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Job No.

Job Name: Create some arithmetic operation between two operands by using variables in PHP.

Purpose: Using PHP variables make some arithmetic operation with localhost on Computer.
Necessary Equipment:
1. Computer (To perform)
2. Power Supply (For stable connection)
3. Xampp Software (For Localhost)
4. Notepad++ (For editing code)
5. Chrome or any browser (To run the login script)

Working Procces:
➢ At first start the computer with stable power supply and open the Xampp control panel
and start Apache and MySQL service. Then minimize the Xampp control panel.

➢ Create a new document file by name arithmetic.php in Xampp Folder


➢ Now select the file (arithmetic.php) and right click. Now click - Edit with Notepad++
then write code and save the PHP Coding.
➢ Now open the default internet browser like Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge and type this
(localhost/php/arithmetic.php) in the URL box and press enter to run the script and see the output.

Remarks: After completing all of steps, we can create a arithmetic operation in PHP with some variable, and we can
see that how is the output came using Xampp localhost with any browser without internet connection on computer.

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