Journalism of Courage: SINCE 1932

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SINCE 1932



Centre’s cue: States for longer lockdown

discusses concerns over harvest process as lockdown enters final, critical phase will help affected nations, neighbours

Clarity likely As cases inch towards

after April 10
when disease 5,000, India plans to
trajectory is scale up testing in
more visible make-or-break week

WITH THE number of COVID-19 AS THE last week of the three-

cases in India nearing the 5,000- weeklockdownbegins, amidin-
mark, the Centre is considering dications that some restrictions
suggestions from a number of may continue post-April 14, the
states that the restrictions in governmentispreparingtomas-
placeduringthe21-daynational sivelyscaleuptestingforCOVID-
lockdown should be extended 19 over the next few days. Drones spray disinfectant
beyond the deadline of April 14, Sources said the test results dur- on quarantine sites in
government sources said ing this “make-or-break week” Ahmedabad. Javed Raja
Tuesday. willbeadecidingfactorindeter-
“The central government is mining whether the lockdown
thinking on the same lines, but continues or not. demic in India is concerned,
the Prime Minister will take a fi- With 508 new cases being whether we continue with the
nal call after considering all as- confirmed in the last 24 hours, lockdown or not. The criticism
pects and holding discussions the total number of cases de- has been that we did not test
with experts. We are sure that tected across the country enough, but we have always
every state will follow the deci- touched 4,789 on Tuesday. maintained that if it (infection)
sion he takes,” said sources. While 124 people have died so wasreallyhappeningthatmuch,
Meanwhile, an informal far, 353 have been discharged. the death toll would not be so
Group of Ministers (GoM) on “Thisweek,youcansay,isthe low;also,influenza-likeillnesses
COVID-19 headed by Defence Around 200 people from a JJ cluster in Noida’s Sector 8 were late on Tuesday evening taken to a quarantine facility. Abhinav Saha make-or-break week so far as across the country have
Minister Rajnath Singh dis- the future course of the epi- CONTINUED ON PAGE 2
cussed measures to enable op-

In Delhi quarantine for Tablighis:

erations in the farming sector.
“This is the harvest season, and
the focus is on how to smoothen CORONA COUNT Under Kerala plan, no
flights till May end,
the process. There is already
4789 124
1300 in 3 buildings, flat number is ID
some relaxation in the move-
ment of machines and for farm CASES DEATHS
labourers. But there is lack of in-
formation on the ground...this
has to be communicated prop- what has now become an epi- officers, including doctors and
1,14,015 samples have been
schools only for exams
erly,andstatesencouragedtoex- ANAND MOHAN J centre of the country’s coron- nursing assistants. They are
tested as on April 7, 2020
large-scale movement of people
pedite work,” said sources. NEW DELHI , APRIL 7 avirus outbreak, with cases be- working along with civil and SHAJU PHILIP across international and state
Since Prime Minister ing reported across the country. medical professionals as a part THIRUVANANTHAPURAM, boundariesshouldnotbeconsid-
Narendra Modi’s video-confer- ANNOUNCEMENTSFROMloud- More than 2,300 people were of the process of taking over INSIDE APRIL 7 ered till the situation was “under
ence with chief ministers last speakers never stop at the quar- evacuated from the Markaz last screening duties. In the interest control in every state”.
week, at least seven states, in- antine facility at Narela in outer month — those with symptoms of smoothrunningof thefacility, A TASK force of experts consti- Calling for a withdrawal
cluding Maharashtra with the Delhi. were sent to hospitals, and oth- it is being ensured that the tuted by the Kerala government strategy “calibrated to ensure
maximum number of cases Around 2 pm, members of ers to quarantine facilities. takeover process will be grad- hasrecommendeddistrict-wise, that the case load is always kept
(868) so far, have indicated that the Tablighi Jamaat step out of AttheNarelafacility,themen ual,” Army sources told The phase-by-phase relaxation of belowthe(surge)capacityof the
they would continue to have their flats and form a line, as in- are known less by their names Quarantine facility in Indian Express. the COVID-19 lockdown meas- healthcaresystem’’,thecommit-
some restrictions in place after structions boom from a loud- and more by their flat numbers. Narela. Gajendra Yadav There are around 1,300 peo- ures post April 14, lasting till af- tee laid out the phases in which
the three-week period. speaker.Theyaresupposedtobe During the daily screening, a ple under lockdown in three UK PM JOHNSON IN ter middle of May, while keep- relaxation could be done post
The chief ministers had con- screened for symptoms of the nursing attendant announces buildings. Two buildings house ICU, STABLE ing a close eye on the number of the lockdown.
veyed to the Prime Minister that coronavirus—partof adailyrou- flat numbers one by one. “Flat medical screening atthisfacility, around 1,000 Tablighi Jamaat new infections in the state. Thefirstphasewouldinclude
they would prefer to take some tine at the facility. number218,”theattendantsays, which has doctors, nursing at- members, while the third SOME LEVELLING OF The 17-member task force districts that haven’t seen more
steps to revive the farming and Just last month, the 1,000- and a man raises his hand and tendants, maintenance staff and houses people who came from CASES IN NEW YORK, headedbyformerchief secretary than one new case for a week
manufacturing sector. The odd men quarantined at the fa- identifies himself. civil defence volunteers at the abroadlastmonthandweresent SPAIN RISING AGAIN KMAbraham,thatsubmittedthe leading up to the April14 review
Centre had also signalled that cility had participated in a gath- The Army has accepted a re- forefront. to quarantine from the airport. PAGE 8 report to Chief Minister Pinarayi (i.e.April 7-13);havenotseenan
CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 ering at Markaz Nizamuddin, in quest by authorities to handle “Wehavedeputedaround20 CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 Vijayan Monday evening, said CONTINUED ON PAGE 2

Globally, count of recovered closely Rajasthan CM
Trump says may retaliate; India rethinks follows total cases, with 14-day lag says lockdown
can only be
export ban, says enough stocks at home KARISHMA MEHROTRA
JHU statistics show.
Over a month back, March 1
saw 88,369 cases globally with
likely to recover earlier as later,
out, so as to not affect the coin-
lifted in phases
BUSINESS AS USUAL Pharma majors ramp up MAPPINGthenumberof COVID-
19 patients who recovered
two weeks later, on March 15,
there were 76,034 recoveries.
cidence of the two curves by
much,” he explained. “So that
leaves only accounting for those


BY UNNY capacity to meet demand against the global case load re-
veals an interesting trend - it
In other words, for roughly
two months (from March 1 to
who died... This is probably why
the recovered curve is lower
ments began working on exit

at home and abroad

Donald Trump said that “there mimics the exponential growth April 6), recovered numbers than the infected curve in your strategies for the coronavirus
may be retaliation” if India does curve of the pandemic, but also grew exponentially, and clearly figure.” lockdownandotherrestrictions,
not agree to export appears to closely trail the case- trailing the case load with a lag While other pandemics Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok
Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), a quine, primarily an anti-malar- load, with a 14-day lag. of 14 days (the incubation pe- might have a different duration Gehlot Tuesday said the lock-
key anti-malaria drug, India PRABHA RAGHAVAN ial drug also used for auto-im- Absolute numbers on a par- riod). interval between infection and down can only be withdrawn in
Tuesday said that it will supply NEW DELHI, APRIL 7 mune diseases, and pain-killer ticular date of the number of Explaining this trend, recovery, “possibly one can con- phasesandnotinonego.Hesaid
essential drugsto “some nations paracetamol, allowing their ex- positive COVID-19 cases and re- Sitabhra Sinha, a scientist at the clude that the variability of this saving lives is the most impor-
who have been particularly INDIA’S DECISION to reverse the port to some countries. The de- covered cases may still look in- Institute of Mathematical interval for different people is tant task at this juncture and ar-
badlyaffected”byCOVID-19and April 4 export ban on hydroxy- mand for hydroxychloroquine timidating. A two-week reflec- Sciences in Chennai said, if relatively low for COVID19.” guedruthlesscontainmentisthe
to “neighbouring countries who chloroquine within 74 hours is hadshotupgloballywithseveral tion, however, shows the everyone who fell sick on Day 1 Sinha has modeled a current es- key to prevent the spread of
are dependent on India’s capa- based on an assessment that countries pushing India — recovery rate is trailing not too recovered 14 days later, the two timatedtransmissionrateforthe COVID-19.
bilities”. pharma companies Ipca among the top suppliers of the far behind the caseload. curves would exactly align. The country at 1.83. This means that TalkingtoTheIndianExpress,
New Delhi also said that a Laboratories and Zydus Cadia drugglobally—forthedrug’suse For example, the Johns discrepancy between the two is each infected person in India is Punjab Health Minister Balbir
“comprehensive assessment” of position “could allow” Indian can ramp up capacity to cater to in their fight against COVID-19. Hopkins database suggests either people who fell sick and transmitting it to an average of Singh Sidhu too said the state is
India’s domestic requirements companies to meet the export the increased domestic as well While the demand position 2,92,467 recovered cases died, or people who recovered 1.83 people. not in a position to lift the cur-
has confirmed the “availability commitmentstheyhavealready as overseas demand. of thesedrugswouldbe“contin- Tuesday as against a global load earlierorlaterthanthemeanpe- AsonTuesday,thetotalnum- few completely. With the begin-
of medicinesforallpossiblecon- made. On Tuesday, India said it uously monitored”, the Ministry of 1,365,004 cases. Two weeks riod of 14 days. ber of COVID-9 deaths globally ning of the harvest season, he
tingencies”. It said that the stock CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 would license hydroxychloro- CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 ago, the caseload was 3,78,235, “Given that people are as was 78,269. said the state may consider eas-
to ensure that harvest is carried
out without much difficulty.
On Maharashtra highways, dhabas home for stranded truckers
Gehlot said the lockdown
ANCHOR should be lifted in a phased
manner. “Even if the lockdown

IRAM SIDDIQUE TEST dhabaslikeKanhaiyaoratpetrol

their cargo unattended, pass
days counting their money, and
every time he has tried to make
his way out, police have forced
go.We have imposed curfew in
at least 40 places. it will not be
KOLHAPUR, APRIL 7 REP RTS out,andwithmanydhabasshut, surfing phones for news. him back. He was carrying cot- lifted in one go. we will have to

“WHEN PEOPLE from villages go

FROM THE so is food.
Police patrols shoo them
Five of them have now been
ton from Raipur to Kolhapur
when he got stuck on Janata
lift it phase-wise... Whateverde-
cision we take will be taken af-
toworkincities,theyhaveatleast FIELD away from tolls, or tell them to Suchar Singh’s dhaba, on Curfew day on March 22. ter applying our mind thor-
a couple of people to help them.
Here on the highway, no one TRACKINGTHEVIRUS, turn around. “Even when an or-
der has been issued to allow es-
trict. Many others have left their
Asking why the government
had not arranged shelters for
oughly,”hetold aCongresspress
conference through video con-
knows me,” says Kanhaiya Singh LOCKDOWN sentialservices,theunderstand- trucks behind in Suchar’s care, them, the 35-year old who has ferencing from Jaipur.
as, lying on the front seat of his ing on the ground is to only give putting their phone numbers been driving trucks for 11 years Everything, he said, will depend
truck,hetriestotuneintohismo- Kanhaiya has been parked since prioritytoessentialitems.Those down on a piece of paper, and says, “We will die of hunger on on feedback the government re-
bile radio for news updates. at a desolate ‘Om Pancharatna returning after offloading their their truck papers and details of the road.” ceives from across the state.
Transporting40motorcycles, Dhaba’ in Wai, near Satara. goods are being stopped on re- their consignments in a dusty Bal Malkit says the All India “Everything is shut because
the 40-year-old and his driver Though the Centre has said turn journey,” says Bal Malkit folder.The60-year-old’sjointisa Motor Transport Congress had of the lockdown. You can under-
HarpreetSinghhadcoveredover that trucks transporting goods Singh, the Chairman of the All favourite with truckers, its “spe- askedthestategovernmenttotie standwhereweareheadingeco-
700 km from Bengaluru and should be allowed through state India Motor Transport Congress. cialPunjabikhana”drawingupto up with districts to arrange food nomically. The entire country is
were just 85 km short of their anddistrictborders,acrosshigh- While many have aban- ahundredcustomerseverynight. for the truckers, but not heard worried. but saving lives is also
destination Pune when the ways in Maharashtra, stranded donedtheirtrucksandleft,those Truck drivers on NH-48 in Satara. Nirmal Harindran Rana Pratap, among the five back.“Wearemakingeffortsbut very important,” Gehlot said.
country went into lockdown. truckers are now parked in like Kanhaiya, afraid of leaving drivers living at the dhaba, says CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 CONTINUED ON PAGE 2




■ CUSTOMIZABLE AtaskforceofexpertsconstitutedbytheKeralagovernmenthasrecommendedgradual,phase-by-phase
Will Indians see prices
Indian Express
infectionsinthestate rise after lockdown?
Today on the 3 Things podcast, we discuss
ON GOVT SPENDING SELF-ISOLATION the impact of the lockdown on the rural
economy and the price of goods
Congress president Over four minutes long,
SCANTHISQRCODETO wrote to Prime Minister Family emphasises
Narendra Modi staying at home


India’s plans Delhi quarantine frontline of the fight against even after that they were sitting

