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[00:00] Intro to Stranger Things

[02:45] The Story So Far

[04:40] “Piles of Blood and Flesh Crawling”
[07:48] Raising the Stakes
[11:05] Cold War Nostalgia
[14:51] All Grown Up
[19:17] Splitting Up the Gang
[21:43] Stranger Things 4
[24:19] Who is the American?
[26:58] Stranger Things Spin-Off?
[31:12] Intro to Special
[33:11] Thoughts on the Minisode Format
[36:33] Intersectionality
[41:24] Gay Pool Party/The Women of Special
[45:35] Codependence & Parenting
[51:34] Sex & Disability
[54:43] Season 2?

Stranger Things
John Carpenter
David Cronenberg
Dungeons & Dragons
The Thing
Alexei Funko Pop! Figure
I’m Special: And Other Lies We Tell Ourselves

C: Hello.
B: Hi.
C: This is “Queeks.”
B: Yeah.
C: I'm Cody.
B: I’m Ben.
C: Thanks for listening.
B: Thanks.
C: How are you, Ben?
B: Good. It's hot. It's summer.
C: It’s very hot.
B: Good lord.
C: We’re recording this in the middle of this heat wave.
B: Yes, the heat dome.
C: And it's miserable.
B: Yeah. No, it's gross.
C: But hopefully we'll be able to cope for the length of this episode and no longer. So we're
talking about two Netflix shows today, which is so convenient because I just sat at home and
watched them instead of having to, like, go seek things out.
B: I didn’t have to spend any money.
C: Yeah, true.
B: And it's not even my Netflix.
C: Not mine either.
B: Whose Netflix are you on?
C: My mom’s.
B: Oh, mine’s my sister’s.
C: We trade off accounts for different things.
B: What does she get of yours?
C: I pay for Hulu and HBO.
B: Nice.
C: And my sister's gonna pay for Disney.
B: Oh, very nice.
C: Very excited.
B: I'll be the Disney one in the family.
C: So we watched “Special,” which premiered earlier this year on Netflix. So we'll talk about that
a little later. But then first, we watched what everyone has been watching on Netflix, apparently,
and not surprisingly, “Stranger Things.”
B: Yeah.
C: Season 3.
B: Season 3! So the first season was on in 2016. This is the third season now. Created by the
Duffer brothers, who apparently had been working on the idea for the show for, like, years.
C: Really?
B: And had a very fleshed out idea of what they wanted to do, and it totally shows, at least from
the first season.
C: Yeah, that's apparent. They don't seem to be improvising much at all.
B: Yeah, there's like no loose threads. Everything is --
B: Jesus. Everything is perfect in that first season, especially.
C: Yeah, definitely.
B: And the whole series is kind of meant to be like a love letter to ‘80s sci-fi and horror.
C: Also very apparent.
B: Yes, just a bit. So, you know, tons of nods to Stephen King, Steven Spielberg. Who are the
C: Well, this season specifically, I think there's a lot of --
B: John Carpenter.
C: Yeah, Carpenter. Cronenberg.
B: Cronenberg.
C: All that kind of stuff.
B: Yeah, it's pretty crazy. Basically, the show, if you haven't watched it before, first of all,
spoilers, as always.
C: Also, who are you? Because it seems like literally everyone has watched it.
B: Everyone on Earth.
C: At least, according to Netflix. I mean, they said that they -- like, the amount of people that had
watched this entire season immediately was massive. Like, they had record numbers.
B: That checks out.
C: Yeah.
B: 100%. So if you haven't seen it, we’re confused by you. But if you have seen it, this won't
mean anything, but --
B: Jesus.
C: Ben's got whooping cough.
B: I do, yeah. I caught it. So the show is basically about these malevolent forces from another
dimension called the Upside Down leaking into our world and causing all kinds of shenanigans.
Season 1 was kind of a smaller scale big bad, in terms of the villain. It was the Demogorgon,
who was, like, a flower-faced people eater that can jump between dimensions.
C: If you haven't seen it, flower-faced is kind. What he means by that is that the face opens up
like the petals of a flower, but contains teeth and viscera and all sorts of horror.
B: Yeah, it's terrifying.
C: It is pretty is gross.
B: But also awesome.
C: Mm-hmm.
B: Then season 2 definitely ramped up the stakes, kind of all the way, I would say, maybe
C: For sure.
B: Introducing the new big bad, which was the Mindflayer, who kind of seems like the boss of
the Upside Down dimension?
