Subject Title Method of Research: Legal Definition of Deceit

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Subject:law of tort
Title:law of tort of Deceit
Method of research:doctrinal
legal definition of deceit:the wrong of deciet consists
in wilfully making a false statement with an intent to
induce the plaintiff to act upon it and is actionable when
th plaintiff suffers damage by acting upon the same.

1)an individual has made a representation to another
party which is false
2)the individual knows it to be false or was reckless as to
be truth of the statement.
3)there is an intention to deceive and it is acted upon .
4)loss is suffered as a consequence
These above four elements are compulsory to claim in
tort of deciet

· damage or loss must have been suffered from the

As is the case in the most claims for deceit is monetary
loss then the most approppriate remedy to be provided
will be that of damages

A)contributary negligence:it is unavailable for the tort
of the deceit as has been held under sections 1(1) and 4
of the law reform act 1945
B)declaration proceedings
Cases:lenigas and oil investment limited and another vs
mata oil pty limited and another
D.Bhuvanesh Varma
1st Semester
Sec - A
Regd no-2015033

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