Clarity likely after April 10

COVID-19—doctors,nurses,para- there... How can it be possible? I
remained flat. But to test that hy- One of them, a doctor from medics and first responders — thinkthereshouldaprobesothat
pothesis, we need to test. That is Roorkee, said, “Earlier, rooms and can be used to treat patients thetruthcomesout.Pooredeshke
what we will do this week when were cleaned every day. Now infected with the virus. logonmainekalagtarahkamahol
we hope to get a definitive idea thereisaday’sgap.Thankfullymy Articulating the shift in the therecouldbea“staggeredexit” MinistryofHealth,citedCabinet lockdown “will not be lifted in RajnathSinghisexpectedtogive banaya gaya jo ki aaj COVID-19 ka
about the course of the disease,” test was negative, I just have to Indiangovernment’sposition,the from the lockdown while con- Secretary Rajiv Gauba’s clarifi- onego”.“Wehaveimposedcur- inputs to the Prime Minister mukabala karne ke mahol main
said a government source. find a way back home now.” newly appointed official tinuingcurbsinareasidentified cation last week, denying any fewinatleast40places...wewill based the GoM’s discussions. uchit nahin kaha ja sakta hai.”
Thetestingprotocolislikelyto DDA vice-chairman Tarun spokesperson of the Ministry of as hotspots. possibility of an extension. “It is have to lift it phase-wise,” he Sources said “the GoM is
remainthesame—symptomatic Kapoor said that around 1,400 External Affairs, Anurag Government sources said truethatstatesareaskingforex- said. preparing the measures and Maharashtra
peoplewithtravelorcontacthis- flatshavebeenhandedovertoau- Srivastava,saidTuesday:“Ourfirst therewouldbeclarityonthesit- tension and all of that is being Gehlot, however, said 21 steps to be taken, as and when cannotreachouttoallthedrivers
tory, health workers with symp- thorities to house the occupants. obligation is to ensure that there uation only after April 10, once lookedinto.Asandwhenadeci- days was too long a period to thelockdownislifted”.“Itcould stuckinremotedistricts,”hesays.
toms, all hospitalised patients Eachflataccommodatestwopeo- areadequatestocksof(COVID-re- testingissteppedupandresults sion is taken after discussions, I confine people in their homes. be staggered, it could be ex- Abhishek Gupta, the Joint
with severe acute respiratory ill- ple.Twobeds,atable,achairand lated) medicines for the require- show the outbreak’s trajectory. will let you know,” he said. “Factories, small and big indus- tended — the Prime Minister Secretary of the All India
ness (fever, cough etc), and astoolareprovidedineachhouse. mentof ourownpeople.Inorder “As you can clearly see, it is At the same time, however, tries...everythingisshut.Youcan will take a call on that. But we Transporters’ Welfare
asymptomatic direct and high- District Magistrate (North) to ensure this, some temporary notasifthediseasehasaffected AgarwalcitedaUSstudyshow- understandwherewearehead- are getting ready for it, as and Association, says only 10% of
risk contacts of a confirmed pa- ShindeDeepakArjunsaidonepa- steps were taken to restrict ex- the whole country — it is just ingthatoneinfectedpersoncan ing economically. The entire when it happens,” they said. trucks with national permits are
tient(oncebetweendays5and14 tient has tested positive for coro- portsofanumberofpharmaceu- 284districtssofar,notevenhalf infect406others—butwhenin countryisworried,thecommon “The Ministers were on the roads currently. Of the 95
of having come in contact). navirusinthecampsofar.Incase tical products.” thecountry.Soitisperhapssafe lockdown,thatnumberisdown man is concerned... we are all briefed that supply of essen- lakh-odd trucks registered at
With the ICMR issuing an ad- anyoneatthecampshowssymp- “Inthemeanwhile,acompre- to say that about 60 per cent of to less than three people. worried.Butwecannottakeany tial goods is continuing RegionalTransportOfficesacross
visory for the use of rapid anti- toms,oneoffourambulancessta- hensiveassessmentwasmadeof the country can hope to see Withmoststatesinfavourof step that endangers lives,” he smoothly. The GoM felt that the country, around 13 lakh have
body tests in “areas reporting tioned there take the person to possiblerequirementsunderdif- somerelaxationafterApril14.It stretching the curbs, Madhya said. places where the public have national permit. “We have man-
clusters (containment zone) and LNJPHospital.Thetemperatureof ferentscenarios.Afterhavingcon- cannotbebusinessasusual.But Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj InDelhi,thosewhoattended a tendency to gather in large agedtogatherGPSdataon70,000
in large migration gatherings/ staff, too, is checked twice a day. firmed the availability of medi- at the same time, the current Singh Chouhan, who had said theinformalGoMmeeting—its numbers, such as religious trucks with national permits, of
evacueescentres”,theserological Forsamplecollection,doctors cinesforallpossiblecontingencies stringent restrictions cannot Monday the lockdown would fourth since March 25 — in- centres, should be monitored whichonly6,500aremoving.All
tests are set to be conducted on a at the camp are assisted by tech- currentlyenvisaged,theserestric- continue indefinitely,” said be lifted in his state next week, cluded Home Minister Amit and any such gathering pre- others are either abandoned or
wider scale. nicalstafffromBRAmbedkarand tionshavebeenlargelylifted.The sources. did a U-turn and called for the Shah,FinanceMinisterNirmala vented. Increased monitoring stuck,” Gupta says.
With 12,584 (swab) tests be- Sanjay Gandhi hospitals. DGFT has notified lifting restric- Officially, though, the gov- restrictions to be extended. Sitharaman, Chemical and through drones was sug- Headdsthattheassociationis
ing done in the last 24 hours, the “Wecheckforsymptoms,and tionson14drugsyesterday.With ernmenthassoughtrepeatedly Madhya Pradesh has recorded Fertilisers Minister D V gested,” said sources. mappingthetollplazaswherethe
total number of samples tested tomaintainhygiene,wefumigate regard to paracetamol and todispelspeculationofthelock- 229 cases for far. Sadanand Gowda, and The Ministers also recom- National Highways Authority of
has touched 1,14,015. thepremisesdaily.Wealsospray Hydroxychloroquine(HCQ),they down being extended. Lav In Jaipur, Rajasthan Chief ConsumerAffairs,FoodandPDS mended measures to enhance Indiahasstarteddistributingfood,
“The idea is to double the sodium chlorite solution around willbekeptinalicensedcategory Agarwal, Joint Secretary in the Minister Ashok Gehlot said the Minister Ram Vilas Paswan. testing facilities in labs. and communicating this to
number of tests every three-four the camp. All possible measures andtheirdemandpositionwould stranded truck drivers across
days and reach about 40,000 are taken to keep everyone safe,” be continuously monitored. India. Transport Minister Anil
daily. The private labs obviously
have better mobility and reach
than us because they are making
Arjun said.
The buildings follow a strict
export commitments that they
Under Kerala plan, no flights till May end Parab says the state government
has issued a notification to let all
money,” said the source.
Two high throughput testing
making it clear that occupants
cannot even stray into their bal-
numbers under home surveil-
OPENING UP, IN PHASES movement, and health and po-
lice departments the borders.
tials and non-essentials. “Several
trucks stuck near tolls have also
machineshavebeenpressedinto conies. The peripheral staff com- “Given the enormity of the lanceinthatperiod;andhaveno 1ST PHASE: No airline, protocols. Cognizant of the economic been cleared. If there are other
service in Bhubaneswar and prisingsanitationworkers,house- COVID-19pandemic,Indiahasal- coronavirus hotspots. Each rail movement; no entry 3RD PHASE: Inter- hardship and even law and or- trucks still stuck, I’ll instruct the
Noida,eachwithacapacitytotest keeping staff and plumbers are ways maintained that the inter- phase would be a fortnight- into Kerala; face masks district buses, essential derissuesthatmightresultfrom DG, Highways, to ensure smooth
1,300-1,400samplesdaily.Twelve the only ones who enter the national community must dis- long. must. Only one person domestic flights to start, aprolongedstringentlockdown, passage,” he said.
suchmachineshavebeenordered building,dressedinpersonalpro- play strong solidarity and In the second phase would per house can step out at with curbs. Educational underminingitsveryobjectives, Back at the Wai dhaba,
from Roche, and are expected to tective equipment (PPE). cooperation. This approach also be included districts that have a time. Malls, theatres to institutions to open only the committee said that the Harpreet and Kanhaiya say they
bedeliveredinaboutthreeweeks. AuthoritiessaidtheyhavePPEkits guidedourevacuationof nation- not seen more than one new stay shut. Odd-even for for exams. Centre should give “necessary mostlycookontheirown,tosave
There are also the TB testing to last them another two days, als of other countries. In view of case of COVID-19 in an entire private vehicles. authority and autonomy to the money, though sometimes the
machines, CBNAATandTRUNAT, and new equipment is procured the humanitarian aspects of the fortnight since prior review;
FLIGHTS to be allowed states” to prevent financial col- staff at the restaurant share their
2ND PHASE: Short- only after full relaxation
thathavebeenpressedintoserv- on a daily basis. pandemic, it has been decided wherethenumberof thoseun- distance bus services, lapse. “This can be indexed to meagre meals of daal and rice.
of curbs. Every entrant to
ice for COVID-19. The day at the facility begins thatIndiawouldlicenceparaceta- der home watch has not gone MNREGS and MSMEs to the surge capacity of the health The joint has been shut now for
undergo 14-day home
Environment Secretary C K withsanitationworkerscleaning mol and HCQ in appropriate up by more than 5% in that pe- start, with health systemofthestateandtrendsin 17 days. Harpeet, 32, worries
Mishra, who heads the empow- the apartments. Outside one of quantitiestoallourneighbouring riod; and where there are no incidence.” aboutthewheatreadyforharvest
ered group on hospitals, testing thebuildings,asanitationworker countries who are dependent on hotspots. It added, “The government attheirvillageinMathura.“There
facilities etc, said: “The govern- donshisPPEkit.Heisinchargeof our capabilities. We will also be Thethirdphasewouldcover son shall be allowed outside busservicescanbeallowedwith should advise the people of the are no workers now and I cannot
ment is making every effort to collecting waste and packing it supplyingtheseessentialdrugsto districts that have had no new housewithoutfacemasks,sen- restrictions on number of pas- statethatintheeventofaresur- help my family,” he says.
rampuptestingandalsoworking intoplasticbagsofredandyellow, somenationswhohavebeenpar- caseforafortnightsincelastre- ior citizens with co-morbidity sengers. The MNREGS and all gence,theyshouldbereadyand Kanhaiya says he has been
with states to see that it is deliv- meant to be incinerated. “Every ticularly badly affected by the view; seen a decrease of more not allowed at all, and there micro,smallandmediumenter- willingtoundergotherigoursof callinguptheowneroftheshow-
ered.” day as I enter these flats, I pray to pandemic. We would therefore than 5% in the number of per- would be restrictions on the prises can be re-started at this a complete lockdown once room to whom they were to de-
Meanwhile, the Health god. And every time my temper- discourageanyspeculationinthis sons under home surveillance number of persons who can time with health protocols. again.” liverthebikes,askinghimtosend
Ministrysaidtheclustercontain- ature check comes normal, I regard or any attempts to politi- inthatperiod;aswellashaveno travel in a vehicle. Inthethirdphase,inter-dis- Thetotalcountof COVID-19 someonewithessentialsupplies,
ment strategy in hotspots like thank god,” he says. cise the matter,” the MEA hotspots. Besides,onlyonepersonper trict bus service and essential casesinKeralaisnow336,with but to no avail.
Agra, Mumbai, Pathanamthitta Next to him, an elderly spokesperson said. The CM said they would housewouldbeallowedoutside domestic flights, both with re- ninecasesreportedonTuesday, Guptasaysthefactthatmany
andBhilwarahasstartedtoshow womanreportingonherfirstday EarlyonTuesday(Indiatime), submit the task force’s recom- at a time, for a specific purpose, strictedcapacityensuringsocial after testing of 11,232 samples. warehouseswheredeliveriesare
results. bites her lip anxiously: “Will this Trumphadsaid“theremaybere- mendations to the Centre. “The and for not more than three distancing, can be allowed. Two people have died while 73 headed are shut due to the lock-
Inaddition,inabidtostream- suithelpagainstthedisease?”she taliation” if India does not agree state is awaiting the decision of hours.Supermarketsandmalls, Universitiesandeducationalin- haverecovered. Thenumberof down has also left the truckers
line care of patients, the ministry asks. to export hydroxychloroquine. theUniongovernmentonlock- film theatres, bars, conference stitutions will open only for the people under observation stranded. About 15 km ahead of
issued directions for categorisa- Dr N Das, who is in charge of “I would be surprised if he down after April 14. Only then hallsandhotelswithclosedair- conduct of exams, while malls stands at 1.46 lakh, down from Wai, on the same highway, Baba
tion of designated facilities into biomedical waste, says that the (Prime Minister Narendra Modi) wouldthestatedecidewhether conditioning can’t open, and all andhotelscanoperatebutwith thehighof1.71lakhonSaturday, Punjabi Dhaba in Nathane is also
three groups — COVID care cen- “maximumwasteinthefacilityis would, you know, because India any change in the (relaxation places of worship shall remain restricted entry. when quarantine of hundreds home to five truckers, including
tres, COVID health centres and contaminatedwaste,whichisin- does very well with the United strategy) is required,” Vijayan closedwithnoreligiousgather- International air travel and of persons with travel history Manbeer Yadav. The 35-year old
dedicated COVID hospitals. cinerated with the help of a pri- States,” Trump said at a White said. ings allowed. Private vehicles flights from other parts of India fromabroadaswellastheircon- container truck driver left Delhi
According to the document vate waste management com- House press briefing when a re- As per the report, in the first will be allowed on the basis of may not be allowed till full re- tacts ended. Prime Minister on March 18 with nothing but a
preparedbytheHealthMinistry’s pany”. The company’s trucks porter asked whether he was phase,therewouldbenoairline odd-even pattern for six days, laxation of restrictions in the NarendraModihadsoughtrec- steel glass that he uses to drink
emergencymedicalresponsedi- come thrice a day. worried about “retaliation to the and rail movement in the state, with total ban on Sundays ex- state. Every entrant to the state ommendations from states on water, headed for Kolhapur. “We
vision,theCOVIDcarecentresare Thedoctorsbreakforlunchat ban on export of medical goods” nor any person from outside cept for essential services. would have to undergo 14-day thenatureofcurbspostApril14, would have died of hunger if not
makeshift facilities for “mild”, themedicalcampafterasix-hour from India. Keralaallowed,otherthanwhat In the second phase, the home quarantine, with the dis- callingforacommon,staggered for this dhaba,” says Yadav.
“very mild”, or suspected cases, shift. “It is like working next to a “Idon’tlikethatdecision,Idid- is permitted currently. No per- committee said, short-distance trictadministrationmonitoring exit strategy. Hisbiggerconcernarehiswife
and may be set up in hostels, ho- nuclearmeltdownsite.Theanxi- n’thearthatthatwashisdecision. and two children, back in
tels, schools, stadiums, lodges. ety drains the energy from us. Iknowthathestoppeditforother Firozabad, Uttar Pradesh. Yadav
The COVID health centres are Otherwise we can work for 12 countries. I spoke to him yester- Cadila said the company has, at market. Tablets made using the market, alongside companies will be clear. the crop season is says his wife has been forced to
for“moderate”cases,andshould hoursatastretch.Thisisthehard- day, we had a very good talk and themoment,rampedupproduc- remaining 80 per cent had been such as Israel-headquartered alsouponus.thatisalsoveryim- askvillagersformilktofeedtheir
either be a full hospital or a sepa- est thing I have done so far,” says we’ll see whether or not that’s tion of its hydroxychloroquine to exportednotonlytoregionswith Teva, which has manufacturing portant.wehadimposedcurfew. one-year-old.Afterrepeatedcalls,
rate block in a hospital with a doctor. his...Formanyyears,they’vebeen 20-30 metric tonnes a month alargeburdenofmalaria,butalso capabilities in India. we may make some changes. hisemployertransferredRs1,000
preferably separate entry/ exit/ taken advantage of the United from three tonnes previously to tocountrieswithpatientssuffer- somerelaxation.mayallowsome intoYadav’saccountasallowance
zoning. Trump Statesontrade.SoIwouldbesur- meet the higher requirement. It ing from auto-immune diseases. Rajasthan CM category of people. like farmers,” for five days, though he has been
The dedicated COVID hospi- On April 4, after Trump made prised if that were his decision. will scale up the capacity further Even in India, the drug is pre- “Duringourmeetingwiththe he said. stuck for nearly 18 days. “I’m try-
tals are primarily for “severe” therequestforsuppliesofHCQin He’dhavetotellmethat.Ispoketo toabout40-50metrictonnesper scribed for use by patients with PrimeMinister.itwassaidthatthe Both Rajasthan and Punjab ingtofigureoutawaytosendthis
cases, and should either be a full a phone call to Prime Minister himSundaymorning,calledhim, month “if need arises”. The conditionslikerheumatoidarthri- Prime Minister would like to have witnessed cases linked to money home,” says Yadav, man-
hospital or a separate block in a Narendra Modi, New Delhi was andIsaid,we’dappreciateyoual- spokesperson, however, did not tis and lupus. know the views of the states. So theTablighiJamaatcongregation aging a smile.
hospitalwithpreferablyseparate “considering the request”, The lowing our supply to come out. If specify the split in capacity for Ipca Labs, though previously we have set up two task forces to in Delhi. Stuck with him is Mayank
entry/ exit, fully equipped ICUs, Indian Express had reported. he doesn’t allow it to come out. India and exports. absentintheUSmarketduetoan think about how to lift the lock- Gehlot demanded a probe by Sharma, 42, whose daughter’s
ventilatorsandbedswithassured Incidentally, that same day, That would be OK. But of course, Ajit Kumar Jain, Joint importalertagainstit,exportshy- down,inhowmanyphases...and a sitting or a retired Supreme wedding scheduled for May 1
oxygen support. the government had banned ex- there may be retaliation. Why Managing Director, Ipca droxychloroquine to 70-80 mar- another on economic recovery.. Court judge to find out the truth now stands cancelled. He can’t
Meanwhile, the Ministry of ports of HCQ, a drug Trump has wouldn’t there be?” the US Laboratories, another major pro- kets,includingcountriesinAfrica, how to bring the economy back andfixaccountabilityoverthein- abandon his consignment of
AYUSHhasrecommendedsome repeatedly touted as a “game President said. ducerofthedrug,toldTheIndian the Commonwealth of on track,” the Rajasthan CM said. cident.Referringtocommunalre- newlymadeglassbottlesheaded
self-careguidelinesforpreventive changer” in the fight against Express, “We manufacture not IndependentStates(CIS),Europe, Oneofthetaskforces,hesaid, marks over the incident, he said from Firozabad to Goa, he says.
health measures and boosting COVID-19 but whose effective- Pharma majors only all the APIs (active pharma- Asia and the Latin American re- is headed by former Finance an environment is being created While Sharma claims that he is
immunity,withspecialreference nessisbeingdebated.Besidesthe of External Affairs Tuesday said ceutical ingredients), but all the gion. On March 21, the United Secretary Arvind Mayaram. “We whichisnotgoodforIndia’sstrug- staying back to honour Prime
to respiratory health. These are US, Brazil, some European coun- the stock position could allow KSMs(keystartingmaterials) for States Food and Drug willwaitfortheirreports.ButIbe- gle against COVID-19. Minister Narenda Modi’s “aagya
supportedbyAyurvedicliterature tries,andneighbouringcountries Indiancompaniestomeettheex- it as well. We are self sufficient Administration (US FDA) “made lieve saving lives is very impor- “If somebody was organising (call)”regardingthelockdown,he
and scientific publications, the too, are asking for HCQ. portcommitmentsalreadymade. that way.” exception” to its import alert tant. And for that we will have to a function. what stopped you adds,“Ihavetoldpeopleathome
ministry said. HCQtabletsarerecognisedas Companies producing the drug “Suddenly, the demand has againstthecompanytoallowitto think seriously... If we need to do from stopping that. you should that I am staying at a hotel.”
a prophylactic for those on the said it was possible to meet the goneup4-5times,buttheindus- procure sufficient stock of the it, we will have to do it in phases. havebeenstern.Ibelieveeithera Atinyfannearthedriver’sseat
demand. try’scapacityisverylarge.InApril drugforemergencyuse,Ipcatold That is what my common sense retired judge of the Supreme barely drying the sweat trickling
Ipca Laboratories and Zydus itself, we will be able to meet stock exchanges. says,” he said. Court or a sitting judge should down his forehead, 48-year old
CLARIFICATIONS & CORRECTIONS Cadilaarerampingupproduction whateverthegovernmenthasor- However, before the spurt in Sidhu said Punjab is doing probe this. it has become such a Subhas Chandra from Haryana
capacity to not just meet an im- dered, which is significant com- global demand for hydroxy- everything it can to check the bigissue.truthshouldcomeout... doesn’tseemtobearanyrancour
mediatedemandfromtheUS,EU pared to the quantity we were chloroquine - which is still not spread of the disease. “When we ifsomeonehasactedinadishon- either.HeadedfromRajasthanto
07.04.2020, PAGE 1 and other countries for around producing for India,” he said. proven to be effective in COVID- stumble upon one case. we are est manner... you take action BelgauminKarnataka,hebrushes
150 million tablets, but also to The company has the capac- 19treatment,thedrugcateredto going for extensive contact trac- against them...” away questions about if he is do-
THE REPORT,‘Stafftest positive, Wockhardt shut, tophospitals face seal- cater to an order for around 100 ity to manufacture hydroxy- a smaller market, both in India ing. That is why the cases are in- “And if they had informed ing fine. “Ab toh world ki super-
ing threat’,incorrectlystatedthat 108 healthcareworkershavetested million tablets from the Indian chloroquine using 20 metric and outside. creasing.Punjabhasalargenum- timely. and if the SDO or the DM power bhi pareshan hai. Hum
positive for coronavirus at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital. The 108 have government in the wake of the tonnes worth of ingredients but Industry sources said Zydus berof migrantworkersandNRIs. had not taken action. the police haintohkyahai(Nowtheworld’s
been quarantined. COVID-19 emergency. sofarhadusedonlyaround20per Cadila has so far been the largest The Cabinet will meet around had not taken action.WHO peo- superpower too is in trouble.
The error is regretted. A spokesperson for Zydus cent of this to cater to the Indian exporter of the drug to the US April 10-11. by then the picture plewentthere,takensamplesand What if we are too?)”



Sonia writes to PM with

suggestions to cut spending seems self-indulgent to say the can be made in case of special
MANOJ C G least. I am certain that emergency or exigencies in na-
NEW DELHI, APRIL 7 Parliament can function com- tional interest to be cleared by
fortably within the existing his- the PM. This amount (which is
ON THE eve of Prime Minister torical buildings. There is no ur- around Rs 393 crores for just the
Narendra Modi’s meeting with gent or pressing requirement Prime Minister and Union
leaders of various political par- that cannot be postponed until Cabinet’s trips in the last five
ties, Congress president Sonia this crisis is contained. This sum years)canbeutilisedextensively
Gandhi on Tuesday wrote to could instead be allocated to- in measures to combat COVID-
him, suggesting a series of “aus- wards constructing new hospi- 19,” she said.
terity measures” to divert funds Sonia Gandhi tal infrastructure and diagnos- Demanding transfer of all
for battling the coronavirus out- tics along with equipping our money in the PM-CARES fund to
break. frontline workers with Personal the Prime Minister’s National
SheaskedthePrimeMinister the Government and Public Protection Equipment and bet- Relief Fund (PMNRF), she said,
to suspend the Rs 20,000 crore Sectors Undertakings for a pe- ter facilities,” she said. “It seems like a waste of effort
CentralVistabeautificationproj- riod of two years”. She also asked the govern- andresourcestohaveandcreate

FIGHT IN THE SHADE ect and impose a ban on govern-

dia for two years. She also
should be advisories for COVID-
19 or issues relating to public
ment to order a proportionate
reduction of 30 per cent in the
expenditure budget other than
two separate silos for the distri-
bution of funds.” Arguing that
about Rs 3800 crore are lying
Nirbhaya Squad personnel rest under temporary sheds during their vigil outside the Walled City on Tuesday. Rohit Jain Paras supportedthegovernment’sde- health. “Given that the Central salaries, pensions and central unutilised in PMNRF, she said
cision to cut MPs’ salaries by 30 Government currently spends sector scheme. This 30 per cent, these funds along with the
per cent. an average of Rs 1250 crores per which she said will come to ap- amount in PM-CARES can be
The Prime Minister spoke to year on media advertisements proximately about Rs 2.5 lakh utilised to ensure an immediate
2018 PLACARD CONTROVERSY Uttarakhand Sonia on Sunday, seeking her (not including an equal or crore per year, can be allocated food security net for those at the

Rajasthan HC quashes FIR

party’scooperationinthemeas- greater amount spent by PSUs towards establishing an eco- margins of society.
forest staff on ures the government is taking to and Government companies), nomic safety net for migrant “Every single Indian has
contain the outbreak. He had this will free up a substantial workers, labourers, farmers, madegreatpersonalsacrificesto
alert after wild also sought her suggestions to amount to alleviate the eco- MSMEs and those in the unor- fight this disease. They have

filed against Twitter CEO

meet the challenge. nomic and social impacts of ganised sector. compliedwitheverysuggestion,
animals visit Arguing that “austerity COVID-19,” she said. “All foreign visits including instruction and decision taken

human habitats measures” are the “need of the

hour”, she suggested five steps,
Secondly, she said, “...sus-
that of the President, the Prime
Minister, Union Ministers, Chief
by your office and the Central
Government. It is time that the
ating a religion-based rift in any words, “it cannot be accepted the first being a “complete ban Vista beautification and con- Ministers, State Ministers and legislature and the executive re-
HAMZA KHAN section of society.” that religious sentiments of any on media advertisements — tel- struction project forthwith. At a bureaucratsmustbeputonhold ciprocate this trust and good
JAIPUR, APRIL 7 “The words in the poster, at citizen of this country were LALMANI VERMA evision, print and online — by time like this, such an outlay in a similar fashion. Exceptions faith,” she added.
best, convey the feelings of the hurt. the concept of DEHRADUN, APRIL 7
THE RAJASTHAN High Court on concerned person regarding be- Brahmanical Patriarchy is in-
ing strongly opposed to the
Brahminical Patriarchal system
tended to enforce effective sex-
ual control over women to
ment has put its forest staff on FCI ensuring foodgrain Cong, CPM criticise govt
Dorsey for holding a placard in
2018 which allegedly hurt reli-
gious sentiments.
and desirous of denouncing the
oppose the patriarchal system in
maintain not only patrilineal
succession, but also caste pu-
rity, the institution unique to
alert following some incidents of
movement of wild animals in
availability: Officials for partially lifting ban on
In a tweet in 2018, journalist
Anna MM Vetticad had shared a
Hindu society.”
The advocates said that
down to curb the spread of
photograph of Jack in India with
several others. In the photo, Jack
anyone’s throat,” Justice Mehta
said, while quashing the FIR.
whether or not the said theory
is relevant in the present con-
cidents of wild animals entering
is seen holding the placard. The judgment had been re- text is a matter of sociological human settlements has OVER 2,000 employees of the Jaipur: The Rajasthan State EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE Decision to partially lift
Following the tweet, an FIR was served on March 4. discussion and it cannot be promptedthemove.Onesuchin- FoodCorporationof India(FCI)in Industrial Development and NEW DELHI, APRIL 7 the ban came hours
filed against Jack, Vetticad and Advocates Mahesh linked even remotely with re- cident has been reported from Rajasthan are working to ensure Investment Corporation
others at Basni police station in Jethmalani and Nishant Bora ligious sentiments and thus, Haridwar,whereanelephanten- that the foodgrains are available Limited (RIICO) has sanc- THE NDA government’s decision after US President
Jodhpur. Both Jack and Vetticad who represented Jack and merely by posting these words tered the town on the night of to people all over the state in the tioned a relief package for its to partially lift a ban on export of Donald Trump warned
had filed separate petitions with Vetticad respectively, had con- intended to challenge the said April 2. It was spotted at Bhagat wake of the current nationwide existing“goodborrowers,”of- anti-malarial drug hydroxy-
the High Court requesting that tended that a social event was concept, the petitioners cannot SinghChowkandchasedawayby lockdown, FCI officials said ficialssaidTuesday.Inastate- chloroquine, paving the way for
of ‘retaliation’ if India
the FIR be quashed. organised in which the peti- be held responsible for com- the forest staff, but it returned af- Tuesday. ment,RIICOsaidthatthequar- its supply to the US and other does not accept request
Clubbing their petitions, a tioners were present, and mitting the offences attributed ter a couple of hours. This time, it About 1,000 employees and terlyinterestinstallment,due countries hit hard by the coron- to supply the drug
single-judge bench of Justice where “an unknown lady came to them. was spotted on Har ki Pauri ghat 1,100labourersworkingforFCIin on April 15, is deferred, and it avirus pandemic, has been criti-
SandeepMehtasaid,“Thephrase and handed over the allegedly The FIR had been lodged on and was also seen taking a dip in Rajasthan are ensuring that the shallbepayableinthreeequal cised by the Congress and the
which has been castigated as of- offending placard to the peti- an FIR by one Rajkumar Sharma, Ganga river before returning to Public Distribution System re- quarterly installments from CPM. Thedecisiontopartiallylift AICCcommunicationdepart-
fending in the FIR, may be con- tioner, Mr Jack Dorsey. The mo- a resident of Jodhpur, who had the forests. mains uninterrupted, they said, next quarter, along with the ban came hours after US ment head Randeep Surjewala
struedaslayingachallengetothe ment was captured in the ques- said that “the accused maligned Localforestofficerssaidwhile adding that special wheat rakes interest. ENS PresidentDonaldTrumpwarned said India should not be “brow-
sociologicalconceptsof apartic- tioned photograph and was the Brahmin society at large and the movement of elephants in are being brought from Haryana. of“retaliation”ifIndiadoesnotac- beatenorpressurisedbyanybody.
ular section/gender of the casually posted by the peti- also acted in a manner, likely to Haridwar is not new, this is the In a statement, the FCI cept his request to supply the inafightagainstcorona.westand
Brahmin community, but by no tioner Ms Anna M M Vetticad create rift and factions in the so- firsttimeinrecenttimeswhenan Regional Office said that the cur- taken up April’s quota under drug. While the Congress asked with the whole humanity, but
stretch of imagination can it be on her Twitter account without ciety and induce religious ha- elephant reached all the way to rentmonthlyallocationunderthe PMGKAY on a priority basis and thegovernmenttofollowanIndia India first and Indians first policy
perceived that these words can any intention to hurt senti- tred towards the Brahmin com- Har Ki Pauri. A key attraction for National Food Security Act for already 65,610 MT have been is- firstpolicy, the CPM said the gov- needtobenecessarilyadheredto
even remotely be considered as ments, religious or otherwise, munity as a whole. The feelings pilgrims, Har Ki Pauri witnesses Rajasthan is 2.3 Lakh Metric sued till April 6, 2020, the state- ernment’s capitulation to the and implemented.”
hurtingthereligioussentiments of any section of society.” of the entire Brahmin commu- hundredsofpeopletakingadipin Tonnes (LMT) of wheat. Apart ment said. “brazen blackmail” of the US un- The CPM said in a statement
of any citizen of India, nor the They had contended that by nity were badly hurt by the Ganges on normal days. But from this, monthly allocation of Within the month, allotment dermines the vital concerns in that Trump’s threat of retaliation
same can be interpreted as cre- mere publication of these this tweet.” withthelockdowninplace,gath- 2.23 LMT wheat has been done underNFSAandPMGKAYforMay India’s battle against COVID-19. for easing restrictions on the ex-
erings have been prohibited. under the Pradhan Mantri Garib shallalsobepickedupbythestate “Friendshipisn’taboutretalia- portofvitalgenericdrugs,includ-
Inanotherincident,aleopard Kalyan Anna Yojna (PMGKAY) government. tion.Indiamusthelpallnationsin ingHydroxychloroquine,isaplain
WASTING TIME AMID LOCKDOWN Odisha reports enteredPapaulivillageinAlmora scheme. Thereare25,542PDSshopsin their hour of need but lifesaving attempt at arm- twisting.
forestdivisiononSundayandin- FCI has already issued the al- Rajasthan and the supply is cru- medicinesshouldbemadeavail- “The government’s capitula-