C: Possibly, yeah.
B: I would think so.
C: As far as we know.
B: Yeah, he's like a Lovecraftian tornado monster spider.
C: And all of these names for these monsters are based on the kids from the series, who play
“Dungeons & Dragons” a lot in the beginning, basing the names on monsters from “Dungeons &
B: Exactly.
C: Which is pretty neat and very ‘80s.
B: Yes, it is. And we also sometimes have played “Dungeons & Dragons.”
C: Sure, but never encountered either the Demogorgon or the Mindflayer.
B: No, yeah, which is kind of interesting. But then this season, they almost ramped the stakes
down a bit/planted them more in reality. So the Mindflayer in Season 2 was trapped in the
Upside Down, but was controlling one person, Will Byers, in our home dimension. This season
we see the Mindflayer controlling way more people, who are referred to as the Flayed, and also
creating, like, a flesh avatar.
C: This was -- I love that they went more -- I mean, it's always been very ‘80s. This was very
much “The Thing,” is what it reminded me of mostly.
B: Yes.
C: Very much just sort of body horror.
B: Oh, yeah.
C: Just gore and a lot of things, which sometimes is not that great, but I love this kind of thing
where it's just disgusting.
B: It was, yes.
C: I mean, there are rats exploding and people exploding and melting.
B: And people falling into puddles of flesh.
C: And then all of that matter congealing into, like, big monsters.
B: Yes, a big ‘ole spider.
C: Which is just gross. And they really went for it. I mean, they didn't shy away from any of that
at all. There's a lot of extended shots this season of just, like, a pile of blood and flesh crawling.
B: Yes, there are.
C: It's revolting.
B: It's disgusting.
C: And I loved it.
B: Oh yeah, it was super entertaining. I enjoy some gore in horror. I think there's definitely such
a thing as too much gore, but then there's also such a thing is so much gore that it becomes,
like, awesome rather than just gross.
C: It’s certain types for me. The “Saw” movies don't really appeal to me, just like seeing
someone get mutilated. But this, or like “The Thing,” just where it's like, we're gonna shoot gross
tentacles out of every inch of this thing's body, and then it'll explode, that's awesome. Like, why
would that happen?
B: Yes.
C: It’s fantastic.
B: The fact that it’s not based on anything that could realistically happen, maybe.
C: Yeah, I think that makes it better because it's still gross, and it's still stuff that we know
because it's all, like, body tissue, but you're not just seeing someone get torn apart or -- yeah,
it's different. It's still surreal enough to not be unsettling.
B: Right.
C: I think.
B: Yeah, no, totally. And then the other common thread through all the seasons, and this is still
present in this one, is a telekinetic little girl named Eleven, who's wonderful. Millie Bobby Brown,
who's also in “Godzilla.”
C: Yes, and the next “Godzilla.”
B: And is going to be in the next “Godzilla,” yeah. So she, I would say she was probably the
breakout star.
C: Yeah, definitely. There's been a fair few of them because a lot of them have done other
B: Finn Wolfhard was also in “It.”
C: And is in the upcoming animated “Addam's Family” movie.
B: Is he?
C: Yeah, he's playing the little boy whose name escapes me.
B: Pugsley.
C: Yes, Pugsley, I love Addam's Family. The lithe family values two of my favorite movies,
Adam's family values, especially yet. But I, um I would say that Millie Bobby Brown is the break
out because I think she's got the most attention, deservedly, because her performance has to
be insane. It was. I mean, it was crazy in the first season because she was so young and seeing
a child actor. But that much of a performance up is pretty crazy. But then now I mean, they've all
aged a good bit random it sze She's still fantastic. So I think she's going to continue to do really
great stuff because she's clearly just very, very talented. Yeah, she is really good. Uh, so do you
think coming out of this season, you've seen both of the other seasons? Obviously when they
were first knew within probably the first week that they came out? Not quite that I've never
learned that extreme. I try not to enjoy it less, I think. Plus, it's more of a I don't want the weight
to be as long as it possibly can between service where I try and keep it toe like two episodes a
day at most second season took me like a couple weeks. I can't wait too long because then
people will talk about it and I'll hear something. But I try to extend it a little more than watching it
in like, two settings. That's fair. I was really late to the game on the first season. Second season
I watched probably over a period of a month and then this season Waas about a week. Yeah, I
did. I did spend about a week on this one because I know I mean, I knew this was coming up
also. I just knew that everyone had watched it all immediately. Yes, I was like, I got really Get on
this. I started seeing means within the first couple of days that I was like, I don't know what this
is. I don't like that I know that people like this. And so I was like, I just need any watch. Yeah, it
was It was a necessity this time, I think and probably will be for the, you know, whatever they do
next. So with the big bad of the flesh avatar and all the flayed people who are being controlled
by the mind flair, do you think that they did a good enough job raising the stakes this season.
