheryou areusingthe
your intendedmean- ness.The wordyphrase,To summarize theabove,
exactwordthat expresses
it is our conclusion in lightof thedata that X hasa
ing. Do not use technicalterms or long words
positive effectof considerable magnitude on theoc-
unnecessarily. Usethe plainword that best ex-
currenceof Y, notwithstanding fact the that Y oc-
pressesmeaning.Get a thesaurusand useit. A
cursonly on rare occasions, is better stated, h
thesaurus is an essentialreference tool, likea dic-
sum, wi conclude that X has a largepositiveeffect
tionary,that containswordsof similarmeaning
and can help you locatethe exactword for a onY, butY occursinfrequentlY.
meaningyou want to express.Precisethinking 6. Structure. Research reportsshouldhavea trans-
and expressionrequirespreciselanguage.Do parent organization.Move sectionsaroundas
not sayaverateif you use lhe mean.Do not say necessary to fit the organization better,anduse
mankindor policeman whenyou intendpeopleor headings and subheadings. A reader shouldbe
policeofficer.Do not useprincipalfor principle' ableto followthe logicalstructureof a report'
3. Voice.Writers of researchreports often make 7. AbstractionA good researchreport mixesab-
the mistakeof usingthe passiveinsteadof the stract ideasand concreteexamples'A long may appearmore authoritative, stringof abstractionswithout the specificsis dif-
but passivevoiceobscuresthe actor or subject a massof specificcon-
ficult to read' Likewise,
of action.Forexample, the passive, Therelation- cretedetailswithoutperiodicgeneralization also
shipbetween grade in schooland more definiteca- losesreaders.
reerplanswasconfirmedby the data is better 8. Metaphors. Many writersuse metaphorsto ex-
stated as the active,Thedata confirmthe rela- pressideas.Phraseslikethecuttingedge,thebot-
tionshipbetweengradein schooland moredefinite tom line, andpenetratingto the heartare usedto
careerpla ns.The passive,Res pondent attitude to- expressideasby borrowingimagesfrom other
wardabortionwasrecorded by an intewiewer reads contexts.Metaphorscanbe an effectivemethod
easierin the activevoice: An intewiewer recorded of communication,but they need to be used
respondentattitude towardabortion' Also avoid sparinglyand with care.A fewwell-chosen, con-
unnecessary qualifyinglanguage, suchas seems sistentlyused,fresh metaphors can communi-
to or apPearsto. cate ideasquicklyand effectively;however,the
4. Coherence. Sequence,steps, and transitions excessive useof metaphors, especially overused
shouldbe logicallytight. Try readingthe entire metaphors the
(e.g., bottom line),is a sloppy,
report one paragraphat a time.Doesthe para- unimaginative method of expression'
graphcontaina unifiedidea?A topic sentence?

draft beforethe final draft. This is becauseit is journal articleshaveabstractsthat areprinted

easierto seeerrorsand organizationproblemsin on
the first pageof the article.The abstracthasrn_
a clean,typed draft. Feelfree to cui and paste, formation on the topic, the researchprJl"-,
crossout words,or movephraseson the printed the basicfindings,and any unusualresearchde_
copy. signor datacollectionfeatures.
Good keyboardingskills and the ability to Reportsofapplied researchthat arewritten
use a word processorare extremelyvaluable ^
for practitionershavea longer summarycalled
when writing reportsand other documents.Se_ the executiyesumffiary.It containsmore detail
rious professionals find that the time theyinvest than an articleabstractandincludesthe implica_
into building keyboardskillsandlearningto use tions of researchand majoruecommendairon
word processorpays huge dividendi later. madein the report.Although it is longerthan
1 an
Word processorsnot only make editing much abstract,an executivesummary rare-lyexceed
easierbut they alsocheckspellingand oFer syn_ four or five pages.
olyms. In addition, there are programs that
Abstractsand executivesummariesserye cannot rely oi the com_ severalfunctions:For the lessinterestedreader,
puter program to do all the work, but it makes
they tell what is in a report; for readerslooking
writing easier.The speedand easethat a word for specificinformation,theyhelpthe reader
processoroffers is so dramaticthat few people de_
terminewhetherthe full report containsimpor_
who becomeskilledat usingone evergo backto tant information. Readersusethe abstract
writing by hand or tlping. or
summary to screeninformation and decide
One last suggestion:Rewritethe introduc_ whetherthe entirereporrshouldbe reud.Iisirres
tion and title aftercompletinga draft sothat they seriousreaderswho intend to read the frrI re_
accuratelyreflectwhat is said.Titles should be port a quick mentalpicture of the report,
short and descriptive.They should communi_ which
makesreadingthe reporteasierand faster.
catethe topic and the major variablesto readers.
Theycandescribethe typeof research(e.g.,.,An P-resentingthe problem. The first section
experimenton . . .") but shouldnot have.r.,rr.._ of
the report definesthe researchproblem. It can
essarywords or phrases(e.g.,,.Artinvestigation beplacedin oneor more sectionswith titlessuch
intothe..."). as "Introduction,""ProblemDefinition,,',.Lit-
"Hypotheses,,,or ..Background
The Quantitative ResearchReport Assumptions."Although the subheadirjr rrury
the contentsincludea statementof the rlsearch
The principles of good writing apply to all re_ problemand a rationalefor what is beingexam_
portg but the parts of a report differ depending
ined. Here, researchers explainthe sifficance
on whetherthe researchis quantitativeor quall_ of and provide a backgroundto the"research
tative.Beforewritinganyreport,readrepori, on question.Theyexplainthe significanceof the re_
the samekind of research for models. searchby showinghow diffeient solutionsto the
We beginwith the quantitativeresearchre_ problem lead to different applicationsor theo_
port. The sectionsof the report roughly follow
reticalconclusions.Introductory sectionsfre_
the sequence ofstepsofa researchp.:oject. qugntly include a contextliteraturereview
link the problem to theory. Introductory sec_
Abstractor ExecutiveSummary, tions alsodefinekey conceptsand presentcon_
researchreportsusuallybeginwith a short sum_
mary or abstract.Thesizeof an abstractvaries:it
canbe asfew as50 words (this paragraphhas90 Describingthe Methods. The next section
words) or aslong asa full page.Most scholarly of
the report describes
howthe researcher
352 P A RTF ouR / w R l rl N G A R E SE AR cR

the study and collectedthe data.It goesby sev- own interpretations.Detailedsummarystatistics

eralnames(e.g.,"Methods,""Research Design," belongin appendixes.
or "Data") and may be subdivided into other
parts (e.g.,
"Measures," "Sampling," or "Manip- Discussion, In the discussionsection, re-
ulations"). It is the most important sectionfor searchersgive the reader a concise,unam-
evaluatingthe methodologyof the project.The biguous interpretation of its meaning. The
sectionanswersseveralquestionsfor the reader: discussionis not a selectiveemphasisor partisan
interpretation;rather,it is a candiddiscussionof
1. What type of study (e.g',experiment,sur- what is in the "Results"section.The "Discus-
vey) wasconducted? sion" sectionis separated from the resultssothat
2. Exactlyhow weredatacollected(e.g.'study a readercan examinethe dataand arriveat dif-
design,type of suwey,time and location of ferentinterPretations.
datacollection,experimentaldesignusedX Beginningresearchers often find it difficult
3. How werevariablesmeasured? Are the mea- to organizethe "Discussion"section'One ap-
sures reliableand valid? proachis to organizethe discussionaccordingto
4. What is the sample?How many subjectsor hypotheses,discussinghow the data relate to
respondentsareinvolvedin the study?How eafh hypothesis.In addition,researchers should
werethey selected? discussunanticipatedfindings, possible alterna-
tive explanationsof results,and weaknesses or
5. How were ethical issuesand specificcon-
cernsof the designdealtwith? limitations.

Drawing Conclusions. Researchers restatethe

ResultsandTables. After describinghow data researchquestion and summarize findings in the
conclusion.Its purposeis to summatize the re-
were collected,methodsof sampling,and mea-
port, and it is sometimestitled "summary'"
surement,you then presentthe data. This sec-
tion presents-it doesnot discuss,analyze,or The only sectionsafter the conclusionare
interpret-the data. Researcherssometimes the references andappendixes. The "References
combinethe "Results"sectionwith the next sec- sectioncontainsonly sourcesthat werereferred
tion, called"Discussion"or "Findings." to in the text or notesof the report.Appendixes,
Researchers makechoicesin how to present if used,usuallycontain additional information
the data.When analyzing the data, they look at on methodsof data collection(e.g.,question-
dozensof univariate, bivariate, and multivariate nairewording) or results(e.g''descriptivestatis-
tablesand statistics to get a feelfor the data.This tics). The footnotesor endnotesin quantitative
doesnot mean that every statistic or tableis in a researchreports expandor elaborateon infor-
final report. Rather, the researcher selectsthe mation in the text. Researchers usethem spar-
minimum number of charts or tables that firlly ingly to provide secondaryinformation that
inform the reader and rarely present the raw data clarifiesthe textbut might distractfrom the flow
itself. Data analysistechniques should summa- of the reading.
rizethedataand testhypotheses (e.g.,frequency
distributions,tableswith meansandstandardde- The Qualitative ResearchRePort
viations,correlations,and other statistics).
A researcherwantsto give a completepic- Comparedto quantitativeresearch,it is more
ture of the data without overwhelming the difficult to write a report on qualitativesocialre-
reader-not provide datain excessive detailnor search.It hasfewerrulesandlessstructure.Nev-
Dresentirrelevantdata. Readers can make their ertheless,the purposeis the same:to clearly
CHAPTE R1 4 / WR I T I N C T H E R E S E A R C HR E P O R T 353

communicatethe researchprocessand the data theoreticalgeneralizations and dataare not sep-

collectedthrough the process. aratedinto distinctsections.Generalizations are
Quantitativereportspresenthypotheses and intertwined with the evidence,which takesthe
evidencein a logicallytight and condensedsryle. form of detailed description with frequent
Bycontrast,qualitativereportstend to be longer, quotes.
and book-length reports are common. The Researchers balancethe presentationofdata
greaterlengthis for five reasons: and analysisto avoid an excessive separationof
datafrom analysis,calledthe errorof segregation.
1. The data in a qualitativereport are more This occurswhen researchers separatedatafrom
difficult to condense.
Dataarein the form of analysisso much that readerscannot seethe
words, pictures,or sentences and include connection.l
many quotesand examples. Thetoneoffield research reportsislessobjec-
2. Qualitativeresearchers try to createa sub- tive andformal, andmore personal.Fieldresearch
jectivesenseof empathyand understanding reportsmaybewritten in the first person(i.e.,us-
among readersin addition to presenting ing the pronoun 1)becausethe researcherwasdi-
factual evidenceand analytic interpreta- rectly involved in the setting,interactedwith the
tions. Detaileddescriptionsof specificset- peoplestudied,andwasthemeasurement "instru-
tings and situationshelp readersbetter ment." The decisionsor indecisions,feelings,re-
understandor get a feel for settings.Re- actions,andpersonalexperiences ofthe researcher
searchersattempt to transportthe reader arepartsofthe fieldresearch process.
into the subjectiveworld view and meaning Fieldresearchreportsoften facemore skep-
systemofa socialsetting. ticism than quantitativereportsdo. This makes
3. Qualitativeresearchers uselessstandardized it essentialto assess an audience'sdemandsfor
techniquesofgathering data,creatingana- evidenceand to establishcredibilitv.The kev is
lytic categories,and organizingevidence. to providereaderswith enoughevidenceso that
Thetechniquesappliedmaybeparticularto theybelievethe recountedeventsand acceptthe
individual researchersor unique settings. interpretationsasplausible.A degreeofselective
Thus,researchers explainwhat they did and observationis acceptedin field research,so the
why, becauseit hasnot beendonebefore. critical issueis whether other observerscould
4. Exploringnew settingsor constructingnew reachthe sameconclusionif they examinedthe
theory is a common goal in qualitativere- samedata.
search.The developmentof new concepts Field researchersface a data reduction
andthe examinationof relationshipsamong dilemma when presentingevidence.Most data
them addsto the length of reports.Theory arein the form of an enormousvolume of field
flows out of evidence,and detaileddescrip- notes,but a researchercannot directly shareall
tions demonstratehow the researchercre- the observationsor recordedconversations with
atedinterpretations. the readers.For example,in their studyof med-
5. Qualitativeresearchers may use more var- ical students,Boysin White, Beckerand col-
ied and literary writing styles,which in- leagues(1961) had about 5,000 pages of
creases length.Theyhavegreaterfreedomto single-spaced field notes.Field researchers in-
employliterary devicesto tell a story or re- cludeonly about 5 percentof their field notesin
count a tale. a report asquotes.The remaining95 percentis
not wasted;there is just no room for it. Thus,
Field Research. Field researchreports rarely writers selectquotesand indirectly conveythe
follow a fixedformat with standardsections.and restofthe datato readers.
354 pA RTF ou R / w R tl N G A R Es EA R c RE
H poR T