3/4th of over 12 lakh first corona death

Bhubaneswar: Odisha reported
jured two men in separate inci-
dents. The animalwas caught by
the forest staff after a two-hour
location for April 2020 under
NFSA to the state government,
cial since there are 27.89 Lakh
number of Priority Household
able to Indians in ample quanti-
ties first,” said former Congress
tion to this brazen blackmail un-

calls pranks or blanks, itsfirstCOVID-19 fatalityas a72-

operation. sis. Thestategovernmenttoohas beneficiaries are 472.23 lakh. dig at Prime Minister Narendra
Modi, party spokesperson
This also signals yet another sur-
render to US interests. In the re-

says Telangana Police

navirus died, officials said on AbhishekSinghvisaid,“Whatuse cent past, our government has
The victim had died on
Assam MLA arrested for sedition over of Howdy Modi & Namaste
Trump if the US government
shown unplanned fiddling with
the export of all sorts of PPE like
ingthathetestedpositiveforthe communal remarks on quarantine centres
a press conference at least once
etc with a disastrous impact on
SREENIVAS JANYALA SOME CALLS RECEIVED virus arrived on Tuesday. Nagaon district, purportedly said navirus”. every month? Those hugs won’t the safety of our frontline health
HYDERABAD, APRIL 7 The man from Jharpada lo- ABHISHEK SAHA in the audio clip that quarantine The police said Aminul has protect your exports.” workers,” it said.
2,522: callsonCOVID-19 cality in Bhubaneswar was ad- GUWAHATI, APRIL 7 centresinAssamare“worse”than confessedtohavingmadethere-
THREE OF four calls out of more mitted to AIIMS in the Odisha the state’s detention centres for marks. His party AIUDF con-
than 12.3 lakh phone calls re- 19,474: callsonlockdown capital on April 4 with com- ANASSAMMLAwasarrestedand undocumentedmigrants.Healso demned the statement and dis-
ceived on Telangana police’s violation plaint of respiratory distress, booked for sedition on Tuesday alleged that the government is tanced itself from it.
emergency number — 100 — be- 14,035: callsaboutmass they said. for allegedly making communal “conspiring”againstMuslimsand The police received a com-
tween March 21, a day before gatherings The patient who had a his- statements in an audio clip and puttingthoseassociatedwiththe plaint on Monday evening
Janata Curfew, and April 6 were tory of chronic hypertension sharingitonsocialmedia,thepo- Tablighi Jamaat into isolation. about the audio clip. Aminul
either bogus or fake calls, “which 2,136: callsfrompeople died on April 6, the Health and lice said. According to the clip, he al- was interrogated, and subse-
keptthesystemchoked”,accord- strandedwithouttransport Family Welfare department AminulIslam,AllIndiaUnited leged that the state could kill a quently arrested around 1 am
ing to the officer in charge of the 1,457: callsonlackoffoodor tweeted, adding contact tracing Democratic Front (AIUDF) MLA personinquarantineandthensay Tuesday. He is under judicial
state’s main control room at shelter and containment is on. PTI from Dhing constituency in thatthepersondied“duetocoro- custody at present.
Kompally, on Hyderabad’s out-
913: callsaboutshopsopen
Outof12,30,997callsreceived after6pm PLEA ON STATE OF MIGRANT LABOURERS
578: callsonblack-
SC says it doesn’t want to interfere
from March 21 until April 6
evening,only2,66,550weregen- marketeering
uine calls, as the callers followed
the interactive voice response
81,807: non-emergencycalls

in govt decisions for time-being

(IVR) instructions and dialled `1’
totalktothedispatcher,Inspector When a call is made to 100
Chandrashekar Reddy, in-charge (from anywhere in Telangana), it
of the police control room (PCR), registers on the the control room
said. servers, which triggers an IVR job and is looking into com- the workers wherever they are
“So 9,64,447 were bogus or withinstructions;whenthecaller EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE Advocate Prashant plaints received. currently.
fake calls, which kept the system subsequently dials option ‘1’, the NEW DELHI, APRIL 7 The CJI pointed out that the On April 3, the Supreme
choked,” Reddy said. “As soon as callistransferredorconnectswith Bhushan said about petitioners were saying that in CourthadaskedtheCentretore-
theIVRgotactivated,thesecallers the dispatcher or agent, officers HEARING A petition concerning four lakh migrant some shelters, the food is inedi- spond to the averments in the
disconnected - they must have explained. migrant workers hit by the lock- workers had been ble and added that this is not petition.
called just to see whether it was The control room has 35 down to curb the COVID-19 something the court could In its reply, the Centre said it
working, or some people or chil- members who take calls dialled spread, the Supreme Court on lodged in shelter monitor. “has taken pro-active and pre-
drendialledit-outofboredomor to 100. Tuesday said it did not want to homes, making a “Wecannottakeabetterpol- emptive steps” to contain the
as a prank.” Officials said that out of interfere in government deci- icy decision at this stage”, the spread of coronavirus.
mockery of social
Ever since the lockdown 2,66,550 genuine calls, 2,64,150 sions for the next 10-15 days. bench said, adding, “we do not The Centre sought dismissal
started, “we have received lakhs neededinterventionfromthedis- Heading a three-judge distancing plan to supplant the wisdom of of thepetition,sayingitis“bereft
of non-emergency-related calls, patcher; in 75,884 cases the dis- bench, Chief Justice of India S A the government with our wis- of any facts” and is based on
prank calls, and blank calls”, patcher helped send an ambu- Bobde made the remarks while dom”. The bench observed that some newspaper reports. It
Deputy SP (IT Cell) of Telangana lance, or in extreme emergency hearing the plea by activist of them did not have money to the court is not an expert on added that the “petitioner in
Police, Shrinath Reddy, said. casessuchasadeliveryoraheart Harsh Mander. send home. The counsel added health and management. The complete and blissful ignorance
Officials said each attack,apolicevehiclewassentto Appearing for the petitioner, that a majority of the workers court, however, observed that it of a huge exercise going on by
prank/silent/blank call takes up takethepersontothenearesthos- AdvocatePrashantBhushansaid were living in rented houses in will ask the government to put the Central Government as well
between 30 and 40 seconds, pital. that about four lakh migrant cities without any wages and in place a helpline for as by the State Governments in
sending a genuine emergency Controlroomin-chargeReddy workers, who had started walk- were unable to buy even food. complaints. cooperation with each other, re-
caller into waiting, and delays re- said: “Out of 2,66,550 calls that ingtotheirhomesafterthelock- The bench pointed out that Bhushan referred to a Home sortedtomerelygivingvagueas-
sponse. came through IVR, 84,463 were downwasannounced,hadbeen accordingtothe government, all Ministry direction on March 29, sertions and piecemeal sugges-
“If blank calls come from the by pranksters or by children, and lodged in shelter homes, mak- those accommodated in the asking employers to pay wages tions without any factual
same number on 10 occasions in people who were out to do some ing a mockery of social distanc- shelters were being provided to workers and directing land- foundation”.
a day, the server automatically mischief. The callers remained ing, He urged the court to allow with food. lords not to evict them for want The court asked Bhushan to
blocks that number, Reddy said. silent when the dispatcher took these workers to return to their Appearing for the Centre, of rent, and said the order was peruse the reply and said it will
Hesaidatleast250suchnumbers the call...we are forced to discon- homes and to direct payment of Solicitor General Tushar Mehta unimplementable. The petition hear the matter again on
are blocked each day. nect such calls.” wagestothem,sayingthatmany said the government is on the has sought payment of wages to April 13.


‘India needs extensive ramp-up

of testing... Lockdown isn’t a
cure, it just reduces the burden’
AS INDIA decides its post-lock- to ramp up the private sector.It’s The Government continues
down steps, Harvard Global going to be a lot of work. But the to state that India is not in a
Health Institute’s Faculty problem is that if you don’t do community transmission
Director ASHISH JHA tells that you can’t stay in lockdown stage, even though there are
KARISHMA MEHROTRA that forever. cases that don’t have a clear
any exit strategy is meaningless Lockdown doesn’t cure the contact history. Do you think
if the country doesn’t first test disease. It just reduces the bur- the virus is transmitting
enough to determine accurate den. But it doesn’t eliminate it. A across the community in a
hotspots. Arguing that India is lockdown is not a cure. way we can’t see?
currently witnessing more The biggest problem (with Using my words carefully, I
transmission than what is being the disease) is that any action am worried that there is more
reported, he worries about risk- you take today, you will not see widespread community trans-
ing a massive outbreak in mid- theeffectof thatforthreeweeks. mission than we are seeing.
Mayand anothersix-weeklock- So, imagine on April 14, if the When you don’t have extensive
down in late-May.
THE EXPRESS country decides no more lock-
down. April 21, everything will
testing, you have to assume
community transmission be-
You said April 1, that in three
to six weeks, Europe and
look great. April 28, people will
be celebrating that we have
causethathasbasicallybeen the
America will continue (as beaten coronavirus. By early the world. The only countries
Covid hotspots) but you DIRECTOR, HARVARD
May, you willsee spikes incases. that have been able to stop sub-
“don’t doubt that the centre GLOBAL HEALTH INSTITUTE By mid-May, it will be wide- stantial community transmis-
will move to places like
Mumbai, Rio de Janeiro, and
Monrovia.” So what are the negative health effects, but you
spread across India. And by late
may, another lockdown that has
to be six weeks and it will be a
sion, have been countries that
hadamassivescaleupof testing,
like South Korea. One more
potential options now for will also end up hurting the huge challenge. point on this: the lockdown, I A sign on a road in Chakur town of Latur district in Maharashtra on Tuesday. Nirmal Harindran
aIndia? How does one economy.Wehavetofindathird That is the scenario to avoid. think, has been very helpful in

Tabligh chief Maulana Saad

balance economics and path that lets the economy stay terms of controlling the disease.
health in this country? relatively open and lets the The basic solution you are Ithinkit’spossiblyhelpingthose
I am not sure there is a trade- health issues relatively well giving is testing. ICMR says communitieswherethere was a
off betweenhealthandeconom- managed. I think that third path the country can’t waste lot of transmission happening,
ics.If youthinkaboutdaily-wage is possible, but I think it’s going resources on futile testing, the cases petered out and be-

and his tryst with infamy

workersacrossIndiawhoarenot to be very difficult in a place like and that a random came very low level. But I have
getting paid, many of them are India. surveillance approach of no question in my mind that
suffering from health issues. severe respiratory illnesses when India opens up again,
When you do something like a Decision-makers are across the country would community transmission will
lockdown, you are doing it for discussing potential exit show if the disease was beginagain and will takeseveral
health issues but you actually strategies, perhaps gradual. spreading. What is your take weeks for us to see it. But that
have to remember that the eco- or focusing on a further on this testing strategy from doesn’tmeanit’snothappening.
nomic costs of lockdowns have lockdown only in hotspots. a few weeks ago? litical. Maulana Ilyasi founded in
massive health effects. If you say, let’s only keep Yes, you should be testing What are the factors in SOMYA LAKHANI Mewat with the sole purpose of
Butif youflipit,andyouopen hotspots locked down. My first peoplewhoarehighrisk,orpeo- India’s favor? NEW DELHI, APRIL 7 teachingMuslimshowtobeideal
things up, of course, for a short question is, how do you know ple with pneumonia or respira- Iwouldbealittlebitcautious Muslims.Theyarenotagainstthe
periodof time,theeconomywill which places are hotspots? If a tory distress. But you actually about how confident we are Foraweeknow,therehasbeenno dargah, they just don’t regard
go back but what will happen is place is not doing a lot of testing also want to be testing people about anything right now. But sign of Maulana Muhammad them as people who are divine.”
thatasthenumberof casesspike and doesn’t have a lot of cases, with milddisease.Youalsowant that being said, there is enough Saad Kandhlawi, the head of the Partitionin1947madeithard
and as hospitals get over- that doesn’t mean it’s not a to be testing people who have of a seasonality component that Delhi-based Tablighi Jamaat for Jamaat members to journey
whelmed, that will also have a hotspot. Until you have very ex- been in contact with mild dis- inthenextcoupleof months,itis Markaz which ignored pro- acrosstheborders,soPakistanhad
bignegativeimpactontheecon- tensive testing, you can’t tell me ease. You also want to be build- possible that the virus transmis- hibitory orders to go ahead with itsownTablighiJamaatheadquar-
omy. Who will want to go out to that Bihar only has so many ing up a sample of relatively sion slows down because of the its global congregation in ters in Raiwind.
restaurants and hotels if there cases. No, I need to know how healthy people. For the last heat. That would be great, ex- Nizamuddin last month, and is Yet members of the Jamaat,
are tens of thousands of people much testing is happening to month we have known that be- cept here’s the risk. What we now being blamed by health au- according to Mayaram, consider
in all hospitals across India? Or know how many cases are actu- tween 20 to 25 percent of trans- know from the 1918 epidemic is thoritiesforthespreadof COVID- Maulana Saad is the amir of the Tablighi Jamaat, the Nizamuddin Markaz as their
even, hundreds of thousands of ally there. mission happens between that it came back. It will come 19 across the country. headquartered in New Delhi’s Nizamuddin area. Tashi Tobgyal globalheadquarters.“Theyarenot
people dying? India’s first strategy has to be asymptomatic people. You will back in the fall. Atthat point, you Saad has not been seen since rivalgroups.TablighiJamaatisnot
We have a dilemma where if an extensive ramp up of testing. never pick them up unless you won’t have summer to look for- March 31, the day Chief Minister interestedinsiyasatorpolitics.So
you focus on health, you will As of yesterday, India had done are doing a certain amount of ward to bail you out, and if India Arvind Kejriwal slammed the move that thought from your in western Uttar Pradesh. even when Bangladesh was
have not just negative economic 1 lakh tests. That’s nothing for random sampling in that com- does not spend the next three, Markaz gathering as “very irre- heart... veham baith gaya hai bi- The movement that Ilyas formed, the global headquarters
effects, but negative health ef- the size of India. They need to be munity. That’s not American four monthsreally preparing for sponsible” and “wrong”. maari ka, baith gaya nahin, foundedwasinresponsetowhat of the Tablighi Jamaat remained
fects. And if you focus on the doing at least 10 times as many strategyorItalianstrategy.That’s the fall, India will be shut down Thatveryday,DelhiPolicefiled baithaya gaya hai (a misconcep- wasdescribedas“deteriorationof the Nizamuddin Markaz.”
economy, you’ll not only have perday.Now,that’shard.Yougot a human strategy. for months. an FIR against Saad and other tion has been spread about Islamic values” among Muslims. In 2015, the leadership of the
members of the Tablighi Jamaat the disease).” Itcalledforareturntothepractice Tablighi Jamaat split with one
under sections of the Epidemic AdvocateShahidAli,whorep- ofIslamasexistedduringthelife- small faction demanding that a
CHHATTISGARH HEALTH MINISTER AGAINST EASING LOCKDOWN NOW DiseaseActandIndianPenalCode resentstheMarkazandmembers time of the Prophet. With mem- “committee lead the Tablighi
for violating “government direc- of the Tablighi Jamaat, says, “The bers travelling to lands far and Jamaat and not in individual”.

‘If we sacrifice one life for 2 weeks of tionsgiventothemanagementof

the Markaz regarding restriction
of social/ political/ religious gath-
Delhi Markaz does not have a
YouTube channel. In fact, the
Markaz has no social media ac-
wide, the word spread — the

economic activity, I will stand by that life’ ering and for taking safety meas-
Saad’s personal assistant M
count on Twitter, Facebook or
Instagram. This is not the
Maulana’s audio clip, we have no
According to Saad’s aide
a committee or a shura to lead,”
says Aleem. The breakaway fac-
tion, called the Shura-e-Jamaat,
SpeakingtoTheIndianExpress tivity has stopped which is their AleemclaimstheTablighiJamaat idea who this is or who the Markaz was set up at the set up its headquarters in Delhi’s
DIPANKAR GHOSE over the phone, he said, “In my basicmeansofincomeduringthis chief is “at a relative’s house in uploaded it.” Banglewali Masjid in Delhi’s Turkman Gate - it adhered to the
NEW DELHI, APRIL 7 opinion,wemustbeconservative periodoftime.Weareauctioning Delhi,underself-quarantine”.This Police are not buying this, nor Nizamuddin area after Saad’s lockdown in March.
aboutthelockdownandnotliftit, tendu leaves, for which the gov- flies in the face of police claims theexplanationonSaad’swhere- forefatherspurchasedlandthere. Themovement’sapoliticalna-
CHHATTISGARH HEALTH T S Singhdeo especially in view of the opinion ernment has come out with its that they have been looking for abouts.“Wehavenotbeenableto It has been the family home for ture, ever since the days of the
MinisterTSSinghdeoonTuesday ofexpertsofinternationalandna- tender. These are the activities Saad since the day the FIR was trace the Maulana, his lawyers decades. British Raj, also became the rea-
said he is not in favour of the tionalrepute.Theyaresayingthat which will impinge on forest registered. keepsayingheisunderself-quar- Saadhasfivechildren—three son for its growth. It flourished in
Centre easing the lockdown at extremism and where access to India is a month behind the US, dwellers but we haven’t stopped AleemtoldTheIndianExpress, antine.TheMaulanahasnotcome sons and two daughters. His two lands beyond the sub-continent.
this point. The state has reported healthcare and connectivity is and we are likely to be hit hard in these. Proactively we are saying “His (Saad’s) great-grandfather forward yet and the lawyers say elder sons are married and teach According to Zafarul Islam
10COVID-19casessofarandnine low, the margin for error is lim- last week of April, first week of that if there is harvesting, please purchasedlandinsidetheMarkaz heisinDelhi.Effortsareontotrace atthemadrasainsidetheMarkaz. Khan, chairman of the Delhi
of the patients have recovered. ited. “If we sacrifice even one life May.Soweshouldcontinuewith do the harvesting, but just main- premises many decades ago and him,” says a senior police officer. TheMarkaz,accordingtoone Minority Commission, the
Singhdeo argued that in a fortwoweeksofeconomicactiv- the lockdown for a little while.” tain social distance. If you have the family has been living there So, who is Saad? How did he of its officials, is a five-storey Tablighi Jamaat has had nothing
statelikeChhattisgarh,whichhas ity,Iwillstandbythatonelife,”he “Ifwesacrificeevenonelifefor farm produce, we are not saying since. But now that it has been become the head of an organisa- structure with a basement and a todowithpoliticsorworldlymat-
tribalareasaffectedbyLeft-Wing said. twoweeksof economicactivity,I keep it at home, we are saying emptied,MaulanaSaabisatarel- tion with footprints across terrace. ters, and “hence, have caused no
willstandbythatonelife.Oneof bring it to the mandi, but just do ative’s house in Delhi, under self- the world? “Thereare200toilets,and300 trouble to successive govern-
thebiggestredlinesisinter-state it in a confined manner,” he said. quarantine.” He says Saad is a Cutto1995,aquartercentury tapsforwazu(towashhandsbe- ments because they never com-
SALUTE THE SOLDIER travel,andshouldnotbeallowed
at all,” the minister said.
Singhdeo said that especially
in tribal and forested areas, “you
“simple man who barely uses a
before its tryst with infamy. That
fore prayers). There is an open
mented on anything political re-
lated to the Indian Muslim
HC/GD RAJESHWAR PRASAD Singhdeo also said all eco- havetostopitatthestageyoucan neverhadtodealwithmedia,FIRs old, took charge of the Tablighi iesinside.Italsohasthemadrasa community”.
HC/GD, Rajeshwar Prasad of 205 CoBRA made nomicactivityhadnotcometoa track it”. “If someone gets it in a and lawyers”. Jamaat, an apolitical, socio-reli- and the residence of “They only concentrate on
the supreme sacrifice during a counter-Maoist standstill. “We are mistaken in village deep inside Sukma, that Police are approaching giousmovementfoundedin1925 Maulana Saad.” Allah...Theybelievethatifyouare
operation in the area of Vill- Sewra camp, thinking that there is a curfew. will be much more problematic. YouTubetocheckona28-minute by his great-grandfather TheTablighiJamaat,according in trouble or in good times, it’s all
U/PS - Dumaria, Distt - Gaya (Bihar)), on 08th There are many activities which To protect our tribal population, clip—uploadedonMarch20ona Muhammad Ilyas Kandhlawi in toProfessorShailMayaramofthe because of God, and if there is a
April, 2019. The CRPF proudly remembers the
are going on. For example in one of the first steps which we channelcalledDelhiMarkaz—in Mewat in present day Haryana. CentrefortheStudyofDeveloping misfortune or illness, then one
braveheart who laid down his life at the altar of
duty while fighting with maoists. His courage and bravery would
Bastar,imliandmahuacollection tookwastolockdownourweekly whichaperson,saidtobeSaad,is Kandhlawi is a pointer to the Societies,is“atrans-nationalreli- shouldn’t complain because it’s
remain an abiding source of inspiration for the Force. is going on. It is not as if this ac- markets...” he said. heard saying “if someone says family’s roots — Saad’s great- gious regime which believes in what Allah has done,” he says.
IG & All Ranks of CoBRA lock mosques or that by staying grandfatherwasborninKandhla, monotheism and believes that Fornow,theTablighiJamaatis
here, the disease will spread... re- asmalltownnearMuzaffarnagar onlyAllahisdivine.Theyareapo- in trouble.