Yes. Okay, Duke, I, uh I like the second season, but it's definitely it was a sort of a departure
because the 1st 1 was like a very physical monster that would take you in like you or whatever.
And then the 2nd 1 was sort of Maur ethereal, cause it's a big, giant smoke monster that can,
like, possess, you know, I think it's very cool. Yes, but this one, it sort of brings that into the real
world in a very disgusting way. And both in that it can still possess you, but also, you know,
explode you for parts. So, yeah, I do think the stakes were raised just because it's Maur. It was
a good bit more horrifying, I think. Yes. Then just having, you know, our friend is possessed and
we don't know what to do. Then you know there's a giant monster in the mall, E, I think more
than anything the fact that it was something tangible. Yeah, like the stakes. Obviously the
stakes were high for everyone because they didn't want Will Byers, who was possessed to die.
But it didn't ever really seem like most of the other people were in physical danger, apart from
when the Demodogs who had a hybrid between the Demodog in and a dog uh, that's the name
might imply when the Demodogs started to become present and kind of overrun the town, Yeah,
it was, it was more of a threat was coming from the other side rather than the threat is here now,
in this season and the ones the Demodogs showed up in season two, it was kind of turned into
like a what, Like alien to alien three. When is it that they all kind of like swarm all of those in a
morphs? Uh, probably aliens. Really? Probably because the 1st 1 was just the one. Yes. Would
you like some water? I would love a water fuck. So this season also saw much heavier
involvement from Soviet Russia. It was definitely touched on in the past. Sort of. The
implications of this psychic research was in order to spy on Russian slash, be ableto psychically
battle the Russians, which is a great premise for anything. But this season saw the Russians
take a much more central role in the plot Do you think that that worked as like an added human
enemy? Like, Do you think that it was needed? Maybe not needed. But it's, I mean, it's hard to
tell what exactly is needed in a show like this, but I definitely think it worked. I think the best
thing about the eighties focus with this show is that it's not just like one or two eighties tropes.
It's all of them once every so. This was just a new when they hadn't used yet with Spy Craft and
Russia and big, uh, soft spoken man with blond, flat top muscles that can stand a punch and
shoots guns like that. It was very eighties action. I was getting a lot of Terminator vibe. Yeah,
exactly. There's a lot of like it took a lot of action movie cues in this one, which it they haven't
really done much ports, mostly horror and sort of like family dramas and thinks Burnett so that
there was a lot of that, and I think it really worked that guy. It's so he was so eighty's just like big
muscle man with a with a machine gun, machine gun, foreign accent. Yeah, seemingly
unstoppable. And Russia, obviously is like. That's if it's in the eighties that the villain there could
literally be monsters tearing humans, apartments like those Russians. Which is exactly what
happened. Yes, Correct on. In fairness, they are tied together. Yes. In fairness, it was the
Russians bringing these problems into the world. Yeah, and I thought it was really well done it.
They fit in nicely. Like, of course, if someone else found out about this, then they want to get
around Rand, why not the Russians? Yes, on. We've got some really good characters out of it. I
mean, that action man. I don't know what his name was. He had a name. If they ever get home.
Action. Action man was good. Just because it was like, Oh, look, it's action, man. He's gonna
brunch. He's gonna Yep. And in Alexey was Oh, my God. A lot of really great character, Alexis,
What is fun? The breakout star of the season, particularly from Eames. I mean, Alexey was the
name that I was referring to before. Oh, right, Yes. I saw pictures of him being like he's too good
for our world. We didn't deserve pretty great. Which told me that he died. I did also love seeing
more of Brett Gilman's character. Oh, my God. Yes, I am. You know, crazy conspiracy theorists,
right? Slash fluent in Russian man right now because he'd he'd appeared in the last season.
Um, but just for, like, an episode or two. You know, uh, but it was really his character's really
fun. Yes. S o that Was it all sort of tied in Really nice. And that's kind of another trip of 80 stuff.