Thereis no fixed organizationfor a field re- setting,the meansof gainingaccess, the role of
searchreport, althougha literaturereyiewoften the researcher,and the subject-researcher rela-
appearsnearthe beginning.Therearemany ac- tionship into the discussionof evidenceand
ceptableorganizationalforms. Lofland (1976) analysis.This is intensifiedif the writer adopts
suggeststhe following: what Van Maanen(1988:73)calleda "confes-
sional"styleof writing.
1. Introduction A chronological,zoomlens,or theme-based
a. Most generalaspectsof situation organizationallowsplacing the data collection
b. Main contoursof the generalsituation methodnearthe beginningor the end.In book-
c. How materialswerecollected lengthreports,methodologicalissuesareusually
d. Detailsaboutthe setting discussed in a separateappendix.
e. How the report is organized Fieldresearchreportscancontaintranscrip-
2. The situation tions of taperecordings,maps,photographs,or
a. Analyticcategories chartsillustratinganalyticcategories. They sup-
b. Contrastbetweensituationand othersit- plementthe discussionand are placednear the
uations discussionthey complement.Qualitative field
c. Developmentof situationovertime researchcan use creative formats that differ
3. Strategies from the usualwritten text with examplesfrom
4. Summaryand implications field notes.Harper's(1982)book containsmany
photographswith text. The photographsgive a
Devicesfor organizingevidenceand analysis visual inventory of the settingsdescribedin the
alsovary a greatdeal.For example,writers can text and presentthe meaningsof settingsin the
organizethe report in termsof a naturalhistory, termsof thosebeingstudied.For example,field
an unfolding of eventsasyou discoveredthem, researcharticleshaveappearedin the form ofall
or asa chronologl/, following the developmental photographs,a script for aplay, or a documen-
cycleor careerofan aspectofthe settingor peo- taryfilm.3
ple in it. Anotherpossibilityis to organizethe re- Direct, personal involvement in the inti-
port asa zoomlens,beginningbroadlyand then mate detailsof a socialsettingheightensethical
focusing increasingly narrowly on a specific concerns.Researchers write in a manner that
topic. Statementscan move from universal protectsthe privacyof thosebeing studiedand
statementsabout all cultures,to generalstate- helpspreventthe publication of a report from
ments about a specificcultures,to statements harming thosewho were studied.They usually
about a specificcultural scene,to specificstate- changethe namesof membersand exactloca-
ments about an aspectof culture, to specific tions in field reports.Personalinvolvementin
statementsabout specificincidents. field researchleadsresearchers to includea short
Field researchersalso organizereports by autobiography.For example,in the appendixto
themes.A writer choosesbetweenusingabstract StreetCornerSociety,the author,William Foote
analyticthemesand usingthemesfrom the cate- Whyte (1955),gavea detailedaccountofthe oc-
goriesusedby the peoplewho werestudied.The cupationsofhis fatherand grandfather,his hob-
latter givesreadersa vivid descriptionofthe set- bies and interests,the jobs he held, how he
ting and displaysknowledgeof the language, endedup goingto graduateschool,and how his
concepts,categories,and beliefsof thosebeino researchwasaffectedby his gettingmarried.
wdtre; about.T
Field researchers discussthe methodsused Historical-ComparativeResearch, Thereis no
in the report,but its locationandform vary.One singleway to write a report on historical-com-
techniqueis to interweavea descriptionof the parativeresearch.Most frequently,researchers
CHAPT E RI 4 , / WR I T I N C T H E R E S E A R C HR E P O R T 355

"tell a story'' or describedetailsin generalana- researchrather than adopt a distinct historical

lytic categories. Thewriting usuallygoesbeyond comparativeresearchmethod.Their reportsfol-
descriptionand includeslimited generalizations lowthe model of a quantitativeresearchreport.
and abstractconcepts. You learnedabout the narrativestrategyof
Historical-comparativeresearchersrarely qualitative data analysis in Chapter 13. Re-
describetheir methodsin greatdetail. Explicit searcherswho use this strategyoften adopt a
sectionsof the report or an appendix that narrative style of report writing. Researche
describesthe methodsusedare unusual.Occa- who use the narrativesryleorganizetheir
sionally,a bookJengthreport containsa biblio- chronologicallyand try to "tell a story,,around
graphicessaythat discusses major sourcesused. specificindividualsand events.
More often, numerousdetailedfootnotesor
endnotesdescribethe sourcesand evidence.For
example,a 2}-page report on quantitative or The ResearchProposal
field researchtypicallyhas5 to 10notes,whereas What Is the Proposali A research proposalis a
an H-C researchreport of equallengthmayhave documentthat presentsa plan for a pioject to
40 to 60 notes. reyiewersfor evaluation.It can be a supervised
Historical-comparative reportscan contain projectsubmittedto instructorsaspart of an ed_
photographs,maps,diagrams,charts,or tablesof ucationaldegree(e.g.,a master'sthesisor a
statisticsthroughoutthereportandin the section Ph.D.dissertation)or it canbe a researchproject
that discussesevidencethat relatesto them. The proposedto a funding agency.Itspurposeis to
charts,tables,and so forth supplementa discus- convincereyiewersthat you, the researcher,
sion or give the readera better feel for the places capableof successfully conductingthe proposed
andpeoplebeingdescribed.Theyareusedin con- researchproject. Reviewershave more confi-
junction with frequentquotesasone amongsev- dence_that a plannedprojectwill be successfirll
eral types of evidence.Historical-comparative completed if the proposal is well written
reportsrarely summarizedatato test specifichy- organized, and if you demonstrate careful
pothesesas quantitativeresearchdoes.Instead, planning.
the writer builds a web of meaningor descriptive The proposalis similar to a researchreport,
detail and organizesthe evidenceitself to convey but it is written beforethe researchproyect
interpretationsand generalizations. gins.A proposaldescribesthe researchproblem
There are two basicmodesof organizing and its importance,and givesa detailedaccount
H-C researchreports:by topic and chronologi- of the methodsthat will be usedand why they
cally.Most writersmix the two types.For exam- areappropriate.
ple, information is organizedchronologically The proposalfor quantitativeresearchhas
within topics, or organizedby topic within most of the parts of a researchrepore a title, an
chronologicalperiods.Occasionallyother forms abstract, a problem statement, a literature
of organizationare used-by place,by individ- review,a methodsor designsection,and a bibli-
sal person,or by major events.If the report is ography.It lacksresults,discussion,and conclu-
truly comparative,the writer hasadditionalop- sion sections.The proposalhas a plan for data
tions, suchasmaking comparisonswithin top- collectionand analysis(e.g.,typesofstatistics).It
ics. Box 14.3 provides a sample of some frequentlyincludesa scheduleof the stepsto
techniquesusedby historical-comparativere- undertakenand an estimateof the time required
searchers to organizeevidenceand analysis. for eachstep.
SomeH-C researchers mimic the quantita- Proposalsfor qualitativeresearchare more
tive researchreport and use quantitative re- difficult to write becausethe researchDrocess it-
search techniques.They extend quantitative self is lessstructured and preplanrr"d.Th. ,.-

1. Sequence. Historical-comparative researchers century,whencollegebecamerelativelyaccessi-

are sensitiveto the temporalorder of events ble.
and placea seriesof eventsin orderto describe 6. Limitedgeneralization. Overgeneralization is al-
a process.For example, a researcherstudying waysa potentialproblemin historical-comPara-
the passage of a lawor the evolutionof a social tive research.Fewresearchers seekrigid,fixed
norm may breakthe processinto a set of se- lawsin historical, comparative explanation. They
quentialsteps. qualifystatementsor avoidstrictdetermination.
2. Comparison. Comparingsimilaritiesand differ- Forexample, insteadof a blanketstatementthat
encesliesat the heartof comparative-historical the destructionof the nativeculturesin areas
research. explicitandidentify settledby EuropeanWhiteswasthe inevitable
and differences.
both similarities Forexample, a consequence of advanced technological culture,
researchercomparing the familyin two historical a researchermay list the specificfactors that
periodsor countriesbeginsby listingsharedand combinedto explainthe destructionin particu-
nonsharedtraits of the familyin eachsetting. lar social-historicalsettings.
3. Contingency. Researchers often discoverthat 7. Association The conceptof associationis used
oneevent,action,or situationdependson or is in all formsof socialresearch. As in other areas,
conditioned by others.Outliningthe linkages of historical-comparative researchers identifyfac-
howone eventwascontingenton othersis crit- tors that appeartogether in time and place.For
ical.Forexample, a researcherexamining the rise example, a researcher examining a city's nine-
of localnewspapers notesthat it dependedon teenth-centurycrimerateaskswhetheryearsof
the spreadofliteracy. greatermigrationinto the city are associated
4. Oi ginsand consequences. -comparative
Historical with highercrimeratesand whetherthose ar-
researchers tracethe originsofan event,action, restedtendedto be recentimmigrants.
organization, or socialrelationship backin time, 8. is importantto placeeventsin
or followits consequences into subsequent time their context.Writersof historical-comparative
periods.Forexample, a researcher explainingthe researchsketchlinkagesbetweenparts of a
end of slaverytracesits originsto manymove- process,organization,or event and the larger
ments,speeches, laws,and actionsin the pre- contextin whichit is found.For example,a re-
cedingfifty years. searcherstudyinga particularpoliticalritual in
an eighteenth-century settingdescribeshow
5. Sensitivityto incompatiblemeaning.Meanings
the ritualfit within the po-
changeovertime and vary acrosscultures.His-
torical-comoarative researchers askthemselves system.
whethera word or socialcategoryhadthe same 9. Analog.Analogiescanbe useful.Theoveruseof
meaning in the pastasin the presentor whether analogyor the useof an inappropriate analogy
a wordin oneculturehasa directtranslation in is dangerous.For example,a researcher exam'
anotherculture.For example,a collegedegree inesfeelingsaboutdivorcein countryX andde-
had a differentmeaningin a historicalerawhen scribesthem as "likefeelingsabout death"in
it wasextremelyexpensive and lessthan 1 per- countryY.Thisanalogyrequiresa descriptionof
cent of the I 8- to 22-year-oldpopulationre- "feelingsabout death"in countryY.
ceiveda degreecomparedto the latetwentieth
CHAPTER1 4 , / WR I T I N C T H E R E S E A R C HR E P O R T 357

s. Historica|-comparativeresearchersof-
1 O. Synthesi shiftingpopularbeliefsand problemswith gov-
ten synthesize manyspecificeventsand details ernmentfinancesinto a compact,coherentex-
into a comprehensive whole.Synthesisresults planation.Researchers usingthe narrativeform
fromweavingtogethermanysmallergeneraliza- summarize the argumentin an introductionor
tions and interpretations into coherentmain is a motif or themeembedded
themes.Forexample,a researcher studyingthe withinthe description.Thus,theoreticalgener-
FrenchRevolutionsynthesizes specificgeneral- alizationsareintertwinedwith the evidenceand
izationsaboutchangesin socialstructure,inter- appearto flow inductivelyout of the detailed
national pressures,agriculturaldislocation, evidence.

searcherpreparesa problem statement,litera- results.The degreeof competition for a grant

ture review,andbibliography.He or shedemon- varies a great deal, depending on the source.
strates an ability to complete a proposed Somesourcesfund morethan 3 out of 4 propos-
qualitativeproject in two ways.First, the pro- alsthey receive,othersfund fewerthan i in 20.
posal is well written, with an extensivediscus- The researcher needsto investigatefunding
sion of the literature, significanceof the sourcesand ask questions:What typesof pro-
problem, and sources.This showsreviewersfa- jectsarefunded-applied versusbasicresearch,
miliarity with qualitative researchand the ap- specifictopics, or specificresearchtechniques?
propriatenessof the method for studying the What arethe deadlines? What kind (e.g.,length,
problem.Second,the proposaldescribesa qual- degreeof detail, etc.) of proposalis necessary?
itative pilot study. This demonstratesmotiva- How largeare most grants?What aspects(e.g.,
tion, familiarity with researchtechniques,and equipment,personnel,travel, etc.) of a project
ability to completea report about unstructured areor arenot funded?Therearemanysourcesof
research. information on funding sources.Librariansor
officialswho areresponsiblefor researchgrants
Proposalsto Fund Research. The purposeof a at a collegearegoodresourcepeople.For exam-
researchgrantis to providethe resources needed ple, private foundationsare listed in an annual
to help completea worthy project. Researchers publication, The Foundation Directory. The
whoseprimary goal is to use funding for per- Guideto FederalFundingfor SocialScientistslists
sonal benefit or prestige,to escape from other sources in the U.S. government.In the United
activities,or to build an "empire" are less suc- States, there are many newsletterson funding
cessful.The strategiesof proposalwriting and sourcesand two national computerizeddata-
getting grants has become an industry called bases,which subscriberscan searchfor funding
grantsmanship. sources. Some agenciesperiodically issue
There are many sourcesof funding for re- requests for proposals(RFP, that askfor propos-
search proposals. Colleges,private foundations, als to conduct researchon a specificissue.Re-
and government agencies have programs to searchers need to learn about funding sources
award grants to researchers. Funds may be used because it is essential to sendthe proposalto an
to purchase equipment, to pay your salary or appropriate source in order to be successfirl.
that of others, for research supplies,for travelto Researchers should show a track record of
collect data, or for help with the publication of past success in the proposal, ifthey are
358 pA Rr F o u R / w R trtN GA R ES EA R CRHE poR r

