According To The Spirit of God

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according to the Spirit of God, that God gives to those who

and our confidence is in Christ believe. 10

Jesus rather than in our merits. May I know him and
experience the power of his
I myself do not lack those resurrection and share in his
human qualities in which sufferings and be¬come like
people have confidence. If him in his death, 11 and attain
some of them seem to be through this, God willing, the
accredited with such qualities, resurrection from the dead!
how much more am I! 5 I was
circumcised when eight days 12 I do not believe I have
old. I was born of the race of already reach¬ed the goal, nor
Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin; do I consider myself perfect,
I am a Hebrew, born of but I press on till I conquer
Hebrews. With regard to the Christ Jesus, as I have already
Law, I am a Pharisee, 6 and been conquered by him. 13 No,
such was my zeal for the Law brothers and sisters, I do not
that I persecuted the Church. claim to have claimed the prize
As for being righteous yet. I say only this: forgetting
according to the Law, I was what is behind me, I race
blameless. forward and run towards the
goal, 14 my eyes on the prize
But once I found Christ, all to which God has called us
those things that I might have from above in Christ Jesus. 15
considered as profit, I reckoned Let all of us who claim to be
as loss. 8 Still more, everything perfect have the same way of
seems to me as nothing thinking, but if there is
compared with the knowledge something on which you differ,
of Christ Jesus, my Lord. For his God will make it clear to you.
sake I have let everything fall 16 Meanwhile, let us go forward
away and I now consider all as from the point we have each
garbage, if instead I may gain attained.
Christ. 9 May I be found in him,
not having a righteousness of 17 Unite in imitating me,
my own that comes from the brothers and sisters, and look
Law, but with the righteousness at those who walk in our way of
life. 18 For many live as
enemies of the cross of Christ. I 4 Rejoice in the Lord always. I I know what it is to be in want
have said it to you many times, say it again: rejoice 5 and may and what it is to have plenty. I
and now I repeat it with tears: everyone experience your am trained for both: to be
19 they are heading for ruin; gentle and understanding hungry or satisfied, to have
their belly is their god and they heart. The Lord is near: 6 do much or little. 13 I can do all
feel proud of what should be not be anxious about anything. things in him who strengthens
their shame. They only think of In everything resort to prayer me.
earthly things. and supplication together with
thanksgiving and bring your 14 However you did right in
20 For us, our citizenship is in requests before God. 7 Then sharing my trials. 15 You
heaven, from where we await the peace of God, which Philip¬pians, remember that in
the coming of our Savior, Jesus surpasses all understanding, the beginning, when we first
Christ, the Lord. 21 He will will keep your hearts and minds preached the Gospel, after I left
transfigure our lowly body, in Christ Jesus. Macedonia you alone opened
making it like his own body, for me a debit and credit
radiant in Glo¬ry, through the 8 Finally, brothers and sisters, account, 16 and when I was in
power which is his to submit fill your minds with whatever is Thessalonica, twice you sent
everything to him¬self. truthful, holy, just, pure, lovely me what I needed.
and noble. Be mindful of
Agree with one another and be whatever deserves praise and 17 It is not your gift that I value
happy admiration. 9 Put into practice but rather the interest
what you have learned from increasing in your own account.
4 • 1 Therefore, my brothers me, what I passed on to you, 18 Now I have enough and
and sisters, whom I love and what you heard from me or saw more than enough with
long for, you my glory and me doing, and the God of everything Epa-phroditus
crown, be steadfast in the Lord. peace will be with you. brought me on your behalf and
2 I beg Evo¬dia and Syntyche which I received as
to agree with each other in the Paul’s thankfulness
Lord. 3 And you, Sycygus, my
true companion, I beg you to • 10 I rejoice in the Lord
help them. Do not forget that because of your concern for
they have labored with me in me. You were indeed
the service of the Gospel, concerned for me before, but
together with Cle¬ment and you had no opportunity to show
my other fellow-workers whose it. 11 I do not say this because
names are writ¬ten in the Book of being in want; I have learned
of Life. to manage with what I have. 12

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