Like the wacky conspiracy theorist. Yeah. Lives in the trailer on the mountain and, uh, uses a
home made metal detector. We arrive at his home. Yes, which is amazing. Uh, yeah. I mean,
Lexi for me. I am mostly just waiting for an Alexei pop figure, which I know him realistically in my
heart, I know has to happen. But I made very nervous by the fact that I haven't seen one yet,
but I will be buying it as long as he's holding like a little slushy or something for P, right? Yeah. I
was working the hole Cherry strawberry debacle. Uh, so the season, in addition to kind of
introducing the Russians. I think, in my opinion, at least focused a lot more heavily on the
relationships of the kids to like we spent a lot of time talking about the romance on again, off
again between Mike and 11 Mike, who was one of the main kids looking for Will Byers when he
went missing in Season one and 11 The little telekinetic girl in addition to a few other
relationships here and there. Do you feel like that was better this time around that we got more
of that? I've heard some people say that they were kind of like bored by the focus on the human
relationships were like, I just want to see monster fighting I wasn't bored by. I think it makes
sense that these with the like age, it's focused on now that they've grown up a bit, and there
now you know, that's what they're focused on. So I mean, it made sense. Um, I think the way
they handled it was pretty nice. I think the standout relationship of the season was 11 and Max
yes, that was fantastic. I know seeing them seeing 11 1st of all, just being able to have a
friendship with another girl, right? Is nice because we really they didn't interact much at all in the
last season. No, um, and we didn't. I We just got to see more of max, which was nice and see
develop more. Um, I still think the only thing we may be we're lacking from her is we didn't get
much of her relationship with Billy. Yeah, her brother, which sort of hurt the end game of the
season. You know, we got from the last season that they didn't have a great relationship, right?
But it's still they didn't we didn't see them interact. Yeah, as much this season at all other than
when he was a monster. Yes. So And of course, you know, it makes sense that she'd be sad
and upset because it's her brother. But I feel like if we would have gotten more context about
their relationship and how it's she still cares about him. Even though he's kind of sucks, I feel
like that would have helped. Yeah, I mean, he definitely was kind of the human villain in Season
two. I think at least I don't necessarily know if I was expecting him to remain the human villain in
this season. I kind of thought they would re cast him as sort of a hero. Kind of the way that
Steve was, in a certain sense, the human villain, if season one and has obviously had quite the
character arc. I was expecting something similar from Billy, which we kind of got. I don't know
what I expected, Really. Not this. And no, I didn't expect this. I didn't expect him to be
possessed and then write murdered Sort of that. I mean, they start off the season continuing the
whole or deal with him and Mike's mom. Yes, just like really? You know, I think the whole time.
And then it was Go. No, this is just a way to get him possessed by this thing. Uh, because that
was, I think, one of the better moments of the second season just cause it was hysterical of, like
his mom reading the cheesy romance novel and then showing up at the door. It was all really
funny. But then when they kept going, I was like, Are they gonna make this the whole thing?
They were looking a faux throw. What they dated now, which I think is probably for the best.
Yes, it would. It would have taken the show somewhere else. It really would have be. It's Ah, I
guess I can't really think of what else? That cause I don't know that they could have. I mean, he
got redemption in this. I don't know that he could have gotten a full hey, seemed pretty messed
up. Yeah. I mean, we got flashes of his life, which I rightly likes that element. Had we we'd sort
of had that before when l touched her mom to try to, like, get her mom's backstory telepathically
when we'd had some of their We knew some of their past from Max talking about it and them
leaving California. But I don't think we knew exactly the details. And I don't know if we still totally
do. No way. We have a better picture, But no, it's still not totally so Maybe that will be part of
Max's journey. And the final season is something about why she left. Yeah, I think that would be
cool if I appreciate seeing more Max. I really like her director. I just think she fits in really well
with everyone. And, uh, they've done a good job. I think I'm making her her own character. She
wasn't just there to be, like 11 girlfriend. No, I mean, she has all her own stuff going on, so yeah,
yeah. Did you feel about the them being apart like, uh, them separating the gang? Oh, well, I
mean, that's I feel like that's kind of classic midway through the seriously thing to dio,
particularly when you think about like, Star Wars like it's very Episode five of the gang have split
up to search for clues. I think I worked perfectly. I mean, I think he gave us a chance to see
different relationships branch off in different directions, to see characters interact who didn't
necessarily always interact. We got a chance to Seymour of Steve and Dustin together, which is
always great, like a duo and a new character or two new characters with kind of had we seen hit
Lucas's sister before, so she was always in it, kind of in passing in the trailer for season two.