going to be in chargeof the project. The re- detailson how funds were spent,the findings,
searcherin chargeof a researchproject is the and an evaluationof whetherthe projectmet its
principal investigator(PI) or project director. objectives.Failure to spend funds properly,
Proposalsusuallyinclude a curriculum vitae or completethe project describedin the proposal,
academicresum6,lettersof support from other or file a final report may result in a researcher
researchers, and a record of past research.Re- being barred from receivingfuture funding or
viewersfeel safer investing funds in a project facing legal action. A seriousmisuseof funds
headedby someonewho alreadyhasresearchex- may resultin the banning of othersat the same
periencethan in a novice.One canbuild a track institution from receivingfuture funding.
recordwith smallresearchprojectsor by assist- The processof reviewingproposalsafter
ing an experiencedresearcherbefore seeking they are submitted to a funding sourcetakes
funding asa principal investigator. anywherefrom a fewweeksto almostayeat, de-
The reviewers who evaluate a proposal pending on the funding source.In most cases,
judgewhetherthe proposalproject is appropri- reviewersrank a large group ofproposals, and
ateto the funding source'sgoals.Most funding only highly rankedproposalsreceivefunding.A
sourceshaveguidelinesstatingthe kinds of pro- proposaloften undergoesa peerreviewin which
jectstheyfund. For example,programsthat fund the reviewersknow the proposerfrom the vitae
basicresearchhavethe advancementof knowl- in the proposal,but the proposerdoesnot know
edgeas a goal. Programsthat fund applied re- the reviewers.Sometimesa proposalis reviewed
searchoften haveimprovements in the delivery by nonspecialists or nonresearchers. Instruc-
of servicesas a goal. Instructions specifr page tions on preparinga proposalindicatewhether
length,numberof copies,deadlines, andthe like. to write for specialistsin a field or for an edu-
Follow all instructionsexactly. catedgeneralaudience.
Proposalsshould be neat and professional If a proposalis funded, celebrate,but only
looking. The instructions usually ask for a de- for a shorttime. If theproposalis rejected,which
tailedplan for the useof time, services,and per- is more likely, do not despair.Most proposals
sonnel. These should be clearly stated and arerejectedthe first or secondtime they aresub-
realisticfor the project.Excessivelyhigh or low mitted. Many funding sourcesprovide written
estimates,unnecessary add-ons,or omitted es- reviewerevaluationsof the proposal.Alwaysre-
sentialswill lower how reviewersevaluatea pro- questthem if they are provided. Sometimes,a
posal.Creatinga budgetfor a proposedproject courteoustalk on the telephonewith a personat
is complicatedand usuallyrequirestechnicalas- the funding sourcewill revealthe reasonsfor re-
sistance.For example,pay rates,fringe bene{it jection. Strengthenand resubmit a proposalon
rates,and soon that must be chargedmay not be the basis of the reviewer'scomments.Most
easytoobtain. It is bestto consulta grantsoffi- funding sourcesacceptrepeatedresubmissions
cer at a college or an experiencedproposal of revisedproposals,and proposalsthat have
writer. In addition, endorsements or clearances been revisedmay be strongerin subsequent
of regulationsare often necessary (e.g.,IRB ap- competitions.
proval). Proposalsshould also include specific If a proposalhasbeensubmittedto an ap-
plans for disseminatingresults(e.g.,publica- propriatefunding sourceand all instructionsare
tions, presentationsbeforeprofessionalgroups, followed,reviewersaremorelikelyto rateit high
etc.)and a plan for evaluatingwhetherthe pro- when:
ject met its objectives.
The proposalis a kind of contractbetween r It addressesan important researchquestion.
researcherand the funding source.Funding It buildson prior knowledgeand represents
agenciesoften require a final report, including a substantialadvanceofknowledgefor basic
CHAPTER1 4 , / WR I T I N G T H E R E S E A R C H 359

research.It documentsa major socialprob- searcher,to be self-aware.Be awareof the place

lem and holdspromisefor solutionsfor ap- of the researcherin societyand of the societal
plied research. context of social research itself. Social re-
It follows all instructions, is well written, searchers,and sociologistsin particular,bring a
and is easyto follow, with clearlystatedob- uniqueperspectiveto the largersociety.
It completelydescribesresearchprocedures
that include high standards of research Key Ter m s
methodology,and it appliesresearchtech-
niquesthat are appropriateto the research editing
question. error ofsegregation
It includesspecificplans for disseminating executive summary
the resultsand evaluatingwhetherthe pro- grantsmanship
ject hasmet its objectives. paraphrasing
The projectis well designedand showsseri- plagiarism
bus planning. It has realisticbudgetsand prewriting
schedules. principal investigator
The researcher hasthe necessary experience requestfor proposals (RFPs)
or backgroundto completethe projectsuc- revising
cessfully. rewriting
zoom lens

Clearlycommunicatingresultsis a vital part of
the larger scientificenterprise,as are the ethics
t. is discussedin Lofland
The error of segregation
and politicsofsocial research.
2. SeeVan Maanen(1988:13).
I want to end this chapterby urgingyou, as (1989),Dabbs(1982),
3. SeeBeckerand associates
a consumerof socialresearchor a new socialre- and Iackson (1978).
Followingthe definition, the number in parentheses question and that has a direct, practical appli-
indicatesthe chapterin which the term first appears cation.(1)
in the text and is in the KeyTerms section.Italicized Association A co-occurrenceof two events,fac-
terms refer to terms defined elsewherein this glos- tors, characteristics,or activities, such that
sary. when one happens,the other is likely to occur
Abstract A term with two meanings in literature aswell. Many statisticsmeasurethis. (2)
reviews:a short summaryof a scholarlyjournal Assumption Parts of social theories that are not
articlethat usuallyappearsat its beginning,and tested,but act asstartingpoints or basicbeliefs
a referencetool for locating scholarlyjournal about the world. They are necessaryto make
articles.(4) other theoreticalstatementsand to build social
Accretion measures Nonreactivemeasuresof the theory. (2)
residueof the activity of people or what they Attitude of strangeness A technique in field re-
leavebehind. (9) searchin which researchersstudy a field siteby
Action research study A tFpe of applied social re- mentally adjustingto "see" it for the first time
searchin which a researchertreats knowledge or asan outsider.( I 1)
as a form of power and abolishesthe division
Attributes The categoriesor levelsof a yariable.
betweencreatingknowledgeand using knowl- (4)
edgeto engagein political action. ( I )
Axial coding A secondcoding of qualitatite data
Alternative hypothesis Afuipothesispaired with a
statingthat the independent
null hypothesi.s
codes,developslinks among them, and discov-
ablehasan effectonadependentvaiable.(4)
erskey analyticcategories.( 13)
Ana\tic memo The written notesa qualitativere-
Back translation A technique in comparativere-
searchertakesduring datacollectionand after-
searchfor checking lexiconequivalence. A rc-
wards to develop concepts, themes, or
searchertranslatesspokenor written text from
preliminary generalizations.( 1I )
an original languageinto a secondlanguage,
Anonymity Researchparticipantsremain anony- then translatesthe sametext in the secondlan-
mousor nameless. guage back into the original language,then
Appearance of interest A technique in field re- comparesthe two original languagetexts. (12)
searchin which researchersmaintain relations Bar chart A display of quantitative data for one
in afield siteby pretendingto be interestedand variablein the form of rectangleswherelonger
excitedby the activitiesofthose studied, even rectanglesindicatemore casesin a variablecat-
though they are actually uninterestedor very egory. Usually, it is usedwith discretedata and
bored.(11) there is a small spacebetweenrectangles.They
Applied research Researchthat attemptsto solvea can have a horizonal or vertical orientation.
concrete problem or address a specificpolicy Also calledbar graphs.(10)
362 clossARy

Basic social research Researchdesignedto ad- Classification Complex, multidimensional con-

vancefundamentalknowledgeabout the social ceptsthat havesubtypes.They are parts ofso-
world. (1) cial theoriesbetweenone simple conceptand a
Bivariate statistics Statistical measuresthat in- full theoreticalexplanation.(2)
volve two variablesonly. (10) Closed-endedquestions A|ype of surueyresearch
Blame analysis A counterfeitargumentpresented question in which respondentsmust choose
as if it were a theoreticalexplanationthat sub- from a fixedsetofanswers.(7)
stitutesattributing blame for a causalexplana- Cluster sampling A tFpe of random sample that
tion and,implies an intention or negligence,or usesmultiple stagesand is often usedto cover
responsibilityfor an eventor situation. (2) wide geographic areas in which aggregated
Body of a table The center part of a contingency units are randomly selectedthen samplesare
table.It containsall the cells,but not the totals drawn from the sampledaggregatedunits, or
or labels.(10) clusters.(6)

Bogardussocial distancescale A scalethat mea- Code sheets Paperwith a printed grid on which a
suresthe distancebefiveentwo or more social researcherrecordsinformation so that it canbe
groups by having members of one group ex- easilyenteredinto a computer. It is an alterna-
pressthe point at which they feel comfortable tive to direct-entrymethodand using optical-
with varioustypesofsocial interactionor close-
nesswith membersof the other group(s). (5) Codebook A document that describesthe proce-
Casestudy Research,usually qualitative, on one dure for codingvariablesand their location in a
or a small number of casesin which a re- format for computers.(10)
searchercarefiJly examinesa large number of Coding The processof converting raw informa-
detailsabout eachcase.( 1) tion or data into another form for analysis.In
Causal explanation A statementin social theory contentanalysis,it is a meansfor determining
about why events occur that is expressedin how to convert syrnbolicmeaningsin text into
terms of causesand effects.They correspondto anotherform, usuallynumbers(seeCodingsys-
associationsin the empiricalworld. (2) tem);in quantitathtedafa analysis,it is a means
for assigningnumbers; and in qualitativedata
Cell of a table A part of the body of a table.ln a analysis,it is a seriesof stepsfor reading raw
contingencytable,it showsthe distribution of notesand assigningcodesor conceptualterms
casesinto categoriesof variablesas a specific (seeAxial coding Opencoding,Seleaivecoding).
number or percentage.( 10) (9)
Central limit theorem A lawlike mathematicalre- Coding system A set ofinstructions or rules used
lationship that states:Whenevermany random in contentanalysisto explainhow to systemati-
samplesare drawn from a population and plot- cally convert the symbolic content from text
ted, a normal distributionis formed, and the into quantitativedata. (9)
centerof such a distribution for a variableis
equalto its populationparameter.(6) Cohort study A type of longitudinal researchin
which a researcherfocuseson a categoryof
Citation Detailsof a scholarlyjournal article'slo- peoplewho sharea similar life experiencein a
cation that helpspeoplefind it quickly. (4) specifiedtime period.(1)
Classicalexperimentaldesign An experimentalde- Computer-assistedtelephoneinterviewing (CATI)
sign that has random assignment,a control Surveyresearchin which the interviewersitsbe-
group, an experimentalgroup, and pretestsand fore a computer screenand keyboardand uses
for eachgroup. (8) the computer to read questionsthat are asked
cLossARY 363

in a telephoneinterview, then enters answers affectshow he or sheinterpretsthe meaningof

directly into the computer. (7) subsequentquestions.(7)
Concept cluster A collection ofinterrelated ideas Contextual equivalence The issue in historical-
that sharecommon assumptions, belong to the comparativeresearchof whether social roles,
samelarger socialtheory and refer to one an- norms, or situationsacrossdifferentculturesor
other.(2) historicalperiodsareequivalentor canbe com-
Conceptual definition A careful, systematicdefin-
ition of a construct that is explicitly written to Contingencycleaning Cleaningdatausinga com-
clarifr one'sthinking. It is often linked to other puter in which the researcherlooks at the com-
conceptsor theoreticalstatements.(5) bination of categoriesfor two variables for
logicallyimpossiblecases.( 10)
Conceptualequivalence ln historical-comparative
the issueof whetherthe sameideasor
research, Contingenry question A tFpe of surveyresearch
conceptsoccur or canbe usedto representphe- questionin which the respondentnext goesto
nomena acrossdivergentcultural or historical one or another later question basedon his or
settings.(12) her answer.(7)
Conceptual hypothesis A tfpe of hypothesisin Contingenry table A table that showsthe cross-
which the researcherexpresses variablesin ab- tabulationof two or more variables.It usually
stract,conceptualterms and expresses the rela- showsbivariate quantitativedata for variables
tionship among variablesin a theoreticalway' in the form ofpercentagesacrossrows or down
( 5) columnsfor the categoriesof onevariable.(10)
Conceptualization The process of developing Continuous variable Variables measured on a
clear,rigorous,systematicconceptual continuum in which an infinite number of
for abstractideas/concepts. finer gradationsbetweenvariableattributesare
Concurrent validity Measurementvalidity that te-
lies on a preexisting and akeady acceptedmea- Contrast question A tfpe of interview question
sureto veriff the indicator of a construct.(5) asked late in field researchin which the re-
searcherverifiesthe.correctnessof distinctions
Confidence interval A range of values,usually a
found among categoriesin the meaningsystem
little higher and lower than a specific value
of peoplebeingstudied.(11)
found in a sample,within which a researcher
has a specifiedand high degreeof confidence Control group The group that does not get the
thatthe populationparameterlies. (6) (8)
treatmentin experimentalresearch.
Confidentiality Information with participant Control variable A "third" variable that shows
namesattached,but the researcherholds it in whether a bivariaterelationshipholds up to al-
confidenceor keepsit secretfrom the public. ternative explanations.It can occur before or
( 3) betweenother variables.( 10)
Content analysis Researchin which one examines Covariation The idea that two variables vary to-
patterns of symbolic meaning within written gether, such that knowing the values in one
text, audio, visual, or other communication variable provides information about values
medium. (9) found in anothervariable.( 10)
Content validity Measurementvalidity that re- Cover sheet One or more pagesat the beginning
quires that a measurerepresentall the aspects of a questionnairewith information about an
ofthe conceptualdefinition ofa construct.(5) interview or respondent.(7)
Context effect Arr effectin szrveyresearchwhenan Criterion validity Measurementvalidity thattehes
overalltone or settopicsheardby a respondent on someindependent,outsideverification. (5)
364 c Los s A R Y

Crossoverdesign A designto reducecreatingin- Descriptive question A type of question asked

equality; it is when a study group that getsno The researcherseeksbasic
earlyin field research.
treatment in the first phaseof the experiment information (e,g.,who, what, when, where)
becomesthe group with the treatment in the about thefield site.(lI)
secondphase,and vice versa.(3) Descriptive research Research in which one
Cross-sectionalresearch Researchin which a re- "paints a picture" with words or numbers,pre-
searcherexaminesa single point in time or sents a profile, outlines stages,or classifies
takesa one-time snapshotapproach.(l) types.(1)

