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A Capstone Project Presented to the Faculty of College of Computer Studies

Laguna State Polytechnic University
Los Baños Campus
Los Baños, Laguna

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology



JUNE 2019


The capstone project entitled WEBPORTAL FOR IDENTIFYING

in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree BACHELOR OF
SCIENCE IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, is hereby recommended for
approval and acceptance.



Approved by the Committee on Oral Examination with a grade of _______.


Member Member


Member Member

Research Coordinator

Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the


Associate Dean, College of Computer Studies

MARIERO H. GAWAT, MSc. _____________________

Chairperson, Research and Development Services Date Signed

Research Contribution No.



The researchers would like to express their deepest appreciation to those

people who were instrumental in making this study success.

President of LSPU System Hon. Dr. Nestor M. De Vera for his Leadership.

Prof. Jefferson L. Lerios Associate Dean, College Of Computer Studies for

the support and encouragement given all to BSIT Students.

Prof. Jocelyn O. Padallan their capstone project adviser for giving ideas and

suggestions, for providing the courage and motivation to the researchers in the

conduct of the study

Prof. Jefferson Lerios for the Support and Guidance

Prof. Nilda S. Alforja Technical Editor, Prof. Frederick B. Tesoro English

Critic, Prof. Manuel Lanuang Subject Specialist, Prof. Carolina R. Joval

Statistician for their advice to improve our study.

Their Families, Gayas family, Mundin family and Terbio family, for their Love

and continue guidance, financial, support and concern.

All the Instructions and Professors at LSPU-LBC for their Knowledge and

Support, to Their Classmates and Friends

Almighty God For giving them strength, knowledge, and wisdom as a

foundation which made this study possible.

The Researchers


We would like to dedicate this study to the following persons.

Mr. and Mrs. Terbio

Mr. and Mrs. Mundin

Mr. and Mrs. Gayas

To our dearest Professors at Laguna State Polytechnic University Los Baños

Campus and most especially to our Almighty God.

A. J. G.

R. R. T.

J. S. M.


Although free web map applications have become an important part of the
daily life, individual map styling has been neglected for a long time. Now we
are creating new geo mapping system to identify the deforested area in
municipality of Los Baños. Main purpose of this system is to navigate and
monitor all trees cut downed and also the new growing trees in the area. We
added the forest cover and trees growing monitoring area. And search engine
to navigate the places where located the deforested, forest cover and trees
growth in the system. The system is capable of displaying the map of
deforested area. The researchers found out that the system is accepted in
terms of accuracy, correctness testing from handling Flexibility, Integrity,
Portability, Reliability and Testability which are the characteristic of software
quality under ISO 25010. This system could help the community and
government for analyzing data from the user and guided by geo-mapping
made by the researchers.
Keywords: Web Portal, Deforested Area, Geo-Mapping


Preliminaries Page

Title Page i
Approval Sheet ii
Acknowledgement iii
Dedication iv
Abstract v
Table of Contents vi
List of Figures ix
List of Tables x
List of Appendices xi
List of Abbreviations and Symbols xii
Definition of Terms xiii

Project Context 3
Objectives 6
Conceptual Framework 7
Project Purpose 5
Scope and Limitations 8



Related Literature 10
Related Studies 10


Research Design 26
Software Development Model 30
Testing and Evaluation Procedure 39


Results of Testing Evaluation 42

Results of Software Evaluation (ISO) 48


Summary 57
Conclusions 57
Recommendations 58



A. Technical Background 61
a. Planning & Requirement Analysis Phase 62
Current Flow Chart / Process Flow 62
Proposed Use Case Diagram 64
b. Specification & Design Phase 65
System Architecture / Module Specification 65
System Context Diagram 66
Data Dictionary 66
Hierarchical Input Process Output Model 66
c. Project Schedule 68
d. Hardware and Software Resources 70
e. Input/Output/Reports Screen Shots 72
f. Testing & Evaluation Instruments 77
g. Implementation Plan 80
h. User’s Manual 80
B. Communication Letters& Forms
Request Letter
Pre Proposal Approval
Proposal Approval
Recommendation for Final Oral Defense
C. Certificate of Acceptance / MOA / MOU
Certificate with Proper Documentation, MOA &
MOU for Technology Transfer
D. Curriculum Vitae  86

E. Publishable Paper (IEEE Format)


F. Similarity Report

List of Figure
Figure 1 Conceptual Framework 7
Figure 2 Agile Scrum Methodology 25Y

Figure 3 Research Design

Figure 4 Data Mining Diagram 31

Figure 5 Input, Process, Output 36
Figure 6 Use Case Diagram 37
Figure 7 System Architecture 38
Figure 8 Flow Chart (Tracking Management Module) 39
Figure 9 Flow Chart (System Management Module) 40
Figure 10 ISO 25010 41
Figure 11 Home Page 45
Figure 12 Deforested Area Layer 46
Figure 13 Forest Cover/Deforested/Trees Gaining Areas 47
Figure 14 Forest Cover/Deforested/Trees Gaining Areas 2 48
Figure 15 Functional Suitability 49
Figure 16 Performance Efficiency 50
Figure 17 Compatibility 51
Figure 18 Usability 51
Figure 19 Reliability 52
Figure 20 Security 53
Figure 21 Maintainability 53
Figure 22 Portability 54
Figure 23 Overall Software Evaluation (ISO 25010) 55

List of Tables
Table 1 Deforesteation vs. Reforestation 4
Table 2 Recorded Causes of Deforestation 4
Table 3 Product Backlog 28
Table 4 User’s Sprint Backlog 29
Table 5 Admin’s Sprint Backlog 29
Table 6 Documentary Data 30
Table 7 Likert Scale 33
Table 8 Respondents 33
Table 9 Hardware Specification 36
Table 10 Unit Testing 42
Table 11 Compatibility Testing 43

Definition of Terms

The following terms are conceptualized and operationally defined for

the study.

Community. A group of people living in the same place or having a

characteristic in common.

Deforestation. The removal of a forest or stand of trees where the land is

thereafter converted to a non-forest use.

Demographic. Is the study of a population based on factors such as age,

race and sex, among others.

DENR. Department of Environment and Natural Resources

Forest. A large group area dominated by trees.

Geographic Information System. A geographic information system is a

system designed to capture, store, manipulate, analyze, manage, and present

all types of geographical data.

Geo Mapping. Software is an enabling technology – it takes any business

data with a location element and turns it into a visualization that is engaging

and approachable – a map.

LGU (Local Government Unit). Officially local government in the Philippines,

often called local government unit, are divided into three levels – provinces

and independent cities; component cities and municipalities; and barangays.

Ubiquitous. Existing or being everywhere, especially at the same time.

Web portal. Is a specially designed website that brings information from

diverse sources, like emails, online forums and search engines, together in a




Web portals provide a single point of access to a variety of content and

core services, and ideally offer a single sign-on point. Portals give you a

managed online experience, and can be particularly helpful as a start and

return point for those new to the web. Portal content is dynamically managed

through databases, application windows, and sometimes cookies. Portals

often include calendars and to-do lists, discussion groups, announcements

and reports, searches, email and address books, and access to news,

weather, maps, and shopping, as well as bookmarks. Web portals often

organize information into channels, customizable page containers where

specific information or an application appears. Channels make it easy to

locate information of interest by categorizing content. [CITATION Cen18 \l 13321 ]

Deforestation occurs around the world, though tropical rainforests are

particularly targeted. If current deforestation levels proceed, the world's

rainforests may completely loss in as little as 100 years, according to National

Geographic. Countries with significant deforestation in 2016 included Brazil,

Indonesia, Thailand, the Democratic Republic of Congo and other parts of

Africa, and parts of Eastern Europe, according to GRID-Arendal, a United

Nations Environment Program collaborating center. The country with the most

lost is Indonesia. Since the last century, Indonesia has lost at least 39 million

acres (15.79 million hectares) of forest land, according to a studied by the

University of Maryland and the World Resource Institute.


