Jordan Technologyprogramadministratorreport

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Technology Program Administrator Report

Moore Elementary School

Prepared by: Jana Jordan
FRIT 7739
Part A: Program Evaluation

Executive Summary

The Moore Elementary School Media Center prides itself on its mission of supporting

teachers, students, and staff with effective research and resource materials, as well as, promoting

reading for pleasure. It has undergone a huge transformation of improvements this year, with

much needed upgrades, such as, technology and furniture as well. The goal this year was to

create a more inviting environment for all patrons entering the Media Center. In the previous

years, this was not the case. This was my first year not only as a Media Specialist, but also at

Moore Elementary, therefore, it was very exciting to bring in new ideas to help promote reading

and encourage technology use. One of the first orders of the year, was that of Promethean Panels

for all grade 3-5 teachers. We also ordered a Panel for the Media Center. When I arrived, the

walls were freshly painted all white, but very bare. Coming straight out of a very colorful

classroom, I knew exactly what we needed to spruce things up. We ordered flexible seating, new

bookshelves, tables, and chairs. I was privileged to receive a $4,000 budget for new books. The

students were thrilled! Several of Moore’s book needed to be weeded due to their age. I also

added several colorful quotes, a lamp, and stuffed animals all around to create a very kid-friendly

and conducive environment for learning.

As a first year Media Specialist, I am very well aware of my areas for growth. We have a

school technician that I work very closely with in learning the ins and outs of technology and

device repairs. Also, currently being enrolled in an Instructional Technology Master’s Program,

will further strengthen my knowledge and skills to ultimately provide the best service to

students, faculty, and staff.

Organizational Chart

The following illustration displays the organizational structure of the Moore Elementary

Media Center. The Griffin Spalding County district level personnel are also included and their
Griffin-Spalding County
Schools Superintendent
Dr. Jim Smith

Griffin-Spalding County Griffin-Spalding County

Schools Deputy Schools Director of
Superintendent Elementary Education
Dr. Kiawana Kennedy Dr. Norman Sauce

Griffin-Spalding County Moore Elementary School

Schools Director of
Technology Principal
Lonny Harper Dr. Gloria Brodie

Griffin-Spalding County
Schools Instructional Moore Elementary School
Moore Elementary School
Technology Coach Media Specialist
(Elementary) Teachers
Jana Jordan
Robin Harris


This evaluation was conducted using a variety of different methods including interviews,

observations, questionnaires, and surveys. My principal interviewed me as the Media Specialist,

(Appendix A) and questionnaires were used when interviewing the teachers (Appendix B).

Students were also distributed surveys (Appendix C). Finally, there a series of observations

conducted while being in the media center and having daily interactions with teachers (Appendix

D). The questions asked were centered on the context and goals, in addition to, technology

resources available.

Center Context and Goals

History: Moore Elementary School is a one of twelve elementary school located in the

small city of Griffin, Georgia. The school was first opened in 1976 offering classes from 1st-6th

grade. It was named after pastor of the 8th Street Baptist Church, Rev. John Henry Moore. Over

the course of several years, the school transitioned to the traditional Pre-Kindergarten to Fifth

Grade classes. The school’s media center has always been located in the front of the school,

which signifies its importance. Although, there have been several renovations since Moore first

opened. Originally it was just the library, however there are additional rooms that are accessible

in what is now called the Moore Media Center. In 2018, a Media Production Room, the Parent

Liaison office, Broadcasting Room, and a Data Room was added to the media center. Our media

center serves as the learning hub of the school. As the media specialist, my goal is to encourage

collaboration from students and faculty, alike. Presently at Moore, we promote an open and

welcoming environment for learning daily. The media center services teachers and students

throughout the entire school day, before and after school. It has truly become the heart of the

school. Today, it serves 393 students in grades Pre-K-5th.