To decongest jails, over 100 Centre to SC: Road

closure row

prisoners released in J&K between Kerala,

Karnataka resolved
Director General of Police oners who have been convicted New Delhi: The Centre on
ARUN SHARMA (Prisons) V K Singh said that the and have spent more than 10 Tuesday informed the Supreme
JAMMU, APRIL 7 government has also decided to years in jail on a special eight- Court that the row between
release 19 convicts on parole. week parole in view of the out- Karnataka and Kerala over the
ASPARTofitsdrivedecongestjails Pointing out that more releases break situation. closure of roads between
in view of the coronavirus out- will follow, he said the undertri- For female convicts, the eligi- Mangaluru and Kasaragod has
break, the administration of alsreleasedsofarinclude22peo- bility criteria was fixed at eight been resolved.
JammuandKashmirhasreleased ple detained under PSA. yearsinjail.Theparoleforallcon- Solicitor General Tushar
over100prisonersfromdifferent Therearenearly3,000prison- victs is extendable to another MehtatoldabenchofChiefJustice
jails across the Union territory. erslodgedindifferentjailsacross eightweeksif lockdowngoeson. ofIndiaSABobdeandJusticesSK
Pointingoutthatatotalof108 the UT. Of them, nearly 1,000 are Those excluded from the re- Kaul and Deepak Gupta that the
prisoners have so far been re- facing trial on charges of serious lease decision are prisoners fac- UnionHomeSecretarywastoldin
leased, official sources said that crimes such as murder, another ing charges or convicted of mili- a joint video conference with au-
except for one convict, who has 850 are facing trial under provi- tancy-related cases, larg-scale thoritiesconcernedthatthestates
been released on parole in sions of the Narcotics and Drugs narcotics cases, POCSO and of- “haveagreedtoaprotocolforfacil-
Pulwama disrict, all the others (Prevention) Substance Act, and fences against women cases and itating the free movement of pa-
NOTICE INVITING E-TENDER (Online) NO.: CIPET_HO/Pur./Ten.01/2020-21 were undertrials and were re- nearly 400 are facing charges of those involved in cases related to tientsformedicaltreatmentatthe
CIPET Invites Technical & Commercial Bids separately item wise from the reputed
leased on interim bail. rape. Apart from these, there are foreign nationals. inter-state border at Talapadi”.
Suppliers / Manufacturers for the supply and installation of Processing, Testing, R & D
Equipments and Software for various CIPET centres. Interested & Eligible Bidders are
Thehighestnumberofunder- anothernearly300prisonersfac- The committee also recom- Taking note, the Supreme
requested to apply through E-Tender (online) trials — 40 — were released in ing trial on charges of militancy- mended the release of all those Court disposed of an appeal by
Complete details on technical specifications and commercials terms are also available Jammu district, followed by related cases. who have been sentenced to the Karnataka government
at CIPET website & CPPP. CIPET reserves the right to accept or reject any or all Srinagar and Ganderbal (10), The move to release the pris- three years imprisonment by a against an April 1 order of Kerala
tenders either in part or in full without assigning any reasons thereof. Samba and Kupwara (7), oners comes following the rec- lowercourtandtheirrevisionpe- High Court. The High Court
Last Date for submission of the Bid : 11/05/2020, at 03:00pm Ananatnag (6), Pulwama and ommendations of a high-pow- tition is pending before the High askedittoopentheroads sothat
Opening of Technical Bids : 12/05/2020, at 10:00am Budgam (5), Rajouri and ered committee, led by Justice Court, as well as those who have patients from Kasaragod could
Opening of Commercial Bids : After Evaluation of Technical Bids
Udhampur (4), Baramulla, Rajesh Bindal of Jammu and completed their prison sentence access medical facilities in
For further clarifications, please contact 044 22254780, 788, Extn: 240 & 242
Principal Director (Technical)
Poonch,BhaderwahandRamban Kashmir High Court, asking the but are still in prison due to non- Mangaluru, whichwasthenear-
(2), besides Reasi (1). governmenttoreleasethosepris- payment of fines. est town. ENS



The Outbreak


The scramble for a drug
Hydroxychloroquine is under global spotlight, but how effective is it known to be against COVID-19? Who
55,940 105,519
United Kingdom Germany
Italy 30,217
else use it? How is India, which eased an export ban after Trump grumbled, coping with demand at home?

PRABHA RAGHAVAN tis and lupus patients to skip “a few days to a
98,984 NEW DELHI, APRIL 7 week” since the drug is long-acting, breaks
France longer than that would be “difficult to man-
82,718 THE GOVERNMENT has decided to ease its age”, he said.
378,289 China
ban on the export of hydroxychloroquine, a Following ICMR’s advisory on the drug,
drug that has garnered global interest in the patients and healthcare professionals alike
62,589 treatment and prevention of COVID-19. On are learnt to have stocked up on hydroxy-
140,511 Iran
Tuesday, US President Donald Trump chloroquine. According to Prashant Tandon,
tweeted about “retaliation” if India did not founder of 1mg, some patients who had
22,242 heedhisrequestforthedrug.Later,Indiasaid never used the drug had also attempted to
it would supply to nations that needed it the source it from his e-pharmacy but were un-
most,andtoneighbourswhowere“depend- successfulastheydidnothavevalidprescrip-
TOTAL CONFIRMED: 1,381,014 DEATH COUNT: 78,269 ent on India’s capabilities”. tions.
The drug has since been moved to a
Source: Johns Hopkins University, updated at 11:00 pm on April 7 What is hydroxychloroquine and what is Schedule H1 status, which means patients
it used for? who need the drug would have to get a fresh
It is an antimalarial drug option, consid- prescription every time they needed to pur-
Shut indoors, how do you keep ered less toxic than chloroquine, and pre-
scribed in certain cases. Doctors also pre-
chase it.
Nearly a month on, stocks are still not

eating healthy, find things to do? scribeditforpatientsof rheumatoidarthritis

and lupus.
available easily in pharmacies, affecting sev-
eral patients who actually use the drug for
auto-immune diseases. Some patients The
FOR THOSE working from home, the Who makes this drug in India? Hydroxychloroquine’s effectiveness against COVID-19 is still being studied. AP IndianExpressspoketohavebeenstruggling
lockdown has changed the way they Hydroxychloroquinehadamarketsizeof togettheirrequireddosageevenaftershow-
live. In some cases, this can lead to only around Rs 152.8 crore in the 12 months ing prescriptions.
boredomandstress,andinturnupset ended February 2020, according to pharma- lack of better explanations of the inclusion WorldHealthOrganization’s(WHO)solidar- “The stock is still limited, and whatever
their eating habits - either way. How ceutical market research firm AIOCD Awacs criteria and the triage of patients to ensure ity trial, of which India is a part, clinicians littlestockisavailableisbeingprioritisedand
should one cope? PharmaTrac. However, several countries patient safety”. worldwide are to follow a common protocol boughtbythecentralandstategovernments.
Some may eat too little, some too source the drug from India. However,byMarch21,Trump had begun to treat patients with hydroxychloroquine. Wehavebeentoldthatwewillreceivestocks
much, and it is quite likely that peo- Mumbai-headquartered Ipca to call the drug a “game changer”, and has The second is the chloroquine accelerator soon, hopefully within a week, but we don’t
ple stuck home would snack more Laboratories had nearly 82% of the market, since been pushing it. trial, largely funded by the Wellcome Trust know,” 1mg’s Tandon said.
and eat less than meals. Stress has with its brands HCQS and HYQ. Around 80% At the end of last month, the Indian and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
been known to make people inclined of the volumes produced by Ipca are ex- Council of Medical Research (ICMR) issued As of now, the jury is still out on how ef- What are pharma companies doing to
towards foods rich in carbohydrates ported. Ahmedabad-headquartered Cadila an advisory recommending the use of hy- fective these drugs can be against the virus, resolve the issue?
and fats. As most experts would ad- Healthcare(ZydusCadila)preparesthebrand droxychloroquine in asymptomatic health- according to virologist and CEO of the AccordingtoIpcajointmanagingdirector
vise, they need to watch this in the Indoors in Lucknow, after the Zy Q, with 8% of the market. Wallace careworkerstreatingCOVID-19patients,and Wellcome Trust/DBT India Alliance Dr Ajit Kumar Jain, the company has the ability
long run. lockdown began. Express Pharmaceuticals (OXCQ), Torrent alloweddoctorstoprescribeitforhousehold ShahidJameel.“Bothof thesearetestingvery to ramp up production to meet much of the
It helps if you notice when this is Pharmaceuticals (HQTOR) and Overseas contacts of confirmed COVID-19 patients. large numbers of patients according to the government’s requirements, as only 10 per
happening. If you realise that you are Healthcare Pvt Ltd (CARTIQUIN) have However, the government has stressed that random testing protocol used to test medi- centof itsmanufacturingcapacityof hydrox-
snacking more than you should, you same answer for everybody. Most smaller shares. the drug canonly be used in COVID-19 treat- cines. The results of those trials are not avail- ychloroquine had been used for the domes-
candropthesnackandeatsomething people will spend some amount of ment on prescription, and that it should not able yet,” he said. “If people in high exposure tic market so far.
healthy instead. If you are not even time cleaning the house. When not Why has the COVID-19 outbreak instill a sense of “false security”. situations such as health workers are taking However, to make sure the drug is not
hungry but still feel the urge to snack, doing that, mental health experts spotlighted this drug? hydroxychloroquine/chloroquine as a pre- misused or stocked out due to panic buying,
you could distract yourself by doing have advised in articles in various In a study last month in the International Since when has India stopped exporting ventive measure in limited ways, it may be the company has decided to make hydroxy-
something else. publications, people should spend Journal of Antimicrobial Agents (IJAA), the drug? fine.But, itisnotall rightforthe generalpub- chloroquineavailable at “select” pharmacies
There are others who are affected time in conversations with everyone Frenchscientistsreportedthat“Twentycases The US has been looking to procure the lic to go around popping these drugs hoping across the country, in communication with
by stress in the other way - they can- inthe home,including about the out- were treated... and showed a significant re- drug for emergency use. On March 21, Ipca that they will be protected. They may not be rheumatoid arthritis specialists.
not eat. In these cases, the thing to do break. Otherwise, just take a break duction of the viral carriage... compared to told stock exchanges here that the US Food protected, but they will definitely cause “Now, the patient can just reach out to
is to identify what foods they can still from the grim news and engage in controls, and much lower average carrying and Drug Administration had “made excep- themselves some harm,” said Dr Jameel. their doctor and they should be able to con-
tolerate, and which are nutritional something relaxing such as reading a durationthanreportedof untreatedpatients tion” to its import alert against the company nect them with the pharmacy that has the
enough, say a cup of hot chocolate or book or watching a film. in the literature. Azithromycin added to hy- so that it could get stocks. How has the outbreak impacted patients available stock,” he said. “Maybe after the
beverage. It also remains important Lockingoneself intoblock outthe droxychloroquine was significantly more ef- India decided to ban exports of the drug who take the drug? lockdown eases up, we might be able to
as ever to drink water regularly. virus, too, comes with a rider - every- ficient for virus elimination.” on April 4. On Tuesday, it decided to ease the In March, Trump’s statement promoting slowlymake thedrug available morewidely.
Whatelse can one do whenone is one still needs fresh air. It is a good The study was flagged as being too small ban. the drug not only led to panic buying in the A spokesperson for Zydus Cadila said the
noteatingorkeepingawatchontheir idea to open the windows and venti- to draw a definitive conclusion. On April 3, US, but also impacted stocks in India. Fortis company has ramped up production of hy-
eating habits? This cannot have the lators every now and then. the International Society of Antimicrobial Is it actually effective? Memorial Research Institute rheumatology droxychloroquine to 20-30 tonnes per
Chemotherapy(ISAC),whichownsIJAA,said Two large trials are under way on the ef- consultant Dr Naval Mendiratta said he had month from three tonnes previously. It will
the study did “not meet the society’s ex- fectivenessof hydroxychloroquine,andeven already begun receiving calls from his pa- scale it up further to about 40-50 tonnes per
INDIA COUNT: 4,789 (124 DEATHS) pected standard, especially relating to the chloroquine, in COVID-19 treatment. In the tients about lack of stocks due to panic buy- monthinthecomingmonths“if needarises”.


How coronavirus enters lungs, affects breathing

Islands 10
ArunachalPradesh 1
Assam 26
Bihar 32
576 Delhi Chandigarh 18
Chhattisgarh 10 when an infected person coughs. piratory tract — at the lining of the lungs as
305 UP EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE Infection can be more severe if the virus described — and will develop a cough, may
288 Rajasthan Goa 7
Gujarat 165 NEW DELHI, APRIL 7 goes past the lining of the airways, and also have a fever, and will be potential carri-
Haryana 90 reaches the air sacs at the end of the air pas- ers of the virus. The asymptomatic and
229 MP 91 HimachalPradesh 13 IN THE picture still emerging on COVID-19, sages. Called alveoli, these sacs are respon- mildly symptomatic groups are relatively
West Bengal JammuandKashmir 116
Jharkhand 4 sometrendshavebeenmorenoticeableasof sible for the exchange of gas in the lungs. If small compared to those with more severe
868 Maharashtra now:manyof thoseinfectedhaverecovered, they get infected, the sacs respond with in- symptoms, resembling those we associate
364 Ladakh 14
Telangana 266 Andhra Pradesh Manipur 2 while less than 80,000 have died out of the flammatoryfluids,whichfilltheairsacs.That with a flu. In expert comments to The
Mizoram 1 over1millioninfectedcasessofar.Butwhen is what leads to pneumonia — when the Guardian, Prof John Wilson, president-elect
621 Tamil Nadu Odisha 42
175 Karnataka it has killed — usually the elderly and those lungs’ ability to transfer oxygen is impaired, of the Royal Australasian College of
Puducherry 5
withunderlyingconditions—thenovelcoro- andtheinfectedpersonhasdifficultybreath- Physicians and a respiratory physician, said
327 Kerala Punjab 91
Tripura 1 navirus (SARS-CoV2) has often done so by ing. When a person cannot inhale enough those with flu-like symptoms are the largest
Uttarakhand 31 leading to pneumonia, the eventual cause of oxygen and exhale enough carbon dioxide, group of patients.
death. How does the virus affect the lungs? pneumonia can lead to death. Thentherearetheextremelyseverecases.
Union Health Ministry update at 11 pm, April 7. Some states may have These are the ones who will develop severe
reported higher numbers. Only states with most cases are listed above. Outside lungs & inside Who should worry? illness including pneumonia. So far, such ex-
353 PATIENTS DISCHARGED IN 21 STATES ACROSS THE COUNTRY Oncethevirusentersthebody,itcancause Thedescriptionaboveisonlyofthosewho treme cases have been significantly fewer
discomfort when it reaches the air passages aremostseverelyaffected.Inmostcases,the than those with severe flu-like symptoms,
on the outside of the lungs. These passages individual will recover after showing symp- Pneumonia as a result of COVID-19 is vi-
Have a question on the COVID-19 outbreak and what you should/should not do? conductairintoandfromthelungs.Thevirus toms of varying severity, or none at all. ral pneumonia, which means it cannot be
Write to injurestheliningof thepassageways,andthe The least serious patients will show no Image of a COVID-19 patient’s lungs at treated withantibiotics.Inseverecases,ven-
body responds with an inflammation, which symptoms after catching the virus. Some a hospital in Belgium. AP tilator support may be needed to ensure suf-
inturnirritatesthenervesinthelining.Thatis others will get an infection in the upper res- ficient oxygen circulation in the body.


The pandemic has opened our eyes to the importance of basic hygiene
of the community with simple steps like Unfortunately, priority is almost always startlingadmission:Hehadjoinedthemed- keeping a minimum distance of one metre Whatisequallyimportantistocontinue
personal hygiene and basic sanitation. given to tertiary care alone by starting big ical college to become a flourishing physi- between hospital beds; and providing pro- the safe practices that we are banking on
Nevertheless,itneededapandemictoopen hospitals and healthcare centres, which do cian and make money, not to waste time on tective materials for hospital attendants. now to keep the pandemic at bay: taking a
our eyes to accept basic hand and body hy- notreachthecommonman’slife.Clinicians, sanitation and hygiene. Forget the policymakers, even doctors did shower every day, washing our hands with
giene,andcoughetiquette,inourdailylives. of course,playamajorroleintreatmentand Butwhatstudentslikehimdon’tknowis not take the recommendations seriously. soapeverytimewereturnhome,andcover-
The basic principle of prevention and patientcare,butthebenefitisonlytothepa- thatwhentheyarepostedtoprimaryhealth Now, a word of caution. There is no ingthemouthwhilecoughing.Thesesimple
controlof adiseaseisbasedonthelevelsof tient and family. But for public health ex- centres, they will realise the importance of doubt that we will be able to contain the measures should become an intrinsic part
prevention: Primary, Secondary and perts, by applying the primary level of pre- the subject. Once, during an inspection at a COVID-19pandemicbystrictlyapplyingthe of our lives, as much as brushing our teeth.
Dr K Leelamoni Tertiary. Primary prevention stresses on
health education or awareness and specific
vention alone, they are protecting an entire
Primary Health Centre, I met the same stu-
dent,nowadoctor,withatextbookof com-
prescribed safety measures and practising
safe distancing along with effective quar-
Every crisis has a silver lining. In India’s
protection,whichincludesuseof protective the results of public health efforts are not munitymedicineonhistable.Hesheepishly antine and surveillance. But there needs to our health system and its dedicated profes-
IT HAS been more than two months since measures and immunisation. Early detec- visible immediately. admitted that he had now understood the be an equally aggressive awareness cam- sionalswhoareworkingroundtheclock.At
Indiareporteditsfirstcaseof COVID-19and, tion of disease and prompt treatment con- Even in the medical curriculum, com- relevance of community health. paign about the social stigma and discrim- a time when other countries are focusing
duringthisshortperiod,thenumberofcases stitutethesecondarylevelwhereasdisabil- munity medicine is a major discipline to be Today,almosteveryoneacrossthecoun- ination that will follow, as more and more only on tertiary care, we are truly ahead of
hascrossed4,000evenafteranationallock- ity limitation and rehabilitation form the taught right from the first to the final year tryknowsaboutthesignificanceof quaran- people return home from hospital and the curve.
down. We have withstood the H1N1 and third level. with three months training in the subject tine,isolation,socialdistancingandsafesan- quarantine. This is due to fear and anxiety
swine flu pandemics over the past decade Thedecisionaboutwhichlevelisneeded required for basic training of doctors. itary practices. But what many don’t about a disease, especially one which is Dr K Leelamoni is a former Head of
but those did not require such a drastic is usually decided by community medicine However, this important stream is ignored remember is that these principles were new, and can be alleviated by sharing accu- Department of Community Medicine at the
measure. experts based on the epidemiological fea- bymanyfortheglamourandlureof clinical stressed at the time of the H1N1 pandemic, rate information about the virus and how Government Medical College in Kozhikode
For decades in the field of community tures of different diseases. In acute respira- medicine-consultations,surgeries,etc.Once too.WhatIclearlyrememberfromthattime it spreads. Getting the recovered patients and Thiruvananthapuram, and later at the
medicine, a stream of medical studies not tory diseases, the first and second levels are a medical student complained to me about is a discussion with policymakers on creat- to share their experiences in person Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences in
many are aware of, the stress has always importantwhereasinpolioandleprosy,ter- his poor marks in the subject - a minimum ingawarenessaboutcoughhygiene;provid- through media channels is a very impor- Kochi. She has worked in the field of
beenontheroleof strengtheningthehealth tiary prevention also has a major role. is required to clear MBBS. Then, he made a ing a separate ward for suspected cases; tant tool, in this respect. community medicine for 48 years.