Though deforestation has increased rapidly in the past 50 years, it has

been practiced throughout history. For example, 90 percent of continental

United States' natural forest has been removed since 1600, according to the

University of Michigan. The World Resources Institute estimates that most of

the world's remaining natural forest is located in Canada, Alaska, Russia and

the Northwestern Amazon basin. An estimated 18 million acres (7.3 million

hectares) of forest, which is more or less the size of the country of Panama,

are lost each year, according to the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture

Organization (FAO).[CITATION Liv1 \l 1033 ]

Change in Forest Cover: Between 1990 and 2000, Philippines lost an

average of 262,500 hectares of forest per year. The amounts to an average

annual deforestation rate of 2.48%. Between 2000 and 2005, the rate of forest

change decreased by 20.2% to 1.98% per annum. In total, between 1990 and

2005, Philippines lost 32.3% of its forest cover, or around 3,412,000 hectares.

Measuring the total rate of habitat conversion (defined as change in forest

area plus change in woodland area minus net plantation expansion) for the

1990-2005 interval, Philippines lost 7.9% of its forest and woodland habitat.

[CITATION Low18 \l 13321 ]

Trees cover of Los Banos From 2001 to 2017, Los Baños lost 71.4ha

of tree cover, equivalent to a 2.1% decrease since 2000, and 8.92kt of CO₂ of

emissions. There were 0 GLAD alerts reported in the week of the 1st of April

2019. This was unusually low compared to the same week in previous years.

Mapping would enable planners to relate such data and information to

the geographic, physical characteristics, infrastructures, and feeder population


and education needs of the service area of the Laguna. This effort commonly

uses geographic information system (GIS) or related ubiquitous, mobile

mapping technology to display the demographic data and to generate

summaries or reports based on the proximity measures and demographics of

interest anytime and anywhere. Mapping is a useful tool for environmental

scanning and planning. The outputs of the project are needed not only for the

design and implementation of rationalization measures but also for the

conceptualization and projectization of financial/resource management

reforms in DENR.

Geo Mapping is technique to visualize data from different geo-cultural

contexts or specific geographic locations that takes into account the cultural

characteristics of inhabitants, which demonstrates the diffusion of the theory. [

CITATION IGI \l 1033 ]

Project Context

The forest in Laguna is rapidly disappearing because of the projects of

the government and some establishments. This system is needed in Laguna

just to locate the deforestation area made user can make any project and

monitored by the government.The project was developed to help the DENR

(Department of Environment and Natural Resources) and other people who’s

helping the DENR. There are reasons why this project must be implemented.

This was the system to needed to know the availability of a certain area

that must to have a tree planting or any project to decrease the deforested

area in municipality and city of Laguna. It has very good effect on our

municipality to prevent disaster or calamity.


Deforestation of the Philippines

Ironically, the Philippines is among countries with the fastest loss of

forest cover around the world. It ranks 4 th among the world’s top 10 most

threatened forest hotspots. If the 157, 400 ha per year rate of deforestation

continues, our remaining forest cover will be wiped out in less than 40 years.

That is equal to forests twice the land area of Metro Manila lost per year.

Table 1 Deforesteation vs. Reforestation

philippine-forests Source: KALIKASAN People’s Network for the Environment

The table shows the comparison graph of reforestation and

deforestation measured in hectares in different year range between 1980’s to

2000’s.It indicates that the deforestation are more occurring often than

reforestation in the Philippines.


Table 2 Recorded Causes of Deforestation

Source: KALIKASAN People’s Network for the Environment


Table shows the record that causes deforestation in the year 1998 to

2007. Fire, Diseases, Kaingin, Illegal and Legal Logging are the cause of


Project Purpose

The project purpose is to provide the workers of the DENR

(Department of Environment and Natural Resources) a map that helps them

in their job and make it easier for them to locate the specific area.

The core function of this system is to make an easy map location of

specific place to help grow trees plant and clean designated areas and the

users of this system helps enabling a good record to maintain the records of

each specific area that has been checked and easily accessible for users and

to monitor the deforested area.

Government. Specially DENR (Department of Environment and

Natural Resources)Will have basis where the area of much needed project in

our environment and it worth it to invest because deforested or destroyed part

of the community are the main factor for having a weather disaster such as

flood and land slide.

Forester. The forester will know where they are going to plant trees

and it will be easy to locate where the deforestations areas are. Through the

use of geo mapping, locating the areas that had been deforested can be

easier and can guide the people to plant trees in such area, cannot affect the

wild animals.

LGU (Local Government Units). They are the ones who are more

have knowledge to the forests and providing what they can do for the securing

the area.

Future researcher. For the future researchers, future studies that

could require the geo mapping of forests in Laguna can make this study help

them in determining the areas that had been deforested. Also, giving them the

information on what is happening in the area.

Objectives of the Project

The main objective of this project is to develop a web portal that can

identify deforestation area utilizing geo mapping. Specifically, the projects aim


1. Develop a community portal for identifying deforested area as

response for improvement.

2. Giving precise route how to get in the area of target of responses


3. To show graphical representation of ratio between deforested trees,

forest trees and planted trees.

Conceptual Framework

Figure 1 Conceptual Framework

In this figure shows the several variations and context of the system. It

has the main functions of the system which is identifying the deforested area,

geographical map. To develop the we have to gather information from DENR

(PENR) and make a interactive map for the user responses to the

deforestation of our province.

Scope and Limitations

This research was focus on the development of a Web Portal using

Geo Mapping in this developed system. Researchers gathers data by

requesting maps and data from DENR then transfer it to database for further

research and develop the system. It all includes all maps, geographical

aspects of the area in Laguna. These are the following module:

Home with Statistical Graphs. This module includes the title and Data

analysis from the DENR input and output from the database of the system.

Identify Forest. This was the program that runs through the entire system for

to develop output for given information maps and location. This program will

help the project successful by giving the right direction to the location. This

module is about portion of the land that covered by the forest but now

deforestation was occurring. This project only effects the community when the

DENR response on our objectives of determining the deforestation and having

a project to stop that sequence.

Admin Map. This module include the verification of the user’s remarks to data

they want to display in the map. And also this module has the form to input

data either reforestation or deforestation.

Contact. This module had only contact information of the researchers.


The community leaders would need to be educated in geo-mapping

technology before using it. However, the researchers planning to make the

system more simple to use lessen the limitations of the users.

We set an limitation on a data editing for the community to prevent the

implications of having wrong publishing/displaying data of the system.

Chapter II

Review of Related Literature

This chapter includes the related literature and studies that will help to

familiarize to our studies.

Geographic Information System

 Is a system designed to capture, store, manipulate, analyze, manage,

and present spatial or geographic data? The acronym GIS is sometimes used

for geographic information science (GIScience) to refer to the academic

discipline that studies geographic information systems and is a large domain

within the broader academic discipline of geo informatics.[ CITATION Mad153 \t \l

1033 ]

GIS can refer to a number of different technologies, processes, and

methods. It is attached to many operations and has many applications related

to engineering, planning, management, transport/logistics, insurance,

telecommunications, and business. For that reason, GIS and location


intelligence applications can be the foundation for many location-enabled

services that rely on analysis and visualization.[ CITATION Mal11 \l 1033 ]

Improve Organizational Integration – GIS integrates hardware,

software, and data for capturing, managing, analyzing, and displaying all

forms of geographically referenced information. GIS allows us to view,

understand, question, interpret, and visualize data in many ways that reveal

relationships, patterns, and trends in the form of maps, globes, reports, and

charts. A GIS helps you answer questions and solve problems by looking at

your data in a way that is quickly understood and easily shared. GIS

technology can be integrated into any enterprise information system

framework and more employment opportunity. [ CITATION McC071 \t \l 1033 ]

Requires an enormous amount of data inputs to be practical for some

tasks and the more data that is put in. The earth is round and geographic

error is increased as you get into a larger scale. GIS layers, may lead to costly

mistakes when property agents interpret a GIS map, or engineer’s design

around GIS utility lines. There is the failure to initiate or sustain the additional

effort to fully implement GIS, however large the anticipated benefits might be

and expensive software. [ CITATION McC071 \t \l 1033 ]

Back before the age of technology maps were created using complex

surveying techniques and firsthand knowledge gathered from explorers and

sailors. We have a hard time imagining a world without satellite imagery, cell

phones or Google; much of the world up until this point in history have had to

do without these amazing systems and have laid the foundations for the

things we are able to do today.