Mission: The mission of the Moore Elementary School is to provide students with the

opportunity to become not only lifelong users of information, but also creators of information. The

library will support the curriculum by collaborating with teachers, developing a collection that is

representative of the community, and implementing information literacy instruction for students

while providing a quality character and standards-based education. The school’s vision is to be a

distinguished community of learners who are responsible global thinkers with 21st Century

Skills. With the mission and vision being in mind, the Media Center has become an essential part

of all instructional programs.

Stakeholders and Personnel: This learning hub serves as a vital resource for all

stakeholders. Moore’s stakeholders provide the glue for success. The Media Center stakeholders

are students, parents, faculty, staff, administration, and, of course, the community. The Media

Specialist works together with the administration team to ensure the stakeholders’ needs and

requests are being met daily. Along with running circulation and cataloguing books, the Media

Specialist also teaches library classes ranging from Pre-K -5th grade, manages the numerous

programs offered by the media center, and promotes literacy and a love of reading for students

and staff.


1. Foster a life-long love of reading.

2.  Collaborate with teachers to fully integrate the media program into the school’s


3. Offer a diverse and updated collection to meet the learning and literacy needs of all

students and staff.

4.  Support the school-wide goal of educating, encouraging, and supporting our students in

the achievement and long-term goal of high school graduation.

Duties and Responsibilities: Primarily food, drinks, gum or candy aren’t

permitted in the media center. However, the one exception is during PBIS celebrations

students often have popcorn in the media center as a part of the “Popcorn and a Movie”

celebration.  Students are not required to be in total silence, but it is requested to use their

“inside voices” while checking out books, or collaborating with peers. The Media

Specialist is responsible for the operations within the media center, but also

communicating with faculty and staff. In addition to the primary duties and
responsibilities of the position, the media specialist also has a morning duty of

monitoring the front entrance of the building. Moore unfortunately doesn’t have a Media

Clerk to assist with daily operations like book circulations, the shelving of books, book

orders, device distribution and device repairs. As previously mentioned, this is my first

year as the media specialist at Moore, however, administration, faculty, students, and

stakeholders have raved tremendously on the welcoming and inviting environment that is

now in place in the Media Center.

Center Activities

The Moore Elementary School Media Center is open to students and faculty daily

from 8:00am -3:00pm daily. The media center provides many activities throughout the

school year alongside general check-out. All K-5 students participate in a reading

program called Raz Kids. Raz-Kids is an award-winning teaching product that provides

comprehensive leveled reading resources for students. Kids access their leveled text

through an interactive learning portal designed to keep them motivated and engaged. This

is our first year using Raz and the students, as well as the teachers enjoy it so far.

The media center hosts monthly “Cub of the Month” celebrations. This is a

recognition of all students showing exemplary character for that particular month. The

administration team assists with its production led by the school counselor. Parents are

also welcomed to come and support their students. Students receive a certificate and a

gift bag for their excellent efforts.

The media center also hosts annual Literacy Day Poetry Recitations as well as the

Schoolwide Spelling Bee. We are so happy to showcase outstanding student literacy

achievements in our annual Literacy Days Competitions. Students are able to compete in poetry

recitation, drama, and writing competitions. The media specialist also facilitates the School

Spelling Bees and determines who will advance to the district level bee. It then feeds into a

regional or state bee for a chance to go to the National Spelling Bee. Students practice with the

media specialist in the media center using the National Scripps List.

The media center hosts an annual book fair that is supported by the entire school and

community. Customers support the school by purchasing a variety of books, posters, and other

whatnots available. The media specialist, other support staff and a few parent volunteers put in

hard work to ensure the book fair is a pleasurable, fun, and successful event. This year the theme

was “Reading is Snow Cool!” The Media Center was transformed into a Winter Wonderland

where parents and teachers were offered hot cocoa and marshmallows daily and students were

offered a “Wintery Mix” of snacks each day. This year, Moore made its highest profit or any

other year.