I’m not into digital marketing, downloading,
or streaming - I’ve always been a man of the
theaters. — WERNER HERZOG

Listening as governance

Overcoming a pandemic may look like fighting a
war, but the real need is far from that

OPENING UP Amartya Sen

Lockdown, necessary to slow virus, should be accompanied by
WEHAVEREASONtotakeprideinthefactthat analyses emerging from public discussion. havocinthelivesofmanymillionsofpoorpe-
a dynamic strategy for resumption of economic activity India is the largest democracy in the world, Eventhoughonlyaminoritymayactually ople,whileotherscouldhelpfullyincludepoli-

and also the oldest in the developing world. face the deprivation of a famine, a listening ciesinthepackagethatpreventsuchsuffering.
HECURRENTWARagainstCOVID-19isn’taconventionalone.Farfromhaving Aside from giving everyone a voice, democ- majority, informed by public discussion and Employment and income are basic con-
adefiniteendgame,whereintheenemysignsaninstrumentof surrender,the racy provides many practical benefits for us. a free press, can make a government respon- cerns of the poor, and taking special care for
novel coronavirus will continue to survive and infect well beyond the 21-day We can, however, ask whether we are mak- sive. This can happen either through sympa- preserving them whenever they are threat-
lockdown that ends on April 14. All the more reason, then, why the sweeping ing good use of it now when the country, fac- thy(whenthegovernmentcares),orthrough ened is an essential requirement of policy-
nationwiderestrictionsnowonmovementandproductionhavetogivewaytoadynamic ing a gigantic health crisis, needs it most. the antipathy that would be generated by its making.Itisworthnotinginthiscontextthat
First a bit of history. As the British Raj inaction(whenthegovernmentremainsun- evenstarvationandfaminesarecausallycon-
strategythatallowsresumptionof economicactivitybasedonevolvingandlocalisedepi-
ended, the newly established democracy in caring). John Stuart Mill’s analysis of democ- nectedwithinadequacyofincomeandthein-
demiological conditions. The present generalised lockdown was, no doubt, necessary to India started bearing practical fruits straight- racy as “governance by discussion” helps to abilityoftheimpoverishedtobuyfood(asex-
slow the spread of the virus. It is early days yet before the key states are able to “flatten the way.Famines,whichwereapersistentoccur- identify thesaviour of the threatened famine tensiveeconomicstudieshavebroughtout).If
curve” but there is some respite given that a fifth of the 700-plus districts in India have in- rencethroughoutthehistoryof authoritarian victim, in particular a free press and unre- a sudden lockdown prevents millions of
dividually reported five or more positive COVID-19 cases. Further, these districts have ac- Britishrule,stoppedabruptlywiththeestab- strained discussion. labourersfromearninganincome,starvation
countedfor80percentof allconfirmedcasessofar.That’swhyitisimportanttosequester lishment of a democratic India. The last Tackling a social calamity is not like fight- in some scale cannot be far off. Even the US,
famine, the Bengal famine of 1943, which I ingawarwhichworksbestwhenaleadercan whichisoftentakentobeaquintessentialfree
these to ensure that the virus doesn’t reach here but there is an opportunity here too.
witnessedasachildjustbeforeIndependence, use top-down power to order everyone to do enterprise economy (as in many ways it in-
As an analysis in this newspaper has shown, many industrial centres — from Tiruppur markedtheendof colonialrule.Indiahashad whattheleaderwants—withnoneedforcon- deed is), has instituted income subsidies
and Sriperumbudur in Tamil Nadu, to Kutch, Bharuch and Vapi in Gujarat and Baddi in nofaminesincethen,andtheonesthatthreat- sultation.Incontrast,whatisneededfordeal- throughmassivefederalspendingfortheun-
HimachalPradesh—haverecordedfewcases.MostcasesarefromDelhi,Mumbai,Chennai ened to emerge in the early decades after ingwithasocialcalamityisparticipatorygov- employedandthepoor.Intheemergenceand
and other cities that are densely-populated, but do not have too many manufacturing Independence were firmly quashed. ernance and alert public discussion. Famine acceptance of such socially protective meas-
units. The dispersal of manufacturing activity to relatively secluded areas — be it the spe- How did this happen? Democracy gives victimsmay besociallydistantfromtherela- uresinAmerica,acrucialparthasbeenplayed
very strong incentives to the government to tivelymoreaffluentpublic,andsocanbeother bypublicdiscussion,includingadvocacyfrom
cial economic zones of Kandla, Mundra and Sri City or the Bhiwadi-Neemrana stretch of
work hard to prevent famines. The govern- sufferersindifferentsocialcalamities,butlis- the political opposition.
Rajasthan — should help in today’s situation. It is conducive for the reopening of factories ment has to respond promptly to people’s teningtopublicdiscussionmakesthepolicy- In India the institutional mechanism for
once the lockdown period is over, while also minimising the risk of any uncontrolled needsbecauseof acombinationof publicdis- makers understand what needs to be done. keeping the poor away from deprivation and
spread of infection. cussion and elections. However, elections Napoleonmayhavebeenmuchbetteratcom- destitution will have to relate to its own eco-
There are three things that the government can and should do after April 14. The first alone could not do it. Indeed, democracy is mandingratherthanlistening,butthisdidnot nomicconditions,butitisnothardtoconsider
is to identify hotspots with high numbers of COVID-19 cases, where the current curbs neverunderstandableonlyasasystemoffree hamper his military success (except perhaps possibleprotectivearrangements,suchasde-
will have to continue for some more time. The second is to permit organised manufac- elections, which are intermittent, often with In the sudden crisis in India in his Russian campaign). However, for over- votingmorepublicfundsforhelpingthepoor
a big gap between one and the next, and arising from the spread of coming a social calamity, listening is an ever- (which gets a comparatively small allocation
turing establishments, especially government and private corporate sector-owned enti-
which can be swayed by the excitement that present necessity. inthecentralbudgetasthingsstand),includ-
ties, to start production. As enterprises registered under the Factories Act, these units are theimmediatepoliticalcontextgenerates.For
COVID-19, the government Thisappliesalsotothecalamitycausedby ing feeding arrangements in large national
amenable to monitoring, which also makes it possible to strictly enforce social distanc- example, Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, has obviously been right to apandemic,inwhichsome—themoreafflu- scale, and drawing on the 60 million tons of
ing rules on them. Third, a substantial scaling up of testing, including rapid serological who was trailing badly in the polls before the be concerned with rapidly ent — may be concerned only about not get- rice and wheat that remain unused in the
diagnosis for detection of antibodies in the blood, is required. Without large-scale preva- FalklandsWarin1982,gotahugebumpfrom stopping the spread. Social ting the disease, while others have to worry godownsoftheFoodCorporationofIndia. The
lence testing, it would be difficult to track hotspots, both existing and emerging, and re- thewar(asrulinggovernmentsoftendo)and alsoaboutearninganincome(whichmaybe waysandmeansofgettingdisplacedmigrant
comfortably won the general elections that
distancing as a remedy is threatened by the disease or by an anti-dis- labourers back to their homes, and making
spond with localised lockdowns or other necessary interventions. All this reinforces the also important and has been
followed, in 1983. ease policy, such as a lockdown), and — for arrangements for their resettlement, paying
point: The war against COVID-19 is, if anything, going to be a series of battles fought over Also general elections in the parliamen- rightly favoured in Indian thoseawayfromhomeasmigrantworkers— attention to their disease status and health
an extended period. The response, too, has to be dynamic. The number of coronavirus tarysystemareprimarilyaboutgettingama- aboutfindingthemeansofgettingbackhome. care, are also challenging issues that call for
policy-making. Problems,
cases will rise in the coming days, but so long as they are localised and the gradient of the jorityofseatsinthelowerhouseofparliament. Thedifferenttypesofhazardsfromwhichdif- careful listening rather than inflexible deci-
overall curve, cases or deaths, doesn’t get steeper, all efforts must be made to ensure fac- There is no formal rule about the interests or however, arise from the fact ferentgroupssufferhavetobeaddressed,and sions without proper consultation.
tories start humming — with strict precautions, of course. rightsofminoritiesinthevotingsystem.Given that a single-minded pursuit this is much aided by a participatory democ- Listening is central in the government’s
that, if all people were to vote according to of slowing the spread of the racy,inparticularwhenthepressisfree,pub- task of preventing social calamity — hearing
their own personal interests, an election disease does not lic discussion is unrestrained, and when gov- what the problems are, where exactly they

would not have been a strong saviour of ernmental commands are informed by have hit, and how they affect the victims.
faminevictims,sinceonlyasmallminorityof discriminate between listening and consultation. Rather than muzzling the media and threat-
peopleactuallystarveinanyfamine.However, different paths that can be In the sudden crisis in India arising from eningdissenterswithpunitivemeasures(and
afreepressandopenpublicdiscussionmakes taken in that pursuit, some the spread of COVID-19, the government has remaining politically unchallenged), gover-
Lockdown has posed a question on two decades of the distress and dangers faced by the vulner- obviouslybeenrighttobeconcernedwithra- nancecanbegreatlyhelpedbyinformedpub-
of which could bring disaster
able poor substantially known and under- pidlystoppingthespread.Socialdistancingas lic discussion. Overcoming a pandemic may
evangelism — going digital is not a complete solution stood by the public at large, destabilising the and havoc in the lives of aremedyisalso importantandhasbeenrigh- looklikefightingawar,buttherealneedisfar

standing of a government that allows such a many millions of poor tly favoured in Indian policy-making. Probl- from that.
IGITAL COMMUNICATION WAS supposed to be a world-altering force of calamity to happen. Of course, the govern- ems, however, arise from the fact that a sin-
people, while others could
liberation, freeing people from the limitations of time and space, and lead- mentitself,sinceitmayalsoberunbypeople gle-minded pursuit of slowing the spread of The writer, a Nobel laureate in economics, is
ing them towards a millennial land overflowing with remedies and solu- and parties capable of human sympathy and
helpfully include policies in the disease does not discriminate between Thomas W. Lamont University Professor and
tions. To some extent, the evangelists spoke truth, and technology did con- understanding,maybedirectlyinfluencedby the package that prevent differentpathsthatcanbetakeninthatpurs- professor of economics and philosophy at
ferhithertounimaginablecapabilitiesuponpeople,institutions,corporationsandnations. what they learn from the information and such suffering. uit, some of which could bring disaster and Harvard University.
But the present lockdown has revealed that technology cannot live up to the expecta-
tions generated — it cannot be a complete solution because of differential access, and be-
cause digital processes include physical steps that cannot be bypassed.


yetagain.Thewell-off appeartoenjoyaccesstobettersourcesof information,whichisthe
vices and bandwidth that students’ families can afford obviously make a difference. Speed
willbewithusforsometime,andsomerestrictionsonmovementmayoutlivethecurrent Coronavirus outbreak could deepen turmoil, exacerbate Iran’s social strife
lockdown, the effects could persist and influence the life prospects of many children. But
these are known truths. The great myth that the lockdown has dented is one developed
overtwodecadesof techno-evangelism—thatbeingdigitalisacompletesolution,making
Ramin Jahanbegloo
old processes redundant and replacing them with shiny new digital tools.
THE DEATH TOLL in Iran from the COVID-19 Islamic Republic to tarnish “the reputation of Unfortunately, Iran’s political class has
It is now obvious that digital technology makes some things run smoother, but it can-
outbreakismorethan3,700,accordingtothe the sanctuary of Shiites in the world”. beenslowintakingthecountry’scivilsociety
not replace old protocols completely. E-tailing, which was expected to wipe out the cor- country’s official sources. More than 60,000 The Iranian government has not quaran- into confidence, even though some NGOs
ner store, is at a standstill because it is still dependent on physical transport for delivery. people have contracted the infection in Iran. tined all the high-risk areas of the country - have mobilised resources to contain the out-
And corner stores are seeing empty shelves because though they are supplied by trucks Many suspect that the country’s official fig- Tehran,forexample,isnotunderalockdown. break.Inthepast40years,theIslamicgovern-
bearing RFID chips to smooth the way, these are rendered meaningless if state or district ures are an underestimation. Unlike several Moreover, because of the US sanctions, hos- ment has tried to throttle most civil society
borders are closed to traffic. There were anxieties about job losses due to increasing au- other countries where the virus was trans- pitals and doctors do not have access to suffi- initiatives.Buttoday,theenemyisnotadissi-
mitted by tourists, the epicentre of the pan- cientmedicalsupplies,masksandventilators. dentintellectualorartistorawomanfighting
tomation of factory production lines, but they have had to shut down because there are
demic in Iran was the holy city of Qom — a Tehran’s mayor has admitted that because of againsttheveil.Themonopolyofviolencethat
still far too many people on the shop floor. Digital transactions were promoted by the spiritual centre for Shia Muslims. Qom also the sanctions, the city’s municipality did not theIslamicStatepridesitselfondoesnotmat-
government and, while it is an excellent route for paying recurring bills, the grocer still getstheologystudentsfromChina,whocould Most Iranians believe that have the capacity to enforce a lockdown. The ter much to the novel coronavirus.
prefers cash,which necessitates a tripto theATM.Evenin onlineschooleducation,which have carried the virus. the coronavirus had spread Iranian government has applied for a $5 bil- Ifthepandemiccontinues,theIraniancon-
is relatively successful, paper has turned out to be essential, but the stationery shops are The Iranian government, which doesn’t lion loan from the IMF to fight the epidemic servatives, represented by the clerics and the
in the country long before
closed. Digital India can only take us so far. The rest of the way remains to be covered. seemtoenjoythetrustofalargesectionofthe — the first time since the Islamic Revolution Revolutionary Guards, will have to open up
country,hasbungledthemanagementof the the Iranian officials that Iran has asked for such a loan. spaces for dialogue and hold consultations
pandemic. People haven’t adequately com- announced the outbreak. Iran has been in turmoil since November with the country’s professional classes. The


pliedwiththesocialdistancingmeasuresand But the economic last year, when the government killed more governmenthasalreadyfailedtorespondad-
otherguidelineslaiddownbytheglobalcom- than1,000protesters—amajorreasonforthe equately by not paying heed to the opinions
munityandtheIranianstate.Initially, Iranian
strangulation of the country high level of mistrust. Most Iranians believe ofexperts.Thenovelcoronavirusisnotknown
health officials had difficulties closing down as a result of US sanctions that the coronavirus had spread in the coun- to give many chances. In the coming weeks
The Open has been cancelled. But the elitist sport is tailor- the country’s religious sites. Three days after and the fall in oil prices has trylongbeforetheIranianofficialsannounced andmonths,wewillknow if Iran managesto
the official announcement of coronavirus compounded matters. The theoutbreak.Buttheeconomicstrangulation come out of this crisis.
made for social distancing deaths in Qom,the city’sFriday prayerleader of the country as a result of US sanctions and

opposed the quarantining of the Fatima
country could face a major thefallinoilpriceshascompoundedmatters. The writer is professor-vice dean and director,
HEOPENCHAMPIONSHIP, one of golf’s most prestigious tournaments held in Masumeh Shrine. The cleric argued that the social and political crisis if Thecountrycouldfaceamajorsocialandpo- Mahatma Gandhi Centre for Peace, Jindal
KentintheUK,hasbecomethelatestmajorsportingevent—afterWimbledon outbreak was a plot by the enemies of the matters don’t improve fast. litical crisis if matters don’t improve fast. Global University
and the Olympics — to be postponed this year, in the wake of the coronavirus.
The attempt at social distancing is, of course, welcome. But, let’s face it, golf
was quite a distant sport to begin with. In fact, it is arguably a sport that is tailor-made for
the pandemic.
Unlike, say, football — entertainment for the masses, continuation of war by other APRIL 8, 1980, FORTY YEARS AGO
means, modern gladiatorial contest — there is little chance of physical contact among
golfers. Vast tracts of land are devoted to this pastime, and an unconscionable amount of ASSAM STATUS QUO VIETNAM PM VISIT US HOSTAGES
resources — both monetary and ecological — are spent to create the illusion of Scottish JUSTICE B L Hansaria of the Gauhati High THE PRIME MINISTER of Vietnam, Pham AYATOLLAH RUHOLLAH KHOMEINI ruled
moors. And it is, both in its origins and at its core, an isolationist exclusivist enterprise. A Court ordered the stay of operation of the Van Dong, who flew into New Delhi to a thatthe50Americanhostageswill remainin
two government notifications issued on warm and affectionate welcome, had nearly the hands of the young militants occupying
caddy does the heavy lifting, and he can easily be instructed to maintain a two-arm dis-
April 5 under the Assam Disturbed Areas two hours of extensive discussion with theU.SembassyinTeheranuntilthenewIran
tance. Players already wear rather odd-looking gloves, so, unlike healthcare profession- Act 1955 and the Armed forces (Assam and Prime Minister Indira Gandhi on the Parliament decides their fate, Khomeini’s of-
als, they are protected from the germ. Manipur) Special Powers Act 1958. The no- international situation and bilateral rela- fice announced. The leader of the Iranian
Itis,ofcourse,unfairtosingleoutgolf.Thesportisbothasymbolandasymptom.During tifications came into force yesterday tions. Both on arrival and later at the talks, RevolutionaryregimevetoedPresidentBani-
the lockdowns in force in various parts of the world in varying degrees, there are jobs that throughout Assam, except the North Cachar the Vietnamese prime minister maintained Sadr’sproposaltotransfercustodyof thecap-
afford the luxury of working from home just as there are people who can simply afford to Hills district. The court also by a rule on the that India had a constructive role to play in tives to the Ruling Revolutionary Council af-
stay in for a month or two. There are those with high-speed internet and friends across the state of Assam and the Union of India asked “bringing about peace and stability in the ter a meeting with Bani-Sadr and the foreign
them to show cause within ten days why region”. An official spokesman said that minister, Sadegh Ghotbzadeh. The adminis-
the two notifications should not be set great similarity of approach between the trationof theUSpresident,JimmyCarter,was
hoods.Golfers,byandlarge,areasmallsubsetoftheformercategory.Clearly,thislothassuf- aside. While ordering the stay, the High two countries vis-a-vis problems affecting expected to respond to Khomeini’s decision
feredenough,andlo,theyhaveanoutdoorpastimethatpracticallyinventedsocialdistanc- Court issued a ten-day notice to the state world peace and stability was noted at withanannouncementofneweconomicand
ing. While most face the prospect of lining up for bread, we should let them have golf. government. the talks. diplomatic sanctions against Iran.




“Words struggle to capture the enormity of the response to the disease, so
some numbers will have to suffice. Roughly four billion people - half the world’s
population - have been asked to stay at home.” — THENEW YORKTIMES