As the field of cartography has grown across the centuries humans have

found better ways to map the world around them in increasingly complex

ways. The major continents, land forms, and much of the Earth has been

mapped down to the last detail; scientists have moved on to mapping the sea

floor and exploring the deep mysteries of space. Cartography on Earth is still

steaming ahead, however; just because most things have been mapped

geographically speaking doesn’t mean there isn’t much more we can do with

the technology at our fingertips.

GIS has gone from elaborate scanning mechanisms and physically

overlaying maps on top of each other to gain perspective on the issue at hand

to our current ability to look up any map on the computer and, with a few

mouse clicks, change and overlay these maps with hundreds of others to

create complex data sets and new information. From a lab at a university to a

wildlife preserve in Kenya to a personal laptop being used at home it is free

and easy to gain access to any number of GIS operations happening at any

given time. A university degree isn’t needed to understand the results or even,

in fact, think up an idea and map it out- everyday people might not even

realize they are using GIS systems in their day to day routines.

‘The Cloud’ services that are able to run and host a variety of services are

now working with GIS to give users a system in which they have to simply log

into a server on the internet without having to download an entire GIS

program to their computers. Some clouds are public and others are private,

but none require the hassle of a physical storage location to use. The

ArcGIS10 was recently released by Esri, a company on the forefront of GIS


technology. The emphasis being put on ‘crowdsourced’ data (data gathered

on GIS systems by non-trained users) is increasing as the interest in GIS

grows among common internet users. Although crowdsourced data can

occasionally be unreliable and hard to visually map, it is possible that the

large amount of users on a GIS would be beneficial to the data set overall.

The amount of data, software, and GIS storage that is able to be shared with

the public as well as other related companies is also advancing GIS

technology at an incredible rate.

Another advance in GIS is its relationship with GPS systems- GIS provides

realistic, on the ground data that GPS uses to inform its users of where they

are and things to look for around them. This technology will only grow

increasingly better as both GPS and GIS continue expanding in their own

fields and together. 3D displays and the ability to overlay 3D maps on top of

one another are now not uncommon- the next step is 4D, which adds the

dimension of time to the equation. GIS already has the ability to adjust to

changes in time with multiple map layers that show geographical change in

regards to time; it should therefore be theoretically possible to predict what

will happen in the future by added predictive modeling features to the system.

Future GIS systems will be able to address conflicting land uses (such as a

piece of land being designated both as a wildlife preserve and timberland for

logging) and propose solutions regarding the most beneficial use of the tracts.

[ CITATION Eli10 \l 1033 ]


Dental caries is unevenly distributed within populations with a higher

burden in low socio-economy groups. Several attempts have been made to

allocate resources to those that need them the most; there is a need for

convenient approaches to population-based monitoring of caries risk over

time. The aim of this study was to develop the geo-map concept, addressing

time trends in caries risk, and demonstrate the novel approach by analyzing

epidemiological data from preschool residents in the region of Halland,


The study population consisted of 9,973 (2006) and 10,927 (2010)

children between 3 to 6years of age (~77% of the eligible population) from

whom caries data were obtained. Reported dmfs>0 for a child was considered

as the primary caries outcome. Each study individual was geo-coded with

respect to his/her residence parish (66 parishes in the region). Smoothed

caries risk geo-maps, along with corresponding statistical certainty geo-maps,

were produced by using the free software Rapid Inquiry Facility and the ESRI

ArcGIS system. Parish-level socioeconomic data were available.

The overall proportion of caries-free (dmfs=0) children improved from

84.0% in 2006 to 88.6% in 2010. The ratio of maximum and minimum (parish-

level) smoothed relative risks (SmRRs) increased from 1.76/0.44=4.0 in 2006

to 2.37/0.33=7.2 in 2010, which indicated an increased geographical

polarization of early childhood caries in the population. Eight parishes showed

evidential, positional changes in caries risk between 2006 and 2010; their

corresponding SmRRs and statistical certainty ranks changed markedly. No

considerable parallel changes in parish-level socioeconomic characteristics

were seen during the same time period.


Geo-maps based on caries risk can be used to monitor changes in

caries risk over time. Thus, geo-mapping offers a convenient tool for

evaluating the effectiveness of tailored health promotion and preventive care

in child populations. [ CITATION Hol \l 1033 ]

A National geo-mapping study

To compare the location and accessibility of current Australian chronic

heart failure (CHF) management programs and general practice services with

the probable distribution of the population with CHF.

Data on the prevalence and distribution of the CHF population

throughout Australia, and the locations of CHF management programs and

general practice services from 1 January 2004 to 31 December 2005 were

analysed using geographic information systems (GIS) technology.

Distance of populations with CHF to CHF management programs and

general practice services.

The highest prevalence of CHF (20.3–79.8 per 1000 population)

occurred in areas with high concentrations of people over 65 years of age and

in areas with higher proportions of Indigenous people. Five thousand CHF

patients (8%) discharged from hospital in 2004–2005 were managed in one of

the 62 identified CHF management programs. There were no CHF

management programs in the Northern Territory or Tasmania. Only four CHF

management programs were located outside major cities, with a total case

load of 80 patients (0.7%). The mean distance from any Australian population

centre to the nearest CHF management program was 332 km (median, 163

km; range, 0.15–3246 km). In rural areas, where the burden of CHF

management falls upon general practitioners, the mean distance to general


practice services was 37 km (median, 20 km; range, 0–656 km).

There is an inequity in the provision of CHF management programs to

rural Australians.[ CITATION Cla \l 1033 ]

Near real-time deforestation detection for enforcement of forest reserves

We have developed a near-real time deforestation monitoring system,

named SAD (Sistema de Alerta de Desmatamento) to monitor the Brazilian

Amazon states. Here, we present how SAD works and has been used to

monitor deforestation in different types of forest reserves in the State of Mato

Grosso, and the potential use of this information to stop illegal deforestation in

these reserves. The types of forest reserves we have been monitoring are

located in Protected Areas (i.e., Indigenous Lands, Conservation Units),

agrarian settlements, private lands registered to the state government

licensing system and in unclaimed public land. A total of 22,700 square

kilometers of forest conversion by deforestation was detected wit SAD from

August 2004 to January 2009 in Mato Grosso State. Of this total amount 60%

(13,670 square kilometers) were detected in the Amazon Biome, and the

remaining 40% (9,000 square kilometers) in transitional forest types. We

estimated that 85% of the total deforestation detected with SAD from August

2004 to July 2008 classified as illegal. This information is being widely

disseminated to authorities and general society, through the media, to support

law enforcement of illegal deforestation which has been the weak component

of the chain put in place to implement the forestry code to protected private

and governmental forest reserves. As a result of our Forest Transparency

initiative – that combines near-real time detection of deforestation with

strategic dissemination of the information – the debate about deforestation

has been kept alive each month by media. This puts positive pressure on the

states and federal governments to act against illegal deforestation in the


Our near-real time deforestation monitoring system, SAD, has been

proved to be a valuable tool to monitor forest reserves in the Brazilian

Amazon. In the state of Mato Grosso, which has the most advanced cadastral

and licensing system of private lands, SLAPR, SAD has been used to qualify

deforestation in terms of legality.[ CITATION Sou \l 1033 ]

GIS for Deforestation Study

The major challenges we face in the world today are overpopulation,

pollution, deforestation and natural disasters. They have a critical geographic

dimension and geographical component. Geographical Decision Support

System is a demanding field, since enormous amount of spatial data have

been collected in various applications ranging from Remote Sensing to GIS,

Computer Cartography, Environmental Assessment and Planning. GIS will

give the power to create maps, integrate information, visualize scenarios,

solve complicated problems, present powerful ideas, and develop effective

solutions. With GIS application one can open digital maps on computer,

create new spatial information to add to a map, create printed maps

customized to their needs and perform spatial analysis. Spatial database

management systems aim to make spatial data management easier and more

natural to prepare map for the users or applications such as urban planning,

utilities, transportation, and remote sensing. The main aim of this paper is to

prepare the digital data for the study of deforestation. This paper focuses on

the data collection from various sources like NRSC, Survey of India, GLCF

and NATMO etc., and prepares attribute spatial dataset for deforestation

study in the study area.[ CITATION Man \l 1033 ]

Google Maps API, Google Earth KML, and MSN Virtual Earth Map


This eye-opener article aims at introducing the health GIS community

to the emerging online consumer geoinformatics services from Google and

Microsoft (MSN), and their potential utility in creating custom online interactive

health maps. Using the programmable interfaces provided by Google and

MSN, we created three interactive demonstrator maps of England’s Strategic

Health Authorities. These can be browsed online at Google Maps API

(Application Programming Interface) version – Google Earth KML (Keyhole

Markup Language) version and MSN Virtual Earth Map Control version.