Cross-tabulation Placingdatafor two variablesin Descriptivestatistics A generaltype of simple sta-

tisticsusedby researchersto describebasicpat-
a contingencytableto show the number or per-
centageofcasesat the intersectionofcategories ternsin the data.(10)
ofthe two variables.(10) Design notation The name of a symbol system
usedto discussthe parts of an experimentand
Curvilinear relationship A relationship betlveen
to makediagramsof them. (8)
two variablessuchthat asthe valuesofone vari-
able increase,the valuesofthe secondshow a Deviant casesampling Atlpe of nonrandomsam-
changing pattern (e.g.,first decreasethen in- ple, especiilTyusedby qualitative researchers,in
creasethen decrease). It is not alinear relation- which a researcherselectsunusual or noncon-
ship.(10) forming casespurposely as a way to provide
greaterinsight into socialprocesses or a setting.
Data The empiricalevidenceor information that a (6)
person gathers carefully according to estab-
lished rules or procedures;it can be qualitative Diftrsionoftreatment Athreatto internalvalidity
or quantitative.( 1) that occurs when the treatment "spills over"
from the expeimentalgroup, and controlgroup
Debrief When a researchergivesa true explana- subjects modify their behavior becausethey
tion of the experiment to subjectsafter using learn of the treatment.(8)
Direct-entry method A method of entering data
Deception When an experimenterlies to subjects into a computerby typing datawithout codeor
about the true nature of an experimentor cre- opticalscansheets.(10)
atesa falseimpressionthrough his or her ac-
Direct observationnotes Notes taken in field re-
tions or the setting.(8)
searchthat attempt to include all details and
Deductive approach An approach to inquiry or specificsofwhat the researcherheardor sawin
socialtheory in which one beginswith abstract a field site.They are written in a way that per-
ideas and principles then works toward con- mits multiple interpretationslater. ( I 1)
crete,empiical evidencelotest the ideas.(2) Discretevariables Variablesin whichthe attibutes
Demand characteristics A qpe of reactivity in canbe measuredonly with a limited number of
which the subjectsin experimentalresearchpick distinct, separatecategories.(5)
up cluesabout the hypothesisandalter their be- Double-barreledquestion Aproblemin surveyre-
havior accordingly.(8) searchquestion wording that occurs when two
ideasare combined into one question,and it is
Dependentvariable The effectvariablethat is last
unclearwhetherthe answeris for the combina-
and results from the causalvariable(s)in a
tion ofboth or one or the other question.(7)
causal explanation. Nso the variable that is
measuredin the pretestandposttestand that is Double-blind experiment A tfpe of expeimental
the result of the treatmentin exqerimentalre- researchin which neither the subjectsnor the
search.(4) personwho direcdy dealswith the subjectsfor
cLossA R Y 355

the experimenterknows the specificsof the ex- Equivalenttime-seriesdesign Anexperimentalde_

periment. (8) srgzin which there areseverahepeatedpraestg
Ecological fallacy Something that appearsto be a posttests,and treatmenfsfor one group often
causalexplanationbtfi is not. It occursbecause over a period of time. (8)
of a confusion about units of analvsls.A re- Erosion measures Nonreactive measuresof the
searcher has empirical eviience about an wearor deteriorationon surfacesdue to the ac_
associationfor large-scaleunits or huge aggre- tivityofpeople. (9)
gates,but overgeneralizes to make theoretical
Error of segregation A mistake that can occur
statementsabout an associationamong small-
scaleunits or individuals. (4) when writing qualitative researchin which a
writer separatesconcreteempiricaldetailsfrom
Ecological validity A way to demonstrate the au- abstractideastoo much. (14)
thenticity and trustworthinessof afield research
study by showingthat the researcher's Ethnographic fallacy When a field researcher
tions ofthe field sitematchesthoseofthe mem- takes what is observed at facevalue, fails to
bers from the site and that the researcherwas questionwhat membersof a field site say,and
not a major disturbance.(11) only focuseson the immediateconcretedetails
of a setting while ignoring larger social forces.
Editing A stepin the writing processthat is part of (11)
rewriting in which a writer cleansup and tight-
ens the languageand checks grammar, verb Ethnography An approach to field researchthat
agreement,usage,sentencelength, and para- emphasizesproviding a very detaileddescrip-
graph organization to improve communica- tion of a different culture from the viewpoint of
tion. (14) an insider in that culture in order to permit a
greaterunderstandingofit. 1t t,)
Elaboration paradigm A system for describing
patternsevidentamong tableswhen a bivarinte Ethnomethodogy An approach to social science
contingencytableis comparedwith partials after that combines philosophy, social theory, and
the controlvariablehasbeenadded.( 10) methodto study.(11)

Empirical evidence The observationsthat people Evaluation researchstudy A tfpe of applied re-
experiencethrough their senses-touch, sight, searchinwhichone tries to determinehowwell
hearing,smell,and taste;thesecan be direct or a program or poliry is working or reachingits
indirect.(1) goalsand objectives.(1)

Empirical generalization A quasi-theoretical Executivesummary A summaryof a researchpro-

statementthat summarizesfindings or regular- ject's findings placedat the beginning ofa re-
ities in empirical evidence.It usesfew if any ab- port for an applied, nonspecialist audience.
stract concepts and only makes a statement Usuallya little longer than an abstract.(14)
about a recurring pattern that researchersob- Exhaustiveattributes The principle that response
serve.(2) categoriesin a scaleor other measureshould
Empirical hypothesis A type of hypothesisin provide a category for all possible responses
which the researcherexpresses (i.e.,everypossibleresponsefits into somecat_
variablesin spe-
cific terms and expresses
the associationamong egory).
the measured indicators of observable. Existing statisticsresearch Researchin which one
empiricalevidence.(5) examinesnumericalinformation frofn govern-
Empty boxes A name for conceptualcategoriesin ment documentsor official reports to address
an explanationthat a researcherusesaspart of new researchquestions.( 1)
the illustrative methodof qualitative data analv- Experimentaldesign Arranging the partsof an ex-
sis.(13) periment and putting them together.(g)
3 66 c Los S A R Y

Experimental group The group that receivesthe Field research A ffpe of qualitative researchin
treatmentin experimentalresearch. which a researcherdirectly observesthe people
Experimental research Researchin which one in- being studied in a natural setting for an ex-
tendedperiod. Often, the researchercombines
tervenesor does somethingto one group of
people but not to another, then comparesre- intenseobservingwith participationin the peo-
ple'ssocialactivities.( I )
sultsfor the two groups.( I )
Explanation pattern A pattern in the elaboration Field site The one or more natural locationswhere
(l l)
a researchercondtctsfield research.
paradigm in which the bivariate contingency
table showsa relationship, but thepartials show First-orderinterpretation In qualitativeresearch,
no relationshipand the controlvariableoccttrs what the peoplewho arebeing studiedactually
prior to the independentvaiabla (10) feel and think. (4)
Explanatory research Researchthat focuseson Floaters Respondentswho lack a belief or opin-
why eventsoccur or tries to testand build social ion, but who grvean answeranyway if askedin
theory.(1) a surveyresearchquestion.Often, their answers
Exploratory research Researchinto an area that are inconsistent.(7)
hasnot beenstudiedand in which a researcher Focusgroups A tJpe of group interview in which
wants to develop initial ideasand a more fo- an interviewerasksquestionsto the group, and
cusedresearchquestion.(1) answersare givenin an open discussionamong
External consistenry A way to achievereliabikty of the groupmembers.(11)
data in field researchin which the researcher Frequenry distribution A table that showsthe dis-
cross-checksand verifies qualitative data :using tribution of casesinto the categoriesof one
multiple sourcesof information. (11) variable(i.e.,the number or percentof casesin
External criticism In historical research,a way to eachcategory).(10)
checkthe authenticityof primary sourcesbyac- Frequencypolygon A graph of connectedpoints
curatelylocating the place and time of its cre- showingthe distribution of how many casesfall
ation (e.g.,it is not a forgery).(12) into each categoryof a variable.(10)
External validity The ability to generalizefrom Full-filter question A.typeof sun eyresearchques-
experimentalresearchto settingsor peoplethat tion in which respondents are first asked
differ from the specific conditions of the study. whether they have an opinion or know about a
(s) topic, then only the respondentswith an opin-
Facevalidity A tFpe of measurementvalidity in ion or knowledgeare askeda specificquestion
which an indicator "makessense"asa measure onthetopic.(7)
of a construct in the judgment of others,espe- Functionaltheory A type of socialtheorybasedon
cially thosein the scientificcommunity. (5) biological analogies,in which the socialworld
Factorialdesign Atype of experimentaldesignthat or its parts are seenas systems,with its parts
considers the impact of several independent servingthe needsof the system.(2)
variablessimultaneously.( 8) Funnel sequence A way to order surveyresearch
Fallacyof misplacedconcreteness When a person questionsin a questionnairefrom generalones
usestoo many digits in a quantitativemeasure to specific.(7)
in an attempt to createthe impressionthat the Galton's problem In comparative research,the
data are accurateor the researcheris highly ca- problem of finding correlationsor associations
pable.(9) among variablesor characteristicsin multiple
Field experiment Experimentalresearchthat takes casesor units, when the characteristicsare ac-
placein a natural setting.(8) tually diffused from a singleunit or havea com-
mon origin. Thus, a researchercannot really Historical-comparative research Research in
treat the multiple units (e.g.,countries,cul- which one examinesdifferent culturesor peri-
tures,etc.) asbeing wholly separate.(12) ods to better understandthe socialworld. ( 1)
GeneralSocialSurvey(GSS) Asuwey of arandom History effects A threat to internal validity dueto
sampleof about 1,500U.S.adultsthat hasbeen somethingthat occursand affectsthedependen
conductedin most yearsbetween1972andthe variableduring an experiment,but which is un-
presentand is availablefor many researchers
to planned and outsidethe control ofthe experi-
analyze.(9) menter.(8)
Go native What happens when a researcherin
Human Relations Area Files (HRAF) An exten-
field researchgets overly involved and loses all sive catalog and comprehensivecollection of
distance or objectivity and becomeslike the
ethnographies on many cultures(mostly prelit-
peoplebeingstudied.(l 1)
erate) that permits a researcherto compare
Grantsmanship The strategiesand skills of locat- acrosscultural units. (12)
ing appropriatefunding sourcesand preparing
Hlpothesis The statementfrom a causalexplnna-
high-quality proposalsfor researchfundino
( 14) tion or a propositionthat has at least one
independentand one dEendent variable,but it
Grounded theory Socialtheory that is rooted in hasyet to be empiricallytested.(4)
observationsofspecific, concretedetails.(2)
Idealtype Apuremodelaboutanidea,process, or
Guilty knowledge When a researchern field re- event. One developsit to think about it more
searchlearns of illegal, unethical, or immoral clearly and systematically.It is used both as a
actionsby the peoplein thefield sitethat is not method of 4zalitativedata analysisand in soclal
widelyknown.(11) theorybutlding.(2)
Guttman scaling A scalethat researchers useafter
Idiographic An approachthat focuseson creating
dataarecollectedto revealwhethera hierarchi-
detaileddescriptionsofspecific eventsin par-
cal pattern existsamong responses,such that
ticular time periods and settings.It rarely goes
people who give responsesat a "higher level"
beyondempiricalgeneralizations to abstractso-
alsotend to give "lowerJevel" ones.(5)
cial theory or causallaws.(2)
Halo effect An error often madewhen peopleuse
personalexperienceasan alternativeto science Illustrative method A method of qualitativedata
for acquiring knowledge.It is when a person analysisin which a researchertakes the con-
overgeneralizes ceptsof a socialtheoryor explanationand treats
fiom what he or sheacceptsas
being highly positiveor prestigiousand lets its them as emptyboxesto be filled w.irthempirical
strong reputation or prestige "rub off' onto examplesand descriptions.(13)
otherareas.(1) Independence The absenceofa sfatisticalrelation-
Haphazard sampling A type of nonrandomsam- shlpbetweentwo variables(i.e.,when knowing
ple in which the researcherselectsanyonehe or the valueson one variable provides no infor-
shehappensto come across.(6) mation about the valuesthat will be found on
anothervariable).There is no associationbe-
Hawthorne effect An effect of reactivity named af-
tweenthem. (10)
ter a famous casein which subjectsreactedto
the fact that they were in an experimentmore Independentvariable The first variablethat causes
than they reactedto the treatment.(8) or producesthe effect in a causalexplanation.
Hidden populations Peoplewho engagein clan-
destine, deviant, or concealedactivities and Index The summing or combining of many sepa-
who are difficult to locateand study. (6) rate measuresofa constructor variable.(5)
368 c Los s AR Y

Inductive approach An approachto inquiryor so- Interpretationpattern Apattern inthe elaboration

cial theory in which one beginswith concrete paradigm in which the bivariate contingency
empirical details,then works toward abstract tableshowsa relationship,but thepartialsshow
ideasor generalprinciples.(2) no relationshipand the controlvariableis inter-
vening in the causalexplanation.(10)
Inferential statistics A branch of applied mathe-
basedon arandomsample.It
maticsor statistics Interrupted time series An experimentaldesignin
lets a researchermakeprecisestatementsabout which the dependentvariableis measuredperi-
the level ofconfidence he or shehas in the re- odically acrossmany time points, and the
sults of a samplebeing equal to the population treatmentoccursin the midst of suchmeasures,
parameter.(6) oftenonlyonce.(8)