The wilting Sakura Travelling

new paths
Industry associations in India have
reached out for government intervention
on many fronts. The requests include a 12-
monthmoratoriumonEMIsof interestand
Sujan R Chinoy principal payments on loans and working
capital from banks and NBFCs, deferment
of dues such as advance tax, GST, PF ESIC,
JAPAN IS NO stranger to crises, whether the to name a few, for about 12 months, and a
nuclear destruction of Hiroshima and Farhat Jamal GST holiday to the travel and tourism in-
Nagasaki in 1945 or the Triple Disaster in dustry for at least a year.
2011 — the Great East Japan Earthquake, the Theairlineindustrywouldbenefitenor-
nuclear meltdown at the Fukushima Daiichi THE COVID-19 pandemic has caused mously if the government considers levy-
plant and the giant Tsunami. A resilient na- unimaginable damage to global tourism, ing GST on Air Turbine Fuel, which will en-
tion,Japanhasrisenfromtheashes,phoenix- travel, and the hospitality industry. It has able them to get input tax credit and be a
like, each time. It is now confronting COVID- not only caused huge loss of lives and con- bigrelief forall domesticcarriers.These are
19, which has wreaked havoc on global tinues to do so, but is leaving behind a trail reasonable requests.Iamveryhopeful that
financial and economic systems and dis- C R Sasikumar of havoc on the world’s economies. I have the industry voice will be heard.
rupted production, supply chains and mar- Abe’s decision this week to declare a is Chinese President Xi Jinping’s long-pend- been part of the hospitality industry for In the aftermath of COVID-19, we must
kets. Japan may not have yet suffered an ex- month-long state of emergency in Tokyo and ing visit to Tokyo, but Japan’s “mask diplo- over four decades and seen many cycles of accept that epidemics and virus breakouts
plosive spread of the virus but it is certainly six other prefectures, alongside the release of macy” and generous assistance to China at downturn.But neverbeforehastherebeen may return to haunt us again in the future.
notshelteredfromtheragingglobaltempest. a gargantuan stimulus package worth nearly thestartof thepandemicaugurwellforSino- so much panic, despair and hopelessness Preparedness should be our key takeaway
COVID-19receivedahigh-ratingtelevised $1 trillion, including cash doles and financial Japanese ties, which have improved in re- as caused by COVID-19. from this experience.
start in Japan with the cruise ship, Diamond support to households and businesses, may cent years, their inveterate differences I was based in the UK at Taj’s St James Theriseof global terrorism gothotelsto
Princess, steaming into Tokyo bay on helpturnthetide.However,providinghealth- notwithstanding. Abe’s postponed visit to CourtHotel,London,whenthehorrific9/11 uptheirsecuritymeasures.Theprimaryfo-
February 3 with 3,711 passengers on board care to a rapidly ageing population in the face India, earlier scheduled to take place at the attacks took place in NewYork.They shook cushasbeentoscreenbagsandindividuals
andquicklybeingquarantined.Overthenext of anabruptdisruptioninthesizeableinward end of 2019, will be hard to resurrect before theUSandtherestof theworld.Theattacks for metal objects, explosives, guns and the
month, with more than 700 cases of infec- flowof foreigncare-giverswillproveadaunt- the pandemic is completely under control. broughttravelbyairinparticulartoagrind- like. Moving forward, technology will play
tion on-board, it remained the single-largest ingchallenge.Meanwhile,severalprefectures Nevertheless,thefundamentalconvergence ing halt. Security at airports got a new def- a significant role in ensuring one goes
cluster outside China. Gradually, as numbers that depend heavily on tourism from China of interests and the extraordinary political inition and the tourism and hospitality in- through a machine that disinfects you be-
swelled exponentially elsewhere and the in- and the Republic of Korea have suffered deep capital invested in the relationship by both dustries went into a tailspin. The measures fore you enter hotels and offices. Plast
cidence of new cases remained low locally, losses.ReportsindicatethatJapanhasalready PM Modi and Abe in recent years ensures put out by the US ensured that they raised Group in Turkey has already developed
the Japanese went back to their ways, with spent$12.6billiononthepreparationsforthe that the Special Strategic and Global their security levels to unprecedented lev- Ikarus, a device for hotels that disinfects
holiday crowds celebrating the annual Olympics.NikkeiandGoldmanSachsestimate PartnershipbetweenIndiaandJapanwillre- els and restored faith in travel in a fairly people before they enter the premises. A
Hanami (sakura viewing) season in idyllic that the postponement of the games would main robust. The pandemic opens up new short period of time. money-cleaning ATM, also in Turkey, dis-
spots and thronging to the famous tourist easily set Japan back by another $5-6 billion. vistasforcooperationinhealthcare,non-tra- The SARS epidemic of 2003 that struck infects paper bills to tackle spread of
landmark at Shibuya junction well into the As one of the world’s richest countries, ditional security and global governance, in- China, Hong Kong and some parts of South COVID-19. Tech interventions will create
second half of March. It seemed as if the Japancanperhapshopetocushionitself from cluding reform of the UN and affiliated bod- East Asia was another health calamity that minimum physical touch points in hotels.
Japanesehaddodgedthebullet evenas it de- such blows. Whether the economic distress ies such as the WHO whose contributions in took 774 lives. It caused losses of about $28 Hotels of the future may need to be
layed until April 3 the blocking of tourists unleashed by COVID-19 also adversely im- the battle against COVID-19 are moot. billion and decreased China’s GDP by 1 per equipped with basic protective equipment
from 70-odd countries, including China, pacts some of Japan’s commitments to its So far, Japan had relied on its customary cent. Since then, there have been many such as masks, infra thermometers, gloves
which accounted for nearly 9.6 million Official Development Assistance (ODA) or discipline and prevention methods, with an more global emergencies ranging from andasetortwoof PPEs.Astandardquaran-
tourists in 2019, one-third of the total. With outlays for regional infrastructure and con- exhortation to the public to avoid the “three wars, earthquakes to havoc caused by en- tine room that meets the prescribed stan-
new infections mounting in recent days, the nectivity under flagship programmes such Cs” — closed spaces, crowded places and vironment degradation and climate dards laid down by local health authorities
reprieve, it seems, was as ephemeral as the as the Expanded Partnership for Quality conversations at close proximity. Japan has change.Eachof thesehasimpactedtourism will have to be kept ready. Hotels will have
bloom of the sakura. Infrastructure(EPQI),theTokyoInternational shied away from taking the bold approach directly or indirectly but none as calami- to revisit housekeeping standard operat-
Thebiggestcollateraldamageof thefresh ConferenceonAfricanDevelopment(TICAD) that Modi took in announcing a 21-day na- tous as COVID-19. ing procedures. The government, along
wave of COVID-19 infections in Japan is the and the Indo-Pacific Business Forum, includ- tionwide lockdown. The declaration of a It is too early to predict accurate figures with the industry, will have to prescribe
belated decision to postpone the Tokyo ing the Blue Dot Network and LNG projects, state of emergency covering the megacities for global losses in tourism. We are in the minimum hygiene and sanitation guide-
Olympics to 2021. It reminded the nation of remains to be seen. This could well be true of of Tokyo and Osaka and some prefectures midst of the crisis and tourism is hardly a lines and compliance standards.
the jinxed Olympics of 1940, which Japan the US too, in the context of the International would give local governors in the hardest- priority for the world. However, the World Theconversionof hotelsintomakeshift
wastohostbutfellvictimtotheSecondSino- DevelopmentFinanceCorporationunderthe As one of the world’s richest hit areas greater legal authority to impose Travel and Tourism Council estimates that healthcare centres or isolation camps will
Japanese War. If the 1940 Olympics were in- BUILD Act, aimed at countering China’s ex- countries, Japan can perhaps curbs, albeit without the power to impose the tourism industry stands to lose 50 mil- be a new normal. This is already happen-
tended to showcase Japan’s industrial and panding writ across the region. penalties. Japan’s case-by-case approach to lion jobs and see a 25 per cent decline in ing in big metros like Delhi and Mumbai in
economic resurrection after the devastation The pandemic could have broader impli- hope to cushion itself from the reopening of schools by regional author- global travel. Imagine if 8,50,000 people India while dealing with COVID-19. The Taj
of the1923GreatKantoearthquake,the1964 cations for military postures in the Indo- such blows. Whether the itieshasbeencriticised.Therehavebeencalls who travel between Europe and America recentlyofferedroomstohealthcarework-
Tokyo Olympics had symbolised the eco- Pacific, as seen in the outbreak of the COVID- economic distress unleashed for a strict lockdown before it is too late to each month stop doing so! The estimated ers at its hotels in Mumbai and Delhi. In fu-
nomic miracle in Japan after the ravages of 19 virus onboard the US Navy’s Theodore by COVID-19 also adversely avert the samefate as Italy, Spain and the US. loss to the US economy is $8.5 billion. The ture, pre-earmarked hotels, approved by
the Second World War. The 2020 Olympics, Roosevelt, a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier With formidable scientific prowess at its estimated loss to the sector in India is cur- the government, will stay prepared for a
dubbed by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe as the that heads the eponymous Theodore impacts some of Japan’s disposal, Japan remains at the forefront in rently pegged at a daunting Rs 5 lakh crore swift transition and be able to offer such
“Recovery andReconstructionGames”,were Roosevelt Carrier Strike Group (TRCSG), commitments to its Official the race to develop a vaccine against COVID- and job losses to the tune of four crore to services at short notice.
todemonstrateJapan’smojointheaftermath which had sailed from San Diego in January Development Assistance 19. Already Japan’s longest-serving prime five crore. These figures could change de- Hopefully, the tourism, travel and hos-
of the 2011 Triple Disaster. for a scheduled Indo-Pacific deployment. It minister, Abe is in his third term as Liberal pending on how long it takes for nations to pitalityindustrywillspringbacktobusiness
(ODA) or outlays for
The pandemic could not have come at a is at the centre of a controversy involving the DemocraticParty(LDP)president,andcorre- control the virus. sooner than later. As an eternal optimist, I
worse time. The IMF has confirmed that sacking of its captain and the vessel’s ill-ad- regional infrastructure and spondingly as PM, until September 2021. He For now, millions who work in restau- dobelievethattherebirthof tourismisim-
COVID-19 has pushed the global economy vised port visit to Da Nang in Vietnam earlier connectivity under flagship isviewedbyvotersasaleadercapableof tak- rants, bars, airlines and cruises, online and minent,butwillitbethesameindustrythat
intoarecession,potentiallymuchworsethan in March despite the high risk of contagion. programmes such as the ing bold decisions. If Abe’s administration traditional travel companies, ground we have all gotten so used to? It is a tough
the one in 2009. The Japanese economy now Of course, China’s PLA Navy (PLAN) could overcomes the COVID-19 crisis despite the agents,eventmanagementcompanies,and question with no easy answers for now.
faces the daunting prospect of a sharp con- well be grappling with similar problems out
Expanded Partnership for odds, and succeeds in staving off a recession, many others have seen a sudden halt in Travel and hospitality will have to redefine
traction, with the OECD Report for March at sea but, unlike in the democratic world, Quality Infrastructure there is every chance that the LDP might business resulting in job losses and bank- andreimagineitself inmorewaysthanever.
2020 forecasting its GDP growth at 0.2 per these facts will be treated as “state secrets”. (EPQI), the Tokyo again amend its rules to grant him a fourth ruptcies. The industry is largely dependent
cent in 2020. Even before the global pan- AsChinagraduallyrecoversfromthepan- International Conference on term. After all, it is not easy for any of his po- on masses of people traveling around the The writer is former senior vice-president
demic struck, Japan was dealing with the ad- demic, relatively earlier and faster than the litical rivals to step into his shoes in the mid- world and millions within cities, who use operations, IHCL-Taj Group, and group
verse effects on consumer spending of the West,Beijing’s“charmoffensive”andleverag-
African Development dle of such a crisis. restaurants and bars. It is a big blow when advisor-hospitality, Hiranandani Group,
hike in consumption tax from 8 per cent to ingofitsdeeppocketsmayhelpittofurtherits (TICAD) and the Indo- business is down to zero. Mumbai
10 per cent. geopolitical influence. Its assistance to devel- Pacific Business Forum, The writer is a former ambassador of India to
Dwindling demand from China, where oping countries in mitigating the impact of including the Blue Dot Japan and is currently the director general,
Japan has huge economic stakes, can only COVID-19willcreatenewscopetoproselytise Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defence
Network and LNG projects,
worsen the regional economic outlook al-
ready strained by US-China trade friction.
its governance and development models.
A high-profile casualty of the pandemic remains to be seen.
Studies and Analyses, New Delhi.
Views are personal LETTERS TO THE EDITOR

A different hard choice

THIS REFERS TO the editorial, ‘Chief
fighters’ (IE, April 7). Most of the chief
ministers are working hard, but it does
appear that they are not focussing on
To encourage quality reader
aggressive testing. Perhaps this is be-
intervention, The Indian
cause this would increase their state’s
Lockdown trade-offs in a young country call for wide public deliberation tally of people infected with COVID-19. Express offers the Letter of
the Week award. The letter
We know that the number is increasing
adjudged the best for the
Pranab Bardhan in the US because of their testing pro-
cedure. We don’t know how many co- week is published every
rona patients are there in India. The Saturday. Letters may be
THERE HAVE been systemic differences in (and later died of the disease in February) thesystemisamongtheleastpreparedtoface of anti-scienceattitudes,butmorebecauseof lockdown should be implemented e-mailed to
the way different countries have been fight- wasreprimandedbylocal officialsandmade a pandemic of current proportions. Testing anothervirusthathasbeenafflictingourbody stringently. In West Bengal, there is a
ing the scourge of COVID-19, with different to “confess” that he was spreading false ru- facilitiesarehighlyinadequate,nursesareap- politic — the virus of hate and intolerance. lot of work around spreading aware- or sent to The Indian
degrees of efficacy. So far, reportedly, the mours. This made China (and the world) pealingtothegeneralpublicfordonationsof In the thirdweekof Marchcame the sud- ness but there is no mass testing as in Express, B-1/B, Sector 10,
most successful have been South Korea, waste a crucial few weeks. hand-sewn masks, and hospitals are facing dentotallockdown,withhardlyanynoticeor Kerala. Noida-UP 201301.
Taiwan and Singapore. The state machinery After that initial delay, China quickly mo- what is called the triage protocol, when one consultation with state governments, and Abhijit Chakraborty, Howrah
in these countries is very effective, they had biliseditsentirestatemachineryandputinto has to make cruel choices in rationing beds without any simultaneous announcement
prepared themselves since the SARS crisis in
action a severe quarantine system, and by
and medical equipment among patients of
different survival probability.
about alternative food and shelter arrange-
ments for the suddenly unemployed —
NO REAL ACTION life - to living in harmony with
and mass-testing for infection. Of these, incidence of the disease (though there are The story behind the shortage of ventila- chaos, police dandabaji, displacement and THIS REFERS TO the article, ‘When the nature and respecting spirituality. As
South Korea is a centralised democracy, manywhodonotquitetrusttheofficiallyre- tors in the US points to a larger systemic is- destitution followed. The financial package peoplelead’(IE,April7).PrimeMinister of now, there is no medicine that
Taiwan a more decentralised civic-partici- leased Chinese data). One should not, how- sue. More than a decade ago, the Centres for announced a few days after the announce- Narendra Modi has drafted the people can save us from the coronavirus
patory democracy, while Singapore is effec- ever,overlooktheadditionaladvantageChina Disease Control and Prevention asked the mentwasapittanceinviewof theneeds,and into the fight against pandemic by util- except our own body immunity.
tively an autocracy. But, all these three coun- hadastheworldleaderinmanufacturingand federal government to procure a large num- about half of the spending announced was ising their addiction to celebration and It has been revealed how inescapable
triesarerelativelysmall,wheremass-testing infrastructure construction — this helped ber of ventilators in preparation for future old outlays dressed as new. festivity.Twoappealsweremadebythe our relationship with nature and
and quarantine are easier to implement. Chinainspeedilybuildingnewhospitalsand emergencies.Thetaskof designingandmak- Oneneedsmoresystematicthinkingabout PM. First, to applaud health workers our body is.
Take in contrast the virus-fighting per- manufacturingventilatorsandothermedical ing ventilators was assigned to a small com- the hard choices India now faces — the trade- during the “janata curfew” and second, Ankita Srivastava, via email
formance, so far, in the three largest coun- equipment.Thisisanadvantagewhichmuch pany in California. However, this company offs between the lockdown paralysing the to light lamps on April 5. However,
tries of the world: China (an openly author- of the world now lacks, having outsourced it was taken over by a corporate giant, which economyanddecimatingthepoorontheone nothing much towards actual increas- THIS REFERS TO the article, ‘Let’s re-
itarian country), India (until recently a to China for all these years. then decided, in view of its multiple product hand, and on the other, lifting the lockdown ing healthcare services and infrastruc- spectthebalance’(IE,April7).Inthelast
democracy, now in an alarming state of de- In the US, the President and the ruling operations, to give low priority to supply the therebyallowingtheinfectionratetosoar,and ture and providing relief to the needy two weeks, our response to the coron-
cline), and the US (a highly flawed but func- party were in denial until mid-March (con- governmenttheventilatorsattheagreedlow taking a heavy toll on the old. In a country has been done. avirus pandemic has led to a huge drop
tioning democracy). China had, after its mis- sistent with their anti-science and anti-ex- price. So the ventilator project got stalled, wheretheoverwhelmingmajorityofthepop- Vasant Nalawade, Satara in both air and water pollution. No
managementof theSARSepidemic,installed pertattitude),fatallywastingseveralweeksof and hospitals have run out of them in the ulationisyoung(themedianageissomewhere doubt that COVID-19 is a global catas-
a well-designed early-warning system by
which Beijing was to get immediate warn-
wheremanyof theoldpeoplelive,Floridadid
current crisis.
The current regime in India has, by and
in the western countries where the age com-
VIRUS & NATURE trophe, but this is the right time to
recognise and realise that we all share a
ings of a contagion developing anywhere in not get going until the beginning of April). large, been trying to copy this American sys- positionof thepopulationisdrasticallydiffer- THIS REFERS TO the article, ‘Let’s re- single planet. We should always re-
the country. Yet, it fumbled again, this time Eveninthebestof times,theUSprivatemed- tem.Governmentspendingonhealth,asaper- ent. A wide-ranging public deliberation on spect the balance’ (IE, April 7). The an- memberthatif wedon’ttakecareof na-
largely because in an authoritarian system, ical insurance system is messy and mired in centage of GDP, is one of the lowest for a ma- these tragic choices is now imperative. cient Indians had attributed the secret ture, nature will neither preserve and
local officials do not want to share bad news a bureaucratic system that is oriented to- jorcountry.Facedwiththevirus,India,likethe of “jivem shardah shatam” - a hundred protect us.
with the authorities above them. As is well- wardsexcludingpeople.Itislargelyunafford- US, has been woefully unprepared. India also The writer is professor of graduate school at years of a healthy, happy and creative Hargunpreet Singh, Patiala
knownbynow,LiWenliang,theWuhandoc- able for the vast masses of the poor who do wastedcrucialweeksinFebruaryandthefirst the department of economics, University of
tor who raised an alarm early in December not have a stable job. Among rich countries, twoweeksofMarch,butnotsomuchbecause California, Berkeley



The World

WATCH New York records its highest single-day
toll, overtakes Italy in corona cases
In sign of optimism, Governor says state nearing plateau in patients hospitalised ‘China-centric’
WHO ‘blew it’
PM Shinzo Abe. Reuters
NEW YORK, APRIL 7 on coronavirus,
NEW YORK is nearing a plateau says Trump Police officers outside St Thomas' Hospital, London, where
inthenumberof coronaviruspa- British Prime Minister Boris Johnson was moved to intensive
Stateof tients hospitalised, a sign of op-
timismeventhoughthenumber REUTERS
care after his coronavirus symptoms worsened. Reuters

Boris Johnson
of the deaths in the state hit a WASHINGTON, APRIL 7
single-day high, Governor
declared AndrewCuomosaidonTuesday. UNITED STATES President
Cuomo said his state was Donald Trump sharply criticised

‘stable’ in ICU,
Tokyo: Japanese Prime “projecting that we are reaching the World Health Organization
Minister Shinzo Abe de- a plateau in the total number of on Tuesday, accusing it of being
claredamonthlongstateof hospitalizations” due to the too focused on China and issu-
emergency for Tokyo and coronavirus. ing bad advice during the coro-

required oxygen
six other prefectures on In New York state, the death navirus outbreak.
Tuesday to ramp up de- toll rose by 731 to 5,489 over the “The W.H.O. really blew it,”
fensesagainstthespreadof past day, Cuomo said, though he Trump said in a Twitter post.
the coronavirus as the called that a “lagging indicator” “For some reason, funded
number of infections illustrating past trends. largely by the United States, yet be admitted to hospital with
surges.Butthemovecame The state overtook Italy on very China centric. We will be REUTERS COVID-19, has raised questions
in the form of a stay-at- Tuesday, reporting overall coro- giving that a good look. LONDON, APRIL 7 about who is truly in charge at
homerequest—notanor- navirus cases second in the Fortunately I rejected their ad- such a crucial time.
der—andviolatorswillnot worldonlytoSpain,accordingto A man in a wheelchair crosses a nearly empty 7th Avenue in Times Square, Manhattan in vice on keeping our borders BRITISH PRIME Minister Boris While Britain has no formal
be penalised. The an- a Reuters tally. New York City on Tuesday. Reuters open to China early on. Why did Johnson was stable in intensive successionplanif aprimeminis-
nouncement follows The tally showed New York they give us such a faulty recom- care on Tuesday after receiving ter is incapacitated, Johnson
surges in new cases in has138,836reportedcasescom- mendation?” oxygen support to help him bat- asked Raab, 46, to deputise for
Tokyo, including consecu- pared with Italy at 135,586; Cuomo told a news conference. fromcoronaviruscasesdoubling ingthespreadof thepathogenin The WHO did not respond to tle COVID-19, while his foreign him “where necessary”,
tive rises exceeding 100 Spain has the most cases at “Social distancing is working... every one to two days to dou- the United States but warned a Reuters request for comment. minister Dominic Raab led the Downing Street said.
over the weekend. By 140,510. In total, the United That’s why you see those num- bling every nine to 10 days be- againstcomplacency.Morethan On January 31, the WHO ad- government’s response to the If Raab is incapacitated, fi-
Tuesday there were 1,196 States has recorded 380,000 bers coming down.” cause residents have complied 90percentof Americansareun- vised countries to keep borders outbreak. nance minister Rishi Sunak
confirmed cases in the cases and 11,800 deaths. “Thisisnotalightswitchthat withthestate’sstay-at-homeor- der stay-at-home orders issued open despite the outbreak, al- “He (Johnson) remained sta- would stand in.
metropolitan region of 14 Cuomo said it was time to we can just flick one day and der. The city has documented by state governors. though it noted that countries bleovernight.He’sreceivingstan- “I’m confident that he’ll pull
millionpeople. AP start planning for the eventual everythinggoesbacktonormal,” 5,043 cases and 118 deaths. New York City Mayor Bill de hadtherighttotakemeasuresto dard oxygen treatment and through because, if there’s one
restarting of the economy, but the governor said. “We’re going “It’s obviously progress,” Blasio said it was too early to de- try to protect their citizens. That breathingwithoutanyassistance. thing I know about this prime
added it was not time to let up to have to restart that economy, Lightfoot said. “But we are not clare that a corner had been same day, Trump’s administra- Hehasnotrequiredanymechan- minister, he’s a fighter,” Raab
on mitigation efforts to enact we’re going to have to restart a near the peak so I don’t want to turned in the fight against the tion announced restrictions on ical ventilation or non-invasive said. “He’ll be back at the helm
ISRAEL “social distancing” to curb the lot of systems that were shut raise false expectations that it’s coronavirus but he pointed to travel from China. respiratory support,” Raab told a leading us through this crisis in
Wearingmasks spread of the virus.
President Donald Trump a
down abruptly. And we need to
start to plan for that.”
some encouraging develop-
ments. “I can say in the last cou-
US conservatives have in-
creasingly criticized the WHO
daily news conference.
Johnson’s personal battle
short order.”
Queen Elizabeth wished
inpublicmade day earlier said the economy Encouraging signs came to Authoritieshavechampioned pleof days,somethingisstarting duringtheglobalpandemic,say- with the virus has shaken the Johnson a full and speedy recov-

compulsory would be able to reopen “sooner

than people think.”
light elsewhere as well. Chicago
Mayor Lori Lightfoot told a news
to change. We don’t know if it
will be sustained but it is mean-
ing it relied on faulty data from
China about the outbreak of the
government just as the United
Kingdom, now in its third week
ery and sent a message of sup-
port to his pregnant fiancée,
“Let’s not get complacent,” briefing that her city has gone having a positive effect in fight- ingful now,” de Blasio said. novel coronavirus. of virtual lockdown,enterswhat Carrie Symonds, and his family.
Jerusalem:TheIsraeligov- scientists say will be the dead- Raab chaired the govern-

China reports no
ernmentissuedorderson liestphaseof itscoronavirusepi- ment’sCOVID-19emergencyre-
Tuesday making the Iran reopens demic, which has already killed
at least 6,159 people.
sponse meeting on Tuesday,
though ministers refused to say
wearing of masks in pub-
lic compulsory to try to Parliament as Johnson, 55, was admitted to who now had ultimate control
stem the spread of the
coronavirus. It also ap-
proved a timeline for
virus infections
drop for 7th day
new corona deaths St Thomas’ Hospital, across the
River Thames from parliament,
late on Sunday after suffering
over Britain’s nuclear weapons.
“There are well-developed
protocols,” said Cabinet Office

as cases decline
tightened travel restric- symptoms,includingafeverand MinisterMichaelGove,whohim-
tionsforthePassoverhol- a cough, for more than 10 days. self went into self-isolation on
iday, which begins on But his condition rapidly de- Tuesday after a family member
WednesdaywhenJewish AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE teriorated,andhewasmovedon displayedcoronavirussymptoms.
families gather for a fes- TEHRAN, APRIL 7 their neighbourhood, their city Mondaytoanintensivecareunit Government scientists see
tive meal commemorat- REUTERS and even the province unless in case he needed to be put on a Britain’s daily death toll rising
ing the Biblical exodus IRAN’S PARLIAMENT convened BEIJING, APRIL 7 necessary, according to the ventilator. until at least April 12, and the
from slavery in Egypt. on Tuesday for the first time statement. “He remains in good spirits government is due to decide
Prime Minister Benjamin A policeman detains a doctor protesting the lack of protective since the coronavirus outbreak MAINLAND CHINA on Tuesday Zhejiang, a populous and ... his progress continues to earlynext week whether to start
Netanyahu has said that gear for medical staff in Quetta on Monday. Reuters forced its doors to close, as the reported no coronavirus deaths provinceintheeast,willconduct be monitored in critical care,” easinganear-totaleconomicand
this year the dinner country reported a drop in new for the first time since the pan- all the necessary tests on people Raab said. social lockdown.
should be a small affair, infections for the seventh demic began and a drop in new arriving from Wuhan over the The absence of Johnson, the Tuesday’s daily death toll of
limited to household
members, in a bid to Doctors strike in Pak straight day.
More than two-thirds of the
cases, a day before the central
city of Wuhan, where the virus
next 14 days.
first leader of a major power to 786 was the biggest to date.

in row over protection

keep infection rates in legislature’s290 membersgath- emerged late in December, was geted screening of asympto-
check. REUTERS ered in the absence of speaker
and veteran politician Ali
set to lift its lockdown.
China had 32 new infections
matic infections, the Zhejiang
provincial government told a Spain’s death toll nears
14,000 as pace picks up
TAIWAN Larijani, who tested positive for by Monday, down from 39 a day media briefing on Tuesday.