Google and MSN’s worldwide distribution of “free” geospatial tools, imagery,

and maps is to be commended as a significant step towards the ultimate

“wikification” of maps and GIS. A discussion is provided of these emerging

online mapping trends, their expected future implications and development

directions, and associated individual privacy, national security and copyrights

issues. Although ESRI have announced their planned response to Google

(and MSN), it remains to be seen how their envisaged plans will materialize

and compare to the offerings from Google and MSN, and also how Google

and MSN mapping tools will further evolve in the near future. [ CITATION Bou \l

1033 ]

Web Portal

Traditionally, a portal denotes a gate, a door, or entrance. In the

context of the World Wide Web, it is the next logical step in the evolution to a

digital culture. Web pages are not completely self-referential anymore, but

allow for personalization, workflow, notification, knowledge management and

groupware, infrastructure functionality, and integration of information and

applications. The idea of a portal is to collect information from different

sources and create a single point of access to information – a library of

categorized and personalized content. It is very much the idea of a

personalized filter into the web.

Portals are often the first page the web browser loads when users get

connected to the Web or that users tend to visit as an anchor site. They offer

users a surplus value of service based on the features of classic search

engines: a well-trained concierge who knows where to search and find; a well-

assorted newspaper kiosk that keeps the latest market information about the

surfer’s personal stocks ready; free communications possibilities like email or

discussion boards.

Thus, the traditional virtual roadhouses –the search engines- become

feel-good entrance halls, a gateway to the internet, easy, one-stop

embarkation points for the daily Web-surfing sessions. The hope behind the

idea of a portal: surfer starts their voyage into the web in a modern entrance

hall, and preferably find their way back to the starting point without major

difficulty. (Atlantic web Fitters, n.d.)

The advantages of web portals are to make it easy for users to

customize personal places; Supports users in multiple tasks; Easy to use

design interface; Help to connect community; Powerful back end; Flexible

content and layout. (, 2017)

The disadvantage of web portals are high complexity and additional

testing efforts; Somewhere complex to set up; Re-authentication when using

multiple systems; Customizing portals and integrating applications;

Developers need additional skills besides using a web framework; Additional

costs.(, 2017)

Information System is an organized system for the collection,

organization, storage and communication of information. More specifically, it

is the study of complementary networks that people and organizations use to

collect, filter, process, create and distribute data. Further, an information

system (IS) is a group of components that interact to produce information. It

focuses on the internal rather than the external. [ CITATION kro15 \l 1033 ]

Is an academic study of systems with a specific reference to

information and the complementary networks of hardware and software that

people and organizations use to collect, filter, process, create and also

distribute data. An emphasis is placed on an information system having a

definitive boundary, users, processors, storage, inputs, outputs and the

aforementioned communication networks.[ CITATION Jes08 \l 1033 ]


Communication with help of information technologies the instant

messaging, emails, voice and video calls becomes quicker, cheaper and

much efficient.

Globalization and cultural gap by implementing information systems we

can bring down the linguistic, geographical and some cultural boundaries.

Sharing the information, knowledge, communication and relationships

between different countries, languages and cultures becomes much easier.

Availability information systems have made it possible for businesses

to be open 24×7 all over the globe. This means that a business can be open

anytime anywhere, making purchases from different countries easier and

more convenient. It also means that you can have your goods delivered right

to your doorstep with having to move a single muscle.

Creation of new types of jobs one of the best advantages of information

systems is the creation of new and interesting jobs. Computer programmers,

Systems analyzers, Hardware and Software developers and Web designers

are just some of the many new employment opportunities created with the

help of IT.

Cost effectiveness and productivity  the IS application promotes more

efficient operation of the company and also improves the supply of information

to decision-makers; applying such systems can also play an important role in

helping companies to put greater emphasis on information technology in order

to gain a competitive advantage. IS has a positive impact on productivity,

however there are some frustrations can be faced by systems users which are

directly linked to lack of training and poor systems performance because of

system spread. [ CITATION Mir15 \l 1033 ]


The disadvantage of information systems are: Unemployment and lack

of job security implementing the information systems can save a great deal of

time during the completion of tasks and some labor mechanic works. Most

paperwork’s can be processed immediately, financial transactions are

automatically calculated, etc. As technology improves, tasks that were

formerly performed by human employees are now carried out by computer

systems. For example, automated telephone answering systems have

replaced live receptionists in many organizations or online and personal

assistants can be good example also. Industry experts believe that the

internet has made job security a big issue as since technology keeps on

changing with each day. This means that one has to be in a constant learning

mode, if he or she wishes for their job to be secure.

Dominant culture while information technology may have made the

world a global village, it has also contributed to one culture dominating

another weaker one. For example it is now argued that US influences how

most young teenagers all over the world now act, dress and behave.

Languages too have become overshadowed, with English becoming the

primary mode of communication for business and everything else.

Security issues thieves and hackers get access to identities and

corporate saboteurs target sensitive company data. Such data can include

vendor information, bank records, intellectual property and personal data on

company management. The hackers distribute the information over the

Internet, sell it to rival companies or use it to damage the company’s image.

For example, several retail chains were targeted recently by hackers who

stole customer information from their information systems and distributed

Social Security numbers and credit card data over the Internet.

Implementation expenses to integrate the information system it require

pretty good amount of cost in a case of software, hardware and people.

Software, hardware and some other services should be rented, bought and

supported. Employees need to be trained with unfamiliar information

technology and software.

Information systems contribute to the efficient running of organizations.

Information systems are showing the exponential growth in each decades.

Today’s information technology has tremendously improved quality of life.

Modern medicine has benefited the most with better information system using

the latest information technology. By understanding and learning what

advantages and disadvantages it can bring, we have to try, believe and put an

effort with our best to make that existing advantage much better and navigate

the disadvantages to have a less impact on organizations and society.

[ CITATION Mir151 \l 1033 ]

An aim of the proposed information systems theory ≅IST) is to build

a bridge between the general systems theory’s formalism and the world of

information and information technologies, dealing with transformation of

information as a common non-material substance, whose models in forms of

computer algorithms and programs could be implemented to different material

objects, including a human’s thoughts and languages. A new approach to IST

is based on a single concept and follows mathematical formalism that uses


an information variation principle to build an information systemic model of a

specific object.

The problem’s solution, procedure and methodology modeling are

illustrated by the application of the information macro dynamics ≅IMD), which

reveals the system model’s main layers: microlevel stochastics, macrolevel

dynamics, hierarchical dynamic network ≅IN) of information structures, its

minimal logic, and optimal code of communication language, generated by the

IN hierarchy, dynamics and geometry. The system’s complex dynamics

originate information geometry and evolution with the functional information

mechanisms of ordering, cooperation, mutation, stability, diversity, adaptation,

self-organization, the double spiral’s genetics, the system’s generation,

decaying, and transferring information to other systems along with the

information mechanisms of heredity and replication. The developed IMD’s

theoretical computer-based methodology and software have been applied to

such areas as technology, communications, computer science, intelligent

processes, biology, economy, management, and other non-physical and

physical subjects with their mutual interactions, informational superimposition,

and the information transferred between interactions. [ CITATION VSL11 \l

1033 ]






Figure 2 Agile Scrum Methodology


Agile software development allows the team to work together more

efficiently and effectively in developing complex projects. It consists of

practices that exercise iterative and incremental techniques which are easily

adopted and display great results. These methods and methodologies feed all

the needs of a software development industry right from the software design

and architecture, development & testing to project management and


Research Design

Figure 3 Research Design

The researchers use the figure above as strategy in creating project to

address the problem encountered while doing the project.