She was the one who was mouthing to him. You're a nerd. When they were taking their
Ghostbusters. Constant pictures. Oh, right, right, right. And that was that sibling. But she was
great because his little sister, um And then the pseudo love interest for Steve, which just within
find out is not because she likes girls. Yes, Which that's our show. It is. How convenient. You
know, uh, well, I thought that was great, though. It was it was sort of it. I didn't see it coming. No,
mainly because she had given this whole thing about how she, like, watched him. Yes, in
school. Which does? It sort of makes sense that she was sort of halfway covering for her actual
motive for watch him, which was that she was jealous of him wanting to be with him. But then
it's it. But it still works. And I love that there. They made it into him, having you know, just a
friend that's more his age. And not just Dustin, who's cool friendship, but it's They do make
several jokes throughout the season of him, like hanging out with children. How many friends do
you have children, right? It's a lot. Yeah. So that was nice. And she was really cool. She's really
smart and at sort of unique. I was really afraid that she was going to die because of the fact that
we were getting so attached to her. And I used to TV hurting me like that. True? Yeah. Now I
That could have easily happened, but it didn't. I'm really excited to see what they do with her
and really, all of the characters. I think it'll be awesome. So with that in mind, the Duffer brothers
have said they only really had four seasons planned. I know that the original story that they
have fought up years ago was mostly just season one. But when it got approved, my Netflix,
they were like, We have four stories we want to tell. And after that, that's it. So where do you
think that go from here? Um, season for But other than that, yeah, I it makes sense to me. It
does feel like you can only keep ramping up the stakes, but also continuing this specific story so
long without it feeling manufactured, which it hasn't yet. It'll felt pretty organic. Um, and then we
do. We still had that. You know, we had this tagline scene at the end Yes. Ah, with there being a
new immigrant looking thing, which I couldn't, I wasn't sure where that came from. Is that the bit
that crawled out of Elevens leg? It could be That's what was my thought. Just because it one
which they make a point of showing that crawling out and then running away, I assumed that it
was running away to crawl back to the flesh. Avatar. I did, too. At first we didn't see it merged
with the flesh, right and that. But now that we've had this other thing and because it also I'm this
might have been just in my head. I thought it looked at the end. The monster looked sort of
Maur human ish humanoid. So it could be like, Here's my spooky theory. Okay, Well, what's
your Sorry? It sounded like you were Well, just that it's it. Maybe it's part of her, too. Like that.
It's sort of humanoid ish. Oh, that it's, like kind of 11. Yeah, maybe even telekinetic. Possibly
telekinetic. Uh, but yeah, it just seemed like more of a more like a hybrid. Just what would be
interesting? And it's in the possession of the Russians which could be a whole thing. And I know
that. I mean, I assume they now have intel on these people that messed up their operation
there, so they would presumably want to get rid of them. Yes. I definitely assumed that the next
step would be weaponizing the technology or the weaponizing the the stuff from the Upside
Down. So, like, weaponizing the Mindflayer weaponizing the demag organs, which is kind of like
classic alien. I mean, isn't that literally? What the premise of alien was was that they had been
sent there to They didn't know it, but the crew had been sent there to bring back Yeah, busy. No
more creature so that they could be weaponized on earth like, yeah, so checks out to me. Um,
but my theory with the demo Gorgon at the end that we see in like, the stinger was one of the
lines that the Russians say when they bring the prisoners, take him to the American. Well, they
say, or someone going out there walk past one of the cells and the guy's about to open a has.
No, not the American. And they open a different. So I thought he said, Take him to the America
yet, not the American. So which tells us there is an American in that cell that we don't love,
which is Does this ruin your theory? Yeah. What was the theory? If if they had said, take him to
the American theme. Erica being this Demodog, Yes. I thought it was Hopper that he was the
difficult. Oh, that is a cool theory. But I don't know how much work in the what we know now that
I've learned my reading kind. Prevailing theories, though. Of course. We saw presumably
Hopper die, which we didn't actually see. No, we didn't. Which is notable because that's how TV
works, right? You should never, ever trust that a character is dead if you don't see them die. No,
um, if you don't do their corpse especial right there. Lifeless body. Right. And we didn't see any
of that. So there's speculation that it could be Hopper back there. I don't think they gave us any
information about how the Russians knew about any of this. Yeah, about the gate, about any of
it. The closest that we got was there were hints about them having similar research in Russia
with them finding out. But they didn't know they needed the location. They need to have a place
where it was that gate could open. They have the technology to open a gate, but they just didn't
have a gate to open on. Then I think they probably read in the news and stuff about what was
happening in Hawkins figure that looked like what they needed. Well, so there's there is as
tightly planted as the series has been, there is a loose thread in Ah Brenner, the 11th Papa like
scientists who was doing all these experiments, who is? We don't know that he's dead. That's
true. And actually, the Duffer brothers have hinted that he is not dead, who, because they're in
the second season. Someone tells 11 that he's alive us and we don't get confirmation of that.