Informed consent An agreementby participants Interval level of measurement A levelof measure-

stating they are willing to be in a study after ment that identifiesdifferencesamongvariable
they learn somethingabout what the research attributes,ranks,and categories,and that mea-
procedurewill involve. (3) suresdistancebefi,veencategories,but there is
no true zero.(5')
Institutional Review Board A committee of re-
searchersand community membersthat over- Intervening variable A variable that is betweenthe
sees,monitors, and reviews the impact of initial causalvariableand the final effectvari-
researchprocedureson human participants ablein a causalexplanation.(4)
and appliesethical guidelinesby reviewingre- Interview schedule The name of a surveyresearch
searchproceduresat a preliminary stagewhen questionnairewhen a telephoneor face-to-face
first proposed.(3) interview is used.(7)
Interaction effect The effect of two independent what a researcherin-
Jottednotes Infield research,
variablesthat operatesimultaneouslytogether. conspicuouslywrites while rn the field site on
The effect of the variablestogether is greater whateveris convenientin order to "jog the
than what would occur from a simple addition memory" later.(tt)
ofthe effectsfrom each.The variablesoperate
together on one another to create an extra Laboratoryexperiment Experimentalresearch that
"boost."(8) takesplacein an artificial settingoverwhich the
experimenterhasgreatcontrol. (8)
Internal consistenry Awayto achievereliabilityof
datain field researchin which a researcherex- Latent coding Ltlpe of contentanalysiscoding in
amines the data for plausibility and sees which a researcheridentifies subjectivemean-
whetherthey form a coherentpicture, given all ing such asgeneralthemesor motifs in a com-
that is known about a personor event,trying to municationmedium.(9)
avoidcommon forms of deception.(11)
Latin square desigrr An experimental designused
Internal criticism How historical researcherses- to examinewhether the order or sequencein
tablish the authenticity and credibility of which subjectsreceivemultiple versionsof the
primary sourcesand determine its accuracyas treatmenthas an effect.(8)
an accountof what occurred.( 12)
Level of analysis A way to talk about the scopeof
Internal validity The ability of experimentersto a socialtheory,causalexplanation,proposition,
strengthena causalexplanation'slogical rigor hypothesis,or theoreticalstatement.The range
by eliminating potential alternative explana- of phenomenait covers,or to which it applies,
tions for an associationbetween the treatment goesfrom socialpsychological(micro level)to
and the dependent variable through an organizational(mesolevel)to large-scalesocial
experimentaldesign.(5) structure (macroleveD.@)
GLOS S A R Y 369

Levelofmeasurement A systemthat organizesthe cific words, phrases,or symbols, then finds

information in the measurementof variables them in a communication medium. (9)
into four generallevels,from nominal levelto
ratio level.(5) Marginals The totals in a contingencytable, out_
sidethe bodyof a table.(10)
Level of statisticalsignificance A set of numbers
researchers useas a simple way to measurethe Matrix question Atype of surveyresearchquestion
degreeto which a statistical relationship rcsults in which a setof questionsis listedin a compact
from random factorsrather than the existence form together, all questionssharing the same
of a true relationshipamongvariables.( l0) setofanswer categories.(7)
Lexicon equivalence Finding equivalent words or Maturation A threat to internal validity in
phrasesto expressthe identicalmeaningin dif_ experimentalresearchdue to natural processes
ferent languagesor in the translationfrlm of growth, boredom, and so on, that occur to
languageto another (seeBacktranstation).(12) subjectsduring the experiment and affect the
Likert scale Ascaleoften usedinsurvey researchin dependentvariable.(g)
which people expressattitudes or other re- Mean A measureof centraltendencyfor one vari_
sponsesin terms of severalordinal-level cate_ able that indicatesthe arithmetic average(i.e.,
gories (e.g.,agree,disagree)that are ranked the sum of all scoresdivided by the total num_
along a continuum. (5) ber ofscores).(10)
Linear relationship An associationbetween two
Measurementequivalence In historical_comDara-
variablesthat is positive or negativeacrossthe
tive research,
creatingor locating th"t
attributesor levelsof the variables.When plot-
will accuratelyrepresentthe same -.urrrr.',
ted in a scattergram,the basic pattern of the
variablein divergentcultural or historical set_
associationforms a straightline, not a curve or tings.(12)
Measurementvalidity Howwell an empiricalindi_
Linear researchpath Researchthat proceedsin a
cator and the conceptualdefinitionbf th. .orr_
clear,logical, step-by-stepstraight line. It is
struct that the indicator is supposedto measure
more characteristic of a quantitative than a
"fit" together.(5)
qualitativeapproachto socialresearch.(4)
Literature review A systematic examination of Median A measureof central tendency for one
previously published studies on a research variableindicating the point or scoreat which
question,issue,or method that a researcherun_ halfthe casesarehigher and halfare lower. ( l0)
dertakesand integratestogetherto preparefor Member validation A way to demonstratethe au_
conducting a study or to bring together and thenticity and trustworthinessof afield research
summarizethe "stateof the field." (4) study by having the people who were studied
Longitudinal research Researchin which the re- (i.e.,members)read and confirm asbeing true
searcherexamines the features of people or that which the researcherhas reported.(l i)
other units at multiple points in time. (l)
Meso-level theory Social theories and explana_
Macro-level theory Socialtheories and explana- tions about the middle levelof socialrealitvbe_
tions about more abstract,large-scale,and tween a broad and narrow scope,such ai the
broad-scopeaspectsofsocial reality,suchasso- developmentand operation of social orsaniza._
cial changein major institutions (e.g.,the fam- tions, communities,or socialmovem"r-t, o,0..
ily, education,etc.) in a whole nation across a five-yearperiod.(2)
Microlevel theory Social theories and explana_
Manifest coding Atype of contentanalysiscoding tions about the concrete,small-scale,urrd ,ru._
in which a researcherfirst developsa list ofspe- row level of reality, such as face_to_face
37O c Los s A R Y

interaction in small groups during a two- Nonreactive Measures in which people being
month period.(2) studiedareunawarethat they arein a study. (9)
Mode A measureof centraltendencyfor one vari- Normal distribution A "bell-shaped" frequency
able that indicatesthe most frequent or com- polgon for a distribution of cases,with a peak
mon score.(10) in the centerand identicalcurving slopeson ei-
Mortality Threatsto internal validity due to sub- ther side ofthe center.It is the distribution of
jectsfailing to participatethrough the entire ex- many naturally occurring phenomenaand is a
periment.(8) basisof much statisticaltheory. ( l0)

Multiple indicators Many proceduresor instru- Normalize social research Techniquesin field re-
mentsthat indicate,or provide evidenceof, the searchusedby researchersto make the people
presenceor level of a variable using empirical being studied feel more comfortable with the
evidence.Researchersuse the combination of researchprocessand to help them acceptthe
researcher'spresence. (11)
severaltogetherto measurea variable.(5)
Mutually exclusiveattributes The principle that Null hypothesis A hlpothesisthat saysthere is no
responsecategoriesin a scaleor other measure relationship or associationbetween two vari-
should be organizedso that a person's re- ables,or no effect.(4)
sponsesfit into only one category(i.e., cate- One-shot casestudy An experimentaldesignwith
goriesshould not overlap).(5) only an experimentalgroup and a posttest,no
Narrative history A type ofwriting about a histor- pretest.(8)
ical settingin which the writer attemptsto "tell Open coding A first coding of qualitativedata in
a story" by following chronologicalorder, de- which a researcherexaminesthe data to con-
scribing particular people and events,and fo- densethem into preliminary analyticcategories
cusingon many colorfi-rldetails.(13) or codesfor anallzing the data. ( I 3)
Naturalism The principle that researchers
should Open-ended question A tlpe of surveyresearch
examineeventsasthey occur in natural, every- questionin which respondentsare free to offer
day ongoing socialsettings.( 11) any answerthey wish to the question.(7)
Negativerelationship An associationbefiveentwo Operational definition The definition of a variable
variablessuchthat asvalueson one variablein- in terms of the specificactivitiesto measureor
crease,valueson the other variablefall or de- indicate itvnth empiricalevidence.(5)
crease.(2) Operationalization The processof moving from
Nominal-level measurement The lowest, least the conceptualdefinition of a constructto a set
preciselevelof measurement for which there is of specificactivitiesor measuresthat allow a re-
only a differencein type among the categories searcherto observe it empirically (i.e., its
ofavariable.(5) operationaldefinition).(5)
Nomothetic An approach basedon laws or one Oral history A tFpe of recollectionin which a re-
that operatesaccordingto a systemoflaws. (2) searcherinterviewsa person about the events,
Nonlinear researchpath Researchthat proceeds beliefs,or feelingsin the pastthat were directly
experienced. (12)
in a circular,back-and-forthmanner.It is more
characteristicof a qualitative than a quantita- Order effects An effect in surveyresearchin which
tive styleto socialresearch.(4) respondentshear some specificquestionsbe-
Nonrandom sample A type of samplein which the fore others,and the earlierquestionsaffecttheir
sampling elementsare selectedusing some- answersto later questions.(7)
thing other than a mathematically random Ordinal-level measurement A level of measure-
process.(6) ment thal identifies a difference among cate-
goriesofa variableand allowsthe categoriesto Plagiarism A type of unethicalbehavior in rriich
be rank ordered.(5) one usesthe writings or ideasof anotherwith-
Overgeneralization An error that people often out giving proper credit. It is "stealingidea:."
(3, 14)
makewhen using personalexperienceas an al-
ternativeto sciencefor acquiringknowledge.It Population The name for the largegeneralgroup
occurs when some evidencesupports a beliel of many casesfrom which a researcherdrans a
but a person falselyassumesthat it appliesto sampleandwhich is usuallystatedin theoretical
many other situations,too. ( 1) terms.(6)
Panel study A powerful tlpe of longitudinal re- Positive relationship An associationbetweentrr-o
searchin which a researcherobservesexactly variablessuch that as values on one increase,
the samepeople,group, or organizationacross valueson the other alsoincrease.(2)
multiple time points. ( 1)
Possiblecodecleaning Cleaningdatausinga com-
Paradigm A general organizing framework for puter in which the researcherlooks for re-
socialtheoryand empiricalresearch.It includes sponsesor answercategoriesthat cannot have
basic assumptions,major questions to be an- cases. ( l0)
swered,models of good researchpractice and
Posttest The measurementof the deDendent vari-
theory, and methodsfor finding the answersto
questions.(2) ablein experimentalresearchafter
the treatment.
Parameter A characteristicof the entirepopulation
Praxis An idea in critical socialsciencethat social
that is estimatedfrom a sample.(6)
theory and everydaypracticeinteract or work
Paraphrasing When a wdter restatesor rewords together,mutually aflbcting one another. This
the ideas of another person, giving proper interaction can promote socialchange.(2)
creditto the originalsource.(14)
Prediction A statement about something that is
Partially open question A tfpe of survey research likely to occur in the future. (2)
questionin which respondentsaregivena fixed
Predictive validity Measurementvalidity that re-
setof answersto choosefrom, but in addition,
an "other" categoryis offered so that they can lies on the occurrenceof a future event or be-
havior that is logically consistentto verift the
sPecifi'a different answer.(7)
indicatorofa construct.(5)
Partials ln contingencytablesfor three variables,
Preexperimentaldesigns Experimentaldaslgnsthat
tablesthat show the association betweenthe
lack randomassignment or use shortcutsand
independentand dependentvariablesfor each
categoryof a controlyariable.(10) aremuch weakerthan the classicalexperimental
design.They may be substituted in situations
Percentile A measureof dispersionfor one vari- where an experimentercannot use all the fea-
ablethat indicatesthe percentageofcasesat or turesof a classicalexperimentaldesign,but have
belowa scoreor point. (10) weakerinternalvalidity. (8)
Pie chart A display of numerical information on Prematureclosure An error that is often made
one variablethat divides a circle into fractions when using personalexperienceas an alterna-
by linesrepresenting the proportion ofcasesin tive to sciencefor acquiring knowledge.It oc-
the variable'samibutes.(10\ curs when a person feelshe or she has the
Placebo Afalsetreatmentor ole that hasno effect answersand doesnot needto iisten,seekinfor-
in an experiment. It is sometimescalled a mation,or raisequestionsanylonger.( 1)
"sugar pill" that a subjectmistakesfor a true Prestigebias A problem in surveyresearchques-
treatment.(8) tion writing that occurs when a highly re-
372 c Lo s s A R Y

spectedgroup or individual is linked to one of Purposivesampling Ltype of nonrandomsample

the answers.(7) in which the researcherusesa wide range of
methodsto locateall possiblecasesof a highly
Pretest The measurementof the dependentvari-
specificand difficult-t o-reachp opulation.(6)
ableof an experimentprior t o the treatment.(8)
Qualitative data Information in the form of
Prewriting A very earlystepin the writing process'
words, pictures, sounds,visual images,or ob-
when one writes without worrying about word
choice,spelling,or grammar,but tries to let
"ideas flor,r/' as quickly as possibleto connect Quantitative data Information in the form of
thinking processes with writing. (14) numbers.(l)
Primary sources Qualitative data or quantitative Quasi-experimentaldesigns Experimentaldesigns
data usedin historical research.It is evidence that are stronger than preexpeimentaldesigns.
about past sociallife or eventsthat was created experimental
They arevariationson the classical
and used by the personswho actuallylived in designthatanexperimenterusesin specialsitu-
the historicalperiod.(12) ations or when an experimenter has limited
control over the independentvariable.(8)
Principal investigator(PI) The personwho is pri-
marily in chargeof researchon a project that is Quasi-filter questions A ffpe of surveyresearch
sponsoredor funded by an organization.(14) questionincluding the answerchoice"no opin-
ion" or "don't know." (7)
Principle ofvoluntary consent An ethical princi-
ple of socialresearchthat people should never Quota sampling A tFpe of nonrandomsampletn
participatein researchunlessthey first explic- which the researcherfirst identifiesgeneralcat-
itlyagreetodoso.(3) egoriesinto which casesor people will be se-
lected,then he or she selectsa predetermined
Probability proportionate to size (PPS) An ad-
justment made in clustersamplingwhen each number of casesin eachcategory.(6)
cluster does not have the same number of Random assignment Dividing subjects' into
samplingelements.(6) groups at the beginning of experimentalre-
Probe A follow-up questionor action in srrueyre- searchusing a random process'so the experi-
searchtsedby an interviewerto havea respon- menter can treat the groupsasequivalent'(8)
dent clarifr or elaborateon an incomplete or Random digit dialing (RDD) A method of ran-
inappropriateanswer.(7) domly selectingcasesfor telephoneinterviews
Proposition A basicstatementin socialtheorythat that usesall possibletelephonenumbers as a
two ideas or variables are related to one an- samplingframe.(6)
other. It can be true or false(e.g.,most sexof- Random number table A list of numbersthat has
fenderswere themselvessexuallyabusedwhen no pattern in them and that is usedto createa
growing up), conditional (e.g.,if a foreign en- random processfor selectingcasesand other
emy threatens,then the peopleof a nation will randomizationPurPoses.(6)
feel much stronger social solidarity), and/or
Random sample Atype of samplein which the re-
causal(e.g.,povertycauses crime)' (2)
searcherusesa randomnumbertableor similar
Public sociology Socialsciencethat seeksto enrich mathematicalrandom processso that each
public debatesover moral and political issues samplingelementin thepopulntionwill havean
by infusing them with social theory and re- equalprobability ofbeing selected.(6)
searchand tries to generatea conversationbe-
Range A measureof dispersion for one variable
tlveenresearchers and public. Often usesacttor
indicating the highestand lowestscores.( l0)
researchand a critical socialscienceapproach
with its main audiencebeing non-expertsand Ratio-levelmeasurement The highest' most pre-
practitioners.(3) ciselevel of measuremearfor which variable
cLossA R Y 373