Manage Project

In this project researchers manage this by having a diversity of task of

the members of the group to acquire our goals and objectives of the project.

Data Gathering

After project management, researchers’ collects and measure

information the total number of tree losses, total tree in each municipality and

gained trees on target area which is Laguna to establish the system then

evaluate outcomes.

Study Related Literature

Then next is studying the related literatures from the past project and

researches to gain the ideas and show how to construct our project research.

Project Design

This phase is the project’s key features to determine the outcomes and

achieve the objectives and goals.


Figure 4 Project Design

The figure is shows the composition of the system includes the

modules of the system which is: Home has View Statiscal Records, Identify

Forest has Deforested Layer, Tracking Route, Time and Directions. And

Admin Map has access to verify markers made by users and input data to

database for updates of the Statistical Records

Build Project

After Manage Project, Data Gathering, Studying Related Literature and

Project Design now building the project applying all ideas, data collected and

design to create the desire system.

Test and Evaluate

After building the project, the researchers and beneficiaries test and

evaluate the created project through the ISO 25010 software product quality.

Develop Project

After the evaluation of the project, these stages analyze the evaluation

and review the results to know which part of the project need to develop,

Product Backlog

Table 3 Product Backlog


Priority Item hrs./day

1 As an admin, I can display the layer map of deforested 10

2 As an admin, I can inform a user how get through the route 8

to the area of deforested area him/her.

3 As an admin, I will verify where is the area of the marker 5

and verify if the project has done.


6 As a user, I want to show/hide the layer of deforested area. 5

As a user, I want to see the route of certain area to another 10

4 area.
5 As a user, I want to make a response to deforested area 10

making a marker where I done a project,.

The table above shows the different tasks of the admin and the user

and how much time it consumes. The admin handles the system of displaying

the layer map of deforested are and can show to the system the route, travel

time and direction from area of the user to destination area if the user had

done a project in certain area and put a marker, the admin will verify first the

marker before displaying it. User wants to know exact direction from their area

to the destination area. The user can put an indicator using marker in the map

describing that their project.

Sprint Planning

In this phase of the capstone project, the researchers are going to plan

for their product backlog that is going to be accomplished within the said day.

In sprint planning, the entire team agrees to complete a set of product backlog

items. This agreement defines the sprint backlog and it is based on the teams

on the teams or capacity and the length of the sprint. The researchers are

going to user the followed different presentation every architectural


presentation should have a label and should be reliable to the capstone


Sprint Backlog

Table 4 User’s Sprint Backlog

Priority Item Task
Design the ‘GeoMap’ feature.
As a user, I want to show/hide Code the page based on the
9 40
the layer of deforested area. requirements
Test page by the admin
Design the ‘GeoMap’ feature.
As a user, I want to see the
Code the page based on the
10 route of certain area to another 50
area. Test page by the admin
As a user, I want to make a Design the ‘GeoMap’ feature.
response to deforested area Code the page based on the
11 50
making a marker where I done a requirements
project, Test page by the admin

The table represents the user’s sprint backlogs. The tasks are creating

a user they can check the deforested/forest cover/growing or gaining trees in

area. User also can send suggestions on contact panel. User wants to see the

satellite map to know exact direction of deforested/forest cover/growing trees

with estimated time doing in every week.

Table 5 Admin’s Sprint Backlog


Priority Item Task
Design the ‘GeoMap’ feature.
As an admin, I can display the Code the page based on the
9 40
layer map of deforested area. requirements
Test page by the admin
Design the ‘GeoMap’ feature.
As an admin, I can inform a user
10 how get through the route to the Code the page based on the 50
area of deforested area him/her. requirements
Test page by the admin
As an admin, I will verify where is Update the displayed data in page.
the area of the marker and verify if Code the page based on the
11 50
the project has done. requirements

The table above shows the administrator the task needed to response

to users by displaying data/image/map in the system.

Data Collection Instrument

Documentary Data

DENR (PENRO) in Lalakay, Los Baños has a list of data where in it

consist of an information about the deforested in different places in the area.

Table 6 Documentary Data

Attributes Description
Loss Deforested area
Gain Trees Planted
Forest Cover Preserved forest

Model Development

Figure 5 Data Mining Diagram

Collection of Data. The researchers gathered data sets that is filtered. After

the collection and filtering of data, the next phase of data mining will be the

data processing.

Data Preprocessing. In this phase, the researchers need to clean all the data

sets, so that the information of data would be clear when it comes to the

special character and to avoid the redundancy of data.

Data Analyzing. This phase includes of loading the data from the client

DENR (PENRO). By processing the data loaded by input the data of markers

made by the users in the map will not displayed in the map. The information

retrieval will be done when user’s input data of markers will verify by the

admin to display permanently the user’s markers and input data in the

database to give the data analyzed to the user. Then the last phase will be by

giving the result to the user.

Management Information System. Now the system has data processed by

data analyzing phase the DENR(PENRO) are the one who will manage how

they will present the system function.

Output/Knowledge. It is the output data of the system provided by the DENR


Population of the Study

Table 7 Respondents


I.T Specialist (Used to work on Environmental field) 10
This table shows the number of respondents in I.T Specialist who were

working on environmental field such as DENR, PENRO and ERDB. This

respondent will test how accurate the system will be.

Requirement Specification

Software Specification

Google Maps API. This software we use to build customized that display

images or interactive map. Design them with custom markers. It includes the

Dijkstra’s Algorithm to get nearest nodes between two particular areas.

Setting the mode of travel selecting transit, biking, driving and walking. This

algorithm calculate current or future travel times based on real-time traffic.

Database MySQL this use as the storage of data connected to the system.

Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) PHP code may be embedded into HTML

code, or it can be used in combination with various web template systems,

web content management systems, and web frameworks. The PHP code is

usually processed by a PHP interpreter implemented as a module in the web

server or as a Common Gateway Interface (CGI) executable. The web server

combines the results of the interpreted and executed PHP code, which may

be any type of data, including images, with the generated web page. PHP

code may also be executed with a command-line interface (CLI) and can be

used to implement standalone graphical applications.

Sublime Text is a proprietary cross-platform source code editor with a

Python application programming interface (API). It natively supports many

programming languages and markup languages, and functions can be added

by users with plugins, typically community-built and maintained under free-

software licenses.

JavaScript is a scripting or programming language that allows

implementing complex things on web pages — every time a web page does

more than just sit there and display static information to look at — displaying

timely content updates, interactive maps, animated 2D/3D graphics, scrolling

video jukeboxes, etc. — you can bet that JavaScript is probably involved. It is

the third layer of the layer cake of standard web technologies, two of which

(HTML and CSS) we have covered in much more detail in other parts of the

Learning Area.

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a style sheet language used for

describing the presentation of a document written in a markup language like

HTML. CSS is a cornerstone technology of the World Wide Web, alongside

HTML and JavaScript.CSS is designed to enable the separation of

presentation and content, including layout, colors, and fonts. This separation

can improve content accessibility, provide more flexibility and control in the

specification of presentation characteristics, enable multiple web pages to

share formatting by specifying the relevant CSS in a separate “.css” file and

reduce complexity and repetition in the structural content.


Bootstrap is a free and open-source front-end library for designing websites

and web applications. It contains HTML- and CSS-based design templates for

typography, forms, buttons, navigation and other interface components, as

well as optional JavaScript extensions. Unlike many web frameworks, it

concerns itself with front-end development only.Hardware Specification

Table 8 Hardware Specification

Hardware Recommended
CPU i-3 Intel Core to Latest
RAM 2gb
Hard disk 500 gb
Shows the detailed statement of the hardware of the Web Portal for

Identifying Deforestation Area Utilizing Geo Mapping for that is necessary to


Use Case Diagram


Figure 6 Use Case Diagram

The diagram represents the user’s interaction with the system and

other side is administrator. The admin can access the whole system and also

the admin’s main purpose in the system is that the admin will update the map,

information displayed. Users had access to the module and navigate to select

information they need in every area they locate in geo map that they are


Object Modeling

Flow Chart

Figure 8 System Flowchart


The figure above show the flow of the system from the start next to

Home had Identify Forest Panel which had different module such as

Deforested Layer Map that can Display or Hide the Layer Map of

deforestation area. Select City/Municipality Start to End point and Select

Mode of travel to display the Route, Time and Direction of traveler. Apply

Markers of Response it has to be verify by admin to display and save to

database of the system and input data to update Statistical Graph.