The media center also is responsible for the Moore Morning News Show, which is the

daily news broadcast program. The news team has been modified since the beginning of the year

per the principal’s request. It now consists of three 4th grade students, who are awesome news

anchors. The news is recorded in the Broadcasting Room with a projector, camera, lights, and

news desk. Students recite the Pledge of Allegiance, the Kids for Character Pledge, and Moore

Motivational Chant each day, as well as, provide morning announcements. The broadcast is

recorded the day before so that as the media specialist, I can add embellishments, gifs, and video

edits needed to make the broadcast engaging for its audience.

The Moore Elementary School Media Center offers a safe, warm, and inviting learning

environment to all faculty, staff, students, and parents. Based on the data collected, the media

center has put in a lot of effort in successfully fulfilling its goals and following the mission

established by the Media Specialist and the Griffin-Spalding County School System. The Media

Specialist is working diligently to achieve the standards mentioned to exemplary in the goals

section. While speaking with students, they gave excellent reviews of the media center. They all

put that they enjoyed coming to media center and listed several explanations of why. The growth

or recommendation from the student’s perspective would solely be more time allotted in the

media center. They feel their teachers are not giving them enough time to visit. Although, I feel

students would like to hang out in the media center all day, that is impossible in order to be in

class during instruction. We could recommend that classes visit more often to meet the request of

the students. A few students also requested more new books. Therefore, in the beginning of the

next school year, if budget allows the media center will put in a request for new books. Upon

speaking with all the teachers, they are in agreeance that the Moore Media Specialist encourages

continual collaborative planning and support with teachers in each content area. The Media

Specialist has become very conversant about the collection of resources and materials that are

available for students and teachers. Teachers stated that it was very clear that the media specialist

has a true passion for reading and strives to instill that same love for reading into the students. It

truly is an inspiration to see students read outside of the box, or more challenging material than

they would normally read.  

As far recommendations, to improve the operations of the Media Center, there is a need

for new Chromebook carts. Although we are 1:1 device to students in grades 2nd-5th, it is

imperative to provide devices to ALL students K-5th. Kindergarten and first grade are currently
sharing devices, which at times can create a challenge. When speaking with the lower grades

teachers this was a concern. There are times when they all may need the Chromebook cart at the

same time. Moore Elementary would also benefit from Professional Development centered

around technology for staff and students. With the transition to a 21st century learning

environment, gone are the days that students are only completing paper and pencil assignments.

Therefore, students are required to produce work electronically through their assigned Google

Classroom, like Google Sites, Google Drawings, and Google Slides.  As the media specialist,

there have been numerous occasions that I have had to help students with their presentations or

even accessing their assignments.  Students are sent to me, because even teachers struggle with

certain Google Applications. So, training from our Instructional Technology Coach is

recommended for teachers and students alike. The Instructional Technology used to be very

present in the building and offering varying trainings on new technology. Creating these projects

and presentations digitally prepares students for future taskings they will complete in high school

and even college. This makes it near imperative for mastery. The more knowledge teachers

obtain of technology use, the more skills they can pass to their students.

Finally, in order to fully integrate the media program into the school’s curriculum, as goal

2 states, there is a need to supply resources for students and faculty for academic coursework.

Although there are many print resources accessible in the Moore Media Center, there are not as

many non-print resources to choose from. This first year was a year of transition, being that

almost half the staff is new to the school. However, this is definitely something we plan to

address in next school year’s budget. The surveys revealed that the media center has done well

facilitating lessons on how to research using books, but the consensus is that more should be

done to utilize online research tools. Being that we are moving towards everything becoming
digital in education, implementing lessons to teach students how to search for reliable sources of

information online.

Appendix A
Media Specialist Interview Questions:

1. Please describe a brief history of the media center.

2. Does your media center have a mission statement? If so, what is it?

3. What are the goals of the center?

4. Can you provide a brief description as your role in the school as a media specialist?

5. Who are the stakeholders of Moore Elementary School?

6. Can you provide a brief description of any activities that are hosted by the media specialist or media center?

8. As the media specialist, do you feel you offer support to faculty and staff?

9. What resources in the media center are available to students and staff?

Appendix B

Appendix C

Appendix D
Part B: Monthly Brag Sheet

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