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Pilani Campus
AUGS/ AGSR Division


Date: 06.01.2020

In addition to part I (General Handout for all courses appended to the Timetable) this portion gives further
specific details regarding the course.
Course No : MBA G519
Course Title : Production and Operations Management

Instructor-in-Charge : Dr. Rajesh Matai

Instructor(s) :
Tutorial/Practical Instructors:
1. Course Description: Generalized model of production systems, Types of production flows, Lifecycle
concepts, Facilities location and layout planning, Aggregate and batch production planning, Inventory
systems, Materials requirements planning, Elements of monitoring and production control.

2. Scope and Objective of the Course: The course is designed to provide students with a comprehensive
understanding on
 theoretical and practical knowledge of operations as a critical business function
 relationship and integration among operations and other functional areas inside an organization
 decision-making for a business production system within the strategic aims of both the manufacturing
and service sectors
 analytical skills in handling questions of scheduling, inventory, and resource management
 the future trends in manufacturing and the influence and effect of world-class production philosophies on
Indian industries


At the end of this course, the student will be able to

 Understand the decision-making process in design, planning, and operation of production systems.
 Apply the analytical skills for decision-making in production management.
 Analyze an existing production system, and how changes in one attributes performance can change
the performance of the entire system

3. Text Books:
T1. Heizer, J.; Render, B. and Rajashekhar, J., Operations Management, Pearson Education,
India, 9th Edition, 2009.

4. Reference Books:
R1. Russel and Taylor, Operations Management along the Supply Chain, Wiley Student Edition, India,
6th Edition, 2009.
R2. Chase, Jacobs, Aquilano and Agarwal, Operations Management for Competitive Advantage, TMH,
India, 11th Edition, 2006
R3. Roger G. Schroeder, Operations Management: Contemporary Concepts and Cases, TMH, India, 3rd
Edition, 2009.
R4. Mahadevan, Operations Management: Theory and Practice, Pearson Publication, India, 2nd Edition,
Pilani Campus
AUGS/ AGSR Division

Additional Reading Books:

B1. Eliyahu M. Goldratt, “The Goal: A Process of Ongoing Improvement”.
B2. Masaaki Imai, “Kaizen: The Key to Japan's Competitive Success”.
B3. James P. Womack, Daniel T. Jones, Daniel Roos, “The Machine that Changed the World: the story
of lean production”.

5. Course Plan:
Module No. *Lecture Reference Learning outcomes
1. Strategic 1-3 Chapter 1,2 (T1) Operation management (OM), Operation management in
importance of service, Operations strategy, Achieving competitive
Operations advantage through operations, Ten strategic OM decisions.
2. Forecasting 4-5 Chapter 3 (T1) Forecasting in OM, Strategic importance of forecasting,
Time series forecasting, Associative forecasting methods.
3. Product planning 6 Chapter 4 (T1) Purpose, Lifecycle and evaluation of product, New product
4. (a)Management 7 Chapter 5 (T1) Quality concepts, Evolution of quality management, TQM,
of Quality (Except Other quality tools, Six Sigma.
quality Standards)
4. (b) Statistical 8-9 Supplement Understand Inspection , SPC , Process capability & process
Process Control Chapter 5 (T1) control, process improvement
5. Process Strategy 10-11 Chapter 6 (T1) Four process strategies, Process analysis, and design.
6. Facilities 12 Chapter 7 (T1) Introduction, Selecting the geographic region, Costing
location alternative locations, Scoring models, Geometric models.
7. Layout planning 13-14 Chapter 8 (T1) Facility layout planning, process, product, hybrid, fixed-
position, cellular and specialized layouts.
8. Production 15-17 Chapter 12, Hierarchy of planning decision, Planning process,
scheduling 14(T1) Aggregate planning, Master schedule, Short-term schedules,
Scheduling Issues, Loading jobs, Sequencing jobs, Theory
of Constraints (TOC) (bottlenecks, drum, rope, buffer),
Scheduling services.
9. MRP 18-19 Chapter 13 (T1) Dependent demand, Dependent Inventory model
requirements, MRP structure and management, Lot sizing
10. Inventory 20-21 Chapter 11 (T1) Classic analysis of inventory control, Inventory control for
Management production systems, Probabilistic demand, Periodic review
systems, Single period models, ABC analysis.
11. JIT and Lean 22 Chapter 15 (T1) Introduction to Just in Time Management, Toyota
Operations Production System.
* Designed for two consecutive 50 min lecture slots

Pilani Campus
AUGS/ AGSR Division

6. Evaluation Scheme:
Component Duration Weightage Date & Time Nature of component
(%) (Close Book/ Open Book)
Case Analysis 15% Students will read, analyze
cases and participate in
class discussions and
submit report. (Open book)
Mini Project 15% Open book
Research Paper 10% Open Book (Each group
Presentations has to present 3 research
papers in any area of
Operations Management
from last 5 years. (Open
To be announced in class Book)
Mid-Semester Test 90 Min. 25% To be announced Close book
Comprehensive 3h 35% To be announced Close book

Case Analysis: Cases will be assigned time to time. Few Harvard case studies will be also taken in course.
Students must read the case assigned and come fully prepared for discussions in class. It is highly desired
that students must attend all classes and contribute in case discussions.

Mini Project: Students will take any real Operations Management problem and do projects in groups. At
the end of semester, all groups will give presentation and submit report.

7. Chamber Consultation Hour: To be announced in class.

8. Notices: All notices of this course will be displayed on the Department of Management Notice Board.
9. Make-up Policy: Make-ups may be allowed only in genuine cases with prior permission of I/C.

10. Team Formation

Students have to give research papers and mini-project presentations in a team. Teams will be formed in

Course No. MBA G519

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