Testing and Evaluation Procedure


Figure 6 ISO 25010

The figure above shows that the main criteria of ISO 25010 are

Functionality Suitability, Performance Efficiency, Compatibility, Usability,

Reliability, Security, Maintainability and Portability. The following

characteristics and sub-characteristics will be the core criteria to consider and

followed in the development and evaluation of the project. It was based on the

software product quality of ISO 25010 in software quality evaluation.


Functionality Suitability. The software has to meet the user’s requirements

and need. The researchers has to meet the user’s demand and in turn, users

have the assurance that the system are complete and functionally.

Performance Efficiency. Another important quality that needs to meet by the

software because users have to regard performance of the software whether

it is good to use or not. The performance of the software reflects to the

efficiency of the software.

Compatibility. Is important to the system to ensure the user’s satisfaction to

determine whether the website is proficient enough to run properly in different

browsers, versions, OS and network.

Usability. The researchers developed the system to implement the specified

users which is the personnel of DENR (PENRO) in Los Baños to know if the

system had an effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction to the users to test if

the system will act correctly and to know if there will be some error.

Reliability. The IT expert will check the reliability of the system by analyzing

the quality through the measurement and specification if there is an accuracy

in the functionality of the system.

Security. The IT expert will be determined the standard of the security

through data if they are secured and protected in fraud or hacker.

Maintainability. The IT expert will be check the standard function of the

system including the maintenance and stability of the software.

Portability. The IT expert will be determined whether if the system has

capability to transfer in other machine or entire system.


Unit Testing

Table 9 Unit Testing


Hide and Display Deforested

Layer Map 10 10

SELECT City/Municipality 10 10
SELECT Mode of Travel 10 10
Apply/Delete Marker 10 10

Unit testing is software testing where each module or components of

the system will be test. The system will check to make sure it was developed

according to what researchers planned. In addition, the system will test every

component especially the major function of it.

Compatibility Testing

Table 10 Compatibility Testing


Pentium 4 Not Running 1 --

Dual Core Running 1 Very Slow
Intel Core i3 (min. req) Running 2 Moderate
The table above shows the results of testing conducted by the

researchers to different type of system unit. It has shown here the difference

of specification of the system unit and if it is running and the speed response

to system.

Unit Testing

Figure 7. Unit Testing

Unit testing is software testing where each module or components of

the system will be test. The system will check to make sure it was developed

according to what researchers planned. In addition, the system will test every

component especially the major function of it.

Integration Testing

Figure 8 Integration Testing

The figure shows the step by step module that the researcher’s goal is

proving that the features developed work together well enough for the project

to be submitted for the system testing.


System Testing

Figure 7 System Testing

System testing is a test to verify if the researchers followed the given

requirements of system. Also, it tests if the researchers follow the right step

on doing the project or the system.

Acceptance Testing

Figure 9. Acceptance Testing

Acceptance testing is a process of testing the project or system that will

be accepted by the user. It will be accepted when the researchers fulfill the

needs of users. Here all about the system even the design will be tested.



Results by objective of the study

This chapter will show how the researchers accomplished each

objective of the project. It discusses the findings of the researcher had

produced during the testing of project.

Objective no. 1: Develop a community portal for identifying deforested

area as response for improvement.

We develop a portal connected to the interactive map with the

data collected from DENR (PENRO) showing the deforested area.

Figure 8 Deforested Area Layer


Figure shows the area of deforestation in many places

scattered in the map which satisfy the first objective of the system proposed.

To do so, researchers used the following codes:

function USGSOverlay(bounds, image, map) {

// Now initialize all properties.
this.bounds_ = bounds;
this.image_ = image;
this.map_ = map;
// Define a property to hold the image's div. We'll
// actually create this div upon receipt of the onAdd()
// method so we'll leave it null for now.
this.div_ = null;
// Explicitly call setMap on this overlay
} /**
* onAdd is called when the map's panes are ready and the overlay has
* added to the map.
USGSOverlay.prototype.onAdd = function() {
var div = document.createElement('div'); = 'none'; = '0px'; = 'absolute';
// Create the img element and attach it to the div.
var img = document.createElement('img');
img.src = this.image_; = '100%'; = '100%';

this.div_ = div;
// Add the element to the "overlayImage" pane.
var panes = this.getPanes();
panes.overlayImage.appendChild(this.div_); };
USGSOverlay.prototype.draw = function() {
// We use the south-west and north-east
// coordinates of the overlay to peg it to the correct position and size.
// To do this, we need to retrieve the projection from the overlay.
var overlayProjection = this.getProjection();
// Retrieve the south-west and north-east coordinates of this overlay
// in LatLngs and convert them to pixel coordinates.
// We'll use these coordinates to resize the div.
var sw =
var ne =
// Resize the image's div to fit the indicated dimensions.
var div = this.div_; = sw.x + 'px'; = ne.y + 'px'; = (ne.x - sw.x) + 'px'; = (sw.y - ne.y) + 'px'; };
USGSOverlay.prototype.onRemove = function() {
this.div_.parentNode.removeChild(this.div_); };
// Set the visibility to 'hidden' or 'visible'.
USGSOverlay.prototype.hide = function() {
if (this.div_) {
// The visibility property must be a string enclosed in quotes. = 'hidden'; }

}; = function() {
if (this.div_) { = 'visible'; }
}; USGSOverlay.prototype.toggle = function() {
if (this.div_) {
if ( === 'hidden') {; } else {
this.hide(); } } };
// Detach the map from the DOM via toggleDOM().
// Note that if we later reattach the map, it will be visible again,
// because the containing <div> is recreated in the overlay's onAdd()
USGSOverlay.prototype.toggleDOM = function() {
if (this.getMap()) {
// Note: setMap(null) calls OverlayView.onRemove()
} else {
this.setMap(this.map_); } };
These codes of overlaying the layer map of deforested area used to

show the pixels of the data collected from DENR (PENRO) which identify the

areas of deforestation.

Objective no. 2: Giving precise route how to get in the area of target of

responses reforestation.


Figure show the map that has the route of starting from San Pedro to

Los Banos, at the right side displaying the travel time directions. It will change

if you change the mode of travel.

function calculateAndDisplayRoute(directionsService, directionsDisplay) {

var start = document.getElementById('start').value;
var end = document.getElementById('end').value;
var selectedMode = document.getElementById('mode').value;
origin: start,
destination: end,
travelMode: google.maps.TravelMode[selectedMode]
}, function(response, status) {
if (status === 'OK') {
} else {
window.alert('Directions request failed due to ' + status);

} }); }
// find address function
function findAddress() {
var address = document.getElementById("gmap_where").value;
// script uses our 'geocoder' in order to find location by address name
geocoder.geocode( { 'address': address}, function(results, status) {
if (status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) { // and, if everything is
// we will center map
var addrLocation = results[0].geometry.location;
// store current coordinates into hidden variables
// document.getElementById('lat').value =
// document.getElementById('lng').value =
document.getElementById('lat').value =
document.getElementById('lng').value =
// and then - add new custom marker
var addrMarker = new google.maps.Marker({
position: addrLocation,
map: map,
title: results[0].formatted_address,
icon: 'marker.png' }); } else {
alert('Geocode was not successful for the following reason: ' + status);
} });}
function calcDisRoute(directionsService, directionsDisplay) {
var selectedMode = document.getElementById('mode').value;

origin: start, // Haight.

destination: end, // Ocean Beach.
// Note that Javascript allows us to access the constant
// using square brackets and a string value as its
// "property."
travelMode: google.maps.TravelMode[selectedMode]
}, function(response, status) {
if (status == 'OK') {
} else { window.alert('Directions request failed due to ' + status); }
These codes are used to display route from start to end point and

calculate time of travel depending which mode of travel and distance of

starting point and end point

Objective no. 3: To show graphical representation of ratio between

deforested trees, forest trees and planted trees.