Govtagencies REUTERS
on duty in the cardiac and gy-
naecology departments for
COVID-19 last week.
At least 31 members of the
earlier, the National Health
Commission said.
With mainland China well
past February’s peak of infec-
toldtonotuse QUETTA, APRIL 7 emergencies, adding that the
strike had spread to other parts
been shut since February 25,
For the first time since the
commission began publishing
tions, authorities have turned
theirattentiontoimportedcases REUTERS
tions from the weekend.
Total cases rose to 140,510 —
Zoom PAKISTANI DOCTORS went on of the province of Balochistan, of have contracted the disease. nationwide data in late January, and asymptomatic patients, MADRID, APRIL 7 the highest in Europe and sec-
strike at two hospitals in Quetta which Quetta is the capital. Statetelevisionfootageof the Hubei’s provincial capital of whoshownosymptomsbutcan ond in the world after the US.
Reuters: Taiwan's cabinet on Tuesday, a day after police opening session showed some Wuhansawnonewdeaths,join- still pass on the virus. SPAIN’S PACE of coronavirus For lockdown restrictions to
hastoldgovernmentagen- used force to break up and de-
50 prisoners contract MPs huddling together despite ing the rest of mainland China, Total infections in mainland deathstickedupforthefirsttime belifted,officialssaytestinghasto
cies to stop using Zoom tain medics protesting against a coronavirus guidelines on social distancing which has recorded none since Chinastoodat81,740onMonday infivedays on Tuesday,with 743 be widened, to find carriers who
Video Communications lack of gear to protect them Lahore: At least 50 prisoners in to stop the spread of the virus. March 31. with 3,331 deaths, the commis- people succumbing overnight, may have mild or no symptoms.
Inc's conferencing app. against the coronavirus. Pakistan's worst-hit Punjab Parliament debated and Wuhan, a city of 11 million sion said. It reported 30 new but there was still hope the na- The government is planning
Zoom's daily users bal- Hundreds of doctors and province have tested coron- eventuallyblockedanurgentbill that reported only two new in- asymptomatic cases, nine in- tional lockdown might be eased mass, quick antibody tests in
looned to more than 200 paramedics protested on aviruspositive,anofficialsaidon to totally lock down the country fections in the past fortnight, is volving incoming travellers. Of soon. coming days. Cadena Ser radio
million in March, as coro- Monday against what they said Tuesday. for a month, with those against due to allow residents to leave the new asymptomatic cases, 18 Tuesday’stollfromthehealth said about 62,000 people would
navirus-induced shut- was failure by the government “The total number of prison- arguing it would damage the the city on Wednesday for the were in Hubei. ministry compared to 637 be tested twice with an interval
downs forced employees to deliver promised supplies. At ersinfectedwiththecoronavirus economy. first time since it was locked By the end of Monday, 1,033 deathsregisteredduringthepre- of 21 days to see the effect of any
to work from home and least 30 doctors were detained in Punjab has reached 50 so far. “This plan is against jobs and down on January 23 to curb the asymptomaticpatientswereun- vious 24 hours, taking the total easingof measuresoncontagion.
schools switched to the by riot police for defying a ban Some 525 prisoners have been growing productivity. Who’sgo- spread of the virus. der medical observation. to 13,798, the second highest in Some Spanish media have
company's free app for on public gatherings during a quarantined in separate cells of ing to pay for implementing it?” From midnight, traffic con- Overseasarrivalsmadeupall theworldafterItaly.Still,thepro- reported in recent days that in-
conductingandcoordinat- lockdownintroducedtofightthe the province,” Inspector General MP Shadmehr Kazemzadeh trol checkpoints in Wuhan will 32 of the new cases with symp- portional daily increase of 5.7 sufficient testing means the real
ing online classes. spread of the virus. Prisons ShahidBaig said. He said said, according to the semi-offi- be dismantled, and normal op- toms, down from 38 a day ear- per cent was about half that re- death toll could be much higher.
However, the company is “We are on strike for the pro- some 20 cases have been re- cial news agency ISNA. eration of railways, airports, wa- lier. Total imported infections ported a week ago. Asked about that, government
facing a backlash from tection of our doctors and para- ported in the camp jail Lahore But Abdolkarim terways, highways and buses stand at 983, the commission “Itisnormaltohavesomeos- spokeswoman Maria Jesus
users worried about the medics,”oneofthedetaineddoc- and the remaining in others. Hosseinzadeh, who drafted the will resume. said. cillations ... What matters is to Montero told a news conference
lackofend-to-endencryp- tors, Hanif Luni, a leader of the On Tuesday, the total num- bill, said Iran had been “con- But zero new cases do not Chinafacesthe“dualrisks”of seethetrendandthecumulative it was possible there could be
tion of meeting sessions association that arranged the ber of COVID-19 cases spiked to fused” about how to contain the mean zero risks, the provincial importedinfections anddomes- data,” said Maria Jose Sierra, time lags between the report of
and “zoombombing”, protest,toldReutersonthephone 4,000 with 54 death. Punjab has virus. “We must urgently make counter-epidemic authority tic cluster outbreaks, a commis- deputy chief of health emergen- a death and its attribution to the
where uninvited guests from his police holding cell. more cases (2,000) than other a decision, as history will judge said in a statement. Wuhan res- sion spokesman told a briefing cies, adding that latest data in- virus,butthatshehadnofurther
crash into meetings. He said that doctors stayed provinces of the country. PTI us,” he said. idents are urged not to leave on Tuesday. cluded some delayed notifica- information.

Bangla ex-military man, convicted China knocks US from top Former Vatican treasurer
of killing Bangabandu, arrested spot in global patent race acquitted of sex offence charges
China’s figure was a 200-fold
only involved in Bangabandhu’s STEPHANIE NEBEHAY increase in just 20 years, it said. place. The seven judges of the
ANISUR RAHMAN killing on August 15, 1975 at his GENEVA, APRIL 7 The United States had filed the SONALI PAUL High Court agreed unanimously
DHAKA, APRIL 7 private Dhanmandi residence most applications in the world MELBOURNE, APRIL 7 thatthejuryinthecardinal’strial
butwasalso involvedinthe sub- CHINA WAS the biggest source every year since the Patent “ought to have entertained a
A FORMER Bangladeshi military sequent murder of four national of applications for interna- Cooperation Treaty system was AUSTRALIA’S HIGHEST court ac- doubt” about his guilt. Pell, who
captain, who was convicted for leaders in high security Dhaka tional patents in the world last set up in 1978. quittedformer Vatican treasurer has maintained his innocence
killing the country’s founder Central Jail on November 3 in year, pushing the United States More than half of patent ap- George Pell on Tuesday of sexu- throughout the lengthy court
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur 1975. out of the top spot it has held plications—52.4percent—now ally assaulting two teenaged process, cannot be retried on the
Rahman,wasarrestedbythepo- Legal expertssaid a report on since the global system was set come from Asia, with Japan choirboys in the 1990s, freeing charges.
lice in Dhaka on Tuesday. his arrest would now be sent to up more than 40 years ago, the ranking third, followed by the 78-year-old cardinal after A few hours after Pell’s ac-
Home Minister Bangabandhu Sheikh the Dhaka District Judge’s Court, UN patent agency said on Germany and South Korea. 404 days in jail. Cardinal George Pell ReutersFile quittal, Pope Francis offered his
Asaduzzaman Khan Kamal con- Mujibur Rahman AP File which originally tried the killers Tuesday. WIPO’s head, Francis Gurry, The Vatican welcomed the morning Mass for those who
firmedex-captainAbdulMajed’s of Bangabandhu.“Thestipulated The World Intellectual told a news conference China’s decisionandpraisedPellforhav- suffer from unjust sentences.
arrest and said he had been sent time for appeal against death Property Organization, which success was “down to a very de- ing“waitedforthetruthtobeas- firmed its “commitment to pre- Francis did not mention Pell by
to court to “exhaust legal op- tia. Kamal said previous reports penalty expired long ago. Majed oversees a system for countries liberate strategy on the part of certained”. venting and pursuing all cases of name.“Iwouldliketopraytoday
tions”. indicated Majed was hiding in now can just seek Presidential to share recognition of patents, Chinese leadership to advance In a statement it said it al- abuse against minors”. for all those people who suffer
Majed was one of the six ab- India and he was arrested from mercyunlesstheSupremeCourt said 58,990 applications were innovation and to make the ways had confidence in The High Court, ruling from unjust sentences resulting from
sconding ex-Army officers who Dhaka upon his return. decides to consider any plea on filed from China last year, beat- country a country whose econ- Australian justice, that Pell had Brisbane, ordered Pell’s convic- intransigence (against them),”
were handed down capital pun- The minister said Majed, a his part,” a Supreme Court ing out the United States which omy operates at a higher level of always maintained his inno- tions be quashed and verdicts of Francis said, at the start of the
ishmentaftertheirtrialinabsen- “self-confessed killer”, was not lawyer said. PTI filed 57,840. value”. REUTERS cenceandthattheHolySeereaf- acquittal be entered in their Mass. REUTERS




`41,705 `75.64 $26.15 `38,100
*Indian basket as on March 19, 2020

SENSEX: 30,067.21 ▲ 2476.26 NIFTY: 8,792.20 ▲ 708.40 NIKKEI: 18,950.18 ▲ 373.88 HANG SENG: 24,253.29 ▲ 504.17 FTSE: 5,734.61 ▲ 152.22 DAX: 10,442.17 ▲ 367.00
*International market data till 1900 IST


Jobless rate amid
SensexpostsbiggestgainsinceMay’09 lockdown period
MUMBAI, APRIL 7 Globalcueshelp,
today’s rally was more broad-
basedwith buyinginbothfront-
line and mid-small cap stocks.
Wall Street gains, oil hits 23.4%: CMIE
DOMESTIC INDICES on Tuesday butforeignportfolio Almost all the sectors were trad-
ing in green in the markets to- rises as hopes build for UNEMPLOYMENT RATE
investorskey day,” said Narendra Solanki,

global production cut

of nearly 9 per cent since May Head- Equity Research, Anand
2009onstrongglobalcues,amid Rathi Shares & Stock Brokers. 20
reportsthat newCOVID-19cases THE SENSEX witnessed its highest single-day gain on Abhimanyu Sofat, head of
were on the decline. The bench- Tuesday, since the 17 per cent jump it had witnessed on Research, IIFL Securities, said,
mark Sensex skyrocketed by May 18, 2009. While the gains in the market replicated “The rally in the market was REUTERS 12
2,476pointsto30,067.21andthe those in global markets, foreign portfolio investors turned driven by positive news about LONDON,APRIL7 8
Nifty Index spurted by 708 net positive investors in Indian capital markets for the first New York and Spanish data on
points to 8,792.20 in line with time on Tuesday since March 5. While they invested a net of therateof coronainfections.The WALLSTREETroseonTuesdayon 4
the global stock rally. Rs 741.7 crore on Tuesday, between March 5 and April 7, flattening of the curve would earlysignsofthecoronavirusout- 07Apr 02Jun 28Jul 22Sep 17Nov 12Jan 05Apr
2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 2020 2020
The rupee also surged by 49 they sold Indian equity and debt holdings worth Rs 1,16,342 help a risk-on trade in the mar- break plateauing in some of the
paisetocloseat75.64againstthe crore or around $15.5 billion. ket. However, for Nifty to go biggestUShotspots,withtheNew Source: CMIE Week ended
US dollar following the stock above the 9,000 levels, one Yorkstate'sgovernorsayingsocial
market rally. would need some additional distancingmeasurestocurtailthe
Analysts said Indian markets pace and substantial liquidity sion, markets further gained positive news on domestic spreadof theviruswereworking. ENSECONOMICBUREAU UN estimates
opened on a positive note fol-
lowing upbeat global cues in
stimulus package announced by
Bankof Japan.Reportsof another
traction as investors cheered re-
ports that the Finance Ministry
Crude prices have risen as a
The S&P 500 was set for its
biggesttwo-daygaininnearlytwo loss of 195M
Asianmarketsastherewasa de-
cline witnessed in new COVID
relief packageisbeingreadiedby
the Central government also
is working on a second relief
package for the Indian economy
virtual meeting between OPEC
and its allies to discuss produc-
weeks, building on a 7 per cent
jump on Monday, as health offi-
March 30-April 5 rose to 23.4 per
full-time jobs
cases globally and hopes of the boosted the sentiment. to mitigate negative impact due tion cuts is scheduled to take cials also revised down dire pro- cent and the labour participation Geneva: TheUN'slabouror-
pandemic peaking out gathered “During the afternoon ses- toCOVID-19.Intermsof breadth, place on Thursday. jectionsof theUSdeathtoll. rate fell to 36 per cent, reflecting ganisation estimates the
At11:36a.m.ETtheDowJones the impact of lockdown to tackle equivalent of 195 million
Industrial Average was up 608.22 COVID-19outbreak,datareleased full-time jobs could be lost
points, or 2.68 per cent, at AprotestoroutsideStThomas’ by Centre for Monitoring Indian in the second quarter alone

‘Multi-notch sovereign ratings ● DEVELOPED MARKET

23,288.21, the S&P 500 was up
61.00 points, or 2.29 per cent, at
HospitalinLondon. Reuters EconomyTuesdayshowed.Forfull
monthof March, unemployment
from the pandemic. AP


downgrade likely in 2020’
2,724.68 and the Nasdaq rosetoa43-monthhighof8.7per
THE MOST MULTI-NOTCH DOWNGRADES HAVE Composite was up 119.70 points, The Japanese yen strength- cent, while the labour participa- ployed increased from 32 million
DOWNGRADES OCCURRED or1.51percent,at8,032.94. ened 0.17 per cent versus the tionratedroppedto41.9percent. to 38 million. So, the 9 million fall
Fitch Ratings has said multi-notch downgrades of Japan's Nikkei posted a 2 per greenback at 109.06 per dollar, Labour participation rate was inthelabourforceconsistsof a15
sovereign ratings are likely during 2020 due to the cent gain overnight as its govern- while Sterling was last trading at 42.6percentinFebruaryand42.7 million fall in the count of em-
coronavirus outbreak and sharp fall in oil prices ‘BBB-’ 12 developedmarkets’ ment promised a near $1 trillion $1.232,up0.74percentontheday. percentinMarch2019,CMIEsaid. ployed and a 6 million increase in
In April 2019, Fitch retained sovereignshavehad26 stimuluspackage-equaltoafifth Oilpricesclawedtheirwayinto Unemployment rate in February the count of unemployed,” said
India’s sovereign rating at multi-notchdowngrades,mostly of itsgrossdomesticproduct. positive territory on Tuesday as was 7.7 while in January it had MaheshVyas,MD &CEO,CMIE.
‘BBB-’, the lowest investment clusteredaroundthefinancial Thepan-EuropeanSTOXX600 hopesthattheworld’sbiggestpro- beenrecordedat7.1percent. Vyas termed the labour data
grade, with stable outlook, crisisin2008-2009andthe indexrose1.55percentandMSCI's ducerswillagreetocutoutputout- Post the nationwide 21-day forMarchas“worrisome”.
saying a weak fiscal position eurozonecrisis(2011-12) gauge of stocks across the globe weighedanalystfearsthataglobal lockdown since March 25, labour Thejoblessratehasbeenrising
continues to constrain its gained2.03percent. recessioninthewakeof thecoro- availabilityhasbeenamajorissue. steadily since its low point of 3.4
rating NEARLY 40% of multi-notch Emerging market stocks rose naviruscrisiscouldbedeeperthan “This is the first time that the per centin July 2017. “But, the 98-
downgrades started from an 3.20 per cent. MSCI's broadest in- expected. LPR has fallen below 42 per basispointincreaseinMarch2020
REASONS investment grade rating dex of Asia-Pacific shares outside Brent crude was up 88 cents, cent...this fall in the LPR in March over the previous month is the
■ Coronavirus outbreak (‘BBB’ category or higher) Japan closed 2.7 per cent higher, or2.66percent,at$33.93abarrel wastheresultof asharp9million largestmonthlyincreaserecorded.
with a number in the ‘A’ and whileJapan'sNikkeirose2.01per by 1137 GMT after falling more fallinthelabourforce—from443 And the 158-basis point increase
■ Sharp fall in oil prices ‘AA’ categories, consistent cent. With market optimism on than 3 per cent on Monday. West millioninJanuary2020to434mil- overtwomonthsendedinMarch
with highly rated eurozone therise,theUSdollardroppedand Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude lion in March 2020. The compo- 2020 is, similarly, the largest in-
13th year in a row that Fitch sovereigns being subjected to riskier currencies outperformed wasup79cents,or3.03percent,at nents of this fall is telling of the crease over a two month period
has rated India at ‘BBB-’ downgrades in eurozone crisis asriskappetiteimprovedonhopes $26.87, having dropped nearly 8 times.Thelabourforceconsistsof recorded so far,” the CMIE said. It
that lock-downs may be slowing percentintheprevioussession. allemployedpersonsandpersons noted due to lockdown the sam-
the spread of the coronavirus in Themainoilproducers,includ- who are unemployed and are ac- plesizeforthelabourstatisticshas
Emerging markets situation Multi-notch downgrades have India’s last upgrade by Fitch It had last somecountries. ingSaudiArabiaandRussia,areex- tively looking for jobs. What has been lower than usual. The total
been more common during exogenous shocks that cause upgraded India’s sovereign rating from ‘BB Source: Fitch The dollar index, tracking the pected to agree to cut output at a happened between January and sample deployed in making
abrupt changes in external financing conditions. This is a ‘ to ‘BBB-’ with a stable outlook on August Ratings/PTI greenback against six major cur- meetingonThursday,thoughthat March is that the number of em- monthlyestimatesisusuallyover
feature of current EM sovereign credit conditions 1, 2006 rencies,fell0.675percent,withthe would depend on the United ployedfellfrom411millionto396 1,17,000individuals,whichwasre-
euroup0.83percentto$1.0881. Statesjoiningin,sourcessaid. millionandthenumberofunem- ducedto83,929inMarch.

SBI cuts MCLR by 35 bps, RBI offers more support to states/UTs WhatsApp puts new limits BRIEFLY
SB deposit rate by 25 bps Meanwhile, borrowing cost surges up to 8.96% on forwarding of messages ‘Remuneration
ENS ECONOMIC BUREAU VALID TILL SEPTEMBER 30 creatingaheadacheforhealthas
The one-year MCLR has MUMBAI, APRIL 7
■ The number of days for current stipulation of 36
well as security agencies. Most
state governments have warned
come down to 7.40 per
GIVING MORE flexibility to which a state or UT — which working days of criminal action if such mes- New Delhi: Companies will
STATE BANK of India (SBI), the cent from 7.75 per cent cash-starved state governments are strapped for cash in the WHATSAPP IS doing its bit to sages are forwarded by anyone. have to pay GST on the re-
country’s largest lender, has with effect from Apr 10 to tide over their cash flow mis- wake of the coronavirus ■ This arrangement will slow the spread of misinforma- The new measure by WhatsApp munerationtheydoleoutto
slashedthemarginalcostoffunds matches, the Reserve Bank of pandemic — can be in come into force with tion related to the pandemic. A can go a long way in flattening directors, the Authority for
based lending rate (MCLR) by 35 India (RBI) has decided to in- overdraft in a quarter has immediate effect and will new feature on the messaging the curve of virality for these Advance Ruling (AAR) has
basis points across all tenors and view of adequate liquidity in the crease the number of days for been increased to 50 remain valid till September platform will prevent a fre- messages. said. In an application filed
interest rates on savings bank ac- system”.ForbalancesuptoRsone which a state or union territory working days from the 30, 2020 quently forwarded message WhatsAppisalsoworkingon before the Rajasthan bench
countsby25bpsto2.75percent. lakhandaboveRsonelakh,SBde- (UT) can be in overdraft contin- from being sent to more than anewfeature—nowinbetatest- of the AAR, Clay Craft India
Theone-yearMCLRhascome positratehasbeenreducedby25 uously to 21 working days from one chat. The new feature is be- ing with some users in some ge- Pvt Ltd had sought clarifica-
down to 7.40 per cent from 7.75 bps from 3 per cent to 2.75 per the current stipulation of 14 sharp rise of up to 8.96 per cent 32,560 crore was raised com- ing rolled out globally. ographies—thatempowersusers tiononwhethersalariespaid
percentwitheffectfromApril10, cent. Other banks are also set to working days. in borrowing costs amid specu- pared to Rs 37,500 crore on of- This is how it works. When to get more information about to directors would attract
2020.“Thisistheeleventhconsec- slashtheratesinthecomingdays. The number of days for lation that states and the Centre fer. The spread charged by in- you get a new message on your messages that are going viral on GoodsandServicesTax.
utive cut in MCLR in FY 2019-20,” OnMarch27,SBIpassedonthe which a state or UT — which are will have to borrow more to vestors rose by 25-40 basis phone that has already been for- the platform.
entire 75 bps Repo rate cut to its
strapped for cash in the wake of
the coronavirus pandemic —
fund expenditure plans.
Results of the latest auctions
points up to 160 bps.
Of gross borrowings of Rs 7.8
will be able to forward it only to
As part of the beta feature, a
much-forwarded message will Totalputsover
home loan accounts (linked to
external benchmark linked lend-
ing rate (EBR) as well as Repo
can be in overdraft in a quarter
has been increased to 50 work-
State Development Loans of 10
state governments reveal that
lakh crore in FY21, the Centre
has proposed to borrow Rs 4.88
one more chat — this could be a
person or a group.
show a magnifying glass icon
next to it, giving users the option
Rs 24 per Rs 1 lakh on a 30 year
ing days from the current stipu-
lation of 36 working days. “This
Kerala raised Rs 1,887 crore 15-
year bonds at 8.96 per cent –
lakh crore, or 62.56 per cent in
the first half of the fiscal as
In January 2019, WhatsApp
had set a global limit on for-
to send that message to a web
decision to slash Repo rate by 75 EBR had come down to 7.05 per arrangement will come into 4.56 percentage points more against 62.25 per cent done in warded messages and started othersourcesofinformationper- New Delhi: Total SA will in-
basis points to 4.40 per cent and centperannumfrom7.80percent. force with immediate effect and than the RBI’s policy Repo rate the previous fiscal. The Budget showing the frequently for- taining to the post. WhatsApp vest Rs 3,707 crore in a solar
cash reserve ratio by 100 basis IthascutRLLRto6.65percentper will remain valid till September of 4.40 per cent. 2020-21 has pegged the warded icon on such such posts. hopes the ability to easily verify energy joint venture with
points in last monetary policy re- from 7.40 per cent. Consequently, 30, 2020,” the RBI said. Rajasthan’s seven-year bond Centre’s net market borrowing Rumours and videos pur- the authenticity of some mes- Adani Green Energy, the
view. EMIs on eligible home loan ac- Meanwhile, the first bond attracted a cut-off yield of 8.31 — including government securi- portedly showing coronavirus sages will also help reduce the thirdinvestmenttheFrench
SBIhasalsoslasheditsinterest counts(linkedtoEBRorRLLR)will auction by the state govern- per cent. The yield on J&K’s Rs ties, treasury bills and post of- patients or touting cures for the spread of rumours. WhatsApp gianthasmadeinIndiaalong
rates on savings bank deposits, get cheaper by around Rs 52 per ments in the current financial 800 crore bond was 8.15 per fice life insurance fund — at Rs pandemic have been going viral hasnotannouncedwhenthisfea- with the Adani Group. Total
witheffectfromApril15,2020“in onelakhona30yearloan. year on Tuesday witnessed a cent. A total amount of Rs 5.36 lakh crore. onallsocialmediaplatformsand turewillberolledouttoallusers. willinvest Rs3,707crore for
a 50 per cent partnership