attributescan be rank ordered,the distancebe- a seriesrather than thinking through their an-
tweenthe attributespreciselymeasured,and an swerto eachquestion.(7)
absolutezero exists.(5) Revising A stepin the writing processthat is part
Reactivity The generalthreat to externalvalidity of rewritingin which a writer addsideasor evi-
that arisesbecausesubjectsare awarethat they dence,and deletes,rearranges,or changesideas
arein an experimentand being studied.(8) to improve clarity and better communicate
Recollections The words or writings of people
about their life experiencesafter sometime has Rewriting A step in the writing processin which
passed.The writings arebasedon a memory of the writer goesovera previousdraft to improve
the past,but may be stimulatedby a review of communication of ideasand clarity of expres
pastobjects,photos,personalnotes,or belong- sion,(14)
ings.(12) Running records A specialtype of existingstatistic
Recording sheet Pages on which a researcher researchusedin historical researchbecausethe
writes down what is coded in contentanalysis. files,records,or documentsaremaintainedin a
(e) relatively consistentmanner over a period of
Reductionism Something that appears to be a
causalexplanation,butisnot, because ofa con- Sample A smaller set of casesa researcherselect
A researcherhas from a larger pool and generalizesto the
fusion about units of analyszs.
empiricalevidencefor an associationat the level
of individual behavioror very small-scaleunits, Sampling distribution A distribution createdby
but overgeneralizes Io make theoretical state- drawing rnany random samplesfrom the same
mentsabout verylarge-scaleunits. (4) populntion.(6)
Reliability Thedependabilityorconsistenryofthe Sampling element The name for a caseor single
measureof avariable.(5) unit to be selected.(6)
must be
Replication The principle that researchers Sampling error How much a sampledeiates fiom
able to repeat scientific findings in multiple being representativeofthe population.(6)
studiesto have a high level ofconfidence that Samplingframe A list of casesin a populntion,or
the findings aretrue. (2) the bestapproximation of it. (6)
Replication pattern A pattern inthe elaboration Samplinginterval The inverseof the samplingra-
paradigm in which the partials show the same ,o, which is used in systematicsamplingto se
relationship as in a bivariatecontingencytable lect cases.(6)
of the independent and dependentvariable
Samplingratio Thenumberofcasesinthesampl
divided by the number of cases irr the
Requestfor proposal (RFP) An announcementby population or the samplingframe, or the pro-
a funding organizationthat it is willing to fund portion of thepopulntionin the sample.(6)
researchand it is soliciting written plans of re- Scale A type of quantitative data measttreoften
searchprojects.( 14) usedin surveyresearch that capturesthe inten-
Researchfraud A tlpe of unethical behavior in sity, direction, level, or potengv of a variable
which a researcherfakesor invents data that he construct along a continuum. Most are at the
or shedid not really collect,or fails to honestly ordinallevelof measrtrement.(5)
and fully report how he or she conducted a Scattergram A diagram to display the sratisticalre-
study.(3) lationshipbettreentwo variablesbasedon plot-
Responseset An effect rn surveyresearchwhen re- ting eachcase'svaluesfor both ofthe variables
spondentstend to agreewith everyquestionin ( l 0)
374 c Los s AR Y

Scientificcommunity A collection of peoplewho Simple random sampling Atype of randomsam-

sharea systemofrules and attitudesthat sustain ple in which a researchercreatesa sampling
the processof producing scientificknowledge. frame andusesa pure random processto select
( l) cases.Eachsamplingelementin the population
will havean equalprobability of being selected
Scientific method The process of creating new (6)
knowledge using the ideas, techniques, and
rulesof the scienfficcommunity.(l) Skewed distribution A distribution of cases
among the categoriesof a variable that is not
Scientificmisconduct When someoneengagesin
normal (i.e.,not a "bell shape").Insteadof an
researchfraud, plagiarism, or other unethical
equal number of caseson both ends,more are
conduct that significantly deviatesfrom the ac-
at one of the extremes.(10)
cepted practice for conducting and reporting
researchwithin the scientificcommunity.(3) Snowball sampling A tfpe of nonrandomsample
in which the researcherbeginswith one case
Secondary sources Qualitative data and
then. based on information about interrela-
quantitativedafausedin historicalresearch.In-
tionshipsfrom that case,identifiesother cases
formation about eventsor settingsare docu-
and then repeatsthe processagain and again.
mented or written later by historiansor others
who did not directly participatein the eventsor
setting.(12) Social desirability bias A bias in surveyresearchkt
Second-order interpretation In qualitative re- which respondentsgivea "normative" response
search,what a researcherbelievesthe people or a sociallyacceptableanswerrather than give
being studiedfeeland think. (4) a truthfi.rlanswer.(7)

Selectionbias A threat Io internal validity when Socialimpact assessment study Atype of applied
groups in an experimentare not equivalentat socialresearchin which a researcherestimates
the beginningof the experiment.(8) the likely consequencesor outcome of a
planned intervention or intentional changeto
Selectivecoding A last passat coding qualitative occur in the future. ( 1)
data in which a researcherexaminesprevious
codesto identiff and selectillustrativedatathat Social research A processin which a researche
will support the conceptualcoding categories combines a set of principles, outlooks, and
that he or shedeveloped.(13) ideas with a collection of specific practices,
techniques,and strategiesto produce knowl-
Selectiveobservation The tendencyto take notice edge.(l)
ofcertain peopleor eventsbasedon pastexpe-
rienceor attitudes.( I ) Sociogram A diagram or "map" that shows the
netlvork of social relationships,influence pat-
Semantic differential A scalein which people are terns,or communication pathsamong a group
presentedwith a topic or object and a list of ofpeopleorunits. (6)
many polar opposite adjectives or adverbs.
They are to indicate their feelings by marking Solomon four-group design An experimentalde-
one ofseveralspacesbetweentwo adjectivesor slgain which subjectsare randomly assignedto
adverbs.(5) two clntrll groupsandtwo experimental groups
Only one experimentalgroup and one control
Sequentialsampling Atype of nonrandomsample group receivea pretest.All four groups receivea
in which a researchertries to find asmany rele-
vant casesas possible,until time, financial re-
sources,or his or her energyare exhausted,or Specialpopulations Peoplewho lack the necessar
until there is no new information or diversity cognitive competency to give real informed
fiom the cases.(6) consent or people in a weak position who

might comprisetheir freedomto refuseto par- Structural question A type of questionin field re-
ticipate in a study. (3) searchintervtews in which the researcherat-
tempts to verift the correctnessof placing terms
Specificationpattern A pattern inthe elaboration
or eventsinto the categoriesof the meaning sys-
paradigm in which the bivariate contingency
tem usedby peoplebeing studied.( I 1)
table showsa relationship. One of thepartial ta-
blesshowsthe relationship, but other tables do Structured observation A method of watching
not. (10) what is happening in a social setting that is
highly organized and that follows systematic
Spuriousness A statement that appearsto be a
' causalexplanation,but is not becauseof a hid- rulesfor observationand documentation.(9)
den, unmeasured,or initially unseenvariable, Subjects The name for peoplewho are studied and
The unseenvariable comesearlier in the tem- (8)
participatein experimentalresearch.
poral order, and it hasa causalimpact on what
Successiveapproximation A method of 4ualiutive
wasinitially positedto bethe independentvari-
data analysisinwhich the researcherrepeatedly
ableas the dependentvariable.(4) moves back and forth between the empirical
Standard deviation A measureof dispersionfor data and the abstract concepts, theories, or
one variable that indicates an averagedistance models.(13)
betweenthe scoresand the mean.(I0) Suppressor variable pattern A pattern in the
Standard-format question A tFpe of survey re- elaborationparadigm in which no relationship
searchqtestion in which the answer categories appearsin abivariate contingencytabbbutthe
tail to include "no opinion" or "don't know." partiak show a relationship between the vari-
(7) ables.(10)
Standardization The procedure to statistically ad- Survey research Quantitative social researchin
just measuresto permit making an honest com- which one systematicallyasksmany people the
parisonby giving a common basisto measures samequestions,then recordsand analyzestheir
ofdifferent units. (5) answers.(1)
Static group comparison An experimental design Systematic sampling A tfpe of random samplern
with two groups, no random assignment,and which a researcherselectseveryftth (e.g.,12th)
only a posttest.(8) casein the samplingframe using a sampling in-
Statistic A numerical estimateof a populationpa-
rametercomputedfrom a sample.(6) Target population The name for the large general
group of many casesfrom which a sampleis
Statistical Abstract of the United States A U.S.
drawn and which is specified in very concrete
government publication that appearsannually
and contains an extensivecompilation of sta-
tistical tablesand information. (9) Text A generalnamefor symbolicme"ning within
a communication medium m easurd,in contmt
Statistical significance A way to discussthe likeli-
hood that a finding or statisticalrelntionshipin
a sampleis due to the random factors rather Third-order interpretation In qualitative re-
than due to the existenceof an actualrelation- search,what a researchertells the readerofa re-
ship in the entirepopulation.(10) searchreport that the people he or she sflrdied
felt and thought. (4)
Stratified sampling A tfpe of random samplein
which the researcherfirst identifies a set of Threatening questions A tfpe of survey research
mutually exclusiveand,exhaustivecategories, question in which respondents are Likely to
then usesa random selectionmethod to select cover up or lie about their tme behavior or be-
casesfor eachcategory.(6) liefs becausethey fear a lossof self-imageor that
376 c Los s AR Y

they may appearto be undesirableor deviant.

( 7)
Time-series study Any researchthat takes place
Validity A term meaningtruth that canbe applied
to the logical tightnessof experimentaldesign,
the ability to generalize findings outside a
over time, in which different people or cases study, the quality of measurement, and the
may be looked at in eachtime point. ( 1) properuseofprocedures.(5)

Treatment What the independent variable in Variable A concept or its empiricalmeasuiethat

is called.(8)
experimentalresearch can take on multiple values.(4)

Type I error The logical error offalsely rejecting Verstehen A German word that translatesas un-
the null lrypothesls.( I 0) derstanding;specifically,it meansan empathic
understandingof another'sworldview. (2)
Tlpe II error The logicalerror of falselyaccepting
( 10)
the null lrypothesls. Whistle-blower A personwho seesethicalwrong-
doing, tries to correct it internally but then in-
Unidimensionality The principle that when using forms an external audience, agency, or the
mubiple indicatorsto measurea construct, all media.(3)
the indicators should consistentlyfit together
and indicatea singleconstruct.(5) Wording effects An effectthat occurswhen a spe-
cific term or word used in a survey research
Unit of analysis The kind of empirical caseor unit question affectshow respondentsanswer the
that a researcherobserves,measures,and ana- question.(7)
lyzesin a study. (4)
Zoom lens An organizationalform often usedby
Univariate statistics Statistical measuresthat deal when writing reports that be-
field researchers
with one variableonly. (10) gin broadly then becomenarrow, focused,and
Universe The broad classofunits that arecovered specific.(14)
in ahypothesis.All the units to which the find- Z-score A way to locatea scorein a distribution of
ingsof a specificstudymight be generalized.(4) scoresby determining the number of standard
Unobtrusive measures Another name for deviationsit is above or below the mean or
nonreactivemeasure* It emphasizesthat the arithmetic average.(10)
peoplebeing studiedarenot awareofit because
the measuresdo not intrude. (9)

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|eflreys,A., 11
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Becker,H., 353
E l d e r,G.,3 1 3
Bendix,R., 337 K
Eliasoph,N., 281
Blee,K., 307,314
Bond, C., 214,2I9
Bradburn,N., 175-176 F
Kissane,R., 144,298
B r as e,
G . , 33, 37 ,2 0 5
Foster,G,225 Kleg,M., 133
Fowler,F., 171 Kriesi,H.,305
Burawoy, M., 65
Freeman,H., 13 Kuhn, T.,41-42
Burt, C.,49

Galton,F.,319 Lamont,M.,317
Chafetz,l.,28 Gamson,W., I43 Lauzen,M., 103-104, 228-230
Chavez,L.,23l Garza,C., 16 LeMasters,E., 331
Cherlin,A., 17 Goar,C., 103-104,205 Lieberson, 5.,244
Cogan,J.,323 Gorden,D., 191 Lofland,I.,354
Crozat,M., I37 Gordon, P., 135 Lu, S.,105-106

Dasgupta,N., 217 Marx, A., 34,305
Davis,f ., L54,I58,240 Harper,D.,354 Marx, K., 25,305-306
Denz in,N. , 279 ,2 9 7 Hawkes,D., 136,206,2LI-212 Mastro,D.,232
DeVaus,D., 177 Heberlein,T., 186 McKelvie,S.,225
Diener,E.,58 Hemingway,8.,349 Merton,R.,31
Dillman, D., 184 H i l l , M.,3 1 3 Miles,M.,340
Douglas,l.,297 H o l t, R .,3 17 Milgram,S.,51,53
Downey,L.,236-237 Humphreys,L., 52-53, 57 Mill, J.,336

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Misher,8.,297 Rind, B.,209 ', :.