Figure 9


Results of Software Evaluation (ISO)

In this section, it shows the result of evaluation based on the questionnaire

prescribed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), to

evaluate the project, it has a total of 10 respondents which is the (10) IT



3.9 3.9


s s s l
nes es es na
e tc n te
n o
et re nti
pl or pria Fu
m lC ro ll
o ra
a n a pp v e
on ctio al
cti Fu
n n
n tio
Fu u nc

Figure 10 Functional Suitability

The figure show the functional stainability results survey of ISO25010.

The Overall Functional score is 3.9 it means the respondents are majority

Strongly Agreed that the system provided the Functional Suitability.



3.7 3.7


Time Behavior Resource Utilization Capacity Overall Performance

Figure 11 Performance Efficiency

The figure show the performance efficeincy results survey of

ISO25010. The Overall Performance Efficiency score is 3.633333 it means

the respondents are partially Strongly Agreed and partially Agreed that the

system provided the Performance Efficiency.


3.9 3.9 3.9

Co-Existence Interoperability Overall Compability

Figure 12 Compatibility

The figure show the compatibility results survey of ISO25010. The

Overall Functional score is 4.9 it means the respondents are majority Strongly

Agreed that the system provided the Compatibility


3.8 3.8 3.7 3.7 3.62

3.3 3.4

y on cs lit
abi abi abi t eti h eti ibi abi
z n er ro st s s
ni ar Ae es ll U
cog Le Op orP ce A cc
r a
e r e
ssR r Er e rfa Ov
e e t
en Us In
ir at ser
p U

Figure 13 Usability

The figure show the usability results survey of ISO25010. The Overall

Performance Usability score is 3.616666667 it means the respondents are

partially Strongly Agreed and partially Agreed that the system provided the

Usability. The respondents may having a hard time at the learnability of the


3.7 3.7 3.68

Maturity Availability Fault Tolerance Recoverability Overall Reliability

Figure 14 Reliability

The figure show the reliability results survey of ISO25010. The Overall

Performance Usability score is 3.675 it means the respondents are partially

Strongly Agreed and partially Agreed that the system provided the Reliability.

All respondents are strongly agreed have the system ability to adjust

depending on the resources available. The respondents slightly Strongly

Agreed of availability because the system is dependent on internet access if

the internet is down the system is not operational.



3.6 3.6


Confidentiality Non-repudiation Authenticity Overall Security


Figure 15 Security

The figure show the security results survey of ISO25010. The Overall

Security score is 3.6 it means the respondents are partially Strongly Agreed

and partially Agreed that the system provided the Security. The system does

not have any password to use the system so the respondents rate it half

agree and strongly agree.


3.9 3.9

Modularity Reusability Testability Overall Maintainability

Figure 16 Maintainability

The figure show the maintainability results survey of ISO25010. The

Overall Maintainability score is 3.9333333 it means the respondents are

mostly Strongly Agreed and one responce Agreed that the system provided

the maintainability.





Adaptability Installability Overall Portability

Figure 17 Portability

The figure show the portability results survey of ISO25010. The Overall

Portability score is 3.8 it means the respondents are mostly Strongly Agreed

and on respondents Agreed that the system provided the maintainability.

Since the system is web based so it is portable in any device that has web

browser and internet so respondent rate it high.


3.9 3.9 3.93

3.8 3.76
3.63 3.62 3.68

y cy y y y ity y y all
lit en lit lit lit ur lit lit
abi ci tibi abi iabi c abi abi v er
t Us l Se rt
ui en pa Re ta
a lS Effi om ia n
n e C
ctio anc M
n rm
Fu rfo
P e

Figure 18 Overall Software Evaluation (ISO 25010)


The figure shows the overall ratings of phases in software evaluation

(ISO 25010). Functional Suitability, Compatibility and Maintainability are the

highest ratings by majority of respondents and the lowest is security but it is

still acceptable because the 3.6 ratings is points higher at Agree Ratings. All

in all the software are passed in the evaluation of ISO 25010 in grade of





This project aims for helping DENR (Department of Environment and

Natural Resources) and the community to monitor the forest and help to get

ease in tracking the nearest area of deforestation and manage marker data

dropped by the user. Researchers used different method such as Agile Scrum

Methodology for software development, Data Analysis and Dijkstra’s

Algorithm to get the shortest path between the any different municipality of

Laguna. Resulting building a web portal that can show track route, travel time

and direction to different municipality of Laguna and record responses by the

community. Make statistical graph that show the ratio of improvement of

forestry based on analysis on records of responses.


Based on the finding of the study about web portal for identifying

deforested area utilizing geo-mapping. The following conclusions are:

Objective 1. Develop a community portal for identifying

deforested area as response for improvement.

The researchers found out that the DENR are not having a web

system showing the deforested area to monitor the flood prone area in the

community. Now the researcher will input data to the system that they trusted

to us. The system will show the red pixel representing the area of

deforestation and authorities will check the affected area to do an action

response for improvement.

Objective 2. Giving precise route how to get in the area of

deforested area.

System shows to the user the track route, time and direction where

municipality they are to their target municipality of project. Fulfilling this

objective gives the user specially the government huge ease of traveling and

tracking the route of the nearest deforested area on municipalities of Laguna.

Objective 3. To show graphical representation of ratio between

deforested trees, forest trees and planted trees.

This objective has the results of displaying the improvement in

numbers, graphs and percentage of responded by the user to occur

deforestation. Researchers find and conclude that these results of objective

are giving the accurate analysis of improvement for the user’s public view.


Based on the research and learning, the researchers found out the

process of project. The following recommendations are suggested.

1. Community portal serve as more reliable tool for geo-mapping in

communicating and to show innovation direct to high-technology. It must be

implemented in government with the authorities in forest like Department of

Environment and Natural Resources.


2. Geo-mapping will give the power to create maps, integrate

information, visualize scenarios, solve complicated problems, present

powerful ideas, and develop effective solutions. The researchers would like to

address the used of geo-mapping in terms of urban planning, utilities,

transportation, and remote sensing. The main aim of this paper is to prepare

the digital data for the study of deforestation.






Planning & Requirement Analysis Phase

a. Specification & Design Phase .

 System Context Diagram

Web Portal for Verify

Marker Data
User Deforested Area Admin
Display Geomapping
Add Data
and add to

The figure shows the User open the system and has access to the geo-

mapping and user can add marker data to the map but it will send to admin for

verification of the data after verified the admin will decide if the data will add or

delete to the system. If data is added it will display permanent to the map and

the data will include to statistical graph and display to user.

Data Flow Diagram


Figure Data Flow Diagram

The figure show the flow of the data inserted by user to the map as

marker data in Identify Forest then it will verify by the Admin Map if data is

true the marker will appear at identify forest and display to the user. The data

verified are stored to locations data base and the admin will input to Forest

Data to process data to Analysis as graph which is display at Home/Statistical

Graph for the user.

Data Dictionary

Deforested Area - The removal of a forest or stand of trees where the land is

thereafter converted to a non-forest use.

Forest Cover Area - A large group area dominated by trees.

Travel Direction and Time – This data produced by selecting the start to end

point and mode of travel.

 Hierarchical Input Process Output Model


Agile Scrum
 Xampp Methodology
 JavaScript  Product IDENTIFYING
 Google Api backlog DEFORESTED AREA
 Bootstrap  Spring UTILIZING GEO-
Hardware Backlog MAPPING
Requirements  Sprint
 System Unit
(min. Intel i3)
 4GB Ram

Requirements Evaluated
 Admin USING ISO 25010

Figure 5 Input, Process, Output

The figure 4 shows the input on what the system needs in terms of

software, and hardware requirement. The Agile Scrum Methodology is the

process used as one of the specific technique of Agile Methodology. The

output of the system is A Web Portal for Identifying Deforestation Area

Utilizing Geo Mapping that have a centralized source of information.

b. Project Schedule

c. Input/Output/Reports Screenshots

HOME PAGE. This page showing the title of our research Web Portal for

Identifying Deforested Area Utilizing Geo-Mapping



This will the first appearance of Identify Forest includes the button of

Hide/Display forest loss (red) if the user click the this button the red pixel layer

in the map will hide (see next figure)


In this figure user select the Start list as Los Banos and End list as San

Pedro. Notice the right panel showing the time and direction travel.