But it's possible that they have him and that that's how they got all the information you know, so
he could be in there. I guess. Other loose threat is tthe e superhero team that we were almost
introduced to, right. I'm not sure that will get a whole lot more on those no, but that does kind of
bring up my next question, which is so they've said they want to end it after four seasons. I think
that's totally valid if it's popular enough, which I think it is. And it is one of their big hits. And like
we talked about earlier, not a miss. But in real life, Netflix, for the first time ever, has lost
subscribers in the U. S. They're total subscriber number has dropped, so I think they need hits.
Are they going to continue the show or do you think they might do a spinoff? What do you think?
I don't know. I feel like with the relationship they've had with the creators, I don't know that they
would try and do it like forced continuation. I would agree, but I think a spinoff is a decent
possibility and has a decent chance of working. Yes, because I think you can still keeps sort of
the bones of the show without having the same narrative. You don't need the same characters.
What if you did, you know, still dealing with the same issues of there being this, like other world
and stuff, but maybe do a story in the nineties. Reitman Doom or you know, something else with
it, right? That's possible. So I could see that happening decades. We have to see wait and see.
Um, but I'm not sure, but I'm I'm excited for the fourth season that we I mean, we talked about
Hopper dying, which was right. One handled very well. It was really I mean, that, you know, the
scene was 11 reading his letter. In the end, it was all very sad. I don't think he's dead. No, I
doubt it. Do you? I think he may have jumped into the gate. I don't know if you jumped into the
gate or if maybe the endgame of the gate technology was creating a portal, basically and that it
worked that time That what they what the team of children and Brett Gelman we're trying to do
was to sabotage the gate. But what they did instead was just making actually do what it was
supposed to do, which was active support, and that either might have sent them into the Upside
Down where they were then retrieved by the Russians or possibly just sent them through space
to another location in space, possibly to the location of another gate. Um, I'm not sure. Yeah, I if
presuming he's alive, I would assume that somehow they find out or get suspicion of this on the
next season. And then there's sort of a rescue mission type thing, and I don't. And then we
have, You know, we have the loose straight with the Russians and things. It'll be interesting. It's,
you know, the gang sort of separated again, more permanently. Well, whole squad is moving,
right. So I mean, Will is apart from the gang. Mike and 11 are separate. Nancy. And who is it?
Which I I've got to say of all of these. His name? David. I don't even know. I don't care. That's
that story line to me. Yes. And, Nancy, I don't care about you in the slightest. I just don't do
prefer Nancy and Steve. No, I don't, actually. Yeah, a little bit. Steve. Better a better person. I
don't know. I I was always uncomfortable with the way they were paired in the first season. Like,
Oh, he's creepy taking pictures of you for a window, but he's a sweet guy like no crew no heart
of gold. Yeah, that's exactly it. I never bought it. And they don't really, I just I don't know. It's he
didn't do much season except for being like, I don't know, Nancy. And it's like E. So I didn't tell
her about opening. Lied during their whole relationship. Is it not a concern of mine? I just don't
That's I think, the plot point I care the least about and it shooted some interesting stuff. What
they like investigating. And, yeah, I would honestly rather see her on her own. He then with him,
I think. I mean, that could be a fund's been off her as, like a paranormal. Look best. I don't know
about that. Ghost adventures, Nancy. Yeah, Just Nancy. That's the name of it. Just Nancy.
Yeah, Yeah, one another. Closing thoughts? No. Oh, no. Look. So expected. Like you had
something to say. Well, I think I said all right. I think I've said mine too. So let's take a break for
a minute and then come back and talk about more Netflix. Another Netflix. Okay. Thanks for
listening. Yeah, Thank you so much. Please be sure to like and subscribe. You're on YouTube,
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