Molotch,H., 105-106 Roscigno,V.,34
Musick,M., 103-104 Rueschemeyer,D.,2T
Tyldum,G., 160 ,l.i;l

Neuman,W.,77 Sanders,I., 39
Vanlaar, C., 130, I32,ZIB
Sassen, S.,305
o Scarce,R., 58
S.,19,39 Vaquera,E., 159
Schuman,H., 180, 183
Ong,A.,211 Vidich, A., 57
P Smith,T., 181 w
Sniderman,P., 130
Paige, l Wax,R.,285
f.,338 Snow,D.,20
Piliavin,1.,5I,57 Solomon,R.,210 Weitzer,R., 29,32,38,73, l3Z
Popper, K.,93 Spradley,l.,297 Whyte,W., 12,354
Stac\ S., l6-17
R Starr, P., 305
Strauss,A., 3l z
Ragin,C.,90 Sudman,S., 183,191 Zelizer,V.,305
W.,226 Sutton,l.,322 Zimbardo,P.,51,53


A Authenticity, 120
Authority, as alternativeto science,3, 7
Abstract Available data(seeResearch,nonreactive)
ofarticleor report,73,77,80,351
Average(seeMean; Median;Mode)
aslocation tool for articles,T5-77
Axial coding (seeCoding, in qualitative research,
Abstraction, level of, 31, 45 axial)
Abuse (seeHarm to researchsubjects)
Accessto field site,280-283
Account, secondary(seeInterpretation, second- B
Back translation, 32!, 323, 326
Accretion measures(seeMeasures,accretion)
Bad Blood, 50
Balance,in questionresponses, 173
Bar chart (seeStatistics,univariate)
Bell-shapedcurve (seeNormal distribution)
casestudy (seeResearch,casestudy)
Beta (seeRegression,multiple)
cohort, l8-I9,22
content,20,227-236, 246
interviewer in surveys,194
data(seeD ataanalysis)
Galton'sproblem (seeGalton'sproblem)
Ievelof, 95-97,107
random processto avoid, 203
responseset(seeResponse, set)
selection,2I2-2I3, 223
time allocation,339
socialdesirabrlity, 176, L98
units of, 95-97, 107,228,231-232,240
Blind peer review, 9
Analltic memos (seeNotes, analytic
Body of table (seeT able,parts of cross-tabulation
Anonl.rnity, 57-58,66
Appearanceof interest,287
Associationof variables,36, 45,263
requirement for causalry,36-37
Assumptions (seeTheory, assumptionsof)
Attitude of strangenes s, 284,302 Casing,330
Attributes (seeVariables,attributes o0 C ATI (seeComputer-assisted
Audience for researchreport, 344-345 interviewing)

394 s uB J E c r rN D EX

Causalor Causality(seealsoExplanation, causal; Confederates,20T(seealsoDeception)

Relationship,causal) Confidenceinterval, I5lI52, 164-165
mechanism,38 Confidentialitr, 58-59, 66, 30I (seealsoEthics)
temporal order, 35-36 Conflict theory $eeTheory, conflict)
Cell oftable (seeTable,parts ofcross-tabulation Consistenryin field research
table) external,294,302
Census,l4l,24l internal,294,303
Centrallimit theorem,I49, L5L,16I Constructs(seeConcepts)
Central tendencymeasures(seeMean; Median; Contamination in experiments(seeValidiry
Mode) internal)
Citation, 73-75,81, 107 Content,in contentanalysis(seeTextin content
Classification(seeConcepts,classifications) analysis)
Codebook, 248-249,273 Content analysis(seeAnalysis,content)
Code cleaning,possible(seeData,quantitative, Context in qualitative research,88-89 (seealso
cleaning) Effect,context, in surveyresearch;
Codeofethics,49,59-60 Equivalence, contextual)
Code sheets(seeData,quantitative entry) Contingency
Coding cleaning 250,273 (seealsoData, quantitative,
in content analysis cleaning)
form (seeRecordingsheet) question (seeQuestion, contingency)
1atent,229*230,246 table (seeCross-tabulation)
manifest,229,246 usedin writing (seeWriting, in historical-
system,228-229,246 comparativeresearch)
in qualitative research Contrast ofcontexts in ideal types(seeIdeal type,
aial,33l-333,342 contrastcontexts)
open,33I-333,342 Control
selective,33I-333,342 in causalstatement,3T
in quantitative research in experiments,206-207
precoding,248 group,204-206,222
procedure, 248-250 variables(seeVariables,control)
Cohort study or analysis(seeAnalysis,cohort) Correlation (seePearsonproduct moment
Comparative-historicalresearch(seeResearch, correlation coefficient)
historical-comparative) Correlation study (seeResearch,cross-sectional)
Composing (seeWriting, processof) Covariation (seeAssociationof variables)
Computer-assistedtelephoneinterviewing Cover sheetin surveyresearch,184, 198
(CATI), 194-195, t98 Covert research(seeResearch,covert)
Computer software (seealsoHypertext) Credibility of membersin field research,294
for qualitative data,340-342 Critical socialscience,44
for quantitative data,272 Criticism in historical research,external and
Concepts internal,3l6,326
building blocks of theory 26 Cross-overdesign (seeExperimental design,
classifications,27 , 45 cross-over)
clusters,27,45 Cross-sectional(seeResearch,cross-sectional)
cross-cultural(seeEquivalence,conceptual) Cross-tabulation,259-263,273
scope,28 Curvilinear relationship (seeRelationship,
Conceptualization,I I 1-1 15, 139,329-330 curvilinear)
suB .fE cr IN D E X 395

D validity (seeValidity, in field research)

Editing (seeWriting, processof)
Data,7,22 Effect
qualitative, 7, 16,2L-22 context,in surveyresearch, 182-184'198
quantitative, 7, 16,2012 halo,6,22
cleaning,250 Hawthorne,217-218, 223
entry,248-250 history internal validity threat, 2I3, 218,
records,248-250 223
Data analysis instrumentation, internal validity threat' 207,
qualitative, 328-342 2lr
quantitative, 248-272 interaction,214
Debrief,206,2I9,222 LakeWobegon,6L
Deception,53,207,219,222,301 (seealsoEthics) mai n,210
Deductive maturation, internal validity threat, 214' 218,
reasoning(seeExplanation, deductive) 223
theory (seeExplanation, deductive) order ofsurveyquestions,182,198
Definition testing,internal validity threat, 214,218
conceptual,1i 1-1 i5, 139 wording of surveyquestions,181,198
operational, lI2-1I5, I39 Elaboration paradigm, 265-267, 273
theoretical111-1 15, 139 Empathy in field research(seeVerstehen)
Descriptive Empirical
question (seeQuestion, descriptive) evidence,7, 22, 25,35' I 15
research(seeResearch,descriptive) generalization,3 l-32, 46
statistics(seeStatistics,descriptive) hypothesis(seeHypothesis,empirical)
Design notation (seeExperimental design, Empty boxes (seeIllustrative method)
notation) Equivalence
Diagrams in qualitative data analysis in comparative r esearch, 322
flowchart, 339-340 conceptual,324-326
other,340 contextual,232-324, 326
Diffirsion of treatment as internal validity threat, lexicon, 322,326 (seealsoBacktranslation)
2t 5, 2t 8, 2 2 2 measurement,325-326
Direct-entry method (seeData, quantitative, Erosionmeasures(seeMeasures,erosion)
entry) Error (seealsoBias;Fallacy)
Direct-observationnotes (seeNotes, field) of reductionism (seeReductionism)
Direction of relationship (seeRelationship, sampling, 148-149, I5l, 164-165
negative,Positive) of segregation ,353, 359
Dissertations,Ph.D., 8, 74-7 5 TypeI, II,270-27I,273
Double-barreledquestion (seeQuestion, double- Ethics,2,13,48-65
barreled) in experimentalresearch,207,221--222
Double-blind experiment (seeExperiment' in field research,301-302
double-blind) in historical-comparativeresearch,325
Double-negative(seeQuestion, double-negative) in nonreactive r esearch,245
in survey resear ch, 196-197
E Ethnography, 276-27 8, 302
Ecological Ethnomethodology, 277-27 8, 302
falTaq (seeFallacy, ecological) Evaluation research(seeResearch,evaluationi
396 s uB J E c r tN D E x

Evidence,empirical (seeEmpirical, evidence) Explanatoryresearch(seeResearch,

Exchangetheory(seeTheory exchange) explanatory)
Executivesummary 351, 359 Exploratory research(seeResearch,exploratory)
Existin g statistics,2 7--22 Externalconsistenry(seeConsistenryin field
Expectanry,experimenter,2 15 research,external)
Experiment, 20I-223 (seealsoExperimental, External criticism (seeCriticism in historical
research) research,external)
double-blind,2t5-216, 222 External validity (seeY alidity, external)
group, 204J05,223 F
mortality, internal validity threat, 214, 2lg, Fallary
ecological,97-98, I02, I07
posttest,205-209,223 ethnographic,294, 302
pretest,205-209,223 of misplacedconcreteness,240, 246
research,20, 22, 200-223 ofnonequivalence,99
treatment,205,208,2I2, 2lg, 223 Feminist research(seeResearch,feminist)
Experimental design,207 Field (seealsoField research)
classical,207-209, 222 experiment (seeExperiment, field)
cross-over,56,65 site,280-281,302
equivalenttime series,209- 210, 213,223 Field research , 2112,276-302
factorial, 210, 213, 223 comparative,319-320
interrupted time series,209, 213,223 comparedwith historical-comparative,
Latin square,2I0, 2I3, 223 307-309
not at ion,212,2 I3 ,2 2 2 focusingin,295196
one-group pretest-posttest,209_209,213 interviews (seeInterview, field)
one-shot casestudy, 208109, 213, 223 overinvolvement in, 282, 286, 303
preexperimental, 207-208, 223 presentationof self in, 283
quasi-experiment, 208-209, 223 rapport in,284-285
Solomon four-group, 2I0-2I3, 223 roles in. 285-287
static group comparison, 209109, 213 samplingin,295-296
two-group posttest-only,2 13 small favors in,286
Explanation, 34-35 Findings, suppressionof(see Sponsorsof
alternative,34-36 (seealsoHlpothesis, research,ethical concerns)
alternative) First-order interpretation (seeInterpretation,
causal,35-39,45 first-order)
deductive, 29-30,46 Floater in surveyresearch,180, l9g
idiographic,46 Focusgroups, 300, 303
inductive,30,46 Focusing(seeField research,focusing in)
interpretative, 40-41 Freewriting (seeWriting, processof)
nomothetic,4246 Frequenry
ordinary,35 distribution (seeStatistics,univariate)
pattern (seeElaboration paradigm) polygon (seeStatistics,univariate)
structural, 39-40 Functional theory $ee Theory, functional)
theoretical,35 Funnel sequencein questionnaires,182, l9g
T DEX 397

G Index
aslocation tool to find articles (seeAbstract, as
Galton's problem, 319-320, 326
location tool for articles)
Gamma (seeAssociationof variables,measures
asmethod of measuremenl,124-128,139
unweighted, 127
Gatekeeper,in field rcsearch,282
GeneralSocialSurvey(GSS),158,239-240,246 Indicator
"Go native" (seeField research,overinvolvement
multiple, 116-117,139
Grantsmanship, 357, 359 Inductive
Grounded theory (seeTheory grounded) approachto theory (seeExplanation,inductive)
GSS(seeGeneralSocialSurvey) reasoning(seeExplanation, inductive)
Guilty knowl edge(seeKnowledge, guilty) Inference
Guttman Scale(seeScale,Guttman) in content analysis,236
fr om nonreactive data,244
H samples,162-164
Halo effect (seeEffect,halo) Inferential statistics(seeStatistics,inferential)
Harm to researchsubjects,51-53 Informant in field research.299
Hawthorne effect (seeEffect, Hawthorne) Informed consent,5+-55, 66
Histogram (seeStatistics,univariate) Institutional ReviewBoard (IRB), 54, 59, 66, 358
Historical-comparativeresearch(seeResearch, Interaction effect (seeEffect,interaction)
historical-comparative) Intercoder reliability (seeReliability, intercoder)
Historiography, 312 Interlibrary loan service,73
History effect (seeEffect, history internal validity Internal
threat) consistency(seeConsistencyin field research,
HRAF (seeHuman Area RelationsFiles) internal)
Human Area RelationsFiles (HRAF),320,326 criticism (seeCriticism in historical research,
Hyper1.ert,342 internal)
Hlpothesis, 29,L07 validity (seeValidity, internal)
alternative,95,107 Internet (seealsoSurvey,web)
causal,92-93 usein literature search,80, 82-84
conceptual,113-115, 139 Interpretation
empirical,113-115, 139 first-order, 90, 107
null,93-95,107 second-order,90,L07
of secondarysources,historical-comparatite
I third-order, 90,107
Ideal type, 27-28, 46, 336-337 in trivariate data analysis (seeElaboration
analogiesin,337 paradigm)
contrast contexts,337 Interpretative socialscience(ISS),43-14
Idiographic explanation (seeExplanation, Interval-levelmeasures(seeMeasurement,ler"el<
ideographic) o0
Illustrative method, 338, 342 Interview
Independencein statisticalrelationship (see comparison of survey and ordinan-
Relationship,independence) conversation.190-191
398 s uB J Ec r T N D EX