And this figure show the change of Mode of Travel to walking mode

and the right panel will display also changes of time at same direction of


In this figure show the encircle is the Marker dropped by User by Left-

Click and Left Click the marker to show the Description window and input data

want to display.

if you refresh the portal the Marker will disappear but not totally it will

appear at Admin Map for verification.


This is the figure of login form panel for Admin Map.

The figure shows the admin map module has the verification of

dropped marker by the user. Marker appears as purple as not yet verified.

The figure above shows the verified marker. Before it is Purple color

now after verified it turns to red indicate as verified by the admin.

This figure show the marker before at Identify Forest map is not

appeared now it is verified and displayed in the map.

ABOUT (1). This page shows the description of the researchers.





d. Testing & Evaluation Instruments




The table below is the software evaluation questionnaire based on ISO

25010 standards; the researchers appreciate it very much if you would take

time to answer all the questions by checking the appropriate response. Your

answers will measure the acceptability of the software developed. Please take

note of the following ratings.

Legend: SA – Strongly Agree A – Agree

D – Disagree SD – Strongly


4 3 2 1
Functional 1. Web Portal For Identifying Deforested

Completeness Area has Process Management Tracking

Management and System Management

Functional 2. All the modules of Web Portal For

Correctness Identifying Deforested Area works based

on its functionality
Functional 3. Web Portal For Identifying Deforested

Appropriatenes Area module follows and did not violate

s any rights or regulation of information

Time Behavior 1. The project response time is

appropriate to the computer specification

and speed of internet.

Resource 2. Web Portal For Identifying

Utilization Deforested Area performs well even in

the minimum requirements provided.

Capacity 3. The system is capable of storing the

whole Data set of particular research

project base on hardware requirement.

Co-existence 1. The system shows the same interface

and perform the same in different

Interoperability 2. The database of Web Portal For

Identifying Deforested Area is


centralized, and data Duplication is

Appropriatenes 1. Forms and other common buttons and

s tools of the project is easy find and

Recognizability understandable.
Learnability 2. Web Portal For Identifying Deforested

Area is easy to learn on how to operate.

Operability 3. The hardware requirements of the

project are acceptable and common to

any institution.
User Error 4. The system has an effective error

Protection handling for both technical and human

User Interface 5. The interface of the project is simple

Aesthetics yet understandable enough and user

Accessibility 6. Web Portal For Identifying Deforested

Area is accessible to any kind of

operating system if web browser is



Maturity 1. Web Portal For Identifying Deforested

Area do not have common bugs or error,

especially in common usage.

Availability 2. The project is available and can be

access in minimal internet speed.

Fault 3. The system can adjust its throughput

tolerance depending on the resource available.


Recoverability 4. The System automatically save all the

data that being input to the dataset of the


Confidentiality 1. There is an account restriction in the

system for the security.

Non- 2. Restriction features like password are

repudiation provided to avoid further data

Authenticity 3. There is a unique identity for the

account of administrator for maintaining

the project.

Modularity 1. Modifying or updating module in Web

Portal For Identifying Deforested Area will

not affect the other modules.

Reusability 2. Functionalities of the system are

Testability 3. Functionalities of the system are easy

to test for further modification.


Adaptability 1. The Web Portal For Identifying

Deforested Area can be moved or

implemented in any kind of web browser.

Installability 2. The system can be used in different

computers with ease of running.


Respondent’s Signature

Statistical Treatment of Data

The researchers used the percentage method to appear at reliable

results of the survey. This is important for the evaluation of the questionnaires

answered by the respondents.


N= Total Number of Respondents

The respondents used the Likert Scale Method to evaluate and

interpret the data

X= (SA*5) + (A*4) + (D*2) + (SD*1)



X= Weight Mean

TNR= Total Number of Respondents

SA = Strongly Agree

A = Agree

D = Disagree

SD = Strongly Disagree

Rating Scale Range Interpretation

4 3.51 - 4.00 Strongly Agree

3 2.15 - 3.50 Agree


Likert Scale

Likert Scale used by the researchers as a survey. This was used to assess

end user acceptance of the application software.

Population of the Study

Table 11 Respondents


I.T Specialist (Used to work on Environmental field) 10

This table shows the number of respondents in I.T Specialist. This

respondent will test how accurate the system will be.


Rates Remarks

Functional Completeness 4 Passed

Functional Correctness 3.9 Passed

Functional Appropriateness 3.8 Passed

Weight Mean 3.9 Passed


Co-Existence 3.9 Passed 


Interoperability 3.9  Passed

Weight Mean 3.9  Passed


Time Behavior 3.7 Passed

Resource Utilization 3.5 Passed

Capacity 3.7 Passed

Weight Mean 3.633333 Passed

Appropriateness Recognizability 3.8 Passed

Learnability 3.3 Passed

Operability 3.8 Passed

Maturity 3.7 Passed

Availability 3.3 Passed


Confidentiality 3.7 Passed

Non-repudiation 3.5 Passed

Authenticity 3.6 Passed

Weight Mean 3.6 Passed

Modularity 3.9 Passed

Reusability 3.9 Passed

Testability 4 Passed

Weight Mean 3.933333 Passed


Adaptability 3.7 Passed

Installability 3.9 Passed

Weight Mean 3.8 Passed


e. Implementation Plan

f. User’s Manual


Communication Letters & Forms


 Request Letter

 Pre Proposal Approval

 Proposal Approval

 Recommendation for Final Oral Defense



(Certificate of




(Curriculum Vitae)


12655 Bernardo Vill. Mayondon Los Banos Laguna

Email :

Mobile no. +639150644072


To obtain a position that will enable me to use my strong organizational skills,

educational background and ability to work well with other people.


Tertiary : Laguna State Polythecnic University

Undergraduate Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

SY : 2011- 2018

Secondary Los Banos Community National High School

Jamboree Rd. Timugan Los Banos Laguna

SY : 2007 – 2011


Vertical Connection and PC Services

Image Tech 2014 – 2016



DATE OF BIRTH : August 19, 1994

PLACE OF BIRTH: JP Memorial Hospital




RELIGION : Catholic

FATHER’S NAME Eduardo Terbio

MOTHER’S NAME Rwanda Terbio


Jomarie Vidal

HR at Vertical Connection and PC Services +639752440658


6869 San Antonio Los Banos Laguna

Email :

Mobile no. 09270347841


To obtain a position that will enable me to use my strong organizational skills,

educational background and ability to work well with other people.



Tertiary : Laguna State Polythecnic University

Undergraduate Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

SY : 2012- 2018

Secondary Los Banos National High School

Batong Malake Los Banos Laguna

SY : 2008 – 2012





DATE OF BIRTH : March 29, 1995

PLACE OF BIRTH: San Pablo City




RELIGION : Catholic

FATHER’S NAME Nomer Mundin


MOTHER’S NAME Jennie Mundin



7033 San Antonio Los Banos Laguna

Email :

Mobile no. 09455588030


To obtain a position that will enable me to use my strong organizational skills,

educational background and ability to work well with other people.


Tertiary : Laguna State Polythecnic University

Undergraduate Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

SY : 2013- 2018

Secondary Los Banos National High School

Batong Malake Los Banos Laguna


SY : 2008 – 2012





DATE OF BIRTH : March 1, 1996

PLACE OF BIRTH: Calamba City Laguna




RELIGION : Catholic

FATHER’S NAME Arcadio Gayas

MOTHER’S NAME Emelita Gayas


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Borneman, E. (2010). Recent Advances in GIS Technology.

Boulos. (n.d.).

Bradford, A. (2018). Retrieved from Live Science:


Clark, Driscoll, Nottage, McLennan, Coombe, Bamford, Wilkinson, Stewart. (n.d.).

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Lerner, V. S. (2011). Introduction to information systems theory: concepts, formalism and


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Maliene V, G. V. (2011). Geographic information system: Old principles with new capabilities.

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