Railways falls short of previous year’s SC extends

tenure of TDSAT
Icra cuts FY21 growth forecast to 2% thathouses2,148MWofop-
erating solar projects across

freight loading figures for first time

ationshavecometoastandstill. shock, with social distancing and 11states,thefirmsaid.
chairperson "The Indian economy is likely lockdowns leading to production

NEWDELHI,APRIL7 to witness a sharp contraction of
4.5 per cent (de-growth) during
sectors. Sebirevises
power houses. So, coal carried to
power plants was just about 50
cut the country's GDP forecast
The high impact sectors in
declineof 10milliontonnescom- THESUPREMECourtTuesdayex-
just 2 per cent in FY21," the rating
jewellery, retail, shipping, ports
time fallen short of its previous paredtolastMarch.However,even tended the tenure of the Telecom just2percentinthecurrentfiscal. Itsaidtheconcernsonaccount andportservices.Accordingtothe New Delhi: Sebi has revised
year’sfreightloadingfigures. duringthelockdownperiodwhen DisputesSettlementandAppellate It said the nationwide lock- of COVID-19 have morphed from rating agency, in the current sce- cut-off timingsforsubscrip-
At1,209milliontonnes,itis14 movement of goods trains has Tribunal (TDSAT) Chairperson, down announced to contain the theimpactof importsfromChina nario, extended demand disrup- tion and redemption of liq-
million tonnes short of its freight been exempted, it has not been which was coming to an end on coronavirus outbreak has im- on domestic supply chains, into a tionsarelikelytoleadtoelongated uid,overnightandothermu-
loadingfiguresasoftheendofthe easyforthenationaltransporter. April20bythreemoremonths. pacted industries and their oper- domestic and external demand paymentcycles. tual fund schemes amid the
last financial year, even while be- At present, about 130 goods A Bench of Justices L lockdown to deal with the
ing on course to surpass previous trains,loadedwithcement,aresta- Nageswara Rao, S K Kaul and coronavirus pandemic. The
year’s record in February, which
bled at unloading points at its
premises. “The usual business
Deepak Gupta asked the govern-
ment for not filling up the vacan-
Fed to boost small business lending efforts revisedtimingswillbeappli-
loadingfigures. Workers load sacks of food model of cement industry was to cies of the Administrative and they are spent on payroll, to en-
of the COVID-19 outbreak by the
grains inside a goods train
amid the lockdown in
directly dump them to various
employeesorrehireworkersthey ‘Certificateof
middleof Marchandmanystates
Ranchi on Tuesday. PTI constructionsitesfromtrainsonly.
Now, that construction activity is
“We express our concern re- THE FEDERAL Reserve has said it
By purchasing the loans, the
down,theneedtotransportgoods pingabout50percent.
tributors are not finding space to
garding appointments of
Administrative Member(s) and
will support the government’s
$349 billion small business lend-
Fed would create an incentive for
also ebbed. So, by the end of From loading about 61,000 keepthem,”saidaRailwayofficial. Technical Member(s) not being ing program, which had a rocky ing. Buying the loans should free New Delhi: The Commerce
February, Railways carried 4 mil- wagonsperdaypre-lockdown,the Foodgrainsareloadingandun- madeaftertheyhavefallenvacant startFriday. Federal Reserve Chair up more cash for banks to lend. Ministryhasdesignedanon-
liontonnesof morefreightthanit number dropped to around loadingwell,albeitslowly,making long back”, the court said. The TheFedonMondaysaidthatit Jerome Powell. Reuters file Otherwise, when banks make a line platform for issuance of
didbytheendof February2019. 34,000wagonsperdayduringthe room for reduced labour and Bench asked how tribunals could willbuyloansthatbanksmaketo loan,theyaretypicallyrequiredto a‘certificateof origin’forex-
But,inMarch,itcarried18mil- lockdown. maintaining social distancing. function without members and smallbusinessesaspartofthepro- hold some cash in reserve in the portstothosecountrieswith
lion tonnes less goods than the Power demand was already Even after the lockdown is lifted, askedthegovernmenttoexpedite gram, which is being carried out der the $2.2 trillion economic re- caseof default. whichIndiahastradeagree-
previous year. And, March 18 on- down 10-15 per cent before the officials said, the availability of theprocess.Thecourtwillhearthe by banks and the Small Business lief package. Thesaidfurtherdetailswillbe ments. PTI
wards, the volumes started drop- lockdown, Railway officials said, labourmightbeanissue. matterinthefirstweekof May. Administrationandwassetupun- The loans can be forgiven if providedthisweek.


THE INDIAN EXPRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8, 2020 Spectatorsareimportant,but ifthe
situation arises, Idon't mindplaying
withoutthem. Yes,as aplayerIwon't get
willget towatchIPLontheirTV.”

From the brink to the podium

Had it not been for husband-coach Bobby coaxing her to a Paris trip, Anju wouldn't have made it to the 2003 World Championships
New York: Twoformerexecutiveswith
corruption, bank fraud and money- The fourth attempt came amidst high whenPowelltoldusthatthiswasit.Whenwe
laundering as US federal prosecutors
shedfreshlightonthescandal-tainted THOSE MONTHS. drama. May, the Italian, could not find her
left for America, I thought it would be like a
bidding war for the 2018 and 2022
World Cups. Former 21st Century Fox
AT THE end of a month and a half of training
and competition, Anju Bobby George hit her
THOSE MINUTES upset. I was to jump next. When I looked, my
check mark was also missing. Maybe some-
basic. The track was not thick and the spikes
would wear off fast. On one side, towards the
employees Hernan Lopez, 49, and nadir at an inopportune time — three weeks AstheworldbattlestheCovid-19outbreak, onemovedit.Luckily,justasaprecaution,Ihad left, the pit was slanting. Anyway, Bobby said
CarlosMartinez,41,facechargesalong beforethe2003WorldChampionshipssched- sportisstaringatanunfathomablefuture. leftawettowelalittleawaytomarkthepoint 'we have come this far, let us continue here'.”
with 65-year-old Gerard Romy, who uled at the end of August. TheIndianExpresslooksbackatthe whereIwouldbeginmyrun-up.SoIreliedon TheonemonthwithPowelldidwondersto
worked for Spanish media conglom- Anjuandhercoach-husbandRobertBobby sportingmomentswhichhavegiventhe the towel and had to do a little guesswork.” Anju'stechnique.First,shehadtoadjusttothe
erate Imagina. George,hadmadeSpaintheirbaseastheytrav- countryreasonstorejoiceinthepast new training schedule. In India, she was used
The three men are accused of pay- elledacrossEuropetoparticipateinsixcompe- A near miss to two training sessions, one in the morning
ing millions in bribes to officials from titions before the big one. A month-long stint JULY-AUGUST 2003 A distance of 6.56 metres in the fourth at- and another in the evening. Under Powell it
CONMEBOL and CONCACAF, the gov- with world-record holder Mike Powell in “Bobby asked me ‘have you ever seen tempt meant Anju had to claw her way back was allinone go—10amto4pm—withnoth-
erning bodies for football in South California, to iron out some technical issues, Paris’? I said ‘no’. He said, ‘let’s go.” intoamedalpositioninthenextattempt,else ing to eat in between except protein shakes.
America and North America, Central had gone well and medals came in meets at AUGUST 30 goingalloutinthesixthandfinaljumpwould Theonlysourceofshadewasalamppostnear
America and the Caribbean. The Madrid and Stockholm. But in Berlin, the last I didn't get a take- off and it was a flat putherunderimmensepressure. "Beforethe the jumping pit.
charges allege the bribes were paid in one on her schedule, Anju's form evaporated jump, but I gave it my all.” fifth, I prayed to all the gods. Yet one of my Powell'sdedicationascoach,however,im-
exchangeforlucrativetelevisionrights and she could jump just 6.29 metres. The dis- spikes hit the knee on my other leg. I lost mo- pressed both Anju and Robert. “He was with
contractsforregionalcompetitions,the tancewaspoorbutthebiggerconcernwasher mentum and had just four strides to regain it. us all the time. He would be on the track and
CopaAmericaandqualifyinggamesfor body: 'bloated, sore' in her own words. The Ididn'tgetatake-offanditwasaflatjump,but wouldcorrectthetechnique.Athisage(hewas
the 2018 and 2022 World Cups. The doctor'sdiagnosisthereaftershouldhavekilled In Paris, Anju rested for the first two days, I gave it my all. And I got 6.70 metres. I didn't almost40),hestillhadgreatpace.ButIwould
case forms part of the wide-ranging the dream of a world championship medal. while Robert took a stroll at the athletes' vil- know how much I had jumped.” try my best to match. He helped me when it
2015corruptionscandalthatleftworld “Mybodywasliterallydoublethesize,Ifelt lageand—atthatpointunknowntoAnju—to Anjuwasinthirdpositionwithoneround came to speed and approach variations.
governingbodyFIFAinturmoilandled heavy.Thedoctorlookedatmeandaskedme collect accreditation cards. When after two togo.Asthingspannedout,Johnsonwhowas Bobby’strainingsystemwasthesameasitwas
to the downfall of Sepp Blatter. AP totakesixweeksoff.Fatiguebecauseofthecy- days,theswellinginherbodyhadn’treduced, capableofknockingoffAnjufromthepodium in the USA and was similar to what the best
cleofcompeting,training,travellinghadtaken Robertaskedhertojoginaparktoseeif some managed just 6.53m in the final round and athletes followed, but the Americans are al-
UFCcloseto its toll,” Anju says.
What Robert and Anju hadn't accounted
could not improve on her 6.63m. Barber and
Kotova took the top two spots.
securingprivate for was the severe heatwave in Europe. Spain
ing up,” he told Anju. The next step was to get
“It was a proud feeling. The landline in my
up to date with the advances in technique. I
changed my approach from 34 metres to 41.”
islandforfights Bobby (Robert) that I want to return to India.
till his accreditation came through to join her. AnjuistheonlyIndianathletetowina
She would be exhausted after the day's
California: UFC President Dana Iwasworriedpeoplewouldmakefunof usas Anju’s mood perked up and soon she was medalataseniorworldchampionships. hoisted in our part of the athletes’ village.” fish as I had to take a lot of protein. Very little
White has said the mixed martial wehadspentsomuchmoneyandtime forthe ready to jump and train, but without stretch- rice,”shesays.Forweighttraining,Anjuhadto
arts promotion is close to securing a Worlds,” she recalls. ing herself. She also went to the gymnasium
California calling travel 50 miles. “The good thing was Powell
"private island" to stage bouts for in- Robertdangledacarrot.Hecoaxedhiswife toliftweights.“Iwasliftingmorethanmymax- Soon he was talking up Anju's medal Following a medal at the previous year's used to drive us and drop us back.”
ternational fighters during the to travel to the city of love. “Bobby asked me imum in snatch and clean (and jerk). Things chances. France's Eunice Barber and Russia's AsianGamesandCWG,thehusband-wifepair Anju and Bobby trained their minds to be
COVID-19 pandemic. The flu-like ‘have you ever seen Paris’? And I said 'no'. So were falling in place. But I didn't realise it im- TatyanaKotovaweretheonesshehadtowatch decidedtogotothebesttomakeanimpactat sponge-like, listening to every word Powell
virus has infected 1.27 million peo- he said, ‘let us go see that city. Come, it will be mediately. At that point, I was not planning to outforwithAmericanJadeJohnsonandItaly's the world level. They turned to Powell, who said.TheyhadjustonemonthinCaliforniaand
ple globally and caused over 70,000 fun.Forgetabouttheworldchampionshipsfor participate.” defending champion Fiona May strong con- coached at the Fullerton University in didn'twanttowasteasingleday.Powellintro-
deaths and brought the sports world now'. I agreed and we travelled.” Anjuwasalmostinatrance,hermindfreed tenders as well. “On the day of the qualifica- California. They contacted him through duced Anju to a top sports management firm
to a standstill, but the UFC plans to Robert’stacticworkedasheknewhecould from pressure, but her body was fast recover- tion round, Bobby told me you need to reach Robert's brother and some friends, and he Hudson-SmithInternational.Itpavedtheway
stick to its schedule albeit without eventuallygetAnjutojumpthreeweekslater ing. Just days before the first round, Anju put thefinal,thatisthefirststep. OnceIreachedthe agreed. The first step was getting an 'ok' from for Anju to compete on the European Grand
fans in attendance. attheStadedeFrance.Anjuwentontowinthe on her spikes and jumped. “I just put 80 per final,hestartedtalkingaboutthemedal.Ihad thesportsministryfortravelandfunds.Robert Prix circuit. Everything seemed on track, till
The organisation, which was bronze,theonlymedalbyanIndianathleteat cent of effort but jumped 6.76 metres. Mike gained a lot of confidence by then and started and Anju went to Delhi and stayed the whole Berlin, when her body let her down and she
forced to postpone three events, will a senior world championships. Till then in Powell, who was in Paris, saw the jump and believing that I would win a medal,” she says. of March before the foreign training stint was gave up at the end of her event. Before Robert
resume its calendar with UFC 249 on track and field, fourth-places finishes on the came running and said 'you are flying'. When Afterthefirstround,Anjuwasleading, but cleared. They were upbeat until they saw the helped her chart a glorious comeback in less
April 18 and White said he had also world stage were glorified for decades, an ex- he last saw me, I could barely move. He was bythefourthhadslippedtoprovisionalfourth trainingcentreattheuniversityaftertravelling than three weeks.
found a new venue for that event af- tracoatofheroismaddedwitheveryretelling. pleasantlysurprised.Bobby'sstrategyofslowly place.“Mythirdjumpwasahugeone,perhaps halfway across the globe. “After I won the bronze in Paris, Powell
ter the Barclays Center in New York Itmeantthatthenation'scollectivebelief had getting me back into shape, step by step, had a7-metrejumpbutafterfirstraisingthewhite “I first thought it was some basic facility askedBobby:‘Whatkindofmagicdidyoudo?’
was ruled out. REUTERS been numbed into thinking that for Indians, worked.Bobbyhaddetachedmebutmademe flag, the official showed a red one. I had over- which we first saw and there would be a bet- He said jokingly, ‘So far we paid you to coach
just missing out was as good as a medal. do all the physical work,” Anju remembers. stepped by one millimetre.” ter runway and pit. But I was disappointed Anju, now you pay me and I will tell you'.”

OVER THE HEDGE by Michael Fry & T Lewis

ARIES (Mar 21 - Apr 20) LIBRA (Sep 24 - Oct 23)
Concentrate on You must either
home, family and make some sort of
domestic affairs commitment or lose
while the Moon the support and
swings through enthusiastic affection of someone who could
regions of your chart. This one day exert a massively
is an indication that you will beneficial influence on
soon be back in favour and your life, security and
therefore able to swing any happiness. If you are
changes you want, just as long therefore to break a promise,
as you paint a sufficiently you must do so only after
positive picture. full consultation.
TAURUS (Apr 21 - May 21) SCORPIO (Oct 24 - Nov 23)
Bide your time now Time and time again,
and for the next your horoscope
forty-eight hours. comes back to
CALVIN & HOBBES by Bill Watterson You have so much work and
going for you that the last thing professional ambitions, but not
you should do is blow it all by for much longer. However, the
revealing someone’s secrets or, final curtain call may not be
worst of all, being taken in by taken for another three weeks,
gossip. Actually, you could be so stay alert until then. In the
ACROSS DOWN happiest if you’re left alone to meantime, try to have more
1 Best whipped or put in iced 1 Marvellous surroundings for do your own thing. pleasure — whatever you
sweet dish (6) quiet meal (6) are doing.
GEMINI (May 22 - June 21)
4 Kept a record that’s scratched 2 Gathers assortment of pears You are extremely SAGITTARIUS (Nov 24 - Dec 22)
(6) (5) fortunate that you An essential
9 High level? (7) 3 Mountain woman who was are having a second component of your
10 A left arm which may be tempted to take things easy chance. Basically, current chart points
raised (5) (7) you have until the end of this to the fact that the
5 Measure of restriction (5) week to reconsider your only truth is spiritual, with a
11 Follow directions and engage
position and until the middle capital T. What you may now
in litigation (5) 6 One who insists on facts is
of next week to do something achieve is an opportunity
12 Watching the way things go? later confused (7)
about it. But both next to make those who have
(7) 7 Mother a long time hurt (6) month and the month after tried to pull the wool over
13 They draw it across not 8 It has lots to attract buyers bring a couple of complete your eyes realise that you

round (11)
Doesn’t let one forget about 14
An arsenal our soldiers
MARVIN by Tom Armstrong U turns, so nothing is written
in stone.
cannot be changed.
CAPRICORN (Dec 23 - Jan 20)
cares (7) surround (7)
CANCER (June 22 - July 23) Even the prospect of
20 Plain net (5) 15 Perfumemadetoprovoke?(7) You have worked too a major upheaval on
22 A group of companies given 16 Gave an address to read out hard, and waited far the personal front
credit (5) (6) too long, to be should not upset you
23 It ends a flight in two ways (7) 17 Mineral almost exhausted in denied your full too much. You’re lucky that the
this state (6) reward. Can I entreat you to use general planetary situation is
24 Dishy redhead turns out to
every bit of your ambitious, swinging heavily towards
be rather sarcastic (6) 19 Marks or pounds? (5)
courageous character to take a relaxation after a period of
25 Individual rep’s order gets no 21 Ties up about ten and departs vital step up the Cancerian relatively high tension. You’ll
return (6) (5) career ladder and to lick the have more time to put your
opposition at home? feet up.
SolutionsCrossword4085:Across:1Dowager,5Taste,8Gettingonabit,9Scoop, LEO (July 24 - Aug 23) AQUARIUS (Jan 21- Feb 19)
10Torrent,11Sitter,12Gratis,15Endures,17Means,19Courtdisaster,20Lotto,21 I am quite sure that, Today’s lunar
Entered.Down:1Degas,2Withoutadoubt,3Glimpse,4Rights,5Tenor,6Subject in a matter of days, alignments bring
matter,7Estates,11Stencil,13Rampant,14Aspire,16Ratio,18Shred. you will be positive personal
presented with the indications for
opportunity to put your own Aquarians, and I would expect
house in order by making you to turn even unpromising
JUMBLED WORDS DifficultyLevel2s
whatever improvements you
desire. Yesterday’s delicate
conditions to your advantage.
Family life could also be

Instructions planetary patterns combine fairly relaxed, at least for some

Givenbelowarefourjumbledwords.Solvethejumblestomakeproperwordsandmovethemto TosolveaSudokupuzzle, with today’s more sensitive of the time. Plus, you can
therespectivesquaresbelow.Selectthelettersintheshadedsquaresandjumblethemtoget everydigitfrom1to9 indications to strengthen your get your own way more often

theanswerforthegivenquip. mustappearineachofthe mysterious ‘sixth sense’. than not.

Wordsmaybefalseandfullofart;___arethenaturallanguageofthe___.-ThomasShadwell nineverticalcolumns,in
(5,..,5) VIRGO (Aug 24 - Sep 23) PISCES (Feb 20 - Mar 20)
eachoftheninehorizontal You are to be the At all times, and in all
ETAER AKNSHT rowsandineachofthe recipient of good situations, you must
nineboxes. fortune from a try to keep your
hidden or secret emotions in check
source. There’s a catch, because and do your best to ensure that
NUISS IRTWGH DifficultyLevel
if this source is indeed new acquaintances and
concealed, the consequences professional associates can
1s=Veryeasy;2s=Easy; may not be known to you for really provide you with the
3s=Medium;4s=Hard; months or even years. Can assurances they offer. You
- Thomas Shadwell 5s=VeryHard;6s= you wait that long? You must can also turn on the charm if
Answer: Words may be false and full of art; Sighs are the natural language of the heart. Genius be patient. it helps.

R.N.I. No. RAJENG/2015/64747 Vol. IV No. 99 Printed and Published by R. C. Malhotra on behalf of The Indian Express (P) Limited and printed at DB Print Solutions (A unit of DB Corp. Ltd.), Bhaskar Printing Press, Shivdaspura, Railway Crossing, Tonk Road, Jaipur and published at D-54, Ground Floor,
Residential Road, Sardar Patel Marg, Chomu House, C-Scheme, Jaipur - 302001 (Rajasthan). Phone: 0141-4043972. Fax: 01414043973. Editorial office: The Indian Express (P) Limited, B1/B, Sector – 10, Noida – 201301. Phone: 0120-6651500. Advertising office phone: 0141-4043972. Chairman of the
Board: Viveck Goenka, Chief Editor: Raj Kamal Jha, Editor: Unni Rajen Shanker, Editor : P. Vaidyanathan Iyer * (*Responsible for selection of News under the PRB Act.) Copyright: The Indian Express (P) Limited. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any manner, electronic or otherwise, in whole or in
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