Interview (continued) M
in cross-nationalsurveyresearch,32l
face-to-facesurvey,I 8g-1 90 Macro-level theory $ee Theory, macro-level)
field,296-299 Manifest coding (seeCoding in content analysis,
postexperimental,2Ig manifest)
scheduleof, 168,198 Maps (seealsoDiagramsin qualitative data
stagesof, 192 analysis)
survey, 190-194 social,292193 (seealsoSociograms)
telephone,188-189 spatial,292-293
training for,192-193 temporal, 292-293
IRB (seeInstitutional ReviewBoard) Marginals (seeTable,parts of cross-tabulation
Matching vs. random assignment,203-:204
T Maturation effect(seeEffect,maturation, internal
/ournals validity threat)
personal (seeNotes, field, personaljournal) Mean,25I-253, 273
scholarlyarticles,9, 7 I-7 4, 76-7 9 Measurement,108-129
levelsof, 722-124, 139,264
validity (seeY alidity, measurement)
Knowledge Measures
explicit,277 accretion,225-226. 246
guilty,301-302 of association(seeAssociationof variables,
questionsin surveys,176-177 measuresofl
tacit,277 of central tendency (seeMean;Median;Mode)
unobtrusive (seeResearch,nonreactive)
of variation (seeStandarddeviation)
Lake Wobegon effect (seeEffect,Lake Wobegon) Media m1ths, 4-7
Lambda (Associationof variables,measuresof) Median, 251-253,273
Latent coding (seeCoding, in content analysis, Member
latent) in field research,267
Latin squaredesign(seeExperimental design, validation (seeYalidity,in field research)
Latin square) Micro-level theory $ee Theory,microlevel)
Layout (seeQuestionnaire,layout of) Milgram Obediencestudy, 51, 53
Level Missing data
of analysis(seeAnalysis,level of) in existingstatisticsresearch,249
ot measurement(seeMeasurement,levelsofl in index construction, 127
of significance(seeStatistical,significance) Mode,25I-253, 273
Lexicon equivalent(seeEquivalence,lexicon) Mortality, experimental (seeExperimental
Likert Scale(seeScale,Likert) mortality, internal validity threat)
Literature (seealsoJournals,scholarlvarticles) Multiple
reviews,69-7 1, 79-80, 82, 107 indicators (seeIndicator, multiple)
Logic regression(seeRegression,multiple)
of disconfirming hypothesis,g3-94 (seealso sorting procedure, 339-340
Hypothesis,null) Mutual exclusiveness(seeVariables,mutually
of historical-comparativeresearch,306_3l0 exclusive)
Outlining (seeWriting, Processo0
Overgeneralization, 6, 22
mode of qualitative data analysis335-336'342'
355 Panelstudy, I7-I9,22
National Opinion ResearchCenter (NORC)' 8' Paradigm,4142,46
239-240 Parameterof population , L47, l5l, 165
National ResearchAct, 59 Paraphrase,348,359
Natural history, 295, 335, 354 Partials,tablesin trivariate analysis'265-267,
Naturalism, 278,303 273
Negativerelationship (seeRelationship,negative) Participant observationin field teseatch,287
Notinal-level measures(seeMeasurement'levels Pearsonproduct moment correlation coefficient,
of) 37.264
Nonresponsein surveyresearch,186 Peerreview (seeBlind peer review)
NORC (seeNational Opinion ResearchCenter) Percentagedtable (seeCross-tabulation)
Normal distribution, 253 (seeako Skewed Percentile,254
distribution) Ph.D. (seeDissertations, Ph'D')
Normalize, in field research,286,303 Pie chart (see univariate)
Norming (seeStandardization) Pilot
Notes study,117
analytic notes/memos,291-292, 302,332-334 test,179,219
fie\d.289-294 Placebo,216-223
direct observati on, 289-292, 303 Plagiarism, 49, 66, 348,359
inference'291 Population, 146,165
jotted,289-290, 303 hidden,160-161,165
personaljournal, 29I-292 parameter (seeParameterof population)
personal,289-294 special,55-56,66
Nuremburg Code, 59-60 target,146,165
o PPS(seeSampling,probability proportionate to
Precisionin statisticalrelationship,
in field research,287
Precoding (seeCoding in quantitative
structured, 228,246
One-shot casestudy (seeExperimental design'
Prediction, 34-35,46
one-shot casestudY)
Open coding (seeCoding, in qualitative research'
Premature closure, 6, 22
Ouerationalization'I 12-115' 139
Pretest,improving measures'll7 (seeako
Optical scansheets(seeData, quantitative'
Principal investigator (PI)' 358-359
Oral history, 314,326
Principle ofvoluntary consent,53' 59,66
Ordinal-level measures(seeMeasurement'levels
400 s uB JEc r rN D E X

Probability,24 Range
proportionate to size(seeSampling,probability in statistics,253,273
proportionate to size) in theory (seeTheory, range)
theory (seeTheory, probability) Rates(seeStandardization)
Probes,179,192-193,1,98 Ratio-levelmeasures(seeMeasurement,
Proofreading (seeWriting, processof) levelsof)
Proposition (seeTheory,proposition in) RDD (seeRandom Digit Dialing)
Pseudosurvey(seeSurvey,pseudo) Reactive(seeReactivity)
Publicopinion (seeResearch, survey) Reactivity,54,2L7,223
Purposivesampling (seeSampling,purposive) Recall,aiding respondent, 173-174
Recollections, 3I4, 326
in contentanalysis,223-225,246
Qualitative data(seeData, qualitative) in quantitative data analysis,248--250
Quantitative data (seeData, quantitative) Reductionism,gS-99, I02, 107
Question Refusals,in surveyresearch(seeNonresponse,in
closed-ended,177-178,198 surveyresearch)
contingency,17l-172,198 Regression
contrast, 298,302 multiple, 266-267
descriptive,298,302 statistical(threat to internal validity),2ls
double-barreled,171,198 Relationship
double-negative,I73 bivariate,257-263
full-filter, 179, I98 causal,35-39
leading,lT2 curvilinear,258,262
loaded,lT2 direction,258
matrix, 185-186,198 form ol 258
open-ended,177-179,198 independence,257-258,273
order(seeEffect,orderofsurveyquestions) linear,37,258-259,262,273
partially open, 179, 198 negative,39, 46, 258
quasi-filter,180,198 nonlinear,258
research(seeResearch, question) positive,39,46,258
slop,77I-1.72, 198 precision in (seePrecisionin statistical
standardformat,180*181,i98 relationship)
structural, 298*299, 303 recursive,37
threatening, 175-L78, 198 theory,in,29
Questionnaire,169 Reliability, II5-117, LI9-120, 139
layout of, 181-185 in existingstatisticsresearch,243-244
length of, 18 1-182 in field research,294-295
mail, 186-188 intercoder,230
relation to validity, 120-I2l
Replication (seealsoElaboration paradigm)
of other'smeasures.117
Random ofresearchfindings,42,46
assignment,202-204,223 Requestfor Proposals(RFP),356,359
number table,148,153,165 Research
sampling,148*149,161,165 academic,IL-I3,2L
RandomDigit Dialing (RDD), 158-159,165 action,13,22
suB JE C rTN D E X 4{tl

Research(continued) convenience,142-143, 165

applied,Ll-13,22 deviantcase,145,165
bas ic 11-
, 13, 2 1 distribution, 149-151,165
casestudy,l8-19,20, 22,306 element, L46, L65
covert, 54 error (seeError, sampling)
cross-section al, 17-18, 22 extremecase,145,165
descriptive,L5-L6,22 field research(seeField Research,sampling in)
evaluation, 12-13,22 frame,I46-L47, L5l-I52,155, 165
existingstatistics(seeExisting statistics) haphazard, | 42- | 43, | 65
experimental (seeExperimental,research) interval,l5l-154, 16l, 165
explanatory L5-16,22 judgmental,I42-I43, 165
exploratory 15-16,22 nonprobability, | 41, 765
feminist, 14,336 nonrandom,I4l, 765
field (seeField research) probability (seeRandom, sampling)
fraud in (seeScientific,fraud) probability proportionate to size (ppS),
historical-comparative,2I--22, 305-326 157-158,165
longitudinal, 17-I8, 22 purposive,I42-I43, 165
nonreactive,225-246 quota,742, 165
path ratio, 146,151,165
linear,85,107 sequential,I45,165
nonlinear,85,107 simple random (seeRandom, sampling)
problem,86-88, 101-103 size,I6L-I62
proposal, 355-359 snowball, 144-145,165
quantitative and qualitative comparcd, 7, 20, stratified, 152-154,161, 165
86-88 systematic, 151-154,161,165
question,86-88, 101-103 Scale,124-125, I28-I39
report, 344 (seeako Writing, organization of) BogardusSocialDistan ce,132-135, 139
secondaryanalysis(seeAnalysis,secondary) Guttman,135-139
social,2,22 Likert, 129-132,139
survey,20,22, 167-798 semanticdifferential,135-136,139
time series,L7-I8,22 Scalogramanalysis(seeAnalysis,scalogram)
Respondents,167 Scattergram,257-258, 273
Response, 130-131,181,198 Scholarlyjournals (see|ournals, scholarh
in surveyresearch,186 articles)
Revising(seeWriting, processof) Science,7
Rewriting (seeWriting, processofl Scientific
RFP (seeRequestfor Proposals) community, 7-9,22
Rho (seeAssociationof variables,measureso0 fraud,49,66
Running records,226,314,326(seea/soExisting method, S-9,22
statistics) misconduct, 4849,66
account (seeInterpretation, second-orderI
Sampling Selective
accidental,142-143,165 coding (seeCoding in qualitative researcb"
cluster,154-158,161,165 selective)
content analysis,233 observation(seeObservation,selecth-e
4O 2 s uBJ Ec r T N D E X

Semanticdifferential (seeScale,semantic
web, 187-189
Separationof inference(seeInference,
separation Symbolic interactionism (seeTheory,symbolic
Skeweddistribution, 253_254,273
Systematicsample (seeSampling,systematic)
impact assessment,14_15.22
indicator (seeIndicator,social) T
Solomon four-group design (seeExperimental
in bivariate statistics(seeCross_tabulation)
partsof cross-tabulationtable,260,273
Sourcesin historical research
primary, 312-317, 326
Tau (seeAssociationof variables,measures
secondary314_316,326 ofl
Tearoom Trade study, 52_53,57
Specialpopulations (seepopulation,
special) Telephoneinterviewing (seeInterview, telephone)
Specificationpattern (seeElaborationparadigm)
Temporal order (seeCausal,temporal order)
Sponsorsof research,,
6 l_63" Text in content analysis,227, 246
Spuriousness , 37,99_102,I07, 263,322 Theoreticalframeworks,32_33
Standardization, !27 -129, I39
causal(seeExplanation, causal)
Statistic(contrastedwith parameter),
147,165 conflict,33
regression(seey alidity, internal)
functional, 32-33, 40,46
grounded, 3I, 46, gg, 309
validity (seey alidity,statistical)
, level of 33
StatisticalAbstractof the (Jnited States, _23g,
237 macro-level,34, 46
micro-level, 33, 46
bivariate,257J65, 269,273
descriptive,25lJ6g, 273
inferential, 162, 765, 16g17 I
probabiliry 148_149
univariate,251157, 269,273
proposition in,29,46
Stepsin research,9-10
rational choice,33
explanation (seeExplanation, structural)
fu nctionalism (seeTheory,structural
structural functional, 32_33,40,46
question (seeeuestion, structural)
Stylein writing, 345
symbolic interactionism, 33
Successive approximation, 337_33g,342
Threateningquestion (seeeuestion, threatening)
Suppressionof researchfindings,62_63
Time series
equivalentdesign(seeExperimental design)
interrupted design (seeExperimental d.rrg"l
research(seeResearch,time series)
Tone in writing, 345,353

Tradition, asalternativeto science,4 dependent,I07,205

Treatment in experiments(seeExperimental discrete,122-123, I39
design) exhaustiveattributes, 125,139, 173, 314
Trivariatetables(seeTable,trivariate) independent, gI-92, 107(seealsoExperimental
Tlpe I, II error (seeError, Type I' II) design)
intervening, 92, I07
mutually exclusive,125, 139, 173, 314
suppressor(seeElaboration paradigm)
U Variance (seeStandarddeviation)
Unbiased,203 Variation, concomitant (seeAssociationof
Understanding (seeVerstehen) variables)
Unidimensio nality, L25,739 Verstehen(empatheticunderstanding) 44, 46,
Unit of analysis(seeAnalysis' units o0 285
Universal Declaration of Human Rights' 60 Voice, in writing, 350
Unobtrusive measures(seeResearch,nonreactive)
Unweighted index (seeIndex, asmethod of w
Web survey (seeSurvey, web)
Weighted index (seeIndex, as method of
V Whistle-blower, 61,66 .
Validity, ll5-12r,139 Wording effects(seeEffect,wording of survey
concurrent,l18,139 questions)
content,118,139 Writer's block, 349
criterion, 118' 139 Writing, organization of, 345-354
external, l2L, 139,216-2L8 in field researchreports, 302, 352-355
face,118-120,139 in historical-comparativeresearch,354-355
in field research metaphor,350
competent insider' 295 outlines, 345-346
ecological,295,302 in quantitative researchreports, 35L-352
member valid ation, 295, 303 Writing, processof
natural history 295 composing, 348-349
internal, l2l, 139,212-216, 2I9 editing,349,359
measurement,115,i 18' 139,t64 freewriting,349
predictive,i 18-l 19, 139 prewriting, 348,359
relation of reliability to, lL9-120 revising, 349,359
statistical,12l rewriting, 349-351, 359
typesof, 121
Value freedom,42,64
Variables,107 Z
attributesof,91, 107
continuous, 122-123,139 Zimbardo Prison Experiment, 51, 53
control, 37, 263-268,273 Zoom lens, 302,352-355
defined,91 Z-scorc,255-256,273

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